So the current theme of Minecraft 1.21 is 100 unknown but what if it updated the Cherry button what could it have well an amazing addition to this biome would be villagers complete with the brand new Clean Skin out of all of the bottoms that could have a villager I Think this biome has the most potential for a best outfit another beautiful addition to the Cherry Grove that would make it feel even more cherry is well cherries from the trees the Cherry Grove biome is definitely beautiful but it also kind of lacks its own structure What if we put a super rare giant mansion inside of the Cherry Grove bile and then inside of that a brand new boss battle with a new reward well let’s see what that’s like check out the video pin below what would you add to the Cherry Grove Video Information
This video, titled ‘the minecraft 1.21 CHERRY UPDATE?!’, was uploaded by wattles on 2023-07-22 14:36:57. It has garnered 103923 views and 4628 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:42 or 42 seconds.
is minecraft 1.21 an end update or is it actually a cherry grove update?