Twitch Livestream | Minecraft [PC]

Video Information

Youtube how is it going your eyes do not deceive you the title of the video is minecraft we are playing minecraft today in honor of the 10 year anniversary of let’s play minecraft episode 1 over at achievement hunter actually it was on the rooster teeth channel that’s how old it is 10 years

It’s been a decade can you believe it it’s actually crazy to think about but uh in honor of this uh milestone and that we’re all very old and slowly dying uh we’re gonna play minecraft today i have no goals in mind it is just old man plays vanilla minecraft for a

Couple of hours just to ex just play minecraft just experience minecraft because it’s it’s been too long since i’ve sat down and actually just played it no mods no [ __ ] weird maps or anything like that just straight up load into a world and uh play minecraft why is everyone

Saying why is people why people think i’m lying also chad you’re good now you can you’re not gonna get the video to monetize what why do you think i’m lying in the seven years of streaming have i lied to you chat have hold on chat hol chad have i lied to you

I don’t see any no’s see i’m an honest guy i would never ever light a chat so uh yeah uh but we do have a hype train so we’re gonna deal with that and then we’ll uh start the recording youtube i’ll see in a little bit all right youtube we’re back from the

Hype train it was super hype sad you missed it um i don’t know what else needs to be said uh 10 years since the minecraft let’s play pretty [ __ ] crazy to think about uh really depressing to think about in a way uh i still remember the day we filmed it

I didn’t have my own setup i didn’t have my own mic i it was the setup was super scuffed and uh it was split screen it was a mess dude it was a mess who would have thought this day 10 years ago or 22 yeah 10 years ago um

That we would make history we were born to my sister we came into minecraft so late because there were so many other people doing long series but uh we were the xbox 360 ones we’re the xbox minecraft guys that was a bad idea in the long run

But i mean at the time it was fine we didn’t we didn’t know we we didn’t know we were the xbox smp exactly achievements though achievements yeah we definitely probably should have hopped on pc minecraft by like episode five or six uh the 360 version was held together by uh

Paper clips and prayer but uh yeah anyway oh hey there’s robbie rotten from before oh god we are super backed up we are super backed up uh robbie’s excited feel thank you for the 25. all right uh i guess i could put the alerts back on i

Think we’re kind of caught up right oh we still get to go okay um all right let’s get to it oh [ __ ] my bad my bad shot that was a mistake i’m sorry minecraft java edition are we ready did i just spend four dollars on a joke

That was two seconds long you’re damn right i did you’re damn right i did i’m going to refund the game and said chilled chaos bullies me that’s going to be my message to steam happy hap please happy 10 year birthday can i spell smile that’s kind of a scuff smile that’s better

I’m so used to typing on my other keyboard that typing on the old keyboard i used to use is so weird uh survival normal sure man whatever reminder we have no goal here i’m just gonna play and experience minecraft for the first time in a very long time i’m not even sure if

This my pc is gonna like chug running this game as much of a joke as that is minecraft can be a real [ __ ] powerhouse oh hell yeah oh dude i’m in chad look i still have the skin i still got it don’t worry figured that out

Dude i don’t know how to do anything it’s amazing that playing a game for [ __ ] every week multiple times a week for three years and then only playing it very sparingly the following seven years how much you forget or how much you try to forget i guess is a more

Realistic thing oh what is that oh you could like search that’s right [ __ ] me yeah we were we were we were stupid playing this [ __ ] on uh on 360. that is a lot of bits holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] put alerts back on so i can see what it is when it comes up

Chad i think in the seven years since i’ve started streaming full-time i think we’ve only played minecraft it’s definitely been less than ten times we’ve played it a little bit recently with like the the hang time uh scavenger hunts but actually like whoops please oh raft uh but actually like play it properly

We’ve only we’ve hit 69.69 twice like we’ve hit that milestone twice i think so it’s kind of crazy can i just like search here and it makes it for me yeah dude oh [ __ ] that’s way more useful that’s gonna be great i’m gonna use the [ __ ] of that

Like this is all there’s a 2000 20 000 bits uh i love supporting the new small-time minecraft streamer thank you thank you this is actually my dream smp audition so i’m really hoping i get in i know connor famed minecraft streamer in the dream smp so i think i have a good shot

I’m roughly 30 years older than everyone in the dream smp but i think i have a good chance i’ll just be the let’s play guy you know i’ll just i’ll just bring that back dude i don’t remember how to [ __ ] like do anything can you tell i’m like struggling to make [ __ ]

I don’t know if that’s like good or bad aksu got pokemon on the mind oh whoops here we go Oh i need more sticks when’s the last time chat that you saw somebody just kind of uh play minecraft you know like not have any crazy mods or anything else happening that’s the wrong way nope oh it’s like this isn’t it i just [ __ ] saw it i forgot there we go

Like probably tina writing her server but even that like that’s a that’s a server i mean just someone like load up minecraft and just and just [ __ ] play like i’ve seen obviously i’ve watched tina playing her server i’ve seen some of the [ __ ] people are making in that server it’s wild

I told tina like looking at some of the stuff on that server i’m like dude tina i played minecraft for three years and i was [ __ ] playing it wrong we were playing it so wrong it was uh oh yeah brown sheep it was uh oh dude it’s a sign i guess

Aren’t those supposed to be rare it was uh yeah we were it’s so impressive the things people do and whatnot i need that wolf or a bed oh pink is the rare one okay all right the [ __ ] oh dude I remember when they added this like you have to wait to uh attack to get like the most out of your attack and like still i would just spam it like a [ __ ] idiot and do no damage and i’m like why no reason you’re just you’re just dumb

But yeah chat ten years man yeah dude that’s crazy to think about this stream isn’t going to be too terribly long but if you want to like hear more minecraft stories and whatnot i guess you can watch the react stream on my youtube channel going over like reacting to old content

I’ve been in it’s mostly old achievement hunter stuff it’s it’s my pinned video on my youtube channel as well it’s got like a bunch of views people really liked it so i’m glad it was it was a fun trip down memory lane yo brad here thank you for 27 months

I was there for video one yeah how many of you were there for like the first one and don’t lie cause i’ll know i’ll know how the [ __ ] do you make a bed oh oh they have to be the same color wool that’s cringe me i was 13. yeah when people were

Responding to that message saying they were like 12 or 13. i think i saw someone say they were like nine i’m like i’m gonna vomit why are you watching achievement hunter at nine but i’m glad uh i’m glad people liked it obviously dude it was it was fun for a while it

Was a good time you know but after you know three years just start to wear thin i didn’t build a shovel idiot dude you were 69 years old let’s go sex number i totally believe you you wouldn’t lie to me right you want to do that go on the internet and lie uh

Is this a shovel let’s go he remembers i lie on the daily can i get a cave any cave any cobblestone any cobblestone for your boy oh what the [ __ ] is this it’s just gravel oh it’s just gravel okay i know what that is oh there’s a cool mountain thing over there

Oh dude when we started playing minecraft in the 360 there was like no health bar no no food bar rather uh it was that’s how far back the 360 version was trying to think what other features were in that version that we started playing it was very uh it was very uh

Bare bones um it was pretty crazy i don’t know wait what oh i still have to make it is that it okay sure cool hey buddy oh yeah there was no xp oh my god the load times can you not trigger me this is a safe space

My favorite part was uh having the world not load in front of you trying to film a video and you’re walking and it’s just like the void and you’re like okay [ __ ] me i guess guess i’ll just wait yeah chunks loading and whatnot or sometimes just like not loading

It’s so incredible too that a lot of our first video ideas were so simple like race to the bottom you know nether like refers to the the nether and [ __ ] like that i’m heading over here i’m hoping there’s a cave or something they were so simplistic go to bedrock yeah dude yabba-dabba-yabba-dabba-yabba-doo now

Oh there’s [ __ ] turtles in this game that’s right hi turtles find the tower shopping list was probably one of my favorites i like the uh kind of like the scavenger hunt kind of videos we did those are fun because that was a simple goal but we

Just got to you know banter back and forth and the structure wasn’t too like complicated to make what the [ __ ] is this oh is this a little village oh yeah i think so get out of the way yo bread let’s go take this as well but yeah minecraft today is just a completely

Completely different beast it’s almost like a foreign game to me at this point but then again i have kind of tried to forget to all that knowledge i had oh what the [ __ ] is this i don’t know what this is i assume i can walk i need a [ __ ] stone pickaxe but

What the [ __ ] oh [ __ ] it just destroys it huh i guess i need something better okay oh that’s the new copper oh [ __ ] dude they gave it color it’s not just brown all right let me actually just get stone here dude there’s so many things that i’m so

Excited about because i haven’t seen before even though most of it’s probably just garbage but dude it’s new to me dude chad i’m a boomer okay i’m especially a minecraft boomer this game gets updated like every week so i can’t i can’t keep up with everything

The only time i play this game is when i uh i download an achievement world to uh get what i need out of it and then i uh just don’t play the game again i don’t even remember what like the last big thing was when uh when i last played

Like i have no [ __ ] clue wow number seven where’d it go oh cmg thank you so much thank you thank you yeah i really don’t know i mean it was episode number 151 i don’t know where we’re up to at that point okay so yeah this is just uh this is

Just raw copper all right sure dude all right drop enough oh i do enough okay i remember thinking when uh microsoft bought this game or bought mojang years and years and years ago i’m like i don’t know if i don’t know if this game has that much longevity left you know

Oh is i [ __ ] wrong minecraft is one of those games that’s never gonna go away it’s just too uh oh this is like a square [ __ ] i think it’s just a square i think i think other people thought it as well but i’m like that seems like a waste of money and

That’s why i don’t make business decisions because i don’t know [ __ ] anything like at the time i didn’t know anyone who played minecraft casually there were like content creators and stuff but i’m like like none of my friends were playing it but uh boy was i wrong

Uh you can like burn [ __ ] wood right yeah you can yeah dude does anyone not own a copy of minecraft at this point yeah it’s one of those games that [ __ ] everybody has i feel i mean it’s just you know it’s kind of just like lego you just kind of do

Whatever you want i mean sure there’s like goals and [ __ ] right but like you could just do what i’m doing and just [ __ ] chill out and dig and just vibe it’s like kind of relaxing and cathartic in a way [ __ ] i need coal fluid i need torches i don’t know where the

[ __ ] i’m going dude hold on is there a cave over here oh maybe there is hold on let me get lucky if not we’re gonna be digging in the dark for a while oh there we go see there was uh speaking of minecraft there was a bit i did for mega64’s uh movie

They put out recently where rocco’s like hey we want you to do this bit uh in the movie this guy is taking over uh essentially the world and like taking over people’s feeds so he’s like can you do a bit where you’re streaming something and then he takes over

And i’m like can i like stream minecraft and he’s like absolutely so there’s like a short clip in the uh mega 64’s latest movie where i’m playing where i’m pretending to play minecraft for the first time i think it’s timestamp but i don’t remember

I thought it was a good bit they seem to be happy with it so can’t you like split this by like oh yeah right click uh okay torches or okay it’s just that bop hey just give me the whoops there we go 32 cool i’m gonna put the copper away because i

Literally don’t know what to do with it let me clear this [ __ ] out a little bit i guess i don’t need this bed so i’m using this place as a bed make another chest uh no i do need this okay a chest is just a square it yeah

All right i remember some things some basic things not much though quiz mastic for the 42 swang thank you for the five thank for all the love today gamers thank you thank you uh i guess we’ll get some [ __ ] raw pork chops in there but yeah this will probably be the only

Time i play minecraft in the future unless we hit another crazy sub goal again this is a special occasion i feel like it should be celebrated even by me who’s not really a big minecraft fan it’s uh just crazy to think about just chilling playing the craft what the [ __ ] is this

Granite all right sure until the 20-year anniversary oh no i plan to be dead in 10 years so i don’t plan to make that one but uh yeah maybe i guess dude what if i just stream minecraft every friday now that achievement hunter doesn’t do minecraft every friday anymore

I’ll pick up the slack i’ll pick up where they left off what episode were they on 500 something i’ll pick up where they left off yeah dude the ultimate chad move no i wouldn’t have fun with it and i don’t have any good ideas

All the content now for uh not all of it but some of the most popular content are smps like there’s the s p that like chilled’s a part of uh obviously there’s the dream s p which is probably the biggest one at least the biggest english one

Does this not [ __ ] lead anywhere am i wasting my time [ __ ] probably and i don’t know i don’t know man or it’s the um the really intricate mods like um what’s the one where you start with one block i’ve seen a lot of that that seems like kind of a cool idea

Oh pixelmon is another one skyblock yeah skyblock seems cool that seems like something that would have been fun back in the day what the [ __ ] is deal right is that a jojo thing let me grab another one because i haven’t found any iron yet because they suck all right i’ll be back

Craft galacticraft craft i never really got to experience because i got stuck on the [ __ ] planet because i flew into a tree i’m glad radius ate ah after he left what do you mean on my way out jeff kicked my dog and michael yelled at my mom i hate achieving hunter

You kidding me please it’s a sensitive subject 69 dude uh 99 more to go and i play minecraft for an hour yeah we’re right there 99 more to go dude do you guys make stairs if you dig like this do you make stairs you just jump up and down as you go

I always wanted to make stairs but i’m too [ __ ] lazy i do both i guess you have the extra cobblestone generally right so why not some of the things i i did turn on in the settings you can see i have the thing in the bottom right hand corner

And i also have um the thing where it turns off head bob i never realized head bob was a thing until someone pointed it out to me i’m very oblivious with stuff like that and i’m like oh that’s [ __ ] annoying why is that on by default it’s like lens flare

Is there [ __ ] anything over here this game sucks might have to bail on this come on give me something give me something to explore i only do stairs later on i guess it’s only worth doing stairs if you’re actually gonna like spend some time in a cave 98 more

All right 98 more baby 98 more we got minecraft for an hour we’re right there dude dig straight down good idea i mean i might find something i wouldn’t really lose too much i guess i lose my food that should be kind of annoying come on i need to find uh

I need to find some gold i want to build a tower pimps please dude i remember when uh the 360 version got uh enchantments because i don’t think that was available at release that was another let’s play we did right like level 30 enchantment that was pretty hype

Unless that was in there by default we just didn’t know because we were brand new oh hey water hmm wake me up oh well i guess we found the bottom it’s just water hmm is that lob underwater is that legal what the hell is that oh what the [ __ ] is that [ __ ] squids

Glow squids i’m gonna drown right that’s a thing in this game whoops forgot about drowning squid games can i attack it is that bad let’s see do i have a way out oh uh kind of oh what the [ __ ] oh oh it sucks me down

In a not sexy way all right never mind i’m leaving you guys alone yeah dude okay uh we’re not gonna go down there gives me the suck I guess there’s all water around here so i really don’t know what i expected now we take the walk of shame i should take my torches back so i’m coming back down here do the thing where i bonk my head on every step down come on come on yep almost there okay okay

All right well that was an awful day of nothing happening oh that sucks for that guy that’s right skeleton some days i wake up and i feel like that now can you die yeah dude thank you stevo tell him what for hmm let’s see what else we got over here

That go in here oh a brewing stand get off me bug this seems useful can i take this with me no i can all right this is nicer than the [ __ ] house i had in achievement city by a long shot but i am uh i kind of do miss that little house it

Was a super nice house and it had its own charm i shouldn’t say it was super nice it was a piece of [ __ ] but i got the job done oh hey man huh a leather worker sure i’m about to bust sure man what was this cartography tape what the

[ __ ] is this oh maps i do what what i don’t know what i’m you know what i’m putting it there i don’t know what any of this [ __ ] is there’s a bell what the [ __ ] does the bell do actually no i vaguely remember this from like the achievement worlds

All right i wrong i don’t think that did anything i’m about to bust dude all these store orders from oh my god think who the [ __ ] another leather worker okay ooh pants pantalones let’s go please keep buying things please and thank you don’t forget uh tina’s stream is tomorrow

On frame rate merch to talk about the new uh warehouse space we got and some other cool announcements coming oh horse oh look at hmm maybe i should move on from this location just take what i have with me and go need to find myself just like a cave

Cave not just the cave to the [ __ ] water what’d i just pick up oh you could pick up grass and tall grass i didn’t even i didn’t even realize that what’s up babe i’m telling people about your stream tomorrow and we’re just we’re just talking about the craft and some memories and whatnot

Yeah dude uh yeah i’m gonna grab my [ __ ] we’re gonna go oh wait there’s more [ __ ] over here more coal flint coal this is cool okay yeah i thought it looked different yeah dude all right not to be that gun but all these [ __ ] houses look the same so i forgot which

One is mine i think it’s over here yeah it’s over here it’s kind of isolated oh hey guy all right we’ll try uh we’ll quickly try in here see if this leads anywhere fun i think it’s gonna lead to the water as well but we’ll check

See if we get maybe iron or something jesus christ me grabbing the smallest house is kind of funny greg miller i know my place i know my place is there something up here hold on oh no okay oh was there iron in the water [ __ ] dude all right

Does iron still look the same or is it like [ __ ] purple now the texture’s different okay that’s what i assumed also when you guys played do you guys have like um visual mods or do you just keep the original look of minecraft i remember when i used to play minecraft

A little casually at home with friends we had like different visual and ui things it close and blows up now yeah like shaders and stuff i don’t know there’s some uh there’s a little charm to just vanilla minecraft and how it looks anything give me something to explore yeah dude

At least i’m playing on keyboard and mouse yeah i mean after years of playing on controller i’m like i’m just gonna play this on keyboard and mouse ooh oh there was something there nevermind disappointed the og music dude the minecraft music is uh pretty [ __ ] good like unironically like not a meme

It’s very very good music i have it i played sometimes where we have um when the stream’s like not going on youtube whether it’s like achieving a chill or like shiny hunting or something and just have it as like good background noise i need a [ __ ] other pickaxe here jesus christ

I’ll be back oops oh one too many huh you [ __ ] what the i don’t even know what that is andesite sure sure man whatever you say just making up [ __ ] now is this a let’s play no it’s a stream dummy put all that [ __ ] away cool back to the old grind yeah dude

I won’t call the youtube vod episode 152. well i’d be 400 episodes early oh [ __ ] i need to put my torches away you [ __ ] idiot or am i out of torches what’s up giant batman oh this is like way off i [ __ ] up here i [ __ ] up big time oops

Gotta fix it on the way back down am i on a treadmill no i’m just standing up dude standing up when you’re streaming highly recommend it it’s very nice i’m just like shaking or i guess gyrating i don’t know what you would call this i should play this on vr i have like

Negative interest in vr i do not care about vr at all i’m just not interested i have a standing desk that i never used oh rachel you’re missing out oh the floor is changing all right little roadblock let’s just fix that don’t go that way also for the person that says how many

Puerto rican salutes to beat the ender dragon i don’t think i’ve ever beat the ender dragon legitimately besides like the let’s play we did i don’t even remember how to beat the ender drag you gotta like shoot some crystals or some [ __ ] i know the speed runners just spam beds or something

Because they explode i think on i don’t think there’s any [ __ ] caves over here [ __ ] me oh oh it’s just the same thing okay all right i thought there’d be something different over here all right we got it we got to relocate let’s play socks it’s cringe At least the music kicked in Am i going for dreams world record today i don’t have his mod folder so i don’t have a chance yeah all right um i guess we’ll just uh take this we’ll take this i don’t think there’s anything in here i really need [Applause] uh i’ll take the bed sure All right tomorrow we get the [ __ ] out of my bed get out of here huh if we [ __ ] you all right and we’re off What a freak what a freaker he sat on my face and i liked it All right water looks the same still very empty and dark and decrepid at least this spot is oh i did learn somewhat recently that like the boat is like the best item in this game Like all the stuff you can do with the boat is actually like absurd did they update the water did they make it more blue or did they make it like interesting because i remember it being pretty bland actually i think that was one of the updates that i opened the achievement world for

Remember there was like a trident or something hmm all this [ __ ] water get out of here just down here oh yeah you can like swim faster now yeah what the [ __ ] is this [ __ ] what is this oh that’s not breaking anytime [ __ ] soon you can swim faster under water now at

Least oh right yep i know i know yep i got it breathing come detected hmm trying to find a good spot trying to find a good spot to start digging i don’t want to deal with all this water though it’s [ __ ] annoying now it’s copper again i think

Let’s keep heading this way i guess Can i get some leather thank you oh man another thing about the 360 version that i remember was like the spawn rate for some things were like absurdly low like i remember cocoa beans were like impossible to find impossible and when the game launched didn’t have creative mode so uh

Yeah yeah we’re talking like pokemon shiny rates i remember doing uh us doing like duplication cheats or like glitches to get a lot of stuff like it had something to do with like putting something in the furnace and then like breaking the furnace or some [ __ ] if i remember correctly it was

Uh it was very very weird but hey we we made it work okay maybe something over here like away from the [ __ ] water oh jesus christ hmm well there’s some over here so i guess we’ll start digging this way does this lead anywhere no not really

Oh is that it was it something with a bucket that seems familiar it is like insane to me how bare bones that game was and we just didn’t think to use like i guess at the time everyone was just on max still everyone was in max and uh using max in that office

Where am i here we go is my auto jump on no i just i just hit the keyboard the keyboard hit the space bar just punch the keyboard every time i want to jump Super chaos thank you for the one year all right well we got coal but like iron mod check i might have walked past iron but iron right now punching a keyboard how else are you gonna smash that like button dude if you’re watching on youtube punch your keyboard in and smash the like

Button do subscribe and turn on the bell i don’t know what else they say these days do all of that to make your dad real happy dude can we get 20 000 likes on this video and then i don’t know i don’t have i didn’t think passed far enough in this bit

Dude finger bang the like button that’s my go-to hey mister you want to wrestle oh dude 20k likes and i’ll drink water that’s a good one that is a good one i’ll do something crazy and drink water oh yeah there’s iron i assume did they change the texture oh they might have

Oh one raw iron oh that’s weird really [ __ ] one i hate this game good i can make a shovel i guess oh i don’t need copper right copper apparently sucks um hmm all right there was one more chat shut the hell up you know what you’re talking about that’s copper

Chat i used to play minecraft professionally what the [ __ ] you talking about twitch chat this is where we troll the youtube frogs i played minecraft for three years are you kidding me i think i know better than you guys did i really miss an iron i’ll go back and grab it

There you go you can shut up now let’s go do two can make a sword we’re getting somewhere would like a third one though that’d be kind of whoops oh dude remember we were like dig dirt with like pickaxes and people would have like meltdowns like we didn’t know any better we just

Used whatever was in our hand sometimes you’re just too lazy to switch and you’re like this works all sometimes you would just be uh you know talking about something and just not even think you’re just like well this is making progress so all right jeff still does it to piss people off good

Sometimes you gotta troll the audience a little bit like with my sweet epic among us troll earlier dude chad i got you so good i bet you i was gonna play among us somebody send that screenshot to chilled and be like razorey to play among us

Because child is on uh he’s on he’s taking a little vacation right now ray’s ready to play among us where are you that poor man his life was so much better before he knew me [ __ ] oh i guess i could just i probably should have dug more in here

Oh i did it again i can’t count actually i’ll just put it right here uh that is not what i want please thanks an avocado thanks what if i just like just set up shop in here for now um oh i got an egg at some point nice

Oh i do need more wood though [ __ ] granite and [ __ ] how many different just like useless items are there now granite dirt that there’s like four different five different types of stone why oh hey i guess there was more up here um all right no bamboozle what the [ __ ] is this

That a zombie farmer what the [ __ ] what are you zombie villager sure okay bye anyway to make a pretty house oh that’s why they added all this stuff yeah that’s fair [ __ ] copper ruining my life creeper all right back in the cave oh man all right let’s uh get that

I guess just start cooking some more [ __ ] actually does this change how the wood looks or is it still the same oh it’s still the same all right leave that for now all right let’s keep going this is gonna be bad all the way down huh all right future problem

Put my torches away again i’m so [ __ ] stupid every time come on cool cave give me something maybe i should just [ __ ] dig down and see what happens we really haven’t made any progress how deep does this go not that deep at all okay cool can i go just pass this oops hmm

There’s a lot of water over here uh what is this oh it’s just more water okay all right mulligan we’re going up we’re going up this way surely there’s no water up here every thousand bits i dig down one square sure man you’re the boss babe

Hello eno how’s it going thank you guys for the resubs coming in appreciate the love as your boomer streamer plays minecraft for the first time really in a long time oh man please minecraft gets lost in a cave i mean i think i’m good right now just looking for something

Oh there’s more water cringe hmm all right hard right we’re making a hard right here there’s got to be something over here copium do that so i know to make turtle turn left what time is the frame rate stream tomorrow uh 4 p.m have i played minecraft since 151 uh

Only a handful of times in the seven years i went from playing over 200 times if you count like things to do and let’s builds to uh like 10. completely wiped from uh my memory oh my god tybg all right let’s go uh build a new one of these

I think i was in like i know i was in one let’s build i remember i came up with the name for jeff’s anatomy instead of grey’s anatomy i was so proud of myself that’s just a creative genius at work um let me make another chest here

Dude nothing better come in here while i’m working that’d be [ __ ] up just live in my best cave life oh that was not how that was supposed to work at all okay try again thank you that was strange all right do i got some sticks i don’t but i will

Let’s go iron pickaxe that’s what it’s about baby that’s what it’s about no oh [ __ ] it almost did that wrong there we go much better now we’re ready to party um oh can’t you just build [ __ ] with leather you don’t need like uh like if i wanted

Oh it’s like right here pants helmet yeah there we go i got the doodle cap cool um oh that sounded [ __ ] ominous chad what do you mean what do you mean dookie cap it looks great look it matches my my suit top you guys just don’t know [ __ ] style

And it shows it’s actually kind of cringe almost as cringe as my mining i’ll just fill this out okay going back down see what else we find over here i thought i put my torches away again i was gonna [ __ ] scream oh look at the speed look at the efficiency

Can’t wait till this [ __ ] breaks and i’ll find any more iron i think we still have enough for more of those so hype train’s back at the station let’s go somebody chat said uh mojang released an update that removed all the caves and i don’t know if they were joking or not

Because it seems like they were telling the truth all the caves have been have been filled the caves were changed to just never [ __ ] show up anymore i’m gonna dig down this is this is risky let’s get some content here going though yo why can’t i find an iron thing like

This where there’s like 15 of them where is the others ah we’re good we’re good i need to keep my staircase going come on man when we find this cave it’s gonna be so disappointing i can’t wait oops come on give me something every time the block

Changes i get excited like we’re getting close even though it doesn’t mean jack [ __ ] it’s just uh granite oh the music’s kicking in though that’s nice oh hey oh some goodies for me is that the last one up there oh no there’s more look at you look at you game providing thanks

Yeah dude ooh steve was excited for the music chat reminder tomorrow uh there is no stream this will be uploaded tomorrow friday we have our weekly highlight and uh friday on stream we are starting our playthrough of pokemon fool’s gold which i am very very excited to check out

Should be another fun pokemon playthrough uh might do a twitch lock for it we’ll see i have to see if all the gym like what level the gym leaders are i don’t think any of that stuff has been altered but you know you don’t know so uh do some research on it

I’m gonna do some research without playing through the game because i don’t want anything spoiled lapis lazuli that means diamond’s near or something Also what the hell is this cobble deep slate dude how [ __ ] deep am i am i gonna hit the core soon yeah dude check your why looks good i don’t know what that means i’m not a hacker Press f3 all right yeah you got me i’m gonna close the game do do do do got to go get another [ __ ] iron pickaxe this shit’s tearing through it why does it say eerie noise what the [ __ ] am i in hell i’m kind of afraid to dig up now am i below something

All right i have to go back and get another pickaxe didn’t like that i’m just dude i’m just digging i’m just vibing dig straight up i will smell some more iron as well well we’ll build two iron pickaxes i guess can’t believe i [ __ ] found lapis

Can’t believe lapis is still in the game does lapis have any use besides decoration or is it still just strictly used for decoration i remember seeing something blue in the distance and thinking it’s diamond and then seeing la lapis and i’m just like i’m gonna scream for enchanting oh okay there we go

Oh i still have five here i have more than i thought [ __ ] all right oops should probably build armor but uh i’m never gonna die so we’re fine Okay give me what we got okay maybe i will build armor of some sort yo pac-man keeper yo vid spaghetti spade thank you uh how many do you need for a chest chest plates what the [ __ ] a crossbow what the [ __ ] oh i guess i could do boots i don’t need

Four for boots chess plays like eight right yeah my little booties got the kicks got a shield why my other hand is used ready it’s already holding something it’s occupied uh okay [Applause] cool i need more trees don’t i or more wood y’all got any trees that’s a big one right there

Let’s go get it hello these trees are kind of ugly what kind of trees are these whatever that is log once again more random [ __ ] swahili random swedish word thrown in there akasha trees huh is that the name of like that blue jedi woman akasha dude nice hi my wife

Do you want to say hi quickly dude i’m a new minecraft streamer it is relaxing i will say that just wish i could find a [ __ ] cave you got to find a cliff in a cave that’s the thing is it i’m playing the latest java update yeah

Oh well there’s plenty of [ __ ] cliffs no caves i don’t even know what that means do you didn’t love browns in school you’d have to build a shoebox biome in school no babe if i did i don’t remember but it doesn’t sound familiar my shoebox stood at home did you guys do uh

Shoebox biomes i didn’t do that but i had a square dance in school so that tells you what i was [ __ ] up to look at how many people didn’t yeah well sorry you guys must know that was fun yeah dude i used to know all the biomes i supposed to learn about that

In school i probably did rainforest savannah interesting if i were to play are you smarter than a fifth grader i would be [ __ ] awful i don’t think i’m as smart as a kindergartner at this point i think you’re smarter than a fifth grader babe thank you appreciate the lies no i’m just digging

I found this new kind of block cobble deep slate so i’m just digging this way deep slate’s oh you could polish it up i don’t know why i’m like looking at this big gap i’m just digging straight all right back down love you too you’re heading back

He’s gonna chill here and i have about one person energy in my body right now oh go take a nap i ordered a barbecue sandwich oh yeah yeah i got up to take my sister to the airport and all i could think about is how good a barbecue sandwich sounds

Hey man i’m proud of you for going buck wild and ordering one you know what i’m living my best life yeah did you just mine away your staircase oh no all right enjoy your sandwich happy ten years thank you for making some content that helped me and a bunch of other people

Through some really hard times i do i do what i can you know i i put the team on my back yeah i was the content guy do you remember when i built the house next to the other house that was pretty wild that was a true content moment yeah

That’s how i knew i was going to be a content tm creator you should tweet ollie later and be like i cannot believe you got engaged on the 10-year anniversary of achieving hunter’s first minecraft let’s play what a way to honor us i will i’m sure he’ll love that

I love you i love you too all right chat you guys have fun chat there’s nothing in this [ __ ] game oh would you tell everybody to go watch your uh 10-year anniversary your 10-year content thing because youtube was like jk we didn’t give people ads so no because i don’t care yeah

I look at all the analytics and ray’s like oh what’s this it’s like cheeto dusty cheetos oh it’s gold okay that’s kind of good i thought it was cheetos yeah i wonder why they changed all the textures all right cheese grommet All right chad how many do we need for how many do we need what do we like uh how much raw gold do you need for a block is it nine so it’s the whole thing so we need 36 halfway baby all right the goal for this stream

Before we wrap up is to build a tower of pimps then [ __ ] base blast top by jeremy that’s how we’ll end the shrimp maybe not for youtube though cause i don’t get copyright oh yeah the dirt block might be the hardest bit to find your rights let me not get too excited

Dude we are in the core of the earth everyone say happy birthday to oh my pace oh my peace happy birthday are you also 10 like the anniversary of this oh i did change it to sponge at some point didn’t i i don’t even know where you get sponge in this [ __ ] game

I don’t even know how i acquired it in the game itself was it just like creative or some [ __ ] why did i have sponge oh and chest so good well considering there’s nothing in this game i’m not sure if we’re ever gonna find chests whoops too far down oh this is just

Called tough okay it’s kind of tough that we’re not [ __ ] finding anything hey listen the blocks are changing all right so we’re getting deeper there’s got to be something good down here please come on there’s that [ __ ] creepy noise again gotta be getting close to something with

The spooky noises or the games just trying to keep me intrigued i’m starting to think this is a dud starting to think it’s time to dig somewhere else at least we got some gold though that was exciting got some iron oh dude what if herobrine was right behind me

I can’t believe he’s a real guy i assume they don’t put down the patch notes anymore that was a good bit back in the day i think all the patch notes ended with removed herobrine good bit good bit this bedrock we made it to the bottom and there was nothing

Where the [ __ ] is fred flintstone all right that was a waste of time all right well another cave let me collect these all right we’re o for two third time’s a charm we’re gonna get something good we’re gonna find a cave or anything to do now we just uh we just gotta [ __ ]

Match the space bar as we slowly climb up our stairs of shame what the [ __ ] was i doing up there we dug down a lot [ __ ] come on okay listen i’ll make stairs and i find uh a cave that has anything in it also my my thumb is getting a workout

Here just hitting the space bar tough oh oh there we go hmm thanks anything in here worth keeping that keep the white bed oh i’m hitting control oops take that that that take the lapis for good luck nicole i think everything else can stay in here and keep that [ __ ] um

All right well all right gamers let’s go let’s get out of here oh my god floating chests it’s spooky those things are still super scary you know what i’m gonna sleep actually i’m gonna i’m gonna take a little nap don’t mind me just gonna sleep right here

That’s a little spooky dookie over there good night all right cool and now off for more adventure he’s still there all right don’t look at him don’t look at him that i remember yeah dude i’m playing minecraft’s the 10-year anniversary of the first uh ow [ __ ] first uh minecraft

Episode on the rooster teeth channel hey what’s going on i forgot until right now falling in a hole reminded me i did two of those uh peanut butter gamer hardcore series i totally forgot until this very moment that i did that i think both times i died because i fell in a hole

That sounds like me oh what the [ __ ] is this fish look at these guys what are you guys uh raw salmon ooh nice i killed deanna’s and that that sounds fake that doesn’t sound like something i would do i think this is still up on pbg’s uh channel i don’t know

Oh this is the other side [ __ ] all right keep traveling keep on trucking what am i doing in shrek swamp dude looking for shrek it’s very odd that the music just doesn’t play at all times please okay okay thanks for the 350 on the sub train by

The way gamers i will be gifting some subs at the end of this [ __ ] gifting some tier threes as well a bunch of them oh did i remember the first time i saw someone build a nether portal with just like a bucket of water and a lava pit like this

There’s some like next level [ __ ] i don’t know how easy it is i never tried it myself but that seemed that was like the coolest thing when i first saw it i’m like dude people are cracked at minecraft which was a weird thing to say i’m sure it’s actually not that hard maybe

The first time you do it’s probably a little weird but once you get it down i’m sure it’s super easy like no one digs for [ __ ] obsidian anymore uh the quiz master with 10 gifted subs thank you man thank you man can i find like a [ __ ] ravine or something

Does he make my way this weird like mountain i guess there’s a lava waterfall there that’s kind of cool maybe there’s content that way maybe oh that’s the wizard tower dude let’s go let’s go visit a wizard i mean there’s witches in this game right oh is this like newly formed what the

[ __ ] or maybe just because like my chunks were loading in that’s kind of cool all these old minecraft references make you feel old why it was only 10 years ago now you’re 10 years older probably sadder miss the good old days but what’s wrong with that

Um i’m trying to see if there’s like an opening in here the mountain was happy to see me well there’s the music i’m not sure if i’m happy to see the mountain yet hmm oh crouching yeah crouching allows you to not walk off the ledge hmm i guess i can like

Dig into this and see what happens see if there’s anything else around here worth checking out before i do that no more copper are the streamers bullying me i mean listen chap believes me all the time right it’s a back and forth we have sometimes we combine forces

Uh and bully some idiot in chat it’s kind of like a crossover episode you know like the couple of times magneto had to help the x-men you know something like that oh this looks like it could be interesting maybe ah almost walked right off hmm i don’t know the best way to get

Down here i guess it would be like was it like a bucket of water and then just go like slide down right like that would be the safest way maybe i know how to make up i don’t have enough it’s three right for a bucket it is three all right guess we’re doing

It the dangerous way or i guess i could just make a hole here right what is what the [ __ ] is this this white copper yeah dude oh jojo i got it all right let’s go this is a bassoon then where are my [ __ ] torches out here we go

Bassoon check spencer let me know is that a bassoon that’s a big area there’s a lot of bad [ __ ] happening down here oh look at all the stuff creeper ow ow could you not kill me please that’d be rude i just found content don’t do it

He did it all right hope you enjoyed the content all right back at it again hey chad maybe i should have built that shield hey maybe this time i will build the shield anyone get uh anyone to get the address of that place we were just at anybody

Anybody know where we were at there i probably should have like made a [ __ ] bed right next to it or a little cave area need more sticks Use a compass what am i magellan all right Raid the rt show i think the rt stream is just an always on stream right so they’re just showing um like old videos and stuff like uh fun house does it mega 64. game grumps does it i think so wouldn’t do anything because most likely nobody is like actually talking they’re just watching

Glad they’re finally using the channel though oh i don’t have a bed anymore right any sheep oh looks like we have to fend for ourselves in the wilderness with a a wood sword we’re fine this is fine we’re good just give me some kind of stone [ __ ] me

I guess i could do the thing where i just uh dig a hole and wait it out that might have to be the move i think was he holding a [ __ ] potato what i’m sorry man do you want your potato back Okay it was creeper over there he was he was hungry hey i need you i need you thanks there’s a lava [ __ ] mountain thing over there i vaguely remember where we are i don’t know if we’re gonna make it over there though Even if we do make it over there ourselves at the bottom with like 27 000 enemies ow thought the cow was an enemy gonna be honest with you god a wood sword is so bad oh ow friend why ow friend if you kill me it’s fine i haven’t really made any progress but

Like stop oh what the [ __ ] aren’t slime supposed to only be in the nether that’s kind of wild a little bouncing slime just chilling slime isn’t this oh they’re a swamp thing oh [ __ ] dude my bad i didn’t know i can’t even [ __ ] dig straight down

I want to dig straight down till i get copper but i don’t think it’s worth it all right i’ll try and survive with what i have with which isn’t much i wish i could cook some [ __ ] food though you killed a skeleton that dropped the wool and mutton

He took like the shirt off his back and his food you’re a bigger bully than me hmm all right that guy’s not really hostile i guess i do just have to go straight down i need to find [ __ ] i wish i had a shovel hey don’t kill me gotta make a shovel quickly

Oh whoops all right planks shovel lead me to victory give me something we’re fine that what the [ __ ] is this is that sandstone okay hey remember sandstone we’re going straight down by the way this is dangerous but we’re kind of dead anyway so oh maybe i should hey

So nothing falls on me it is kind of dark though don’t like that am i only food i guess i do have some kind of a food source i just need a copper but i can’t see [ __ ] uh well i guess i could actually do hold on it’s a little makeshift one here

Uh okay we’re going to survive the night maybe maybe all right i could see a little bit i’m an adult okay i don’t want to see anymore i’m afr i don’t like what i see yo what’s up hawk all right we have a limited time i gotta find something copper copper

I guess i could also just dig out after we’re done in here good old hole dude that’s exactly what i was thinking the good old days of minecraft just waiting in a hole i should have made more than one whoops all right now get out of here all right

Got some health back at least and it’s gone and it’s gone all right hmm maybe we should get the hell out of here if a creeper fell down that would just be comedic timing all right um all right let’s head back up and uh deal with uh the reality i guess

I hear a [ __ ] spider that’s not great hey buddy [Applause] oh was there like any truth i think this was true if you like jump and swing you get like a critter some [ __ ] was i being lied to ten years ago brown cringe reality you’re not wrong oh it’s when you fall okay

Try it pepe laugh dude was there a [ __ ] gang of skeletons over there in the wrong neighborhood dude oh okay you could i thought you could climb trees all of a sudden i’m like what the [ __ ] oh [ __ ] a child this thing’s gonna kill me this thing’s

Fast as [ __ ] i guess not in the water get out of here jesus get out of here yikes kid just came up and punched me in the nuts and left this biome [ __ ] sucks yep i heard you i heard you hmm oh jesus all right everyone be chill oh boy oh boy uh

Okay we’re good that worked out anyway creeper another one over there paint over there i’m running over to this mountain we’re gonna call this pog mountain or kind of more of a hill but you know i need something to keep me going at this point who’s yelling at me oh could you [ __ ]

Go away yeah dingus i’ll fight a kid i have no issues with that oh hey no i need that all right inside pog mountain we go hopefully good things coming our way we’re probably just gonna find water again because we’re just surrounded by water in this goddamn swamp

Hell i’ll take lava this time at least lava would be different come on pog mountain don’t let me down [ __ ] it’s dark in here who thought deep in a mountain is [ __ ] dark come on looking for little black dots in the dark is not going well

There’s a lie at the end of the tunnel it’s like episode 151 i think if i missed anything [ __ ] i have not man i don’t even have like one torch that i could just use what’s on the other side i love that question what’s on the other side

It’s just the other side of a hill it’s just a tunnel they just dug up a hole there’s nothing on the other side you just walk through we just walked through the tunnel for an effect apparently it worked too well people uh making it bigger than it is

Make oh you can’t make charcoal how the [ __ ] do you make charcoal what the [ __ ] you can make candles how do you make charcoal or is that only in uh oh isn’t that like wood to burn wood or some [ __ ] and a furnace burned wood in a furnace okay let’s see

Oh wait can it be planks does have to be wood because i don’t have any [ __ ] wood i think it has to be wood all right no charcoal no turning back i missed tina already dude kevin that’s me when tina leaves the room my craft is so advanced now uh for

Someone who hasn’t played it in many many years it’s a completely different game even the stuff from back then i don’t remember i need [ __ ] charcoal or i need something coal because now it’s getting to the point where i really can’t see this is advanced darkness sorry tina texted me all right

Well let’s be on youtube yeah let’s be on youtube All right so what is it what what the [ __ ] oh did i put that up there on accident hey i need you thanks uh wood wood replicated uh i don’t really know resident evil one that well charcoal all right what do i do with charcoal now that i made it

Can i use it to make like one singular torch hold on can i make one torch let’s go i got made four all right we have four we can now explore pog mountain yeah dude this is all we need we’re gonna be reusing the same one over and over again All right do i still have another idea okay thank you so much for the 10 gifted subs the big tenor appreciate it Recycling big pog Oh i did it again whoops All right time to it’s time to start using the one we have i guess i could have made more but i kind of hoped more charcoal that is i kind of hope we find uh coal by now but there’s just nothing in this [ __ ] world Oh i thought there was something down there [ __ ] i got excited That’s a lot of [ __ ] read bitties in one second let me just keep digging to uh a more and more depressive depressive state pog mountain is very very not pog champ it’s very weird champ oh i hear something enderman whoops huh good good that’s exactly what i want well at

Least that means there’s maybe something nearby probably death but there’s something nearby oh hey nice oh we did that enderman i’m not looking for you so don’t appear whatever you do do not show your [ __ ] face what am i holding my left hand a [ __ ] blue orchid we have the uh

Whatever the red flower is but i got [ __ ] no scoped incoming enderman jump scare i’m hope i hope not i mean i assume he’s like on the other side of the [ __ ] wall so all right new base of operations in pog mountain cool um let me cook some food here uh

Gray guy rum monkey stores neil carbon uh right playing minecraft link twice if you’re in duress i’m gonna hold my eyes open the whole stream i’m fine finally ordered a desk from uplift would you have any add-ons with your desk the only add-on i got is a little

The little rotating shelf on the right which i didn’t really need to be honest i don’t use as much as i thought i would but uh you’ve just uplifted your life so i hope you enjoy it um nope this is fine this is fine dude he’s just chilling i need need some sticks

Need the rest of this all right one stick [ __ ] idiot all right nice maybe too many sticks but that’s fine all right we’re good to go now we’re ready to explore properly or something should make more up steel tools actually do i have anything in mind for this playthrough no i’m just playing

Minecraft for the first time in uh a long time nothing planned at all just casually playing minecraft i guess i’d need a shovel more than a spade right yeah dude i’m sorry shovel more than an axe uh oh whoops that’s not what i wanted please all right let’s keep these here for now

Uh take some food all right um eerie noise huh i want to find the eerie noise where are you hello maybe i’ll just see like legs or something you know maybe some dangling legs i could just attack him like that and everyone’s over here it sounds like it’s according to the my little

Audio thing i think he might just be above me to be honest with you hmm enderman where are you were your whoops yeah i think he’s just above me like directly above me uh you know what maybe i shouldn’t tempt faith all right let’s just continue our dig into pog

Mountain motherfucker’s gonna show up and make me [ __ ] my pants just keep digging don’t worry about it tickle his toes oh dude you give him a nice suck yeah i know what you mean does he even have toes i think it’s just like his black legs right like nubs

I’m sure there’s some suggestive fan art with some a very detailed enderman and everything else in this game nothing is sacred on the internet god no oh a bat okay oh this [ __ ] again cobble deep slate all right we’re gonna stop digging down for a second

See if maybe we find something over here oh iron okay mountain delivers yet again cool is there something else i don’t think so all right do a quick little uh tool change here uh oh i used my call to make torches that’s right that’s right i could burn a couple of wood here

Will it work oh well okay cool can we get a brown toes emote i don’t know can i ban you instead would that be better burn my [ __ ] old shovel i don’t need it okay thank you thank you uh okay and what two more iron that was the axe right okay we don’t

Need an axe hopefully i’m just burn the sticks have i met the warden uh no i don’t know what that means maybe in the achievement world i have but the i don’t remember what it looks like uh i never made a stone axe let me just

Make a stone actually on the off chance i need it yeah you got to remember i haven’t played the game in uh like hardcore in like seven years and if i have played it it’s just been an achievement worlds where i’m not really playing the game so much as it’s just

The game just giving me the achievements i want that i [ __ ] off okay cool warden d’s nuts ah [ __ ] you got me i got these nutted god you think you’re safe and then you get hit with a nut sack hate when that happens there’s that fury [ __ ] noise again i hear you

It’s the bat but like where hmm i wonder if it’s also under me or above me rather just says this to the left keep screeching so i can [ __ ] find you when i was over here what the [ __ ] i’m going up going up some weird [ __ ] scuff staircase here i’m making hello yeah

Oh [ __ ] stevo’s up here hi stevo are you bad are you just chilling yeah he was a he was a mob he was definitely a mob yeah he was he was he was mobbing yeah yeah he was mobbing no absolutely yeah that bat was a mob okay cool

Hmm let me set up some other torches here’s a as i come this way idiot hmm what’s up here oh there’s more not too much put that over there anything happening in lava land nope a little bit of lava okay guess we’ll check what’s going on over here hey buddy creeper oh man

Oh what the [ __ ] silverfish oh wow did you guys ever tell you the story how i thought silverfish were just a made-up thing in minecraft and then they were in my old apartment and i’m like oh [ __ ] these are real that was an interesting night

I say there was a lot i think there was like one or two i’m like tina what the [ __ ] is that she’s like oh that’s a silverfish and i’m like those are [ __ ] real it was exactly where you would find one it was like back behind a shelf

That we hadn’t opened in a while or a yeah a shelf i felt like a big [ __ ] idiot but hey i learned something that day oh this thing’s kind of kind of big well we [ __ ] come again come detected what is this oh no [ __ ] creepers hiding back here that’d be weird

So what are these called these are just mine shafts right i remember these from when i played these usually have like uh the cave spiders that can poison you and you need like uh what is it [ __ ] like hank can you relax please uh you need like milk or something to

Get rid of the poison give him the malt josh sorry dad white friends i make that reference all the time spencer always makes a reference with me i don’t know if many people know that video that video is really [ __ ] old that is like an old ass reference

Yeah i figured i should i should know kevin would know oh look at all this [ __ ] here it’s a uh hold on time to make myself depressed uh the video came out 12 years ago november 5th 2009 i’m going to [ __ ] die okay oh this shit’s pretty [ __ ] big that’s

Exciting yo chat we finally have content let’s go lapis lazuli this is great because i have no idea how to get back because i have no sense of direction so wonderful now you’re just saying mulk the man wants a glass of mulk ray reviews memes from 2000 2010 please i’m old enough

Oh i’m stuck in the [ __ ] stuck in the [ __ ] remember chad it’s better to come to the sink than to sink in the [ __ ] master chief’s famous line at the end of halo infinite thank you chad can you believe there’s some people that just refuse to believe that the

Suit jerks them off even though it’s canonically accurate like jesus christ oh my god this [ __ ] keeps going you should play halo yeah it’s pretty [ __ ] fun it’s not as good as it used to be unfortunately but waiting for a trap or something but it’s still pretty good

Just the golden days of halo are behind us at this point it feels like yo halo more like galo am i right dude [ __ ] love that emote pogo doesn’t get used enough footsteps i think it’s just me yeah well cart what’s in here rails that makes sense what name tag i’m gonna write daddy and wear it i’m about to bust another store order from thank you thank you thank you oh that seems precarious

All right well let me get my iron in head up there you’re not pedro pascal dude i know i hope to look that good when i’m that old how old is pedro pascal like in his 40s right yeah dude he’s like 47. dude that’s not [ __ ]

Fair i’m 32 and i look like quasimodo i said dead end okay where you look the same you looked ten years ago i you know i kind of do i do tina showed me uh uh pictures of when we like first started dating all those years ago and she like you

Look the [ __ ] same you just have different facial hair and different glasses and i’m like lamou i’m a vampire i look like i ate 2012 me oh well sam i’ve definitely gained weight now i can afford food [ __ ] i thought that was a slime okay

Um all right now we have to play how the [ __ ] do i get back everything looks the same is it here nope i guess there was something down here that i’d mind uh is it over here i know people oh i think it’s down here it’s down here this is where you felt

The creeper i think people always said there’s a technique of putting like your torches on one side of the wall so you know which way you’re going like forward or backwards but i you [ __ ] put them wherever the hell i want okay somehow finagled our way back out

Uh okay i think we got everything in there i don’t know if i want to investigate it further but let me leave this stuff here go back to home base and see where we’re at that’s right i made this like scuff staircase okay i do appreciate the game writing burp in

The bottom right hand corner okay a bunch of iron pretty pog let’s get that going i guess uh keep the bread cool oh i got redstone dust [ __ ] snort it you started playing dodgeball academia because the stream it’s really fun oh yeah i finished it uh today got the last the achievements

It’s super fun yo bt congrats dude congrats yeah we’re gonna chill for a bit cause i’m gonna let this uh let this burn so i can get like armor and stuff as well dude poor glasses she has to answer the same question every time i would make a

Command but i don’t think the command would do anything it’s copy and pasted that’s fair that’s fair how am i doing i’m doing all right just reminiscing about uh all the years i spent playing minecraft all the times i played minecraft i’m just playing on normal there’s no goal here i’m just exploring

He’s living dude i’d like to make a tower of pimps i’d like to try but uh not finding too much gold but uh pog mountain has been pretty good so far so uh so far so good some people ignore the chat anyway and expect to treat him to answer oh dude

I see that [ __ ] all the time eric when i’m lurking streams like uh mods will answer the question or someone random and chat will answer the question and they people still ask i’m like are you okay like are you are you doing okay homie uh how the [ __ ] do you make hat

Helmet i guess oh it’s five okay what’s the name of your discord ray’s retirement home it’s open to anybody so if you want to join please hop in we have 10 000 people on there which is crazy um obviously i know not everyone’s talking in there you’re not expecting to

Talk but that’s why the 10 000 people joined fipple thank you for the 17. we’re nine away from 420 on the sub train dude smoke up 10k people would lead to a drinking habit well even if it was anywhere near that number there’s so many different channels and stuff that

Not everyone’s talking in one spot there’s some discords um you know where i hop onto and there’s just there’s just like one general chat and that’s just [ __ ] chaos but most people are um in their respective channels talking about whatever they want is it chills no it’s not chilled she’ll

Just run very well it wasn’t for a stream it’s when i would uh join uh channels back in the day just to hop on a friend’s discord so we can talk over discord while we were like [ __ ] working on achievements or whatever i talk in my own discord uh

I try to talk a couple times a day i’m in there every night in the wordle thing though i don’t hate my discord i just hate the uh i hate when you pin comments and then the fan art section where everyone calls me old adding brown old was such a mistake but

Also a genius idea um what do i need an axe i need another pickaxe as well do i have i do make one of those and i need one more thank you cool i put the wrong one away i do kind of need more food i do have an egg

I have to go back to the surface and kill some animals i should probably just make another furnace the [ __ ] am i doing just standing here i can make two we have the technology oops i need some of these thanks should have made brown hold a tier 2 emo yeah i should have

Shoulda coulda woulda what are you gonna do i mean i guess i i still could do it that would be super shitty but and i’m not gonna do it but i could uh all right let’s go to the surface and get some food or try to get some food anyway brown older

Brown older is the same thing but just me as a skeleton we already had kind of brown spooky though which is that uh oh it’s [ __ ] nighttime yikes um i don’t have a bed either cringe i’ll blow up your buddy Well mao oh [ __ ] oh i wanted to make a shield i should probably make that shield uh it’s a slime over there hey would you have a potato by chance nope egg hey all right oh jesus okay Nope you have to fight me in pog mountain if you want to fight ow stop shoot me in the ass [ __ ] Yep yo walnut thank you for 35 months man yeah dude hey maybe here i’ll start making uh making steps let’s go down smoother all right um yeah how do you make shield good spelling [ __ ] ah guy was at six oh wow perfect amount see make the uprights from football well bam

I’m a real minecrafter stop stop citizen all right uh let’s see chicken chicken good stop you violated the law um all right i guess we keep exploring um let me grab this cobblestone like stairs oh you make a stair pattern you [ __ ] stupid idiot how else did you make it

Can i split this enough times let’s see please okay i think i can i’m doing this in such a scuffed way uh it’s like i’m doing a math problem yep easy 64. that might be enough i don’t know let me see here [ __ ] right i don’t dig high enough sometimes perfect

Good ol upside down stairs i love it i have deemed pog mouth mountain worthy of stairs so we’re going to spend the rest of our time here or at least around this area the true endgame stair placement [ __ ] i’m not making a roof of a house please

I actually need the stairs to be there you know as a proper function this is probably a waste of an iron pickaxe i probably should just grab my stone one [ __ ] all right we’re almost up the top i should have made a door what’s up max dude someone just got slapped for trying

To write let’s play get [ __ ] oh max you would love the bit i did at the beginning i don’t know if someone clipped it but or maybe it’s gonna piss you off i don’t know we’ll find out i’m sure um door oh it’s just six okay do i not have any

You [ __ ] all right i gotta go up yeah dude why is max’s name going oh yeah because he’s god it’s something from uh better ttv i think from years ago my heart hurts max it makes you feel any better uh i do own the game you know i spent four dollars on the

Joke but i am gonna refund it and in the the reason i’m gonna say chilled chaos bullied me so i uh am returning this max money’s a little tight dude i can’t you know you know that four dollars that’s a twitch sub you know that’s almost a twitch sub max

I don’t think uh game pc game pass can play with steam players i could be wrong keep bonking my [ __ ] head yeah max how am i gonna get to number 50 if i’m buying [ __ ] four dollar games the puppy shot 400 bits i got you it’s

All i had left oh dude that was you could have bought among us what are you doing what are you doing this is how i get to number 50 playing minecraft i would probably help but i don’t don’t think i can mentally do it i didn’t mean to make that many planks but

I guess that’s that’s fine three doors the [ __ ] only need one whoops that’s not where that goes they’ve made among us in minecraft on their hermitcraft season 7 server i don’t know what any of that means that sounds like a mad lib it’s like you’re speaking another language

Is there crabs in that game uh what was it oh he’s gonna make a sign right sign god name it pog mountain oh jesus christ so much so much uh i need you need you mountain the best part is i’m doing all this stuff making stairs and signs and

[ __ ] and i’m gonna die immediately no this is gonna matter any bamboozles behind me any bamboozles hell yeah pog mountain smile [ __ ] well you guys don’t like twatch or touch whatever the [ __ ] i spelled hold on hold on all right light i found your thumbnail for the maycomp

I found your thumbnail for the maycomp just hold on wait just gotta i wish i could okay i felt wait hold on i can make this better got rid of my hud maybe would this make it better or worse just gotta okay found your thumbnail there you go perfect all right cool screenshot

It just says ain on the right hey cut out the aim on the right hold on okay all right the aim is gone i cut out the aim for you we’re good we’re good right there it [ __ ] ain’t much better we’re good it does look like it says pain

It does look like it says pain all right was i was looking for food because i need food oh what the [ __ ] happened down here a bloodbath let me put some torches to actually know where my thing is uh do i have like basic dirt blocks i sure don’t that might help

Or it won’t we’ll see yo these jumps who is he max where are you going to play minecraft on stream you’re a big big you’re a big crafter guy I gotta go same put up a sub goal max let’s let’s start a world me you chilled in cheesy just playing minecraft with like no goal just a couple of bros playing the craft it’s like an smp but not with like 40 people what’s an smp with four people

Oh dude some [ __ ] mushrooms over there that [ __ ] is just the pee can you actually eat pumpkins on this like can i like cut this or is it just like the actual oh can you wear it on your head oh no that’s a jack-o’-lantern oh right just pumpkin pie

Oh i should have made shears i’m so [ __ ] dumb all right sheep i’ll be right back don’t uh don’t move i’m gonna fight the ender dragon [ __ ] no you think i got that kind of time i think i’m good at minecraft what do you think i know how to beat the ender dragon

Close the door behind you wasn’t raised in a barn let’s go just hit it a bunch aren’t there like like five bosses now in this [ __ ] game i know there’s like the the ender dragon there’s the three-headed skeleton thing that’s kind of spooky um i feel like there’s an underwater one maybe

Could be making that up elder guardians yeah that sounds like something out of elden ring uh okay do that no no not again not again [ __ ] idiot all right get cooking you too let me also grab this other thing just in case dude are there raids in this is that

What the bell is for dude rage shadow legends do we get 169 69s we got two so we’re about halfway i think we could really push over the edge to add another hour to the stream oh yeah sweet lamb cheeks dude i guess it’s a sheep not a lamb but you

Know what i mean some sweet cheeks do i have three i have four okay nice does this give you anything i forgot i don’t remember if these things are rare or if they give you anything like fancy they do look cool though yeah oh okay you get mushrooms i see you

Have a chance to get mushrooms what’s over here oh emeralds nice just enough to reach yeah dude stevo says yes uh stevo you’re right again you’ve never led me astray oh a llama just just just chilling in the water just enjoying life hey buddy aren’t emeralds supposed to be like deep

In the [ __ ] cave why are they just in on the surface that seems very bizarre wow number seven way to go chair shut up me thank you for the seven year resub enjoy your tie-dye crown dude thank you do you ever just like hear your own

Voice i want to punch yourself in the face or is that just me uh let me try and grab some coal while i’m here every now and then yeah you know the best part about watching the highlights that light sends me before i uh push them live or give them notes it’s

Just hearing my own [ __ ] voice and i’m like holy [ __ ] you suck you’re not funny though there are some times where i do laugh at my own jokes i’m like holy [ __ ] i’m funny something i do find interesting this doesn’t happen too often but it happens

More oh let me [ __ ] go back to the cave so don’t die what the [ __ ] is sucking me down the [ __ ] um is when people have editors like content creators or people have editors and you know they’ll have them edit something and like they don’t watch it before it goes

Live that [ __ ] is so bizarre to me like i’m not saying light’s gonna you know put a gamer word in the [ __ ] vod but like don’t you want to make watch it make sure everything’s good or you know maybe you want to add something or cut something it’s uh

There’s been a couple instances where something goes live and then like a big chunk is missing or there’s like a misspelling or something it’s generally minor [ __ ] but it’s just like oh sorry uh my editor edited it and i just uploaded it without watching it’s like why though

No not my streams not the vods because those i can those i edit on the fly by pausing and uh whatnot the highlights oh like to be fair i missed it too that was that was that was my fault that wasn’t that wasn’t your fault stop untrust uh

Tim the tatman had recent uploads with the video stutters yeah like [ __ ] like that no with the vods as soon as they’re done like as soon as the stream’s over i start the upload Boom boom boom Uh keep the apples the coal i think we’re good you guys like how i sorted my things it looks really nice right totally easy to tell where everything is All right i think it’s time we go uh we go back what we do is go back back back back Dead souls didn’t get uploaded because the cut scenes to the game were copyrighted which has happened a couple of times it’s very rare that happens but it has happened a few times and i’m like cool dude that’s cool like when i did the test upload it gave me like

Whatever 15 notices and you would click the time stamp and it’s like a cutscene it’s like i think youtube just doesn’t want anyone to know this game exists so i get that i get that um can i let’s just put another chest here for like trash essentially that’s whatever that’ll work

I don’t have like a uh a lava thing here for uh makeshift trash oak sapling we don’t need copper i don’t know what the [ __ ] that’s for don’t need this don’t need this don’t need this uh god i wish there was like a and i’m sure

There’s a mod for it to just like sort your [ __ ] thing sort your chest all right that looks nice and scuffed let’s go yeah like stardoo does or like any other uh game like that If there’s a game that has mods i’m gonna assume or if there’s any mods that exist i assume there’s a version of it on minecraft oh [ __ ] the stairs right i only did the upper half suck seeking watch did you guys see that like the final fantasy 14 communities having like a war

With like mods and add-ons in their game i was reading about it yesterday on the toilet pretty weird [ __ ] Yeah third-party tools yeah it was uh it’s pretty pretty crazy since like to me an outsider i thought all mmos essentially have [ __ ] like that like even the very few times i played wow at home i had like a couple just to streamline some stuff

I like how their thing it was mainly for um they’re getting mad at streamers because apparently if you’re using it and not streaming they can’t tell so it’s not a big deal and also if you’re streaming there’s a way where you could capture the game and not the mods so

I guess just like if you’re gonna stream it don’t show it i guess but yeah it’s against tos to use third-party stuff so that’s like people are going like crazy about that i’m like i didn’t think that’d be against tos i mean i don’t know how like other mmos feel about it but

A lot of people use them so i assumed they were like i don’t go [ __ ] you do whatever you want man as long as you’re playing the game but i don’t know enough about final fantasy 14 to see if there’s like a reason uh why they would uh oh lapis

Want to ban that stuff or monitor that stuff or whatever i don’t know if it makes the game like if it breaks the game or makes it easier or whatever but i just thought it was interesting but yeah from what i gathered a lot of people are using it they just uh don’t

Show it on stream like i think shen tweeted uh that she uses them or at least the one she talked about is one that just like changes the music which is like obviously not a big deal at all you [ __ ] are the worst why am i the way that i am

How did i [ __ ] this up so bad there we go it’s because oh that’s right the game is on console i completely forgot final fantasy 15. sorry not 15. 14 is on console it’s not like playstation right that would probably be it i totally forgot that game is on console

Is that game like actually good on console i feel like i know someone who’s played it or plays it on console and they say it’s optimized pretty well that makes sense i totally forgot about that the only mmo i played on uh console was neverwinter and that that worked pretty well

Shout out to ponk the honk if you know who punk the honk is you get a you deserve an arp card um dcu online oh i saw greg miller playing that a bunch okay i think we’re we explored pretty much in here so at least as much as i’m

Willing to explore so i guess i’ll just keep going down though there is an eerie noise over here so i’m gonna go to the right and deal with whatever pain’s over here played eso i’m about to bust all right hank it’s just elder scrolls jesus christ relax dude

Thank you for the store order black desert online i always wondered how something like a wow would do on a console i mean wow is nowhere near as popular as it was um like at all but i wondered how that would i’ve done on a console like final fantasy 14 does well apparently

Um and some other ones have done well so i wonder how that would have done like i knew a couple of people that played final fantasy 11 on the 360. and apparently that was kind of uh well they say it was a fun experience i don’t know if they were just like

Hopped up on copium or what but that is not a torch probably copium stockholm syndrome remember riffs i remember hearing about rift i remember a lot of people talking about wildstar as well i remember being at rt and adam ellis talking about it or maybe it was adam baird it was one of

The big adams talking about wildstar and how it was like really good my buddy kyle was also really into it i believe remember vanguard call of duty vanguard no that game was so bad wild star lasted 20 minutes dude rip do i have another no i have to go build one that’s fine

What are the big mmos right now besides like final fantasy and wow i don’t know if i would even call wow big but you know what i mean oh is guild wars 2 still [ __ ] kicking oh i guess runescape runescape’s never [ __ ] going away

Is lost ark in him i guess lost ark is an mmo it’s like a dungeon crawler mmo that’s another game that everyone oh wait what was that other [ __ ] amazon mmo new world that came out and then everyone was all about it and then i don’t know

What happened i feel like people just stopped talking about it star wars yeah [ __ ] babylon’s fall star wars the old republic oh that game’s still still going hell yeah that’s pretty cool everquest had its 27th anniversary that’s [ __ ] wild yeah uh gentian isn’t an mmo

Destiny 2 is not an mmo destiny kind of wants to be an mmo it’s like mmo light but it’s not an mmo the leroy jenkins video is 17 years old today dude my bones are just i don’t know melting what’s happening oh yeah you take the stick thanks

I’ve been told fallout’s dude fallout 76 what what a game hey remember when they added the battle royale and everyone was so excited about it ah fantasy star online dude apparently that [ __ ] back on the gamecube was it the dreamcast it was both was like fire

And then they removed the br on 76 yeah i don’t think there’s anything over here i thought with the eerie noise that’d be something over here but [ __ ] maybe i was wrong kind of just mining in a straight line to see if anything comes up i mean i guess we got

Some iron but there’s anything else i think we’ve been bamboozled all right might be time to dig further down just spooky cave sounds warframe i’m sure warframe’s still kicking that’s another game that i don’t think is going to go anywhere anytime soon people who are really into warframe are

Really in the [ __ ] warframe just like the way your character can fly around the screen and [ __ ] it’s very fast paced all right [ __ ] it we’re going down can you say hi to eggy sandwich dude shout out to eggy sandwich that’s a good name dude i would love an eggy sandwich right now

Also shout out to uh pakistan if that’s where you’re really from pog champ dude more like pakistan is runescape still kicking oh dude this funny thing about runescape is it’s never gonna [ __ ] die at least the old school runescape that’s where brown gnome is from i played runescape for 15 minutes once

In high school i never played it again but gnome child just looks funny so that’s why he’s an emote in the chat just just a funny looking guy old school runescape is holding the dev team but they’re really pushing it with price hikes that’s a shame that does not make people happy if

You’re going to increase prices i mean sometimes you have to there’s you know only so much you can do but you kind of want to like ease into that like slowly raise the prices of things as opposed to one like giant jump if you can manage it

You’ve had to do that with the store over the years but i mean nothing we’re not like charging 50 for a shirt you know and what the [ __ ] is this oh it’s just gravel yeah oh the music’s kicking back in hell yeah flicker Same thing amongst all this gravel okay way to go genius Okay so it’s looking like it’s just gravel i don’t know why i thought there’d be some cool behind here [ __ ] off I’ve never played terraria for more than 10 minutes so i have no opinion on terraria no fury noises again spooky cave noises to my left i feel like there’s not gonna be anything over here chat that’s all right we got plenty of cave left to explore in pog mountain

I wonder if they’re ever gonna make it terraria too they supported terraria for so are made they might still be supporting it to be fair i think the last update was the final update though right 2.0 but that game has been out for like [ __ ] ever at this point

Oh they can name it two area dude you guys are so [ __ ] smart i can’t believe you guys are just giving that away for free yellow thank you for the nine months yes i’m a wolf mr boinker sir dayton captain roderick thank you guys minecraft 2 when dude there was that

Minecraft game that was supposed to come out like years ago the minecraft style game hightail i think it was called i don’t think that game’s ever coming out i remember seeing a trailer for a hightail like god like four years ago or something how’s the mining going i was going fine

Earlier we’re not finding [ __ ] now we’re like the dudes in uh spaceballs in the desert we found [ __ ] terraria 2 will come out when the pc2 comes out yeah honestly pcs are really far behind still waiting on pc2 one day they’ll catch up the consoles one day

Oh god cube world that’s the game where the developer like kept delaying it and delaying it and then the game came out and then it was bad and then he just bailed or some [ __ ] right yep yeah i remember oh yo let’s go pog mountain delivers

You ended up buying it to be fair a lot of people did i remember like gathalian uh famed facebook streamer uh being super into it oh there’s like a firing squad out there okay hmm right well let’s uh should probably box this out quickly there we go so nothing can get in i

Gotta make stairs and i want to kind of refill or like sleep at least i think we should be good in the sleep area but just in case things go poorly we talking about star citizen no star citizen is the biggest scam in gaming and i stream on twitch so that’s that’s

That’s a lot coming from me yo is that lj or ij either way thank you buddy thank you so much for the uh the kind words uh okay we’re gonna break this wolfgang thank you for the five gifted subs first gift it subs on the channel thank you

Oh okay that works out we can go up anyway star citizen looks [ __ ] incredible i don’t think it’s ever gonna come out but it does look pretty cool oh yo guys look oh oh do you get it [ __ ] pogo [Laughter] um all right i need my stairs

Dude an oldie butted goodie a little fan service little fan service all right i don’t know why the [ __ ] i made so many sticks what’s my problem there’s the iron pickaxe i needed before um okay when do we have pogo uh i think like last month or something yeah

I i eventually i clear out better ttv and ffz emotes every now and then also we had to re-add the uh the pog emotes because a lot of them got taken down but we have a weird champ i think we have smile champ uh pog u pog o

I don’t think we have pog me and pog you like the pointing one there’s a lot of [ __ ] emotes i add pause champ yeah i love the emotes on better tv let me add another one or maybe make another one swords good pickaxe to be safe pop up

Get some random [ __ ] okay cool twitch wouldn’t be where it is without emotes oh absolutely not no the emo supported twitch culture all the like i mean they’re not really used to much anymore but the um the global emotes that got used a lot things like we’re talking like a kappa

Doesn’t really get used anymore but kappa’s iconic kappa craggasm swifter rage bible thump uh trying to think some other good ones that we use from time to time oh hey guys gets used a lot but i feel like a lot of streamers uh have their own version of higher hello

Lol baby rage is a good one baby rage pj salt god pj solved holy [ __ ] oh yeah the twitch adage recently which is interesting now you could just shush the streamer or just chat i guess uh brianna hopefully i said that right thank you for the tier one sub

I’m sorry the game yelled at you but i appreciate the sub all the same thank you so much enjoy your 65 emotes oh resin sleeper’s good do you like resin sleeper oh [ __ ] torch get out of here gifted subs okay [ __ ] off compilation of me [ __ ] up stair placement cool

I can kind of just block this off because there’s like nothing there uh same with here since we’ve explored that more or less oh mr destructoid the the the vubop emote also people uh who are new to twitch or maybe haven’t watched in a while uh if

You’re not subbed and you’re just a follower you have uh you get five emotes now on the channel oh more gold nice please more than one please more than two all right cool dude big shout out to the lurkers love the lurkers love them backbone of every twitch stream

Don’t want to talk in chat you don’t have to you can talk in the discord or you don’t even have to talk in that you just hang out i lurk 99 of the streams i watch so i get it let me clear all this [ __ ] out i look on mac streams

Max has a lot going on i get that all right nothing hit me while i’m placing my stairs i’ll be real [ __ ] mad what the hell how did i what the [ __ ] how’d i do that [ __ ] i’m gonna scream i think i’m aiming too high that’s just

The wrong block what am i doing with my life there we go cool what happened that yu-gi-oh thing with shield what do you mean what yu-gi-oh thing with chilled that work that’s kind of scuffed okay i see hmm a lot of problems over here you know going to the shadow realm

It’s nice this time of year though oops how much does this do oh wow it eats it okay i did not think oh that was pretty cool i didn’t realize the shield was that [ __ ] effective and this is like a base oh hey that goes deeper i need to plug this hole right

Now is there like an upgraded version of the shield oh this [ __ ] fall in the hole fall in the hole fall damn it what a chat he knew yeah [ __ ] off nope please please please all right cool thank you for the bits in the middle of getting my [ __ ] ass

Eaten here so uh i’ll read that in one second all right let’s just try to light up oh uh [ __ ] wait what’s in here i can’t even tell what is in here oh it’s zombies zombonies all right we’ll leave that there for now that’s a future problem that is a deep drop okay

Oh zomrads is better [ __ ] chat once again proving they are funnier than me in every way chad i told you pog mountain it would deliver first time watching my stream what am i up to i’m just [ __ ] you know just vibing just living on twitch for the past seven years playing games

Enjoying life getting [ __ ] shot by 18 skeletons at once you know the usual i don’t know why i’m playing so passively right now i mean if i die it’s not the end of the world nothing’s enchanted who the [ __ ] what the hell are you oh is that a witch Yo where’s the lion in the wardrobe am i right uh do i have a ligma now do i have a ligma am i gonna die that’s fine if i had diets over here oh no it just takes you down to one okay oh i have bofa [ __ ] dude

I didn’t get the vaccine for both only ligma and sagandis uh how do i get rid of this does it just go away do i need mulk oh i just noticed in the top right hand corner i think i just wait i think just wait it out oh just okay bye

Just so we have no no surprises here i’m just gonna kind of chill out for a second get my life back yeah dude uh we’re gonna wait for my health to come back here chad give me one second yo joe the english otter shadow raven mad maximus caleb the black poor kid

Wink uh thank you so much uh brandon my husband i’ve been watching youtube bug snack videos i’ve been looking for a while don’t mind me just catching up thanks for all the laughs hey thank you for the thousand bits and the resub shout out to uh you and your husband

Thank you for watching my uh mediocre content for so long All right let me go dump this [ __ ] off Solid 6.5 content yeah i strive for about a five or a six on the quality scale so that sounds about right Yo adam with 85 months what’s up man hope you’re doing well thank you for the resub thank you save that bread for good luck all right back down oh jay brownie yeah one of our friends my one of children and my mutual friends uh who’s big into yu-gi-oh recently moved

So i have to take his place now and child is trying to get me into yugioh to take us take his place but yu-gi-oh is a lot it’s a lot for someone who uh can’t read he’s trying though he’s trying props to him but i have uh really no interest you what mate

Oh more gold i think it’s a creeper on the left right oh two of them Okay up come detected what’s over here oh there’s like another path over here okay we’ll have the [ __ ] light away uh but yeah sorry back to yu-gi-oh i was almost i was worried there uh i’ve really been interested in yu-gi-oh in a while i played every now and then for a

Little bit but it’s just there’s there’s so much now there’s a lot to it i’m just so like i would have to learn so much and i really get into it you need a lot of the newer stuff i mean you could play like meme decks i guess but oh diamond

Like when i did play a couple years ago i just ran like an exodia deck for the meme exodia is almost never viable but i mean it’s exodia but it’s really hard to run decks like that now oh only one cringe in my minecraft [ __ ] all right i don’t think the i don’t

Think the bats are hostile so i’m not gonna kill bats anymore at least not on purpose around that corner i think anything up here i also have to get the diamonds from that hole as well should be enough for a diamond sword let’s go wow [ __ ] just killed your friend yikes

Oh is this the same area i was before is this a different hole i think there’s a different hole oh cool it’s a dead end never mind get [ __ ] right idiot yeah dude kyle thank you for the 46 months jemmy thank you for the 41 as well yu-gi-oh is currently broken in japan

We’ll be in american america soon i uh there was a there’s a video i was watching going over like each yu-gi-oh meta um and it started at the beginning so i was familiar with the cards uh it was like a two-hour video i was familiar with the more diamonds for like i was

Familiar with the cards for like the first half of the video and something i learned is that the japanese players were like on another level and the american players would only catch on to what america was doing like a year later and japan was always just ahead

I don’t have the link on me now i did tweet it at chilled a couple of weeks ago it was a really well put together video it was like great background noise while i was grinding stuff all right let me go get the other diamonds let me actually go build a diamond sword

Before you keep venturing in here yeah they get their sets in advance which definitely helps like over here right it’s right there okay shut up ooh uh yeah yeah yeah okay kind of as a reminder gotta check down there as well yeah there’s a whole like bottom level as

Well that i covered up oh my god i think i have more diamond than gold at this point and i want the gold holy [ __ ] okay all right dude streamer luck i don’t think i got that top one nope i didn’t 13 diamond huh who is he who is he

I guess i should check the ceiling uh just a lot of coomb up there this guy have a [ __ ] shovel what are you doing get out of here anyway oh i’m out of torches as well okay shuffle nighttime ray the future minecraft king yeah absolutely i’m taking over the directory

With uh basic minecraft gameplay no mods no shaders no goal i’m taking over um all right we almost have enough for one block let’s go uh what’s over here oh there’s nothing in there right now okay uh got any sticks i do it’s blue uh you know i’m gonna keep the iron

Pickaxes i have for now uh let’s do this that’s the wrong key you [ __ ] console pleb let’s put my shovel away Okay and i need to make i have coal rash of plenty of coal yeah i just don’t know where it is because i’m [ __ ] blind oh do i not have any coal anymore that’d be [ __ ] yike cerrone there was some right there if any if anything hmm

I guess i’ve been using a lot of torches huh all right all right i have one should probably get some more all right we might have to leave pog cave here oh i think i do have some in the furnace let me see how much i do how much i have

In the furnace oops because that’s a good point i did leave some in there just to perpetually have like the jump idiot seven 12. all right let me look outside if we find more great if not then i’ll just use that Chat remember these are very important remember this just kind of go around the side and see if there’s like an open or a coal thing out in the open there was a thing by the llama actually let me um let me sleep and then we’ll go explore outside a little bit

Because i’m a big [ __ ] baby and i don’t want to fight anything unless i have to okay i’ll give it and buy something hell yeah can i get a brown sleep in chat or a badge if you’re uh not subbed or both oh a quick snooze okay this [ __ ] okay everyone’s

Burning alive let’s go [ __ ] shrek swamp goddammit get me out of here can you just come out like under the tree never mind i just bonked you in the face [ __ ] off i think this llama still here yo thomas thank you uh oh the llama’s still just big chilling

I should give him the name tag i should leave him there he seems happy just taking a swim but we should name him dude a bunch of [ __ ] resubs coming in hello hate raid am i getting hate rated stop please oh you do need an anvil okay i vaguely remember anvil up

Really getting sucked off is not great in this game um i remember anvil from achievement worlds hey buddy hate raid machek um is that seven can a llama spit at you i’m going to open my mouth and see um oh oh there’s three of them oh llama family hell yeah

I’m just big chilling does the stream end if i find a supercharged creeper it does it does yeah yeah dude i want to make the tower pimps but gold is like the rarest [ __ ] resource in this game i guess worst case i can just uh end it in front of pog mountain um

A little parkour there he’s still got it who is he ah do i go in that spooky cave and probably die [ __ ] maybe ow all right never mind it’s actually not that spooky it’s just a simple tunnel you big [ __ ] i’ll get the iron though okay

Oh first time viewer got bopped by uh auto mod i’m sorry i assume it has to do with caps lamau you’re naked well now you’re naked la mao you’re naked all right oh jesus christ that was certainly timed let me run back let me not get too far out here

We got what eight plus the other ones we have on the furnace we should be okay maybe we’ll find some more naked on stream ao dude i’m getting banned nudity on stream now chad you are good if there’s nudity in a game as long as you do not focus on it

Like if it’s part of a cutscene or whatever you’re fine but if you go to like a strip club and gta or you just did what i did that one time and focus on a playboy and mafia for a little bit you might get in trouble you might get in trouble

Now there’s no nudity in yakuza the cat fights they’re in bikinis so you’re good or there’s that cut scene and i forgot what gta game where you’re talking to someone getting a quest from him or a mission and he’s just hanging dong and you’re like oh all right sure man smile

Did i get in trouble for the playboy no do i remember the dicks out for harambe time you mean the time where everyone on earth was like you not united against something uh sticks here we go 44 okay a simpler time ah dude raise your dongers that’s another classic um

Can you make an anvil okay thanks i don’t want to make an anvil i don’t want to spell anvil can you even make one ah there you go there’s a donger you can make an anvil okay maybe i’m just [ __ ] spelling it wrong chad when is the last time you raised your donger

Last night it’s been too long since i raised my donger all right anything over here i think i’m just following the [ __ ] in a circle i don’t know i might be i want to check out that area with the uh respawning zombie i think it’s a little to the right though

Oh yeah this is a big sack of [ __ ] there’s nothing here i’m getting trolled [ __ ] all right well it was a waste of time let me grab my goddamn torches back how dare you Okay i think it was over here that’s where i came from yeah it’s up there i believe oh more iron okay more lapis can i get some gold Hmm i went chanting books oh bucket mr bucket put your balls in my mouth that’s mr bucket [ __ ] it’s so fun i guess i’ll just leave these guys they’re not doing anything [ __ ] nope all right oh this is like a dead end oh god it sure isn’t okay hmm this seems dangerous

This seems like i should use the bucket to make a waterfall or some [ __ ] nah where’s the fun in that you know what let me make a um like a staircase so i know how to get back up i don’t know the stairs on me all right we’ll make a scuff staircase

Yo this [ __ ] music though all right that’s kind of scuffed fishy thank you for the gifted sub oh my god i’m gonna fall on that i can already tell bad things are gonna happen anything down here oh is there anything down here liquid hot magma that’s disappointing

All right let’s see the other area we can explore um [ __ ] okay thanks i should be looking at the roofer items as well for ore or what okay please nope you’re not gold why are you not gold creeper oh man nope okay actually we’ll leave this here because

We might be maybe mind that later what’s this another dead end well okay nevermind it’s not my glory hole [ __ ] off all right okay more more red stuff i didn’t see oh is there gold did i miss gold [ __ ] it off me i’m looking for yellow no that’s not anything up there

If i missed something over there i’ll go check okay iron right there and this is kind of uh this goes up hmm that’s it guys we need so much more gold i don’t think we’re gonna we might be able to get one block we might be able

To make the chode of pimps at the end of the stream we couldn’t [ __ ] make the tower of iron a diamond tower is more likely i mean with how much diamond we’re [ __ ] finding as opposed to gold um god getting up and down here is miserable okay oh shut up

Is this just above where i was this is a dangerous game i’m playing oh no there’s a different spot but i don’t think there’s anything here no oh is that what i missed the diamond okay i didn’t [ __ ] see that at all i’m so hyper focused on yellow that i

Missed like the baby blue in my eyes all right let’s head back up actually over here oh i might have been pulled the torches hi babe your wife it’s my wife it’s true all right so is that end whose love language is tiny little gift giving did you get me something

She got me weed should i full screen this all right let me let me go intermission oh that’s cute so put on your little board because you have that space on the bottom oh i do yeah tina got me a little original xbox pin little xbox controller

Pin like the original one it’s the duke i thought you’d like it yeah put it on the uh on the cork board after i’m done streaming thank you babe real quick yeah what are you gonna show me is it from the warehouse oh wow it’s completely empty did jerry

Fix the thing uh no he didn’t have the stuff and i’ll explain to you okay cool um but he explained to me what i need to do so i think i can go and do it do it yourself yeah and then um look oh do they fill the gap or not yeah it’s

Just very tall now oh hell yeah looking good i was gonna text it to your mom you should yeah i gotta call her to uh i’ll call tomorrow as well okay also i’m i’m starting a taylor swift pin collection oh you are a swifty yes do you wanna

Talk to chad quickly because i really gotta run the bathroom all right chat tina timeline go take a peek too much so i never know if this is a quick chat or not hi guys how are you guess what where thanks babe the warehouse is almost completely clean

It’s almost this is this is the warehouse it’s almost gone it is i am very brown like i get very very brown um when i’m out in the sun yeah it’s a move to a new place not a second warehouse so yeah um i used to be

A lot more brown when i was younger but my skin you can kind of tell on my face too um ray’s camera also does not like my skin tone like when we’re setting up his camera i can’t be on it because it like [ __ ] with everything

But uh yeah i am very brown right now uh distant fox i’m from the ellsworth bar harbor area why are you so short i don’t know i just stopped growing one day so hi jamie guys i’m starting a taylor swift pin collection i really like it

Can we see i’m going to post it in the swifty’s uh thread on rey’s discord will the stream vaude be available after tomorrow yeah ray doesn’t remove his vods until monday now how’s the weather in texas it’s been over 100 degrees every single day we’ve been moving

I have sweat more in the last few days than i have ever oh hey but um you know luckily that uh luckily everything we’ve done um can be done like in the warehouses now like we don’t have to move stuff i have like two pieces of furniture i

Have to move but i can do that like in 20 minutes um but everything else i can do like at night or in the warehouse not like out in the sun i was telling them how brown i am you are and how your your camera does not like

My skin tone it always [ __ ] it up you got a racist camera oh my god upset you i’m sorry yeah um we yeah right and i’ve been swimming a couple times because we’ve come uh like monday when he came and helped we came home and we jumped in the pool and then

What other day next day the following tuesday yeah or was it sunday sunday and monday we did it right yes yes sunday and monday so our pool’s pretty cold still relatively all right you ready yeah i’m ready all right back to ray i hope you guys

Have fun do you know how long you’re streaming at least another 30 minutes maybe another hour or so not too much longer i am getting hungry so we can have dinner or something okay anything you want no chat what should i have for dinner are you going to cook we’re going to

Order that’s up to you oh chad what do we have for dinner is jamie here [ __ ] jimmy is here she said hey earlier oh penis tears could be good is that what you want that’d be great because i did not go food shopping i need to go

Through shopping tomorrow i need to pick up my medicine because they’ve texted me like i’m alive don’t worry no i’m alive dw the character on arthur oh that’s what jamie’s talking about oh i got it okay yeah that wasn’t for you she can’t read d.w um

Yeah i didn’t uh go food shopping today thank you reference thank you oh one quick little thing one of my friends got engaged yesterday and i was really excited about it and then um his now fiance after he engaged uh counter propose after he engaged after he proposed after he [ __ ] engaged and

[ __ ] squared up she was ready to after he proposed she counter proposed and had a little ring for him and it was super cute and i think if you are in a relationship and that would work for you that’s a really cute thing but yeah very happy mood i was saying our like

Our friend group’s got a lot going on we’re moving warehouses they got engaged eric graduates college tomorrow like why did you get me a ring i did no this is a fake ring do you want to get me a real ring i got you the other one that’s not the

Ring you were wearing before we were in gay before we were married that’s the one you put on isn’t it just the same one but slightly tighter yeah i got you a nice one you want me to get you an ice rink yeah no you don’t you would not wear it what

Do you mean you’d be like why’d you waste this money i wear this all the time i i don’t think i could take this off really not that i’m trying to take it off but like i do this like but it doesn’t move that that’s my phone oh that’s your foot

On the yeah i thought someone’s breaking down a wall that’s your foot on the shoulder it’s a ghost and i asked if you wonder ring remember i got you those yeah this is funny i’m just being myself ray got me a ring it’s right there it’s beautiful it costs four minecraft emeralds

Three years of my what is what’s the office uh uh three oh [ __ ] three months of salary or some [ __ ] three months so no that’s what i think it’s supposed to be i think it’s he said like three years so three years salary yeah yeah three year salary that’s what it is

Oh thanks my nails are i have to get them done soon because they’re kind of growing out but they’re purple with squirrels i like them all right i love you ray designed this ring he went to new york and he picked it out i drew it and he designed it with the

Lady mm-hmm uh the very old old like boomer law like boomer law yeah i don’t know what you would call that like break the boomer law no what would you call it like boomer standard yeah like of the 1950s and stuff would be like three months salary but i think that’s stupid

Should be three years salary am i right you are yeah all right i love you love you too tradition’s not the word i was thinking of i can’t think of the word i was thinking of expectation no you know you got it with boomer law that was yeah that was right

Okay boomer hey all right he did not buy it from adam sandler did not buy from the sandman holy [ __ ] i’m gonna come he actually when i picked out the ring he said that to me and i’m like shabadoo can i just have the ring and then we watched mr deeds i was

Thinking about us getting engaged today and i was very like emotional yeah yeah i was like that was so cute riley wasn’t even no it was just charlie it was just us when i got on my knee you were like holy [ __ ] i’m going to come so you didn’t

Even cry you just quoted him he did it before it came out he did right i’ve been quoting really random things at each other lately it’s been fun we’ve been on a roll of making each other laugh yeah we’ve been in a really funny mood lately silly goofy mood

Slightly goofy mood okay i love you i just missed you and i’m gonna miss you exhausted from working chad i’ve gotten up before 9am every day for the last week so this is your fifth exit are you ready to go babe i’m sorry that i like you and chat chat ray wants

To keep us apart i’m sorry i listen i gotta hit the mines now we’re back in the mine i’m gonna get dmcad yeah because your voice is so good show me a titty before you leave yeah she gave him a finger instead she just gave me the finger actually

What the [ __ ] were we doing oh we were exploring oh yeah we’re getting out of here right because there’s nothing over here just a dead end all right let’s skedaddle no i got the missing diamond i think was just the one all right i think we go down to the

Second floor or i guess the basement at this point you have a shovel this time what are you holding idiot are your hands out going for a hug [ __ ] off maybe behind this lapis there’s gonna be some [ __ ] gold would you believe there wasn’t oh actually but there is something up

Here i think uh nope just a big [ __ ] circle you stupid idiot hmm yeah dude this looks super dangerous hmm what is the best way to get down that’s definitely a way to do it that’s not what i wanted to do but that’s definitely a way to do it

All right everybody remember where we fell oh you above me too excuse me sir [ __ ] shovel knight’s back oh boy we’re fine oh you stole what he’s in me he’s inside of me oh chad this is bad this is bad hey fellas how’s it going yep that’s fine i know where we’re at

I am very surprised that creeper didn’t kill him chad you guys are smart why didn’t that creeper kill i need tools i’m [ __ ] stupid oh can he take my shield that’d be funny if i come back and he’s wearing my [ __ ] armor oh did i protect him with my shield is

That what happened oh dude i’m such a [ __ ] nice guy even though i didn’t want to be um i this is going to be real [ __ ] sketchy this is going to be real [ __ ] sketchy i don’t know why i grabbed an axe um this is fine dude we’re looking good

We’re unstoppable right now what do you chat i got this under control i think i [ __ ] slept in this bed uh okay dude we’re unstoppable we’re about to [ __ ] take over the world let’s go my phone is vibrating please oh something i can answer later

He was behind my shield [ __ ] what a chad what a goddamn chad still don’t have a good way to get down might have to do the uh jump down strategy again hmm oh hey buddy do you know where my oh wait i can make another shield can’t i

Think i can make another shield before i jump back down there or jump up and then jump down i do think that’s the same area that i was gonna go to uh the lower area so maybe i’ll go to the uh a different way yeah break my oops too far break my

Ankle strategy who needs them it is Plank and iron right i think that’s what it is okay i don’t need that man there we go all right all right all right he’s back baby oh wait hold on i can make [ __ ] poo boots can i yes let’s go i stepped in [ __ ]

I’m gonna get my stuff back you guys are gonna be so impressed this washed up minecraft let’s player is gonna make an epic gaming move hey hard cut to when i die again to some stupid [ __ ] all right so i know we climbed up and fell down but i think we can

Go this way and there was a hole that i can go through yeah it’s like right here i believe oh that’s so [ __ ] steep fall [ __ ] um anyone got a [ __ ] you know ladder or a rope oh jesus christ okay i think it’s more to the right i need to go

I hear the spider and it’s gonna [ __ ] everything up and i am just waiting for it to happen is this gravel oh this is gravel [ __ ] me i thought this was like like the smooth uh or whatever thing i got the deep cobblestone where the [ __ ] it was called

Oh [ __ ] look at that huh all right you need to chill the [ __ ] out down there he’s kicking my ass all right all right where’s the [ __ ] chad that killed me oh my god where’s the chad i think it’s over here i died and it was

By like two lavas two lavas kill me uh i’m looking for a chad oh it’s over here let’s go all right i need like a second of [ __ ] hey uh oh god did i grab torches oh it’s just you just you he says all right uh let’s build a little base here hey

Stay the [ __ ] away from me i need time to breathe am i just making a staircase for you i sure am okay anyway can you can you stop just for one second all right uh okay you go there you go there yeah dude what is in here or did i grab it already

I think i might have grabbed it already mod check torches maybe i didn’t grab it am i gonna dig up my [ __ ] mess i just made hey nothing spawn all right i’m [ __ ] i’m i’m naked and afraid oh maybe i did grab it uh anyway uh let’s see nobody [ __ ] kill me that’d

Be super cringe did i have a helmet i guess some [ __ ] can’t get destroyed right um i think i should build out of here and then come back oh yeah people right it’s actually helping a lot thank you uh okay [ __ ] i need more i need more uh coals what i need

All right where’s the gold that was over here that’s way more important uh [ __ ] it’s like over here somewhere i think oh that looks bad i guess we can get it later oh it might actually be way further down all right this place looks [ __ ] pog champ but we need to like

You know get our [ __ ] back together first oh there’s gold right there too all right hey don’t blow this [ __ ] up okay where the [ __ ] am i all right i think i could just do this right something comes up behind me i’m gonna be so mad just so paranoid i’m gonna get back

Smacked that’s too far away okay all right can i yeah it’s like the most scuffed staircase but i mean oops it works if i were to get sniped up here by a [ __ ] skeleton that would it’s not thursday so i can’t even be mad

Oh my bad man i didn’t mean to crush you stop standing under the gravel that’s on you shut up hey get out of here all right i think that’s good for now okay there’s the tower i built earlier look at that chat like a pro

Uh i need to get the [ __ ] out of here cool no panic anywhere i had that all all under control it’s like i’ve done this before once or twice or 200 [ __ ] times maybe i’ve lost count okay holy [ __ ] what a mess what a goddamn mess what a goddamn debacle that was um

Let’s see put that [ __ ] away more this [ __ ] oh there are the torches i’m [ __ ] blind i got two saddles where the [ __ ] did i get that from keep the bucket okay dude not going uh i guess i can keep the old shield why the [ __ ] not got some wheat got one coal

Okay cool and look at that we’re fine like nothing ever happens don’t worry about it get a horse oh i’m sorry you said get a house get a house and use it in the caves to speed around can you imagine me trying to pilot pilot ride a horse in the caves

I nose dive into the [ __ ] lava immediately no well-known horse pilot please i’m a woman enjoyer and that’s it all right we’re just gonna go back down um and uh just start figuring [ __ ] out yeah moncasteer but with a horse moncasteer but with the uh i don’t know

What they’re called the like ropes you hold the control your horse almost said pilot again the reigns do you bless those in africa why haven’t i not been down here got this air oh hey buddy i’ve not been down here yet i thought i was going the right way i

Was going the wrong way but you might have found something else over here or just pure pain i don’t haven’t really figured it out yet this is like a big circle oh no okay we’re back a little roundabout way to get over here this is how i got down here originally

Or i guess not originally the second time [ __ ] i’d put that up too late yeah i gotta go that way diamond there’s a creeper to my right yeah there’s a lot to my right all right there’s the gold over there can you actually [ __ ] off uh okay there you go thanks homie

Rest in peace that was a sick jump you guys are impressed i need like two seconds to dig this up all right thanks [ __ ] you oh hey man also i don’t know why i’m digging up redstone i’m here for the yellow stuff i’m here for the p only two

[ __ ] i think we could make one block we might have to end this with the child of pimps but i’m gonna keep looking do i have piss pants yet oh my pants right now completely drenched i’m a real streamer i don’t get up to pee all right

I should have brought sticks i don’t know i am so i’m the [ __ ] worst who the [ __ ] your problem oh all right later [ __ ] wow they really uh did something with the caves huh they actually don’t suck There’s actually a lot to them the problem is you have to find them that [ __ ] dude went flying disagree with that oh they’re separating of course they are oh is that another witch okay yep yep i gotta go sorry my mom’s calling Yeah i know what it looks like it looks like i’m beating down a woman but it’s not what you think can you [ __ ] like die stop mocking me oh god the skeleton she’s [ __ ] healing them okay this is bad nom nom nom nom nom nom nom i probably

Should have waited on that okay Just gonna reposition a little bit don’t mind me just got shot in the petukus god imagine having a ranged weapon couldn’t be me oh gold [ __ ] this is a bad this is a bad spot oh i got ligma that’s fine if i die i know where i need to go thank you

Oh show this is real this is real cringe this is going in the old cringe comp huh [ __ ] i went to turn but i was too late okay um let’s run back uh that [ __ ] was not [ __ ] dying oh i have this uh wow food is an issue

Food is a big issue actually all right random blocks deo let’s go yeah i really need food and i really need [ __ ] coal dude need to light that area but the most important thing is i need that gold comedy this is gonna be so bad this where i went the roundabout way

I think so sure isn’t actually hold on it’s not a complete waste so what was left one skeleton and two [ __ ] uh zombinos yeah dude thank you stevo for the confirmation uh gm thank you for the gifted subs as well and path thank you for that uh that resub i’m playing on pc

It’s the mustard race dude gotta play on pc i don’t have a shield anymore how [ __ ] cringe hmm no shield no food so i sold gold all right okay one chat over there okay this zombie really aggro from all the way over there what a freak all right

La mal i’m six foot and you’re 5 11. well now girls like me they hate you okay he loved you at age dude he gave me the stare he gave me the look all right there’s one skeleton over there which might be the guy that killed me

Oh i don’t know how that missed rush him okay i’m about to bust hank i know that was a good kill all right i think that’s my [ __ ] over there are you [ __ ] the whole skeleton army’s over there what the [ __ ] that’s a problem that is not ideal uh

All right run and run out can you guys like separate a little bit maybe like can one of you aggro but like not shoot [ __ ] it your trash your trash your trash didn’t get hit once i’m a god see you later all right i grabbed what i could let me

Get the hell out of here and figure out what we’re doing okay we got you over there i would really appreciate if you didn’t kill me right now hank he’s about to explode i appreciate the heads up though oh my god okay not that way uh not that way at all hmm

All right can we just head up here for a second to breathe okay okay all right uh shield boots not looking too hot right now not looking too hot okay oh we got our stakes at least still let’s go okay let me keep this uh ready to go may keep this baby loaded

God i want to explore more but i need them to like [ __ ] separate the bow i have has no [ __ ] charge on it yo one shot one opportunity oh i hit him i think did that aggro him it did okay [ __ ] fight at once and blew up my hands

Actually no it didn’t he doesn’t give a [ __ ] hey all right hey that was for jamie and just jamie okay thank you for reminding me about these torches i have okay um i’m gonna assume the rest of my [ __ ] got like blown the [ __ ] up oh hey all right

More [ __ ] diamond i want gold please appreciate the generosity of the diamonds but like i want gold oh my god the spider just go after him there’s infighting in this game i don’t remember that thanks for that gifted sub by the way okay get some more [ __ ] over here and it’s just one

Minecraft i come back after all these years and that’s what you do to me how dare you anybody like torches more like light oh [ __ ] off um that guy’s not coming oh there’s like uh there’s gold up there that’s where there’s gold okay valentine thank you for the gifted sub um

Is that an enderman oh good even better so as i’m not getting my ass kicked enough i wonder if that’s the one from earlier i just want i want a [ __ ] scream hmm oh god right firing squad’s over here as well i think there’s more gold over here but it’s kind of

Hard to s do all this when i’m getting shot at gavin there’s gold right there which is nice okay one at a time all right let me [ __ ] off for now kind of regroup a little bit i actually know let’s play like a stupid idiot there is other gold over here right or

Was that the is that the one i saw earlier [ __ ] me okay i think there’s more gold let me see if we can make at least one block because i think that’s all we’re going to be getting here realistically because i’m sure i saw something else

But kind of in the chaos of everything i forgot where it was all right where’s my oh i’m over here stupid yeah dude did i look at it oh well that’s not helpful at all i was staring at when i switched pickaxes oh i think i thought okay

I thought i was [ __ ] iron if i think i think i know what you’re talking about okay we have enough for one chad i think we are only gonna get one we’ve only gotten eight ingots i’m sorry uh 10 and we’ve gotten how much diamonds

I think we got like 13 on our first go-around i hate this [ __ ] game all right guys one um we could probably let’s do this put you in there dude it’s happening it’s not it’s not don’t tell them i guess i should build more iron armor i need pantalones and

My outfit’s gonna look so fire gonna look like i dressed myself in the dark was it pants in the head oh what what a look the ladies want to be with him the guys want to be him all right let’s go back down i’m happy we have our one block so if we

Die oh it’s been four hours already then we’ll probably call it there fish fear me women want me i think the stairs are to the right uh that just get the [ __ ] out of me [ __ ] off [Applause] oh there it is okay yeah i thought that was iron 1 000

Thought that was iron yo two let’s go oh my god we found all the gold in the game dude why can’t they all [ __ ] look like this oh my god we actually might have two i think it’s still gonna be the chode of pimps but yeah i thought that was iron

Okay we just need 18 more we just happen to get eight at once if only they were all like that if only thank you tina tina the real ones would do uh brown wg just saying uh the the average and perfectly respectable size tower of pimps tina let’s go

This is the last time i’m playing minecraft yeah until 10 years from now or we reach 169.69 all right just wait for this moment the 511 tower of temps [Laughter] yo youtube check out this thing tina’s wrote in chat tina made her own tower of

Pimps with my face tina can you put it again ew eno what’s that weak [ __ ] ew there we go there there’s the real tower pimps right there [Laughter] that shit’s funny uh tina’s funnier than me but we all knew that already eno hitting us with the store brand

Tower pimps yikes not a true fan not wasting all that money a month on me jeez it’s not a real stan i almost if i if i made a chess piece of gold i would have just [ __ ] doxed myself all right uh i need a dirt block hey i need you

I don’t have the blocks in my inventory you stupid idiot can i sprint please i guess not shut up zombie uh actually can i sleep i’m not sure if it was daytime or night time no no okay no bamboozle no bamboozle we good uh where should we put it

I don’t want to block the cell out put it right here okay that’s a little no that’s that’s fine that’s fine all right the chode of pimps as of right now i don’t know how many more excursions we have left in us but the chode of pimps looking good

Oh the other half in 2032 that’s a good idea that’s a good idea all right one last uh excursion that will most likely lead in death but that’s okay add one block every five years load up the stream go to creative add one block and the stream see you guys

Again in five years oh [ __ ] don’t fall yep okay don’t do it creeper up there don’t do it I wish i had a [ __ ] light switch for this area what’s over here is that gold ah iron cringe [ __ ] i had that uh charcoal and i forgot to make it into uh let’s go i’ve forgot to make into torches some [ __ ] crawling above me i don’t like it all right four more for the third block uh you’re coming with me oh actually oh [ __ ] hey man i was just iron

I was more right there oh [ __ ] i didn’t see the other one okay actually can you guys detonate that was supposed to do way more than it did okay let’s reposition are the skeleton nope sure aren’t all right [ __ ] off i should [ __ ] eat my last piece of steak steaky num nums

Don’t be only one i [ __ ] can’t say anything cause you’ve been so generous god there’s still so much in here all right oh cool four more spawned you killed two get rid of two more spawn great don’t do it they’re doing it they’re doing it might be able to climb up this

Oh probably not actually absolutely not all right guys see you later big gulps huh oh okay this is oh boy i need them to like kill each other in game my shield is almost broken too you have the other one yeah the other one right there uh yo plunk no problem man

Thanks for uh thanks for watching i don’t know if you’re heading out but thank you for watching all the same shoot me up shoot me up shoot me up okay that works shoot me up again that works too oh hey hey all right all right oh this this oh god

They are everywhere oh i lost my shield okay run oh wow actually that was a good boost thank you all right head back up action action swan saying oy oy to you too mate oh tina dude feet am i right all right another chest i think another

Chest of garbage to uh deal with my very poor sorting skills oh okay perfect perfectly executed i don’t have an axe i’m sorry okay all right first things first give me this do i have sticks somewhere i have planks that’ll work okay 29 nice damn it please

Oh is this at this point this has to be done here right is that the difference oh never mind oh that’s flint not charcoal i’m [ __ ] stupid i’m going to read idiot [Applause] um we’re good on armor oh i should get better boots get the boots with the fur um

Yeah i just need to i just need to get food right now stop doing that right all right we need three more for block number three can’t wait to go outside and die to like a it’s a random spider it’s a night time right now because i can

Just sleep and kill some more innocent pigs uh oh sure is oh tina dude are we getting robbed again nice are they coming back to return the stuff they stole oh i needed let’s make an axe quickly bring back the van that that that van is long gone chat

Ripping peace to vanny devito jesus christ shut up i hate when i scare myself with myself with a fickle tickle pickle thank you for seven years enjoy your new uh tie-dye crown and thank you for making me scare myself with my own voice all right i don’t think i need any more water

Planks but just in case have we gotten a tower pimps no we got the chota pimps we’re still working on it oh wait can’t you make like mushroom stew or some [ __ ] how do you make mushroom stew you need the red the brown mushroom and like i think a bowl or some [ __ ]

I think a bowl is just wood right so i should be able to make some of that ooh bravo joker thank you for the two years dude chad is there llama meat can i get llama meat egg all right chickens i’m very sorry and cows [ __ ] i can’t sprint anymore all right let’s head back are all these sheep alive oh because i sheared them instead of killing them i just used shears was that a mushroom bomb over there uh no if it’s a biome it’s a very small biome go by bread where

The one uh town we ran into only had uh leather workers the supermarket smile [ __ ] dude chat thanks for having my back man i didn’t even think of that oh yo pog and apple imagine if i grabbed that apple and i died to fall damage oh okay how many times have i died

Four or five i think but now we’re in pogba mountain so we’re doing okay right now we’re doing all right nah keep inventories not on i even know that was a feature i’m just playing like basic [ __ ] vanilla minecraft right now oh uh mushroom soup all right a bowl okay

Man this game sucks oh actually i don’t think i have that many mushrooms uh oh there we go they’re my [ __ ] inventory actually blind oh i put what the [ __ ] is this soul campfire yeah all right i want the the mushroom soup oh okay they don’t stack that’s kind of blame all right

Out of spots yikes all right thank you thank you 29 21 let’s do this cool all right back to it good soup all right i’m going to start tripping because i just had some shrooms maybe so again as fun as you remembered yeah i’m having a good time

If i’m going to be honest with myself this has been fun this has been a mess because i forgot to play minecraft but it’s been pretty fun it started off kind of [ __ ] weak because i couldn’t find a goddamn cave for like two hours but once we found uh pog mountain

It’s been uh it’s been fun oh i meant to grab a stack of [ __ ] blocks to climb should i go up there ah maybe later there’s this area over here i want to check out oh cool is that a [ __ ] what you gonna call it now jesus leave me alone leave me alone

Leave me alone [ __ ] oh [ __ ] i’ll [ __ ] off oh not in the lava it’s like over here i was going i think yeah somewhere over here hmm jesus this is huge [ __ ] i think it’s gold over there let me not fall for a a prank Just one okay that’s fun Oh hey buddy it’s iron A light source nice this is this is not good you know what just go around don’t even look at it Oh pog please be big ones okay Oh this is this is a nice this is a nice one right here chat all right we have enough for three i don’t know how many many more we need all right i gotta go back i gotta find my way back let me not pretend like i know where the [ __ ] i’m going

Let’s dump these off assuming i can get back in one piece Maybe i’ll stumble oh god oh there’s oh it’s a gang yeah dude yeah okay yeah kill each other in game oh diamond i don’t [ __ ] want diamond jesus [ __ ] that could have been it a gaggle of creepers is that the uh is that the definition of a grouping of creepers oh [ __ ] hey

Choose live Oh jesus any gold up there all right thanks i gotta check gotta at least check that goes way high up so i’m not interested i take it back come on just give me the mellow yellow i think i only need like three more oh no we got the [ __ ] wicked witch of the

East over there she came down in a bubble dug is that a witch am i [ __ ] seeing things i think i’m seeing things my old man vision’s not working out okay i think we’re good actually oh bless my bad eyes what is that though i saw purple at least i think

[ __ ] purple there’s yellow right here oh chad oh my god this might be enough this might be enough this might be enough okay now we do the hard part and go backwards uh does anyone remember where i was going or how i got here oh i think this is the way

Yes this is the way oh my god i knew the way all right now i just need these guys to all leave me the [ __ ] alone yeah dude you’re bad that’s fine okay yeah this will be on youtube tomorrow chapter we actually do the unthinkable i don’t want to celebrate yet but i

Think our final excursion might have given us enough did pog mountain deliver was it the chosen one oh it did oh chat we’re doing it we’ve done it i don’t have a sponge but listen the sponge was added later on the lore right og’s remember the uh

You know what hold on one sec let me shut the [ __ ] up don’t want a creeper to come and [ __ ] blow me up or some [ __ ] that’d be a great ending but i don’t want it to happen okay anyway uh we got a dirt block why does this one guy in chat keep

Saying buy bread i’m trying to get that bread he’s a duck because bread is underrepresented you’re right what’s up variety dude he’s a panera spokesman dude some people love panera i’ve only been to panera like maybe like three times my whole life and it’s been all right but some people love panera

Been there like yeah a handful of times it was fun it’s like never my first or second choice you know it’s kind of like uh like a burger king in that regard also just realized i could make some uh shiny shoes that’s not it nah panera’s still chilling

My friends in high school absolutely love panera but i’ve never had it something i’ve never had that people swear about there are two things is uh boston market not sure if that’s a meme and uh arby’s oh right i’m like why can’t i go through there’s a boston market by uh where my

Grandma used to live and uh it was like almost always packed and i’m like what the [ __ ] this is sketchy let me do it during the daytime babe when i tell you you will never eat at a boston market believe me i i mean yeah like why would i

I’d have to be on a deserted island and the only food option is [ __ ] boston market for me to eat there i don’t even know what they serve don’t say they serve boston what does that even mean chat [ __ ] 18 people said it in a row thanks thank you

Serve nothing but clam chowder all right chat here it is we actually did it a little bit higher pop pop we did it hey [Applause] oh let me get rid of the other ones it’s kind of ugly hold on get out of here chat we did it all thanks to pog mountain

We have made the tower of pimps and our 10-year anniversary of let’s play make sure it’s not a crew behind me of let’s play episode one is complete let’s go i was here hell yeah so once again if you like the stream subscribe at slash raynard jr and buy something at

I don’t know if i can angle this to make a good thumbnail for light how the [ __ ] do i hold on oh i’m seeing my weiner hold on hold on this is really hard to do my [ __ ] boomer skills [Applause] hold on hold on okay let me take the armor off hold on

[Applause] uh Yeah dude hey next time let’s er i’m trying to make sure it doesn’t say ain no stop sobbing thank you there you go chat i don’t know if you can read the words i don’t know if they’re legible but it’s not pooh mountain it does look like poo mountain [ __ ]

It’s pog it’s not poo [ __ ] it does look like poo there you go we’ve done the unthinkable i don’t have any roses or any red flowers you’re ruining the thumbnail but thank you that’s a lot of [ __ ] stop saying pooh mountain it’s pog god you can’t see the line in the g

It actually kind of looks like it could be like foo mountain could be an f as well [ __ ] you if you were here you were here you know it’s not first of all it’s not poo poo mountain all right it’s pog mountain anyway there it is we did the unthinkable

Papa do i have sticky keys i turned that [ __ ] off thank god there we go chad we did it yo youtube if you made it this far in the video drop a poo mountain or a pog mountain whatever you’re feeling are you team pog or team poo all right let me know

For the record it is pog you see it’s pog not poo jesus christ but uh that’s what we’ll wrap it up oh let me hit f3 now oh [ __ ] if you hit f3 you can hack into the pentagon why do you guys tell me that earlier what the [ __ ] what is all this

Information all right that’s a lot that’s a lot okay anyway gamers we’re gonna wrap it up there youtube i love you i’ll talk to you later thank you for watching goodbye happy 10-year anniversary let’s play minecraft episode 1.

This video, titled ‘Twitch Livestream | Minecraft [PC]’, was uploaded by Ray Narvaez Jr on 2022-05-12 15:00:02. It has garnered 118407 views and 2455 likes. The duration of the video is 04:35:54 or 16554 seconds.

**This stream was recorded on May 11th, 2022**

Happy 10 year anniversary to Let’s Play Minecraft Episode 1

Gameplay starts at: 5:08

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    Welcome to Skygens! Features: Custom Enchants: Acquire unique enchants through quests or enchantment tables! Minions: Customize and upgrade minions with more skins coming soon! New Server: Enjoy frequent updates, ensuring fresh content! Free Ranks: Ascend through the ranks simply by playing! Staff Needed: Join our team as a builder, developer, or moderator! Pet System: Collect and train pets to assist you on your island adventures! Join our Discord Server: Play on our server: 1.20+ Port: 25565 Read More

  • BrunhildMC

    BrunhildMC[​v1.19.4] ʙʀᴜɴʜɪʟᴅᴍᴄ is a FREE TO PLAY Minecraft server-multiplayer that features FREE Ranks obtainable by votingupgradable Skillspayable Jobsplayer Shops, Crates, Economy, Minions, Casino, Gacha and more!NOTICE: Server is still in development but it is playable. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Herobrine’s downfall: It’s time for payback!

    Minecraft Memes - Herobrine's downfall: It's time for payback!Looks like Herobrine finally realized he can’t hide from those update patch notes forever! Read More

  • Minecraft: The Hottest Meme Ever!

    Minecraft: The Hottest Meme Ever! “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” 😂 #minecraft #memes #funny #shorts Read More

  • Join Minewind: Escape the chaos with a new Minecraft adventure

    Join Minewind: Escape the chaos with a new Minecraft adventure Welcome to! Today we have an exciting update for all Minecraft enthusiasts out there. While you may be busy with your own projects and solo survival games, there’s a world of adventure waiting for you on Minewind Minecraft Server. With an epic survival game experience and regular Minecraft mod updates, Minewind offers a vibrant community for players to explore, build, and conquer together. Whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting out, there’s something for everyone on Minewind. So why not take a break from your solo adventures and join the fun on Minewind? Connect with like-minded gamers,… Read More

  • Mastering Minecraft Power Moves

    Mastering Minecraft Power Moves Minecraft: Herobrine’s Quest for Ultimate Power In the vast world of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds, a new adventure unfolds. Herobrine, a mysterious figure, is on a quest to gain ultimate power and rule over the Minecraft universe. This thrilling journey is captured in a short trailer that promises excitement, challenges, and the ultimate showdown. Herobrine’s Ambition Herobrine, with a menacing aura, sets his sights on achieving unparalleled power. His determination to conquer Minecraft and establish his dominance creates a sense of impending conflict. As players delve into this narrative, they are drawn into a world where danger… Read More

  • Insane Money Grind in LIVE DONUT SMP with Viewers!

    Insane Money Grind in LIVE DONUT SMP with Viewers!Video Information all right so just need to change some settings I think actually no they’re good all right wait why is my mic so far away from like where I am all right there that should be louder now oh wait all right there we go hello four watching already so last time I streamed I was at 600k I did a little bit of grinding obviously I got donated a bunch of money too but yeah all right so is that mending yeah that’s mending just class nine and I think I need six levels and St oh… Read More

  • Upside Down Minecraft Prank on Friend

    Upside Down Minecraft Prank on FriendVideo Information I’m turning my friend’s Minecraft world entirely upside down but at any point he dies the video is over hey buddy sit buddy oh oh yo dude hey what’s up dude what’s up dude what are you doing oh I’m about to ruin your day well not entirely listen dude dude dude that’s not how you say hi to somebody you’re going to tell them you’re going to ruin their day oh sorry okay put it this way if you do not die with the challenges that I have set in place for you I’m going to give… Read More

  • Intense Hardcore Raid Prep – Minecraft History 1.14 #27

    Intense Hardcore Raid Prep - Minecraft History 1.14 #27Video Information [Musique] bienvenue en 1.14 alors l’ point la version pardon 1.4 s’appelle la village n pH update voilà donc qu’est-ce qu’il y a ça qu’est-ce que ça a rajouter et bah les villages ont été améliorés et nous avons maintenant les pillage et donc tous les fameux mobs qui viennent défoncer nos nos villages avec des raides alors plus particulièrement quel a été les ajouts je prends mes notes bien sûr et je vous dis ça tout de suite déjà dans un premier temps nous avons eu le bambou qui est apparu d’accord donc les pandas également il… Read More

  • EPIC OIL REFINERY & CRUCIBLE – Minecraft UniversIO!

    EPIC OIL REFINERY & CRUCIBLE - Minecraft UniversIO!Video Information hey hey hey everybody welcome back to some more Universe s hey Universe episode Universe iio universe. hey Nick how’s it going universe doio doio is becoming more and more of a popular domain I feel like it’s been yeah it’s been it’s been trending for a while man you know people have been yeah everyone’s in a oh my Lord a is the one that’s really freaking up and coming now man have you little bit of uh inside baseball oh yeah a domains are really like the minimum price is like $200 wow for a a… Read More

  • Stumble Guys Server Glitch – Mind Blowing! 😱

    Stumble Guys Server Glitch - Mind Blowing! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘*NEW* SERVER GLITCH IN STUMBLE GUYS 😱’, was uploaded by Gamerz Alii on 2024-05-30 13:15:59. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. NEW* SERVER GLITCH IN STUMBLE GUYS ABOUT MY CHANNEL :- I AM BOY AND A GAMER. I PLAY MINECRAFT … Read More

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