TRIPLE OCEAN MONUMENT RAID in Minecraft 1.18 Survival! (#30)

Video Information

Welcome back to survival everybody you see this thing right here it reeks just like i will be doing to these things in today’s episode i’m going to need you to annihilate the like button if you’re enjoying this series today you share it with somebody new enjoy the episode dawn of day 588 this

Is the last day that anything that ever happened to bad to us will ever happen bad to us terrible news in between episodes at dusk of previous day it happened again the shelling it continues continuously and this time i’ve done some trajectory analysis that is full of

These i don’t know how they missed it but look at this it lights up basically perfectly with the sail right there if there i have blasted that sail away the ship well to put it lightly the ship would come tumbling down the mountain wrecking the entire face of the mountain ruining

The orange circles down there the only good thing that would come out of the ship falling out of the sky and then possibly crush annihilate all of the villagers working inside of our farm right there for profits i would have no money i would have absolutely no way to

Make any money it wouldn’t be good no i know you’ve been wondering in this intro the helmet what’s going on with the helmet where’s the armor where are you like naked or something simple it’s very very simple viper 76 out this beautiful skin if i do say so myself my smile my

Face has never looked brighter than ever thank you thank you for the skin in terms of other preparations that we need to do we have good armor we have tried it we have zord we have bo we have all of our friends right here with us

Including a ton of food i’m so fed this is gonna go good clearly everybody knows here evil fish that live inside of the ocean their one true weakness is the door the true exciting one here has to do with what we found at the last episode heart of sea nautilus shelter

Seven there’s one more nautilus shell somewhere inside of one of these chests i don’t exactly remember which one i put it in but it’s here right it’s here right it’s definitely here ah it’s there there oh no that’s funny that that’s real funny that that’s funny i’ll find it it’s somewhere

I guarantee it axolotl this is going to be no easy task at all this is going to be a big undertaking but i believe in you you’re going to be able to do this practically by the end of this episode you’ll be carrying me you’ll be able to

Pull this off i have full confidence in all of you four of our finest men will be coming to the battle with us today the blue rare axolotls not only are they the rarest but also statistically they are the strongest axolotl dealing a whopping i don’t know like two hearts of damage

Uh it seems like an axolotl would probably be like two hearts of damage a whopping two hearts of damage per hits i think that’s basically it there’s not a single thing that i’ve lost that i’m forgetting no no no no i’m busy don’t you here didn’t you hear that i’m busy

Stopping come to the overworld and help me or get unlocked it’s your choice oh fine naughty shell sneaky sneaky nautilus shell why would you move all the way over here you’re going to be in big trouble a young shell that is not a good behavior why would you place yourself

All the way at the axolotl outpost this place is grimy you don’t want to be here well anyways i told you all along that i had everything under control one conduit right there this thing this is gonna be perfect for what we’re gonna do today it’s gonna have to come with me

And then because we’re here why not a couple extra accidental for the brigade i mean it literally cannot hurt it with all those stops out of the way no further stops necessary base we’re leaving for a long time possibly if i leave and i don’t come back base i miss

You just know that i love you i’m so proud of you you’re like my favorite bass ever and if i don’t come back you can have all of my stuff it’s all yours keep it in good care and stop the sheep and we’re off next stop ocean monument now after all that

Chaos you may be thinking a few different things to yourself one of those things just might be waddles are you crazy you’ve forgotten the map how in the world are you ever going to get there well i’m a king i’m great at navigation watch this i can find it without the map

It’s safe to say i’m something of an explorer the good kind too if that exists so really moving into this thing i think i have essentially one strategy move inside of the thing take the entire thing out the minor part of my strategy involves kelp we’re gonna need a little

Bit of kelp to go inside of this monument i think he’s gonna help us out big time and we’re not gonna worry about a cow i think maybe the axolotl might help clear the effect from the elder guardians i can’t remember if they do that or not i think i saw a comment

About it but if not we have our good friend conduit well here goes nothing uh okay small problem small setback already but that’s fine i think i dropped in on the back side of the where’s the front door here it is here it is the front door the front door has

Always been right here in front of the build obviously now in the front door blocks no in no out guardians look listen nothing personal but i’m here to evict you and farm kelp oh but wait watch this place that right there remove the kelp and Did i do it right i think i did it wrong i’m pretty sure i did that entirely wrong well the doors are the back of plan the back of plan all along can i mine this or is that gonna yeah that’s gonna take like a really long time isn’t it well

I kind of need it back anyways an efficiency pickaxe can’t take that long no no no no no no no i was so close i was so close and they walked right in the way and no no no no no stop it stop it stop

It i’m busy in here i’m busy mining stop it stop And there we go the conduit it’s mine again i didn’t fully consider this thing but i guess this works i guess this works perfectly elder guardian number one i’m not sorry about this at all i actually will take the gallery you know go go go go yes yes my friend fight

Fight no watch out for the beam don’t do this don’t do this no not in front of my eyes no how could this happen how could this happen how could this happen truly a tragedy how could this even happen there’s no going back from this one conduit right there but it was

Close it was close and i have more axolotl that’s fine one axolotl can be stopped but how about three of my finest men three of the finest men take on the elder guardian right here the goal was axolotl take out one elder guardian all on their own to prove themselves and you’re all

Healing what happened to you come on yes yes yes yes yes look at them go look at them go they’re so strong and smart they keep stopping right before they go away the rare axolotls are so much smarter than that pencil before the rare axolotls look at

Them go they’re gonna take this thing out in no time piece of cake it can’t even regen its health it stop it stop go go go they’re not the best axolotl in the world but they’re more axolotl overwhelm the thing charge it rush it take it out it’s taking all

Of the axle out of the way despicable despicable axolotl i spent so much time breeding all of you up and all of the railroads are gone all of the rare ones are literally gone already but that thing’s gone too but that thing wait i don’t get a sponge if they do that

How could you i don’t get a sponge from that all right well uh fine come back with me get back in the bucket we’ll have to talk about that one later that’s totally not cool plain and simple piece of cake you see how well i did right there one

Elder guardian done only two more to go this is gonna be like i said a piece of cake why are they all right here at the front of this thing where have you sweat all sponge room okay well that’s fine how did you even make it all the way

Over here though oh you swim through the fortress you swim to the fortress to try and help your friend no no you can’t do that you can’t do that i have a trident i have axolotl stop it no go away ahead oh i didn’t think about that i

Didn’t even consider that possibility if i took that other one out i would have one more elder guardian head i literally just wasted and now their guardian head go me all right well genius of the year award i i know i know please hold your applause there’s one more guardian left

Now i’m pretty sure this is gonna be like the easiest thing in the world from this part right here i think all we need to do is wrap the perimeter of this thing which is apparently having magma blocks inside of this thing and this room is open to the side they’ve

Made some changes since i’ve last been inside of this thing you’ve redecorated and it looks terrible guardians you shouldn’t have all right but anyways we wrapped the perimeter of this thing over to this front room that is right inside of there and that should be the final guardian right

Exactly here it is one final charge axolotls you’re all coming with me including the lead commander of this operation yellow yellow be careful the commander must stay alive do not alive yellow leave yellow alone we’ll take this out we’ll take it out before it can even see this thing the other guardians

Are dangerous for the axolotl but it doesn’t matter yellow you’ve done it all on your own you’ve led the brigade yellow yellow this was all you congratulations well that was a true easiest thing in the world axolotl casualties did not happen it went so well my friend you’re the

Last survivor come with me you and yellow that’s all that’s left from this whole raid you in yellow you’re all that’s left there is no triumph without pain to feel a good moment we have to feel a bad moment sometimes the guardian it’s your bad moment now this whole

Monument is now my property i own this thing all of you out you all need to go and one of you needs to drop your head too i want trophies no i’m not happy about the axolotl incidents you’re disgusting oh the bosses have caused this on you they’ve brought all of these

Pain onto you it was your idea to follow them they caused this moment they’re gone they’re not feeling any pain anymore it’s me you and yellow now how do you feel about yellow you’re not gonna like my friend yellow yellow erase this no how did that happen to happen

How did that even happen not my finest soldier no all i’m left is with is this trash now they couldn’t survive the even the first elder guardian not even the first other guardian not not even the first one no my life is meaningless my soul is devoid

All of my axolotls are gone for quite literally nothing we finish the exercise at the monument the shelling is the shelling has stopped the slow mining thing we’ve overcome it it’s not a problem at all not even a factor i don’t need to consider it and all of my

Axolotl friends are gone because of you guardians it’s your fault it’s all your fault this is a long time coming elder guardians i’m not feeling very happy about this at all i don’t like what you’ve done to my axolotls not good not good you’ve ruined my day how could you why would you

Where are you and i am so sorry i cannot sleep i cannot dream without you except not you except not you except yellow yellow is the one that i’m talking about deny you now you’re worthless to me i will set you in the bucket and let you despawn that’s your

Punishment how could all of you have gone away no just kidding just kidding i’m feeling complex emotions right now i don’t know what to really react to the situation the axolotls all my friends are gone i’m left inside of this giant temple alone it’s so lonely and cold inside of here

My profits the sponges who will i ever share all of this valuable precious loot with the loot is great and nice and all but if i don’t have my friend my dear yellow axolotl to share this with it’s all like basically pointless guardians this is all your fault this

Leaves me with one option farm your species for the rest of eternity and i’m fine with that so the final thing that i need to do before i can get myself out of this ocean monument to properly mourn my losses is a sponge room i need to make

Sure there are no more profits left inside of this gigantic monument i’ve only found one sponge room so far but the layout is like pretty confusing there’s got to be at least one more sponge room i have 29 sponges right now that’s it i’m really hoping and looking

For like at least a few more sponges than 29 if i could get to like one stack i feel like one stack isn’t asking too much one stack of sponges and then i can leave and just clear out of here i keep finding a lot of rooms that look

Suspicious so like that one suspicious suspicious uh yeah you see what i mean suspicious suspicious yeah every time all right well i feel like i’ve swam around this maze in circles again and again and again and unfortunately i haven’t been able to find any more sponge rooms 29 sponges

That is pathetic like like pathetic that’s the only way to put it we need to find another monument to take the thing on and at least get to one stack of sponges i think this thing is going to be amazing for setting up a farm revenge

On all the guardians you know blah blah blah but more sponges we need more sponges before i can end today’s episode and you’re inside of a boat now where are you where do you think you’re going no we’re not friends we’re not friends at all i saw what you did to my axolotl

I will not rescue you from this place you’re part of the problem all right so i’m kind of stranded in the middle of nowhere maybe bringing my map would have been a decent call afterwards before i can go anywhere i need to find a land to

Find references to where i need to be headed uh it looks like there’s gonna be land over there maybe that’s just a small island where am i is home maybe this way i feel like it’s maybe this way aha there it is there it is the forest the forest that exists

Basically continuously all over the world there’s land that’s good that’s a good point of reference i’m pretty sure back over that way would be the river that i came from which means the direction that i need to go is precisely this way if i sail this way

I should be able to find one of the ocean monuments that i located in the last episode head into that thing and clear it out really quick and no games no gimmicks this time just take it out it’s all me and elder guardians round two aha land yes land we’re getting

Really close so the monument should be right around in this area somewhere probably in like the deeper ocean so i’m assuming like this way but we’re close we’re definitely close now okay maybe not that direction maybe it’s the other way no it’s this way it’s definitely this way over 100

There it is in the middle of the night it shines like a beacon of light or like an ocean monument yeah i found the monument and even better not only did i find the monument but this time flawlessly i found the front door of the monument now seeing as

I have nearly pushed the species to extinction again the axolotls i don’t think i can afford to the axolotl can unfortunately not come out at all during this entire operation however the conduit as previously mentioned will definitely be coming out i blocked the front door off the last time i don’t

Think i usually do that and it made it really really easy like guardians didn’t keep just flooding inside of this thing it was so simple so uh watch this boom ciao oh spooky gotcha elder guardian looking old as always how you doing not too well boom

For our first boss fight you know this is well this is pretty easy elder guardian elder guardian come out come out wherever you are i’m gonna find you i found you right here in the top room sitting on the throne has to be expected not for long boom

Is it just me or is the top room a little bit different this time that’s like bigger spacious it’s nice no maybe not boom bang hmm again with the renovations you guys good gotcha also i mean you’re not going to be using this guardians right okay i’ll take this um

I’m no quitter but i’ve circled this thing like literally six or seven times i don’t think there’s a sponge room in this entire monument unless i need to like tear it down and find it but no i’m not doing that uh it was one more monument one more

Monument couldn’t hurt last episode i wasn’t marking the monuments because i didn’t want to deal with the whole elder guardian thing but i did find that these things are literally littered across the ocean out here check this thing out there’s one right there that’s where we

Just were and right over here there is another ocean monument i swear last episode i found like six seven maybe even eight ocean monuments throughout this ocean there’s a lot spooky every single time spooky okay this room this was the perfect spot for the conduit let’s go

Sponge room sponge room right off the bat sponge room right there i’ll be back for you sponge room right next to the conduit there we go that’s our stack of sponges that we needed maybe we could get even more now big room that again has these strange renovations what’s

Going on with these things bubble columns make it too easy you’re cheating elders stop it that’s fast that’s fast goodbye not friend two down one to go you guys still have time to change sides you know sponge room sponge room number two mark it with the door sponge room number two

Top of the monument top of the monument top of the monument top of the monument top of the monument stop of the monument goodbye guardians so this thing is clear and we’re level 30. perfect timing just like that not a coincidence at all so when i’m running

Through this monument i found at least the two sponge rooms inside of this thing that’s good that’s really really good this monument’s generation is chaotic look at this room it’s like merging with the other one it’s kind of crazy and it’s sitting like literally right on the ocean floor but that’s fine

Two sponge rooms is all i really care about all i need to do is wait for this fatigue to go away two more minutes on this thing and then the sponges are mine that’s all we have to do hey stop that stop that i was not looking not fair five four three two

One fatigue is gone sponges they’re mine gold blocks why not hey another sponge room i think this is a sponge room number three over a stack of sponges yeah that feels nice ah and finally the first sponge room that i found inside of this thing take

These sponges then it’s time to go home home sweet home conduit you’ve done me so well come with me you won’t sit inside of a chest and live for the rest of eternity inside of that thing i promise and i’ll be taking this guardian this thing is not mine too

And so with that job done multiple times over a guardian in the back and two stacks of sponges in the bag it’s time for today’s meme but today today’s me of the day is exactly my emotions right here right now so obviously i didn’t actually think the

Rare axolotl would be like stronger or anything it’s literally a color difference but i don’t know i mean you be the judger before yourself it certainly seemed like the rare axolotls seem to they seem to disappear the fastest we’ll put it that way i don’t know i don’t know

I guess that’s all i can say on this topic i see no brain in here all i see are spikes guardian for your role in the tormentations that have been taking place inside of this world and for your role in eliminating all of my axolotl you’re gonna have to go on trial you

Will have to go on trial but times are busy right now i mean you know how the legal system is it gets flooded it gets busy and when it’s flooded and busy you know certain things have to wait metaphorically put sometimes there are bigger fish to fry in the world and

Things have to wait like you oh what’s that you’re not very happy about waiting no you’re not very happy about waiting well you shouldn’t have launched the missiles at my base and you know what i don’t even respect you at all i don’t respect you in the

Least you don’t deserve a name you’re crabby you’re boring and you smell like a fish it’s been decided for all of those things you get no name default text no cool name it’s really not much and it will never suffice the hole that has been created

Inside of my heart due to the loss of axolotls in this episode it will always be there but it’s a start total profits today i know you’re wondering is 64 and 56 more sponges that’s a lot of sponges a total of eight elder guardian heads we lost that first one because of the

Axolotl and finally 16 gold blocks i kind of forgot to get the gold blocks from the first monument but they’re gold blocks after all so it’s not the end of the world that’s a lot of profits also i took out a lot of guardians so logically

That would mean a lot of guardian loot right wrong only 24 fish is 16 crystals and 39 shards that’s like literally nothing we’re gonna need a farm however that’s all we have time for today if you enjoyed leave a like for more subscribe or else i’m in it patreon gang big shout

Out hey johnson 64.94 noodle pork and monkey boy chuck thank you so much for the support minecraft 1.8 in survival episode number 30 first boss fight don dustin and out of the way goodbye everyone You

This video, titled ‘TRIPLE OCEAN MONUMENT RAID in Minecraft 1.18 Survival! (#30)’, was uploaded by wattles on 2022-03-25 17:54:39. It has garnered 141990 views and 8461 likes. The duration of the video is 00:21:34 or 1294 seconds.

it is ocean time 🐟 in this episode of minecraft survival we head to the ocean monument with the axolotl army to solve the guardian problem for once and for all! after that we head to a couple more monuments in search of sponge


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    24/7 SHIZO MINECRAFT MADNESS ON HEADSTEAL SMP LIVE!Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT LIVE SMP 247 ON HEADSTEAL SMP LIVE @YASHGAMERYTYOUTUBER@GamerFleet’, was uploaded by YASH PLAYZ on 2024-08-24 18:50:01. It has garnered 20 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:36:30 or 2190 seconds. Minecraft Minecraft is a sandbox-style video game that allows players to build, explore, and survive in a procedurally generated world made up of blocks. The game offers a unique blend of creativity, adventure, and survival mechanics. Key Features: – Blocky World: Explore and interact with a vast, blocky 3D world made up of cubes, which can be mined for resources…. Read More

  • EPIC Waterway Infrastructure Build in Minecraft!! 🌊

    EPIC Waterway Infrastructure Build in Minecraft!! 🌊Video Information This video, titled ‘Constructing Waterway Infrastructure in Minecraft — Upon Further Survival Ep. 8’, was uploaded by orrenlane on 2024-08-24 19:48:11. It has garnered 53 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 04:37:15 or 16635 seconds. Upon Further Survival is a live Minecraft SMP hosted by @LucidMakesVideos featuring a bunch of YouTubers and content creators, such as Zesty Jesus, Technicals, Lon’qador, and More!! As determined by the rules of the SMP — All participants are able to perform “hits” and pranks on other players via donation. You can request a hit or a prank by… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft temple build! MUST SEE!!!

    INSANE Minecraft temple build! MUST SEE!!!Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT 1.21 construção do templo dos inscritos pt2’, was uploaded by Tallezx on 2024-08-27 13:50:24. It has garnered 68 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 02:21:24 or 8484 seconds. live de minezinho 1.21 #minecraft #minecraftlive Read More

  • INSANE Modern House Build in Minecraft!

    INSANE Modern House Build in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft survival modern house build’, was uploaded by Blue Clue Gaming on 2024-04-22 09:44:44. It has garnered 0 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:59 or 59 seconds. Read More

  • “Insane Minecraft Sacrifice – Trapped Families Steve & Navar” #clickbait

    "Insane Minecraft Sacrifice - Trapped Families Steve & Navar" #clickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘Trapped Families: Steve and Navar’s Ultimate Sacrifice #minecraft #gaming’, was uploaded by Flying Gaming on 2024-09-17 04:38:33. It has garnered 203 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:13 or 313 seconds. Trapped Families: Steve and Navar’s Ultimate Sacrifice 💔⛏️#minecraft #shorts Steve’s Epic Battle: The Giant Zombie Showdown 💥#minecraft #shorts Steav Vs Herobrine 🥹 Part – 4 #minecraft One Trader Kid VS Two Villager Kid😂 Minecraft Funny animations shorts #minecraft #shorts Heart of a Bear: Child Loses Parents in Car Accident, Rescued from Wolves #minecraft #shorts Eating from Trash, Losing Her Emerald: The… Read More

  • TerritoryMC PVP Towny Modern Weapons Custom Enchants Launches This Weekend!

    Welcome to TerritoryMC! This is a Towny SMP with Custom Enchants x Modern Weapons, where players can participate in massive multiplayer battles during the weekends. We recently reset the server due to low participation, and we are looking to gather more players for the second season. If you are interested in joining the community, please join our Discord server: Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Not delusion, just genuine love for Minecraft”

    Minecraft Memes - "Not delusion, just genuine love for Minecraft"Wow, a score of 53 in the highly coveted Meme Olympics! Watch out, we’ve got a meme connoisseur over here! Read More

  • Minecraft Mysteries Unveiled: Entity 303 Strikes Fear

    Minecraft Mysteries Unveiled: Entity 303 Strikes Fear In the world of Minecraft, mysteries unfold, From Entity 303 to Steve, stories untold. Solving disturbing puzzles, a real horror show, With each twist and turn, the truth starts to glow. Exploring the depths of this pixelated land, Uncovering secrets, with a steady hand. From phone to bedrock, the clues are all there, Unraveling the unknown, with a sense of flair. So buckle up, viewers, for a wild ride, As we dive into the unknown, side by side. Minecraft’s mysteries, we will decode, In rhymes and emojis, our story mode. Read More

  • Bro’s Minecraft Meltdown 🔥😂 #minecraft #gaming

    Bro's Minecraft Meltdown 🔥😂 #minecraft #gaming When Bro said he was going to build a mansion in Minecraft, we didn’t realize he meant he was going to spend 10 hours meticulously placing each block perfectly aligned. #ExtraBro #MinecraftProcrastination Read More

  • Surviving 100 Days in Minecraft Hexxit: Extreme Difficulty Upgrade!

    Surviving 100 Days in Minecraft Hexxit: Extreme Difficulty Upgrade! Minecraft Hexxit: Surviving 100 Days in Hardcore Mode! Introduction In the world of Minecraft, challenges abound, but surviving 100 days in Hardcore Mode takes it to a whole new level. Join Khang, a new YouTuber, on his epic journey through the Hexxit modpack as he faces extreme difficulties and pushes his survival skills to the limit. The First Day From the moment Khang spawns into the world, every decision matters. Gathering resources, building shelter, and fending off hostile mobs are just the beginning. The first day sets the tone for the grueling adventure ahead. Traversing the Twilight Forest As… Read More

  • Zombie Rain in Minecraft!

    Zombie Rain in Minecraft! Minecraft: Surviving the Zombie Rain Challenge Imagine playing Minecraft, the beloved sandbox game, but with a twist – it’s raining zombies! In this hilarious challenge, players must navigate through a world where mobs fall from the sky. Will they survive? Let’s dive into the chaos and excitement of this unique gaming experience. Surviving the Zombie Downpour As players venture through the Minecraft world, they must be on high alert as zombies and other mobs rain down upon them. This unexpected challenge adds a new level of difficulty to the game, requiring quick reflexes and strategic thinking to stay alive…. Read More

  • 🔥 Unlock Secret Fire Magic in Blockube || Viral Minecraft Pe Shorts 🔥

    🔥 Unlock Secret Fire Magic in Blockube || Viral Minecraft Pe Shorts 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘fire 🔥 || #shorts #minecraft #fire #magic #secret #viral #minecraftshorts #minecraftpe #subscribe’, was uploaded by Blockube on 2024-04-25 07:30:16. It has garnered 1940 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:08 or 8 seconds. Read More

  • Minecraft Horror Modpacks Getting Out of Control!

    Minecraft Horror Modpacks Getting Out of Control!Video Information This video, titled ‘They need to stop updating these Minecraft Horror Modpacks…’, was uploaded by Mandan on 2024-08-30 02:30:06. It has garnered 66 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:17:59 or 1079 seconds. Hey Guys! I hope you guys enjoy this one! This video was pretty fun to make, SPOOKY! SCARY! ‘ MODS The One Who Watches The Man Who Black The Beasts In The Dark The Beasts In The Dark The Anomaly Repurposed Structures (Neoforge/Forge) Not Enough Animations MVS – Moog’s Voyager Structures Essential Mod Corpse Arthropod Phobia Expansions + Horror Bosses (Spider… Read More

  • 🔥 Insane 2b2t Base Hunt with R1ckson! 🔥

    🔥 Insane 2b2t Base Hunt with R1ckson! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘2b2t: Friday base hunting! (Vertical Minecraft Stream)’, was uploaded by R1ckson on 2024-08-30 19:27:48. It has garnered 7017 views and 123 likes. The duration of the video is 02:15:22 or 8122 seconds. JOIN DISCORD: Basehunting for as long as I can manage…. Minecraft 2b2t Read More

  • “Ultimate God Skin Showdown: Herobrine vs All 🔥💀” #minecraft #mcpe #viral

    "Ultimate God Skin Showdown: Herobrine vs All 🔥💀" #minecraft #mcpe #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘Herobrine vs All who is strongest! With God Skin?💀 #minecraft #mcpe #shorts #viral’, was uploaded by Swishy Playz on 2024-06-03 14:07:20. It has garnered 10498 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. Herobrine vs All who is strongest! With God Skin?💀 #minecraft #mcpe #shorts #viral Read More

  • EPIC: Fabio TRIGGERS massive earthquake!

    EPIC: Fabio TRIGGERS massive earthquake!Video Information This video, titled ‘Fabio veroorzaakt een aardbeving’, was uploaded by Moik’s SMP Shorts on 2024-04-04 09:00:03. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. goddammit Fabio [Moik’s SMP] An SMP where Moik and his friends play modded Minecraft. The SMP consists largely… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft PvP Showdown EP4 – Can we beat them all?!

    Ultimate Minecraft PvP Showdown EP4 - Can we beat them all?!Video Information This video, titled ‘We tried to beat EVERYONE in Minecraft PvP || EOD SMP Ep. 4’, was uploaded by HeyhayVODS on 2024-08-16 15:00:16. It has garnered 634 views and 59 likes. The duration of the video is 01:09:15 or 4155 seconds. Check out the community discord for Siege! Get some merch! Find me, heyhay13 at: VODS channel @heyhayvods Twitch – Tiktok – Twitter – #minecraft #eodsmp #heyhay13 Read More

  • Shocking! Fire-Free Girl in Love 💔💔 #Nightcore #Minecraft

    Shocking! Fire-Free Girl in Love 💔💔 #Nightcore #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Fire free girl de Love 😘😍 #minecraft #drift #automobile #music #remix #nightcore #nightcoresongs’, was uploaded by Jonas Fischer on 2024-10-01 11:39:57. It has garnered 15 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:32 or 32 seconds. Read More

  • EPIC Hanuman Ji pixelart in Minecraft 🚩 #short #algrow

    EPIC Hanuman Ji pixelart in Minecraft 🚩 #short #algrowVideo Information This video, titled ‘Hanuman Ji pixelart in Minecraft 🚩 #short #hanumanji #pixelart #minecraft #algrow’, was uploaded by AX OP GAMING on 2024-05-29 11:43:10. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Lord Hanuman Ji Pixart in Minecraft || How To Make Pixelart in Minecraft I make hanuman ji pixelart in minecraft give title … Read More

  • “Ultimate Herobrine Chase – INSANE Speed! Minecraft Animation” #viral #shorts #clickbait

    "Ultimate Herobrine Chase - INSANE Speed! Minecraft Animation" #viral #shorts #clickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘Herobrine Chase Ultimate Spider in normal speed |Minecraft animation|#meme #virel #shorts #herobrine’, was uploaded by Barnava Gaming on 2024-08-16 06:30:11. It has garnered 2105 views and 90 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:09 or 9 seconds. Herobrine Chase Ultimate Spider in normal speed |Minecraft animation|#meme #virel #shorts #herobrine #shortsvideo #evil #minecraftanimation #minecrafthindi #monsterschool #monsterschool #minecraftshorts 🤗 Follow Me On Instagram: ❤️️Vlogging Channel :@barnavavlogs 🤗Support ► ❤️️Join Our Discord Server!: 🤗For Business related queries:▶ [email protected]: ❤️️Facebook: I hope you enjoyed the video if you did Please Do Subscribe For New Videos,… Read More

  • 🌳 TREE SMP 🌳 Vanilla SMP 1.21.1 Semi-Anarchy New

    Join TREE SMP for End Fight on October 5th! Come join us for the end fight on Saturday, October 5th and be a part of our Minecraft adventure. We are looking for active players to join our small Minecraft community. Details: Map size: Border at 6 Million (3 mil each way) Render Distance: 10 Chunks Gamemode: Hard Griefing/PvP: Enabled TnT/Carpet duping: Enabled Netheroof: Enabled Bedrock break: Enabled IP: | Discord: Read More

TRIPLE OCEAN MONUMENT RAID in Minecraft 1.18 Survival! (#30)