Treehouse Village | Minecraft Survival 1.16 Let’s Play

Video Information

Hello everyone and welcome to episode 32 of my let’s play series i have my winter skin on today because it’s officially december it’s been a little while since i’ve recorded in this series and i’m really excited to get back to work so let’s get in it first i have a sponsor

Today so uh let’s go to that this is not actually a sponsored video but i do have merch look how cool it is i have a few options available if you want to look at them the link is down below here’s another one hang on hang on

Here is the hoodie design i really like this there are a bunch of options if you want to see them all the link to the shop will be down below all right i’ll let you get back to the video now all right so in the last episode we

Started on this new area over here but we still have lots of projects on this side of things that need some work so i think today we’ll shift our attention back over this way i’m also realizing now that i must have done a lot of off-camera gathering because what why do

I have so much what that’s a lot of materials gem when did you find time to do that gosh all right let’s start by taking a little walk around the world and just seeing what needs to be worked on today really like this area i do think a bridge here

Would be nice don’t know if we’ll work on that today but that’s a thought we’ll keep it in the back of our mind this area could definitely use some love there’s no way for us to get to our fox sanctuary at the moment and we need some custom trees that look beautiful around

Here this area needs something it’s not a burning zombie but it’s something i don’t know what we’ll keep that one in the back of my mind the temple is looking absolutely gorgeous oh my gosh i just love it in here wow oh it’s just so lovely all right i don’t

Want to work on this today but wow really like it i think the main area that could really use some love today is this area over here our jungle so i started this area over in our jungle that has a couple of little hobbit holes right down here there’s no easy way to

Get to it really and we need some custom trees some tree houses some above head areas and i think today this will be the perfect project for us first things first though i really gotta clear some more of these leaves and since i’m making custom trees today i’m gonna need

Them anyway may as well use this now comes the fun part we need to figure out exactly where i would like to grow another tree in order to properly put a tree house in it and i think i’d like to line one up straight with this one right

Here we can go on an angle at some point but i think it’ll look nice having it right in front of this hobbit hole anyways also going ahead and just covering up this hole don’t really need it here it’s kind of just in the way and that means

My tree i think should go right about here that should work perfectly maybe we can even slightly off-center it no maybe not let’s leave it like this for now all right now let’s see if we can get a big tree oh my gosh that’s about the smallest tree we could have gotten

I’m not putting a tree house in that look at those big glorious beautiful trees around here in the my tree all right let’s try again there we go oh that one looks way better okay heck yeah we can work with this tree and i think that we can work with

This naturally generated tree and maybe even this one as well but probably not this oak tree to be honest it might have to come down that is beautiful though ah i’m so glad i know i just covered up this hole but the zombie down here is actually driving me insane dude

You have gotta go come on i even took the time to light it up okay so now the first thing that i need to do is just create the first platform and i’m going to be doing that with some stripped dark oak because that is what we were using

Over there as well as some spruce slabs which don’t actually have a lot of those do i have more okay i have more all right it feels good to be up in the leaves once again let’s just flatten out this this looks like a great place to

Start the first layer to be honest um nice little branches here that are naturally formed it’s perfect so all i’m gonna do is go ahead and build out from this alright so here is my main platform this is perfect because we can walk around this very easily i think we’ll do some

Sort of like rope bridge getting up here because up in this area we have the spiral staircase and this big main circular hub but i don’t want to have that same thing everywhere so i think down here maybe we’ll just do a regular old kind of rope ladder design and i’m

Just going to get rid of this branch right here because it’s a little bit more in the way and then we’ll have a second layer maybe just under that tuft of leaves like where this branch here is gonna need a lot of ladders for this project

All right up we go this is perfect so i’ll probably shave down these leaves a little bit once again and yeah this is great for the next layer so this one’s leaning this way so i’ll lean the next layer the other direction i’ll put a pillar right across

Here i think trying to overlap these in a little bit of an organic way if i can it doesn’t have to be perfect again but you know a little bit would be cool this is beautiful look at the view from here i love this treehouse already and i

Think from this layer this is the point where we’ll bring a bridge over to that tree and it’s going to end up connecting to the ground um let me just kind of pillar straight across i’m okay with it connecting to the ground that’s okay as long as we have a

Way to bridge this hill i think that’s going to be fine we’ll just somehow figure out an entrance maybe into the hill or over the hill to get me back over to the side of things let’s just see exactly where this connects oh yeah

That’s not bad i mean this is a bit of an awkward location but it could have been worse this is a pretty cool little connector look at this my little tree i could extend the top but it’s cool all right so next on the list is going

To be figuring out how we’re going to get up and down in here and i kind of don’t mind the scaffolding location although maybe a different bridge would be better maybe like right in between that little notch there would be a really good location so to make this look like a rope bridge

I’m literally gonna try and get these trapdoors to go kind of all the way up is this the correct location yeah that looks right okay and then we just flip them down and that looks kinda correct now if i just yep put some of these ladders

Ah it’s all coming together that is very cool and i like it very much look how thin it is compared to if that was a full block oh my gosh i can’t believe i’ve never done that before i think somebody left a comment telling me to do that uh so thank you i

Think it was like a long time ago like probably like 20 episodes ago i’m sorry i didn’t get to it sooner but it was a really good idea thank you okay next up we definitely need some trapdoors for railing up there 40 should do it for now ah much better

One more layer and then all we need is a roof i know i’m getting really distracted but if you look at this hill i’ve actually just had an idea of what i want to do with it so what if what if we have pillars coming up and kind of

Supporting just like we did here supporting a walkway around so it becomes this like natural area just right here that kind of comes around this way and then at some point we could just bring it up in a staircase i don’t know what that point is going to be

Probably like right here yeah and then we can turn this into some type of garden or something to walk through and it’s got a great view of the temple oh it’s all coming together look at this all right next up on the list is definitely the roof i’m going to be

Doing this with some slaps of the smooth sandstone variety and then some warped slabs just add a pop of color in this jungle and to match what we already did of course and just kind of varying this very randomly all right there we go it’s kind of cool oh that’s

A mistake i’ve done this style a few times before and i’m never 100 sure what to think of it it’s just very random but you know what it kind of works and it makes me happy so we’re gonna go with it and then we just go around the edge and

Make sure that everything is nice and filled in with some of these slabs again just very randomly okay but i love it i know i haven’t even seen the whole thing yet but i already love it oh would you look at it i do love it oh my gosh

It really adds to this whole area doesn’t it and look so when we come across this pathway right here which i haven’t connected up look how cool it looks that’s so cool and to finish this path what can we do with this path let’s have a brainstorming session about this path

Because it’s driving me a little bit nuts okay so the path needs to come down one for sure um and then after that i’m not 100 sure what to do with it so it comes down this way right and then did we just do a staircase

Like do we honestly just put a staircase in it or do we go underground like do we tuck in right here and come out what do we do i don’t know um let me try that hang on just hear me out okay what if there was a little entrance over here

Like what if there was just a cute little entrance into the hill right here like that’d be kind of cool right and you wouldn’t have to walk down over here and it wouldn’t ruin the hobbit holes but we could still get down yeah okay and here we go here is our stairway

And it just you come out in this little hobbit hole it’s perfect right so we enter the hobbit hole we’ll have a nice little staircase we come up here and bam we’re right back at the entrance and we can go back to living our normal life over in this side of the jungle

It’s perfect while we’re in the area i think it’d be really cool to also work on a connection over to this tree over here so i’m just gonna break this down and see if i can get a little diagonal going yeah something like that would be

Really nice and then all i had to do is make another platform right here we will just have to get rid of this branch that’s no problem though i need leaves anyways all right so the tree tops are looking quite a lot better i’ll admit still probably not finished we have some work

To do and this one doesn’t even have a roof but it’s okay because i want to focus on the ground for a little while something about a jungle just screams tree house but i don’t think it’s right to also neglect the ground which is why we’ve started on these hobbit holes over

Here but hobbit holes aren’t the only thing that we need i definitely think we could do a little bit better than just hobbit holes so the first thing that i want to make down here is a couple of little kind of shelters maybe areas where people would sell things down here

Some lamp posts some path decorations and then also just some banners and things kind of hanging in the area kind of like we did over at our enchantment table that does mean that i need some wool i don’t think i have any so i’m gonna go

Gather the supplies for that and i’ll be right back i’ve collected some materials and the first thing i need to do is fix up these trees so these are not custom trees but we can customize them ever so slightly by very simply just adding a couple of roots

Doesn’t have to be anything crazy even that should about do it but getting this floor of the jungle looking just a little bit more jungly is going to be important and we’re going to do that with stuff other than leaves because leaves are great i definitely want to have lots of leaves

But that’s a bit excessive it’s a lot it’s a wall of leaves we don’t want that we want variety so that’s one let’s also do it to this one even though this one is a little bit more over to the side here i hope that eventually will expand this way so may

As well build it up honestly that’s already way better okay now the next thing that i’d like to do is grab some of those oak pillars that i was using earlier or dark oak sorry and we’re gonna build up a little area just right over here and it’s just gonna attach to

The tree and it’s gonna be slightly built up with some walls and things and it’ll have a little roof over it and then some barrels to hold some items and we need to sleep this might be silly but i get really excited for these little detailing projects i don’t do them a lot

In survival well i say that i might do them more than the average person because i do play minecraft a lot but i just feel like i spend so long building up these types of things these bigger structures but doing the little details does end up being something that’s just

A little bit special next up definitely needs some campfires all right so here’s kind of the idea that i have for this and then i think we’ll just add some of these campfires like so hopefully this will look okay and we’re obviously gonna put these out ouch ouch

And then maybe some trapdoors just to kind of connect things together okay might be a little bit of a different style hut but i kind of like it and for now it might even be a good place for me to just stick my bed and maybe some barrels and chests and other

Things yeah let’s just get some barrels stacked under here for storage i’ll even put my shulker boxes over here so i can build in this area and store things without having too much trouble and you know what let’s move this too oh the mess okay give me my chest back thank

You very much and we’ll put the chest right there okay that is way better next it needs a little bit of light in this area and i have some shroom lights but i also think that i would really like to have some lanterns maybe hanging in this area so

Let’s craft up some of those i’m thinking a light just may be right tucked in here and we’ll do a little wall block and just kind of build it up as we do every other light oh maybe we should do not spruce maybe jungle jungle would be better this is definitely better already

But as a final improvement we need a pop of color down here up in the treetops we have that lovely cyan so i’ve got some wool from my sheep pens and i’m just gonna use that to create a couple of banners you know what eight might be perfect and i’m just gonna

Build up a little pillar right here and then hopefully kind of drag across the banner coming from the top of the street or not the top but near the top that is perfect and then i’m gonna use that to hang some of these trim lights um just like so

And we’ll put the banners on these i don’t know if that works entirely but i think that orange and cyan go together really well and it’ll definitely help light up the jungle floor if i do more of those so might go with it for now and see how i

Feel all right few more little touches of detail leaves put back in places where we removed so so many and hopefully this will be good for today i feel like this is great progress i mean we haven’t done the interiors of the hobbit holes yet but we have our

Pathways going from the top and around the side up here we have two more tree houses in big rope ladder and i really like it right on to the next thing okay so for the rest of this episode i want to do something a little bit different

I’m going to talk it’s going to be almost like podcast style and i’m just going to decorate a few areas in my world primarily these trees gosh i said that awful weirdly oh it’s going to be a rough talkie episode so i’m going to be doing stuff on screen

But if you just want to listen in i mean that’d be kind of cool i’m i’m just going to talk so we haven’t talked in a little while and i feel like it’d be fun on the day that i’m recording this it is currently a friday

And i have just written a final exam for chemistry now i know a few of you have been waiting for this episode for quite a while because during this chemistry rotation i haven’t really been uploading this series as i really haven’t had the time and that’s what i want to talk

About today is how i’m kind of managing my time how school is going right now because i know a lot of you get frustrated when you see me upload maybe a different series like hardcore or xlife and not this series and then claim that i don’t have time for this series

Which i know that i don’t have to justify myself but i think that it would just be fun to have a little chat about it and talk about why i prioritize what i prioritize so in school the way that we’re doing things this semester this is my graduating year so i have this

Semester that i’m doing right now the fall semester that is my last semester actually in a school building and we are in a building because my class size is super duper tiny it’s less than 16 people which means we can be in a room together uh by the guidelines that are

Here in my country uh just with a mask on and we have full pp anyways because we’re literally working in a hospital so it’s all good on that end from me but basically how things are run right now is it’s called block so at the moment

We’re doing one course at a time and we do that course from start to finish for three weeks and we do that for each course so there’s a rotation that is three weeks long of each and every course the one that i just did was chemistry chemistry is really long days

It’s clinical chemistry so it’s not quite the same as what you learn in high school there’s no like formulas or anything it’s mostly looking at analyzers clicking buttons on analyzers and doing maintenance for analyzers and the analyzers do all the math um kind of lame but you know some people really enjoy it

It’s personally not my cup of tea and i really didn’t like this rotation i found it to be really long days and i was getting home at the end of the day just feeling really tired and i feel like that’s okay and when i feel tired like that i’m not

Gonna pick up the microphone and sit at my computer and record because i feel like it’s gonna come across that i’m exhausted because i am and doesn’t make for entertaining videos so on nights like that i usually will just either do some editing or something

Like that that i can catch up on or some off-camera work like you saw when i joined this episode uh right at the beginning i had a bunch of wood collected and also all of my tools were mended so i can do stuff like that off

Camera and it works perfectly fine and i enjoy it as for on camera though i don’t want to be fake with you guys i don’t want to be like pretending to be super excited and cheery but i also don’t want to be like tired and sad because i feel

Like that’s not entertaining to watch so it’s reasonable to take some time off for stuff like that i only have two courses left which means six weeks of rotation um so that’ll be in microbiology which is next that’s what i’m starting on monday and then hematology which i’m starting in january

My course is slightly behind because of all of the shutdowns that are going on in the world but we’re only behind by one month so just january and then in february i’m gonna head out on work term and i’m actually going to be working in a hospital i’m still going to be

Uploading in this time but i’ll actually be working from my grandparents basement i’m going to set up a desk in their basement they’ve allowed me to i’m going to be working from home i have to go to a rural community so you won’t see me streaming and that’s again why you

Haven’t seen me streaming recently is because i’m gonna be going rural and i won’t have the internet to stream so it’s just not something that i’ve been focusing i hope that that helps clear up and explain anything about my school i i’m having a lot of fun in school it’s a

Lot of work but this is my last year and i’m really excited to write those mock exams and then write the real national exam and graduate that’ll be so much fun and it is such a privilege to be able to do this and go to school it’s just incredible and

I hope that you’re all having a good time in school as well i know that it can be a little challenging especially this year in 2020 with everything that’s going on there’s definitely a lot more on our minds and it’s a lot more stressful but i hope that you are okay

Um i’m definitely thinking about all of you who have those online classes i can’t imagine how challenging that is i have one class right now that is online and we have to write the exam with our cameras on and that’s so stressful and it doesn’t feel right

But it’s how things have to be right now and it’s hard but we’re gonna get through it i hope you’re not minding this podcast format we’re gonna head into the spruce forest now and work on a custom period here i just want to see how different custom trees would work in

Different areas and this area around our fox sanctuary hasn’t had much love so let’s work out here for a little while now the next topic that i want to talk about is let’s plays okay before i ever have run a let’s play on this channel or well maybe not before ever because that

Was my first video but before i had properly given a series a chance on this channel i like to watch youtubers such as like b double o or wells nights or gosh i don’t know so many different let’s play youtubers and i loved it when they would talk about like their channel

Analytics or the reason that they’re making certain choices in their let’s play and that’s kind of the topic that i want to move on to next because as you guys know i have recently started a hardcore world a hardcore series on this channel which means there are currently

Three series that i am running xlife being modded smp this series being single player vanilla and the third series being hardcore i also have sky block that i am working on on and off but that series has mostly come to an end at this point so there’s three main

Ones i also do one-off creative videos and tutorials when i can but i haven’t been able to do that recently because of everything going on with school anyways i digress i started the hardcore let’s play and i knew that i was going to start a hardcore let’s play in november or

October i knew that i knew that in june when i started this series i sort of have this idea in my mind of how i want videos to flow on my channel and i think it’s important to have that idea and to know that because series are not forever right like this

Series that you’re watching right now is going to come to an end i don’t know when i’ve never set an end date for it but eventually a world comes to an end you finish the products that you want to finish maybe a big update comes out or

Maybe you just move on to season two and you move to a new area that’s perfectly valid too whatever it is this world as we know it sort of changes a little bit and morphs and when those changes happen you want to still have a consistent series going so the important thing for

Me is that consistency june through now this series has been pretty much weekly at the very least it has been monthly i know i missed the last three weeks of this series so i can’t really say that anymore but it’s been consistent and it’s been something for my audience to

Come back to and i think as a youtuber that’s really important because you want that core audience to have a series that kind of connects us all together and this is that series for me i really like this i feel like i’ve gotten a really good connection to all of you through

This series and i enjoy it but as a youtuber you also have to focus wanting to grow there has to be some degree of treating your youtube channel like a business and giving it the respect that you would give a business and a business might do

This in different ways i mean i don’t know how actual businesses do it maybe they get a new product or something like that but keep the old products so that other people who are coming back for the old products still have it but the new product is there to attract new people

It’s something like that you know i have this series that all of you are enjoying and i’m enjoying and it’s just really great for everybody but i also have other series that i’m experimenting with that help me to grow a new audience and bring new people to my channel and this

Is something that’s really important to me so i’ve been trying to stagger these new series as we go starting with this series in june xlife the modded smp came in august september-ish and then the hardcore world coming in in november staggering these episodes ones kind of helps keep things fresh on my

Channel it keeps me interested in the game and it keeps me learning things and editing things differently and just keeps me on my toes and it also keeps a new audience coming in and keeping my channel relatively fresh i think that this is a really important thing for my

Channel i think that i’m glad i did this although it has been challenging definitely to run all these series i think the consistency is important and i think overlapping series like this is important because eventually these series come to an end and they will end in that same staggered way so hopefully

When i die in hardcore this series will still be going and it’ll continue on and it’ll be consistent and i’ll be able to start something new like maybe something modded or something sky block or rl craft or you know maybe a pocket edition series i’ll be able to start a new thing

When that series ends to keep things moving and overlapping i don’t know if i would ever want to do more than three series but i think that i definitely could i mean i’m in school right now full time we’re doing like 30 something hours a week plus studying for finals plus doing like

All my first aid and immunizations and stuff that i need to prepare to go to the actual hospital and all my real life stuff like buying groceries and having food like all of these things take time so time management has been so incredibly important and i feel like

I’ve done a really good job with keeping up on videos to be honest i know it’s not perfect i definitely can’t compete with full-time youtubers in terms of what content i’m pumping out but i’m doing pretty good last year this time i was barely putting out one video a week

Like barely now last year my uh second year of this program it was a lot harder it was definitely definitely a lot harder in school which is why i wasn’t able to pump out as much content but i’m still super proud of myself for the amount that i’m able to get done i’m

Happy with how this channel is going to be honest and i think that there’s a lot of things in this let’s play that have contributed to me being able to kind of balance all of these things so for these let’s plays that i’ve been starting in

Particular i think one key thing is that i’ve been starting very small so we start with smaller builds and we build up into the fancier things this not only keeps me interested it keeps my audience interested it helps attract a new audience an audience that is maybe less

Experienced at the game and wouldn’t want to see people do big mega builds right at the start stuff that seems unobtainable just a little bit more of an accessible series when things are a bit simpler and i’ve been enjoying doing that and i think that’s been nice it’s

Definitely been great for me in terms of making content and i’m really happy that i did that so starting small was a big deal the other thing i really liked that i was dead was have a schedule i don’t have a schedule at the moment it’s very

Much just whenever i can upload i do but over the summer when i wasn’t in school and i had a schedule honestly that was so much more powerful than i thought that it was going to be it was amazing and i would definitely love to have a schedule again or at least

Something rough or my audience knew when they were going to be able to come back and get videos i think that’s important and it doesn’t have to be like it’s gonna be every single wednesday it can just be like here’s the rough schedule rotation that we’re working with here’s

What you can expect from me and i think that’s important balancing expectations on youtube can be so hard and i think that it’s so important for me to not set these massive goals for a world like that’s something that comes up quite often in the comments is like when are

You gonna end this world when’s the world gonna end what’s your final goal like what are all these things and i think not setting that while it might drive some audience members nuts i think it’s important because it takes the pressure off a little bit and it lets the world play

Out like a normal minecraft world that isn’t being run by a youtuber and i appreciate that look at that tree that tree is epic i’m really happy with how this tree has come together wow looks great in this area right sorry off topic moving on i think that it’s important

For me that i’m able to keep this series going for as long as i want it to go and i know that that might sound dumb or might sound like common sense but i see it all the time where youtubers will say this series is gonna run until this date

Or until this month or this update or this whatever and as soon as you set that and know that in the back of your mind like if i knew that this series was going to end next month i’m going to lose motivation to work on big builds in it i’m going to be

Thinking about the series that i’m going to start up after this series and that’s not fair to this series that i’m doing right now in this moment so i would rather enjoy this world and live in it for as long as i please and when the time comes to move on to a

New series i’ll do that and we’ll have a final episode and it’ll be at a time that feels right and feels natural for the world’s progression rather than feeling very forced so that’s why i haven’t been giving you guys a date or a goal or something that i’m trying to meet to end

This series because it doesn’t exist the series will end when i feel like it is ready to end and i think that’s fair i had a comment recently that really honestly it got under my skin and the comments that get under my skin the most often are not those from trolls they’re

Those from fans who genuinely know me and know how to get under my skin if that makes sense like it’s not trolls it’s not trolls it’s frustrated fans usually and that’s it’s okay to be frustrated with me i don’t know what i’m doing i’m a mess

But this comment in particular it it got to me because it’s true that the only comments that are ever going to get to me really are the ones that are true and the comment was saying basically how i’m lying to myself or my audience about not

Being able to make time to do the big creative builds that i used to do that i obviously do have time since i’m uploading all of these series or doing stuff like playing among us with my friends and they were basically stating how obviously i have time i should have time

If i’m doing all of these other things and they’re right i mean in life you can literally make time and prioritize whatever you choose to prioritize for me in this moment i’m not prioritizing doing the creative builds it doesn’t make sense for me at this time they’re really emotionally draining

They are not very rewarding to be honest in multiple ways but mostly i got really sick of having to deal with art theft and deal with uh just just all of the things that come along with doing creative builds it was exhausting i didn’t like doing it so i prioritized

Other things does that mean i can’t make time for it no i can make time for stuff i mean i’m in school but i’m not like i don’t know it’s not insane i can make time for whatever i want to make time for that’s how i have time for youtube like i can’t

Make time for every single thing like i can’t do creative builds and three series and tutorials and launch merch and have a discord server and run all my social media i can’t i can’t do all of that but i can pick and choose and prioritize what i want to prioritize and

I think that everybody has that choice to a degree we all have certain amounts of time some of us have much less time than others but with that free time that we have we get to choose what we want to do with it if i mean if we’re in a

Position to be able to do that i’m sure some people do not have that privilege but for me personally i’m an adult i’m living on my own um so i do have that privilege and it’s very nice to be able to make those choices with my free time so

Basically i guess the question is why do i make the choice like why this week when i had time to make a series or make a video why in the last three weeks that i not choose this series why did i choose to do hardcore and honestly the answer comes down to

One motivation when you’re starting a new series obviously that’s the one you’re a little bit motivated to do but also just it makes sense from a youtube standpoint as soon as you upload a new series to give that series a fighting chance at being successful i think that

The key is to be fairly consistent and that usually means more than one upload a week in that series at least for the first like couple weeks or even month that it exists and that doesn’t mean daily uploads just more than one upload a week because it’s

A series and you want to keep people coming back to it if it gets in recommended you want to take advantage of that and so from a business standpoint it makes sense to do that but also from a motivational standpoint and from a time standpoint the hardcore

Series right now is a lot easier to record it takes probably three or four hours to record in hardcore because it’s beginning game stuff whereas it takes eight to ten hours to record each video in vanilla and each video in x-life as well they’re much harder videos to do

There a lot more thought goes into them like not necessarily in-game time but thinking out what i’m going to do planning the build planning how the edit is going to look doing the time lapses stuff like that that is a lot more fancy takes more time and as you get into

Later game it’s obviously going to take more time because we have bigger projects like this big pit that i’m digging out right now and so that’s that’s kind of why i do things i don’t know if that helped or if i’m just rambling but i felt like i wanted to have a

Little sit down and talk with all of you and this was a really fun way to do that so thank you for listening to me if you are listening to me i hope that you don’t mind a bit of a talkie episode i launched merch by the

Way i know that i inserted that into this video i hope that you enjoyed the merch that i launched um it’s i definitely have a lot to learn about merch and i’m always nervous selling things to my audience like i don’t want you guys to feel pressured

Into buying this i’m not going to shove it in your face every single day i promise i it’s just something that i’m proud of that i worked on right now and if you’re interested in it you could click below but i also know that 2020 has been rough so please don’t feel

Pressure this merch isn’t going anywhere it’ll still be up after christmas it’ll still be up for like a while there’s no pressure honestly there is none um but i hope that you enjoy the designs even if you don’t plan on buying any that’s totally okay i love the art that

We did for them and i’d love to have more in the future if this is something that i decide to expand on i think that’d be a really good time so thank you so much for supporting me and thank you for a half a million subscribers by

The way don’t think i ever mentioned that that’s insane thank you so much wow this has turned into me just saying thank you on repeat but genuinely just i appreciate you so much like you all make this possible and i love getting to chat with all of you every day it’s so special

You’re so amazing and i appreciate you so much thank you so much everyone i hope that you didn’t mind this little kind of talkier segment i feel like i don’t get to chat with all of you super often it’s not something that i do in my

Other series but i feel like i have a special connection with the viewers of this series in particular where i can talk about these things and kind of hear your feedback or i don’t know just your thoughts whatever you’re thinking oh look at that custom tree point i do

Kind of like it coming back to it wait no it’s good it’s way nicer ah yes that was definitely the move wow all right sorry distracted but yeah i hope you don’t mind i feel like we got a lot done in this episode anyways regardless of me just spending

Some time chatting with all of you and i hope that that makes sense in terms of what i’m doing for content right now i hope that you don’t get discouraged if you are a fan of the series and you’re frustrated by me uploading maybe three

Or four hardcores in a row but know that i’m still thinking about this series and i still love this series and i don’t plan on ending the series this series just is a lot more of a time commitment and some weeks it makes more sense for

Me to focus on other videos that doesn’t mean that i don’t love this series and i’m not uploading the series it just means that for the moment we have to focus on other things well alrighty everyone i think that that is going to be all for me for today i

Hope that you’ve enjoyed this episode and we’re able to find a little bit of relaxing time in this very chaotic times to listen to me for a little while and just relax and play some minecraft i hope that you enjoyed it and you have a fantastic rest of your day thank you so

Much for watching and supporting the series i appreciate every single one of you goodbye everyone

This video, titled ‘Treehouse Village | Minecraft Survival 1.16 Let’s Play’, was uploaded by GeminiTay on 2020-12-05 15:33:33. It has garnered 440219 views and 14840 likes. The duration of the video is 00:35:26 or 2126 seconds.

Episode 32! Today we work in the jungle, adding 2 new treehouses to the world, and decorating the jungle floor! We then add some custom trees around the world, and I chat with all of you about my life, and my thought process around making a successful youtube lets play. Thanks for listening!

✨Follow me! Twitch: Twitter: Insta:


Recorded with OBS Minecraft version 1.16 Optifine 1.16 Shaders: BSL

  • Minecraft Jujutsu Sorcerer Mod Fun

    Minecraft Jujutsu Sorcerer Mod Fun The World of Jujutsu Sorcery in Minecraft Exploring the vast possibilities of Minecraft mods, players can now immerse themselves in the world of Jujutsu Sorcery with the Project JJK mod. This mod brings a plethora of characters with stunning visuals, adding a new layer of excitement to the game. Unleashing the Power of Jujutsu Sorcery With the Project JJK mod, players can step into the shoes of powerful sorcerers, wielding incredible abilities to combat evil forces. From summoning spirits to casting powerful spells, the world of Jujutsu Sorcery in Minecraft is filled with endless possibilities. Meet Iconic Characters One… Read More

  • Subscribe and Like for Minecraft’s Delight #shorts

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  • Predicting Minecraft 1.22 Update Changes

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  • Outrageous 2024 Minecraft Predictions

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  • Join Minewind: The Ultimate Minecraft Server Experience

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  • Chromebook Minecraft Hacks: School Unblockable Track!

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  • German Cantu: Minecraft Server Priority!

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  • Nether Fortress Raid in Minecraft PE!

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  • Bigbroplays Gets Bullied by CDarkPlays

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  • 1300+ Iron/Hour: Minecraft 1.21+ Farm Tutorial

    1300+ Iron/Hour: Minecraft 1.21+ Farm Tutorial Minecraft Iron Farm Tutorial: Gather 1300+ Iron Per Hour! Welcome to the ultimate Minecraft Iron Farm tutorial! In this guide, you will learn how to construct a highly efficient Iron farm that can yield over 1300 iron per hour from iron golems. This farm is perfect for Minecraft Survival mode and works for versions 1.16 to 1.21. Farm Details Farm Performance: 1300+ Iron Per Hour Farm Mode: Fully Automatic Versions: 1.16 – 1.21 Platforms: Java Edition (Confirmed) | Bedrock Edition (Compatibility not confirmed) Original Design By: Voltrox Step-by-Step Guide Follow these steps to build your own high-yield Iron farm… Read More

  • Chill Day with a Twist | My First Minecraft Let’s Play

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    🦕SHIZO SURVIVAL - DINOSAURS IN MY MINECRAFT WORLD!🌿Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Modded SMP2 Ep. 17 | 1.12.2 | Prehistoric Nature beginnings’, was uploaded by Sharadise on 2024-05-12 17:59:58. It has garnered 31 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 03:12:09 or 11529 seconds. This is an archived ‘Minecraft: Prehistoric Nature & Thaumcraft’ modded SMP stream. It was streamed live over on twitch: Featuring: CangoFango, Emichu, Willys1961, mr_w_l, Albastru916 & RealHansWasser Cango’s POV: reading chat. Mod list: Game: Seed (1.12.2): I have no idea actually, I may update this later. In case you’re interested, here’s our Discord server: ============… Read More

  • Enter if you dare: Exploring Haunted Caves in Minecraft

    Enter if you dare: Exploring Haunted Caves in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Do NOT Enter The Caves… (Minecraft From The Fog #3)’, was uploaded by Scary Avery on 2024-03-22 09:04:08. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Minecraft From The Fog Series Inspired By Calvin. Read More

  • Join Addzer’s New Minecraft Realm NOW! 😱

    Join Addzer's New Minecraft Realm NOW! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT REALM|SUBS CAN JOIN|NEW START’, was uploaded by Addzer on 2024-06-19 01:42:17. It has garnered 25 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:42:10 or 2530 seconds. minecraft, minecraft shorts, minecraft but, shorts, minecraft but challenge, minecraft facts, minecraft update, minecraft tutorial, camman18, minecraft mod, minecraft how to, minecraft seed, minecraft rarest, minecraft but you cant touch the color, minecraft but i cant touch grass, minecraft survival, camman18 minecraft, minecraft speedrun, shorts minecraft, minecraft challenge, camman18 shorts, minecraft 1.20, steve, minecraft animation, 1.19, 1.20, 100 players, minecraft memes, minecraft tips, minecraft tiktok,… Read More

  • Minecraft Pro Creates Mind-Blowing Sand Art

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  • Ultimate PvP Guide ft. ArenaPlayzZ | Dominate Your World

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  • The Ultimate Battle: Devil vs God Statue!

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  • Insane AI MCM Montage – Steve destroys in Minecraft #shorts

    Insane AI MCM Montage - Steve destroys in Minecraft #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Steve’s op fighting #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by AI MCM Montage on 2024-04-04 06:02:09. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Steve’s highlights. Shorts Short Video Youtube Shorts Yt Shorts Minecraft Steve Highlights Montage Fighting Moments #shorts … Read More


    ULTIMATE CHALLENGE: EVERY COLOUR Island in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Built an EVERY COLOUR Island in Minecraft Hardcore!’, was uploaded by LockDownLife on 2024-09-21 12:44:54. It has garnered 2123309 views and 32314 likes. The duration of the video is 00:36:20 or 2180 seconds. I Built an Island out of Every Colour in Hardcore Minecraft! Get yourself the best gaming laptop I’ve ever used: I spent a week building an epic every colour island and then invited my friends to play a $1000 game of minecraft camoflauge Hide and Seek! Watch the second channel video: @LockDownPlays Watch our Podcast: @TheMinecastPodcast ✳️ Watch from the… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Status💥 You Won’t Believe!

    EPIC Minecraft Status💥 You Won't Believe!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Status❤️❤️#shortsfeed #shorts #shortsviral #minecraft #status’, was uploaded by SHIBILGAMER on 2024-09-01 04:25:00. It has garnered 8 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:18 or 18 seconds. #Entertainment #Fun #Comedy #Vlog #EntertainmentNews #Celebrities #PopCulture #EntertainmentTonight #Trending #EntertainmentIndustry #BehindTheScenes #EntertainmentWeekly #FunnyVideos #EntertainmentBlogger #Music #Dance #Viral #InstaVideo #EntertainmentChannel #Movie #Gaming #Lifestyle #Laugh #EntertainmentVideos #LiveEntertainment #Actor #Actress #StandUpComedy #Performance #Review #Reaction #Film #Series #Television #TV #Theater #ShortFilm #Documentary #BehindTheScenes #Bloopers #Sketch #Funny #Humor #ComedySketch #Prank #Satire #Parody #Improv #Skit #Animation #Cartoon #Anime #VFX #SpecialEffects #Costume #Makeup #Beauty #Fashion #Model #Dance #Choreography #Talent #Singing #Rap #HipHop… Read More

  • PoyaLands

    PoyaLandsPoyaLands, a thrilling Minecraft Lifesteal server where survival meets intense PvP action. In this unique game mode, players can steal hearts from each other through combat, making every encounter a high-stakes battle. Build, explore, and fight your way to the top in a world where only the strongest survive. Join the adventure today at and see if you have what it takes to dominate the lands! Read More

  • Duce’s SMP – vanilla, whitelist, 18+

    Welcome to Our 1.21 Vanilla SMP Server! We’re launching a fresh server and looking for new players to join our community. It’s a whitelist-only server with no plugins or mods—just Vanilla Minecraft. Our community has been around since 2013, offering a solid group of players and a history of good vibes. This is a new map, so it’s the perfect time to start building from scratch. If you’re 18+ and looking to chill, build, and hang out with like-minded players, come join us! Apply on our discord: We hope to see you there! Read More

  • ❖ ❖ ᴛɪᴋᴛᴏᴋ : @ᴄᴏʀɴᴇᴢꜱᴍᴘ ᴏᴡɴᴇʀ : ᴀʀɪꜰxʏᴢ

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.21 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.21 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: (GL HF) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Give purpose to all Minecraft features”

    Minecraft Memes - "Give purpose to all Minecraft features"Looks like even in Minecraft, everything must have a “block-tious” purpose! Read More

  • Bombastic Bedrock: Lucky Blocks B15 Blast!

    Bombastic Bedrock: Lucky Blocks B15 Blast! In the world of Minecraft, Lucky Blocks B15, We bombarded the man, with a grin so keen. Exploding surprises, in every block we find, Crafting our way, with a creative mind. Join us on this journey, of gaming delight, With new games to come, shining bright. Respect in the comments, is our golden rule, Let’s keep it fun, and never cruel. Subscribe to our channel, for more gaming fun, Follow us on socials, until the day is done. Minecraft facts and updates, in every rhyme, Join us on this adventure, every single time. Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a Nether portal!

    Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a Nether portal! “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” 😂 #minecraftmemes #boomtastic Read More

  • Testing Viral Minecraft TikToks

    Testing Viral Minecraft TikToks Minecraft TikTok Viral Videos: Fact or Fiction? Exploring the world of Minecraft TikTok, where viral videos showcase mind-bending tricks and hacks that seem to defy the logic of the game. Are these tricks real or just clever illusions? Let’s dive in and uncover the truth behind these viral phenomena. Testing Viral Minecraft Tricks StevenChavesta takes on the challenge of testing out the most popular viral tricks from Minecraft TikTok. From building incredible structures in seconds to uncovering hidden secrets, these videos promise to revolutionize the way players approach the game. Separating Myth from Reality As Steven delves into these… Read More

  • BACON KINGDOM DAY 5: Food Farm & Village Review!!!

    BACON KINGDOM DAY 5: Food Farm & Village Review!!! Exploring Day 5 in the Bacon Kingdom! 🥓🏰 As the adventure continues in the Bacon Kingdom, our fearless Minecraft player dives into Day 5 with enthusiasm and determination. Today’s focus is on creating a Food Farm and revisiting the Villager Farm for some upgrades. Let’s delve into the exciting developments of the day! Building the Food Farm 🌾 One of the essential aspects of survival in Minecraft is ensuring a stable food source. Our player embarks on the task of constructing a Food Farm to cultivate crops and sustain themselves in the vast world of blocks and creatures. With… Read More

  • Crazy MC Creator Games – EPIC MINECRAFT FUN!

    Crazy MC Creator Games - EPIC MINECRAFT FUN!Video Information This video, titled ‘The Minecraft Creator Games!’, was uploaded by CuzzaMC on 2024-09-21 11:34:43. It has garnered 77 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 03:22:26 or 12146 seconds. A special Minecraft event competing teams from SMPs competing for the coveted Creator Cup! Teams are from Backyard SMP, Unorthoblocks SMP, Lotus SMP, CraftWorks and Channel 64. Check out my linktree for all my socials, Discord and ways to support the channel! British Minecraft Youtuber, producing no-swearing family friendly Minecraft content. Read More

  • Minecraft with Danley Tonkin LIVE! 1.20.4

    Minecraft with Danley Tonkin LIVE! 1.20.4Video Information This video, titled ‘Playing some minecraft join now! 1.20.4’, was uploaded by Danley Tonkin on 2024-04-14 13:56:25. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. playing some minecraft in 1.20.4, ong story short i gave everyone op and everything got broken again 🙂 Read More

  • Minecraft Memes that will make you LOL! 🤣🔥💥

    Minecraft Memes that will make you LOL! 🤣🔥💥Video Information This video, titled ‘🤣ПАРНИ ОНИ ТАКИЕ😂#shorts #recommended #рекомендации #minecraft #майнкрафт #memes #мем’, was uploaded by Yb1 on 2024-03-27 11:04:54. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. This video does not intend to offend anyone and is for entertainment purposes only, all materials are taken from … Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Wooden House Tutorial – Must Watch!

    Ultimate Minecraft Wooden House Tutorial - Must Watch!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: How to Build a Wooden House | Simple Survival House part-1’, was uploaded by Total Gamerz on 2024-06-11 06:36:17. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Minecraft: How to Build a Wooden House | Simple Survival House part-1 Your Queries:- minecraft survival house how to build a … Read More

  • Froggyarmy Live: Fall Guy Review! Shocking Results!

    Froggyarmy Live: Fall Guy Review! Shocking Results!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴 Live – Is Fall guy good?’, was uploaded by Froggyarmy on 2024-08-15 18:29:00. It has garnered 33 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 02:24:04 or 8644 seconds. like and Sub #FrogSMP #skibidi #minecraft Read More

  • Insane Fight: Tyson VS Alderson #boxing

    Insane Fight: Tyson VS Alderson #boxingVideo Information This video, titled ‘Mike Tyson VS John Alderson || #phonkbr #miketyson #boxing #johnalderson #montagemcoral #djholanda’, was uploaded by Not An Ordinary Man on 2024-08-20 04:30:58. It has garnered 9022 views and 388 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:40 or 40 seconds. song:montagem coral Tags#big dawgs,#friends,#minecraftshorts,#saitama,#deadpool,#minecraft,#hanumankind,#shorts,#herobrine,#wolverinemike tyson vs bruce lee, mike tyson vs bruce lee ufc 5, mike tyson vs bruce lee who would win, mike tyson vs bruce lee interview, mike tyson vs bruce lee edit, mike tyson vs bruce lee reaction, mike tyson vs bruce lee real fight, mike tyson vs bruce lee punching bag,… Read More

  • DON’T MISS! SpongeBob meets Minecraft in EPIC adventure 😱🔥💥🤯🤩 #minecraftmadness

    DON'T MISS! SpongeBob meets Minecraft in EPIC adventure 😱🔥💥🤯🤩 #minecraftmadnessVideo Information This video, titled ‘SpongeBob 🔥😲😎🎉❤💖💙🤩🥰 #minecraft #mcpememes #minecrafthumor #gaming #mcpe #minecraftjokes’, was uploaded by Sky Vanya on 2024-09-13 17:00:29. It has garnered 2068 views and 187 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:26 or 26 seconds. #minecraft #gaming #adventure #survival #online #multiplayer #creativity #building #exploring #mods #skins #minigames #redstone #mobs #blocks #resources #items #tools #weapons #enchantments #farming #breeding #community #minecraftpe #minecraftjava #minecraftbedrock #minecraftservers #minecraftworlds#shorts #minecraft #construction #sponge_bob #videogames #construction #playingminecraft #blocks #minecraft #buildingminecraft #YouTuber #gamevideo #entertainment #housebuilding #minecraftshow #creation #basebuilding #creativity #vlog #minecraftstree m #gaming #players #minecraftbuilds #gameofthrones. Read More

  • Insane Baysonic Scrims 2024 – Must Watch!

    Insane Baysonic Scrims 2024 - Must Watch!Video Information This video, titled ‘2024 scrims’, was uploaded by baysonic on 2024-07-07 19:33:52. It has garnered 458 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:39 or 159 seconds. Tags: minecraft,minecraft 1.14,minecraftbut,op minecraft,minecraft op,dream minecraft,minecraft pvp,minecraft uhc,minecraft but,minecraft update,cursed minecraft,tapple minecraft,insane minecraft,blessed minecraft,beating minecraft,minecraft uhc but,competitive minecraft,minecraft scenario,minecraft hardcore, minecraft challenge,minecraft minigames,dream minecraft youtube,minecraft but challenge, minecraft challenges,finale,minecraft ps4 bedrock edition,minecraft ps4 bedrock,minecraft,minecraft ps4,minecraft ps4 bedrock edition mods,minecraft ps4 update,bedrock ps4 minecraft,minecraft ps4 bedrock mods,minecraft ps4 bedrock leak,minecraft bedrock,minecraft playstation 4 bedrock,minecraft ps4 servers,minecraft ps4 realms,how to get mods on minecraft ps4 bedrock,minecraft ps4 bedrock edition servers,… Read More

  • Insane Roof Building Tricks in Minecraft – AsterKatt

    Insane Roof Building Tricks in Minecraft - AsterKattVideo Information This video, titled ‘HOW DO YOU BUILD ROOFS l Minecraft (25)’, was uploaded by AsterKatt on 2024-09-08 09:20:03. It has garnered 348 views and 26 likes. The duration of the video is 01:45:54 or 6354 seconds. The base of the house is more or less done… now it’s time to take on the REAL challenge… This is a very chill stream, so feel free to pop in and say hello or stick around!! I’m glad you made it!! :)) STREAM TIME: 3:00PM-4:30PM (ET) → Join the Discord!!: Huge shoutout to DesignMinecraftSkins on Etsy!! I commissioned this skin… Read More

  • U-Topia

    U-TopiaU-Topia ist Dein Mittelalter MMORPG Server. Baue Deine eigene Siedlung, erlerne Berufe, verdiene Geld und erledige Quests. Read More

  • DementiaCraft SMP 1.21.1 Survival Dynmap No-Reset age:25+ Whitelist Semi-Vanilla

    DementiaCraft Community DementiaCraft is a community of players aged 25 and above, dedicated to building and exploring a virtual world free from toxicity. We prioritize kindness, consideration, inclusivity, and maturity. Before joining, we vet applicants to ensure they are 25+. DementicaCraft is home View our community photo album Videos Watch a video tour of our server by LordDawsonVII and other content created by them. Content Creation New members are encouraged to wait 2 months before streaming or creating content on DementaiCraft. Join our community for the experience, not for content creation opportunities. If this sounds like the server for you,… Read More

  • Minecraft server

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.20.6 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.20.6 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: (GL HF) Read More

Treehouse Village | Minecraft Survival 1.16 Let’s Play