TSMC – Minecraft – Minecraft Tutorial: How To Make A Building / Construction Site “2021 City Build”

Video Information

Hey what’s up youtube in this video i’ll be showing you how to make your very own building site slash construction site for all of your city building needs in this tutorial i’ll show you how to make the site itself including a security office a crane that you can actually get

Up inside of although it is a long climb an actual building going under construction with all of the details that you can see built into it and i’ll also show you all sorts of other little peripheral details that you can add to make this build feel a little bit more

Real however in this tutorial i won’t be showing you how to make any of these four vehicles as i think it would be better if they had their own separate tutorials which brings me on to this next part if you enjoyed this tutorial please do remember to hit that like

Button as it really helps me the channel out so so so much it really does and if you are new to the channel please do consider subscribing clicking that little bell next to the subscription button that’ll ensure that you get all my videos sent directly to your sub box

Make sure all of the notifications are turned on and if you do want to really help watch as much of this video as you absolutely can that is hugely massive it would really help me out also if you subscribe you’ll be able to see each one of these vehicles get

Released onto the channel over the next week or so there may even be more than just these four we have a dump truck a cement mixing lorry we have a bulldozer and we also have a steamroller and then i kind of ran out of room on the building site for more vehicles but

I think that i’m going to design a couple more as well including an excavator and i might also do a crane truck but we’ll have to see also when i do make tutorials for all of these vehicles and possibly some others that aren’t here they will be in the card

System the description below and i will more than likely link them at the top of the comment section too so you’ll be able to find them really easily but i’ve been talking long enough let’s get this thing rolling puns the amount of space required to

Make your build is a 41 by 44 block area now if you want to save yourself a little bit of hassle but you can do this after you have built everything i’d recommend before but you can do this after i would recommend placing a 41 by 44

Block smooth stone grid in your world you can see the outline of the grid is smooth stone now at the front of the grid we have four rows of smooth stone in total starting from the bottom moving backwards now the rest of it you can simply make

Sand and that will help you a little bit later on instead of having to dig in amongst and around at the various things that we are going to be putting in our building site however not mandatory if you like just mark out a 41 by 44 block area in your world just make

Sure that you’ve got enough room here are all of the materials that we will be using throughout the build please do make sure that you have access to all those materials and enough of them as well and now that we have all that stuff we can get started

So for those of you that have built the grid come all the way to the front left hand corner of it count backwards one two and then we want to begin by placing a row of one two three four five six seven blue concrete extending backwards next to that seventh blue concrete we

Want to place a door on the ground left of the door free blue concrete one two three and then move forwards one two three four five six and join back to where we first started to make a rectangle so for this rectangle we are going to

Have a window on the front this is going to be on the free middle block so you can make this out of glass pane and to the right here we are going to have a gap so if you like you can just mark that out with a single glass or two glasses

The rest of this we want to place one two three blue concrete on top of everything else so we just want to in amongst the glass on top the glass above the door absolutely everywhere we want to have ourselves uh we just want to have ourselves a blue concrete and this

Is just a little security station not uncommon on building sites at all um just to make sure that nobody uh nobody gets in here and by the way i’m going to extend this window up an additional row i was thinking i’ll just have one row of

A window but then i think that might look a little bit odd so we’ll have two rows the top of this is also going to be filled in with blue concrete too and there we go we have our little security station we’ll be filling that in a little bit later on

So directly next to the security station here to the right where we have this window i want to place a light gray concrete on the ground right of it red never brick wall on top die right red dye right that’s just a little barrier so the point of the little barrier is

That it basically allows us to control what comes in and out of the construction site leaving a gap of three so right of the barrier we want to literally leave a gap of one two three in the ground and on this fourth block mark it out with a light gray concrete

Leave a gap of four one two three four light grey concrete and we want to keep repeating this pattern until we extend all the way over to the right of our grid this is a very important part of the build so this is going to make the chain link fence around our building

Site so you can see spaced evenly rows of four in between light gray this wants to persist towards the back of the build as well so all the way along the outline pretty much you want to count out rows of four and then place a light gray rows

Of four light gray rows of you guys get the idea right so we want to do this all the way along the back now is yep perfect so that i’ve made the grid correctly that’s always a nice sign this wants to come along the back of the

Build and then we’re going to do it towards the front of the build as well the chain link fence connects to the i i don’t know what to call a porter cabin a security office whatever it might be um we want to connect to that with

Fence so it’s going to be that the last light gray concrete that we would want to place evenly spaced for our everywhere so here this would be here does that make sense so like the less light gray concrete that you would place would be here connecting back to the office so this is

What we want to have it’s looking pretty decent because we already have the sand down i’m pretty happy with how this is looking already so the next thing that we want to do is we want to extend by the way this is this is not a fun part

Of the build we want to extend all of the light gray concrete upwards by two rows so every single one of those upwards by two rows i i don’t think i could say any more clearly unfortunately that is what we’ve got to do and something else that isn’t fun

Is once we have completely added two of uh once we have added two light gray concrete on top of every single one of these outer light gray concrete we will in between them place iron bars to create the kind of like it’s it’s not like a proper fence and by the way

There’s going to be two rows of the iron bar so if one can imagine don’t have to imagine it you can see it quite clearly here this is how the fence is going to look but everywhere so i think i’m just going to add the first round that i’m going to go

All the way around so um if you can imagine i mean i’m sure that you guys have seen it i don’t know quite how to explain it other than like it’s meant to look like a temporary fence it’s not meant to be like permanent like i’m sure

That you guys will have seen these out in the world sometime like that like you can take this sort of fence down easily like they’re all made out of individual parts and it just seems like the right sort of boundary for our uh building site um and this is going to

Actually you know what these are permanent because these are going to stay up permanently because the the building site is never going to get worked on the construction will never be complete so here we go perfect so you can see we’ve added one row we’ve just got to go all

The way around and uh we’ve just got to do it again so if you hadn’t at this point so if you haven’t at this point filled in the middle of your construction site with sand it’s not a bad time to do it the reason that i suggested doing it like before we even

Started like marking out the area with smooth stone um adding the i believe it’s four rows at the front and then the rest of it being sand over the outline of course the reason that i suggested that is because the just all of the things that we we

Have to work around like there’s a lot of stuff on the ground in the construction site um including the giant building that we’re going to make it itself like all of the girders and concrete floors like you’ll have to get under there you’ll have to like dig in

Between all of the foundation and it’s it’s just annoying to have to place like a floor that way so it’s not impossible it’s not like you know there’s no reason that you can’t do it it’s just that i having done that myself like i’d rather have the floor placed beforehand but

You’ll see what i’m talking about as we progress so perfect that’s what we have we have kind of like the security office we kind of got the entrance down and now we have all of the the boundary so i’m really really happy with that the next

Thing that we’re going to do is we’re going to come all the way over to the back right hand corner of the build and once again we’re going to work on quite a tedious project i’m sorry but you know we’re starting this off we’re starting

This off with the worst parts and it can only get better so in the back right hand corner of your construction site where we have the sand we want to have diagonally from the light gray corner we want to leave a go a row of one two three four we want to

Leave a gap of four and then we want to place a red concrete left of this we want to leave a gap of four one two three four red concrete leave a gap of four one two three four red concrete and once more one two three four red concrete you’ll notice that

This lines up with the chain link fence now in front of this row of red concrete we want to leave gaps of four and then we want to place another row of red concrete in front of this so we want to make a grid and not only do we want to

Do that once and not only do we want to do that twice but we want to do that three times in total we want to have a rather large red concrete grid that should look like this and this is going to form the the foundation for like those red steel girders

And on top of each one of these red concrete we’re going to place an additional red concrete like this so on top of every single one of these and it just takes a little while because well everything in this project thus far has taken a little while but we want to

Add all of these now the next thing that we want to do is we want to add a layer of stone around the outside of this so this is going to look like a floor so it’s kind of subjective what this build would be you know like it’s it may be some sort

Of office building it could be some sort of house it could be it could be a big giant high-rise or a skyscraper who knows what the start of this would be so um once we have placed smoo stone on top of all the concrete we now want to on top

Of all of these outer concretes we want to place three more red concrete so one two three and then we’ll be placing another layer of stone three more red concrete one two three stone and then two red concrete one two so that is the makeup there you go perfect and you can make

That higher or lower by the way taller or smaller it doesn’t really matter you can even just have the foundation if you like if you want to make a few of these in your city and the point of this is that we want to have i mean you can see

The makeup like we have it wants to look as though that we’re making a building with loads of flaws and um maybe because you know how the top it’s only like uh two red concretes instead of like free for the other floors maybe it’s not done maybe it’s

Going to be taller maybe you want to build this a little bit messier so what that might mean is perhaps you want to have it so that like the front half is done but the back half hasn’t been worked on yet like if you wanted to you could meld this you could shape-shift

This build into a few different uh versions of itself if that makes sense so like if you wanted to have a construction orientated part of your city where things are getting thrown up left right and center buildings are getting made all sorts of businesses and stuff then you could adapt this build to

Uh instead of like repeating the same thing over and over again because if i was building a city and i was building like a uh um a housing estate or you know if it was perhaps a business state an industrial park or something then you know not all

Of the buildings are going to strictly look the exact same um so you might want to build a few of these in the course of your city and you might want to make them all a little bit different you can shuffle the park around a bit so at the park the building

Site around a bit you could have this over here or towards the front or whatever you know hopefully i’m not just rambling on hopefully i’m making some sense i’m going to raise up the middle red concretes to equal the height of the red concrete around this is because it

Doesn’t matter if you see the it it doesn’t matter about the middle red concrete because they’re going to be covered up with stone however we didn’t have the same luxury for the red concrete on the outer part and i didn’t want it to i wanted the stone in between the red concrete i

Didn’t want um these i i didn’t want there just to be like long rows of red concrete with like stone on the inside of it because that didn’t make sense i i kind of like it like this rather than um if it was say like this you know but i mean feel free

To swap it if you like if you like that look better i like to see the individual levels but you know that’s just me and i suppose if you wanted to you could even just leave the floors hollow but one of the more fun parts

Of the build or at least one of the more fun parts for me is filling in this little area so not this part that we’re about to do which is fill it in with um stone so every single one of the levels the horizontal rows of stone that we

Have placed in between all of the red concretes they want to be filled in with stone they they actually want to be like actual walk around floors um and the reason being is we the the cool part about this is that we have ladders and we have like

Walkways onto each individual level and we can decorate each level in kind of like a constructiony sort of way now this it actually requires a lot of different materials and maybe you guys will even have some more ideas than than i do on how you can decorate it so you

Know as we get to that part i’ll stop being a little bit less vague and i’ll be able to show you know what i’m actually talking about but the reason that i like this particular part of the build not not actually this literally building this i mean this is a

Little bit tedious but actually decorating is really really fun because you get to use your little you get to use your imagination a little and uh you get to kind of like figure out what so what what would be on this floor like what what would look good in a construction

Environment and um yeah i i had fun with the decoration of this uh and the crane as well i really like building the crane i don’t know why they’re my two favorite parts of this build is like decorating this and i really like the crane next to it um i

Don’t know why i was your favorite part of this build if you like this but hopefully if you’re building it you like it um what’s your favorite part of the build i’d i would probably say that um i don’t know i do have a thing for the

Crane i don’t even know why that sounds like such a weird thing to say too but um i think that really just adds to the build i was considering not having a crane whatsoever on the building site but it just seemed to really pull it together as do all of the vehicles that

We are going to be adding although that’s going to be separate tutorials because um i just think that that they would be standalone um they would make good standalone tutorials as well like we have you may have seen in the thumbnail and i’m not sure how this video is going to

Be structured but you will have at the very least seen i think four construction vehicles and um those can be added to the build rather easily there’s like spaces for each one of them um but i’m also designing a couple more as well so we have like a steamroller we

Have a bulldozer we have a cement trunk we have a dump truck and i have um i think it’s called i’d i’ve also designed an excavator but i also want to design a crane lorry as well a crane truck if that makes sense so you know how kind of like we’ve got

The crane here already like or we will have we’ve already got a crane that’s going to go on the building site i want one that’s like portable and um i think it’s also like the kind of thing that you can attach like a wrecking ball to

And all sorts of stuff so i’m working on that too so a load of vehicles that can go with this build and they would actually go like all here um when we eventually get to it but yes there we go very very tedious part of the build

Complete but i’m i’m very happy with how this is getting constructed i’m very happy with the construction of this build so the next thing that we are going to do is i think that we’re going to put the walkway um for what we’ve just made so we’re going to

Grab oak wood planks oakwood stairs oak fence polish die right stairs rail smooth quartz uh slab um smooth stone yellow concrete gray concrete and we’re going to make kind of like the passages that we will get up and down um the kind of like building so

I’m going to start off all the way over here like on the front right hand corner of this build here i’m gonna take this red concrete and i’m gonna place a couple of um a couple of oak stairs extending outwards oak fence behind oak stairs on top oak fence behind

Oak stairs on top a couple of rows of oak planks behind this and then i’m going to connect all of this down to the ground using oak fence i think an oak fence because it’s like a temporary sort of structure like it’s kind of like the

Easiest thing to do so this is how we would get onto the first floor now my idea would be that in the back right hand corner here we have a similar sort of thing so here we have a couple of stairs extending outwards from the red concrete here eric fence behind and

Then whoops my bad hang on oak stairs oak fence oak stairs and then we’ve got to like dig into the top of this and we want to have oak stairs at the very top here perfect and that allows us to walk up and on to here and i’m just

Going to add more fence just below all of these stairs just like this perfect and that’s how i like it so perfect it just looks like a nice set of temporary stairs we only have to do this once more and i’m going to do it on the

Front left hand corner of the build now so kind of like back front corner back corner and then i’m swapping sides over here so i’m gonna have a couple of oak stairs oak fence behind oak stairs oak fence and then oak stairs dig into the ceiling a little bit we’ll

Have to knock out a couple of stone here and then we need oak fence connecting all of this down and that this is how we’re going to leave this part of the build at the moment is we’re just going to leave it like this so we can get up

And down the entire structure we will be decorating that a little bit later on but first i want to uh i want the crane and i want some of the other peripherals around the construction side so next to this area here i like the idea of some just giant metal pipes being

Here so this is made out of polished diorite stairs and first of all we place them along this area here can even poke out the back if you like it doesn’t really matter that much stairs against this and then against the stairs we want to have like an opposite-facing set of stairs

And then above each set of stairs we want to have upside down stairs so here and then it gets tricky to place these so sometimes it’s easier to start off with a guiding block and then upside down stair upside down upside down and sometimes honestly with the time it

Takes to kind of like precisionly place these or to precisely place these i should say my bad with any sort of precision it’s easier to place like a guiding row which we’re going to have to do for this next part but the point of this is that it

Looks like a a giant metal pipe so that could be used for anything i don’t know construction very well but you know stuff i’m going to dig a little bit into the ground here and i’m going to place some upside down diorite so i want a smaller

Pipe next to the large pipe and i’m placing a row of yellow concrete next to the diorite that i’ve placed in the ground and i want to place upside down diorite stairs against this like so now the reason for this is that it just looks like a smaller version of the pipe right

And we can uh attach this down and or rather we can kind of like batten this down using rails like make it look as though it’s tied together and secure and it it just adds to the area like if you want to repeat that you can place some over here

If you like i’m going to be placing some wood also adding like attaching rails and stuff like um there’s plenty of places you could use this you could even have a more of it over here if you wanted to i don’t think it would get in

The way maybe we’ll do just like a smaller amount of it but um there’s no reason that you uh you couldn’t have more of this if you wanted to so i don’t know whether i’ll regret this and the cool thing about this isn’t with this being minecraft is

We can just check if we don’t like it we’ll just change it later it doesn’t even matter so we can just have this maybe just a pipe maybe we don’t have to repeat kind of like the um maybe we don’t have to repeat the thing over there maybe we’ve just got

Just a big bit of pipe over there just why not just leave it over there that’s that’s okay maybe i should have made some port-a-potties actually maybe i’ll see if i can design any any of those because that would also be useful for some other builds as well so now that

We’ve done that um the next thing is that we want to build kind of like the foundation for the crane so if you come to the back left hand corner of your build and you count right one two three four five and then inwards one two three

And then place yourself a smooth quartz slab extend forwards one two three four five right by five one two three four five and then extend back and join back fill the middle of this in using smooth stone like this and then also i i would recommend like

Adding a stair or something back here whether that want to be a diorite stereo you can use a smooth stair a smooth quartz stair if you like and this is basically the foundation for the crane so the cranes relatively easy to make hopefully the way that i’ve done it is

I want you to take each one of the four corners of this smooth stone here and i want you to place 15 yellow concrete on top 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 and we’re going to do this on every

Single one of these corners just like this so every single one of the corners and we’re going to slowly build up the frame frame for the crane so here and if you’re curious why is there a stair here at the back it’s so that we

Can actually get up to the crane you can actually get inside the i don’t know what you’d call it the piloting pit for the cr i don’t even know whatever you would call it so um from the bottom of the crane we want to add some horizontal bars of yellow

Concrete so um we want to leave gaps of two extending all the way up to the top of the crane like this and we want to have horizontal rows of yellow concrete so just like this and we just want to have all of these separations all the way through the middle of the

Crane just like this and this is going to be kind of like the base of the crane uh i’m sick of saying the word crane it’s starting to lose all meaning in my mind you know when you say a word too much and then it’s like what does that

Even mean anymore that’s that’s what the word crane is doing so i’m going to get rid of all of these materials and let’s grab stuff that i know that we will need so we’ll definitely be needing all of the quartz blocks smooth quartz blocks stairs and slabs we will be needing

Light gray concrete we will be needing glass glass pane a door and we need we need quite a few things for the crane quite honestly but let’s let’s just leave it at that for the moment so at the top of the crane top left hand corner here in front upside down quartz stairs

Extend left one extend right one to the right of this we’re going to place one two three light gray concrete and we’re gonna add two rows on top one two just like this we’re going to extend the light gray concrete backwards one two three four five six just like this

So it overhangs the back of the crane and we want to kind of like make the light gray concrete solid so this is kind of like i don’t know what part of the crane this is exactly this is based on like a little crane that i kind of like googled

And um kind of like um you know interpreted into minecraft um we might even have to extend the light gray concrete actually if we extend the light gray concrete forwards because it does want to overhang the uh the kind of like control area and then if we shave a row

Off here that that makes more sense that makes more sense so there we go that’s that’s a little bit better i think we might end up adding more light grey concrete but this this is kind of like what we want to have so far and then we can kind of make like the

Control area so extending behind this upside down stairs here we want to place one two three four quarts uh quartz blocks then an upside down stairs and then probably knock out this top row of yellow concrete replace it with quartz and actually you know do the same

Like um make all of this quartz leave a gap of one here in the back because that’s where the stairs is going to be and then we’ve got the upside down stairs here and then um we can what can we do yeah okay so the the door would go here right so this

Is where the door would be and then on the back smooth quartz block smooth quartz block stairs stairs just like this and then we want to have kind of like a row of one two three um quartz extend up one leave a gap quartz leave a gap quartz quartz stair quartz

Stair the front of this is just going to be glass like this we want the side panel to be glass so that can either be glass pane or glass block this left part here wants to be glass so it wants to be a lot of glass all around this just like so

And then we’re going to place um smooth quartz slabs on top of the entire part here just like this and i don’t know whether to kind of like place one here too i mean it looks that looks as though it makes sense there and that we also now have to make more

Parts of the cranes so kind of like this is obviously this is where the all the controls are we’ll be adding a ladder to this later we’ll be adding like a seat and a lever and all sorts of stuff but if you grab yourself the yellow concrete and a gray concrete

The front part of the crane here we want to from the top two corners of the light gray concrete area we want to place one two three four five six seven eight yellow concrete extending outwards like this so eight of them in total join them together at the end extend the end

Corners down by two one two one two join them together join them back to the light gray concrete area just like well like that just like this and then we want to have the same sort of separations that we have for the base we want to leave like a gap of two

Yellow gap of two yellow and we want to place bars of yellow concrete all the way through this just like so perfect so this this is kind of like what we want to have so far then we want to take the top two corners of the end

Of the yellow concrete the end of the crane here and extend forwards one two one two join together extend the middle forwards grey concrete underneath it that’s perfect and then for the grey concrete we want to add uh we need chain and polished stairs and polished and inside stairs oh we

Need a hopper too do i not have a hopper huh i don’t have it guys i don’t have a hopper we need a hopper desperately so hang on where’s we we only need one of these throughout the build unless we want to add some to the construction so

I could swear i had a hopper so we want to add a hopper underneath the gray concrete area here and then we want to place chain underneath the hopper now the tricky part about that is um we actually have to crouch i do believe at least you don’t java and then we can

Place a chain and then a a few more chains well it doesn’t even matter like if you want you can just leave it like that or you can kind of like extend the chain and you can have why not have a link of three one so we already had one

That would be two and then that’ll be free and then add an upside down polished and inside snare underneath it and then that kind of looks like a hook or something like that it might even yeah i mean that’s that’s fine if you want it might even look a little bit

More like a hook if you placed it this way i mean you know but it doesn’t even matter and also the hook would probably be placed in verse like so this way so towards the crane really if we want to but it doesn’t matter it’s a very small detail

Have have it whichever way you want now when it comes to the top of the crane also we want to have like the this part the crane here we want to extend some yellow concrete up above it so that it gives the sensation the sensation so it gives the illusion that perhaps this

Can be moved up and down so the crane can be like adjusted and basically just behind this smooth slab here that we have above the window if we destroy behind it place a yellow concrete gap up one to the right yellow concrete gaffer gap of want two going backwards so

Actually no it’s a gap of two my bad so we leave a gap to one two and then yellow concrete gap of two yellow concrete gap of two yellow concrete so we just have to destroy that above the door so you can see that it’s almost as if we have extended the foundation

And yellow concrete on top of each one of these and then we kind of like want to join all of these together with a square of yellow concrete just all the way around the top so kind of like here here and here i mean we could even destroy

The top of this as well so to kind of like leave it open and then to me that gives the illusion that that can like move up and down and stuff maybe i’m crazy i don’t know and then uh behind the light gray concrete here at the back we want to add

A little bit more of a frame as well we want to add one two three at least three one two three um yellow concrete extending backwards out the corner so all of these just like this and that’s looking pretty good and honestly ladies and gentlemen that’s pretty much the crane mostly complete

Now we do have a couple more details to add to it but i don’t want to grab those materials just yet because i think that we could oh actually we already have it we already have some but that’s perfect we need case wood stairs a leather item

Frame yellow concrete so the item for no yellow concrete come back so for the item frames um i like the idea of just having kind of like lights on the crane so a couple of item frames on the bottom corner with some yellow concrete in there um inside the crane

Uh we need to have a seat and kind of like a lever to control things so you can actually like sit in here and you can actually like well you can’t move the crane about but you guys get the idea you’ve got the illusion that you can and that’s pretty cool

Alternatively if you wanted to if you if you weren’t bothered about being inside of here then you could just seal this up use it after i’ve locked myself in here now but if you wanted to you could like seal this side up and if if all you were

Bothered about was like getting in and being able to like look behind the seat but i think it’s cool to be able to actually like get into the the seat so to speak and kind of have a look around maybe i’ll i don’t know maybe i’m silly i i like that

Fact we need ladders as well of course so i am going to grab those just quickly um they’ll probably be in the item so i’m sure there will have been so we’ll have the lads in the item list and this can run all the way up the back

And then that’s how we get like in and out of the crane i just think that that is one of the cooler parts of the construction site so we’re making really really good progress here really really happy um just a couple more things i want to do with the current materials we have

Before we’ve got to dump them out inside of the security office here i just want to grab light gray concrete and some acacia stairs light gray concrete i want to place it around the like the left side of the cabin and towards the front and i want to stick a

Chair in here so that’s an occasion what’s there just a chair in here and we already have the door in place and honestly that unless we’ve got such oh we’ve we’ve got ourselves some smooth stone slabs as well so in front of the crane i

I like the idea of there being like a big giant wet piece of um wet piece wet patch of concrete so in front of the crane i’m gonna leave a gap of two and then i’m gonna place an area of smooth slabs that is wider by one than the

Crane itself like left and right wider by one extend the smooth slabs forwards one two three four five six seven eight like this extend join everything together just like this and that is just in front of the crane and that’s just like a big patch of

Concrete and then we are also going to have a couple more like pieces of floor decoration and then we would have the vehicles here and then that’s actually like the construction site will look really really quite full now ladies and gentlemen i’m going to wipe all of these materials out

I’m sure that i’m going to be needing some of them again i am absolutely almost certain of it but i want to grab everything else that hopefully will allow us to finish off the building site once and for all so give me a second to gather them and then i’ll show you what

I’ve got all right ladies and gentlemen i think i figured out everything that we’re going to need to finish off the build although it’s very possible that you may want to grab a wider variety of materials to decorate the particular little part of the build behind me right

There but we’ll discuss that at a later time so to start off with we’re gonna grab gray carpet strip spruce logs rail cyan shulker box light blue sugar box if you don’t have shulker boxes um feel free to use concrete lantern flower pot daisies it doesn’t matter grab any

Flower and birch trap doors we’ll also be using all of the other materials that you can see in the inventory do feel free to pause if you need to grab everything that you see okay so greg grey carpet what’s it for it’s to fill in the concrete area so

Inside the smooth slab area here we’re just going to be adding gray carpet and that is going to look like wet cement so i like saying cement instead of cement i don’t know why it sounds better so some wet cement looking pretty good um this area in front of the cement slash

Cabinet area here i’m just going to stack some lugs i’m specifically using stripped spruce logs here and i just want to how how did that happen we can cover that up that’s okay so if we ascend this backwards a little bit and then if we add like another row of

Spruce just that there we go we don’t need we don’t need sun so i’m just going to um add a just a few kind of like bunches of stripped um spruce logs here kind of like uh it’s just going to be all bundled together using some rails so

Can we yeah we can add one here and then if we can add like one all over them um it it just looks like a a construction material so like just a big bunch of logs you can place that there if you wanted to you could place it there you

Can place it along the back you can add a couple of logs here and about the place if you like i mean we could even decorate this area with them here if we wanted to we could have just like a couple of logs just laid out if we

Wanted to um but do bear in mind once again the this area here is going to be filled in with vehicles so that’s why it looks a little bit there however this area over here is going to be oh what are they called um you know those big giant like metal

Contacts shipping conde shipping containers it’s just going to look like a big giant shipping container that will obviously have materials in it of some sort so basically if if you come all the way over to the right front side of your construction site and you find the one

To the second light gray concrete area inwards the second light part of the fence and extend like the sand in front of it extend outwards diagonally towards the back the construction yard here boom this is the starting position place a light blue shulker box and then one to the left of it

Two cyan two light blue two cyan two light blue across the back three light blue one two three extend forwards one light blue two cyan two light blue two cyan two light blue join back together boom there you go these want to be four rows high in total

So i’ve already got one two three four then i’d recommend standing on this row of four and then just go around and fill this in so um if you are for some reason doing this in survival number one well done number two feel free to substitute shulker boxers because i know that it

Can be quite a uh you know something to get a hold of feel free to substitute it with well i mean colored sand wool concrete you know whatever is a similar sort of color like specifically this sort of color in particular i really like for this so i i probably wouldn’t compromise

On on the color so you know it whatever you can find there’s a similar color to this i mean you could even use like warped wood maybe and maybe something else but yeah i really like that i like the texture of it as well especially

Like when you look at it from kind of a far i quite like it so now that we’ve done that inside here inside the little security office i’m gonna add like a potted plant a lantern and i want to have like a computer a little laptop so that’s going to be a

Birch trap door kind of like flipped up the side here and then in front of the trapdoor is going to be a painting and in front of that is going to be a weighted pressure plate so painting weighted brush plate looks like a little computer unfortunately i can’t have it

Facing towards the seat because um well it it it just doesn’t work so yeah i’m pretty happy with this little security office now um if we wanted to we could even have like a i mean depending upon how crazy you want to go with this i i haven’t planned for

This but you could even add like a brewing stand in here and you could add like a like if you wanted like just something to like make a drink or something if you if you did want to it doesn’t really matter but um yeah or you could even like it wouldn’t be uncommon

For like security people to like sit and read books as well so um it would make sense if uh if you had somewhere like just a book a laptop somewhere to have drinks and stuff like it it just makes sense like if you wanted to decorate the area a

Little bit more it’s no big deal it’s it’s kind of up to you so what’s next we’ve actually kind of completed everything but the like the building part and i know i’ve said this a few times already but i’m going to say once more this area here is going to be filled

With vehicles so that that’s why that looks a little bit lost and empty but i actually quite like the decoration so far so i’m going to now move on to the actual like the big construction part of this and i’m going to grab smooth stone slabs and i’m going to grab gray carpet

To start off with on every single level i want there to kind of like be a cement patch because it kind of like boxes things in a little bit so the back corner here for instance i’m going to connect these two girders together using smooth stone and then i’m

Going to connect the the front two pairs of girders like together as well kind of like in an outline a big rectangle kind of like this and i’m gonna fill this in using gray carpet so again it’s just gonna look like wet cement um and it

Just it fills in a good portion of the area i think it looks really good and it kind of adds a little bit of structure to the build so i really like there being like a a patch here like a c i mean it just it just kind of looks a

Little bit it just looks cool i i really like it so like on the next level i’m gonna have the same thing um except i’m gonna have it kind of like in the middle so next to the stairs here i’m gonna connect the middle part together and i’m

So basically you’ve kind of got to like walk around the outside of the second floor so all of this is just going to be joined together and then we’ll have the gray carpet and then at the top we’re going to have a giant patch of cement

And of course feel free to do this in a completely different way you know feel free to decorate it in a different way it’s just that i i really like this i i think that adds a lot to the build in particular like it just looks as though that

I don’t know it just looks good to me now on the top here i like the idea of there being kind of like a curved shape and this could be kind of like the layout for a wall or it could be like it it doesn’t matter what this actually

Represents it’s um it’s just like a cool bit of decoration and on the top i mean you don’t even have to have it filled in yet if you don’t want to you can kind of just like leave the outline that’s also a very valid possibility and then we’ve just got to decorate this

So like you can you can use lanterns you can use flower pots to decorate this we can use ladders scaffolding crafting tables cartography tables flushing tables smithing tables we can even use like um cauldrons and that they actually they work very nicely um on the outside

Of here like if you wanted to you could add like so like scaffolding as kind of like a well a scaffolding like um it makes sense to have scaffolding on kind of like a construction site like this you can have it like built up towards the side of the

Top just here you can you can add scaffolding like inside like kind of like a round you could add it to every single level if you wanted to so like uh it it doesn’t really matter so like the one here kind of like you’re just going to

Want to be very liberal with your use of construction materials like construction sites building sites i mean it’s literally like p when you hear the phrase it looks like a building site in there like is is it they’re messy you know like they they are just messy so like lanterns can

Hang everywhere um we can have it’s also because it’s a site because it’s a construction site like not everything has to make sense exactly so you like you can have just ladders here just up the side i mean why not like you could have ladders you could you could

Have like ladders here for instance um it it doesn’t have to make a great deal of sense because there might be a reason for it you know it it you don’t really have to rationalize any of it so we can have a couple of crafting tables laid

Out we can have like a cartography table here we can have like a fleshing table here you don’t even have to do this to every single level if you don’t want to also it doesn’t matter if you place multiple tables next to multiple tables it it doesn’t matter you you just want

To decorate it in such a way that you’re happy with it so what is the cauldrons i actually like the rationale of this so if you grab a cauldron my bad cauldron water bucket item frame and uh shovel this looks like um how you would mix

Some cement up so that it would make sense next to these like cement patches to have kind of like shovels and to have um some men and you could even have like uh composters kind of look like banks um so you could have like composters in

Here and you could actually uh we have some daisies don’t we so you could actually fill these up we’ve got water this kind of looks like cement-ish sort of mix if you wanted to you don’t have to have this many of anything and you know it it just makes it’s just a cool

Bit of decoration so just i mean you can just have one if you want you don’t even need the composter you don’t need the water you don’t need it doesn’t matter again like you could just throw them in the middle here whatever just item frames about the place shovels kind

Of laid lazily a water bucket here a water bucket there a composter just i don’t know here why not whatever um what else can you have like again if you want more tools so item frames axes um comparators iron bars oh trapdoors brown shulker boxers so round shulker boxes

Just look like boxers so literally stuff that you would store things in um redstone comparators of course they look i mean not only could you use redstone comparators but you could use where is it i mean strings also come to come to think about it look like wires right so

Like you could have if you wanted to kind of like along the ground you could have i mean they’re barely visible this is why i grabbed the redstone though so like it makes sense to have like wires kind of like strewn about the place as well

You know like maybe like a item frame and an axe here if you wanted kind of like a cutting table of some sort maybe kind of like a couple of iron bars put together and then a few trap doors spread over them kind of like this it

Kind of looks like a work table of some description you know comparator a couple of it doesn’t even have to be a comparator you could have daylight sensors and stuff kind of like thrown about the place kind of like item frames just axes in on just shulker boxers just

Whatever you like i mean how’s how’s it looking from the outside it’s looking nice and busy i quite like it um we can have just on a table or so like a comparator here we can have a comparator over here like it uh we we can have what

What else makes sense up like and those make sense grindstones make sense even a leg turn sort of makes sense you know it makes sense to have jukeboxes too so that that they can listen to music so droppers and hoppers like it whatever like uh like a dropper here or may

Actually maybe a jukebox here maybe a grind stuff maybe a ladder off here and grindstone up there maybe an anvil down here maybe even down here um maybe more music up here somewhere so maybe on top of the here maybe a hopper may maybe a a dropper

Maybe a where could one of these go dispenser up here you know maybe a lectern where where could this go uh getting a bit busy over here but maybe a couple of lecterns over here you know uh maybe a hopper here again i i feel as though that i’m adding loads and loads

Of loads of stuff and we could have stopped any at any point there like it it did it doesn’t matter oh oh it’s one thing that i do really like stone cutter i really like that this is a decoration absolutely so maybe like a stone cutter up here for instance

Maybe um anywhere near the wood would make sense as well but again it doesn’t matter maybe even like one visible like kind of on the side here maybe even like one here as well um again it doesn’t matter i keep repeating myself at this point i’m sorry about

That but i really like that that that looks so busy that looks i really really like that i think that that’s been decorated wonderfully and ladies and gentlemen believe it or not we’ve kind of completed our building side now there’s nothing left to add to it except for vehicles which are going

To be separate tutorials so this ladies and gentlemen is what your construction site should look like or something very close to it because yours might look a little bit different from mine depending upon the kind of decorations that you’ve added this is what it should look like

Once it’s been 100 fully completed i really hope that you guys have enjoyed this tutorial i really really enjoyed designing and making this if you did enjoy please do remember to hit that like button it really helps me the channel out very very very much if you’re new around here please do

Consider subscribing and clicking the little bell next to the subscription button that’ll ensure you get all my videos sent directly to your sub bot and if you do want to make anything else by me check out the card system the description below and the top of the comment section for more specifically

The city builds playlist that is going to have loads and loads and loads of brand new content added every single week so keep an eye out for it thank you so much watching everybody i love you all very much and i’ll see you in the next one good bye i’m in a crane You

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Tutorial: How To Make A Building / Construction Site “2021 City Build”‘, was uploaded by TSMC – Minecraft on 2021-01-30 11:54:54. It has garnered 146665 views and 3158 likes. The duration of the video is 00:53:07 or 3187 seconds.

In this tutorial i show you how to make a Building / Construction Site for all of your city builidng needs! literally. this site has a city building under construction, a static crane, security office and all sorts of other details like shipping containers, lumber and more! However there are also 6 vehicles you can make to go along with this if you like!

Construction Site – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=buTZNrahkFI&feature=youtu.be Dump Truck – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rwS39WW4Pdo&feature=youtu.be Cement Truck – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=De0asm9zhTI&feature=youtu.be Bulldozer – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9xoL6WXLJPY&feature=youtu.be Steamroller – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fLX6SOnoFmY&feature=youtu.be Excavator – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VabZO6QhJxA&feature=youtu.be Crane Truck – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xOezxjKhrY4&feature=youtu.be

How To Make a CIty Playlist – https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLVfyBBWTXosBc2X7FdAzrdKffZoY1ZzZG

#tsmc #tsmctutorial #citytutorial

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  • FAIL: Trying to Touch Grass in Minecraft

    FAIL: Trying to Touch Grass in Minecraft Minecraft Survival Adventure: The Quest for Grass Biome Embark on a thrilling Minecraft survival journey with our intrepid explorer as they attempt to find a grass biome to build their nether portal. However, just like in real life, the grass seems to repel them. Will they overcome this challenge and succeed in their mission? Let’s find out! Exploring the Minecraft World Our adventurer sets out on a quest to locate a grass biome, a crucial step in their Minecraft survival strategy. As they traverse the vast and diverse landscape of Minecraft, they encounter various biomes, each with its own… Read More

  • Experience Mind-Blowing Minecraft Madness with Sasu

    Experience Mind-Blowing Minecraft Madness with SasuVideo Information This video, titled ‘Live Minecraft’, was uploaded by Sasu on 2024-04-23 05:55:08. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • HexPeace Notch vs Herobrine: Epic Minecraft Battle

    HexPeace Notch vs Herobrine: Epic Minecraft BattleVideo Information This video, titled ‘Notch vs Herobrine – Minecraft Fight Animation #animation #minecraft #herobrine #shorts’, was uploaded by HexPeace on 2024-02-16 18:13:05. It has garnered 229 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:48 or 48 seconds. minecraft,minecraft but,minecraft shorts,minecraft mod,shorts minecraft,minecraft speedrun,minecraft challenge,minecraft facts,minecraft seed,camman18 minecraft,minecraft but challenge,minecraft update,minecraft 1.20,minecraft how to,minecraft but i cant touch grass,minecraft rarest,minecraft but you cant touch the color,minecraft manhunt,minecraft tips,minecraft animation,minecraft funny,minecraft fun facts,minecraft survival minecraft shorts,minecraft,shorts minecraft,shorts,minecraft but,minecraft animation,minecraft memes,minecraft tiktok,minecraft mod,minecraft challenge,minecraft speedrun,minecraft funny,funny minecraft shorts,minecraft short,minecraft meme shorts,minecraft facts,minecraft meme,youtube shorts,camman18 shorts,minecraft speedrunner,minecraft manhunt,minecraft seed,camman18 minecraft,minecraft… Read More

  • Discover Hidden Minecraft 2b2t Dupes – Epic Stash Raid!

    Discover Hidden Minecraft 2b2t Dupes - Epic Stash Raid!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft 2b2t Update 1.20. Stash Hunting. Found Raided Dupe Stash’, was uploaded by Dunners Duke on 2024-04-18 10:02:14. It has garnered 231 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 01:29:35 or 5375 seconds. 2b2t (2builders2tools) Welcome to 2b2t, the oldest anarchy server in Minecraft. Established in December 2010, 2b2t has become a legendary realm where chaos reigns supreme. With no rules, and no boundaries, Hack cheat steal, players are free to explore, build, and survive in a world where the only limit is their imagination. Prepare yourself for a journey like no… Read More

  • ULTIMATE Minecraft Guardian Fights!

    ULTIMATE Minecraft Guardian Fights!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft – Guardian Battles!’, was uploaded by KINGERiv on 2024-03-15 01:24:38. It has garnered 215 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 04:38:29 or 16709 seconds. Come join me in my 5500+ Day Survival World Farmtopia. Bedrock version on PC. World Tour is on my page in a previous Live Stream. Split Stream with Tiktok! Support the stream: https://streamlabs.com/kingerivgaming Read More

  • Unbelievable QT20 Server Discovery! Nether Update & Rare Blazerods Hunt

    Unbelievable QT20 Server Discovery! Nether Update & Rare Blazerods HuntVideo Information This video, titled ‘New Minecraft Server with QT20 Village and Nether Progress. Still on the hunt for Blazerods’, was uploaded by QT20 on 2024-04-07 22:50:35. It has garnered 1 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 01:12:14 or 4334 seconds. Minecraft — Watch live at https://www.twitch.tv/cobaltcontra Read More


    UNBELIEVABLE! ONE BLOCK END PORTAL REVEALED! ๐Ÿ’ฅVideo Information This video, titled ‘MENGUNGKAP MISTERI END PORTAL DI ONE BLOCK – MINECRAFT JAVA EDITION – LIVE’, was uploaded by JeeeInHere on 2024-07-11 19:32:30. It has garnered 265 views and 23 likes. The duration of the video is 01:59:56 or 7196 seconds. TODAY WE WILL FIND THE MYSTERY OF END PORTAL IN ONE BLOCK DOES END PORTAL EXIST??? DONATIONS TO FEED THE WOLVES STARTING FROM 1K ๐Ÿ™‚ : https://sociabuzz.com/jeeeinhere tiktok : https://www.tiktok.com/@jeeinhere1?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=pc discord #Minecraft #MinecraftOneBlock #Minecrfatjava #MCPE #Windahbasudara #shaders #RTX #MinecraftSurvival #windahbasudara #Minecraft #MCPE #Minecraft1.20 ElestialHD ElestialHD Minecraft #akuzeru #mediashareon #live #minecraf tag: LIVE MINECRAFT LIVE MINECRAFT SURVIVAL WINDAH… Read More

  • ULTIMATE INTELLECT HACK in Minecraft!! ๐Ÿ”ฅ +5 Intellect

    ULTIMATE INTELLECT HACK in Minecraft!! ๐Ÿ”ฅ +5 IntellectVideo Information This video, titled ‘+5 Intellect is +5 Intellect #minecraft #twitch #streamer #mcyt #twitchclips #shorts #gaming’, was uploaded by Pyroscythe on 2024-01-05 05:45:27. It has garnered 2674 views and 78 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:48 or 48 seconds. Heres some twitch clips of mine where I had some funny moments with my chat. Share it around if you liked it! Read More

  • Insane Mini Mansion Build in Minecraft!! #shorts #minecraft

    Insane Mini Mansion Build in Minecraft!! #shorts #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Fantasy House in Minecraft #minecraft #shorts #minecraft_builds’, was uploaded by Aki Shirai on 2024-05-05 16:00:39. It has garnered 2225 views and 50 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:42 or 42 seconds. Dive into the enchanting world of Minecraft with my latest creation โ€“ a cozy fantasy house that’s sure to steal your heart! In this captivating video, I’ll guide you through the construction of this charming abode, complete with two towers, a quaint balcony, and a striking red roof that adds a pop of color to the landscape. Join me as we explore… Read More

  • EPIC Spider-Man Build Battle – PRO vs NOOB – Maizen Parody

    EPIC Spider-Man Build Battle - PRO vs NOOB - Maizen ParodyVideo Information This video, titled ‘SPIDER-MAN BUILD BATTLE In Minecraft – NOOB VS PRO CHALLENGE – Maizen Mizen Mazien Parody’, was uploaded by Maizen Builders on 2024-03-05 09:00:14. It has garnered 16911 views and 148 likes. The duration of the video is 00:29:01 or 1741 seconds. In this exciting video, watch as JJ and Mikey team up to bring everyone’s favorite web-slinging superhero to life in Minecraft. Follow along as they meticulously construct every detail of Spider-Man’s iconic costume, from his red and blue spandex suit to his trusty web shooters. With creative building techniques and a whole lot of… Read More

  • FTB NeoTech Modded – Brand New Server

    Welcome to our Modded Minecraft Server! We have a friendly community, no banned items, no tp cooldowns, and ranks available! What to expect in this modpack: Advanced Technology: Utilize cutting-edge tech mods for powerful tools and machinery. Automation: Automate resource processing and base operations for maximum efficiency. Innovative Building: Create complex structures and systems with a variety of advanced building options. Resource Management: Efficiently manage resources with enhanced storage and processing solutions. Diverse Mod Integration: Enjoy a seamless blend of technology-focused mods for a rich gameplay experience. Join our Discord: https://discord.com/invite/gGuvPnPedy Connect to our server at: Download the modpack… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Spooky Woods Scare in Minecraft

    Minecraft Memes - Spooky Woods Scare in MinecraftLooks like this Minecraft player went from mining for diamonds to mining for a change of pants! Read More

  • Fortify Your Craft: Minecraft House Defense!

    Fortify Your Craft: Minecraft House Defense! In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, We’re building a house that truly survives. With walls of obsidian, strong and tall, And traps that will make any enemy fall. From crafting armor to protect our skin, To setting up defenses that will make them grin. We’re ready for any threat that may come our way, In this game of survival, we’re here to play. So join us on this journey, full of fun and delight, As we build the ultimate house, shining bright. Subscribe for Part 2, coming your way, And enjoy the adventure, every step of the… Read More

  • Mine Rhyme Time! ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ˜‚ #meme #minecraft

    Mine Rhyme Time! ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ˜‚ #meme #minecraft Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality! #minecraftmemes #fun2rhyme Read More

  • Building the World Trade Center in Minecraft

    Building the World Trade Center in Minecraft The Minecraft World Trade Center Mod Introduction In the vast world of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds, a new mod has emerged that brings a touch of reality to the virtual realm. The World Trade Center Mod, created for Minecraft 1.21 on Minecraft Forge and Minecraft Fabric, allows players to experience a unique addition to their gameplay. Features of the Mod The World Trade Center Mod introduces a detailed replica of the iconic Twin Towers to the Minecraft universe. Players can explore the intricately designed buildings, complete with floors, windows, and other architectural elements. The mod aims to… Read More

  • Craft 3D Minecraft Model on Mobile

    Craft 3D Minecraft Model on Mobile Creating 3D Minecraft Models on Mobile: A Tutorial Are you a Minecraft enthusiast looking to take your creativity to the next level? With the help of mobile apps like Prisma 3D, Skinseed, Animate it, and RIG, you can now easily create stunning 3D models right from your smartphone or tablet. Let’s dive into the world of Minecraft modeling and animation! Prisma 3D: Crafting Your Creations Prisma 3D is a powerful tool that allows you to design intricate 3D models with ease. Simply download the app from the Google Play Store and unleash your imagination. From building detailed structures to… Read More

  • Hypixel Skyblock: Get Free Coins! LVL 444

    Hypixel Skyblock: Get Free Coins! LVL 444Video Information This video, titled ‘[LVL 444] Hypixel Skyblock FREE COINS ! (!giveaway !discord !mod)’, was uploaded by AxE Tv on 2024-06-22 14:25:45. It has garnered 128 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 05:07:46 or 18466 seconds. #minecraft #hypixel #hypixelskyblock ———————- Liens utiles ๐Ÿ™‚ ————————- – Twitch : https://www.twitch.tv/axe_tv2 – TikTok : https://www.tiktok.com/@axe_tv2 – Public Discord: https://discord.gg/gxYnMEGAV8 – Support the channel: https://streamlabs.com/axe_tv2/tip – Twitter : https://twitter.com/AxeL3g3nd – Ip Hypixel : mc.hypixel.net —————————————-ยญยญ————————— Read More

TSMC – Minecraft – Minecraft Tutorial: How To Make A Building / Construction Site “2021 City Build”