What if RATS Were In Vanilla Minecraft? | Origin Realms

Video Information

In today’s video i checked out the origin realms friends and foes update this update had a ton of new content like loot pots rats and the golet which is origin realms take on mob c from that one mob load a few years ago this update also added the ice olliger but we’ll

Save him for another video as always this video was streamed live on my twitch channel if you want to hang out with me when i record my next video click the link in the top right corner of your screen and leave me a follow is

This one of those times where i just i mine straight oh wait that was a new noise hello what is that the gullet does the gullet make that noise where is it can it be in walls My audible sensory experience here is very important oh there he is he was in the wall he’s struggling a little bit he’s he’s trying to get to me what so he just he pops out of blocks and then he goes back in if he doesn’t get close enough to me to

Attack me and then how do i know where he is is he right where is he gonna be like right where he went into the ground oh i guess so okay i could just punch him and that’s it okay those guys are really easy to kill

But they are hard to track down that is scary to just hear that sound out of nowhere and have no clue where it’s gonna pop up oh i see a red loop hot okay red as we all know is uh the better color than purple we know this from balloons so we’re in

For treat i want to see i want to see a crate key create key in this loot pot ready i’m going to be the first person on the entire server i tried right clicking it that doesn’t work so i guess we have to break it open with our sword zelda as they say

There’s no way there’s no there’s no way i just say that and it just obviously these ones don’t uh drop crate keys probably wait did that one even get me that didn’t happen okay we’re just gonna pretend none of that happened okay these loot pots are insane i don’t think

I got anything from the second one which confused me and then like lapis dropped out of nowhere i thought that was maybe from punching the gullet but then the goal it was still alive so i was like is that really from the goal i don’t know i’m confused about

Everything that just happened we’re just going to move right on got another purple oh it’s a rat no no no no food eat food okay these things are actually going to be a huge problem what happens if i break a loot pot next to lava and the

Rat just grabs my limited 2021 st patrick’s exclusive sword and jumps into the lava and burns it it’s just gone isn’t it is there any way for me to defend against that because that thing grabbed my sword quick that was extremely fast does this mean i like can’t even bring

My limited event tools down here anymore or i just i guess i got to be careful about what i’m holding and i break a loot pot with my bare hands still touch the pot and open them in a safe place we could we could then couldn’t we make

Like a rat farm if we did that because then all the rats would spawn like in whatever room we open the pots that’s kind of cool actually okay so i’ll so touch this and it actually lets me pick it up purple loot pot and then i

Can just go back home with this and open it in a safe space it won’t hold your precious sword when you break pots but that’s just they’ll they’ll never learn oh come on don’t don’t jump at me right next to lava man come on this is not

This is not the way to do it i would like to lead this guy to oars but i don’t see any wars nearby so i guess we’re just killing them or not that’s fine i’m on edge right now man the deaths are a lot more dangerous all of a sudden is

The goal it back now are you back don’t tell me he came out of the obsidian i swear i heard the goal i don’t know where is he is he above me i don’t know but we found a dungeon which is pretty cool where is oh there he is he was above me

Okay wait can he eat the is he eating the rubies wait he could actually drop me into lava if i’m not careful this is a dangerous place for him to be eating wars please come back man come on i’ll i’ll i’ll take away the blocks above these so we can actually get to

Those i want to get a maximum ruby profit from from this guy he’s still here where is he yeah eat the words eat thor’s bro eat the rubies get him you know i know you like him it’s fine there you go and now just give them to me huh 55

That seems like even less than what i would normally get from what four oars five ores this guy’s supposed to fortune for everything i’m gonna try silk touching some oars we’re gonna collect them and then we’re just gonna place them all around the next goal that we

Find and see if we can just like spam click them with our fists to harvest all of it we’ll try gold ore gold ore is not great but i’ll give it a shot this is not ideal can i build i can’t build finally some actually valuable ore

You’d love to see it we got three pots as well three purple loot pots oh oh hello hello sir i have some food for you if you wouldn’t mind eating it it does distract them this is actually hilarious i’m just gonna feed them all over or that we’ve collected so far like eight

Blocks and we’ll just kill him look at him this is a buffet dude this is the most no no come back please okay if he drops zero or now i’m gonna be really mad okay no he did drop the ore we got it we got like a stack of rubies

Six gold and five redstone see that doesn’t seem like fortune four does it five redstone especially the redstone oh here we go here’s a real test we got some diamonds our next gullet is about to make us rich i’ll yoink this another red loot pot let’s go oh another uh

Purple nice oh is this two red loot pots These things these things are actually op like that’s actually probably even rarer than you would expect it to be what the heck my man’s just vibing look at him just doing his thing i’m surprised he’s even alive look at him go this is this that is the strongest

Most omega chad giga chad low squid i’ve ever seen i don’t even like glow squids but look at this guy no never mind i take it back survival of the fittest wasn’t meant to be how did he survive for so long and then he just like suddenly died

He didn’t even move he was sitting in the same spot and you just like for some reason decided you know what i think i’m done now it’s my time to go just like that bat and every other bat that has ever lived all right we got a

Ridiculous amount of ore if i can just find a gullet golets were so strong before i know they already got nerfed it’s day one and they already received a nerf which is crazy i didn’t log on earlier so i didn’t get actually like see how overpowered they were but i kind

Of wish i did just like a little late how are you also what’s in the new update um there’s a lot of stuff there’s rats there’s loot pots that you can find oh and there’s gullets no don’t supposedly they like multiply the ore for you yeah

It’s kind of crazy oh we found one okay here we go this is the moment this is what i’ve been waiting for we’re about to give this man the biggest meal of his life we’ll start him off with a nice appetizer a little redstone ore

Just a little uh iron ore for you enjo apparently wasn’t that hungry i got all day i’ll just sit here i’ll just start laying out the meal you know i’ll just start preparing it there you go all right anyways um before we get to the

Main course i’ve got a lot of iron for you here as you can see uh i just suggest you start chomping away at it because it’s gonna take a while it’s a lot of blocks get some gold in here too there we go that’s what i’m talking

About all right now we’re getting to the good stuff here we go here’s some here’s some emeralds for you we got some emeralds we got some diamond both regular diamond and deep slate diamonds basically like dark and lightning and then finally for the final course we’ve got some platinum

And some rubies for a total of almost a full stack of ore this is about to be the fattest golet that has ever lived he’s so happy look at him just living his best life you better come back that dinner was not free you will pay for it with your life

By the way it’s just rude dude you don’t you don’t you don’t leave without finishing your meal there you go he probably just had to take a bathroom break i guarantee you no no no don’t okay don’t don’t kill me also please don’t fall in the lava wait is he full

He might be full there were rubies on the ground is he gonna eat any because now he’s just targeting me i think he’s full okay what if i punch okay we we just had to burp him we just had to burp him like a baby and

Now we’re good so he’s he’s got a limited stomach capacity here i’ll help him out with this one he probably can’t reach this one we need to make sure everything is on ground level you can’t place any ores on top of other ores if you’re doing this strategy good to know

The final of course he’s eating everything oh my oh he burnt some stuff i’m sorry that was not the it was not the best that was not the best way to to handle this i probably should have froze the lava lake over but let’s go back to the base let’s open the

Loot pots we found we found 17 loop pods so far which is not bad there is a chance of the loot pods spawning rats so i should probably do this in my farm we still gotta upgrade this this barn room i’m planning on just like making it a

Lot bigger and actually making it look good but we just haven’t gotten there yet we have not gotten around to that i’m just gonna make a little rat pen here and we’re gonna open our loot pots right here right next to the moo blooms which are ridiculously loud

All right here we go purple pots oh come on oh okay fine take the steak eat the steak thank you we already got one rat this is why we’re doing it in here i probably should not be breaking these with my sword i’ll just break them with my hands okay there’s another rat If you give a rat a piece of food does it just permanently hold that food and they never eat oh yo get out of here you’re gonna kill my rats no no wait get back rat you gotta get back in the hole bro there’s no way to

We’re gonna eat a steak in the future and it’s gonna be a rat and we won’t even know we lost one rat to the cow cube rest in peace efficiency five that’s pretty good for a purple loophole that sounds too bad another rat take just take my steak just

Cut to the quicken you’re gonna kill yourself but geez dude these rats are unbelievable the the loot table for these is interesting i like the it seems like there’s a lot of different things you can get which is cool i’m a fan of that another one you gotta be joking how do i

Oh no Okay so they don’t hold steak forever good to know we have to be quick i should not be feeding these guys wait was that noise oh that was was that the other one eating steak or was that the first one eating steak is he friendly now oh i think he’s friendly

He likes me he’s is he dead it’s just wait that that rat actually just died where did it go it’s just disappeared it’s just phased out of existence okay uh maybe we should be naming these rats let me go get some name tags that’s not good

Look at him there he is remy he’s still got the red eyes looks like he’s carrying the bubonic plague but he’s got a chef hat anyways let’s uh let’s open our red loot pots we have seven of them again these are supposed to give rarer loot than the purples not looking

Amazing so far never mind we got a slot room let’s go baby but yeah that and cosmetic oh no no no do we got oh another rat of course okay i’m not holding anything just take the steak don’t kill yourself i got thorns yo eat eat the food eat the food bro

Oh yeah really you’re just gonna take all the gold really funny guys great i better hope the ones with the gold pick up the steak and not a different rat because otherwise we’re gonna have a problem Did that the same one rat has just been picking up all my steaks and eating them this is ridiculous no i already fed you don’t you i’m just trying to give it to the one with gold pick it up pick it up just eat the steak man i want the gold

Thank goodness okay i thought a different one grabbed at that time and i was about to lose my mind you can stack the pots i should have been doing it this way this whole time the only problem is if we spawn a rat at this height it’s just gonna die isn’t it

But we can just like insta-break all these spots oh my okay that’s good i like that that’s that’s a better that’s a much faster way to open these pots actually i’m dead though i’m actually dead i just used a totem of of undying on a rat i’m just going to

Feed these ones that are that are still hostile before i get back in because no that’s not for you it’s for the red ones where’s the red one where’s the one with the red eyes and the cobblestone pick it up oh my get out of the way get out of the

Way let me place it get out of the block i can’t place it but if i get back down there it’s just gonna oh no this is fine this is fine okay we’re good just gonna make sure no rats escape i also gotta make sure i don’t die are

They all aggroed on me now i think they’re at no i hate you guys i’ve ever told you i hate you i really do no that’s on my stick all right whatever i’ll just feed all of them steak i don’t care how does one of them still have it dude

This rat is in like four steaks this is ridiculous they need to hold on to their stupid stakes for way longer because i can’t i can’t do this man i just want my loot pot back i have to kill i have to kill it i have to kill the dang rat

Oh nope i got it i just had to threaten to kill it that’s all it took there’s still one more that has a loophole i will dude i will kill you if you don’t give me back listen i don’t freaking care you’re not even named remy alright man

You better you better do what’s you better do what’s smart and hand me over the loot pot before you die you’re not a phil i don’t really care about you that much just chomping down on some premium well well done medium rare steak okay that was right on target and the

Rat didn’t pick it up i just want the loot pot man that’s all i’m trying to grab please it’s the same freaking all right he’s dying where is he i’m trying to figure out which rat it is he’s dying he’s actually dying i’m done i’m done with this rat he deserves to

Die at this point he’s chosen his fate i gave him a choice he didn’t give himself no [Applause] why are they so strong i don’t know how to defeat these rats there’s there’s no there’s no way to get my items back at least i didn’t steal something i i really care about jeez

Dude like imagine if they had my sword how am i gonna get that sword back i’m gonna have to kill all of them oh that’s a good idea i’ll bow that little sucker just a quick shoot and a jump here we go three two one boom

Done it was that easy um okay here’s the plan here’s the plan i’ve got it this is the plan this is the game plan we’re no longer opening pots in there we’re opening them on the ladder so i placed the lot the pots here on the ladder and

Then we just break all of them immediately like so ready here we go boom any rats that fall should hopefully theoretically fall i have to kill them all i have to burn this entire place down there’s no way i’m getting my bow back unless i kill

All of them the bow was the one way i could potentially retrieve an item back come here you little punk i’m gonna i’m gonna beat you so hard oh what the where did that rat come from there’s like two more rats that came out of nowhere who are you

What why are you here all right that is it for this video but of course the video is not over until we name a phil that’s it for this video have a great day and remember to stay visionary You

This video, titled ‘What if RATS Were In Vanilla Minecraft? | Origin Realms’, was uploaded by TheVisionaryOne on 2022-06-26 20:59:44. It has garnered 15609 views and 473 likes. The duration of the video is 00:18:00 or 1080 seconds.

In today’s video, I explored Origin Realms’ new Friends and Foes update! This update added RATS, loot pots, and The Gullet, a tunneling cave monster that loves to eat ores! The underground has never felt so alive!

Origin Realms is a Minecraft server that adds brand new content into the game. It looks like modded Minecraft. But, the best part about it is that you don’t have to download anything! It’s all done through vanilla magic! It’s modded Minecraft with no mods.

Check out my Twitch channel, where I record all my Origin Realms videos live: https://www.twitch.tv/thevisionaryone

Check out my other socials! 👀 ● TWITCH ➤ https://www.twitch.tv/thevisionaryone ● DISCORD ➤ https://discord.gg/vJrMVdPQjF ● TWITTER ➤ https://twitter.com/LeVisionaryOne ● CLIPS AND VODS ➤ https://www.youtube.com/thevisionarytwowastaken

🌎 Server IP: play.originrealms.com ⛏️ Minecraft Version: 1.18.1+

CHAPTERS: 0:00​ Intro 0:27 Exploring the Depths 5:02 Feeding Ores to the Gullet 9:40 Getting Bullied By Rats… 17:26 Naming a Phil 17:40 Outro

Check out my second YouTube channel, where I post short clips and full VODs from my Twitch streams: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCurA

MUSIC: Sneaky Snooper by Audionautix licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license. https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ Artist: http://audionautix.com/ Little Trolls by Frank Schröter Link: https://filmmusic.io/song/8104-little-trolls License: https://filmmusic.io/standard-license Music from Uppbeat (free for Creators!): https://uppbeat.io/t/jonny-boyle/tres-french License code: L1NUPIUPTFMGMPQB https://uppbeat.io/t/jonny-boyle/swing-cuisine License code: ZGNHD4FWN94P5CV0

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    Sneaky Survival: Episode 11 Minecraft Survival Adventure: Building Fortresses and Exploring the Unknown Challenge of Construction 🛠️ Izazov Gradnje: In this episode, our Minecraft adventurers tackle the monumental task of constructing a massive fortress. Through skilled building techniques and strategic planning, they strive to achieve the perfect balance between aesthetics and functionality. Forest Expedition 🌲 Šumska Ekspedicija: Venturing deep into the forest in search of rare resources, our team explores the most efficient techniques for gathering wood and other essential materials to enhance their survival skills. Perils of the Dark Caves 🌌 Napast u Tamnim Pećinama: Delving into the dangers and rewards of… Read More


    EPIC MINECRAFT MOMENTS with OnlyAfro - MUST WATCH!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft #5’, was uploaded by OnlyAfro VODS on 2024-05-20 10:52:31. It has garnered 29 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 05:22:25 or 19345 seconds. Broadcasted live on Twitch — Watch live at https://www.twitch.tv/onlyafro Read More

  • Minecraft Geometry Dash Fusion – Epic Gameplay!

    Minecraft Geometry Dash Fusion - Epic Gameplay!Video Information This video, titled ‘Geometry Dash + Minecraft!!! Come hang~’, was uploaded by girloffthecob on 2024-05-01 03:10:35. It has garnered 178 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 03:06:23 or 11183 seconds. Nothing wrong with the classics 😉 I HAVE A DONATION PAGE NOW (if streamlabs is working)! Absolutely not necessary but if you enjoy my streams and are able it would be so appreciated! https://streamlabs.com/girloffthecob/tip #geometrydash #fireinthehole #rhythm #rhythmgames #music #hardcore #gaming Read More

  • 🌋 EXPLORE LAVA in Minecraft! Build and Conquer! #LavaFun

    🌋 EXPLORE LAVA in Minecraft! Build and Conquer! #LavaFunVideo Information This video, titled ‘🔥 Unleash the Power of Lava in Minecraft! Explore, Build, and Conquer! #Minecraft #LavaFun ⛏️🌋’, was uploaded by Kunj Ujjwal on 2024-03-21 06:01:43. It has garnered 13874 views and 286 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:53 or 53 seconds. 🔥 Unleash the Power of Lava in Minecraft! Explore, Build, and Conquer! #Minecraft #LavaFun ⛏️🌋 In this video we’ll walk you through: #minecraft #minecraftmemes #minecraftbuilds #minecraftpe #minecraftonly #minecraftpc #minecraftbuild #minecraftmeme #minecrafters #minecraftskins #minecraftps4 #minecraftcreative #shorts #minecraftshaders #minecraftworld #minecraftmods #minecraftgamer #viral #minecraftanimation #minecraftyoutubers #minecraftfunny #kunjujjwal #shortsfeed #shortfeed ABOUT OUR CHANNEL Our channel is about Kunj… Read More

  • Insane Tricks for Easy Modern House Building!

    Insane Tricks for Easy Modern House Building!Video Information This video, titled ‘How to build Simple Tricks for Modern House Building easy Tutorial’, was uploaded by Fevel on 2024-06-06 03:00:28. It has garnered 8 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:24:41 or 1481 seconds. Support me to complete 1k🙏mambers❤️☺️ #minecraft #house #starter #survival #house →Minecraft: How to Make a Modern House – Tutorial →Thumbs up & Subscribe for more =)https://youtube.com/@Fevelyt →Interior Tutorial Video: Minecraft: Large…=)https://youtu.be/OVHBVg01Kek ▼More House Tutorials▼ 👉https://youtu.be/rpWKd79v1Ao👈 👉https://youtu.be/OVHBVg01Kek👈 👉https://youtu.be/cUBUYgjadlc👈 👉https://youtu.be/9AZZbnUuIRY👈 _________________________________________________ MINECRAFT _________________________________________________ Minecraft is a highly popular sandbox video game where players have the freedom to build and create their… Read More

  • Insane Challenge: Guns Only in BloxFruit! Will I Beat It? #5

    Insane Challenge: Guns Only in BloxFruit! Will I Beat It? #5Video Information This video, titled ‘Live Beating BloxFruit with only guns #5 1000 – 1300 | ?BloxFruit to join’, was uploaded by Lewis 0978 on 2024-04-09 17:11:20. It has garnered 470 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 03:40:01 or 13201 seconds. Minecraft Server: To join the minecraft server make your minecraft 1.18 ane enter this IP: yoserver.apexmc.co | For bedrock click add server, enter the ip yoserver.apexmc.co and the port is 26284 Lewis Discord: https://discord.gg/F5V4XwzCNU Zainny Discord: https://discord.gg/Z9XQvcnuGD check out: Roblox group : https://www.roblox.com/groups/3246402/lewis-0988-fan-base#!/about TikTok : https://www.tiktok.com/@lewis_0988 twitch : https://www.twitch.tv/lewis0988 Discord: https://discord.gg/TzwQYarMFA Mods: Itrealzainny: https://www.youtube.com/@ItRealZainny LJ… Read More

  • SHOCKING: Fair Rosé reveals dark secrets in Hive LOL!

    SHOCKING: Fair Rosé reveals dark secrets in Hive LOL!Video Information This video, titled ‘Hive lol’, was uploaded by Fair Rose on 2024-05-28 02:34:25. It has garnered 360 views and 36 likes. The duration of the video is 02:49:43 or 10183 seconds. #fairrose Hive With Viewers 😀 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Description: I play Minecraft with viewers, Minecraft Hive with viewers, Survival with viewers, and many other games with viewers. (Sometimes Pokemon :P) Hive is a fun Minecraft bedrock server with tons of fun Minecraft Pvp game modes and non Pvp gamemodes. Join the community, have fun vibing in streams and playing Minecraft. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 🌍SOCIAL: Xbox Gamertag: Fair r0se (zero) Minecraft Java… Read More

  • INSANE German 4K Minecraft Skyblock #012!

    INSANE German 4K Minecraft Skyblock #012!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Skyblock #012 / German / 4K’, was uploaded by TaublerTV on 2024-06-01 15:45:49. It has garnered 17 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:30:45 or 1845 seconds. About the game ✒️✏️ Minecraft is a sandbox computer game that was originally developed by the Swedish programmer Markus “Notch” Persson and the company he founded for this purpose, Mojang. Mojang and the game have been part of Microsoft since September 2014, which bought the company for 2.5 billion US dollars. Minecraft was first released on May 17, 2009 as an early access… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft War – Watch till end 😱

    Insane Minecraft War - Watch till end 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Historical War 🤣 – Part 9 #shorts’, was uploaded by Manpixel on 2024-04-12 04:00:08. It has garnered 3311 views and 124 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:56 or 56 seconds. I make you Laugh! 😂😭 Minecraft Content, Memes, Funny, Animation, Building… 🤔🤨 #minecraft #minecraftanimation #minecraftmemes #minecraftshorts #minecraftfunny #funny #cute #mcpe #herobrine #skibidi #skibiditoilet #minecraftohio #minecraftskibiditoilet Read More

  • EPIC MINECRAFT FINALE! Two Sides Clash in Season 4!

    EPIC MINECRAFT FINALE! Two Sides Clash in Season 4!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft FNAC Season 4 – Two Sides – Episode 193’, was uploaded by Pretty Depressed Productions on 2024-03-22 20:30:01. It has garnered 5861 views and 629 likes. The duration of the video is 00:19:25 or 1165 seconds. ✪ Remember To Hit That Bell And Subscribe! ✪ Social Media Links Discord Link – https://discord.gg/MHzDB5RkHj ​​✯Behind The Scenes✯ ​ Thumbnail Artists – Pluless https://bit.ly/3qfCcvt DamienCandle https://bit.ly/35KgOmP Editor – SpookyPooky https://bit.ly/2VaCMdK ✯People Who Were Here✯ Dylan (Dylan and Candy) https://bit.ly/34Ru34k KainaBunny (Circus Baby) https://bit.ly/2IhY06d Steele (Blank) https://bit.ly/358s78U HandfulJake (Red and Wilford) https://bit.ly/3eQlHyN Keldo52 (Blue) https://bit.ly/32nwHi4 Pluless (Yellow) https://bit.ly/3qfCcvt… Read More

  • Skeletanarchy RLCraft

    Skeletanarchy RLCraftWelcome to Skeletanarchy Minecraft! Which includes RLCraft on rl.skeletanarchy.com, Better Minecraft 1.18.2 [Forge] on bm.skeletanarchy.com, and Vanilla Minecraft on vanilla.skeletanarchy.com:25569. The servers are all Anarchy, there are no rules. The players do whatever they want, whether it’s creating communities, building amazing structures, or bands of griefers destroying everything, or literally anything rl.skeletanarchy.com Read More

  • Turtle’s Crossing: Creative 1.20, No Plots, WorldEdit, Dynmap, Whitelist, 18+ Preferred

    Turtle’s Crossing Turtle’s Crossing is a creative server started on 1.20 large biomes world generation. We welcome all kinds of builders, and look to create a community where members can relax and enjoy building without having to worry about complex tiers or thematic restrictions. Read More

  • AardvarkMC

    AardvarkMCBRAND NEW MAP! Started in 2024, AardvarkMC.org aims to be a sanctuary among servers for balanced survival PvP economy and provide the space for great builders to bring their dreams to life! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – The Unknown player uprising!

    Minecraft Memes - The Unknown player uprising!The Unknown player must be really good at Minecraft if they have a score of 54… or maybe they’re just really good at hiding their identity! Read More

  • Resource Rush: Wither Storm’s Hardcore Minecraft Adventure

    Resource Rush: Wither Storm's Hardcore Minecraft Adventure In the world of Minecraft, a new adventure begins, With the Wither Storm looming, danger within. Gathering resources, preparing for the fight, In this hardcore mode, survival is tight. Uncut and epic, this series will unfold, With twists and turns, stories untold. The final boss awaits, a challenge so grand, Will our hero prevail, with sword in hand? Stay tuned for more, as the journey unfolds, In the world of Minecraft, where legends are told. With the Wither Storm lurking, ready to strike, Our hero must be brave, in the darkest of night. So join us now, in this… Read More

  • “Japan vs America: Minecraft Edition” 🔥😂

    "Japan vs America: Minecraft Edition" 🔥😂 “Why did Japan and America start playing Minecraft together? Because they heard it was the only way to bridge the cultural gap and avoid any more awkward trade negotiations!” 😂🎮🇯🇵🇺🇸 #minecraftdiplomacy Read More

  • Ultimate Litematica Mod for Minecraft 1.20.6

    Ultimate Litematica Mod for Minecraft 1.20.6 The Exciting World of Litematica Mod for Minecraft 1.20.6 Embark on a new adventure in the Minecraft universe with the Litematica Mod 1.20.6! This mod brings a plethora of exciting features and enhancements to your gameplay experience. Let’s dive into the world of Litematica and explore what it has to offer. What is Litematica Mod? The Litematica Mod is a powerful tool that allows players to create and manipulate schematics in Minecraft. With this mod, you can easily copy and paste structures, build intricate designs, and even visualize your creations before building them in the game world. It’s a… Read More

  • Insane Kaiju Overexposed in Minecraft SMP!

    Insane Kaiju Overexposed in Minecraft SMP!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Entojin SMP (S1:Ep1):A Whole New Beginning!’, was uploaded by OverExposedKaiju on 2024-04-23 07:15:41. It has garnered 45 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 02:45:39 or 9939 seconds. Hello I am The Prince of the Dark Abyss,TheLivingNightTerror, and The future Inevitable Emperor of the world OverExposedKaiju welcome to my channel in todays Form of Entertainment we’ll be beginning our journey on the modded SMP Entojin Season 1! if you enjoyed watching consider leaving a like & subscribe to join my Satire Mob! #vtuber #vtuberen #vtuberstream #minecraft #moddedminecraft #minecraftsmp #minecraftvtuber #funnygameplay #satirecomedy… Read More

What if RATS Were In Vanilla Minecraft? | Origin Realms