Vox Akuma【NIJISANJI EN】 – 【MINECRAFT】i just wanna finish this got dang castle【NIJISANJI EN | Vox Akuma】

Video Information

Now so So So now [Applause] Um [Applause] Good morning sorry i was just finishing my breakfast i apologize for starting a tiny weeny weeny bit late uh i i overslept a great deal i was up quite late last night figuring out what to do with my schedule how is everybody thank you all for

Coming thank you for coming back to see me play some [ __ ] minecraft [ __ ] minecraft with the [ __ ] boys thank you guys for all the remembers it’s lovely to see you and gucci with the aka super yay i’m glad i could be your first youtuber that feels pretty special thank you so so much

Today i don’t have many plans out i don’t have many plans all i want to do today is get back to me building because uh i am deeply disappointed that we have not been able to finish it yet it’s a big build i just really want to get the

[ __ ] on with it you know oh piss off all right Yeah i love you too thank you very very much for the super so yes i believe today what will we do today all right here’s what is my plan right i’m just gonna build a load of chests and i’m gonna fill them all with deep slate because i am sick to [ __ ] death

Oh okay okay i’ll tell you what we are gonna do though i’ll tell you what we are gonna do we’ve got a load of coal got a load of furnaces so i’m gonna start cooking netherrack i’m gonna start making nether bricks that should be a pretty productive use of my

Time let me have a sip of tea melinda wesson thank you very much hello hello and thank you very much thank you very much lovely to see so many so many pretty faces in chat today i have missed you all tremendously since yesterday as i always do

Oh thank you for the opposite thank you for another super goodness me thank you so so much i love you too i feel so flattered that so many people can say that they genuinely love a minecraft youtuber really i am very blessed all right here’s the plan chests chests

Not small chests either we need some big bazongas right now to store the amount of things we need to store damn i’ve woken up with a bit of a snotty nose that’s gross damn i’m all disgusting i greatly appreciate the spamming of pilk in chat i i need to yeah and just

Oh thank you for another super you don’t need to give me that many that’s okay i always need building material chests absolutely stuck to the [ __ ] broom with building materials because i’m sick and [ __ ] tired of having to jump in and out of the mines i just want to fill it up

Fill it up and not let it go start with that yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah very happy to see pilk being spammed in chat and i just i don’t know the story behind pilk the story behind pilk i essentially i just well to tell you the honest truth i i went to

The store to get myself some milk you know i needed uh needed milk for tea and that kind of thing i needed milk for tea and i also saw some pepsi and i was like yeah sure you know i’ll get myself some pepsi might make a mixer might get

Myself a little body and coke or something and then and then i well i i looked at the two when i got home i just kind of held one in my hand and i i held the other one in my hand and i just sort of looked at it and i thought oh

I could do that couldn’t i there we go lovely all right that should be enough chests all right we’ve got this [ __ ] gorgeous pickaxe right now absolutely disgusting looking pickaxe we need another ingot to repair it wouldn’t it it’s got mending now which is good which is good we’ve also got to

Start cooking that netherrack yes i’m very excited I’d also like to apologize i’d like to apologize um for my uh carelessness the other day i didn’t realize quite how much my so i’m glad you guys enjoyed the asmr yesterday i’m i i had a really really good time with it uh but what i would

Like to say is that i’m really sorry that when i was humming those songs i didn’t realize quite how much my chest like just you know and i think it really like did a number on the microphone so if that disturbed anybody i am very sorry

I’m glad that the humming was nice but it was definitely like a Crystal thank you for the akka super lovely to see you i really love soft mode me too me too it was a nice change it was a nice change oh it was a really nice change and it felt nice to make an asmr that i felt like um you know maybe

People outside of us people people outside the kindred might um might use might sort of find it and be sort of drawn in by it you understand what i’m saying so sort of like oh this is easy for me to for me to understand

Yes yes i i enjoy i enjoy this soft asmr and then maybe later they’ll be tempted by by the all the other stuff i’m just sort of oh that’s nice that’s satisfying hmm My love language test result oh well uh to be honest i did the love language test but that was like five years ago i’m not sure if it’s uh if it will have changed since then when i did it first my um my love language was quality time and i

Don’t think that’s changed i really really if if you want to get close to me the way to do it is to genuinely want to spend time with me and do nice things with me and give up part of your day um to just get to spend a moment with me

You know it’s not about gifts or acts of servicing gifts are always nice and it’s like well but like that’s never gonna really be what wins me over you know i don’t really i don’t really care if you get me something expensive or if anything like

That i just i just want to if i like someone i want to spend all day with them you know why do you think i stream so much huh because i like spending time with you stupid way all right where are we going mining this is it’s time to mine diamonds

Torches i’m a stupid [ __ ] for the last [ __ ] time yes all right maybe that is a little bit me cute okay maybe that’s a little bit me cute a little bit all right be sensible you don’t know the power you hold now that i’ve confirmed that i may be slightly macute slightly

Very slightly do i recommend pilk interesting question very interesting question indeed pilk is an odd sensation so when i had pilk it was out of this strange like like i said i just sort of saw both the ingredients and i was like i can pilk you you know like markiplier

And so i just kind of so i just kind of thought [ __ ] it it’s time i mix them together and the sensation was very unique so i have to be honest i really really liked the let’s go i really liked the taste i think that it was really quite nice and

Well boyfriend asmr sorry get distracted um i think the taste of pilk is genuinely pretty nice it’s like it’s like vanilla coke but it’s creamy and frothy in a way and i think it’s quite i think it’s quite nice i see here’s the thing ever since my tweet a

Few days ago announcing that i had tried pilk there were quite a few people who said like what the [ __ ] hey what’s wrong with you you know and then all of a sudden a bunch of people i saw a bunch of tweets from some regulars who hang out here who decided

To try pilk and they were won over by it everyone’s experience with pilk as far as i’ve seen is i keep forgetting to put torches down everyone’s experience with pilk as far as i’ve seen is pretty much the exact same you taste it it’s surprisingly really good

But then your stomach starts to hurt and i can’t tell you why i think it’s like i think it’s this i don’t know like your stomach just isn’t prepared for it and you just sort of realize like oh [ __ ] that i shouldn’t have drunk that

And so after i had it my stomach hurt a little bit and i was like oh god maybe that was a bad idea but then when it wore off i kind of felt tempted to have some more pilk it is a little bit like cream soda yeah i’m really glad whoa jesus

I’m really glad people enjoyed um the the boyfriend asmr i had a lot of fun it was really calming and nice to just be soft for a change rather than you know leading to needing to [ __ ] somebody live on cam but that’s not to say i don’t enjoy that

I also need to um So it says boyfriend asmr 2 on my schedule because that’s what fits and it is true it is a sequel um but i’m gonna break your hearts right now and i’m really sorry to say it but that asmr is taking place the day before

I go on my trip um and when i come back i will be uh just about to move uh so it’s gonna be a sort of it’s gonna be a sort of um sort of a boyfriend asmr but at the end the boyfriend gets on a plane and has to hug

And say goodbye um and i figured that would probably go down pretty well you know i i fancy breaking some hearts to be honest i enjoy making people cry it brings me fuel brings me happiness because i am going away for a little bit i’m gonna be gone for i won’t be gone

For long i’m gonna be gone for like five days but still i feel like you know i can play into that it’s role play it’s role play you know i’m just trying to make it interesting yes i’m going on a trip uh so at the end of this week i am

Um heading off with my d d friends and we’re going to um we’re going to go camping somewhere for a little bit and while i’m there there will be some stuff that i’ve made uh there’ll be some stuff that i’ve made um that will be going up while i’m away

Uh so that should hopefully sort of sate your appetites for a little bit so i’d say don’t don’t worry about missing me too much because i really won’t be gone for very long um so i’m leaving on my last stream will be on the fifth i’ll be the asmr

And then i’m going to go away from the sixth until the 11th and then on the 11th i’ll come back i’ll do a stream on the 11th and the 12th and then on the 13th i am moving and i should be able to stream the day straight after on the

14th so um it might be a bit of a flimsy week but once that’s all over um i’ll be back and i won’t have to worry about um anything anymore you know i’ll i’ll be in my new place with all of my stuff all squared away and ready to go

So and after that point i won’t be taking any breaks for a good while diamonds yeah hooray fantastic hmm there’s a lot on my plate yeah there’s a lot on my plate but i am not bothered by it remotely also i need to [ __ ] blow my nose i need to blow my nose

My voice sounds disgusting just trying to figure out how to do it i don’t think i have any tissues in here yeah give me two seconds i’m gonna pop to the bathroom my voice sounds disgusting oh and before i miss it yan chestnut thank you for yet another aka super

You’re being very generous today thank you so so much i’m back although i’m not sure how effective it was you guys might just have to be dealing with miss not today oh dear i’m gonna miss you guys too um i’m not sick i’m not sick i think i just woke up

And i was a bit like you know angst lovers rise up yeah i think it’s about time we had some angst everything’s so i don’t know i kind of just want to experiment i think angst would be nice and sort of like very emotional angst in a way

Because what we’ve had so far is we’ve had very spicy and now we’ve had very wholesome and both of these are valid both these are wonderful and i will continue doing i’ll continue doing lots of both however we got to try new things we need to make sure that asmr lovers of

All kinds feel welcome here and so next week will be the angst chapter so i think what i’m gonna do is i’ll probably leave like a warning because i imagine for some people that might be a little too much which is completely fine completely valid 100

Thank you guys all so much for the supers by the way i love you guys i mean and i say i say angst it probably won’t be that angsty it’s probably just gonna be like quite sad at the end because i’ll be sad i don’t really want to go on a break

I’m taking my friends camping because they put so much work into the campaign you know and i figured it would be a really nice way of saying thank you since you know since coming into this uh into this career i’ve become you know pretty pretty pretty wealthy and so i

Figured like why not use that to treat some people who’ve been working really hard to do something nice for me and so that’s that’s that’s what that’s for you know and it’s very important that i get that right uh but once that’s over i’ll

Be able to move and i’ll be able to head off and uh be truly in my own space and won’t have to worry about it and uh yeah so it should be good oh lots of diamonds lots and lots of diamonds and our pickaxe is actually like it’s not even like slowly degrading

It’s just yeah it’s staying here is that nine oh my god we’ve got 18 diamonds let’s go yeah we thank you very much for the super hmm i really love boyfriend vox and i think he’s end game but i’m anticipating what you prepare for us and moy and jen thank

You very much for the super um i’m gonna be completely honest i don’t know where to go from here um i don’t know where to go from here with the akama universe because like to be honest i agree he is the end game i saw so many tweets that were like that

Were like oh my god i can’t i can’t believe how green this man’s flag is and i was like yeah man you know that’s the kind of boyfriend i would want to be this is just someone who’s like endlessly supportive boom boom boom so when it comes to maybe

Bringing back the other characters i’m not sure how to do it because well it seems like it would be a bit of a bit of a disservice to the boyfriend asmr you know i don’t i don’t want him to have come into the kindred’s life and

Made them feel so happy and special and appreciated and everything and then all of a sudden some terrible other a you me comes in and starts [ __ ] around with you again you know i’d like to imagine that the the the boyfriend character would take would take issue with that

Butler for when i arrived home oh maybe the boyfriend you’ve met is very wealthy maybe the boyfriend you’ve met is very wealthy and he has a butler but the butler has his own ideas oh oh can you guys not hear the music as well oh i’ve got system sounds down

That’ll be why hold on there we go someone say [ __ ] george of the jungle tarzan asmr why why where’s the where’s the soft or spiciness in there have you guys seen the [ __ ] tik tok where is it what is it it’s the scene from tarzan where he lifts up the body

Of the cheetah that he’s just killed and he goes oh and it’s like that’s me coming home drunk at 3am and harassing my sleeping dog [Laughter] george fox fox fox off the jungle watch out for that tree i mean i guess i am a gorilla so it would make sense

I love fan art that genuinely just depicts me as a gorilla like not even not even remotely just a half human half gorilla or a human who occasionally becomes a gorilla i am just an animal that they allowed into niji sanji yen can you imagine that can you [ __ ] imagine that

Can you [ __ ] imagine if in um the next wave in en one of them is just a an actual gorilla like not even a sentient gorilla just a real in real life they are a normal healthy silverback gorilla that they stick in front of a webcam and have stream and they just show

Sounds they just play sounds and have him react him or her react to sounds and sights and lights and have him go like i kind of feel like that would go down incredibly well as long as you treated the gorilla really nicely and was sort of like you

Know making sure they were fed and they were in a nice environment and they were around lots of other gorillas you know an ethical guerrilla streamer jesus that would that’s the true gorilla stream you know what would be great is if they did that and then the gorilla has no

Schedule every single stream is a gorilla stream because he’s a gorilla wouldn’t that be great oh wouldn’t that be great wouldn’t that be swell we’re getting so hey we’re getting so many diamonds what the [ __ ] 29 diamonds from this one strip jesus like the fish you played pokemon exactly

Exactly winston from overwatch no no you’re misunderstanding winston from overwatch is a sentient person who is beautiful and very imagination is the essence of discovery i’m talking about a real non-thinking non-english speaking gorilla who is just a gorilla and that’s all they need to be well they need to be as a gorilla

Yeah niji pets gains an actual animal fully support this agenda thank you c-clips thank you ah god [ __ ] damn it darth vader that’s a poking cup of key teaching a gorilla how to play valeran oh my god there is that there’s that video of like a chimp on a computer you

Know isn’t there like a chimp on a computer who’s gaming go get so much deep sleep so much deep slate oh i love it oh i love it so much i love deep slate the background story project well i am working on them uh i’m not sure if there

Will be one or two but there will be asmr projects being uploaded while i’m away so the most you the longest you’ll go without any content is two days and that brings that doesn’t just bring you a lot of comfort that brings me comfort too because i don’t want to leave you guys

Alone for too long no What the hell man Oh my god how do we how do we extract this [ __ ] alright here we go no no damn oh well i’ll just return to my other 31 diamonds it’s not like i need you it’s not like you have any value to me you’re nothing you’re just one diamond of many that i own

I’ve got lots of toys to play with flexing the diamonds diamonds on my rip you choose one of them bell pepper and me is it so much to ask for both does the existence of bell peppers negate the existence of the kindred if i had to choose between kindred and thingy

Yeah i’m a material girl right now now i have to choose you should be the ones bringing me the bell pepper as a desperate attempt to get me to pay attention to you it might just work it might just work thank you for the five gifted subs

Also sun moo and ignis thank you very much sounded like fenrir from smite dude i love smite i used to play smite all the [ __ ] time i was when i played smite i think i’ve probably i’ve probably brought this up a bunch of times when i played smite i mained um the god

Of bees armours and carb and hercules as well who are my mains who are my mains because you need a main for every role you know for every role because you can’t play your main every single match adc it was amusing carb solo or like um

I guess i guess what you’d call top lane would be hercules jungle is thanatos i was a pretty mean planet so i was pretty good at him i remember that much mid [ __ ] i can’t remember who i played mid god what was the mage i played it

I liked agni i played a lot of agony but i can’t really remember god it was agni i remember i played no i never played raw there was art again is the one i remember but i remember there being one more there was definitely a different one

I’m looking up a list of smite characters now i need to remember this this is very important to me smite gods i’m looking this up uh smile rolls mage i played a lot of chronos but he’s more of an adc um this is the only moba i fully got into

This is the only moba i fully got into i swear there was one i played a lot more than that giannis was was good giannis was fun vulcan was fun I guess it was agni that i played the most of damn that is what it is it is what it is smite has very pretty character designs and very very very very sassy skins um i don’t know if you’ve ever seen any of the skins for noir but uh she’s quite a beauty

It’s a good game it’s a good game you should check it out it’s a lot of fun it’s a lot more accessible i think than other mobas like league or especially more accessible than dota 2 which was my first moba experience and that one scared me off very quickly

A bit of siller as well all right all right let me let me let me [ __ ] all right let me [ __ ] mention something by the way i’m seeing a load of people bring up um you know i imagine you’ll be aware of the situation that happened uh on twitter yesterday after um

The asmr stream and i would like to pretty directly address the people who are begging me to bring it up because i’d like to [ __ ] remind you that mentioning other livers and also discussing controversial topics is against the [ __ ] rules that’s why you’re getting timed out it’s not

Because i’m trying to hide anything or because i’m scared of controversy it’s because it’s against the [ __ ] rules respect and read the chat rules you dumbass jesus it’s not that hard but yes i guess now that i’ve brought it up i should say something and i was nervous

To do something because i did not want to give paul reimu any more grief than she already has had she is one of my best friends she’s been really lovely to me has spent a bunch of time helping me out when i’ve been when i’ve been down and has also spent a

Bunch of time collabing with me she’s my friend she’s my friend and that’s and it breaks my [ __ ] heart to see any of you going and giving her any kind of grief whatsoever so here’s here’s the clarification right i do agree with some kindred that i

Think that it was a poor choice to try and um message me during the stream normally this would be completely fine but asmr streams are kind of a different thing um i’m trying to play a character i’m trying to act and um it was a little distracting and so

When she did that i don’t think it was at all her fault because i never told her directly don’t do that that wasn’t her fault and normally it would be okay i could see why some people were a little peeved by it and there were some

People i mean i was a little peeved by it as well and there were some people who brought that up in a really normal and respectful manner and they said oh it wasn’t really you know good you know on this one but i also don’t blame her for that because she just

Didn’t know she just didn’t know that’s where the discussion should have begun and ended like she didn’t know and it really wasn’t that big of a deal and i turned it into something really funny on the stream i turned into something hilarious and you should have been like

Oh haha and then moved on but some people some people clearly didn’t and i and it really [ __ ] pissed me off to see the amount of people who were somehow thinking that by sending death threats to reimu that they were impressing me that they were somehow like oh yes i’m

Gonna stick up for my lord and do what’s right no no you’re not doing doing a good thing and you’re not sticking up for me first of all i’m insulted by the fact that you don’t think i can stick up for my [ __ ] self i’m insulted by the fact that you feel

The need to attack somebody on my behalf and moreover don’t send death threats to my [ __ ] friends you shouldn’t first of all you shouldn’t send death threats to anybody you shouldn’t send death threats to anybody you shouldn’t harass anybody in any way shape or form but moreover i am going to take personal

Issue with it if you do that to anyone that i care about even remotely don’t send it to anyone from needy sanji en don’t send it to anyone from needy sanji as a whole don’t send it to any other kindred don’t send it don’t send it just

Just don’t [ __ ] do it at all and i and it breaks my heart that i actually need to address this because it should go without [ __ ] saying it should go without saying that you don’t do that right it should go without saying that you don’t do that and i didn’t bring it up

Originally because i thought that this issue that people would being sensible and i i’d like to believe that all of you are sensible enough not to do that i would like to believe that you are sensible enough to leave my friends alone but apparently some of you aren’t

So don’t do it all right and i would also and this may this may um go this may surprise some of you but i would also like to criticize the people who have been engaging in discourse around this subject because you are only making these trolls more powerful generally

When it comes to online drama discourse controversy it is perpetuated by discussion and yes in some instances it can be good to discuss these issues but when you talk about it it’s only going to make these people more powerful here i am listen i already feel like

I’ve done the wrong thing and it’s why it took me so long to say anything because i’m becoming so reluctant to address these issues because i know i’m making these people more powerful i’ve now i’ve now devoted an entire maybe 10 minutes of this stream purely to addressing

Four or five [ __ ] people who decided to be [ __ ] they don’t deserve that much attention they don’t deserve that but i’m sorry you know it’s not just them who have forced my hand i’m sorry it’s also kind of you it’s also everyone who has begged me who

Begs me to address every tiny little thing that happens says he should address this oh his career’s gonna crash and burn if he doesn’t address this no it [ __ ] won’t i’m very well [ __ ] aware of what i am or am not allowed to do and what i should or should not address

Do not micromanage my career because i know full well what i should be doing and you don’t okay i’ve already said that you should leave trolls alone and you haven’t done it so listen to what i’m [ __ ] saying do what i tell you don’t give them

Attention and if you are one of the one of the very few people acting up don’t send death threats to my friends because if you do you’re not a kindred you’re i was about to say a really nasty word if you do you’re not a kindred you’re a [ __ ]

And i don’t like you okay end of discussion back to minecraft i dropped my pickaxe so deeply [ __ ] embarrassed to have so many of you acting in this way and so please don’t addre don’t talk to them don’t engage with them and just end of story end of [ __ ] story

Be sensible and remember that the more you address drama and the more that you engage with it bearing in mind every single [ __ ] time that you that somebody says something really cringe or weird and you quote tweet them 700 times dunking on them quote unquote not only

Is that honestly a massive waste of your very valuable time but also there’s a car outside but also you are making sure that more people see that [ __ ] tweet it is getting more traction because you are giving it attention stop i know it’s fun in a twisted way to

Engage in drama and to argue with people but it does not help it actively hurts me if you want to help don’t do [ __ ] anything at all all right end of story that’s it i’m really i’m really pissed off just just be sensible [ __ ] it it pisses me off when people treat

Online drama like it’s some kind of a great war you know get to your bunkers get to your sides everybody start the flames no no i’m a [ __ ] minecraft youtuber it’s not that deep it’s not that [ __ ] deep touch some [ __ ] grass go outside remember what i say you’re welcome to

Treat this dream in any way that you like as long as you find something in real life that’s just as important because to be honest i think a lot of you are taking this way too [ __ ] seriously thank you brother thank you brother thank you folger good to see you

God i’m pissed off but this is immensely cathartic i’ve got to be honest with you immensely cathartic milo thank you very much for the arca super hurt anyone yeah simple as that molly and chen you’re absolutely right absolutely right don’t hurt anybody yeah no i’m sick and tired of having

The name kindred be dragged through the mud so often uh and i don’t think it’s the fault of any of you tokito thank you very much for the arca super yeah i know it is hard it is hard and it makes me nervous because i don’t

Want to like be the center of discourse i don’t want to be the center of controversy that’s the last thing i want this this place should be somewhere people can relax not tune into a minecraft stream and be exposed to some ranting lunatic but like that’s how that’s what i got to do

Apparently there are a lot of things that we can do to solve this situation and it begins not just with being good it begins not just with being good and it begins not just with with not doing all of those terrible things that you know you shouldn’t do

It also begins with just letting this active discussion die as soon as these people stop getting talked about and they stop getting attention they will stop and the end result is that no more of my friends get harassed and that seems like a pretty pretty pretty clear win to me

Yeah i hope they do understand what my lord means it means i get to tell you what the [ __ ] to do listen to me when i’m saying it because if we were back in you know if we were back in ancient times where i’m from if we were back in

Ancient times and there was this much there was this much [ __ ] going on i could have you executed i’d do it myself i’m so pissed off it’d be it’d feel great but yes the modern equivalent of an execution now is me going off at you in my [ __ ] minecraft stream jesus

Thank you guys for all of the support thank you angelina for the arca super really means the world to me you guys respect what i’m saying so yes yeah uh jun thank you very much for the super yes everyone has a part to play in this mew mew a room thank you

Constantly having to address issues so yes in conclusion i shouldn’t have to say this but i will don’t send death threats to anybody least of all my friends second of all don’t bring drama up in my chat and then start complaining when you get timed out because it’s against the [ __ ] rules

That are in the description that i ask you to read before you start chatting and last of all if someone says something dumb online just ignore them the more that you interact with them the more power they have are we in agreement wholesome group hug absolutely because i

Still love you guys to absolute [ __ ] death and back and i wouldn’t trade i wouldn’t trade you for the world no amount of random controversy is gonna make you is gonna make me change the way i feel about you okay big group hug everybody come on bring it in bring it in

Let’s just focus on mining right now yeah this is this is where the real game starts uh kate uh kuro no usagi thank you very much uh gucci thank you very much for the aka super dietrich thank you cataclysm thank you gloria christy b a room miami

Thank you guys very much for all of the lovely support oh big way off my chest that feels good feels good thank you bingo thank you for the super as well diamonds we’re getting a lot of diamonds today everyone has a bigger part to play in these issues than i think they really

Ever realized and it does it does annoy me tremendously when it annoys me uh yum sweet thank you very much for the akka super don’t hurt anybody it’s so simple when people think that i don’t know Lan thank you very much for the arka super uh that when people think that like by treating everything as a straight yes or no or as a straight like i’m good you’re bad i’m the good guy you’re the bad guy that you’re actually solving anything because you’re making

It you’re making it worse you really are making it worse if you treat this likes like your opportunity because to be honest that’s exactly that’s exactly what the trolls are doing they’re seeing it as their opportunity to be the good guy and to be important for once you know

That’s all it is and if you suddenly we’ve dug into nina’s mind now if you all of a sudden start doing that then you’re no better than they are if by responding to their haters and giving them a load of attention makes you feel better i’m sorry that is done

So out of selfishness and you need to do better it does really piss me off because it’s a load of just aggressive yelling at people who’ve done something that isn’t even my fault let’s be honest right hibiki thank you for the arca super let’s be honest i didn’t do [ __ ] anything yesterday

I did my asmr stream and then i responded to just to like a random occurrence in a funny way and all of a sudden the other day i’m responsible for having to do this if you’re a fan of me that has to make you upset in some way

That you’ve that you caused this going on twitter and no matter how right you think you are and begging me to address something yes you are making it worse long xiao chen thank you very very much yeah the chat rules are there for a [ __ ] reason

And i love you guys but you need to do better you do yeah i lit that’s the thing that’s why it like another reason why it took me so long to say anything is that i said that i was like i didn’t do anything normally i feel as though i have at

Least some culpability but this time i was like i just did a stream i just did a stream and suddenly people started going off uh it’s deeply frustrating to always be involved in this and i don’t want my channel to become something that’s always drowning in discourse you know

But it is what it is thankfully i think some chat rules seem to have worked um the trauma dumping rule seemed to seems to have worked pretty well you know i haven’t seen any of that um since i put the rule down which is nice i think i think generally that’s

Probably because people who trauma dump don’t really know it’s wrong you know nianya thank you very much for the arca super thank you so so much yeah i don’t think that people who trauma dump really know that it’s wrong they’re probably just in a really dark place and don’t

Know where else to go and so the rule kind of does just you know if they see it on the way in and they know they’re gonna say something then they read that rule hopefully you know because they’re in a dark place then they go somewhere that can actually help i’m surprised to

Find my way back jupiter thank you very much for the arca super thank you so much thank you thank you thank you yeah i often get kind of scared of um of addressing issues because we as entertainers are made by our fans we are given value by our fans and so it

Would make sense that i should have a little bit of um well a little bit of hesitation when it comes to yelling at and cussing out my fans for doing something wrong you can kind of understand what i mean by that right like i owe everything to you guys so why

Why wouldn’t i be scared when i’m trying to tell you off i don’t want to say something wrong and then suddenly lose you all but i think over time now that i’ve had to do this quite a few times because you know we seem to be at the core of a lot

Of these issues i think that what it really does is it makes you all respect me and you should uh gracely lee and me cake thank you guys very much for the supers so yes end of the day nothing is going to [ __ ] change around here i am still

Making the content that i want to make that will never change and if you’re well behaved and you follow the rules you are more than welcome to be whoever you want to be as long as you keep it here all right milky thank you very much for the super i love you too

I love you all very much very very deeply and that will not change no matter how no matter how much of this [ __ ] happens okay although if you decide to break the rules i might stop loving you individually and i know you wouldn’t want that so obey the [ __ ] rules

If you like me you know and you and you love me even you can say thank you for that and you can show you love me back by following the [ __ ] rules okay okay celia luke look luke thank you guys very much for the akka supers can’t please

Everyone nah it’s true so i’m just gonna keep pleasing you guys doing what i can to please the groups of you that i already have because you’re the ones the other ones that i really did fall in love with the ones that made me the ones

That made me cry when i hit 700k the ones that made all those lovely fan projects when we reached um when we did the karaoke stream when it was my birthday and um and all of that there’s there’s really no there’s no reason why i should need to

Change what i’m doing i will not and that’s a pretty hard and fast rule if you don’t like what i make [ __ ] off go and watch someone else and that’s the nicest part about niji sanji ian as i’ve said a hundred thousand times is if you

Don’t like what i make you can watch what somebody else makes the part of the bargain that you need to hold up the part of the bargain that you kindred need to hold up is that if someone doesn’t like he doesn’t like it here you also need to keep

You also need to be the one who keeps things here everyone has different chat rules i have a few different rules so for example uh one of my personal favorite rules is that every language is allowed that’s been a really lovely rule and i think it’s enabled a lot of um multilingual

People or perhaps people who don’t speak english to come here and feel really welcome that is a rule we’ve had pretty much since day one or since i realized that i had an international audience and that will not change some people however do not have that rule some people have a rule that

They only want you to speak in english and so when you go into someone else’s chat you need to read their [ __ ] rules okay read the rules of every chat you participate in bella thank you very much for the super humor thank you frozen fox thank you for

The arkham super ellie thank you for the aka super i am [ __ ] sexy aren’t i angela’s young thank you iris saku thank you evie thank you very much i mean thank you yeah god it’s [ __ ] frustrating i think people have just people have just started like kind of

Scapegoating on kindred as a whole you know one or two one or two bad apples have done a couple of things and suddenly it gives everybody a bad name when i know all of you everyone watching this stream right now who is listening to what i’m saying i

Know that all of you are [ __ ] amazing i know that all of you are really dedicated lovely lovely fans who wouldn’t dare do something as terrible as sending death threats or engaging in drama but here we are you know i still need to be the one to say it because apparently

Some people just can’t draw the distinction internet drama is just that powerful it’s that exciting for people to get to engage in what they feel like is their opportunity to show ever show the world that they’re a good guy or that they’re a hero when you’re not you’re just making it worse

I have to say as worried as i was to have to address this i feel pretty uh pretty sexy for having got a chance to yell at people again it feels pretty nice i have to be honest it’s very cathartic all right we’re good we’re good

Yui thank you i love you too and i love this community as well by the way your cosplay is [ __ ] banging and uh i’ve been really enjoying seeing all the updates from that um from that con in the lord’s name we trust so i think

Based on that what i would like to say is that i think for the time being even if another issue arises i think that this is the last time that i will be seriously addressing any kind of controversy live on stream because first of all like i said i do

Not want this to become a place where there is always a new issue every single week and i can’t believe that it was only the last like maybe the last three weeks we’ve had three separate streams where i’ve needed to say something that’s [ __ ] unacceptable even if something else happens

You’ve heard my statement on it you’ve heard what i’ve said if something else happens ignore it let the haters go to the dogs let them suffer and whine and cry on their own and eventually they will give up if you respond to it like i’ve said a

Thousand times it will get worse so just leave it and if you leave it then i will have the luxury of leaving it as well and then i will get to focus on what my actual job is which is streaming i wasn’t hired to be a [ __ ] pr

Manager i was hired because i’m funny as [ __ ] and i’m good at my job so i don’t want to keep doing this extra work i want to focus on what matters i want to focus on streaming so yeah now now i’m handing this off to you i’m handing this off to you please

Hmm call me the d word someday shh you’re missing out it’s fun you really should catherine z thank you very much for the arca super so yes from this point on thank you young chestnut see that’s that’s the real kindred attitude is to support me no matter what ex frog thank

You very much for the arca super all right cutting it off now i don’t want to talk about it anymore what the hell was that the hell was that minecraft cave ambiance is getting kind of [ __ ] up these days Cutting it off there just handing the baton off to you guys do not engage in drama and it will suffocate and die without attention end of story are your callers coming in a couple weeks that’s exciting i’m excited to officially own somebody thank you guys all so much i feel much better now

But yes back to the more important issues pilk goodness me uh so yes pill kind of like a coke float with um with ice cream on top it’s very milky very frothy you know um and to be honest i can’t believe that a hideous concoction of pepsi and milk is actually

Way nicer to me than pickles which are sold by the by the by the by the jar bluebird thank you for the arca super and denise thank you very much as well what do you mean hat to experience pilk you got to experience pilk you had the luxury of experiencing pilk dada

Down thank you very much for the ankle super that’s lovely news holy [ __ ] congratulations happy birthday by the way happy birthday very [ __ ] proud of you very proud of you indeed I’m very excited as well i’m very excited to stream uh on billy billy again i think it’s a lovely community i think they’ve been extremely welcoming and uh one thing that i do want to say uh that i think is kind of is kind of heartbreaking is that i so the two

Streams i’ve probably talked about this before i’m gonna say i guess i’m thinking about it the two streams i’ve done there so far the first one was my introduction where i felt really nervous because it’s a new place and i wanted to i wanted to make a

Good first impression and so i was remarkably say so and then the next stream i did was a sponsored stream where i was told maybe don’t swear as much uh and so i think everyone on billy billy thinks that i’m say so or they think that like although

And a lot of i saw a lot of people in chat saying like it’s okay you can you can be on say so it’s it’s all right and i’m like i really want to you know i had to really hold myself back so many times from saying something obscene um if you

Watch my um my nanaka blade point stream that i did on billy billy you can literally hear me say oh suck my [ __ ] i didn’t even say that i was like suck my the tip of this uh spear that i’m gonna hit you with you know it’s like i really

I was just like damn it so i am streaming gentian over there this week i’m gonna do some gonna do some polls gonna just like just kind of hang out with um the kindred who um over there and hopefully they’ll get to see what a horrendous awful person i could be

I mean they all know because they you know they see clips of me uh posted on billy billy and stuff like that but still it’ll be good to do so live and also like why wouldn’t i why oh spawner ah yes this boner curse of binding damn name tag love to see it

String seeds saddle saddle we can oh we can build a stables a wealth of stables in akuma castle thank you karoshin thank you thank you very much yeah why wouldn’t i want to stream somewhere where by the way we recently hit a million subscribers and have been

I’ve streamed there twice and i’ve been number one on the platform both times that’s [ __ ] insane i have to just i have to just give my warmest thanks to those guys they’re really really really crazy and they make me feel pretty special the pilk agenda my chen thank you evie when are you

Going to address the pilk agenda this is the only thing you deserve to be cancelled for now listen let me ask you a question evie have you actually tried pilk have you actually tried it i i i was the same as you naive and and unwilling to believe that pilk could be good

But then i tried it but then i tried some pill now i’m a believer it’s just like milk but it’s fizzy and has froth i’m in love i’m a believer i couldn’t uh um i’m a believer i wouldn’t leave it if i tried and then i tried to pick

Okay listen i don’t actually know if it’s good for you when i had it um i i taste it tasted kind of nice but i also got a stummy ache afterwards so i would suggest maybe uh for legal reasons no uh but for personal reasons yeah try pilk

Benny benny thank you very much for the arca super oh milkus yeah no um there’s that there’s actually um in my town that i’m living in there is a there is a um uh korean market and uh they have some milkis there but i’ve never tried it before it looks nice

Boxes fruit gloves thank you i’m gonna eat thank you i spongebob i’m trying so hard oh bastard rat mending is like way more efficient than i thought it would be like with the amount that i’m digging up that doesn’t give experience i literally thought that it was just gonna like

Slowly wear down over time just slightly slower but no it’s actively healing which is ridiculous so this is now an eternal pickaxe we’d love to see it what’s the golden ratio for pilk it’s one to one you just give it a one to one ratio sana thank you very much ashley thank you

What do you mean you gagged all right well listen maybe maybe maybe not everyone has enlightened taste like i do you’re probably somebody who enjoys pickles gucci thank you very much yeah yeah i’m glad i’m glad i’m looking forward to seeing you there as well Now now you might destroy me with with your fenrire but then also i you know i’m just going to buy beads and i’m going to you know just drop straight out of your old holy [ __ ] big arca super from rey sakuma thank you i love you too thank you

And cigarette b thank you very much for the arka super i love you too yeah evie you haven’t tried pilk have you have to make it with oat milk or something ah well it didn’t probably still work moy and chen thank you very much karen lee vivian and saku thank you

You don’t have to unmember unsubscribe from me because of pilk you could instead just try pilk and realize that it’s not that bad i wouldn’t say to drink it regularly but you can at least give it a try and be like i see what he means try it apparently two-thirds pepsi and

One-third milk is horrid one-to-one is god’s here that’s what i’m saying that’s the golden ratio it’s one to one this is how you concoct the best pilk all right i’m lost uh i’m gonna have to dig out teresa yuki thank you very very much for the for the super thank you so much I’m glad you think my life is sexy i’ve said this before but i used to be super [ __ ] insecure about my laugh i either sound like i either sound like a car stalling or like comedian jimmy carr um i’m not quite sure about my main laugh

Like like the i literally my main laugh i cannot fake i really can’t if you genuinely make me laugh i um that’s the one you know like on the uh on the sims stream or a sims stream we did a while ago when i was thinking about monsters inc with folger like

Opening the door and there being nothing on the other side that laugh that one i can’t fake i literally can’t it just happens when i laugh normally but if i but if i but if i laugh like not terribly hard i always sound like jimmy carter like

Which is just i don’t know maybe it’s cute i don’t know or it’s like that’s the car stalling all right [ __ ] it we gotta get out of here there’s gotta be a better way to get out of here heartless how were you heartless i saw your sadness and made it my own

I’m deeply lost deeply lost every single day do not drink pilk on a sunday morning is that god punishing you for drinking pilk is pilk some kind of a perversion of his divine will dominick thank you for the akka super have some more well you can’t i can’t just i can’t just

Fake a laugh make me laugh tell me a joke tell me a dad joke i’m glad you think my life’s infectious that’s quite sweet i’m excited for all the games we’re playing this week alien isolation should be a bit of fun and i’m also looking forward to playing stanley parable i

Played a little bit of it a long time ago and i’m interested to see what the um the changes made in the deluxe edition actually are holy [ __ ] big cave big big big cave oh you didn’t even get a stomach on for denise i’m very [ __ ] proud of you well done well done

All right evie go for it and yes if you chunder fine fine it’s my fault i think you’re gonna be pleasantly surprised i would love that as well just a meme reaction thing but i think that the issue with that tends to be sort of the

Memes tend to be sort of um you know edits of stuff that already exists and stuff that already exists tends to be somewhat copyrighted so you know what i mean like it would be nice but you know i gotta always go to be a good boy gotta still gotta obey the rules

I’m a good boy i don’t want to break copyright law i’m a good boy [ __ ] aware oh i’m a big baby where give me my [ __ ] blankie ml thank you very much a cooking stream where we do [ __ ] what now cooking street where you bake a flan or

Milk-based food but instead of milk we use milk juju thank you now here’s the thing cooking something in coca-cola can be is a pretty based thing to do you can actually make stuff that’s really quite um that’s quite sweet now slow cooking beef in coke or

Now that is now that is some based cooking that is some based ass cooking i have to be honest whoa i’m thinking back now to the um the stream i did with uh celen folger and anna the what is it um the one with the real the card game with the railway tracks

[ __ ] me i’m really surprised it’s like i guess that’s the thing is that everyone watching is like a [ __ ] adult i should hope and they know that like we’re not the ones writing the cards and it’s all just in good fun it was it

Was very it was i don’t know it was very cathartic to just not have to worry about it for a little bit need you cancelled and it was also like genuinely that was one of the funniest streams i think i’ve ever been on i i i

Like i could just like i wasn’t laughing myself but i could just tell i was like they’re [ __ ] loving this [ __ ] and i think you guys were i’d like to play more games like that i guess it was cathartic because as streamers we don’t really a lot of the

Time we don’t really know where the line is you know although i think that a game like that kind of like goes over the line in like a little submarine and makes it okay to sort of joke about some taboo stuff it was nice it was nice

I’m never really i’ve never really liked those kinds of people who are like oh you can’t [ __ ] say anything these days oh my god i’m just being censored every single day it’s like no you’re not no you know you just signed a three million dollar deal to have a netflix special

Talking about all of your shitty opinions you’re fine you’re fine but at the same time that sort of humor can be fun sometimes i think if anything the best way to joke about that kind of stuff is really to make fun of how horrendous it is you

Know the incident starts to get really bad is when someone is is when you enter sort of funny but it’s true territory and some people try to get across their really shitty opinions by disguising it as a joke you guys have heard of the theory of schrodinger’s douchebag schrodinger’s douchebag is the theory

That uh is he’s an [ __ ] who will decide whether or not he was joking based on what the response is you know what i mean like he’ll say something really nasty about about a certain group or something and then he’ll think that if you go like

Then he then he won’t have been joking but if you say like hey what the [ __ ] is wrong with you it’s like it’s just a joke uh it’s just a joke you know not the kind of that’s not the kind of person i want to be hanging out with to be honest

I guess also a nice thing about it is you know people know what that game is and if that kind of humor isn’t their cup of tea which i would completely understand then they’re welcome to just not watch so it’s sort of like it’s a safe space

To just be like whoa you know that was a bit much but then also you know that everyone’s just having a good time which is which is a nice way of expressing that sort of thing i think inherently like as people we have a desire to sort of

Say things that are a little bit shocking you know and to talk about them as well you know i guess it’s why we’re so drawn to controversial topics is because it’s interesting it’s nice to be a little suss every once in a while it’s kind of what i built my entire career around

Oh gone are the days gone are the days where i did my confession reading stream and i wound up feeling genuinely uncomfortable when someone said they wanted to peg me oh god how naive i was ivy thank you pilk chicken wings chicken wing i mean it’s like you know

We’ve got we’ve got like buttermilk buttermilk chicken that kind of stuff like southern like southern fried why not just make it with pilk there’s a lot it’s just a joke bro yeah it’s like no no i was being ironic when i genuinely just said something really horrendous

Without even trying to disguise it as a joke well i’m gonna give those i like those can i have redstone i need you i need you bro i’ve been on the server so many times live and so often there’s nobody on here oh there’s something i’ve missed a good old-fashioned pickup line thank

You jade oracle very nice to see yeah thank you cathy chu i am trying and when i when i have my genji stream on billy billy this week i will be might be back to my old unsay so self you’ll have me talking about boobs and

Butts and dicks and [ __ ] and [ __ ] and [ __ ] and it will be fantastic and i will have missed it tremendously reminds me of that absolutely delightful clip of my senpai hanamakia when someone on stream sends her a super that was like it’s like young lady do you know what the

Kind of language you’re using and she says [ __ ] and dick and [ __ ] it’s just very very very big dick to just to to act that way of her very very good i stan we stand hanamakia for having said those things exactly exactly person who just remembered you’re exactly right it is delicious

Jelly man thank you very very much for the super no choice but to stand no choice but to stand whatsoever okay to be fair if it turns out that the rules on billy billy are stricter then okay okay i will have to i may i may

Have to tone it down a little bit i i’m very familiar with youtube’s community guidelines very familiar i’ve had to be to make sure that i don’t get bonked but um i’m actually not too familiar with billy billy’s it’s not a platform that i use to consume content

Because you know it’s just it’s just not in my native language jaylen thank you very much meowi thank you yay it makes me happy to get so many lovely compliments about my content this is my focus in life this is everything that i think about from morning till night how

Do i make good streams what kind of stream should i do today i’m streaming right now how do i make it funny it is it is now and will always be my number one priority and focus and i could not be happier for that reason jaylen thank you very much

Oh celia thank you for the super i have good news to share with you i successfully graduated today [ __ ] well done oh that right there that right there is the behavior that i want to see from the kindred i’m very very proud of you celia

I love you too and that right there is exactly how you should be processing the way that you feel about me i make it by letting it make you strong that’s what i’m talking about that makes me so [ __ ] happy i’m really proud of you well done well done

Yeah just pick up a bit of cool oh thank you for the aqua super ewen thank you very much the first one was when i got to grad school interview try my best and got multiple offers go to the us for a master’s degree [ __ ]

Oh god i really like the us i kind of miss it i’m pretty jealous it’d be nice to spend some time there that’s going to be really nice for you man i’m so proud of you a lot of coal here there’s one giant [ __ ] vein full of coal

I got nice fans who are doing good things in life that makes me happy my lord is full of serotonin today what do you call it serotonin um sweden is free yeah too thank you very much for the super will i do something for 800k of course i always do something for 100k

Milestones i should figure out what it is i need to figure out what it is i’m gonna do um i like the endurance stream format a lot i think there are a lot of fun to do like i mean it when i say i just really

Love streaming man it’s so much fun and when it comes to endurance streams it feels like i can really push myself to do something cool um i usually figure out what to do we tried a fnaf endurance stream before and i think ultimate custom night is genuinely

So stressful that like i mean it when i say i would have kept i mean when i say i would have kept going i really would have on the 600k one but i was genuinely so stressed that my chest started hurting you know i needed

That that was the point where i was like i have to stop you know um that that’s only happened once and that was because i was playing ultimate custom night which is like one of the most intensely difficult games i’ve ever played for six straight hours i had to stop

There was no other way and it would have at the rate it was going would have gone on for another six hours i would have been streaming that for 12 hours and that wouldn’t have been good a lot of requests for sekido it would be good to go back to that it

Would be really good to keep playing the game until i finished the games without without dying god yeah it felt bad to be defeated by it i think it was after the chicken run that i just the the admin and the admin entertainment chicken run that i really

Just felt like i couldn’t do it but i know i can i’ve beaten sakura back to front not consistently but i’ve already beaten the whole um the whole gauntlet thing they have where you have to beat every boss in a row without dying i’ve done that i’ve done that it

Was it wasn’t that hard i’ve done it i’ve gotten every achievement in the game i’ve um you know i’ve gone every ending i’ve beaten every boss multiple times gotten every prayer bead found every weapon unlocked every skill that game i know back to [ __ ] front i know i can do that

It was just you know a lot to do god i can’t believe i was getting as close as i was and then i died to that random man in the cabin okay thank you hades would be good hades would be good i just need to pick something that’s fun

I need to pick something that’s fun and a lot of people are going to want to see me play because 100k speed 100k milestones are a big deal you know they’re a big deal and um i need to i want to pick something not just that people enjoy but also that i

Think lots of that i think will get like a good a good reaction out of me you know abort mission evie you use the wrong ingredient it’s not coke it’s pepsi a different thing different thing it’s not kilk it’s pilk now see sims would be fun because sims

People always enjoy watching but how do i turn the sims into a challenge run i install wicked whims and try not to get demonetized challenge that would be fun [Laughter] that would be that would be a pretty interesting challenge so i’ve just got to like maybe i’ll try and make a house

With like 10 or like 10 or 11 people the 100 baby speed run now that is [ __ ] terrifying so i i i boo up the sims with wicked whims installed without streamer mode on and what i do is i have a house with maybe 12 people and i have to last until

I hit 800k without getting banned [ __ ] me that would be funny the 100 baby speed run now i ain’t doing that because the whole point about the whole point of a um of an endurance stream is that you don’t speed run it it’s the you it’s that you stay doing it until a

Certain thing happens hey i love you too thank you very much for the arka super perhaps it’s perhaps a sim stream where i have to keep creating characters i have to keep creating sims until we hit 800k so i would make one of every single person in nigen

And then if we’re still not there by the end of new gen i would need to make more i’d make mirror verse versions of all the other characters like if we’ve already made petra then i would make peter as well male versions of all the female characters female versions of all the

Male characters jesus christ sharon thank you very much for the aka super oh yeah ignis that’s great news god i got the keys from my new place recently too ah i’m so [ __ ] excited it’s exactly what i want it’s exactly what i’ve always wanted oh no

I’m a [ __ ] celebrity get me out of here welcome back to the bush tucker trial [ __ ] off welcome back to this week’s bush talker trial today we’ve got a dealer celebrity who really wants to prove themselves then everyone will watch i’m a celeb i i i i couldn’t watch it anymore like um

After a certain point it just sort of felt the same to me but you know once you’ve watched the first few episodes and you really get into the drama nah it’s a good show it’s a good show it’s trash but it’s beautiful trash the sword name oh yeah we named this

Sword daddy long dick just landed in la we named this last time this is a nice forest i’m completely [ __ ] lost that’s some that’s anton deck that’s anton deck who do who hosts um i’m a celeb for those of you who don’t know i’m a celeb is a very popular it’s short

For i’m a celebrity get me out of here which is a really popular a very very very popular show in the uk like to the point where in the uk it i’m a celeb is such a cultural event every time it happens if so it airs i i think from sort of uh

November sort of like early november to mid-december-ish um you know it’s playing around the same time as all the christmas ads and that’s why it does so well you know it’s because um companies are paying lots of money to have their christmas ad shown and that sort of

Stuff and so it’s a really successful show um and it gets great ratings because when it shows around then if you walk down a street in the uk while an episode is on and you pop around the co and you peep in through someone’s window nine times out

Of ten that show will be on while it’s airing everyone in the country is tuning into this show but it’s [ __ ] [ __ ] it’s really like a very trash reality show but we love it um so the whole premise of the show is that a bunch of d-list celebrities

You know like a bunch of well they’re mostly d-list but some of them are pretty famous get sent off to australia to live in the jungle for three weeks and during that time they have to live together on camp and they have to do these mini games

Called bush tucker trials to win food for their camp and if they don’t get if they don’t do well in the mini-game then they just have to eat like rice and beans or something something like really really bland but if they do really well then they eat a feast and something like that

So i think normally what it does is they’ll get like you know a number of celebrities that aren’t terribly well known and they’ll get one celebrity who’s like super mega mega big dick famous like last year they had caitlyn jenner on which is like a pretty big

Deal and uh you know i don’t really remember else who else was on there it’s a very uk thing and the entire time you’ve got ant and deck who are these very famous british presenters i’m so far up this mountain where the [ __ ] am i who were just going like welcome back to

I’m a celebrity get me out of here last night last night we had this man say this about this woman and drama in the camp was at an all-time high are we gonna see me on the show god i would love that that would be really funny my jungle my camp

Yeah it’s a lot like it’s a lot like big brother but yeah yeah it’s a lot like big brother i’ve never actually watched an episode of big brother i’m not really into that kind of tv i don’t really watch live tv at all the most live thing i watch are the

Streams that my friends do no please this is the worst thing they added to minecraft since the [ __ ] since the [ __ ] the instantly added sex to minecraft they knew it was over [ __ ] stop it it was also really weird what’s the brits in the chat will know what’s the

Show is it love island or is it big brother where they have like the love shack you know where they actively encourage contestants to have sex with each other on the show it’s a little it’s a little weird a little bit weird hey piss off mate it’s pretty weird

But i guess it’s sort of normalized for tv now oh my god all right this is a [ __ ] disaster it’s love island i’ve never watched love island everyone is obsessed with that as well which [ __ ] way do i go i know i’m close oh do you know what the plan is all

Right top from the top of the mountain and we increase render distance that’s how we get back now come dine with me i would kill to go and come down with me that would be pretty pog god going on come dine with me with a bunch of boomers who have no [ __ ]

Idea what a v tuber is that’s a brilliant idea you can see how amazing of a cook i am i’ve never felt more sexy in my life than when i was on mister’s cooking stream and he had been like chopping the cucumbers in an awful way and then i

Came on and i chopped them properly and in those red gloves i was like man yeah i’m hot all right i guess i’m just i guess this is just how this is now [ __ ] hate this mechanic this is so annoying so annoying well i might have missed

Christmas thank you very much for the super i’m glad i met you too hmm i am your wife all right i guess yeah yeah i’m gonna relax as hard as i can i’m gonna go swimming gonna do all sorts of stuff gonna roast hot hot soup

Sooner or later you and you and andy will be out out camping roasting delicious hot schmoes they’re called s’mores buzz i keep getting recommended toy story videos on youtube it’s really i don’t i don’t mind because the toy story films are [ __ ] bangers but like why why now ah stop stop it

Stop it stop stop it now please ah let me play the game please i just want to get on the mountain i just want to go home all right you know what i’m i’m nerd polling there’s there’s no other way this is this is atrocious this gameplay

Mojang listen to me this is not fun this is not fun remove snow please yup oh you [ __ ] oh you [ __ ] [ __ ] get out this is so atrocious i hate this i hate everything about this fix yo game at least i got nice music at least i got my nice music going

You never know you never know what might happen stop i’m good i’m fine i’ve never been more fine in my life there we go all right we made it all right on the great ice plateau oh jing you love me i love you too the 64 [ __ ] chunks where do we go

Render it render it now show me where my castle is you [ __ ] show me and they hold you way up high bitter girl thank you for the super milky thank you myanm thank you very much jolene thank you the one red thank you welcome hey welcome to canada e

Will you be will he be as hospitable as the legend say if i wind up in canada i think it might be down here is it going to actually render down there because i know that ain’t 64 chunks it’s quite a few but it ain’t 64 of them

I think maybe it is i don’t know i don’t [ __ ] know how minecraft works thank you very much for the super bitter girl it’s kind of fitting this music in runescape is from an area that has a forest exactly like this really nearby it’s nice i love getting pickup lines it makes me

Feel so hot thank you jade oracle always nice to see your contributions quote in quotation marks oh no please wait feather falling i’m fine I think it’s this way Down to a sensible eight chunks please be good minecraft don’t crash on me it’s been three months i do forget you know what why not it’s a casual minecraft stream maybe we can have maybe we can have a bit of a change maybe we can have a bit of a change

Bitter girl are you doing a rainbow thank you god i really am a stripper aren’t i somebody just yelled at me to take it off and i did it without a second thought take it off [ __ ] whoa get that titties out and i’m like all right all

Go study thank you very much for the super oh the frame the frame rate minecraft is really too powerful a threadripper and a 3090 can’t even begin to handle this level of power bitter girl thank you for the arca super and the rainbow oh all right i’ll always remember to

Call you bitter girl love you too thank you very much for the arca super in the rainbow you’re so lovely thank you so so much i’ve got to be getting close now oh there’s something there’s something over there oh look at these frames good [ __ ] god

All right here we go we gotta reset it we gotta that’ll be fine nope it is not fine what the [ __ ] is that oh that’s a it’s not even a man-made thing oh i’m so low oh i’m so hopelessly lost i know it’s lagging how are you off funds you don’t have to

Pay me i mean i mean okay okay if you’re gonna treat me like a stripper the least you can do the least you can do is slip is slip a [ __ ] tenor into my underwear and then maybe i’ll take it off for you maybe i just took off my harry denise don’t

Get too excited michiko thank you very much for the aqua super hmm i think you’re sexy too png stripper who needs real strippers when you’ve got a png arm snippet as well damn all right all right you’re really you’re really really trying my [ __ ] patience sir but all right

How the [ __ ] do you want me to play minecraft how the [ __ ] do you want me to play minecraft my arms folded huh it’s a good thing i have telekin telekinetic powers dalmac thank you very much for the arka super benny benny benny benny rainbow holy [ __ ] thank you

I’m controlling minecraft with my brain right now fps seems to have been fixed which is nice that’s right i do need to look for a rock i do i do i need to look for a boulder it’s not just a boulder it’s a rock that’s just a stupid boulder

Ah the pioneers used to ride these babies for miles and now you’re trying to tell me that the pioneers could drive um rocks so lost right as the sad music kicks in oh i’m so hopelessly lost i gotta get out of here god the amount of spongebob is an

Extremely comforting show no matter what age you are thank you very much for the arka super what’s happening i’m stuck i think it lagged a little bit where do you want me to put put your money slip it into my underwear slip it in between my [ __ ] g string

Fold it between my balls and my magnum [ __ ] penis won’t get lost there i’ll take it out i don’t want to get a paper cut oops i dropped my monster condom for my magnum dog i think it would work you know you know you your dick gets happy sometimes and

It and it just sort of like you know i don’t feel like there’s enough centrifugal force there to keep some money suspended in midair still my last i’m gonna come across some kind of an ancient tomb of this right god okay wait gotta use f3 all right all right all right all right

All right all right all right all right um so this way this way towards spawn god these shaders are nice when the fps is working versus g-string funds thank you guys for all the supers you’ve been really really amazing today maybe i should just stay as stay stay

Upright like this the entire time so the heart like a third of the screen is the dedicated vox zone makes me feel like i’m playing [ __ ] arkham city you know where like one third of this one third of the screen is dedicated entirely to batman

The one red thank you very much for the supers canadians are welcoming oh lovely brits are the same brits are very hospitable but they do so even though they don’t want to they don’t want to be nice to you but they know they should and so they do anyway

So you get everything you need and they’ll take care of you but you also get hit with a load of passive aggression the light shafts are really nice true gamer doesn’t need a mouse to play video games this is true i’m just playing with my mind

Hooked me up with a little spell you know a little spell to control minecraft with my brain you think here thank you very much for the aka super oh no oh [ __ ] off you had me worried for a second i wasn’t sure whether to start crying or quote rule eight

Oh okay that was a good that was a good one that was a good one you ting here thank you very much for the arca super denise so if you get a paper cut down there do i get permission If you can muster the strength to pry it apart yes egg yeah go for it give me a [ __ ] kiss on my balls i need it after all the after all the [ __ ] that’s been going on i need a good cathartic bj that’d be nice aurora shad thank you very much mira

Trust thank you very much does that make it mind craft possibly but you’re asking questions that i don’t think we as a society are really ready to really ready to understand can you let me do oh my god can you let me do what i need to do where all right we’re good

Am i playing with my feet no i’m playing with my brain i’ve got wow i’ve got so much concentrated brain power shu yamino is uh is helping me out he hooked me up with a spell kevin spotted t sir oh i definitely would i got some tea left i’ve got a

Little bit left it’s cold now but it’s you know i guess it’s hydrating yeah gross at least i can wet my throat that’s good that’s good so anything else i would try is just a bonus no thank you thank you gamers play with their brains

God i had so much fun playing smash with volga the other day that was a really nice stream i had a lot of fun my gander off is kind of sexy all right is it this way it is all right guys am i gonna have to build a [ __ ] boat

Brittany thank you very much for the super oh nice well done good luck with everything lord chaos thank you very much hmm i had a burger from kfc recently and it was pretty peng um I don’t know and pizza is always good i’d say okay go if you’re going fast food if you’ve got the money for fast food only get borg if you got the if you’ve got if you’ve got a bit of dough you know if you’ve got a bit of cash waiting around

Go for pizza go for a gourmet pizza actually don’t order pizza go out to a pizza restaurant by yourself roll up like a like like like like a boogie [ __ ] and just be like hey table for one please all right i guess i’m going this way let’s make a boat

Here i am carrying my precious [ __ ] cargo all right we’re just going to put these down i’ll just get rid of the rotten flash easy boom boom all right here we go my boat I think i found it look there’s a torch yeah no already you’re right i have had quite the evolution haven’t i there’s my castle there’s my castle you’d love to see it hello hello treacle hello me old cream cracker you all right all right i want to finish the main body of the

Castle like the main sort of area and then what i want to do is i’ll decide whether or not i want to put more towers on the back um we’ll see we’ll see petra petra i haven’t seen petra on the server before petroglyn 2434 has joined the game hello hello

I am streaming by the way [ __ ] get the [ __ ] out of here hi vlogs hi petra is this petra’s first time on the server i’m just testing something no worries good luck look on your castle thank you thank you yay wholesome interactions love to see it

Right what do we have to do now then hammond and i are starting to build a castle but it’s taking a really [ __ ] long time oh my god i’m so sick and [ __ ] tired of these [ __ ] oh nick stefano that makes me super super happy that was the intention i’m glad

That i glad that i could make you happy unsponsored gear i drive a silent electric car hammond james uses a [ __ ] toilet and hammond commits arson hey walter let me hit the mates he is a weed car feet bottom all right all right we got it we got we

Got a built we got to get built let me get builting I feel like maybe i should stop with the like the the indent and then just build straight up a little bit so that it’s level with the first two towers maybe i can make those taller after a while that might be good i’d like this to be very very very very very tall

Put my regular bgm for a bit ivy thank you already thank you fox’s rip gloves thank you oh yeah i need to i i need to do that i need to take a picture of mine to be honest right i’m gonna i’m gonna make a complete confession i’ve been putting off posting

My balencias because i’ve already got like a couple little stains on them and i really don’t want people to think that i don’t care about how expensive those shoes are truth is i’ve never had expensive shoes before ever i have never owned an expensive pair of shoes like

That and so i just treat them like regular shoes i just wear them everywhere and so as a result they’ve just picked up a few spots and marks all over the place and it also doesn’t help that they’re pure white shoes so you know there’s a

Bit of dirt on them now it’s like [ __ ] you know i don’t want people to yeah i don’t even look at it and be like sir your valencias have a marker i’m like i know they’re shoes they might have been expensive but they’re still shoes of course gonna have stains that’s what

I mean i just don’t want people to think that i’m being dumb [ __ ] buoy i really did get some [ __ ] clown shoes yeah viola thank you very much your palms are too hot i i really wouldn’t know i’d assume it’s like sort of an inherent thing um i don’t know you

Better ask um a doctor about that jaylen j thank you very much benny benny thank you very much for the arka super synesthesia in hearing i can see sound and voice ah your voice is a calm color pink and silver and a touch of gold man you’re gonna make me cry that was

The most beautiful thing i’ve ever read and it’s about me my voice has a nice color wow holy [ __ ] that’s i’m really happy i could have helped you sleep that’s a really a really really beautiful thing to say about somebody thank you my voice has a nice guys they said my

Voice has a nice color oh how where you know deep down in my heart i still love you do you know my favorite incarnation of that video oh gosh from hitomi oh next month is my birthday happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday dear for me happy birthday to you I always like giving giving the people what they want giving them a little bit of a happy birthday all right so how far does this one go yeah i think i’ll just go one two three more on this one two three and then i’m just gonna keep building up straight for a bit

Because right now i think the towers need to get taller i think what i can do is remove the roof and just make them slightly thinner and have them spire up a little higher like i was saying um what the [ __ ] was i gonna say it was my

Favorite incarnation of something but i can’t remember what it was oh [ __ ] gotta turn render distance down a bit can’t afford to have a nasty fall this high up due to lag yes yes so my favorite incarnation of that video is just it in reverse something about that just works so

[ __ ] well so there’s um basically what happens is it starts and then going like and then it’s suddenly it all increases and he goes like It’s like he’s just he’s in [ __ ] misery and then he very quickly decides to shut up it’s so funny reversing video has so much untapped comedic potential have you seen the one um you know the one of tom scott vaping luka luka i’m streaming i missed you welcome home hello

We’ve seen the one of um what’s his name of tom scott vaping which is there is anything chokes on it there’s a um there’s a version of that where it’s reversed and it it’s it’s like he’s violently coughing and then a passing cloud of vape appears and he just slurps

It up and it just resuscitates him back to health he’s like anyway like it’s [ __ ] brilliant oh you’re so right micaze thank you for the reminder yay i miss you too luca also please give me my iron door back you took it big excuse to get him to come over see

The castle progress i am homeless what happened is luka like is he is he i forgot but i don’t have anything anymore why not for a second i thought he meant in real life like he was traveling and he hadn’t gotten home yet and he was just like in

A train station booting up minecraft Thank you very much for the aqua super sweet kiss my favorite kind of kiss is the sweet one lovely lovely lovely job lovely jubbly and that’s where this one should go i actually lost everything i don’t know what happened what how that doesn’t make sense if i lost this castle i’d be

Distraught probably stop playing god that’s so weird did everything just different did somebody blow blow up his [ __ ] or something so it’s right about aha that’s how i’ll do it okay Down All righty then petra no petrol Luca boom superhero landing my boy what did they do to you did your [ __ ] get blown up or what he’s been fugged guys he’s been fogged he’s been fugged luka it’s okay it’s okay my boy hey i don’t cry don’t cry luka don’t cry boy i’ll help you show me the damages

Where is the where is the problem i miss oh i miss living with you too does chad know where we slept yet um oh i don’t think they do don’t think they do well i guess it’s safe now that we’ve all now that the whole move now the whole trip is over

But yeah no so um during the during the stay uh there were two bnbs you know wink wink there were two b and b’s um just due to like just due to travel stuff you know we needed space for a lot of people and one of them was just shared by me ike

And luca we um we stayed in our own place and that was the one that ike was talking about where the birds were really loud and everything and that was just that was our place and it was like a little a little um 60 of luxium house for a while it was nice

After that after that oh oh right okay okay shall i tell them shall i tell them sorry i had it a bit wrong i thought it was cute but oh no this is this is a little saucy i don’t know if i’m allowed yeah i thought you had already all right all right

So essentially when uh ike left us uh he went home pretty much the same day that our bnb ran out so the one that ike and luca and i had was um uh we didn’t have it for as long as the others had theirs and so when it ran out

Uh mike was like hey guys i’m gonna head home and he headed home uh but luca and i were left pretty much without a place to stay luca had already arranged with uh the others to go and stay with them and uh he was gonna he was just gonna stay over there however

I actually had neglected to make plans um i’d neglected to make plans and i didn’t have a place to stay i sort of came over and i asked you know i don’t really have anywhere to stay would you guys have space so i can crash with you and they were like hmm well

We’ve only you know we don’t have that much space and they realized well i mean we do have us we do have a spare bed and i thought that’s great that’s great you just have to share with luca and so for the last two days of the trip

I shared a bed with luca it was a double bed we weren’t like cuddling or anything but it was really [ __ ] funny the amount of times that like because he goes to sleep a lot earlier than i do and so the amount of times that like he would just be completely [ __ ] dead

Conked out asleep and i would just i would just kind of like softly get my pajamas and i just kind of like crawl in bed and then he and then to him he would go to sleep in the evening and wake up and i would be there

In his bed and he has to wonder like what the [ __ ] happened but yes luca and i shared a bed he’s a big guy i mean we’re both the same hyper he’s a big guy and he um it’s weird he he snores inconsistently on the first night he had this like little

Sniffly snore but then the second night he didn’t so i guess it’s sort of i guess it’s sort of like i don’t know it’s inconsistent the way the same way that i sleep talking consistently yeah we were yeah we were roommates we shed a bed for a little bit i had a cold

Sag oh no oh no oh he’s shaking he’s i missed luca a lot he’s a lot of fun to hang out with yeah he’s a big guy and he took up a lot of space and we were both big men and so sharing a bed was like you know

Yes the only one bed trope it literally was it literally was me having to share a bed um based on circumstance yeah i think i think boss is feeling much better now uh if you’ve lost everything would you like uh would you like a gift i have some spare armor over here that

Nina meant to give to me but you know my arm is all fine still so you might be welcome to take it shaken no need for armor i like being naked my man oh my god they were roommates thank you very much my man um i’m still curious about what the [ __ ] happened

Didn’t you have a whole house because it’d be weird if his [ __ ] got missing but everything of mine is completely fine i don’t know is there is there like a crater or some [ __ ] what happened making disney and i die but now everyone is gone can you can you show me

Lead the way i’m gonna invest he’s not nodders he’s nodding rapidly not as dude i’m hungry oh oh oh i’ve got a mistake for you my man my man i have no idea what [ __ ] happened to him did someone grief him did someone steal his [ __ ]

I mean to be fair luke is a bit of a prankster so i can imagine that over this time he might have made a few enemies we’re going to disney we’re going to disney let’s go god i remember earlier on i was i was thinking about like

How it’s been quite a few streams since we’ve had someone else join us in minecraft think where’s he taking us i wonder i haven’t been out this way in quite a while he got pranked back i see oh he’s he’s doing the [ __ ] he’s doing the [ __ ]

Pokey’s castle he’s like it was showing me where to go and he did oh luca luca you can’t ch that’s cheated i guess this is the magic way i guess this is the magic way yeah luca might be pranking me but i’ve got what do i have

We’ve got fire protection i should be all right i just hope he doesn’t drop me into lava somewhere because i spent a long time getting this nether right spent a long you guys remember that live stream i spent a long [ __ ] time getting that the tower the pickle the wheat the railroad track

You know once akuma castle is finished i’m thinking i might try and expand sort of beneath it and maybe make the underside of the mountain into like a mines of maurya type of situation you know where you’ve got like winches and sort of you know all the things that you see and

Mines going down or some [ __ ] and now i’m going to get someone who’s actually worked and i’m being like um actually we don’t have those that’s not how mines work i’m like i don’t care i saw it in the [ __ ] hobbit so in the [ __ ] little bit

The one red thank you for a super will there’ll be a place on the ramparts for guards oh okay that would be fun that would be fun i can figure like something i can figure something like that out where are you taking us you silly boy where are you taking us

Some deep slate i see i had this horrific vision of luca having used deep slate to build an exact copy of akuma castle disney disney there’s the slide yeah i’ve seen this Yay yay i was really worried i was gonna hightail it straight into [ __ ] lava there boeing yay It’s a good start that’s what killed me oh no that seems all fine he’s still got a lot of his stuff you’ve got the middle d’s nip room the best thing about installing optifine is the [ __ ] The way you just coaster do i trust you luca do i trust you we’ll have to see keeping a block in my hand keeping a block in my hand so i can i can stop it if something goes wrong It works it works very good fun i enjoyed super pog man super pog pagan oh my [ __ ] god look at this you know that’s a pogging rollercoaster you’ve got there i will have five more okay there’s miss it sounds like he’s gonna kill five more people amazing

Very very very proud of my my boy and his coaster Is this the snack bomb it’s gonna build big tower oh like one of the ones that drops you interesting that’s gonna be a death trap like this it’s cool you got the little water channels oh we should experiment with something like this for the castle

What about what if we did it with lava oh [ __ ] oh my god that’s such a good idea that’s such a good [ __ ] idea we could do that with lava and of course because it’s like oh my man bog yeah we’re gonna do that we’re gonna do

That on the inside that’s get i want to do that for the design of the entire floor that is that this looks so good holy [ __ ] wow howie oh seed luca kaneshiro gave me his seed no click bait my my new keyboard’s on the fritz you gotta you gotta forgive me yes

Yes dude i need more a pogba will beat me as in defeat you or beat you up i don’t want him to beat loot also i don’t think you could beat luka up i think he’s i think he’s i think he’s a very strong boy boy boring

Just just here having a little having a little bouncy castle party with my buddy luca boing boing boing boing boing boing we amazing really just [ __ ] spectacular love to see it yeah absolutely love to see it And yes she’ll beat him up good lord don’t want to see that don’t want to see that whatsoever luca beard it pains me terribly to know that poem is going to beat you up we’ll we’ll we’ll make this happen um i will build a big tunnel where to my boy underneath her

Now luca that’s not ethical it would be funny though it would be funny though big tunnel terry ah you can’t just pass off someone else’s work as your own make disney the best it’s all yours my boy you don’t need to steal gotta teach my son some good lusts okay

If i take pulmoversal then pum reversal is no more i know luca but some things just aren’t worth gambling with you have a bit more of my dry [ __ ] weetabix well let’s be honest right weetabix with milk just go soggy way too fast just put a little sugar in the in

The bowl and it’s nice oh exceptionally dry but with sugar i think i think it’s bearable um oh what what did they take from you my customers is that what you were getting at um [Laughter] just you watch what’s he gonna do sassy disney will will will win

Thank you very much for the super julia i’m eating some dry [ __ ] wheat because it was literally the last thing i had left i’m gonna have a nice big dinner tonight You know where’s the sleepover welcome where the hell i was when i woke up huh what happened Ah i wasn’t used to my badge oh right because you got home oh god i thought somebody kidnapped luca for a second i was like at least they were kind enough to give you your laptop i was worried i thought you got kidnapped oh hang on a minute do i trust this

Do i trust this do i trust this i do have i do have feather falling because all i saw was a was a blue light in the distance oh my god oh my god luca that’s terrifying i mean i’ve got i’ve got a feather falling i’ll give it a go oh [ __ ]

Now wait no no this is fine this is fine what the hell nice attempt and i guess it’s an xp farm in a way that was album laughing my ass yeah it doesn’t luca it doesn’t really work though does it like you could just put lava down there and it would be fine

They griefed me no how could they no luca don’t go down there luca no it’s dangerous finger snapping like all like i like doing that i have a bad habit i do a lot how could they grief you those rat bastards i mean then again luca does

Grief back quite a bit this is why i’m happy to just be off on my own celen xp farm 2 well that’s death that’s death down there unless i hang on a minute that’s just stone it’s just stone this one is very inspired there’s nothing down there it’s a weird contraption sealed

For the good of all mankind no one should be allowed to fall victim to their to their capers their tricks god what strange what a strange turn of events jesus it’s got a lot of nice little thing i have to go now okay luka it was lovely to see you again

I miss you shield hero calls for me captain america actually there’s a myth a myth you say He’s typing stopping for a while if you peeled and he [ __ ] dissaperates well all right then luca all right then in the meantime that was a good and uh pretty profitable expedition because i’ve learned more about that lava stair floor thingy that sounds like fun

I should go to figure out how to do it goodbye luca we hardly knew him he said that we should have a jellyfish stung him in his mouth and he wanted me to piss on it be good to have a road going this way you know hmm i wonder where this goes

I haven’t really explored many other people’s builds in a while i’ve been so sigma male focused on my own build also there are no powered rails this thing isn’t going to last very long is it momo thank you for the super happy children’s day to atong aquarius well that’s not going anywhere what

What’s actually down here i wonder i’ve never been here this way before and his door was never he didn’t give me my [ __ ] door that bastard that rat he walked away with my door i just leads to a [ __ ] bed what’s this over here that rap bastard walked away with my [ __ ] door

Ah oh well what’s this there must be a cake nearby hmm i love youtube poops there’s a youtube boob of the hobbit and in the line where he says there must be a cave nearby those changes there must be a cake nearby and i don’t know there must be a cake nearby

It’s albert’s birthday cake oh lovely i’m glad he had such a good birthday i feel bad that i couldn’t be there for more of it i just had a really really busy day ah good stream good stream feeling happy right now Silent thank you for the arka super maybe one day i mean one day i can get a new costume that’s me and like uh it’s me and some lingerie or something that’d be pretty fun here i go just gotta keep an eye out and see if it’s gonna drop me off Yay the great nini sunny sign oh it it doesn’t take you anywhere just [ __ ] stops and send you back okay what is that there’s all the campfires it’s nice and mysterious having a low rendered distance i don’t mind it i don’t mind i don’t mind it i really don’t here we go

Put your hands up in the air Move your body around like you just don’t care Iron farm fruity i’ve never used this before how does this work oh it just works on its own you don’t even have to do anything it just hmm ah now here’s something i want to do so those of you who those of you who don’t know i most of my minecraft experience

Is actually not with the vanilla game i’ve played a lot less of vanilla minecraft than i have of um modded minecraft uh most of my experience actually um was i think honestly almost a decade ago now probably more than a decade ago playing minecraft with a group of people

Who all played tekkit together didn’t you guys play tekkit back in the day you guys play tekkit classic with buildcraft industrial craft that kind of stuff yeah yeah i am i used to play a lot of that and my favorite part of tekkit was um i never really got into hexa but tekkit

Was my favorite my favorite part of tekkit was learning how to automate was learning how to make big systems and stuff like that stuff like pipes and quarries and that kind of stuff and just making a factory that builds something and equivalent exchange was a lot of fun too it made

Sort of mass production of resources a lot easier it would have made with the amount of diamonds i have it would have made this whole build so much easier because i’d be able to just turn one diamond to 8 000 deep slate um well i’m thinking right now we’ve got that um

We’ve got the you know the the array of furnaces wouldn’t it help to set up some hoppers so that we could potentially you know automate that service a little bit so perhaps instead of having to find an individual [ __ ] thing instead of having to find an individual furnace placing in an individual source

Of fuel we make a chest for coal a chest for smeltables and then they automatically go into the furnace and then they automatically go into a new furnace or into a new chest love these stairs Yeah an auto smelter i can do that this is my ballpark this is what i’m used to in minecraft that’s what i love building building a sentry hang on let me use that for the this this thing’s almost fully healed Hmm so i wonder how i would make this work hmm first of all we need lots of hoppers not a minecart with poppy a [ __ ] a regular come on you decay that’s not what i’m asking you chest and ironing it so we made a load of chests earlier

Um there they are and then we need 11 hoppers good start oh just drop my pickaxe straight on the ground love to see it uh i can grab some more fuel possibly some more coal from somewhere thank you very much rustle up some grub okay

So how am i gonna make this work then oh my god this is the forge we need to do the stair thingy in here that’s gonna look so good that’s perfect for here all right let’s make the floor out of tile let’s make the floor out of tile

This is what i want to do these are all the things i want and what i want to do what i do want to do um all right tile put another brick away for now tile stairs make three of those and three of the regular thingies okay

And then we’re gonna need buckets uh i’ve got a load of buckets just not with they’re downstairs okay never mind we’ll do that in a bit um let me grab the food this is the two by two so here’s what we’ll do perfect well not perfect at all actually terrible terrible stuff

How do i do that i’m guessing that’s not possible damn disappointment already ah [ __ ] oh balls blue bloody [ __ ] yeah let’s just do that here then we’ll have some tile down there so that’s like the entrance way okay and then let’s try and figure out how we’re going to do a pattern here

So maybe there there yes are you ready all right that’s just gonna be a big hole with lava in it we can’t have that now this on the other hand is a lot more like it so this looks like sort of like in um erebor you know have you ever seen the hobbit

Where there’s sort of all of these all of those big channels of tunnels and stuff with lava going everywhere to to smelt things need to have that need to have a bit of that you know maybe not not too zigzaggy let’s have it be sort of rudimentary let’s have it be

Organized like it’s actually going somewhere yeah that’s what i’m talking about that’s a four across two down beautiful this is good this is good yes to execute my vision my vision for this beautiful castle we can have one flowing one that looks like it’s flowing into the dungeon

Perfect okay okay no i can do that ella eater of course that’s okay i have to be honest roxanne cosplayers you’re a very y’all are very beautiful please keep it up please keep up the good work you’re doing a good service to humanity oh this is going to look good this is

Going to look [ __ ] sick all right here we go Blaze good to see dark deception would you guys like to see me play that i’ve never i’ve heard of it i’ve never played it before Okey-dokey yes it’s difficult uh well difficult games thereby normal this is what i’m used to all right let’s all right so that’s a good start i would be oh my god it’d be useful to have like what if in the middle we had like a foundry here like a big thingy

With a load of lava just spewing out of it oh my god that’d be so sick all right let’s go down to the dungeon grab the buckets see if we can get some larva There’s two already i wonder if the lava will flow organically or if we’ve got to do it ourselves you know source blocks everywhere which would be a bit of a challenge but we can certainly do it is it just [ __ ] how do you do it how do

You do it do you have to like place the lava and then place the thingy on top of it or or maybe there’s got to be a source block that it flows into definitely not you can make the lava on the floor as your light source in the holes of your castle beautiful

Yeah i can do it what it only works with did luka [ __ ] lie to me i was so excited i was so excited about that oh my god i was so excited no i was so excited to do that oh no man oh i was so inspired [ __ ] All right well i guess there’s we can salvage this um maybe with some iron trap doors instead we can have lava running under the ground and that way if they’re iron trapdoors they won’t burn we can still treat that as something to some inspiration we can still make something cool out of that

Could glass work maybe i don’t have much glass hmm stick my buckets here hang on i’m actually going to look this up because i feel like there should be a way of doing it minecraft lava in stairs oh it’s just people sort of suggesting it

We could just do it with water to be fair we could do it with water because you need cooling you know in a situation like a forge you do need cooling but all right tell you what we will have water logging on the stairs but what we won’t have

We’ll also have lava but that will be behind iron trap doors i think that will work either iron trap doors or glass let’s maybe do a bit of both so black glass oh oh no that now that’s in it now that’s inspiring hold on hold on hold on um uh glass oh maybe Chat you never cease to [ __ ] amaze me you always have such good ideas tinted glass it is that’s more important actually lava get out of there iron get out of there i want to cook some food all right let’s put all of this back and let’s go and get some sand shall we

Go efficiency and fortune of my [ __ ] shovel let’s go get some sand shall we i love you guys this has been a fun stream Tinted glass traps light does it oh i mean regular regular glass see grass glass might work as well we can give it a try boom there too thank you very much thank you thank you put lava on a ladder block in the hall um it could work although

What i’m hoping for it’s it’s an aesthetic choice you know i do um we just want a channel of lava running underneath the forge oh oh magma blocks now that is inspiring um savannah i’ve tried vanilla coke it’s nice eric thank you very much oh

I’m sorry dude but i’m glad i could have made you feel a little bit better that’s what it’s all about i’m really happy that i get to be a source of comfort in people’s lives that’s all i want to be just make sure that they

Want to see and that when they see it it makes them smile i need more i need more than that i’m a simple man when people smile i smile hmm Ah no but that’s the twist i am this wholesome i’ve always been this wholesome hello oh no oh also i swear i remember lucas saying that he was looking for a desert by him for ages and never found one so yeah this this right here is our best source of sand i believe

They come back thank you very much i am a big scary demon i’m a [ __ ] monster i’m huge and disgusting and terrifying and if you come near me i’ll i’ll um i’ll kill you or thank you very much for the arc super i love spending time with you too thank you

Lovely to see you thank you so much for the aka super kumiko oh good to see you too long time no seeing indeed all right oh wait just one more and we’ll have two stacks should be enough what we have planned so you can make tinted glass with

Amethyst how do you make um how do you make um black glass is that just tinted glass or is there like a special recipe for it because i can’t find it in my recipe book lays i’m glad i terrified the [ __ ] out of your cat that’s kind of sweet

You guys have seen um there’s a cat on tick tock called bender and he’s [ __ ] fat as hell um and there’s a video of him like kind of bobbing his head forward whenever he meows he’s just looking the camera goes he bobs his head towards the camera

It’s like he’s trying to tell us something and then someone realized that if you slow it down a tiny tiny bit it perfectly syncs up look to look like he’s making the fnaf2 ambient noises it’s very funny it’s very funny boom the the chicken killer A glorious day it is glorious day i’m excited for this week’s schedule i’ve picked a lot of fun games i played alien isolation a little bit ago like a few years back when it first came out and i haven’t played it since it’s almost game it came out [ __ ] eight

Years ago same year as fdaf which is ridiculous i’m excited to play that and i’m also excited to play stanley parable which again i’ve played a bit of but not much and i’m also excited to play closing shift tomorrow everyone i feel like it’s a game that every [ __ ]

Person in need en has played it’s like everyone’s just waiting for their turn to play closing shift ashley me too now they’re relaxing for me as well i think they’re relaxing in the sense that i tend to get really hard on myself you know when i look at numbers and

Stuff because i think every streamer has to be to an extent um you know we’ve all got to like be analytical and think like all what works what doesn’t uh but sometimes what you enjoy isn’t necessarily what does well and always doing what you enjoy it

Would be nice and relaxing but also it can you know sometimes you might be jeopardizing your income and stuff like that minecraft is one of the nicest things for me because everyone loves to watch it and it’s also just really fun it’s really like a lovely spot to have

In my schedule every week have i played amore yes i have completed i beat omori a long time ago and i was actually the one who recommended it to ike and i’m glad that it made him [ __ ] cry because it made me cry the bit in a more okay actually that’s a

Spoiler but there’s a bit in a more like it’s not the ending but there’s a bit and i’m worrying um where i literally like i needed to take like an hour break because i was crying so hard that game is very very impactful i’m a big weepy demon sometimes i might

Be evil and terrifying but i occasionally do cry every once in a while like where oh wait bring me my blankie i’m gonna sob you know where’s the amethyst i swear i had a bunch of it there’s a bit more ten we get two lovely tinted glass okay let’s try this

Now where did i put the lava it was in here here yes oh wait wait wait no no this is the wrong place uh we need it down a level down there yes I can’t believe luca lied to me i mean i can believe it but i’m still upset hang on we need um i think the lava is getting a bit confused we need it not to go anywhere there we go damn it oh it gets dropped but it’s gone now but nice

Yeah that’s good so how do you make black glass then Hang on a minute Stained died into state right so you don’t make tinter glass gotcha okay well tinted glass will be good uh for other things but we’ve got that now so it should be fine right squid ink squid games my favorite now we gotta go get that i guess all right squid games let’s go sean

Thank you very very much although most of the time i don’t understand what you’re talking about voice makes you feel very warm that’s all i’m asking it’s all i’m asking thank you very much i get happy too when you watch my live stream let’s go and murder some wildlife on squid games

We’ll do it around the conduit as well so we get water breathing boom squids are scary in this game where’s the conduit at i want to use the conduit mate krisu thank you very much thank you for the ankle super important english exam very soon can you give me some encouragement

You’re gonna ace that exam and i know you will because you’re a kindred and kindred are [ __ ] smart like that good luck okay it’s gonna go fine how am i gaming with my arms crossed well let me tell you it’s shu yamino that that rap bastard hooked me up with

A uh with a spell i’m using to control the game with my brain it takes a lot of brain power but of course i have that in abundance as you as you might imagine kaiden thank you very very much thank you mimi thank you one of the lovely aqua super thank you

So much I love you guys i love you very much squid games squid gaming [ __ ] squid squillium What happens quick squib squibbed game scream game skaki oh someone remembered squike That was a strange that was a strange turn of events that was a strange stream very happy i did that believe it or not what what huh do you have to do it with tinter glass huh what what died oh you’ve got a surround ah that’s weird

All right but i guess it means you don’t use up as much dye that is helpful yay stained glass dude pog yeah that’s what i’m talking about all right let’s go and get a bunch more lava shall we and before we go let’s fill up the what we do have with water

That isn’t what i what i wanted i am oh yes this will look good this will look very good with water on either side okay i’m worried whenever i walk over it uh chesapeake dipper thank you very much for the super was that an akka super that i missed

Tutu thank you for the aka super i really enjoyed the moment that you chat with us in minecraft streaming because the atmosphere is so comfortable hmm yeah that’s what i’m all about thank you eva punk thank you very much i loved doing yesterday’s asmr i’m glad

I got to make people cry a little bit that’s really does fuel me beautiful beautiful stuff lovely all right lava time keeping some fish in the castle that would be a nice idea i do i say that and i throw them into the into the fountain

Like swim my fishies oh wait that’s lava i’m really glad you guys enjoyed the fluff and and this week’s asmr will be more fluff with the same character i think i’ve definitely overdone it with the uh the sexual stuff for a while so it’s gonna be nice to have a change

Well then maybe it’ll be a little more spicy you never know maybe there will be an honest and uh loving loving um sort of spicy scene between you and the the new boyfriend who knows who knows jen vox’s soft pillow thank you for the agar super it made me feel very relaxed

And comfortable besides i’m reviewing for the final exam recently oh good in a strict way what on earth do you think you’re doing spending your time watching a stream and giving your money when you should be studying you stupid [ __ ] get on with your work and make me proud okay

I can only be i can only be stern for so long i feel mean ow ow stop it oh wait that’s lava that’s what we need what the [ __ ] is wrong with me you stupid [ __ ] [ __ ] get on with your work just try and be of value to me for one second please

Thoughts on dnd stream with the the rest of en god i would love that i’d love to be a dm and uh take take especially luxian on a little adventure but also that would take a lot of prep take a lot of prep and campaigns take a while you

Know it would take it would take a long while of us sort of planning stuff making characters that kind of stuff maybe even making our own campaign and i’d also need for them to commit a lot of time to helping me out you know to seeing that project through but you know

I would love it but you never know one day it might actually happen i’d like for that i’d like for that tremendously yes this is good hey [ __ ] get out of here get out oh [ __ ] wait we should have damn uh don’t wait wait wait wait wait i can

Ah i can fix this i know the water’s gonna no hang on ow [ __ ] [ __ ] do you know i’m working with someone dangerous right now [ __ ] off you you you you [ __ ] oh [ __ ] off [ __ ] off get out yes this is gonna look good this is gonna look good yeah baby all right

Sorry stained glass i gotta get rid of you for a sec i [ __ ] up i [ __ ] up it ain’t your fault it’s not you it’s me babe okay yay bow bow thank you very much salina thank you very much yes this is going just according to plan oh you [ __ ] leave me alone

Oh x good luck with your dinner don’t worry about it thomas i’m an ep boy i’m a cpep boy i’m hungry i’m very hungry very hungry indeed oh [ __ ] huh how did that happen oh that thing’s made out of wood all right that’s gonna be a problem that would have been an issue

Hmm oh oh [ __ ] there was a gap okay good thing that’s doing like zero damage oh and it’s obsidian now uh better the shorts just like jack baker would say sure beats the hell out of dying the man who works with lava succumbs to lava who the [ __ ] would have thought of that

Oh don’t you don’t you try it oh that’ll look good yeah that’ll be good yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah so the water like kind of goes around it yeah yeah yeah words of encouragement do my work today do your [ __ ] work stop watching my stream it’s more important than i am

Okay you’re smart you’re you’re hey you’re a smart sweet little thing you can do your work don’t prioritize something silly like a stream instead of your work okay you’re gonna kill it but it’s gotta be sensible all right all right time to go get an infinite water source i think Uh blue 21 hours 45 minutes Well done you did it 21 hours that’s longer than it took me wait actually no across two streams yeah 22 hours you beat my best time well not my best time i’ve i’ve beaten the game twice since and i beat it in an hour but you did it

You persevered and you did it i’m very proud of you megan good to see you i’m sorry you feel sick but i’m sure you’ll get better soon i know yeah that’s what i’m doing making infinite water source infinite sauce just put it here for now lovely yeah let’s just figure out what we’re

Doing with this so we’ll place this the the stained glass down to kind of define where the lava is going to go we go towards the forge and we’ll kind of slip underneath and then we can stop worrying about it shut up leave me alone playing minecraft Oh hang on everyone get a phone call give me a sec All done all done just uh just some work related stuff some moving stuff no no i know i was muted i checked pretty thoroughly i’m a good boy i know what i’m doing you can’t fool me i’m the [ __ ] gingerbread man baby oh wait oh interesting Thank you so so much sleep well to everyone going to bed I hope you have a good sleep he he har har all right time to go get some more lava this is shaping up to be a pretty cool place cinnamon thank you very much oh you should try pilk it’s surprisingly good i agree it looks revolting from the

Outside i think it’s pretty nice maybe you don’t have too much because it definitely confuses your stomach quite a bit but i think it’s nice oh great that’s very sweet you’d be more than welcome to try although you just gotta watch out i might um if you try putting something in my

Pocket i might grab you by the hands and kiss you and then where would we be i’m gonna idea of how to get rid of this water lovely there we go baby i’m very glad very very glad that you’ve been having a good time my chen

Pick a piece of classical music for you i love classical music is modern classical at all um allowed or is it just um you know actual classical because if i would say actual i really like um not just for its place in meme culture but also just the song itself i really

Like the whole of the mountain king um but then if you would if you were allowed to do something modern i’d say something by nelson or something else i used to listen to him quite a bit i thought his music was quite inspiring um yeah there you go i think it’s nice to

Have it be a bit uneven sort of moving around a little bit under there it’s not bad a piece thank you mission failed no i’m sorry i tried so hard and got so far but in the end it doesn’t even matter [ __ ] just [ __ ] don’t push me don’t push me

I’ll gut you i’ll gut you mate lovely wait no we want stairs here oh and that also yeah no we i want i want it to be i want the illusion to sort of survive it needs to go a little further than that maybe we can kind of go down like that

That’s good that’s good oh and we need also yeah we need to put some deep sleep down here because you can see a bit of dirt you need the illusion to work don’t you you need to make it aesthetically pleasing oh [ __ ] that’s all because obsidian now

I’m such a [ __ ] idiot oh no yeah that’ll do i’ll do donkey that right there is pretty good i don’t like that though no actually i want to make it more even all right let’s go get some more lava yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah in the meantime let’s cook some more sand

Let’s cook some more [ __ ] sand get this all working lovely lovely lovely lovely lovely just get out of here point get away from me bastard get the [ __ ] away from me i’ll have you know i graduated top of my class in the [ __ ] navy seals mate Dead um let’s go get some more larvae nothing vodka and milk that sounds disgusting but give it a bit let me know how it is whoa vilk yeah maybe don’t try vilk that this doesn’t sound pretty good i had whiskey and milk once that was [ __ ] disgusting and i like whiskey oh

Give it a rest oh my god the way it just sticks it ah no all right never mind um you can [ __ ] off yeah you can [ __ ] off um get out of here water get out of here i don’t like you anymore friendship ended with water now lava is my best friend uh

We could do with here we could do with more lava or not it’s very odd something is odd about lava it just sort of doesn’t do what you want it to do like why like what’s what’s causing it to flow in that specific direction like what makes it do that

Could be something underneath it oh oh oh oh wait that’s gonna annoy me so much i just wanted to be flat and still and well behaved but it doesn’t seem to want to do that all right fair enough i just wanted to do what i [ __ ] tell it to do

I’m getting [ __ ] angry let me start building out this way maybe that’ll fix it uh nope not at all it still just looks [ __ ] weird damn it still just looks [ __ ] weird hammond what are you doing with that lava it’s still flowing you [ __ ] why on earth is it like this man

Why has it got to be this way you were just like me trying to build something but who’s to judge the bad from good in the end it just looks like [ __ ] and i’m gonna get rid of the sides as well this is a more complicated build than i had really envisioned It is officially getting on my [ __ ] nerves it’s getting on my [ __ ] nerves oh i don’t like you i don’t like what you stand for you’re a piece of [ __ ] get out of my house give me two hundred dollars damn it just do what i tell you to do for five minutes For five [ __ ] minutes I’m very annoyed just wanted to build something with lava and water close by and now look at what it’s done there’s just this big hole ah just stop flowing look like what i tell you to look like don’t put a torch down there what do you think you’re doing oh stop it

I hate this i really do hate it ah get out of here first of all get out of here i’m so angry i’m so i i ah i’m so [ __ ] pissed why is it like this why is it like this i don’t understand britney yes i think the only way that i

Can possibly relieve the frustration i feel trying to deal with this right now is if i [ __ ] threw somebody in there maybe has to do with how far down it goes i don’t know yeah yep it’s fine ignore me ignore me lava yeah you do you think do you think lord chaos nina

Corbin and clara’s cow thank you for all that you’ve done i am going to give that a [ __ ] break because my balls are getting in a twist shut the [ __ ] up salty falter you rap bastard you know i’m trying my best to do something interesting shut the [ __ ] up

I mean this with love shut the [ __ ] up i am losing my goddamn mind out here i’m losing my goddamn mind man oh my god i can’t take it anymore at least i got my glaze Uh what do we do now then um you know what i’m gonna do i’m gonna collect up all this lava and we’re gonna do it another time we’re gonna fix this another time I’m going to collect up as much of the lava as i can and then let’s do something more fun let’s get some black stone and oh why don’t we um let’s get some black stone and let’s start designing some molten braziers around the place yeah that ought to be nice I don’t know how much black stone we have server restart in five minutes i’ll restart your balls send them back to their maker yamama um do you actually have any i don’t think we do how miserable rip gloves thank you very much and green thank you like the other hot stuff ah

Just gotta get rid of all the torches in there uh you know it shouldn’t be too hard i think i’ll just have like bump oh oh no not good i ain’t gonna work i think it would just go straight down is that gonna be stuck there now oh that does look alright actually

Though um here’s the plan here’s the plan yes looks nice then like a [ __ ] extractor fan nice and then let’s get some more deep slate lovely it’s like a little [ __ ] rod yeah swallow your rod come suck god yes well it’s a classic leave me alone everybody knows this

Make it look like a chimney yeah yeah yeah yeah yes this is four from here so we’ll do this one uh one two three four from that side um maybe none actually because that’s like the exit way into the tower opposite though we could do that one two three four Yeah this is good this is going pretty well i like this design [ __ ] this is adding quite a bit of volume dare i say and let’s add one in the very middle back here that’s bigger bolder i call this one bald and brash more like belongs in the trash [ __ ] call me sans undertale because i just won’t die i’m purposefully neglecting the game i don’t give a [ __ ] about the game i don’t want to work on the gate the gate hates me i hate the gate the gate is the gate korechan thank you very more like be logs in the trash Mental like that maybe we’ll just make it bigger yeah sort of more restrained though so it’s still thin but it’s like wide like that yes that is good that is very good all right let’s build up we’ve needed to tidy this place up for a while

Yeah this one will run from the very very top oh no oh no harumi thank you very much for the super i’m glad i’m glad you slept well because i’ve got a big bone yeah you didn’t have to you don’t have to tell the whole [ __ ] parade about it

All right that’s good so we’ll just build that up to the top nope yes yes as a yes Boom boom it’s gonna take a while to fall down let’s see if we can finish the build before it does very good indeed very good i like this very much this is nice this is nice uh you know what symmetry let’s put some nether brick on this side

Jade oracle you’ve been on fire with the pickup lines today always gives me a nice chuckle a nice hearty grin there you are there you are the throne oh no no the throne is the centerpiece i need to wait until i have a place for the throne

The throne i will not build until i know exactly where the throne should be once i’ve done it then i’ve done it and that is all i will need to do oh it’s one off the top i’m [ __ ] pissed off all right senko selena thank you

There we go all right let’s get rid of some of these torches because they look like [ __ ] a little bit of dim lighting i think it’s dark but it’s it’s lit enough that no monsters are gonna spawn i’m pretty sure anyway yes is good small intense sources of light

This is good this is very good perfect oh now that does look nice doesn’t it now that does look nice take a seat at my table my dear don’t mind the water feature thank you shannon oh a chandelier now um now you’re now you’re tempting me now you’re tempting me

Can you make gold bars like gold i know you can make iron bars could you make those out of gold i’d like to make a gold chandelier that’d be pretty cool what can you build out of gold now just blocks of gold um Thank you rosa red violence blue please notice me i want my nad scrunched up and all blue my boo ellie thank you for the super as well goodness me that was quite uh quite a request you never know you never know where things might end up where the knight might lead Hmm he chains i think are the right answer ah i wanna swing from the wonderful web i see chandeliers jesus christ and i think to myself what the [ __ ] no iron no iron [ __ ] anywhere dude i’m sagging i want iron get out of my inventory give me some

[ __ ] space jesus all right there we go oh wait jesus christ thank you thank you hmm so how am i gonna make this chandelier then how am i gonna do this hmm am in the middle right here okay i’m to this side so let’s do four chains four chains from the

I’ll top nicer if the lighting in here wasn’t so dim sakura thank you for the super thank you so so much exactly say curse me when i sneeze or else i’m gonna burn up with a ball of fire you wouldn’t want that would you and no more kisses for anybody thank you toscato

Thank you god you guys haven’t seen good omens where the one demon gets like the bucket of holy water on his head and he like [ __ ] melts was a gruesome scene i was like damn like damn i mean i know it sounds what would happen realistically but like

Jesus i think it affected me more because i am a demon i was like oh god i won’t run into any holy water anytime soon jesus that was rough good one is a wacky show these special effects are very bad but it’s cute i like it still invented them

Oh saku just had to come in to be the voice of reason listen if you’re not a fan of kisses i’m unsure why you’re still here because i give out about 70 000 every single stream if you don’t like it it must be difficult to stick around

Oh how unfortunate for you all the kisses on to your liking or i’m sorry princess yeah exactly except for his tech it’s a threat bless you oh day can i sleep with your blazer onto that’s very sweet might be a little big on you but you can give it a try

God this has got a way to go down i had to have just one left uh what the hell an enderman he just kind of teleported right next to me what do you mean it’s not centered yes dumbass i use the candles as a reference i know what i’m doing

I’m not sure how i’m going to design the chandelier i’ll figure it out oh netherrack fire beautiful no candles fire here flint and steel where’s that wet bag i know right that’s the that’s the exact same experience that i had your mouth loves it but your stomach is

Like i don’t know about that one chief if someone were to moan oh my god while i’m [ __ ] them is that an insult or a compliment well i mean they’re invoking god’s name in vain which i suppose is a good thing for demons so i’m gonna say yes that’s a good thing Do yes that’s where i’ll leave it good good good good good good okey dokey i want to make some iron bars as well for that what the hell did i build it up like that i just want to be free i just want this to be smelted i just want this i want

That i’m a needy little [ __ ] oh come and stimulate me i need some action right now jesus christ uh where in the bloody hell i must have some more iron knocking around there’s another flynn steal i’m a dumbass cara thank you very much you prefer there are no gods here only me interesting

Barra nah not right now there we go 32 iron bars perfect hmm i look good any good maybe iron bars straight off of chains but they’re not going to link up properly are they oh no they actually do interesting hmm multi-tiered is the is the solution for this

It looks like a little lead that’s cute hmm no not rick we want another rack different thing different thing oh this is good oh this is good oh this is good oh i like this oh i like this tremendously oh my goodness and then yes Are you ready i am ready transformation central transmogrification central can you feel it um i mean um maybe not could always just kind of change it around a bit now that’s a fancy design i actually kind of like that sort of like it’s twisting that looks cute let’s give it a try

That’s kind of fitting actually i like it maybe some more iron bars underneath maybe an iron block no actually that wouldn’t work i think that’s pretty cool yeah all right that’s pretty much the entire dining hall finished look at that i like it it’s good oh genie i love you too

Dormie thank you very much for the super i went back to sleep and the first thing i hear when i wake up is you moaning what on god’s green earth have i awoken to oh me [ __ ] as for you as per [ __ ] usual you shouldn’t be you really really like

Honestly you really should not be surprised that is just kind of my mo at this point on god’s green earth i swear i am a good boy i will just occasionally start fooling around a little there’s also the first time in a while that i’ve just had like myself obscuring

The majority of the screen has it been nice if you guys enjoyed seeing this much of me and like kind of obscuring a lot of the game screen is that okay you like it oh good okay [ __ ] i guess i’ll just i guess i’ll keep it like this then um

What to do now i mean i could sort this out let’s be honest i don’t really i’m not really [ __ ] bothered no air conditioning kendra will be will burn the death well yes and then i walk in and suddenly they just they just pass away from heat stroke

Sorry to break it to you guys it’s just probably what’s gonna happen oh you’re clever girl denise well there’s the black stone claudio yes yes you get to see my big yowie hands i’m a big boy big big boy i mean we can just um

Oh now that does add a bit of depth to it Maybe Hmm kinda i’ll leave that there for now i might change it it looks a little chunky meow puff thank you no i used to see you get so big what do you mean you’re not used to it right back thank you very much for the super it’s basically sputnik which is

The dutch version of pilk that was popular with kids see pilk has always been around we’re just refusing to accept it nowadays because it sounds as a funny name oh i’ve been wanting to add something to the stairs as well hmm okay i feel like i need to really work harder

On the um the main the main part of the castle just get that bit get that [ __ ] built as [ __ ] finish it while i can Ace y thank you very much for the super too i’m powerful i’m too big for you that’s all right i’m used to it [Laughter] hmm maybe instead of having lava under the floor i should stick with the water being like a cooling channel and then just have a giant foundry in the middle

Of the the forge that might be a better idea just a couple more up i’ll be finished with that hanai thank you very much for the super i hope to be as well it sounds nice let them Boom hmm yeah i believe i only just really discovered a use for iron bars i just kind of overlooked them because they were an older block you know nice demon avocado thank you for the super gigi l thank you ezra mitchell thank you alexa play hellfire hell fire dark fire

This [ __ ] is in my skin holy [ __ ] i’m dying um we have to build out like so i want to make it symmetrical we’re getting there we’re getting that we’ve gone i have to read these there’s thank you for the super why not just drop an actual size you’d like that wouldn’t you

If i did i don’t think you’d believe me gin peach thank you chaos thank you for the super my cyber pet like a robot dog i’ve already got one of those his name’s bowie and he talks like larry king crystal thank you for the arka super

Thank you for tonight i need to go to bed now so get a good night kiss good night crystal sleep well let me get some more of that let me get some more that good stuff some more that deep [ __ ] don’t want to have that lava hole there

Anymore let me just cover that up candle can thank you very much bubba bowie uh yes yes bam bam bam Shut the [ __ ] up Do i like lobster i don’t think i’ve ever tried lobster i’m not the biggest fan of crayfish or seafood so it might not be for me oh wait i think i [ __ ] up oh damn damn i did [ __ ] up oh no so on this side it goes up by

One two three and then there are stairs okay one two three okay yeah i did [ __ ] up i zoned out i was just building i was just my builder silly me mistakes happened [ __ ] are you doing that dummies silly me builder look at what you did

Under the skin are such a good [ __ ] film isn’t it really disturbing but very very very effective genuinely pretty horrifying at some points i love it see the thing is ike says he’s not a big fan of fish but he likes [ __ ] caviar toast so who do i really believe here you know

Hmm can you thank you thank you very much for the super lovely to see you again my girl sorry i’m sorry i’m not commentating too much at the moment i think i’m just concentrating and i am getting a little hungry so i might not stream for too much longer

Just want to finish this bit of the build and then i’ll go and make myself a nice dinny Play a horror game yep we’re playing uh closing shift tomorrow and we’re playing alien isolation later this week Go oh that’s good to have a reference for that there actually um what am i gonna make for dinner i’m not sure i’m not sure i’ve got some new recipes in the post that i’m pretty excited to try out you never know it’s always a mystery

Stanley parable is not a horror game now it’s a [ __ ] funny game it’s a [ __ ] humorous game all right so this goes up to there yes all right that’s when the stairs begin again lovely juggling nice to have a little visual reference ike thank you i like my builder as well

It’s my favorite part of the game building i haven’t played okami i haven’t um i think i’ve seen it around but i really have no idea what the game is about daisuki okay you know this action right here where you hold shift and you place down one block at a time

Luca can do that in real life not placing blocks but do the mimic like mimic the motion of it really really really accurately and it’s kind of scary you’re just shimmying across the floor like thank you very much for the super oh [ __ ] really like right there i run

Out of stairs oh my god you just hate to see it you just hate to see it borders freak thank you for the super incense that sounds [ __ ] relaxing as hell oh my god i haven’t played around with incense in a while it’s not really my thing but it is nice boom lovely

Lovely lovely lovely all right and last of all let’s just delightful okay that looks good oh it’s all coming oh yeah it’s all coming together it’s all coming together i am liking this liking it quite a lot damn this is really coming together there’s like um

There’s a lot there are a lot of places that before i felt like you know they did they weren’t really all that all that much but you know when you go in and they’ve actually been tidied up they look pretty good especially this place oh i like this

Kasami thank you very much you’re graduating tomorrow congratulations yo thank you french daisuke hmm the gate perhaps one day i’ll finish the gate do i need a housemaid to help me clean that would be nice maybe you know with some other things too mcgate all right guys i think i’m gonna wrap it

Up for there for today but we’ve made a ton of progress on this castle i think what i might do is i’m gonna start kind of making a bit of progress off stream kind of grabbing materials while i can and uh hopefully we’ll actually you know

You never know we might actually have a mostly finished castle in not too much time the biggest thing is this front part as long as i can make a really good design for this front bit and finish the gate then after that i think i’ll have a really solid idea of

What i want to do with this place moving forward uh but yeah that’s gonna be all from me for today thank you guys so much for joining me it always feels amazing to have such positive reception on minecraft streams and to just get to relax and hang out with you guys so i’m

Gonna see you all tomorrow when we’re gonna play the closing shift which i have not played yet but apparently is pretty spooky and pretty weird so i’m looking forward to that all right i’ll see you guys all tomorrow goodbye i love you Now so So So

This video, titled ‘【MINECRAFT】i just wanna finish this got dang castle【NIJISANJI EN | Vox Akuma】’, was uploaded by Vox Akuma【NIJISANJI EN】 on 2022-05-30 16:37:03. It has garnered 224882 views and 13699 likes. The duration of the video is 04:10:39 or 15039 seconds.

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【Credits】 Logo by https://twitter.com/OrihimeVT Overlay by https://twitter.com/HiroshiVtuber Controller by https://twitter.com/yapyapyapiris Intro BGM – The Glory of Combat by Julian Surma Gaming chair by https://twitter.com/LGssVT_0616 Emotes by https://twitter.com/chiikadayo


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  • Minecraft Memes – Steve’s Secret Hideout

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  • Villager Sleeps on Random Sh*t… Oi Oi Oi Logic! #lol

    Villager Sleeps on Random Sh*t... Oi Oi Oi Logic! #lol Looks like this villager is taking the term “sleeping on the job” to a whole new level! I guess even in Minecraft, some villagers just can’t resist a good nap, no matter where they are. #lazyvillager #minecraftnaps Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for the Latest Updates and Exciting Gameplay!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for the Latest Updates and Exciting Gameplay! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com, your go-to source for all things Minecraft! Today, we want to talk about the latest updates in the Minecraft modding community. While watching a recent YouTube video about Minecraft mods, you may have come across some exciting new additions to the game. But have you ever thought about taking your Minecraft experience to the next level by joining a unique and thrilling Minecraft server? Imagine a world where you can explore, build, and survive alongside other passionate Minecraft players. That’s where Minewind comes in. With its dynamic gameplay and dedicated community, Minewind offers an immersive Minecraft… Read More

  • 5 Oyunlu Hub Plugin Paketi Minecraft

    5 Oyunlu Hub Plugin Paketi Minecraft Minecraft Hub Plugin Paketi: Oyun Dolu Macera! Minecraft, milyonlarca oyuncunun dünyasına kapılarını açan eşsiz bir sanal platformdur. Bu platformda, hayal gücünüzü kullanarak kendi dünyanızı yaratabilir, maceraya atılabilir ve diğer oyuncularla etkileşime geçebilirsiniz. İşte bu eğlenceli dünyada, 5 oyunlu hub plugin paketi Minecraft oyuncularına benzersiz bir deneyim sunuyor. Oyun Dolu Paket Detayları Bu özel paket, play.coleria.com.tr adresindeki sunucuda kullanılmaktadır. Paketin içeriğindeki oyunlar, oyunculara farklı ve heyecan dolu deneyimler yaşatmak için özenle seçilmiştir. Ayrıca, paketin sunucu sitesi olan www.coleria.com.tr adresinden de daha fazla bilgi edinebilirsiniz. Discord Sunucu ve Paket Edinme Eğer bu heyecan verici paketi edinmek istiyorsanız, Discord sunucularına katılabilir ve… Read More

  • Insane New Secret in Minecraft 1.21 – Join the Madness!

    Insane New Secret in Minecraft 1.21 - Join the Madness!Video Information This video, titled ‘|Join!|Building+Chill [Minecraft] 1.21’, was uploaded by DuckGoRawr on 2024-08-30 13:37:30. It has garnered 26 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 02:07:49 or 7669 seconds. Like and Subscribe Plz it help lots lol Join My Discord!- https://discord.gg/crKw3X5TJw Comment What you think I should do next! . . . . . . Ignore the tags – #viral #live #stream #viral #youtube #duck #gaming #video #chill #edit #gamer #anime #shorts, #youtubeshorts, #viral, #trending, #subscribe, #foryou, #foryoupage, #fyp, #explorepage, #discover, #viralvideo, #tiktok, #instagram, #youtube, #reels #minecraft # chill Read More

  • Savage Survival Action: Minecraft SMP Live!

    Savage Survival Action: Minecraft SMP Live!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴Minecraft SMP Live | 3 Hours Minecraft Survival SMP Playing With Viewers – Anyone Can Join :)’, was uploaded by Dark Corrupt A on 2024-04-09 20:21:34. It has garnered 156 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 04:42:08 or 16928 seconds. Paypal: paypal.me/DarkCorruptA (if u wana help me fully without the cring 30% cut Youtube does xd) Discord: https://discord.gg/m5PKeyykCg Thumbnail Artist: @darkcorrupta Minecraft SMP Rules: 1. No Hacks or Cheats (Permeant Ban) 2. No Slurs (Permeant Ban) 3. Not Following Common Sense (Permeant Ban) 4. If you kill someone without a valid… Read More

  • Arctic Sythe’s EPIC Survival Adventure || Hell Kingdom || Hindi || ArcticSythe

    Arctic Sythe's EPIC Survival Adventure || Hell Kingdom || Hindi || ArcticSytheVideo Information This video, titled ‘The New Beginning In Minecraft Survival || Hell Kingdom Ep 1 || Hindi || ArcticSythe’, was uploaded by Arctic Sythe on 2024-04-19 19:35:00. It has garnered 10 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:04 or 544 seconds. The New Beginning In Minecraft Survival || Hell Kingdom Ep 1 || ArcticSythe Hindi gameplay Its my new journey so hit the like button *Do Subscribe and *Hit the bell icon 🔔 Okay💛…That was It Hopefully You Enjoyed the video Hit That like button 😜 Subscribe 😁 and Share 😇… See Ya in the… Read More

  • Insane Ice Crushing with FlexMC

    Insane Ice Crushing with FlexMCVideo Information This video, titled ‘FlexMC / Buz Parçalama’, was uploaded by zSimpeZ on 2024-01-07 13:20:03. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft sonoyuncu skyblock, minecraft sonoyuncu hile, minecraft sonoyuncu hack, minecraft sonoyuncu survival, minecraft … Read More

  • Minecraft + Dronio Teach English! 🔥 Try a lesson now!

    Minecraft + Dronio Teach English! 🔥 Try a lesson now!Video Information This video, titled ‘Изучаем Английский с Дронио и Майнкрафт Запишитесь на бесплатное пробное занятие по ссылке’, was uploaded by Дронио on 2024-01-17 21:45:03. It has garnered 62 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:16 or 496 seconds. “Learning English with Minecraft Sign up for a free trial lesson using the link” #shorts #minecraft #minecraft Sign up for a free trial English lesson in Minecraft with your parents, here is the link: ➜ https://clck.ru/37cpim Our social network social network https://dronio24.com ➜ https://dronio24.com SUBSCRIPTION MOTION GRAPHICS FOR VIDEO DESIGN ➜ https://clck.ru/37hFR8 Digital Art Monetization https://displate.com/acr/wine-empire?art=5b9d0b5248011 DOWNLOAD… Read More

  • HEROBRINE REVENGE: Devil Gamer’s Insane Minecraft Animation

    HEROBRINE REVENGE: Devil Gamer's Insane Minecraft AnimationVideo Information This video, titled ‘HEROBRINE REGENGE minecraft animation #minecraft#shots #viral’, was uploaded by Devil Gamer nep on 2024-04-28 08:50:53. It has garnered 42 views and 19 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:36 or 36 seconds. Read More

  • Alien Rituals Revealed by Walter the Wildlife Explorer! 🌌

    Alien Rituals Revealed by Walter the Wildlife Explorer! 🌌Video Information This video, titled ‘Alien Ritual Ground Unveiled! 🌌 – Walter’s Minecraft Videos for Kids’, was uploaded by Walter the Wildlife Explorer on 2024-08-15 22:00:34. It has garnered 8434 views and 281 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:39 or 39 seconds. Welcome to Walter the Wildlife Explorer’s Adventure: Minecraft Epic Jungle Safari Speed Run Exploration! 🌳🦊 Hey there, little explorers! It’s Walter the Wildlife Explorer, and today I’m here to remind you of the amazing adventures waiting for you just outside your door. But first, let me tell you about something super cool – I’ve been playing… Read More


    UNBELIEVABLE: GOLDYGAMER22 BUILDS LARGEST MINECRAFT CASTLE!Video Information This video, titled ‘Building the BIGGEST Castle in Minecraft! EPIC 2024’, was uploaded by GoldyGamer22 on 2024-08-12 02:14:00. It has garnered 165 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:29 or 449 seconds. Welcome to my channel! In this epic Minecraft video, I take on the challenge of building the BIGGEST castle you’ve ever seen! Join me as I craft an ultimate fortress, showcasing incredible designs, intricate details, and massive structures that will leave you in awe. Watch as I gather resources, construct towering walls, and add stunning features like grand halls, secret rooms, and majestic… Read More

  • Minecraft Build Hacks – EPIC Pocket Edition Tricks!

    Minecraft Build Hacks - EPIC Pocket Edition Tricks!Video Information This video, titled ‘Build Hacks Minecraft Pocket Edition 1.20 [ Part 1 ] #minecraft #shorts #shortsvideo #mcpe #build’, was uploaded by Creyou Playz on 2024-03-23 11:30:11. It has garnered 10142 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:33 or 33 seconds. #minecraft #short #trending #minecraftjava #mcpehindi #minecraftshorts #youtubeshortsr #youtubeshortsr #shorts #shortvideo #shortvideo #subscribe #shortsvideo #shortsvideo #status #shortsfeed #song #share #sad #music #meme #motivational #naruto #mobilelegends #m#youtubeshortsr #makeup #asmr #anime #art #attitude #army #animals #amazing #alightmotion #alightmotion #ajjubhai #minecraft top shaders 1.19 #minecraft #roblox #cake recipe #chainsaw man #chod video #cubecraft #evident #eystreem #famous water park #football… Read More

  • play.earthside.nl

    play.earthside.nlEarthside Network Survival Server Welkom bij Earthside Network, de ultieme survival server voor avonturiers en bouwers! Op onze server beleef je een unieke Minecraft-ervaring op een prachtige, uitgestrekte wereld. Of je nu een ervaren speler bent of net begint, bij Earthside vind je een gastvrije gemeenschap en eindeloze mogelijkheden om te verkennen, bouwen en overleven. Read More

Vox Akuma【NIJISANJI EN】 – 【MINECRAFT】i just wanna finish this got dang castle【NIJISANJI EN | Vox Akuma】