UNCUT Minecraft Manhunt VS 5 Hunters

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I’m right behind him there’s a village who’s me boost me i can boost you ready right now okay nice nice i can boost you again george i’m out of my model who’s me george your blocks just keep them and keep them in don’t you get food food i’m going to get wood oh

Oh there’s hay right here come on wait guys wait he has a tree he has a tree in the room we gotta go now go go go go go go go come on oh my god give it try and get sticks from the leaves trying to get sick from the leaves i i

Guess oh my gosh i’m getting comfortable i’m gonna help you get i’m gonna help you get comfortable i’m healthy dad can you give me some food i’m in this one yeah yeah yeah i brought it i brought it here i’m giving i’m right here i’m right here

George take all the wood make some tools i’m gonna make the food oh my god give me give me uh give me some water let me make a stone pick i’ll make you want oh my gosh oh i need something okay perfect perfect i’ll make it for n

Thank you thank you i’m gonna make uh right here uh for something for seven minutes can i have a pickaxe yeah yeah i’m making one here you go check that out thank you okay guys let’s go let’s go let’s just go go go go come on it should be good

Oh my gosh he’s not i don’t i don’t have one uh is it oh there’s some wood right here i’ll make one really quick i got one i got one i got one i’m stuck in there where are you going what’s up i was literally stuck the water is so annoying

I gotta go i’m swimming in the water i’m getting iron let’s try this i’m getting blocks i’m gonna come on he’s like right above his head above us i’d get iron for like shields and stuff i’m gonna keep getting this gave out where is he gone he’s like i can hear

Him like digging above somebody we need call we need coal is he nick oh i found there he was his house in here hold on i’m gonna go i’m gonna go up i don’t know where you’re at oh my god oh my god he’s gone he’s leaving he’s leaving oh

My god i found more diamonds yes oh my goodness oh my god we’re going to be so stacked you guys have a box yet um yeah he’s getting some iron quickly i have a decent amount hey bad bad bad look at this look at this look at this ready

What you got almond what you got camera already i have time what what did he uh make see oh my god oh my god that was close i don’t know i don’t know where you wait i don’t know i think oh that looks so good okay yeah i think we’re going

To go up and follow the compass it’s like i don’t know it’s going up there’s so much iron down huh like just running pasta it’s fine we’ll go back for later we can just get him we can just get it now get it down I’m going to build a suitcase gotta go fast we gotta go now i know i know okay what’s going this way wait bad put that back what what oh sorry give me that wood back wait this is this way it’s over here it’s over here it’s pointing hey that’s the

Ruby left through being all right let’s go let’s go let’s go back we got to go now come on you’re going better we’re going to go help our friends i’m coming here there’s water water takes place now wait you wanna be behind me what is he hiding in the house

I’m gonna grab some extra wood is that it all right come on turn up the water hiding somewhere um switch it’s back this way it’s back this way i am where could he go go go it’s running this way i think he’s still down there um i don’t see your box it’s pointing

Like back towards the raven here we’re at the top yeah okay where is he it’s like pointing it’s right over on our way right over here it’s like right over here you go down what you’re blocked wait what he’s down like he’s up no he’s not you pass over him if you go

Pointing this way though he’s like he’s right down here guys oh there’s another ravine right here what it’s over here where we came from no there’s another review there’s like a ravine all right where is he where’s he the cop is pointing like behind us though

It means he’s right below us yeah right where is he where is he i i don’t see well the bridge is right here it’s put yeah it’s pointing right there whoa someone just shut us oh this is skeletons he’s definitely [Applause] i see you george i see you where is he

Where’s your coming where is he over here here over here where’s he george i he’s like i just saw your name why are you shifting okay i’m on scene i don’t want him right here oh my goodness oh my gosh damn no just come back sam come back i’m coming

Back i’m coming back don’t worry don’t worry i’m coming back is he did he seriously go back out yeah call of duty did you need our codes where uh minus 200 zero yeah says i’m coming did he just go straight up or like i don’t know i don’t know

Yeah he went straight up he went straight up oh my god there’s a gravel here uh probably use it wait guys guys guys guys i think i saw his name i think i saw his name lower here here’s my brother give me something give me something

Good go down go down okay okay i’m coming i’m down here where is he i think he’s below us towards the compass i think he’s george is he by you oh wait no that’s sam frost let’s say i’m frozen i thought that was oh my goodness i

He’s moving wait i just dug into the ravine yeah he’s moving he’s moving right now oh there’s iron here i’m going to grab iron where did he go i don’t know i’m lightning just keep mining like i don’t know i’m back i’m really low i’m mining towards the compass hey this way no

I think this is where is he oh was that his name wait wait guys he’s like definitely on top he’s on the surface oh my goodness i’m tearing up oh yeah dig out dig out go go go go go go i’m going for him

Oh god how do i get out of here i’m digging i’m taking a [ __ ] for you i’m looking for you i’m doing it for you george that’s fine i’m in the room and i’m getting up okay okay here i’m out i’m going after him i’m going after him

Okay hold on i need to make something all right i’m going i can take him out i’m getting up make a shield okay come up how do you have almost full diamond that was the best cave slash mine shaft i’d ever seen what oh what are you doing

What was that come on get him oh my god i’m coming right now guys kill any mobs you run past we need food i am i am yeah i am oh my gosh oh he’s in this tree there’s so many cows here there’s cows sorry sorry

Guys let’s make like let’s make like a little base down here let’s get like this we have a lot of food we have a lot of food to bring i have a bed i have a bed let’s get to his tower oh my gosh yeah sleep suit sleep good

Do you have any furnaces and you don’t have a furnace oh you’re ironing that but you put your other blaster first who iron in the blaster the food and everything else bad yeah oh wait hold on move these over here boom oh i throw he’s definitely still up there

Five blocks i’m gonna i’m gonna start towering up me too here and here’s some wood uh thank you he doesn’t have a bow or anything so we should be safe in this tower straight up yeah i don’t think so i don’t think so i’m gonna grab food in the tower

Where is he all right i didn’t know where the tower was all right i have a bunch of food cooking george george i made your shield i’ll tell you if he does anything he’s looking at you but that’s it i don’t think he has anything is he there watching he’s watching yeah

Yeah he’s he’s moving between you two you’re on a block of blocks i’m we need more logs is extra food in the furnace i’m gonna grab the chest plate really quick oh here i give me iron here george take this yeah try and make some armor thank you oh thank you i’m

Gonna get extra dirt in case you need to build up and help sound oh my gosh hurry hurry okay stay on him okay oh my goodness be careful guys guys be careful careful careful there’s like he can two shots i think we got him we got him you guys you guys

Need to be very careful you might not be able to take him without me no no oh yeah we’ve got literally three people on him the grass is blocking it oh get right here oh my shield my shield oh my god right behind him i’m right behind him right behind

Him i’m with you oh i messed up my sprint oh my gosh that was insane how did you do that what did he do i just turned around and he was like sitting in a boat damn did you let him ride a boat why didn’t you let him know i

I hit i hit him off he didn’t have a boat oh my goodness okay just stay on him stay on him he’s getting grounded where’d he go he’s so fast guys guys honestly honestly we might want to recoup and just get iron genuinely you think so you shouldn’t

Have five and get iron i think that’s what we should do okay oh my goodness we’re so far away all right sapnapp are you like i i just i just got down i just got down bring the bring the smokers okay i need to bring anything else oh my gosh a portal

Do you see there’s a ruined form yeah i see it and yeah and the floyds yeah oh my gosh that was so scary i know where you are i’ll be there in a second oh oh golden apple okay okay look out in where’s the ravine hey this is this is that i thought

Oh guys is this you guys oh my god i just got creepered you okay careful yeah i don’t know how i survived but like don’t get hit here how did you i don’t understand how you lived i crafted a boat i was falling and i crafted it like i

Hit you before you like had time to craft do you like mlg boated yeah emoji boated oh my goodness when did you craft like like on the tower i hit you off um no there was like there’s there was a crafting bench on like the side of one of the towers

What what you must be trolling are you serious there’s no way there’s no way i did okay no that’s cap he’s lying he’s lying he’s lying he’s absolutely there’s no way okay um get iron get on alright coal i have a bunch of iron i could smoke fast guys

We don’t we don’t want it we don’t want to leave him alone don’t let him get full iron and stuff yeah it’s not even just the iron like we don’t want him to make like traps and stuff with time we just need to go like stay on him a good point

Here i have smokers here’s smokers i’m dropping them down actually i kind of wanted that i’m gonna grab it oh you get one smoker okay that’s fine all right ah okay let’s smell get away this is mine what i just put my iron in there i’m just melting with you baby

Are you don’t call me a baby baby i just need like enough i got enough iron for me myself and i well i had enough for my for my pants yeah there’s some more iron over here there’s someone over here too i’m gonna go get it well that’s something that’s got some

Version i have a lot of smelling right now yeah same thing we have enough iron that’s why that’s my first iron armor Do you have any more food cook yeah i i am food play some we need more food oh what here we go all right let that finish cooking oh bad you have a do you have a string um i do not you’re probably going to use do you have a string

Uh no anyone have a string no whatever i’ll go kill spider then we can probably get one really easy yeah it’s there’s probably one up there all right we got to go fast guys so quickly smelt and let’s go i need pants wait bad bad what look look what’s down here

What look look over here look oh yes mind the mind the mind that mind them your hair wait wait i want some you get to mind them yes oh my god you found diamonds diamonds but i want the achievement too i want the achievement to throw me one throw me

One i want the achievement yeah i found diamonds too i found diamonds too let’s go way bad bad bad yeah yeah um i know i was thinking maybe i could have some more diamonds and get full diamond armor but i don’t know if that’s better here

Take this bad boy you can guys guys i’m stealing your guys’s making an iron i want to make something i’m gonna keep this gold helmet you have one more iron i can have bed for a bucket yeah yeah i have it there you go oh my god that scared me so bad

I thought it was dream for a second it’s like what is happening i have four extra iron oh sweet ah okay take this a bad bad can you make me a can you make me a diamond pick please a diamond pick that is trust me trust me yeah make me

Use the diamond let me get a diamond pick please oh i dropped it this cave is huge yeah there’s so much stuff here there’s two creepers and you’re my michael mike’s messed up find these what are these creepers doing terrible like not even oh there we go um oh i got

One of them george oh my god there’s so many zombies in this cave who needs iron does anybody need iron cause i have extra i make a diamond oh my god what happened bro there’s like five creepers there’s so many creepers everywhere they’re blowing it’s happening i heard another one it jumped down

You guys are just being like bombarded by we’re gonna die we’re literally gonna die man i have no problem with that Do you see any more diamonds um i’m i don’t see any more i’m mining something else right now so damn i think i got a water bucket oh there’s so much iron i’m getting rich we literally let’s go let’s go let’s go what are we waiting for we’re good we’re good i’m getting

I’m getting i need this i need this wait this is back up wait there’s another creeper up here there’s literally so many coopers down here is actually insane there’s another creeper what is happening a vine for days everybody making that be careful guys does anyone have any leather on them

Uh yeah i got some from earlier okay can i’m gonna message you something can you make this Oh my god i thought you would dream for a second but i look like dream right i have three diamonds way back i actually need uh two of those diamonds oh gosh take them i’m gonna make oh you know what i have time what are you guys doing i’m just

Grabbing the rest of this there we have it oh guys about to go to the nether uh oh we gotta go see him look at this let’s go [Applause] guys guys guys before we go up here this use this oh wait i need lapis yeah i need to make a bucket here i i got some laptops here give it to me i gave it to you right behind you oh no way oh no give me some here

Oh you’re enchanting what i was occupied i need um these is good all right guys protection everything and chan let’s go enchant let’s go we need to go i know i know forget bad you’re the last time i’m hurrying i’m hurrying getting pride oh my god i got good enchantments i know

So did i i don’t know efficiency 7 pickaxe i’m going to enchant this it lets you put it in the thing all right let’s go let’s go let’s go oh why we got his last place tracked let’s go how does that happen that was just bowl

All right he’s this way right yes i think so oh you’re so done dream i just like wasted so much everything because of i don’t know are you kidding me Erase it respawn let’s go through yeah um wait where’s the bed right here over here over here um that way yeah oh gosh okay we got i’m ready are you ready ready let’s go let’s go let’s go let’s go oh no be careful be careful going through yeah just careful there might be

A trap just go in with your shields blocked yeah yeah okay it doesn’t look like a trap the ground look around all the cobblestone oh yeah true oh we’re in one of these biomes the compass is is losing it uh now he’s uh he’s this way he’s this way yeah that’s

Yeah still point wait what where are you from like this are the axe what are the axe yeah the x is bugging out for me is he above us is he below or above us what’s happening look down and like look up do you see him oh okay he’s pointing this way

Yeah hey there’s a there’s a guy like a glitch look look look there’s cobblestone over here where was this one here right bad where bad where over here where about that okay all right you know just follow the call follow the cobblestone i’ll leave it like it’s okay

Yeah he went this way he went this way yeah he went this way then he probably went this way i think he went in here right we’re looking out in the open over here uh i don’t see any cobble oh my gosh i put i’m using this dirt right here

Where even am i where is he i don’t know the compass is bugging out the compass is so down how are we gonna find him we literally cannot find him you need to fix that callahan if it’s actually bugged we need to set like a uh we should set up something

Build a base all right it’s sorry he definitely came through here though yeah but then pretty but then what good question hmm i mean i don’t even know where i am like there’s nothing there’s nothing around me i’m just in the middle of nowhere you want to give us your coordinates

No there’s a red button one of us what it you know because like otherwise they’re not gonna find me they’re not gonna be able to like that’s unfair okay is george replying or um um it’s his plugin what’s wrong with george um i don’t know what’s happening though except um

Just did you run the nether command again to add to everyone else add everyone again let me try you know how do you not try like the simplest thing oh oh is he an ex how’s it working one before you know what you didn’t have one before no i didn’t

Know what oh you must not have been on the server one i added everyone okay i think the x is working the compass is just the compass doesn’t work doesn’t work yeah compass doesn’t work okay well the x versus x does not work either bro we’re actually working for me right now

Okay it’s not like moving around like you know the x is working now i think i think the x is finished okay okay then go go go i’m not gonna listen i’m not gonna wait for you guys to come kill me okay go go go he went this way sam sam over here

Look for any signs that he came through here um is there a way like around the way around it over here yeah there’s no way i’m not going that way okay i’m just i’ll keep mining this way you guys go a different route you went this way guys

Yeah yeah that’s like mining through all of this it’s bad is it a lie yeah yes it’s a lot bad all right don’t go that way that is actually an awful way to go definitely went this way yeah yeah actually i don’t even know about that

Wait yeah that looks on that there’s got to be a yeah there’s a way around this i am so confused i’m gonna try and go over the top of it oh yes let’s go oh wait oh no yes but i think i found the way that

I thought sam wait sam’s way anyways did you find out where he went yeah yeah yeah i’m just going towards i think so i think so sam’s i think seems like there’s so much lobby here oh my gosh do you see me yeah yeah let’s go over here

I see it oh mike’s messing up i think again i think aunt where are you god hurry up over here this way come here i don’t see you oh okay yeah yeah come on guys oh lucky what is this Oh no Yes look who’s behind you trees oh my gosh you guys just disappeared damn your mic he’s ready they’re everywhere oh with their skeleton oh right here he jumped get him get him go go go go go i’m right back oh my goodness what there’s so many mobs and this is still gonna die

Oh my god there’s so many weather skeletons okay guys guys guys guys just defend the place monitors defend the place defend the block i’m trying mind the police spawners blind them my nominee help oh my god rosie where is he kill him oh my god i’m coming oh my oh no gosh brizzy

Oh my goodness there’s so many blazes there’s gonna be another one right yeah yeah let’s go blazes are like spawning everywhere but yeah they just do that but like they’re gonna be somewhere he went up he went yeah he went up ran up the stairs here and then there’s

Like another path that way there’s a spot over there not from there i’m gonna mine this oh god i’m gonna break the place so many things oh he’s over here guys guys guys come on get him right here go go go there’s a weather skeleton chasing him there’s another there’s another oh [ __ ]

George wait i’m gonna go i’m destroying this place where is okay okay nice watch out for the wither skeleton oh i got him on him nice up nope come kill any blazes we see by the way guys okay i’m gonna get this one no he’s going into stupid wagon

No you don’t no you don’t oh you’re a diamond pick no you don’t no you don’t oh jordan what george george george no i had one ah i’ll go again i’m gonna do no dreams nowhere to run oh uh tell george just tell them read them out loud

No sam oh my god stuff is right below there okay i message you oh my gosh get himself get him hang up we just saw him out just saw him out he’s got to go back to the fortress we’re fine we’re fine just fine good point anyway george george where

Are you at george uh i see the fortress right now i’m nearly okay okay does anyone have any errors uh yeah here take this step now uh and do you have any arrows no no no i don’t dad uh yes here let me give me give me i have three

He’s he’s just chilling up there oh be careful oh careful careful take that arrow and not that arrow but maybe get him sound out that arrow in that air what what are you doing i’m an archer george you know what let’s wait for george be careful

I’m still in the way okay oh my gosh i got to half a heart are you serious wait what yeah you were shooting me through the thing i got the half a heart bad look at that why do you have an anvil first very special reason you made an amazing channel

Why because i wanted to do do you have any book or what oh look at this bad check it out can i have this no this is good yeah wait what what what what yes what what happened are you serious it’s like your axe apparently you can because he just didn’t

Let’s go you could do that it’s called nightmare what give it back okay oh careful hold me up pull me up careful pull me up okay i’ll pull you up damn now stop now pull me up stop stop stop don’t die sign up oh oh i dropped my picks

I got your back you got my [ __ ] i dropped my diamonds from us he’s running for come on come on oh careful oh oh i got his shield i got his shield go go go go go wait what what in the world what kennedy careful what is he doing he’s just like

Pick i got it i dropped it when i was panicking oh my gosh oh my gosh now take this too then a stone one at least all right where’s the stone one it was over here nobody’s like it’s not there anymore there’s a there’s a muffin so what what just happened

Like oh my stuff where is he going oh he’s mining away he’s mining away where are we going go go go go oh there he is oh god oh my god oh my god what is happening over here it looks like a warthog oh my god careful okay be careful be

Careful be careful go go go there’s oh my god oh my god oh my god run rise there’s let’s go around guys we gotta meet back up where’s everyone at here right now fortress we’re above the fortress that is so many moments you guys let’s go meet up with our with our

Boys by these blazes these blazes are actually wrecking us right now come on come on they’re like they’re bottles for now don’t die we gotta go meet up with our we gotta go meet up with them oh my gosh i got caught on fire there you go there you go

Honestly it’s irritating me there’s a good chance the dream might just die in that fortress there’s no way he survives that there’s so many it’s like an army of blazes that is impossible did you see how many like fireballs they were shooting at once no there was

It was like the sky was full of them there’s no way you can survive you know have you seen the movie 300 no you know when the arrows come over that’s exactly what it was like that is insane i can’t believe i got a diamond pick and

A diamond axe for free okay i get it shut up can we head back to the portal oh i don’t know what we should do now i say we just wait for him to leave the fortress there’s so many blazes over there i mean what if he’s able to get out of

The fortress without us noticing that would not be good oh no oh there’s arrows down there i’m going to get them careful oh caramel sandwich i’ll clean back up you see we should get some blazers yeah we all went down back yeah kill the blazes target the blazes i see you all just

Your arrow watch out for the winter skeleton back up now back up back up back up come here oh there you go there you go there go good job you’re gonna have to how are you alive don’t die don’t die i i’m trying to survive oh my gosh

Oh that was colorless damn we need to kill him we need to kill him we can’t kill they’re so far away okay what should we do i’m killing this one i got it i got it oh hey jordan damn see him i’m here i think we should just get all the blaze

Rods y’all come inside the forces the fortress is like the side is like safer yeah this side’s way better oh george george come to this side of the fortress he’s already there oh you’re already here there you go george where are you at i think uh i’m running from which is where they’re

Going we get enough uh blaze rods and we did how do you ever know i have three i have one i have one five i see this way spicy there’s so many mobs i got another one let’s go here here we go stand by you oh

Careful nice i gotta eat i gotta eat i gotta eat okay careful come on oh there’s nothing here are you kidding me did you get out of their dream hmm oh my goodness how do we get through here last time he actually survived i think it’s up i

Think so brother i think it’s where we came from i know where we came from uh it was this way it’s up yeah oh no you want to just keep going no you don’t have everything why do i think there’s so much damage why do i think he’s doing so much damage

This is a sleepy yeah it is beefy this way i’ve already made this journey twice i know the way no other way boom i’m going to die yes that would be ideal actually Careful george there we go nice and nice and nice nice voice nice oh my gosh i don’t know okay it’s like it is where do we go from here oh i see i see over here found it yeah right here ready oh no we like we have like one right up here i

Think oh my goodness what oh my god what is it it’s dying it likes is it in the wall oh george be careful oh no oh guys watch out terrible Guys kill some more of those things [Applause] where are we going i’m looking let’s spend a little bit look for him over here over here please please please wait what nice man very nice here we go oh my god oh my god oh my goodness it was such a nice shot Careful come on it’s just awesome mike what did my mic do or something yeah something weird might be mine come on how many of these do you have the thing i’m holding in my hand how many do you have they just like faded out of existence the guy you did sorry

It was so dramatic and he’s looking right now i have two i too let me have it let me have him okay oh my gosh bam take mine oh you’re talking about those yeah yeah george how many of these do you have that one i think he has any does he i

Don’t have any at the moment no you didn’t get any you have one out yeah there you go okay okay all right i’m like i feel i feel kind of safe right now that’s usually when the worst things happen so okay all right okay all right let’s just get some of this

Let’s get some grub rub you want some grub Hey bad bad you see what i’m doing yeah But now let me use your anvil here george ah okay all right i’ll leave them there okay okay all right all right all right okay I don’t want to kill this idiot here’s sapnap take this Hmm okay no pearls it’s kind of dumb i eh of like that you guys are all here anymore is that all there is all right if i got a bastion that would be good yeah i’ll make it later wow perfect amount yeah yeah i mean yeah yeah all right

That’s what i thought all right i guess you don’t want any info that’s fine i don’t need anything there’s so many guys here but there’s no gold well this place is kind of useless um you know what i’m saying i don’t say you do say

I don’t you do well you just said you don’t say and now you’re contradicting what you said oh beyonce all right some more over here okay oh god all right this should be a good area oh wow okay that would have been nice no it’s not really um okay

Well i mean i guess this is kind of useful because i did i did kind of want More hmm all right all right all right all right this is just the silent arc for you guys all right all right all right all right oh my god keep this in the video all right all right keep the silent parts wait wait you didn’t hear it

No all right oh my mic is too good enough i farted no way you farted thank goodness awesome’s mike just goes oh my gosh oh my god that’s disgusting i think it’s the mic i think it’s just the mic is like messing up you think you think it’s his mind well

Yeah because he thinks it’s the internet i don’t think it’s my mic it’s still happening now no it’s not happening um you guys just gonna have to hang tight we’ll be here for a while oh you know what i’m saying bite us i’m on my way to come find you jerome

Okay fine where are you for enchanted i mean you don’t but um are you dream where am i yeah um in your butt and around the corner i just realized why it’s cold why because i turned the heating off wow that’s genius i didn’t how did you realize that because i just remember

That i turned it off oh i see him oh wait wait wow he’s always very convincing oh my goodness he is we get him get him get him get him get him get him go go go quick quick quick quick hurry go go go go go

I’m not even like looking i didn’t even look once during that entire thing yeah okay whatever i did okay no way no way you didn’t look at home no i didn’t i didn’t at all because it’s just like it doesn’t make any sense you’re probably like looking around like

What where are they where are they coming from okay bad sam literally said that to scare dream and you’re the one who got started hey i was not didn’t want to roast him because he was supporting me then what the oh wow come on give me something good

Give me something good that’s kind of trash oh you’re trading no i’m not i’m not i’m not trading oh you just broke a crying obsidian i did it that that stuff gave me why shut up wait no he’s different he different hey no one could have seen the fishing rod thing coming

But dropping your diamond pick that yeah that’s on you that’s an oof it’s okay those have not happens to the best of us don’t drop the diamond armor next well well i mean i don’t know about that what’s happening i’m just giving him all right you’re annoying

Wow that’s kind of rude yeah well this guy is annoying maybe that’s why he’s thankful we’re don’t seem like a very happy cause i’m in the nether i’m looking for some stuff i cannot find it i do not have enough i need some pearls i need some gold i need everything and georgian

Sapnap for it they will bring is this like your it’s a song is this what i need like a sebastian hello muffins a little sabang is that sebastian little sebastian’s it’s sebastian here What was that nothing i thought you said skeppy bad i no there’s charge i’m pretty sure you said skype i didn’t say skeptic you don’t have to lie i didn’t cappy that’s it’s gonna be that’s it um you know what cappy why’d they change the drops i don’t know

Oh man i wish i had grabbed some redstone what you wouldn’t even know like any redstone or what i have two sucks for his epic trap he’s making right now he’s gonna make a piston trap yes that’s better to get pistons let me build it let me build it let me build it

I like i actually walked past redstone anybody got a slime ball you toss it whacking wacky Give me what i want what do you want dream nothing from you dude i need to turn that into a dream short what give me what i want what do you want nothing wow that’s such a good dream shirt that’d be glad you could come up with all the ideas okay

Yeah i i do come up with something no you don’t that’s the joke and then take my creda something my credit i’ll take a collective credit um i don’t know where to go skeppy we’re just giving him so much free promotion guys go check out scappy to leave that on

Yeah i have to hey guys everyone goes up to sap yeah you see this video can we do a shout out section of manhunt guys this is george not found owner of youtube.comfound oh check me out subscribe turn the bell on and um you can also go to youtube.com

Slash george was found youtube.com and also youtube.comboundstreams yeah guys check out snapnap and stuff now you guys are so annoying what if i can also watch it right now and it needs to go in you know doing anything epic i’m doing something epic right now oh

My god looks like you just have to put all shout outs in there they’re gonna think it’s from their channels now it’s gonna be unfortunate yo all right okay all right all right all right all right all right okay this is epic it is all right is my rating going to

Pay off am i not trading i’m not trading oh so you are trading no i’m not trading here why would i trade trading’s i don’t know it’s kind of dumb to be honest who does it sounded like you might have been trading nah oh god okay well that could have been bad but

Yeah probably live either way what about bad nothing he’s a muffin did someone say muffin yeah i was talking about you two sorry my foot was itchy like foot is in like the thing you have at the bottom of your leg bottom bed no bottom not bottom bottom i’m done bottom bottom ew

No the bottom of your your leg there’s your butt foot f-o-o-t i hate you guys maybe new friends no is that like your it’s like your line it is it’s like his catchphrase any new friends stop at you muffin heads my friends thank you oh i just realized that’s not good

Okay that could have ended poorly all right a minute perfect i just got not oh it’s because i didn’t block a bow [Laughter] don’t worry about it what the hell like i haven’t even gotten one pearl trade yet and i’ve used so much gold good like and one pearl tree’s gonna give me

Like two pearls or something ridiculous maybe it’s a sign you should just come surrender yeah you’re right i didn’t think about that actually all right come on there’ll be more gold i find like a bastion then i’m fine bastion i’m a bastion then i’m fine this diamond pickaxe is so useful can

You shut up or you won’t shut up about it i mean it’s too fair it is it’s really honestly you’re just listening you say it you say it one more time and i i forfeit i quit i’m done this diamond pick is really useful yeah let’s go 100 left come back all right

I’m gonna go back to them there’s gonna be no pearls i guarantee you there’s no pearls and yeah um okay i mean oh i’ve oh oh i’ve gotten i’ve gotten at least one pearl trade that’s so annoying probably uh probably two i guess no because then if i got two then i

Would have to get the minimum there’s no way it’s one pearl trade i feel like i’ve been like everywhere all right this is like the worst part of everything oh god oh my gosh i’m back by the fortress again i mean i’m nowhere i’m not by any fortress i’m in a fortress

If you think about it a fortress in our mind uh into the blue biome the feeling that i have i feel like i’ve been here yeah i have leads to the red bone oh my gosh it’s like the most ridiculous like it sucks i always suck so bad get him

Get him get him get him get him that actually to be fair i didn’t look but that did he did jump a bit i did like my heart feel a little bit faster Of course he hit me hey let’s go let’s go let’s go Oh geez um we’ve been this way i feel like i have been there’s oh there’s an enemy there when anyone was last time i don’t think i’ve been over there but i think i need to um oh my gosh i feel like oh my gosh yeah damn well it’s just really because

I feel that way too oh okay thank the lord oh yes yes no way let’s go what happened ah yes okay i can uh what do i not want uh that i i don’t need that that’s kind of lame kind of cool but oh well all right these are beefy oh yes

Oh it’s one of the op ones too let’s go oh my goodness i think um okay this bad boy oh let’s go what are you guys laughing about some like inside meme it’s an inside meme it’s so inside little guy i don’t like the sounds that i’m hearing okay

All right i think if i go down here dad what are you doing you’re terrible i got it i heard you should like five times before you go back i did it let’s go here take this let’s go that’s a win in my book don’t try and take this from me what

What wait what i have never seen this what what happened what what you have to say that and not tell us yeah what what happened he found diamond what happened where did you get diamond there’s no way i’ve actually never seen that what how do you from what oh my goodness what

What happened dude what is this what this is like the most op bastion i’ve ever seen in my life how did you dive in armor what yeah what i even think you get that whenever from bastion i didn’t know either that’s actually the most op bastion i’ve ever i’ve ever heard of

I mean like it just keeps going i just keep finding more oh my god i mean okay now holy cow like i mean i just need you you guys are done for what’s um before Um oh no oh so annoying this is the best okay this is a like crazy that’s crazy i only get you guys are gonna be like when you see this you’re gonna be like what no you will you actually will crazy dude i mean this is insane i know you’ve

Heard me say that but it is it’s actually insane you won’t stop talking about it wait because it’s insane like this is like this is cr this is probably one of the craziest like structures i’ve ever seen ever You don’t say you guys are gonna i don’t know um okay i don’t know if there’s more down there but i’ll get more okay this is incredible i bet it is it is it actually is incredible you guys are gonna be surprised i was like i was having such a horrible

Time and then now it’s like okay i’m not all right okay they’re done oh god i’m not done this might not have been the best idea oh betsy a crossbow too much loot did you get i got a lot oh not good guys that’s right okay i i just have like

And i don’t even have room for any of the stuff i got all right whatever this is fine all right all right all right now just another 30 minutes of pearl trading and i’ll be good oh my gosh you’re joking no not joking at all why would i ever joke about that

Oh my gosh did my mike pick that up just now this is random but i just unleashed the gas blaster 9000 we’re gonna hear him start coughing a little bit you hear me choking to death you know what happened oh my goodness i feel so good i’m glad i’m glad you

Feel a good dream oh god well it makes you feel good now so when you lose you know yeah at least this way you won’t be let down as much yeah it’s a very positive i mean it would be let down more if i lost then

Because i feel like i have a chance i didn’t i wasn’t thinking i had a chance until now now i think i have a chance um at least you had that nice moment for yourself bad yeah look what are you doing don’t worry all right um um oh god of course

I don’t really care what do you not care about dream big deal nothing no so all right um so uh the nether is like the least like climactic part there’s just nothing going on and i’m just trying to do these dumb traits and they’re not even working

Oh that’s all right it’s annoying that’s what it is trades on working trade machine broke out of service how about that Hmm just give me pearls oh my gosh no they don’t have to it’s like why the trading is so annoying like i’m going to be here another million years oh my gosh get him get him get him go go he’s got the dream go back go go hit him

He’s got another right pants oh my goodness what stay on him what does he have another right where did he get that oh he’s done oh he went down he went down he stuck he’s stuck just chase him you can’t go anywhere oh my goodness careful careful perfect

Drops have now come on we got him we got him oh oh i buying you phil i fell i fell like i fell careful i got him he got it go back come back come back go back come back quick george i’m going back building up i’m building up i’m building up

Come on come on oh my goodness go go move ahead he’s gonna go through we gotta he’s gonna make it through he’s gonna make it through we gotta go fast come on come on come on run keep your eyes peeled where is it oh he’s this way this one’s

Turned into a cave he’s not in here there’s tnt here what what is that no no no oh my god why is there dnt what in the world oh my god oh my god oh my god we have my skin on what are you talking about get on yeah this way this way

Oh no that’s the money shot go go go go go go guys step back and come back dream make stuff out make sense go go go go oh i broke it jason george careful george boom i’m out of arizona i need arrows uh i can drop some i got him

Drops him right there here’s the crossbar i need i need a weapon iron i have to eat i have to eat id go that’s got a bow from a skeleton you’re not you’re very quiet dream oh he’s putting his guitar he’s putting on his armor

He’s got an ant skin what i got him oh i’m gonna go to show i think i got a shield i don’t have a shield oh wait no i do okay thanks for the arrow dream i’m going to boost yourself now bam do you have a better weapon i need a better weapon

Uh no i don’t have him oh he got me come on come on come on stay on him oh he drop something i got him oh it’s it’s terrible yeah we’re not going okay oh oh i got hit good job stop now get real careful

I don’t know i got a quick got a quick guy i got to quit he’s got to be low below george shoot him i tied open this freezer mike sam go go go stay on him i hit you don’t you i didn’t mean to yes you did what damn stay on him

He’s run whatever i see one of you careful i think it’s sam go go go i’m pushing him oh my gosh uh drop a what what the hell guys you have a better weapon george how is there phantoms what’s two fears george behind the symptoms

I have a sword yeah i’ll take that do you have anything i can use good job george give me give me the cover fire i have two arrows wait i have one more actually oh he’s scared he’s glowing though he’s glowing now we can see him

Oh my goodness this is it for you dream he’s right here he just got out of the train get him oh i didn’t block it oh my gosh how do you keep hitting those he’s running oh my god leave me alone get him get him get him i’m close oh he turned around

Back up i don’t have a shot i don’t have a shield just rotate right here no i’m low i’m low i’m low oh wait wait wait wait back up back up back up say hi bro pick up his stuff get him get him i got i got i got it

I got a shield i got a shield i’m coming back oh there it is i got the gasters i got the gasters okay that’s good that’s good damn oh no he got our food okay oh he’s got he’s using his mouth okay i need arrows i need arrows bad do you

Have any arrows i only have one i dropped drop them i have an arrow here boom i’m saying it went over him oh my gosh careful up catch up catch up ah okay good bro when we need to this isn’t the money shot to end the game oh he’s lost

He’s low come here damn are you catching up i’m almost back i’m almost back somebody with me okay just lock on him and head towards yeah that’s what i’m doing that’s what i’m doing this one’s doing just chasing that’s a shot oh i’m out about arrows i’m so close to him

Oh my gosh i gotta be careful we got him we got him go go go oh wait i get the idea get it get it get it from him he got it he gotta heal it oh my god go go goodness now he knows which way the portal is

Damn i’m seeing him stay on him he’s gonna shoot an arrow watch out he’s gonna flick and hit you just be careful what yeah 200 million iq how did they hit me go go go never mind it [Laughter] stay on oh my gosh this is so annoying

Oh dream are you guys into savannah yeah we’re in a savannah where’s savannah okay guys i’m almost there he’s heading towards back towards you i think awesome oh no i don’t have anything oh my gosh i didn’t mean to throw that yes just keep it i see you guys i see you guys

Go go wait what where’d he go yeah oh i keep oil get out of his skin damn it i’m staying here i have stuff for you throw it for me i think it’s all the water oh i hit him oh he’s so low he’s here here i drop boots for you okay perfect

Come here dream i need you to drop soon as you’re running i don’t know boom boom there you go i’m starving to death right now oh you dropped more yeah here okay okay here there you go perfect what was the outpost so bad and and dan dan

Drop the iron don’t the only diamond drop that double drop okay oh look at that one dream yes so get them ah so frustrating all these pillars are wrecking me i’m going to throw our money through come here dream dream Come here dream oh oh dream i’m literally trying all right try harder a mere dream i think you’re scared of me look at this ravine here oh i’m in a boat i’m in a boat don’t say i have the knight i like the nightmare axe honestly like i like the nightmare

Oh my god it’s gonna be mine soon enough and the diamond pick and everything that’s pretty nice actually gonna be mine soon i cannot believe you gave him both of those i’m telling you you guys don’t understand i freaked out when he jumped me and i just dropped my pick

Yeah i forgot he just dropped what happened with the axe again i don’t quite remember he fishing pulled it away from me i didn’t even know you could do that oh sam sam get in we started this is the temple today okay okay yeah i see you here i’m here

I’m on interest go go go go go go this is the worst way to go why are we going this way just get out of the boat i’m looking right at him no you’re not we’re going straight towards him okay maybe but there’s no way you two

Are in a boat and you’re making it to us yes it broke let’s go get him okay let’s go back let’s move this temple let’s look at this temple do you have a pickaxe oh uh i do you gotta eat right he’s gotta eat soon definitely

No this guy is no he has golden freaking carrots they give you so much saturation that’s so annoying here you loot the temple i’m going to keep following okay let me get some diamonds and some more ground ah this is just actual so long running

Come on my fault the thing is so far i would prefer if it’s closer too yeah like it’s how is it my choice i never uh what did i say was your choice i guess he didn’t slow down we’ve been we’ve been running this entire time We’re just in a desert bomb we can’t catch him but if you’re in a jungle you think you can catch me yeah maybe definitely i think it’d be easier than a desert like we there’s no way of like outdoing anyone you just run now we’re into planes by him

Stand up okay i’m good oh you can’t hit a shotgun he’s life he’s good about him oh he’s lava oh no there goes his lava maybe he can get the obsidian with his shiny diamond pickaxe that he gave me maybe i can he hated carrying him though

Kind of annoying oh my god come on we wrecked that water he just like flew up that hill you see that yeah these rabbits keep jump scaring me in the desert i don’t know why the footsteps are freaking me out i cannot there’s a random hole there guys

I just see this obsidian i just hit that one he got it did he get us he got it oh i found one ah take that oh he’s low i said two I don’t have a pic i think this i think this was a mistake actually did you get a slow horse it’s mine so this horse is so slow that’s okay that was the slowest horse i’ve ever found come on yes he’s done i’m right behind him

He threw it up there get the eye this one’s ours get it no no no we got it i got it i got it good job good job we got him this is it i don’t see him oh he’s turning around to fight oh careful

I need some food i need some food does anyone have any food um here where are you give me give me give me give me oh my goodness and low oh i need to get some cooking get some oh my gosh that water oh my oh my gosh i’m so close

You’re right behind him man keep going he got more got more water what the he’s going down right where is he i can’t hit him wait what what what why couldn’t i hit him there wait what you went down go go go go go go go

Is he just straight down here yeah he’s just going straight down i’m gonna drown if we try and do that yeah careful who’s down there i need air i need air i need air here come up come on hold on oh okay don’t please make a hole next to

Him we need a door yeah god you don’t have anything there he is he made a new chess play what oh my god are you kidding me yeah george you get him oh i actually can’t believe that oh my gosh train for mike’s myself go dream oh mr dream

Quite a while but there’s my stuff finished oh my goodness we ran back here and i got my mutton that i set up cooking yes that’s a win dream i’m catching you up oh i got the guy backwards i’m gonna get it get it get it

I’m gonna get it i’m gonna get it you got it i didn’t get it he got it are you scared what no i was right under it how did he get that oh my god i’m losing man we got him oh wait what is oh sam no no i’m so low

Wait where is he he’s over here now i know but he’s still got ant’s skin on get him it’s honestly so confusing i’m getting rid of his lava wait what i need water i need water now i don’t have any more food i need for awesome you’re taking this take this take this

Out oh take so now take this okay guys oh my goodness i need careful is this where this shovel is right here i don’t know is he digging down yeah he’s in the hole that’s definitely where the stronghold is then yeah wait i think i thought back in here oh boy

I don’t know where do you go from here i don’t know where wait he’s going that way like the left ah no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no i’m gonna go down please stop not placing water who kept removing the water i did but

Like you look you’re just gonna die i didn’t want you no why would you remove the water you idiot i’m sorry oh my goodness just look we know he’s like god i can’t believe i left oh my god where did he go look at this

Look at this look at this look at this you like these presents keep going down there’s a number there’s another one okay come on uh what did he go through i don’t know oh my goodness i don’t see his name oh oh i said he was over there over there where where where

The left or left to the left oh i see his name yeah if we go down a little bit go down down a bit go down just a bit go down just a bit how do you get over is he oh my goodness i fell into a review all right george

Water george be careful what oh here we go guys i see the stronghold i ain’t see it it’s right there go go oh i’m an idiot yeah be careful yeah tower up right here going up you’re a slime oh careful okay keep your eyes peeled what’s in here

A lot of slimes i made it up i made it up where is it where are they slimes just look around what is it but be careful stay together at the same time be bad the ant um this is pointing this way it was dirty do you see him

No there’s a creeper i think it went through here they’re just dirt in the chest there’s like yeah just like one block of dirt i don’t think dirt spawns in yeah wait what this is why would you put one guy in the chest i don’t know

He found a diamond in his chest i found it i found it i found it where’s the room oh it’s there’s an eye missing where is he we just wait here at the room right we just wait in the room huh yeah just wait for him oh my goodness i

Don’t know where you guys are i lost you i look for names i’d look forward to i know i went through that i’m gonna try and find you i see you i see you i see your names at least just stick to us just say to us

I’m coming better going back no no i i i’m here in here coming down i see you okay okay oh thank god they’re all full except one what was that was what nothing keep your eyes peeled what’s over what what is this it’s a dead end where’d you guys go

There’s like a staircase we blocked the room off just keep human have and there’s or not all right i don’t think you got nothing again maybe we should go back yeah let’s go back to the compass is pointing this way all right even know where he is do not see

Look for his name what is he i don’t know oh what was that aunt was that yeah no that wasn’t me that was me oh that was him he’s close there’s tnt or creeper we can probably find him if we like this box over here he’s gonna be like

Right here like like through this wall Um wait what now he’s over there awesome dude you need to make those things yeah yeah yeah okay nice nice nice all right here you go here we go the you uh i know okay he’s about to see both okay nice nice nice nice do you guys need water uh do you have

Iron to make uh yeah i need water i need water make an infinite source bring this here okay i’m crafting i’m putting some stuff in there um my backup supplies what when did he go i need arrows i don’t have any i don’t have any i’m going i’m going come on

Come on let’s go let’s go let’s go keep your eyes peeled go go go over there on the edge on the edge where is he where is he staring over i see him go go go go go he’s going up here he’s going for now where is he right here we’re

Going right there oh i almost looked at enemies oh you almost hit him romero don’t look at the enderman why is this that goes for george especially oh he’s shooting them i’m grabbing all the arrows that you get shot i’m throwing it down where where yeah where you towered like 10 million blocks

Oh my god did you see what just happened come here the cinnamon’s aggro oh oh oh i got your stuff where’s all my stuff i got it here yeah here you go you’re right what about a bucket you have a bucket i threw one i threw one

Oh yeah they’re all going the other way enderman did you get the food george oh it’s right there i’m going like that dream i died i don’t know no i didn’t i did oh yeah i did i did it did i have it wait where’s my shoulder i have one i

Have george’s here take this one of you come here i need to kill this guy shooting at me guys come here someone take this dude he’s trying to fish me george george here take that oh my gosh what i have dream sat nap hit him off yes go go go go go

He’s down he’s down i need water i don’t have water i have a water bucket i can throw it go go go here george george george take these tickets what i see my water happens did he jump down where is he still his aunt’s skin i thought that was ant oh my goodness

Where is he come on he’s up here yeah oh oh my god this dragon is so aggro i keep mixing you two up oh god no careful oh my god no no no no no no no bad dream oh no no no you don’t i’m not gonna no

He’s trying to fishing radas be careful ah oh no george good job george careful dragon go ham it’s up here george i’m gonna knock him off i knocked him off going out wait so what’s the word oh my goodness why are they acting on me i didn’t even look at them

That you gotta get back up i know i’ll just say so i’ll get them kill them help oh my goodness oh my gosh you’re [ __ ] all right okay thank you thank you give me some rolls give me some prospects pearls oh yeah i’ve got a bunch here

No no oh my goodness i saved myself wow that’s so amazing okay on me everyone’s lying and the endermen are just aggroing george your stuff is over here over here george over here over here follow me okay george oh my gosh i have some i have some you’re here for

Me please i need food bad thank you come here nap oh i have something for you i have something for you who are you and do you need some no i haven’t got them here now take this i don’t know get him get him get him come here enderman die

I got him i got him i got him oh my god just stay on him oh wait what was that oh kill enderman you got him i don’t have enough bronx to get up watch out he’s shooting oh sorry careful land and careful oh nice oh my goodness i landed i landed guys

Where are you guys at i have no food i’m so confused i’m so lost george take that oh my gosh someone took my water he took mine i think we got him now just kill him just chase him down just chase him down now he has no water

Look the endermen are aggroing on him too he’s going up he’s going up he’s going up i let you have five blocks i can’t do this here here take this take this take this hey i got some more blocks right should i go for him try ander

Pearl is that him okay that’s him skin is so annoying careful guys be careful nice and everything he’s gonna try and treat george careful oh yes george get him get him oh he’s dropping no food oh my goodness oh you’re hitting enderman where’s the other dragon i landed i landed oh my goodness

Oh he’s getting up no oh my god donna set that down right here you can push him you can push him take those no what oh my god oh my god oh my god i need a helmet give me a helmet get that helmet where’s aunt’s stuff oh

He’s on a fist you guys i never fish me fish me drink fish me fish me careful uh come back enough george do you have any spare food oh my god no i have zero food and i’m on five pods he jumped down where’d he go grab something from me please oh nobody

Is give me your arrows give me your arrows give your arrows a boat give me arrow also give me arrow back give me a bow i have an idea give me give me give me give me give me give me give me give me you’re shooting you shouldn’t

Have to drag out the water bucket george on you oh shoot ahead i’ll be trying to kill this thing it keeps away oh my god i’m hoping i’m hoping all right i’m helping george okay careful he’s dead he said he’s good he’s good watch out now what what dream shooting are you shooting

Be careful no oh i’ll get your stuff i’ll get your stuff grab bad stuff grab bad stuff no i’m not dead i’m not dead oh where’d it go where’s his dream he jumped down he jumped down he’s in the middle oh my god there’s no the fire breaths on the way

I know oh my god how do i get in go around to the other side i’m coming in oh what no are you kidding me i got it i got in here awesome dude how do i get in there oh my god we got launched so far i landed it i landed

In there still here he’s still here oh what watch out for cinnamon i’m coming down i’m coming down i know who’s gonna boost me no got him he’s right here get him gonna get him um i don’t have any blocks or anything give me an enterprise something uh i don’t have any

Here i have a pearl here back george bear thank you are you okay oh george where are you oh my god he’s shooting i got george’s stuff give it a bad block oh the dragon the dragon’s wrecking me the dragon’s wrecking me i got him he’s gonna come home oh joe watch out

I’m doing it what it’s yours what what we did it

This video, titled ‘UNCUT Minecraft Manhunt VS 5 Hunters’, was uploaded by DreamXD on 2021-04-24 21:50:11. It has garnered 10082213 views and 247411 likes. The duration of the video is 02:13:13 or 7993 seconds.

Minecraft Manhunt UNEDITED 5 Hunters.. This is the extended footage from Dream’s channel of the “Minecraft Speedrunner VS 5 Hunters” video. World Seed: 8494389945446512238 Version 1.16.5

Original Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RJ0jdO5ZfU4

I thought I’d upload this sort of like a live stream. There’s lots of silent bits and there’s no music to set the mood, but hopefully it’s not too boring! Most manhunts are longer than this, but it was still great!

Unsure on if I’ll do this in the future, but if you guys really like stuff like this maybe I will! I might instead make an “Extended Cut” or something that has full fight scenes rather than leaving in the uninteresting stuff.

There are points in this video where I check my phone, or I check my discord or something. Sometimes if I’m standing still or something that might be why. There’s also a short pause while there was a bug. There’s kind of awkward silences as well, but that’s just what happens when you’re focusing! Manhunts are a blast to record, and I’m sure you can see us bantering and the fun we have recording 🙂

At one point in the video I accidentally go into full screen (I play in windowed), so it messes up my recording, it’s just zoomed in on mostly the top left for about a minute.


When we play manhunt we play on a custom server and a custom server jar and I play with a custom mod for recording QOL. This means that settings on our server / my view may be different from normal Minecraft. Mob amounts, distribution, render distance, coordinates display, and much more. For performance reasons and otherwise for your enjoyment (Coordinates usually takes up half the screen and that sucks for videos, so it’s just small in the top left when I use them :))

The crafting in mid air that I did may not be doable in vanilla Minecraft, because the crafting bench GUI force closes too quickly to craft anything, however the distance for when a force close will happen will differ on some servers, and differ due to lag as well. Just for extra information! I plan on doing an analysis and talking about a lot of stuff this manhunt because it was just full of content.

Hope you guys enjoy!

Timestamps: 0:00 Intro 12:00 Towering 14:40 MLG Boat 24:50 Enter Nether 35:23 Fortress Chase 42:20 Second Fortress Chase 1:17:35 Find Bastion 1:33:53 Leave Nether 1:54:22 Find Stronghold 2:00:55 Enter End 2:12:17 Respawn Dragon

George: @GeorgeNotFound Antfrost: @Antfrost BadBoyHalo: @thesaintsofgames Sapnap: @Sapnap Awesamdude: @awesamdude

  • Mine your time, don’t waste a dime! #motivation

    Mine your time, don't waste a dime! #motivation In the world of Minecraft, where time slips away, Harness its power, make the most of your day. Manage your time, avoid distractions in sight, Turn wishes to wins, in the dark, find your light. Constant growth, self-discovery, the key, Find your purpose, make a positive impact, you’ll see. Don’t let time hold you back, take control, make it right, Live your most fulfilling life, shine bright. Subscribe for more motivation, inspiration in store, In the world of Minecraft, let your dreams soar. Motivation, success, in every rhyme, In the realm of creativity, it’s your time to climb. Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Survival Adventures!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Survival Adventures! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com! Are you a fan of epic adventures, survival tips, and building tutorials in Minecraft? If so, you’re in the right place! Today, we stumbled upon a fantastic YouTube video showcasing the creation of iron armor and a wheat farm in Minecraft. The dedication and creativity displayed in the video are truly inspiring. As you watch the player craft their iron armor piece by piece and set up a sustainable wheat farm, you can’t help but feel the urge to dive into your own Minecraft world and embark on similar adventures. The possibilities in Minecraft are truly… Read More

  • Hardcore Farming: 5 Farms for the Ultimate End | TRONY

    Hardcore Farming: 5 Farms for the Ultimate End | TRONY In Minecraft Hardcore, I’m on a quest, To create the ultimate end farm, I must confess. Five different farms, each with a unique twist, Building and crafting, my skills put to the test. From sugarcane to iron, all resources in play, Every block placed with care, no time to delay. The end farm awaits, a challenge so grand, But with determination, I’ll conquer this land. Join me on this journey, as I build and explore, In the world of Minecraft, where creativity soars. Subscribe for more hardcore gaming delight, And together, we’ll conquer every fight. So come along, let’s… Read More

  • Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience on Minewind Server

    Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience on Minewind Server Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com! Are you a newcomer to the world of Minecraft, just like the YouTuber in the video “Paying Minecraft for the first time”? If so, you’re in for an exciting journey into the vast and creative universe of Minecraft. While the YouTuber may be new to the game, they are eager to dive in and explore all that Minecraft has to offer. And what better way to do that than by joining a thriving Minecraft community like Minewind? Minewind offers a unique and exhilarating Minecraft experience that is perfect for players of all skill levels. Whether you’re… Read More

  • Trapped in a Minecraft Animation

    Trapped in a Minecraft Animation Minecraft Animation: Entity Verse Episode 2 Exploring the World of Minecraft In the latest episode of Entity Verse, our characters find themselves in a sticky situation. After a thrilling adventure in the previous episode, they continue their journey, only to stumble upon Harry Potter’s house. Trapped in a Green Poisonous Substance As they approach the house, they are suddenly ensnared by a mysterious green poisonous substance. With quick thinking, they draw their weapons, ready to face whatever danger lies ahead. Burner, one of the characters, recalls Harry’s last words, pondering their significance in this perilous situation. Unveiling the Truth… Read More

  • Join Minewind Server for Endless Survival Adventures!

    Join Minewind Server for Endless Survival Adventures! Welcome to the world of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds and adventures await at every turn. If you’re looking to enhance your Minecraft experience and join a vibrant community of players, look no further than Minewind Minecraft Server. With a focus on survival gameplay and a plethora of unique features, Minewind offers an immersive and exciting environment for players of all skill levels. Whether you’re a seasoned builder or just starting out, there’s something for everyone on Minewind. Join us at Minewind today and embark on a journey like no other. Connect with players from around the world,… Read More

  • Spidey’s Block-Building Adventure: LEGO Spiderman Strikes Again!

    Spidey's Block-Building Adventure: LEGO Spiderman Strikes Again! In the world of LEGO, we build and create, With Spiderman swinging, it’s never too late. Dream Box brings joy, with blocks in hand, Entertaining all, across the land. Subscribe, like, comment, and share, Support the channel, show you care. LEGO city, Minecraft too, Dream Box brings fun, just for you. So join the fun, let your imagination soar, With LEGO and Spiderman, there’s always more. Dream Box, the master of block building art, Bringing joy and smiles, straight to your heart. Read More

  • Late Night Phone Gaming in Minecraft

    Late Night Phone Gaming in Minecraft Welcome to the World of Minecraft with 方块轩 方块轩, a prominent creator in the Minecraft community, is dedicated to providing child-friendly content that prioritizes the well-being and safety of its young audience. With a focus on originality and humor, 方块轩’s channel offers a variety of entertaining videos that aim to spread joy and laughter among viewers. Exploring the Minecraft Universe In the vast and creative world of Minecraft, players have the freedom to build, explore, and survive in a blocky, pixelated environment. From crafting tools and weapons to constructing elaborate structures, the possibilities are endless. 方块轩’s channel showcases the… Read More

  • Roasting Minecraft 1.8 & MMC

    Roasting Minecraft 1.8 & MMC Minecraft 1.8 & MMC Slander: Exploring the Latest Trends As the Minecraft community continues to evolve, new trends and memes emerge, keeping players engaged and entertained. One recent topic of discussion revolves around Minecraft 1.8 and MMC slander, sparking conversations and debates among enthusiasts. Rediscovering the Joy of Bridge in Minecraft 1.8 One of the intriguing aspects that have caught the attention of players is the resurgence of interest in bridge gameplay. Many are finding the experience of playing bridge in Minecraft 1.8 to be surprisingly enjoyable, leading to a renewed appreciation for this classic feature. Embracing Fun and… Read More

  • Experience Thrilling Adventures on Minewind Minecraft Server!

    Experience Thrilling Adventures on Minewind Minecraft Server! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com! Are you a fan of the latest Minecraft updates and features? If so, you need to check out Minewind Minecraft Server. With its unique gameplay and community-driven environment, Minewind offers an exciting and immersive experience for players of all levels. One of the reasons why you should join Minewind is the constant innovation and updates that keep the gameplay fresh and exciting. Just like the new cave sounds in Minecraft that are both scary and thrilling, Minewind is always introducing new elements to keep players engaged and entertained. Whether you’re a seasoned Minecraft player or just… Read More

  • Ore Rank 1 vs Ore Rank 999: The Battle of the Ages! 🔥😂

    Ore Rank 1 vs Ore Rank 999: The Battle of the Ages! 🔥😂 When you finally reach Ore Rank 999 and realize you’ve been mining for so long that you forgot to eat, sleep, or even go to the bathroom. Who needs real life when you have Minecraft, right? #dedication #gamerlife Read More

  • Ghost Hunting Shenanigans in Minecraft

    Ghost Hunting Shenanigans in Minecraft Exploring the Thrills of Ghost Hunting in Minecraft Embark on a spine-chilling adventure in the world of Minecraft as you delve into the realm of horror gameplay. In this video featuring Minecraft Horror Game play, you’ll witness a fusion of the beloved Minecraft universe with the eerie elements of Phasmophobia. Unveiling the Gameplay Experience the thrill of ghost hunting as you navigate through the haunting landscapes of Minecraft. With Phasmophobia making its mark in this gameplay video, expect a unique blend of horror and adventure unlike anything you’ve seen before. Join the Adventure Immerse yourself in the action by… Read More

  • Trading Hall Makeover Madness

    Trading Hall Makeover Madness Exploring the World of Minecraft with Music Free Gaming Join the Fun in Tinker World SMP Music Free Gaming invites you to embark on a creative journey in the Tinker World SMP. Dive into the enchanting realm of Minecraft as you witness the art of decorating the villager trading hall unfold before your eyes. Unleash Your Creativity In this captivating stream replay, Music Free Gaming showcases their talent for transforming ordinary spaces into extraordinary showcases of design. Witness the magic as the trading hall comes to life with vibrant colors, intricate details, and a touch of whimsy. Support Music… Read More


    SURVIVING MINECRAFT W/ VIEWERS! INSANE COMEBACKVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT WITH VIEWERS (IM ALIVE AND BACK)’, was uploaded by CrescentPaws5000 on 2024-05-12 16:54:06. It has garnered 35 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 01:54:29 or 6869 seconds. put ur Minecraft/roblox username in chat and I will friend asap https://discord.gg/HfpYJU3jsd https://discord.gg/UWqey7qfMj https://twitter.com/crescentpaw5000/status/1560819010756902912?s=21&t=r494dLisTzYCvsU8ZRJqCg This stream is PG-13 dont be rascit / homophobic/ be nice Read More

  • Uncovering the Worst Minecraft Ripoffs

    Uncovering the Worst Minecraft RipoffsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Jugué las PEORES 10 COPIAS de MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by Athos on 2024-01-16 17:02:00. It has garnered 89625 views and 1371 likes. The duration of the video is 00:23:32 or 1412 seconds. 👉 On this channel I produce Minecraft videos trying to explore various features of the game, bringing not only tips and trivia, but also mods, add-ons and various customizations of the game. ✔ I also make series, play community created maps, test Minecraft store packs and walkthroughs on farms and redstone systems. Eventually I also like to bring building tutorials. 📞 Commercial contact:… Read More

  • “T-benson’s gaming config unleashed my inner demon! 😈🎮” #Minecraft #PVP #Clickbait

    "T-benson's gaming config unleashed my inner demon! 😈🎮" #Minecraft #PVP #ClickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘bensons config turned me into a demon… #minecraft #neverlosehvhhighlights #pvp #hvhhighlights’, was uploaded by T on 2024-03-24 22:32:49. It has garnered 353 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. benson turned me into a demon #minecraft #neverlosehvhhighlights #pvp #hvhhighlights 2b2t crystal pvp montage montage, Owning spawn on 2b2t.org, 2b2t, 2b2t cpvp, crystal pvp, 2b2t crystal pvp, 2b2t crystal pvp montage montage, Owning spawn on 2b2t.org, 2b2t, 2b2t cpvp, crystal pvp, 2b2t crystal pvp, 2b2t,5b5t,9b9t,eliteanarchy,fitmc,minecraft,crystal pvp, cpvp, montage, tutorial, crystal pvp tutorial, how to crystal pvp,future client, 2b2tpvp,how to… Read More

  • Unbelievable Ending in NipunLegendShorts! #shorts

    Unbelievable Ending in NipunLegendShorts! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Just wait for that… #shorts’, was uploaded by NipunLegendShorts on 2024-01-01 07:30:11. It has garnered 45 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. Thanks For Watching 🙂 Subscribe To The Channel As Not To Miss The Minecraft Shorts! About The Short :- Title :- Just wait for that… #shorts Hashtags :- #shorts #minecraft #minecraftshorts #gaming #gamingshorts #shortsfeed #insane #minecrafttrendingshorts #viral #trending #meme #memes About The Game :- Game Name :- Minecraft Java Edition Keywords :- Minecraft Minecraft Shorts NipunLegend NipunLegendShorts YouTube Trending Shorts YouTube Shorts Gaming Gamer Video… Read More

  • Insane Challenge: Surviving on 1 Heart in Minecraft SMP!

    Insane Challenge: Surviving on 1 Heart in Minecraft SMP!Video Information This video, titled ‘Can I Survive on 1 Heart ? in this Minecraft SMP | DECODE SMP Application’, was uploaded by FAHADWarrior on 2024-03-25 10:00:06. It has garnered 214 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:24 or 504 seconds. Can I survive on 1 Heart? In this Minecraft SMP In this video I survive on 1 heart in a smp and complete my friend challenges If I die I’m ban from SMP . You can enjoy video a lot Video idea insperd by @STEEL-WING and @DarkwebGamer Texture pack credit @LivingLegendOP Discord link https://discord.com/invite/JfqyX7Bp Tags… Read More

  • Discover the Hidden Jinn Mine in Minecraft!!! 😱👻 #scary #shorts #horror

    Discover the Hidden Jinn Mine in Minecraft!!! 😱👻 #scary #shorts #horrorVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Horror Villager 😱 #minecraft #shorts #horror’, was uploaded by Jinn Mine on 2024-03-16 11:05:50. It has garnered 15324 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:30 or 30 seconds. Minecraft Horror Villager 😱 #minecraft #shorts #horror #minecraftshorts #youtubeshorts #trendingshorts #gamingshorts minecraft horror horror minecraft techno gamerz minecraft minecraft bhoot minecraft horror video techno gamer minecraft minecraft horror game minecraft horror videos minecraft horror story minecraft techno gamerz ujjwal minecraft minecraft game minecraft horror map minecraft ghost bhoot minecraft techno gamerz horror video minecraft horror movie minecraft horor bhutiya minecraft techno gamer horror… Read More

  • Unbelievable! ZYROLIC2024 Lung Test Goes Viral! #shorts

    Unbelievable! ZYROLIC2024 Lung Test Goes Viral! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘🫁 test #shorts #trending #viral #challenge’, was uploaded by ZYROLIC2024 on 2024-03-14 18:20:00. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. stream challenge, stream challenge ideas, islands in the stream challenge, 24 hrs minecraft stream challenge part-1, fukra insaan … Read More

  • Destroying my School’s Minecraft Server in 28 Hyper Ways!

    Destroying my School's Minecraft Server in 28 Hyper Ways!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Ruined My Schools Minecraft Server’, was uploaded by 28 hyper on 2024-04-20 18:00:07. It has garnered 2512 views and 114 likes. The duration of the video is 00:27:33 or 1653 seconds. -I Ruined My Schools Minecraft Server Hyper SMP public: (where this video was filmed) https://discord.gg/pQqR9ycSmk Like ParrotX2 videos and the LifeSteal SMP, This SMP is like LifeStealSMP and OneTrySMP, this is the hardest Minecraft Sever ever! and it is also a lore-based server in the MCYT community. I hope you enjoy this video. Not only that, this server has the elements of school… Read More

  • Satisfying Minecraft Parkour & Pixel Art Surprise! 🤯

    Satisfying Minecraft Parkour & Pixel Art Surprise! 🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘Satisfying Minecraft Profile Pixel Art ( PPL Request YT ) Part 3,591’, was uploaded by Relaxing Minecraft Parkour on 2024-01-12 01:15:53. It has garnered 324 views and 33 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. Satisfying Minecraft Profile Pixel Art ( PPL Request YT ) Part 3,591 #minecraftpe #algorithm #artist you can get your short request video and post on your youtube channel mentioned me. if you also want to make your profile, just comment and then like the video. Please be patient if it takes a long time but I… Read More

  • Infernos MC

    Infernos MCCreative/survival just for fun server, join the discord to get on the whitelist, adults only please.(no adult rp I just don’t want to be responsible for any children) Read More

  • Longbirch Vanguard Roleplay SMP 1.20.1 Java Races Classes Quests Pets Mounts

    ⚔️ IP: MC.LVRPG.NET ⚔️ Java Version: 1.20.1 Dynamic Map Wiki Discord Trailer A unique Minecraft Survival/RPG experience: Embark on an epic journey in the realm of Longbirch! Forge alliances, battle dark forces, and uncover ancient secrets. Join us and shape the destiny of a kingdom! Features: 10 Classes 9 Races Tons of Quests An ever-expanding selection of Pets 6 Dungeons Deity System Weekly Updates Read More

  • PixelPvP

    PixelPvP🔥 **Welcome to PixelPvP!** 🔥Are you ready to dive into the most intense Minecraft PvP experience? Look no further than PixelPvP, where every match is a battle for glory!🌟 **Why PixelPvP?** 🌟🏹 **Epic Battles**: Test your skills in heart-pounding PvP arenas. Whether you’re a seasoned warrior or a newbie, there’s a challenge waiting for you.⚔️ **Custom Gear**: Arm yourself with unique weapons and armor crafted to give you the edge in combat. Personalize your loadout to suit your fighting style!🛡️ **Dynamic Events**: Join our regular events and tournaments to win awesome prizes and earn your place on the leaderboard.🏆 **Competitive… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Test it to flames!

    Well, with a score that high, I think we can safely say that this meme has passed the test with flying colors! Read More

  • Diamond Heist: Kaito Kidd’s Minecraft Caper

    Diamond Heist: Kaito Kidd's Minecraft Caper In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, Kaito Kidd stole diamonds, pulling off sly dives. But fear not, dear viewers, justice will prevail, As heroes rise up, ready to set sail. With animations funny and full of cheer, Fangkuaixuan’s channel brings joy near and dear. Each video a gem, a delight to behold, So hit that subscribe button, let the happiness unfold. Pirated copies beware, for this is the real deal, Only on Fangkuaixuan’s channel will you find the appeal. So join in the fun, the laughter, the glee, And immerse yourself in this Minecraft spree. From classroom… Read More

  • TENGE TENGE Portal Upgrade: Now with Extra Spice! 🔥 #minecraftmemes

    TENGE TENGE Portal Upgrade: Now with Extra Spice! 🔥 #minecraftmemes When you upgrade your portal in Minecraft but end up summoning a catnap instead of a new dimension. Watch out for those sneaky zoonomaly creatures trying to steal your fire in the hole! #minecraftfail #catnapdisaster Read More

  • The Magic Five: Boys Love Part 6

    The Magic Five: Boys Love Part 6 The Magic Five: A Minecraft Love Story Meet Martin, also known as Marty, a Minecraft enthusiast who has embarked on a creative journey to share his story through animations. In his latest installment, “The Magic Five,” Martin explores themes of love and friendship within the Minecraft universe. A Tale of Friendship and Love In “The Magic Five,” Martin introduces viewers to a group of Minecraft boys who navigate the complexities of relationships and emotions. Through his storytelling, Martin sheds light on the beauty of love and the importance of acceptance. Embracing Diversity With a heartfelt message at the beginning… Read More

  • Uncovering Ancient City in Minecraft Survival

    Uncovering Ancient City in Minecraft Survival The Mystery of the Ancient City in Minecraft Survival Exploring the vast world of Minecraft can lead to some incredible discoveries, and stumbling upon an ancient city is a true testament to the game’s hidden wonders. These ancient cities hold valuable loot and unique challenges for players brave enough to venture into their depths. Ancient City Rewards Delving into an ancient city can yield a variety of rewards, including SCULK catalysts for farming other SCULK blocks, soul-related blocks, rare Ward and Silence armor trims, enchanted books, treasure items, and highly enchanted gear. These rewards make the journey to find… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft LIVE gameplay w/ Oakley – Survival, Hypixel, Hive

    Insane Minecraft LIVE gameplay w/ Oakley - Survival, Hypixel, HiveVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft LIVE! Survival, Hypixle, Hive & More’, was uploaded by Oakley on 2024-05-26 08:02:30. It has garnered 192 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 02:57:25 or 10645 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftsurvivalseries #minecraftsurvival #minecraftletsplay #gaming #survival #letsplay Skin made by @empresslittlebit – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3OUhzwD-l33V2huWLyxgUQ Read More

  • Unveiling the Haunting Cave Dwellers in Minecraft

    Unveiling the Haunting Cave Dwellers in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft | from the fog | cavedwellers #minecraft #scary #3am #Herobrine #cave-dweller #fromthefog’, was uploaded by FortuneWarrior on 2024-03-24 16:00:43. It has garnered 119 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:12:32 or 752 seconds. HUGE thanks to curse forge and the mod pack is called cave horror project by justeriksk so make sure to check it out very fun modpack and scary. Are you brave enough to explore Minecraft Horror mod at 3am? In this video, we delve into the eerie depths of the game with Herobrine and cavedwellers, but is… Read More

  • “Insane Minecraft Destruction! Longest Path Annihilated in 2B2T” #ShizoClickbait

    "Insane Minecraft Destruction! Longest Path Annihilated in 2B2T" #ShizoClickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘DESTRUI el CAMINO MAS LARGO de Minecraft en 2B2T #minecraft #2b2t #shorts’, was uploaded by HalconDeHielo on 2024-05-19 23:00:15. It has garnered 466570 views and 65535 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:01 or 61 seconds. 🥤Uninteresting description🥤 ——————————————— ————————————————– ——– Video: https://youtu.be/j8QcSaoX_-A ————————————————– ————————————————– — In today’s video I DESTROYED the LONGEST and HISTORIC ROAD of 2B2T, this path or BETTER KNOWN as “The SOUTHERN Canal” is a Water path that starts from the SPAWN of 2B2T to a SAFE AREA. Built in 2014, today it appears abandoned. but is it true? ————————————————–… Read More

  • 🐼 Mega House Items Haul! Live Now – Its Panda Gaming 🎮

    🐼 Mega House Items Haul! Live Now - Its Panda Gaming 🎮Video Information This video, titled ‘Collecting Items for house!! | Minecraft | Its Panda Gaming is Live’, was uploaded by Its Panda Gaming on 2024-01-04 05:40:12. It has garnered 128 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 01:24:34 or 5074 seconds. Hello everybody 👋 This is Its Panda Gaming , professional gaming channel 🎮 Here you will see my Highlights and Full Gameplays of the game Gta 5 ,Free Fire and Valorant. I’am a professional Battle Royale Player and Streamer. I do my best to record all games and that’s all enjoy watching. Don’t Forget to like,share… Read More

  • 🤯 Insane Miko Boiz Minecraft Mod IQ Test!!

    🤯 Insane Miko Boiz Minecraft Mod IQ Test!!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Mods iQ Test😲 #minecraft #meme #minecraftshorts #minecraftmemes #minecraftanimation’, was uploaded by Miko boiz on 2024-02-08 14:30:32. It has garnered 2527 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:45 or 45 seconds. minecraft,minecraft iq test,testing minecraft,minecraft pe,minecraft testing,minecraft test,minecraft iq,testing minecraft mobs iq,minecraft memes,minecraft villager iq test,minecraft mob iq,minecraft meme,testing minecraft mob iq,mob iq test in minecraft,minecraft mob iq test,minecraft mobs iq test,minecraft villager iq,minecraft mods,minecraft phone,minecraft pillager iq test,minecraft bedrock edition,minecraft but,minecraft funny warden iq test,minecraft warden iq test,minecraft iq test,warden,iq test,test warden,minecraft warden,iq test warden,minecraft iq test warden,testing warden iq,warden test,wardon… Read More

  • Intense Bedwars Competition! Who Will Win? 🔥 | Minecraft Roleplay Ep. 11

    Intense Bedwars Competition! Who Will Win? 🔥 | Minecraft Roleplay Ep. 11Video Information This video, titled ‘RISING TENSIONS (Competition Part 1) | Bedwars Avenue [ Ep. 11] | Minecraft Roleplay (MCTV)’, was uploaded by Vastelle on 2024-02-18 01:53:04. It has garnered 626 views and 49 likes. The duration of the video is 00:26:46 or 1606 seconds. Bedwars has caused Vastelle’s stress to skyrocket! Meanwhile, Marbey’s infatuation with Ghostie has become much more unbearable. *:・゚✧💜SEE MORE💜*:・゚✧ Minecraft, but it’s a new series consisting of REAL Bedwars players! And guess what?! I use REAL players’ Minecraft Skins! Comment your IGN, and I’ll get you in the background of a video! ​​​ MOVING IN… Read More

  • “Top 8 Songs of War Characters – Deathsinger Revealed!” #songsofwar #minecraft

    "Top 8 Songs of War Characters - Deathsinger Revealed!" #songsofwar #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘songs of war top 8 characters #animation #songsofwar #minecraft’, was uploaded by Deathsinger on 2024-02-13 06:32:53. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • “Lurlene Crotty’s EPIC Pokemon battles in Minecraft!” #clickbait

    "Lurlene Crotty's EPIC Pokemon battles in Minecraft!" #clickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Pixelmon Mod: Catching and Battling Pokemon in Minecraft!#shorts’, was uploaded by Lurlene Crotty on 2024-01-10 10:56:31. It has garnered 3 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. Read More


    YOU WON'T BELIEVE WHAT HAPPENS IN THIS ANIME BEACH EPISODE! | Minecraft CDRSMPVideo Information This video, titled ‘O EVENTO CANÔNICO DOS ANIMES (Episódio de praia) – Minecraft CDRSMP’, was uploaded by Lioju_MJ on 2024-04-14 04:38:01. It has garnered 284 views and 70 likes. The duration of the video is 05:11:37 or 18697 seconds. Come join the lives and videos!!! Lives every day at 8pm (EXCEPT TUESDAYS AND THURSDAYS) Videos almost daily! SUBSCRIBE TO THE CHANNEL, IT HELPS A LOT! LARAY’S TWITCH CHANNEL: https://www.twitch.tv/laray__ give her support! Youtube Channel: @laray_OFI OVERTAKE SERVER: https://discord.gg/VxBnJecepk CDR SERVER: https://discord.gg/24WJKjWwh8 MESSAGE BY PIX ON LIVE: https://livepix.gg/liojumj SOCIAL MEDIA Discord: https://discord.gg/XrR5764Yrk Twitter: https://twitter.com/LiojuMJ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/liojumj/ TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@lioju_mj?is_f Kwai:… Read More

  • kevolve.net

    kevolve.netWelcome to Kevolve.net, a free SMP server open to everyone, currently looking for Minecraft survival mode enjoyers. We run some good mods. kevolve.net Read More

UNCUT Minecraft Manhunt VS 5 Hunters