Working on the Castle at the Yellow Brick road IGNITORSMP!🔥 Livestream 🔥 #minecraftlivestream

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Hello everyone I believe we are live I’m only 2 minutes late uh hi Sean welcome to the stream my uh son was out of bed again so I really had to do something else that’s why I’m 2 minutes late we can survive 2 minutes right

So actually where I am now this is uh The Farmhouse that I’ve built for Oran Al uh in exchange for my iew but as you can see behind me on the screen there’s uh the castle that I still need to finish which I started in their

Streams um so we’re going to finish that today I still have some Sher boxes left there the other Sher boxes in my inventory are actually still uh from building this house because I didn’t have much time to switch my day has been a really good day how is your day been

Sean uh it’s almost night and I actually don’t have a bed with me also don’t have any wool so what I want to do is I also want to set up my music and then we’re going to go in here and then we’re going to go and sleep inside the

B yeah that’s a a little bit better it been all right are you living in the part with the where the hurricanes come I’m currently the only one online on like which has it’s been a while I also made this guy by the way should I hide a person in here to

Maybe scare someone that’s uh leave it down in the comments so yeah there was supposed to be the witch’s castle oh there were still there are still like so many suar boxes here and now I’m bringing even more with Me I have netherite armor I believe these are the uh yeah silent silent and this is the other one the W hi painting thing Welcome to the the stream I’m uh finishing up the castle today or uh going to try so I have this mod installed called

Bobby I can’t use it right now because um of streaming but I can actually set my chunks to 100 chunks and Bobby will actually uh still just visualize the graphics and I heard Onyx can actually see shopping district from his base which is like 2,000 blocks away really

Cool I can try that but it will be at the end of the stream because I think it might be like really like aing especially with the shaders on uh yeah we need to take that down and I was also hey Dron welcome to the stream uh my first thought was first

Make a a the flooring in here it doesn’t have to be like a whole floor because I’m also not going to put Windows in here maybe I’m going to put some fences in there because it does need to look like an old abandoned castle I’m getting

Time to rebuild T tuer again okay please don’t die again painting thing by the way uh the person that just joined Dron he also did a project that’s similar to what you were doing so once you’re done watching my stream I do recommend checking in on him it’s like this really

Big end project it’s really cool uh let’s see how much dark oak do we still have because we might also need to do a little round to shopping district oh I’m also going to make a quick stairway way up so how is everybody’s day going are we still all up and running uh

Where should I make the stairway wait maybe I should do it here this will probably not be the only stream I’m going to ooh dedicate on that on this because I will probably also need to do an interior but this this stairways just going to make

My life a little bit easier when I need to do the second floor and the towers that’s also going to be there I believe it also still needs that you do fun to play with makes area so much easier yeah that’s true uh painting fingers actually B with

Removing all the the end pillar with and the end island with uh a TNT duper but he also got himself kill two times so that’s why I wish him good luck so our goal for today is actually to see if we can finish the exterior

Which I think we can do I mean I have a few hours and if we still have time I also want to do the elytra course then you guys can see how bad I’m actually at flying uh because uh the Z I was actually build an elytra

Course and he was actually saying like nobody has played it but we’re all busy with uh the IUS from alen Orie so I’m going to zoom in okay so this one I did this is the farm so they had multiple IUS this is the IU that the skunk monkey uh that they

Had and this is something that uh Deno digle is working on that’s probably also a really spoiler and I believe the girls themselves and um zero I still need to do something there but yeah that’s out of rid distence and there’s the spooky Forest that’s why you

See like this thing because it makes it like really dark down there it’s really cool Um so yeah I’m going to use my free cam because now we have a little bit more of a a way that I can look how I want things I actually do think I want to have like on the tower itself the would go around

Uh do we have stairs we don’t but we can make stairs I actually still have a long to-do list I I make to-do list because uh because of my ADHD I have sometimes that I have days that I can do a lot and sometime days that I can try to do

Something but it just won’t work so basically I make a to-do list and every time I have a good day or I’m like oh yeah I really want to do something and a look at the list and I just pick one out and uh this was one of them but I

Actually have like nine things on there so I really need to do things from those lists uh the pillars I found to be a nightmare to trim down to allow the flying machines to pass it takes forever mining those down by hand yeah painting thing how did you remove those did

Didn’t you also blow those up uh I need more of these oh we can actually also just do them with the stairs wait I’m got to do it like this actually don’t have my normal life yet wait there it is uh oh you did mine it all by hand well respect okay

Uh I’m just going to place them all and then we’re just going to see what looks better and then this is why I love free cam I know it’s not allowed everywhere but yeah I do like this side a lot better maybe even better if we inter intertwine it with the

Slabs um I’m so going to fall down If I do it like this and then this one there can this fit again oo oh no it can’t um wait there’s another way how we can fix this there uh looks great well thank you I think all of them did an amazing job did you see how long the yellow briak road

Is I mean that’s the the little village with the portal and uh where Alice is it Alice enters the world hi black belt welcome to the Stream So they they made like this whole wheat field in the yellow break Road another wheat field and then we did our bills and I also made

The uh it’s not the windmill the that one the one with locks where they like trip over in the movie and over there was something that ironite built for this IU and yeah they made the scary for I will probably show it at the end because else I will never finish my

Build so yeah this is not my project but this is uh this one I actually promis by the way this is not because I did the I own them an IOU this is something I promised from the beginning like if you need help just let me know they like yeah that’s like

Fun uh this also isn’t the same on this side as there oh because the the tower St a little bit yeah back belt it’s in the description sorry I did see it I’m not going to have Phantoms I slept last night I hope uh I need to think about how I’m going

To do this is it if it’s like both different side Uh there and then we have this one is it really dark for you guys you can still see it right El I will take a torch in my hand we’ll be fine look at how pretty this is okay okay yeah that redeem definitely works um okay and then you need to put

There and then this needs to go there and this needs to go here again okay so basically oh uh that’s not how we do it let’s see if we really don’t have a bat here I I might take one from the other or I just put a torch in my off

Hand that will also work oh I don’t have a torch with me I I have a lot of junk this is I want to mine this but I don’t uh uh uh do I have torches I might still have some uh I have charcoal that also works I’m going to do

This whoops and then at least you guys can still see what I’m doing oh by the way I also removed my food uh where are my onions here are my onions by the way I have a problem these are uh Lord tedy’s onions and as you guys know ledus

Actually ended his season with us because he uh yeah he wanted to try new things for his channel and ner was one of the things that he was like yeah that’s probably the thing that I’m going to leave first so we did and yes I will miss him because he’s

My friend but I get it I get it I mean S&P content isn’t the one that’s going to make you explode so uh this and then oh wait waito okay yeah that was the reading uh now the reding [Laughter] works well thank you for pointing that out uh dragon okay

Um actually wondering if I should also place the there do we have more um dark oak wood here I primarily brought stone with me because I have a lot of that I think we need to quickly head over to my base to see if I have more dark

Oak these are only slabs oh I have more dark no we’re still set okay um Um yeah let’s just make a stack of these and we have a stack of slabs yeah um let’s go up here And this Or are we only going to do it around the pillar that’s also an option I think I’m going to do that then it doesn’t need to have to be like two rows wait then this can just stay because the pillars Tower and then we will replicate this on the tower here there and

There should be fine and there and how do I place this okay so are you guys I know from painting thing has like a really exciting project do you guys also have like a new project or something you’re really excited to work on because I also have a lot of things

Coming in the next couple of weeks that I’m really excited about I’m actually really positive in general these last few weeks I don’t know why uh there okay that’s one I believe these are all the same so basically I should be able to manage this quite [Laughter] fast I placed that block everywhere

Except where I wanted to too uh Jing at my own tyos when trying to explain spelling issues only have small projects yeah well I have the same by the way I have a question uh that’s specifically for you Dron because I also build big that’s what they say have you

Ever had that people were like I was like if I build a mega base people will be really inspired but I actually had like a lot of people also matching me privately like being really negative about it and that was something I did not expect and

Not in a way like uh we hate that you build it but more and like uh you’re I can’t relate to you so I don’t know if I want to watch this or work with you that’s kind of stuff by the way igniters uh most of us don’t build

Small so it’s it’s not a n not a ignit those that I’ve been uh talking about that I was wondering if you could relate to that wa again what EAS on you that’s so long how have you been wow are you playing Minecraft again e Ono is one of the first people

Uh that I played Minecraft with he’s actually one of the Dutch people so how have you been I know there’re still playing at uh the server we used to play on oh if you ever want to uh you can still join them but this is on the igniter

SMP oh I want to show you my mega base now I need to show easy uh easy you know this oh old friends I believe that is the portal closest but I’m not really sure then we can also pick up some more dark oak wood if we have that because

Yeah I think we’re going to need it for the roof so you stop playing again I always looking to start playing again I have someone to play with interesting yeah so the reason why I left uh the previous server I played on aotm where I know easy Ono

From has to do with the fact that I uh that seasons were just a little bit too short and I was the only content creator there so basically I never got the chance to really build a mega mega base and that’s what changed here so easy

I’m going to show you my base and my portal you will love it because this is my portal I’m actually really proud of this of the achievement I’ve had regarding Mega bills if few people like w that’s crazy comment but that’s really about it well is X I think that’s

Positive but this is my uh my w portal I like dragon’s build I like big I also like small and details don’t get me wrong so Ono uh this is my base don’t look at the Emoji that’s on it because I got pranked while I was on

Vacation Sonic sh leading to the pon yeah I know it’s cool right I’m actually supposed to make the crystals around the tree as well but I didn’t have time for it also like how you did the message build the whole water maze well I’m also going to show the whole water maze but

I’m first going to show my base except yeah we have uh fitmc well was on vacation yeah it’s it’s really big it’s uh actually going to uh build height oh that reminds me I still need to fix something up here because apparently I’m missing some spots so sometimes I have rain in my

Base uh I’m not saying there were lag issues but oh well thank you ow um let’s see it should be around this somewh here so this is uh the inside with my uh sorder that’s not working uh do I where’s my woods and it’s also too small here uh dark

Oak no okay that’s the only dark oak we have oh and I also have a sneaky other don’t go away I still want to show you my wateren B okay do you know what painting thing after the stream I I will show you what device is but I won’t tell you what it

Does does uh this is my elevator going up into the tree with like three curves and I don’t know if e on you can see this because he was actually getting his thing out of the oven let me go and freak him uh this is by water maze it’s

A game uh a little bit like decked out but then simp so this other side of the bortle this is uh the rules and stuff and this is where people can get changed and they can collect artifacts in there for that they didn’t keys to go in and uh yeah here they go

Down this is uh one of the first places where you can actually like uh do one of the many games that’s in here and if you have collected all artifacts then on top you can get a priz and yeah it’s pretty big uh this one is called the curse it’s actually

Telling a story but for that you need to be either in there uh to just read it and go through it this is uh believe the beginnings it’s actually yeah I I will try try to tell a little bit it’s telling you about how there was a

Minecraft world long ago and they found out how Redstone worked and there were more kinds of energy than Redstone one of them you could actually make from Skull so here this was like that they were going to um still research it and here they were actually like using it to

Make uh energy from it and that’s why you also have these gears and uh yeah that actually went wrong because in order to get all that they actually had to go through the portal actually this one actually this portal but to make it easier and to make it

Another game I made a portal here and people actually need to go from there to the other side as you can hear I have a warden here but all of this is built uh down into an ancient city because these shers you cannot replace those in survival because

Then they won’t work so I actually had to build this game inside an old ancient city no I’ve never been into the deep y dark yet I’m not sure how capable I would be to trying to sneak around wens well uh I know fitmc he actually did this live streaming and you could

Actually learn a lot uh from it but you can also just try it in the World download after the season is over so yeah it’s uh pretty big this is also another puzzle uh there is another puzzle and I believe here is another puzzle and yeah oh everywhere are

These and some of them are collecting things this one for example is that you need to press that button and then you need to search for a chest and in the chest you will find the artifact and then you need to get out uh but yeah that’s that’s basically

My base and this is still junk I still need to clean up I think we need to go to shopping cuz I still don’t should I have enough dark I don’t know so far I know the theice by June Indy not enough people in The Maze and the water is M also indish

Friends so I think indish friends will play the water base bad guess well you’re you’re pretty close yeah you’re pretty close just have to wait few more episodes okay I promise you within the next month you will know what’s going on I know that’s long uh easy

Ono you can if you scroll back a few minutes you can actually also see the water maze game I made but it’s uh I just left there uh should we buy a little bit more locks I think we should uh that’s the garrot casino we not going there because here is the L

Shop oh by the way for those who watch igniter S&B um onyx’s light is also burning so this is really funny because Ono can actually remember on aotm that boting mango would Al would always un alive me uh when I broke my ender chest and that actually helped me not breaking my

The chest anymore so actually asked total Thomas man to kill me on this server if I would do that again and um well he wasn’t always on so then I made this game where people could pay a diamond and then hunt me down because I’m not really that good at PVP I’m

Actually the worst Ser is and then we did it through for there and I was like oh can dare everyone to do this so everyone signed up and basically when they break an Ender Chest they need to pay one Diamond uh sorry I need to pay one Diamond per day

To the person who kills them and they can’t like be like oh I will kill you and then we will split the Bounty that’s not allowed we’re going to do this like legitimately uh but we needed to come here because I wanted to have maybe I’ll

Will also take some Spruce with me yeah okay so this is one Diamond per stack uh how much this Spruce also one Diamond per stack hey my music stopped again okay we just do three I have more diamonds with me they’re in my uh goodies chest

And I actually need to H hold those apart because uh you got enough slime oh that’s good because I do need to pay for ironite one point three one two three okay oh that reminds me there is also a new shop here or a thingy that I hadn’t seen yet and this is

Thy a dark red thy what does it say welcome to the war of th a dark red th lover I am embarked on an ambitious journey to conquer the red tie but I can’t do it alone in the chest behind the lecturn are plenty of diamonds and I

Would like to offer you all 16 diamonds each for free however all I ask is that you wear a dark red tie not a red tie it must be dark red there are three rules dark red tie only tie has to be visible on the skin if you take diamonds you

Must wear the tie until told otherwise by zero okay um are we going to take the blood diamonds thank you Ono I’m pretty sure that I can’t buy anything with this but this is interesting because I actually thought this book was about because it says zero but zero is the

Yeah by zero but zero is the one with a normal red eye right I’m actually slight confused you know what we’re just going to go with the dark red thing and I’m just going to take the the diamonds so that means we do yeah but it now says dark red

Ey by the way this is uh for personnel and I’m personel The elytra isn’t really fixing that’s fast but you’ve made it yay ten is I was just talking about you earlier that we’re running out of onions oh I’m almost there oh we’re there okay uh oh and I took blood diamonds I hope I’m not making a mistake the internet

Decided it was not going to oh that’s not good but I’m actually working on the yellow break road so uh we’re going back there by the way are you are not in the uh around the hurricane that way right going to eat now and we’ll back

Later okay well it was nice to speak to you uh you know it’s been a long time how do you get an arrow in your head you were in the end Right o oh I do need to sleep before I’m uh didn’t we have a bed somewhere yeah here is uh alen or’s bed not far from it okay good I hear a zombie look they have cake they also have corn dog ooh and cream soda they actually have a lot of stuff

I’m totally not getting distracted but uh we need to go over there swamp has a lot of skeletons oh you’re in the swamp we were work working here and then I went to do something I don’t remember what there there I think this one can actually be this because it’s going to curve

Right I will just make it the full block doesn’t really matter only people who are going to notice and going to see it are you guys so right back okay Uh okay so that was upside down so ddy is you’re uh going to do on Monday the the fault Hunters with Tim right I need to place it on here and there hey here already did fill it up what did huh wait this is why I love free

Game oh I just didn’t do it there and there I need to make a round on the outside because I do like this better as it’s here it’s it’s these that make the difference not the ones in the middle uh no Monday is full on to stay with Mr Tim yeah watch that

Uh let’s see this one this one this One there I just thought I saw a skeleton but it’s my own shadow I knew what you meant I knew what you meant it’s okay it’s okay um you know what maybe I’m not going to make the flooring out of uh wood maybe I’m going to change my

Mind should I make it out of Cobble now I think about also making it out of stone get by your own shadow never done that no no oh so that only happens to me well that’s fine I can live with that Um I am going to need some light in here or do you know what I’m just going to place some torches because I do actually want to have like the witch house so I don’t want to have it like too light well it’s a witch Castle sorry this is really funny because I’m

Also designing a Halloween house a tutorial and that one is actually it’s a little bit well I think it might be as big as this thing that’s just house hi sh welcome to the stream how are you today I’m building a little castle it was a creeper I don’t know why but sometimes

The redeems I’m like and the other times it’s yeah they don’t scare me that much who have to say that you go through your blocks like really fast uh okay let’s see I’m not fast enough no I could try I always do this okay I should actually have recorded this oh

Well is it’s raining again really uh some this the same for me as well redeem will make my left sock pop off or the other times I’ll be like Dragon yeah that I actually also did fill up this one I didn’t want to fill up the

Towers I actually don’t know how far the tower stretch oh I hope if I place this here and one here and one here that I have everything the last thing I want is like having skeletons and creepers everywhere in my hardcore a creeper actually blow blew some stuff

Up I did survive it wasn’t it didn’t do that much damage but was more the building material you’re going to fix the duper tomorrow well good luck with that I really hope you don’t die anymore painting thing it’s like a it sounds like a real struggle o o

And I have no clue how we’re going to do the entrance there so so he made a TNT duper to get rid of the end oh can can I also reach that from here I can wait oh that’s unfortunate see I tried to make it up with speed but n

Um should I close you off from here I think I need to do that and it annoys me so I remove it it’s a Cho it’s a life choice but it’s fair the end is very annoying do you know what’s even worse witches but I think tedious can relate to that

Okay yeah the reason why I chose to Freestyle this like most of my bails I first make them in creative and then I like make a schematic and then I build it in survival because then I know exactly how many build materials I need Etc but uh this one I actually freestyle

Because I could up on during the day when my son was around so couldn’t really record was like I’m just going to build uh the shers oh my goodness the shers which are bad the children are the worse I don’t know if you yeah oh wait you did see Ted is’s hardcore

Yeah the children are definitely the worst Um I’m just going to fill it up like this and then maybe we need to remove something later yeah we don’t have a bed uh which way to a bed would be the I think it’s my own house that I built children on chickens yeah so Teddy is I made this little

House see I don’t always build big the farm is bigger why do I hear a zombie oh no s s sitter better what what what are you talking about where is the zombie I don’t even see see a zombie really can I be faster than a zombie and just sleep thank

You so but this is uh what I’ve built for my uh IU hello by the way I do love to fridge okay uh let’s head back to the other side and there we go yeah it’s it’s nice right oh and that is guess who’s building that uh it’s an armor stand it’s just

The bottom part of the armor stand that’s how what I used for it Um yeah I want to have a few of these going to get rid of these so I need a few more bricks another bricks and you know have cracked yeah but I don’t have enough oh that’s why I was still melting this I believe I might have a little bit

Of a delay I don’t know why I I did the handle with the lower part of the oh you you mean who built that thing that one it’s by the one and only Deno digle she’s following someone else’s tutorial but for someone who doesn’t normally build on igniter she’s

Doing really well I’m proud of her yeah uh can we take these really good I’ve never seen built something before yeah well she uh she build gr by the way I I have a really funny story next time you see me in the nether or another igniter look at Deno diggle’s uh nether

Portal because he has the moon right and grew so what happened is uh people were hunting down ironite because he has a six diamond block bounty on his head right now and they fit actually exploded a bed next to ironite on top of Gru’s head and then he replaced the wool blocks but

There weren’t enough wool blocks so now grew as a receding hairline and when D side it she couldn’t stop laughing it was amazing uh um can I just I really don’t want to go back to my base for goal yeah so he’s a little bit bald

Um I don’t have to I actually do want to have more cracks I’m just going to put them randomly yeah I need to figure out where the the towers themselves also need to go because this should go here and then can we do that with normal wood I know people

Just uh use and Crystal to kill night how is he lift his slow uh because he has Infinity totems and uh when we had the big fight where if it uh ended up Bing through I believe we popped over for 24 totems he has his whole inventory full

With totems and the funny thing was that Indy came online to help and he actually said because s also came online bring all your totems and get over here so what did Iron and I do we actually went to shopping district and bought in this place out with all the totems it was

Hilarious going to have some consume some food now okay well you go and eat you deserve it um I’m actually going to do this with full blocks just to see where they go so there three Yeah so basically I can oh not this one no so that’s why he’s still alive that’s

The only reason what why do did I do that the same there huh sometimes I have strange patterns in my build I think what I’m going to do oh and then we can just make this out of stone wait uh it was this PN right now I’m slightly confused no this one

Wait one two three one I didn’t know my inventory was this full okay and one Two I could also make this one just one of these because eventually there will be a block there and there okay so There and one needs to go there there wait There your inventory is kind of full yeah I’ve notic o uh there o thank you for the creeper sh it’s keeping me sharp woo this Tower actually slightly confuses me cuz it’s actually one bigger on this side than on that side that’s because of the diagonal walls okay so normally with three would

Be there one two three so that means everything H do want to keep it like that does that look weird that does look weird I could change it up but then the pattern here doesn’t work anymore H um could also just do it like this I just hope that it will be

Ignored I think I’m just going to go with that because I don’t want to spend ages trying to fix this uh let’s see one two three oh that’s one there then there should be one there here is the same problem um actually should also Place stair

Here uh okay so that’s going to curve that way one two Three I don’t know i’ my idea was to maybe do it like this and then have it go here oh wait wait wrong one to have it go here because then I can make a door here whoop do I still have torches I don’t but we can switch those out with the

Oh Teddy is I’ve been playing with the axum mod that’s the only thing where you can say that I can build better than you because I’m pretty sure you can also do this especially with uh with the AUM you can also do that be right back I’m having a snack

Attack o well you go and snack come back for the results later no but uh I’ve been playing around with aium it’s like a world edit mod for Minecraft and it’s like so easy and it’s not that it’s just easier for people who are like beginners because you do need

To type everything and world edit but it’s also a lot faster it’s like just a whole new world just opened for me that’s it’s it’s crazy Um I was going to do a second row here and then I want to see how it looks so I do want to clear my inventory a little bit where was the stone don’t know where I also want to have the these just want to see how it looks oh my onions

No but I always say I can do everything in Minecraft which isn’t 100% true because I’m like the worst pvper ever but hey everyone has their own things where they’re good at and well for me that happens to be building and am I the best no it looks

Decent I’m a perfectionist I think it can always be better but hey I think that if you try to do what you want it doesn’t have to be perfect as long as you enjoy it and I think that a lot of people these days actually do tend to forget

That they’re playing the game also to have fun and yeah of course as a content creator I want to grow and see where I can get oh I love this but it doesn’t take away from like all the other stuff I might just fly down to uh quickly

Sleep and it’s the same with big builds I was actually really surprised that people were like negative about that I hope the creeper didn’t came in the house by the way but the positive report of course was a lot higher than no no no no no no no no go

Away don’t explode my house oh okay Jano and especially with things that I freestyle there are a lot of things that that think behind like ah I should have done this or I should have done that but at one point you just need to tell yourself like okay this has been enough

It’s fine the same with the mega tree there was a lot of things that I still wanted to do and I didn’t because then it’s just taking away more energy and I know people already like it I already like it so yeah why should I like waste my energy and people are not

Even going to see it or VI it so um I think you should all do what you love and do you know what I might be like a decent Builder these days but you can still learn that there is every it’s not even about building but also like

Redstone I sometimes do redstone do I like it not so much do I do it definitely and I follow someone else’s tutorial it doesn’t mean I don’t understand the basics by now because I also have been playing this game for like a few years Um this can go

There are you part of the tower I doubt about it I don’t know okay it’s probably best if I do it like this there there there but yeah enjoying and not comparing to others is like really important with everything you do uh I want to have this one there go there and

There we’re just going to ignore the fact that that’s like that okay let’s put that there just I believe it’s also there right yeah and then can we because this actually helps out a lot okay so oh this needs to be the normal Tower uh no but I think just exploring with

What you like is way more important and way more like there are people that are like you only build big and yeah I do build big but I also build small and I know not everyone always sees that but I have enough small Builds on this server to be able to say that

Uh oh you you there is uh one guy he’s actually doing really good now he does hardcore his name is cringy girl and cringy girl used to also make like normal Let’s Plays before he started doing hardcore and what he was really good at and what I also think his hardcore is

Like exploding right now is because of the fact that he’s a great s Storyteller and I don’t know if all of you actually also watch my episodes but my episode one of igniter season 2 and the episode that um I made last week are like so big of a

Difference and I’m like I didn’t know I had actually grown that much but apparently if I did that this is a really really weird curve oh that’s because it’s going inwards wait is this correct no I think we’re going to do something like this I don’t know but for me the

Storytelling is like not just about the base but also more of the value you give your viewers and that’s something I actually really had to learn not just with content making but also in real Life oh I can’t place this here wait oh I need to place them on the other sides wait they need to be on the other things wait I need to think about how I’m going to do this here because I don’t have the the same curve as

There do think I want to have the entrance like right there so I’m going to put these back and do like this yeah so then we can have a door there um there can be one there can be one there cannot be one here there can be one

There are we just going to leave it like this oh uh and one there there and this one can open I have a feeling something is off about this shape but I don’t know I don’t know what at the moment yeah that’s three this one is

More isn’t it yeah oh that’s because I filled up this wait actually do like this oh and I can also do that here I think wait uh is it then the same size wait needs to be like this I’ve actually built this bigger than it used to be huh

Uh people build big often have the smaller builds overlooked because the lar builds better over the small that’s definitely true I don’t usually build big I feel lost on my own everything also gry does a great job at walking people through his video is actually taking film and media classes and it

Shows yeah I there those are on the to-do list but yeah I believe he also has a media background but I’m not 100% sure of it but still his storytelling is really good one two and I think more people should focus on that and if that means you build a

Big base then you build a big base and if you that means you build a small base then you just build a small base uh there I should probably make more crack brick uh this one I actually love how like uh I believe there were three people this

Week I need to put it in here that actually like made a community post about that they were going to change up their uh their content we’re going to more go more towards the Feelgood type of content and I was like what these were the guys that always

Motivated me to like you should edit faster and now they’re yeah I was surprised not all of them but by some taking classes and learning video on YouTube that isn’t just Minecraft of gaming is a huge help well actually uh that’s why I started doing blender because I also want to learn animations

And it has of course I can also use blender for Minecraft but I’m actually really interested in that and how that all works uh didn’t I have more brakes I have more crack braks the Emporium is the biggest thing I’ve ever built well you should be proud it looks really pretty the only

Complaint I I have two complaints There She Goes one running out of onions uh the second one you had a sniffer that’s very lonely at your base why doesn’t he have a friend actually working on some blender Minecraft stuff right now it’s nice and relaxing okay so

A blender question are you making more like an animation or are you actually building something in blender and then using a f filzer to make it in Minecraft uh what happened when gun oh we talked about editing and uh blender don’t know if you’ve ever heard of

That just tired of the cell it will go up and down yeah well I’m going to stick with what I have now because I like it and I like both the Fast and the less fast and thing it’s just as long as the story goes where it wants to go then I’m

Satisfied I will put the blood diamonds away don’t need them now I don’t need this I do want to have like a little bit more of the normal bricks uh one where’s the other Stone but welcome back how is your food painting thing want to keep that you had two oh

No I was actually like why is he alone a that’s sad that is okay so we need to do one more layer wait this needs to go then but we were already there um and there there or should we make it three High wait uh I did these three right yeah

Then I need to do two more layers one there yeah one there one there There there There there there uh I want to remove this this this this should I yeah then I do need to have a floor in here I’m going to maybe I will make it out of Sprucewood wait of course I don’t have it with me oh well I wait I do it’s not

Looking uh that’s so sad now he needs a new friend that’s awesome I I used to use blender for a lot of things did argument reality animations for company work put rest of your stream going to pop out for a bit while spend R this session have a good one okay well you

Also have a good one I will see you around isn’t cool I forgot how to use it though yeah you are also a really creative person I like that us knowon cartoon style with it was good okay I will check later on if there’re still there okay Ted

Is uh and if there’s not then I will bring you a new thingy okay so we have one Tower uh hello I want to jump on this thank you I believe this Tower might be bigger than the other one oh because of the Curve wait one uh excuse

Me I don’t have my bow with me and my bow uh broke when we were hunting Ironite what was this shape again I’m actually so confused right now yeah here it’s more like a squary thing so 33 three um oh yeah that’s because we cut out the corners wait so that means this one need to go this one need to go uh one two three oh that actually

Means this one also needs to go ah uh uh okay let’s change this up again okay uh so I want to do the same here as I did with the others oh wait uh window and then he needs to he doesn’t need to go window because we will have a door

Here uh one two one two One F did this serf thing and there is no sniffer named Speedy left but that would be strange if it was a server thing because why would the other then not go away that’s strange yeah there was one I’ve been to your base I was looking for your um a secret onion

Recipe couldn’t find it though do you have any clue where I could find that because I actually do really want to keep eating onions if you don’t mind uh there yeah is it in wait one two three okay so it needs to be this height actually I did it wrong

No wait maybe it was worth one of them disappeared yeah he did a search for it no idea what command Oh you mean he actually went looking for it yeah I have no clue about that didn’t even know he was searching for you one two three um I’m actually going to move

This and I think I’m going to I actually want to place it here and then this one go and this is how I keep up uh keep changing my walls okay you can go there and you can go there okay and then you can go there whoop okay so we have another

Doorway going to put it like this that looks a little bit more realistic I think but I can sent you the Super S recipe in the mail I would love that why do onions have leaves I thought uh they didn’t have leaves the depends and I believe normal

Onions do have leaves just not when you eat them but when they grow in the ground they actually do Sprout above it I believe I’m not quite sure I’m not that familiar with onions I do however have cucumbers in my yard so I have this like vegetable

Garden that me and my son do it’s just like a small thing and will probably never be something but hey uh and it’s like really funny because I last year we only had a really big pumpkin plant and the plant went through the whole garden and then we got all

Like these little pumpkins and then they all fell off and they were rotten except for one it was like this big like really big so this year uh I had seen that the snails had eat eaten the the pumpkin so I knew that 100% that we wouldn’t have Pumpkins this

Year but then we had this like really big plant and I just didn’t know where it was coming from so at first I thought it was what did I think it was yeah first the pumpkin and then I thought maybe it’s squash or shini and after a couple of weeks

Um I actually gave up and I was like well if it’s pumpkin then I will see it and if it’s not pumpkin well then it’s not pumpkin so we went on holiday and when I came back there were all like these green things hanging on it with like uh Stingers like a cactus

Ass but then a f the robart so I was like this is the strangest vegetable I’ve ever had dud out there cucumbers I didn’t know they they could have like these spikes on them never seen it the one pumpkin ate all the other pumpkins well that could definitely be

Because we did have like a lot of drout that year and this year we’re compensating for that because I’ve never had so much rain in my entire life this one went easy okay and we’re going to remove this this in and then we oh I might have done something

Wrong yeah so then it goes one up and then the window starts ew so they all need to be one bigger No wasn’t there one without cracked yeah here easier to pill up again uh so I need to have one more round with like all of these and then I can take out the other parts right there I knew it was too easy Ah the screw G yeah that like really weird if I have a picture uh I will send it in my Discord so then you can look for yourself it’s like the weirdest thing I’ve ever seen should we do it like this wait wait I suddenly got an idea and it looks okay right Uh I’m quickly going to kill the spider hello what time is it oh we’re one and a half hours in okay I actually still wanted to do the elytra cor spiled by uh zero okay so we’re just going to remove these it’s going to be there

There we could make this one a little bit different from the others if we want hi Jong welcome to the stream how are you today oh and there we go pick up my blocks on I need you like the stone stair and me too and it’s a little bit dark here let me

Quickly place a torch as well okay uh so we actually need to make the same pattern here so jum up P just to fill in like real quickly I’m actually making a a castle for the girls who are making a yellow brick road and that goes there needs to be tree

High you’re doing Goose okay that’s wonderful oh oh I almost thought I was going to fell down okay that one uh that so I want to knock this one down And there it’s looking great yeah well I hope so I uh the girls who made the yellow brick road I don’t know if you know the wizard of us I I will go in free Camp to show you they made like this whole yellow road going uh Through

The Dark Forest to the Emerald City they still build in the Emerald City but those girls actually collected I use so I built them a farmhouse and skunk built them a barn and Deno is building them a windmill and S is building them a balloon and before they got my IU I

Already promised them that I would build a castle so this is the castle so far uh the only Parts I still want to remove is this window here I think that would be better if that would also be wood and it also counts for not that one this one I

Think and this one because this one also has an extra window which is like really strange because here it has and there it has [Laughter] not it’s funny so and the interior we’re going to do another time now this is a it’s for a castle it’s small I’m just

Going to put up the the Towery thingies and then then we’re done for today Uh are we just going up with there red wood we’re just going up there red wood let me that there do I have my Ender Chest here I do okay uh I need to grab some more Rockets go I do need to replace those back because if I forget where I left them

Then I have another sh box of rockets I forgot but I don’t know if you have seen how uhoh uhoh ow uh we’re quickly going to sleep so this is what I made for the girls and and I’m partially sleeping the rest of the stream this is

My fridge I’m really proud of the of the fridge and this is my uh like I’m coming out of the closet woo oh guess it looks good from a distance uh okay so I’m going to add these around around don’t know if I can actually do it from here no

Oh wait I forgot these thank you for the water it’s keeping me sharp o and there and there and there there there because of the curves I do have the problem with having a weird roof shape but I’m going to work with it see it doesn’t look that bad

Um not the Apparently I didn’t place this one correctly actually wondering if I should do these just like this I think I’m just going to do it like this because that makes my life so much easier uh this way I’m to leave I’m going to leave this one so in about 20

Minutes but then I will stop the stream no well I won’t stop the stream sorry uh I will actually stop building but we’re going to go and do the light record because I actually really want to try that should I I think I’m doubting about

Making this if if I see it from this angle they should both be the same m think that’s let’s go freaker this is so big I don’t really like that but what we can do is having it like this and if we then remove these it looks like

This I do don’t like the double it makes it look so big change of plant we’re going to remove the second Layer when did z build the lightra course um in his episode Um two weeks ago in the week I was on vacation that’s why I haven’t played it earlier because normally when someone has a new game I will play it mostly that week or the week after but yeah it was away and the week before that actually tried to get

As much content so I could maybe make an episode for my hardcore but I didn’t make it so yeah wow okay uh let’s go up to the next Tower um so we did it like this right I believe we should be able to do this in a

Fairly well if I don’t keep doing that like Fast space I may call it that Way okay that’s one all that’s two by the way um okay one 2 three 4 5 6 s eight don’t know how that’s going to look but we just going to leave it at that Okay now I do want to have like the the roof like a little bit darker so my idea was to actually make that out of uh dark gray concrete which I have a lot of at my mega base but I don’t think I took it with me

So we might need to take a trip back and forward okay so that means all of these we have so basically all the wood things are done except for the entrance which is this and that has to do with the weird curve I actually don’t want to change this up what we could do is I could move this one one forward then at least it’s two let’s do that Um Can we make like this wa it’s a little bit small for a castle entrance right maybe I should no I actually do want to leave this because I think this is pretty and I can’t remove this because this is part of the Tower and here I have another window

Which right wait I have an idea don’t know if this is going to work But wait New this works right I mean it’s not ideal but it’s still better than nothing uh want to have few there and then or am I going to place this one more inward I think it looks fine I’m actually thinking about moving it inward because it’s already at a weird

Angle I’m like that’s it hurt wa light uh there needs to be this one does it work no but if we do it like this yeah I think that Works it’s it’s the curve that makes it really hard I think it doesn’t look that bad I I can live with it that’s the most important thing uh you can go there no you can’t because of the curve uh but that’s okay just remove you guess we’re going to have wood here

Anyway okay um so we have 14 minutes left I could also make the the roof of the the dark uh what is it where where the block tough but I already have stough for the floor it might be a little bit too much uh I don’t know where the rolling R

Comes from in my accent I really don’t uh ooh I don’t think I have enough of those I’m not going to make them Sayan I do want to have it like really dark because it’s so S I have black concrete powder yes wait go there okay let’s quickly manually convert

This and then we’re going to use that for the roof uh but first let’s sleep oh let’s not sleep there there are creepers there okay um oh the castle actually looks really good from afar oh wait I was convert I needed to convert my Concrete okay I do have a concrete converter but I don’t need that much CP just like me when I got no sleep last night the whole Yellow Brick Road area really looks slick with the shaders oh you should see it with the foxers unfortunately I can’t stream and

Use FX realizers at the same [Applause] time I I will show it uh another day did I I made it okay okay oh I really have a full inventory okay uh let’s convert another stack I didn’t know it went that fast a very nice slideshow stream with

The foxer yeah that’s what happened in out I do have to say outright has like 120 mods maybe more outright this it’s like because it’s also mod Ser so it’s way more heavier than igner yeah I I will do you know what I will try Okay after I’ve done converting

The concrete I will show you what it looks and then you guys can tell me if it’s again uh that bad yeah I will fill up the hole afterwards because I keep making holes TW is epic a thank you I’m say I’m seeing that is something positive Shan has been dropping in and

Out of my stream or he’s been continually watching one of the two I like having Sean around and these these these these these okay do you know what I’m going to do because I will probably need to stand still I’m going to over there the F okay the first thing I’m

Gonna do is I’m gonna show you Bobby I know that’s not the really pretty one but Bobby has a render distance of uh onyx’s Bas To I already have flag right now and I’m not I’m not even changing anything I don’t know why it lags so much for that okay uh that’s weird okay so if we go in here you can actually see that I can set my chunks to 130 let’s just

Because I don’t want to fry my PC tonight let’s put it on 100 I want to show you guys this you see how far I can see I mean that’s amazing I can just see everything and I believe Bobby is um also still Runing it farther

Away so I’m not going to turn it down I I will turn up Bobby later okay uh because I first want to uh put on the filzer so oh yeah my PC does seem to struggle right now okay and there we go okay so guys it will take a while before it’s

Gone because of was happened last time well that’s my castle and I will just stand here still then you guys can see how pretty this is okay but I’m uh going to turn the shaders off because yeah that um and let’s let’s wait until I have my full thing

Back I know that’s why I only use it in time lapses what you thinking foxel is like really heavy and the stream should be going back to normal within a minute or so because I turned like all my shaders off now I actually shouldn’t use the concrete for the temporary blocks

Right uh it looks normal now yeah the YouTube itself says I’m still not there uh there there hey fit welcome to the stream buddy you’re a little bit late okay yeah thank you yeah I’m almost running out of my water uh there there there see I still had to

Play is a temporary block there and there there there there and then we’re going to do it like this okay so when is the next collab you mean with aie and with uh owl I actually don’t know because the problem is they I only see them when they stream on igniter

And um I I’m on in my almost every day except for Wednesday because Wednesday afternoon the kids here are like uh free from school so I have my son here and that means I usually don’t get on Minecraft so that’s a little bit hard because uh or and Al can’t be here

Around that time so that that’s that’s a bit of a thing but I do work with the girls and last time di actually did take the time so they could also be here and well I was I actually started building on their stream like the lower half I do want to

Change this up like the top part and well this is actually the shape I want to go with so then at least we have the outside and although I’m now doing it without shaders YouTube still says it’s not running smoothly how are you guys seeing it you know when Deno is

Streaming next I actually suspected Deno to stream today but I know she’s also building the windmill so she has like a little um yeah she doesn’t really have a schedule but normally she hops on like multiple times a week so I did ask uh Orie by the way when I

Was building the The Farmhouse if she also wants to drop in and hang out but I I didn’t get a response could it be that she’s also in the hurricane area that she lives there I don’t know and I know Al was sick she had the

Flu but they can see the results next week I hope they like it smoothy to me gets a little choppy here and there but it’s smooth okay okay uh there Okay so the problem is I have uh that one was round but this one isn’t yes she’s in the middle of the hurricane that’s what I thought so I hope she’s safe that’s that’s more important than all the other things we can collap after that if she

Wants uh should I do it one inward I don’t know there there if we will stream fuse tomorrow well like I said as long as she’s okay that’s the most important part um There I’m a little bit calculating where I should put my stuffff there there there and there um no I do like with the fact that with the the outright crew that we have like everyone almost in the same time zone except for Jewel I believe but uh geek squeak who’s also

Dutch he does stream on her hour so that’s fine but yeah that’s in Creative so that’s like totally different than what I’m doing here uh can I reach that yeah uh am I just going to I’m just going to cover it I do believe I have enough

Concrete to do this I hope I might not have enough FL concrete to do this but it might that’s good because then I can show Bobby to you yeah so also my gold I had Friday like it only got got worse and I’m like Friday this weekend during my

Hardcore actually was like I’m glad it’s the end because my throat really hurts and then I got really sick that evening and then when I was streaming from outright I was like I actually feel pretty okay and then I started coughing so I’m still convinced it might be Corona but yeah doesn’t really

Matter it might also be the dust from our new floor they poured out a new concrete floor in our living room and they’re going to put PVC on there in the next couple of weeks what are the worst they never let go yeah doesn’t really help that I also

Have a 5-year-old who’s always good gold okay uh there I need to put one of these in all there wait think it would be better if I do it like this uh um but two you both had Cs and they decided to share it with me yeah that’s

How it works that is that’s how it works yeah I also hope she’s in the safe place but I think she will she’s smart she can she can keep herself safe I don’t have you knock back concrete no oh there’s a zombie in here oh No uh wait oven oh let’s just run wait I forgot I don’t have my thing with me my uh I don’t have my bow with me so I can’t shoot it uh I’ve been keeping deps on her she says she’s okay so okay well that’s

Good I uh yeah I do need to terraform this that’s unfortunate I was actually looking if we had more black onrad oh no this is for tedius and is hardcore there’s another one really there D is I Avenged you they weren’t on chickens but they were still with you

Uh wait oh I actually wanted to search through these doesn’t seem like I have any black concrete left okay so my it’s running smoothly now so I’m upping up the Rend the distance again I’m setting it at 100 let’s see if my stream can keep up thank you

Yes okay so I still have the the Dark Forest there and the puppy fields and there should be the the emerald City I believe I I can see really far it’s still rendering and stuff so far my stream seems to go do good okay I want you to remember this

Okay going to take a quick trip to shopping district oh yeah I need to I need to start saying un alive I keep forgetting that uh I will just go in here out we uh let’s see shopping district is that way okay so let’s go fit can I go through your

Casino I quickly want to show them the view I think I can see that from on top of the casino I’m going towards bit storage okay I believe if I go out here and we wait we might be able to see the yellow briak Road or can you put it higher

Fit you can also you can see pretty far but not as far as I thought it was apparently I still need to up it I don’t want to sleep night is almost over think it should be that way okay so what we can do is we can go in here and

We can go Bobby uh okay so if my stream is like really laggy you know why There’s no way how many how far away is it I know Onyx could see shopping district I’m actually my stream still seems to run smoothly what the oh but this looks great you can see like the whole spawn look at that that’s amazing and there is a little bit of a glitch

There you can see in the SC vessel from here loaded all of it what is it 500 blocks away how far is Onyx then okay we’re going to put it on three on the chunks can we put it that way since my stream still seems to do

It uh I just want to test this out this is just like Playing Uh okay so if I’m laggy now then at least we know why it might take a little while before because it’s also still loading in there I’m actually amazed that my stream likes Bobby more than my shaders which is like really weird this is where everyone’s computer starts

To melt you’re not hearing the fan right now so that means I can still go higher technically if my connection wants to do you think I erased it because I uh oh no it’s still loading still she Bobby is a really nice guy you know what while this is loading and

It seems like you guys aren’t really bothered by it I’m going to buy myself some concrete and then we’re going to return back to the other break roads because it might be the other way around because I just reset Bobby of course uh where’s my diamonds uh okay uh

Need we were hey was out of normal concrete right or not yeah only a spower left uh fine I will buy two stacks one Diamond two stacks oh it’s not even that expensive you think I should fly for it I might need to take my uh Rockets with me then

Don’t know if I can make that uh okay we’re going to fly to it I believe the yellow break rout is that way I’m really hoping this doesn’t give off too much lag oh yeah my frames are definitely dropping I’m actually Mak it the stream is keeping up okay let me quickly land

Here because my stream is skiing up but the server itself is a little bit like and what you look at that that’s amazing this is going to change how I build my things my rendom distance is at 300 yes I believe this is uh or’s uh creeper

Farm do you remember when I had the heat wve that you could actually hear my fan on the background you’re not hearing it now because I could hear that over my headphones I actually have no clue which direction I need to go I believe it’s this way

But I might need to have a little Peak at the dynamap okay let me quickly open the dynamap um oh yeah my internet is definitely slowing um mcraft map just want to show see if I’m in the right direction I’m still on the dynamap okay I’m there the yellow break

Road is to the West okay keep looking back to the casino okay uh yeah can still see spawn in the casino I’m heading Northwest I still see the casino okay so we can still see Indie space even I have a feeling I’m getting close I actually did close the dynamap

So what I quickly need to do is I’m going to go on top of this and then um going to take another Peak and you guys can enjoy the view uh oh yeah I’m almost there just a little bit I’m going in the good direction it’s I’m almost

There oh yeah this is where re bases there it is that’s my castle let’s skip my PC a moment to render everything in oh because there is the El briak Road and there’s the portal and that’s deno’s windmill the farm my farmhouse the castle I built the what the wood thing wood cutter

Ironite house and then the yellow break road goes all the way to well there where’s the scary Forest where’s the scary forest and there’s Fitz Casino I do have to say it gets a little bit gr unit this far oh you can’t see spawn anymore you can just see part of the casino

Probably uh the other way if I stand on top of the castle I probably won’t see shopping district anymore oh here is the the scary Forest wait oh yeah it’s really having trouble right now so this is a scary forest and can we still see the

Casino no it’s just over 200 in the chunks yeah if you can wait a minute because I actually really want to sleep you do know my PC is already struggling right now right the and the other problem I have is that I then again need to fly

Everything there should be a bed in one of these houses right yeah there’s a pink bed in here not a cyan one but a pink One don’t you think it’s really laggy I do think it’s beauti beautiful because you can see like the whole yellow break Road this way but yeah it’s just out of the way okay let’s uh stop uh being this and let’s put these back to uh 40 40 I will put it on 100

70 and then got to put back my shaders on and hope it works and I don’t lag out my stream uh I need to get my Rockets I will test it out another time but not with my uh I actually still wanted to do the lightra course okay let’s fly the Yellow briak

Roads okay so this is the poppy field so we’re actually going from the end of the story to the beginning and this is the dark oak forest I believe this is all made by uh aie but could also be Al and here is the wood thing

Uh and this is the castle that I’ve worked on uh yeah the houses And if we now go up can I then see everything yeah yeah the problem with the shaders is that I do have like the fog what I can try to do but this will lag out my thing a lot is I can uh try out the other shaders I

Have oh I need to let my C none of you said something about the meowing cat Okay um so I have a few shaders I have this one this one is really bright right I normally I used to use this one only for time lapses which already hurts my

Eyes I have this one it’s really pretty but this one might actually lag out everything I think this one is really pretty but it’s again the fog I do like the gastle I do want to have the on top of these also like the pillars we have here so yeah uh

Let’s put you back on complimentary done we’re back yay so fit are you still watching why is there glass here is there reason there’s glass there should I remove it might have been a house here just just going to break it is my whole stream still online oh yeah definitely

Lagging okay uh yeah I wanted to try out the elytra course you’re still here are you also doing the light track course I’m going to leave all the materials here because I’m not going to use them for something else I don’t know if you’re still

Working or not but if you have time and you want to do the lra course with me I need to put this away um did I put the rocket box back I did okay so I have my diamonds in here okay let’s go to the gaming District what right there painting f is

Also still here yay who else is still in chat you’re still working for another 20 minutes ah uh gaming District was that way ironite is also still here yay do you want to do the light Rec course with me do you have time to come on line you don’t have to

Yes it’s more fun when you do it with friends if you know what I mean okay you see the warden from here now I need to know uh no the warden is just out of Sid okay oh there’s the gaming District okay I’m going to tell this

Beforehand I’m the worst flyer one of the worst Flyers yeah yeah yeah you can help me not get myself killed that so zero hours made this and you basically you need to uh pick a color and then fly through it and your fastest time you can keep but you can only pick out

One thing uh so you have easy medium or heart since I suck I was like do you know what I’m just uh I’m just going to fly the hard one because I’m never going to win anyways I’m not okay you haven’t seen me yet I need to have instructions with

This because it’s also three diamonds I believe per run or is it five wait uh five diamonds that’s a 3 for Five I did ask him if I could practice on the other rings and he said yes so I’m first going to do the one I actually paid for because of course I can yeah so I’m actually doing the red one because the red one for some kind of

Strange region went better than the orange one so how many times do you think I will bump my head there are um let me count 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 12 13 14 15 16 17 holes I’m going to go with 10 times okay maybe it’s a little bit

Less ironite hey hello hello you’re soft I got to close your stream okay you did that okay hello can you say something hello yeah now you sound a lot better okay yay okay hey you had a good time yeah I po I did pop my totem but yeah I also popped

My totem okay there uh I also need to have a timer wait how do I how do I do that did that in post editing can can you time for me that that would be ideal because it’s a little bit hard while streaming let me pull one

Up okay I got one so basically it’s up to down that way yeah mhm okay one two three ow I missed that one uh ow ow ow that was 29.6 YY at least it’s a little bit better true but did do you know how many attempts I’ve done

Already no I’m really I’m not the best flyer now just just Spam those Rockets you know yeah the the problem is I keep bumping my head yeah that happens hey it’s even worse with no armor oh I’m not even going to try that I do want

To show my audience the other rings so we’ll fly those without do you want to try one yeah yeah you want to see if you can break your own record I will try try okay I’ll try armor just practice I guess yeah uh do you want to time off

Someone in your chat I don’t believe we are allowed to practice on the ones we don’t pay for well I mean I can pay for you wait I I can pay I’ll pay I have the diamonds I mean look look I’ve got the diamonds skunk monkey paid for my

Diamonds why why did they give you so much the boxes oh did he did he get the other things the he did I believe he did yeah did he also get the IU I’m pretty sure yeah so we got and an IU from that and the trims yep

Oh well I got Oak locks for the that will last me to the end of the year exactly y exactly okay oh I need an lightra for this don’t I yeah okay yeah that’s why I left my armor on because I knew I was going to fly into

Things said we could practice all we want and then just pay for really that’s not what the book says uh the book said five times yeah here um your F five Free Runs go across all courses I recommend using them determine the course that suits you

The best and uh be honest do not choose the easier course just to be able to win that makes it unfair for less confident Flyers hi sir toaster welcome to the stream it’s a Deno amount of diamonds now Deno has more than this no Deno has way more than that

Yeah okay okay gu do do are you timing yourself no painting thing I know you timed me as well can you time ironite yeah you may have to fly to the end know when I end yeah you need to end here oh you okay you’ve done this thing

Before right yeah okay yeah okay oh oh wow do you see how smooth it went never mind or’s out of R distance it’s already here yeah wow you went so smoothly wow I’m Amazed by it is the is that game already open what G the Stars game yeah I think

It is I think he was planning on decorating it I saw one of his streams yeah it works yeah I know it works but I actually don’t want to play it until it’s done and he hasn’t officially full those sit them 20.2 I’ll take yeah that’s a really good score I’ll take

H oh I by the way still have Indies areu oh yeah yeah I wanted at the arcade oh yeah because I really wanted him to help me out mhm but I uh I couldn’t win it so I actually asked real nicely so he did it for me for free now I have

His and now I’m really contemplating like should I still give it to him or should I just ask for something else cool so I was just talking in stream I have like a to-do list of things I really want to do on igner and

I have a t-o list and there are like 12 things on there and I’m like h it’s actually quite a lot yeah because I always get distracted a lot so y That’s right yep so got enough to do and I’m think I’m also going to close off my

Stream because uh I’m already streaming for uh two and a half hours yeah I finished the exterior of my castle I actually have no clue what I want to do on the inside maybe that’s a stream for next week yeah yeah sounds good coming next to be whoop because uh

Yeah I’m closing off the stream I wish you all a very good day a very fine evening and then I will see you guys next time bye eat the carrots don’t eat the carrots stay away from the carrots and it should have

This video, titled ‘Working on the Castle at the Yellow Brick road IGNITORSMP!🔥 Livestream 🔥 #minecraftlivestream’, was uploaded by Nietvries on 2023-08-31 08:48:58. It has garnered 43 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 02:33:51 or 9231 seconds.

#minecraft #minecraftsurvival #minecraftlive

In today’s stream we are going to work on the Witch Castle I started building on @CaffeinatedOwl7 and @OraiosKako ‘s stream. They are rebuilding the movie Wizard of Oz and have built a fantastic Yellow Brick road! Currently, they are still working on some parts of it and on the Emerald City. If you want to check them out, their links ar further down in my description.

Music by stream Beats and @jaytmichaels7550 with the fantastic birds song!

—————————————- IgnitorSMP is a multiplayer server for family-friendly content creators, based on the well-known Hermitcraft series.

Server story: Once I gave Total some beetroots seeds, things escalated quickly…resulting in a fight, then a lot of memes, and eventually things are getting out of hand…elections seemed to cool down all going vegetable disagreement, but with a black market, a war is never far away.

personal story: When trying to figure out where to build my mega base, I find myself at the ruins of the past where death decides it has other plans for me. The warden has choosen me to defend him and tells me to make him a maze for him. This should protect him from V right?

As the Visitor gets closer, my own v finds me and gives me assignments along the way that should help my warden goal. But if I am able to complete them is a different story.

———————————— IgnitorSMP Members youtube: @Ganxol @Ironite64 @VidMCU @danodiggle8418 @OnyxxMC @IndialienJones @skunkmunkee @OraiosKako @CaffeinatedOwl7 @0_hours ———————————————— IgnitorSMP Members twitch Streams: Danodiggle-

IgnitorSMP Members Instagram: Nietvries-

Check out our website! Join our Discord server:

——— This isn’t just a Minecraft, let’s play! I am taking you on an adventure with me as I try to create and search for the limits within Minecraft. Doing this on an SMP not only provides lots of different perspectives, but it will also lead to bigger projects being achieved, pranks, and maybe even some lore!

I am doing my best to upload a new episode each Saturday, to keep you guys informed on everything that is happening on Ignitor.

Currently, I am experimenting with live streams on YouTube and my plan is to stream every Tuesday from IgnitorSMP between 20:00 and 22:00 CET (2pm EST) this will mostly involve me building the warden maze.

other things on my IgnitorSMP to do list: – terraform the river at spawn – begin at my megabase – make sure carrots are not going to rule the world. (may or may not be valid at this point!) —————————————- Lucky drops (points) and chat commands: every minute you watch my stream you get 1 lucky point. You can save those points to triggere events on my screen.

!redeemphantom 30 drops !redeemcreeper 30 drops !feelgood 20 drops !redeemwarden 50 drops

!drops (show how many drops you have)

————————– This season we are sponsored by Bisecthosting: The best Minecraft server hosting with the #1 unlimited support and slot hosting. Sign up today with plans starting at just $2.99/month. Use code: Random7s Music by stream Beats!

  • Mining Mayhem: 62 Pickaxe Tests in One!

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  • Insane Minecraft Turtle Farm – 3000+ cobblestone/hr

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    ULTIMATE MINECRAFT BUILD with INSANE GRANITE - Tim Horn EPIC Adventure!Video Information This video, titled ‘SO MUCH GRANITE II: Minecraft Series #70’, was uploaded by Tim Horn on 2024-01-17 19:54:18. It has garnered 46 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:50:04 or 3004 seconds. Here is the long awaited Minecraft Series i mentioned before, This World is on an Amplified World, Which is full of lakes & mountains, this actually makes it harder, so good luck for me on this one, Im going to play at my own pace & enjoy building & civilizing this world! Support me on Patreon! Really would appreciate it! My… Read More

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  • EPIC SHIZO REALMS – Thagnogs vs Viewers

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  • EPIC Marble Minecraft War – Z-Marbles Showdown!

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  • SwipeSMP – smp, Mostly-Vanilla, 1.21, Whitelist

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Working on the Castle at the Yellow Brick road IGNITORSMP!🔥 Livestream 🔥  #minecraftlivestream