WE WON! | Minecraft Championship Scuffed | April 1st Edition!

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Hello hello are you ready to win I am Skippy are you ready to win I’m ready to win or here’s the thought potentially lose what we’re not gonna lose get that out we might you don’t know that right now no oh so you can see the future is that it

I can’t see the future oh really tell me what the future is the future consists of us meeting up soon we literally just met up how much you know how much dinner can we beat up then like literally yesterday very soon because we can meet up tomorrow oh we can yeah

I guess we can but anyways we’re gonna win we’re gonna win MCC coin and you’re gonna give me yours for the second time oh yeah okay that they’re they’re the third time where are my coins Skippy hi everybody Sam hey bad Sam do you have skins for us Minecraft skins does anyone

Have skins for us we need scuffed skins okay bucket no no no no no no no no no no no no No I’m out I’m gonna work that out I’m gonna look it up MCC skin bad boy Hilo awesome dude let’s see let’s see uh um Yuppie have either of you guys seen like good skins for STS uh yeah yeah I have I’m looking for some on Twitter yeah I’m looking for some

Okay well if you find one hello yeah I haven’t found any I’m looking for some well have you tried finding any I’m not a mathematician skeppy we know okay we’re the lime what are we where the line was with one else okay let’s see if anyone made us

Made us like a skin you’re looking for that now fine make me you’re not gonna play then fine all right we’re ready okay well great I guess for the scuffed Lily’s goofballs with their goofy skins quick someone out there helped me find those skins I need them lime llamas here

No well what Skins are you guys wearing my normal one um yeah we got we got given ones you don’t get the DM no did they send us some where are they oh what are we doing what are we doing wait wait Did they really send us some Ben yeah

We’re in the thingy what the [ __ ] what are we doing are we gonna shake our booties or what what’s happening I think we should all just I think we should all just not move at all do you guys want to do that hands off keyboards no button move no

One move okay we’ll be different yeah we’ll be different everybody’s like bouncing around just like stand still stand still all right let’s go we’re unique we’re unique let’s go look at all these goof balls bouncing around wait did none of us change our skin like do we we all have normal skins

I don’t know oh my goodness look look at those guys look at those moment heads what is this this is so goofy we’re special we’re special your honor we’re special little muffin heads can you hear that too yeah yeah I think it’s in games they should honestly like leave the decision Dome

They should leave like this actually in the thing you know what I mean wow wait so Sam you didn’t change your skin Punky all four of us didn’t change our skin let’s go and we all just stood there we’re standing out we’re being unique we’re being unique we’re breaking the

System let’s break the system thank you everybody who designed the amazing skins passed out I wish I had found one yeah I wish I’d put it on too I didn’t know that we had got some someone made one where we’re all like avocado toast oh that’s funny yeah oh okay okay it’s

Going it’s going right off the bat quick what is this it’s literally a kazoo guys look at it look at literally everybody with their fancy schmancy skins look at all these lead all these people they’ve all they’ve all fallen for the Memories Bingo but fast but what are these game modes

What the hell it’s all Bingo but fast I guess it’s like Bingo but fast what is Bingo but fast that’s a good question bad we don’t know this is the point we should probably know these things Bingo but first it says Bingo but first Bingo but first but fast but first I guess vote for Bingo anyone no I’m gonna vote Bingo I’m gonna vote Bingo I’m voting I’m voting for green I voted bingo I voted bingo why are they all the same they’re I don’t know yeah I threw one and it was like a it was like a line now

We’re good I guess we’re playing bingo yeah we’re probably playing bingo bingo I have a suspicion is gonna be bingo foreign well let’s win let’s flipping when we’re gonna win Bingo but fast is it faster first thing about fast Bingo but fast Bingo fast oh my goodness I cannot believe that

It’s hide I cannot believe that it’s hide this is genuinely shocking I genuinely thought it wasn’t gonna be bingo I wish it was Bingo but first to be clear yeah that that would have been here’s how you play we didn’t we read this and think about fast like Amy’s with amass as many

Coins as you can within 10 minutes each player responds to the map with their inventory the map will show you the items that reward coins for crafting them oh so that’s it it’s this is the game the more times the less coins after five crash by any team an item would lock out

And reward no more coins to anyone okay all right we’re doing a bingo run yeah you can only gain coins from a single item craft once so raise the other teams together the right materials and crafting the items before they get locked out okay Just this is the gist of it literally just run around there you can use your teleportation or back to spawn say that oh perfect we can teleport back to our teammates or back to us the recipe in your inventory can you communication with your teammates about the materials you’re carrying you’ve

Never known they might already be able to craft I think that we should funnel all of our materials into one person and let them do all the crafting there’s a item commands to check craft values there is no hunger and you have speed two trapping One log will cut down the

Entire tree orders will drop as ing gets one mined say plus cow all right all right quick check the bingo card I’m going I’m going I’m going straight this direction I’m going I’m going straight East straight East 45 this can’t be real 45 obsidian I’m gonna go for a glass

Okay I’m gonna I’m gonna go this way go for uh go for break skeppy okay I’ll go for diamonds I’m going for clay I’m going for clay right yeah I’m going for Sands I’ll make the glass I found some clay I found some clay Diamond Vlog how much glass do we need

To make just one one thing yeah I think you see the craft ditch you need to craft it and that’s how many points you give credit I have sand here as well that we can use yeah right there okay just make a furnace make a furnace just insta instead of get a furnace

I thought I am should I get diamond is that what it wants me to get yeah yeah good diamonds good diamonds go ahead if you see diamonds it’s a diamond Vlog so okay yeah we need to get a diamond block yeah it’s like the old Minecraft like texture pack this is so weird

Okay I’m gonna make a furnace so I can try and help get glass yeah I’m getting some right now um okay I should have landed by a tree I guess I was kind of troll that I didn’t you can insta mine dirt by the way

Come on come on oh my gosh mining the whole I’m almost there I have glass I have glass don’t worry good job yeah I’ve got it I’ve got it what do I do how do I do it like I made it redeem what’s the command to claim it I don’t

Know I don’t know do I need just one the fudge what do I do cows chat help me out here it’s scuffed it’s scuffed it’s scuffed it’s broken imagine no flipping away it means like actually 45. does it actually mean 45 it actually does dude we’re literally being trolled Bingo say bingo fudge

Did we get it what do we have I have no idea I’m making bricks right now I’m literally smelting down the bricks right now obtain first power I don’t get it what are we doing Bingo it’s just glass or glass bottle Bingo literally we got we got bricks first we got bricks first

Um what should we go for next okay we flipping got it oh my goodness we were first to get that cfto bingo with all three let’s make a campfire let’s make a campfire that’s easy go away you Muffin head okay we gotta be fast guys let me confirm the crafting recipe for

The campfire yeah uh one cool three six three logs the gold Apple Gold block I can probably go for the diamond and gold block Skippy I’m gonna make the campfire right now and okay I got the campfire for us I’m going for ore okay you’re going for ore okay I’m gonna

Try and make a blast furnace real quick but I gotta find iron first so what do you do I’m holding the block say bingo and all Bingo all caps exclamation Oh I got it I got it nice nice nice I’m climbing up so I can try and find a cave and fly to it oh a lantern is Easy A Lantern’s just iron as well that one’s also easy Skippy do we need a Lapis one and a torch no I got lapis we need gold and diamond I’ll go

Okay I found I found some coal yeah I have iron if we need a milk bucket oh I found blueberries I found blueberries I’m trolling I found them I didn’t even get them wait wait I didn’t pick it up no come here you stupid globerry okay I got glowberries I’m looking for

Iron right now so we can work on a blast furnace here’s I found some yeah I would just mine down I’m going for gold right now I’m in a cave right now yeah I’m in a cave all right we need iron nuggets Lantern’s done okay we got Lantern okay

Compass we need Redstone for a compass four Redstone or Redstone and four iron if we find Redstone we we can basically just make it instantly okay we got Vodka gold good job Ben oh we got the gold knives yep now we need Diamond I’m gonna go for that next

Oh wait wait I have iron I forgot I can make a blast furnace let me make the blast furnace did anyone get milk bucket I have three iron should I go get milk bucket yeah here I’ll do that oh we need here do you want to teleport to me

Really quick so I can I’ll go back to spawn yeah just uh right click your ender pearl and click on me okay you stay there uh I’m going to go look for a cow say I’m gonna know where a cow is no but on the surface I’d assume

Okay clock clock make a clock we need Redstone to make a clock and the compass we need to be look for a redstone I have Redstone oh my gosh oh my gosh teleport to someone with gold and make the clock and then teleport to me and I can make the compass

All right who do I TP do uh come to me come to me I’ll make the I’ll make the compass uh we need the milk pocket I’m looking for it I’m working on the blast furnace right now give me the Redstone after you after you get a killer kill the cow Okay okay we need iron we need to iron again we need four iron to make the compass I have two iron here I met skeppy I’ll hand the list you’re a genius okay you have two iron good goodbye goodbye two I need I need the rest I need to rest Punk

Before someone else does Hey I got us the compass we got the points on that but okay we need a book crossbow is um what is a crossbow a dispense we need more iron to make crossbow I forget how to make the Looking Glass air I just got an idea for how to make

Sign what is that thing actually called I think Looking Glass and I think you need amethyst we need amethyst yeah we need to find a geode if we’re gonna make that diamond block is still worth a lot TNT Minecart is also worth a lot you have to wait 18 seconds before you continue

Tides come on come on I found more iron so we can try and make the crossbow getting the iron to make the crossbow five four three two one don’t skip it to me I’m in the middle I’m going to spawn okay I need lava I need lava I need

String oh you can teleport to spawn yeah you can teleport to spawn I’m laying for lava though we’re gonna need copper to make the thing I’m getting copper so we can make the look of this flying glass as well we just need amethyst if someone finds amethyst scream no no it does not

What are you looking for right now I’m going to spawn okay I got it string I need string um good job on the obsidian bad I gave me a booking quill do you know how to get that you need an ink sack a feather and a book ink snack feather in a book

Oh no we need three sugars okay I’ll look for sugarcane one paper I need I’m gonna look for it no and I’m just a black ink oh there’s no string didn’t drop any string that’s so unlucky give me another spider please I’m here with one of you it’s your [ __ ] quill

Uh look for amethyst Skippy look for amethyst wherever you’re at I found a chicken I can try and get a feather so we can make the book and cool okay we’ve got the feather we’ve got the feathers then wait and I just need uh sugar cane one paper okay okay

You have two paper already oh okay nice wait okay no no no no the bookshelf got like taken oh my these spiders aren’t dropping any string ah it’s a texture back is so bizarre oh I tried to snatch what blush he was crafting that would have been crazy if I’d done that successfully

Someone’s in the deep dark oh I found ink sack do we need that yes yes good job bad we just need paper now we just need oh yeah look for a um look for a whatever it’s called oh wait fudge I have two sugar cane we only need three right one more

One more sugar can is all we need can you bone me no no we can’t it doesn’t help fudge what about grow I’m gonna have like it does grow naturally but it takes forever my age yeah I’m here I guess I’m gonna wait see if it grows

Okay I guess yeah come on no oh no no way no way here go ahead and take this ain’t sack just in case Punk save you can speed run it oh wait dropping sack Skippy I just need two strings I can make the crossbow I just can’t I do wait

I have two string TV to me oh the crossbow is gone yikes gold block so we can make the Notch Apple that’s all right we might not make it let me type Bingo all caps just in case you have anything all right well we did go we’re in fourth place that’s really

Good not bad not bad we’re not that far behind we had no idea what was going on but not bad yeah what’s going on what the fudge wait what hey are you ready for seven more games I got seven of the things one two three four five six seven one nine

Oh my God I got seven of them let’s go bro I was going crazy crafting um Carry us harder please please that was great tell me there’s not like flipping oh we could have made the the spy glass really easily like I can’t believe we didn’t make that we didn’t

Have the amethyst oh yeah good point we need to look for the amethyst please tell me they’re not gonna do that one like seven times in a row could you imagine if you imagine that no that would be so annoying I will actually come and glued Honestly though really funny like that

Would be really funny but also like I really missed to play with it after the second time my willingness to play would quickly fall off I do agree I’ll turn into a twitch rival situation okay I’m gonna go I’ll be right back on the P while we uh while we’re like in

Between games here oh this is funny I say what they’re doing all the Skins are like backwards clever it is like a sapnap variant isn’t that funny like Nicholas Cage wait where do you look at right by the entrance right by the entrance this way this way

In front of you I’m I’m here is this Nicholas Cage what the fudge it is oh my gosh who’s it looking at this is so what’s an elevator oh these guys are gonna flip and troll they’re gonna troll watch like whoever gets in last ends up like winning

Would that not be hilarious dude oh no dodgeball the lowest school gets it the lowest two score get in the dodgeball that’s a good idea so the lowest two scorers get into much Bowl right there you go I’m just gonna say that let’s start planting the seeds let’s start planting the seeds

Oh this is gonna be funny people are gonna see that and they’re gonna be like wait a minute okay I’m back I wonder let’s see where we are on the brackets on the side there we are look we’re number four all right all right let’s see what the game is gonna be

Oh and since oh please give me Santa time oh I think oh okay okay survival games are probably good for us okay not build more battle box okay oh wait a minute I bet I know what they’re gonna do they’re gonna like guarantee that it lands on like build

Mart or something like that oh what do you think you think they’re gonna troll I think they’re gonna troll us somehow something’s gonna happen what do they want to play here guys what do we want what do we want to play here do you guys want to get build Mart out

Of the way or should we no I don’t I just want to not play it I just want to know let’s play uh Survival Games that’d be kind of fun I think we should play SG I think SG yeah let’s let’s kill let’s let’s do a SG Liam winner this whole

What my chicken’s so stupid yeah whoa they’re killing the chickens not chickens come on SG anything but build Mark no the chickens are leaving you idiots I think it’s gonna be hole in the wall or or build more BattleBots let’s go oh yeah I’ll take

This okay guys let’s just go for me and remember there’s something to do with like food or whatever this one what do you need my food like food see Eric’s sword characters that’s kind of funny okay wait what what’s the point can I eat my sword no

But I want to it looks delicious so are there no kids in this one then there’s no kit items surely there is oh there is it’s just a carrot sword the the swords are just made out of carrots like does nothing okay so it’s battle box with care it’s this map as well

Controlling the top is going to be important so it looks like the games are Mimi it’s but they’re also like legit games yeah yeah I agree okay but they’re not like we’re not being totally not the game all right uh so remember um Stay Together communicate and just

Focus on killing we can’t kill them all before we can get first and then we should just group up on the people once we’ve gotten a couple picks we just group on them exactly just kill them yep but just play together like to stay together communicate we got this what’s

The layout look like looks like it’s in the middle on the ground so this is actually a good one it’s this one they might try and rush it just keep an eye on like any rushing because they’ll go for me utilize your bows though is that the only way out through the

Center thing there through that door if that’s the only way out this is gonna be a spicy it’s gonna be crazy careful if the items are if there’s like a group damage item here we go um I’ll take kind of whatever I kind of want the punch boat to be honest okay whatever

Let’s go good luck everyone me Oh my gosh I’m gonna die I’m gonna die to these arrows I’ll be careful because I’m eating my sword I’m actually eating my sword go for the crits go for the crates let’s get B stay here on your right see because right there bad he’s running pretty bad beat him up

Beat him up behind you finally let him kill the other guy come on good no no we’re all dead sorry I got pinned I got pissed I got pinned like off the gun oh my gosh I got I got pinned like way too hard okay oh yeah we did get Five Points

Just for eating your carrot sword by the way wait what yeah yeah if you eat the carrot sword you get 2.5 coins so if you eat it every round that you’re alive at the end okay you lose it if you eat it though yeah but eat it every round at the end if

You’re alive come on because I ate mine to actually try and get hungry it didn’t give me any hunger but it gave me 2.5 coins and we got this we got this same thing also there’s probably no hit delay with the carrot now that I think about it

Oh no there is there is this normal sword hit delay I think it’s a normal sword they just retextured it oh no good luck well yeah they renamed it but it’s just retextured like it’s an actual Source the ladle thing is blocking mid so don’t worry about like taking damage okay okay I’m with you Skippy let’s take this right hand side bro I can’t eat my sword what the heck this Rush Skippy JoJo’s right here bad she’s right here she’s low Beat him up nice eat your carrot your carrots nice nice let’s go go work team good job I feel like I did nothing well played well played memers this map is very strange I’m not even sure like what you should go for on this map oh

It’s just bow hit like it’s it’s one of those it’s very opinion there’s like nowhere to hide so you just want to kind of hit him from the side don’t get knocked back into the lava though almost dead oh hello little memory software see you hurry against oh you going down they’re

Going down good luck everyone oh I didn’t pick my cat oh it’ll give it to you it should give it to you they’re pinned in the door oh Connor got out they’re over here get ready Connor’s literally one shot so it’s red they’re both one shot they’re both one shot nice nice

Watch tubbo All right everyone can’t eat it there we go eat it eat it good job yes good job good job good round good round Go full meme remember to get your items at the start they don’t give them to you they didn’t it didn’t give it to you okay yeah make

Sure you get those the health pots are really important we still didn’t know we still we’re cracked at the muffin let’s go crack at the craft if you will okay get yourself okay 850 please only eight muffins and 50 cents yup April let’s go yeah Becky’s really good as well I think

We should focus puns if possible it would be good They all went to the they all went to our right they’re left tons this top here come here I hit Becky two times three times above thumbs above all right I’m just rushing in I’m just rushing in got him pledge get him you got this you’ve got three nice guys your carrot

Oh yeah good idea good idea go go yes good job team go work well played well played well played that was a big round that’s a big round I put us in like near the lead yeah we’re just we’re just cruising up we’re catching up to

Scion they’re the only team we lost to yeah yeah oh we’re doing well we joined world let’s go yeah definitely take our times with our bows and just get as much damage off as possible sign are really good yeah that was interesting once I run out of here and then we fight we

Were just winning ran across and came behind us good call out by the way punk scare me you stole it you stole it you keep I’m going to hurt you now here I’ll tell you one of the possible no no no no no no no no no no no just

Keep them just get like hang back get ready to splash us just let’s fall out if you need help let’s go let’s go let’s go They’re pushing I’m pushing back to you Ben we just kill her yeah watch the wool rush they might try try for it still how am I missing these clicks what Nice kill them your carrots yeah yeah eat the carrot okay yes don’t feel bad they all deserve it though thank goodness thank goodness

Stop that rush let’s go let’s go I think that we should go out to the left and just oh wait can you can you do this is this possible no okay let’s do it Go Team the only thing about going to the left is that you lock yourself off from unless you

Can make this jump no you lock yourself from the mid where are we like our positioning okay we’re flipped we’re on the other side we’re on the other side get the thing get the thing guys yeah we should go left for sure this time okay go left okay yeah we should go

Left out of Spawn for sure this time so we can take control of the middle area bite and conquer they tried to rush right and uh they they got memes so use the left cover he’s hit Hannah’s in the back oh I’m one oh much he’s right above you

From behind that he’s not low kill Hannah Hannah’s low Hannah’s low Focus her oh good try guys sorry yeah I I was trying to heal you but you got it no it’s all good we did well no we do well it’s okay it’s okay this is a really good PVP team as well

Damn no that’s no that’s true oh they’re eating their carrots they’re eating their carrots oh so you can eat your carrots after you capture them no no I I don’t know yeah it looks like you can I don’t know if it gives you the coins though hey we’ll take a second though right

We’re still in second or what we’re in third but we can we’re in third okay we’ll take third honestly as long as we can keep the gap between us and the top like pretty narrow we’ll do yeah yeah well I’m feeling good right now I definitely think this side is the

Weaker side to like Beyond um yeah I agree I think we shouldn’t rush the left like I said last time I think we shouldn’t do it we should just like I think we should Rush the left Rush the left again but stay off the top

The top yeah yeah it’s just too open you just want to hide back let them push up then we and use this Shield yeah yep there there’s one on the left side pushing just be ready call if you need help on one okay thank you this picture here just kill Scott’s kill

Start come here Scott’s on one he’s literally on half one I’m pushing across the Arenas oh help help there’s one in mid town oh Tay is one there we go nice finish him Skippy he’s in the corner you got him good job boys eat your carrots while playing Team well played good job

Good job let’s go back in second back in second let’s flip and go good work team let’s go popping off all right we got this Skippy do you want it or do you want that one oh no okay okay let’s see how it is I think we did the same thing we

Did last time that strategy was good last time we do that again we do that again yeah uh who are we against orange okay okay we’re going down they’re going down Oh there’s one pushed up just give me I have to Splash oh my gosh I just got pinged like three times in a row I’m on three oh I know Karen’s pushing me you ready fighter fighter bad fighter I was so low oh good try guys yeah I I got like

Absolutely I got absolutely deleted yeah wait I took like three in a row this map is I will say it’s not a very balanced map but we took advantage to the other side when we had it so yeah we did exactly we also did the same thing it

Was it honestly it’s it works out it works out second is good good work good work everyone let’s go okay that was really good the next yeah this one’s important we need to win this one for sure yeah let’s do it oh my goodness we got this we got this we’re gonna be

Okay oh it’s purple hello purple so I wonder on this one if we should Rush up to Mid because we can get them to admit is that worth holding nah let’s just it’s because we’re just sitting ducks in mid play how we’ve been playing so we can stop them

Oh my gosh eat your hair eat your hair I cannot believe it they literally just rushed them they’ve been doing this like all game ah bad so annoying oh my goodness hey we’ll take third though we still have thirds oh that’s just annoying though coins there because they just rushed yeah we

Had to just rush in there like I just started like running in there definitely it’s definitely a strat okay you want third place you’re right we’ll take it the Gap is actually kind of crimped they didn’t they only killed me because I went into like the 3d4 like

This is cringe it’s a good strap though but they didn’t think they were gonna beat us like I would do that if I was against the team I didn’t think I was gonna be to be fair like holy crap look at that that point differential points above

I have no clue the difference between the difference between first and tenth is kind of insane like we’re still oh my Lord wait oh my gosh oh my God oh my goodness they have literally all of them I feel like they do maybe how many coins

2.5 for every time you eat it I think oh yeah so that’s eight coins 64. let’s go we did good we we did good we were a solid team hey we’re in second overall with that we’re in second overall we’re in second by 300 points we’re looking good we’re looking good right

Now I like I like you win now now we get buildbot and we cry uh not build Mart not anything but build Mart keep your eyes peeled guys Anything Could Happen these memers like there’s there could be anything that happens as far as the memes go I think we should

Do survival games I won’t play that I think SG is a good game for us oh cool cool but to be fair I feel like in PvP well the wall that is this will be my worst game and it’s like not even close I do not want to play hole in the wall

Oh we’re in top ten bad you and me both nine and ten let’s go green is going crazy punches in first Becky’s in second Orion’s in third and cranios is in fourth they’re going insane holy muffin that’s actually nuts of course funds puns being on my team is just absolutely

That’s a very that’s a very op team that’s a good team it’s a pretty good team I think it’s a good skeppy do you need something what’s up I don’t know my chat is saying everything for some reason oh my chat was just yeah no it’s all good I am

One second what the muffins we are let’s go good gosh okay we need to like we need to kill green they’re definitely like our competition I feel like if we do play SG we should see if we can take them out potentially they would be pretty good at

Fighting us without a problem well that’s why I think I think what we can do is we can keep an eye on them if we get them into an opportunity where they are like they’re absolutely memed to your family like if one of them dies we

Go in and like sweep another like winter tail kills are really important though in survival games maybe I guess we’ll find out we don’t actually know what is important or not so we’ll we’ll find out here we go Skippy honestly they should replace the main music with this this is substantially

Pretty funny I agree foreign drop Green Drop green what do you guys want to go for we want either SG or saw it we don’t want we don’t want build Mart I don’t think we want hole in the wall either we should definitely go SG and hope it

Wins I think you’re right that’s a good one screwdriver Skippy so I don’t miss scoot over scooters Okay nice all right it’s SG it’s actually big time no no get that box out of there oh no who did that who literally did that at least yeah McMuffin sandwich really did that whoever threw that fire I literally hate that person okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay

I hate this game but I’m gonna I’m gonna do the thing I’m gonna do the things all right well well let’s just let’s just win it they’re gonna regret this they’re gonna regret they’re literally going to regret that I’m gonna be honest I might have to deafen to play this game

Like I I just have to like Focus up yeah I’m gonna do the same I think I think I just have to like I’m so bad at this game I just have to like grind re read the uh instructions here’s how you play throughout the game huge walls of slime

Will come at you from all four directions theme is to be the last team standing uh Dodge The Walls by threading through them or jumping over them you’ll only get one life per round but there are three rounds in total over time the speed of the walls will

Increase and the more players fall out of the Arena uh the platform will start to decrease in size as more Fallout Sprint jumping can help you get through the gaps consider playing in third person keep checking all your directions things will get faster uh if you remain standing until the end

Of the round there is also a j placement bonuses for singing in third place eating healthy food if you starve eat healthy food but if you starve you are eliminated eat your food guys make sure you’re eating healthy food too apparently there’s something to do with that interesting

Eating healthy food is part of the scoring but if someone tells Sam that thank you for reading those rules eating your veggies will get you a coin oh okay oh no they didn’t make everybody invis oh no it’s scuffed okay it’s not bad stuff it’s Gabby Skippy West there we go

Rocky eating the food that it gives you in your hot dog like the fruit and [ __ ] yeah eat your food eat your food Good Foreign Thank you No top ten I’ll take good job Ben hold on guys what you’re working so yeah make sure yeah I’ve been eating I’ve been eating I’ve been eating lots of carrots I’ve been farming coins off the carrots to be clear well you can do that I wasn’t doing it

Yeah yeah if you eat the veggies you get coins but if you eat the steak you just get food that explained a lot I was eating just the veggies and Haley’s yeah yeah the steak the steak gives you a lot of meat like it gives you like four meaties

I wonder how many coins you get I I wasn’t looking duders how many coins did I get for each thing I was eating did it say cheesy okay we’re insects uh that one wall I had no idea what to do I think we were supposed to like

Crawl through it or something plus 1.5 it’s 1.5 for every veggie that you eat okay so I can add up potentially I wouldn’t risk it for the biscuit if you need to but I would eat steak if you don’t have Sprint that’s the only time all right all right all right I’m eating Eat your veggies Foreign Damn now fudge dang it hmm you’re right not bad not bad not bad this game is just so hard it was a hard game I actually like the eating but it adds like a whole other layer to it yeah it’s pretty fun there’s a fun variation

Aqua is going crazy on this game this is definitely like my worst game for sure sorry guys yeah I’m glad we got this we’re getting this one out let’s pop off here it’s good to get it off later let’s let’s go crazy here I’m with you I’m using

Differential is not that high I agree make sure you eat your vegetables Foreign [ __ ] I can’t Punch ah good job that was crazy thank you oh this game this is probably just our worst game I think it’s definitely my first game like statistically speaking this is by far my worst gameplay no no they’re good oh well I wonder if it was worth it for me to

I’ve been I was just greeting like as many points as I could get from the veggies I was getting so many like yeah I was spamming them too yeah like every time that I could eat I was just eating one like there was times where I didn’t

Even have any in my hot bar I was eating them so quickly same but I wonder if it was better to try and survive longer 30th oh my gosh I’m useless in this game sorry guys you literally got McMuffins but it’s in there because we got it out

Of the way like that game is gone we won’t have to mess around with it that was literally the most like I think that was definitely our worst game that are build mart but hopefully build Mart just gets skipped because everyone hates it I don’t want

Good job bad you got so many points thank you it’s on top five yeah we’re still doing good point differential is not very big as well yeah it’s very small so this is where we come this is where we literally like crush it right here yeah we get a

Good we get a good game here for sure look at the scoreboard I know I’m Not Top 10 now So bad that’d be so funny actually build my bill Mark build Mart I mean you’re heard how many times they said build Mart in the trailer thing right tell me that doesn’t scream that they’re literally gonna slushies yum Yo which one do you like you want blue or red wait where’d you

Get the slushies I want a slice you want blue or red wood you want blue yeah all right guys we’re serving up burglaries over here it would need a burger I got some hello where are you bad and that got Burgers whoa whoa bring me a burger come

Into the coming to Bad Boy halos okay here hello what can I get for you open a Burger Barn yeah let me get uh let me get double Patty cooked medium please um extra lettuce oh there we go guys guys slow down I can’t I mean I got some

Fries let me get a burger though man come on I’m trying I’m trying finally I got a burger I’m just one guy man I’m just one guy hey man hey hey you get to work back there you’ve been working faster I know I’m working I’m cooking yeah maybe come back there with this

Spatula I’ll come over here oh here we go let’s go survival games okay do it give me survival games I do not wait a minute do you think he’s really good I know what he’s doing he’s gonna literally let us eliminate every game so that we have

To play buildmark I think that’s what’s Happening Here let’s do SG SG yeah we should definitely go SG I’m gonna wait wait yeah let’s wait some muffin head’s gonna throw like a fox or a fire or a fire again yes get dunked battle Landing all right get ready get ready

All right I’m throwing all right I missed I also miss all right I’d be survival games come on come on no stay chicken stay yes okay okay I think they got this very good yeah build Mart all right okay this is a good game for us okay everybody follows Sam just stay with Sam you’re the leader oh my God okay sure what sorry

Sorry oh yeah they said it was AI generated the map is AI generated yeah it it took base I mean they’re joking but they said they took all of the best aspects of like our other Maps right the other maps and threw them together might not be very balanced in this so

Yeah I think we just shouldn’t go for Cornucopia at the start we should just run away and go loot somewhere else are you sure always feel like Cornucopia gives you like good loot to start with because otherwise you’re like scrambling for weapons I think that our like the

Placement in the games matters more than like the beginning and then the number of kills we get so I think it’s better to not risk dying at the start do they have a grace period um I think there is yeah but that we should use that time to like make put

Distance between us and other people you want to go do you want to run I think we go this way I think we go this way most teams look over here Sam look Sam we should go this way yellows yeah yeah let’s do it either way okay follow me

We’re gonna train Slither like past that building don’t forget if you don’t get any loot but you have your pickaxe it does a lot of damage so we can just boom boom boom oh yeah we can use these to Tower up you can bomb people with your

Pickaxes as well yeah and we can build excellent hey Get Ready Get Ready Get Ready put your building blocks on your hand yeah that’s what I just did go go go where are we going Ben we’re just going straight we’re gonna get get past oh get this word elytra what the fudge

Bad where are we going then all right follow us skimpy this way oh gosh I’m separated here coming back to you guys keep running okay just go straight go over this look for chest this is a bit disturbing go this way to the right stay with Punk

Okay grace period’s over we can we can die so we should start we should kill off like we haven’t seen a single chest yet almost there’s a guy right here there’s one punch you have a weapon get away a weapon before we uh weapon if you don’t have one use your

Pickaxe if you don’t have one here let’s go this way this way wait what do I have an extra iron Hillman who needs a helmet who needs a helmet bad it’s on your feet uh thank you okay let’s go out here break the glass break the glass hey

There’s people right there wave awake careful do you see these guys down there should we fight them or actually Tower I think we should Tower up and loot this building from the top guys gonna be tons of loot in here I have another elytra we can go up uh this way

Who wants one here you go right here Skippy and I are headed this way he’s getting the chest just take everything I found a chestplate and pants oh my gosh I’m like I have a lot of armor we’re leaving we’re leaving yeah I’m following you guys come over here

Fall out if you’ve seen anyone are there no more chests up here here do you wanna really careful don’t drop down don’t drop down yeah yeah go through here the fights this is so weird this is so funny we should oh guys stuff stuff here

Here get some of this stuff if you need any oh here oh yeah it’s fine it’s fine we literally got a we use the elytra yeah I’ve been using the electron yeah I’m flying over to this building guys I’m just gonna loot the chest in here ‘s coming

Guys we need to start dipping I think we should head this way up here okay hey there’s a team right next to us oh fight scabby skip it guys come on go over here we’re gonna kill these guys juicy these guys right here

The red guys I see them I do see them I do see them they’re group right here I think we should attack them they’re all flying away make sure yeah make sure you’re full hunger right now yeah I’m above them I’m like way above them I’m like way above them

Here come down here skeppy okay follow oh I just have no durability by the way we need to we need to get through here come on guys are you here I see one red guy ahead we should definitely kill them if we can Sam where are you you’re up there I’m above you

Guys still okay we’re going down I see you guys I see you guys I’m right above you any legs pants you take some are you low on Armor Debbie come over here we’re gonna start going to the right tower up here guys the horse fails coming in so we need to

Start let’s start looking for people we can hunt it’s red red is red is like right there bro here food if you need it right here I’ll go like 55 arrows they’re bad bad tickets I got no arrows let me let me cop some arrows please Punk he’s got pants good thank you

Skippy does anyone have extra boots uh negative wait I don’t have pants not yet here go this way forcefield’s gonna start shrinking let’s go to the right guys height is really op because we should try and get as high as possible at all times yeah oh look look they’re

Up there they’re up there I think yeah we need to be careful the back side it’s gonna be right here right here Skippy Skippy uh careful doing hey shift while you uh while you Tower that way they can’t um they can’t see your name make sure you’re shifting you’re crouching

Careful keep going oh my gosh I’m here it’s pretty high come and get up here do you guys want to like uh let’s go over here come down once you’re up come down to like here Sam do you see him okay there’s four people fighting right there or I guess

Red people they’re they’re right there I have like we should wait for them hey hey shifts five instant damages I have five instant damages yeah they’re gonna come up everyone shift guys if they come out when they start building up we can just target practice

On them for real yeah I kind of want to go loot that chest right there is that crazy I have a rocket I can just rock it back up with my elytra yeah but no no no don’t just leave them leave them we need to like get some kills here oh they’re

They’re gonna wait yeah they’re gonna they’re gonna have to come on they’re gonna have to stack up okay they’re going around they’re going around are they coming up that side no they’re good over there we need to get back over there over here I think yeah just go around let’s come

Around to this side right here oh there’s one team over there right there it’s blue how many elytra slash fireworks do we have I have two fireworks and I have like three elitism inventory maybe someone needs one oh yeah given a lighter to each of these

Guys do you believe an electro or what I’ve got one trivia offhand no no you have to put it on your chestplate slot oh okay yeah my work just get ready Oh nice look at this look at those little guys yeah we can pin them over there with our bows we have a decent amount of arrows now oh give me some arrows please throw some arrows half hold on we’re getting built upon all right light blue

Here give me give me some errors Sam if you can I I think I’ll give you three that’s fine try and get a sneaky kill do you guys wanna thank you do you guys want to Glide up and try and kill those guys um we could rock it onto them it’s just

Red Connor it’s actually they’re pretty I have five I have five okay I I have two rockets we could just fly above them and then splash pop them as we fly by here worst case scenery I think we should just do a drive-by bombing on them should I do

That should I do it right now wait wait do you want to see more splash potions sure sure yeah that’s what I’m doing oh my gosh there’s so many oh his TNT there’s yellow there’s yellow on our left guys guys Force failed get ready I’m about

I’m about to do a drive-by bombing on light blue everyone be prepared again you smacked It To The Ground too hard to like take fall damage what I was yeah did you hit the ground no I swear I was like I was in a Glide like I should have

Bounced if anything that’s crazy oh my God I just trolled no it’s fine that is kind of funny gravity here guys get ready get ready get ready there’s a guy there oh someone attacked him that was so troll oh my gosh behind us behind us yeah guys guys do you each have a

Lighter Skippy come here putting a lighter on ready I’m gonna go for amp Frost okay wait I killed red I killed red from like post-mortem do you have a firework scampi oh I don’t have a firework okay here I’m gonna oh should we go for those people up there

Just get ready get ready if it doesn’t blow us oh fudge I mean throw that just build build a wall build a wall build a wall build a wall build a wall build a wall don’t let them shoot you guys like this they’re gonna pin they’re

Just gonna ping you guys over and over again behind you as well you need to watch behind you you kind of need I think because you kind of need a turtle right now just kind of turtle up right there let’s just hang out we’ll pick off the week

Beamers but we’ll just stay here are they floating on nothing no no no they have a build um honestly guys there’s only two yellow people here okay I think you’re either gonna have to find yourself yellow which is just the two wait for the border to start shrinking and then

Get ready to move on your right Dad building your right building your right behind you there you go build there build there well then I’m gonna go he doesn’t know you’re there yet oh he does he does he does he flipped on you don’t land there don’t land there you’re

Gonna die oh my gosh how is he not you got him in the cover jump off good job good job think back good job there’s a bunch of people down below on the Cornucopia Davis fighting in should we should we drop for them oh fudge instead Dave’s on

One heart on the blue tower on the light blue he’s on one heart be boxed in slash top is enabled okay fudge bubbles coming on you purple’s jumping on you purple’s jumping on you oh no no they turned away they turned away up in the sky they’re way up in the sky

Come on you’ve got it oh nice tripod good try Punk man my bad guys that was my bad I really just trolled the game for us hey it’s fine I genuinely thought I was like in gliding animation and I started throwing the pots and I thought

I was just gonna like go right past the platform and not land on it at all that was pretty cool that was cool I enjoyed that that was a blast I think the games about to speed run and so I don’t think we’re gonna final like winner

Or not they won’t get as many because they’re still nine people it’s gonna be divided between everyone for sure oh there’s a pretty good Gap as I thought it would be yeah it’s not as bad as I thought it would be look we’ll make it

Up we’ll make it up in Santa I could not believe how but I will I will do better in another game for how badly I did in this I promise that was so sad anything but build battle what killed me is that one of the potions when it hit

Um hit my feet like it like damaged me and I think it like broke my elytro momentum so I didn’t like go past the platform like I had intended yeah if if that like worked out that would have been awesome but yeah that would have been crazy if it worked out yeah yeah

Good job Punk Lucy what are you eating like these little muffin heads oh that definitely moved us down in the event yeah yeah uh if I didn’t know anything good game here dude if I had known there have been a slash top command we could have like just waited it just teleported you

To like the highest block I think it like put you out so you could we could just slash topped onto each other’s Bill like on other people’s builds the audience will decide a modifier to affect the uh the upcoming game of to get to the other side the modifier will

Be the least vote so we’re doing to get to the other side we can’t it’s every go vote yeah I’m saying all of them can go vote let’s yeah let’s see what let’s see look at what they are and tell them what to vote look what they are and tell them

What to vote let’s see it looks like audience blockout to get to the other side will be played next and you control the effects the modifier with the least votes will be played next slow falling Darkness jump boost and speed oh please actually don’t vote Darkness don’t put Darkness

Just vote jump boost or speed pictures it would be so trolley to do a Darkness game I won this would be good actually I think darkness would be good it’s on Twitter guys oh my gosh this would be actually so funny could you imagine playing the game

All in darkness please that would be good that would be good I’m looking for this side as well you could just like Bridge you could just build up and then Bridge slowly and like no one would probably mess with you don’t all right vote for directness don’t vote for Darkness guys okay but

For everything else except Darkness all right that’s what we want we want Darkness wait dog this is winning apparently oh no uh looks like everybody doesn’t want Darkness oh well all the others are boring but oh go go everybody just vote for whatever vote for the one you you uh least want

To see at this point man Darkness would have been so good that would have been so funny it would have been so funny oh well maybe next time maybe next year maybe maybe next year okay here how long do we have try it okay four minute break

Uh Punk keep everybody occupied okay oh goodness are you are you going for a break story from chat GPT oh my goodness anything but that like okay I don’t know just keep them keep them occupied or when Skippy comes back ask scuppy what his favorite thing about meeting me was okay

Wait a minute what about meeting me bad what was your favorite thing about meeting me like I gotta go get my stuff what’s your favorite thing about meeting me bad I need you to join our halftime show right now Sam please and Skippy in bad and punk please please I’m good thank

You though are you please what is going on I don’t know I just decided to be funny as well I put my little bro and I’m like oh hello little sambro this is little bro and had to go for a bit but he asked me to play instead it’s gaming time everybody

Little bro is back back in action oh can you say oh oh oh oh I can’t oh my goodness I did the parkour you’re goated you finished it yeah what’s at the end I can’t tell you Why can’t you tell me bro come on me it says bro we go way back the way I would but it says NBA oh legal agreement I see I see yeah a little bit of a legal agreement if you will okay no and I’m back I’ll just do

It myself hey bad hello hey I’m Sam’s little brother what yeah he told me to play for a bit because he had to poop oh okay um what was your favorite part of meeting him oh um that’s a great question I would say is probably Sam’s gigantic Muscles gigantic heart he was very nice and very sweet and his gigantic sense of humor nice he does have a good sense of humor huh he does have big biceps is true he said people were wrapping their hands around them and that’s true Big Daddy all night afterwards no one

Called them that I don’t remember holy he had a video no no no I haven’t no no no no no no no no someone was calling him Big Daddy I don’t want to name any names but someone might have been but it wasn’t it wasn’t me what his name rhymed with bad

Boy Halo he just said that by Ayla you can’t you can’t say it Rhymes it does rhyme with bad boy Halo too yeah but that’s not fair that’s not how it works what do you want to be none of this is my turn with itself I don’t I mean why

Would it not Skippy you don’t believe this Theo guppy was literally there what’s a fight schedule there I saw it with my eyes you’re lying oh my goodness he can’t tell Skippy this wow I was there the truth was set us free um no the truth costs a dollar fifty so no

My truth will set us free here we go here we go here we go here we go here we go boom boom let’s go let’s go pop off here guys let’s do it what one did they pick fine guys I’ll play for Sam fine it’s probably jump It’s what we’re gonna end up

What are you doing it was oh I lost dang it oh I’m refreshed and I lost it he I had it pulled up I feel like jump will be fun and darkness lost it’s slow falling once you’ve reached the other side punch a live NPC was playing

How do you did you guys play oh good good I didn’t miss any games good big poop I just took you need to punch a live NPC Just For the Rest yes just like just like normal just like in normal I am yeah it looks like slow falling is what

We’re gonna be doing yay maybe Tower up I could or you could just try and speed run it good luck everybody okay so the poll broke so we’re just gonna pick whatever we want typical oh please oh please don’t be behind this that would be funny but it’s gonna be

Terrible Darkness oh my gosh what okay they’re actually they’re actually trolling us they’re actually trolling us which I kind of like it I kind of like it I kind of like it it’s gonna it’s gonna it’s gonna balance the game like really well guys just just stay together

Follow behind people a little bit okay A bunch of people you are like Papa you lie oh my goodness look I’m gonna stand back for just a moment in the beginning I’m gonna line myself up with where I want to bridge and then I’m just gonna let everything

Happen for a second and then just feed run it oh it’s not even that bad this Aqua guy is crazy good is this purple guy oh my gosh I almost hit the lava nice that I didn’t though someone hit you up I’ll be cool let’s all be cool here

I’m in 12 baby let’s go and take those I wish it took away your blindness there we go your job’s gonna be you’re there again what oh I don’t know what happened there punk I like barely saw you for a second and you got sent back I was throwing snowballs just finished

Just finished take your time 92. oh follow green just follow green all right green it’s gonna be really good at this everybody pick a green person okay one of the green geckos and just Trace you’re good you have plenty of time just make sure you finish

That’s what I may do scary oh to the left to left to left good job oh that’s crazy come on I’m gonna do better next time yeah yeah it’s okay it’s okay and remember to throw your snowballs at people okay or knock them off or whatever the equivalent is

Uh ldshadow almost made up okay the B one this one’s gonna be really annoying with the blindness remember it’s middle and then right I think is the path middle and then right middle and then right and then middle it’s Gabby find a green guy and then just follow them I’m gonna follow cranius There’s no blindness oh there’s fall damage just fall down everywhere oh there’s swiftness on this map don’t jump don’t jump with speed too oh I went the wrong way same I was actually in the lead as well this was so troll I’m there baby fifth or no fourth nice I

Beat people how do you get off of this you’re gonna have to walk you gotta walk onto the honeycomb bed there you go oh okay look at that bad get up there you go middle and then just finish you’re kidding this game is trolling they’re all on the right hand side good

Job they’re done finishing it’s all the matters this is not the right game to follow I should have just sprinted yeah yeah this one just kind of got a Sprint on it we need to try and get some first team bonuses here that’s gonna be big hmm

There’s another one just just grind it just literally this is all about just speed just just get through the walls yeah you have to just go straight like call it out if you make it through each one okay like mine it mine at mine it’s Debbie mine the target s two

These people are so annoying it’s three the second one is three but three I think it’s one two one works oh my gosh I cannot see a thing bro is this right well I came four good job punk I can’t get in because I’m getting built out I’m getting boxed out

Is this the right one that I’m in Punk yeah yeah yeah this is funny oh my gosh I can’t build bro this is kind of Buddy quick nine mine mine go go go Sam oh fudge go go go go Fudge get there bad get there bad get there get there

For sure I think yes good job oh my gosh we literally with a second let’s go let’s flip and go horrible the the whole thing of the darkness actually is hilarious like actually it’s horrible oh my gosh that was so funny everybody being like compacted like that just ruined it it

Was great okay this is another one don’t don’t worry about following just just get there just get there on this one for sure just get there faster you oh the audience I’ve ever jumpers okay okay that’s kind of good on this one actually yeah I mean just jump right across Oh it’s like jump boost three or four I can’t pull it again jump on the roof on the river what no they’re all in the back corner they’re on the back corner Ben good job second nice let’s go Okay not bad not bad bonuses are big these team bonuses are really big we need we need a team bonus these last two rounds as well this is a clever one because you could jump under the roofs here that was sneaky okay this one I’m following someone on this one yeah

Slow Falls kind of good this is gonna be annoying though yeah where’s the green guy here he is I’m gonna follow this guy Oh my gosh can I build please dude you can glide in you can glide in come on yes I got one I got ten come on guys just Glide in get in there first two teams for sure yes let’s go good job we’re up second good work good work guys good work third

We need another team bonus next round and we’re gonna be chilling on this event we’re gonna be chilling on this game all these points benefit let’s go I think I memeed everyone that was here because I built like a pillar so they couldn’t keep going forward they

Couldn’t keep my shirt oh it’s this one but this one is can be interesting come on jumpers jumpers super perfect for this one be careful here Oh my gosh I just got Omega trolled by everyone go Skippy go no oh my gosh I’m actually like nervous for some reason like shaking our tower Tower go go no that was so toxic so much no you’ve gotta be flipping kidding me you’ve got to be flipping kidding me

Ah that is literally the most toxic memory ever that’s nice oh we trolled this one I think unfortunately uh I got memes so hard yeah I literally the the end there oh that sucks oh well what are you gonna do we were literally we were so close to crashing that oh well

That was so funny I got punched off twice right at the end like this is this is very far in the event honestly it didn’t drop us very far in the game yeah we did we’re good bro we’re good we’re good we finished within 100 points of everyone yeah yeah

And so when I made it no oh yeah yeah come on you can do it got stuck good attempt good attempt this one was a sneaky muffin because the speed made you misjudge like I was right at the front so precious yeah I got punched off like

Right right at the end I was just like standing like waiting for the bridge to be built and then I started running and I got punched right as I got on it it was actually kind of like messed up same I jumped just like a hair like too early ah well good game

That’s okay that’s okay what is our strap for Santa times here probably the sand keeper unless someone else wants to be here can I do an easy vote because you want to run blue Punk I’ll just do the coins roll it and then sand keeper okay keeper no no I said the coin

Okay you’re just gonna Free Run oh that one oh yeah okay well then I’ll do that I’ll do the red puzzle I’ll do the red puzzle and the red ball just remember keep an eye out for red path if you find red path let me know collect sand as you

Go okay yeah yeah don’t collect any sand in the lobby let bad collect all that yeah don’t touch anything no no no no no not yet not yet we have oh there’s two more yeah there’s two more after it’s whatever’s next and then this game and then two more skywards right

Yeah no no we haven’t played skywards I don’t think SkyWars is in I’m not sure I think the next three is build mode I think they’re adding three more build Marts so it’s like build martyr Sans oh that would be so funny but it’s gonna be funny when it still Sans because

Everyone legitimately hates build Mart yes please anything but anything but oh my gosh that’d be awesome for them to like try and stack build Mart and we never get it and we still didn’t play it that would be hilarious yes so if I get the fire

Thing I’m in a troll I’m gonna troll I’m gonna throw it into the sand slide just the troll dude I can’t resist nah yeah but if I get that I’m gonna do that yeah let’s do it let’s do it oh my goodness it’d be the best April fools ever it would be

Oh I really hope we get the fire thing but it was like way better than build Mart in my opinion like actually I would play that over build Mart easily yeah he’s not even close I kind of hope we get a Parkour Tag here actually real ize

Hardcore tag here would be huge for us I think we really need that I would love that I got a fox launcher I got a fox launcher we didn’t get anything oh this sucks we haven’t gotten anything yeah okay so we’re going Sands we’re going Sans correct everyone’s on the

Same picture we’re going Sans like a Gemini down there all right get ready 19 seconds left look at everyone look look at this look at this who is throwing stuff over there Gemini get over there and like knock the chickens out of there oh yeah Fox’s hair being dumb but it’s

Actually just dumb my fox sucks punch them out of there we go there we go by the way what no they’re trolling they’re trolling we’re actually watch me Skip by AFK smile that would be so funny everybody just the afk’s through a build Mart dude we should do that should we do that

Like should we organize a big AFK meme no no okay okay I’m gonna be saying keeper I’m gonna be saying keeper free running skip you’re just gonna go run yeah guys listen listen puzzle room hold your carpet right hand side for me okay hold your carpet Mark the right of

The entrance as you go in just mark it just make sure you’re marking yours just one I’m gonna do the puzzle try and find red tunnel for me guys if you can find it okay and Skippy you can just run for anything yeah leave everything in the middle

Don’t take anything if we find if we find um Green Key we give it to bad to get green ball that way the key those coins are safe in spawns is there any scuffed thing I don’t know who’s going for Blue by the way uh make sure you get some rusty keys off

The ground Punk before you go in there’s one right there you should grab that one at least right in front of us when you’re going down to get the keys you should get as many as you can yeah yeah there’s a blue key under there okay

I’m just gonna go try and find red ball let’s do it is there no music right now there’s no music It’s actually kind of pissing me off all right I might be muting to try and solve the puzzle with my uh chat I don’t see the puzzle room do you guys

See the puzzle room from Spawn I just don’t see it usually it’s here but it’s not there I don’t think I did not see anything all right I’ll try and find it remember leave all keys coins and sand it spawn focus on the other stuff okay I’m gonna do right to left

Start here um oh my gosh there’s so many skeletons in here already I’m just leaving that they’re starting behind spawn um I’m gonna try it in a second no no I’m looking for red puzzles do I have I found an iron sword if someone needs it oh I found the puzzle okay okay

I’m using I’m muting to do the puzzle foreign okay refilling are you doing the thing under there perfect are you pulling the thing My bad there were 20 creepers oh hi Skippy do I get to respawn in this yep go on careful I have to use sand to respawn here you’re fine though go ahead bullfight sure the Torches what’s our time at foreign guys we’re low on Sam we’re alone what’s

Happening what is happening what is happening put sand in I got it put it in put it in I need I need more sand it’s fun tunnel yet have we seen red tunnel yet um I haven’t seen it I put more sand in I just baked all my stuff I just baked all

My sand okay good uh let’s go oh I found red tunnel I found it already holy crap let’s go okay wait it says it’s red but there’s no there’s nothing here I see a riddle room up here there’s some way to get past this where

Is it do you have sand skeppy no I don’t yeah you think the coins uh no no you just keep the coin so you can’t Bank them just hold on you want me to get sand or you yeah yeah yeah uh if you have any here

Um guys we have 90 seconds so just a heads up Bonk how much sand do you have oh perfect here yeah go go in the tunnel Skippy make sure to Mark the tunnel you go muted by the way punk we cannot hear you muted I can’t find blue at all bruh

Just keep looking keep looking I can’t figure out how to get into red skeppy come here come here go up here do this parkour and get the coins up there okay I can’t do that maybe back here is the way or oh my gosh I’m trolling

Uh if you have any sand that you can bring back that would be helpful Punk do you have any I think it’s up there no no I don’t I don’t okay we got 90. I’m gonna go in this far side 90 seconds red oh my gosh this is gonna be annoying

I might just go down here I don’t know where the hell that will push me off that will push me off over here okay I have two sand I’m running back hey everybody should start heading back do either of you have sand you’re out of sand all right everybody

Oh my God don’t do that someone threw sand on the thing you need it remember you need to place the sand on the thing well we’re throwing it there for you careful careful can we find the red tunnel like actually where’s the red tunnel the bread I don’t know

I know I know just run who did that I don’t know just don’t worry about him don’t worry about him oh I found it I found it I found it I found it oh my gosh this is so annoying um I found lava parkour I’m good hey we’re running low I think

We’ve got 60 seconds just for the record you guys hey you should all head back you should all head back unless we’ve got a bunch of sand does anyone have any sand on them oh wait I found some more okay so much sanded spawns though you should still have so much

Oh no yeah this is it this is all the sand how many coins do you have Punk should I sacrifice one to let him out or not okay come back the tunnels there We got all those but we didn’t have those all right hey come back Sam we need a debt no no we need to try and get at least one ball while we’re here I know but I’m out of sand oh my gosh actually yeah we’re out like if you you need to come

Back now 30 seconds what do you have any sand on you I have three sand how much sand do you have Skippy none I’m looking around for some there’s literally gone yeah just put any sand you have no thing yeah 30 second warning we need a dip

I put three sandals oh nice perfect we’d have to wait to leave though we just can’t stay we just can’t stand bruh run to the exit everybody yeah yeah it’s time to go to the exit yeah I’ll just go quick wait where is the exit oh it’s

Over here the portal go to the exit guys what okay we made it wait what timer off good luck oh with blindness we get to like try and do this to get more coins or something oh there’s a flipping Warden I don’t know Ryan Go go go go go I made it I made it I made it oh my gosh made it holy fudge that’s scary we’re definitely first team out yeah we are we are hello Punk maybe everybody will die no we we got like we got like nothing you guys

It’s perfectly safe Punk it’s easy watch the VOD I asked for the easy vote all right let’s listen pick up some Tomatoes let’s throw them at pong yeah take that yeah that’ll learn you I hope you’re the only person in that cage hey awesome well guys honestly I kind of like that

We’re the first people out it’s kind of nice played all these people with their fancy balls oh yeah I know it’s terrible but it was kind of funny oh Punk look at me look at me damn you take this take that it was stop three Santa

Oh look ants here put it all in the timer you said not to let you out you said not forget you let out at least that’s funny I feel like we just didn’t have I didn’t even have time to get into like the actual tunnel I had to still

Finding the tunnel when you’re like we got a dip we’re out of sand I was like what like wait we literally ran through our sand like really quick uh yeah I don’t know we probably could have done I feel like we could have done a more efficient job

With that but I also and uh it was one of those things we didn’t prep for it like at all so it doesn’t surprise me we did like this bad so I mean I watched a bunch of I was ready I solved the right puzzle I

Had to solve the puzzle I went and solved the puzzle and was already like running Mike I was like I had a crazy Pace to be honest I was going kind of crazy I went through like multiple things we just I didn’t have enough time to get there oh

The tomatoes yeah yeah I tomatoed you boom give them the Tomato for the easy vote watch we’re gonna have like the most coins come on come on we got this 10. what role do you live in living no we’re gonna have the least amount of coins to be clear no no watch

As long as we’re not that’s the two if we’re not the least that would be awesome actually should we start aiming for last part you got it it’d be kind of funny if we got if they did a last is first then I think I don’t think

They will but it would be kind of funny we should go for the last that was funny that was a good man all right let’s see who’s gonna be next oh here comes red red and gold see look at that there’s three red in the cage yeah like true oh

My goodness I don’t think I don’t think we’re gonna win though there’s no we didn’t get a single ball we need to get that’s what I was saying we needed to get one Vault and then I was gonna leave I’m just saying three red that might benefit us a lot look at

Look at those little muffins quick Punk throw tomatoes at them look at him look at them they’re all in the cage tomatoes for you tomatoes for you take that this is great we should do this version more often at least we get to play build Mart now let’s go

All right this look we need a team to him I think I figured out our team name okay we’re we’re slacker team Let’s go Team slacker get it because none of us changed our skin will you do that we’re unprepared oh come on this is fun I’m having fun

Just playing with you guys let’s go I think we’re gonna do good I feel like we’re gonna do good I’m just saying I’m feeling confident I don’t think we’re gonna be last watch oh wow oh yeah we got lost hold on hold on we don’t know three

Three they got more coins than us like hold on it could be anybody being left that moves to nine tonight let’s go they’re like yeah we may as well just have fun and build Mart I guess no no we’re gonna we can ask Kate if you guys want I’m actually done

Do you guys want to go down there’s like there’s no way it’s going to affect our placement so do you guys want to build like a house instead like whatever they want us to build they just build I’m gonna build something that I shouldn’t build whoa hold on Sam it rhymes with tennis

Tennis I can’t blame anything I wonder if he would like if Scott would be mad and like let me keep playing if I did that yeah no probably not right girls oh my goodness click every damn the best build Mart player you you know have them hop on

Your account okay re-log in we’re gonna do it we’re gonna do it quick that’s the Strat that’s a lot to do in a minute man no no we got this we got this we got this okay who’s the best build bar player I know oh please let us not play build mode

There’s no way they’re gonna stick us with build Mart they’re gonna literally stick us with Bill mark I hope not they’re going to I can feel it at least one we’re not lost it could easily become lasted build Mart though they have those dissolidarity they’re gonna be crazy at buildmart

Uh I think they said it’s like um unskippable oh hello everyone foolish food is foolish thing get for Less oh we should get foolish I get it well this should be kind of milk if he could build no I’m just kidding he can build how many games left to play

This is the last one yeah we need to win this team is randomly chosen to receive chickens what does that do I have a boat you can swap positions with the chicken wait we could actually potentially make it so there’s no votes for build Mart that’d be crazy okay so swap with a

Chicken yeah swap with the chicken do it do it and then punch all the chickens out of there okay punch them all out punch them all out punch them all out bad go go go go go you’re not this bad punch them all out punch them all out zero votes for buildmark

Do it do it yeah [Applause] oh my god do it yes yes no keep going I keep going you’re doing it fudge oh let me kill it I’m gonna kill it Die full things yeah you had to punch them all out and then get out as well yeah unfortunately I love that

Um they wanted to play build Marts they wanted to play build Mart so bad they knew that everyone would skip it so they made it so there was no other options on the board actually trolling us they’re actually doing crazy roll please billboard everyone here we go

10 minutes to go into the Mart collect resources bring them back to your plot sigh all right you know what what do you think do we try to do a good job or do you mean about um I’m open to anything like I’ll just say we could always just try you never know

We might like just pull it off and go full meme oh there’s no way we moved to like time unless we get unless we get every single build immediately there’s no way you’re a professional builder skeppy that’s who you are it’s about building healthy builds each

Team are rewarded at the very end based on the percent of the remaining builds you have filled in and eating healthy food what is this like the fudge map lost and found okay are we trying or what um I don’t know they kind of want us to try

But let’s do it in like a haphazard kind of way I’ll get prismarine and copper here I’ll do the one on the right actually I’ll take that I’ll take the build on the far left I’ll just take the build on the far left Skippy come here wait wait they paused it Skippy come

Here do you see um do you see this get copper okay yeah I’ll get prismarine you get copper I’ll go to the wait should we all just okay I’m gonna get the glass I’m gonna go get the glass Punk oh I’m gonna get this full build this whole build is

Together so I’m just gonna go get the whole thing um you can do the middle build Punk just focus the middle build just get everything you need for that yeah come on skeppy you go for copper I’m going for prison good luck oh fives but the fudge what is this this is new

Oh there’s you can ride in the shopping cart by the way it’s a boat yeah whoa I don’t know where to go for staff get out of the way people or no seems like hell the game mode from hell oh my God sent me back just fine

I can’t where’s the glass car that I need okay it’s over here wait is or with prison no or it’s over here where the fudge is prison or flower wood Stone another copper work okay it’s gotta be back here it’s like my such a memory what the fudge is this

Get get away get away yo get away mind no I’m not getting like any of this glass that I’m breaking I’m gonna use the auto pickaxe I know no I’m saying I’m just like other people are picking up there’s so many people here hmm okay I got some copper scabby Skippy

It’s all to like very back wall peculiar crazy holy muffin I don’t know if this is enough I don’t want to go because it might not be anything oh my goodness no one’s completed a build yet yeah this is actually crazy okay I think there’s enough Skippy just keep mining copper and stuff

And the other one the prison I’ll tell you get out of my way I’m gonna call you if it’s not enough okay Skippy we oh boy oh my gosh I did not get enough glass hey what okay I got that oh I’m like just a few glass short I think

Bro I cannot see the glass like where it starts and stops with this texture pack is actually this is an oxidized customer yeah you can fly in here I forgot about this cut copper cut copper the copper is just four comparatively wait bad bad I was needed

Uh just actually just get the other one the price Marine stuff out of the way Pete what color is that uh it’s the I need it the things The Monuments yeah you need to get the monument blocks actually They need to put borders on this glass texture for this like this is so frustrating I can’t even tell where there’s like very annoying this I can only tell whenever my pickaxe starts hitting it that’s the only way I can like tell this there again all the like the colors of this just

Like blend with everything else the clear glass I have enough copper I think Skippy just bring um whatever it’s called like I need that stuff see this prison oh this should be good oh no Skippy you just you did the same thing I did

Um yeah we need go go get more uh go get more um whatever it’s called like see this is prism it’s in a different section oh it’s not that back wall yeah it’s it’s not that stuff it looks the same but it’s a different color right it’s a different type

I did the same thing I know this is someone I what the fudge oh my gosh that’s good enough do I have to be in it maybe maybe that’s what I’m missing okay boom all right we’ve got it the C is done was that was there prismarine in the thing do we have do we have copper I

Mean is there copper here already yeah we have some copper how much I have a golden build I have a golden build where is it yeah I have enough I have enough copper you have enough copper for all this okay and the lighting rods I don’t have that

Uh yeah yeah wait here I’m just gonna put it all in here there you go it’s in the thing it’s in the thing I don’t have anything else you need are you coming back skeppy this is over frustrating what are you getting Punk should I come out and get some stuff

This is like the chillest music ever for this yeah I need the sand oh a quartz on this thing I can’t find quotes it’s in the nether section here let me go look for some a little bit over here uh here we go okay these are or

Do we need any specific oars that I should button sand and oxide Daisy Stone buttons sand and oxide daisies Stone button okay I’ll go get some oh yeah I need some buttons ports or okay where what is this oh here we go Stone maybe I’m getting Stone what else

You need sand Stone buttons sand I need a lot of sand how much sand a decent amount I found the sand I’m on the sand right now you got the sand I’ll bring the stone back I’ve got enough first stone I just I need four stone buttons make

Sure you have at least four stone here okay I’m taking them all they need to turn collisions off for these boats scary did you find the uh other stuff yeah I put the buttons down for you Sam right here I’m going skipping Skippy it’s Kevin this side this side

No I can’t oh we’ve got a minute or two minutes left guys we’re doing fine we’re doing fine with that I don’t know where to go to get like this stops like it’s not in the woods section is it in the is it in the plants

Where is it what are you looking for the prismarine stuff like where is that I didn’t see prison like anywhere mine the yellow concrete oh that’s what’s wrong okay I got that one that’s nice there it is it’s flipping it’s right here okay how many

19 20 21 of each okay I should be able to get this amazing the other one orange the other one orange what what is happening the other one orange yellow and orange it’s got everybody got enough I’m going back oh sorry yes I did one all right oh I’m not gonna have time

All right we should have just explored the nether played survival yeah we should have done that like at this point that would have been more fun a little bit more engaging bro honestly yeah I would have felt more mentally engaged I feel like I was just like like I was

Playing but like my mind was AFK that entire time like I was not actually doing anything I think there’s a reason why no one plays this because except for a handful people and that was split like it’s it’s a fine game it’s just not my game it’s just not fun bro because

It’s not fun it’s I I don’t know why this is the only game that I guess the only game I genuinely just I don’t enjoy it like I just don’t have fun playing yeah that feeling when you like start to get like stressed you know what I’m

Talking about like you feel like this tension build this is the only game that this happens in no if they do more I’m just disengaged like entirely I’m just not engaged whatsoever during this game yeah I it’s not that it’s a bad game it’s just

Not for I think it’s not for most people if build Mart is played again on AFK I think here joking and like it’s really good mother gets at it on AFK I would I would I would for sure if if I didn’t have to like

Think of like oh yeah how do I craft this particular blog right I think that would be a lot happier about it like if I knew how much like honestly they should make it like baby mode you know I would like it a lot more if they did that food for thought

That gave me no dopamine okay I don’t know food for thought they definitely should I would tweak it I think the way that I would tweak it would be I would do something where I don’t know it’s just like the things I don’t like about the game are

What do I need in order to make this thing right the struggle of trying to find where the thing is right in order to get that thing um and then like crafting it like all of those aspects I think you’re combining a lot of frustrating aspects into one game

Oh we should have just built another house Skippy we should have if they do it again more than another we’re building another house okay there’s no way they’re gonna play that again I hope it’s not built by again if it’s Bill Martin again it better have like a 20x multiplier foreign

I don’t think they would do it again listen if it’s build Mart again and we actually want to try and win it has a crazy multiplier like that here’s what we’re gonna do the three of you are just going to be my minions and go collect everything and I will build the builds

Like I will just speed build them as soon as I get all the materials and we’ll just play it that way if we have to that’s what we’re gonna do if it is like that if it’s not like that I’m AFK yeah honestly I would probably all right

Let’s see what we have let’s see what we got coin multiplier still only three only three not a big enough jump for me what are they doing oh they’re doing some they’re doing a bit sure we had nine games in the announcement should we play build Mart

Again no you flipping muffin heads okay they’re trolls they’re trolling us they’re not gonna dead again no no watch they’re gonna like put us in as if we’re doing build Mart again to troll us meltdown melted down parkour Warrior got blown up again they’re gonna do it again just hopefully it’s Parkour Tag

Could actually be like clean I would love a dodgeball game that’d be awesome just all of us play dodgeball this one will do found it this one will do okay let’s see what it is oh Skyblock would make off huh bro dug around in the Box for an old game oh what is

I forget it’s been played before though please though what is it please what is it I don’t like it already don’t vote don’t vote don’t vote don’t do it don’t do that don’t do it don’t do it who did that who did that no who is doing this oh my gosh oh

I guess I’m not gonna throw my chicken just for it it’s a matter yay here take my chicken you nerds yeah put the chickens in there yeah yeah what are you gonna do what are you gonna do you’re not gonna do anything yeah kill him chicken kill him no oh my

Gosh he made it the chicken it’s an epic muffin I don’t know guys put a sky blockal what is skyblocker Skippy I don’t know what it is Jeffrey I have no clue what it is what is it sky battle and Skyblock oh here’s how you play oh and Scholar theme

Is remain as the last team all players are getting their own skull and gather resources crafts and eliminate your opponents to survive okay so it’s basically sky battle but with Skyblocks these are the longest designs are only some of the islands of Chess containing various equipment you’ll need to get

Created to make it through this game oh my gosh at least it’s not build Mark what’s the difference between this and sky battle it’s basically sky battle you only get one life so don’t do anything stupid yes falling will kill you is that only one game this is so personally behind you guys

Get Mining and crafting quickly if you don’t run out of blocks the board of Washington carries two minutes once it has begun it is vital to prepare as much as you can at the start another player dies and you’re still alive personal elimination surviving the entire round eating healthy food okay Okay so survive and eat what’s this I don’t know what this is okay when oh everyone’s on their own oh no you guys are here okay good it’s Punk here there he is okay wait no one no one just start like Fast looting we’re gonna need to get to this island

For sure so we can get to the Cobble gin oh there’s a cobble Jen okay so it’s like behind us yeah we’re playing Skyblock y’all should be good at this don’t fall off I’m actually I could go kind of crazy with this to be honest ten thousand hours series on YouTube

Either way we need Cobblestone we need cobblestones milk buckets apples we got more saplings get the tree and then there’s another bridge over there bridge over there with the wood from the tree here give me give me a sapling Punk and put it right here

Whoever got it just place it so we can grab another one the JavaScript people was in there okay do you still have wood Skippy oh you’re completely out okay we do need to try and make like a pickaxe do you have any wood at all none and make something with uh with this

We have another lost that one just build out build out like under it here show me mine so that I feel like we shouldn’t even bother here break the chest and use it as a block uh we’re gonna we’re gonna get make a muffin but don’t fall ooh careful guys

Be careful there’s I’m making a wood pickaxe right now there’s holes like right here so be super duper careful there’s so much that we can do right um what if I do this for you first of all let’s see what we got is this we need a pick we didn’t pick this

Skippy start my in the wood here here we have sticks we have sticks do you have a table yeah there’s a table over here okay I’m coming I’ll bring you some sticks here make like a stone swords for each of us I threw them behind you

I did not get them uh did you get them punk oh um I just almost died don’t don’t dude don’t die don’t do that really long game like there’s a 16 minute game holy crap next shrink is in five minutes all right so we’ve got like a lot of time

Uh mega mega stone pick each of you make a stone pick um yeah I I I’m gonna make some sticks and I can try to here oh I’ve got I’m making I’m making you a stone pick okay sword so I can help uh no more Sticks no

Sticks let’s give it put one in the chest here I’ve got it I’m making four stone swords making four stone swords yeah I threw a two to you there you go stone sword for you don’t sword for you okay thank you let’s do something I’m gonna do some sword I’m putting it in

This chest for you punk it’s in this chest right here bro this game mode makes me scared every time I’m running on the bridge um we should try and get as many apples as possible so we can potentially make golden apples later um I also think that we should start

Bridging to another resource Island we should craft our slabs into um into half slabs and start bridging to other Islands yeah someone someone come here and I’ll give you all my as many slabs as I can make here here’s 30 Slavs Skippy you can start bridging somewhere start mining where buy the couple

I’m in the collagen yeah behind there’s stuff back there okay yeah yeah we can get reasons is there anything good in there okay I’m gonna get enough to make an iron pickaxe and get the smell from that okay oh yeah I got it nice four five seven eight

Okay I’m gonna get the iron pickaxe going we need to do this quickly because the next shrink is uh in two minutes yep hurry and this this is gonna go this is gonna go I need coal this is like the slowest oh my gosh just expose as many ores as

You can Punk once I get the diamond pick we can just like collect them all quickly more slabs this is so trolley right now if you want to uh we should probably go to that Sandy Island over there except you want to bridge over to that

I don’t have the box here’s 24. 24 in the chest yeah scary behind you I threw a bunch down grab those pick them up I think the rest is just gold and stuff that needs to keep going skipping okay I’m going into mine right now I think we should start bridging to Mid

Just to like get those resources I’m gonna start bridging over to this thing whatever this is wait Sam are you gonna get a um diamond pickaxe no no I I I I’m in Iron earlier when I said Diamond I meant iron oh I got a diamond in two ender pearls okay

Maybe we can go to another there’s a bunch of diamonds here there’s four diamonds here yeah yeah I just mind the diamonds the borders shrinking when is it shrinking 50 seconds yeah yeah I’m on my way now I got I got almost everything I’m gonna get these

Coal just because I kind of want them all right all right wait can I get someone get more iron uh it’s not it’s funny I gotta wait you just need to move we need to move real quick and then I’ll give it to you yes bring the sapling bring these saplings

Grab the captain bench yeah I think that’s a good idea as well it’s the enchantment table and enchantment bottles oh I have a pickaxe I have I have lapis we could actually enchant yeah there’s lapis in here too here I put that down we make a diamond tree make a diamond

Pickaxe Punk so that we can I’m putting this stuff in here take the end of pearls out of there I don’t think we’ll be able to oh we’ll be able to take the end of pearls out can we whoa what the fudge bad wait I think it killed you hold on I’m

Already giant yeah what happened let’s follow skeppy to the middle no are you flipping kidding are you back I wasn’t the only person who crashed I don’t think another person went full meme uh we can we can Brew we can Brew we should make strengths hold

On we should try and make strength pods go skeppy go no we can’t make strength there’s no way to make strength yeah we collect resources boost there’s nothing really good to be honest that we can Brew here ah what about the I on there’s region we can make region

We can make region let’s make region I think we need stuff to protect us all right I’m gonna go this way I agree I agree with that for sure orange is the mid they have iron chest plate cyan is still doing their thing blue just made it to one of the second

Islands there’s no blaze powder we can’t even Brew purple hasn’t made it to Mid yet the closest people in the mid is Skippy Skippy Your Man um orange is the next closest Gabby do you see them we can smelt and make a little bit of armor we can smell it real quick

Don’t worry about them someone’s gonna come behind them two I’m gonna make us two diamond swords I think that’s just ideal do you have the bench I need the bench there’s n Crystals at the top of each of these towers excuse me there’s a chest up here I think he’s got stuff in

It I’m making us two diamond swords Punk where are you let’s enchant our swords I’m in the cowboy punk I can’t help you oh I didn’t know he was coming why were you watching us I was checking the other uh the island I thought skeppy I didn’t realize that I

Didn’t realize Kevin was dead otherwise I’m gonna come over here I just I just found him dead and then I came back or like by the time I was gonna come back you guys gotta attack um yeah we should have made more furnaces I guess to try and smelt our armor faster but

I don’t think I was the only one who dc’d but you were there was two it’s annoying but I’m laughing no this sucks lost place that wins that is our only hope they can’t chat I can’t respawn and how we have to watch this by eight minutes

I’m Really Gonna Pay it’s I would just go pee you know what maybe we’ll get lucky and it will be the last person we unfortunately don’t have tools to respawn in this game ah muffins a lot of end crystals here though oh that was funny that would be the ultimate prank come on

Guys I know you’re watching if you’re watching you gotta put like literally that’d be so funny having the last two teams face off oh my gosh hey man they should just put your team in first place wait it would be cool if it was like the people in first and second played

Dodgeball and then the people in the two last positions played dodgeball and then the winner of those two played each other I would like that I don’t think that will happen that would be crazy that would be kind of cool like a bracket Style what if they have everybody play dodgeball

Um it’s just like a like a bracket style so all the problems yeah top four teams first the bottom four that would be funny I don’t know let’s see will they have anything spicy for me we gotta wait six minutes I know please something spicy spice game is super boring they’ve gotta have

Something good it’s such a fast-paced game it’s so crazy I can’t believe how fast-paced it is oh this person is riding a pig Connor was literally riding a pig that’s so funny oh my God I gotta say these guys are really stacked careful careful don’t DC ah

That’s so frustrating oh poor ant that’s a good try you got one I’ll watch these guys okay spectate nope dude this guy’s got full iron come on you’ve got it they haven’t tried it that’s pretty cool however they did that these guys are definitely like going full grind modes this team right here

The blue team like they really are grinding for this oh flipping away oh my gosh oh a battle um the battle range is on lava I could try it was a genius Skippy yeppy bye bye where are you exciting uh oh they’re fine only but she’s dead

That’s so fun fact did you know if you hit the spinny things they kill you the spinny things are you talking about these the pink ones Skippy these explode yes I knew that you punched one of those guppy I walked right up to it tapped it um

You can’t do that they kill you well I thought I was Far Away enough for it to look not but oh my goodness skeppy that kills people yeah I learned it the hard way yeah it’s okay it’s okay because the lost the Lost team plays the DodgeBall right

Right but yeah yeah the last team plays against the first team in DodgeBall yeah like just remember this can’t be promise me you’ll never touch one of those again okay never again okay They got three minutes to fight it out foreign What do you guys think I mean I will say like it’s pretty scuffed I’ll get it that and it’s it’s been really funny um more more thoughts at the end I I I’m not a fan of this game though this is this is way too slow to haste I’m boring

And it sucked because I’m flipping disconnected and died I hate everything about fizz it’s fine if this was like a Mainstay in like the main event I’d be like what the muffin oh oh oh but because it’s not like this is just something that comes up periodically

Uh or this is like a holiday event so it’s fine and that’s the thing you need to un like you got to take everything with a grain of salt right so all the issues why do we have to take everything with a grain of salt Gabby you have to because like that’s wouldn’t

You want people to take you with salt no why not what does that even mean salt makes everything tastier skeppy think about it that’s what the expression means who thought what was fake bread was steak I thought bread was fake okay mister you literally thought it was

Steak you literally told me to try this steak and you hand me bread how what am I supposed to do bread you handed me bread I bought a mistake though it looked like steak you know what I was happier for the bread yeah how did I finish 38

What did you get did you get 39th or 40th no way did I what place did I got I got 39th no yes no redo redo up on purpose no I do not you’re not gonna be above me in this I need to be above you this is baloney

This is this is actual baloney final duelist wait what wait wait wait what we’re playing we’re playing in DodgeBall let’s flipping guys let’s go let’s go yes yes I literally was thinking this let’s go let’s go I take back every negative thing I’ve said about this game this is

The best thing ever let’s flip and go let’s go we’re Wings Kevin we’re going to the finals let’s go I knew it I knew they would do something like this let’s go let’s flip and go there you go okay guys listen we need a team with the blue

Back we need to win this we need to win guys we had a team with the blue bass we gotta crush this oh God you’re teaming up get ready for Dodgeball let’s go let’s flip and go should we join the caller stay in here I think I think joining them would be

Good should we do it hold on let’s just say here yeah well hang on here we got this let’s go I knew it I knew it would come through I was thinking it I was thinking they’re gonna do a twist they’re gonna do a twist

All right they said lime join us okay go find blue and join them where are they are we with blue wait which color are we join below join blue they’re blast picked me and it shaped me hello let’s do it let’s go oh by the way some of us are PG just say

That right now as well yeah let’s go yeah we’re fine only Punk’s been breaking the rules please all right let’s crush this guy it’s lame and yellow colors yeah that’s pretty funny that it’s the Limestone colors yeah oh my goodness so we’re gonna do eight me eight that’d be awesome yeah

I’m pretty certain things are so crazy we have to absolutely destroy me and Ollie yeah we need to defeat Ollie yeah oh he’s Jimmy and Ollie yeah look we got this we got this we’re gonna crush them oh wow okay oh hello this is disgusting it’s going to be kind of important for

Us not to stack up for sure we have so much space some you’re right let’s take them out to try and not Stack Up come on we got this we’re gonna do this guys I believe that let’s break out the full meaning puns is on their team like this is easy

Take pun hey take puns out first where is that gonna be four arrows Nails not Phil so yeah a few good people let’s take out their good players first one Arrow oh my God together oh my gosh nice oh my gosh it’s so small this is so crazy

Okay I missed they’ve got an arrow I think just take them out nice nice okay it’s very easier for us it’s easier for us to dodge now tons of shooting guns he got it okay okay You’re fine you’re fine all right just play Slow now just keep dodging y’all got this oh you’ve got one there we go I’ve got one you can win before John you’ve got it here we go here we go nice very nice now it’s doable you already did this you already did this

Once one you’ve got this easy this is easy come on I’m gonna try crack today nicely done yeah oh yeah those two of those shots were crazy yeah the ones are Pardons and uh blushy right at the end yeah those were nuts Oh we got both we got both right someone took a shot but yeah is anyone not taking a shot yet by the way no just dude oh geez they’re just so stupid there’s so many of us the double mess double mess yeah why does it smells dead guys don’t fall off

Good job we’re crazy there’s a frog in the middle use it as a bloody block use it as a Barbie Block Minecraft nice come on what anymore I’m out for three I’m not doing it oh I’m dead okay okay good work I know that’s right just go I believe get back

You got it for it let’s go pop off we need to kill the Frog I think wait let me I’ve got the ball I’ve got the ball moving back oh yeah shoot him shoot him what what oh you hit me hit me nope brother frog is Invincible no he’s bouncing off

What bro I don’t get it what’s it doing shoot me shoot me shoot me Scott shoot me good job that’s what’s wrong that’s what’s wrong that’s what’s wrong to be on the same team first you guys got first you deserve it you deserve it we were so good we’re like okay nice

Don’t fall good good good good good oh we’re all oh no they both mess they both mess I’m pretty sure oh here’s an error here’s an arrow okay I’ll go this far oh you got this guys oh okay Nice Nice Shot I think I need to raise

My mouse up because they keep hitting right under them yeah I was just saying that yeah you came a little bit higher oh I’m gonna trade yeah oh my God let’s go Skippy nice nice everyone’s just popping off you got this all right spread it okay oh nice

Close four of these uh 5v2 so don’t worry and you’re all jumped into the body I was nearly making a 5V all right okay it’s fine you guys flip nice Yeah what you need to die makes it quicker oh yeah okay yeah it’s actually good because if we lose then like we each get one Arrow so they’re gonna get both arrows here though again just dodged Bob and weave any of the movements you can dodge a wrench you can dodge a ball

Oh I’m dead all right do we have both yeah yeah shoot him as they go for it you got foul that was good it’s so confusing when you give it to ollie because I think it’s fun I’ve already had to go but watch what you’re unscape here in the same spot

Pop it off this one oh nice you got both you got both yep spread them out an angle oh but Jesus I nearly fallen off this map twice Hans and cranios have oh tiny oh okay that’s okay that’s okay that’s right okay okay wait do we have both yeah watch frog go fudge

James said it’s not women’s History Month I can kill another woman oh wait oh my gosh that was a double all right come on you’ve got it you two got it on guys I got it beautiful Empires I believe yep okay what you’re up that was worse you got it flip yes

Oh my gosh [Applause] the frog one with them I just punched him off I just punch him over here that was great the whole time like oh the last two teams are going to play dodgeball and it worked the copium worked yes let’s go Nice nice well done oh my gosh that’s awesome that’s awesome yeah I need to go and get my screenshot of my vegan third song we all had a great event I just said chicken infection is starting to spread I don’t like that let’s hide Skippy come on let’s hide back here swim

It’s the first focus of air JoJo don’t do it to me you have to tag people as chickens oh God wait why is it why is there wedding oh goodness what’s going on oh my gosh everyone’s turning into chickens careful hello Sam run we’re all chickens Congrats on the dub thanks you’re looking so handsome today by the way your voice sounds oh what the hell what the hell I’m blushing goodness He’s Mine He’s Mine like there’s no way I get tagged them for you I think so I think I’m about to do well it’s gonna be this one

And then never again he’s got 900 more points for me I’ll be real oh my gosh guys remember what he said like I literally guys remember what I said like at the start I literally was like I wasn’t sure but I was like yeah I think they’re gonna do something like

That and here’s the thing if they hadn’t have done that I think obviously I would have been a lot less happy than I am now it still would have been a fun event but I’m really glad they did that because it really brought like together like the

April fools likeness of it like having the two bottom teams you know what I mean plus it gave people who probably normally wouldn’t have been in like the top rankings like it gave the teams that did the worst the chance to like duke it out so I gotta say I’m really happy with

This event not just because I’m on the winning team let’s go let’s go um we definitely got a big uh a big uh stand up but like once like I saw we were like falling behind I was like I was like I feel like they’re gonna do it

I was thinking it I was thinking they were gonna do it did it impact my performance in the later events maybe maybe not um but we ended up it ended up working out literally for us and it like come on literally it was funny it was awesome and I love it

Um really well done love the event organized well um I still think I just don’t like build Mart uh I think my only feedback for this would be I would have cut out build Mart even though the joke was funny the joke was funny to like force it but it just

Wasn’t worth it in my opinion I was just not a fan I hated it but it was a funny joke and then I would also say that uh that last event just took way too long so it wasn’t like that engaging though was it different event and different is sometimes good so it

Wasn’t bad just different oh skip he’s calling one second here then we did it bad boy Halo we won I can’t hear you but we won we won oh fudge here I still can’t hear you hold on Discord he says call on Discord he says hello Gabby

Oh my God we did it we win look we were on I think we were either in last or second to last I think yeah they they stuck us well I mean technically now we’re in first yeah we won we won that’s it yeah we won but

It was so funny how remember how it like near the beginning of the game I said that I was like hey I think they’re gonna what if they did something like that right and guess what no they had it set up honestly I can’t believe we call that or yeah literally we literally

Called it we were like oh they’re probably gonna do this and they did it and I gotta say I’m glad they did that was the perfect twist in my opinion I think it made the game better am I biased because I ended up winning as a result of that and playing dodgeball

Maybe a little bit but I was really salty at the end not gonna lie I like gave up the bill yeah no just running around like in the parkour yeah when I de-seed I was like oh my gosh I was so salty like I was like oh this sucks

Um but then everyone that happened let’s go oh my gosh I’m so happy I’m so glad we won we did it Skippy just we’re Unstoppable every time we’re on a team together like I’ve just noticed that well yeah like whenever we’re together right now bad I’m on a MCC win streak

You’re on a win streak that’s true you’ve got like two wins in a row wait a minute hold on we need to see who came in like the highest spot in like the Hall of Fame between the two I honestly logged out I didn’t even check okay

I’m 29th oh my gosh do you know what you are I need to know I need to know scuffy login you check you check I’m not gonna check I can’t check there’s no way to do it well and you’ll never know team chat what place did Skip again he was 38

Stephanie I was on on top let’s go let’s go I was a this is I don’t think that’s true by the way I was I was in my Bureau no no this is literally it I win I don’t think it’s true I mean it makes sense I’m taller than

You I’m higher up on the scoreboard than you I should just be like on the top of everything compared to you like I need to be like the like above you I just think it fits this is the natural order of stuff don’t you think skeppy Skippy

Hung up he hung up oh my god well I’m the tall one everyone and I’m the tall one when it comes to score so I’m happy this is fun oh he’s back hi Skippy hey so you agree that I’m the tall one the flipping muffin head keeps

Keeps muffins is that it Skippy you think you’re hot muffins Skippy which evening I’m not leaving you’re leaving no you’re leaving what what we won we did win but which of us is taller he left again every time I bring up height he leaves what a salty little

Rambunctious muffin head let’s go let’s go chat it’s copy it you need to stop leaving when you hear things so you don’t want to hear okay what’d you say I can’t hear you I said you need to stop leaving when people tell you things you don’t you left again

Oh my goodness he thinks he’s so funny yeah yo what chat I’m like I’m like almost a foot taller than skeppy he’s literally so short all right thank you everyone for watching this stream go to Bad Boy Halo stream oh spam F in his chat no TV slash bad boy

Halo goodbye everyone bye thank you for watching we won and goodbye bye F no oh chat chat I’m just kidding scuby’s not short I’m actually not sure realistically which of us is taller I’m pretty sure it’s me but it might be him but don’t tell me pretty sure it’s me let’s go let’s go tall boy Halo oh guys

Come on you don’t need a Spam just because Skippy said that oh my gosh gosh ah this is what I get for giving people perms the type slash talk in my chat anyway that was fun did you guys enjoy uh the game though

Uh I that was a fun I enjoyed that 8v oh I gotta talk to puns oh he’s gonna be like that’s gotta be so funny oh where’s puns at hold on I wanna I wanna look I met puns IRL like I’ve got a mess of him a little bit

Like come on like come on guys I can’t not mess with them just a teeny tiny bit where is he puns where are you here let me go talk to these lemurs real quick person you told me that wow boy yellow come to a book no Rejoice

Come to Buckner Regis come to Boca Regis what’s right here you should you’re never gonna you’re never gonna get this but you should feel it’s [ __ ] Originals would you ever go to Japan have you considered it whoa Or would you go to um Birmingham yes I would definitely pick one of those two places and say come on just say it man come on what the [ __ ] is a Bogner say it is all right um anyway just wanted to come in here

And uh no come on now before you go at least say you’re coming why is he giving me my why are you did you guys uh did you guys did anyone here that’s a spectate it was definitely a little bit chaotic did anyone win it was pretty chaotic time

The bait was the best thing of the event in my opinion the kazoo any winners because it was site quality the zoo the what the penny winners oh the kazoo yeah that was really funny oh my God Jojo I think she saw me [ __ ] I’m so happy uh I’m so happy they did

The thing at the end did you win yeah you got the solid one yeah that’s fire did you enjoy the event well it’s very simple I’ll teach you the Strat just get in ninth place during an April Fool’s event and then literally they will put you in a match and then

You just have to win dodgeball like that’s it what is bog now Regis in the UK that is small and very very uh What’s up [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] no Regis oh my gosh no Regis oh my gosh he’s having the time that I have yeah guys I’m getting uh cpk’s following me and I hate it penis puns okay or it’s it’s two months away it’s two months away all right nice talking to you

Thank you bye congrats on winning let’s go let’s go uh I’m I’m calling puns puns puns ones pick up pick up pick up pick up I have to go out chat I have to gloat I have to meme him oh he’s not gonna pick up he’s not gonna pick up puns picked up

What would he be in he might be in this Discord nope he’s not in this Discord Hans pick up please he’s not picking out uh chat how am I supposed to gloat and and be a bad sport if if puns won’t pick up the thing they did well uh puns

Runs where is he he is playing a game that makes sense well I enjoyed winning um honestly I don’t know if we deserved that one but that’s really fun um I thought it was really funny I mean literally like Khan is great it was great

You know what I’ll take it I’ll take any win even an undeserved one let’s go all right let’s see who’s still streaming guys I meant send you off um I would hop on the qsmp for a bit but I’m gonna just send you guys off to one of the members let’s see what’s

This person doing this person is live oh he’s playing that okay uh this person is live let’s see what they’re doing yeah I’ll sit I’m gonna read and everybody go hang out with Aunt bye everyone guys I love you oh my goodness you guys are doing uh the

Thingama doodle you’re doing literally a what do you call it oh oh wait we we got through it thank you guys I appreciate the support thank you for hanging out with me guys are you glad we wanted to be in there I am I’m very excited that’s like that’s like

Flipping amazing I’m gonna post this screenshot actually yeah guys go watch Ant and I’m gonna post a screenshot on Twitter honest winning so go and uh go and like like the screenshot or whatever okay go check it out go watch Ant see you guys later thank you everybody for hanging out let’s see

Um I think dream might be retiring from fortnite which is interesting I didn’t know he played fortnite it’s kind of neat I think it’s a troll all right I’m gonna post it bye everyone actually wait I won’t send you yet hold on let me find a good screenshot that’ll make sense

Uh let’s get this on there we go

This video, titled ‘WE WON! | Minecraft Championship Scuffed | April 1st Edition!’, was uploaded by BadBoyHaloVODS on 2023-04-02 17:00:19. It has garnered 5184 views and 209 likes. The duration of the video is 02:55:52 or 10552 seconds.

🔼 Title: WE WON! | Minecraft Championship Scuffed | April 1st Edition!

🔴 Twitch VOD ID: 1781961552

📅 Date streamed: 01/04/2023

🎨 Fanart used in this video’s thumbnail: N/A

🔔 Follow BadBoyHaloVODS on Twitter: https://twitter.com/BadBoyHaloVODS

⬇ BadBoyHalo Social’s: 👕 BadBoyHalo Merch: https://badboyhalo.com/ 📹 YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/thesaintsofgames 🤖 Discord Server: https://discord.gg/badboyhalo 🔴 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/badboyhalo 🐦 Twitter: https://twitter.com/BadBoyHalo 🐦 Twitter Alt: https://twitter.com/SaintsofGames 📷 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/badboyhalo_/ 👍 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TheSaintsOfGames 📧 Contact BadBoyHalo: [email protected] 🏷 Tags: #badboyhalo #thesaintsofgames #twitch

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    Insane r/TraumatizeThemBack Prank by VinceyVideo Information This video, titled ‘r/TraumatizeThemBack is Wild’, was uploaded by Vincey on 2024-08-25 14:00:30. It has garnered 13654 views and 1403 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:41 or 1241 seconds. Thanks for watching today’s Reddit video legends! Subscribe if you want to! My Minecraft: Shaders: BSL Shaders Texture Pack: Mizuno’s 16 Craft Members Access: Become a member today for exclusive videos and Discord access! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQ62eviBm92rz20hE1IIIXQ/join My Links! ⬇️ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/vinceyreads/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/vinceyreads TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@vinceyreads 00:00 Intro 00:33 Story 1 02:56 Story 2 06:20 Story 3 07:49 Story 4 09:53 Story 5 11:22 Story 6 12:55 Story 7… Read More

  • Ultimate TerraFirmaAdventure Build with HaYaRy & ProSha!

    Ultimate TerraFirmaAdventure Build with HaYaRy & ProSha!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft TerraFirmaAdventure Прохождение Платной Сборки От OxFORTPACK / День 3 – Короткий день’, was uploaded by HaYaRy&ProSha on 2024-06-21 04:25:55. It has garnered 57 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 01:35:41 or 5741 seconds. 💵Post the meme directly on the broadcast – https://memealerts.com/HaYaRy&ProSha ✅Minecraft TerraFirmaAdventure Walkthrough Paid Build From OxFORTPACK / Day 3 – Short day 💵DONATE MONEY – https://www.donationalerts.com/r/hayary_and_prosha 💵DONATE TO CARD – 2202201045736895 ❗❗❗IN A MESSAGE OR COMMENT, WRITE WHO DONATED, WHY❗❗❗ 💵TRADE / ProSha TRADE – https://goo.su/i7ss 💵TRADE HaYaRy – https://goo.su/XEuTm6Q ✅VK GROUP – https://vk.com/club_hayary_and_prosha ✅TWITCH – https://www.twitch.tv/hayary_and_prosha… Read More

  • Insane LastPlayer Ritual with Titanium Dice Watermelon

    Insane LastPlayer Ritual with Titanium Dice WatermelonVideo Information This video, titled ‘SonOyuncu Titanyum Zar Karpuz oynatıyorum (BOL ÇEKİLİŞLİ)’, was uploaded by EarlNub on 2024-07-09 10:50:14. It has garnered 99 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 01:42:10 or 6130 seconds. minecraft endoyuncu skyblock, minecraft endoyuncu cheat, minecraft endoyuncu hack, minecraft endoyuncu survival, minecraft endoyuncu ip, minecraft endoyuncu bedwars, minecraft endoyuncu macro, minecraft endoyuncu reach, how to cheat in minecraft endoyuncu 2019, minecraft endgame settings, playing with minecraft endoyuncu friends, minecraft endoyuncu does not open, yasintnc texture pack, minecraft endoyuncu arena pvp, minecraft endoyuncu fps increase, minecraft endoyuncu ip address, minecraft endoyuncu fps increase… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Avesham Village Song 🤣

    INSANE Minecraft Avesham Village Song 🤣Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft villeger avesham song 🤣 #song #avesham #minecraft #malayalam #funny #viralshorts’, was uploaded by ZAIN GAMING on 2024-07-12 04:33:06. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. how to viral short video on youtube,shorts video viral kaise hoga,how to viral short video,shorts,shorts video,viral shorts video … Read More

  • ModArchy

    ModArchyWelcome to ModArchy! ModArchy is a heavily modded FULL ANARCHY server hosted on an EX series server from ApexHosting. Some of the most notable mods are Ice and Fire, Born In Chaos, Aether, Twilight Forest, Sky Villages, and MANY more. A still somewhat vanilla feel, but with a heavy dose of chaotic and goofy changes to the experience. Easy download instructions and modpack can be found in the discord. The server is still very new and open to suggestions for config changes and mod additions/removals. Please report any crashes/bugs to me in the discord! For new players, I recommend making… Read More

  • Akoot&Co Semi-Vanilla 1.21.1 Discord Events Building-Focused

    Welcome to Akoot & Co Join our crossplay server for a classic Minecraft experience. Our semi-vanilla community offers a fresh world with quality-of-life enhancements for the ultimate gameplay. Features Discord Server (Discord + Minecraft integration) World Map (dynmap) Bedrock support (Geyser) Unlimited Homes No pesky land claims (Honor system + rollbacks) KeepInventory (Optional per player!) Timed Ranks/Custom Titles Text Formatting (+Gradients!) Brewery (no game-breaking items) Big boy ram and big boy processor (minimal lag) Delight in unlimited homes, a grief-free environment, and integrated Discord chat. Explore our world map online and enjoy the game for free. Join a community that… Read More

  • ☆ ʟᴛᴏᴡɴʏ Δ Tekblok

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.21 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.21 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: mc.craftlime.net (GL HF) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Steve’s Secret Hideout

    Minecraft Memes - Steve's Secret HideoutSteve’s hiding place is so good, even the Ender Dragon can’t find him! Read More

  • Villager Sleeps on Random Sh*t… Oi Oi Oi Logic! #lol

    Villager Sleeps on Random Sh*t... Oi Oi Oi Logic! #lol Looks like this villager is taking the term “sleeping on the job” to a whole new level! I guess even in Minecraft, some villagers just can’t resist a good nap, no matter where they are. #lazyvillager #minecraftnaps Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for the Latest Updates and Exciting Gameplay!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for the Latest Updates and Exciting Gameplay! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com, your go-to source for all things Minecraft! Today, we want to talk about the latest updates in the Minecraft modding community. While watching a recent YouTube video about Minecraft mods, you may have come across some exciting new additions to the game. But have you ever thought about taking your Minecraft experience to the next level by joining a unique and thrilling Minecraft server? Imagine a world where you can explore, build, and survive alongside other passionate Minecraft players. That’s where Minewind comes in. With its dynamic gameplay and dedicated community, Minewind offers an immersive Minecraft… Read More

  • 5 Oyunlu Hub Plugin Paketi Minecraft

    5 Oyunlu Hub Plugin Paketi Minecraft Minecraft Hub Plugin Paketi: Oyun Dolu Macera! Minecraft, milyonlarca oyuncunun dünyasına kapılarını açan eşsiz bir sanal platformdur. Bu platformda, hayal gücünüzü kullanarak kendi dünyanızı yaratabilir, maceraya atılabilir ve diğer oyuncularla etkileşime geçebilirsiniz. İşte bu eğlenceli dünyada, 5 oyunlu hub plugin paketi Minecraft oyuncularına benzersiz bir deneyim sunuyor. Oyun Dolu Paket Detayları Bu özel paket, play.coleria.com.tr adresindeki sunucuda kullanılmaktadır. Paketin içeriğindeki oyunlar, oyunculara farklı ve heyecan dolu deneyimler yaşatmak için özenle seçilmiştir. Ayrıca, paketin sunucu sitesi olan www.coleria.com.tr adresinden de daha fazla bilgi edinebilirsiniz. Discord Sunucu ve Paket Edinme Eğer bu heyecan verici paketi edinmek istiyorsanız, Discord sunucularına katılabilir ve… Read More

  • Insane New Secret in Minecraft 1.21 – Join the Madness!

    Insane New Secret in Minecraft 1.21 - Join the Madness!Video Information This video, titled ‘|Join!|Building+Chill [Minecraft] 1.21’, was uploaded by DuckGoRawr on 2024-08-30 13:37:30. It has garnered 26 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 02:07:49 or 7669 seconds. Like and Subscribe Plz it help lots lol Join My Discord!- https://discord.gg/crKw3X5TJw Comment What you think I should do next! . . . . . . Ignore the tags – #viral #live #stream #viral #youtube #duck #gaming #video #chill #edit #gamer #anime #shorts, #youtubeshorts, #viral, #trending, #subscribe, #foryou, #foryoupage, #fyp, #explorepage, #discover, #viralvideo, #tiktok, #instagram, #youtube, #reels #minecraft # chill Read More

  • Savage Survival Action: Minecraft SMP Live!

    Savage Survival Action: Minecraft SMP Live!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴Minecraft SMP Live | 3 Hours Minecraft Survival SMP Playing With Viewers – Anyone Can Join :)’, was uploaded by Dark Corrupt A on 2024-04-09 20:21:34. It has garnered 156 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 04:42:08 or 16928 seconds. Paypal: paypal.me/DarkCorruptA (if u wana help me fully without the cring 30% cut Youtube does xd) Discord: https://discord.gg/m5PKeyykCg Thumbnail Artist: @darkcorrupta Minecraft SMP Rules: 1. No Hacks or Cheats (Permeant Ban) 2. No Slurs (Permeant Ban) 3. Not Following Common Sense (Permeant Ban) 4. If you kill someone without a valid… Read More

  • Arctic Sythe’s EPIC Survival Adventure || Hell Kingdom || Hindi || ArcticSythe

    Arctic Sythe's EPIC Survival Adventure || Hell Kingdom || Hindi || ArcticSytheVideo Information This video, titled ‘The New Beginning In Minecraft Survival || Hell Kingdom Ep 1 || Hindi || ArcticSythe’, was uploaded by Arctic Sythe on 2024-04-19 19:35:00. It has garnered 10 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:04 or 544 seconds. The New Beginning In Minecraft Survival || Hell Kingdom Ep 1 || ArcticSythe Hindi gameplay Its my new journey so hit the like button *Do Subscribe and *Hit the bell icon 🔔 Okay💛…That was It Hopefully You Enjoyed the video Hit That like button 😜 Subscribe 😁 and Share 😇… See Ya in the… Read More

  • Insane Ice Crushing with FlexMC

    Insane Ice Crushing with FlexMCVideo Information This video, titled ‘FlexMC / Buz Parçalama’, was uploaded by zSimpeZ on 2024-01-07 13:20:03. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft sonoyuncu skyblock, minecraft sonoyuncu hile, minecraft sonoyuncu hack, minecraft sonoyuncu survival, minecraft … Read More

  • Minecraft + Dronio Teach English! 🔥 Try a lesson now!

    Minecraft + Dronio Teach English! 🔥 Try a lesson now!Video Information This video, titled ‘Изучаем Английский с Дронио и Майнкрафт Запишитесь на бесплатное пробное занятие по ссылке’, was uploaded by Дронио on 2024-01-17 21:45:03. It has garnered 62 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:16 or 496 seconds. “Learning English with Minecraft Sign up for a free trial lesson using the link” #shorts #minecraft #minecraft Sign up for a free trial English lesson in Minecraft with your parents, here is the link: ➜ https://clck.ru/37cpim Our social network social network https://dronio24.com ➜ https://dronio24.com SUBSCRIPTION MOTION GRAPHICS FOR VIDEO DESIGN ➜ https://clck.ru/37hFR8 Digital Art Monetization https://displate.com/acr/wine-empire?art=5b9d0b5248011 DOWNLOAD… Read More

  • HEROBRINE REVENGE: Devil Gamer’s Insane Minecraft Animation

    HEROBRINE REVENGE: Devil Gamer's Insane Minecraft AnimationVideo Information This video, titled ‘HEROBRINE REGENGE minecraft animation #minecraft#shots #viral’, was uploaded by Devil Gamer nep on 2024-04-28 08:50:53. It has garnered 42 views and 19 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:36 or 36 seconds. Read More

  • Alien Rituals Revealed by Walter the Wildlife Explorer! 🌌

    Alien Rituals Revealed by Walter the Wildlife Explorer! 🌌Video Information This video, titled ‘Alien Ritual Ground Unveiled! 🌌 – Walter’s Minecraft Videos for Kids’, was uploaded by Walter the Wildlife Explorer on 2024-08-15 22:00:34. It has garnered 8434 views and 281 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:39 or 39 seconds. Welcome to Walter the Wildlife Explorer’s Adventure: Minecraft Epic Jungle Safari Speed Run Exploration! 🌳🦊 Hey there, little explorers! It’s Walter the Wildlife Explorer, and today I’m here to remind you of the amazing adventures waiting for you just outside your door. But first, let me tell you about something super cool – I’ve been playing… Read More


    UNBELIEVABLE: GOLDYGAMER22 BUILDS LARGEST MINECRAFT CASTLE!Video Information This video, titled ‘Building the BIGGEST Castle in Minecraft! EPIC 2024’, was uploaded by GoldyGamer22 on 2024-08-12 02:14:00. It has garnered 165 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:29 or 449 seconds. Welcome to my channel! In this epic Minecraft video, I take on the challenge of building the BIGGEST castle you’ve ever seen! Join me as I craft an ultimate fortress, showcasing incredible designs, intricate details, and massive structures that will leave you in awe. Watch as I gather resources, construct towering walls, and add stunning features like grand halls, secret rooms, and majestic… Read More

WE WON! | Minecraft Championship Scuffed | April 1st Edition!