Video Information

Kalian Kembali lagi bersama aku brando di channel Winda basudara dan kali ini ditemani lagi oleh Bang Elan Jimmy ya selaku pengurus utama dari Minecraft Java Jayapura Indah apa kabar Jim baik bang Aduh enggak apa-apa akhirnya kita bisa satu frame lagi ya setelah 22 Hari gimana Jayapura indah ya perkembangannya perkembangannya

Lumayan sih gua juga udah sempat lihat Coba kita lihat sebentar ya Wih katanya yang online 90 sampai 100 orang nih tiap hari bahkan sampai malam tengah malam tengah malam sampai 90 Cobalah kita icip Bentar ya tapi kita enggak mau review ini sih sebenarnya Wah luar biasa guys fotonya Evod bola

Emang iya guys Oh iya guys Sabar Sabar Sabar Sabar sabar sabar sabar guys Welcome Welcome Welcome absen dulu sebentar sebentar ganti thumbnail dulu guys ya [Musik] [Musik] [Tepuk tangan] oke nah Wah nanti sih kita akan review ini teman-teman ya jam 7 atau jam 8 malam Wah rame ya juga Wah ada keren banget

Sih nanti lah kita review lebih lanjut ya jam 7 apa jam 8 malam tapi guys bukan ini yang mau kita review game ya melainkan gua gym teman-teman semua Gua akan memutuskan untuk membeli server termahal yang baru [Tepuk tangan] dan kemarin ya kita udah dapat banyak saran dari teman-teman sepuh ya dari

Bang bikin krim Bang excellik Bang buat beli server di Bloom ya oke itu yang terbaik saat ini sih server terbaik ya udah guys jadi tepuk tangan sekali lagi buat Jayapura indah yang sudah sukses banget dan Sekarang kita akan langsung aja nih beli server baru guys ya beli server baru di belum

Orang selamat Bang Siap Thank you Adit ya lebih gacor nih Harusnya sih Iya karena cpu-nya aja udah beda banget sih tapi harganya mahal nggak [Musik] Oke Guys siap Guys kita mau beli server baru nih ya Ah ini benar keren By the way Coba kita lihat dulu deh Singapore lokasi

Singapore Singapore oke fix server 32 GB rata kanan yang paling mahal teman-teman ya Oh ini ada speknya nih oh Apa bedanya dia sama banget Apa bedanya kalau CPU sok baik dia masih pakai yang Xeon Kalau enggak salah Oh kalau ini udah ryzen 9 guys lebih gacor lebih kencang guys Ya udah Cobalah kita

Simulasi aja dulu ya order dong apa edget yuk Oke Coba kita lihat guys ya [Musik] satu bulan ganti ke semi 1 bulan semi Oh nggak ada tahunan setengah tahun [Musik] setengah tahun Coba ya kita kalkulator dulu lah eh bukan kalkulator Google ini 576 ya 576 ya guys ya lebih murah ya tapi setengah

Tahun berarti kalau kalau 1 tahun * 2 sekitar 1 tahun 17 juta itu hanya diskon Wah sama berarti ya tetap mahal ya guys ya Oke Enggak apa-apa lah ya kita Emang mau beli server termahal ya nah ini servernya apa nih guys [Musik] nih pilihan yang berat guys [Musik]

Bedrock atau keren kemarin kita udah Java original original sekarang ini pilihan yang berat nih guys Guys kita mau beli server termahal yang kedua guys Metro apa Java eh Bedrock apa Java crack guys voting enggak sih anak-anak Minecraft anak-anak mencret [Musik] teman-teman ya [Musik] coba coba coba coba coba voting dimulai sekarang [Musik]

Nah yang harus kita Bang [Musik] Oke sorry sorry sorry sorry Maaf Maaf Sorry Sorry Guys Sorry Guys males males ya Coba voting lagi ya voting lagi ya voting lagi ya voting lagi apa crack nih Ayo guys pertarungan 9 juta ini guys [Musik] rupanya anak-anak Minecraft memutuskan untuk membuat komunitas Bedrock coba

Voting sekali lagi deh Mungkin kalian berubah pikiran coba karena besoknya di atas kanjim tadi coba di bawah [Musik] beli Sabar Sabar Sabar Sabar Ya udah coba sekali lagi ya kalau dua kali menang berarti kita Bedrock guys Let’s go Let’s go Let’s go Let’s go server termahal Bedrock Oh my God Kita

Akan punya server termahal Bedrock game Let’s go masih unggul dengan 80% memang sudah ditakdirkan Bocil bentrok nih gokil guys [Tepuk tangan] Bedrock jadi ya kita beli bentrok ya guys tapi besok katanya nggak bisa resource Pak gak bisa shader yakin guys yakin coba nggak bisa jelek lo burik grafiknya guys

Yakin Bedrock nggak bisa research nggak bisa apa namanya shader [Musik] ya [Musik] Kin [Musik] Pocket Edition Bedrock Pocket Edition [Musik] Sabar Sabar Sabar Sabar [Musik] ngelag nge-lag youtube-nya enggak bisa voting aneh banget ini guys [Musik] Ya udahlah lu tapi ya udahlah enggak usah voting kalau yakin Metro mungkin aku bisa ngelihat dari mostly

Tadi 80% voting untuk bathrock ya mungkin banyak emang antusiasnya di betroxy Bang dan selama ini kita bikin server Java yang original udah 22 Hari ya Kasihan juga ya anak-anak bentrok yang enggak bisa join ya kemarin sudah sempat join tapi akhirnya kan ada ketentuan baru jadi enggak bisa join nih

Deal kalau Dil Lu siapa tangan gua dengan genggaman kuat dan yakin Oke Guys selaku pengurus Jimmy setuju bathrock ya deal ya deal ya deal ya deal ya Bang yang crack gimana Yang crack Beli yang ori dulu ya Oke dia lah ya kita lihat berarti ini pilihannya bathrock vanila Yakin nih bukan fabrik bukan

Forget Man oke Ini apa rata kanannya udah bagus ya kita beli yang termahal teman-teman ada lagi ya udah gitu doang gampang ya beli server-nya lebih simpel ya langsung ya guys ya kita coba nih kita kita coba langsung jajal nih ya Oke yuk konten yuk Oke kita terbaru [Musik]

Bang minta uang untuk beli Minecraft kata-kata para kamu rangking dulu lah Dek Dek Farel ranking dulu biar dibeliin mama [Musik] mantap mantap Bro [Musik] kok [Musik] cowok [Musik] [Musik] Anjir gua disepam langsung di WhatsApp Jim oh [ __ ] man anjir gila Maksudnya mau nyenengin Bocil beli server malah ke doksing babi [Musik]

Guys guys Aduh gimana ya Ini berapa yang nonton sabar guys sabar guys ya Allah ada 10.000 lagi yang nonton [ __ ] [Musik] itu bisa digantikan ya nomornya ganti nomor aja ya udahlah ganti nomornya guys ya [Musik] oke lah tetap profesional guys [Musik] ya enggak apa-apa guys enggak apa-apa guys sudah terlanjur guys sudah

Terlanjur guys udah di screen Shooter bocor caper tuh dah bodo amat lah [Musik] udahlah kita buruan bisa masukin kode promo deh bang emang lu udah kode promo kemarin aku di WA Bang sama siapa sama Bang Asep namanya Bang Asep dulu ya [Musik] gua takut anjir sabar dulu guys [Musik] sabar guys

Ya udahlah siap-siaplah dikirim bom dah ke rumah gua Anjir sama Bocil Bocil nice enggak apa-apa lah Lumayan lumayan enggak apa-apa Thank you udah enggak apa-apa guys walaupun ke doksing guys Okelah gua ikhlasnya guys thank you Bang Asep ya anjir gila nih notip enggak bisa habis di handphone gua mana tadi Anjir guys [Musik]

Oh banyak banget Tuh lihat tuh Anjir enggak tahan Anjir sampai 999 kalau HP kentang sih udah nge-freeze banget [Musik] Sabar Sabar Sabar Sabar Sabar Sabar Sabar [Musik] [Musik] Waduh Bang itu udah terlanjur Bang torero sudah lah habis lah gua bocil-bocil caper Udah nih udah tunjukin aja enggak

Apa-apa entar dulu entar dulu guys sabar guys belajar dari kesalahan aja kita deh jangan jangan di ini dulu lah sabar sabar sabar ngeri makanya memang ngeri kalau cek-cekot begini langsung secara live gitu yang jadi korban nomor whatsApp guanya enggak malaman gua udah udah udah udah udah udah [Musik] di dashboard-nya pun masih dipasang

Dikasih ini cuk Oh my God guys [Musik] Entar dulu ntar dulu entar dulu entar dulu Kenapa disuruh login lagi nih udah tadi [Musik] [Musik] enggak apa-apa Ipin ini guys dia Ipin siapa guys ya Aduh muncul otw ke rumah sudah mulai menyerang nih Bang jangan beli belum bang belum direkomendasi sama

Bang beacon cream kata Tuh doskap Mc jangan dulu ya Coba kita setting dulu ya [Musik] teman-teman ya berarti total 7 jutaan karena diskon 20% tapi itu setengah tahun tetap termahal tetap termahal di Bloom ya oke oke servernya nih server Dewa ini guys Bedrock let’s go anak-anak bentrok

Let’s go Let’s go Let’s go ini Apple Absen nomor telepon gua disebar lagi nih di sini nih [Musik] Gua kagak ngerti lu ini bisa langsung diedit enggak waduh kagak bisa langsung Diedit ya sabar sabar aja selagi kita tetap ee Bang Jimi guys [Musik] apa nih beda-beda guys ya please enggak usah kirim yang

Aneh-aneh guys ini ftp-nya di mana guys ftp-nya guys ada anak-anak server tanya discord kali ya di mana pura-pura ngerti sih memang ngerti kocak dia guys dia pengurus server Jayapura Indah sampai sekarang [Musik] [Musik] [Musik] [Musik] pakai port ya dia harus pakai port Max Player 10 apa ini 100 lah server termahal

100 200 guys 200 guys gas ini ultinya normal lah Jadi lu ngerti gini guys Anjir gua masih agak trauma Anjir sumpah gua jadi kayak insecure gitu paranoid online mode-nya kita true ya guys ya Sorry banget ya keren kalau di Force jadi keren memang ada Bedrock guys Emang ada Bedrock

Sabar dulu game Emang ada Battle keren [Musik] join nggak nih guys ada tuh banyak bang bahaya nih kita voting jangan Bang mereka pengacau boleh Bang kasihan Coba ya voting ya [Musik] loh 59% boleh Bang kasihan Wah berarti Java ada crack Oh my God [Musik] premium aja aman Bang kata Bang Fajar

Berarti original juga ya benar-benar kita diskriminasi ya mau mau ke rek Java crek bedrocknya enggak sama hal Java guys Oh lebih murah ya Bedrock ya Oke Oke let’s go let’s go jangan Bang pengacau bang anak-anak keren bang Aduh kita bikin server khusus crack apa Oh boleh nanti ya nanti kita [Musik]

Juga baru pertama kali nih caranya tapi ngeri juga lu Jim coba nih Ini udah nyala belum ya udah ada yang masuk guys nah sabar sabar guys [Musik] Apa salahnya pakai diskon guys orang paling kaya di dunia aja masih beli pakai diskon guys Yang penting kan termahal harga awalnya gitu sudah

Termahal ya sebaiknya termahal Aduh kita masuk udah di sini Oke let’s Oke ini masih apa ya ini tak keluar dulu guys ya selamat tinggal Java Oke let’s with Man gua jadiin secure Anjir mau nge-like ini muncul ini muncul ini guys ayo guys ayo guys ayo guys ayo Guys

Kita lihat nih ya beneran bisa masuk dan kalau beneran bisa masuk setelah 7 hari server Bedrock anak-anak Bedrock jadi kayak gimana lebih kreatif dari anak-anak Java kayak [Musik] [Musik] [Musik] SpongeBob monkey MOU memang hahaha server server name Oke gua bikin baru nih boleh bikin baru namanya jangan sama Bang

Guys kita mengenal server sebelumnya Java original sebagai Jayapura Indah ntar dan kali ini karena ini adalah server Bedrock [Musik] kita akan mengenal server ini sebagai [Musik] Nusantara batu good name [Musik] kecil Nusantara batu Guys kita punya Jayapura Indah sekarang Nusantara batu kita akan masuk gym ya siap guys intro [Musik]

Nggak terlambat gua nggak terlambat Firman mengelek Bang sabar sabar sabar kelamaan penuh servernya Sabar Sabar Sabar Sabar Sabar [Musik] cepat cepat cepat cepat cepat cepat cepat pindahin dulu Bang Aduh Please Guys kalian semua pengertian dan enggak suka mencuri nickname orang kan Aduh nanti kita bikin Winda Bocil palsu jadi admin takut jin Amankah

Banyak yang kecewa nih anjing 100 masih bingung nge-lag Tapi ini masih 16 apa-apa loh Aduh masalah kita selaku pemilik nggak bisa masuk guys nomor telepon ke doxing server udah beli kagak bisa masuk gimana ini game Aku enggak bisa masuk ke anak-anak bentrok udah pada masuk nih dari PS5 Xbox PS4 PC handphone handphone

[Musik] [Musik] [Musik] hal-hal seperti ini teknis begini kita pasti bisa melalui Gym [Musik] Sabar Sabar Sabar Sabar Wih langsung populer gila langsung terkenal di dunia Minecraft Bedrock itu [Musik] versi berapa versi terbaru Last test [Musik] apa [Musik] Rock Rock Rock Rock Rock Rock Rock 123 banyak yang sempurna discord

Lu bikin dulu deh lu bikin dulu deh ya lu bikin treat baru ya New Vios [Musik] kemajuan eh salah kemajuan eh Nusantara [Musik] batu server [Musik] sabar guys sabar guys untuk server batu Nusantara batu update di sini [Musik] Nusantara batu yang ini ya sip Ayo kita bikin ya

Nggak bisa masuk ya dan Nusantara batu Tuh ada gambarnya kalau Jayapura indah gambarnya Oke Guys ini kenapa ya kenapa gak bisa masuk ya kereta apa Minecraft sumpah [Musik] enggak mungkin kalau salah Enggak mungkin kedetek dong Ini kan tadi kok aku ngelihatnya koma ya karena gua copas doang [Musik] Enggak Bener ya [Musik]

Bang jelek server lu entar dulu guys [Musik] [Musik] mungkin ada [Musik] gara-gara skin SpongeBob [Musik] Di mana guys [Musik] Aduh baru beli coy 97 juta [Musik] guys PC guys enggak ada di sini di PC kocak dah pakai Ben 10 coba Ben 10 Ben 10 Ben 10 Kalau udah ada cheater menguasai

Anjir gym gua baru ini Jim Oh gini kali ini ini kopas ulang tahu gua caranya nih Jim dulu sih bisa begitu teori copas Ulang nih kan masih masih gua udah kedok sing alamat kedoxing ini tolonglah jahat banget sumpah kalian tuh tuh ada hacker yang nge-spam block ngerusak worldnya setting di pengaturannya Bang

Kebanyakan yang masuk kasihan Bang Winda Ayo proheng Anjir ada prohengker bro banyak yang bareng masukkan harus Bro I know I can believe you man do something do something to save our saver lakukanlah do your Magic When do your Magic jangan kalah sama ya jangan kalah sama yang keren

Ya Lu pasti bisa aja melihat gua let’s go let’s go gua percaya sama lu Jim my kita harus bisa masuk gym dan menyenangkan bocil-bocil Metro kita jangan mau kalah sama yang keren itu masa masa ini bro apa namanya kadal kita ada original ya original tapi Masa kalah Oh kita masuk Nah pintar

Bisa diganti [Musik] dulu guys Entar dulu guys kalem kalem kalem ada Lord Jimmy di sini guys [Musik] kita lagi otak-otak di layar kiri teman-teman nggak ada yang boleh lihat ntar ketahuan hacker [Musik] gila lebih berat ya ini Kenapa jadi begini [Musik] tenang tenang guys semua script servernya kita pegang di account belum

Ya jadi nggak akan bisa macam-macam nih yang keren Keluarkan saja [Musik] [Musik] di kanan bawah [Musik] makin hancur kah [Musik] kok [Musik] [Musik] stop gara-gara hacker kita restart Tapi dia nggak mau ngebut guys dia tidak hijau masih kuning ya [Musik] guys [Musik] sekuat itukah sampai dia bisa bikin

Servernya nggak bisa ke start lagi [Musik] Emang iya Dede OS itu sangat berbahaya bahkan sampai katanya IP gua account gua komputer gua ke hack semua itu sampai bahkan IP internet gua ID ID account gua di game Line semua [Musik] bisa bisa bisa bisa bisa [Musik] bawa restart restart restart ada anak Pekalongan Bang

Hanya discord [Musik] Sabar Sabar Sabar Sabar belum amin [Tepuk tangan] komunitas komunitas yang bisa mengandalkan Coba kita [ __ ] ada foto ini cuk anjing guys cara terbang gimana guys Gua kita admin cara jadi admin Gimana caranya jadi admin Oke dari Bloom game mode cusles game mode C Oh gitu

Yah Anjir tuh udah 300 lah 300 anjing gila Anto siasat enggak kotor apa harus masuk dulu ya login dulu ya kita mengalahkan angker panik banget orang apa bisa 3000 kagak nge-lag ya itu pakai plugin apa ya guys kasih masuk dulu guys tolong kalah dulu guys 300 300 ini pengurus mau ngurus ini guys

Pengurus tolong lah ngalah dulu lah guys ngalah dulu lah jangan capernya keterlaluan gitu guys ini 7 juta guys server termahal cok 7 juta setengah tahun kita coba sekali lagi masuk ya 300 Orang guys kita harus berdoa gym ya Semoga kita bisa membuat betroke ini seperti Jayapura Indah Jim ya mungkin karena

Pertama-tama awal login kita belum pasang plugin script dan apapun itu ya masih ancur-an kayak kemarin Jayapura Indah kan awal-awal ngelag juga tapi setelah lo dan tim juga mengurus tiba-tiba jadi seindah itu Jayapura Indah gue yakin proses Nusantara batu bisa berproses seperti itu juga Yuk kita coba masuk sekali lagi ya

Tenang kita komunitas kita di discord kuat kok kita bisa ngalahin hacker-hacker ini game anjing scriptnya begini cok anjing ini creepy banget sih sumpah ini kripis sih sumpah Tuh lihat tuh semuanya begini semua guys [Musik] dari bahasa Inggris aja attention hati-hati menerima udp paket [Musik] sekali lagi

And then we start and then we coba-coba login login lagi ya [Musik] jangan merasa bersalah gua tetap butuh skill lo dan juga keahlian lo kita bisa handle ini bersama tenang Oke kita kalahkan hacker ini sama komunitas di discord tenang-tenang my Bro lu udah melakukan yang terbaik [Musik] oke oke [Musik]

Ini diserang pakai bot dia jadi padahal udah original ya bayangin guys original aja begini guys Apalagi kita izinkan anak-anak rekan itu masuk guys Ya udah gini setidaknya kita sudah melihat servernya tadi pohon-pohon Rindang pohon bambu sekitar 1 menit lu jangan nangis dong enggak lu enggak bersalah tenang tenang

Kita bisa handle ini gua tetap percaya sama lu sebagai admin Minecraft Champion ya oke man kita punya tujuh hari guys server udah dibeli terlanjur dibeli kita sudah melihat keindahan pohon bambu tadi kita hanya melihat sekejap ya sekejap keindahan server Nusantara batu ini ya dan 7 hari gue yakin kita semua Bisa

Perbaiki semua ini kita kalahkan yang keren-keren nah setuju ya Ayo kita ayo kita anak-anak di discord-nya ya guys kita majukan server ini 7 hari pasti bisa kita kalahkan hacker dan orang-orang chapter dan membuat Nusantara batu seperti Jayapura Indah kayaknya lu butuh tim baru di Bedrock ini kayaknya sih

Perekrutan harus terjadi lagi ya oke Guys Jimmy bututin guys ya buat yang Veteran Bedrock dan jago ngulik-ngulik Bedrock Brother gua Jimmy butuh tim guys untuk mengurus dan mengalahkan berfungsi jalan dan kita sempat masuk oke Thank you buat teman-teman yang udah nonton Nusantara batu sudah sudah ada dan kita akan melihat 7 hari Nusantara

Batu mulai dari sekarang hari Rabu ke Rabu depan tanggal berapa Jim 29 tanggal 29 kita lihat Nusantara batu kita coba login lagi akan jadi seperti apa jadi Thank you sekali lagi buat Jimmy jangan lupa buat subscribe Jimmy link-nya udah gua taruh di deskripsi alright dan juga dipimpin komen

Teman-teman dan nanti malam sekitar jam 7 atau jam 08.00 kita akan review Jayapura indah untuk yang ketiga kali total 23 hari ya gua percaya server jaya nusantara batu ini akan menjadi bagus 7 hari ya Guys kita sebut nama yang ketik orang caper jahat pakai mod orang caper jahat pakai mod [Musik]

Udah kena kedok sing nomor telepon alamat Thank you ada Arkan Hasmi Agit Abdul Pegasus the Cruiser Agit bedro Rafael Noval 10 Al Ghazali anime RX Rafa berdebar Hema Bell Guys yang punya kontribusi yang ingin kasih tahu tips and trik buat ngurus Bedrock bisa langsung ke discord ya guys ya eee

Kalian pos di postingan yang tadi udah kita bikin bareng ya Ada Arsenal molisch iceber Yusuf Alif Cindy Axel Lukman Rafael sebut saja Noval ada Wheel di Devan Rafa Dafi Vargas Cilla Ilham Aldi Elon musk Fajar Adam dan juga dia oke oke man kita lihat kita lihat 7 hari lagi ya Thank you guys

Gua berando dan ada Elan Jimmy pamit undur diri sampai jumpa nanti di Jayapura indah bye bye guys [Musik]

This video, titled ‘AKU BELI SERVER MINECRAFT BEDROCK TERMAHAL DALAM 7 HARI AKAN MENJADI SEPERTI APA?’, was uploaded by Windah Basudara on 2023-09-13 10:42:20. It has garnered 592648 views and 25396 likes. The duration of the video is 00:49:19 or 2959 seconds.

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    Summoning Kuyang in Minecraft PE The Mysterious World of Minecraft: Exploring the Kuyang Portal Step into the eerie world of Minecraft as players delve into the creation of the Kuyang Portal, a portal shrouded in horror and mystery. In the realm of Kalimantan, particularly among the Banjar community, the Kuyang is a legendary creature believed to be a shape-shifting entity with a human head but a skinless body, known for its ability to fly in search of the blood of infants or women who have just given birth. Unveiling the Kuyang Portal The Kuyang Portal in Minecraft PE offers players a glimpse into the… Read More

  • Minecraft: 不同学生开学前一天

    Minecraft: 不同学生开学前一天 Minecraft: A Day Before School Starts – Different Types of Students Welcome to a world where creativity knows no bounds, where blocks come to life, and adventures await at every turn. In the realm of Minecraft, the possibilities are endless, and each player brings a unique perspective to the game. Today, we delve into the world of Minecraft through the eyes of different students on the day before school starts. The Builder Meet Alex, the master builder of the group. With a keen eye for design and a knack for construction, Alex spends the day before school starts creating… Read More

  • Town Hall in Town Hole! Minecraft 1.21

    Town Hall in Town Hole! Minecraft 1.21 Exploring the Truly Bedrock Town Hole in Minecraft 1.21 Embark on an exciting journey through the expanded Truly Bedrock Town Hole in Minecraft 1.21! In this episode, PlodPlod takes on the challenge of building a magnificent Town Hall in this unique setting. Let’s dive into the details of this thrilling adventure! Digging Deep and Gathering Resources PlodPlod kicks off the episode with lots of digging and resource gathering. The Town Hole provides a vast underground canvas for creativity, but first, it’s essential to gather the necessary materials. From mining ores to collecting wood, every step is crucial in the… Read More

  • Sleeping in Minecraft, Version 1.5 to 1.6: Dreaming of Change

    Sleeping in Minecraft, Version 1.5 to 1.6: Dreaming of Change In version 1.5, I built my dream alive, But when I slept, the game took a dive. Version 1.6, a whole new mix, Caught me off guard with its tricks. Waking up in 1.7, everything seemed fine, Until a twist appeared, like a sign. Nader and Belize Rod, a quest so grand, Finding the village, with tools in hand. Version 1.8, not much work to do, But in 1.7, the adventure grew. Like and subscribe, show some love, Supporting me from high above. If you spot an error, don’t be shy, Let me know, so I can rectify. Thanks… Read More

  • Minecraft meme: Jack Bhaiya’s tough choice! 🔥😂 #minecraft #memes

    Minecraft meme: Jack Bhaiya's tough choice! 🔥😂 #minecraft #memes “Jack Bhaiya trying to choose between building a house in Minecraft or going on an adventure is like trying to choose between diamonds and dirt blocks.” Read More

  • Minecraft Mod Madness with Dziru! #4

    Minecraft Mod Madness with Dziru! #4 Minecraft Adventure with Dziru! A Fruitful Expedition In the latest episode of Minecraft with Dziru, our intrepid explorer sets out on a new adventure! While the journey may not have been long, it was certainly fruitful. Back at the home base, a new companion has joined the ranks – a trusty weapon-wielding ally. And to add to the excitement, the skilled craftsman Andrzej pays a visit to offer his services! Interactive Experience Dziru encourages viewers to engage with the content by commenting and sharing their thoughts on the gameplay. Suggestions for future games to feature on the channel are… Read More

  • Warden vs Golems: Ultimate Showdown

    Warden vs Golems: Ultimate Showdown Minecraft Warden vs Every Golem: A Clash of Titans Get ready for an epic showdown in the world of Minecraft! The Warden, a fearsome new mob introduced in the latest update, is set to face off against every type of Golem in the game. Who will emerge victorious in this ultimate battle for supremacy? The Warden: A Formidable Foe The Warden is a powerful new mob that lurks in the deepest, darkest parts of the Minecraft world. This blind creature relies on sound to detect its prey, making it a formidable opponent for any player brave enough to challenge… Read More

  • Explore a Mind-Bending Minecraft World on 3DS!

    Explore a Mind-Bending Minecraft World on 3DS!Video Information This video, titled ‘【Minecraft: New Nintendo 3DS Edition】The block game sure looks different today…【#1】’, was uploaded by Nurl Whurl on 2024-09-19 16:00:38. It has garnered 102 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 02:35:01 or 9301 seconds. Originally streamed on September 1, 2024 — Watch live at Read More

  • Terrifying Minecraft Horror Shorts: Rate 1-10

    Terrifying Minecraft Horror Shorts: Rate 1-10Video Information This video, titled ‘Rate this 1 – 10 💀⚠️ #minecraft#horror#shorts’, was uploaded by GJ GAMER on 2024-06-18 00:35:21. It has garnered 456 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:06 or 6 seconds. Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Server Gameplay – Part 21 – RTX ON!

    Insane Minecraft Server Gameplay - Part 21 - RTX ON!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Servers – Gameplay Walkthrough Part 21 – RTX ON’, was uploaded by FaHaDDxHR on 2024-05-26 12:58:45. It has garnered 1272 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:20 or 620 seconds. Keybaord – Redragon K552 Mouse – Glorious model o – Like and sub – PayPal Support me :…. – Server CubeCraft Download on Google Play –… Download on App Store –… ( What is Minecraft? ) Minecraft is a 2011 sandbox game developed by Mojang Studios and originally released in 2009. The game was created by Markus… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Dimensional Travel in Minecraft!

    Mind-Blowing Dimensional Travel in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Traveling Into A NEW DIMENSION In Modded Minecraft! (SILLY SOULS MODDED SMP #16)’, was uploaded by enduurrrVODS on 2024-04-13 10:44:13. It has garnered 77 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 02:01:11 or 7271 seconds. In this video the adventures on the Silly Souls Modded SMP continues with the defeat of some Minecraft Bosses and the exploration of numeral new dimensions- one of these being the Otherside, a horrifying trip into the world of sculk. The Entity SMP Finale: ►CHECK OUT MY YOUTUBE MAIN CHANNEL! ►CHECK OUT MY TWITCH!… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft PE Update: Alex Workout in NEW Faction Server | SURVIVAL

    Insane Minecraft PE Update: Alex Workout in NEW Faction Server | SURVIVALVideo Information This video, titled ‘NUEVO SERVER FACTIONS para MINECRAFT PE 1.20.51 | SURVIVAL’, was uploaded by Alex Workout on 2024-01-17 22:00:08. It has garnered 448 views and 32 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:17 or 437 seconds. 「✨When to the description! ▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂ 📜『SERVER』📜 ➡️ MystiCraft IP: PUERTO: 25591 👾 DISCORD: ▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂ 👑『Social Networks』👑 👥-Facebook ➜ 🐦-Twitter ➜ 👾 Discord ➜ 😍-Gamertag (MCPE) ➜ Alex Workout574 ▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂ 💎DO YOU WANT ANY REVIEW/WORK?💎 Channel Promotion, Banner , Miniatures, Logo , Custom Designs, Overlay, Animated Overlay, AND MUCH MORE… ASK FOR PRICES and place… Read More

  • CRUSHING Minecraft Hardcore Faster Than IShowSpeed!

    CRUSHING Minecraft Hardcore Faster Than IShowSpeed!Video Information This video, titled ‘Beating Minecraft Hardcore In Less Time Than IShowSpeed’, was uploaded by MythicalTimmyLive on 2024-08-22 23:27:00. It has garnered 483 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 03:34:19 or 12859 seconds. (Donate Here) #kaicenat #mythicaltimmy #ishowspeed Read More

  • 🔥 PAROTTER JAPANESE CHALLENGE! Can you keep up? 🔥

    🔥 PAROTTER JAPANESE CHALLENGE! Can you keep up? 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘どれだけスピードアップできる?【パロッター日本語アニメ】Study Japanese in Minecraft! @SakuraMiko’, was uploaded by パロッター日本語 | Study Japanese & English on 2024-09-06 08:00:19. It has garnered 15898 views and 743 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:46 or 46 seconds. My music stream → My anime uses the voices of many Hololive and NIJISANJI talents. let’s check it↓😊 My anime uses the voices of many Hololive and NIJISANJI talents. Please check it out! Let’s Study Japanese in Minecraft! main ch↓ #shorts #minecraft #anime #education #language #Minecraft #Game #Education #English #Japanese #hololive #hololiveen #hololivejp Read More

  • “Shocking: I destroyed my friend’s Indian SMP in Minecraft” #gaming

    "Shocking: I destroyed my friend's Indian SMP in Minecraft" #gamingVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: Why i destroyed my friends Indian SMP? #minecraft #gaming #gamerfleet #smp’, was uploaded by garvwasthere on 2024-09-26 07:45:05. It has garnered 910 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 00:34:24 or 2064 seconds. This video is not scripted at all I made the owner / operator user to do it with greed and he did it and we destroyed whole smp nothing was scripted neither my friend did knew. Want more spoiler? Nah just watch the video. minecraft,minecraft mod,minecraft but,minecraft shorts,minecraft mods,minecraft seed,minecraft funny,minecraft animation,minecraft challenge,minecraft but challenge,minecraft how to,minecraft facts,minecraft… Read More

  • Insane Adventures on Isles SMP – Stinging, Temples, House Cat

    Insane Adventures on Isles SMP - Stinging, Temples, House CatVideo Information This video, titled ‘Isles SMP: Stinging, Temples, and… House Cat? (Contiued)’, was uploaded by Balancer Productions on 2024-08-30 00:40:30. It has garnered 330 views and 32 likes. The duration of the video is 02:39:16 or 9556 seconds. She is a house cat, ya gotta believe me! #minecraft #minecraftgameplay #minecraftgaming #dragon #httyd #smp Read More

  • KapiCraft – Smp

    Join Our Private Minecraft Server! We are a small and cozy server with mods, looking for active players to join us. Requirements: You must be over 18 years old You must be an active player You must enjoy building What We Offer: A free world without plugins A server with 70 building mods out of 100 A great community atmosphere Responsive server host Thank you for your interest! Join us on Discord. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft Update Hype!

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft Update Hype!Looks like this meme is leveling up faster than my mining skills in Minecraft! Read More

  • Minecraft Villager Dropping Hot Memes!

    Minecraft Villager Dropping Hot Memes! “Why did the Minecraft Villager go to therapy? Because he had too many ‘villager problems’!” 😂 #minecraft #memes #gaming Read More

  • Most Immoral but Moral Mob in Minecraft

    Most Immoral but Moral Mob in Minecraft The Most Evil but Most Moral Mob in Minecraft When it comes to the world of Minecraft, players encounter a variety of mobs, some friendly and helpful, while others are downright menacing. However, there is one mob that stands out for its unique combination of evilness and morality. The Enderman: A Mysterious and Complex Mob The Enderman is a tall, dark, and slender mob that teleports around the world of Minecraft. Known for its eerie purple eyes and ability to pick up blocks, the Enderman strikes fear into many players. Despite its intimidating appearance, the Enderman has a surprisingly… Read More

  • Jelqgang FPSMP Game Night in Minecraft

    Jelqgang FPSMP Game Night in Minecraft Exploring Modded Minecraft with Friends! Join in on the fun as players dive into the world of Modded Minecraft with friends during the Jelqgang game night! This exciting event is streamed on Twitch, offering viewers a chance to witness the creativity and collaboration that goes into playing this popular game. Stream Schedule and Community Interaction For those eager to participate, the stream typically begins around 7pm PST. Viewers can engage with the streamer and fellow players in real-time, sharing tips, tricks, and laughs as they navigate the challenges and adventures of Modded Minecraft. To stay updated on upcoming streams… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Generator – Get unlimited items now!

    INSANE Minecraft Generator - Get unlimited items now!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Sand, Gravel, and Anvil Generator with Command Block’, was uploaded by Pixelator8627 on 2024-09-27 17:44:16. It has garnered 92 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:17:15 or 1035 seconds. 🌟 “How to Make a Sand, Gravel, and Anvil Generator in Minecraft!” 🌟 🎮 Welcome, Builders and Redstone Engineers! 🎮 In this exciting tutorial, we’re diving into the mechanics of creating a versatile generator that produces sand, gravel, and anvils—all using the same ingenious process! Whether you’re looking to stockpile resources or just curious about advanced redstone contraptions, this video has… Read More

  • Midnight Minecraft Creepypasta: Eerie Whispers

    Midnight Minecraft Creepypasta: Eerie WhispersVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Creepypasta: Eerie Whispers #shorts #gaming #minecraft’, was uploaded by MidNight on 2024-06-23 18:00:09. It has garnered 0 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:55 or 55 seconds. Gameplay- GianLeco Minecraft Gameplays Audio- ESN Production I have been playing with AI and decided to test how far I can push it’s story telling capabilities. I plan to do this but have fun and entertain not only myself but others as well. Please comment bellow if this story sounds familiar or if is a complete copy of something you’ve heard before. Let’s… Read More

  • Ultimate Mission: JB/Drag 2 Live – Gather Spruce

    Ultimate Mission: JB/Drag 2 Live - Gather SpruceVideo Information This video, titled ‘The Mission to Gather Spruce | JB/drag 2 Live’, was uploaded by JB / dragmotoxboss 2 on 2024-08-08 05:31:24. It has garnered 51 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 04:46:15 or 17175 seconds. Starring JB / dragmotoxboss, minecraft Warning: There may be yelling in this livestream! Sorry, no links available for now! Tags: #minecraft #minecraftjavaedition #minecraftjava I would appreciate if you would subscribe, it’s free, easy, and you can always unsubscribe at any time. Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE! 17 Hearts Left on Leviathan Hunt + V4 Help | ?Join BloxFruit

    UNBELIEVABLE! 17 Hearts Left on Leviathan Hunt + V4 Help | ?Join BloxFruitVideo Information This video, titled ‘BloxFruit Leviathan Hunt 17 Hearts Left and Helping with V4 | ?BloxFruit to join’, was uploaded by Lewis 0978 on 2024-07-04 18:20:01. It has garnered 212 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 04:13:34 or 15214 seconds. Minecraft Server: To join the minecraft server make your minecraft 1.18 ane enter this IP: | For bedrock click add server, enter the ip and the port is 26284 Lewis Discord: Zainny Discord: check out: Roblox group :!/about TikTok : twitch : Discord: Mods: Itrealzainny: LJ… Read More

  • 🔥 Insane Shizo Clickbait: Akidn89’s LIVE SLEBEW SMP 🔴

    🔥 Insane Shizo Clickbait: Akidn89's LIVE SLEBEW SMP 🔴Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴 [Live] SLEBEW SMP – MINECRAFT SERVER’, was uploaded by Akidn89 on 2024-01-12 07:45:30. It has garnered 229 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:34 or 394 seconds. because of lag Move to Stream 1 again :v Yoo Welcome to this quiet channel :v help subscribe and like :V Legion 5 Cross Minecraft Server device that allows Minecraft Java and Minecraft Bedrock to play in the same world. Server Info? Java 🖥️ (1.17-1.20) IP: *enter all Bedrock 📱(Latest) IP: PORT: 25568 Join our Discord DC: GC:… Read More


    ULTIMATE MINECRAFT GRAPHICS! 😍Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT mit BESTER GRAFIK😍’, was uploaded by benGx on 2024-05-19 13:42:13. It has garnered 28517 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 02:11:02 or 7862 seconds. 💸JOIN ► 🗝️MMOGA ► ᵂᴱᴿᴮᵁᴺᴳ ⚡ARGONPADS ► ᵂᴱᴿᴮᵁᴺᴳ —————————————– Socials: 🗨️Discord► 🎥Twitch► 🐦Twitter► 🎬Kick► ————————————– Setup: Mouse ► Roccat Kain 100 Aimo keyboard ► Rezon x Drexler mouse pad ► Ovenbird topographic map CPU ► AMD Ryzen 5 3600x GPU ► RTX 3070 ti —————————— ———– ⚠️My content is freely available, it just cannot be re-uploaded!⚠️ Read More

  • Insane Time Travel in Minecraft Modded SMP!

    Insane Time Travel in Minecraft Modded SMP!Video Information This video, titled ‘[Minecraft Modded SMP] I last played this game 7 patch cycles ago’, was uploaded by Luminis Klio Ch. on 2024-06-16 01:47:03. It has garnered 39 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 04:27:47 or 16067 seconds. minceraft [Thumbnail Art] [Discord] [Twitter] ____________________________________________________________________ [Rules] 1. Be respectful of others in the chat 2. No spamming 3. No spoiling/backseating unless I specifically ask for it 4. Do not bring up other streamers or streams unless I mention them first 5. Try to stay focused on the stream topic and not have… Read More

  • Girl Police Falls in Love with Prisoner! Minecraft Jailbreak

    Girl Police Falls in Love with Prisoner! Minecraft JailbreakVideo Information This video, titled ‘GIRL POLICE FELL in LOVE with JJ in PRISON! Mikey and JJ JAILBREAK in Minecraft – Maizen’, was uploaded by DokiArt on 2024-09-21 08:01:00. It has garnered 1583 views and 987 likes. The duration of the video is 03:21:14 or 12074 seconds. #mikeyandjj #mikey #jjandmikey GIRL POLICE FELL in LOVE with JJ in PRISON! Mikey and JJ JAILBREAK in Minecraft – Maizen This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with JJ and Mikey. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We are not trying to impersonate his personality, we just… Read More

  • Crazy Girl vs Boys in Minecraft! Herobrine Sighting!

    Crazy Girl vs Boys in Minecraft! Herobrine Sighting!Video Information This video, titled ‘Girl’s Vs Boys after seeing herobrine😱 #shorts #minecraft #girlvsboys’, was uploaded by Fosty on 2024-05-14 15:14:27. It has garnered 35413 views and 924 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:27 or 27 seconds. Girl’s Vs Boys after seeing herobrine😱 #shorts #minecraft #girlvsboys #minecraftanimationfunny #herobrine keywords:– minecraft minecraft public smp live minecraft gfx pack minecraft mod menu minecraft 100 days minecraft video minecraft house minecraft minecraft minecraft game minecraft techno gamerz minecraft shorts minecraft animation minecraft apk minecraft anshu bisht minecraft animation movie minecraft apk download minecraft aphmau minecraft april fools 2024 minecraft ayush minecraft… Read More

  • Torrent Network – SMP, Lifesteal, Creative, SkyFactions

    Welcome to the Torrent Network! IP: Discord: Versions: Java & Bedrock | All major versions! Join us in an epic adventure on the legendary Torrent Network. Experience unique and immersive storylines including quests, events, and in-game lore on our epic servers. We currently have a fully developed survival and creative server, with the most unique Lifesteal SMP you’ve ever seen. Features: ——————————————— Survival: The integrity and challenge of a real survival experience Movecraft (moving vehicles) with custom classes Quests with custom storylines and lore Fully integrated economy system Welcoming community Custom armor and tools Anti-grief measures SkyFactions (Launching… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft Live? More like Minecraft JIVE!

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft Live? More like Minecraft JIVE!Looks like someone didn’t get the memo that we don’t need any more DURING Minecraft Live! The score of 36 just proves how much this meme is overplayed. Read More