WE Survived 100 Days in Minecraft All The Mods 8 Hardcore (ATM8 Duo 100 Days)

Video Information

So Minecraft has a lot of mods you can play a dragon get a girlfriend both be possible for you in real life I know but what if you wanted to play them all play all the mods uh it’s all about eight 100 days where my body just curb Austin 3K

Likes it will do 200 days and please consider subscribing if you enjoy the content alright first things first mini melons after that I found myself a village and found myself a towel which I quickly searched there was sadly nothing inside and so I decided to run around

The village itself stealing all of the goodies I grabbed a bit of dude grabbed a bit of stone where I headed back to the tower where I noticed that there was actually a staircase that went down so I’m going down there yeah um I’m not fighting that no no thank you anyway to

Quote myself a hundred times in this video I don’t know what this is it’s just a floating ball I can’t touch it I can’t do anything with it so I guess I’ll just leave it next the floating ball though there was a beacon that also had some extra free loot let’s see what

We got here minigun ammo Mini going ammo well all right then day two came and poisonous books I found myself a poisonous bug anyway I saw myself a blimp in the distance decided to head towards it after seeing this pyramid made of stone which was definitely interesting also a dirt house I mean

There was nothing inside of it but it was still called sea anyway it was time to go into the pyramid where this pyramid was made out of silverfish blocks and no angle let’s be honest is never going to be an issue oh dear Oh dear oh dear Daniel we’ve barely been playing don’t die already I’m gonna die I’m not sure don’t do it don’t don’t die the silverfish Daniel oh my dear sort of in a bit of a pickle here I’ll come over when I can oh God damn it broke

In this Village of course there is more chess and more freebies than I can even imagine and now that I’m done toying around in the village it’s time for me to actually head over to Austin he found a nice place for us to settle the only

Problem is that it’s 2 000 blocks away which is of course no biggie anyway it is time to head over where I found myself a spider’s cave should I go in there nope absolutely not absolutely 100 nope I am leaving and then my brain went full ADHD mode firstly I found myself

Some oh here we go be mutimous be mutima I found myself some black sand I wonder what that does if anything and then I think the server froze maybe oh no there you go there you go we’re good and then I found myself another Beacon Tower how

To look at the loot though it wasn’t really much here and then I finally got myself to sleep for the night day four I awoke to a nice peaceful day oh my God what is that what did you find I’m fighting a tornado it’s fighting a tornado I there’s no

There is no way I could weather over the I find it I found myself a meteorite in the water now the last time I opened to meet you out in the water it caused my best friend to go crazy and try and kill me so I decided that I wasn’t gonna

Spend 20 years trying to open this one up anyways back towards Austin I go can’t get distracted just have to keep going oh hey Village sweet more free stuff that I don’t know how to use fantastic and then it was more running no more distractions keep focused and is

That a blue tree is that a red tree all right heading out on day five and I finally made my way towards Austin where um things happen you are invisible I can see you on the menu app but you are in business still invisible oh no no

Longer visible I think it was just Larry what the hell is happening I have to re-logging to fix the problem I got myself a present it can only be opened on the 25th well unfortunately that’s not gonna happen this has all been recorded at this point and we are home I

Mean it will be home eventually which is kind of cool it’s time to play with some things all right I’m already confused it’s been two seconds and I’m already confused at least I can unload in my chests do need some extra chest though so let me just make some I can’t make

You can’t make chess with this wood all right let me let me try this wood instead nope you gotta use this one now but God damn it you know what he could never go wrong with oh let me just use oh when day six came one of the things

That I picked up throughout my Journeys was a supply Camp and so it’s time for me to place it down can figure it out just uh give me a second uh ah perfect there you go this mod pack is cool oh yeah this book oh that’s cool too all

Right Dan come here this is now the wandering trading room that makes it so that the wandering Trader will only spawn on that block that is really cool so when we woke up on day seven there was Darkness a weird lighting glitch just where we spawned which was kind of

Weird also the wandering Traders map worked as well we had now got two Traders didn’t really have anything too spectacular trade and it was time for some caving you see Austin actually found himself caves in the time that he had been stuck around here and so he

Headed towards one of them nearby anyway it was into the caves where I found myself some night vision goggles let’s go now my face always has the goggles on yeah well now my face has the goggles on oh so after finding myself a bunch of oars

Not knowing how to use any of them and do do we hear me I hear music do you hear music Yep it was it was the creeper anyway deeper into the cave we go and death so Much Death my God there is that there’s a lot of death oh my chest no more bad things oh my God please help me necklace they have stone turd I’m not really sure

What that is here’s a status update on day eight the caves but they’re hard there’s a lot of mobs there is a good amount of loot to be fair we’ve been getting myself a few diamonds but I have to say I was having a blast down here

Even found one of those fake chests again there wasn’t any good loot over here sadly but hey I was still having a lot of fun in these caves still in the caves on day nine and just to show you how badly we was getting beaten off my

Boots bro also there was a lot of turds now I don’t know what you could do with them I’m sure there’s something cool you can do with them but I don’t know and apart from some more diamonds not that many to be fair well there were some classic curb and Haven and shenanigans

Going on no no he’s coming in oh Shield oh poison oh that was funny there’s so much happening we were doing caving and I need to get some wood the chancellor rose on day 10 as well wandering trade is spawned and would you look at this pickaxe efficiency 5 Fortune 4 mending

Unbreaking five the definition of a god pick act well we wanted some thing is we didn’t have enough emeralds at all and we also needed someone to stay around so the village it wouldn’t actually despawn So the plan was simple Austin left to a nearby Village to get himself some

Emeralds and I was going to be on babysitting do it just have to sit around and not do anything stupid oops come on I may have a thrown a rocket and it hit the the wandering Trader it didn’t kill it but um idiot anyway Austin’s back and he made

Himself the trade and then I tried to do the trade and oh you could know the trade once god well at least I could sell my Pain by doing a little bit of enchanting we’ve been we’ve been in this game for 10 days how do neither of us

Have Eddie lapis so on day 11 I went back into the cave to get myself some lapis a name tag as well I found I got a really stupid idea you guys are gonna love it anyway after getting a couple of lapis veins I headed back to enchant

Where I got the stupidest joke ever now the invisible horse that Austin had all the way back in the first couple of days he actually did name it Larry and I thought it’d be really funny to change the name to Larry we want R is it gonna

Be funny no but eventually it will come up and I’ll be able to be like I’ll see my Easter and Larry one art what are you an idiot and he’ll be like huh and that’ll be really funny other than that I was looking at a mini gun things day

12 I’m going to the nether oh hey Temple sweet it did have some more goodies in for your boy and there was also a boss oh look at that there it is stop throwing the goddamn crossbow when I’m next here well I’m sorry that it targets you so honestly this never trip

Wasn’t very successful at all and so we decided to head back for the time being oh I also learned um I don’t even know how to say this but I learned how to fart I have no idea how I did it so um yeah do what you will with that

Information day 13 came and Austin actually showed me a map that he found a couple of days ago and so we decided let’s just head towards it I mean how long will it take until we get distracted is the real question it was two minutes and we found ourselves a

Dungeon at this point our gear is good enough that we don’t need to really worry too much about the cave so getting free loot was kind of easy did end up going a bit further down damn what what I think I’m possessed out of everything you could have said in

That moment that is not what I expected dude okay I opened this box and like a ghost appeared out of it and then he hit me and he vanished and I think he went inside of me you know it doesn’t even surprise me I feel like it should but it doesn’t even surprise

Me with this we were still searching the caves on 14 and honestly the further we got down the heart of the mob skull also the better the loot got so it was pretty good also good news in my time I was able to get myself eight ender pearls which kind of just saves

Time when we need to have the whole Enderman the bad news is I’m taking a lot of stuff and I have no idea how to use any of it at least we can head home and dump whatever we’ve got speaking of I should probably make myself some more

Space did you know you guys can make Vega chess in this mod pack look at this look at all that storage God this is great so we got to day 15 and what what would oh the map the map right anyway let’s not get any distraction oh

That’s cute look at these cool new bombs as well let’s go over both oh hey a Mesa Temple nope we’re not going in we’re not getting distracted we are moving on oh hey and broke a devil puddle flying is not enabled on the server I was flying

By the time I got back on the server it was day 16. there was honestly nothing to the portal and then I went AFK very successful day when I got back on day 17 we kept moving to towards the map it didn’t look like we were getting any

Closer we even started bowling at one point but no closer we did find this big house but still was on the map you probably wondered what was in this house and I wondered the same thing on day 18 there was nothing good just death but

Hey at least good news we got bigger on the map finally it wasn’t for all this lag that we were receiving we would be moving and by the time we got on the map it was day 19 we even found ourselves another meteor of nothing great though

And then we found ourselves a purple Village strange it turns out this was a Pillager camp and oh God does everything hurt to be honest with you apart from the library was honestly fine the loot was yeah was it really worth coming here it’s it’s really hard to say but we did

Get a second map but oh yeah here we go again so after setting a new wavestone on day 20 we headed towards the new map where we found a stronghold no it turns out this was a catacomb and oh boy was it the hardest structure we invented yet

There was a lot of mobs so many narrow corridors barely hanging in there at times like we were still searching the catacombs on day 21 where we found ourselves a boss lady Edward the manly that’s an interesting combination yeah we ain’t killing this boss it’s just

Time for us to leave now before checking out these zombie noises where I found myself a selfie spawner neat got this coffin thing that Austin got a couple of days ago and I’m not really sure what happened there but I guess I might be possessed too moving on on day 22 and we

Were now on the map where we found ourselves a pirate ship which well that’s a lot of pirates oh boy honestly there really wasn’t much to deal with here and the gear was kind of meh at best but uh at least it burnt nicely very nicely anyway another cool feature

This mod pack has is Way Stone so because Austin brought one with him he was able to place it down and we was able to teleport back home just like that anyway all the gear that I have let’s dump it away and it’s time for me to repair my arm but honestly things

Were going really well so when day 23 came one of the features that this mob pack has is something called Mind colonies simply Port you can make your own little town and that’s what I wanted to do now the great news about this is that Mr Kirk the person who I am playing

With has actually had a lot of experience playing mind colonies he was able to guide me along the way to making stuff the first thing that I need is some wood I God damn it now it may take a few attempts I mean it’s nobody’s fault let’s not Point think hey stop stop

Pointing fingers at me it wasn’t my fault but we got ourselves some builder hut set up simply put you need Builder hoods to make Builders so Builders can well build things and feel like that’s pretty self-explanatory do you take a full day to start like but who’s

Counting day 24 and look at him go our boy Dallas is hard at work to make things simple for you to create something from a mining Colony the Builder will request certain blocks that they need to build to get and so we have to bring them the building blocks so

They can build the thing that we are requesting and so I got to work collecting as much as I can had to get myself some Oak I was making some things here or thereable by the end of the day we had everything that he needed sorted

And on day 25 me and I was not an agreement why do we have one Builder’s home when we can have a second and so we repeated the process of making ourselves a shire Builder her listen it might not look like much but because I have how

Small brain I am at times these simple tasks are really really fun to do and so is he’s able to just fill it and you have a second Builders hook being built either the second day the thing is this takes time to build so we’re gonna have

To leave for the time being also a little side story for you a couple of days ago one of the wandering Traders actually had a total of undying for trade and so I bought it that total of dying has vanished I have no idea where

The one problem I was having on Day 26 was well I had no food and so I ran into the nearby planes to kill myself as many cows and chickens as I could oh no this cow’s got a baby with it anyway Stop saying murder the baby I can’t murder the baby you sound like freaking Palpatine do it also something interesting in this mod pack sugar cane and cactuses which usually have a four block limit I believe don’t in this mud pack they will just infinitely grow until I don’t know

Yeah I like to think by the end of the hundred days they’ll be all the way in the sky that’d be kind of funny found the totem of undying okay where was it on my belly if I die I think that just looked wrong so I went caving

The main plan is that we had very little diamonds and so I needed to go and get some I’m very damaged yet I got some more wandering Traders here well one’s got a sharpness 10x with looting five what is hitting me that’s insane you should get that by the way

And one has an R Chapel um I don’t know why I’m taking damage oh stop stop oh my God locally packs the cool pickaxe in some vein mining this should be really easy to do after getting myself a couple of veins of diamonds I found myself a dark gem and began

Looking into it it looks complicated when day 28 came I got myself 65 diamonds and I was done caving I was also just looking at more stuff where I actually saw something for the Twilight Forest I know the Twilight Forest has been around for a while I’ve never gone

In the Twilight Forest before so it’d be really cool for us to go in there so it was happy to head home in my strip mine everywhere it was this way maybe we’ll run around for a bit uh-huh a skeleton just fell on me probably not healthy oh hey cool the

Windmill anyway let’s take myself diamond tools and the builders are working away anyway we have a twilight forest to enter and so it was time for us to go in so for those who don’t know apparently the Twilight Forest has three main bosses and we was very lucky to

Spawn right next to the first one turns out that we were fighting the Naga I wonder what that is oh God it’s shoes it’s massive and to be fair was it was not difficult at all our gear was just so good after very quickly killing it we

Got a head now we did forget to make a note of the portal but after heading back and save with the coordinates I also found this mountain thing apparently it’s a little mind colony of Swords so it’s worth interesting to check it out I honestly there wasn’t

Really anything cool down here just some weird purple spiders and some cool tools I guess but honestly nothing special on day 30 one of the things that the Naga did drop was it scales and you were able to make some pretty cool and pretty good

Armor from it and so I made myself some puns and then we found ourselves Amaze the loot was again kind of meh now the other two boss says we actually had to go and find and the next one was apparently in a very very big castle and

So we split up looking for said Castle get what I found Kane and and then lots of it oh boy a lot of pain I found a biome that basically gives you hunger all the time I found a swamp that basically said she will lie all the time

Overall it was just a very painful experience we did find a Hydra but unfortunately that is Boss free not Boss 2 so we’ll just save the quarters of this one and then see if we can find the second boss first after surely entering day 31 and well that looks pretty big

And costly so let’s head in I found myself some new Boost which was you know nice new things are always nice after searching the tower and finding many a mob we found the boss um okay I don’t know how to explain this but the boss was I don’t know how we

Killed the boss but we did I really wish there was more that I could tell you about how we did it or what happened but honestly it was kind of laggy and I don’t really know what was happening but hey we did it it was cool

Um it will just say because I’m my masterful skills I was able to kill it are we all okay with that cool cool long story short though I got myself a zombie scepter Isn’t that cool I am low on food though so uh shout out to Austin for

Getting me these sneaks it turns out there is one more step that we need to do before we can go and fight the Hydra and so on day 32 we headed back to the swamp that had the hunger effect well the hunger affected now cleared instead we had found ourselves a dungeon which

Is exciting I know that being said what in the world are those things what is that luckily I’ve got a zombie sector so I don’t have high tailor man zombies deal with it just want to point out that this is Minecraft I’m playing Minecraft so after going through it all getting a

Cool bone mariad we found ourselves the boss the mini tour thing now this is gonna be epic oh this is gonna go so easily foreign which apparently stops fire I don’t know either I’m just following Austin’s instructions well on day 33 when that came it’s time for us to take the Hydra

Oh there’s a new boss over there all right let’s take him first all right no if that was uh not too bad anyway now let’s go and take the Hydra oh God that’s a big boy cool that’s a big boy it did take us a second to realize how

Exactly to damage here because we were just not being able to do damage for a while but we was able to eventually after honestly not too hard of a fight take down the Hydra all three bosses were done we are just Unstoppable however Austin tells me that there is

Potentially a fourth boss in the Twilight Forest a giant in the clouds and I would love to stab him or here where that I’m sorry I can’t see anything because it’s dark oh I see them now well I wanted to stop the China at least Austin

Was a bit meh about it and so on day faithful I decided let’s let’s return home for the time being we can come back later and pretend to see about killing the giant I wanted to take a break from murdering and running myself anyway so

It wasn’t too bad I want to get back to working on my little town and seeing what we can build with that one and with the builders Huts complete we can now actually work on the town hall itself but of course to do that I am going to

Require me to get some resources again so I was running around doing that when day 35 came Austin actually made himself something really really useful and that was a scroll simply put this scroll you can link to the builders hood and now you can see exactly what the builders

Need without returning to the hutch it just cuts out the middle man it’s very useful speaking of useful I could actually upgrade the backpacks that I had and look at the space now oh boy I am never gonna need a chest again and then I needed some war and thanks to

Vade mining well that’s uh that’s a lot of wood on Day 36 the first things first was I did myself some very poor level 30 inch honestly none of this was great which is kind of meh and then it was a bunch of faffing around getting the

Stuff in some stuff you basically had to build in a different crafting table that requires you to be exact because if he’s not exact they won’t accept it it was it was a whole Spiel but by the end of the day I had it all completed and now we

Can start work on the town hall day 37 Kane and I don’t know how many people that watching this will actually play Minecon is but then we’ll get really Satisfied by just watching them work that’s just me just so relaxing it’s nice as that I helped Austin work on his

Build all it really needed was dirt and Sage to say I got some quite quickly and then he respond to getting some more wood too day 38 came and did you know that Austin found himself an Infinity book a while spark such a shame it went missing and uh oh God it’s accidentally

Falling on my bow anyway after emptying my inventory yet again I headed back into the never want to get myself some Blaze Runners because eventually soon we want to talk about going to the end but we did forget about this boss when we was in here look at easy way easy W come

On guys easy win and look at that doesn’t another boss over there another easy win another W this is crazy crazy easy okay this one this one’s taking a second um just a second take your time havenand oh okay they’re cool we got him one day 39 came and why is the screen

Black oh I didn’t record day 39 Oh I’m a to be fair not too much happened I did find myself a fortress and got myself 10 blaze rods by day 40. they’ll ask why my health is now glitched like this it’s just permanently poisoned without being poisoned if that makes

Sense the other interesting thing that happened was I found myself a map to a Bastion and so I decided to head towards the Bastion by the time I got to the Bastion it was day 42 I started by grabbing all the gold blocks where oh my games just crashed lovely and by the

Time I got back onto the world it was day 43 I started searching around some chess I got a couple of ancient debris pieces and a lodestone which is kind of useless with waypoints but other than that there wasn’t anything too special anyway it’s time to head home I got back

On day 45 Our Town Hall was also completed Austin had made the most satanic thing I’d ever seen in my entire life pretty good for levels though I did use those levels that I got to fix my diamond chess play this diamond chairs play was actually plus 11 armor so I

Definitely want to use it and then we watched Our Town Hall be built fantastic stuff next up on day 46 we need ourselves a guard Tower luckily it wasn’t too hard to make the block and get all the stuff and then it was just about leaving him to well build said

Guard Tower one thing we did forget to do was we actually need to name our Colony something good I wonder if uh any of you guys will get this reference or uh you know maybe you should check just in case I started day 47 by getting a

Pretty swellax I’d say maybe six out of ten and then I made a house not for me I’m not gonna build but I gotta Builder to build it say that Freedom’s fast I got it put down doesn’t need an extra Builder though but unfortunately both of

Our Builders at the moment are in the process of building something else at least I could set up later for when the time comes with you the necessary build so what I’m gonna do is I’m gonna build an extra farming block as well and put that down I started day 48 by getting

Some extra wood which is incredibly easy to do now that I got the soup ax and then it was planting some saplings and then I’m not gonna lie just watched the build build some more pretty much it and then also help a little bit with the build they only have wooden pickaxes

That they actually can’t break the oars down here so luckily I’m there to help I’m just a good I’m just a good mayor I’m just a good town owner right now I will show this really cool story check that Austin made on Dairy 49 very useful

For well storage and then I will just watch the builders build some more God need to get some friends and now that the guard Tower is built we could work on the residence or the farm but an extra thing you can do is you can actually upgrade your buildings this

Will cause the builders to be able to use better tools as we’ll be able to build faster and so we decided to do that instead and so on day 50 well upgrade the builders hood of course I’m gonna need more resources so uh edit Haven can you just uh oh thank you

Perfect all right he’s off to work himself so on day 51 we uh forgot something else with mineconus it turns out you actually have to kind of feed your mind Colony guys they’ll eventually die not my fault Austin was supposed to let me know this kind of thing so uh let

Me just fix that one really quickly and then it was well doctor watching them build see this building here is actually a Tavern which will be very useful if we had it but unfortunately after five days something like 40 done now I’m fairly confident this would be faster if the

Server wasn’t as laggy as it was but there’s not really much we can do about it though I shouldn’t be complaining too much because the Builder’s hot has now been upgraded to tier two so like I said that guy off to do the residence and you

Know how it is on day 52 you feel the resources have it done like that now I’m actually going to help them dig a little bit see if I can speed up the process and as I mentioned now that I’ve upgraded the builders Hut well now I can

Actually give them better tools so I was able to give this guy stone tools to build it’s not even necessarily that he’s building quicker with his own tours it’s the fact that I don’t have to replace them every two seconds compared to the water tools which is fantastic

And then on day 53 I became a proper businessman because Austin made me a clipboard basically the villagers will have requests on the kind of things that they want and you can actually track them using set glipboard the cartel villager wanted some leather armor so

Not a problem at all here you go so with the builds nearly done I’m 54 me and Austin planned out our next task we wanted to go to the end a slight concern we did have was we wasn’t on a massive amount of ender pearls in our chest but

We did actually find ourselves some Enderman sport eggs along the way and because of an ax that Austin has which has a bunch of 40 on it we should have really struggled too much about getting it extra end about also I found a voodoo monkey just don’t question it move on

And then I went back to watching the build shocking I know except this time I actually had a reason we had to wait until the night time to come so we could kill the Enderman and once the night time did come obviously we killed the Enderman we had enough pearls now good

Stuff on day 55 I did actually notice on my mini map that there was a little village over there and so I decided to head towards it it turns out that Austin had already searched it so there was really nothing special but today’s the day that the tavern will get done I

Can’t believe how long it’s taken what what do you mean it’s not done it’s gonna take an extra day all right fine here we are on day 56 where it’s finally done again shouldn’t have taken that long we move on anyway I put the villager on the farm went to go get the

Resources the usual but there is something new what the Tava does is it allows new villagers to come to your village to be actually able to join the village so you can actually have more villages we just have to recruit them and in this case we only have to give

This one a little bit of lapis and with the tablet as well they can now sleep which actually boosts their stats as well which is fantastic it was on day 57 where it was finally time for us to head towards the end but first it was time

For me to see if my prank would work your horse by the way uh uh no I don’t wanna oh is it here yeah oh what’s up Larry are you an idiot uh dude you definitely changed that on me change you you 100 you know I think you were an idiot I’m checking

My recording yeah serious I’m checking my recording we have like 20 I would love maybe like 50 that was worth recording do you checking whether I played a prank on you yup pretty much all right I’ll say pretty much I’ll save you time I did but uh yeah yeah yeah

Yeah that’s what I thought I wasn’t even I wasn’t even checking the recording I just knew it was a matter of time before you broke dilly dally because we’re supposed to kill a dragon anyway I gave Dallas your mom and then we headed out towards the

End we will not return for about 20 days so it was on day 59 where we actually found ourselves a new Village nothing special but look at this Papa it’s a Sheba oh my God it’s adorable I love it anyway we threw a new Iron he was

Actually heading backwards so we knew he was at the right location and after a very quick dig down I dug straight into the stronghold and then he was searching around the stronghold to see if we could find the Portal not gonna lie the loot here was kind of yeah we were still

Gonna search around the portal was found on day 60. let’s jump oh God it’s like it oh God it’s so laggy also there’s an orange boss which you know screwed that let’s just fight the dragon wherever the dragon is where where is this Dragon going on here so don’t ask me why but

The dragon was just invisible we don’t know what happened we don’t know how to fix it so we did the only thing we could at the time and that was too well reset the server the thing is this actually worked when we got back on the server

But it was a very strange and between him getting stuck in the air and not taking damage at times it’s hard to exactly explain but uh hey at least at least we beat him we did it either and I think it’s the main reason for us to go

To the end wasn’t necessarily to fight the dragon but because there is a whole new end here with completely different biomes and well we’re gonna search around it took us until day 61 to find something and it was a end mine shaft which was definitely weird weird though

Was that there was just a never right chess plate on the floor render well look at look at how good this chest plate is now look at my hearts they’re now turning yellow I have so much health here I am never going to die honestly apart from some blue bombs that I found

In some chairs there’s nothing really special here though we did find ourselves an end City on day 62. it was a pretty standard and City apart from the end ship which was weird the crash on the floor also I ate a dragon eye and got two extra Hearts you know the usual

But there was a new biome over here and decided to check it out apart from some permanent-ish levitation there was nothing too amazing here until I saw well that now I could easily sit here and commentate what it was like to enter this thing but instead aren’t you gonna

Let live Haven just just why don’t you enjoy the fun of this bro The Imperial March oh oh Bridge faster go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go

Go go go go go go go go go go go go go go I’m trying I’m trying okay um just open your bag and it’ll be on the left side teleport I just teleported I don’t know I what I don’t know open the door open the door open the door

Open the door open the door oh come on come on come on come on it’s in open come on oh hey I will everything that happened to me to my day today this is not this is not the top of that one up okay okay this was a mistake

That was that was insane yeah it was on day 64 and we actually found ourselves saying never end City but this one actually had a ship just gonna quickly grab me that Elijah no biggie and then I found myself a chest with a heart Jewel in and what this means that I’m actually

Gonna get two extra pieces of Hearts which uh well I’m not gonna complain about that I mean look at now I have green hearts green I am so stuck searching more on day 65 and I though I did find this really cool looking end Temple there was just nothing in it so

Let’s move on and it was on day 66 that Austin actually found himself in Avery and once I headed over we entered in I’m not gonna lie I I hated this place Phantoms are annoying enough well there were these skeletons in most the areas that when they shoot you they give you

Levitation and slowness and I hated it so much I wanted to leave here as soon as we got in and so that’s pretty much what I did so uh have fun Austin see you later we pretty much ignored most things but it was by Day 70 that we finally

Found a second end City that actually had a ship on it Austin will finally get his Nitra and we can finally go home in which we did on Day 72 after dumping everything on day 73 I noticed my auto eater which was an upgrade that I got in

My backpack well it accidentally ate one of my Uber apples which was just really stupid and then it was just a bit of mine calling his stuff we did for the rest of the day just to tweak some things make sure everything’s okay before we settle for the night and after

Bugging Austin enough on day 74 we decided that we were finally gonna go back to the Twilight Forest and get myself that Giant’s head I cannot wait to murder it first I need to just enchant my pickaxe oh come on anyway after many attempts I did get it also

Redid my bow which was pretty good and then we went in unfortunately the Twilight Forest well he was just not gonna be my friend it was just really lucky and it was always really laggy frosting and it was kind of lucky for me but in this case it was really like it

And so we just made the decision that it’s probably best to just leave this one I know I’m as disappointed as you are I really wanted to fight this giant butter I guess we’ll just have to do something else the new plan we made on day 75 was actually today go and find

All the modium what is all the modem simple a special kind of ore just for the all the mods mod pack which is basically stronger than never right the only place you could find it though is the dark biomes and it’s quite rare So luckily we knew where one was on the map

And started searching it but this was definitely going to take a while the good news is it does get affected by fortune and by day 80 I had myself enough pieces with Austin to have 50 pieces of all the modium which is a basically a full set of armor anyway

It’s time for us to head home we was cooking up everything by day 82 and after faffing around with lights and what nice stupid that you just can’t make it we finally got ourselves and all the modium sword it is a pretty strong sword and I also made myself an all the

Money in pickaxe which so compared to my never right one this ever right one was like modded it was so much better so the other modern one was kind of a waste admittedly but now what can you do at least it look cool this is the armor

That Austin built by the way on day 83 This is the all the money and Mama again it looks cool but he’s just nowhere near as good the armor that I currently have also look how high the sugarcane has grown isn’t that great we decided that

The only real thing we want to talk about doing is actually getting ourselves a full weekend it was time for us to go mining I did a little bit more micro Management on day 84 just to make sure everything was in order and then we headed down into the caves looking for

Iron I don’t think I’ve shown too much of the veined mine again mining because it is kind of just not that entertaining but pretty much this was the easiest thing in the world to do just to keep Mining and just find as much iron as I

Could wasn’t a problem at all in fact it only took until 92 for me and Austin together get our iron together I feel like it could have been quicker but with all the extra ores that were there it was definitely feeling good where iron would usually be anyway time to head

Open cup we began cooking the iron on day 93 and uh even with upgraded furnaces and an automatic cooker this was definitely going to take a minute so it’s pretty much just time for us to stand around a bit and get to work on other things for example I set up a mine

For the mine colony and with the last of the resources I gave the Builder on Day 94 it was time for us to take on the weather now I fought with us with much worse gear so shockingly enough this was probably one of the easiest River fights

I have ever had I don’t even know what to say about it also the poison heart glitches back for some weird reason I’m not really sure why but now we’ll move on and now I’m gonna be honest with you there wasn’t really much left to do we

Have some iron that needed to cook and we had some colonies that need to be built and so we just spent our time well waiting the iron completed and we built all the blocks on day 99 and made ourselves a full Beacon the mine colonies had built the mine the

Residents The Tavern and everything and I had so much fun playing with my colonies I definitely need to give you another look in the future and well we was done we watched the sunset one last time and we slept to get day 100

This video, titled ‘WE Survived 100 Days in Minecraft All The Mods 8 Hardcore (ATM8 Duo 100 Days)’, was uploaded by Havenhand on 2022-12-30 20:00:05. It has garnered 80772 views and 3259 likes. The duration of the video is 00:35:21 or 2121 seconds.

We Spend 100 Days playing Minecraft Modpack All the Mods 8 And here’s what happened. We Searched the Twilight Forest. Made a decent sized MineColonie. Got enough Allthemodium for Full armour and Tools. And so much more that I can’t fit into this small description so please enjoy and like and subscribe and stuff!!!

My links – ‣ Discord: https://discord.gg/DSuWJvn6MJ ‣ Twitter – https://twitter.com/havenhand_ ‣ Twitch – https://www.twitch.tv/havenhand

0:00 Intro 0:19 Day 1 6:30 Day 10 10:54 Day 20 16:42 Day 30 21:57 Day 40 24:19 Day 50 28:17 Day 60 31:21 Day 70 32:49 Day 80 34:02 Day 90 (92)

The Boy – @JustKerp

I Survived 100 Days in Hardcore Minecraft and here is what happened. Not Modded Minecraft. No Mods. Not Speedrunner Vs Hunter, More like Survivalist Vs Hunter but to the extreme. Skyblock, One Block, UHC/Ultrahardcore none of these. Just Hardcore Minecraft. Not 1.17 caves and cliffs update 1.16. Trios but duos.

#100days​​ #Minecraft #hardcore

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  • ModArchy

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  • Akoot&Co Semi-Vanilla 1.21.1 Discord Events Building-Focused

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  • ☆ ʟᴛᴏᴡɴʏ Δ Tekblok

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  • Minecraft Memes – Steve’s Secret Hideout

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  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for the Latest Updates and Exciting Gameplay!

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  • 5 Oyunlu Hub Plugin Paketi Minecraft

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  • Insane New Secret in Minecraft 1.21 – Join the Madness!

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  • Savage Survival Action: Minecraft SMP Live!

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  • Arctic Sythe’s EPIC Survival Adventure || Hell Kingdom || Hindi || ArcticSythe

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  • Insane Ice Crushing with FlexMC

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  • Minecraft + Dronio Teach English! 🔥 Try a lesson now!

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  • HEROBRINE REVENGE: Devil Gamer’s Insane Minecraft Animation

    HEROBRINE REVENGE: Devil Gamer's Insane Minecraft AnimationVideo Information This video, titled ‘HEROBRINE REGENGE minecraft animation #minecraft#shots #viral’, was uploaded by Devil Gamer nep on 2024-04-28 08:50:53. It has garnered 42 views and 19 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:36 or 36 seconds. Read More

  • Alien Rituals Revealed by Walter the Wildlife Explorer! 🌌

    Alien Rituals Revealed by Walter the Wildlife Explorer! 🌌Video Information This video, titled ‘Alien Ritual Ground Unveiled! 🌌 – Walter’s Minecraft Videos for Kids’, was uploaded by Walter the Wildlife Explorer on 2024-08-15 22:00:34. It has garnered 8434 views and 281 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:39 or 39 seconds. Welcome to Walter the Wildlife Explorer’s Adventure: Minecraft Epic Jungle Safari Speed Run Exploration! 🌳🦊 Hey there, little explorers! It’s Walter the Wildlife Explorer, and today I’m here to remind you of the amazing adventures waiting for you just outside your door. But first, let me tell you about something super cool – I’ve been playing… Read More


    UNBELIEVABLE: GOLDYGAMER22 BUILDS LARGEST MINECRAFT CASTLE!Video Information This video, titled ‘Building the BIGGEST Castle in Minecraft! EPIC 2024’, was uploaded by GoldyGamer22 on 2024-08-12 02:14:00. It has garnered 165 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:29 or 449 seconds. Welcome to my channel! In this epic Minecraft video, I take on the challenge of building the BIGGEST castle you’ve ever seen! Join me as I craft an ultimate fortress, showcasing incredible designs, intricate details, and massive structures that will leave you in awe. Watch as I gather resources, construct towering walls, and add stunning features like grand halls, secret rooms, and majestic… Read More

  • Minecraft Build Hacks – EPIC Pocket Edition Tricks!

    Minecraft Build Hacks - EPIC Pocket Edition Tricks!Video Information This video, titled ‘Build Hacks Minecraft Pocket Edition 1.20 [ Part 1 ] #minecraft #shorts #shortsvideo #mcpe #build’, was uploaded by Creyou Playz on 2024-03-23 11:30:11. It has garnered 10142 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:33 or 33 seconds. #minecraft #short #trending #minecraftjava #mcpehindi #minecraftshorts #youtubeshortsr #youtubeshortsr #shorts #shortvideo #shortvideo #subscribe #shortsvideo #shortsvideo #status #shortsfeed #song #share #sad #music #meme #motivational #naruto #mobilelegends #m#youtubeshortsr #makeup #asmr #anime #art #attitude #army #animals #amazing #alightmotion #alightmotion #ajjubhai #minecraft top shaders 1.19 #minecraft #roblox #cake recipe #chainsaw man #chod video #cubecraft #evident #eystreem #famous water park #football… Read More

  • play.earthside.nl

    play.earthside.nlEarthside Network Survival Server Welkom bij Earthside Network, de ultieme survival server voor avonturiers en bouwers! Op onze server beleef je een unieke Minecraft-ervaring op een prachtige, uitgestrekte wereld. Of je nu een ervaren speler bent of net begint, bij Earthside vind je een gastvrije gemeenschap en eindeloze mogelijkheden om te verkennen, bouwen en overleven. Read More

  • Master Realm now live! PvE

    Welcome to Master Realm’s New Season – “The Corrupted Chunks”! Join us on our latest adventure as we explore a realm sealed by ancient gods. Unlock chunks with blocks or items to face tougher monsters, complex structures, and new mobs and items. Season Features: Explore a Corrupted World Experience Blood Moons and enemy swarms Engage in Economy & Trading with coins and exclusive items Discover new Slimefun Enhancements Conquer 100 new Dungeons & Bosses If you’re ready for a unique challenge and a diverse community, join us at Master Realm today! IP: mr.enviromc.net:25573 Discord: https://discord.gg/bwUwd9b6BS Read More

WE Survived 100 Days in Minecraft All The Mods 8 Hardcore (ATM8 Duo 100 Days)