TSMC – Minecraft – Minecraft Tutorial: How To Make A Classic Subway “2020 City Builds”

Video Information

Hey what’s up youtube in this video i’ll be showing you how to make a classic subway for all of your city building needs if you enjoyed this tutorial please do remember to hit that like button as it really helps me the channel out very very much here is the amount of

Space required to make your subway a 26 by 26 block area as represented by the white concrete grid on the ground which you are more than welcome to make if you are planning out your city as a matter of fact i would always recommend it here

Are all of the materials that you will need to make your subway please make sure that you have access to all those materials and enough of them as well so now that we have all that stuff we can get started step one come all the way

Over to the front left hand corner of your grid if you’ve made it count backwards one two three four five six seven eight nine ten and then right by one begin by placing a brick on the ground place an upside down brick stair to the right and then a brick right of that

Behind this place another brick right of this two upside down stairs one two then place a brick block two more stairs then a brick block extend towards yourself by two one two then extend up by nine one two three four five six seven eight nine

You then want to go right by seven one two three four five six seven and then we can join all the way down to the ground like this what we now want to do is mirror what we have on the opposite side so take that block that hit the ground and extend

Backwards by two one two and then go right by two with the upside down stairs one two brick block two more stairs one two brick block extend towards you upside down stairs to the right brick on the end so we have the exact same thing on both sides

Now we’re going to start doing these sides of the building so for the side of the building we’re going to kick off where we left off and we’re going to place an upside down stairs by the way all of these stairs are upside down unless i say otherwise so a stair and

Then a brick block extend inwards with a brick and then extending towards the back of the build place two stairs brick two stairs brick two stairs brick extend the brick towards you a stair to the right a brick to the right take a look at the build from the back

Looking towards the front and you want to place a brick set to the right brick to the right extend inwards then we want to using bricks extend to the right by six one two three four five six extend a brick block towards you and then i’m not sure what i want to do

With this little alcove but i’m highly considering adding an additional window here it wasn’t originally i’m going to take the inward brick and place three stairs going right one two three place a brick block on the end and then extend it towards you so eventually these upside down stairs are

Going to be windows i think but we’ll see as we progress through the build now we’re going to take the back line of bricks and place two stairs going right brick two stairs brick two stairs brick extend the brick towards you stare to the right brick extending forwards now brick stair brick

Extended brick inwards and then we want to place i do believe i want to make sure that i get this right two stairs one two brick two stairs brick two stairs brick and then that brick can be extended forwards and then join together back to the front of the build so this

Is what the outline of your subway will look like now this isn’t going to mean too much because the nuance is in the upside down brick stairs and from above obviously you can’t really tell where those are but the brick stairs actually tell a lot about the structure of the build

So the next thing that we’re going to do and this is this is a painful part of the build i’m gonna let you guys know uh the painful part of the build is that we want to now take each one of the four corners of subway you want to turn them

Into a circle just using the bricks when necessary you want to take each one of the four corners of the four corners of subway and you want to raise them up by seven using bricks one two three four five six seven just like this right so

All the way like this and you wanna by the way you can join the seventh blocks together at the top so just like this and with this pillar we want to do quite a few things it’s not a simple task so inside the pillar starting from the

Bottom we want to have two visible rows of green concrete i’m gonna place three though one two three so inside the pillar you want to see two rows of concrete you want to place brick stairs on the outer rows of the concrete like this on the third row so you want to see

Two rows of concrete and then above this a row of bricks then you want to have two rows of birchwood stairs so one of sorry birch wood just throw up birchwood one and two like this one two like this and this can be present throughout the entire middle

Part although i do want to point out that the inward parts of the tower as i do recall would look better if they were just bricks so it’s more so the outer two rows should be butch but you can just for easiness sake make the inward

Parts the same as well just for later on um the inward parts honestly the entire inward parts of the tower might just be better if you do just fill them in with brick on top of the rose of birch you want to have regular brick stairs like this so

You can see it’s actually quite a complicated little pattern and then we’re going to have upside down brick stairs all the way around the top now that does seem a little bit complicated doesn’t it as we’re going all the way through this but i promise it gets

Easier it’s also up to you if you want to like hollow out the top of the tower per se and uh if you want to place maybe some green concrete in there instead that’s up to you it’s it’s really like a little design choice you will be able to

See a little bit because of the stairs that we have so that is what we want to do to every side now i’ll doubt if you remember that on the first time around because i barely remember that now so we’re gonna do that to every single

Tower so hopefully it’ll be a little bit easier so on this town we’ll add eight we’ll turn this into a corner and then we’ll raise it up by seven so one two three four five six seven you may find that you want that seventh row to be green concrete and then that green

Concrete will ultimately be a three by three square at the top again it’s it’s all about choices honestly ladies and gentlemen it’s all about choices it’s up to you whether you want to do that if you ever think you’re going to be looking at the tower in a meaningful way

Then maybe you will want it green if not then then no the inward parts of the tower i’m just gonna straight up recommend you make them breaks but the outwards part of the towel you guys might remember you want to have two visible rows of green concrete

Then you want to have above and outwards from that row of green brick stairs and then above those brick stairs you want to have two birch woods and then above those birch woods you want to have brick stairs so it will look like this is a pretty cool

Effect and it wants to also have upside down brick stairs all the way around the tops of each one of the four towers so we’ll have something which should look like this and it looks really cool and we want to do this two more times now

We’re halfway that’s not too bad is it so again one two three four five six it would be seven depending upon whether or not you care about the green concrete personally i do think it’ll make quite a bit of a difference quite often cities aren’t built on just one level unless

You’re like me and you’re a bit silly and you decide to build one in a super flat world worst choice that i could really make it’d be much better if it was built in a bit of a hilly world but what can you do decisions have been made but um

If you ever do feel as though that you may look at the top of your build or on the very rare occasion it is such a small detail but it does it does make a difference i mean um as as we put the upside down brick stairs it’s it’s a

Very very small difference but we will take a look at it being able to see like the little hint of green you know just that it it is kind of a little cool extra thing like it is a little bit of detail like it’s not 0.1 it’s made the

Build 0.1 better how about that so this last corner here one two three four five six and then the green concrete on the end it’s also cool just to incorporate all of the colors of subway where we can as you guys know i’m sure that you do

Subway is a nice healthy blend of green and yellow and you could even argue a little bit of white in there too so it’s nice to get where we can and we’ll also be making use of canopies which are yellow and that’s why we have used green

In these pillars just to kind of like balance things out a little bit as well so it’s always cool when we can try and incorporate like um some actual colors of the brand uh into the actual building as well makes it feel a little bit more real so

We have now done the four corners of subway which is really cool i mean it’s starting to give this building a lot more shape now so the next thing that i’m going to do is i’m going to take the sides of the entrance and i’m going to extend the

Sides of the entrance backwards i’m extending the brick rows backwards along the floor plan that we have already so we just want to like so here we just want to have something which should look like this right now the whole point of doing that is so

That it’s now easier for us to place windows on the left and right sides so on top of the upside down stairs will be glass but what about the bricks in between that is going to be black concrete we’re going to have two of them one two on top of the black concrete

We’re going to have yellow wool to which we will extend left and right across and that will create a little bit of a canopy and overhang i don’t know what to call them quite honestly but that’s what they are we’re going to place black glass inside of all of this empty space

In this black and yellow t shape and above and inside of the yellow concrete we’re going to place birchwood planks extending upwards into rows we will eventually then place an additional and final row of upside down brick stairs placed above and outside the row of birch planks now this all

Might sound a little bit complicated but when you look at it you’ll find that it’s really not that difficult hopefully now i don’t think that we’re going to need green concrete for a while so i’m actually going to grab the yellow carpet and i’m going to show you the if you

Place string above the top row of above in front of the glass and the black concrete for the window and then place carpet on top boom there you go that’s what we want to be looking at not only on that side but this side as well there’s a lot of windows around our

Subway they’re all made in pretty much the exact same way remember on top of the brick we place two black concrete a yellow row of yellow yellow wool on top of that extending across forming a t we fill the two windows in using black glass pane

We add a row of string that will allow us to then place yellow carpet across the am i missing something here maybe i am so wait okay sometimes because of strings transparency it’s difficult to see where it’s been placed we place the carpet we then place two rows of birch planks above and

Inside we then place a row of upside down brick stairs like this and there we go nice that is looking pretty good so where else do we want to do these windows on the left side as well ah but what’s the difference we have two bricks that’s fine we just place two black

Concrete on top of each brick we extend an entire row of wool across we then fill all of the windows in using black glass pane and then we add these same row of string that allows us to place our yellow carpet which overhangs the windows like this

We then place our birch wood planks like so like this here two rows of them and then upside down brick stairs above and outside of those so again this this building has loads and loads of different varieties of depth like one of my favorite parts of the building to

Look at is this part in particular like all of the different shapes and different levels of variants like it it just looks pretty cool so as we come to the back here what else do we want to do so on the back of the building first of

All we’ve got to separate things a little bit so where we have these two sticky out rows of brick blocks we want to add a row of six i do believe it six one two three four five six bricks on top of these two like of the little mini

Row that we have the two or bricks like this we want to have something which should look like that if that makes sense and you can see that they line up with the tower however it’s not as big as the towers on the left and right side

This left side here you can pretty much just fill it mostly with bricks so we actually want to have the same birchwood plank rows that we have everywhere else so i want to say that it’s one two three rows of bricks and then we’ve got the birchwood planks above and inside

Which were of course two rows you guys know that and then we will of course also have the upside down brick stairs above and outside the rows of birch like this if you like you can even continue that the rows of bush that we’ve just placed if you continue them across the back

Like this so just like across the entire back we have the two rows like this we have upside down stairs just across the entire back like so perfect then yeah this is this is pretty cool i really like this so what we can then do is we can just continue to do

The window so on top of these two bricks one two one two we place the row of yellow across i’m actually going to continue that yellow through here and there’s nowhere to really plot and put any black concrete so we’re just going to have this be a

Window and it’s just going to be purely glass rather than what we have everywhere else where we can mix a little bit of blue uh black concrete in there too we’re gonna have the same string uh in front of each one of the windows like that

And then yellow carpet on top of all of these strings so here and not here here here here here so yeah that looks pretty cool i like that which leaves but one side and one side that is a bit different from the mall this is where the kitchen is going to be

Like inside the build because we are going to be making the inside too um there is going to be a large kitchen area here don’t really want windows in the kitchen so that means that i’m going to extend up the bricks still with black concrete like one two

One two i’m still gonna have the yellow wool across the top of them i still want to have the two rows of birch planks above and inside of the uh the row of yellow i still want to have the same upside down brick stairs as well

However when it comes to the windows i’m just going to brick them out you might want windows inside your build uh it like the reason that i don’t want windows is because there’s like a load of counter space there’s loads of stuff on the wall i don’t want it to get in the

Way and that is what it would be doing so it’s up to you feel free to open them up feel free to leave them i’m still going to have the little overhang because i still think it looks nice um i think that i missed a string or misplaced a string somewhere along there

Yeah there there is the there it is the culprit perfect so in doing that we actually may we we’ve made like a really good portion of the build now so what are we going to be doing next we have to make the entrance area the entrance area isn’t too hard to do so

This is where the entrance is going to go i think that you guys might have been able to figure that out already one row inwards on the left and right sides we want to mark out a glass pane in between these glass panes we want to have a black concrete

We want to extend the black concrete and the glass panes one row upwards as a matter of fact we may even make that we might actually leave that no how how high does it want to go well yeah actually we will add just another black concrete and a glass just like here

And here we’ll add a row of yellow wool across the top of this we’ll extend the yellow wall one row forwards and then maybe two so that it sticks out then we want to we want to be able to place a row of string so that we can

Have like one two three four five six so here so we want to have the carpet kind of like hang out as well so oh no my bad so here and then i’m going to delete this row of yellow so there we go so we we’ve kind

Of got like the same effect as we do on the left and right sides when it comes to the entrance i’m going to add actually i’m going to add an additional row of black concrete behind this existing row of black concrete and then i’m going to add a row of black

Glass in between behind and then i’m going to set the door inwards from there the floor of subway i want to make sure that this is correct but i’m pretty sure yeah the floor of subway is actually going to be birch plank so i’m gonna set some birch

Planks down here underneath these little windows i’m gonna have it um be brick so here and then this is probably an easy time to just fill in the floor of subway now it shouldn’t take too long to do like it’s not a huge area to really dig out don’t

Know how many blocks it is actually but you know i’m sure that we can get this done no problem so the floor is going to be birch planks just because again like using using materials that we’ve already used in the building is kind of like um the way that

I like to do things like i like it when the materials repeat each other like when we use like a a color palette and like i i like the inside of the building to reflect the outside of the building and maybe even vice versa and a good way

To do that is to use a similar material palette on the inside it’d be very easy to just uh just use whatever you want on the inside and have no resemblance to the outside whatsoever so that’s why we’re using the birch that was such a long explanation but whilst we are in

Here as well not only are we going to floor the place with birch but we are also going to do the roof so i i don’t know whether the ceiling and there is a difference between like the ceiling of the roof uh the ceiling slash roof is

Going to be made out of green concrete so the ceiling starts where the yellow wool is so if you just fill the entire ceiling in using green concrete and then when it comes to the roof hmm i think maybe we’ll use green concrete again

I guess it a diver when it comes to i’m trying to think like what we i don’t want to use yellow because that that would be crazy talent i don’t want to use yellow carp yellow wool for the top of the roof because i mean if it gets

Struck by lightning i mean it’s game over but also like i mean i guess we could use yellow concrete but i think the green is fine like we’ve got enough yellow um Displaced it dispersed throughout the building that we don’t need too much more of it like i think that that’s a nice little balance and then when it comes to the roof which we will be doing in a second let’s just do the sign first um so when it comes to

The sign like the front of your subway right here we’re going to have a what do i need we’re going to have a row of bricks above at the yellow wall that we have here we’re going to have two rows of green concrete so one two

And then we’re gonna have two rows of bricks one two and then we want to have we want to extend the top of the entrance back i’m thinking just one row really uh do i want one row i guess one row should be fine so extend

It back one row the reason being is because then it’s four rows thick um it’s four rows wide and when we add a row of and i’m going to fill the top of this in i think just with some green concrete just because why not um the top of this i’m going to

Have the upside down brick stairs around the edge and Here we go just like this perfect and if you have a look at the sides then the upside down stairs for the towers kind of match up with the entrance and i kind of like that i like the little bit of continuity i don’t mind there being kind of like i

Don’t know what the word might be but like an outline of birch planks for the roof i don’t mind that so i’m going to just fill where the birch planks are i’m going to fill the roof in using green concrete i think that we might install some like sea lanterns into the ceiling

Although we might not have to because there’s going to be a lot of lanterns inside the build so it would have actually it’s handy to have a double roof we could have just had the roof sink in a lot like where where the ceiling is that’s

Where the roof could have been but then i i think it might look a little bit weird um so just like this and that looks that looks pretty good i mean what else do we have to do around here when it comes to the actual subway building of course we’re missing we’re

Only missing a couple of things actually so let’s let’s grab stuff that we might need we need warped fence warped slabs let’s move stone lanterns dark oak door we need polished iron right slab we need grey concrete we need red tulip and we need oh wow this will

Grab we’ll grab leaves for now so i’m gonna hang lanterns above the entrance left and right here i’m going to have a double dark oak door like this i’m going to hang above the sign that we have above the entrance i’m going to hang warped fence with warped slams

Below the fence like this i’m going to have warped fence in front of the top of the birch planks with warped slabs below just like this and we’re going to do this for the four corners as well so this is what we want to have so on the four corners we’ll

Have the walked fence we’ll have these slabs underneath just like this and these are basically to emulate hanging lines so this will look pretty cool i like that you could even use like soul lanterns if you wanted to underneath the fence that would give a cool effect as well but i

They’re not quite they’re not the right shape really so that’s why i’ve not decided to use them so what else do we have to do so now that we have done that we’re gonna add a pathway we’re gonna have a four block wide pathway leading from the boundary of the

Build which is where the grid comes in handy all the way to the front entrance of our subway it’s made out of smooth stone you don’t have to use smooth stone i like to make a point of saying this you can use any sort of flooring material

That you like smooth stone i think is uh pro i don’t know it’s kind of like the perfect pavement material i think we’re gonna have two rows of smooth stone that lead outwards the left and right sides of the pathway here and we’re gonna have just two rows of smooth stone

And we’re also going to have a little path that goes all the way around the back of subway as well not quite sure why i decided to add this i’m going to be honest with you but you can walk around the back of subway if you want to

So it’s going to be a single row path leading around the back and then once you are on the back it’s going to be um two whole rows of smooth stones so here and then right around the back like this two whole rows of smooth stern so one here and then one here

And then extending forwards just like this perfect that is looking pretty good so now that we have done that now that we’ve got paths going everywhere we’re going to have two planters so there’s going to be one planter opposite the there’s going to be one plant to like

Just left of this pathway and one planter on the right we’ll leave an entire rose gap and then we’ll have a long row of polished diorite slabs we’ll extend the ends of these slabs by two just across to the outside and then we’ll join it together to form a rectangle

Stick some red tulips in there and then we will do the same thing actually we again we want to leave a gap of one and then we want to have the two long planters again or the one long planter making two in total to say properly so just like this

And then the space on the outside is going to be two little car parks so we want a row of oak leaves leading from the pathway that we made to go around the back of subway and this is going to extend to the boundary we’re then going

To place grey concrete inside of all of this and we’re going to make some i don’t even know what to call them but they’re kind of like markers to tell you where you can and can’t park we’re gonna have two spaces on the left and two spaces on the right and then the

Path in the middle with the lovely polished diary everybody’s favorite material right in between and it’s going to look pretty good there will be but one thing left after that and that is to do the sign as you guys might know if you’ve ever watched these tutorials before signs are

My favorite thing to make i love banners either you know what they’re the best nothing competes with the complexity and interesting nature of the banner so now that we’ve got the two car park spaces or areas i should say i’m going to grab the yellow carpet

And i’m going to place two rows of free yellow carpet on the left and right side so one two three gap one two three and if you want you can even place like some white concrete in between to signify that there are like two distinct spaces but it doesn’t really matter it’s that’s

Minor detail do that on both sides gonna quickly grab a little bit of grass block just to clean this up a little bit just so it looks a little bit better and you get a better idea of what it’s supposed to look like boom perfect

If you want you can add some flowers in front of the windows i’m going to leave them but you can if you want to and an alternate um idea is sometimes i like to do this i like to build hedge into the ground when i don’t quite fancy i think

I just oh no when i don’t quite fancy adding flowers or a proper hedge or something of that nature let me grab the string here into the floor like in front of a window or something sometimes i build like leaves into it and then it’s just it’s just

Interesting enough it’s just like enough separate it just it looks it there’s just some sort of intrigue there but this is what we’re working with i mean this is the entire outside of subway almost complete there is just one little thing that is bugging me actually which

Is up at the top of the entrance here i’m going to further carve out the row of bricks and i’m going to turn this into i think i destroyed an additional brick i really am just a wrecking machine today so here um that was bothering me because if you have a look

At all the towers then we have all of the green um it was just the row of bricks around it and that one had a double row no boy no so the next thing that we’re going to do is we’re going to do the sign as i already mentioned it’s my favorite thing

To do um we are lacking uh the right amount of banners but we can easily grab those um so first of all i’m just going to chuck the loom on the ground get rid of that um i’m just going to grab enough banners i think it’s six in total so i should only

Need one two three four five perfect just like this i’m actually gonna place the banner strategically in the top left hand corner of the inventory and then i’m gonna crack open the loom and we’re gonna go to work so first letter in subway is s hate to spoil it for you we

Need to chuck some white dye in there horizontal row of white dye along the top horizontal row of white dye along the bottom diagonal row of white die top left corner to bottom right corner boom there’s your ass i’m sorry if i’m going a little bit too fast for you but i you

Might just have to pause if necessary but i’ve i’ve made these letters so many times hopefully you guys will pick them up nice and fast as well they’re actually letters are actually really really intuitive to make so we have our s we need a u next so we need a vertical

Row of white on the right vertical row of white on the left we need a horizontal row of y across the bottom boom we have u we have b one of the easiest letters to make so hang on go in there we go be good so horizontal row of white along

The bottom horizontal row of y two on the top horizontal row of white through the middle vertical row of white on the right side and they have a backwards z but if you want to b then you just stick a row of right on the left side and then you’ve got sub

Which is what you should do by the way subdue dsmc minecraft so we now want to place a brand new banner in the loom and then we want to chalk yellow dye in there and then we have to do something a bit peculiar we have to add the triangle

Of yellow at the bottom of the banner grab that put it back in get rid of the yellow dye put some green dye in there instead not to be confused with the band of green day and then we want to add what i call the bottom row of teeth or

The bottom fangs to the banner that’s what it kind of looks like the pattern grab that put it in get rid of the green dye we put the yellow back in there and then it’s basically just a vertical row of yellow on the right vertical row of

Yellow on the left and that is one of the few unintuitive banners that actually took a little bit of memorizing to do brand new banner has to go in there and we have to make a this is very easy vertical row of yellow on the left vertical row of yellow on the right

Horizontal row across the top horizontal row through the middle and there we have a finally green banner we have to place a diagonal row of yellow top left corner to bottom right specifically grab that chuck that back in get rid of the yellow dye put the green back in there

Row of green along the entire bottom row of the banner we grab that new one we put it in there we got rid of the green we get the yellow back out and then it’s the opposite diagonal to what we start with so we go top right to bottom left boom there’s subway

So subway green diy let’s get rid of that there we go now we have subway hopefully you guys know where to put this so where we have the two rows of green concrete s u b one boom subway nice and easy we never need to grab them again get rid of the

Loom if we need the banners i will simply clone them i’m not going to make those again so that is the entire i’m i’m bouncing around that is the entire outside of subway complete so now that we have done the entire outside i don’t think that

There is any details that i’m going to add unless of course you want to add cars and stuff to the car park or whatever it might be street lights whatsoever the inside of the subway is what we have to do next so when it comes

To the inside of subway we do have some materials that we can use right now and we can build up some of the inside a little bit i’m going to grab green concrete smooth quartz stairs end rods i’m going to grab yellow carpet i’m going to also grab lanterns i might

Also i’m gonna grab some paintings as well and also probably the black glass pane brick blocks and also brick stairs i’m not sure if i can use anything else so on the left side of subway this is a seating area i’m going to have a row of green concrete behind the front window

On the left side of our subway and i’m also going to have a row of green concrete all the way across the back the green concrete across the back is going to come all the way as far as where we have this maybe maybe even we’ll just

Cut off one block here so like where this window is here and then here i think that we’ll have kind of like maybe we’ll have a bin area or something i’ll mark it out with some green concrete we can change it later i want to have a set of chairs the first

Set of seating is going to be in this front left hand corner of subway and we’re going to have a row of one two three yeah that should do three smooth quartz stairs i’m going to extend the ends towards us extending to the right of the restaurant and rod in the middle

Yellow carpet on top that that is why we don’t need sea lanterns we’re using all these end rods i remember now we’re gonna leave a gap of one between this place a chair against the green concrete we’re gonna do the same thing gap of one chair

End rods four table uh for the tables and then yellow carpet for like the table toppers and then smooth quartz stairs on the ends we’ve got a nice seating area if you want you can even do the same thing like here as well if you

Wanted to like so you could yeah why not why not have the same little seating arrangement that we have here so here and then we want to have um on on the back here we can actually have like an extra set of seats so or maybe this end

Table here can just be a singular table maybe you can spice it up a little bit by doing that maybe you don’t want to maybe aliens do exist who knows about anything so that is what that’s what i’m gonna have that looks pretty good yeah we could have just a

Single set of tables maybe you could have just like uh an extra one in the middle i don’t know i think that that looks maybe or maybe this might be a better configuration so maybe just like we’ve got like just a two-sided table and then we’ve got a couple of singles

For the singles um that’s not looking too bad so now that we’ve done that we can add some lanterns and some paintings so i’m going to have paintings i think actually yeah i’ll have paintings pretty much like where we have the black concrete and also here so like on the

Just so basically just like above the seat here no don’t do that i only want no i only want single paintings so hang on i’m gonna have to place some extra blocks i i didn’t realize that uh it would do that uh i didn’t think about

That i should i should have known so okay we want a load of one by one paintings preferably we don’t want them to repeat too much or at least the ugly ones we don’t want to repeat too much that isn’t looking too bad although that

Carrot is a little bit too close to the other carrot i’m specifically looking i always think of this as i don’t know why it kind of looks like a cactus and for some reason it makes me think of mexico like there is a what i refer to in my

Head i don’t i don’t even know if that’s a cactus but i get the feeling of mexico from from this particular painting i don’t know why in my head i call it the mexican painting the this one i think of of italy i i don’t know why it is i know

That these are all based on actual paintings but i don’t know what they’re actually off to be quite honest but i always think of mexico for some reason i always think of italy um that one always makes me think of the sun that always makes me think of like

Um some sort of like polar ice cap sort of deal um that’s just a carrot or at least i i think it’s a carrot it looks like a carrot to me and this one i don’t know why reminds me of squidward i have don’t ask me why that reminds me of squidward

It just sort of does there’s something about it no clue that’s squidward but anyway there you go i guess that you’ve got my inner inner workings of what paintings mean to me one by one edition so now that we’ve done that we have the entire right side of subway

We don’t have everything that we need to make the right side of subway nor are we quite finished over here either but right side of subway we’ve got to make the kitchen area so that first of all means that we’re going to extend this row of bricks that we have here on the

Right and there’s an additional row forwards five upside down brick stairs extending from the bottom one two three four five and then we’re going to stick a brick block on the end gap of one and then we’re gonna have two rows of bricks extending from the ceiling or to the

Floor or floor to the ceiling you know whichever way you want to look at then we’re gonna have on the counter smooth quartz stairs with a yellow carpet to the side we’re gonna have black glass pane all the way across here and this is just going to be like one of those sneeze

Guards or whatever you might call it the i don’t want germs on my food thing we’re going to have in the ground i’m going to have kind of like a row of green concrete that runs parallel to this area with black stained glass paint so this is basically where

You just like walk around this is where you order just keep everybody nice and separated for some reason um we might even have no i don’t want to add any more lanterns actually that’s actually just fine so this is looking pretty good so far um in the kitchen we’re going to have a

A little bit more green concrete so starting from this wall here i’m going to have a green concrete gap of two double green concrete along this back wall i’m gonna have a gap of one and then an entire row of green concrete like this and then i i don’t know whether to use

Cauldrons for like food bins or whether you just use like more green concrete so i think i’ll use cauldrons just to vary up a bit but ladies and gentlemen we have just about reached the point where we need to grab some new material so i’m gonna get

Rid of all these i’m gonna grab everything that i think that we’re gonna need and then we can progress on with the build okay so i have grabbed everything that i think that we will need although we’ll probably need more stuff on top of this you’ll see why okay

This is everything that we’re going to be needing the main things are we’re going to start off using the cauldron tripwire hook block of iron buttons item frame glass pane uh we’re going to need the flower parts bring sand and furnace and then additionally the main materials

We’re going to blast furnace chest white carpet green carpet and i’m going to use a little bit of dried kelp but you can use any sort of green plug and then we just have all of this stuff so all this kind of food here all of this like this

Is just for item frames so it’s not entirely important what you do decide to put in them the main materials are the ones all the way up to the dry kelp block so now that we’ve got all this stuff on the left side of the kitchen and of course

Pause this video if necessary on the left side of the kitchen here in between the green concrete i’m going to place cauldrons above the cauldrons tripped tripwire hooks now i’m going to place item frames just maybe just a couple of them left and right of the cauldrons

I’m going to use block of iron in this gap here i’m going to make a little fridge so that is going to just be two block vine on top of each other buttons in front it makes sense that there would be a fridge freezer in subway

To the right of this leaving a gap of one i’m going to place a block of iron this is going to be a microwave item frame in front with a glass pane in front of that i’m gonna place a couple of flower parts along the top here maybe an item frame

Along the top as well brewing stand here as well i’m gonna have a furnace along the top here i’m gonna have a blast furnace as well grab the cauldron um along that and again along the top like maybe in between maybe where we have the black concretes we’ll place lanterns but

In between we’re going to have just ingredients on the walls all that sort of stuff um along the side here as well i’m going to i’m just going to have cauldron upon cauldrons along the sides along here as well all the way up to where we have these stairs this is just

Going to be littered we’re just going to have item frames on top of the cauldron so just like so perfect um that’s looking really good so what what do we do from here i mean we have to i’m going to add some cupboards that’s going to be

Dried kelp um chess i’m going to grab white carpet and green carpet i don’t have lanterns on me i guess i’ve got them i’m going to grab lanterns and i’m just going to have dried kelp along the top here it just looks like cupboards to

Me it looks uh yeah it just looks like cupboards i quite like it going to have a couple of lanterns along the back here where we have the uh can can it not hang from the ceiling yeah there we go so just a couple of ounces along the back that keeps

Everywhere nice and bright um just a couple of chests kind of like uh along the floor that just makes sense as well i’m gonna have a a little rug back here too that’s uh that’s just going to kind of like fill up a little bit of ground

Space gonna have a couple of rows just like this perfect that looks pretty good if you want to by the way anywhere where you might be able to have it you can just add like buttons in front of some of the green concrete that makes it look

As though you can actually open these things whilst we have the carpets out i am considering adding like a little rug here as well so where would it be here so a little rug here just kind of like in the middle of the room just to kind of like spruce things

Up a bit i i quite like that look um you can even whilst we’re talking about cauldrons and stuff also like maybe like we can have like a bin here and then we can have like maybe just like a flower pot and item frame here as well maybe a

Trap door would be better as well to have with the bin um we can have like uh flower pots kind of just like spread around those can be drinks cups we can have a couple of item frames as well unfortunately we can’t place item rooms on top of these tables which i would

Like but um you can have just like item frames with bread in them and then that just looks like sandwiches when we’re at subway and that makes sense um but now now that we’ve done that by the way ladies and gentlemen i mean this is this is pretty

Much at the point now right where all we have to do is just fill in all of these million item frames that we have here so literally it does not matter what you put in these item frames genuinely does not um we’re gonna go through all of

These right now so um in here i’m going to have like in in the cauldrons i’m going to have just mostly me um i’m going to have yeah i mean maybe even yeah maybe i can have like bread as well maybe like mushroom stew um all the way across here like

Bread makes sense to put like a load of bread in the item frames of course it makes sense to have like cake and sweets and stuff like maybe like a cake on the side maybe pumpkin pie maybe like even like a cookie baked potato um it also

Makes sense to like other other options that you might want to put in these like it it’s completely up to you like mushrooms it makes sense to have some veggies in there baked potato beetroot carrots maybe even an apple but we we’ve actually run out but you guys get the

Idea right like you just want to fill them up with absolutely anything that you can find and it just makes it look way way better and way more interesting like the bigger variety of stuff in the item frames the better it will look and ladies and gentlemen there is just one

Thing that i’m thinking about adding i don’t know why i’m thinking about this but if you like you can add like a green banner and maybe like a yellow banner left and right of like the uh the uh why am i blanking on this the kitchen

Area and it’s just kind of like nice it’s like the subway colors you could even do it for the entrance as well um quite often times will be like promotional items and stuff so it makes sense to have some banners here and about the place and ladies and gentlemen that’s it that’s

The entire bill complete so this is what your subway will look like once it’s been 100 fully completed ladies and gentlemen this is the entire outside and i’m really really happy with it and i’m hoping that you guys have enjoyed this as well we’re going to be sneaking on

Inside in a little bit as well just to recap everything that we’ve just made but if you have enjoyed this tutorial please do remember to hit that like button as it really helps me in the channel out very very much if you’re new around here please do consider subscribing and clicking that little

Bell next to the subscription button that’ll ensure that you get all my videos sent directly to your sub box if you would like to make anything else by me check out the card system the description below and the recommended videos to the right assuming that they are by tsmc minecraft i’d really

Appreciate that if you could click on some of those maybe check them out see if you want to watch them watch them to the end that’d even be better but thank you so much for watching everybody i love you all very much i’ll see you guys in the next one good bye You

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Tutorial: How To Make A Classic Subway “2020 City Builds”‘, was uploaded by TSMC – Minecraft on 2021-01-09 15:00:38. It has garnered 213322 views and 3445 likes. The duration of the video is 00:49:02 or 2942 seconds.

In this tutorial i show you how to make a Classic Subway for your city! this is a Sandwich shop that you can add to your city or town or village that will make things just a little bit tastier!

How To Make a CIty Playlist – https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLVfyBBWTXosBc2X7FdAzrdKffZoY1ZzZG

#tsmc #tsmctutorial #citytutorial

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  • Minecraft Animation: Ultimate Khodam Demonstration!

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  • craftplex network

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  • MineRealm SMP Semi-Vanilla 1.19-1.21 Public 21+ Staff Legit Custom Plugins

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  • Melodysmp

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  • Minecraft Memes – Day 5: Which Minecraft block gets no love?

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  • Minecraft Villager Oi Oi Oi Hotness!

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  • Unleash the Ultimate Minecraft Mod: Barry’s Magic!

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  • Ultimate YouTuber Minecraft PVP Tournament!

    Ultimate YouTuber Minecraft PVP Tournament! The Exciting World of Minecraft PvP Tournaments When it comes to competitive gaming, Minecraft PvP tournaments are a thrilling spectacle that brings together players from all over the world. Recently, a YouTuber hosted an epic PvP tournament featuring some of the best Minecraft creators in the community. Let’s dive into the action-packed event and explore the highlights! Meet the Creators The tournament featured a lineup of talented Minecraft creators, including Stragmon, Jackattack20078, PlaceholderPete, Pokmandude2219, and more. Each creator brought their unique skills and strategies to the battlefield, making for an intense and entertaining competition. The Gameplay During the tournament,… Read More

  • EPIC 1K SUBS PARTY + CRAZY Minecraft Adventures!

    EPIC 1K SUBS PARTY + CRAZY Minecraft Adventures!Video Information This video, titled ‘1,000 Subscriber PARTY + Minecraft’, was uploaded by Awesomeplayer98 on 2024-05-25 14:14:05. It has garnered 85 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 03:42:21 or 13341 seconds. I got 1,000 subscribers and I’m gosh darned excited!!! Let’s have some FUN #MINECRAFT #Trial Chambers NOT OFFICIAL MOJANG PRODUCT AND STUFF Read More

  • Fiery Helicopter Showdown in Minecraft!

    Fiery Helicopter Showdown in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘What HAPPENS IF MIKEY WITH HELICOPTER CRASHES INTO JJ GOLEM in Minecraft ? TNT HELICOPTER vs JJ!’, was uploaded by Joobek on 2024-02-26 22:13:50. It has garnered 5862 views and 31 likes. The duration of the video is 00:17:26 or 1046 seconds. Read More

  • Intense Minecraft Battle: Scary Dame Tu Cosita vs Mikey & JJ!

    Intense Minecraft Battle: Scary Dame Tu Cosita vs Mikey & JJ!Video Information This video, titled ‘GIANT SCARY DAME TU COSITA.EXE vs Mikey and JJ in Minecraft ! – Maizen’, was uploaded by JJ & Mikey World on 2024-06-21 22:30:12. It has garnered 1438 views and 20 likes. The duration of the video is 00:30:04 or 1804 seconds. GIANT SCARY DAME TU COSITA.EXE vs Mikey and JJ in Minecraft ! – Maizen This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with JJ and Mikey. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We are not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add new and interesting… Read More

  • Unleashing the Terrifying AGS Bad Beast in Minecraft!

    Unleashing the Terrifying AGS Bad Beast in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘(Minecraft Animation render)’, was uploaded by AGS Bad Beast on 2024-03-13 23:09:11. It has garnered 40 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 10:36:14 or 38174 seconds. “Hey, fellow failers! 😄 If you love epic gaming content, don’t forget to like, subscribe, and follow me on my social media channels for more exciting updates! Follow me on Instagram 📸 for awesome gaming shots and behind-the-scenes fun: https://instagram.com/ags_bad_beast?u… Join my Discord server 🎮🎧 to connect with other gamers and stay in the loop: / discord Catch me on Reddit 🔥🎮 for engaging discussions… Read More


    EPIC WATER WAR IN MINECRAFT BEDWARSVideo Information This video, titled ‘WASSERKRIEGER VS ALPHA CLAN Minecraft LUCKY BLOCK BEDWARS’, was uploaded by Alphastein on 2024-01-15 12:06:37. It has garnered 62079 views and 2243 likes. The duration of the video is 00:27:08 or 1628 seconds. WHAT’S UP * My pillows: https://www.moodrush.de/shop/alphastein-kissen-shop.html *Mein Minecraft Server: iostein.de * Merch: https://3dsupply.de/de/alphastein/ Also included: Duck: https://www.youtube.com/Rippeax Go to: https://www.youtube.com/@EitiMC * server hosted: https://mc-host24.de/ *Advertising Business inquiries: [email protected] Twitter► https://twitter.com/Alphastein Instagram► https://instagram.com/Alphastein Twitch► http://www.twitch.tv/Alphastein Music: http://incompetech.com/ Read More

  • JJ & Mikey VS SCARY MOMO FAMILY – Minecraft Hide & Seek!

    JJ & Mikey VS SCARY MOMO FAMILY - Minecraft Hide & Seek!Video Information This video, titled ‘JJ and Mikey HIDE From SCARY MOMO FAMILY in Minecraft! – Maizen’, was uploaded by JJ & Mikey World on 2024-05-16 20:28:20. It has garnered 13815 views and 107 likes. The duration of the video is 00:14:21 or 861 seconds. JJ and Mikey HIDE From SCARY MOMO FAMILY in Minecraft! – Maizen This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with JJ and Mikey. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We are not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add new and interesting stories to his characters…. Read More

  • 【Minecraft】 Insane Shader & Mod by Utada Zoey! 😮🔥 Vtuber with Sexy Voice!

    【Minecraft】 Insane Shader & Mod by Utada Zoey! 😮🔥 Vtuber with Sexy Voice!Video Information This video, titled ‘【Minecraft】 BEST Shader & Mod You’ve Ever Seen ⛏️🪨 Your Sexy, Deep Voice Onee San 「 Vtuber 」’, was uploaded by Utada Zoey Ch. 歌田ぞおい on 2024-07-21 07:42:56. It has garnered 1025 views and 168 likes. The duration of the video is 02:22:11 or 8531 seconds. ⛏️ How to join the server? 🪨 1. Those who have accumulated USD $100 in donation in 1 calendar month are eligible to join the Minecraft server. 2. Please send the proof of payments or transfer receipts along with your Discord username and Minecraft ID to [email protected], so that… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Mob Battle: Herobrine vs ALL Mobs! 🐴 #minecraftbattle

    Ultimate Minecraft Mob Battle: Herobrine vs ALL Mobs! 🐴 #minecraftbattleVideo Information This video, titled ‘HEROBRINE vs All Minecraft Mobs Combined Fight in Minecraft #mobbattle #minecraft #24x7live #horsy’, was uploaded by Horsy on 2024-04-05 03:34:31. It has garnered 130 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:51 or 1251 seconds. You have to agree i make real good content so.. Lets break Youtube Algorithms like Steveee, Alexa Real and Spectator did! Hello Guys We are going to watch, what happens if we combine all minecraft mobs.👀 And then the legendary HEROBRINE will Fight with the Incredible Combination of all minecraft mobs,😱🤔 Wait For Big Badass Herobrine :)… Read More

  • Birthday Surprise! Touhou 19 UDoALG in Minecraft!

    Birthday Surprise! Touhou 19 UDoALG in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘(BIRTHDAY SPECIAL!!) Touhou 19 UDoALG The World is Made from Cuteness but with MINECRAFT NOTEBLOCKS!’, was uploaded by Pablo Martinez on 2024-07-18 23:55:48. It has garnered 14 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:18 or 378 seconds. (BIRTHDAY SPECIAL!) Reimu Hakurei’s Theme The World is Made from Cuteness from Touhou 19 UDoALG but with MINECRAFT MUSIC BLOCKS! HAPPY BIRTHDAY! This song is from Touhou 19 Unfinished Dream of All Living Ghosts character, Reimu Hakurei. I made it in the Minecraft Note Block Studio app. I give credit to the creator of… Read More

  • Adventure Cage

    Adventure CageAventure gamemode with reimagined gathering and crafting(progression overhaul). Borderline RPG. Inspired by the Albion Online game. Handcrafted RPG world to play in, divided by zones. A zone can be GREEN(no-pvp, no-item-loss-on-death), YELLOW(yes-pvp, no-item-loss-on-death), RED(yes-pvp, items-drop-on-death) Upcoming feature: team up with your friends in a party(no-firendly-fire) and more Read More

TSMC – Minecraft – Minecraft Tutorial: How To Make A Classic Subway “2020 City Builds”