xisumavoid – Minecraft: Witch Farm For 1.9 Tutorial

Video Information

Hello everybody and welcome back to another minecraft tutorial in this video I’ll be showing you how to build this witch farm that I’ve designed it’s intended for use in 1.9 which is currently still in development now the idea here is that this witch farm doesn’t use any bug exploits like the

Shifting floors which have been patched in 1.9 and therefore it should be good for the final release now this works in the latest snapshots it works in 1.8 as well and as I said should work in the release because it doesn’t use any bug exploits now this is a solid and

Reliable design I’ve been using it for hours upon hours doing lots and lots of tests and it seems to be a really good farm now the last test that I did lasted for 17 minutes and these are all the items that we’ve got from it and I’ve

Calculated that it’s drop rate is around 5200 items per hour so not the fastest in the world but it should work in 1.9 and it’s a solid and reliable design before we start the tutorial I’d like to go over the farm and how it works it may

Be obvious just by looking at it but there are a few design choices here and that I wanted to talk about mainly the water over the back here the reason I didn’t use dispensers with water buckets is because they can create source blocks of water in front of them that you then

Can’t get rid of so the way that this works is a witch spawns on the platform and they’re instantly standing in the tripwire which activates the tripwire hook at either end so that’s then going to power the piston which pushes the redstone block across allowing the item

In this hopper to flow back which will turn off the comparator and the piston will pull down and then the water will flow across until the witch falls down and and then the comparator will turn back off again because the piston is retracted and the item has moved across

Now one thing to note there is that when a witch spawns it activates the the one that they’re directly in line with so the water will always go flowing in a straight line towards the end which means they don’t get pushed over to diagonals and start activating other

Pistons etc and so when they flow over to the edge they fall down where the tripwire hook is which means they don’t activate the tripwire from the other floors they just go straight down without activating anything on this floor as you just saw and so another

Thing to point out is that we’ve got some slabs here as well I think was if they bob up and down in the water they might move faster than when there are four blocks here but I’ve actually done some extensive testing on that and it doesn’t matter and if there is a half

Slab above the witch or a full block they always tend to move out at the exact same speed so that’s pretty much everything you need to know about how this thing works as always with these farms the drop rate is based on the environment that it’s in we are in the

Ideal environment for a farmers absolutely nowhere else for the mobs to spawn and this is something to always consider when building any type of mob farm in your world is that it’s the environment that’s the most important thing now because this is a witch farm that means that it’s probably going to

Involve a lot of caving building a perimeter around the farm and that’s going to be the most important thing when it comes to getting good rates from your farm just in case you didn’t know it a witch farm is built around a witch hut which can be found in swamps it is a

Structure in the game and it has a bounding box in which only witches can spawn which is exactly why we build these farms using these flats so you’ll need to find one in your world in a swamp biome and then you’ll need to build the platform’s based around where the witch height

Itself is so you can see with the court slabs here I’ve outlined where each of the floors will go one thing I do want to point out is that the bounding box for where the witches spawn is actually bigger along here by one block and the reason that we’re not using this space

Is because of the design of the farm and means the water will only flow as far as this bit right here so unfortunately and this part of the bounding box doesn’t get used but you know the farm still works just fine so based on me flying

Around here you should be able to see and where exactly is you know each of the floors go so you want to put them in place you want to remove all of this witch art and then fill in the floors and we’re ready to move on to the next

Step so it should look something like this when you’re done and I’d highly recommend clearing out a little bit of the area around it as well just you’ve got plenty of space and to work with the farm and to build it you’re going to need all of the materials in this chest

And there’s quite a lot of stuff in here so let’s go for it you’re going to need around free stacks of glass I’m not showing the exact number depends on how much you want to put in there as always you don’t have to use glass is purely

Optional so you can see into the farm and then you’re going to need just under free stacks as string and then 50 for tripwire hooks and fifty-four hoppers you’ll need 27 items to put inside half of those hoppers and then 27 sticky pistons 27 regular Pistons and 27 comparators as well as

That you can see here we’ve got just over two and a half stacks of slabs you need the same amount of full blocks as well and no they don’t have to be quarts you can pretty much use any type and as well as that you’re also going to need

27 water sources so two water buckets should do you good for that and then down at the very bottom you’re going to need nine hoppers and a chest that’s to collect all the items after the witches are falling down and landed on the hoppers you can collect them into the

Chests automatically and then to build the roof you’re going to need 926 slabs which is a heck of a lot so make sure you’ve got all these materials prepared ready to go and then we can start building this thing okay so we need to pick the longer side you can see this

One over here has more blocks than that one that means this is the correct slide to build on and we want to go to the bottom floor and pay place a piston facing upwards a block behind it then go down by one and go across by three

Blocks we then want to put a comparator facing into that block and behind it and two hoppers facing into one another so you have to shift-click them onto each other like that so they face into each other and then put an item inside that’s going to activate the piston we then

Want to put a sticky piston on top of this comparator so it faces forward and then a block of redstone there and then we put free blocks on top of it and on the side of this one we put our tripwire hook and a block above so hop up on here

Place it down a piston we’re basically going to build add the same thing again I’m going to walk you through it just once more so hoppers facing into one another and an item inside then the sticky piston on top of the comparator with a block a redstone block even right

There three more blocks a tripwire hook on the end of this one then a block on top of it with a piston facing upwards here comparator goes back into that block and and then we got our hoppers again so just face them into one another but an item inside once again sticky

Piston redstone block free blocks like this and and then a tripwire hook right here so there you can see we’ve successfully built like one segment of the farm and now what you need to do is build that again and again going all the way across this side so the next step is real

Simple you can see that I put in glass over on these slides and these two over here we want to do is just go to where the piston head is extended put a glass block there one behind it and then bring it all the way over by one more than the

Floor goes to and then you want to visit each floor one by one and just fill in the water back here so right click on the Pistons going all the way across you want a water source block in front of every single piston and do that on each

Floor and then we’re ready to move on to the next step so when it comes to the glass it is optional I have filled all of this in right here which is what I’d recommend doing although you don’t actually have to because and the gap

Here is just one and a half blocks so the witches won’t be able to escape but if you want to fill it in or not for this next bit you will need some extra blocks whether it’s glass or regular ones because you need to put in the tripwire hooks opposite the ones you’ve

Already placed so this is above the gap that the witches are going to fall down and they just need to put a tripwire hook on a block like that and then have another block because otherwise you’re going to leave a gap which the witches can technically escape from so what I

Would do is just fill this all in with glass you can peer into the farm as you can see here you need tripwire hooks on each of the floors so when you’ve done something like that you just need to repeat it going all the way across so once that’s done you should have

Something that looks like this we’ve got our tripwire hooks going across each of the floors now the next thing we’re going to do is build the drop that goes all the way down to the bottom because we’re going to kill the witches with full damage now important that we get

The numbers right here if you go over you’ll be absolutely fine if you make it too short then some of the witches might survive the drop which will be a problem so what we’re going to do is start at this block right here this is going to

Be number one of 32 because we want to go down by a 32 blocks so count down and the 32 should be right here so below that drop sorry that block is where we place our half slab and then below the half slabs is where we put our hoppers

So somewhere in the middle here have a chest to collect your items and then just have hoppers pointing into the chest like so directly below the half slabs so believe it or not there are just two steps left for this farm one of them should be really obvious the other one is

Building a roof which we will do after we’ve placed down all of the string now I would recommend blocking off that drop that we made in the last step Abbott to place down all the string here’s how I’d recommend doing it I’d start off on the

Side like so and go all the way across but I wouldn’t place in the last block because when you do that it connects and if you can see the black lines they are significantly smaller and then the hitbox size of this right here which means it’s just easier to place it off

Of the next one so I would go across like this I’d go all the way back and do it all the way to the far side because you’ve got that big hitbox to work with and then the last thing I’d do is this row right here cuz once you place the

First one the hitbox gets smaller and it’s a little bit more finicky to place the next one but basically do that on each floor and then we can move on to building the roof so this is going to be fairly straightforward to build but a little bit tedious because of its size

And we build this thing at a half slabs by the way so nothing will spawn on top of it during the night but the idea is that the roof is going to block out the sunlight in the day and make sure that at all times the light level inside the

Farm is going to be zero so to do that we need to start off with a square in the middle on top of the farm that we’ve built so far this thing is the exact same size as the spawning platforms down below so once you’ve placed that in then

What we need to do is extend it by 15 blocks in all directions which means no light will make it into the farm and so what you want to do is count out 15 blocks in this direction and 15 blocks in this direction so that’s 15 blocks

Out in each direction then what we want to do is just place the blocks in a diagonal like this until they meet the other side so that’s been done you can see I’d already done one on that corner over there and the next thing to do

Would of course to be doing it on the other two corners as well and when all four corners are done you should have something that looks like this it should be pretty obvious where we’re going from here you just want to connect these up on each side and then fill in the entire

Space so all of those bits that we’ve left open like this section and that section and that one fill all of those in go all the way around and then the roof will be complete so there is a finished roof fully filled in if we now

Go in the inside of the farm and look at the light level value you can see at all points in the spawner what area is now zero for the last part of this tutorial I want to drive home the point that the most important thing

When it comes to getting good rates on a mob farm is the environment that it’s in and I’ve got a trick here for you that’s going to make that a lot easier it’s an afk spot up in the sky I’m going to show you how to do this in a moment

But it means that you’re loading far less of the world and you only need to do caving and removing spawn spots in the area directly around the witch farm itself so let’s go down below you need to do caving just in this area around where the witch farm is and remove all

Spawner ball spaces on the surface now because this is a swamp that means lighting it up isn’t good enough you’ll need to remove all of this grass around here and then down in the caves down below just out of where slimes will spawn all you need to do is light it up

With torches so there’s a very important number when it comes to mobs the spawning and that is 128 if you are 128 blocks away from a mob it will automatically be spawn so the height of the drop right here is at Y at 32 that

Means if we go up by a hundred and twenty eight blocks we’re going to arrive at the platform up the top so the best place to put it is directly above the drop like so another thing I wanted to mention is that obviously this area around here you would half slab or light

Up so none of these guys can spawn but if we go all the way up you’ll see that this is just below 160 so 32 plus 128 equals 160 so by standing up here no mob is going to automatically despawn when it reaches the bottom of the drop and so

By F gang up here we’re loading a lot less of the world and that should greatly help with increasing the rates in your farm and yes just in case you’re wondering you would build a ladder to get up here of course I’ve just built the platform at the correct place as an

Example and that’s it from me this minecraft tutorial there is a weld download available in the description box if you’ve enjoyed the video please do leave a like and check out the tutorials playlist for more awesome tutorials like this one if you haven’t subscribed already be sure to do so

That’s it for me this video so as always thank you ever so much for watching and I’ll catch you next time bye bye

This video, titled ‘Minecraft: Witch Farm For 1.9 Tutorial’, was uploaded by xisumavoid on 2015-10-04 15:30:01. It has garnered 291148 views and 6182 likes. The duration of the video is 00:13:15 or 795 seconds.

Minecraft Tutorial Playlist ► http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLEB388783144C45A8 This video will show you how to build a witch farm for minecraft 1.9

Minecraft: 30 XP Levels Mob Valve Tutorial https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1VBM7wScLJo&index=76&list=PLEB388783144C45A8

10 Guardian Facts – Do You Know Minecraft? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_g536jjfNPU&index=1&list=PL7VmhWGNRxKh9il64la9_Bsrxj5LXJmC_

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    Crafty Artemia: Ship of Robbers in Minecraft Artemia and I, on a mission so bold, Investigating robbers on a ship, we’re told. In Minecraft, a mod brings the challenge near, Illager Warship, danger lurking, so clear. On RuTube, Zen, and Twitch, we share our quest, With Discord and Viber, we aim to impress. Join us on this journey, filled with thrill, As we uncover secrets, with skills and skill. Stay tuned for more, on this gaming ride, With ClaDiamond leading, we won’t hide. Minecraft adventures, in rhymes we’ll bring, For all our viewers, let the fun ring! Read More

  • Minecraft Logic: Villagers be like “Trade or Die” 😂

    Minecraft Logic: Villagers be like "Trade or Die" 😂 When you spend hours building a house in Minecraft, only for a creeper to blow it up in seconds. Minecraft logic: spend hours creating, seconds destroying. Read More

  • Diving into the Depths of Scary Minecraft Mods Again!

    Diving into the Depths of Scary Minecraft Mods Again! Exploring Terrifying Minecraft Mods: A Deep Dive into the Depths of the Internet Welcome to Profly’s channel! In this video, we delve into the realm of unknown, terrifying modifications for the game Minecraft. Profly has curated 7 distinct mods to uncover their quality and why they lurk at the bottom of the ratings list. So, sit back, brew a cup of tea, and enjoy the video! Mod Showcase: Here’s a breakdown of the spine-chilling mods featured in the video: The Fake Player Starting off the journey into horror mods, The Fake Player introduces a sense of unease and mystery…. Read More

  • 👻Black Magic! Ninja Gaming 9018 Subscribe Now!

    👻Black Magic! Ninja Gaming 9018 Subscribe Now!Video Information This video, titled ‘👻black magic please subscribe like for more videos#minecraft #YouTube short 🥺’, was uploaded by #Ninja gaming 9018#FF on 2024-08-28 13:10:11. It has garnered 513 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:25 or 25 seconds. Read More

  • Ninja Showdown: Mikey vs JJ in Minecraft

    Ninja Showdown: Mikey vs JJ in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Mikey vs JJ : NOOB vs PRO Ninja Student Survival Battle in Minecraft – Maizen’, was uploaded by Mikey World on 2024-08-23 21:00:32. It has garnered 102182 views and 899 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:54 or 1014 seconds. Mikey vs JJ : NOOB vs PRO Ninja Student Survival Battle in Minecraft – Maizen This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with Mikey and JJ. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We’re not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add new and interesting stories… Read More

  • INSANE IRON LUCK?! Minecraft Hardcore S2 #4

    INSANE IRON LUCK?! Minecraft Hardcore S2 #4Video Information This video, titled ‘ZO VROEG AL ZO VEEL IRON!! – MINECRAFT HARDCORE SURVIVAL S2 #4’, was uploaded by TorpedoTobi41 on 2024-05-06 13:00:24. It has garnered 2 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:43:09 or 2589 seconds. Waddup males and welcome to this new Minecraft Hardcore episode in which we don’t achieve anything, but that shouldn’t spoil the fun, right??? Read More

  • Insane Minecraft House Build 🔥Gyan Warrior vs TechnoGamerzOfficial

    Insane Minecraft House Build 🔥Gyan Warrior vs TechnoGamerzOfficialVideo Information This video, titled ‘Epic🌟 Minecraft House Build with TechnoGamerzOfficial #1’, was uploaded by Gyan warrior on 2024-04-09 04:54:15. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Constructing a luxurious house in Minecraft minecraft school hidden minecraft worlds techno gamerz minecraft mod xnestorio … Read More


    xMagicyMC EXPOSED - CRAZY SECRETS REVEALED 👀Video Information This video, titled ‘True right? 🙄👀’, was uploaded by xMagicyMC on 2024-03-05 13:27:34. It has garnered 5284 views and 120 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. Java: play.oreo.gg Bedrock: play.oreo.gg Port: 19132 #minecraftserver #minecraft #minecraftsmp #minecraftsmpservers #publicminecraftserver #minecrafthardcore #survivalminecraftserver #minecraftshorts #minecraftsmp #smpserver #lifestealsmp #minecraftearth #minecraftshorts #minecraftmeme #minecraftsmp #minecraft #lifestealsmp #smp #minecraftserver #minecraftsurvival #dreamsmp #minecrafthardcore #minecraftlifestealsmp #minecraftserver #server #minecraftsmpservers #publicserver #publicminecraftserver #schoolminecraftserver #survivalminecraftserver #servers #minecraftshorts, minecraft server,this minecraft smp wants me dead,school minecraft server,this player,it took months to kill this player,smartest player,if you see this player,on this smp,if you see this player log off… Read More

  • Insane RLCraft Challenge – Day 3.5 LIVE with BlankGuy

    Insane RLCraft Challenge - Day 3.5 LIVE with BlankGuyVideo Information This video, titled ‘DAY 3.5 – Hardcore RLCraft attempt’, was uploaded by BlankGuy on 2024-09-14 04:40:39. It has garnered 107 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 04:30:01 or 16201 seconds. deez nutz #minecraft #rlcraft #gaming tags: touhou,touhouproject,touhou project,2hu, 2hujerk, 2hu project, touhou fans be like,touhou memes,touhou meme,touhoumemes,hong meiling, meiling, eosd, sakuya izayoi,touhou fans, touhou funny, touhou shorts,fumo,fumo memes,東方,東方 project,紅錦,zun,zun memes,team shanghai alice, embodiment of scarlet devil, touhoujerk Read More

  • Insane Build Hacks to Blow Your Mind! ✨ [Minecraft]

    Insane Build Hacks to Blow Your Mind! ✨ [Minecraft]Video Information This video, titled ‘TOP 15 Mind-Blowing Build Hacks of 2023! [Minecraft]’, was uploaded by Cubius on 2023-12-30 18:33:15. It has garnered 40463 views and 828 likes. The duration of the video is 00:11:03 or 663 seconds. Minecraft: TOP 15 SECRET Build Hacks and Tricks of 2023 in your Minecraft World! Today, in this Video I will Show you the 15 Best SECRET Builds and TRICKS in Minecraft of 2023! This video will help you to make these Builds! These Builds will be working cool in your Minecraft World ! 🙂 This video will help you to make these… Read More

  • Duo Survives 100 Days in Minecraft Hell ft. Yaxi 🔥

    Duo Survives 100 Days in Minecraft Hell ft. Yaxi 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft 100 Days Duo with Yaxi Part 2 Days 7-16’, was uploaded by Cerberus-Alastor on 2024-09-28 01:50:58. It has garnered 15 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 02:39:31 or 9571 seconds. we got the bastion looted and more diamonds mined but we are going to have to get even more looted up in future episodes so stay tuned and i hope you enjoy — Watch live at https://www.twitch.tv/cerberusalastor Read More

  • Shocking Confession: PandTeddy Exposes Fake Diamonds! #shorts

    Shocking Confession: PandTeddy Exposes Fake Diamonds! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘I hate fake diamonds #shorts #notvixios #skit’, was uploaded by PandyTeddy on 2024-09-24 15:43:55. It has garnered 9556 views and 170 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:11 or 11 seconds. Teehee Sub goal:50 Minecraft gameplay, Minecraft survival, Minecraft hardcore, Minecraft creative mode, Minecraft adventure, Minecraft exploration, Minecraft tutorial, Minecraft walkthrough, Minecraft playthrough, Minecraft let’s play, Minecraft beginner guide, Minecraft tips and tricks, Minecraft funny moments, Minecraft speedrun, Minecraft challenge, Minecraft building ideas, Minecraft house tutorial, Minecraft mansion build, Minecraft modern house, Minecraft castle build, Minecraft treehouse, Minecraft skyscraper build, Minecraft city build, Minecraft… Read More

  • Rtrix

    RtrixMINIGAMES • Practice – Get ready for exciting fights on various kits whether 1v1 or 2v2. Train your PvP against realistic PvP Bots and get ready to fight! • Modern Practice – Get ready for exciting fights on various kits whether 1v1 or 2v2. Play new PvP and kits like Crystal PvP and more! • BuildFFA – Kill as many players you can and get coins for special items in the shop or buy cosmetics. • BedWars – Play Solo and Doubles modes like on the popular Hypixel server. You can also practice Bridging, MLG and Fireball/TNT Jumping. • BoxPvP… Read More

  • Abyss SMP Semi-Vanilla 1.21 Whitelist

    Join Our SMP Minecraft Community! Looking for a laid-back Minecraft community? Join our almost fully vanilla SMP with mods for better quality of life. Read the rules, fill out a form, and join our Discord! Rules: No Bullying: Treat all players with respect and kindness. Respect Boundaries: Respect other players’ wishes. No Stealing, Griefing, or PvP Without Permission: Follow consent to ensure fair play. No Nether Roof Travel: Stay below the nether roof for a challenging experience. Modlist: Server Side: Sodium, Lithium, Ledger, Leaves Us In Peace Server and Client Side: Simple Voice Chat, Universal Graves Fill out our entry… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Check Out My Epic Movie Poster!

    Minecraft Memes - Check Out My Epic Movie Poster!Looks like the only thing this movie is starring is a blocky character and a bunch of creepers as the villains! Read More

  • Subscribe and Like for Minecraft’s Delight #shorts

    Subscribe and Like for Minecraft's Delight #shorts In the world of Minecraft, where blocks abound, Creativity and adventure, always to be found. Join me in this journey, where the story unfolds, In rhymes and emojis, let the excitement be told. From building grand castles to mining for ore, Every moment in Minecraft, we always adore. So hit that like and subscribe, join the fun, Together we’ll explore, under the bright sun. With each new update, a world to explore, New mobs, new features, always wanting more. So stay tuned for the latest, in every rhyme, Minecraft news and updates, every single time. So let’s dive in,… Read More


    MINECRAFT MEME ON FIRE! Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! Read More

xisumavoid – Minecraft: Witch Farm For 1.9 Tutorial