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Welcome back to how to skin-fix/”>minecraft another day another episode hopefully the day of the nether update but there have been some issues with getting it to go live on the server so fingers crossed the event will be happening okay try restarting your game we’re not off to

The smoothest of starts we’re gonna try that and hop in yeah so we’re not watching live right now people have been like you and I’m 15 late you should be following me on Twitter the reason that I started my stream light today was because I was

Watching the actually I want to turn off my monitor capture and then just go for game capture I was watching the one love Manchester concert which was super super awesome a lot of great musicians taking part in that and yeah I want it to allow

You guys to watch that as well I thought that was a really cool thing really invalid session why are things not just what I’ve tried restarting my game minecraft maybe I need a direct IP how that will see technical difficulties just what I needed let me see a direct ap so yeah that’s

The only other concern that I have is that the server is not quite working as intended so let’s see it’s not myself loading properly or it might be down right now in which case I do have a back-up plan of something I can do in the meantime yet I don’t I don’t know

Why I can’t because it says people are on there I don’t have that people actually on there but oh yeah people are on there let’s see if I can get did you do let me yeah fell to login alright well in the meantime we can work on our

House design while I spam the dams but yeah I mean this is our house as it stands not quite actually I should really remake this to fully match my new house design because I’ve got the thing I’ve got like three by three windows in that section

In my actual house but I need to start thinking about what the next floor is gonna look like so I mean realistically I’m gonna go for something like this I’m not sure what I’m gonna be on those corners this is gonna be I mean actually the pattern probably continues out quite nicely as

It turns out and then I’m gonna have this one two three four it’s gonna be the same word the whole way so yeah this is actually looking to be a pretty cool tower from what we’re seeing and then it’s me one two three four this extends up

My house I’ve changed that to spruce so this is the thing is it’s so easy all now think of all the scaffolding I’m gonna have to use birch slabs see this is so easy when I’m flying around this is what I was saying when I was building

The last bit of my house this is so easy to do when you’re flying around but when you’re not it ain’t easy he’s gonna be a nightmare to do and then I said it was going to be spruce spruce stairs like so that we were mostly gonna use for this

So how did it go again okay so oh yeah the stairs go on the floor like this see look floating easiest thing to do when you’re not floating not the easiest thing to do so I think it’s gonna be like that to bear and we’re gonna have

That extend like that and 1 2 3 4 then this is gonna loop in like so and then similar thing as you I think it’s just gonna extend does it extend like that no it doesn’t goes like that and this was like that oh yeah does it look like that

Yeah that’s perfect so we’re gonna continue this like this and actually I want to kind of get a like a little section a bit done just so I can see the overall look of the thing again this is gonna be like so I’m not looking forward

To doing this on my house I’m gonna have to build like a full like scaffolding thing and then probably go for a like we can do a 4 by 4 win here but in our actual house when we get to it probably be like three three long window I think actually that looks

Pretty from the side that looks pretty darn cool like it’s very very edgy design I’m so easy when I do my building or main craft anyway let me see what’s going on in the stream shop oh my goodness this chat is going nuts did I

Miss some of it or is it just going absolutely nuts I think she’s going nuts so weird we’re actually losing like space on this wall it’s kind of weird-looking so random why does that not look right I have no idea it just doesn’t oh well this is gonna extend

Like this this is very easily done so we’re we’re probably typing right now cuz I can get myself and they doing the updates done did I do something really wrong I did but it kind of looks cool I did actually those are supposed to be the other way around that’s interesting

I may actually alternate all of these corners to be so different because yeah that’s entirely wrong it’s supposed to look like but that gives me a whole nother room for creativity right it was supposed to be like this here we go we can get this guy nicely it’s supposed to

Be like this around to here keep prototyping that the things we’re looking good in here like in the places roughly there we go that’s what it’s supposed to look like okay that looks a little more normal although I don’t know how weird it is that that extends in a straight line

From the side it looks very obviously it’s not gonna look exactly like that when I’m done with my design and this would be set out something like this let’s see yeah let’s talk more about the concert how awesome was that yeah I’m a massive cold my fans thought them coming up with

Great a lot of people giving them flak for covering don’t look back in anger I thought I did a great job not sure yeah yeah not sure how how great it was when Chris Martin came back at the end but he’s a cool guy so it’s fine okay so here I think I’m

Never gonna do two windows on this we leave a two gap so one two three like that looks like a massive face look at this so we’re gonna have some serious space actually now that we keep scaling this up look at that it looks like a

Massive smiley face laughs you love it I hope yeah mine’s gonna look like that when it’s done it’s just laughs and then we could do some cool detailing there that looks pretty good maybe fill that out like that honestly I’ve never built with stairs instead of walls but you can

Do so much with it I just you really like that that looks like it it’s like I don’t even know I like it I like it a lot okay that’s looking good so how’s design sections looking okay and then what I would do is I’ll get spruce labs

For when I get around to this and then this whole floor big spruce slabs like so this would fill out like this then we’re gonna have a lot of space up here perhaps more than we know what to do with you guys some serious height and then we can view it looks pretty

Impressive at you from this point of view so I like that a lot I’ll see if I can get back on the server now that would be nice all right I see let it refresh up and pull my chat over here and does this work I think we’re looking good

Nope okay all right let me try the direct IP hold up all right stop sharing that here we go does this work please work and with the truth-tellers login invalid session what is that mean anyone got any ideas because we can’t how to minecraft if we can’t get

On the server but yeah I want to get N and get to the nether that would be nice that would be super nice okay third time is a charm and let’s hold up let me hide this unless I try to connect to another server first let me try that and I mean

Try and get on the server then failed to login it invalid session try restarting again I can’t log into anything I’ve restart my minecraft wait let me log out and log back in okay log in this is definitely a mistake make sure I’m not streaming my passwords that would be smooth okay

I’ve restarted minecraft like four times guys restart my craft I’m working on it do-do-do-do-do okay third time’s a charm this doesn’t work I’m actually gonna be triggered okay we’re good logging out and of minecraft work okay we’re on we’re ready hopefully the event should be today we

Made it we’re back damn it locks hook them bread all the cows I missed out on the XP oh okay alright those are I don’t know what this is all about I got my player a tracker back those people said oh think you lost it in the

Nether when you died I a million percent in taking into the nether you haven’t even confirmed this and I even confirm this by looking at my footage so you gotta play a tracker back we’re back in the house I’m just going to drop this check into a sponsor at

Mode only there so I can actually read it since going nuts right now okay what is the event port alright outsides born at 5:30 p.m. est and jump in bring your best gear keep inventory is on they’ll have to play through six waves of mobs and killed more ones come

The final boss you a lot like nether okay that sounds pretty darn cool if you ask me bring my best stuff oh yeah keep inventories on so I’ll take those take those through actually I’ll take those and I’ll put on this set and then I’ll have those as backup pieces in case

Those break never unlocked in four minutes okay so we made it on just in time I think if I couldn’t get on imagine how mad I would have been her house plus I think he did die but I think he also did get it back so let’s see if

He’s in a chat channel right now he is not you didn’t lose it did he really 5k please 5k okay I gotcha did lose it yeah actually folded lose it no you hit upstairs didn’t they I’m such a troll that’s a good job yeah you had me like

You triggered that oh no this is gonna be the new thing isn’t it this is gonna be a new thing indeed all right so I’ve got my pick actually I want to bring this with me actually let me see what inch on I can

Get for it now I’m nearly at level 30 I might try and quickly get level 30 XP dammit yeah I love them really do okay need XP tweet file have to kill so many cows level 30 they won’t I like a stupendous number of cows although I

Have ran up tons of them I was gonna do the last breed to get me to level fat I got a lighting to see Lachlan running in the bleedin pan start actually we’re getting there wow I’m nearly killed the durability on this or there’s loads of baby cows in

Here so we’ll be fine there we go level 30 I we can drop a level 30 inch on I just have to make sure I don’t die this episode’s down back to square one really I’m back to square one okay listen farming last ones fired up the Banger

Tunes let’s combine these two quickly okay alright what do we get bang oh wait it’s not a full inch on table okay I thought they made it full when they did that I have enough book so it also seems like people are doing the event in there

Issues with it so I might honestly why I don’t I don’t I don’t know if it’s like something that we can all do at once or what okay let’s see if this gets us level 30 let’s drop in alright we in we into this 1 2 3 one two three

There we go what do we get to what do I do with the Pickers I put it back in am i tripping or wall okay all right quick check one two I’m breaking three you know yes my kids gonna come with efficiency 400 the dreamy pick active dreams that is worth

A lot that is a very valuable item because we know how durability drops and you can’t repair that is the dream right there driver well I’ll take it to this event with mix let’s keep inventory on ice probably ring a bell with me to do I

Combine those two I don’t know know you let’s just take the I really need infinity actually what are the odds on me randomly enchanting bones infinity look at that after perfect materials what are the odds what are the odds guys come on infinity imagine the dream

Imagine at the dream and I wish slow to the event I’m breaking three is nice because it usually comes with some extra bonuses you not just leave this here so I will go without the Bell we’ve got the good sword we got the pickaxe probably bring blocked with me you could come in

Handy I actually lost on my dirt the last event I should take a stack of cobblestone what does this say something group event is it a group event I missed all that I’m ready to get all my I don’t know what locklins doing here do you want yo desk when you’re ready

Firm sure a little bit the house trip yeah a little bit yo house explain anymore yeah let’s do it I’m going to spawn now oh wow thank you for the nice boards pic I do this for leather buddy actually no tongue hookups I got stacks yeah all the cows having a minute yeah

Alright I’ve been breeding them up I’ve been breeding them up so that we can just kill them it we’re all like oh yeah same I got to level 29 that was actually well then I was gonna like go over level 30 in my episode I couldn’t log on so ever

I get on how you see you in the cow fan no no I think I just bred them yeah I know but I was gonna use that we it’s like I was like I’ll get on and get over level 30 it’s my back yeah that’s like

The best thing to do yeah you just you just right that’s why I’ve made that wheat farm so huge in there on the whole lake i replant all the seeds true i thought i actually forgot you got xp for this man like you can get like just as

Much for breathing as for killing although I didn’t have to kill somewhere to get to humble thing because I’ve got an efficiency for I’m breaking three pickaxe which is huge I’m bringing my god bow to the event is that friendly fire I think it’s like a team event I’ve

Not been able to reach everybody able to read these messages that pop up on your screen cuz I’ve not because they’re too long get an arrow bring an end of emergencies and before we don’t even unlock the nether room before we fail I’m scared someone’s gonna try and kill

Me in take me to start no it’s keep inventory they said that right it said that in the chat so walked event all right set up sites born bring your best gear keep inventories on you’ll have to play through six waves of mobs and kill them all one skill in the

Final boss you are not in the nether so you are you here oh my god killing why people killing each other people are everywhere wait oh wow they actually ocular guys work together in this place I would like neither I have been waiting long enough

Oh why do you have to join the same channel oh we have to join the group event channel oh this is gonna be okay alright we’ll come back in here as soon as we can cause it’s gonna be a mosh pit in there let’s go what up yeah weird echo going on here

I’m gonna see if I can fix that sorry guys classic classic Newton omics alright what is this event start I think it’s like I know right now we we have friendly fire on unfortunately I heard there’s an event happening today is this true no it got cancelled yeah again

Caddy we do complain total box ball and bring your best stuff well I’m in here he’s already here huge new Chislett your best off dude this isn’t it my best stuff dude I’ve got one stack of arrows [Laughter] bring it on Tommy Pigman oh gosh oh no oh

Oh hi we dad I don’t think so I think you can just come back all the places are mad oh yeah they do I may let you do just naked ladies huh so much they do you just gotta dodge him oh sorry disappointed way exactly everything I

Come one shot with a sword one shot one with a sword I like the to Charles the pocket rapid go yeah he wants to go he wants to do a quick run to a snow biome first want to die I nearly died I’m gonna do some voice I could please

Make this more open you won’t take my castle wave 3 oh yo boy a bunch of doctors make the skeleton don’t write no no I said make the skeleton friendly-fire their army they can’t get me back oh they have flame bows i want to march again oh no gold fire guys just

Leave the big man the pigmented shell all right yeah all right yeah well I just know Falls try and push them in the fire they learn live are they dropping randomly remember Friendly Fires will kill I think it’s all boys boys going on I’m getting it off now we can cover me

Oh no please five waves in their boss way that boss waves gonna feel bad gonna be more Blazers please don’t lasers the pigment till the last bit yeah that warmer now this not smart USA watch away a mistake he’s outside how far you guys wait for free

Steak come on guys I’m just gonna [Applause] [Applause] [Laughter] We’re gonna be dropping some gear because you guys seem to be losing all of your stuff if somebody needs something yeah I’ll take a stuck a fool stuck a diamond please if I need to do We just ignored the no safe engines on the cob waste ammo yeah I’m looking at my soul why would you do that don’t interrupt room gotta be weak oh yeah we’re all losing body please legit lost 2k already oh okay yep all my goodies his name is Fargo than the nether Lord

Yeah he kill the blades covered way okay everyone go to fix base I think we have a chat we have a high value another tax another is currently disabled we need to change the portal at spawn because again we don’t have any developers on that’s another so we’ll change the one that’s smaller

I’m not spawn boys oh my goodness that was an absolutely mosh pit but we did it only cost me three quarters of my sword and pair of leggings not awful not awful not half my chest pipe let us know what you thought of that event I thought that

Was pretty cool I think honestly it would have been better had we not been able to respawn but then we probably would have failed him seeing how much everyone else died I was like trying not to die in there which is good because it meant I kept off my pitiful amount of

Money so you know yeah so my ever sent repair my sword you can’t repair enchanted items on here that’s just to kind of limit people from having a surplus off them so I’m waiting till I I guess they restarting the server I say I say has this change yet know if we still

Goes here okay I’m gonna wait till that as acting for the actual nether and I’m gonna get in there try and snag myself some loot from from some time and stuff temporal strongholds yeah big quick question of the day you boys ballin on a budget right here with 17 K wondering

What you think I should buy with my money so at this draw right how much yes we draw 17 K 17 K probably get yourself your own iron pickaxe okay yeah I’m sure they let’s see how much their custom in chat I’m so moving @x p.m. i don’t how much

HP would have gotten there that’s true did you die you lose XP Madden right now yeah oh yeah did you lose xp for dying did you die no I don’t want to think did you lose your XP or not no okay that’s pretty good

Oh a lot of people tell me to buy /tpa it’s 15k I don’t know that’s that much sir it costs money to use each time pretty sure – is right um yeah yeah I think a hundred of yeah hundred of time I think I think I’ll go with the golf

Big accident of the iron pickaxe I’d yeah cuz Gold’s not even worth really getting is that no gods worth getting held yeah God’s great dude mom yeah yeah I’m like burning through mine just to burn through I’m trying to think in general to try and unlock gold or I

Really wanna unlock all right we’re getting let me go we good alright I’m coming I have to run home I’m coming now I’m head back in this core kind of want to do like a withdrawal before we go we invited a half / but I’m even out with

Julia through my form see if that works I would have saved a K imagine if we just spawn in someone else’s spot I’d be kind of annoying because then every time they come back through the come back through our portal like I’m actually happy for that cuz I’m still running

Back trying to get it just saying as well if someone is into the same stronghold is me that gotten killed [Applause] vixx does not his own strong world to himself no one else his Blazers only no one else touching them this is a good notes whenever gets patients and stuff

Yeah I know it is I’m banking all of my good stuff here okay I’m risking I’m risking where I’m risking in the nether oh you’re gonna risky in the nether is not bringing bad to be fair my gear is nearly dead anyway well I say that my boots my sword a

Nearly dad yeah that means true I mean okay really yeah there’s a pre pair so there’s mad this is mad XP as well I want to mine up all the court I’ll probably do that later on though I think yeah take a pic actually it’s a good future for XP I’m always

Tempted to do that over going to a stronghold that could be more valuable what’s that almost tempted just to say forget everything else in the nether I’m just gonna sat down and just start mining quartz yes I know a certain chance thing is I I want to make sure I get the

Nether what and I’m gonna take all of it and control them mm-hmm we need killer blaze at least get a blaze rod yeah that’s pretty much my own potions are actually the next step like Envisat rolling on a whole new more like metal wave yeah I remember if you ever want to

Do that you have to leave the part you’re in otherwise your name will have your head yeah Wow never troll you that could never troll you never do that I would never do that never ever would you not want all my items die – absolutely not are you guys personal portals yeah

That makes sense yeah I know he was the first here’s the pioneer that creature made it here before all of us yeah yeah I honestly I feel it I feel it coming I’m like your boys mining BOTS I’m gonna get some nice looking ports for the house you know

That’s a little trim so just to give up and just stop mining cause that means I’m probably gonna catch your death here at some point catch Snell real quick I’m getting some quartz but what’s the bet I just lose it all good here good old dad

Like what is it what would you do to find us a good death Lachlan you got a lot of downs in Minecraft right here right here are you some mystic right here and guess what there’s a lot of other people here so you this is charged image is that kerogen

Behind portal Oh what where is it where is it luckily uh sorry guess trying to beam me up uh I think I sit next to the creeper and you keep going along Wow how did I miss this yeah it’s right there all right I’m someone’s already built some wooden

Planks or web watch out kill that gas actual gas to use it but yeah wow I really did run straight over this thing Oh bleep oh no right here liddie huh yeah massive troll just kill it just kill the ball right next to spawn nobody gets the blaze road most Tom’s

Ear though they’re called nether shooters and then I mean in the couple that I’ve killed I’m not getting there’s a command block okay I don’t know why or yeah I’m here I’m here welcome I’m not getting any place votes from these Oh oh wait yeah yeah all right oh wait I’m

Gonna catch you know I’m gonna catch you know why oh there’s double spawn is here yeah all its triple spawn is oh no no I know what’s happening they’re adding spoilers they’re making it more dangerous want me to bring you out a place rod I got three I got three I’m

Four I’m back yeah they’re making that place your dangerous that’s what they would oh my god oh boy you trying to get out with your life yeah I’ll be fine I’ll be fine I’ve got five blaze rods now I need I need another walk though that’s the other thing I need

Oh true do you want to quickly adventure through this yeah like well I don’t know which way is a good way to go probably this way honestly yeah believe this before this but just keep going this way oh no keep me really oh no oh no

Honor honor all of our three and a half for Hassan one child that you don’t fall on the fire I made him twist that case there’s nothing up there there’s no place no oh wait no no no no not cashing up not catching up okay yeah where’s the

Rest – hey look up welcome the girl Oh okay where’s your actively strong holding it’s not nice let’s find out yes way I think it’s this way yeah start more it’s more this way wait wait no that’s the other way that’s you don’t go that way comes it to the start

Yeah never rewards are not gonna be an easy mish what you mean there’s more this way no yeah that’s what we were Brown Oh let’s go long around here follow me follow me follow me where are you going is where we’re from trust me trust me I

Mean I’m an expert all right yeah I’m just saying this is the direct thing another polish behind us yeah but we can score laughed here look an entry yeah I see access let’s let’s dig our way in let’s not catch an L though oh no it’s already did

It all events just for the blaze spawn it’s absolutely destroy them who cares I’m taking some soul Sam yes someone did already yeah again yeah and I’m gonna kill him if I find them yeah they took it all ah what a bunch of dirtbags didn’t you say you were gonna take it

All though yeah true oh yeah I know oh it’s all gone no yeah if I run into something they’re about to catch this sword I found a little I’m going down I found like a non blaze ridden area come on come on chat dammnit empty someone whose

Ransoms ahead of me and no ransacking and I will wherever they gone following that trail we all face is dead took an albro no I think there’s any more in there I’ve like been like on a oh wow oh wow I do not like this Oh fire regen riches resistance would be

Huge yeah we came in no it’s not okay I mean you can’t just slash home if you want to get out I was aghast here okay that’s always fun there’s still more Vic there’s still more yeah what are the chances okay now I found an independent stronghold like a

Separate one I’m gonna try and get to it it’s not gonna be easy independent independent independent you know I’m I’m sorry I’m dying in the nether today like there’s too much stuff out here oh you’re kidding me blaze oh no oh no three pots oh no I’m out of food for six

But I’m out oh no honor I’m somehow alive I’m somehow I was somehow live one half hearts to both types of mushroom spawn in the Navajo just brown ones I don’t know I don’t know I don’t know I didn’t get out with my life let me get

Out with my life I catch one of these else I’m screwed I mean running my own food Oh left okay never said it was gonna be easy last clip or they never did they were right okay I think I found an exit okay I think I think that was my sign to get

Out while I can like I might catch some glowstone and just bounce you know get some good glow now this never is trying to kill me bro there’s never once me dad oh I have my iron pickaxe with me or no oh-ho-ho sound thank you Jay whoa

Alright dude that would have been real bad I didn’t know I had my pick with me the iron thing I just bought for 5k all right yeah I’m getting the glow and then getting that good glow gotten that glow up I’m getting blurred up dude wait what well he went just what

A grow me for no reason no reason no reason I didn’t think of nothing to the big men I think nothing we just done it oh no no it’s a dead end No maybe oh no I have to make the jump Rozlyn I don’t know how to tell you I

Can’t really get to you I wish you the best of luck you nervous no chase me up a cliff big man would as well you know oh yeah there’s still penguin on the way home and you know for some reason someone attack someone wait do they all

Get angry at everyone yeah push that’s how it works right oh wow wait where’s the portal oh no I’ve been misled I thought the portal was right here I’m just trying to find us some nether walk back yeah you could do that right yeah yeah I’m actually

Gonna run out of food and join a bite EPA and bring me some food Marlin oh my god oh no good bets I can’t do /tpa oh no dad no put my thing back Oh stress fest strike one – you’re 17 hi how did speed inside get all the

Mushrooms how’d they do that oh yeah it’s just happened I think no and if it cows mutated I don’t know that’s not a thing it just happened yeah I didn’t think where is this gosh darn stuff grow through the plug you took in another war you know I’m gonna come back

Into the nether now I reckon not risking anything this time around I’m risking it all bro and I don’t even have food there’s got to be some around here I’m gonna get some food I’m gonna come into the nether oh how bad I’m coming back in the nether

If you can give me some like coordinates or something um okay oh no oh no the admins are making more spawn is here no no this is not what I need right now please gods I did not mean to offend now I’m a long way away Lachlan I’m either gonna get this why

They’re gonna get these these mushrooms or I’m gonna catch an owl that’s where my brain is that I can hop again yeah oh no oh no oh no oh no no I’m coming back into the cave enough is enough you know they said some men weren’t supposed to

Have nether what I was one of those men I tried valiantly I’m going home I’m going home I’m done I quit the never oh well there’s Courtin all come on give me gas I’m not fun I’m just gonna go spam up some levels that’s gonna be a more

Productive way to spend my time here With Dalton’s oz pink next question like literally literally you can’t kill them they come so fast no all right why destroy the walls that was wrong with me hey can you come I need you to help me yeah I will do when I leave the war zone

I don’t know why I came here my brain my brain has been damaged by stress Kaz you okay yeah casual K on the floor I’m gonna go run back with no armor again gunned down by blaze and lose another K I’m gone where’s your stuff did you go to the

Fortress again yeah why why would you do that why would you do that because I was trying to save you all right but I wasn’t in that force wasn’t different all right but can you come yep quick quick quick come here come here all right leave the way you go first you

Get fast on the first left first left until you just lost money yes go all right donkey donkey go on it’s on the first left first left I’m just gonna get any taxes and go no I’ll get it I’ll get it hit that wheeler skull yes keeps track

Yep I didn’t catch their faith there with a skeleton out here though why have you put me back in here all right that’s my stuff all right so just run this way run out this way where’s the skeleton there I don’t really care for that matter restart

Why do austere pickaxes actually I died with your pickax had to run back all right master please watch out get out we’re gonna wait big are we I’m done I’m done I give up I wasn’t supposed to get another water now get it another day I’m just gonna

Mine cause for mad mad gangs Oh XP that’s bad see that’s why I really want to die that’s why I was working real hard to not catching a hell out here yeah that’s because you’re sat back as well it’s not like level 30 you use it and you’re done

Like yo this is whatever version of Minecraft this is I’m about to give not actually still hurts the team yeah all about breeding for nothing so it’s like literally like every time he dies like looting like imagine dying with 2087 levels how long was the restart the other day that’s that’s interesting okay

We don’t be able to build like a monument out of all this quartz yeah as I’m saying until the blazes try to hit me again can we mine the spawn is it doesn’t let you lose now it would make sense for my tournament I guess yeah oh you know the

The parkour in the boys own good I did it with one second left yeah I did it with zero seconds I’ll have to oh really yeah I was writing down the coordinates sorry to zero up here where wasn’t even a one up you should get yourself an efficiency for pickaxe better change

Your life I mean a lot of things little baby Pigman zombie shall take him home don’t know how I would do that we’ve not seen the nasty halfway that’s crazy oh there is a way to get a chicken on a is that he’s on me yeah there is there

Is swear new Chad one he baited him you have on ya know ruin trick had that near the farm on top of another yeah he um he had a couple I swear and he put it in a go-kart I think yeah the crossroads the crossroads were nuts

Do you remember that stuff yeah mad gold farms oh my goodness I don’t look forward to building in gold farm this series or an ID you imagine how Richard yet though maybe I should start working on one now the Gabby fat I could actually build an IDE farm like soon I

Might do it again rails villages now I’m gonna import the village there’s a village near a house I mean either way it would be good to get villagers to our town yeah you know yeah honestly emeralds yeah well you know we never get some villager missions well

It’s the best better you put them in a minecart right yeah you can like push it but I’d rather put it on Rails and like just every like every week go to the village under steel yeah people have been going missing from this village for many months now

Like bees trying to like bleedin throw whatchamacallit on him potions remember you had some weakness potion there and then yes true weakness potions art with the other water though now true but the village is so close we may as well just important import-export business sell villages to the masses

Stand corrected not going duel with oz ping oh wait there’s so much quartz here like I’m about to pop to lie without you any chance I gave I it’s getting a little dry soon as I think it over no I like drying this since I was born

Oh it’s a village in here I’m not here for long traveling work yeah you can sound mob drops oh you think I don’t think they sell for much better check see how much they sell for uh we can buy bones for 25 in one boat for 2k or any

Visibility potion for 2k oh yeah that’s time dailies gamma s / he’s been the raw materials you haven’t unlocked rights don’t have you how much is yes I have yeah it’s expensive it’s a stack of iron and 16 redstone okay any money or is it just

That just that but that’s like 10 K well I am alright that’s doable that’s very doable Kenny got an infinity vote early yeah that’s what I’m kind of questioning for right now because I have no arrows and I don’t have anything to make them sweet factor you still have your power

Bi or did it get nerfed from fishing I got it I got it back okay nice I get to keep it cuz I got it before they nerfed it we awesome to bring my fishing we put in a request yes everyone has access to like everything now pretty much fish bombs

Yeah like really really now all right so I’m going to do two levels that young chance and I’m done settle my a little person for American I thought he calls for us to play around with down one I’m breaking is like huge on here right now as well as nothing cuz you can’t prepare sir alright you ready – yeah I’m breaking 3 infinity 1 powerful bow and you play that music no music whistling music I was charging like a thousand bucks if they was yeah I saw like it was

Kind of like well why wouldn’t they just do it anyway it’s not like you’re gonna stop him because patent pending and notice I will stop them that’s the thing patent pending I will stop them how how would you stop anyone from using your DJ

I said anyone makes a DJ I use your DJ I mean what if you can’t kill them do I risk another I’m breaking three and chant or nah I just ring I can borrow to make another bow from your chest now that you have something yeah Khaybar they string thanks

Sure Vic I love how you took it before I say them keepsake it taking things without asking god I love it okay I’m gonna get some torch this year I’m gonna have a bad day soon oh I see no that I’m breaking free bud why risk

It on that risk it for the misc do you reckon lightning can strike twice right I definitely can last one we did it we smashed the oceans smartly power for infinity 3 infinity I’m breaking through infinity one name and things you’re so kind to learn the string I got a present

For you oh yeah present man I don’t need it you just have it no no I mean I’ll take it back if you don’t want it like I make it Paul yeah good as theirs can you stop with my fleas well actually though what if we made that up half our Volvic

We read another power it’s 60 seconds together I’m gonna peace I’m gonna peace out once yeah before this restart I’m done I did what I came here to do yeah I got the goods actually cook they make a couple of my oceans oh we can’t craft potions oh is

That still a thing growing stands our disabled alright well we’ll have to come back next time that is the same bombshell it’s time to end the show okay to bow peace out all right there we go so going from technical difficulties to a maxed out bow exciting nether

Challenge another trip hopefully you all enjoyed if you did leave a like all of that good stuff and I will see you all tomorrow for another episode which will hopefully be at the usual time because yesterday and today there have been events which you men have Streamlight

But it should be 9 p.m. gmt 4 p.m. EST 1 p.m. PST tomorrow but follow me on my twitter guys link down below follow me on my Instagram my Twitter I did a cool piano playing video on my Instagram go and check it out and that’s what my

Twitter link is down below like below the video thing subscribe if you’re new around here hit the bell to be notified whenever I stream up out new videos I think that is just about it yeah appreciate you all stopping by over 20,000 views the whole time is nuts

And yeah I will see you all tomorrow and a lot of people said put rip rob sword in an item frame to preserve it you’re spot-on with that I will do that before next episode and I’ll have to get a replacement sword actually I should go for a replacement iron sword that should

Be my next thing I’ll get to level 30 or 33 for next episode and then do that so once again big ups guys see you next time thanks and good bye

This video, titled ‘ENTERING THE NETHER?! – HOW TO MINECRAFT S4 #12’, was uploaded by Vikkstar123HD on 2017-06-04 22:59:42. It has garnered 443926 views and 11773 likes. The duration of the video is 01:02:19 or 3739 seconds.

How To Minecraft Season 4. An SMP series. Enjoy! Series Playlist: Follow me on TWITTER:!/Vikkstar123 Like my Facebook Page: My Instagram:

Welcome to How To Minecraft S4! A brand new 1.8 SMP. This is going to be a private Minecraft Survival Multiplayer server made just for us to play on and enjoy the brand new Minecraft in it’s most simplistic form with custom plugins and more!

SMP is a great way to create stories, plots, enemies, friends, and interactions with you guys.

Fellow Minecrafters: AciDic BliTzz – BajanCanadian – CreepersEdge – Frizzlenpop – Generzon – InfamousQuiff – JeromeASF – KenworthGaming – KYRSP33DY – LaakeB – Lachlan – MrWoofless – Nooch – PeteZahHutt – SideArms – Doni Bobes – JustVurb –

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  • LacoCraft

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  • “Minecraft Lover’s Insane Railway Track Build” #clickbait

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    🔥 ULTIMATE TNT RUN IN MINECRAFT! #epicVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft TNT 🧨 Run #minecraft’, was uploaded by KING GAMING on 2024-04-08 16:50:07. It has garnered 4889 views and 55 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. Minecraft TNT 🧨 Run #minecraft minecraft, minecraft 100 days, minecraft house tutorial, minecraft music, minecraft house, minecraft song, minecraft legends, minecraft 1.20, minecraft jj and mikey, minecraft civilization, minecraft videos, minecraft aphmau, minecraft animation, minecraft april fools 2023, minecraft asmr, minecraft armor trims, minecraft automatic farm, minecraft ancient city, minecraft ambience, minecraft animation movie, minecraft allay, a minecraft parody, a minecraft house, a minecraft… Read More

  • Get Beyonce’s Skin in Minecraft: Ultimate Skin Tips

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  • "Get RICH in Skyblock on OPLegends"

    <p>"Get <em>RICH</em> in Skyblock on OPLegends"</p>Video Information This video, titled ‘BECOMING *RICH* IN SKYBLOCK! | OPLegends 1.21+ Minecraft Skyblock Server #4’, was uploaded by Riverrain123 on 2024-07-04 19:49:25. It has garnered 527 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:34 or 634 seconds. BECOMING *RICH* IN SKYBLOCK! | OPLegends 1.21+ Minecraft Skyblock Server #4 💙 SUBSCRIBE: 💀 Discord! ✨TikTok! 👻 Twitter! 🚀 Embark on an Unforgettable Skyblock Adventure with Riverrain123! 🌌 🚀 SERVER IP: (JAVA & BEDROCK) IP: Bedrock Port: 19132 Release info: Get ready to soar through the skies of Minecraft with this Top 5… Read More

  • John Paul Jones: Pirate in Minecraft Parody!

    John Paul Jones: Pirate in Minecraft Parody!Video Information This video, titled ‘John Paul Jones is a Pirate – The Longest Johns (Sea Shanty) [MINECRAFT PARODY]’, was uploaded by Sponge Block Studios on 2024-03-29 20:00:22. It has garnered 57 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:20 or 140 seconds. Lyrics: minecraft steve is a griefer (craft pick, dig!) some TNT does he possess (craft pick, dig!) Keep it up we’ll catch the griefer (craft pick, dig!) And ban him along with the rest (craft pick, dig!) Oh! Born the son of Notch, he was (craft pick, dig!) Born the son of Notch (craft… Read More

  • SaintMC

    SaintMCEmbark on an awesome adventure by playing the #1 Community-Based Minecraft Network. SaintMC , so you’ll experience a brand-new community-based server like no other. We also offer Bedrock Support, which you can use with 25597. You will love the experience here! – Weekly Updates – – CUSTOM Battle Pass – – UNIQUE Skills System – – Minions &amp; Wands – – MUCH MUCH MORE! BEDROCK PORT: 25597 Hope to see you online! We giveaway tons of free goods. Read More

  • Warped SMP Semi-Vanilla 1.20+ Java & Bedrock 15+ Hermitcraft-inspired Whitelist

    Welcome to Warped SMP 🍄 About Us Welcome to Warped SMP! We are a hermitcraft-inspired server that aims to provide the true vanilla Minecraft experience. Our community is friendly and welcoming, always looking for new members to join our dedicated group of players. The server last reset 2 months ago and has no plans for another reset, allowing players to work on builds and projects without worry. ━━━━━━━━━ ▶ Join our Discord ▶ Follow us on Instagram ━━━━━━━━━ Vanilla experience: We prioritize maintaining a semi-vanilla environment, running on fabric with minimal quality-of-life datapacks to preserve the vanilla mechanics. Community: Our… Read More

  • MythoMc Network

    MythoMc NetworkWELCOME!Discover the exciting community of MythoMC Network, a Minecraft Java server (1.16.5 to 1.21) that is also accessible from Bedrock (Port 25567)➣ Enjoy the Survival 1.20.4 modes➣ Wide variety of plugins that improve the gaming experience.Don’t wait any longer and join your friends to live unforgettable adventures on this unique server! Read More