TSMC – Minecraft – Minecraft Tutorial: How To Make A Modern Mansion #6

Video Information

Hey what’s up youtube in this video i’ll be showing you how to make this insane modern mansion i want to warn you this house is very mysterious and it’s so much fun to explore on the outside of the mansion we have a large swimming pool which drops down into a smaller waterfall pool

We have an extensive walkway which leads you around to all of the areas of the house surrounding the pool we have a lounging area decorated with colorful carpet plants paintings and a mixture of survival based items around the outside of the base as well we have plenty of terraces and balconies

Which can only be gained access to in a particular way so this leads to a lot of exploration every single one of the balconies and terraces and hidden rooms are really only explorable if you find the right way to get to them including this storage area

Slash bedroom that we have on the right side of the house you can see that this is enough room for four people at least and it keeps going you see if you were to go up to the second floor of the modern mansion then you would find another entrance

Hidden in the back here which gives you access to the broader mansion itself including a living room and a kitchen area and down this hidden away corridor gains access to this smaller terrace if you were to go through this area then we gain access to this larger barbecue

Area which has a nice large balcony to accommodate it and we even have hidden rooms upon hidden rooms under the stairs you might be able to find a secret too if we come all the way upstairs you’ll find a survival based upstairs which has plenty of library and storage and

Enchanting and brewing space and as you keep moving through the house you will find more secrets and more things to explore as you do work your way around i myself just forgot one particular important aspect of the house which is this little hidden away room here which

Allows you to look out onto the pool or should i say into the pool but what’s maybe cooler is we have a hidden away archery range hidden underneath the house looking into the pool that’s insane all in all this house is a little bit mental and i hope that you guys enjoy it

If you do please do remember to hit that like button as it really does help me and the channel out immensely it honestly does and if you enjoyed this video enough to click on it or maybe even if you make it maybe you want to make it first please share it with a

Friend i’m sure that they might appreciate the insanity that we’re about to get to make but without any further ado let’s do this to make the mansion we are going to require every single one of the materials that i have in my inventory right now

The ones that i have in my hotbar are more general house building materials the rest are far more for decoration please pause the video and make sure that you can grab every single one of these and then we may begin the house itself doesn’t take up that much floor space it’s built upwards

Rather than outwards you only need a 32 block by a 27 block area to make the house if you like you can plant this grid in your world to better help plan out your build and if you do you want to make your way to the front left hand corner

Of the build which is here and you want to from this corner count inwards by two one two this is where it’ll all start so we now want to from this block place a block of quartz moving backwards from this block place five upside down quartz stairs one two three four five

And then a block of quartz five more upside down stairs one two three four five and then a block of quartz five more stairs one two three four five and then a block of quartz and once more five stairs one two Three four five and a block of quartz like that now once you have done that we are going to look from the back of the build to the front of the build we want to take that block of quartz and we want to go left of it by five using upside down stairs

One two three four five place a block of quartz then five more stairs one two three four five and then a block of quartz five more stairs one two three four five and then a block of quartz and we’re doing this one more time five stairs one two three four five

And then a stair now we want to do six quart stairs that’s one two three four five six one block of quartz so you can see that last section is ever so slightly bigger and that is indeed intentional guys so make sure that you do that

And then we can swing around to the right side of the build and once more we want to take this block of quartz and place four five upside down stairs in front of it one two three four five then a block of quartz five stair one two three four five block of quartz

Five more stairs one two three four five block of quartz and then five more one two three four five block of quartz now here’s where things get different we want to on top of this block of quartz place two additional block of quartz one two with a quartz slab on top

Extend the quartz slab forwards by two so that’s one two i then want you to extend that left by seven so that’s one two three four five six seven and then extend that inwards by two one two and then place blocks of quartz coming down from that block to hit the ground I then want you to take the block that hits the ground and place two quartz slabs in front of it one two extend that second block to the right and then inwards like this to create that shape i then want you to place yourself some gray concrete in the corners of

This the left corner going from the bottom to the top here as high as the block of quartz to the left of it but not as high as the quartz slabs and the same on the right using grey concrete too so grey concrete here on the right

Corner going from the bottom to the top connect the gray concrete left to right at the top and left to right at the bottom like so we are then going to place a a row of glass pane inside of the gray concrete like this later on we’ll decorate that a little bit nicer

Next we want to do a couple of things from this point there’s so many different ways to do the next few parts but we are going to take this block of quartz on the ground that we extended forwards and we want to take that block of quartz and place

Five upside down quartz stairs left of it one two three four five and then a block of quartz and then five more stare one two three four five and then a block of quartz and then what we’re going to do is we’re going to then begin from the very first

Block that we placed and from this block we want to go right of this by five using upside down quartz stairs one two three four five and then place a block of quartz and then from that block of course there we want to go backwards from it and

Place five upside down stairs so that’s one two three four five and then place a block of quartz i then want you to place two additional blocks of quartz on top of this so that’s gonna be one two and extend those two blocks of quartz inwards as well

Like that that’ll become important later i then want you to take the block of quartz on the ground and extend it to the right by five upside down stairs one two three four five and then place a block of quartz extend that block of quartz upwards by two one two and now

I want you to place a quartz slab on top of that block and extend that quartz slab backwards by six so that’s one two three four five six and extend that down to the ground using block of quartz like so and then extend that sixth block across

The side of the build and i want you to do it once again using quartz slabs and i want you to extend it to the right by six one two three four five six and then extend that down to the ground using block of quartz like that

Now once you have done that you have set up a little bit of a framework for the pool that’s what we’re going to work on first i think so now i want you to take the front corners at the front of the build this block of quartz here and this block of quartz

Here and i want you to place an additional block of quartz on top of each one of these on the side of the build you will notice on the left side specifically we have this block of quartz here on top of this i want you to place two more block of quartz one

Two and extend those one row inwards like this i then want you to take this wall and i want you to place block quartz slab on top of it like so and then take this quartz slab and extend it backwards by six one two three four five six

And then connect that down using block of quartz like so and this is kind of the poor area i then want you to raise up these back block of course so this buckle quartz here and that one there place two block of quartz on top of them one two and one two

And then place a quart slab on top and connect that forward like this i then want you to take the empty space in these back two rectangles and i want you to place gray concrete going around the inside of the empty space like this so actually if we start at the bottom

And you place gray concrete behind the bottom stairs and raise up the sides by two and then connect them at the top that’s the sort of shape that we’re after and we want the same of this one as well so gray concrete behind the stairs

Raise up the two sides by two like this to fill the empty space on the outside and you’ll end up with this and you see from the outside you’ll get this effect which is pretty cool we’re going to fill this in using blue stained glass paint like so just like that

We’re going to fill this whole area here in using blue stained glass paint so these empty rows here just blue stained glass paint i want you to place blue stained glass paint on top of these quartz slabs here around the front where the waterfall pool is going to go

And whilst we are working on it i also want you to place glass pane underneath these two overhanging parts of the ball here under literally underneath the quartz blocks and you can even raise it up a row as well this is how we get the waterfall effect later

I then want you to take these this empty space here and raise it up two rows using your glass pane like this and what you can also do is place glass a quartz slab on top of all the glass pane and the quartz blocks like so what we then are going to do

Is i want you to take out your gray concrete and where we have this row of block of quartz here with the quartz slab i want you to place a row of gray concrete to the right of and behind of this row that is three blocks high one two three

And i want to have a row of gray concrete that comes from here and wraps around the edge of the pool so like this it goes from one side of the pool all the way over to the opposite side of the pool and this is going to stop any water

Coming through you see that’s the entire point of that we can even place a quartz slab coming inwards from this position and this position because this is typically where you’re going to be entering the pool and speaking of the pool area this is all going to be filled in with water so you

Might want to make some window areas inside of the gray concrete parts here you might want to knock out the centers of them and fill them in with glass as we are going to be able to see the inside of the pool from the hidden part

Of the house that is going to take this left side and in the interest of making the pool look a bit more interesting i am going to dig out the center of the pool and i’m going to dig out all of the grass here and i’m going to re-floor the ball

And what that means is that i’m going to use a different material for the base of the ball so that it doesn’t look boring i’m considering at this moment in time oak wood planks and i want a separation underneath the glass here by the way i want to show where and the pool

Separates and we’re also going to be adding some lighting into the ball as well i think that i’m going to use oakwood planks for the base of the pool but if you want something that would shine a bit brighter and something that you could see a bit easier from the outside

Looking into the water as water is you know it’s kind of like opaque it’s kind of difficult to see through it then i would suggest a lighter material perhaps the white concrete that we haven’t got out or or the block of quartz if you want to keep it uh keep it up to

Uh keep it up to what we’ve used on the rest of the house something that you will have on you but something like this will look just fine and what i would suggest is in certain points placing sea lanterns around the edge of the pool kind of like this

That will light up the window areas too and i’m also going to place a sea lantern here in the center of the waterfall just because i think it goes nicely and all we have to do from this point onwards and this is material that we don’t have funnily enough i’ve forgotten

Something surprise surprise we will need water though i’m sure that you guys gathered it so i’m going to fill the pool the waterfall pool in with water and i’m going to add water to the larger pool as well but the larger pool it is in the name is

Larger so this pool wants to be about three rows high it wants to come up as high as the gray concrete surrounding it pretty much and it is going to flow into the waterfall pool and you can shape the water i think that was a film actually shape of water but

You can shape the water so that looks all fine and dandy like that but perhaps you want to spread it out a little bit and perhaps you want to just make it look a little bit how shall i say maybe maybe chunkier might be might be the correct word but

You just might want to shape the water however you like just to make it look a certain way i don’t know that’s completely up to you you can see you can manipulate the water however you like i mean maybe uh this would work just to

Fan it out a little bit if that makes sense or something like that i quite like and now it kind of looks like um it it looks much more like a pointy bit of water um i’m not sure like uh i don’t know but it looks quite cool

Like that and you might like that look too anyway once you have got that sorted out we’re now going to work on this next bit so it was a little while ago but i want you to focus now on the right side of the build a little bit more

So where we have this wall where we have the block of quartz with the quartz slabs connecting them i want you to place a quartz block on top of each of the quartz blocks that we already have i then want you to place quartz slab on top of the quartz blocks

And blue stained glass pane in between those blocks like this i then want you to take this area of the house and it’s kind of a weird area it’s the only window that we have on the right side of the house well i want you to take this quartz slab

And extend it backwards by uh by six using your quartz slab so this block one two three four five six and connect that down to the ground using block of quartz i then want you to take that sixth quarter slab and extend it to the left once again by six one two three

Four five six and then connect that block down to the ground i then want you to place and this can be entire rows actually just to make it easy i want you to place a row of five quart slab moving backwards from the quartz slab in the corner one two three four

Five and when i what i meant when i said whole rows is i now want you to place block of quartz underneath this so we are just framing a little bit more of the house now you can see how it’s going to be laid out a little bit better

So i want you to take this area here that we’ve just created and i want you to place gray concrete all the way around the area that we’ve made kind of like in a rectangular shape like this just gray concrete all the way around the area with glass pane inside of it

Like this and then this right side i want you to place a row of gray concrete inside of this area starting from the left coming up going right and then down like this i then want you to place blocker quartz inwards inside of this area extend the

Block of quartz towards you by one row and then place a row of quartz slab on top of the quartz blocks this forms an obvious doorway which we’ll be discussing later i will show you how to divide the house up into different rooms i’m not going to show you how to do the

Entire interior though in this video maybe i’ll make a separate video but i don’t know who knows so this is what we want to have so far right this is a pretty decent amount of the house done we’ve actually got quite a lot of the outer framework complete but now

I want to work on the house part of this so speaking of the house i want you to come all the way to the back of it the back of the house and i want you to take every block of quartz that you find on the back part of

The house and i want you to raise it up by two rows okay so that’s gonna be one two one two one two one two and then one two like that i then want you to place a quartz slab on top of this last row and extend it

All the way to the right this should connect perfectly all the way to the right side just like that okay that’s perfect now funnily enough i want you to fill in all of these areas here i want you to fill in all of these empty areas in using gray concrete there is

Not one area that we have that isn’t going to be gray concrete a lot of this house is very secretive if you want to add windows and stuff later then you are absolutely allowed to i am going to add in the separations after like one two three four five i i do want

These separations on the inside of the house which is what i’m doing now right so like one two three four five uh i do want those separations myself just because it will kind of help me as to how we’re going to divide the house up later but

From the outside looking in what we will have created is this so you can see how this is coming together what i then want you to do is i want you to take the very left side of the build where we place this quartz slab initially i want you to place another

Quartz slab on top of it and then three more block of quartz on top of that one two three like that go all the way over to the right side i want you to locate this block right here on the right side on top of this block i want you to place

A quartz slab specifically that block by the way if i’m sure you’ll find it no problem on top of that i want you to place three block of quartz one two three and then extend that third one to the left using quartz slabs once more this will take you a little while

Bloop just like that now this whole area too i’m going to fill in using gray concrete now the difference with this is that there is going to be some windows and i’ll show you where i do at the windows but it really depends on the interior a

Lot of the front and sides of this house has windows everywhere that’s why a lot of the back doesn’t have windows there doesn’t have to be a window every every couple of blocks sometimes you can just leave things nice and blank just to have a bit of mystery

So you’ll be left with this area here i want you to this this is where the windows are gonna get added in by the way just in case you’re curious i’m gonna have a window starting from the left here i want this block this block this block and this block i’m gonna

Knock all those out i’m gonna replace that with a window right i’m going to leave a gap of three one two three and then i’m gonna knock out one two three blocks and then i’ve got windows that part of my house is kind of like a kitchen slash living room area so we’ve

Got a little bit of natural light coming in there’s nothing wrong with it but sometimes you don’t need windows everywhere now i want you to take the back top left corner of the house this part and i want you to raise it up by three using block of quads one two three

Extend that to the right by 14 using quartz slabs 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14. and i want you to then connect that downwards using slabs like that i then want you to take that 14 slab and extend it right by six using quartz slabs

One two three four five six and then extend that downwards using quartz slabs as well so we have now created the i’ll call it the skeletons for some rooms upstairs and once more i’m going to place gray concrete inside of these two empty areas here the gray concrete is going to fill

Them up and i’m not going to have any windows on the top part of the house again just to reiterate because sometimes there’s too many windows and on this particular occasion i don’t think i’m jumping the gun with this i want to raise up the gray concrete by an

Additional row and i want to connect it together from side to side so from the inside looking out that’s creepy we have something which should look like that if you cover up your left eye and can put it like straight in front of your face this right part here

Kind of looks like an enderman or something are you guys seeing that with the eyes and the mouth anyway that’s what we want to happen from the outside looking in that’s what we will have now from this point here i then want to move to the right side of the build Okay right side of the build first of all we are going to take all of the blocks of quartz at the bottom the build there’s only three of them and i want you to raise them all up by buy free we’ll raise them up by free block of quartz one two three one

Two three one two three i want you to take this quartz slab here on the left side of the right side of the house this quartz slab i want you to extend it through all of the blocks of quartz moving towards the back of the house like this

We are then going to fill in all of these areas using gray concrete so this particular part of my house you could add some windows into this part and i might just to mix it up a little bit but this part of the house is kind of

Like the underground part it’s kind of supposed to be hidden you know so that’s that’s why i left it without any windows i don’t want people looking in and seeing this kind of stuff there i want people to have to explore the house but that’s up to you i’m going

To leave it blank that’s what we will have once we finished now once you have done that i want you to take all of these blocks of quartz that we have sticking up and i want you to add three additional blocks of quartz on top of each of them one two three one

Two three one two three and we’re going to place a row of quartz slab that connects them all together so it connects all of them together and it also connects to the back of the house as well and this part is actually a little bit different um we are going to fill this

In using gray concrete again okay so i’m going to use gray concrete to fill in all of these areas however we are going to be adding windows and stuff to this part um this particular part of my house if i’ve got my geography right and i don’t usually because i did

Horrible in geography but this is my kitchen so from the outside looking in we do want a bit of natural light and we want the natural light coming in from this panel here so i’m going to destroy specifically these three middle blocks at the top i’m going to replace them with glass

And these three blocks here i’m gonna destroy these and replace them with glass on this side and all of these windows and all of this area can be completely made more interesting later this is just how we’re going to start this off now once you have done that i want you to now

Take how do i describe this the best i want you to extend up this quartz block here right can you guys see this quartz block i want you to place three additional block of quartz on top of it one two three and i want you to place going right of

It a row of quartz slabs this will connect to the back of the house i want you to split the area by placing a row of quartz block up the middle it should connect perfectly to the previous row of remaining quartz block i then want you to completely fill in this area

Using grey concrete and we are also going to extend the area upwards once more using gray concrete like this i want to extend the area upwards like that to give us this effect now that is looking satanic i don’t know what i’m seeing in the in the gray concrete in

The glass but i’m seeing something now once you have done that from the outside looking in we will have this view so this is what we have so far you can see a lot of this house has been laid out but of course there is much much more so

There’s a few parts of the house that need extending if we look from the front of the house towards the back of the house we want to locate ourselves this quartz block right here it shouldn’t be too hard to find there’s only like two rows of quartz

Visible on the back part of the house and it’s this one we want to take this and place seven quartz slabs moving forwards from this block one two three four five six seven turn that seventh block into a slab into a block and then extend it down to the ground by

Free using block of quartz one two three like that i then want you to take similarly i want you to take this row of block of quartz that we have up here and i want you to extend this forwards by seven using quartz slabs as well one two three four five six seven

And i want you to turn that into a quartz block so turn the slab into a block like that and then go down from this by two using block of quartz one two and then place a quartz slab underneath it and extend it left like that

But i also want you to extend it right by six one two three four five six turn that into a block of quartz and go down from it by three one two three i also want you to go up on top of it with block of quartz and place how many

But three blocks one two three connect it to the left using quartz slab like so and i also want you to connect it backwards using quartz slab 2 so i want you to connect it to the back of the build like that and you can even take

The quartz block here that is connected using quartz slab rows and you can extend that and connect it to the back of the build and you can do a similar thing here you can take this block of quartz that has a quartz slab underneath it and you can extend that backwards as well

Like this so you can see what we’re kind of getting to i then want you to take this upper corner area here this block of quartz connected using quartz slabs and i want you to extend it forwards by six using quartz slabs so that’s one two three four five six

And then extend that block down and place two quartz blocks underneath one two with a quarter slab underneath that and extend the quartz slab backwards to connect to the row like so we are then going to extend the quartz slab to the right two and we’re going to

Extend it to the right by four one two three four i then want you to place a row of four oak planks going right one two three four and then on this occasion we’re just going to connect to the right using gray concrete like this

And what we now want to do is we want to raise up the oak planks we’re going to place about four rows on top of them one two three four and the thing about the oak planks is i want to extend them downwards as well they want to extend down we can extend

Them all the way down to the ground as a matter of fact let’s extend them down to the ground and we can delete them later if we need to so we have a very large row of oak wood i want you to extend that row of oak

Wood forwards by two rows so that means all of them unfortunately every single oak wood plank extend it forward by not just one row like i’ve done now but two rows and this is going to form a key feature for the house not only does it make the house more interesting not

Only does it make sure that the house has a little bit of wood in it but it’s also going to be the reason that we have a nice hidden away couple of balconies so the next point from here is taking this quartz block that is connected using a lot of quartz slabs

And this quartz block i want to use quartz slab to connect this block to the right of the oak wood planks and i want to move through this and i want to connect it and it’s not going to connect by the way i want to connect it right

To the block of quartz like it’s not going to directly connect but it will sit in front of this area right here okay so next thing i’m going to fill in the roof a little bit okay i’m going to make the roof look a little bit more

Interesting so i’m going to place a row of gray concrete that goes all the way around the top inside of the roof and i might even extend the uh oak wood planks back a little bit yeah but uh it’s going to come all the way around

The inside of this part of the roof right here and i’m actually going to delete the gray concrete block that we have on this part i’m actually going to get rid of it because i have a different idea for the top part of this i’m going to just rejoin that using

Quartz slab and we’ll have something which should look exactly like this so far which is pretty good so this middle part of the roof that we kind of just got rid of the gray concrete from i’m going to place a square of gray concrete going around the inside of the

Top of the frame like this and then i’m going to place a square of oak wood planks like this inside it’s more of a rectangle than square to be honest and then i’m going to fill the top in using glass so to make that a bit more interesting pretty much you could even

Use oak slabs if you wanted to now that is a material that we do have on us and uh from the uh inside looking up this will look a bit more interesting than just the planes so that’s that’s not a bad reason to have it you could

Even then raise up the oak wood from the outside too so it even looked kind of interesting from the outside it depends how far you want to go of that stuff um so i also now that we’ve filled in that little part of the roof incidentally we have this little roof here

And i’m going to place gray concrete all the way around the top of the roof like this gray concrete i’m going to clean this up a bit but i’m going to store that block and i’m going to place what what do i want in its place um i kind of just want uh

We’ll we’ll have a quartz slab but then uh this point here i mean i get grey concrete how weird maybe you know what maybe we’ll get rid of the quartz entirely here and we’ll just have a row of gray concrete maybe that’ll work out better than having any quartz whatsoever

And then the top of this is just going to get filled in using gray concrete as well like that and this area too this can just be filled in using gray concrete this is going to be a little secret area where i actually hide a

Chest and an armor stand and you can get a bow from that area it’s only accessible by climbing along the edge of like an overhang but that’s what we have so far for the area up above here what we’re going to do is this okay so

I’m going to completely fill the roof in i think using glass so glass is going to keep the roof nice and bright but i mean it is a kind of a boring choice as well right you know for the roof there’s so many different things you could do you could like make the

Roof interesting you could add like a skylight in it i’m just gonna add glass to it so that the upper part of this house is nice and bright but uh you you could easily just make it like gray concrete or you could add like something interesting around it but i’m also going

To raise up the oak wood planks another row on the front and i’m going to extend the awkward planks inwards by three more rows like one two and three rows just so that it kind of like sits inside of this now this is what i’m talking

About right we could we could then from this point yeah we could like extend the oak backwards and we could really take advantage of like the shape of the oak like this and we could really turn that into something like kind of cool couldn’t we is this something like we could have the

Light coming from there and then we could like replace we could then replace these sides of this using like gray concrete oh you know something that looks a little bit more artistic than just like making the roof completely glass i don’t know uh you guys can do whatever you like but

You know i guess that looks a little bit more interesting right i mean you could even have it so that uh so that the oak wood slabs were as high as the uh oak wood planks that we have at the front of the house it that does

Look a bit better than just having a boring old route but anyway this is what we want to have so far right so now from the front you can see how this is piecing together this is looking pretty good so what are the next few steps you’re probably wondering to yourselves well we

Have to make some more rooms right we’ve got to make some rooms so wait where shall we start a lot of the area that’s missing is the middle area uh if we had that it’d actually be a bit easier so what i want you to do and this is very simple i

Want you to grab the gray concrete and i want you to like let’s say that we have this row of gray concrete at the front right side the house i want you to from the top of this gray concrete i want you to add an entire floor into the house using gray

Concrete if we have a floor installed then it’s going to give more context it’s going to give more structure to what we’re going to be doing around the house so we want to have a row of gray concrete that just nice and happily sits inside all of the empty space that we have

In the frame okay so i’m going to guide you through this because we don’t want absolutely just gray concrete everywhere that would be a little bit crazy but you can see like on the outside you can see like where that balcony should be filled in and this one too

And i want you to extend the grey concrete backwards just extend it backwards in a straight line inside of the quartz block frame as long as you stay inside of the quartz lines then i don’t see how you could go too far around so for instance like if you come about

As far back as here and then you can see we’re still sitting inside of the quartz block frame then you can extend this across and you can turn this and i’m not even sure if this outside part’s supposed to be grey concrete so once again i’m going

To take my own advice and i’m going to stay inside of the quartz block frame like this you can you can see so from the outside you can see that we’ve not we’ve not tampered with the walkway around the outside we’re only messing around with the inside aka the frame of

The house and we’re just going to add all of the gray concrete inside here so gonna add all that here just like this and this is going to form at the inside of the house and once we’ve done this i think that we’re going to add some walkways and stuff to the

Outside of the house just to give just to just to make it easier for you guys to see how this house should be built like once we finish the frame i i want you guys to understand why it was made like this and how it all works together as as

Weird as that might sound right i want you to understand how how i pieced this thing together so from now you can see that that’s actually done quite a decent job right i hope that you guys can now see that that’s that’s kind of like

That that’s kind of like put a bit more structure to the house so next i want to do this so can you remember earlier when we placed a row of free concrete free gray concrete next to the pool well i want you to take the free

Concrete and i want you to on the same on the wall to the right i want you to take this row of free gray concrete and i want you to transfer it to the wall on the right like that if that makes sense i want you to place a free gray concrete

On the right and i want this free gray concrete i want it to go all the way around the inside of the path and by path i mean like this i want it to go underneath and around the quartz blocks and i want it

To join to the very back of the house so you can see it joins here we’ve went all the way around the inside we went underneath the blocks of quartz like this and we started from here like that and i’m just going to fill in underneath the gray concrete here

And i might actually fill in underneath all of the gray concrete that we’ve just placed because it actually does a good job in separating the rooms for us later too and that’s something that i do want to show you i want to show you how i

Kind of devised the room so i’m just going to fill to about here because that is where i have an archery range and you can kind of see that that has made it so that we kind of have a very clear pathway area so now that we have these two rows of free

Gray concrete right i want you to place in front of these three rows of gray concrete i want you to place two rows of concrete so the bottom two blocks extend them forwards towards you by one row like that and then i want you to extend them again

One row towards you like this so it’s kind of created a stairs system i then want you to place quartz stairs coming upwards inside the gray concrete coming up towards the top i then want you to fill the top of this in using either quartz slab or quartz block it

Doesn’t really matter which you can choose whatever but this is going to be how we get into the main part of the house there’s a there’s plenty of parts of the house but this is the main part of the house this will take you to the

Front door if that’s what you want to call it that’s where all of the good stuff is well i say all the good stuff that’s where a lot of this stuff is a lot of the good stuff is actually hidden away in some of the side rooms but you guys get the idea

I also want to devise a doorway and by that i mean i want to destroy uh these two stairs and i want to have place i want to have a door like just sat inside of about here like so in the middle of the stairs it’s

Easy to go past it i just want to have like a stair uh uh i want you to have a doorway that kind of just like leads you directly inwards like that now once you have done that like i said you know we’ve done a pretty decent job so far

Of really laying out this house with that we’re actually cracking on with this really nicely so next i kind of want to create a path so this path starts at the front of the house this is the main entrance like this is the this is the gates here you

Know this is the gates and speaking of the gates i also want to place quartz slab on top of these two quartz blocks here that we have at the front of the house so that they’re all the same height well i then want to grab oak fence and i

Want to place oak fence on the inside of the two rows of quartz that we’ve got to move through to get inside the property and i’m going to destroy the ground between them but not underneath them i’m then going to destroy one round two rows three rows four rows coming inwards

I’m then going to take the last three rows and extend them to the right one two three and then i’m going to dig out these rows and i’m going to connect these not only to the staircase but i’m also going to connect it to this door on the right hand side

And what’s different here is i want you to place quartz slabs inside of the empty road inside of the empty path that we have just created so coming all this way quartz slabs inside of the empty path just like this in in particular places where you would

Have like an entrance like a doorway like this so let’s let me just show you so like we’d have a door here right something like that uh you’re gonna want to create a step up so whether that’s using quartz stairs or something similar then you know you’re going to want to do that

Like here for instance you’re going to want to place like quartz slabs and like quartz slabs here and where you can see underneath like these gray concrete blocks right that’s kind of ugly so i’m going to straw underneath them and i’m going to replace quartz blocks there and

I might even extend the quartz like left and right just like that just because that looks kind of cool but you know you don’t have to do that whatsoever now once you have done that you can see that we now have a very clear pathway

And we have a lot of our room set out i would also like to take this empty space here you can see where we have this empty row of gray concrete i’m going to fill this in this row and i want to uh i want to do this essentially from the

Back left hand corner of this oak wood plank like here i want to place a gray concrete and i want to extend this gray concrete to the left actually do i want to do that yeah i want to extend this gray concrete to the left by one two three

Four like that and then i want to extend that block backwards by one two three four five six i’m then going to extend that to the right by one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve and then i’m going to connect that to

The back of the house to make a wall like this and i’m also going to want to install another floor and some more walkways and stuff but for now we’re just gonna that’s what we’re going to have there we’ve created another wall which is good for us because it adds it adds structure

And we’re also going to place quartz uh gray concrete behind all of this quartz slab that we have like behind this here like above where we were just building we’re going to place grey concrete coming all the way around the inside of the quartz slab like this

So from the outside once again speaking of structure that’s all we’re doing you can see that we now have another row of grey concrete and incidentally you could even fill in inside of the house here and this will give us the second floor of the house if

You don’t crown the ground floor there’s a floor i suppose you wouldn’t like ground floor first floor second floor this is like the top floor of the house i’ll say and i’m just going to fill this in using gray concrete because once again it does matter we want to use this

House don’t we we want it to be a nice area that we can fill in that makes sense that is separated into rooms that’s what this is so and that’s what we’re doing that’s why we’re creating all of the floor that’s why we’re creating all of the paths nice that’s

Why we’re making a logical build instead of like a really weird crazy build this build is a little bit crazy but you know it’s not without its logic to it makes sense so that is what we want to have so far once again we’ve we’ve p we’ve pieced even

More of the puzzle together now the next thing that we’re going to do is we are going to come over to the right side of the build and i want you to take this block of quartz that we have right here you know we have a row of block of course you

Guys can remember this fairly well well i want you to place next to this block of quartz a row of uh a row of five grey concrete six grey concrete going left of it okay six one two three four five six and connect it backwards and also connect it down like that

Fill in the top of this area using grey concrete too like that and this is going to be another balcony area so the entrance to this balconies is going to be made out of like block of quartz and the entrance is going to be pretty much mostly like in the middle of

This gray concrete so i’m gonna extend this this row of grey concrete forwards too um actually like it is it’s actually a double door so i’m gonna place like a double door lock right in the middle and i’m going to place block of quartz around the double door like this

Like all the way around it like that just because i think that that looks kind of cool and i’m also going to this left area in here we want to be able to get out of this area onto this balcony so i’m going to place uh some gray concrete here

And here and then that leaves like a doorway and i’m going to place some blue stained glass paint that kind of goes around just to make it look a bit more apparent and i’m also going to add a trim like around the top of the door i’m going to

Place quartz slab i’m going to extend it forwards and to the right like this and on the right hand side i’m going to also have a trim like i’m just going to extend it backwards like through the door like that and i’m also going to take this block of

Quartz just slightly above this one i’m going to place a trim of quartz slab just going around the top of the upper balcony like that just it look it just looks good and uh i also want to create the doorway like up here we have another balcony i know balcony balcony balcony balcony

It never stops uh i want you to make the gray concrete even with the block of quartz and i want you to add a doorway in like somewhere here like an oak door there it’d be fine and i’m going to place gray concrete around the oak door like this

So from the outside it’ll look exactly like that you can even have a little window if you like and i’m going to place a glass pane all the way around the edge of the balcony on the gray concrete not on the quartz slab so something like that

Would look great so you can see that we’ve we’ve established quite a few doorways on that particular part um whilst we are on the upper level and this area in here i’m just going to place gray concrete around the inside of it like this yeah so like this kind of like in a

Rectangular shape and i’m going to fill the middle part in with glass pane like that the left side here i’m going to do the same it’s going to be grey concrete going all the way around the inside like this with glass pane in the middle

Just go again i just like the way that that looks now this part here is interesting i’m going to connect the right side down using grey concrete i’m going to stick a door in the middle and i’m going to place glass block left and right of it okay

And what i want to do is i want to add a row two rows about two rows of quartz slab in front of where this balcony is in front of where this doorway is about two rows of quartz slab and the point of this is so that we can walk out this door

And we can walk around and we gain access to this otherwise inaccessible part of the house and we’re just going to put like a double chest there or something secretive you know and you can see once again i keep saying this but it’s it’s just interesting how

It all just slowly build up together and once we have reached this point right here the only rooms that we kind of like have to focus on are these lower rooms so first of all we’re like we’re dropping down level and we have this room i think that this

One yeah or the right side is done so this area here i’m going to connect the bottom corner to the top corner and i’m going to frame it i’m going to place gray concrete here on this right side and gray concrete here on this left side so like again i’m creating window space

And then i’m going to place glass inside of it glass paint preferably because it creates depth and glass block doesn’t i i do kind of go through my faces but glass paint is superior looking most of the time to glass block like that and then this left side here is a bit

Different you see okay so we’re going to add a gray concrete here on the corner connecting the top to the bottom we’re going to place a row of gray concrete here connecting the top to the bottom as well we’re going to cut the area in half with

A row of gray concrete too like this so it kind of you know it’s kind of like the letter right the letter a the number eight but sideways and we’re going to on the inside of this fill in the inside of this part using oak wood planks and the reason for this

Is because we’re going to have some paintings as decoration so from the outside looking in we want to have this and we’re going to have the we’re going to need uh iron trap doors levers and paintings and i’m going to place iron trap doors on the left and

Right hand sides of the empty space like this which just leaves the middle four blocks and i’m going to place paintings inside of the middle four blocks now i’ve got two paintings in mind one of them the karate kid and the other one is kind of like a like a greek

Philosopher looking guy um you you’ll know it when you see it where is he i love these two paintings my favorite two like two by two paintings sometimes it takes ah there we go i love those paintings the best and then on the inside i’m going to add

Levers um wherever we have to like we’ll have to add one here maybe one here um on the inside that might take care of both of them and then here on the end too and what will that end up looking like oh we’ve got most of the trap doors down

Um we just i guess that that these two didn’t work so how about they’re in there too and yeah from the outside looking in you see that looks really cool but use your favorite paintings you know you don’t have to use my favorites which leaves

Just one room which is this room and the doorway is going to be here so i’m going to grab an oakwood door and place it here and i’m going to place gray concrete filling in the entire rest of the wall because we’ve got all those levers and stuff

So that is what we want to have ladies and gentlemen so far right now that is pretty much like a blank canvas that is what the house looks like by itself without any decoration at all and that is really really good but this next part is going to be us decorating

The outside of the house at the very least to make it look a bit better back in a mo okay ladies and gentlemen now that we have made the actual house itself it’s time to decorate the outside of it a little bit because it’s looking a bit boring and bland

So we’re going to need all of these materials that i have in my inventory right now the first part of what we’re gonna do is we’re going to spruce up the house using a lot of plant life and a lot of plant life so make sure

That you have all of this stuff pause the video if you have to and then we can continue on if you want to decorate your house in a completely different manner i’m not going to be offended make it how you want it so let’s start from the beginning this is

The entrance to the house i’m going to start off by planting poppies around the pathway that takes us up to well takes us everywhere pretty much like the pathway that takes us all the way into the bedroom area the pathway that takes us into the archery range and the

Pathway that also takes us into the house i’m placing puppies all the way around that pathway which is a very basic thing to do so i’m going to left and right of the stairs area i’m going to destroy and i’m going to place jungle leaves i’m

Going to place an oak fence with jungle leaves on top to better frame the area i’m also going to place jungles in front of this window here to the right just because again i just want to make it nice and bright and colorful and lively i’m even going to place a cauldron here

Just in the right it doesn’t have to be symmetrical with a jungle leaf on top once again all of this is in the name of making it nice bright and colorful now doesn’t that look better we’ve got a modern blend mixed with some nice nature

Now once we have done that bit we are also going to want to moving up these stairs a little bit we’re going to want to add maybe even on the stairs themselves actually maybe like a flower part with a poppy in it poppy’s my favorite flower feel free to grab a

Variety if you’re not happy with just having poppies and as we move up and around this path i also want to have a row of trees along this path as well on the left hand side here because it looks a bit bare so maybe if you place like an

Oak fence every other block like this and then you place two jungle leaves on top of every single one of them it will really brighten up this particular part of the walkway and it’s a bit lifeless at the moment there’s not really too much going on with it

You could even have a planter here just next to this door a planter being grass blocks with wooden trapdoors around it like this maybe even like we could even have like a cauldron in the corner jungle leaves on top and then like plants inside of it

You could even if you wanted to go one step further you could have like iron trap doors or something above that just to kind of like again just make it perhaps a bit more appealing a bit more interesting to look at now once you’ve decorated that sort of

Area and you can see that it has made a decent difference we’re also going to add some more plants around so like um for instance like where we have this little balcony here i want a cauldron in the corner with like jungle leaves on top of it

Where we have this balcony up here i’m going to want to have like a cauldron with well where do i want the cauldron probably in the corner with jungle leaves and stuff on top of it maybe just one yeah that looks good as we move through the house maybe like

Uh where we have this door here onto this other balcony uh maybe cauldron again with some jungle leaves we could even have like a flower part with like a puppy in it and as we go around the corner i actually want to have a planter on this

Balcony too so that means grass blocks with wooden trapdoors surrounding them surrounding top and uh i’m also going to of course plant some nice colorful flowers inside of them as well so like this and all in all you know that looks really cool that looks really nice and

That looks colorful that’s that’s quite a lot of flowers and plants and stuff that we’ve added around the house now i don’t know whether we’re going to any more at this point in time but actually i do know that because we are missing one if we come all the way to the front

Right side of the house i almost missed this it’s easy to miss where we have this window here i actually want to place some grass blocks directly below the window right and i’m actually going to destroy below the grass blocks and uh i want the grass

Blocks to be turned on um i think levers underneath them would actually do i think that that’d send a power output and then trapdoors i’m wrong it doesn’t send a power output okay well maybe if the levers i’m not going to dig any deeper actually but i’m pretty sure that torches would work

In any case there we go so torches would work equally as well um to provide power to the trapdoors and then just some poppies in there maybe some wooden trap doors above the window you know something just to make it look a little bit more a little bit more colorful as i

Keep saying and that that’s actually now that’s quite a lot of plant life right you know we’ve added quite a bit there the next thing that we’re going to do is we are going to decorate the walkway area around here okay so this walkway area is it uses its own set of materials

And let me grab them so these are the sorts of materials that we are going to be using for the walkway area and i want you to grab these if you plan on doing it like me and pause the video once you do have them so on this walkway area the main feature

Is the fact that we’ve got a paracel an umbrella and the paracel is positioned right in the middle of the path in the right side of the karate painting so you find the right side of the cracks painting where that guy’s doing a karate chop and you find the middle of the path

And you place two end rods on top of each other quartz slabs all around the top and the rod quartz slab on top of the end rods maybe even a block above it and then red beds all the way around the top of this doesn’t have to be red i just you know

Red is my favorite color so what you’re gonna do something like that you know looks great we’re going to add a couple of lounging chairs which means one block away from the umbrella um we’re going to place an oak wood stair with oakwood slabs in front so oakwood’s there oakwood slab in

Front one row away from the paracel and left and right of that i’m actually going to make a little table using a quartz slab wooden trapdoor and i’m going to place a flower pot on top of that and that kind of looks like a like like kind of like a

Flimsy table with like a drink on it and we’re doing the same on the right side too so like just one block away from the actual uh actual bed it’s one trapdoor quartz block and a flower pot provides a nice little bit of decoration here on the well here going around the

Path as well we want to place a strip of red carpet moving through the middle of the path now you’re not going to be able to place that everywhere so don’t bother but where you can place a red strip of carpet going through the middle of the

Path which kind of leads you around the path itself like it kind of shows you where you’ve got to go that’s why i like having like red carpets and carpets and stuff in general it kind of just shows you where you need to go in a similar vein like i’m even going to

Add a little bit of red carpet up here as well on this balcony and it’s kind of going to point inwards and i’m also going to add a bit of red carpet here as well on this balcony because once again you know it kind of just shows you that there’s something

Worth looking at on those particular balconies and once you have done that the next thing that i’m going to do is i’m just going to make a couple of lounging areas to you know just make the outside of the house look a bit more presentable so like on this terrace for instance this

Is quite a big one the one on the right hand side i’m going to place a couple of oak wood slabs positioned away from each other like two blocks away from each other i’m going to chuck maybe like a white carpet in front of them and it kind of

Just looks like a small chair with maybe like a like a little foot rest and i’m going to place i want to have a double furnace in between them like here so they’re kind of like facing towards like a double furnace i’m going to place oak fence left and

Right of the double furnace as well and i’m going to place quartz blocks behind the double furnace um oak wood and i think i’m also going to place maybe some red concrete uh red carpet on top of the oak wood fence and i would also like to place some one

Trapdoors behind all of this flicking upwards and it kind of just looks like a little bit of a cooking station it just looks kind of cool honestly i really like how how it looks um up above here like where we have this red carpet and stuff too um you know a

Little seat or something a couple of seats up here would be pretty cool so maybe like i’m like here and here have a couple of chairs maybe even have like what what i also like is hiding chests around houses like up here like not only do we have like a couple of

Chairs we have a plant and stuff but we now have a double chest just hidden outside and it’s the same sort of thing here like if you could easily like hide a cool chest here i like people um like easter egg hunting like scavenger hunting for stuff and the same goes here

Like you could have a chest hidden away on that balcony i mean maybe that’s easy to get to right because you know you can just jump onto that balcony and stuff but that kind of defeats the purpose of like finding the door for it and what

Have you you can cheat it but you know then it’s not fun so uh we also want to and oh i’ll i like the idea of having like again like chest just chests everywhere like stuff people people want to find maybe like a chest this time

With like an oak fence and like a a an iron trap door on top of it you know just for a bit of decoration it looks like a little bit of a little bit of a table and what i really like because this is actually the hardest chest that you’ll

Find like up here where we place this red carpet if we have a double chest here and then something worth finding right maybe i don’t know whether it’s like maybe like a chest and an ender chest or something like that and maybe like maybe like a nice cool set of armor

With maybe like a bow or something you know something worth finding should be up here because it is hard to find and maybe just like to even out a little bit of an armor stand and you could even decorate the area you know by placing like jungle leaves and like plants and

Stuff but uh you know maybe even a painting too but uh you should be rewarded for finding that area because that’s a really cool one you know and you can see it like as you walk around you’ll catch a glimpse of it and you’ll

Be like huh how do i get up there and you know the way that you’ll find it is through exploring the house which is what exactly what i want people to do and one little thing that’s bugging me too at this particular moment in time i noticed that the water isn’t still i

Actually noticed a little while back but yeah there we go the water’s still now perfect and i don’t know you know we’ve really just spruced up the outside of the house by doing that like hasn’t that made such a difference i think it has and you know what before

I call this tutorial there is just one more thing that we can do which really does improve this house it’ll require some oak wood planks some sea lanterns and some block of quartz all the way around the house you can see that we have all of these stairs well i would recommend digging

Underneath the entire house all of these stairs the upside down stairs that’s because you can see underneath them right with an upside down stay you’ve got like that half a block that you can see which is cool but also annoying it it means that if you’ve got something

Boring underneath there then it needs changing you know what i’m saying so we’re getting rid of all of that underneath all of the upside down stairs that we can see and there’s a lot of them throughout the house right and we’re going to take the middle blocks and we’re going to place sea

Lanterns in them with oakwood planks around it now that provides a nice bit of light for around the house and it also at night makes this house look really cool which we’ll take a look into at the end of this but i want you to play sea lanterns in the floor in the

Middle you’re actually not going to be able to do it with that last panel um because it’s it’s not an even uh an odd number but we’ll go back and we’ll fix that in a second but what i do want you to do plant sea lanterns in the middle

Of all of these stairs like this and we’re just going to place oak wood planks around them like that and it it just looks cool and it further adds to the color combination i love the color combination of gray quartz and oak wood i love the color combination so yeah it

It just doesn’t work you see like here but maybe like a double sea lantern would work just fine and uh just moving around i’m going to place this and we’re also just going to add like a bit of a a bit of a path at the front of the

House as well so like i’m going to dig just left of the this area here i’m also going to just dig out this path just to make the house like square the house up if that makes sense i’m going to put quartz block inside of this empty space like this

And i’m going to turn the rest of it into oak wood planks okay so i’m gonna destroy all this and just to kind of just to kind of frame it properly i’m just going to play some open planks and you’ll see the difference it makes i

Think it makes a bit of a difference anyway so now there we go that looks pretty cool to me now we have really added a a frame to around the outside of the house and i think that looks cool like if you set knight then i don’t know if there’s something cool

About that right right i don’t know maybe it’s just me so the only thing that i now want to make sure all right the only thing that i want to make sure now is that the house can be divided up into rooms logically okay so this this is the outside of the

House this is the tutorial finished really but let’s explore all the rooms let’s see how we would line them up so we’ll start off with the bedroom area which is on the right side of the house here is where i would have a load of bedrooms

And i would divide the area you can see where we have this row of uh gray concrete i would divide the area by creating a wall here so i would wall that part off i’d leave that alone and this would all be its own separate space you don’t even

Have to have the oak wood down here if you just want to expand on the house a little bit and what i did um i’d recommend digging into the ground as well right like uh i dig down to create more headroom and that’s what i do with

This space i’ll show you how it looks once it’s all done but like that’s how you separate the rooms like there’s a clear divide between this and that opposite side and what is on that opposite side by the way uh if we go through this door we have like a hallway

Which brings us in and takes us to the left which is cool and this is where i have my archery range you can maybe you can see why i decided to make it one because like it’s naturally this sort of shape so that’s perfect this is already

Set out as a nice room all by itself no further explanation as we move into the main house however like again i mean it is up into logical houses as you look uh logical rooms as you set into it like this the first floor here like this is

Where the dining room slash living room slash kitcheners like this all works we go through here into these not much needs explaining um the way that i get up onto the second floor is i just have a set of stairs here just in the corner

Um set out however i have them set out you know somewhat something like this and it allows us to go up to the second floor this is the second floor this is the highest level that you can reach on the house which takes you out onto the

Balconies of course and if you go through here all the way to the end then this of course takes you to the secret balcony so you can see that the house is really easily divided up into rooms really is it’s very very already ready to be divided up turned into a

Nice proper house and i hope that you guys have enjoyed this tutorial by the way as i finish up the tutorial as i say my goodbyes and my thank yous i’m going to take you for another tour around the house just in case you want some interior uh inspiration all right but

This is the tutorial portion done before i just show you around the inside of this house again i just want to say how much i appreciate every single one of you guys for watching this video and how much it would mean to me if you could hit that like button as it really

Helped me in the channel out immensely and if you do enjoy the content enough to make it this far in the video please share it with a friend i would really appreciate it so i’m going to slowly pan around the inside of the house to give you guys some inspiration with what you

Can do to the inside if you have no ideas whatsoever so this is the small area to the right of the house and in this small area i have divided it into four bedrooms like this they each have their own separate room they’ve all got the same things in it

And leading up to the bedrooms we have a storage area mostly just valuable things but if you’ve absolutely got no ideas for this house then this will hopefully help you out a little bit and i have also dropped the floor by one block as well

And as we do move through the house this is the hidden archery range that we have through these doors right here you can see how it’s decorated you can see that it’s basically just a nice long hallway with plenty of chests and decoration as it leads to an archery course here

In which the two players would stand on each one of the colors and try and shoot specific targets with a little scoreboard too and coming out of here these are the lower these are the lower rooms if we come into the main room here like if we come

Into the main part of the house we have a long hallway this conceals all of the levers and stuff for the outer decoration we have a jukebox and some flowers but we have a pretty cool living room kitchen that i really like it’s nice and colorful the tv is quite interesting to

Look at we have a kitchen area as well with some stairs we even have a hidden room underneath the stairs too and this leads us out onto the balcony of course but you guys don’t need to see that because we did actually include those in the tutorial

If we come upstairs as well then you can see that this is very survival themed up here there’s plenty of armor there’s brewing there’s furnaces there’s enchantment libraries there’s all sorts of stuff and this all of this is just inspiration if you have to go back if

You have to pause then feel free to do so but i i believe that i’ve shown you everything there i don’t think that there’s much left and that is that ladies and gentlemen please do remember to like the video if you have liked it i really would appreciate that i honestly

Would if you do want to keep up to date with the channel please do subscribe and click the little bell next to the subscription button that ensures that you all my stuff sent directly to your sub box and if you would like to make any more of my stuff please check out

The khan system and the description below for some of my many other builds i’d highly recommend the modern house builds playlist or possibly the mansion builds playlist which will show you how to make all sorts of awesome huge modern houses in all sorts of different varieties plus we make just about

Everything on this channel ranging from fun stuff to survival to cartoon to movie we do a little bit of everything so please do check out the car system in the description below for other builds of mine i’ll especially leave a link to this house here down below in the

Comments because i really love that mansion too it’s definitely a cool one and that is that ladies and gentlemen thank you so much for watching i really do appreciate every single one of you so so much i really do want to just show my love to every single one of you

I really do hope that you guys enjoy these videos and appreciate them as much as i appreciate you guys and i’ll see you guys in the next one goodbye You

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Tutorial: How To Make A Modern Mansion #6’, was uploaded by TSMC – Minecraft on 2018-06-23 13:33:10. It has garnered 5858514 views and 18946 likes. The duration of the video is 01:22:36 or 4956 seconds.

Minecraft Tutorial: How To Make A Modern Mansion #6

In this tutorial i show you how to make a huge modern mansion with plenty to explore including a large garden, a pool, several balcony’s and 2 underground hidden room! if you enjoy this video please hit that like button i’d appreciate it :)!

hit that like button and subscribe for more :)!

more house tutorials – https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLVfyBBWTXosD4n0YDq85PjE9rSJ4SIbpi

If you are looking for an awesome and super simple, easy to make modern mansion this video is for you! for pocket edition ( mc pe ) xbox xbox360 , ps , ps3 , ps4 , pc

#modernmansion #mansiontutorial #tsmc

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  • Insane Lifesteal SMP in Minecraft! Free Server Tutorial

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  • JJ & Mikey find SCARY superheroes in Minecraft!

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    SHIKANOKO NOKONOKO KOSHI TANTAN - MINECRAFT ANIMASIVideo Information This video, titled ‘SHIKANOKO NOKONOKO KOSHITANTAN – ANIMASI MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by DUHIN on 2024-07-21 10:00:36. It has garnered 21456 views and 1879 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:22 or 22 seconds. Characters @KoboKanaeru @KureijiOllie @AiraniIofifteen @MoonaHoshinova @AyundaRisu @KaelaKovalskia @VestiaZeta ••••••••••••••••••••• Subscribe for more animation from duhin:) •••••••••••••••••••••• social media: Instagram :@duhingram TikTok: @duhinuwu •••••••••••••••••••••• Track: – •••••••••••••••••••••• back to video guys, dont forget to like, comment, and subscribe #Shorts Read More

  • Insane Hide-and-Seek with INSIDE OUT in Minecraft!

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  • Insane Minecraft Turtle Farm – 3000+ cobblestone/hr

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  • ChippyChickin’s Realm – Realms 18+ Whitelist 1.21.1

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  • Minecraft Memes – Mob Sounds: My Original Creation

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  • Cube Xuan: Minecraft’s Happy Planet Rhyme

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  • I felt that… in the Nether! 🔥

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  • LEGO Novelties October 2024: Star Wars, Batman, Super Mario, Minecraft

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  • Ultimate Easy Iron Farm Minecraft Bedrock

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  • Unbelievable plot twists in 41 min of Minecraft Story Mode

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  • Sly Factory Build in Galaxy Gaming SMP

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  • Become a Minecraft Legend in 1K! Join Mickaye Now

    Become a Minecraft Legend in 1K! Join Mickaye NowVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT PLAYING W/ VIEWERS!!! REALMS, SPEEDRUNS, CUBECRAFT, ETC. – ROAD TO 1K!!!’, was uploaded by Mickaye on 2024-08-27 09:06:06. It has garnered 47 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 01:59:19 or 7159 seconds. Hey, Welcome to my channel! I’m going to be streaming games and vlogging often on this channel I hope everyone enjoys the content! Like & Subscribe if you want more videos! Read More


    ULTIMATE MINECRAFT BUILD with INSANE GRANITE - Tim Horn EPIC Adventure!Video Information This video, titled ‘SO MUCH GRANITE II: Minecraft Series #70’, was uploaded by Tim Horn on 2024-01-17 19:54:18. It has garnered 46 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:50:04 or 3004 seconds. Here is the long awaited Minecraft Series i mentioned before, This World is on an Amplified World, Which is full of lakes & mountains, this actually makes it harder, so good luck for me on this one, Im going to play at my own pace & enjoy building & civilizing this world! Support me on Patreon! Really would appreciate it! https://www.patreon.com/Thunder103093 My… Read More

TSMC – Minecraft – Minecraft Tutorial: How To Make A Modern Mansion #6