Try the 12 FOOLEST Secret Door Builds in Minecraft – Redstone #1

Video Information

Ia mencoba 12 Redstone Builder gokil di Minecraft episode Pintu Rahasia [Musik] lagu2 membela Waduh bangun tidur guys Wah enaknya pagi-pagi gini ngapain ya waduh ini mataharinya mantap sekali wow Ini apa ini Welcome to judi Jones Redstone Oh sekarang episode red stone toh Hah Hei create door Oke let’s go kita bikin

Secret Door coy oke item yang kita butuhin ini semua jadi kita pindahin satu persatu Oke setelah itu langsung aja kita buat dan taruh sini style-style lagi dan kita taruh di sini kita akan membentuk wajah pria Geisha logo Minecraft wow oke setelah jadi kayak gini kita bikin seperti ini guys

Nah ini jangan lupa dihancurin tak tak tak tak tak tak oke lava lava lava dan kegunaan ini biar Lavanya nyebar ya kalau nggak ada kayak ginian dia tuh bakal nyebar kayak gini guys dan lihat itu kan dia bakal Jabar kayak gitu guys Oke selanjutnya ini kita taruh Redstone

Abis ditaruh activator rail habis domain karet di sini biar dia bergoyang-goyang dan ya ini kita taruh Stone disini dan langsung kita tutup semuanya Guys oke Guys jadi ini udah ditutup dan bentuknya bakal jadi kayak gini dan di sana masih banyak banget Secret Door yang harus kita coba Jadi langsung aja

Kita harus buru-buru Survival dan ia Oke kita kalian bisa lihat yang bergoyang-goyang tadi dan kita berhasil masuk ya guys ya dan kita tidak terkena damage apapun dari lava guys Hai [Musik] Oke kita lanjut yang kedua guys Oh ini guys Oke aku masih ingat cara membuatnya dan let’s go Langsung aja kita buat

Pertama kita buat lobang dua kali tiga ya guys Ia terus Kita gali sebanyak tiga blok dan kasih leader ke atas Setelah itu kita taruh Sticky piston disini karo Sticky piston disini Taro observer disini dan dia kita satu lagi taruh grassblock disini Setelah itu kita masuk ke sini kita bikin lobang tiga kali tiga

Ayesha dan lupa ganti grassblock biar lebih Wow nice Sudah terganti grassblock jadi lebih indah Taro reston disini dan terbuka guys Yah siap huh mantap guys dan kalau kalian pen keluarnya pengen nutup kembali tinggal Taro respon aja guys a simple [Musik] Oke kita lanjut yang ketiga ini apa Oh

Oke Ini adalah tipe arrow ya guys ya oke langkah pertama kita buat dulu empat kayak gini ya Geisha Nah setelah sudah jadi empat kayak gini kalian taro preserved di atas ini dan taruh 4 stonefish di atas ini guys Nah kayak gini taruh Redstone jangan lupa ya di sini dan jangan lupa juga

Yang terakhir adalah Sticky piston paling berguna gaisah lagi tolol nah habis itu sudah deh guys kalau kalian tembak bagian sini nah Tinggal bikin ruangannya guys Nah nanti tampilan rumah kalian bakal jadi seperti ini guys ya tampilan basecamp kalian dan langsung saja kita coba guys hai oke Dan kalau keluarnya gampang banget

Oke berhasil guys nice hihihi hihihi OK kita lanjut ke yang keempat guys wah yang ini mah aku masih ingat ya guys Ya gampang banget guys gampang banget ama kita buat dulu lubang2 kalimaya gesya Pluit Utara Stone tengah-tengahnya kita ganti stirs guys karo bad dan jangan lupa ditutup guys

Setelah itu kita gali yang tengah-tengah sini guys pas pasien di sini kalian Taro main karet dan setelah itu kita bikin markas bawah tanahnya oke cuy nanti tampilannya bakal jadi seperti ini guys dan caranya gampang banget kalian disini kalian bisa melihat main cardnya kalian pencet dan Ya sudah kalian sudah

Berhasil masuk ke selama RKA sekalian guys Waduh ini kalian bisa menaruh apapun sebagai Rahasia ya kalau kalian punya temen sih ya [Musik] Oke kita lanjutkan nomor kelima Oh oke aku masih ingat yang ini Geisha ini menggunakan bak kapal guys Oke pertama kita buat lubang tiga kali tiga ya guys

Ya buat dikasih air guys Nah setelah sudah dikasih air kalian ancurin tengah-tengah taruh notebloc karo observer juga Guys ngarahin ke sini dan taroh dispenser guys di dalam dispensernya isi banyak kapal ya guys ya Nah setelah sudah terisi banyak kapal kalian buat Stone guys buat menghalangi ini maksudnya guys setelah setelah jadi

Penghalang ini sudah bisa Ayesha jadi caranya cuman gampang kalian tinggal pukul notebloc nanti muncul dan ia kalian mengendarai kapal kalian dan tembus guys Gampang sekali banyaknya dan ini kita tutup aja guys Evi momen slide yang tampilannya bakal kotak kayak gini kotak lima kali lima oke yang terakhir kita kasih bon Mi Biar

Enggak terlalu kelihatan guys Habis itu langsung aja kita Samen perahunya dan langsung kita masuk ke is Iya ih berhasil guys nah oke mantap guys [Musik] Hai twibi twiboy kupu-kupu Let’s go lanjut ke nomor 6 coy oke ini kita menggunakan Redstone lagi maaf Oke caranya yang pertama kita bikin dulu dua

Kali dua kayak gini guys Nah setelah sudah jadi dua kali dua kayak gini kita taruh baten di sini taruh item frame dan juga taruh dragonheart pimples nah oke setelah sudah berhasil Tarra Dragon head kita bikin landasan Redstone ya guys Nah kalau udah kayak gini ini tuh udah

Berhasil 100% ya guys ya saya tinggal pencet aja ya harus ada cepet sih setelah responnya berhasil sekarang kita tutup guys dan ini nanti hasil rumahnya guys Aduh ini kurang ke tengah ya orang perfeksionis ini ketar-ketir Geisya oke aja kita pencet guys nice Nah kalau pengen keluar Jangan lupa kasih Banten di sini guys

Nah oke masuk-keluar sub keluar izipizi lemon squishy hai oke nomor 7 guys Waduh Redstone again Boys Waduh ini saatnya pengorbanan Abadi Ayesha Oke caranya kita buat lubang lima kali dua lagi Guys jangan lupa bikin blog setinggi 3 Blok Ayesha Nah setelah sudah kalian ancurin satu di sini oke nah ancurin 2 Blok dan

1 Blok disitu karo reston komparator taruh over dan taruh lava guys sekarang bagian belakangnya guys ini ancurin 2 Blok hancurin 2 Blok Asri 2 Blok nah yang disini yang di red stone komparator ya karo Redstone terus observer karo Stone jangan lupa dibawahnya dan kita ancurin RT dulu habis itu taruh sedikit

Piston Nah kalau kalian sudah berhasil nih contohnya kalian pengen buang cover satu guys Nah kalau sudah bisa terbuka kayak gitu berarti red Vania Jalan Gaisha habis itu Sekarang saatnya kita tutup guys secara tutupnya gampang banget ya tinggal taro aja Stone yang banyak di sini oke setelah responnya

Jalan kita ancurin 3 Blok karo leader Dita buat markasnya guys Oke dan tampilannya bakal seperti ini guys langsung saja kita coba kita coba lempar Stone satu dan terbuka langsung kita turun guys dan kalau mau keluar kalian tinggal taro lagi itemnya dan kalian bakal nutupnya kayak gini guys dan Tarra tertutup kembali guys

Membopong perfilman Indonesia oke yang selanjutnya adalah Singgasana Raja guys wa ini gampang ya SMP set pertama Kita gali dulu 3 Blok ya guys ya oke setelah sudah kita taruh kita taruh Rel di sini taruh main Karti sini Taro spruce Trap door Aisyah nah dibangkitkan semua trapdoor ya kalau

Sudah taruh banner kayak gini Taro karpet guys Nah kalau sudah kayak gini kalian tinggal menghancurkan pinggiran pinggirannya saja guys Nah sekarang kita bikin beskem ya guys Oke nanti tampilannya bakal kayak gini dan teman-teman kalian bakal tertipu kalian dikira buat duduk kayak gini padahal sebenarnya bukan Geisha kalau

Kita kayak gini terus kita jongkok ke bawah parah markas besar kita telah tiba Ho [Musik] hai [Musik] [email protected] kupu-kupu kupu-kupu kupu-kupu oke Guys yang ini yang paling gampang ya diantara semua pintu rahasia guys Oke pertama kita buat dulu Stone setinggi tiga kali 5 Blok Keisya limanya lebarnya guys Nah setelah sudah kalian taruh

Grassblock disini spirostreptus door habis itu kita hancurin blog yang ini Nah kita tutup semua yang ini diancurin aja kasih Mouse karpet guys ini harus dua ya karena kalau satu itu nanti yang atasnya hancur dan kita taruh Poppy Oke sip mantap guys kalau kayak gini kalian sudah bisa langsung masuk ke

Pintu rahasia guys tinggal diisi aja dalamnya guys Oke nanti bentuknya bakal seperti ini guys kalau kalian lihat ya sangat-sangat mudah kalian tinggal pergi ke sini dan tutup Ken sudah kalian masuk ke ruangan rahasia kalian kalau mau keluar Gampang tinggal kayak gini doang gampang sekali i [Musik] woke guys yang ini adalah Redstone

Tersusah ya Geisha kita ambil dulu bahan-bahannya nice Oke pertama kita buat dulu derivatnya ya sebanyak enam Oke setelah sudah ada enam kita tumbuhin settingnya guys Nah setelah sudah tumbuh kita harus terbang yang ini guys kalau pendek ya telah ditebang kalian ancurin deret yang ini dan hancur internet yang

Ini tiga oke Nah setelah kayak gini kalian sudah berhasil guys Taro dress Vlog Bridgestone lever red stone red stone repeater dan Sticky piston lagi guys Nah kayak gini ngarepnya ya Hai Nah setelah udah jadi kayak gini kalian tinggal ngisi kasur kalian chest dan segala macam guys nanti tampilannya akan

Seperti ini guys tidak terlihat sama sekali kalau ini Ruangan Rahasia guys kalian pencet leverage yang ini nah ini kebuka dan ya kalian tinggal turun VIP nice mantap guys kalau pengen naiknya gampang guys kalian tinggal pencet terus sambil lompat guys udah harus pasti timing nya Ya tapi kan worth it guys

Worth it kalau kalian punya temen hahaha oke cuy yang ini mah gampang banget ya Ya kali kalian gak tahu ya tentang hal ini gimana Tinggal bikin Stone Age guys bolongin dua Taro Shine Clara Shine lagi habis itu Tinggal Taro painting guys nah sudah sudah sudah langsung berhasil guys

Oke kalau udah tinggal isi aja dalamnya Guys oke Guys paling enak sih kalau pentingnya yang ukurannya tuh satu kali dua ya yang lonjong itu guys dan ya kalau ini udah gampang ini doang guys tidak ada special Spesialnya guys Sudah terlalu isi guys Aduh kelakuan [Musik] hai [Musik]

Oke Guys akhirnya kita sampai ke yang terakhir ya gesya yang terakhir ini sedikit gampang guys pertama kita buat dulu lima kali 5 guys 123 sedak kedalamannya 3 guys kalian boleh bikin kedalaman yang 4 blok ataupun tiga blok Terserah kalian guys Roxy meninggi 4 blok ya kalau udah kalian bikin kayak

Ginian lobang sedalam 3 Blok habis itu dari atas sini Kita gali 3 Blok juga guys Nah kalau sudah tergali kalian bikin markasnya di sini guys Taro spruce trapdoor guys dan karena Spurs trapdoor lagi di sini guys Oke habis itu kita tutup sip Jadi kita sekarang sudah bisa lewat guys

Oke setelah Medannya jadi kita isi air guys Oke sudah terisi air Boys dan kita hias ya Biar tidak terlalu terlihat guys hai oke setelah sudah dihias Mari kita coba Wow sampai ke atas atas tidak masalah ya lets go kita diving guys briefing ke bawah laut Yah langsung masuk guys

Semantap kalau pengen keluar Ya gampang jangan lupa ditutup guys Oke gampang sekali Izi pizi lemon squishy Oke Guys jadi inilah Dia 12 Redstone wilt yang udah aku buat Geisha walaupun gak semuanya red stone tapi Ya lumayanlah ya ada sekitar delapan yang menggunakan Redstone Ya tidak masalah

Jadi udah itu aja dan Thank you bye bye [Musik]

This video, titled ‘Mencoba 12 Build Pintu Rahasia TERGOKIL di Minecraft – Redstone #1’, was uploaded by Jundy Juns on 2022-06-18 02:00:10. It has garnered 942182 views and 21602 likes. The duration of the video is 00:15:24 or 924 seconds.

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    UNBELIEVABLE! NEXUS NOVA: MINECRAFT'S 1.19 BEST SEEDVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT BEST SEED 1.19 #minecraft #gaming #trending #short’, was uploaded by NEXUS NOVA on 2024-05-10 07:16:58. It has garnered 484 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. MINECRAFT BEST SEED 1.19 #minecraft #gaming #trending #short #minecraft #minecraftmod #minecraftmyanmar #minecraftanimation #minecraftchallenge #minecraftbut #minecraftbuilding #minecraftroleplay #minecrafthorror #minecraftsmp #minecraft #animation victor #minecraft #pvp #shorts •артемчик – мкпе• #minecraft #shorst x_ cyber samurai _x #minecraft #minecraftshorts #gaming #minecraftsurvival #kids gamer pro 2015 #minecraft #minecraftshorts #jump #gaming #running #drama pixelmon #minecraft #shorts #minecraft #evulation bencosme #minecraft animation #minecraft #fantasy #story minecraft the quest… Read More

  • INSANE Twist in Minecraft SMP #77 – Iron Everywhere! 🤯

    INSANE Twist in Minecraft SMP #77 - Iron Everywhere! 🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘This World Is Full Of Iron 🤯🤪!! Minecraft SMP #77’, was uploaded by Blitz Byte Play on 2024-05-29 15:00:50. It has garnered 249 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:38 or 278 seconds. This World Is Full Of Iron 🤯🤪!! Minecraft SMP #77 share, support, Subscribe!!! follow me on Instagram : business Email: [email protected] About:this channel is made for gaming videos comment me the game which you like to watch. Thank you so much for watching❤! #shorts #minecraft #gameplay #bgmi #gta5 #freefire #residentevil Read More

  • Secrets Unveiled in Minecraft with Ray and Friends

    Secrets Unveiled in Minecraft with Ray and FriendsVideo Information This video, titled ‘The Start of a Whole New World | Minecraft with Ray, Chibidoki, and Nagzz21’, was uploaded by BraggAboutIt on 2024-04-28 17:00:03. It has garnered 14216 views and 468 likes. The duration of the video is 06:58:08 or 25088 seconds. Recorded on April 10th, 2024 at Crew: Ray: Ray: Chibidoki: Nagzz21: Follow Matt Bragg on Twitter! Join the Mage Discord! Follow the Mage Community on Twitter! YT Team Sky: ArleyDino #minecraft #multiplayer #twitchvod #minecraftsurvival #minecraftbuilding Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Launda LIVE | Join Public SMP 🔴

    Insane Minecraft Launda LIVE | Join Public SMP 🔴Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴 Minecraft Live | Join My | Public LifeStael Smp | Java+Pe 24/7 Online’, was uploaded by Insane launda on 2024-07-07 23:24:33. It has garnered 224 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 00:35:07 or 2107 seconds. Hello Everyone Welcome to my stream … Enjoy!!! If u are new here and wanna support me do Like share and susbscribe and don’t forget to click on the bell icon.. for more ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________ For Business and Brand Deals Mail✉️- [email protected] ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ✅️ Old Device 🥵viovo Y20g 4|64 ✅️ Current Device 🥰 IPad… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Nether Portal Design! 🌸 #shorts

    EPIC Minecraft Nether Portal Design! 🌸 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: Cherry Blossom Nether Portal Design! #shorts’, was uploaded by GGnxtz on 2024-03-08 07:18:13. It has garnered 6216 views and 193 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:34 or 34 seconds. How to build a Cherry blossom Nether portal in Minecraft! #howtomake #minecraft #minecraftbuilds #minecrafttutorial #minecraftshorts Read More

  • ANUJ GAMING 43: Insane Witch Battle – Who Will Win? 🔮🪄 #Minecraft

    ANUJ GAMING 43: Insane Witch Battle - Who Will Win? 🔮🪄 #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Noob Vs Pro Vs Hacker Witch 🧹🪄 #shorts #viralshorts #minecraft #shortsfeed’, was uploaded by ANUJ GAMING 43 on 2024-02-22 11:52:43. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. subscribe to my channel for new video of Minecraft noob vs pro vs hacker noob vs pro vs hacker vs god minecraft noob vs pro … Read More

  • SSMP Semi-Vanilla 1.21.1 no grief no whitelist

    SSMP: Survival Multiplayer with no Limits SSMP takes survival multiplayer back to the fundamentals. Enjoy creating large scale builds and redstone without limits. Features: 2 /sethomes + bed Easy /spawn access Developed server infrastructure Rare head drops Player-based economy Permitted: gravity, TNT, rail, and string dupe Join IP: Active Discord Server: Type /discord in-game to join. Supports bedrock connections. Use port 63809. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Ultimate Minecraft 2022: Hilarious Livestream Moment!

    Minecraft Memes - Ultimate Minecraft 2022: Hilarious Livestream Moment!“Looks like this meme really mined its way into people’s hearts with that high score!” 😆 Read More

  • Minecraft Mayhem: The Short That’ll Have You Crying… With Laughter!

    Minecraft Mayhem: The Short That'll Have You Crying... With Laughter! Welcome, gamers, to a tale so divine, A short that will make you laugh, it’s time to shine. Grab your snacks, settle in, hit play, For this Minecraft adventure will brighten your day. With humor and wit, this short will amaze, Bringing joy and laughter in so many ways. From FNAF to Sea of Thieves, the fun never ends, So grab your friends, it’s time to hit send. Watch the chaos unfold, in this epic delight, With characters so bold, it’s a pure gaming sight. So don’t miss out on this hilarious creation, For it’s a must-see for your… Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: When Steve Meets Brawl Stars! 🔥

    Minecraft Meme: When Steve Meets Brawl Stars! 🔥 “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? She kept blowing up at him!” 😂 #minecraftmemes #lol Read More

  • Becoming SenpaiSpider in Minecraft

    Becoming SenpaiSpider in Minecraft The World of Minecraft: Becoming SenpaiSpider Exploring the Minecraft Universe SenpaiSpider, a popular content creator, has captured the hearts of many with their entertaining videos. In this Minecraft adventure, the player takes on the persona of SenpaiSpider, recreating some of their iconic moments within the game. Embracing Creativity in Minecraft Minecraft offers endless possibilities for creativity and imagination. From building intricate structures to embarking on thrilling adventures, players can truly make the game their own. By embodying SenpaiSpider in Minecraft, the player dives into a world where the only limit is their creativity. Unleashing Fun and Entertainment With no… Read More

  • Sneaky Sister Returns Home – Minecraft Ep. 1

    Sneaky Sister Returns Home - Minecraft Ep. 1 The Tale of Minecraft Zła Siostra – Episode 1 The Story Unfolds In the western part of the Azylu realm, resided the Royal Family, including the twin daughters of King Harold IV and Queen Elisabeth. When the king fell ill with a mysterious disease that could only be cured through special magic, Victoria, one of the king’s daughters, sought to save him. However, her desperate attempts led to a curse that ultimately destroyed the entire kingdom. Veronica, the other daughter, managed to escape with survivors. Now, 11 years after the catastrophe caused by the cursed Victoria, Veronica returns to… Read More

  • Mikey and JJ EXPLORE Creepy Titans at 3am in Minecraft

    Mikey and JJ EXPLORE Creepy Titans at 3am in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘How Mikey and JJ GET INSIDE Creepy KISSY MISSY and HUGGY WUGGY Titans at 3am ? – in Minecraft Maizen’, was uploaded by Raizen on 2024-09-16 20:05:54. It has garnered 2307 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:30:52 or 1852 seconds. How Mikey and JJ GET INSIDE Creepy KISSY MISSY and HUGGY WUGGY Titans at 3am ? – in Minecraft Maizen This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with Mikey and JJ. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We’re not trying to impersonate his personality,… Read More

  • VR Minecraft Madness

    VR Minecraft MadnessVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft in VR is TERRIFYING’, was uploaded by Plooshi on 2024-09-14 20:04:27. It has garnered 490 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:26:48 or 1608 seconds. Continuing with the Minecraft vr series I went mining and finally created a nether portal to continue our journey This is also the 2nd episode so check out the first one as well follow me on twitter: mod used: Vivecraft Some of the background music was also from doki doki literature club, Undertale and Animal crossing go check that out Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE Minecraft Loot Day Survival!

    UNBELIEVABLE Minecraft Loot Day Survival!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Loot Day Survival Series#8’, was uploaded by MineGaming92 on 2024-08-22 01:19:33. It has garnered 62 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:38:21 or 2301 seconds. Minecraft Loot Day Survival Series#8 minecraft,Minecraft in hindi,Minecraft gameplay,Minecraft house,Minecraft videos,myth pat,beast boy shub, chapati hindustani gamer, live insaan, dream,mr beast,ujjwal, techno gamer YesSmartyPie,Yes smarty pie,SmartyPie,Smarty pie,YesSmartyPie Skyblock,YesSmartyPie Minecraft,Minecraft YesSmartyPie,yessmartypie himlands,himlands,yessmartypie himlands new video,smartypie himland,himland world,minecraft world himland,HIMLANDS ENTITIES BIGGEST SECRET REVEALED]minecraft,minecraft shorts,minecraftbut,minecraft challenge,minecraft mod,minecraft but challenge,minecraft but i cant touch grass,minecraft speedrun,minecraft funny,camman18 minecraft,minecraft facts,minecraft tiktok,minecraft but you cant touch the color,minecraft memes,minecraft meme… Read More

  • 🔥CRAZY Minecraft Hardcore with DeputyUSMarshall!

    🔥CRAZY Minecraft Hardcore with DeputyUSMarshall!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft hardcore (Stream 1)’, was uploaded by DeputyUSMarshall on 2024-03-22 02:15:47. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Group:!/about Join me … Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft SMP Gameplay ft. Malik & Friends!

    EPIC Minecraft SMP Gameplay ft. Malik & Friends!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft live w malik and friends smp’, was uploaded by Just will cool playz on 2024-03-06 04:15:05. It has garnered 17 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:26:00 or 1560 seconds. Hi! I’m will cool playz For those who are new to my channel welcome! I make gaming videos, mostly Minecraft, and will do play through of other games such as FNAF hello neighbor. I post daily, and will occasionally post other content like reactions, but for the most part i focus on Minecraft and other games. Hope you enjoy. Read More

  • Bubble mayhem: Baby and Daddy flee Minecraft prison!

    Bubble mayhem: Baby and Daddy flee Minecraft prison!Video Information This video, titled ‘Baby and Daddy Escape MINECRAFT PRISON!’, was uploaded by More Bubbles on 2024-04-10 23:00:05. It has garnered 9584 views and 85 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:40 or 1240 seconds. Will Baby and Daddy Escape MINECRAFT PRISON? Watch Till The End To Find Out! Make Sure To Like And Subscribe!❤️ The Game “Who’s Your Daddy” is Rated for Teens This Game may contain content not appropriate for all ages, or may not be appropriate for viewing at work: General Mature Content (This video is not made for kids) #bubbles #gummy #bubblesandgummy #whosyourdaddy Read More

Try the 12 FOOLEST Secret Door Builds in Minecraft – Redstone #1