We Survived 100 Days in Duo Better Minecraft

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I’m going to survive 100 days in better Minecraft better Minecraft is a mod with extra biomes scary dungeons alternate Dimensions dangerous bosses and so so much more and that sounds like a lot well that’s why I’m not gonna do this alone thankfully for these hundred days I’m gonna have my good friend blocked

Down by my side with the two of us working together I’m sure we can survive anything right well there’s only one way to find out so now that we’re here what should we do well I guess we just go like gear up maybe get some armor get

Some tools you know yeah that makes sense okay so how about you go off in that direction and I’ll go that way all right sounds good I guess we’ll meet back here in a couple of days hey so here we are on day one and I started how you would every Minecraft

World by punching a tree I made the basic tools I needed for survival and then I noticed this portal Rune that was next to me I took a look at the chest that was there and actually found quite a bit of good loot the golden apples are

A sweet bonus but the gold armor will definitely come in handy for another trip I then continued on in the direction of this beautiful looking Autumn biome but the weather quickly started to turn whoa are these like gusts of wind or something I’m not sure that’s a good sign thankfully I stumbled

Across a tower nearby and decided it would be a good idea to investigate it but it looked like I might have some trouble getting to it with all these mobs spawning I’m not sure if those were because of the rain or because the structure is actually a dungeon but I

Felt like the risk could be worth it after that fight I found some sheep and I had to kill them to get some food so I could heal plus I also figured that would give me some wool for a bed I’m sorry little sheep so after that I went

To inspect the tower and quickly saw that it would be a safe space for me to stay I began searching the barrels in here and found some iron food and pretty good tools I then went up to the top of the tower to check out the view and

Ended up finding a chest with a whey Stone in it I think those allow you to teleport if you have multiple placed around the world so that should definitely come in handy this area looks like it has a lot of cute places to explore nearby so I feel like we should

Stay here for a while now that I had a cozy place to stay I crafted up a furnace so I could burn the iron that I found and once that was done smelting I used that to make my very first Iron pick very swag all of that seemed like

Enough adventure for one day so I hung out in that Tower until morning on the morning of day two I set off to go find some more of our starter resources I figured since we have a new pick we should explore a nearby cave to see what

We can gather I found a lot of surface coal on the edge of the hill so I spent some time Gathering some of that I found the entrance to a Ravine and decided to head down in hopes of some more iron or maybe even Diamonds oh I think those are

Emeralds nice the cave I found though yeah not so nice I think we’re gonna have to pass on this one for now especially since we don’t even have any armor yet hopefully blockdown’s having some good luck in the cage though he can help us gear up but before I left I

Decided to mine up a bunch of copper and by a bunch I mean far too much because I thought you could make copper armor with this mod pack yeah turns out that’s not a thing so after that questionable use of my time I decided to head back up to

My base where I made a water bucket with some of the iron that I had after seeing how brutal that cave was I figured it would probably be a good idea to have one so we can more easily get down to the lower levels in backup of course

Also we should probably upgrade these wooden tools to Stone now I was running around with an iron pick while everything else is made of wood like huh okay yeah that is much better after a not so successful day in terms of progress I decided to spend the

Remainder of the day chopping down some trees that’s so cool if you use an axon One log it’ll chop the entire tree down that is Gonna Save Us so much time so after after having a more chill previous day I decided that day three was going

To be an exploration day I can’t forget I’m a modded of course so I wanted to see what cool things I could find like this little shell thing on the ground please don’t break when I pick you up hey what are you looking at so after walking a little bit further I came

Across a random Bridge as I approached it I got stuck in those annoying berry bushes only to realize that they were a little bit different are these blueberries oh these are so cute but also still kind of annoying when you walk over these things after that I made

My way over to the bridge to check it out I don’t really know if these have any significance or if they’re just randomly generated but they’re really pretty after inspecting the random bridge I noticed a campfire off in the distance so I went to go check it out in

Hopes of there being a village oh yes we’ve got cabins so I spend some time poking around to see if I could find any good loot oh what’s this little structure oh my gosh there’s a frying pan oh what is this a basket there’s a cutting board all of this kitchen stuff

That I found sound was so cool and I would love to actually try cooking with it so obviously I had to take it from the Villager sorry topaz I was on my way out the door until I noticed the barrels look different too oh it’s a cabinet oh

There’s onions I bet we can plant these at home and naturally I took the cabinets from the Villager as well leaving him nothing but an empty room I found a couple more houses in the village but they didn’t really have anything worth taking my inventory had

Gotten quite full so I decided to head on home along the way I managed to see some cool Wildlife little bears oh oh my gosh oh my gosh can bears swim can bear swim it’s still chasing me I can hear it oh is the water gonna stop it no we can

Swim once I had passed the river I ran for safety to my tower in hopes that this bear isn’t like a super bear with spider-like powers and yes I did break the ladder in case it could climb once I climbed to the top of the tower and saw

That I was in safe distance from the bear I could finally relax I was still a little bit shaken up from that debacle so much that I lost my footing and fell from the top of of the tower bringing me down to half of my hearts I decided that

Was enough adventure for one day and went to bed early on day four it was time for me in blockdown to meet back up to see what each other had managed to find so I head back over to the spot where we started this adventure hey buddy how’d you uh deal with everything

Oh yeah yeah pretty good lockdown told me that he had only managed to find a little bit of food but he did find a totem in a village and I told him about the spot I had found and now it had a lot of good potential for a base

Location so we head back over to the tower together to check it out oh this is pretty right yo what’s this thing is this a dungeon or something there was actually no mobs in here it looked like just a landmark or something I’m not exactly sure but there was tons and tons

Of loot in here well this is cute a little bit look in here oh oh gold armor away Stone Way Stone I found a wasteland with a village you did yeah yeah I like activated and everything so if we place that we could easily go to the Village this area does

Seem pretty cozy right I mean are we gonna live here I feel like this is the spot if you’re into it yeah I’m down so now that we had the perfect spot picked out for a base we decided it would be a good idea to start Gathering more

Resources for basic survival what the hell is that down there where there’s a fly with a green bird I’m pretty sure that’s a dragonfly have you never seen one IRL they’re Majestic right side note I meant to say fireflies but you get the point you can’t just

Make up creatures well there’s moss in here but the storm picking up we took up shelter for the night in the tower on day five we both head out to collect some resources lockdown went to gather some stuff from the caves while I began collecting leather from cows and chopping some wood

I needed more leather from cows because I wanted to make a backpack that would allow me to stash more items while traveling but they weren’t really dropping any I was starting to worry that there would be none left so I decided to make a pen for them instead

That way we could start farming as many as we needed for food and leather diagonal fences oh that’s so cool and after I built the pen I set out to find some cows hiya buddy come here the cows and modded are so cute I love how there’s so many different kinds too with

One cow safely in the pen I went out to find some more so we could breed them I ended up finding an area where three of them were hanging out next to each other so I brought the whole gang back with me just this way my dudes single file there

We go so with all of our cows safely in the pen I gave them some food I kind of realized that I made the pen a bit too small and I felt a little bad so I expanded it a little bit more yeah that’s much better so for the

Remainder of the day I built a pen next to the cows to prepare for our sheep friends on day six I set out early to find some more sheep and I found one hanging out in the forest not too far from the base the Bears avoid eye contact once I was

Back at the base I got the Sheep into the pen and set out to find some more there’s one no two oh and it looks like we found another friend let’s go and here’s your new home my dudes I hope you like it after the Sheep were safely in

Their new home I wanted to work on getting a backpack for some extra storage I needed one more piece of leather but none of the cows were dropping any I didn’t want to risk losing all of my cows so I had to go find one once I got the piece of leather

That I needed I went back home and made my backpack so I think what you can do is you can actually equip it on you and then to use the inventory slots you right click when it’s in your hot bar and then you can access the extra line of inventory oh

This actually looks so cute too I love it plus this will definitely come in handy for Big Adventures after I got the backpack figured out I decided they would be smart to work on getting other sources of food we’ll be needing some wheat to feed the animals so I decide to

Make a little field close by for our crops it’s good to get a supply up now so we don’t run out in the future on day 7 blockdown City found a really cool cave that we should explore together sometime it was a little bit far from

Home so I set up a wastestone at our base while he put one in the cave that way we can more easily travel between the two places with the cost of some XP after that I made some shears because I wanted to see what kind of wool the

Sheep I had gotten would drop what is this a blue stitched wool how does this look as carpet oh this could be really nice for building I love that but since I had some more time to spare I decided to make our Farmland look a little bit nicer by fencing in our crops

I then added some pathing to connect the area together a bit more towards the end of the day blockdown came back from his journey drift I’m home you’re back you’re all geared up yeah I got something for you bam lockdown image to find enough iron to fully gear up and

Had some spare to make a chest plate for me which you can equip with your backpack still on so at the start of a sustainable food source and some gear we were making some good progress which led us into day eight now that we have more

Things we kind of needed a bigger place to live and keep our stuff we thought it would be cool to attach the build to the tower that I had found but the problem was that we didn’t exactly have enough resources to begin building just yet so

We took a trip into the caves using our way Stone and collected a bunch of various stones to build with we grabbed a ton of Cobble for the foundation of our build and some andesite so we could use it to texture and on day 9 we started building up the House lockdown

Built the footprint of the build with Cobble while I textured the walls with some andesite once the foundation was done I went into the surrounding Forest to try and find some modded wood blocks that I haven’t used before I found this really nice gray maple wood that

Blockdown would end up using for the roof trim on days 10 to 12 we continued with our build I built up the walls with this really nice salmon colored wood that we found while blocked on was working on the roof in storage I started decorating the exterior

And I found out you can make actual shutters in this mod pack they’re basically trap doors that open and close sideways and after that I decorated the rest of the exterior with some planter boxes made from leaves and trapdoors look at this house that was actually pretty cool you know no it actually

Looks pretty good there’s a bee going in at the top of the tower I know do you want to see what I did on the inside just prepare yourself this is probably the best interview you’ve ever gonna see in your life but after you after you

Whoa I mean minus the fact that I cannot see in these Corners hold on let’s just fix that really quickly just add a little bit of lighting this looks this looks pretty good as you can see I’ve organized everything oh that looks great this is this is organization to my

Liking this is perfect and then upstairs we’ve got a lovely area for um activities and stuff okay need a little bit of light here and there too but it’s looking good it’s looking good so with the build done we now had a proper place to call home which was a big goal

Checked off of our list we decided that the next thing we should do is get some better gear for ourselves but that would be a tomorrow problem on day 13 we set off to the caves because it was time to upgrade our gear our goal was to gather

Diamond for armor in a pick some extra iron for General use and some gold for the nether before we head out I smelted the iron that we had and made the rest of my iron armor so at least I had some protection while caving honestly anything is better than nothing

Especially because we don’t really know what we’re in for with the modded caves like this little Goblin that’s following block down what so with the little Goblin guy by our side down into the depths of the cave we went we got down to deep slate level where you tend to

Find the most diamonds but unfortunately we were are having quite a bit of trouble finding any we didn’t really see too many modded dungeons either just a zombie wearing a mining outfit who was guarding a diamond though and yeah not diamonds plural just one but hey it was

Better than nothing on day 14 we kept exploring through the caves and we did manage to find a spawner room that was modded add some extra decorations in loot which was really cool we were still having no luck with diamonds but we did manage to find a huge iron vein which is

Honestly a great find this will give us a great supply of iron for whatever we needed it for so thankfully iron was no longer a worry we gathered up as much as we thought we needed and went on to try and find some more diamond and yeah

Still no luck with the diamonds finally I managed to break our bad streak of luck by finding two diamonds so that brought us up to three in our midst of travel we came across a giant zombie dungeon that was held up by pillars it was probably a horrible idea to explore

But who knows there could be some good loot in it so he made the most irresponsible choice that we could and we made our way up into the dungeon and yeah as we suspected it was pretty hairy I spent all my time running away from zombies like a little baby while

Blockdown managed to find a diamond sword enchanted book and some other cool stuff I definitely owe him for that one after running through the dungeon collecting whatever loot we could find while narrowly avoiding chaos we finally pull it up to escape and get back to the surface oh we are underwater we figured

That was enough adventure for us so we head on home sadly with barely any luck in the caves we were on to day 15 with not many diamonds to our name we spent the morning smelting some iron and putting away items into storage we figured today we could do some other

Things to prep for the dragon fight and go back to the diamond collecting later this meant that the next step for us would be to take a trip to the nether for some important materials so we made a diamond pick with a few diamonds we

Had so we can mine some obsidian for a portal after that we are off to the caves to find a lava pool along the way we found a witch hut that actually had a brewing stand in it that was a great find because we needed one to brew

Potions for the dragon fight we also came across a group of scarecrows just sitting silently in a circle that was a little bit terrifying but we also needed hay for farming so we took their torsos and we ran we finally got to the entrance of the cave and took a water

Bucket down to begin our search for a lava pool oh there’s lava and obsidian oh I hate it here after my heart rate went back to normal I had the thrilling task of mining obsidian oh well that was a great start once we had collected all that we needed we

Traveled back to our base and made the portal in the upstairs room of our build yay we took a peek just to see what biome we were Landing in and it was enough for me to never want to go back I thought the regular nether was bad

Enough but yeah modded was way worse we popped back through the portal to collect a few more things in the Overworld for this trip and went to bed I wasn’t looking forward to this trip before but now I can say with confidence that I’m really not looking forward to

It day 16 and 17 were spent on the dreaded nether trip I got a gold helmet on so piglens don’t attack me and I also upgraded my backpack so I could have more inventory upgrading to the Gilded backpack gave me a full 27 Slots of extra space once that was all done I

Couldn’t find other things to do to avoid heading into The Nether so we went back through the portal our first step was to make it off of these hanging mushrooms by pillaring across them once we were on safer touring we just head in a random Direction in hopes that we

Would find a fortress some Minecraft God must have heard me crying in my sleep the other the night and had taken pity on me because there was literally one right around the bend from us now that we found a fortress we could collect blaze rods to craft blaze powder which

We combined with the ender pearls to make the Eyes of Ender to open the end portal the only tricky part is well we need to survive this thing I mostly ran around like a baby panicking and begging for my life because I couldn’t stop being lit on fire by The Blaze but

Eventually I was able to help gather more than enough Blazer odds once we got a good amount I mean once blockdown got us a good amount we did a little bit more exploring of the Fortress for some extra loot then we were on our way to find a warped forest for ender pearls

Days 18 and 19 consisted of looking for a warped forest and Gathering ender pearls for the final piece to the portal piece oh man no pearl this process can be pretty tedious especially because the pearls don’t always drop so it took quite a bit of killing Enderman after Enderman after Enderman also while

Digging into Netherrack to make a safe spot I managed to find a couple pieces of ancient debris not sure what I’m gonna do with it but that was a pretty lucky find after killing a bunch of Enderman we ended up with about 18 pearls in total we were hoping that

Would be more than enough to lead us to the stronghold and to open it because we’re getting pretty sick of this place with all of those Pros collected we headed back to the portal into the safety of our home oh it feels so good to be back on day 20 we were finally

Back in the Overworld and I couldn’t be happier I spent the day keeping things a little bit more chill I decided to start Gathering books so I can make an enchanting table for us to upgrade our gear while blockdown left to go build us a zombie XP farm these two things will

Allow us to get good Enchanted armor as soon as possible making us one step closer to being able to fight the dragon I was able to use some of the bookshelves that were in the tower as there were quite a few I then combined the books with some obsidian and

Diamonds that we had and got us a shiny new enchanting table once I had made that I set it aside and I spent the rest of the day tearing apart the remainder bookshelves in the tower and Gathering some wood from the forest so I could remake them I really wish I had silk

Touch on this ax but hey that’s what the table’s gonna be for on day 21 I continued with making bookshelves for the enchanting table while Gathering some Spruce for this build I found some grapes in the forest nearby it looked pretty delicious so I kept them I then started collecting some Mossy Cobble

Leaves and some Granite to use for the build I was gonna do around the table I wasn’t exactly sure what I would be doing with the build just yet but those are really nice blocks that pair well together so you can’t go wrong I had gotten most of what I needed for this

Build and the weather was pretty crummy so I went to bed which got us to day 22 where I got to work on building a spot for the table I wanted to keep the table relatively close to our base so we could easily access it I took a look around

Close by and thought this modded Force we were in looked pretty magical so I decided to build the table Outdoors after working on clearing out a patch of land I got to work on the build I used Cobble for the base and built up the roof of the gazebo with granite Spruce

And leaves I then placed the full table down and we officially had a place to enchant our gear plus I think the build turned out really cute on day 23 blocked on a comeback from building the XP farm oh this is pretty I like it really

Thanks so now that we have those two things settled really all we need are the diamonds to get good gear yeah I don’t really want to enchant iron gear uh strip mine yeah let’s strip mine so off we went back down to the mines with the hopes that we would actually get

Something this time around we started off by digging a big old staircase all the way down until we hit near the bottom of the caves and then we began the slow but very safe task of strip mining and boring you’ve gotta admit that it’s just kind of boring sometimes

After strip mining the rest of the day away we still actually had no luck whatsoever with diamonds which led us into day 24 our full day in the strip mine resulted in nothing so we thought we would try our lucky enchanting a diamond pick with fortune 3 so we would

Get more when we actually find diamonds I mean if we ever find any at this point for some reason we both went to the XP farm but we quickly realized it would be a waste of time for one person to watch the other collect XP so I traveled back

To the mines in hopes of finding diamonds while block down AFK for 30 levels and for a brief moment we actually did have some luck I finally found my first diamond in the mines I did however decide to leave it until we got our Fortune pick which is where our

Bad Luck came back I I’m breaking three efficiency for so with one diamond found and still no Enchanted pick only five rolled around and we were back to the cage to turn walk down and spend some time gathering enough levels from the XP farm so he attempted to enchant his pick again and

Finally with a little bit of luck on our side lockdown managed to get fortune 3 which makes our lives so much easier lucky how many is this 13 already wait did you get the ones that I had marked out yeah yeah I went and grabbed those

Oh perfect okay well all we need to do is find just a couple more clusters and we’re good so Day 26 came around and we were hopefully near the end of all this mining lockdown had way more luck than I did however I did manage to find a good cluster

Oh seven what yes what yes so with a bit of perseverance we finally got all the diamonds we needed and made our full diamond armor however I still personally feel a little bit unlucky because I only found like one cluster and then another Diamond but it’s fine I’ll take it

Lockdown can have all the luck as long as he shares it with me we also had enough diamonds for us to fully upgrade our tools so we did that as well and with all of that done we could finally head out of the caves and back up to the

Surface I really missed the fresh air on day 27 our next step was to enchant our gear I didn’t have quite enough levels for that yet so off I went to block down zombie XP farm where I spent the rest of the day and all of day 28 gaming levels

And he fished like literally for two days he fished I got to level 34 and I figured that was a good amount if I wanted to enchant at least two items so I head on home day 29 rolled around and I finally had the required number of

Levels and a bit more to get the full enchantments on a couple of important pieces of gear I chose to upgrade my sword and my chess play as I thought the those were two pretty important items f after that I had some time to spare so I

Decided to explore the area around us a little bit more I wanted to build a potion house so I thought it would be cool to find some magical colorful looking blocks I came across a forest with really tall blue trees with pink leaves and I thought those fit the bill

Perfectly I collected a bunch of wooden leaves for the rest of the day and then I head back home days 30 to 33 were spent on building the potion house but before that blockdown offered a spare sword to me that had sharpness on it I combined it with mine and got a really

Powerful sword the only problem was it had knockback which isn’t my favorite enchantment but other than that it was a really good sword after that I began building up the potion house for the next couple of days while I was building Phantoms ended up spawning which was very fitting

Considering Phantom membrane is one of the ingredients we need for the slow falling potion it was almost like they knew I ended up incorporating that light blue wood that I found into the roof and I think it turned out looking really magical and here’s the build all done I

Think it looks super cute I decorated the interior with a bunch of modded blocks that I’ve never used and I think this looks really cool as well and most importantly we now have a spot to brew potions that will be needing later on with better gear and a lot more

Confidence gain we set out on day 34 for an adventure in better Minecraft there are a lot more random structures and above ground dungeons so who knows what we are bound to come across our adventure took us to an ice biome where we encountered a magic man just kind of

Hanging out on his own that made me feel like this guy was going to be easy to take on but yeah no oh my gosh oh tight in the freezing I thought I was gonna be toast having to go get all my stuff back but this mod

Pack makes it really easy bruh rip oh yes it’s all back on that’s so cool after I’d gotten all my stuff back we continued on until we came across a pillow drought post honestly there were far too many pillagers with what little loot it would have so we just dipped

Which led us straight to what looked like a woodland Mansion except ice yeah this thing was literal ice like ice was even hidden in the carpet so walking around was even a mess we poked around and honestly didn’t see anything worthwhile in the chest and just left before things got too hairy determined

To find any type of structure with some good loot we pressed on to day 35. we came across a lonesome cabin and it was another one of those scary Magic Men you’re gonna be back at spawn I don’t know I set my spoon well he’s smarter

Than I am I still had the bad Omen on me from the pillagers and I was desperate to get rid of it so I wanted to see if you could get milk from a goat oh did you I swear I learned something new about this game every time I play the

Next thing we came across was a giant ice castle and Village which seemed in innocent enough oh my gosh look at the map this went exactly how you would expect I’m just gonna run I’m just gonna run there’s so many after you well running for my life I actually managed to grab a

Way Stone which was a huge win for us the pillagers seemed to be endless So eventually we just called it quits and ran away on days 36 and 37 we continued exploring after running for our lives for most of this adventure with no good loot found we still weren’t quite ready

To head home yet and we found the one thing that made it all worth it this sled oh my God okay oh okay really find too much else we saw some cool biomes and gathered some nice looking resources but that was about it on days 38 and 39 we were back at home

And it was time for us to get to work after an adventure with lots of fun chaos but little reward we thought it would be a good idea to get a mob farm together this Farm will give us some really valuable resources like bows bones and most importantly gunpowder so

We can craft rockets if we get an elytra not if when so we spent those two days Gathering resources for the build on days 40 to 41 we set out with our collected resources and built a mob farm close to our base big shout out to shulkercraft for this really useful mob

Farm I’ll link the tutorial in the description if anyone would like to use it with the tasks split up we built this thing with ease foreign with the mob farm complete on days 42 and 43 we afk’d high above the clouds hoping to collect a bunch of loot by the

End of it on the morning of day 44 we hopped down from our AFK spot and into a river oh please I’m making it oh yeah should I do it should I do it yeah yay for it now that we had a good stock of arrows and gunpowder we decided the next best

Step for the dragon fight would be villager trading for mending and Unbreaking books so our lighters don’t break as soon as we get them we travel to a close by Village and I set up stick treats for emeralds while blocked down rolled Librarians for the books that we

Needed the tedious task of villager trading went exactly how you would have escaped and after quite a few days of this process it took us into day 47 where we finally got the books that we needed with some spare time left in the day I made some potions of slow falling for

Our dragon fight on day 48 we made the final preparations to go fight the dragon my original diamond pick was really close to Breaking so I just made a new one walk down gave me an enchanted bow with power one and I Enchanted all of my diamond Gear with whatever I could

I actually managed to get feather falling 2 on my boots which was a huge bonus once all our gear was enchanted we combined the ender pearls with blaze powder to make the Eyes of Ender and lastly I made a couple extra golden apples with some gold we had laying

Around because why not and on day 49 with everything ready we head out to finally find the stronghold we tossed our first eye to c word to begin and head off in that direction we came across a tower just like the one at our base and found a waste Stone in it this

Would be really useful for traveling back home from the end tossing eyes here and there to make sure we were still going the right way we continued on our search which eventually led us to a swampy biome after tossing some eyes just to confirm it was actually here it

Looked like the stronghold could be under the swamp so we began digging down in hopes that it was actually there oh it’s here nice friend whoa oh that was very lucky that we landed where we did okay yeah that could have been so much worse oh God

Well I guess I no longer have to worry about getting down so now that we were finally here we just had to find the Portal and searching for it took us into day 50. Library whoa look at this creeper it’s like a Mossy creeper dude sorry dude but you’re still deadly after

Searching for a while and getting turned around here and there I finally found the portal room we made sure to be smart by setting spawns and popping down a Way Stone now that we’re gonna need it or anything the only thing left to do was

Put the Eyes in the portal and open this thing up whoa right it’s time for a good swollen dude a pretty good school couldn’t have done this without you yeah I know Um I fill in the lava and uh the server had a little bit of trouble but it was all good in the end and nothing was fatal with just our luck we spawned off the island and had to bridge across while my pinky was absolutely shaking from holding Crouch but we made it

Safely across and it was finally time to do this we started off by destroying all the crystals on the towers and I’m not gonna lie I was kind of in the zone and easily knocking these things down I’m especially proud of these two long distance shots

Swag once we had managed to break them all it was time to hit the dragon until she was down and all of this had brought us into day 51 where after a couple more good hits with our bows and swords the dragon had finally been defeated oh this

Is it this is it yes yes yo let’s go we did it we did it homie we both managed to collect a wicked amount of XP from that and after that we grabbed the prize dragon egg although we really wanted a light dress we thought

It might be a better idea to go home first to get better gear before we take on the end cities once back home we both took some time to re-enchant our Gear with some better enchantments I decided to disenchant my sword because knockback was driving me nuts but I would soon

Come to regret that decision terribly I don’t know what I was thinking getting rid of a sword with looting was such a bad idea but it’s too late now and just like that we were on to day 52. dude I feel really sick I ate something not

Great you know those you know those ender pearls that we got earlier I took bite of one oh God I’m starting to feel a bit oh did you did you want to oh yeah so now with the dragon fight done we decide to decide building up an farm so we

Could more easily gain levels to enchant or get levels back if we die which uh we all know I have a habit of doing so we both divided up the resource collecting to make this thing and I set out for the rest of the day to gather up a ton of

Leaves and share a bunch of sheep for wool from Days 53 to 55 we got everything in our bags and set out to build up our Enderman Farm we grabbed our way stone for easier travel and realized that we could also use them between Dimensions not only will that

Make travel to the Enderman Farm easier but it will also make going to the end a lot easier as well so we spent the next few days building up the Enderman farm with all the resources we had collected another big shout out to shulker craft for this Farm design it was super quick

To put up and works really well once it was all done and working we stuck around and leveled up to a good amount and then head on home where I was able to enchant some more items finally we were confident enough to go explore the end

So from Days 56 to 58 we set out on a new adventure we crafted up some rockets for our future elytres and I also made a shield to combat those pesky shulkers we tried to enchant a bow that would have Infinity on it but we didn’t really have

Much luck after a visitor visitor and farm for more levels to give it a few more shots we still didn’t have any success in getting the enchantment so we decided to give up on that dream and just go to the end once we were back we

Bridged our way over to the end portal to see what would await us okay yeah this place definitely wasn’t the end I was familiar with it actually looked really beautiful but I knew it wasn’t to be trusted that still didn’t stop me from taking my sweet time collecting things I’ll probably never

Use and shortly after the first terrifying end monster finally appeared and it was these giant bull things that did a ton of damage I give this monster a 3 out of 10 because it was mean but it did drop meat and stuff that could be turned into netherite scrap and please

Don’t ask me what my rating system is because I don’t know the next thing we came across was a spawner that had some Diamond oars laying around so that was pretty sweet determined to find an entity we continued on while being mildly distracted by all the cool blocks

We stumbled upon an end City mine shaft that we had to stop and check out because that’s just so cool and that’s when I met my untimely fate one of those monsters must have heard about the bad rating I gave them and decided to take matters into their own hands by eating

Me off a cliff and all I have to say is that we were so smart to pack those waist Stones because I was able to punch a few Endermen for levels so I could use one that blocked down and placed by my grave so after that whole debacle we now meant

Business and we had our sights on finding that end City with enough bridging across the void to make me not want to do that again for a while we finally found one we wasted no time and pillared up to the ship and there it was

The elytra we had set out to find we finally had one and bonus elektra’s and better Minecraft already have mending and I’m breaking on them so we didn’t even have to worry about that after all so blockdown had the honors of using it first because he set out to explore the

End to find a second one for us I stayed back and looted everything I could from this ship and the city after having some annoyances with the shulkers I was able to find a section within the structure that had fully intact shulker boxes lockdown had eventually made his way

Back with an elytra for me and finally I could fly we decided that was enough time spent in the end and we took our way Stone home on day 59 I decided to spend the day at the Enderman Farm in hopes to fix my sword but I had no such

Luck after that big end Adventure we wanted to chill out for a bit so on day 60 we decided to do some work around on the base I felt like the animals needed a nicer place to live so I set out to build a barn while blockdown built us

Some automated storage I wanted to use some more modded blocks and while I was in the end I noticed this really nice Dusty purple tree so yeah I went back for it even though a moment ago I was saying I had enough of that place on day

61 my ax had gotten pretty worn out from chopping down all those trees so I went to the Enderman farm for a quick repair once I was back home I cleared out a spot for the barn on top of this hill and started building on day 62-66 I continued working on the

Barn and farmland I built the roof using some of that wood I found in the end and I love how it pairs with the spruce I added details to the outside of the build and started a path leading into the barn I then placed some fencing to

Give the cows outdoor space and added some decorations to blend the build into the landscape a little bit more once that was all done I got the cows into the barn and the Sheep into a pen beside them I then added some crops to the surrounding area

I also made these really cool looking oil lanterns to add spots of light to the build on day 67 we were both done with our builds and showed each other what we had done oh what’s this well hey buddy what’s going on dude okay what is

This why is this so ominous this is a brand new storage system have you been in the old house recently is that it is empty what oh it isn’t it’s not in here is it all in here then yep it’s all in that one tiny little block oh my gosh

Okay whoa so if I search ender pearls I got them what and does that mean I can put them away too yeah just shift click it in there it’s organized by itself this is incredible oh my gosh you solved all of our sorting issues I mean not we we

Obviously were pretty organized in there anyway but I thought well yeah yeah no we were totally organized it’s just the fact that it could have gotten out of hand it could have yeah but it didn’t you know eventually probably it was a mess all right it it needed sorting no

It was pretty bad it was actually pretty terrible so after blockdown showed me his brilliant time saving sorting machine I showed him well the pretty spot I had built for our animals hey Aesthetics matter too okay plus we now know how to make those really cool

Looking oil lanterns so I think that’s a win all right so now that we’re done that what should we what should we do now well I’m thinking we done quite a bit of building the base is expanding how about another adventure yeah okay where are you thinking how about we do

Something a bit more you know better Minecraft all right I’ve heard of the Twilight Forest I’ve heard scary things about it but I mean we’ve conquered everything else so I think we could do it I’m pretty geared up I say that anything we probably need

Before we go is maybe a few more Rockets which means we’ve got to go stand up there so off we went back to our AFK Farm which led us into day 68 where we stood up in the sky for the day to collect gunpowder for rockets on day 69

We made our way down to collect all the loot from our AFK farm and head back home to craft the Rockets we also went over to a nearby Village to grab an extra Way Stone once we were back home we picked out a spot for this portal to

Access the Twilight Forest you need to make a square of water surrounded by flowers and throw a diamond in it okay uh let’s go oh my God I didn’t think it was gonna do anything and off we were to see what this Dimension was all about so we landed in

A field with tons of strange structures all around and there was no sunlight only Dark Skies I mean it is in the name Twilight not sure what I expected but yeah this checks out we flew around a bit trying to figure out what we needed to do next some places it was obvious

Weren’t meant to be accessed just yet by having barriers around them While others had things like acid rain to stop you from going into an area feeling a little bit lost we had to do a quick Google search to find out you needed to craft something called a magic map Focus using

A raven feather glowstone dust and torch berries then you combine that with a map and that would give you a special map leading you to the bosses that you had to fight so we set off to explore and we came across a mage that ended up having

A bunch of spider spawners and basic loot feeling like there had to be something bigger than this we pressed on to Day 70 where the map led us to an even bigger maze that looked quite more ominous than the last one we set our sights on a giant snake within the Maze

And knew this was a boss that we had to fight and uh surprisingly it was pretty easy I gotta be honest I was not expecting the snake to go down that quickly we collected its loot which was a trophy head and some scales you could make armor with feeling pretty confident

After that we head over to the next boss fight which was in the tower backed by air portal that no longer had a barrier on it and at the very top of the tower was the Twilight Lich the next boss we had to conquer this one was a little bit

Trickier because he would create copies of himself and if you hit the fake one there would be no damage taken but overall Yep this one was pretty easy too man are we just that good at this game oh okay maybe I spoke too soon so after we

Had gotten the loot which was a cool magic staff and a trophy we were on today 71 where the next boss would be hidden in the depths of an underground maze oh oh this is gonna be hard to get out of not being able to use our elytra to

Scope things out from above we were stuck running through trying to find where the next boss was located to make things worse this place was also home to these half man half cow creatures that would charge at you with axes they honestly didn’t do that much damage and

Were pretty easy to take down but they were just creepy why why did these things exist why the one Saving Grace of this place I would say was that there was tons of loot in here oh but some of it was rigged with TNT so you know what that kind of sucked too

After running around multiple levels of this maze while trying our best not to get lost we finally made our way to what looked like the boss room this is it week week come on we did it we didn’t really that was it in the loot chest was another

Trophy a cool accent block down took and some meaf stroganoff which was kind of a weird thing to have in the chest but I’m assuming it was to be consumed for the next boss so I took some with having the third boss defeated without any trouble we were feeling pretty good about

Ourselves and we figured we should take on at least one more boss which led us into day 72. tastes kind of peppery we figured we had been doing so well through all of this so how hard could the next one be oh what you want me to defeat a

Three-headed dragon oh I’m so scared oh God how do you hit it oh no this is bad this is bad I’m hiding okay maybe I was a little bit too confident just a few moments ago I’m hiding behind a pillar I’m hiding behind a pillar do you think it sees me oh God

It hits so hard dude it’s ripped off ripped off ripped off so uh yeah I definitely take back everything I said about this place being easy so I spawned back in the Overworld but luckily earlier on I had equipped a charm that would allow me to keep my

Armor when I died so the only thing I had to do was kill some sheep to get some XP for the way Stone and run for my life to get the rest of my items back just I just coming in to get my stuff don’t mind me

Oh my God so later on we found out that being the idiots we are we were doing this boss fight all wrong which made it a hundred times more difficult and extremely deadly so deadly that even lockdown had been taken down bruh no no and this is where things went all wrong

Neither of us were able to locate the grave that had been generated for blockdown to retrieve his items we searched everywhere we searched up top we dug down low but in the end it could not be found after taking quite a bit of time to look around with no luck we had

To take the L and just go home thanks for nothing you ruined my day and my life oh on day 73 we were back at home and we figured that was enough adventuring for a while lockdown borrowed my sword so he could get some more XP to gear back up

And I spent some time tending to our crops and farm animals after that I went out to go gather up a bunch of clay for a stove because the next thing I wanted to try in this mod pack was Farmer’s Delight which is the cooking mod that

Allows you to make intricate meals at the end of the day blockdown came back and borrowed my elytra and some Rockets so he could go back to the end and get another one for himself good luck buddy on day 74 I set out to start learning

The cooking mod however in order to give this mod a shot we actually needed a kitchen so I decided to convert our old storage room into one because it was the perfect amount of space but now we also had a use for this building again so I

Built up some counter space with some cabinets above and I learned you can make these really cool hoods for your stove all of this decorating took me into day 75 where I continued on with the kitchen build I made a cutting board that I assume will be able to use I

Decorated the kitchen with this cool looking rope I placed a cute little spot for herbs and then I made one more stove so we could have a cooking pot displayed and I think this turned out really nice day 76 was time for me to finally try out the mod while blockdown went to

Explore a new dimension Called Paradise Lost which means he built yet another cursed portal in the upstairs of this house oh whoa that this is gonna be a dining room man he also sent this giant random bird back through the portal I don’t know what to do with this guy

Maybe it can be my sous chef or something but the whole big kitchen built I realized I didn’t really have many ingredients to cook with so I set out to try and find some of the vegetables from the mod pack because all we had at the moment was some cabbage

And tomatoes after not having much luck and finding anything in any of the villages I visited I had to Pivot and with a quick search I learned that I could make a bacon sandwich with the ingredients I had at home the only thing I needed was some pork after spotting

Some pigs on a Hilltop I got my pork chops and flew back home now to make the sandwich you need to first place the pork on a cutting board and cut it into bacon then you cook that bacon up combine it with some bread cabbage and tomatoes and just like that you got

Yourself a delicious bacon Sammy this was actually so fun to do I know there’s a lot more recipes you can make with this and honestly I would love to explore this pack some more another time on day 77 we were both done with some of the solo stuff we were working on and

Decided that we wanted to expand our base a little bit more we had most of our Essentials built by now and thought it could be cool to build something for the Twilight portal and all the trophies we had collected I know blockdown lost all of his stuff and the Hydra still

Lives on in their to taunt us but we genuinely had so much fun in there and we sort of wanted to honor that so with that idea in mind we hopped through the portal again to gather up some blocks from the forest that we can incorporate

Into our build after that we picked out a block palette and then we got to work I built up the walls while blockdown worked on the roof once the shape was laid down I took to decorating the exterior while blockdown worked on the interior since the Twilight portal is a

Pond covered by flowers I took that idea and just tried to make the outside look as overgrown as possible so I added a bunch of planter boxes leaves in the roof and I placed flowers all around on the build this also helped blend the build into the theme we already had with

The enchanting area and I think this thing turned out really cool it’s making it so good man thanks I can’t wait to see what you did on the inside it’s a kind of similar Vibe I think where’d you get this painting of us done did you

Commission this yeah got um Bob drost to do it oh my gosh his art is incredible wow oh our sled yeah so many good times so many good times yep just full of memories right all right well what’s in here whoa I can’t go for the sled

Dude this looks so good though what the heck what’s this what is this core memory that you had without me here I don’t remember this oh this is your brain what how’d you get it what how’d you get it out is it gonna come back yeah no you’re good you’re good you know

What my brain doesn’t look half bad it’s a divine right now what are you talking about there’s literally a floating thing here is that yeah there is it was a piece of it’s a piece of wart block so we have three trophies from the Twilight Forest I feel like we should we should

Probably display these right yeah go for it I mean pick your spot all right let’s do one here oh look at it there we go um let’s put the Lich here and then the cow can go right here hell yeah that’s not too bad that’s pretty cool I mean we

Still got more to go obviously we didn’t get the uh the Hydra we didn’t talk about that we didn’t talk about yeah I feel like we needed a Redemption on that or something though yeah I think that’s probably gonna be for another episode I gotta admit I don’t really fancy going

Back in there right now no I’m eating though I’m a little bit terrified of it to be honest and a little bit salty if we can hit 100 000 likes on this video yeah likes come on see that little button down there right below you I see it hit

It anyway yeah he’s done on day 81 we figured it had been a while since we did some Overworld exploration so we set out in a direction we hadn’t been yet to see what we could find the first thing we came across was a forest that had

Japanese maple logs so we collected some for building shortly after we found a little area that had some copper Golems hanging out more importantly we learned that you could actually pick stuff up in this mod pack I honestly wish I had learned this like 30 days ago but you

Know what better late than never oh and yeah we also brought the copper Golems Back to Life by scraping the rust off of them but honestly I was really stuck on being able to pick stuff up so I feel like I didn’t care as much as I should

Have right by the copper Golem Monument was a village where we just ran around picking up as much stuff as we could when we had enough of that we flew around some more until we came across a weird looking Mossy structure this is kind of Swag oh there’s definitely like

A pile of creepers down there I’m just gonna wait for them to swim oh my God they’re everywhere it’s gonna be bad I think we’re good oh chests the wall still a mending book after Gathering all the loot and Spore blossoms we could find we head on out on day 82 we continued

Flying around to see what else was around us we found this giant pumpkin biome that had a village with a bunch of little pumpkin people living in it but not much else I couldn’t believe I thought they were kind of cute or kind of creepy to be honest I’m still

Undecided on that one after that we made our way over to the tundra again because I wanted to start collecting rabbit fur to make this very special armor you’ll see in a bit as to why I was so set on getting this but while we were doing

That we came across an ice temple let’s go in and delete it oh you are literally gonna set off oh my God whatever loot was there was gone now bro you’re so lucky you got out of there oh my God somebody’s shooting at us what where are they coming from what oh my

God it’s like frozen skelly’s dude delete is gone oh there’s one of the magic men oh God oh God yep see ya I am Frozen in the air I might die please please oh God this is bad I don’t want to die man this is not cool how is it still going on

Oh on day 83 we were back home and I crafted probably the best thing you could ever make in this mod pack oh my God look at me oh this is the best thing ever I wanted to enchant the fur armor but I also lost a bunch of levels when I

Died so I had to go back to the Enderman Farm to gather some XP when I got home I Enchanted my fur armor with the finest enchantments worthy to be on it and here I am probably looking the most slick I ever will in this game

On day 84 we both thought our base was coming together but we realized neither of us actually had our own places to live or sleep so over the next few days we went our own ways to focus on that I went off exploring for a bit to collect

A bunch of resources for this build I didn’t have a whole plan in mind I just know I wanted to use brick as one of the building blocks so once I got back from resource collecting I spent the next few days tossing up a build that was

Suitable for a home and I think it looked super cute it’s the perfect place to catch some rest that’s for sure and with that we were on to day 89 seeing how much our builds transform the area we thought it would be a good idea to finally build up a monument for our

Dragon egg that was an achievement worthy to be displayed after all so for the next couple days we gathered up some blocks from the end to build the monument with once we had gotten enough materials to work with we thought it would be cool to build the dragon egg

Nested above a pond made out of the blocks from the end and I think this one turned out pretty cool as well and that brought us to day 91 where we thought to do the same thing with our way Stone as it had been sitting there all sat at the

Front of our base we decided to use deep sleep because we had so much from the caves so we worked on building up a platform for this thing and yeah I think this one ended up looking pretty cool too so with all this progress down on

Our base we were on to day 92. drift yep we’re uh coming to the end of the Hundred Days yeah something like that 92 I think I’ve had a lot of fun so far me too this is this has just been great there is one problem though yep that

Hydra stole all my stuff yeah he still has it and he’s still out there breathing yeah like really breathing because there’s three heads like that’s a lot of breath yeah I know and uh well you shouldn’t Breathe No anymore no I agree he I think he needs to pay I think

He does need to pay I want revenge well you know where the portal is well you’re not coming with me well I am yeah but I was just trying to be dramatic was that dramatic enough but before we go to the portal I actually really need some food

And stuff so can we do that first yeah I mean I’ve only got like 16 steaks so okay I know we’re I know we’re hungry for Revenge but that will not satiate the hunger that I actually have I’m actually starving right now so let’s go

Get some food so with this epic plan in mind we went off collecting some food to fuel our Redemption Arc except I barely got any because I took looting off of my sword Rift yes yes you got you got a sign on your face stop stop I was just cooking some wow I

Only got like three it’s because I took looting off my sword I deserve that oh okay off to the portal yeah I mean first time we actually get to use this build right handshake poster can you shake hands in front of the handshake obviously okay okay I’m ready okay here we go

But wait wait wait wait wait wait the map so this is actually the map that we need I don’t see anything there just punch it okay okay there it is all right see you in there all right see you good luck oh I’m in that thing is Northeast I’m

Pretty sure so let’s go I think this way so with a lot more confidence and nothing left to lose well except we had everything to lose again including our already bruised egos we were off to settle things once and for all with the Hydra you ready buddy yeah okay not

Great not great not great but we’re we’re doing this we’re doing this Oh we must be doing something wrong I wonder if there’s like a trick oh God I hit him with a stake oh that actually does quite a bit of damage does it put his mouth open yeah oh okay okay oh

My gosh we’re doing it we’re doing it oh we’ve got so many heads now oh I got one I got one dude we’re almost there yeah one more one more one more one more good one come on die lock down this is yours [Applause] you didn’t take my stuff oh my God take

That trophy that is yours dude I’m drinking this Blood I am drinking it wait I can’t drink I can’t drink it either Twilight Forest more like try better next time Forest yeah yeah I’m going home I’ll be ready okay I’m gonna be down dramatically and a five and a

Four and a three and a two and a one yeah oh we did it we did it I guess uh we should probably store this fiery blood who knows who knows if we’re gonna need it again because we might need it for 200 days if you like And subscribe right

Now 100 000 likes everyone and I need to reach 1 billion subscribers by the end of the year and we’ll make a 200 days better Minecraft maybe maybe we’ll see oh you shut me in on Day 94 we decided we should actually have a proper spot for another portal so

We hop back into the portal to gather up some blocks for the build although right off the bat we ended up getting pretty distracted whoa I had come across something called a citadel even though it was probably extremely deadly I just had to see what was inside oh my god oh

He multiplies he multiplies oh I don’t know about this one oh oh God oh you got it let’s go what is it what’s salute Wildfire Crown fragment we have five of them we can make a wildfire crown we’ve got four oh geez are you not loot

In here then there’s got to be some loot oh where’d you go down there’s gonna be yeah oh bro that looks hairy that looks hairy oh God once we had gotten rid of the Wither skellies we looted up the place we got two skulls from that and

Only needed one more to spawn the wither so we did the most senseless thing and decided to find one more skull why I don’t know clearly we were still riding the thrill of beating the Hydra cause I can’t explain any other reason why we

Did this if I’m honest on our way out of the Citadel we spotted a tower close by that had a really cool piglet statue we ended up taking it because we thought it would look really cool for our build after that we made our way back to the

Fortress we had found earlier to get our last Wither Skull and I’ve got to be honest this one was kind of up to block down because you know I took looting off of my sword once we had gotten our last skull we dipped from the nether once we

Were back in the Overworld being the two foolish people we are we set off to the caves to summon the wither bro we can do this easy easy oh God he’s actually flipping out oh God oh God I might die I might die dude he’s like

Half he’s like half so easy easy get out of here man so easy dude try harder oh dude he’s almost dead he’s almost dead let’s get him let’s get him huh oh did you get weather stuff oh God I got the star dude you have no boots look at your little shoes

So after just casually defeating the Wither we head back home and spent the rest of day 96 building the nether portal we were supposed to make before getting distracted with all the fiery blocks in Gold this thing turned out really cool looking day 97 rolled around

And we wanted to clean up a few more things around our base so the next thing on our list was to give the Paradise Lost portal a better home we hopped into the portal and spent the day exploring for blocks it was all pretty much the

Same thing over and over but I did manage to grab some of what was there day 98 we built up the portal by the storage house and we basically just set out to make it look really overgrown and old and here it is I think this one

Turned out really nice as well also we look so cool in these fursuits and finally we had made it to day 99 our second last day with everything else done we decided to spend the day cleaning up the base as much as we could I added some more fields and planted

Some more flowers around the base while blockdown planted all of the saplings that we found over the course of our Journeys once that was all done I went home and had one final last sleep in my bed and with that we are at day 100 drift

Dude we did it day 100 let’s go let’s go oh look at everything we accomplished I know and I think it all started with this power right I’ve got like a whole village this looks awesome yeah for real I mean like man not even just the village everything that we accomplished

I couldn’t have done any of this without you yeah I mean I would say the same but it’s not true um okay well yeah well it is the truth though I’ll accept that I mean also the respawns the respawns really did help me out there but yeah look at everything

We’ve done I’m so proud of this I know five million likes and we’ll do another one a hundred thousand billion likes and we’ll do it again honestly I’ll do this if you just let us know that you enjoyed this video and we will absolutely do one

Again because we had so much fun and I I really want to wear this suit again I feel so fancy right now the fanciest I’ve ever felt and I just you know what despite despite all of us despite us you know just having some Goofy and stuff I

Had such a fun time with you dude yeah we had a great time it was good yeah I want to do it again so this is day 100 and as you can see I think we’re pretty much complete with everything that we’ve got we’ve got a fully sustainable base

And I think that’s all that really needs to be said so with 100 days done I would just like to say how much fun I had on this journey the better Minecraft mod pack had so many cool surprises around every corner but most importantly I’m so

Glad I was able to do this with a good friend by my side if you enjoyed the video please consider liking and subscribing because it really helps out the channel and definitely make sure you go check out blockdown’s channel as well and with all of that I’ll catch you all again soon bye

This video, titled ‘We Survived 100 Days in Duo Better Minecraft’, was uploaded by InfiniteDrift on 2023-08-10 15:22:52. It has garnered 11547 views and 821 likes. The duration of the video is 00:58:43 or 3523 seconds.

In this video I spend 100 days in Better Minecraft with @BlockdownBuilds. This modpack adds tons of features to Minecraft such as bigger dungeons, bosses, new dimensions, building blocks, and so much more. Thanks for watching and I hope you enjoy!

Be sure to check out Blockdowns channel: @BlockdownBuilds

Modpack link: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/better-mc-fabric-bmc1

Mob Farm Tutorial https://youtu.be/QwCQBeImUKk

Enderman Farm Tutorial https://youtu.be/nh8voJScSbw

Find me here! https://www.twitch.tv/infinitedrift_ https://twitter.com/InfiniteDrifft

Join mine and Blockdown’s Discord The Kick Back Club https://discord.gg/G5R4FG983z

Need a server? BisectHosting has you covered Check them out here: https://bisecthosting.com/drift And use code “drift” for 25% off your first month!

Get some Rogue Energy here! (affiliate) Link: https://rogueenergy.com/?ref=cZ47qyLz1u Use code DRIFT for 20% off

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    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for a Wild Adventure! Welcome to Newsminecraft.com, where we bring you the latest and greatest in the world of Minecraft! Today, we stumbled upon a fascinating YouTube video titled “Minecraft Nhưng Bọn Tôi Là Động Vật…Có Súng ?!?” which showcases a unique twist on the classic game we all know and love. While watching this video, we couldn’t help but think about the endless possibilities that await players on Minewind Minecraft Server. With its PvP City setting and thrilling gameplay, Minewind offers an immersive experience like no other. Join us on Minewind today and embark on your own adventure in a world where… Read More

  • Chicken-Only Minecraft Speed Paint Challenge

    Chicken-Only Minecraft Speed Paint Challenge Minecraft Madness: Speedpainting and Chicken Evolution Introduction In the world of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds, Dasanye Wet takes on a unique challenge in the latest episode of her series. Speedpainting fan art while playing Chicken Madness Minecraft 1.20, she combines artistry and gaming in a way that captivates her audience. Chicken Evolution Dasanye embarks on the quest to discover the next evolution of chicken in her Minecraft world. From soul Sand chickens to mysterious purple chickens, each new discovery adds a layer of excitement to her gameplay. The anticipation of what the next chicken will bring keeps… Read More

  • Minecraft’s Rainbow Tower: Climbing Challenge!

    Minecraft's Rainbow Tower: Climbing Challenge! In the Aquaverse, we faced the Rainbow Tower Challenge, Ten floors of obstacles, each one a new balance. From hidden buttons to arrow puzzles galore, We conquered them all, with laughter and more. Squidward needed protection, zombies at his door, We shot them down, protecting him for sure. In the maze of paintings, we found our way, Navigating through, not a moment to delay. Riding Striders, battling Skeletons in the lava’s glow, Teamwork prevailed, our victory did show. But our reward was TNT, not what we expected, Blowing up the tower, our exit perfected. So thank you for watching,… Read More

  • Explosive Encounter | Monster Marauder Pt. 11

    Explosive Encounter | Monster Marauder Pt. 11 A Thrilling Mystery Unfolds in Pendragon | Monster Marauder Part 11 Breaking news has hit the EcoSMP Minecraft Towny survival server as a loud boom echoed through Pendragon overnight. A local resident managed to capture a video showing a shadowy figure, believed to be the infamous Monster Marauder, followed by a massive explosion. Local authorities have swiftly responded to the scene, but the mystery only deepens as brave adventurers are already on their way, convinced that this event is the next clue in the hunt for the stolen treasures. The Adventurers’ Quest It’s been an intense journey for the… Read More

  • Summon Wither Storm in Minecraft PE

    Summon Wither Storm in Minecraft PE Unleashing the Power of the Wither Storm in Minecraft Pocket Edition Are you ready to take your Minecraft Pocket Edition experience to the next level? The Wither Storm is a formidable adversary that can bring a new level of challenge and excitement to your gameplay. In this guide, we will show you how to summon the Wither Storm in Minecraft Pocket Edition, also known as MCPE, in all versions. Obtaining Wither Skulls Before you can summon the Wither Storm, you must first gather three Wither Skulls. These rare items are dropped by Wither Skeletons in the Nether. To increase… Read More

  • HEROBRINE IS WATCHING – Who Will Survive? 🤯😱 #minecraft

    HEROBRINE IS WATCHING - Who Will Survive? 🤯😱 #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Herobrine Hai saath Toh Darne kA kya BAAT 🤯😱 #gaming #shorts #minecraft #viral credit by- @LostEdge’, was uploaded by CHILL SWANIK on 2024-04-12 11:49:55. It has garnered 20220 views and 1149 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:34 or 34 seconds. Herobrine Hai saath Toh Darne kA kya BAAT 🤯😱 #gaming #shorts #minecraft #viral @LostEdge wait for end Share the shorts with your friends! Have a good day. 🙂 Copyright disclaimer under section 107 of the copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching,… Read More

  • Insane Bed Wars Battle with KingOCookies! 🚀🔥 #minecraft

    Insane Bed Wars Battle with KingOCookies! 🚀🔥 #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Mind-Blowing Bed Wars Showdown! 🤯🎮 #shorts #minecraft #bedwars’, was uploaded by KingOCookies on 2024-05-09 15:59:31. It has garnered 3823 views and 69 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:33 or 33 seconds. ➡️ Enjoy my videos? Watch me live: https://www.twitch.tv/kingocookies Email me your inquiries: [email protected] Sponsors, Business, Media: [email protected] ⭐️ Follow Me If You Are Amazing: ➡️ TIKTOK: https://www.tiktok.com/@kingocookies ➡️ TWITTER: https://twitter.com/KingOCookies ➡️ INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/king_o_cookies/ ➡️ KINGOCOOKIES DISCORD: https://discord.gg/G5gBDmDTYX ➡️ DONATIONS: https://streamlabs.com/kingocookies/tip Read More


    INSANE BANK BUILD | MINECRAFT TUTORIALVideo Information This video, titled ‘@minecraft|| HOW TO MAKE A BANK 🏦 IN MINECRAFT || Tutorial ||#minecraft#viral@MrBeastGaming #132’, was uploaded by SKY GAMER 0005 on 2024-03-12 14:31:10. It has garnered 335 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:12:41 or 761 seconds. #minecraft #minecraft, #minecraftbuilds, #minecraftmemes, #minecraftbuild, #minecraftpe, #minecraftpc, #minecrafthouse, #minecraftdaily, #minecrafters, #minecrafter, #minecraftideas, #minecraftonly, #minecraftmeme, #minecraftserver, #minecrafthouses#minecraft #memes #meme #dankmemes #minecraftmemes #fortnite #funny #gaming #gamer #funnymemes #memesdaily #minecraftbuilds #lol #dank #youtube #edgymemes #anime #offensivememes #ps #tiktok #xbox #roblox #minecraftpe #minecraftbuild #edgy #minecraftpc #twitch #pewdiepie #lmao #minecrafters#dankmeme #follow #game #minecraftmeme #art #shitpost #dailymemes #gta #games #minecrafter #minecraftonly… Read More

  • Magic Network

    Magic NetworkThis is a Lifesteal and PVP Server. With Tons of Ranks, Crates and More. I hope you enjoy and have fun! magicsmp.mc-connect.xyz Read More

  • Project Nebula SMP Java 1.20.4 Age 18+ Whitelist Hermitcraft-like LGBTQ+ Friendly Community-focused 5+ Years Running!

    Project Nebula Project Nebula Hey! Thanks for checking out our server! Project Nebula is a Hermitcraft-style SMP where we focus on community and fun gameplay. Our goal is to grow a friendly and diverse community of players who enjoy playing Minecraft together. Quick Links Nebula Photo Album Dynmap Discord About Us & Values Project Nebula is run by college students who love playing Minecraft and fostering a welcoming community. Our server has been running for over 5 years with a focus on providing a fun Vanilla experience. Our Values: Diverse & welcoming Community-driven & transparent Mutual trust & respect Commitment… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Sunrise? More like lava-rise 🔥

    Minecraft Memes - Sunrise? More like lava-rise 🔥“Who needs a real sunrise when you can wake up to blocky pixels instead? 🌞 #MinecraftLife” Read More

  • 24-Hour Training: Epic Gains or Epic Pains?

    24-Hour Training: Epic Gains or Epic Pains? In the gym for 24 hours straight, Pushing limits, feeling the weight. Stretching, cardio, feeling fine, Ready for this marathon, feeling divine. Energy bursting, two hours in, But the challenge is about to begin. Fatigue setting in, feeling the burn, But I won’t stop, there’s more to learn. Maintaining energy, nutrition is key, No time to rest, let’s continue with glee. Second wind, feeling reinvigorated, Ready for more, feeling elated. Hitting a low point, this is tough, Praying for strength, feeling rough. Every muscle aching, but no giving up, Pushing through, filling my cup. Steroids giving me the boost… Read More

  • “Bedrock Logic: When you dig straight down and find diamonds” 🔥😂 #shorts #viral

    "Bedrock Logic: When you dig straight down and find diamonds" 🔥😂 #shorts #viral “When you finally find diamonds in Minecraft Bedrock but then accidentally fall into lava and lose them all… Troll Face be like ‘Gotcha!’” Read More

  • My Human Lover: Minecraft Animation Story

    My Human Lover: Minecraft Animation Story Minecraft Animation Story Love: “Human is my Lover” Season 1 [Part 2] Exploring Chiang Tung City In this episode of the Minecraft Animation Story “Human is my Lover,” the characters find themselves in the vibrant and bustling Chiang Tung City. The map used for this episode provides a stunning backdrop for the unfolding events. You can explore the city yourself by visiting the map here: Chiang Tung City Map. Immersive Soundtrack The episode features an engaging soundtrack that enhances the viewing experience. The music sets the tone for the story and adds depth to the emotions portrayed. Here are… Read More

  • Minecraft Pro Reveals Insane Cloak Secrets

    Minecraft Pro Reveals Insane Cloak SecretsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Chill Time’, was uploaded by CloaK on 2024-05-29 21:10:37. It has garnered 17 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 03:22:08 or 12128 seconds. Read More

  • Presidents Play Minecraft: Wild Adventures

    Presidents Play Minecraft: Wild AdventuresVideo Information This video, titled ‘US Presidents Play Minecraft 1-7’, was uploaded by Game_Mood on 2024-05-18 11:18:43. It has garnered 53041 views and 1519 likes. The duration of the video is 01:02:13 or 3733 seconds. USE CODE: GAMEMOOD in the Item Shop #Epicpartner Support Our Channel By Being a Member https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-iynlGv3vLIEFyhsvnU_PQ/join #shorts ✋ ✋ #minecraft #gaming #clips #Minecraftshorts #funny #troll The US Presidents play Minecraft, Donald Trump Joe Biden and Barack Obama start their own Minecraft server and mess around This video in its entirety is satire and is simply to entertain and for laughs. I am in no way… Read More

  • Uncover the Secrets of The Tomb of Mythical Sausage!

    Uncover the Secrets of The Tomb of Mythical Sausage!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft SOS – Ep. 15: THE TOMB OF MYTHICAL SAUSAGE!!!’, was uploaded by TheMythicalSausage on 2024-05-02 14:30:02. It has garnered 40538 views and 3539 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:01 or 1201 seconds. Welcome to Minecraft SOS Episode 15!! Today we’re doing a pet challenge on the server, and building up our recently bought cemetery plot from Jimmy!!! My Friends: Fwhip – https://www.youtube.com/@fWhip Joey – https://www.youtube.com/@JoeyGraceffaGames Katherine – https://www.youtube.com/@KatherineElizabeth_ Lizzie – https://www.youtube.com/@ldshadowlady Mog – https://www.youtube.com/@Mogswamp Owen – https://www.youtube.com/@OwengeJuiceTV Pix – https://www.youtube.com/@Pixlriffs Sausage – https://www.youtube.com/@TheMythicalSausage Scott – https://www.youtube.com/@Dangthatsalongname Shubble – https://www.youtube.com/@Shubble Joel – https://www.youtube.com/@SmallishBeans… Read More

  • Dying in Game Turns into REAL LIFE DEATH 😱🔥

    Dying in Game Turns into REAL LIFE DEATH 😱🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘KiiBOOM emerald switches 🌿’, was uploaded by Lifeafterdeath Gaming on 2024-01-03 21:45:45. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft #mojang #thankyou #gaming #update #portal #portal2 #dropper #thedropper #2022 #viral #original #dimensions … Read More

  • “Uncover the Secret to Invincibility in Minecraft SMP!” #wintersmp

    "Uncover the Secret to Invincibility in Minecraft SMP!" #wintersmpVideo Information This video, titled ‘Becoming invincible #wintersmp #minecraft #smp#shorts’, was uploaded by Qeco on 2024-04-06 12:01:00. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More


    INSANE MINECRAFT ATM9: SAY GOODBYE TO REFINED STORAGE!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft All The Mods 9 (ATM9) – Stream 18 (Bye Bye Refined Storage!)’, was uploaded by Creothina on 2024-05-22 02:28:37. It has garnered 649 views and 36 likes. The duration of the video is 05:05:45 or 18345 seconds. Hey everyone! So, I finally decided to just do the thing and switch EVERYTHING over to Applied Energistics because Refined Storage needs to go sit in a time-out for a while and think about the temper tantrums it keeps having. xD Note – I’m going to add a little blurb here since I got asked this several… Read More


    EVIL BOYY EXPOSED IN VIRAL MINECRAFT HACKVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft viral tiktok hack #minecraft #viral #shorts #trending #gamer #shortvideo #game #mcpe’, was uploaded by __EVIL__BOYY__G__ on 2024-01-16 14:06:57. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • “LordS_Dr1p1ng – Epic PvP Kills!” #minecraft #hypixel #skywars

    "LordS_Dr1p1ng - Epic PvP Kills!" #minecraft #hypixel #skywarsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Views! #gaming #pvp #minecraft #minecraftpvp #hypixel #bedwar #bedwars #hylex #skywars #mc #shorts’, was uploaded by LordS_Dr1p1ng on 2024-01-10 18:03:25. It has garnered 6 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:02 or 2 seconds. Read More

  • SNN Shadowy pulls off insane trick! 😱 No gliding allowed!

    SNN Shadowy pulls off insane trick! 😱 No gliding allowed!Video Information This video, titled ‘How did I hit this? 🤣 No gliding for you!’, was uploaded by SNN Shadowy on 2024-01-13 08:03:32. It has garnered 2474 views and 35 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. My public discord user =sxvh My discord server =https://discord.gg/29ztr3t7rY Minecraft ign = elementalown fortnite main account = SNN Own Valorant account = Shadowy#rizz my tiktok page = SNN Shadowy #fortnite #fortniteclips #gaming #ps #fortnitecommunity #memes #fortnitememes #fortnitebattleroyale #gamer #fortnitebr #fortnitegameplay #xbox #twitch #meme #fortniteclansrecruiting #dankmemes #follow #fortnitenews #fortniteleaks #funny #like #fortnitemontage #youtube #k #fortnitegame #playstation #pubg #game #fortniteps #pc… Read More

  • MysticalB0x

    MysticalB0xA brand new amazing box server. we have grindable ranks, active staff, no p2w system, and a very diverse gameplay style. we have mob arenas, pvp arenas, mini games, but most importantly, a box, with grindable, OP gear. MysticalB0x.minehut.gg Read More

  • Stormy Lagoon SMP, Java & Bedrock 1.20.6, Mature Community, Player-driven Economy, Grief Protection, Custom Features, mcMMO, Progression-based Tools

    Join Our Community at Stormy Lagoon Embark on a survival journey like no other on Minecraft versions 1.20.4-1.20.6. Join our welcoming community established over four years ago on January 4th, 2022. Dive into a player-driven economy, explore unique features, and enjoy our exclusive Stormy Tools for endless enjoyment. Server Details Version: 1.20.4, Available on Java & Bedrock Server IP: play.stormylagoon.com Bedrock Port: 25566 (No port needed for Java) Connect with Us Discord: Join our Discord Discord Username: Duvahl Tiktok: Tiktok What Makes Us Unique? Chat Report Disabled for hassle-free communication Organized Discord Channels for guidance Quality of Life Commands like… Read More

  • ChaotiCraft: The Wild Woods

    ChaotiCraft: The Wild WoodsHello and welcome!Thanks for stopping by.We’re a newer little server that’s just starting to get it’s footing.We’re a friendly bunch and we’re hoping to invite more people so we can make more friends.We have homes you can teleport to and from.We have McMMO, which has a bunch of skills and features.We have NPCs which roam around and can both give you quests and be shopkeepers.We have a Discord server for hanging out which also has a channel linked to the ingame chat.We are actively polling our community and taking suggestions wherever we can.We would love to see you come and… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Solo crafter conquers nether & end.

    Minecraft Memes - Solo crafter conquers nether & end.I guess you could say this meme is 14 times more popular than any other crafting meme out there! Read More

  • Hotter than a Nether portal: Minecraft store cutter meme

    Hotter than a Nether portal: Minecraft store cutter meme “Why go to the store to buy a cutter when you can just mine for one in Minecraft? #gamerlogic” Read More

  • Bee Relocation Prank – Minecraft Ep. 57

    Bee Relocation Prank - Minecraft Ep. 57 Exploring the World of Minecraft in Episode 57: Bee Relocation 🐝 In the vast and endless world of Minecraft, our journey begins in a beautiful survival mode setting. Let’s dive into the adventures that await us in this exciting episode. Discover New Worlds and Tips Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned player, there’s always something new to learn in Minecraft. From valuable tips to clever tricks, each episode offers a chance to expand your knowledge and skills. Engage with a Thriving Community Join the vibrant community of Minecraft fans and exchange ideas, strategies, and stories in the comments… Read More

  • Mister Matt discovers secret in Minecraft 2024!

    Mister Matt discovers secret in Minecraft 2024!Video Information This video, titled ‘Playing Minecraft’s 2024 April Fools Update!’, was uploaded by Mister Matt on 2024-04-02 17:43:54. It has garnered 89 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 02:01:35 or 7295 seconds. I missed doing specials for Easter & April Fools’ Day, so allow me to catch up with this ”stream of consciousness” by playing through Minecraft’s latest April Fools’ Update! Join The Hydration Nation! https://discord.gg/hudxh3r Subscribe to my other channels! The Video Essay Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCaq0RzpkHUE_SbpsgEzyUMA The Meme Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtRtGRtx2dgkTQcc7y2l0dA/featured MUSIC CREDITS: ”Spring Thaw” by Asher Fulero ”Wind Riders” by Asher Fulero ”Alpha” by C418… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Gameplay! Day 9

    Insane Minecraft Gameplay! Day 9Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Live Day – 9 || Tarun Playz’, was uploaded by Tarun Playz on 2024-04-24 11:56:38. It has garnered 543 views and 35 likes. The duration of the video is 02:45:51 or 9951 seconds. Hi there guys welcome to Tarun Playz on this channel, we play multiple pc game Such as – GTA 5 , Minecraft , Genshin Impact (as are the main focused games ). The thing are upload in form of video and short, meanwhile we also do short and long marathon stream of genshin and other games Apart from that I have… Read More

  • Insane Battle: Old vs New Minecraft Edition || #minecraft

    Insane Battle: Old vs New Minecraft Edition || #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft : old vs new – nostalgia ” || #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by It’s your boy steve on 2024-05-11 18:30:24. It has garnered 10258 views and 911 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:18 or 18 seconds. Minecraft NORMAL vs REALISTIC minecraft shorts, minecraft but, minecraft memes, minecraft trends, satisfying minecraft video, minecraft challenge, normal vs realistic minecraft, minecraft normal vs realistic #shorts ,minecraft normal vs realistic, minecraft shorts, minecraft memes, minecraft realistic, minecraft normal vs realistic, realistic minecraft, minecraft realistic videos, minecraft, minecraft realistic, realistic minecraft, minecraft realistic texture pack,minecraft realistic water,… Read More


    UNBELIEVABLE ANIME EDIT IN MINECRAFT! #jawdroppingVideo Information This video, titled ‘HIVE BRIDGE #anime #onepunchman #edit #animeedit #minecraft #wallpaper #gamingcommunity’, was uploaded by ALTERLEO – 7 on 2024-03-23 11:54:49. It has garnered 65 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:54 or 54 seconds. “Minecraft Bedrock viral PvP” likely refers to popular player-versus-player (PvP) content or strategies within the Bedrock Edition of Minecraft that have gained widespread attention and popularity among players. This could include certain PvP minigames, maps, tactics, or challenges that have gone viral within the Minecraft Bedrock community. inspiration @Sudhy @sharpnessyt Minecraft bedrock server nether games descri NetherGames is a… Read More

  • Fishystrikes: The Ultimate Noob in PigSlap PvP

    Fishystrikes: The Ultimate Noob in PigSlap PvPVideo Information This video, titled ‘Worst PvPer on PigSlap Montage’, was uploaded by fishystrikes on 2024-03-24 20:32:02. It has garnered 530 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:07 or 67 seconds. ip: pigslappvp.minehut.gg ignore: Like ParrotX2 and his School’s Minecraft Server / School SMP Series where he Started a War or Ended a War. Not Leowook, RoshamboGames, ClownPierce and his LifeSteal SMP Season 2 / his School’s Minecraft Server / School SMP / Brothers SMP/ LifeSteal SMP series/ Minecraft LifeSteal SMP season 2. Not Technoblade / TommyInnit / or any other Dream SMP member. This is… Read More

We Survived 100 Days in Duo Better Minecraft