Why I Exploited This World For Infinite Hearts…

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Stealing Hearts is easy but what if you had to sacrifice everything you had would you still become immortal that’s what I had to decide if we are at War and if you don’t want to be caught in the crossfire pick a side listen nor do you guys actually chose me you must land

This MLG and pick your side at the bottom but wait what do I MLG win with this pick up okay I’ve got the sky oh I survived the MLG I know I can pick a side the red side has all the overpowered glue which would make it a

Safest option so I’m gonna take all this and now I’m on the red team donate five Hearts but I only have five odds take some steak instead cause once I leave through this door I’ll be welcomed onto the red team hey guys let’s hello I went

Through this door to only Endo back in the middle uh what is this am I missing something let me just remove some hearts and let me throw them in here can you at least open the door now your business scam okay gonna take him back it’s disappeared from the hopper whenever I

Try to leave through the door I only Endo back at the middle okay what do I have in my inventory I have carrots and Cobblestone and I kind of guess they’re scaffolding but if I could have crafted a boat I could have glitched through the walls but even though I don’t want

Pickaxe I’m just gonna strail mine out yeah you try to swap me but you guys are actual idiots oh my nope I was the idiot what is this please if he’s still down there he’s dead man whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa I have an idea I have an idea all right

Oh yo she’s right there if I’m spawned right now since I’m On One Hall she can instantly kill me boyfriend wait what lava yo wait what is going on they never wanted me on either team instead they want to trap me so white slowly die I see the lava right there

Which means it’s coming down and where did you come from but look like a fish with this water well I got subtle this might work because I could put a saddle on the peak and try finding Escape that way I make this a carrot on a stick and

We kinda go but look up there the love is coming just to make sure it’s actually lava if I throw this there yeah my blocks are kind of burning but also why do you have half a shadow either way if I ride you off here get in here and

Shift let me escape that’s not working they’ve made sure to block any Escape meaning there was a zero percent chance I’d survive this I hear water down here so maybe I can actually Escape but what is this I swear this love I just got a

Little bit more down what if I break out this way what is that yeah that’s all lava so I won’t survive but Wi-Fi jumps oh my what happened well this is bad it seems like while the lava’s falling the void is rising but good thing you survived and we’re gonna head this way

Just believe in the process we’re through we’re through with through with Ruby through we’re currently in the middle and if you can steal the top there’s water if I was to shift no brother he doesn’t want to go there come back here yo the love is getting very

Close this is where you clutch up I go in here oh oh my I think where’s the pig on well the Pig kind of died into the war that was Beyond close the wall was an illusion it was never happening they just wanted me off the server but now

That I’m out why not get my Revenge by creating the biggest war in Minecraft and the lines right there these lines cover the entire world and I’m currently on the blue side and if I now jump over yeah I’m in the middle and yes this is

My area since I’m on neither team I’ve been given a small piece of the middle and if I’m caught on either line I’ll instantly be killed but what happened to my house why is it completely gone it seems like while I was choosing aside someone ran sacked my house destroying

Everything in the process Skizzy what is this yo Mr quiff this is uh this is called opportunity come here bro there you go there you go now let’s be civilized okay you could still win this chest plate you legitly blew my house and took it there’s a

Water bucket right here uh and what if I don’t want to listen quick if you’re on our side of the territory you cross the line you can either MLG or I’ll kill you yo this is a trap this oh I’m out here yo that was that was a little too close

But where’s he gone people didn’t care about my life they wanted to kill me for their own entertainment and when I reached the surface no one was there okay I don’t know where they went but they’ve left the chess plate this is a leather tunic meaning he must have

Swapped it out before he left now I can just keep this which means I’ve already lost or I could use my favor to start a giant War but first i’m gonna go to the blue team and create a quick shop for now I’m gonna place this here but this

Is part one of my revenge netherright is currently banned on the server but there’ll be players trying to abuse it which is why I’m gonna sell this but they’ll realize it’s fake never ride pretty quick so I said I first need to dig out this area and oh my well

Honestly this kind of works my favor although I almost died but now that the trap’s been dug out time to add a bunch of signs I replaced the floor with most carpet so it completely looks like grass yeah this looks pretty good for the water store I first need a big

Distraction which means killing someone and he’s right there relax you do realize netherlight is banned yeah but listen do you wanna be out you know I’ll take it yeah bro there you go there you go look at that wait hold on a second this isn’t another

Device yeah oh let’s go bum now Paul The Blue Team but since Solstice died people are gonna go investigate his death which was the distraction I needed oh my gosh is this where sourceless died the blue team has a special pet who’s actually their mascot and if that pet was stolen

It caused so much chaos of course The Blue Team rolls up look who it is huh oh he’s right there where are you running well either way you kind of come with me okay start here what have you guys done to him but sorcist death won’t distract

Them forever and if they see me with the cat they’ll destroy my last life and yo we did not kill sourceless we were investigating the crime scene okay so back up don’t mind me we’re heading this way and I’m honestly gonna lock you right here this is your new home AKA

Your hostage I’m the Lost woman from the red side over with the prize being the cop because once they win and take it back home which will be the start of the wall but I’m gonna message Skizzy to come to my area and he’s just said on my

Way now this building’s in between both the lines so when he sees it he’s gonna go and investigate yeah Mr quiff what’s going on yo okay welcome to my little mini game mini game what’s this all about and the prize there is the cup ain’t no way dude I’m

In okay yeah it’s completely free all right listen listen let me get you right because of the whole chest plate thing I got a heart right here let me at least give you a heart oh wait okay yeah all right sick we’re now also acquiring skizzy’s heart this was off to an

Amazing start good the dispenser all right red for red nice um once I click this one you need to match the cooler with the actual thing so please give me red I could feel it in my bones it’s gonna be right yes Let’s go get some ice cream cream or something yeah yeah yeah I’ll see you soon very soon with Skizzy now taking the cat back home it was the perfect time to frame him and I had to travel all the way over to the blue side and now that I’m back here well I’m

Literally gonna put here yoink mine now but right now they have no idea who stole the car but Skizzy gave me his heart and legitimately says skizzy’s hot bro you made this too easy Toby where where’s bloxy oh my why is kipley so mad at me Skizzy where’s our cat man I need

To have a word with you I never stole any Cat kipley found the evidence and she was out for blood you got a bounty on your head buddy well I kind of expected this but with skinsy being a high profile Target he had nowhere to run meaning they’re gonna find him and

Kill him which will be the star of the wall hey yo hey yo you framed me what’d you mean okay this is the ugliest house I’ve ever seen but that that’s irrelevant dude you frame me with the cat I did not what what cop bro I have

No idea about Loxy bro you gave me the cat bro yo okay yo listen listen I have an idea I have a very good idea that’s gonna save you what I’m are they gonna kill you gave me a Contraband cat stand there for a second this is actually gonna help you

Win I had to keep Skizzy distracted otherwise he’d kill me okay see this is Spencer or what what is this dude what what are you what are you doing quick okay oh listen listen you see this yeah okay there’s a button Toby quick just message us come to my house kids is here

Yeah yeah okay so in this one this is how it’s Gonna Save you if you get the diamond right now you’re gonna you’re gonna survive dude what what do you what do you mean click it bro click it it’s actually gonna help you dude I don’t even want

This diamond bro it’s not gonna help me at all hey schedule what’s up man what’s up they actually killed me I appreciate what you did but uh why you wearing blue buddy there you go I was saving it for you guys why is it got a barrier uh huh

Listen you can have everything else uh I’m gonna be confiscating this but the plan worked kipley killed skidsy meaning blood was drawn but the red team wasn’t gonna sit back and do anything meaning the truce had been broken and this was the star of the war but they thought

Skizzy had an accomplice and that person ran straight to me dude you have to hide me man okay everyone in the server they’re trying to kill be bad I’m gonna die okay slow down slow down why me please okay I’m begging you yeah I’ll give you everything all right all right

Everything please all right slow down what happened why is everyone after you I I don’t know like they said I killed a pet or something I I didn’t do nothing okay why would I kill a pet I know who who I I know you wouldn’t kill a Pat I

Don’t know why everyone’s after it’s the blue side I’m telling you they’re evil they won’t War but this will kill some time for us I’m a bit of a gambler okay perfect you know exactly what works um I do have netherite all right but it’s my last Reserve okay fine this this is

Fully protected no one can get in TNT it won’t work this is fully protected this is a faction base where you can survive but actually stay in here you have to place machine it’s a roulette machine so depending on how much you spend the longer you can stay well then what are

We waiting for exactly that’s that’s what I like to see start with one one what color do you want you could pick any color right there red red okay it’s already on red okay and it’s going off you pick red oh so so we’re gonna keep going again so

Far I’m giving you two hours in this base okay so there we go this is it this is for the final time right right is it red is it a London red oh yeah oh my should we be next no I I just want to

Gain your to gain the trust you know I guess you’re you’re on my team now if you tell anyone about this I’m gonna kill you okay that’s perfect but they didn’t know this was Sox’s entire plan because he was my teammate all along and this was the only way we could gain

Their trust so I couldn’t revive him yet but the next time I logged on they trapped me wait wait wait wait I wonder if the coach with we’re crafting table make a slime block Oh I thought slime block wait lava I’ve got lava wait wait wait where am I falling

Where where why even oh my god oh and I don’t think there’s anything around here is there anything I’m Gonna Leave signs so I don’t get lost while I’m running this is my help oh my god I’ve lost the heart the longer I stay in the nether roof the faster I’m losing

Hearts until I have none and I’m banned okay I’m back at the portal wait I have lava maybe using the lava I can light the pole okay I don’t think this is working and I’m now down to two hearts okay if this doesn’t oh my God my heart

Wait I can use you they accidentally left a piglet in the Nether and I can somehow use him to help me escape yo yo I have gold take the gold oh my God I just got gravel using the gravel I can get a flint and then with the iron I

Have I can make a thinner still and escape the nether wait I don’t have a crafting table and I’m down to one Hall I think it’s time to use this one okay I’m back to two one of the items the piglet drops is a fire charge and using

The fire charge I can light anything on fire last one please oh my God I got soul son I could place this like this and if I’m correct I think mobs can spawn in the soul sun which means is a gas can spawn and light the nether

Portal for me and I’m down to one nothing spawning and I’m actually out of options but wait when did I get copied oh my God I have an idea carpet’s farmable and I can use the lava to lay on fire potentially lighting the portal put the lava in there light on fire oh

My God no I can’t be seen if the skeleton shoots me I’m a one tap what if I get it to shoot for the lava shoot for the lava and light it it worked it won’t keep shooting I just need this to light it’s lit it’s lit oh my God see you

Later bro after escaping I have one heart and I need 20 in 15 minutes because if I don’t I’ll be banned their plan to trap me worked oh my God they’re right there and there’s currently three of them okay let me get The High Ground so they’re actually in full netherright

But I have one heart so if I try to fight them right now I’ll die oh my God I think they’ve spoiled me wait wait wait wait let me get out of here they’re searching the house but that currently gives me an idea if they see me they’ll

End up chasing me so I can build a secret trap and load them to it so when they come after me they’ll fall and die mean I could take that their hearts okay Loki since no one’s around I’m gonna take this entire Beacon okay half of it

Should be fine and now I have a stack of Vine blocks using the blocks I can make over a thousand Minecarts and I make a bunch of my cards I legitimately think I have way too much right now the reason I need the Minecarts is I’m gonna make an

Entity cramming trap meaning an instant death I think this cake looks good yeah I can lead them through here because I’ve searched everywhere on the ground and this seems like the perfect spot let me just fill it up real quick I’m gonna put over 100 minecartes inside here now

If they fall in there they’ll get crushed and now I just need to lure them I’m gonna replicate dream strap where I’ll act AFK so when they come to chase me I’ll place a block behind me and they’ll fall in wait there’s someone there this can help me wait there’s

Equip yeah yeah I just want to talk to you man no no no no get away from me get away from me at least I used to wanna talk no you don’t you’re gonna try two oh my God oh my God oh he’s just oh my God that’s insane that worked out

So good and now I’ve got full netherite but I’m not gonna keep it because my next plan involves me using the netherrite to lore a player and if the player is greedy he’ll take the gear and die let this normal stand and equip all this gear underneath the armor stand is

Going to be a trap luckily I have a bunch of team team Minecarts I think 15 should do the job now I need to camouflage this so it looks like a shop and boom it’s done the Shop’s now me and now it costs four hearts for full nether

Eye now if someone comes and gives four Hearts they’ll be able to take the netherrite and survive but if someone’s greedy and takes it for free it’ll activate the TNT and they’ll die meaning I win either way and since I can’t be spoiled I’m gonna go hide in this tree

And now I have a perfect angle of the shot yeah yeah give give me the four Hearts I need them number four I’ve only got one on me wait he died he died okay I’ve gain the next Hall which is good he’s good what he has Hearts right there since the first kill

Didn’t give me any the second was successful let me take it all and I have two sets of another right now if I add all ten and I have 12 now but there’s a problem I still need to get eight in five minutes because they’re gonna

Arrive at my house and if I’m not there I’ll be banned no one’s at home I’m gonna place his chest here and I’m gonna use hoppers to link it back to my house so any items in that chest will be mine to test this I’m gonna put one

Cobblestone and it should be going for The Hoppers right now it arrived I’m gonna say put your tax hearts in here so when it’s time for them to pay the tax I’ll be stealing those hearts this is so I don’t get banned fine let me just put

This in the chest Toby and then we can go oh my God yeah that’s why they didn’t notice me oh my God hacks they’re so dumb bro yep yep well the house just got robbed 20 yards 20 hours accomplished with one minute to spare I ran all the

Way back to my house yo quick yeah you lost 20 odds uh yeah I’ve got him I’ve got them right here see will it be 40 next time okay you know what it’s fine it’s fine you guys can leave leave my house they took the bait now that I’ve survived

Another day I didn’t need more time because I was gonna follow them and after they’ve collected all the hearts kill them meaning I could take them all they’re now at kipley’s house you this is your guys’s chest what do you mean I already paid my taxes we haven’t come

Here in the last 24 hours what do you mean you left this let me Buck away a little bit before the noise but this means kipley’s giving them 20 Hearts which means they currently have 40 20 pounds this is good now they’ve taken 20 halves from luffler

They have 60 and it was time for me to kill them I think it’s time I quit my nether eye I’m stacked been a 2V1 they have strength and I’ll die so I’m gonna distract them both and take them one by one okay the next house they’re coming

To is this perfect now if I cover this entire floor with TNT boom done now when they walk into this house looking for taxes they’ll only find explosions which will get them very low yes oh my God oh my God hey guys oh my God the help oh

I just go on both no way 46 I haven’t scored 46 holds okay great these 46 Hearts will help me in my battle to fight the abusing owner my hearts aren’t going up right now oh my God this is fake what it turns out the horse they were carrying were actually fake they

Wouldn’t work on anyone wait these are useless then what can I do the owners back in 20 minutes and I won’t have enough Hearts to fight him after some thinking I came to the realization that there was a secret player and this secret player had the real hearts let me

Just jump straight down perfect but how can I bring him out because I don’t know who it is this is when I got the idea to impersonate the owner since the owner won’t log on for another 10 minutes it gave me enough time to impersonate him

And steal all the real hearts I mean I’d have managed to get the account nimsy I’ve impersonate the owner although I’m on one heart right now you’re finally on oh my God it’s Kipling Kipling was the secret player that has the hearts all cameras say give me them so when they

Went to collect the tax off kiply they must have exchanged the real hearts come to the secrets what we agreed on wait I know know about that I’m about to come to me since I don’t know where to meet I’ll instantly be caught out Nifty I got

The hearts man we gotta do this quick oh my God take all of them it’s a big hole man oh my God wait I’ve got 100 full thank you would be appreciated So Pro for I have 104 right now but with 104 I still don’t have enough to fight the

Owner I might have a better idea first I need to leave kipley to a secret spot follow me okay love book it perfect can we tell the click on bed oh my God please listen we can talk about this oh my God please please oh my God this is perfect I’m

Getting hot like crazy man with that kipley was stuck in it in front of death Loop and I was gaining all the hearts yo got tits left please shut up please please oh my God that was perfect oh let me leave it worked the plant worked now

We’re 200 Hearts I handed it over to my main account and just as I did the real owner joined oh my God they read that I can’t fight them if I go in I’ll die oh my God wait what’s going on I can’t fight them I need the horse how am I

Gonna pay for the build for this house there’s a mansion here oh my God he’s lying to them bro what we don’t know what kipley is well find her well okay the taxes okay okay this is good that’s good they currently have more horse than

I have and if I was to engage in battle I’d die but right now I have a lot of TNT I’m currently on the river base I could cover this entire base with TNT so when they’re inside I’d like it and they do enough damage for me to kill them and

Now I fill it all up fill all this up oh my God wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait there’s a button oh there’s two down there’s two down yes oh my God he’s dead I’ve killed the owner and I’ve stolen all these Hearts but they’re all exploited by infinite

Hearts taking them all in preparation for this war war and quiff you’re not on either team so you can either choose one right now or you can just die listen I don’t want to be in any of you guys’s team okay you know what I said to choose one or die

And you didn’t so you just die yo whoa yo guys lock it up block it up no don’t do that yo wait what is this required Hearts five bro what do you mean we’re quiet hot five each door leads to a different team the Fire Nation or the

Water nation and I have to choose one if I didn’t want to die required Hots five you don’t expect me to give up all my heart and the love is going faster bro I’ll get off time uh uh okay water Nation I’m not gonna pay the five heart

I’m just gonna wait yo stop why can’t I go through each door both doors were linked leading me back to the middle and the lava was getting closer to killing me wait why is it all let me break the door I don’t have money fatigue I can’t

Break anything okay yo yo wait do I really need to get rid of the hearts the love is almost down I’m gonna remove five Hearts but yo oh my yo five hearts in there please please don’t take me Fire Nation okay I’m on the Fire Nation what are you doing after my house

It doesn’t die pull me out where’s she going where is she oh my oh the chicken just died wait no way I need to get off here stop the Nations win at War instead they work together to trap me to my death by stealing all my hearts okay let

Me get inside let me get inside bro wait I think I’m Sylvia while the Sun keeps filling up on the outside I’ll be secure in this house Whopper to the floor why is that love when it’s burning it’s burning okay no way I need to get out of

Here the five nationsopa lava trap so I’d solely burned to death okay goodbye house but you know what I can’t need this wood but it’s a crafting table and make a pickaxe and let me get out of here I’m just gonna mine out it’s a desert wait what did I nope I’m still

Back here but what’s that okay wait this is something different I think is this no I’m in the same spot and the Sun keeps falling okay this is bad because since I’m on one hot if the Sun hits me once I’ll suffocate to death okay what’s

Over here what oh oh oh bro where did the sun go I need to kind of first go over there I guess make my way up look at the entire house I do need as much wood as I can give me all this wood okay

Yo I’m out oh yeah I kind of need to build up there must be some on the top oh I predicted that it just raised even more and with nowhere else to climb it was only a matter of time before I fell in what if I just try break out is there

Somewhere up here wait a second there’s lava on the ceiling and look at the lava both ways I’m trapped then I make a boat if I place a ladder the fire is burning the wood no this entire Parker Phil uh I need to be fast boats right there I see

Right there is where I need to go I don’t know how much of the edge I’m on but a little bit closer and oh I’m free yeah the wall was fake both nations were happy now they trapped me infinitely but since I’ve escaped I’m gonna destroy them both by creating the biggest war

Possible there’s the lines okay I’m currently on the war Nation side and if I’m cool at any point I get shot oh my bro I was just trying to get to my side now these lines cover the entire world and the circle in the middle yeah that’s

Mine but what’s happened to my house it seems like while it was trapped both teams stole all my resources and destroyed my entire house I first need to get rid of all my house and then build a small shop like this I’m gonna craft a golden apple and then yeah oh

Because the items I’m gonna be selling are Hearts I don’t have two fake hearts right here like this but before anyone comes I can’t need to remove this entire area oh well my shovel just broke but after clearing out the entire area I set

Up the Trap and it’s Dune I kind of just still on this Edge for anyone trying to shoot me and this is where the signs come in like this I kind of have a lot to do but if a player walks onto my area they’ve already fallen for the Trap I

Hope no one’s kind of watching because this is where the toothball comes in speed mode go okay this is taking longer than I expected as soon as I finished placing the Moss carpet I was ready to lower player over and it’s done since trading hearts are banned if you’re

Caught you’ll be instantly killed but I’m gonna somehow lure a player from the Fire Nation to come to my area and take the hearts for free and there he is uh we got a little bit of a problem here okay because I see you got some nice

Wares behind you so I’m just gonna kill you if you don’t give me though oh no no no this is why I want to do here pass it over there you go what’s going on with this thing over here no no no no oh I now have everything I need

So rage died and everyone instantly came to investigate what happened what is what is this okay down me I’m doing this is a giant Giant and this would create the perfect destruction to break their truce and that’s why I can’t need to climb because what I need is right up there and there

We go it’s inside there this Temple is the neutral zone and inside here is a dragon egg now this dragon egg is able to give you an infinite amount of hearts and that’s why neither team has it if stolen by one team it would cause chaos

And would be the start of a war and that’s why I kind of need you give me the dragonet whoa whoa whoa whoa it turns out the temple was rig with traps any Intruders would die but what I need is right there but this seems a

Little bit sus there’s a high chance the dispensers are filled with deadly arrows and since I’m on one hot a single shot would kill me and that’s why I’m gonna do the safest strap just run lock my life depends on it oh yeah yeah let’s

Not do that again but you will know mine and you see what I mean my horse will become infinite but rages definitely keep him distracted forever I’m blaming you guys all right it’s either you guys are whip okay you guys are the sus ones

And if I keep the dragon egg on me I’ll be instantly caught out so I had to put it somewhere safe and that’s why I brought it right here I put it inside the Shocker chest if I kept the dragon egg I’d become immortal but I want both

Nations to go to war So the plan is simple I’m gonna lose someone from the water nation and get them to win the blue shulker because once they take it home I’m gonna frame them which will destroy the entire truce you some explain ster wait what did I do did you kill

Rage no I’ve been here the entire time and what exactly is here huh what is this inside each of the shulkers is an item how does this work you just need to match the cool of the block with the shulker and you could take that home oh

Okay five hidden the dragon egg inside here and since it’s covered in Coal you really can’t tell all right what it costs your armor all of it no just just any piece oh okay well that’s that’s easy Kimberly chest Play Perfect this item is exactly what I need the

Frame Kipling all you do is match it oh oh no no oh okay yeah please let me go again off we go oh oh I got one come on green kind of won this one one man I want this one or this one yeah well you gotta take it whatever man I

Don’t gonna play a stupid game anymore I’ll be seeing you pretty soon and since kipley’s taking the shulker back it was the perfect time to go and frame her well back down I go oh wait this was a mistake this was such a mistake same thing again see you guys later item

Frame and there we go kipley’s chest flee now when both teams find her chest plate they’ll realize kipley stole the egg and this will be the start of me removing the world so I’m just gonna wait here and watch this entire thing unfold there’s supposed to be a dragon

Egg right here right Kipper did you steal the dragon egg all right we we gotta go and talk to kiply about this Kipling did you steal the dragon egg we’re coming to get you yes they found the evidence I left behind and now they’re going after Kipling I know what

You did you set me up I what do you mean set you up they think I stole the egg I don’t have the egg I don’t know I don’t know what you’re on about you’re not gonna get away with this okay if I’m gonna die and you’re gonna die you

Understand me okay help me right now yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah just look over there which means the truth now had been broken but as I Was preparing to remove the entire world something unexpected happened I just play here so let me make another right chess play quiff I know

What you did yeah what bro on This Server if you’ll reach 100 Hearts you’re able to morph into any animal and sources became a cat I’ve seen everything you’ve done from the beginning with rage the dragon egg wait he’s been following me around since I first logged on Gathering all the

Evidence he could and now that he had everything he needed he was about to reveal my plans are you gonna tell Kipling right there well oh idiot oh the MLG just in case anything went wrong I had a backup plan yeah the entire reason was this yeah pick that up get back here

What he actually left inside the dropper was a ban book and when picked up would corrupt any player’s data so let me quickly patch this up and I’ve bought myself some time now I roughly have 30 minutes to start the war so I can remove the entire world and I’m on the Fire

Nation and why is no one around here hello guys I kind of need you to start a war but both teams needed only one more push and since both Nations have their own territory if I was to remove both of them it would cause chaos and that’s why

I need TNT because if I tried to mine the entire world it’d take forever how would you not have anything that’s because all the TNT in the server was already gone and one player had it he was gonna build a giant cannon that would destroy the entire Blue Nation in

One shot oh but one TNT I’ll take that so I can build the first TNT duper okay yeah it’s actually working look how much I’m damaging the world oh my well that’s just one piece of TNT now imagine if I had over a stack but the player who has

It quickly doesn’t like me yeah he’s trying to kill me and since it’s okay there’s no way I can even get close so what if I just become immortal like seriously but first I need to find his location and that’s where you come in Echo Echo listen here man listen I know

I don’t try to kill me I’ve got proposition if I give you this another right chest plate can you tell me where Toby is he’s between the house and the church uh underground okay uh yeah yeah time to collect my TNT well the house is here and the church is there

Which means he should be right below me but I only have one Hall and that’s where these items come in see I found a glitch that would let me get resistance for permanently and this was the perfect time to abuse it first I need to hear

The god Apple then I need to eat the golden apple like this and as you can see everything’s ticking down and now I just need to wait for this I hit one second and splash myself with this potion does that work it should go back

Up yeah it went back up to 20 seconds at resistance full I think I take zero damage oh well I take half a half I’m kind of immortal but now I Define Toby and kill him okay I’m in some sort of maze where in the world is this oh this

Is downstairs this is bedrock level oh he’s right there I think that’s him I got I’m too far I can’t see his name tag but that’s Toby he’s building some sort of TNT robot a bit fire drop a TNT and say all off I can easily kill him oh you

Actual idiot oh yeah Toby oh yeah what do you mean what whoa whoa whoa I’m swimming let me place if I fall into the void now I’ll be instantly killed the resistance won’t even help social what is oh my you all played me stop stop bro

I’m afraid not this is where you’ve done why could I place the books sources rejoined and got all the evidence he needed and why okay wait wait oh what my day license are worked okay I’m out of the Void now but I need to call off sources

Before he lets someone else know but I can’t need to run over here but where can he be I found him hey quick you’re dead but that doesn’t stop him because he still has multiple Hearts so he’ll keep respawning but he’s still stuck inside I see before I found his

Location I sell the spawn trap so once he died he couldn’t escape I know kind of permanently he did so I’m taking all your hearts brother and goodbye I’m Gonna Leave This area now but now that I stole all of sources Hearts he was banned and now that I have all the TNT

It was time to remove the world and this is gonna help me see I build the best TNT duper machine out there and this will remove the world the fastest I just need to break this oh yes it’s going off TNT oh yeah this is perfect I’m witnessing a masterpiece right now look

At all the teeth it’s gonna it’s gonna remove the entire world and while everyone was distracted with pair for war it only took 20 minutes for me to remove the entire world yeah this might look a little bit crazy that’s because it is annihilated me but this is where it gets good both

Teams have now seen this and are blaming each other Mr netherright Man huh you got netherray and then what you decide to TNT dupe everything and and destroy everything we’ve worked on nope no answer’s not gonna fess up to your crimes huh I’m gonna kill someone in the

War nation and that will be the final straw oh Oh my with foot beef dying that was a final straw for Kipling you better fix that giant hole or else you’re dead they want me to fix the entire world but they’ve walked right into my hands because I’m gonna create the biggest trap possible well I’m honestly gonna

Need a lot of signs cause this is not gonna quit and after I felt like it is I’ve covered the entire place in carpet but the real plan starts now I’m gonna Supply Hearts to the teams which will gain me access onto their side carefully Kimberly Kimberly kiply wow I know

You’re about to go to war there you go two hearts thank you you’re free because what I’m gonna do instead goodbye to your beds that’s for the wall Things No thank you brother cause I’m about to destroy your bids I don’t think this is the last bed now I

Just need to make the spawn trap and fill them with lava like that I know when they die they’ll be permanently dead wait where did he come from he got bun oh yeah oh you want to see by anybody oh I saw you turned into a porcupine go

Away go away go away get away from me no it’s quick this entire time you’ve all been schmicked no he’s been the one he’s been scheming behind the scenes he gave me a chest clip wait he gave you guys stuff listen all I’m saying is what

Source is saying is yeah no I’ve done this I’ve kind of removed the entire world uh I kind of did everything you know I’m killing rage to destroying this entire world uh yeah uh do you have Death Wish yeah [Applause] the best thing’s Yet to Come what do you mean goodbye

I’ll see you guys later enjoy that and I’m gonna yeah remove the world yeah it’s kind of over but two months had now passed and it was the start of the color competition the color competition starts now you’re four hours to spread your color and the lowest amount gets banned

Rules are no chasing or killing good luck oh my God guys with barely any time people wanted to find out the best way to spread their cooler and that’s when I came across this come here for a second come here for a second what’s up what’s up what’s

Up what’s up I’m selling colors today okay do you have red I do have red actually all right how much it’s actually for free all you have to do is make an MLG with this cobweb but it’s kind of deep I don’t know if I want to

Do it yeah it is deep I don’t want to do it I didn’t want to do it oh oh what is that what is that what is that why were the animals that were dropping from the sky I almost died they broke the rules they were trying to kill me and that’s

Because in the middle of this place was a shulker and if I was to die their cooler would spread and they’ve already disappeared they’ve got a bunch of coolants here but they’re missing red but since they didn’t have my cooler it was all useless to me now I can keep

These blocks or I can put it into this machine when everyone was off the server I went deep underground I put all my resources to building this machine and since I have a bunch of colors I can trade all these coolers for one red and then use that to win the competition all

Right that uh you’re selling some yellow in exchange for red now I have three stacks of yellow concrete and I kind of need that red in your hand so why don’t we play a little game what’s the game if you get all the coolers right you’ll be

Able to get the yellow concrete walking away with Just Wings but if you lose I get to take your red concrete bro I’m in let’s do it okay it’s going off please please please please no it seems like you’ve kind of lost there can we play

Again with him not putting all the red he has in a chest I was ready to take it all and all I needed to do was rig one button okay this is the final one this is for all the red concrete and all the yellow concrete it don’t seem like your

Day let me just get one piece of yellow at least there you go you can take that yeah see you later but now I had three stacks of red concrete I was ready to start covering the world but then a problem happened quite funny with you whoa where did you come from I

Heard you stole everything from my shop I realized Eve’s framed me that wasn’t even her shop she stole all these blocks from kipley and now kipley Wants Revenge relax band killings yeah I have purple concrete right here I can turn this entire situation around by making kiply believe I have some purple

Concrete and I’ll walk away a winner and it’s off come on please oh this is for all the purple concrete you have one you can just walk out the shop hey hey Hey listen man I have two more chill out all right there we go yeah um sorry losers

Are kind of like get out of here get out of here let’s go one more nope with now Kipling gun I could count all my red concrete and I have three stacks and five so if I just start by putting all these in my inventory what how have I

Just died he says I fill out the world I’ve rushed back to collect my loot only to realize if you touch the color red you die and that’s Lucy where I’m fishing rod in this red block because I need to do some testing the people who threw me the block won’t affected

Meaning they were immune so I had to find out who was behind this and to do that I had to narrow down the targets he almost always broken and this is why I’m gonna hire a player to place the red Concrete in people’s houses meaning whoever doesn’t die they’re the culprit

Behind all this emo are you here IMO yeah okay listen listen listen I need you to do me a favor I need you to take this red concrete and put it into people’s houses can you do that yeah sure yeah yeah that’s all I need you to

Do take it all right okay go take uh well uh I don’t think that was supposed to happen the way I’m gonna take your gear he had eight Enchanted gobbles sure I’ll take your gear okay good thing I didn’t really collect that I already been dead I forgot the red kills anyone

Which automatically means Emo’s not Target but the problem now is how am I gonna put it into someone’s house you’ve got kind of come back with me this is the most budget way to bring bread but using the resources I got from emo I’m able to make a trap that will shoot out

The red concrete killing anyone around yes it’s end up in here send the dispenser I just need to put the pressure plate here fix up the rest of this the player will walk in go over the pressure plate and be exposed as the real culprit he’s walking in I’m Gonna

Catch You red-handed wait he just died that can’t be possible Oh my he actually died and the red concrete’s right there even though Skizzy gave me the red concrete he wasn’t immune meaning this curse was just added now oh that almost messed up I almost died now I need to

Find the real Cooper and this person could be hiding among everyone what if you did it on purpose I’m coming to kill you I didn’t really think about this because now the play I accidentally killed is after my life which will now make the process of spreading my Kula

Extremely hard but since I can’t pick up my cooler I’m just gonna use a glitch now the aim is for me to lag my entire game so it doesn’t realize I picked up the blocks and that’s the only way I’ll be able to use them and for that I need

A VPN and I just need to say to Australia and if I was to break a block oh look at the luck that looks insane I call him a pickle with blocks that’s how bad this is but that’s completely fine because this is exactly what I need all

I need to do now bro what is this lag okay you entered my inventory and I haven’t died this Show’s making my game extremely laggy makes the blocks not register in my inventory which means I can get away with holding them it doesn’t matter because the plants don’t

I just needed this to work I need to be fast because the player is only 10 steps behind me I don’t know how long this is gonna last I placed it I’ve just placed it when did where did it go hello game why is only one what is going on with my

Game what’s going on oh why am I lagging so much okay I need to continue I’m gonna make a cage of concrete powder I’ll leave myself in the middle of it so when it comes to kill me I’ll unleash the Trap surrounding him in a red circle and we’re kind of done

Luckily it’s all out my inventory now if luck catches up to me I won’t die anymore listen listen bro we can call even actual idiot sucks this suck oh yeah this is exactly what I needed why am I trapped in here yep no you completely stuck and there’s no way for

You to escape now that my number one enemy is detained I’m really far behind because every other team has covered a large portion of the world in color and I still can’t even hold mine and that’s really why I’m back here The Blue Team territory see the number one Cooper

Would be the player in first place and that’s the blue team but if you remember they have a shocker right there since you need to kill people to spread skulk they are right now the most obvious targets and they’re using me to cover the world in blue so first let me take

Over this shop and in this shop I’m selling every op gear for a couple shulkers because user the show because I’m gonna use a glitch to ban a cooler yo what yo what’s he thinning here do you have shulkers yeah do you have my guardian why take all this keep the shop

Have a nice day yeah okay yeah that’s completely fine but we were quite free Shockers which is very easier than I thought but it’s now time to dye these Shockers so they look like blue concrete so one blue two and three look at these amazing shulkers and I think I’ve

Arrived because this place is very blue right now but low-key if I just put one there one there and one there they fit completely in it’s unnoticeable right now my problem is these right now don’t burn anything because I could just walk straight over them but there’s a simple

Glitch to make shulkers kick you from the game which make you unable to reconnect and you’re infinitely banned I’m gonna message kid please to ask if she has any books because I kind of need a lot yeah I do why okay I’m gonna go find her because luckily Kipling is one

Of the people I can trust on the server meaning I have an ally all right Kimberly I need the book I need the books right here right here man yeah there you go how many that’s one stack two stack you put yes okay I’ve got five you’re not getting any books quick

Trade me she wanted to kill me by putting me in the cooler red there’s so many books and this should be more than enough although how do I kind of make myself go out after escaping the Trap everyone was on high and low they think I was cheating

And I was 10 minutes away from getting banned okay before I even tell anyone let me quickly write this book sign it and the first one’s now in I spent 15 minutes filling out all the books getting the final trap ready and after this eve should be banned and it’s done

But just to show you if I was to throw this on here it should oh this is insane no way but see if I throw it there but the same thing happens with a player if a player walks over that they’ll disappear too and all I need to do now

Is wait for aims look how much of the Blues and frame for killing everybody on the server she just disappeared he’s not gonna stand right that’s fine because the main leader of the blue team is now banned and there’s no way for them to rejoin which means I’ve banned the

Cooler blue okay I should probably leave this area just in case I get kicked too because this is now a crooked chunk but the real plan starts now see there must be a command block that’s causing the red to kill me and Eves must be a part

Of it so if I got a band she’d ask me for help and that’s where I’d get the information I know I just kind of got away for a call and after waiting a minute it finally happened quick can you unban me from the freaking server already it wasn’t me listen where’s the

Command block okay it’s under my house can you just unbam me please all right cool yeah no okay I’m back at a house and it doesn’t seem to be a bait because no one’s around okay it’s right there but the problem is I’m still in a crook

Chunk so is this even gonna work okay it’s kind of made well the problem comes now I need TNT for this but TNT’s red so there’s a chance I’ll die but that’s where the totems come in now please say this will work into my inventory oh again I only had three totems left

The totems gave me a second life and now I could destroy the command block I’ve only got one shot of this come on please please I’ve only got one shot go yes it’s gone I almost died though since the command blocks broken am I able to touch

Red I’m not dying which means yes and now it’s time to cover the entire world in red I just break this and oh my that looks epic although now I just need to MLG all the way down and turn it all into red concrete now I just need to

Repeat this process until spawn is covered this Loki looks very good because I’m here oh my oh nope nope nope I need to run just let me place my coolers I didn’t even mean to kill you it was all okay your competition is over competition is over look at that looking

Chat looking chat no more PVP brother you’re insane with the competition now over all had the means spawn for the results and I know for a fact Imo’s now banned I’m here I’m here I mean I’m here well congrats quick you’ve placed a total of 415 blocks I’m kind of

Surprised to be honest since you should have been able to place one this entire plan was just to make you disconnect so instead uh I’m just gonna kill you now and your spawn is covered you guys knew this oh my what didn’t tell you was I had a backup plan and that was

Surrounding the entire floor with the band color meaning when I drop the sand the old disconnect I’m not falling for the same thing twice but now there was a server event called the talent show where you could gain every heart possible this is the official heart talent show where you

Make us laugh you gain a heart but if you fail to make us laugh you die and in four hours the lowest hearted player is getting banned all right first contestant come on out all right Rage that’s you good luck bro good luck hey everybody you guys like jokes yes why do

Dads take an extra pair of socks when they’re going golfing anyone why anyone in case they get a hole in one that was so stupid I loved it this is actually free hot right now all right last one coming out yo okay listen I need these Hearts because I don’t want

To be banned but okay well just kind of okay this panel is kind of stuck listen I have a joke I have a joke what do skeletons get from a Village Restaurant what spare ribs disgraceful whoa whoa spare ribs oh yo don’t press don’t press the lights

No yeah sorry bro yo guys guys after I died I was stuck in a death Loop losing all my heart wait are we out this is not going according to plan but don’t worry okay bro I’m a one no I’m on one hot bro chill oh bro bro it’s empty

Listen we can we call even we can call truce why are you filling them up stacking it right and I’ll stop filling me oh you’ll give them to me stop filling them please oh oh my God oh my God that just work oh my God he Rage

Quit he Rage Quit which means I actually have a perfect chance to get the loot he had a bunch of potions but he has four Pro four I have a plan since I now had full netherrite the basic plan was to make a fake shop okay first of all I

Need as much wood as possible and I need to kill a bunch of sheep for this to be successful I need to make a quick hole now that the hole’s done I have a basis ready let’s quickly make the shop let’s get our first customer and now that the shop is complete made

Just to show you they can fall all the way here using my trap and now I wait for my first customer oh we have our first little customer okay yo sheep listen listen listen hey man what do you want I have a full netherrite I’ve got a

Full netherite okay yeah I’m looking to upgrade my gear I I have some really good enchants I got my protection for on here I have full protection for look at this can you see that oh yeah that’s good man that’s good okay yeah yeah oh yeah I’ll definitely take this I’ll

Definitely take this I need your heart I’ve only got two hearts I need your hearts no no armor armor that’s all that’s all I can get I’m not giving my heart yo I just need your hearts bro I don’t have many hearts I’m gonna tell everyone this shop location and you

Don’t need to threaten me you don’t need to Blackmail me where’s the coffee on the floor listen I’ll give you the okay all right we’ll make a deal full nether right and you give me all your diamond vertebrate I’m pretty much like that you’re gonna I don’t know yo dude I

Didn’t try to kill you I didn’t try to kill you listen listen listen nah I’m gonna kill you now this is your phone this you have this cup whoa oh my God oh my God did I just get extra hot and extra gear the fake scam shop worked oh

My God there’s so much Lou here there’s way too much loot so let me put on this full nether right let me go stall my loop at this point I made my way to my house okay since two people are dead I don’t know if I trust my house right now

I’m gonna break him from the side they won’t expect that why is there a pressure plate right there what oh my God there’s TNT there’s TNT let me break all this TNT I would have lost everything the house would have blown up and I would have died oh my God that was

More how much TNT did they spark here oh my God there’s someone I would have died these guys are also very stupid they don’t know I’m actually already signed my house so I can flip this entire trap on them I got iron blocks locally from sheep when I killed him another smile

Thing would be well if I just make a bunch of real cards and for this I just make a bunch of TNT Minecarts now now that I have a bunch of TNT Minecraft I need to make an upgraded trap these guys are gonna be idiots they gonna watch me

Walk into my house and it’s gonna explode stack this entire thing with a bunch of TNT Minecraft once I walk into my house their house is gonna explode so with all the TNT Minecraft I have I just keep stacking this okay I’ve made the Redstone over to the pressure plate

Which means if I was to step on that pressure plate their house completely gets blown up and they die with it okay this is all set up and I should get actually a decent amount of Hearts I’m scamming everyone for their hearts which is cool what are you doing at this point

I realized it was these guys that’s helped the Trap inside my house yeah you have another ride in your house I’ll take that I’m gonna go inside my house you know oh my God it was them it was them all along I knew it oh my God wait

Are they at the house I think they are because they know the explosion would kill them I just stepped on this and they die oh my God I stepped what just happened I bought six hearts now which means that oh my god that actually makes me think did they

Actually die is that Lou around here the house is completely gone and I see Luol oh my God I can’t believe that just worked I mean didn’t have much loot but from netherright I’ve still got it oh my God that means they’ve still got enough Hearts but I’m not the lowest I don’t

Think anymore or I might be the lowest the cooling is in one hour so from one hour from now I could be banned okay they’re idiots they made me think that me working to house blows me up no it blows you up so right now RJ is in the

End which means if I break his bed right here he will spawn into this Cube but I don’t want him to be in this Cube because you know how easy this was to escape it can’t be this easy to escape next time I’m gonna make this trap

Flawless to the point where when he spawns this respawn anchor is gonna Perma kill him but I do need in case he’s all in obsidian and just like that it’s done so if I was to put this in here but now I just need to wait for him to join oh my God Nope nope nope a home I’m back to what I had originally and I got some loot I have so much netherite I have so much nether I mean it failed well all my traps failing but at the same time they’re working oh my God yo yo I’m not

Trying to fight hey I’m down for a truce I’m down for a truce but what are you offering well happily let’s come to that house over there and I’ll show you okay I’m down but our new light bonix minion oh my boom oh my oh my God oh what just

What just happened what just happened what did I just walk into I just walked it I just gained an extra hot but that’s fine I didn’t expect that straw after RJ I thought I was fine next time I know actually I luckily I had an Ender pill I

Don’t know who I got the end to pull off but oh my my heart this isn’t the time where’s bionic now I think I have enough Hearts to try and take him but he’s currently nowhere to be found ancient city home to the strongest mob in the

Game and I need you to help me but it currently has a crap to the heart and I need to kind of just I need to kill him he’s the reason this all happened and I can’t fight him on a 1v1 so I need to come with a backup plan and that is

Wardens walking on wall that I know of doesn’t activate wardens I mean I need all this loot I could maybe summon award him by myself so oh my God is that oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God I just keep running he’s chasing me chasing me

Still chasing me and the pill oh my God this is the scariest thing ever and after a long time I finally got him to the surface um we’re finally on the surface you don’t you don’t you don’t need to kill me I need to he’s that he’s

Chasing me he’s chasing me I just need you to lead you to the house oh my God oh my God I think the house is here Oh my he said he said I’m inside the house Oh I thought he goes for that if he can like somehow notice me that

Ender pearl I block this off he falls in and then I fight him wait is that it’s not like her why is like he started the talent show he wanted me to have no hearts and be banned this was all his idea and now I could finally get my revenge liger what

You bro oh my God was this you all along oh my God was this you all along you did this you start everything No no no no you’re dead you’re dead you’re dead you’re dead you’re dead I’m gonna get him to kill you there’s no way yeah he’s gonna kill you there’s nothing you can do nope it’s over it’s over Your hearts are gonna go your small parts here your company stuff you shouldn’t have been The Mastermind it’s your fault nope nope you’re losing all your hearts you can’t do anything look at your heart score down yep and you know what you should you should you should have fall twice you

Should have fought twice and you want no more Hearts left oh my God he’s got no more Hearts I’m with that he has no more hearts and oh my God he’s angry on me we did it but it wasn’t enough I had to become immortal okay me next take all of

These guys today oh my let’s go what do I MLG with you MLG with whatever you want just don’t die all right here take this first give me a war book at least what do you mean what do you mean what hello hello oh my God oh my God oh

Please oh oh look who finally sit down here no no no it turns out the hole led into The Nether and now I’m infinitely trapped on the nether roof with no Escape okay wait I seriously don’t have a funny steel okay I’m gonna follow this because I don’t even know where it

Should lead will this help in any way after running for a minute I realized it led nowhere where’s my XP going I have 12 XP I’ve got no food the aim is for them to just starve me out up here I’ve got no access to food so they just wait

Me to starve out and get banned I have a plan though if I place the crafting table here I could quickly make a furnace if I break this although I have a little bit of this I can smell the iron armor that I’ve got to maybe make

An iron ingot oh this I don’t know if it’ll be useful but I need I may have not needed that promise with the issue with food I’m on a low time and this is gonna be the last one I now have nine which I can make an iron ingot the

Problem is do I see gravel anywhere it honestly seems like there’s no gravel anywhere I can see oh no this is bad I don’t see gravel anywhere what I wanted to do with the gravel was I could make a foot and still and light the pole and

Walk out but I can’t do that now so luckily there’s mushrooms over here which resolves my food issue but not for long using the remaining wood I have I can make a bowls and now what mushrooms do which doesn’t heal me to full but it should be enough but I see something

Over here that could help me using another rack I might have an idea what if I make a platform and then mobs will spawn and then use their mobs maybe I can escape now I wait I’ve got no food I’ve got nothing all I need to do is

Wait yeah maybe not the mob I wanted if I go anywhere nervous more he can kill me I’ve only got one hop because I gave all my hearts to rage for this MLG but maybe you can drop some cool loot oh my okay I only got XP from that not exactly

What I wanted after weighing what seemed like an eternity the worst mob spawned oh my oh my God where did you spawn from if he hits me once at all I’ll die oh my God please no no no no no no no if anything I wanted to shoot in here come

On I need to dodge my way out of here oh my God I’m back here did I really just escaped I need to kind of back away from here okay but what do I do now with one heart now remaining I needed over 20 Hearts because in 30 minutes they’re

Hosting a heart event and I need 20 Hearts to get the secret item I have a very smart idea right now currently I have no resources and that’s a big problem but what if I quickly make a shop and sell players items back to them

And to do that I need an ALT hey quick how’s it going you here yeah yeah what are you looking for well I want some proofread everywhere I have one at home but you know I need one for traveling Oh Mike you said you had one at home right

Yeah for free okay yeah yeah I want to get the same for traveling yeah yeah okay that’s perfect that’s perfect why are you standing still like hello are you here we’ve been repeating the same stuff like over and over and over man yeah yeah I’m still here okay I I have a

Full set right now um I’ve upgraded it actually you said you said you wanted a prop three but I have prop four where actually how much so bro how much hold on hold on how much I want I want four Hearts yeah okay I can do that I can do

That dude this is exactly what the set I have at home that’s yeah that’s what I like to hear go tell everyone about this because I need more Hearts I’ll uh go tell some of my friends okay perfect that’s exactly what I like to hear with sheep not knowing I’ve just sold them

His own armor I was finally getting rich but this store also got very popular with people waiting in a massive line so this got kind of hard hey Cliff what are you trying to buy I need another totem how many tones you already have I think

I’ve got one at home okay yeah I could maybe like look for it you might have to bear with me I think someone’s knocking on the door you come on you’re taking too long I’m Gonna Leave listen listen Mia asked where did you put the tone and

Keep it safe in my furnace no one’s ever gonna look there and no one would look in a furnace at all after student or just home I’ve run back as fast as I could man this is taking so long I mean I don’t even think you got these items

Anymore do you I’ve been here the entire time I want at least six hearts for this six that’s way too much I can do two for that okay deal take that and I’ll get two I would have done four all right nice nice new business this shop was

Going great I was making a fortune on this shop but I ran into trouble quick what do you what do you think you’re doing over here what are you selling stuff on my Thailand Okay yo listen listen listen this it’s not it’s not what you think I want some a light truck

Get me a sweet pair of elytra do you have an elytra at home by any chance yeah okay you want two I know I just want to see like how greedy you were okay where did you put it dude it’s literally like right inside my house dude you’re all literally just logged

Out I knew you were doing something weird you’re always what are you doing oh my God he was he was under someone I need to I’m running I’m running that was not me my almost dead am I always somehow dead it turns out rage somehow heard about my plan and he wanted to

Kill off my all and he wanted to get rid of me but I got my revenge we move on to plan B Welcome To Make It or Break It the aim of this is simple if it lands on the top numbers they get hot but if it

Lands on the bottom they need to do an MLG unlike you know this is completely rigged and it’s not that simple when they tried to make the MLG they’ll die and I’ve rigged it so when they died will spawn inside a tomb okay sometimes

You need to be evil to get hot and this is exactly where they’ll spawn so when they die I’m gonna close the tomb and just so they can’t escape I’ve load an Elder Guardian underneath here which means they’ve got money fatigue and can’t break out and he seems to still be

There and that’s pretty much how this plan is gonna go all I do is wait for someone to notice this big wheel and check it out okay Donny what I’ve seen you’ve got hearts and you’ve walked off I assume you saw the big massive wheel this is called make your break it okay

And how it works is you see the top row yeah the normal numbers if you get a normal number you get hot in that equal you get 11 I will give you 11 Hearts but if you land on the bottom row you have to do any sort of MLG okay how many

Hearts you won’t put down uh I’ll start with two first just okay sure throw me those two perfect perfect that’s what I like to see and now it’s going off anytime you want to close it right click the no block on the left anytime you

Want it to stop so you know it’s not rigged at all I do want four hearts there you go there’s your four Hearts I’ll do all of the hearts I have my inventory for all of your heart so you’re off the server if I win okay okay

I’ve got 14 Hearts oh my God it’s off it’s off come on it’s a five like yes you got a Vine MLG it has to be placed on the side right oh you’ve just died now Donnie should be in the Tomb oh my God Donny no let me out okay how many

Hearts you have to spare okay give me seven and I’ll let you free what seven or I’m Gonna Leave You okay I have it here take it okay there you go yeah you’re free to go you’re free to go oh my God what I’m coming back for you I

Promise okay like I assume you came here because you saw the massive wheel you know what I like to live life a bit risky so let’s do 32. do you have 32 Hearts to give yeah okay okay okay oh I can choose okay so all I have to do is

Not hit the upside down numbers yep exactly okay like and you end up getting oh I was supposed to click it yeah we have to try and make the MLG so there you go oh my God which means Leica should be in the berry tomb let me out I’m sorry I

Had to do that to you how many horse you have to give uh I still have 32. oh okay yeah you know what that was it was a good trade everything let’s go turns out lane Liga go was my worst mistake what you go anywhere look at my armor hey I

Sold you the Armor liger and Donnie told us that you scammed him why are you shooting is that flame ball oh get him oh my God what are you doing just go get him oh my still being chased by them I ran all the way to get the secret item okay okay

Kimberly Kimberly tell these guys to stop he did not get them legitimately he scammed everything okay I did not even buried two people no I have heard that you’ve been burying people scamming people you know that’s not really legit you’re gonna have to pay me an extra 10

Hearts let’s say 30 hot okay deal this better be worth it you better you better trick on chest what’s in there bro what’s in there yes cap there’s no way yo yo got I’ve just been played after being scammed and left on one heart my first goal was taking over the server

Hey quiff seems like you’re pretty much finished yeah man it actually taught me over six hours to do you know I don’t know why you need that much sugarcane and paper but it’s cool so where’s my heart yeah about that it seems like you’re one minute late so we can’t

Really do anything for you buddy so we have something better for you what’s you guys did this to me okay what is this I can’t believe they’ve done this bro what how does how is this Fair how is this fair in any sort of way I worked

For free an endless amount of time passed and I couldn’t think of a way out until are you still down there bro please please help get me out help me get her please I’ll just waiting until the last person to watch goes can you like dig me out

There’s something wrong with the two if you can build a minecart you can get out these guys are idiots so I can’t break anything but I could get out with a minecart so if I was to place this here I make a quick Minecart and luckily I do

Have rails all right all right Tony I’m testing I’m testing is anyone around me yeah I think you’re good okay I place this here and are you sure if the door’s not breakable so they’ve made unbreakable dirt but you can’t oh my God these guys are idle

Idiots I think this might be a perfect time to beat them build a trap here they’ll come back definitely actually yeah yeah yeah we can do the same thing we can suffocate at least one player I’ve got sand but I don’t know how you’re gonna use it bro bro no Sun’s

Perfect if we quickly get some wood I can add an infinite amount of sand like this I was correct okay and I keep holding this all you need to do is break the one sign and it should all drop on them and suffocate him there should be

Enough to at least suffocate one person is that true is that true is an easy kill yeah we can get some good loot of him wait you haven’t heard from him yeah I honestly think he’s dead I don’t have enough parts to check if he looks up at

Any point this is going to be gone it’s like Brandon I don’t know Chris hello no he’s not in there can I drop it can I drop it no he’s wait oh what it’s not it’s not there’s loads there’s loads I can’t break it fast enough wait I’m gonna die I’m gonna

Die I’m gonna die oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God Donnie Donnie I don’t know how that works I have no idea bro he’s an idiot I gotta go so don’t get suspicious but listen keep me as a vault and she checks on it every

Single hour you can get there you can take out one of the strongest people on the server where’s the vault um I don’t know if this is what they were talking about this painting looks abnormal it was in a cave oh my God it’s left unlocked wait this might be the

Actual Vault oh my God wait there’s villagers here oh my God this is Lou from previous players Donny spoon Here We Go Again Excalibur Nemo wait Nemo’s my pet this is what I mean by hot equals power these guys are taking it too far but if I’m correct don’t decide I only

Have a little bit more amount of time using the gear that zetro gave me what if I quickly make a little trap a pitfall a pitfall might be the only way to actually do this maybe this is why they wanted all the sugarcane oh my God

I feel disgusting I work for free and now how’s this gonna work I’m gonna mine all this this Pitfall should be enough if this works in my favor it could completely work but again kiply is on her way here right now this is already

At low y level so I don’t know how deep I can go but I can try go as deep as Bedrock oh my God I can go pretty deep though okay I do get all the way down as I can but how’s this really gonna work I

Think I could get a decent amount of signs right now um that’s 11 signs so that’s more than enough this might completely fail and I might be over remember I only have one Hall and Kipling is one of the strongest people in the server I can’t wait to see my two

Little axolotls in the vault okay I I took the totem I need to punch though before she comes because I only have one chance but using the Tome I’m smart because if it fails I have another chance so oh my God wait what is he doing here excuse me excuse me

Excuse me just happened what just happened what just happened that was the most scuffed trap that actually worked that that trap was not even complete oh my God that trap wasn’t even complete that trap wasn’t even complete the Tom came in clutch I would have died I would have completely died I accidentally

Killed her and I got some loot once a player reaches 40 Hearts they are granted omnipotence resistance to all damage Grady just needs one more heart and he has resistance to dying and then I can’t take over the SMP I’m on a time crunch I don’t know I know he’s close to

Getting an extra hot but I don’t know his location which means I might need to go find his minion Linux oh my God I could go to linux’s house and find someone I used to be fast okay locally Linux isn’t in his house which makes

This the perfect time for a trap great I need to know gritty’s robots right now he can’t almost beat everyone he’s gonna take over the s p that’s not fair a sort of trap for Linux but I can’t kill him I need to interrogate him to find out

Exactly where his life’s are where is Grady right now he’s the only one to tell me because people don’t want to die because they’d lose all their hearts there’s only one thing to think of a guardian obsidian trap get in the Guardians is gonna be hard but if I can

Lure the Guardians here put it underneath his house easy and then I’m gonna say with lava lava’s slowly gonna get poured down and I can interrogate him but I need Guardians to give mining fatigue if I’m not mistaken sheep has a guardian wait did he kill the guardian

Oh my God no the guardian’s still there oh my God this is where sheep accidentally comes in very close if I could somehow transfer this guy all the way over to linux’s house then this might work I think the only thing I need to do is build a straight tunnel oh my

God that just didn’t work in my favor um okay before he gives him Magnifique I need to dig all the way down and a straight path to linux’s house and that’s exactly how we’re gonna do this can’t let him attack me oh my God this

Can be kind of tough I need water more than lava right now okay luckily this guy’s not giving me money for tea yet okay honestly that might be close enough to Linux has helped I think this actually might be close enough where Linux will maybe get money for tea oh

Yeah you know what I’m gonna kind of leave that there I think that’s kind of fine but I can put love in here so one love in there one lava in there I think that should low-key be enough to set the lava now I just need to make it so he

Falls in I make a pressure plate real quick as soon as Linux walks in he’ll fall down it won’t kill him but I can interrogate him and I just wait for him in this corner and wait for him to fall okay where is he I gotta hit mind

Fatigue again I need more food I need to cook it uh it’s so frustrating oh no no no no no no don’t kill me don’t kill me don’t kill me wait I’m fine I’m good yo Linux how are you doing why’d you make this bro I could just buy it

Out yeah yeah it’s not that simple because any second I’m gonna tell you I’m gonna count to three one two and just like that what’s on your own um tell me where is Grady I know he he can almost become the most I’ve overpowered

On the server I need to know where he is I’m not telling you you can lock me in here forever you can just sit here okay you thought it was not easy all right nope that’s fine that’s fine with me all I need to do is real quick just make a

Bun and your mind’s Gonna Change bro yeah okay I’ll tell you I’ll tell you just stop just stop yeah yeah okay where is he tell me right now he already has it it’s too late he’s gonna activate it anyways what you mean where is he he’s at the heart rituals Place dude it’s

Over he’s already got the last Hall he’s already got it I’ve been wasting your time but he hasn’t activated yet I know that for a fact so thank you and yeah you didn’t get away slot free you’re gonna die now don’t go against it you made a promise

I’m good I’m good yep and that’s all you look going to reset back to zero good luck oh my God I need to run real quick I don’t know how long I have till Grady comes back and he activates the heart if he activates the heart it’s over this is

The server’s gone I’ve only got one hot one hot against someone who has 40 Hearts that’s just impossible I got some loot from Linux oh my God wait I’m at the ritual place and he’s not here either he’s already activated but he would be showing off which means I can

Instantly make a trap the only issue is I can’t break this command block it needs to be this command block has gone in the meantime I can think of something different I’m at the bottom luckily I got some blue from Linux I make a level activate Okay it seems like it actually

Worked I completely did it I need to break that command block because if I break that command block he’ll fall all the way down into the void and I’ll reset and I’d have to place it in that corner okay this could work or this could fail there’s only one strike and I

Have to give it a go oh my gosh this has to be it nothing can stop me let’s go yes wait what is that whoa what the heck oh my God oh my God wait would have died why am I dying oh my God that worked I’ve legitimately just took over an SMP

With one heart I’m overpowered with the Heart Festival now here this was the only chance I’d become immortal the hearts Festival has started meaning anyone below 50 hearts in three hours will be banned you can gain Hearts any way you want except no killing time starts now go three hours seriously okay

Everyone rushed outside the building preparing for the Heart Festival and as soon as I tried to get my first heart yo what is that I’m on zero percent Health it’s only happened as soon as I left the room I’m gonna be slightly careful now because any sort of damage will now kill

Me including a grass Bush but wait what’s that I don’t know if anyone’s there but if I want my first heart I need to investigate this machine yeah what’s going on over here I see Kipling emo My Guy emore what is this man the machine of Wonders machine of Wonders

What are they doing if I’m stuck on zero percent health is everyone else I need to find out and if you hit any of these you will get a heart in return no I can see your heart right there she’s got 20 me obviously Kipling fly up into the sky

That was a whole explosion meaning if I arrive first I would have been the one to be sure and instantly killed is that tainted my call if I shoot it oh oh yo that was the most big brain thing ever and I’ve collected all these Loops but I

Didn’t get a heart but a quiet full netherite this means there’s no way for me to redeem Hearts through killing and that’s why I’m gonna use this netheroy to get some golden apple sauce there’s your gear take it full netherrite you can check it yourself it is yep and I’ll

Take those golden apples well here you go perfect and now that we’re quite a golden apple I can now test if I’m able to gain absorption Hearts okay please please please please all the effects are there but there’s no absorption you can’t be serious what is this this is no

Longer a glitch instead someone’s made it that I will lose the horse festival and be banned from the server but there’s still one thing I haven’t tried and I don’t have it in my inventory since I need 50 hearts and I currently have zero I need a way to gain them fast

Which led me to building this machine and it looks good and in my inventory is a thing called m hall now there’s actually no way for me to redeem this because it doesn’t really help me it’s not even a real heart if I just put it inside the Anvil remove the empty and

Voila I now have a heart and now I’m gonna give them give them a chance to win this fake heart for some real ones I’m gonna take this down and block out and put the heart in and we’re done although to make myself less poor and just in case anything goes wrong I’m

Wearing diamond everyone constantly looking for hearts it took no time for people to arrive yo Cliff I’m here all right listen inside one of these chests is a heart and if the light lands on it you could take the heart and walk away a winner okay but what’s the catch that is

You fit okay listen the catch is it costs one heart to play well that’s fine I have 10 hearts on me right now yeah I can see you’re pretty stacked right now so let me see it oh okay if you want to give me the one heart okay there we go

And it’s now off you’re aiming for one of these chests and inside one of these chests is a heart how do I know that all these chests aren’t already empty because check the middle one okay okay yeah fair enough all right give me one more and we go again and it’s going off

It’s going off it’s going up which one is it gonna be bro this is rigged it’s rarer to land on the same one with luffler having really bad look my machine was looking very suspicious and the plan was about to fail this is it this is it this is what you’ve waited

For this is exactly oh oh oh look at that you did it you actually got the hole that’s all yours thank you very much you can leave okay with one fake call I managed to get free meaning the plan was a success so let’s do the same

Thing I’m gonna remove the empty and boom I have another fake call we’re just gonna go back in this chest and kipley’s gonna walk in any minute any minute please quick sorry I was late emo tried to murder me but I’m here okay perfect you’ve got 20 Hearts that’s what I see I

Want every single one of them whoa whoa whoa what am I getting out of this huh a chance to win one heart inside here all right here you go okay perfect and now your aim is to land on one of these chats one is a random chest NHS can hold the heart congrats

Play again and we’re going again we’re going again we’re going again another one double one oh What’s it gonna be What’s it gonna be oh oh it’s the heart not in this nah you kind of you kind of lost everything well I really just broke even now if you think about it whatever

I’ll leave this is I don’t want to lose anymore okay yeah that’s completely fine with me but with typically losing most of our hearts I finally even enough to leave this place behind I could finally test if I’m able to redeem real haunts I have acquired 16 Hearts I’m the real

Hearts but why can’t I redeem them these are completely useless it must be because I’m on zero percent Health the game bridges does me as already dead meaning this entire Festival is against me Cliff has been called killing emo he’s been sentenced to death you are

Free to kill him wait this is kind of bad someone saw me kill emo I report it to cash meaning I’m the most wanted man on the server and since a single Bush could kill me my chances of surviving are extremely low but I’ve loaded by all

And it says he has two hearts this could help me escape the zero percent trap but my Altos wants zero percent bro what and I still can’t redeem the hearts this means my accounts have been Hardware trapped and the player behind this all was prepared for everything so this

Account’s kind of useless right now to me oh yo yo yo yo yo yo I’m gonna run bro what was that all account was killed right in front of me meaning people really want me dead and if I want to survive I need to find a way to become

Immortal on zero percent health either way now I have 20 hearts and thank you server for announcing it to everyone with my chords but this might work in my favor I would say use the hearts as bait I could lose someone to a certain area and build a trap underneath for example

Right here might actually work this doesn’t go deep enough to kill them in one drop this should kind of work for now it’s a pretty big hole good thing I have this in my hand I gotta be very careful because even one stab will kill me I’ll put it there fill this place

With signs and cover it with carpet I just need to leave the 20 Hearts there go deep underground yeah I know you’re around here oh craps actually bad what you died can I click this loot okay okay uh let me actually wear this just in case anything comes with me I now have

Full never right again and an instant Health 2 potion I can use this health potion because there might be a way to negate any sort of damage with the potion and that’s why I’m a single player I’m gonna place a pig inside you’re gonna be my test subject let me

Play some drip Stone here and time to test this but I use this command the drip stone is gonna fall and kill the pig can I no it’s it cannot work really let me try again I just place you there I don’t think I timed it right all right

Time to test this again it’s falling wait yo you took no full damage if this actually works an instant health potion may be the only way to become immortal one more time if you survive Brother The Pig Never Dies well right now I only have one potion and I need at least a

Hundred but there’s people God in the pool and I can’t really enter that that’s because the nether’s been regulated meaning you can only enter with a fee but luckily I have that right here it costs 15 hearts so quick do you have the 15 half right here take it

There you go 15 hearts all right then you’re free to go yep all right I’ll see you guys soon but that was the thing as soon as I entered the nether the worst was about to happen yo wait whoa oh there’s no one up there that was insane

That was actually insane reactions let me break all this bro as soon as I saw the obsidian I knew I was inside a truck someone was out to kill me but the potion worked or I’d be dead right now and now with no potions I wouldn’t be

Able to survive another trap so I had to find the player who has everything and that is Vault hard required yo who needs a heart when I can shred just I could just mind it I got minded fatigue that must mean there’s an Elder Guardian somewhere luckily have some hearts so if

I just throw this in why is it not opening on my heart disappeared yo why is it not opening I can’t craft a boat though yo I’ll find a way to sneak in somehow is there no way for me to glitch in what if I throw another half it’s not

Opening and that’s when I realized you need the heart of the owner AKA Skizzy and without it there was no way for me to enter but now I can’t even find Skizzy who should be inside there Skizzy oh you’re right there oh hey quick what’s going on buddy all right listen I

See you have 46 Hearts yeah yeah I’ll give you these three hearts if you just give me one dude what of course that’s a great deal yeah okay perfect uh yeah I just wanted to help you you know reach the requirement wow that’s so kind of you Cliff thank you bro yeah yeah

Anytime anytime because your voice about to get raided idiot but now that I’ve successfully acquired his heart I made my way back to his vault and was ready to steal it all please I have his heart I could put it in here and is it oh Yoho

That’s so small oh yes okay there’s the Elder Guardian and totems yo wait another four by wolf totem’s helped me instant healing I really don’t need any of this loot these are all mine now perfect yum stack take all this hey hey bro yo what are you what are you doing tomorrow

What are you doing in my Vault no no no no no no get out I’ll get out dude I’m literally gonna kill you bro I’m gonna kill you bro oh get out yo yo yo yo oh my no way bro what are you doing here

Dude no way out of here no way no way I just Spam it oh my god oh oh no no no no no no no bro I’m running out potions I’m running out potions yo how how would I kill him this is from Breaking Free sword I don’t even know

But yo I’m taking all this potions these potions came in so clutch and since he’s dead I have more time to read this bowl I have a quiet unlimited resources to help me survive the festival attention 30 minutes left of Festival is over even though I figured out a way to not die

I’m still nowhere near 50 hearts and I couldn’t evade the ban I have four Hearts so first I need to find the player who put me on zero percent because killing him would reverse this curse and that’s why kipoli I’ve come to you hello now see kipley holds all the

Information on the server and our price I could figure out who was behind all of this Kipling here you go four Hearts every bit of Hearts I have and what do I need to do tell me who put me on zero percent I see I see all right listen

Carefully are you listening yep first you need the blood of a galaxy only then will you escape the machine and this will lead you to the depths of the sea where you will finally be free yo just tell me where it is why you tell me a

Riddle I’m afraid that’s all I can offer you my friend okay well all right uh I need to figure out this riddle first the blood of the Galaxy would that mean the sun do I need to kill you how am I even supposed to do that am I able to suck up

A sun I can’t really suck the sun well that kind of don’t work so I guess I jump back down bro what is this come on okay what would the blood be wait look at sourceless his face solstice’s skin is the Galaxy meaning do I need to kill

Him and his name tags right there but he’s in full netherite and I only have seven potions left but I do have lava bucket first I do this the love is right there this will set his house on fire causing a quick distraction no no no no

No no no no no no okay perfect oh my Splash myself with invis talk to him I don’t think you’re gonna be of any help oh my oh my okay I passed the lava I’m still in one heart though oh map yo yo wait what building is that there’s no

Building like that on the entire world but now I have the blood of a galaxy so what’s Escaping The Machine it must be Toby the bot because the bot is a type of machine I think this is Toby’s house so if I go to his house I’ll maybe find

Something I’m gonna kind of break into a house there must be something I’m missing is it at the top no because it’s all ocean but wait a second this would lead you to the depths of the sea where you will finally be free meaning of the

Top of Toby’s house might be the answer okay I I really don’t I don’t know what I’m looking for I’m worried this is the 32 and must be there only one way to find out okay okay on I must be close it has to be around here

Right because right now I’m in the middle of the ocean yo yo yo yo yo yo wait that’s a command block I watched this on my screen yo I don’t know why I’m single my screen come on blocks right here and then first I need to

Passion so is anything around here or in the command block I’ve only got one shot this trapdoor goes there TNT lever I hope this totem works I don’t I might die from this okay the command Block’s gone but I don’t know if it worked wait my horse go back to normal the command

Block was the course of my zero percent health and now that’s destroyed I was back in the festival I’ve only got one heart and nothing else and with 10 minutes left I had to get 50 or I’ll be banned time to improvise selling everything you need here at spawn and

Now people should come running to the shop hey quick quick so somebody killed me and I needed some armor all this I could take it all wait a minute let’s try it oh you realize wait he chasing me he’s chasing me yo I need to dip I need

To dip I need to dip I’ve got Hearts but I still need 33 more in eight minutes Toby Toby Toby Toby Toby there you go you wanted four totem there you go four totems how many hearts can you give me uh 15 I’ll take 50. why do you even beat

Us you can’t even redeem them Yo wait why can’t I see your heart up there hey let me back away slightly no one should have known I wasn’t zero percent Health but Toby did I also couldn’t see how many hearts Toby was on and my goat was

Telling me here’s the entire reason I was trapped yo Ayo I now know who did it I know I know who did it now I don’t have any armor I was kind of stupid I sold everything there was no way I could kill him he found a way to keep himself

Alive non-stop using the totems I just handed him how would you kill someone who’s Immortal you can’t but you can trap them in the void where they’ll never Escape five minutes till festival’s over that’s why I’m back at the shot I’m gonna go for this middle block right here right here is where

You’ll die do this TNT TNT if I activate this boom like that perfect the voice is all broken I’m not even gonna make a trap I’m literally just gonna put a dirt there stand right here and tell him to come to spawn and now when he arrives at the shop he’ll

Fall into the hole how many hearts can you give me 17. all right yeah yeah can I take 17 Hearts real quick uh sure all right I’m gonna give you the best item you see all these health potions how good are these health potions right now I’m no longer trapped and yeah goodbye

Yeah you’re trapped forever buddy for a guy that was trying to act nice he was an idiot but nothing’s popping up in chat so he’s trapped festival’s now over any 150 Hearts will now die okay let me redeem okay there we go I have 50 Hearts

I think 10 20 30 40. I’ve got 49 Hearts give me a heart please yo so I fell on the world bro am I banned I respawned wait how and I’m back to Super percent Health it seems like I broke the game the game thinks I’m completely dead

Which means I became Immortal as I’m no longer alive or completely dead what if you created the strongest villager would he be mortal and kill your enemies or would he kill you instead well it first started when I joined This Server the mob competition Starts Now in four hours

The player with the lowest and weakest mobs will be banned rules are there’s no cheating I’m looking at you quiff oh my okay sauce now okay go go go everyone rushed outside the building find the best and strongest most possible and that’s when I came across this

Okay what’s this it’s a netherite sword you can win okay what do I do how do I do this just just to do is hit these three targets okay that’s simple so I adjusted to hit the three okay if I just shoot this oh yes and then just that one yes oh one

More left and there we go all right quickly do I take the sword now nothing like that whoa whoa where am I going I just got here no no no no no no no no no no no no why was that TNT people were out to kill

Me they wanted me banned so they were ignoring all the rules but no one’s around here but there’s the sword okay I’m taking this it’s a really good sword now I can keep this and give it to a pet or I can hijack this shop and sell this

Sword and my first customer evil hey Cliff what are you selling I’ve got this another right sword what do you have to offer can I change your pick deal there you go take the sword yeah he’s doing business goodbye I’ve managed to trade her overpowered netherite sword for a

Pig meaning I now have one pet and what’s your name you’re called Jam but the pig is the weakest mob out there so while everyone was busy I used all my materials to build this and it looks pretty good now see this is where you

Come in now I’m gonna use this one pet to make a profit of five because instead of using netherrite for currency I’m gonna make him use mobs what have you bro I’ve come to bargain I don’t over classes as a pet you’re leading a villager but you know what anything’s

Activated in this casino the winning prize is this pen now I kind of won that villager so let’s play this small machine all right then how it’s gonna work is you’re gonna press the button and once you press the button the lights are going to activate and if it lands on

The diamond you can walk away with a pig but if it doesn’t I’m gonna take the Villager and it’s a lose-lose you know what I’ll take you up on that offer and it’s off I’d say you won but that was just a tester now it’s gonna cost you

One Diamond to play all right then here you go now that he’s at a taste of winning it’s the perfect time to rig this machine okay we’re ready boom it’s going off come on come on What’s it gonna be please find us all right then I won’t forget

This though I’ll see you soon with the Villager now mine I had two pets in my inventory but they were the weakest mobs if I just throw you socks will you at least pick it up he’s not picking up anything what about you I it’s not even

Worth a try I have the two worst mobs well I’m kind of gonna lose this competition but there’s a way to make the weakest mobs into the strongest and that’s why we’re in a single player world and that’s why I have two villagers one Village I’m gonna give

Full netherite and if I’m not mistaken this should equip on him right all the netherite’s gone and I really don’t see on the floor now to test this I’ve got another right sword and one two It Takes Two Hits for me to kill that villager and one two three five seven nine hits

It takes which means there’s a way to equip netherite onto a villager I’m kind of leading you home right now we’re almost there who knew leading a villager could be so fun but it’s now time to turn this villager into the strongest mob in the game but I need netherrite

And I don’t have none now I need a way to get nether right and since killing his banned it’s gonna be harder than I thought I just come with me psychrome are you at home what’s up what’s up okay listen you see this pig he’s called jump

And I’m willing to give him to you if you could do me one favor what’s that I need you to go into someone’s house and steal netherite I could pass we do that take that pig it’s completely yours and yeah good luck with the player now hired

I was one minute away from having infinite nether ride and I was about to make the strongest villager possible it was quiff he did it what is going on why did you try and kill me quick put me up to this what does he get from killing me

Your full dead right gear and your pet okay villager we kind of need to ruin because someone might be going down well I didn’t know what cycling was cool and he exposed my entire plan meaning everyone’s after me cycling was slain by bonic oh no this just got really bad

Since a whole Army wants me dead protecting my villager just got really hard okay you know what I kind of need to dig you deep on the ground I’m just gonna leave you here for now I’ll come back to save you but no one’s gonna suspect that you’re in the middle of

Spawn I kind of need this Loop so there we go and we just got eight stacks of concrete powder I’m just gonna steal some lava buckets because I kind of need them and I’m slowly gonna back out okay I’m just gonna run for my life for me to

Get netherrite I have to break the rule which means killing a player but if I’m cool I’ll be banned so I need to be sneaky about but that’s why I have all this powdered concrete and another reason you’re right underneath here because first I need to build up pretty

High like so and the next portion of this planet is really simple I need to make a massive circle of powdered concrete so when the player comes to kill my villager he’ll be trapped and honestly I think this is kind of high enough but look at this the reason why

This is a massive cage is because once they’re trapped they won’t be able to escape within the pills meaning they’re infinitely stuck oh this is looking so good and that’s why I need one of you I’m kind of stealing you there you go you’re cool with me I’m not gonna use my

Own villager but instead use a duplicate just in case the plan goes wrong but fence down you’re kind of Trapped and just underneath the Villager is a lava pit and now that the Trap is set I just need to wait for the player to arrive oh hello

Oh you’re an idiot you don’t know what’s about to happen actual idiot because what I’m gonna do now get me nope I’m gonna keep filling this all the way don’t do this so what I’m gonna do is yeah say goodbye to your life what do you mean

Good luck go you’re dying give me Daddy I don’t even get caught I won’t even get caught oh the Villager died but it doesn’t really matter who’s older than the right snare I now have full netherride but this isn’t for me and if I just bring you back out perfect we’re

Kind of gonna run away from this area because I don’t want to be caught cheating block you off in here you’re blocked off put that like that pull this another right here perfect there’s nothing in here and you should have full netherite just to test this works one

Two It Takes Two Hits for you and now it’s the only hits it takes for you one two yes just a test three it doesn’t do enough to oh this is crazy plan a complete but you’re not strong enough yet you’re coming with me now with my Village in full netherright he wasn’t

Strong enough to be called Immortal so I needed to do more testing and I’m back on single player now both these villagers have full netherite it takes eight hits to kill this one but Can I stack full nether eye so you have two sets of netherrite I think so I’m just

Tested one five eight eleven fourteen nineteen twenty three twenty four oh my and there’s two sets of another right which means it does work you can stack netherite on villagers meaning they can wear an infinite amount of netherite armor and become invincible and now that we’re back on the server I’m gonna take

Over the shop because I’m reselling this villager right here and he’s gonna be sold for netherite armor hey don’t look at me like that now there’s a player on the server that’s been hoarding nether right from the start and he has enough to make 100 sets but his place is too

Guarded for me to steal from it on my first customer with yo what are you selling I’m selling this villager right now wait how much is it your entire set full netherite that sounds actually worth it okay cool it’s got a full set yep take the Villager you got leads

Perfect yep yep he’s taking the Villager and that’s step one of the plan the Villager is now gonna be inside the most protected house in the server and now I need to drink this in this potion and since I’m invisible I’m gonna infiltrate the base and find my villager and you’re

Right there and they have so many mobs here the plan is pretty simple I can’t need to break this wall first they’re all up there in full netherright I need the zombie to infect the Villager so it becomes a zombie villager and this will make the Villager so much more powerful

Come on bro I’m sorry I’m doing this to you but it’s to make you stronger and before I infect you then we go lever there we go full netherize gone you’re double stacked now it’s now I just had to infect you there you go brother in facto all your liking I’m

Sorry I’ll revive you again is it full never right this is my villager are you gonna fight him whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa with the Villager now in the loose he was killing all the pets until the god remained he’s fighting it oh names by zombie villager this guy’s overpowered I

Can’t get really too close to him or it’ll kill me but with a God now dead I could take all the nether right in this house and make the Villager immol okay bro I’m sorry but there you go kinda convert back to my stupid villager please and take all this loot okay my

Inventory is kind of getting full which is bad but I need everything here there we go oh my invis ran out but I have enough net right for myself all this in there and get equipped oh wait I think I dropped some tools with my vision now

We’re near 100 sets of netherite armor I was ready to end this competition but then this happened quick if you don’t give my netherrike gear back in 20 minutes I will kill you faster than you can type High slight problem I’ve given most of it to my villager and that’s

When I realized I could fool him by giving him fake nether right and successfully surviving until the competition and that’s why I’ve made a budget Shack inside right here is a gold ingot I have to get the gold ingot they’ll win my pick but if they get cold

They have to give me all the leather they own Toby welcome welcome welcome hello if I press it and it shoots out a coal it means you have to give me all the leather you have is it okay yeah you’ve kind of been robbed can I take

All your leather I like this really bad in these days and now that I’ve successfully gone leather I can make the fake netherride just on time you have my nether right I made it into a bunch of Chess plates there you go no one steals

For me quick you’re done oh stop he just killed me why I’ll tell you why the person he killed was my old account who I secretly placed there because I wanted him to kill me just so he’d be banned zebra was struck by the bun Hammer which

Means my plan worked there was one player that went undetected and while I was making my villager the most of a powered player he was monopolizing every pair now he wants to make a villager breeder and he’s after my villager okay villager villager oh okay first I need

To make a hole this seems kind of deep enough what kind of fill this place with lava I need to wait for the player to come in to steal my villager and once it I mean you know please please stop one so I don’t see that if there’s an issue

If I uh take you no no let me oh he just I played him oh I’m here yo sit by myself what do I do now what do I do I’ve got my villager right here don’t tell him don’t tell him anything let me explain what do you mean this mob

Competition was only for you if you’re a little villager pet can survive us then uh you won’t get banned so ship over tell me it’s wrong no you’re bad no no no no no no no no no no no no no no I caught five bark oh Joe where did

Something come from go go dab him bro how hard is it all dead no oh no fire him no he can kill you this is broken I’m out

This video, titled ‘Why I Exploited This World For Infinite Hearts…’, was uploaded by Quiff on 2023-08-03 21:00:02. It has garnered 585839 views and 6266 likes. The duration of the video is 01:34:17 or 5657 seconds.

►Why I Exploited This Server For Infinite Hearts… 👍 “LIKE” FOR MORE Minecraft! ✔️Subscribe to me pls

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Why I Exploited This Server For Infinite Hearts… How i stole max hearts/infinite hearts on this minecraft smp to get revenge, this was using lifestealing every hearts on this smp using traps on your friends in minecraft, this is similar to the Lifesteal SMP in which we do the Why I Burned The World to get over 100 wardens in full netherite and get revenge on our friends by fooling them with a real life netherite wardens in minecraft

#Minecraft #MinecraftSMP

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  • ZynnCraft Vanilla NON-P2W Factions

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  • ATM 9 – By Night Time Gaming

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  • Minecraft Memes – Mining Luck like a Boss

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  • Random World Woes: Minecraft’s Survival Show

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  • Pedro’s Minecraft Animation: The Hottest Meme Ever!

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  • Stylish End Exploration & Cyberpunk Shulker Trap! – Chill Survival – #18

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  • Experience the Ultimate Minecraft Adventure on Minewind Server

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  • Villager Trades Gone Wild

    Villager Trades Gone Wild Minecraft But Villager Trades OP Items Welcome, gamers! Today, we delve into the world of Minecraft where villagers offer incredibly powerful trades. Let’s explore this unique aspect of the game and see what exciting adventures await! Trading for Power In this Minecraft challenge, players encounter villagers who offer trades for overpowered items. From enchanted gear to rare resources, these trades can give players a significant advantage in their gameplay. Exploring Villages As players navigate through villages, they come across villagers with exceptional trades. These trades can include powerful weapons, armor, and other valuable items that can aid players in… Read More

  • Can You Survive the Cartoon Basement Battle in Minecraft?

    Can You Survive the Cartoon Basement Battle in Minecraft?Video Information very unusual closed basements today let’s take a look at them subscribe to the channel if you want to save tvom baby I’m watching you hey guys I’m a zombie with you today let’s take a look at the new basements unusual closed we have here five characters good and bad we’ve got a racer here the man outside the window that’s SpongeBob next up Captain feed’s and box aboo well let’s get started support with a like And subscribe to my channel don’t forget well we’re off so the first character yeah let’s go from the very… Read More


    EPIC MINECRAFT STRESS FESTVideo Information I can’t lie bro y’all got to like this up this got to be the most stressful video I’ve ever recorded in my entire life yo what’s up guys as you can clearly see yeah we put on some Shader packs I’m not going to lie I ain’t even test it yet I mean I seen it but I ain’t even test it in game okay oh okay all right bro that’s that’s a little too bright I’m not going to lie to you but okay bro hold on my render distance is mad chopped but hold on… Read More

  • 🔥 Join FREE Minecraft SMP with HR Nitin Gamer!

    🔥 Join FREE Minecraft SMP with HR Nitin Gamer!Video Information This video, titled ‘minecraft Public Smp Live Free Join’, was uploaded by HR NITIN GAMER on 2024-06-04 16:36:32. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. LIKE & SUBSCRIBE FOR SUPPORT IP-HRNITINGAMER.aternos.me port-38157 Title: Minecraft Server SMP | Come play with us ! Read More

Why I Exploited This World For Infinite Hearts…