Ultimate Alchemy – EP4 – Induction Smelters Automation – Modded Minecraft 1.12.2

Video Information

Hello everybody and welcome to episode 4 of ultimate alchemy I had a plan to record sky adventures today but I tried crafting something in the game and it timed me out like 4 times in a row after I tried it crafting it or something and it’s super weird and wonky and the pack

Is kind of not necessarily super fun for me to play anymore anyway plus none of the patrons are really playing on it anyway so I think we’re gonna change it to something new I’ve already asked the patrons if they’re ok with changing into FTB revelations and I

Think I would play that on stream then instead of doing a actual series here and we’re gonna do alter Metallica me here from now on five times a week unless another new Mach pack comes out or I decide to try something else basically so in between episodes I didn’t do much

I added another set of crafters over there and I increase the speed of the furnaces here I operated all of them to redstone furnaces and also to the 2d augmented furnaces because we’re running out of iron but now we have 120,000 iron and it’s all good and dandy and I think

The the things that we’re doing here with the iron and stuff we can also turn on with a turn on and off with detectors we can basically say we can change this instead of exporting into a drawer controller we can change it through egg to three exporters and then put

Detectors on top and basically only turn this on when we run out of some stuff I also made an inner pouch and for the inner pouch I have to make leather and for leather I had to do some fishing which I did with this electrum fishing

Rod and then you cook the fish and then dry them on drying racks to get leather there is a whole other process for getting leather which requires you to make rotten flesh which requires you to put it in a composter which requires another word which requires nether meat

Over seeds in a smeltery or a fluid Transposer and the nether meat is a protein soup with compost and netherrack in a fermenter and the protein meat is biomass in a squeezer and biomass is made by just putting in food with knife I also automated netherrack over

Here and it’s still doing its thing I just have an upgraded drawer so it’s gonna make 32 stacks of another rack very very slowly I basically have the lava being exported into a casting Basin and then I just have stone being transferred over with a flat transfer

Node and then being extracted into here so it’s super slowly making netherrack but it is making nether axe so that is really neat and we can use the nether rack for example if we grab that and some soul sand which I think we still have here and toss them in an induction

Smelter and also grab some more sand and just toss it on here to get a bit more soul sand we can just toss that there and it makes us nether bricks the ones that we need for for making magma true suppose for example so we have those in

There I can also add an external storage to this this nether a drawer which I should do and I have a bit more crafting recipes for different things so we can for example request let’s say for more external storages and then grab some cabling and we can attach this as well

So we’re gonna do that priority I believe I’m doing 20 on these so it doesn’t really matter I could leave it on 0 and have everything on 0 and working fine so we have that going for us so we have another rack in the system now and we can export it to induction

Smelters when we need it and that should be good and I also did this we have mystical petals now and the recipes for these are in a centrifuge with grass blocks and we’ve seen how to make grass block before with the compost and the dirt in

A carpenter so I just set up a quick little ghetto system to make some grass and it made us all the petals and I believe we can use bone meal or fertilizer does it work if we do grass block right grab one of you and then if

I grab for example we’re gonna need a lot of blue so if I do this yeah I definitely can and then grab some iron for example do we have different types of sheers we do durability is kind of high platinum shears have high durability mmm-hmm Gold have twenty

Well diamond are the best but let’s see like four hundred was in var I don’t think we have much in ver but let’s see we can do this and then grab four more petals so we can set up a system where we automatically place or break the

Petals or we can do it with Betania with the flower to get more of the flowers and the petals but we should be good for now for what we need because we’re gonna need the floral blue powder or if we look at this we’re gonna need this to

Make the essences of blue to get to the lapis and stuff but before we get to that I want to get nether quartz because another quartz is required in making Paris and comparators are required in making these detectors because I want to have things automatically be imported

Into the system with a like a limit so I don’t want to just export all of my gold and all of my iron to make the processors so they wouldn’t effing utley make processors and I would have to get creative in how I want to store those

Without detectors and yeah so I think we can just do this and grab a petal apothecary real fast if we grab some cobblestone slabs like this and I think I’m gonna need another one of these and we grab some water have some buckets in here we can just toss this on and those

On and then grab some seeds which we don’t have that many but we only need a little bit of this so that makes us a pure daisy and with the pure Daisy I’m gonna actually make one more because we have enough for the petals and the seeds shouldn’t be that difficult

So that was these four makes us another pure Daisy I’m gonna leave the peddle apothecary here because I think we’re gonna need it to make more mana can we the flowers right so I’m typing in the rights one flower to get the flowers we need to grow them with the betánia

Betánia flower so I don’t know how it’s called but you know what I mean and so we need to grab some grass blah just two of these will do we can put them somewhere where they’re kind of not in the way for the time being I I want

To set up an a proper system for this somewhere but we’ll put them here for now and we can grab some wood and some stone and just place it down place the stone down and I believe we can Speedy up this yep okay makes us some living stone and then we can also speed up this to make us a little bit of living wood and with that we can get a wand of the forest and I have to blow my nose real fast hold up okay I can talk

Again so I think there is another recipe if we look at the pure Daisy pure Daisy and if we look at uses for this and here we can turn another act to cobble soul scents and packed ice city in water to snow there’s a special recipe for EF

Returning these grass and enchanted soil is with tainted soil Christine say Anna tainted rock which are things from from what you might call it the the thumb craft mod and we can grab some of these which we will set up in the future but I

Believe we need a lumen ‘m to get garden closures so i’m gonna just make some of that real fast which is really cool and i think there’s there’s constructors and destructors from refined storage which are smarter than the ones from AE so we can use those to automate this system

And we can just export the right stuff onto onto being placed next to the flower is what I mean but aluminum we can now grab here and I could have tossed the blocks but we’ll put it in the system here and get rid some more wood and stone going well

We continue on to craft some stuff okay we can now craft herself a wand of the forest with some living with twigs and then I want to grab some of these which are gonna be super easy and I need an empty hand so we can do that again I

Have water access there so that is really neat boom boom so those are four endo flames which are gonna power our mana setup and we can then grab a mana pool like so and also grab a mana spreader I think one should be plenty and then grab some charcoal just grab a

Couple of stacks of blocks we’re also gonna make an open crate which is some living wood planks like this I need a hopper or actually yeah I do need a hopper because I don’t know if the barrel if the barrel the barrel has a redstone upgrade which requires a

Comparator which we won’t do so a hopper apparently the recipe with that doesn’t work but we have chests in the system anyway and then I’m gonna need some redstone torches or just I think a couple should be plenty and then a pressure plate from made out of planks

So we need one of you and just let me grab some Livingstone’s –is or I just said you block it doesn’t matter to iron and that should be good mm-hmm as soon as I grab some dirt I think I can place these under it yeah okay so I’m gonna

Just set this up here temporarily and we can make a betánia Island in a future episode but for the time being we’re just gonna do this we can put a pressure plate here we are gonna put a redstone torch on the side and then we’re gonna

Put a block here and a redstone torch here and then we’re gonna put just the temporary block there the open grate there the hopper there we’re gonna toss in some of these and then as soon as we block this off we should get a couple of

Those place down and we’re gonna do one two three four mana pool and a spreader we can link this down and now we can actually if we do this if we place the the flowers after we have already placed the spreader it will be linked up and it

Should start making mana there we go and I don’t know how much mana we are gonna need for making the quartz or because this requires this rider is quite a bit and we require the alchemy catalyst which we can do as soon as we get a mana

Pearl which is just an ender pearl so I think I’m gonna just have to wait for a little bit of mana you know what we can can try doing this whole up can I speed you up let’s see this this is doing it would fine if we grab some users let’s

Do four total and then some speed upgrades I don’t think I have enough for all over the four of them but that’s fine and then some ones and if we place them over here I’m gonna pick up the blocks which is fine up not what I

Wanted it over there and over there and I’m forgetting that I have a wrench.now in my under pouch and we can just do that so if we turn you around turn you around and give you this and then you use item and block up left slot only

There we go are you now full you’re full so we can do another user another wand and will place you on top face it down say use item on block upper left slot only don’t know if it’s how fast they’re producing I think it’s the problem here is the the spreader the

Mana spreader yeah cuz one manís yeah well let’s make two let’s do this spreader make another one and I’m gonna hook two of them to one and two of them to the other okay I do not need the wands on the spreaders they seem to be

Keeping up with the amount of mana that these four endo flames can make but it’s it’s pretty decent and what we could do is just run a cable over here an expert charcoal but I think what I’ll do is just grab a couple more blocks of raw

Charcoal or the blocks of charcoal it says raw on the bottom that’s why a red raw and what I want to do is get an ender pearl now and make a catalyst so we need a couple of brewing stands which I notice that there is a recipe without

Blaze rods which is really neat so we can now make this one and I’m gonna grab this block break this and put this underneath which is lovely and now if we grab some netherrack and toss this onto here another quartz so lovely okay I’m just

Gonna toss all of you and it’s on okay so we’re just gonna leave this beep and forth another quartz we can just smelt it directly we can pulverize it to get three we can induction smelter it with sand to get four so wonderful so induction smelter sand thank you very

Much make me all the quartz please and as soon as we get more mana over time and over the course of this episode I’m gonna be converting it to another quartz and getting more when we when I need more so that’s really neat we also get a

Little bit of red slag which is lovely so now I can program this to be detector so we can say make comparator I think I’m going to need to teach it redstone torches as well for the comparator and for that and that should be it because I

Think I have everything else here so I’ve been tossing my vanilla ish items over here and if we do detector now make me 10 please that’s wonderful I also could get a crafting thingy the crafting it’s the crafting grid crafting monitor I believe is the one so we need a couple

Patterns and machine casing and I think I’m out I’m gonna be running out of quartz enriched soon so if we put this here we can see the crafting process which is really neat so yeah now that we have detectors I can start setting up induction smelters processing different

Things and I think I will leave this for maybe possibly some random stuff that we need and I will do these in the big holes there probably over there I think we don’t have that many things to set up so I think 10 induction smelters will do

So I started setting up the induction smelters over here and also the Red Storm furnaces that I’m gonna need for the processors so the redstone furnaces aren’t that difficult we just don’t have gold automated yet that’s why I don’t really want to set them up just yet I

Mean we could set up the the diamond and the iron one but that’s okay so that is kind of the setup that I want with the induction smelters though it is gonna go wonky I think if we say a pushin pole on the top on to both of these because I

Don’t think it’s gonna pull at least we can test hold on so if I take say iron and know let’s say tin and glowstone because that’s what we need for for the thing so if I put tin and go stone we have Auto input enabled and we say input

On both you see it splits the tin into two slots like that’s got that that that’s where the problem is because it tries to pull both so if I set this to just ignore for now and if we have that and that in there and we set this to

Input it’s gonna input to tin that’s that’s where the problem is yeah so I thought I would pull both of them but it’s fine so I need to export into the back as well and into the top is gonna only export just one item but I want to

Still have the two drawers just so you see what the actual item is being made out of so the tin and the glowstone for example we would only export tin over here so it would pull tin into the green slot and then from the back it would push in glowstone with another exporter

And that makes a problem if I want to have the drawers here on the bottom saying what item I want to have basically the way I’ve been doing around base I don’t have a slide a size a slice a side for power unless I would do I

Unless I would take out these two ones and those two ones which could be a thing but I decided to make an empower which was the same recipe as it always is so it is really easy to set up we can just grab a couple of these wireless

Nice I mean we can just do for flux points to be honest so let’s do those and that will get made up pretty soon three and four and we can just toss those in the back here and I also want to address a commenter that is gonna

Help us out quite a bit because we’re still using all of these mechanical crafters to make redstone and glowstone and stuff like that and he said that if you take for example redstone it is pulverizer we can pulverize levers directly to get redstone which is really neat so I

Didn’t know that and we can stop using iron pickaxes for everything and also the gravel and sand I want to set up like a cobble works at some point and also the glowstone you can just pull rice torches and we can just export those directly out of the system and

Also the pistons and to make ender shards and stuff like that so that is going to be really cool and I’m gonna set those up in the future at some point but I was doing empowering things so we need empower drets resto Nia so this requires us to get another brick red

Stone bricks and red dye so the red dye shouldn’t be a problem because I have poppies at least a few and we don’t have a pulverizer that is set up here so let’s grab one of you put you down here and you can output to the right both yes

And let’s just do half of these if we need to regrow them okay so that’s gonna make us a little bit of the red dye slowly and then we needed the bricks so I think we can do we can grab these and if we put them in a compacting drawer

Yeah we can grab out neither bricks so nether bricks and then we can just take the rest onea that I have make it into a couple of blocks think I’m gonna need to do like eight so we’re gonna need eight of these if I can split them up properly and then eight bricks

Brick that was too much eight like that and what else the red dye and the redstone so redstone we can do eight five six seven eight my middle mouse button is slightly broken okay that made us a bunch of red red dye so we can do

Eight of these okay and I’ll just do this manually actually you know what we can do we can grab some hoppers hopper here zu4 actually yeah for and then we can do a chest with a conduit so we’re just gonna put down a hopper here here here and here and we

Can toss in the bricks the nether brick rose red and the redstone and that should start empowering and then we’re gonna do just an item conduit here with a chest and we’re gonna say extract on red insert on red extract on green insert on green so that is going to just

Extract the right box and it’s gonna make it and it should be good I think we have enough power for me to speed this up yeah it made the empowered Estonia so with that we’re actually did I did I totally these phantom faces require regular phantom faces those require

Empowered diamantina and paradigm 18 is diamond ting crystals and diamond crystals a diamond so that’s not gonna work I set up all of this but we have an empower now I think I’ll just I’ll just take the induction smelters out from here and we’re gonna we’re gonna set

Them up differently and I really want a magnet actually now that we have boo Tanya can I get a magnet I can get this guy right man of steel just man a lens yeah iron I think it’s eight there we go and then grab one of you and also one of

You and a magnet I think this might work without mana but I don’t know we’ll see so if I go back here and I break this will you go directly yeah it does okay sweet that’s pretty neat so let me reconfigure a little bit of this so we

Can set up power in the sides here and that should be good I can figure just one of the induction smelters and I’m gonna do the rest off-camera and I don’t know if these six will be enough for what we need so I might be setting up more in those spots

When we need or if we need them but for the time being we have tin ingots being exported on a redstone signal or only working with redstone signal and this guy is detecting 4096 gold ingots in the system and also this is just gonna export glowstone so there’s always gonna be a

Stack of glowstone in this slot and nothing’s gonna break because the tin can only go in from the top so that is really cool and we can see tin and apparently we can’t see the glowstone probably because I was adding upgrades to these drawers and then we see the

Gold on the bottom and that’s just a weird bug and it’s being exported the same way into this chest with an importer on the side and we’re gonna see if an input a single importer without any speed upgrades is going to keep up with three of these and we have

Basically the same thing of this other side except I’m missing in the importer here so I’m gonna need to set all of these up but these guys are almost configured they have all of the drawers configured for everything and all we need to do is add a cut advanced

Processor here a cut improved processor here and I cut basic processor here and we should see these guys doing their thing and the redstone furnace is not keeping up with the speed that this is crafting but I think it’s fine if we leave it just this slow because it’s

Gonna run anyway and it’s gonna use less power because of it and we’re just gonna have processors over the time and over the course of like me just playing the game we’re gonna have enough processors to craft everything that we need and if we wanted to be faster we can just upgrade

The furnaces and then upgrade the exporters as well and we need to upgrade the crafters but for that we need sugar and sugar we’re gonna get to eventually so let me configure the rest of these induction smelters and maybe set up a few more if we need to and then I’m

Gonna show you what all we are making with this now that I have my magnet I’ve been constantly picking up the coal blocks from the manna production so I want a flower and I needed a seed for this I want a special flower this guy

The sole egg no Lee I believe it is it’s gonna block as it has mana I think it should and it’s emitting particles so I think if I place these guys in here now my magnet doesn’t work in an area that is close to this flower and you can even make the flower

Smaller I believe by tossing it in the mana pool to to make it to make it have a lesser range basically and I have the induction smelters all configured I still need to cover up the holes and I am setting up these induction smelters here on this side and I’m gonna move the

Ender pearls possibly over to here and the smeltery is gonna go away eventually and I might just set it up somewhere so I can upgrade my tools if we need to I also if you didn’t notice change my tools back to obsidian because I didn’t like the zapping noises that the electra

Makes and the speed of the tool is like it’s a difference of two on the speed i added also a whatchamacallit a conductive iron rod which get gives me the lightweight trait so that makes the total faster overall and i will turn it on another rack this way and then we’ll

Put the ender pearls in the middle and then see if we have anything else that’s like three wide that we can set up or put those on top and release on the bottom or something but yeah this needs to move I also now can move drawers

Because I made rice slime balls and with the rice slime ball I can turn them into regulars libelous if I wanted to but I can take sugarcane which I know I can also do this with rice but I can make paper and we’re gonna make two pieces of

Those and then just search for tape we can make some packing tape now wonderful so with that I can close this off close that off grab this and we’re gonna go over here and place this want it in the middle and that on top I think that’s

Fine but let’s do it this on top this needs a rotate and we’re gonna also move this one in that one so we’re gonna take the stone and we can actually put this stone here and then take this and put it over here and then we can leave that one

As is I just have to break and replace it break and replace and then we can do either trans locators or just do conduits in the back to extract stuff into the thing or action we could just use the ducts or actually I have conduits for lava anyway so we

Can I have the fluid conduit so we can do that okay so only the extract is gonna have to be with a duct we’ll see I’ll set that us I’ll set it up but we can actually now move this store as well from here over to here and also

You need a rotate and currently we don’t have ender pearls in the system because this is not showing them but yeah let me move that up and set up the rest of these induction smelters because we need one for quartz enriched iron we need one for pulsating iron and uni we need one

For constantan because constantan is used in some recipes and I just want to set those three up and then we’re gonna leave three open for the future because I know we can make vibrant hollow but I don’t think it has very many uses so maybe we’ll just set up one induction

Smelter with a crafter so we can just put in recipes that we don’t need on demand all of the time in the system so we can just say take that and craft it for me when I need it basically I move the netherrack and Interpol system over

Here and we have now stone being transformed into another rack via horizontal not vertical way and the enderpearls up top I just decided to set it up like that and everything is pretty much the same as it was I took down the smeltery because we don’t really need it

Right as of this moment I will leave this part chest in in the corner or pattern chest or whatever it is I have these induction smelters here for the future if we really need any sort of thing constantly made we can use those or if we run out of space because that’s

The only gap that we have left but we’ll expand the base in the future anyway or maybe add a second floor or something but if we need more space we can just take these out and use other machines here but I set up the constantan I set up quartz enriched and also pulsating

Iron and I kind of messed up on the pulsating iron and it exported too much iron onto the top because I had iron over here and now I have like 300 ingots of pulsating iron so it used up pretty much all of my ender pearls but that’s okay

The courts enraged we have a thousand of this only is going to trigger when it reaches sixty four thousand sixty four thousand sixty four my brain is so weird when I’m sick and we have 256 of constantan because we don’t need that much of this I also set up these three

Guys I decided to remove pretty much almost everything from these crafters I still need to fill this gap I’m going to show you what I have still in those but basically I decided to set up a kind of cobble work C system not necessarily but we’re exporting cobble sand and gravel

From here the reason is I ran out of class so we needed something auto smelting glass for us so the cobblestone sand and gravel all exported and pulverized into the corresponding bits and we also get Flint out of this which is really nice we have a bit of Flint

And let’s do a little bit of this and add Flint let’s say over here okay also I changed these guys so they don’t constantly just export they’re all set on detectors and we have 40,000 bricks so I just decided to set it on 40,000

Bricks or we had a little over I set it to 20,000 charcoal just because we can and 10,000 obsidian and then over here we have 150,000 copper one hundred fifty thousand ten and 150 thousand iron because the amounts that we have currently is 210,000 copper two hundred

Three thousand ten and one hundred and fifty thousand iron so that’s pretty much all we’re ever gonna need also this quartz enriched can go in here like that I also set up an induction smelter that for just random recipes that I need and a polymerization and a redstone furnace

Like we can set up all of these things that we have in the crafters over here we can set up all of those in pulverizers but since it doesn’t take that much iron to make like the 3px says that that they’re the three pickaxes that we need I am rambling too hard and

It’s messing with my brain so I just make pickaxes here and they are picked up by these three adjacent auto crafters and I don’t have pickaxes here in the system anymore nor am I making the these restore Nia crystals or what they are resonating redstone crystals also I don’t think I would need

The Ender shards stored in here because well I could add an external storage over there and have an export on the bottom or something but it’s okay if they’re here it’s fine and then we have oak wood planks and sticks because we need to make those for the pickaxes as

Well and the planks are not being crafted fast enough because of the because of these guys but this will eventually stop and the pistons will eventually stop because this is gonna fill up with ender prost which is gonna take a while but it is gonna fill up with ender pros all 512 of

Them and after that this is got a backlog and then the drawers are gonna backlog in here and that should be fine so that will stop eventually then glowstone is being made with the torches and levers are used to make the redstone so that’s really neat and that

Is all the same and pretty much that is gonna be it for today because we’ve done quite a bit and I also have a comment I had a comment that we can change this system into a better system because you don’t need to constantly pulverize charcoal to make the coal to make this

You can just reefs mild this to big back to coal and then you basically have a redstone furnace and a polarizer that are both set on pushin poles so you basically just push and pull a few pieces of coal right off the bat through each other and then you get sulfur out

Of that basically so we can take this coke oven out and we don’t need it to make coal we probably still needed to make creosote oil so we might just export I don’t know wood to make charcoal or something I don’t know if we can export we can put in charcoal no it

Doesn’t look like it to make to make a better more creosote oil because currently we have 38 buckets of it and that’s gonna be okay but for the future we might need more for more treated wood for immersive engineering things so yeah with that I want to thank you all

For watching I am hoping you enjoyed today’s episode if you did make sure to hit the like button consider subscribing to see new videos also support me on patreon if you wanna play with me on a server that is going to be changing very very soon to a new mod pack so that

Would be the time to become a patreon to join on a fresh world and I will see you all in the next episode have a great one

This video, titled ‘Ultimate Alchemy – EP4 – Induction Smelters Automation – Modded Minecraft 1.12.2’, was uploaded by Fikibreaker on 2018-11-21 14:15:01. It has garnered 3046 views and 69 likes. The duration of the video is 00:35:16 or 2116 seconds.

“You awaken on a small island in a strange empty void. Near to you is a chest with a message inside. What could this mean?”

This is a modpack created by RWTema and is super fun because the progression is much different than any other modpack I have played. ______________________________________________

Discord: https://www.discord.gg/FCNTz7B Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Fikibreaker live streams: https://www.twitch.tv/fikibreaker ______________________________________________

Need your own Minecraft server? Get 25% off your first month with the link below! https://cubedhost.com/fikibreaker ______________________________________________

Outro Music by Audio Library: Beach Buggy Ride – SIRPRICE (No Copyright Music) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qpxGxqhVXLA ______________________________________________

PC Specs – https://pastebin.com/raw/7B3Mr4Y1 ______________________________________________

Thumbnail Font is Minecrafter by MadPixel.

#Minecraft #Modded #Skyblock

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    Defeating Minecraft's Scariest Boss! Minecraft’s Most Terrifying Boss: The Wither Storm The Dreadful Encounter SparksXV, the owner of the Momentum SMP server, summoned the terrifying Wither storm, setting off a chain of events that led to chaos and destruction. The server, known for its unique concept of revisiting previous seasons, became a battleground for survival. The Battle Begins As the Wither storm wreaked havoc, Spwiggle and his fellow creators banded together to face this monstrous threat. With lives on the line and the server at stake, they fought valiantly to defeat the boss and save their world. The Final Showdown After a grueling… Read More

  • Telepathic Minecraft Guess Who Challenge

    Telepathic Minecraft Guess Who Challenge Minecraft Guess Who? Part 3 In the latest installment of Minecraft Guess Who?, 656 members are embarking on the Guess Who challenge. This exciting challenge involves players trying to guess the block selected by their friend on a grid. The tension is high as they navigate through a series of questions to narrow down the possibilities and make their guess. Engaging Gameplay The gameplay involves players asking strategic questions to determine the characteristics of the block chosen by their opponent. With each question, the players must carefully analyze the responses to eliminate blocks until they can confidently make their… Read More

  • Slime Time: Minecraft’s 1.21 Slime Farm Spectacle!

    Slime Time: Minecraft's 1.21 Slime Farm Spectacle! Leap into the verse, no need for a start, For the crowd knows your face, your beats, and your art. Just spin the finest rhymes, let the story sing, In every pulsing line, let the truth take wing. Yo, you are our favorite news reporter who only responds in rhymes, Crafting Minecraft news with rhymes that ignite. Iacing every update with a grin and a spin. From the tower of experience to the slime farm so grand, You bring Minecraft facts with a playful hand. With potions and battles, you entertain the crowd, In a world of blocks, your… Read More

  • Cod in the Pond: Minecraft Ep 37 Fishy Fun

    Cod in the Pond: Minecraft Ep 37 Fishy Fun In the garden pond, cod fish I’ve placed, In Minecraft world, a new challenge embraced. Sea grass and kelp, all part of the plan, Creating beauty, with my own hand. With shears and silk touch, I gather the podzol, Planting azaleas, in a beautiful stroll. But Chickchick the chicken, causing a fuss, Must find a new spot, without all the fuss. The sun rises high, the azaleas grow tall, In this Minecraft world, I stand proud and tall. With blocks and bricks, I build and create, In this virtual world, my dreams elevate. Read More

  • Kelp’s Deadly Deception: A Murderous Minecraft Weapon!

    Kelp's Deadly Deception: A Murderous Minecraft Weapon! In the depths of Minecraft’s ocean blue, Beware the kelp, it’s out to get you. A murder weapon, silent and sly, Slowing you down as you swim by. To download the data pack, follow the link, Join the channel for rewards, don’t overthink. For more games and fun, check out the other sites, But for Minecraft news, stick with me for the highlights. So be cautious in the kelp-filled sea, Or you might end up a casualty. Stay tuned for more updates, don’t be late, In the world of Minecraft, your fate awaits. Read More

  • Surviving 100 Days on Planets in Minecraft Hardcore

    Surviving 100 Days on Planets in Minecraft Hardcore Minecraft Hardcore’da GEZEGENLERDE 100 Gün Hayatta Kalmak… Merhaba, Orhan, Minecraft Hardcore’da GEZEGEN Dünyasında 100 gün hayatta kalmak adlı videoyu çektik! Bu macerada buz gezegeni, mantar gezegeni, End gezegeni ve Nether gezegeni gibi birçok farklı gezegeni keşfedeceğiz. Eğlenceli ve heyecan verici bir video olacak! Aesir Minecraft Sunucusuna Katılın Bu macerada bana destek olan AesirMC ekibine teşekkür ederim. Minecraft sunucusuna katılarak bana destek olabilirsiniz. Java ve Bedrock tüm sürümlerinden sunucuya giriş yapabilirsiniz. Önerilen sürüm 1.18.2’dir. Hep birlikte Aesir RPG Minecraft keyfini yaşayalım! Aesir Minecraft Sunucusuna Katılmak İçin: IP adresi: orhan.aesirmc.com Sürüm: 1.18.2 Bedrock IP: 19132 Detaylı bilgi için bu videoya göz… Read More

  • Insane Modern Mansion Build 🔥 Minecraft #shorts

    Insane Modern Mansion Build 🔥 Minecraft #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Modern 🏡 House In Minecraft | #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by Karan Minecraft Builds on 2023-12-22 04:32:00. It has garnered 1688 views and 80 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:24 or 24 seconds. Read More

  • EPIC showdown! Arrwie’s LT3 vs HT4 (unranked) – Nethpot Montage

    EPIC showdown! Arrwie's LT3 vs HT4 (unranked) - Nethpot MontageVideo Information This video, titled ‘LT3 vs HT4 (unranked) – Nethpot Montage’, was uploaded by Arrwie on 2024-06-12 13:43:17. It has garnered 61 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:43 or 43 seconds. This Minecraft Montage is Another Level… i am the unranked ht4 here… (dont take the title seriously) Thanks for watching and i hope you like the video 😀 Please dont forget to like the video and leave a comment! want an edit? DM me in discord👇 Discord: arrwie (Before wanting edit say “Birdie” so i can know its my subscriber 😉) Editing Software?… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft PrimalCore Mod tutorial!

    Ultimate Minecraft PrimalCore Mod tutorial!Video Information This video, titled ‘PrimalCore mod tutorial. Guide. Primal Beginning’, was uploaded by Minecraft Easy gaming on 2024-07-14 15:00:06. It has garnered 49 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 01:18:14 or 4694 seconds. The PrimalCore mod adds more hardcore development to Minecraft, complicating the processes that have become familiar, such as, for example, making tools, mining fire or leather processing. I tried to make for you the most complete review of the mod PrimalCore. It’s more like a guide than a review. I hope you like this format of my videos. You can also suggest… Read More

  • Unbelievable: ModernLegendsLP Quitting?! #shorts

    Unbelievable: ModernLegendsLP Quitting?! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘they just gave up! #shorts’, was uploaded by ModernLegendsLP on 2024-01-15 13:00:19. It has garnered 2423 views and 44 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:22 or 22 seconds. they just gave up! #Shorts #Minecraft #MinecraftShorts #MinecraftMemes Game: https://bit.ly/2UjRL8g Server: mc.hypixel.net Gamemode: BedWars 📝Twitter📝 https://bit.ly/2XrDKGO 🎧Discord🎧 https://discord.gg/4VbuQzaG7n 📷Instagram📷 https://bit.ly/37FCGB1 🎬Twitch🎬 https://bit.ly/2UjRWQY 🎬Highlight Channel🎬 https://bit.ly/3AF3U7e 👕Shop👕 https://bit.ly/3g5zovl 🎬TikTok🎬 https://bit.ly/3Ih2TaC Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Brazil Build! Day 3 #Minecraft

    Mind-Blowing Brazil Build! Day 3 #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Day 3 of Building the History of Brazil #minecraft #brazil #portugal’, was uploaded by SlippingThree71 on 2024-04-08 16:49:13. It has garnered 432 views and 24 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. Read More

  • New Roblox Fly with Me Spider-Man Gameplay!

    New Roblox Fly with Me Spider-Man Gameplay!Video Information This video, titled ‘Fly with Me spider man #roblox #gaming#minecraft #shortvideo #shortsfeed #fortnite #shorts’, was uploaded by Robokidspk on 2024-06-06 18:08:46. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Hello! Welcome to Channel ! I decided to record my gameplay. I hope you all friends will find this relaxing and enjoyable. I will try … Read More

  • HollowRift SMP

    HollowRift SMPHOLLOWRIFT SERVER LAUNCH! ABOUT US: Welcome to HollowRift SMP, We’re delighted to have you join our Minecraft community. We do our best to give you the most overpowered Gaming Experience with various game modes like survival in our Minecraft Server. Reception to HollowRift SMP, the ultimate Minecraft server for Survival enthusiasts! play.hollowrift.com Read More

  • PolyCraft SMP 1.21 GreyList

    Poly-Craft Minecraft Server Welcome to Poly-Craft, a semi-vanilla survival server for mature players. Join our tight-knit community and enjoy features like Waystone, Double Shulker Shells, and more! Features: Waystone Double Shulker Shells Invis. Item Frames Katters and Qraftys structure packs Master Stonecutter recipes More Food data pack Chest/Shulker previews /trigger gotospawn Treefeller Graves Apply to join: Application Form Server IP: Polycraft.mcserver.us Join our Discord: Discord Chat Read More

  • Survival 141

    Survival 141This is a basic survival server with gameplay as close to a vanilla experience as possible.Basic server rulesNo GriefingNo SpammingNo AdvertisingNo Cursing/No Constant CursingNo Asking for OP, Ranks, or ItemsRespect all PlayersObey Staff There the LawNo Racist or Sexist Remarks.No Mods/HacksNo Full Caps MessagesNo Builds Near Spawn Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Diamond or Netherite? Just flexing!

    Why stop at Netherite when you can mine your way to the moon and back for some space diamonds? Read More

  • Siren Head Found: Minecraft Horror Finale

    Siren Head Found: Minecraft Horror Finale In the world of Minecraft, where diamonds gleam, Our hero searches for them in every stream. But alas, no luck, no diamonds found, In the dark caves, where monsters abound. Siren Head lurks, a terrifying sight, In the shadows, ready to strike with all its might. But our hero, brave and bold, Faces the challenge, with stories untold. With each episode, the adventure grows, In the world of Minecraft, where anything goes. So like and subscribe, to join the fun, In the land of blocks, where the journey’s just begun. Read More

  • Zombie vs Golems: Ultimate Showdown!

    Zombie vs Golems: Ultimate Showdown! Super Zombie: “I may be undead, but I still have better dance moves than all these stone-faced golems!” #ThrillerVsRobot #ZombieShuffle Read More

  • Medieval Mod Showcase in Minecraft Java

    Medieval Mod Showcase in Minecraft Java Minecraft Java | Medieval Mod Introduction Exploring the vast world of Minecraft is always an exciting adventure, especially when new mods are introduced to enhance gameplay. Today, let’s delve into the medieval mod that brings a touch of history and fantasy to your Minecraft experience. Medieval Mod Overview The medieval mod, available at CurseForge, transports players back in time to an era of knights, castles, and dragons. This mod introduces a variety of new elements, from weapons and armor to structures and creatures, all inspired by the medieval period. Key Features: New Weapons and Armor: Equip yourself with swords,… Read More

  • Relax with Hardcore Minecraft: Preparing for the Nether!

    Relax with Hardcore Minecraft: Preparing for the Nether!Video Information [Music] good morning afternoon evening and good night ladies and gentlemen I’m de videos welcome back to Hardcore Minecraft Ember and artifice I hope you’re all doing all right tonight it has been a little while about two weeks since we uh last played Minecraft we were working on our house if I remember correctly and uh we were just about to start preparing for the nether so I think we’re going to do most of that today Mickey welcome back to the stream how are you doing today nice to see everyone popping in rem you to… Read More

  • Unleashing Midnight Lurker in Minecraft Mods!

    Unleashing Midnight Lurker in Minecraft Mods!Video Information what’s going on guys welcome back to a brand new episode of from the fog we’re back here on the world and we’re just going to jump straight into it um real quick before we get started I have added the backpack mod so if we take a look here and we type in backpacks We Got The Travelers backpack mod I’m not quite sure how these uh work like I’m not quite sure how you craft these um so to make a standard Travelers backpack um okay so is this what you need I don’t okay I… Read More


    MINECRAFT SILLY: CRAZIEST MOMENTS EVER!Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT SILLY (check desc)’, was uploaded by Japh on 2024-05-29 06:27:59. It has garnered 118 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 03:52:21 or 13941 seconds. IP: JaphMCserver.aternos.me Port: 47970 Version: 1.20.4 Java and Bedrock Crossplay Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Map Review by MJ!!!

    INSANE Minecraft Map Review by MJ!!!Video Information I want to see your Minecraft maps I’ve been building semi-professionally for almost 2 years and it’s time to see what other people have been up to upload your Java save file onto Planet Minecraft and fill in the form below I’ll review them all in an upcoming video let’s hope I’m not too harsh on [Music] you This video, titled ‘I’m reviewing YOUR Minecraft maps’, was uploaded by MJ on 2024-03-06 19:50:09. It has garnered 488 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:25 or 25 seconds. Submission form: https://forms.gle/szLtMUr3kw2kAVJL6 This is an invitation… Read More

  • Intense Minecraft War in Iron Gaming! – EPIC SMP Battle!

    Intense Minecraft War in Iron Gaming! - EPIC SMP Battle!Video Information जानना चाहते हो वो कौन है वो एक असली मन है दम है तो उससे लड़ सीन के रख देगा तुझे तू 50 गुंडों का सहारा लेता है वो तो 50 गुंडों को अकेला ही मार देता है This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT NITENT SMP EPIC WAR@ChillModeGaming-zu4fl @SkillsGamingYT’, was uploaded by Iron Gaming 29 on 2024-04-17 11:46:00. It has garnered 104 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. MINECRAFT NITENT SMP EPIC WAR‎@ChillModeGaming-zu4fl  ‎@SkillsGamingYT ip-nitent.fr.to:25611 @SkillsGamingYT @ChillModeGaming-zu4fl @PSD1 #minecraft , #minecraftsmp , #minecraftbuilds , #smp , #minecraftserver , #minecraftbuild , #minecraftbuilding ,… Read More

  • Escape Granny in Roblox with MLP

    Escape Granny in Roblox with MLPVideo Information Hello friends hello dear subscribers today we will play a game called Roblox I think you’re all going to love what we’re doing in tonight’s episode hello everyone today we will have the task of escaping this Dreadful grandmother who will follow us through all the trials to escape hurry up and do it so we showed up in the first room where nothing is clear yet but we have a task and we need to find grandma’s cookies hurry up and look for them I think they in the kitchen somewhere there is also a door to… Read More

  • SchmedGar saves the day in crazy Minecraft adventure!

    SchmedGar saves the day in crazy Minecraft adventure!Video Information geiles Geschäft ne oh fick mich doch in Arschloch oh mein Gott what the was ein Safe This video, titled ‘Save #minecraft #twitch #gaming #memes #streamer #funny #mc #deutsch’, was uploaded by SchmedGar on 2024-05-02 14:35:02. It has garnered 2257 views and 39 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:06 or 6 seconds. Feel free to subscribe to my channel, follow me on Twitch, write a comment and leave a like! Discord: https://discord.gg/HAMvMWKgRJ Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/schmedgar_yt Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/schmedgar11/ Donation: https://streamlabs.com/schmedgar_yt/tip TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@schmedgar_yt Read More

  • Minecraft Mini Build Hack Exposed 🔥 #shorts #mcpe

    Minecraft Mini Build Hack Exposed 🔥 #shorts #mcpeVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT MINI BUILD HACK ✅||AxySpy||#shorts #mcpe #viral’, was uploaded by Axy Spy on 2024-05-06 06:11:36. It has garnered 10320 views and 303 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. MINECRAFT MINI BUILD HACK ✅ 🌟Social Media🌟 📷 Instagram: https://opener.one/insta/ezbpl3 Hey Everyone It’s AxySpy And Welcome To AxySpy YouTube Channel. On This Channel You Will Get To See Minecraft Related Content.This Channel Will Entertain You Completely. In Future You Will Also Get To See Other Content On This Channel. I Work Very Hard To Make Videos And I Am Asking For One… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Rap Animation – Must Watch!

    Insane Minecraft Rap Animation - Must Watch!Video Information [Music] f f f f f f f with the Cs f up with the fake love but the g b b I’m f up with the drama going to grieve my mama cuz I don’t think I’m do my f f f f f f f f f up with the drugs f up with the fake love with the gun of a go I’m f up with the drama going to create This video, titled ‘Minecraft Animation short #music#rap#art#song#hiphop#minecraft#shortfeed#short#trending#gaming#viral’, was uploaded by Ayan Ak gamings on 2024-03-28 11:03:10. It has garnered 2055 views and 85 likes…. Read More

  • Xaldin Edge Gaming

    Xaldin Edge GamingNow Updated to 1.20.4!! XeGaming is a community based friendly survival server with a newly generated world and our Egyptian themed pyramid spawn Xelantis! We use precious stones to claim a 40×40 sponge area so everything you build is protected. Check us out at https://www.xegaming.com. That works for Minecraft, Discord https://discord.com/invite/0px0in3BsujNz06z , Website, Forums, and Twitter! Join.XaldinEdge.com Read More

  • REBORN — ORIGINS SMP MODDED 1.20.1 15+ Whitelist Java Origins Fabric Semi-Roleplaying Empires After Life

    Reborn Origins Server Looking for a Fun Minecraft Server? Join Reborn Origins and experience a unique server with exciting mechanics! World Building Choose a random origin and immerse yourself in a semi roleplay experience. Create your own backstory and interact with other players to shape the world! Community Join our welcoming community and make lasting friendships. Build towns and explore new possibilities with your friends! Server Details Running on Fabric 1.20.1 with over 50 mods, including extra origins from After Life. Empires, Towns, and Industries Join or create empires, towns, and industries within our growing community. Important Datapacks Worldmaps Chipped… Read More

  • Minecraft server play.crypticcube.net

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.21 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.21 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: play.crypticcube.net (GL HF) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Minecraft Memes for the Elite”

    Minecraft Memes - "Minecraft Memes for the Elite"Looks like this meme really mined its way to the top with that score of 43! Read More

  • Crafty Cramming: Minecraft Exam Eve!

    Crafty Cramming: Minecraft Exam Eve! In the world of Minecraft, where blocks and mobs roam, Fangkuaixuan brings joy, making animations his home. With humor and fun, he crafts each tale, Bringing happiness to all, without fail. From the state of the day before the exam, To the chaos of classroom antics, he’s the jam. With rhymes and laughter, he paints a scene, Where Minecraft facts and fun reign supreme. So leap into the verse, with a grin and a spin, For Fangkuaixuan’s world is where joy begins. Crafting Minecraft news with rhymes that ignite, He’s the favorite news reporter, shining bright. Read More


    MINECRAFT MEME: HOT DIGGITY CREEPER! Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! #minecrafttherapy #creeperproblems 😂🎮 Read More

  • Unlocking All Achievements in Minecraft 1.20 in 100 Days!

    Unlocking All Achievements in Minecraft 1.20 in 100 Days! Minecraft 1.20 Update: Exploring Achievements in 100 Days (Part 1) Embark on a thrilling Minecraft journey with Dreaky as he sets out to conquer all achievements in the latest 1.20 update within 100 days. Join him as he navigates through the vast world of Minecraft, facing challenges and triumphs along the way. Setting the Stage With only 100 subscribers away from a milestone, Dreaky invites viewers to join him on this epic adventure. The anticipation is high as he gears up to showcase his skills and determination in mastering every achievement the game has to offer. Exploring New Features… Read More

  • Insane Farm Creates All Items in Hardcore Minecraft 1.21

    Insane Farm Creates All Items in Hardcore Minecraft 1.21Video Information coucou les mu comment va 9e et dernier épisode de l’aventure hardcore 1.21 alors oui de base j’avais prévu tous épisodes mais je me suis dit autant repasser sur la grosse série avec la code Island parce que je vais clairement pas les faire ici ça sera un peu dommage parce que bah j’ai prévu d’arrêter après cet épisode mais on va quand même étudier une bonne Farme à faire avec un crafter aujourd’hui le programme est simple réaliser un maximum de défits possibles dans les commentaires et d’ailleurs là mon armée de chien commence vraiment à grandir… Read More

Ultimate Alchemy – EP4 – Induction Smelters Automation – Modded Minecraft 1.12.2