TOP 3 SKYBLOCK SERVERS! *2023 EDITION* | Minecraft OP Prison | 1.8- 1.19+ Minecraft Skyblock Servers

Video Information

Yo YouTube what is going on everybody Welcome to today’s video and in this video we’re actually going to show you guys the top five Skyblock servers in 2023 I know a lot of you guys are trying to find that perfect Skyblock server so if you guys are actually going to go

Ahead and try to find that Skyblock server make sure to watch this video till the end because as you guys know I’m gonna be going ahead and making this as an informative video as possible also if you hear car revving in the background my neighbors are deciding to

Rev their car in the background they do this every night I please I’m sorry now real quick before we actually go and hop into this video I actually want to let you guys know I’m gonna be doing a minecart account giveaway I’m actually giving away three Minecraft accounts if

You guys wanna enter all you guys need to do is leave a like down below subscribe post notifications turned on and comment down below we want you to remember new Minecraft account to be also join my Discord server in the link in the description for you so you can

Actually be entered because that’s one of the requirements and I just go now we’re right into today’s video alrighty ladies and gentlemen the first server is actually going to be MC Hub this is their Skyblock Sun realm they’ve actually done so many maps on Skyblock

Sun it’s kind of crazy but yeah guys I’m see hop is not my favorite server but it’s not my least favorite it’s not my least favorite server but it’s not my favorite server I guess it doesn’t make sense it’s still definitely a very cool server overall I just feel like a lot of

Their gameplay can feel a little bit outdated or a bit too grindy but that could be that can be in favor of some of the people come some other people can like really grindy game modes because people won’t but yeah overall the server is really really nice the IP is if we actually want to take a look here we actually have just our basic spawn very very nice vacation type such is here it’s anyone create us an island now as you can see we actually have MPCs on our Island so we actually have a little pathway down to a little

Farm and they also have a pathway down with these NPCs welcome I guess we have the island manager like Island um levels the Island menu of course you can like change all your different things you can actually go ahead and do like island flags for example you have

The island levels and PC which you can level up your Island which is actually very very nice we didn’t have Island stats right here which you guys can go ahead and check out right here very very nice we have spawners you can go ahead and check out the different level

Spawners and they also have the enchant enter right here which is definitely very very useful we then actually have our little mine here this is an island generator I’m pretty sure you can also mine these or yes you can actually mine these ores which is actually very nice

I’m not going to do that um we actually have the island generator which actually you can actually power of fuel and pretty much how this actually go ahead and works it’ll actually generate some different resources that could be or can be valuable etc etc so that’s very very

Nice they have to actually really cool you spawn with a bunch of NPCs and you also get this island generator one of my favorite Parts about the server is there’s just so many different features like for example you actually I think there’s actually like Dungeons and stuff

Like that it’s actually really cool we have the story actually have pets um right here we can actually get pets here on the server we can actually spawn pets we have a market right here which you guys can go and buy different various different blocks which is very nice we

Have the daily boosters which you guys can actually get day one I’m gonna get the day one booster and it’s not going to give me a day one booster which is very very nice we have the auctioneer which will actually allow you guys to go and sell various items on the auction

House very very cool and then there’s just like their basic spawn they have boosters and stuff like that it’s just very very nice honestly I really really like this you also have the crate you guys are going to open up which is very very cool so yeah that’s MC’s Hub uh

That’s MC Hub on the number five list definitely a very very good server coming in at number four on our list we actually have if you guys didn’t know this is actually Skippy server uh you guys don’t know who Skippy is they actually are actually a YouTuber

Very cool very cool YouTuber um indeed and this is actually their very own Minecraft server if you guys know they actually have their own micro server they actually have a kid PVP survival Skyblock events stuff like that it’s a really really cool server and what I love about the server is it’s very

Community Based for example skeppy doesn’t really care if he you know puts weird builds all around the map as long as he gets an entertaining video or he makes a community happy he just does a lot of fun stuff on the server he mainly

Does it in Kit PVP though so if you guys really want those they’ll be in kpvp but this is the SkyBlock realm their Skyblock realm is more of a basic take on the SkyBlock um game mode but it is definitely very very fun indeed like if you guys are in

A fan of old school Skyblock this will actually be your favorite server right here because they actually are the favorite server on this list at least they don’t don’t have too many features with their Skyblock rum it’s also not a competitive server so if you guys are into like playing some basic Skyblock

For fun invaded Lance will definitely be your pick the shopkeeper here you can actually go ahead and buy different various blockses uh blocks we have your Island this is actually the basic Island you actually also spawn with the tree in now actually my stream actually want to

Put the sapling back down because I kind of need wood here I’m sorry Kyle you’re probably gonna get like beaten up with the tree you can like your cobblestone generator yeah it was a very basic take on Skyblock you also to use is warp so you can actually preview all of the

Different warps that people have made so like um let’s see um oh this one let’s go to this one right here apparently you can make free money there we go I think the I really actually get the loot no it doesn’t seem like we’re gonna get getting any loo

Whatsoever it’s gonna be going to them kind of wait usually make three I don’t that’s gonna go to them isn’t it I thought it’s gonna go to them 100 gonna go to them yeah there’s no way um they have a humongous freaking Farm here which is actually kind of crazy look at

This freaking Farm ladies and gentlemen this is what the heck are they even doing bro what the heck okay yeah definitely a very very cool server indeed guys so this is invaded very very fun server indeed coming in at number three is going to be enchanted MC

Um I’ve actually been partnered with Enchanted I’m seeing before actually it’s still my partner rank um and yeah MC has always been a really really fun Skyblock server I’m definitely a very big fan of their Skyblock game mode they have tons and tons of features it’s very

Very fun but here is the thing it’s more of an outdated Skyblock realm basically what I mean by that is it’s actually more of a 1.8 server um and they don’t have more of the new latest and greatest features like a lot of new Skyblock servers are actually

Creating here but if you’re more into a basic Skyblock experience this will definitely be very very fun for you there isn’t anything that would be too unique about these Enchanted MC it’s still very very fun no hate obviously kwmc is very it’s basic because it’s a competitive server there’s actually weekly payouts

Um so usually these kinds of servers don’t have too many features but it’s still a very very fun server and I’m definitely a very big fan of it and uh yeah I know honestly they have a really cool feature a very cool skyboxer video you have the Army tool feature here

Which I’m actually going to start using you see you can like mine up these um crops here I went ahead and made a little farm and uh yeah you can actually start farming here it’s really really cool definitely a very very fun server but um definitely isn’t number one on

This list just due to the you know the version difference and stuff like that so that’s why you guys want to move on to the next server ladies and gentlemen the next server on our list coming in at number two is going to be fade Cloud Sky Block realm ladies and gentlemen I

Actually was doing a series on this the next video is coming soon by the way don’t worry I still have the the part two being edited at this very moment just been focusing on other things and also been on vacation as you guys can probably know if you guys know my disc

If you guys have been on my Discord account you guys know are my Discord server I don’t know why I said Discord you know if yes one of my Discord server you guys will know I’m on vacation okay but oh yeah here is fade Cloud Sky Block

Realm this is actually on the latest version as you guys can probably tell and this is why it’s on the number two slot it’s because it is on the um one of the latest versions very freaking fun server they have so many features including their warp mine which is

Actually a big I’m actually a big fan of their War mind because you guys can actually go ahead and start Mining Ores similar to Hypixel Skyblock which is actually very cool there’s actually other areas to actually explore but you need to actually level up your mining so

Instead of just being able to access every area for free like in Hypixel Skyblock you have to actually go ahead and grind as you can start Mining Ores but mining ores in these mine shaft will actually not be the best you want to actually fight these ghosts here these

Ghosts will actually drop these cloths which sell for about um I think like somewhere in the neighborhood of like 50k I think I’ll let you check in the second year but you can see I have like one of the best kits in the server right now I’m just so cool

But yeah your super pretty much kill those these guys you can kill these guys and get free money very very nice Definitely um better than just mining boring blocks like you can mine the blocks of course if you guys want to um but obviously killing these guys will

Be the best bet for making the most amount of money so we actually start killing these guys let’s see if we’re making We’re not gonna be making money obviously like what you guys actually do get is coins you also level up your Slayer skill which you think that’s like

Skills you actually have the Slayer skill here if you actually types of shop here and go to mind shop and actually sell these I’m just made 330k coins these sell for 50k each very cool that’s actually very very nice to know so you can start spam killing these dudes

Making a bunch of money um instead of sitting there Mining and this is actually a really good web method for you guys to start getting money here on the server because I know a lot of you guys like oh this servers pay to win no because you guys should actually go

Ahead and just mine blocks here and it’s on paid one like most of us on the server list you would have to actually pay money to get starting money or else you end up set up like really slow Farms get the worst spawners and then if you

Wanted to pay a bunch of money you can get the best spotters best Farms all that good stuff so that’s why fake cloud is definitely very fun because it’s not pay to win at all you can actually just mine blocks here and get free or free money it’s just really really nice I’m

Actually gonna go ahead and put on my gaps on me oh no I’m gonna have to kill these guys all by ourselves ladies and gentlemen oh my god dude okay yo I didn’t want to do this I didn’t sign up to that but yeah that is definitely one

Of my favorites it’s definitely one of my favorite servers so that’s coming on at number two coming in at number one this is probably something you guys all saw coming it’s gonna be how to fix a Skyblock of course ladies and gentlemen this is like one of my favorite Skyblock

Servers yet it’s just so much fun and I definitely have a lot of fun recording the videos for you guys also I hate latest version on Highway Skyblock dude it’s so laggy I’ve been doing so many videos on my Channel about how to bizarre flip here so I’m going to give

You guys a free flip real quick for all the viewers that’s been stuck sticking around if you guys want to know a good flip just go here snow into the snow block create buy order where should I go on and do a big snack top order buy

Order it’s gonna go ahead and set it up it’s Gonna Fill instantly because it’s just so freaking it’s just built different and then you can head over to the adventure and just simply sell your Enchanted snow blocks and that’s gonna make you guys a bunch of freaking

Profits maybe about 10K profit now if you do that over and over again free profit it’s really easy you guys do the more you guys buy for example I do um 1.75k this will make me about 50 maybe to 100K coins and profit very easy that’s a free flip there you guys go

Free flip for you all if you guys want to go to get that free flip I usually show these in my videos so I go follow my channel for these more more folks because I filmed my entire inventory sell it all and now made a bunch of freaking profit like 100k in profit

Which is very very easy so definitely try that method out right there but I mean like what is there to say about hypo Skywalk ladies and gentlemen there’s so many features but yeah it’s just really fun if you guys want to learn how to play happy subscribe there’s so many videos out there

Including my videos because I do a lot of tutorial videos on how to make money very very fun stuff um but yeah guys thank you so much for watching this video I hope you guys didn’t enjoy if you guys did leave a like down below subscribe post notifications down below

Also make sure to send her to my Minecraft account giveaway because I’m doing those in every single one of my videos I’m also to be doing a bunch of giveaways instead of my Discord server as well so make sure you go and join my Discord server down in the description

Below and uh yeah I think you guys so so much for watching this video again I hope you guys enjoyed if you guys want to top five prison servers let me know and uh yeah I’ll go ahead and see you guys in the next video deuces

This video, titled ‘TOP 3 SKYBLOCK SERVERS! *2023 EDITION* | Minecraft OP Prison | 1.8- 1.19+ Minecraft Skyblock Servers’, was uploaded by KudaXD on 2023-03-27 16:00:10. It has garnered 22019 views and 157 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:47 or 647 seconds.

TOP 3 SKYBLOCK SERVERS! *2023 EDITION* | Minecraft OP Prison | 1.8- 1.19+ Minecraft Skyblock Servers

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Today I reveal my brand new minecraft skyblock server JoltenMC Skyblock! JoltenMC Skyblock is a new 1.8/1.12/1.16/1.17 minecraft skyblock server. It is similar to op skyblock and similar to new minecraft skyblock servers in 2022 and similar to new minecraft skyblock servers in 2021 like pvpwars skyblock, the archon skyblock, fadecloud skyblock, oplegends skyblock, hypixel skyblock, universemc skyblock, vanitymc skyblock, pvplab skyblock, and more minecraft skyblock servers.

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    Building EPIC PandaLand in 1 Block - EP. 5 #MinecraftVideo Information [Music] I [Music] so [Music] yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] hey [Music] [Music] you [Music] no [Music] a This video, titled ‘Making a PandaLand in Minecraft One Block [Episode : 5] #minecraft #trending #viral #viralvideo’, was uploaded by GamingSupro009 on 2024-03-04 12:35:18. It has garnered 11 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:51 or 351 seconds. Making a PandaLand in Minecraft One Block [Episode : 5] #minecraft #trending #viral #viralvideo minecraft house minecraft game minecraft house ideas minecraft videos for kids minecraft video minecraft house design minecraft live minecraft song minecraft… Read More

  • Fabelized

    FabelizedWelcome to Fabelized, your ultimate destination for all things Minecraft! Dive into a world of endless possibilities and unleash your creativity with our vast collection of exclusive items, skins, and accessories. Whether you’re a seasoned builder or just starting your adventure, Fabelized has everything you need to elevate your Minecraft experience to new heights. Explore our meticulously curated selection of skins, ranging from fierce warriors to adorable creatures, and find the perfect look to express your unique style. Enhance your gameplay with our premium plugins, and texture packs, designed to immerse you in stunning new worlds and enhance every aspect… Read More

  • Aether Earth – Semi-Vanilla Factions SMP PVP

    Welcome to AetherEarth! Features: 1:1500 Scale Earth Map LifeSteal Fully Customized Shop Towny Make your own Vehicles (MoveCraft) Cross-play Welcoming Community Professional Staff Will you make peace or will you start the next world war? Join to make history! Join us on Discord Read More

  • AND Factions

    AND FactionsServer launches on July 10th, 4pm CET!OGFactions is a server dedicated to bringing back the nostalgic feel of classic faction servers. Where items are actually valuable, and players must grind to achieve them – there’s absolutely ZERO way to buy any kind of in-game advantage.The server is run by 2 seasoned MCPVP veterans who are committed to prioritizing gameplay and fun above all else.Discord: Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Which one have you tried tho? 🔥

    I’ve tried them all, and let me tell you, I still can’t figure out how to mine diamonds without accidentally falling in lava every time! Read More

  • Brick by Brick: Minecraft Cherry Blossom Garden 21260 Review

    Brick by Brick: Minecraft Cherry Blossom Garden 21260 Review Leap into the verse, where Minecraft sets disperse, Cherry Blossom Garden, a colorful burst. Sniffers and bees, in a world of blocks, Building terrain, with colorful rocks. The build quality, a bit on the flimsy side, Bees falling apart, a fragile ride. But play value shines, with sniffers and trees, A Minecraft world, full of possibilities. Build experience, colors bright and bold, Inspiration for terrain, stories untold. A set for children, to create and play, A display piece, in a colorful array. Playability, with sniffers and bees, Accessories galore, for hours of ease. A set for kids, to explore… Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Hot and Spicy!

    Minecraft Meme: Hot and Spicy! “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” Read More

  • Survival Minecraft Server Sneak Peek: MineCity

    Survival Minecraft Server Sneak Peek: MineCity Welcome to MineCity: A Preview of Our NEW Survival Minecraft Server! Hello everyone, welcome to the exciting world of MineCity! Our brand new survival Minecraft server is packed with amazing features and bonuses that will keep you entertained for hours on end. Join us as we explore all the incredible elements that make MineCity a must-visit destination for all Minecraft enthusiasts. Features of MineCity At MineCity, players can expect a wide range of features that set our server apart from the rest. From custom-built structures to unique gameplay mechanics, there’s something for everyone to enjoy. Here are some key… Read More

  • Join Minewind: Where Starter Houses Become Epic Builds!

    Join Minewind: Where Starter Houses Become Epic Builds! Welcome, Minecraft enthusiasts! Are you looking to enhance your building skills and create stunning structures in the world of Minecraft? Look no further than Minewind Minecraft Server. With a vibrant community of players and endless possibilities for creativity, Minewind is the perfect place to showcase your building talents. Imagine taking the skills you learned from tutorials like “How To Build A Starter House In Minecraft” and applying them in a dynamic multiplayer environment. On Minewind, you can collaborate with other players, participate in building competitions, and explore a vast world filled with unique creations. Join us at Minewind Minecraft… Read More

  • Minecraft PS3 in 2024: What’s New?

    Minecraft PS3 in 2024: What's New? Minecraft PS3 Edition in 2024: A Look at the Exclusive Features Minecraft PS3 Edition, launched in 2014, holds a special place in the hearts of many players. Despite no longer receiving updates, this edition continues to offer a unique gaming experience. Let’s delve into the world of Minecraft PS3 Edition in 2024 and explore its exclusive features. Exploring the Game Upon entering the game, players are greeted with the familiar interface of Minecraft PS3 Edition. The last update, version 1.13, sets the stage for a nostalgic journey through this beloved edition. Players can customize their experience by choosing from… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Bom magic tips! 😵😵 #viral #shorts

    Insane Minecraft Bom magic tips! 😵😵 #viral #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Mincraft Bom magic😵😱।‌ #minecraft #viral #shorts #nf Minecraft tips #trending’, was uploaded by NF Mincraft Tips on 2024-01-14 13:11:20. It has garnered 2466 views and 101 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:24 or 24 seconds. Mincraft Bom magik😵😱।‌ #minecraft #viral #shorts #nf Minecraft tips #trending Read More

  • Ninja7087 vs Haunted Minecraft Seeds

    Ninja7087 vs Haunted Minecraft SeedsVideo Information हेलो हेलो हेलो गाइस वेलकम टू अनदर वीडियो और आज की इस वीडियो के अंदर मैं आ चुका हूं रर सीट ट्राई करने एज यू नो आज की वीडियो का टाइटल तो पढ़ ही लिया होगा तुम लोगों ने तभी तो वीडियो लगाई होगी तुम लोगों ने तो आज की इस वीडियो के अंदर सॉरी वो थोड़ा एरर आ गया था और मैं बोल रहा था कि आज हम लोग टेस्ट करने वाले माफ्ट हरर सीड्स व माफ्ट के अंदर सो लेट स्टार्ट और इस वीडियो में एंड तक बने रहना और मैं तुम्ह एक ऐसा सीड भी… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Survival Secrets on My Realm 😱

    Insane Minecraft Survival Secrets on My Realm 😱Video Information [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] what up guys what up welcome to the stream how are you guys doing today on this fine evening um I appreciate every single one of you guys coming down to the stream we are live um give me a hello hello yep I can hear you Y sound good hello yep I can hear you good okay can I pick where we’re Landing today yeah so I’m going to turn this down to almost an extreme and then put this back on all right I’m going to pick closer… Read More

  • Mind-blowing Aether and Twilight Forest..? 🌳😱 #viral

    Mind-blowing Aether and Twilight Forest..? 🌳😱 #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘ESSE VÍDEO É PRA VOCÊ :AETHER & TWILIGHT FOREST🌳 🤔🤔😆 #shorts #viral #minecraft’, was uploaded by Slinky_ J.E on 2024-01-15 16:32:03. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. THIS VIDEO IS FOR YOU: AETHER & TWILIGHT FOREST #shorts #viral #minecraft #modsminecraft. Read More

  • HoneyPuu joins me in a wild Minecraft adventure!😱🔥

    HoneyPuu joins me in a wild Minecraft adventure!😱🔥Video Information Minecraft wir haben Minecraft Chat gehen wir gerne rein so ich war hier im Haus W geh das habe mich erstmal bedient dass ich nicht verrecke me ich komme auf den Server und sofort B be me wichtig aber ich werde ganz normal anfangen ich werde mir von von von kein irgendwas holen geh den Talk ja ich w irwohl kommen muss jetzt V drücken hallo hallo hallo B aber Luft hallo hörst du mich war hallo hört mich nicht muss in die Gruppe kommen oh kracht hallo hörst du mich ja hörst du mich gut den ist… Read More

  • Insane Mods To Boost 1.20.4 Minecraft Survival!

    Insane Mods To Boost 1.20.4 Minecraft Survival!Video Information what’s up everyone it’s JT GT here and I am back hopefully for a while school and work has been a lot but I’m here to bring you guys 10 mods because I felt like I haven’t done mods in a while and let’s just get right into the first mod so as I’m walk into the area for the first mod uh my world got corrupt I tried to fix it for 2 months and I could not get it to work so sadly I had to go through and I’m just rebuilding everything but it seems… Read More

  • Kiara conquers Minecraft in 1 day! Sheep everywhere!!! #MythOneBlock

    Kiara conquers Minecraft in 1 day! Sheep everywhere!!! #MythOneBlockVideo Information [Music] feel it rush through me [Music] we feel it R feel it through me [Music] [Music] oh honey [Music] in there you know to kind of be like yo serious [ __ ] being in Japan at that time right like people weren’t messing around you know that’s the vibe that I got wait sorry I think I need to do a quick intro cuz I just switched to the gaming uh screen go for it K you guys may have already been seeing me on on K’s stream I was just you know chilling and uh… Read More

  • Insane Game Hacks 😱 – Add Blocks in Minecraft #shorts

    Insane Game Hacks 😱 - Add Blocks in Minecraft #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft But You Can Add blocks #shorts#herobrine #tacnogamerz #minecraft #minecraftenderdragon’, was uploaded by Unlimited Gaming 😎 on 2024-07-05 10:30:19. It has garnered 8211 views and 236 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. Minecraft But You Can Add blocks #shorts Cradit : @ORANGEEYT 🗿 video made by – @LEGENDDEVILS minecraft,minecraft challenge,minecraft but,beating minecraft,minecraft but challenge,minecraft manhunt,minecraft mod,minecraft facts,minecraft manhunt but,manhunt minecraft,minecraft op,minecraft mods,cursed minecraft,minecraft hardcore,minecraft but every block multiplies,minecraft challenges,insane minecraft,minecraft uhc but,blessed minecraft,op minecraft,minecraft pvp,minecraft uhc,minecraft funny,tapple minecraft,minecraft speedrun Read More

TOP 3 SKYBLOCK SERVERS!  *2023 EDITION* |  Minecraft OP Prison |  1.8- 1.19+ Minecraft Skyblock Servers