Vikkstar123HD – Minecraft SMP HOW TO MINECRAFT S2 #94 ‘ASSASSINATING NOOCH?!’ with Vikkstar

Video Information

Hey guys it’s me vikkstar123 and that’s me a war is brewing on the server the tensions are rising finally thing is about time this guy’s been assassinate people left right and center trying to make start kickoff but we actually have a new assassination a mission yep involving the timeline of

How everything’s gone down so far like yeah fill the blanks you know this is this me you want me to do this yeah you don’t you know basically I mean is that oh I like this roof this is funky fresh um so yeah basically what happened is

Luke went with Jerome and raided Pete’s vault took a lot of his stuff and sort it away then Pete returned raided Luke and stole a lot of nutria still so they kind of switched stuff so Newt still has some repeat stuff and now Pete tasked Lachlan with the with the task of

Killing mooks just for a little bit of taste of vengeance and Lawson asked me to come along with him so that’s pretty much where we’ve ended up where we are so and the thing is I normally do these things for payment but because I owe Pete staggering like 60 K or something

Or 100 or maybe it’s about that repay the debt this is repaying the debt oh yeah I have to back up my boy as far as sets goes and what you’ve got I know you’ve got better on your lady’s new stuff as well like we’re going into yes for the for the ko

Whoo and I’m just doing it just because I love to kill stuff so yeah that’s that’s that um so walk in oh um okay so but that shows everyone in the server oh yeah I know all right but uh yeah yeah so what we’re gonna do is we’re gonna

Gear up work out the best stuff between the two of us and then from that point we’ll probably try and learn that into a place probably one of the dungeons and a time to come check something out somewhere on the map and then we’ll probably throw down a fight there and

That’s pretty much how it’s gonna go so I feel like I just forgot something I can mention but let’s let’s talk years yeah so I think standard PvP rules are pretty much just health potions only allowed harmonica now just give strength I’ve got loads at home

So basically if you got your basset on now yeah this is my best set this is better I would Shoji honestly Gucci and Rob aren’t on right now just Austin PTIN KYR speedy I could show to you oh yeah show show show show show I got

Rid of this window yeah because Rob was on a little bit again we don’t want to be fair no no I wouldn’t do it because if speedy or sp1 but if speedy tells like it it’ll be obvious we’ve been checking to get we don’t eat each aah

It’s fine because yeah I mean Rob’s off no no it’s fine what we can do is you can decide what’s best for you here come come down to the armory okay between your staff yeah yeah so Palmer secret boy the armory there is like a combination lock down there but this is

My fast way in and out see all that upper case on ambushes so yeah the gear yeah is in here so that’s kind of my top top gear I’ll fix up Solis and throw it your way have you got your best arm on right now pretty much yeah yeah I

Have time look your axe collection yeah so best weapons are in here in here behind you in there there’s hmm I mean I have 28 levels so I could try and bump up the sharpness on anything you like the look of there’s a shop 5/5 spec 3 this is my best axe in

The bottom right I think that’s the best axe do with sharp for life steel five questions were yes that is a very very nice act actually had sharpness 5 book something um oh wait wait what is that nut shop 5g up 4x ah – Christ to steal

One of your Sharp five axes to other do you have wait where is that one yeah I think you can where is the shop or shall I break I just found it wait Gordon amble could have a lot of em bolt I get so excited here yeah ok ok that’s

Actually a chair looking at chess we’ve won the xba-1 attack boost so let’s go uh that there and that there yep sharpness 5 Live still 5 crushing fire you got it Russian 3 yeah nice nice nice that’s immediately act ok I’ll becomes the L legendary ax yeah

I love I love stuffing L speed Ian’s Titans gave me 25k back from when they challenged me to a fight and they killed me it killed me bro cured all boys I’m nearly a hundred tell me the first I can’t wait okay so start looking at diego’s I’m gonna

Quickly have a look at I’m trying to work out if I’ve got anything back take this annoying pixelmon text back off because every time I open a chest makes that dude dude dude it noise – cuz you have a good sword uh yeah I have a pretty good sword

I linked it in the chat you know I can’t go back and look at it sharp sharp 3 bro I’ll let you get that out for sure but yeah ok sure they’ll probably a shot back just shake 6 sword there yeah there’s a sharp 3 sword in front of the chest take that

And then let’s say we’ve got your sharp 4 sword as well we can add on yeah see the problem with me is I don’t switch back and that’s my problem you should you should because you should do – right it’s dry sand then switch for the other one whatever it is yeah true

True gather up to at least shot I over to jum enough levels to get that sharp 4 I should I should do I should have enough and then as far as these sets go I’m having a look at comparisons uh it says demonic fibre Hampton won five of my shares nothing really

– what about taking that the leggings actually I know you can’t combine sharpness 6 what would that become sharpness 5 if you tried to combine just the sharpness 6 sword because to be fair sharpness 6 on its own isn’t that great yeah you could try and make that

Sharpness fight make your current source sharp 5 here you know I’m into hot up wait there I’m gonna bring them yes to see if it actually work I’m not in the army but like I was in man bill I don’t I didn’t you I’ll bring my own bill down on my you

Know I should just have my own anvil in the Armory room to be honest here we go I owe you got a protection pod chess play here um on yeah but it doesn’t have anything else on it you want dodgy lock on every piece here hit up that and I’ll

Pass me your the swords I gave you more your chest plate okay and I’ll do my chest plate feels pretty similar should what chasm do you like I took the the protection but I took this one the top right yeah that’s a good one so shield

Five and we play some twenty five yeah that’s good yeah yeah okay I stole me those swords I’ll see if I can combine them up for me those three swords yeah so this one this one and this one please be careful don’t lose it please it’s okay we’re gonna make it all to

Bleep now it’s not I didn’t rename it okay so what we want to try and add your sword this is the new salty axe so much go ahead okay so um it’s got don’t bring a life still not back I’m breaking don’t bring a life still not back I’m working yeah I can

Make it that same sword to sharpness five straight up okay yeah that’s cool so real sharpness five I’m breaking to knock back to storming a three live C or five I just don’t to accidentally lose like a cop in chat just by being add up no yeah that’s what you want boom there

You go that is a bangin sword that is a banging sword yeah it’s a bit scared there cuz this didn’t have crushing on it did it yeah yeah may go perfect yeah your stop there as well alright I’ll try and make this robson properly sniffing since we said we’re recording i chat but

What else um ah the salty sword this whole blade how dare I okay are we almost good so I’ll go lightly – I’ve got double chests full of do you have any ender pearls oh I don’t I saw a creeper and I was trying to kill him

No that’s right the salty the salty blade had the wait a second was a salty blade had looting on it and that was like my best sword yeah it happened to it I think I lost it rip oh no there it is okay found it okay it’s uh it’s

Better than that I don’t know why I just did that I just found my salty blade it’s much better oh it is um yeah it’s got life steal five sharpness five crushing – mmm you lose storming a three for crushing – uh head up what says

Knock back uh yeah sure whatever I just gave her I just gave a sharp six or bro we better get the kills here yeah yeah that sucks because you need chopping you’d like crushing on that sharpness yeah yeah exactly yeah or something okay it’s just that it’s so much uh-huh are

We pretty much good to go to try and set up this bait yeah I guess we’re gonna start a bait process and just double checking for ender pearls um how much I have one okay I think that you can buy them check the can for very absorbent amounts maybe I

Would like a shower I like six under K okay right um well they are well they’re 1,500 each bro I’m buying a few he’s like I have 4k and that must be Allah’s so I’m not really gonna vote prime right dude that’d be bad there you go that’s five enderpearls

Already nice thank you very much okay it’s fine to worry about it all right all right six ender pearls I’m here turn around as well that kind of health potions oh yes I just walked into spawn and sees us doing this they’re like something’s going down I just just enough religion so we’re

Doing yeah yeah okay can you get all those I’ll take the edible okay sure I’m gonna slash home now I’m gonna drop off my junk at my inventory’ ready to rock and roll yeah I think I’m good I think my image would be I think Rob’s on to us I’m kidding I’m kidding

Yes yes Vic yes no oh no all righty so where are we going to now where should we try and bait him okay so I’m just storing white mom my chest is such a massive so I want it to rob me would be so easy I shouldn’t say that out loud

I am easiest to raid okay I’m the assassin perfect who’s this 1 2 3 down straw position redstone I’m gonna hang around the sport okay I’m I’m pretty much like pretty much ready to rock and roll all right so we’re we had enough – I’m

Gonna get my so I don’t know we need to think of kind of a lure story he’s probably gonna know that something’s gonna go down but we still want to be like blatantly obvious like come fight us kind of thing so I’m thinking either we make up but that’s a new dungeon

Somewhere and tons come check it out with us that’s one idea or so that’s one option or the other option being we just say like come work on a building thing or come player I could say come come do like some sort of challenge with us like

It’s a setup an archery chanting time to meet us somewhere that’s what we go meet us somewhere and we’ll be good to go he’ll probably I’ll probably I don’t know Willie cotton um we don’t know we don’t have but uh then it’s not like you know just turning up it’s housings going

Bam Bam Bam yeah yeah I’m down because nooch isn’t on yet so yeah okay so I think we’re pretty much ready to begin the baton process and if it’s successful will rejoin you guys when the new chairman is coming to meet us for a little throwdown I’m going to make sure

You repair / fix all your gear as well so it’s got max TLT do I want to feel absolutely everything stops nearly top my stuff’s nearly top top let’s go I’ll fix my helmet up I’m gonna fix all my stuff all right I’m fully slotted ready

For PvP it’s been a while since I was last in this situation all right so we’ll pick a location will begin the baits and you guys can see what goes down later on tonight right we are in a position we’re going to hold this hill

Up here we’ve told Matt to a teepee in while we’re going to tell Matt to keep Ian down there we don’t want him to know the location until we’re pretty much ready he seemed pretty sketchy about it in the how to Minecraft group chat and

Robin has to join him we said no to rob and robbers been snooping so I know it’s all interesting he probably knows he’s coming into a flight would be my guess but hopefully he’ll be along that’s just so sketchy I would be surprised if he brings Robin well when you set up an

Event you’re like I want to kill star and an event like I want everyone on the trigger aren’t you Rob dead just logout but even so okay one thing we need to do that will be smart is slash party Lachlan and wait slash for party create the swag Lords and then password swag

These swag Awards okay I join this oh wait sorry I messed up the command and then used to slash party join space fixed on two three space swag there we go in fire so now now oh okay we can still hit each other haha that was the idea that was the idea

That we won’t be able to hit each other that would have been bad stew well that’s the thing I want to ask how do you want to take this on do you just wanna run from behind and wanna open up open up with those from the top and then

Just yeah charge in one Archer one melee which I say we both hold bows and then we just charge in like when we’ve done a bit of damage with bows um I mean like this party right working as an archery challenge yeah yeah such party um unlocked features party chat party

Teleport alliances that met locked until level 5 party davit damn it oh wow I love 5 party you have to like care m2o together with to us we every time we’ve done a binding challenge or anything we should have been in the same MMO pie

Because we get like bonus xp but oh well okay which we can’t be allied so we will be able to each other but that’s all good um you know I’m just understand for at this point um yeah Matt you come in um the fact that Rob logged off at

Remembering your bow uh Nana just just leave it – we challenge now but even so now stay on the clients the only quiet it’s fine it’s fine we’ll see what he says we’ll wait for a response right here and you’ve got a reply here so yeah and Lachlan for an

Archery challenge right yeah yep remember to bring your vote um dammit um there’s only three boards I’ll go with three bullets cuz yeah yes yes yes yes yes okay cool cool cool cool yeah it’s kind of all good now this is okay we’re fine with my okay we’re fine okay all

Right um um okay I’m gonna give the TP pause um um hey girl KK top of the hill alright let’s shift here I shift here I should hear him a little in my little hole this is the little hole alright you have to come in here and then I think

I’ll find it too cool for me I’m just telling any outside and we’ll let them probably well let them will Rob come I don’t know um cuz I’ve given the coordinates now so what if you want to come and watch is anything you have TP

Pause I think he does he does it okay well we will wait here in position and when Matt gets to the top of hill we just stick him down yeah we like him down the hill I reckon hi yes a little bit of a high

Jump just like a little bit of a just wait there oh no I get back in was he named taxi name tags as soon as I hear ya a true true where was the actual position though I found that on there yeah well that creeper standing I just downed that to the right

Somewhere I’m just gonna keep jumping for scouts wait I’m gonna don’t see you bro just look for a name mask just look for a name tag okay sec look perfect scout and what guys iam nope alright back that guy’s yeah oh no back down I go oh no

Back down again you’re coming oh whoa whoa whoa I see okay I see a nametag round to your right you see that you see that over there I don’t oh is this my um Rob Oh Rob are you Rob’s here but Rob’s Rob’s here um I

Think I just yeah I see someone yeah yeah Rob’s here but but it’s fine it’s fine it’s fine okay I cook are nice definitely scouted this weight which was huge and Rob it’s just Rob it’s just Rob yeah ah this is awkward Oh dad legal zombies with this fishes

Org oh okay now Matt’s at the bottom of the hell um got some other guests that have joined the party as well oh yeah whoa what’s that thunder that’s Nietzsche storm bringer um I where’s the board who’s teasing who here guys rise rise fine not because you

Don’t know if he’s bad or not the UH yeah no she just wants to join just wants to like spectate but there’s nothing here oh you just image here alright that’s it I’ve to do this sorry let’s go go go go go go go dude go dude go get him bail

Out bro get your bow up Oh woah what this is the ostrich Alan Joyce this is it oh yeah they got fun to wear on the back end of this hill why kind of Oaks that blonde dude she got punched off the dam ill watch a watching that going down

It’s fine it’s fine it’s fine okay we’ll check yeah I’m fine I’m fine I’m fine I’m fine yeah back yeah it’s guys it’s fine watch go push all the way down I think I’m back in a bit yeah I do too I’ve got the sword out like yeah well I’m gonna try

And avoid hits for a bit to refresh my uh okay I’m gonna do that as well I’m gonna kill this many as well back up back down back down back down because we don’t we got punched out by division we now lost that hand avenge we

Had um I’m assuming though to get whoa yo that was a Bowen chant that just rekt you there I got three under damage though I can’t really be nah I’m gonna wait time out of combat just cover this ground here there’s nothing to like protect us from I know by the way I

Didn’t really check Bowen chance I just have a shot all there’s a creeper of course ivory equipped my my staff okay yeah I think Rob knew to be honest and the fact that he was just chillin sorry I kept wait who’s that in the background there’s no Pete Peters in the background

In Truckee he’s that it’s in the back always gonna come live he goes and gags this is going let’s go and let’s go let’s go let’s go let’s go new film again I’m going in as well that’s you get go rob garage rods coming in all yours and the ticks today’s all right

Well they’re on you they’re on you accommodate only shredder strikes um yeah I’m gonna do skulls split a bit stay away stay away stay away I’m doing double damage it’s still good yeah go go go go go go go go one them finish Rob as well

It Rob just health paid up Rob’s health putting up pieces watching you know he’s just watching oh he’s really whoa no he’s not no he’s not Rob’s not even low you know we got Rob stuff watch it if he tries to run with Rob start and Matt he’s got matched up

Yeah he’s going here just well okay go go go go and that’s back Matt’s back Matt’s bar is back but I don’t know what he had keep going keep going keep going he’s putting the pitchers watching I’m going straight strikes oh come on little one he’s boom come on fourteen come on

Eleven oh and he’s got how spots fatal day creeper or he just diffused that one I need oh very good how it’s gone oh yeah that’s what happened to leave your the fight browser oh I just failed to happen now the melt city the Meltz Meltzer he’s just oh oh way I’m gonna

Take off demonic so I can catch up to him want my damn yeah true yeah I don’t need the resistance demonic bubble all right what get easily ten ten ten I can’t get him come on it’s like yeah people defuse that I’m flying I I’m actually out of my absorption hearts now

Yes just all my gosh it’s got lunch I’m cute nice nice nice nice nice GG boys Rob trying to be cheeky alright um you know I’m going to cut out health potions out of inventory let’s let’s get from this gear all right oh yeah true cuz uh

What’s it called put like out the money is I pretty sure always been a spoil of war yeah yeah what’s up all right aye sir let’s make I should have bought a chest actually I’m gonna jump over there and get a chest made all 25k mr.

Rob give me a sec pop and they’re giving it to Pete because they’re all money I’m gonna get some chairs made a head back you pick it up um here we go think about it what is it something right here umm oh yeah cos our inventory’s would have

Been full / yeah boots got his stuff back okay okay okay let’s chill here alright lace I’ve made a double chest so I’m gonna store the stuff this oh my gosh Rob scales all nearly broken yeah no literally okay guys let’s leave so there we go leave what’s right so tweet did

Mooch get stuff or are we lad I think he did I think he did okay so two acts that’s alone those are the spoils right there leave those in there and I think I might take those boots this voidwalker three on them didn’t get any voidwalker props

Though um you might have done he might have done too far away yeah I don’t know he did actually anything you want into voidwalker he got the show under the shoulder were you like yeah yeah you can’t be here you go into yeah yeah yeah didn’t get that okay so um alright

Interesting interesting so news looks like he’s taking his stuff Pete’s just hit the banter and I guess we did it Pete we killed him yeah you are and it’s like I guess I kind of want to keep these health potions yeah we just went all out

On that no shell um right Nick you know us yeah and is at your death point Wow what’s left of it the MEA detail you wanna take the void walkers yeah I’ll take the void walkers you can have it man I can have it boys Oh his axe rose sharp five sliced up

Five my axe was doing some serious damage I wish I’d crushing five but hey I’ll take crushing three no no there’s nothing here I particular dodge boots actually dodge boot and I can’t come up with my void warranty that’s Minchin so we can have it interesting oh I mean I’ll take the 25k

I just wish we picked up news because he’s got so much money on the server oh wait dude did you yeah he must sit down you whoa he’s there Pete’s chillin oh go Pete like a hawk I am okay it is like hey guys you okay some of it yeah damn I

Wish I got that money so I can like pay them back more damn you just hit Pete Oh interesting um just stitch so many times good all right I kind of just want to try and kill Pete now for the banter but I think a fishin you wanna kill people the bad

The good ones I think yeah all righty Gigi okay well well you’ve got some gear now in your life mm-hmm I got some counters the biggest pool for me was the 25k for sure wanna do some trades like when I’m down okay I will I’ll take what else he doesn’t take um

All right you know I don’t I don’t care I just came here to kill people I got to do that so I’m gonna head on home you’ll have half a fun day and all that good stuff that is gonna be the end of this episode let us know what you are made of

That down below and please no Salk’s it puts us off doing PvP which is a ton of fun whatever it does go down so let us know what you thought down below but yeah try not to be salty and no hate on anyone is all a good fun and we will

See you all in the next episode of how to minecraft goodbye let again

This video, titled ‘Minecraft SMP HOW TO MINECRAFT S2 #94 ‘ASSASSINATING NOOCH?!’ with Vikkstar’, was uploaded by Vikkstar123HD on 2015-08-18 00:30:01. It has garnered 437836 views and 12646 likes. The duration of the video is 00:24:39 or 1479 seconds.

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  • PureVanilla SMP

    PureVanilla SMPPure Vanilla SMP is a small community driven server dedicated to providing an authentic vanilla experience. We started on August 14th of this year and are looking for new players who are interested in being part of a small community that we hope will grow over time. work on a spawn and shopping district is underway. There are plans to host events, activities, community projects, and much more! Because we are a new server we have a small playerbase of around 4 active members but we expect this number to grow once things get rolling. Check out our discord above…. Read More

  • BBLDrizzy Modded 1.20.1 Age 14+ Smaller Community Java Whitelist

    Welcome to our Modded Minecraft Server! We are a group of friends looking for new members to join our modded Minecraft server. Our server includes an economy, towns with shops, and teamwork. We have rules in place, including no blowing up bases, and we value good humor and respectful players. Looking to Join? If you are 14 years or older and interested in joining us, please send a DM with your name and some details about yourself. We will provide information about the mods used and how to set up on our server. Hurry, as we are looking for active… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Spicy Blaze Heat

    Minecraft Memes - Spicy Blaze HeatWhy did the Blaze go to therapy? Because it had too much heat and needed to work on its anger management! Read More

  • Unleashing Chaos: RomanG6 Minewind Stream

    Unleashing Chaos: RomanG6 Minewind StreamVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minewind live stream’, was uploaded by RomanG6 on 2024-06-15 13:37:05. It has garnered 0 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:00 or 0 seconds. Read More

  • Hot diggity Minecraft memes!

    Hot diggity Minecraft memes! Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she kept blowing up at him! #minecraft #memes #meme #happy Read More

  • DIY Ship Building with Addon! Mhafy’s Tricks

    DIY Ship Building with Addon! Mhafy's Tricks Mhafy’s Ship Addon: Build Your Own Ship in Minecraft! Are you ready to set sail in the world of Minecraft with your very own custom-built ship? Look no further than the Mhafy’s Ship Addon! In this exciting Minecraft addon, players can craft and customize their own ships to explore the vast oceans and embark on epic adventures. Features of Mhafy’s Ship Addon: With Mhafy’s Ship Addon, players can: Build Custom Ships: Design and construct your own unique ships using a variety of materials and components. Explore the Seas: Sail across the oceans, discover new lands, and conquer the high… Read More

  • Minecraft Music Mod Tutorial

    Minecraft Music Mod Tutorial Dodawanie Muzyki do Minecraft #2 [Poradnik] Nowy Mod Minecraft enthusiasts are constantly looking for ways to enhance their gaming experience, and one popular method is by adding custom music to the game. In this guide, players can learn how to incorporate their own sounds into Minecraft with the help of a new mod. Mod Information The mod in question, created by Jaqbtor, allows players to customize the sound effects in Minecraft to their liking. By using the Sound Pack Creator, gamers can add their own music and audio files seamlessly into the game. For those interested in trying out… Read More

  • Unstoppable in Adventures SMP – The Programing() {Mage} ep 14

    Unstoppable in Adventures SMP - The Programing() {Mage} ep 14Video Information This video, titled ‘Adventures SMP ep 14 | Not even death can stop me!’, was uploaded by The Programing() {Mage} on 2024-05-21 18:00:32. It has garnered 30 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:14:44 or 884 seconds. Welcome to the Adventures SMP Minecraft server. A Vanilla server modified using data packs and texture packs. This should be a lot of fun and probably chaos. Other YouTubers Joining us on this server are : @Rex-playzzz.onyoutube @ToebeePlaysGames @Fluffy00schannel @NoxLumen7 & More to come. Sound effects in animation : MCU_or_movie_inspired_blade_stab_or_slash_flesh_sounds.mp3 by Artninja — — License: Attribution… Read More

  • Insane Bedwars Party Grind

    Insane Bedwars Party GrindVideo Information This video, titled ‘πŸŸ₯ playing hive party grinding bedwars’, was uploaded by ForfisherYT on 2024-05-30 08:50:41. It has garnered 52 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 01:47:49 or 6469 seconds. join my discord: help me get 300 subs #gaming #live #minecraft #hive #bedrock #mcpe #hivestream #pvp #bedwars #bedwarslive @ForfisherYT #pvp #1000likes #hiveminecraft Read More

  • Gamer Ruptome’s CRAZY villager race with zombie! 🀯 #gameplay

    Gamer Ruptome's CRAZY villager race with zombie! 🀯 #gameplayVideo Information This video, titled ‘villager race with zombie| Minecraft πŸ€— #trend #newvideo #gameplay #minecraft #new #shorts’, was uploaded by Gamer Ruptome on 2024-01-15 05:13:51. It has garnered 4691 views and 147 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:31 or 31 seconds. Read More

  • Secret MERMAID Transformation?! Fairycore Minecraft Ep9

    Secret MERMAID Transformation?! Fairycore Minecraft Ep9Video Information This video, titled ‘I’m a MERMAID… and the End? β™‘ Fairycore Minecraft Episode 9 β™‘’, was uploaded by babyunicorn184 on 2024-01-30 20:00:12. It has garnered 8466 views and 418 likes. The duration of the video is 00:51:00 or 3060 seconds. πŸ’— Like and Subscribe to my channel! πŸ’— Hi everyone and welcome to episode 8 of my new Fairycore Minecraft let’s play. I wanted this world to be as cute and cozy as possible. Below is a link to the modpack I made for this world, as well as a tutorial on how to use it β™‘ Come… Read More


    INSANE PVP MADNESS!! | FREE To Join SMP JAVA & BEDROCK 🀯Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft SMP LIVE || PUBLIC SMP JAVA + BEDROCK | FREE TO JOIN #live #smp #minecraft #minecraftlive’, was uploaded by CrazY BoY NaMiT on 2024-01-10 20:27:45. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. JAY SHREE RAM❀❀ HAR HAR MAHADEV❀❀ IP AND PORT – GOD SMP SEASON 2 … Read More

  • Obunga’s Mind-Blowing Multiverse Adventure!

    Obunga's Mind-Blowing Multiverse Adventure!Video Information This video, titled ‘Skibidi toilet, multiverse, minecraft, roblox, stumble guys, sandbox, spiderman, 191’, was uploaded by Obunga on 2024-02-28 01:29:06. It has garnered 146 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 11:55:00 or 42900 seconds. Skibidi toilet, multiverse, minecraft, roblox, stumble guys, sandbox, spiderman, 191 Read More

  • “INSANE Fornite CLIX OBLITERATES COOPER!!!” #fortniteclix #twitch

    "INSANE Fornite CLIX OBLITERATES COOPER!!!" #fortniteclix #twitchVideo Information This video, titled ‘CLIX DESTROYS COOPER IN FORTNITE #fortnite #clixboxfights #twitch #clixfortnite #fortniteclips’, was uploaded by FortNutBr on 2024-03-07 11:43:53. It has garnered 13 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:56 or 56 seconds. 313,buckefps,clix,mongraal,motor,EU,NAE,NAW,Na central,central,Fn,Fortnite,Editing,Free Highlights Editor,Minecraft,Gaming,FUnny,Kids,Bugha,Dukezfn,SypherPk,Derekgraz,PilatFN,WebsterFN,Shorts,Tiktok,Tiktok CLips,Stream Clips,24Hr Stream Tags : fortnite PS5 controller sensitivity pc, fortnite PS5 controller sensitivity settings, fortnite PS5 controller sensitivity , fortnite PS5 controller sensitivity guide, fortnite controller sensitivity season 4, fortnite controller sensitivity x and y, fortnite controller sensitivity ps5, fortnite controller sensitivity bug, best ps5 controller sensitivity fortnite, fortnite ps5 controller building sensitivity, fortnite best… Read More

  • “Insane! Watch CR7 Score Epic Free-Kick on CreeperCanvas!” #shocking #mindblowing

    "Insane! Watch CR7 Score Epic Free-Kick on CreeperCanvas!" #shocking #mindblowingVideo Information This video, titled ‘CR7 Free kick goal #cristianoronaldo #minecraftanimation’, was uploaded by CreeperCanvas on 2024-03-04 14:54:04. It has garnered 6730 views and 551 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:20 or 20 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftanimation #animation #anime Please subscribe my Channel. Minecraft is a highly popular sandbox video game that was originally created by Markus “Notch” Persson and subsequently developed by Mojang Studios. Since its initial release in 2011, it has sold over 200 million copies on various platforms. In Minecraft, players are immersed in a randomly generated world that consists of diverse blocks of materials, including… Read More

  • Sponge Block Studios – Epic Sea Shanty in Minecraft!

    Sponge Block Studios - Epic Sea Shanty in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Blow The Man Down (Sea Shanty) [MINECRAFT PARODY]’, was uploaded by Sponge Block Studios on 2024-03-05 21:00:27. It has garnered 87 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:50 or 170 seconds. Lyrics: Come all ye young miners who follow the ore (To me!) Wey hey, digging straight down And pray pay attention and listen you whore Give me some time to dig straight down I’m a low level miner my pickaxe is strong (To me!) Wey hey, digging straight down If you brew me a potion I’ll sing you a song… Read More

  • SiriusCraft

    SiriusCraftBienvenido a SiriusCraft, un servidor de supervivencia con biomas nuevos, dungeons custom! 1.16 – 1.20 Nos centramos en nuestra jugabilidad y nuestra increΓ­ble comunidad. ‘Únete hoy para experimentar una nueva aventura! Tienda: discord: IP: Read More

  • TerrestrialMC – Semi-Vanilla, Towny, Public SMP, 1:750 Earth Map, 1.20.4-1.20.6

    About Us If you’re not familiar, I’m a developer for a series of community-run rehosts of a mid-2010 web game called The Campaign Trail. It’s a game where you answer questions to affect your polling and try to win an election. But that’s not why I’m here. The game has a small community, and I wanted to create something fun for people to play beyond the summer. We launched a Minecraft server, and it’s been successful. We have around 20+ players during most hours, so it’s busy but not overcrowded. The server features a 1:750 map of the Earth, Towny,… Read More

  • OriginZsmp

    survival with a few mods (mainly origins, farmer’s delight, waystones, jmap, jei, gravestones, backpacks, outer end, create w 2 addons) 5+ active players on daily, decently friendly community, java (we play on forge) events hosted every few days, passive and war days (for now, currently reworking this feature) active owner. we have female and male players and we have each person either go solo or go on a team. server is decently fresh, 1 week old, adding new mods daily!Message Br3 on discord to enter the discord server (this is a requirement.) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – POV: Heeding the demons within you.

    Minecraft Memes - POV: Heeding the demons within you.POV: When your inner demons start giving you better advice than your friends. Read More

  • Deep Dive: Underwater Skyblock Adventure!

    Deep Dive: Underwater Skyblock Adventure! In Seaopolis Submerged, we dive deep, An underwater “Skyblock” to keep. Questing in the ocean, a world so vast, Surviving and thriving, a challenge to last. From the overworld to the nether below, Exploring new depths, where creatures glow. With mods like thermal series, opolis utilities too, Strainers and more, there’s so much to do. Join GamingOnCaffeine, the master of rhyme, Reporting Minecraft news, every time. In Seaopolis Submerged, the adventure begins, A modpack like no other, where fun always wins. Read More

  • Spicy Minecraft Memes

    Spicy Minecraft Memes “Who needs a perfectly cut diamond when you have perfectly cut Minecraft memes?” Read More

  • Creating Fake Pokemon in Minecraft!

    Creating Fake Pokemon in Minecraft! The Minecraft Pokemon Region: A Fusion of Two Gaming Worlds Imagine a world where the blocky landscapes of Minecraft collide with the captivating creatures of the Pokemon universe. Enter the Minecraft Pokemon Region, a new and exciting Fakemon region that brings together the best of both worlds. Inspired by iconic Minecraft monsters like the Ender Dragon, Enderman, and Creeper, this region is teeming with unique and imaginative Pokemon creations. Exploring the Minecraft Universe With influences from Minecraft, Minecraft Earth, mob votes, and more, the Minecraft Pokemon Region offers a fresh take on the traditional Pokemon experience. From grassy plains… Read More

  • Join Minewind Server for Endless Building Possibilities!

    Join Minewind Server for Endless Building Possibilities! Welcome to, where we bring you the latest and greatest in the world of Minecraft! Today, we stumbled upon an amazing YouTube video titled “Build a Stylish Modern Starter House in Minecraft: Easy Tutorial 🏠”. While the video itself is not about Minewind Minecraft Server, it got us thinking – what better way to showcase your building skills and creativity than on a server where you can truly shine? Imagine taking the skills you learn from tutorials like these and putting them to the test in a vibrant and dynamic community like Minewind. With a focus on creativity,… Read More

  • Luckiest Day in Minecraft Hardcore 1.20

    Luckiest Day in Minecraft Hardcore 1.20 Minecraft Hardcore: The Luckiest Day Ever in the New Series Embark on an exciting journey in the world of Minecraft Hardcore as players experience the luckiest day ever in the new series. With friends by their side, they delve into the latest version, Minecraft 1.20, ready to face challenges and conquer new horizons. Exploring Minecraft Hardcore In this thrilling adventure, players test their skills and luck in the hardcore mode of Minecraft. Surviving in a world where every decision matters, they must navigate through dangerous terrain, gather resources, and build shelters to stay safe from the lurking threats. The… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Tower Challenge + Shizo Twist! πŸ’₯πŸ”₯ #shorts

    Insane Minecraft Tower Challenge + Shizo Twist! πŸ’₯πŸ”₯ #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Cobblestone tower πŸ—Ό Of Alphabet L #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Thali Gamer on 2024-05-26 01:30:11. It has garnered 140 views and 19 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:18 or 18 seconds. minecraft tower tutorial,minecraft tower,how to build a tower in minecraft,minecraft build,how to build a medieval tower in minecraft,minecraft shorts,minecraft tutorial,how to build,minecraft mage tower,stable minecraft,minecraft ship,minecraft wizard tower,how to build a wizard tower in minecraft,how to build a fantasy tower in minecraft,minecraft ship tutorial,how to build a small medieval tower in minecraft,team minecraft buildminecraft tower at different times,minecraft,minecraft at different… Read More

  • The Hive Shenanigans LIVE

    The Hive Shenanigans LIVEVideo Information This video, titled ‘Playing on The Hive – Minecraft Bedrock LIVE’, was uploaded by Jonathan GF97 on 2024-03-22 20:50:25. It has garnered 140 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 03:12:10 or 11530 seconds. I hope you guys enjoyed this video if you want more hit like and sub to the channel so I know you want more and don’t forget to hit the bell so you know when more videos come out. Stream RULES 1.Be nice to other viewers. Don’t spam or troll. 2.If you see spam or trolling, don’t respond. Just block, report,… Read More

  • Unbelievable MALAYALAM LIVE MINECRAFT Gameplay with Prins!

    Unbelievable MALAYALAM LIVE MINECRAFT Gameplay with Prins!Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT malayalam live!!!’, was uploaded by PRINS YT on 2024-05-03 03:11:00. It has garnered 181 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 00:19:15 or 1155 seconds. Ꮇ𝐒𝐧𝐞𝐜𝐫𝐚𝐟𝐭 Join Now.. π—•π—˜π—”π—¦π—§ 𝗔𝗑𝗔π—₯𝗖𝗛𝗬 __ π—•π—œπ—¦π—›π— π—” 𝗔𝗑𝗔π—₯𝗖𝗛 __ [Java]ip[ʙᴇᴅʀᴏᴄᴋ ip Port : 25574 BEAST ANARCHY DISCORD LINK Must join in discord DISCORD LINK Server owner β†’PRINS YT β†’MSLPRO Tags #minecraftmalayalam #minecraftanarchy #howtojoinserver #KGFANRCHY #beastanarchy #bishmaanarchy #malayaleescraft#minecraftmalayalam #minecraftmalayalam #minecraft #minecraft #minecraftserver #minecraftanarchy #minecraftanarchyserver Read More

Vikkstar123HD – Minecraft SMP HOW TO MINECRAFT S2 #94 ‘ASSASSINATING NOOCH?!’ with Vikkstar