wattles – SHIPWRECK & TREASURE GUIDE! | The Minecraft Guide – Minecraft 1.14.2 Lets Play Episode 27

Video Information

Good morning everybody and welcome back to the minecraft guide I am waddles I hope you’re doing well today episode 27 the recap today I remembered it last episode we did the nether up and we had some struggles some angry pink struggles and I have a few things to mention first

I have a new series starting tomorrow mini series and in a lot of ways that’s very similar to this one it will be all about villagers which is a topic we’ll cover in this series eventually but yep so I’ll look for that tomorrow Saturday if everything goes as planned and I if

You like this I’m I think you’ll like that second the shaders so I almost every episode you know I’m starting with shaders and these are the shaders that I’m using I’m using either cylinders or Seuss’s one of those too so if you like the shaders in the intro it’s one of

Those and yeah these are the 1.13 version still yeah uh-huh so today today today what are we doing today well I think it’s about time that we explore the world a little bit more and talk all about shipwrecks shipwrecks are a newer feature in the game they’re a fairly

Large feature but at the same time they’re not the biggest thing but hopefully by the end of this episode we’ll have a what do you call it a conduit but I think we need two diamonds for our helmet because it’s breaking and I don’t know if we face bad guys I I

Would prefer to not lose the helmet oh and by the way I failed you a big time I completely forgot to afk I I went to bed and the first thing that I remembered like this morning is oh yeah I was I was met JFK overnight so I’ll try again next

Episode and hopefully we come back with some more loot and and and yes whoops it’s uh more of a painting to me than it is to you though so shipwreck time it’s time to explore the world a little bit more I think we should definitely bring a bed definitely

But we can start with the shipwreck right off this Shore over there I think in the morning and morning it is so my plan well we’ll grab boats and sail around to shipwrecks raid them hopefully go find treasure as well and I’d like to frame some plain old empty maps but right here

This thing is a shipwreck shipwrecks were added in 1.13 there’s an absolutely crazy amount of shipwreck variants that you should be able to find around your world these things spawn in all of the ocean variants and sometimes on beaches there is also some pretty crazy em screenshots out there of like shipwrecks

Generating on land or whatever for some reason because you know minecraft is crazy now in a fully complete shipwreck there should be three treasure chests I doubt this one on the left three this might have two but one of the chests is a loot chest so this is the loot chests

Lots of really good loot or really decent loot at least lots of Nuggets that’s kind of crazy emeralds bottle of enchanting lapis and there should be another ship or another treasure chest excuse me down underneath the ship which is or was that one actually that oh maybe it’s back in this

Room ah wait no I got that one it’s right here I I saw it it’s right in here this is the supply chest album so there should be like maybe food and oh wait no this is the map chest that’s the map one this is huge

How do we get in there like this there we go okay this map is mine now we are getting our hands on a conduit no like well no no it well harder to see it it’s it’s a heart of the sea the conduit is something you craft with

With the art of the sea the heart of the sea is a treasure chest loot but the map okay so I have an idea like for decoration around the base eventually once I have a house I I guess I’m currently homeless but map table and then very treasure map blink map

Copy right so now we have two copies of that treasure map and one of them will be locked like that I think forever so now we have the school map with the lines the drawings and a red X and that is something that we will keep forever

Forever maybe we should name it can we knit oh we can’t name it in here right I thought we could hmm I guess not no naming in in the map table let’s go ahead and find this one now so we’re in the bottom corner as you can see on the

Map and we need to figure out how to get onto it I think we need to go this way if I’m being honest I am not great with maps oh and I was right but if I’m being honest I’m not great with maps and my biggest tip to you if you’re trying to

Deal with a map like this is sail around move around that little corner will either get bigger or smaller you’ll either move on to the map or not onto the map and yep a little bit of trial and error goes a long way in situations like this so it looks like our treasure

Is going to be over on the brutal killing island sorry to be so graphic but this is this is the slaying lands where I I blown quite a quite a few holes of creeper explosions yeah we want to talk about it I I think we can sail

All the way around this though and so right over to where the treasure should be okay so the treasure is in this flat area somewhere in here the first thing that we want to do is get as close to the X as oh boy it’s going to be down

There ah boy we need to get as close to the X as possible then we need to dig like like crazy and yes I am aware that’s probably very dark for you um can we do this yes we can okay so now yep dig dig dig dig all around wherever you

Think the exes if you can get your pointer right on the X that’s good news so I think we should actually be digging over here sometimes this digging step can take a long time these these treasures usually are only three or four sometimes two or even one block under

The surface just it kind of really depends on what kind of terrain you have but yeah it’s just they’re difficult to find sometimes there’s not much you can do about it unfortunately other than just dig like crazy and hopefully hit it what do we need to do I think that’s too

Far I can’t tell I maybe it’s right in here coal cool Kalpa huh would it be down here is oh hey thanks world still dealing with that world lag maybe one point uh fourteen point three we’ll fix that but is this it or is this too far

Off oh that’s like way off I I think it was right I think it was over here I want to do it chance of shovel I I forgot about that I guess I wouldn’t have been able to get very good enchantments anyways so that’s okay uh-huh do you see what I see

I I see something really really rather nice-looking but we can’t get into it my shovel just broke too so that was really really good timing but you know what let’s get some air first so we can dig through the chest talk about what’s in it and and then steal everything because

It’s mine oh it has my name on it or or it would if if I could but we have a shiny shiny diamond I like that some prisoner and crystals those are cool iron of course gold yep mm-hmm salmon yeah a sword okay TNT and the big shiny

Thing that I like is this right here the heart of the sea that is a loot item that is pretty good it’s a 1.13 item and with that we can make a conduit and a conduit is basically a water beacon we won’t be building one today probably but

We can breathe and completely live underwater with a conduit in in an area so that’s good that’s really good news now I to find another shipwreck I know there are so many around this world so that should be pretty easy to do no shipwrecks can spawn on the the ocean

Floor or floating or sometimes even down in ravines and in the oceans and we are looking for a shipwreck that is on the surface those shipwrecks are my favorite ones because we don’t need to worry about breathing and if I don’t have to worry about water breathing and all of that

Then I’m happy I’m a happy camper but considering my inventory is all the way full already I think we’re gonna make a stop at home drop everything off in a chest and then continue on sailing and it’s so beautiful this is so nice looking that’s just amazing

If I can recall correctly there should be another shipwreck out in the ocean this way i-i’ve a Glee remember seeing a shipwreck that was pretty nice looking near the surface of the ocean so let’s see if if I’m remembering things correctly or or if I’ve made up a memory

In my mind again that wouldn’t be the first time so III guess it’s a 50/50 shot here oh no no no no it’s a 100% shot there it is there’s a better looking shipwreck I’m still looking for the perfect shipwreck though the perfect shipwreck for of course a thumbnail what else

Ha ha ha ha do you see what I see I hope you do it’s another shipwreck but we are approaching this one which is an a little bit better shape die I’d like to try and explain the the chest thing that I was talking about again and and

Hopefully this is a little better so there’s a top chest and this would be the top if the ship was floating normally and this top one is always like the loot like emeralds or iron and stuff like that so there’s that then there should be a chest in here always here Oh

No let me try it again here always and this is the the supply chest I think is what it’s called we need to swim in there though oh no this is the map one I made the same mistake last time so the map chest another treasure map and yes a

Different a different treasure that’s awesome and I will take all of this this is all mine and then there should be another one up at the front right over there and this is the supply chest so the supplies can be a bunch of random stuff usually food

Items and but the big thing the big supply that we’re looking for today is bamboo we can get bamboo from shipwrecks and I’d love to do that because I haven’t seen a jungle and if we could have bamboo we could great a whole lot better and a new scaffolding instead of random blocks

Which I I mean that’s a pretty nice sounding idea to me so same deal a locked map for decoration and a hunting map now one thing that I didn’t mention on the last treasure map is the fact that these maps always lead to the closest treasure for some time one 1.13

Released you you could you know kind of manipulate these maps and use them to to just find other treasures all around your world but I I don’t know if that’s the thing anymore and I don’t know if I’m interested in trying that but this makes me think it’s maybe back there

Could could this treasure be back at our base because you see the stream and in the lower left that looks like where I park my boat I think yeah I think it’s that one over there yeah it’s definitely over there so let’s go to the shipwreck

First and then we’ll come back I think and hit that that treasure when we’re going home I will keep these up there for now okay so shipwreck number three of today what do we have up top is the loot chests this is the perfect example you probably get it already but loot then

Down here we have a map alright it’s just a new map or oh this is a new map oh I was wrong I was completely wrong we are close to that other treasure okay cool and then finally the supply chests ah man a suspicious – that’s really cool

But no bamboo no no no I I think we’ll have to find at least one more shipwreck I I want bamboo really really badly but on to this treasure no no no no on to this treasure it should be right over here I think hopefully and

Well I mean it should be I can see it on the map I don’t need a copy of this map because I already did that and this map is a good example of what I was talking about with maps leading you to the closest treasure that means if there were like

Four shipwrecks in here like all in this little water area they would all go to this treasure chest that that I’m sailing over to right now so long as this is the only treasure chest which I’m sure it is but what do we have so should be right in here somewhere

This time the good thing about doing this like treasure hunting is you typically get a lot of sand if you’re digging up beat just like this like you know it’s all sand hmm where could you be I think this is right in the spot right in here somewhere Uh-huh I see you I see you I see you you sneaky chest what do we have another heart of the sea not bad a bunch of iron more Perrine crystals which is pretty cool fish and a sword so this is a sad moment very sad one but I don’t need the

Fish I just don’t have the room so we we unfortunately need to abandon the fish in the sword I have this sword which is not that good but better than that one so we’re good now one thing that I didn’t do on the other map is fill it in

I’d like to fill this map in completely again for that decoration idea thing that I have and then eventually or right after that we will go and find another shipwreck and this time it will be the perfect shipwreck that one wasn’t bad but I’d like one that’s ready to sail if

You if you will this is new land by the way we haven’t gone over here ever like this is the first time it’s being loaded in and I must say the the generation is so much better in one point 14.2 than it was in one point fourteen when we

Explored just so much better we are approaching ship number four right now this is a new one this one is completely up sigh down or no no it’s sideways but different Woodbury and says you maybe have noticed the wood variants are really different like there are a lot of

Different options okay we already have this map so I’ll actually leave it I will take the feathers I really need feathers and the paper because I have the room but not the map now do we have any more there’s oh no oh my that was a

Bad one that was a really bad one do we have any more chests here we do over here in the dirt right it should be buried yes we do iron emeralds not bad lapis and lots of Nuggets I like the Nuggets because lanterns you know the

Deal on to the next one hopefully no I want to go I’d like to go back onto our map though so not over here we’ll come back and explore this land eventually it’s nice-looking it’s just a forest so it’s not all that promising but we’ll

Come back but yep now back on to my actual map here is shipwreck number five this is the perfect shipwreck but it’s submerged and that’s not really what I’m looking for but what do we have in this supply chest oh man I was really hoping I was really really hoping now inventory

Is getting full so it’s definitely time to sort some of this stuff out and ditch what I don’t need and frost Walker – well that’s crazy okay I’ll keep those I guess I’ll ditch that stuff for now I can always come back for it if I need it

I just don’t know if I ever would need it let’s get this going on what do we have in and in there do I know this map I do not I do not I do not we will take it and we will find it and finally valuables lots of emeralds lots of

Nuggets and some iron not bad oh no I lost a cartography table how could I do that how could I do it mm-hmm well watch this we can make a new one it’s it’s okay there we go here is number number six and yeah I I didn’t find this

This treasure you see how that dot is smaller that means I went the wrong way and that means it’s back that way but it’s okay we can find the treasure at a later time what do we have in here please be the one with bamboo them no

Suspicious do I have to leave some of this stuff I probably including the stews I just don’t have the room we’ll come back for those though they’re really cool they’re one point you know what no we’ll take them no all right that’s new that is new for sure here is

Ship number six seven six seven six seven both ah man oh man and finally ship number eight or seven depending on depending on what it is hey I lost track of what number this is now my inventory is full there is absolutely nothing else that I can ditch so if we don’t have

Bamboo in this one which hopefully we will then we will i yeah i’d had to ditch the paper we will go back drop stuff off it and then continue the search I already have this treasure map so you can stay bamboo I know bamboo okay but yep so sailing back to the base

Now which is this map and I will be back with you and and hopefully not not too long okay back with you now over by of all places the old base you can actually see some of the campfire smoke from our cave mountain base that we were at

And in the beginning of the series I remembered passing the shipwreck and and saying you know that I should come back for it and so today’s the day we’re coming back for the shipwreck and hopefully maybe there is good stuff in here I know this is good yep that’s absolutely different now

I left the all of the the locking supplies back at the base no bamboo man you because I I don’t I don’t know if I need to lock anymore I have quite a few maps that are locked so yeah but I’m also not really looking for

Any more conduits at the moment so we’ll probably just come back and look for this treasure that I just got later right now I’m looking for bamboo that is the final thing that I need to finish today’s episode so we’ll skip the treasure hunt for now you see that

Iceberg and that’s weird that’s a small iceberg I’ve ever seen huh okay well home sweet home and it’s nice and dry and and safer here and yeah zero incidents no mobs whatsoever I would have thought I would have you know been pelted a few times by drowned or

Something crazy like that but but nope we are indeed intact and good now the loo what do I have well this whole chest is all loot some some cool enchantments on the leather armor I don’t know if you know I’ll ever have a use for some of this stuff but

It’s it’s there and it’s it’s cool lots of suspicious students which are really interesting items they basically will give us a random effect and we won’t know until we eat it so I’ll save those maybe we can use them for something then even more loot over here

Yeah like tons of treasure maps these are finished maps or locked ones and then these I think are all for the most part other than this one I guess like maps that I need to deal with so yeah but no bamboo unfortunately which is a big bummer but it’s okay we can just

Make a habit of you know checking shipwrecks as we go or explore very very soon but it’s about time for the comment of the day today and by the way with the feathers now I I can make what I have in mind so keep your eyes out for that but

Right here episode 27 syrup I I’m gonna go with Sarab I’m sorry but the comment was about shaders and liking the shaders and and everything and that I should use some more and you know I’d like to pose a question to you guys do you want me to

Use shaders more in the episodes because I totally could if it’s like an outside episode like like a day like today I totally you know could have explored with shaders on the whole time but shaders are kind of divisive I I I think some people hate them some people love

Them so you know now yeah I just stick to vanilla because more people like vanilla that’s just basic and simple everyone knows what it is but but yeah if you guys want more shaders I I can absolutely do that um and so I just let

Me know and yep so thank you for the and thank you guys for watching this episode is dedicated to Jay Glenn thank you for your support and thank you everybody else for watching if you liked what you saw drop a like subscribe and of course go have a good day remember

New series tomorrow and goodbye everyone You

This video, titled ‘SHIPWRECK & TREASURE GUIDE! | The Minecraft Guide – Minecraft 1.14.2 Lets Play Episode 27’, was uploaded by wattles on 2019-06-14 17:56:32. It has garnered 173060 views and 4241 likes. The duration of the video is 00:25:50 or 1550 seconds.

I want bamboo! Today we talk all about Shipwrecks & treasure chests. The goal is to search most of the nearby shipwrecks for treasure and bamboo. Bamboo is very important to me today.

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    Moth Boy Tries Hardcore Minecraft - One Run Challenge!Video Information This video, titled ‘A Stream Before I Leave For A Week!| Moth Boy Attempts To Beat Hardcore Minecraft (One Run) [Stream]’, was uploaded by KuuDefoe Ch. on 2024-09-08 02:03:35. It has garnered 20 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 04:15:35 or 15335 seconds. We’ll meet again! I promise! ^.^ _______________________ For those new here and also not, one runs were what I used to do with Commi Shions where I attempt to get through Minecraft without dying once and in one episode. I only won like, twice I think. No this is not a… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Couple Builds – Micky & Minnie Craze!

    Insane Minecraft Couple Builds - Micky & Minnie Craze!Video Information This video, titled ‘The REPLAY : Micky and Minnie #minecraft #trending #fyp’, was uploaded by Baby Craft Studios on 2024-07-24 11:32:47. It has garnered 10244 views and 337 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:35 or 35 seconds. Because you want the replay, see it! Read More

  • Insane Hardcore Day 1 – Creative Player Tries Minecraft

    Insane Hardcore Day 1 - Creative Player Tries MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Hardcore Day 1- Creative Player Tries Hardcore in Minecraft’, was uploaded by TheSephrona on 2024-01-12 14:49:43. It has garnered 4 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 01:57:17 or 7037 seconds. Experienced creative player, awful survival player. Playing on hardcore mode… what could go wrong? Music provided by http://spoti.fi/NCS Read More

  • Unbelievable Application on Arcane SMP!!!

    Unbelievable Application on Arcane SMP!!!Video Information This video, titled ‘Arcane SMP most MID application’, was uploaded by slzuglez on 2024-09-02 03:54:22. It has garnered 144 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:38 or 38 seconds. this is a Application to join Arcane SMP, its been a while since ive uploaded a YT video (2 years ago) hope i get in #minecraft #youtube #mc #application #applications #video #videos #videoshort #videoshorts #youtube #youtuber #shorts #funny #funnyvideo #arcane #smp Like ParrotX2 and his School’s Minecraft Server / School SMP Series where he Started a War or Ended a War. Not Technoblade / TommyInnit… Read More

  • Gingershadow’s Epic Devil Fruit Swap?! | One Piece Mod Ep 22

    Gingershadow's Epic Devil Fruit Swap?! | One Piece Mod Ep 22Video Information This video, titled ‘MAYBE A CHANGE OF DEVIL FRUITS WILL HELP?! Minecraft One Piece Mod Episode 22’, was uploaded by The True Gingershadow on 2024-08-24 22:00:29. It has garnered 2654 views and 169 likes. The duration of the video is 00:57:07 or 3427 seconds. Minecraft Naruto Mod Review (Narutoto Mod) – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cbx05etE90g MiraiGaming (Brother’s Channel) – https://www.youtube.com/@miraigaming5644 STREAM – https://www.twitch.tv/thetruegingy DISCORD – https://discord.gg/4fW99jk BECOME A MEMBER HERE – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCV-wFS-noHcYZM19K4XQaDA/join GingyVODs Channel – https://www.youtube.com/@TheTrueGingyVODs MAYBE A CHANGE OF DEVIL FRUITS WILL HELP?! Minecraft One Piece Mod Episode 22 #OnePiece #Minecraft #OnePieceMod Also big thanks and shout out to our… Read More

  • Minecraft Madness with Hurnox! Join the Fun 🔴🎮

    Minecraft Madness with Hurnox! Join the Fun 🔴🎮Video Information This video, titled ‘Playing Minecraft with Viewers 🔴 (VOICE) 🎥’, was uploaded by Hurnox on 2024-09-22 00:16:13. It has garnered 18 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:36:31 or 2191 seconds. Welcome to our live stream! Today, we’re diving into the action-packed world of minecraft, and YOU can join in the fun! Whether you’re a seasoned pro or a newcomer looking to learn the ropes, this stream is for everyone. Get ready for epic battles, strategic gameplay, and lots of laughs as we team up and compete against each other.we will also play minecraft… Read More

  • DEVSH FF: Emotional New Rank Season 💔😭

    DEVSH FF: Emotional New Rank Season 💔😭Video Information This video, titled ‘Heartbreaking Story of New Rank Season💔😢😭’, was uploaded by DEVSH FF on 2024-06-05 11:21:46. It has garnered 35 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. Welcome to DEVSH FF! Dive into the exciting worlds of Free Fire and Minecraft with us! Whether you’re a battle-hardened veteran or a curious newbie, our channel offers epic gameplay, strategic tips, and thrilling adventures. From intense Free Fire battles to creative Minecraft builds, we’ve got something for everyone. Join the DEVSH FF community and embark on a gaming journey filled with action,… Read More

  • Make a Car in Minecraft Bedrock – Easiest Tutorial Ever!

    Make a Car in Minecraft Bedrock - Easiest Tutorial Ever!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Automatic Car Tutorial Minecraft Bedrock’, was uploaded by hpMC46 on 2024-09-15 19:11:04. It has garnered 198 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:49 or 49 seconds. Minecraft Automatic Car Tutorial Minecraft Bedrock minecraft minecraft 100 days minecraft house tutorial minecraft hardcore 133,000 +49% $0.05 1 (Low) minecraft civilization minecraft music minecraft house +22% minecraft song -100% minecraft horror +123% minecraft builds +49% minecraft movie -100% minecraft story mode +83% minecraft arg +1,558% minecraft aphmau minecraft animation minecraft asmr +22% minecraft adventures +125% minecraft automatic farm +83% minecraft addons +49% minecraft… Read More

  • Termina – Towny Raiding SMP, Raiding, PVP, Crossplay

    🏰 Will you be the hero or the villain?! 🔥 The choice is yours on TerminaMC.com – SMP Towny, Community, and Adventure! Java Port: 25565 and Bedrock Port: 19132 Please take a moment to learn about us. We welcome all players! 🌍 Decide your path: Termina is more than just a survival server – Will you build a peaceful town, supporting others in the community? Or will you rise as a fearsome leader, declaring war and forging a nation built on conquest? 🏙️ Build towns, create nations, forge alliances: With Towny, you can make your own town or nation; working… Read More

  • ⥈ MineCuby | (1.16.5/1.21) | www.minecuby.com ⥈ Discord ⇴ discord.minecuby.com

    ⥈ MineCuby | (1.16.5/1.21) | www.minecuby.com ⥈ Discord ⇴ discord.minecuby.com Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft: My opinion vs yours

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft: My opinion vs yoursWell, I guess we can say this meme is a 102 out of 10! Read More

  • Crafty Cuts: The Ultimate Guide to Minecraft Video Edits

    Crafty Cuts: The Ultimate Guide to Minecraft Video Edits Welcome, gamers, to Scarlett’s domain, Where Minecraft videos are edited with no strain. I’ll spill the secrets, make your content shine, With tools and tricks that are simply divine. Cut and join scenes with precision and grace, Add effects and transitions to elevate your space. Music and sound effects, a vital touch, To make your videos pop, oh so much. Whether a beginner or a pro in the game, These tips will surely bring you fame. Subscribe, like, and ring the bell, To stay updated and do oh so well. Share your thoughts, your own editing flair, Let’s build… Read More

  • “Tiny Holes Challenge: Mobs Edition” #minecraftmemes

    "Tiny Holes Challenge: Mobs Edition" #minecraftmemes When you realize the smallest gap test in Minecraft is harder than trying to navigate through a crowded mall on Black Friday. #minecraftproblems #watchoutforthatcreeper Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Mining Guide! – REACT

    Ultimate Minecraft Mining Guide! - REACT The Best Way to Mine in Minecraft When it comes to mining in Minecraft, players are always looking for the most efficient and effective methods to gather resources. Whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting out, knowing the best way to mine can make a huge difference in your gameplay experience. Strip Mining One of the most popular mining techniques in Minecraft is strip mining. This method involves digging a series of parallel tunnels at different levels to expose a large area of blocks. By systematically clearing out these tunnels, players can uncover valuable resources such as diamonds,… Read More

  • Levitating Washing Machine Prank!

    Levitating Washing Machine Prank! Levitating Washing?!? – Minecraft Create Mod S3 #3 Introduction In the latest episode of Minecraft Create Mod Season 3, Zedaph explores the fascinating world of levitating washing! Why wash items on the floor when you can wash mid-air? Let’s dive into the exciting features and events of this episode. Levitating Washing One of the standout features of this episode is the concept of levitating washing. Zedaph showcases how to wash items in mid-air, adding a unique twist to the traditional washing process in Minecraft. This innovative approach not only adds a fun element to the game but also demonstrates… Read More

  • Insane Shizo Clickbait: Telos Realms Pro Guide Mid Game

    Insane Shizo Clickbait: Telos Realms Pro Guide Mid GameVideo Information This video, titled ‘Telos Realms – New Player Progression Guide Part 2 – Mid Game’, was uploaded by cebmofroz on 2024-09-21 19:00:07. It has garnered 1626 views and 39 likes. The duration of the video is 00:24:17 or 1457 seconds. Yoooo what’s up guys been a long time huh? Anyways if you wanna play this server its vanilla minecraft newest version of minecraft (1.21.1). and the ip is telosrealms.com If you enjoy make sure to like and subscribe! I stream daily on twitch for 10+ hours a day so come check me out there! http://www.twitch.tv/cebmofroz This will be… Read More

  • Unleash SonicGlare: Ultimate Herobrine Mod-Addon!

    Unleash SonicGlare: Ultimate Herobrine Mod-Addon!Video Information This video, titled ‘This Is the Best ” Herobrine Mod/Addon” For Minecraft Pocket Edition 1.21.20+!!’, was uploaded by SonicGlare on 2024-09-01 12:30:56. It has garnered 2174 views and 37 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:10 or 130 seconds. This Is the Best ” Herobrine Mod/Addon” For Minecraft Pocket Edition 1.21.20+!! DOWNLOAD: https://mcpedl.com/order-of-creepypasta/ Credit: @CloudLightning …_…|..__________ __________, , ……/ `-___________– _____|]THANKS FOR WATCHING …../_==o;;;;;;;;__ _____.:/ SUBSCRIBE 🔴 …..), -.(_(__) / ….// (..) ), –” …//___// ..//___// -Chapters- **Tags:** mod top minecraft pe modpacks minecraft pe 1.20 popular mods mcpe must-have addons best minecraft pocket edition modpacks mcpe… Read More

  • Unreal Duping Hack on DonutSMP.net | Mod in Comments

    Unreal Duping Hack on DonutSMP.net | Mod in CommentsVideo Information This video, titled ‘How to DUPE on DonutSMP.net Minecraft server! | Mod in comments’, was uploaded by RealDuper on 2024-08-23 17:21:59. It has garnered 2333 views and 45 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:40 or 100 seconds. Link in the comments! ► VIDEO INHALT 00:00 Intro / Showcase 00:50 Block Break Dupe Methode 01:05 No Remove Shard Dupe 01:18 Showcase Tags(ignore): DONUTSMPDONUTSMPMCREKRAP2CPVPDUPEDUPING1. pvp,crystal pvp montage,crystal pvp texture pack,crystal pvp server,crystal pvp bedrock,crystal pvp guide,crystal pvp texture pack 1.19,crystal pvp mods,crystal pvp texture pack mcpe,crystal pvp practice server,crystal pvp packs,crystal pvp asmr,crystal pvp addon mcpe,crystal pvp advanced… Read More


    UNBELIEVABLE! NEXUS NOVA: MINECRAFT'S 1.19 BEST SEEDVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT BEST SEED 1.19 #minecraft #gaming #trending #short’, was uploaded by NEXUS NOVA on 2024-05-10 07:16:58. It has garnered 484 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. MINECRAFT BEST SEED 1.19 #minecraft #gaming #trending #short #minecraft #minecraftmod #minecraftmyanmar #minecraftanimation #minecraftchallenge #minecraftbut #minecraftbuilding #minecraftroleplay #minecrafthorror #minecraftsmp #minecraft #animation victor #minecraft #pvp #shorts •артемчик – мкпе• #minecraft #shorst x_ cyber samurai _x #minecraft #minecraftshorts #gaming #minecraftsurvival #kids gamer pro 2015 #minecraft #minecraftshorts #jump #gaming #running #drama pixelmon #minecraft #shorts #minecraft #evulation bencosme #minecraft animation #minecraft #fantasy #story minecraft the quest… Read More

  • INSANE Twist in Minecraft SMP #77 – Iron Everywhere! 🤯

    INSANE Twist in Minecraft SMP #77 - Iron Everywhere! 🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘This World Is Full Of Iron 🤯🤪!! Minecraft SMP #77’, was uploaded by Blitz Byte Play on 2024-05-29 15:00:50. It has garnered 249 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:38 or 278 seconds. This World Is Full Of Iron 🤯🤪!! Minecraft SMP #77 share, support, Subscribe!!! follow me on Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/sachinverma11748 business Email: [email protected] About:this channel is made for gaming videos comment me the game which you like to watch. Thank you so much for watching❤! #shorts #minecraft #gameplay #bgmi #gta5 #freefire #residentevil Read More

  • Secrets Unveiled in Minecraft with Ray and Friends

    Secrets Unveiled in Minecraft with Ray and FriendsVideo Information This video, titled ‘The Start of a Whole New World | Minecraft with Ray, Chibidoki, and Nagzz21’, was uploaded by BraggAboutIt on 2024-04-28 17:00:03. It has garnered 14216 views and 468 likes. The duration of the video is 06:58:08 or 25088 seconds. Recorded on April 10th, 2024 at http://twitch.tv/axialmatt Crew: Ray: Ray: https://www.twitch.tv/ray Chibidoki: https://www.twitch.tv/chibidoki Nagzz21: https://www.twitch.tv/nagzz21 Follow Matt Bragg on Twitter! https://twitter.com/axialmatt Join the Mage Discord! https://discord.com/invite/RBUeWRG Follow the Mage Community on Twitter! https://twitter.com/SharkMages YT Team Sky: https://twitter.com/Skyboltt ArleyDino #minecraft #multiplayer #twitchvod #minecraftsurvival #minecraftbuilding Read More

wattles – SHIPWRECK & TREASURE GUIDE! | The Minecraft Guide – Minecraft 1.14.2 Lets Play Episode 27