xjemmamx – Minecraft | Ultra Hardcore Season 3 (UHC) | Episode 1 | So Many Cows!

Video Information

Oh hey everyone is your friend thinknoodles and welcome to UHC season 3 minecraft ultra hardcore game originally created by goood and the group minecraft as always we have some of your favorites returning this season and a bunch of new participants as well we have a total of

24 competitors and we are returning to solo with an added twist of Perpetual day for the entire match these UHC events are recorded all in a one sitting so don’t worry about cheating by telling your favorite youtuber what other people are up to in an episode are you using a

Custom plug-in code adjust for this event by the team at mineplex and grazer two will tell you a little bit about it now get started alright so first I’m going to go over how UHC works UHC is a game mode where your health does not regenerate naturally the only way to

Regenerate health is by eating a golden apple and or by drinking a health potion which can be obtained through travel to the nether all players will be spun 200 blocks away from each other and the last remaining player is deemed the victor mine Plex is back at it again they’ll be

Hosting the server for you HCC 83 can play their games at mineplex calm we’ve also ironed out some of the bugs that were faced last season in order to guarantee a nice smooth playing experience for everyone as there are 24 players rolling solo that means there are 24 different spawns across the map

We’ve been large in it to 2500 by 2500 instead of the normal two thousand by 2000 and because of this perpetual they case will be of enhanced difficulty as all mob spawns will be occupied underground throughout the duration of the season rules PvP will just be displayed the PvP will be disabled for

The first 20 minutes there will not be strip mining tolerated no enhanced Gama no mods are permitted other than Optifine and if you die you must leave the server after saying goodbye to your viewers and good game to the remaining of Hearts is events oh one thing I

Forgot if you kill someone you will receive ahead this school that had will Raheel 4 hearts in rather than to that a normal Apple with do and we’ve nerfed it since last season so that you only get to absorption heart rather than poor I think that’s everything right think that’s it hey

There everyone and welcome to see you know three of you HC and this is already spawned so there’s a great that’s a really good there’s like a ton of cows which is pretty good because it means we can collect all the leather and we can start off with like a basic kind of

Armor and also a lot food so that’s actually pretty good and there’s a sheep down there taking a bath or something anyway we had a couple of like teething problems trying to get the world starts we have lost a bit of time and our grace period probably a few minutes maybe so

It’d probably be more like 15 minutes grace period rather than 20 but that’s okay it’s um plenty of time anyway and we don’t have to worry about night which is a really good thing so yeah let’s make a crafting table so we can get all our tools on the go I

Think we need a sword a pic and an axe for now and yeah thatthat should be us pretty much set up I think so yeah then we’ll go have a look around will definitely kill some cows and we’ll collect as much stuff as we can because

We don’t have to worry about it turning tonight which is really good and we definitely want to try and get at least one Apple before we go underground and start mining so but they’re like such a Red Rock they’re a pain trying to get sometimes oh there’s one okay all right

Is it it’s right we got it yes we got an apple straight away that’s we’re really good okay so you can get one more that would be even better but I don’t think we’re going to get one come on come on come on apples alright I don’t think I’m gonna get one

No well we got one so that’s that’s fine I can make ow let me kill you alright there we go so got some leather to and yep everyone’s still doing pretty good all right we’ve got 50 minutes until PvP is enabled and yet if you disconnect like if you have internet issues or

Something like that then you have a 10 minute period to rejoin and if you can’t rejoin in 10 minutes then you’re out unfortunately so yeah we should be good though the server’s went fine actually there’s not much lag at all so that’s really good all right what else is around here okay

So got more cows which is really good and we want to try and say some lever as well for books so that if we can eventually make an enchanting table then they’ll come in handy too so all chickens yet we need chickens because we can use the feathers for arrows so we

Definitely want to try and get some chickens kill some chickens before we head underground alright I think we we did all right with this spawn actually there’s plenty of food and obviously food is something you have to worry about because you can starve in UHC and

I can quite easily happen if you just get a really Neph spawn but we’re doing good we got plenty of beef plenty all right let’s make a chest plate cool so we have that already which is pretty decent obviously we’ll replace it all with iron when we combine it but for now

It’s a pretty decent substitute just in case we are still up here after the PvP period and yeah just just in case really all right so someone’s having some issues with their internet which is pretty unfortunate but alright okay so this will definitely grab that sugarcane

So that no one else can have it because obviously we’ll need the paper for books too oh okay there’s pics over there too I can see some pigs alright okay so and also kidding friendly mobs is going to help us to get more experience as well so we can eventually enchant stuff I

Just hope that we get lucky really when the mining underground that we can find diamonds because that’s one thing in UHC which i think kind of down to luck and obviously you’re not allowed to strip-mining this as well you’re only allowed to strip-mine of five blocks I think and

That’s only if you hear like mob noises or cable noises so you can’t you can’t take advantage of that to help find ORS which makes sense but it does mean that it’s harder to find gold and diamond but yeah all right die cool so we had plenty

Of bacon steaks and stuff even more Cal’s as well so we might be able to make some more leather armor after this too which is good I’m actually next to a jungle biome which I kind of want to stay away from because sometimes there’s a lot of shade generated there and they

Could be skeletons hiding under trees which is obviously not good because skeletons are like one of the worst mobs in UHT all right that’s just okay well more cows we’ll definitely get some more leather thank you very much all right okay so yeah we should probably get some

More wood too actually because yep yeah we might want to get some more wood and stuff but yeah let’s just see if we can find some cobble as well so we can upgrade our tools there should be some cobble under here somewhere because our swords dying and yet we just want stone

Tools really progressive cobble for so much dirt look at this dirt but where is like actually the stone what where is it as okay nevermind let’s just abandon that path then oh I was going to grab some cobble so we could upgrade our tools but yeah we’ll just grab some wood

For now umm and yeah I suppose as well before we go into ground who want to really try and find some coal so that we can make some torches and stuff and if possible get another apple but you know it’s awkward to get and the good thing

Is that is a perpetual day so it’s always day so the only risk about coming up to get more apples is like other players but I think it should be okay to come up and try and guess what apples later on so if you don’t get some now

It’s not too much of a big deal but it would be good it would definitely be good if we could get some but it doesn’t look like we get anything all right okay more cows cows so loud as well all right so we have a lot of leather as

Well so we can definitely make someone love the armor maybe some pants because that’ll give us pretty good protection and I think I will probably not make any more I’ll save the rest of the lever actually just in case we can get around to making that books for an entire table

So yeah we definitely want to keep hold of some leather all right ten minutes till PvP so it’s getting pretty tense already starting to get a bit nervous because I don’t know I do not want to go out really early okay we got a cave here let’s have a look

It looks pretty safe so maybe we could collect some cobble down here I’m really nervous folks all right Cole okay that’s good so it’s definitely worth coming down it but it makes me I can’t hear any not like mob sound so that’s good but I’m still nervous or someone like a

Creeper could um come up from behind from around the corner of the cave okay we should be all right we should be right they will call two blocks really normally Cole has like tons in the one vein so that’s kind of unlucky but hey at least we have some at least we have

Some so yeah the hunger hungers gone down really quick Wow two bars left so I definitely need to cook some food to get that back up because the last thing I want to do is start dying from hunger because that would be pretty embarrassing especially with food we

Have all right so I think I’m going to kill some more cows in the meantime while we’re waiting for that to cook commit mmm maker oh and another thing is full damage as a world that you have to be careful of this a stupid way to take

Damage but it happens all right that’s a little bit better okay that’s so that yeah no one’s really like close to dying straight away which is which makes sense because it’s kind of way too early to to die they’ll be pretty embarrassing for someone to hide

The first 20 minutes the I do have it like a 20 minute PvP is that everyone gets at least one episode they can put out so yeah everyone should be good in this episode I think I don’t think anyone will be dying just yet but we’ll

See okay let’s collect a bit more cobble so we can make some stone tools because I can see some poking out here so that’s really good all right that’s enough cobble and let’s upgrade our tools already got some more food to so we’ll make sure to eat that definitely all

Right back to full hunger so that’s good okay I think we’ve done okay so far we haven’t had too bad of a start it’s been alright I mean we didn’t spawn there any villages or structures or anything like that to get an Opie start but I’m pretty

Happy with the stat that we had so yes okay so this time I think it’s time to start looking for places where we can set up a temporary kind of den from which we can mine form and explore so yeah I just want to make sure we have

Plenty of work before we go down cuz you use a lot of wood making up tools and stuff when you’re underground but just keep in get that Apple but it doesn’t look like it oh come on come on apples um no I’m not having much luck getting

Any apples which sucks but anyway okay we have times do that later on we don’t have to worry about it too much and let’s let’s check out the area let’s see what we’re near let’s see what’s around I can see some horses over there actually so if we can get a saddle that

Would be pretty good bother see you need to find a dungeon I think to find a saddle in one of the chests so that’s not going to be until further down the line if we can even get one because I think if you if you ride a horse then

The horse takes all the damage for you if you PvP someone else so if you have a horse oh this looks interesting hmm I think I can see you like some iron down there so this is pretty scary though this is a bit risky so I’m going

To make some torches before we head down just in case all right I think as long as there’s no skeletons down there we should be good I can’t see any it looks safe so let’s just light this up and yeah we got some iron which is really

Good I can see at least four blocks oh yeah all right looks like five actually five blocks of iron so that’s pretty good so we can make a pic and a sword already so we’ve got around tools ready for when we start mining and stuff um so

Yeah now we just want to look for like oh there’s a lot of caves and stuff around here hmm I hate more pigs horses I’m not oh oh my god Wow I just fell that was so dumb if that was like a ravine or something I would have

Been out from the start well I can’t mushroom I’ll take that just in case we can make mushroom shoot because that refills a lot of hunger so yeah that’s another thing I’m going to have to be careful of all right PvP in five minutes guys it’s time to find somewhere and settle down

I think because yeah I don’t know what to do I mean the Plains biome which is probably one of the worst because if there’s someone near me then I’ll see them and I don’t want to see someone at this point because they could follow me for five minutes and then kill me after

The PvP is over which would suck alright let’s see we’ve got okay um it’s like a big lake or something anything else all right there’s a river oh god I have to be careful I do not want take full damage at this point and there’s a snow

Biome over there as well alright there’s something down here oh maybe I could take a look at this and see what’s down here alright no I don’t think I’m gonna go down there looks a bit too dangerous I’m not quite equipped just yet there’s another cave system down there too

And there all right four minutes left come on I need to find some medicine before those files are just like dig a little hidey hole in the ground and we’ll do that instead but hopefully we can find some thing interesting come on ooh chicken comes with sound one

Without sound well I think it was a chicken dyin I’m not sure all right what do we got horses oh it’s getting pretty close now to PvP time which makes me nervous ah more chickens chickens always good oh wow someone that is low on health already that sucks that really sucks

All right chickens give me some more feathers okay so yeah just just trying to find somewhere now because we need to start mining we have three minutes left oh this this could be interesting got a little cave system down here that we can maybe settle down in let’s go take a

Look we have to be careful though we have to be really careful all right I’ll stone here Oh what is this oh wow we’re like right over a very like ravine that could be pretty good actually if we can make our way down to it it could be

Pretty dangerous but we can definitely find some gold and stuff down there all right we got some coal that’s really good because we definitely need more coal so we can start our own in that all right Oh more iron as well just have to take this corner really safely and hope there’s

Nothing around there let’s just block it off for now very good we don’t have to worry about that yet and we should probably block this off too so that if anyone kind of comes across it they might not know that we’re down here um all right let’s skip

To that and yeah I think we some wood dirt as well to block this up but we’ll see how much of this we can cover up come on this that’s just booked yet we’re a bit short let’s get some order and cover this up so we can mine safely

And I don’t think when every players I haven’t seen any name tags or anything so is that them yeah it’s done right we should be safe in here now I think all right okay let’s get this coal cooler let’s say we’ve got a good amount cold here as well so

That’s really good might as well use that wooden pickaxe just to use it up and let’s take a look good how everyone is doing okay I think down slawsa hot ready well what a noob um okay my still on full health so that’s the main thing

Alright one minute to PvP so stuff is about to get real I wonder if there’s going to be any deaths from the bat probably not but yeah you never know alright so still quite a lot of people on for health as well and let’s just

Collect all this up so we can go a bit further underground just in case if someone is on the surface they could see our name type from here they might do but we’ll see all right let’s get this iron 1 block really ready there’s no more iron around that’s oh that’s a bit

Of stingy okay so there’s a lot gravel in there but I can’t see any mobs or anything so maybe we can check that out maybe a bit later on because I kind of want to go into ground for now just a bit further all right let’s make some

More torches okay now let’s go underground and I think what I’ll do is I’ll probably cook some stone so that I can place it at the entrance so it looks like it looks more hidden if you know what I mean so that’s definitely what we

Will do once we get this a space kind of established down here so we can start smelting and crafting and then we’ll probably start stair casing down okay alright that’s alright that’s the end of the episode guys 20 minutes have passed so I hope you’re enjoying this

Series and make sure you come back for the next episode

This video, titled ‘Minecraft | Ultra Hardcore Season 3 (UHC) | Episode 1 | So Many Cows!’, was uploaded by xjemmamx on 2013-10-15 21:00:26. It has garnered 117021 views and 1706 likes. The duration of the video is 00:21:02 or 1262 seconds.

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Welcome to UHC Season 3!

Minecraft: Ultra Hardcore is a gamemode originally created by Guude and the group Mindcrack.

In UHC mode, health does not regenerate, you must use a golden apple, golden head, or instant health potion. In addition, ghasts drop gold ingots, rather than ghast tears, so players cannot brew regeneration potion.

In this season of UHC, we are returning to solo, with perpetual day. Last player standing wins! The season was recorded in a single-session.

We’re using a custom plugin for UHC that automatically disables PvP for the first 20 minutes, manages team colors and displays episode timers.

Custom plugin and hosting provided by mineplex.com. Intro created by Patclone.

Other Participants ========== http://www.youtube.com/BayaniDood http://www.youtube.com/DrPlaystationNation http://www.youtube.com/DulJuiced http://www.youtube.com/FlexvoidHD http://www.youtube.com/Grapeapplesauce http://www.youtube.com/Graser http://www.youtube.com/ItsKricken http://www.youtube.com/Kermitplaysminecraft http://www.youtube.com/MagneticMinecraft http://www.youtube.com/mrmitch361 http://www.youtube.com/Palmerater http://www.youtube.com/Patclone http://www.youtube.com/Pokediger1 http://www.youtube.com/StrauberryJam http://www.youtube.com/TheCampingRusher http://www.youtube.com/TheDiamondMinecart http://www.youtube.com/Thinknoodles http://www.youtube.com/Tofuugaming http://www.youtube.com/Vasehh http://www.youtube.com/xDowsey http://www.youtube.com/xSMDxhbomb94

== Intro Music == Music Supplied by Monstercat Song: Harmony Artist: Vicetone Video Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PmYRJJg60F8 Album Download Link: https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/monstercat-011-revolution/id586782153

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  • Randys Network

    Randys NetworkSumérgete en un mundo de aventuras épicas y desafíos emocionantes con nuestros minijuegos de Minecraft. Desde la estrategia de supervivencia en SkyWars hasta la emoción del último hombre en pie en BedWars, cada juego ofrece una experiencia única y emocionante. En nuestro servidor, cada partida es una nueva oportunidad para demostrar tus habilidades, trabajar en equipo y superar obstáculos. Y si buscas mejorar tus habilidades, nuestro modo Practice es el lugar perfecto para perfeccionar tus estrategias. Con actualizaciones regulares, eventos especiales y una comunidad amigable y acogedora, es el lugar perfecto para los amantes de Minecraft que buscan un nuevo… Read More

  • TechNut Semi-Vanilla SMP Technical-based Build long-term 1.20.4

    What is Technut? Technut is a Minecraft server for experienced players who excel in building and technical aspects of the game, upholding high standards for projects and accomplishments. Our server is community-based with large projects and events that involve everyone. Technut is a Whitelist only server, fostering a positive and creative community experience. We focus on Vanilla gameplay but have introduced 1.21 Experimental items and carpet mod for quality of life. When did the server start/reset? Technut opened on 20th March 2024. What type of players are we looking for? We seek motivated and dedicated players interested in high-effort, long-term… Read More

  • Lions MC

    Lions MCThis is a fun multiplayer server with plugins that make things even better! We have a shop, pwarps, hopper filters and more! There is also zero whitelist. A great pwarp to visit is called Factory it has workstations with types of workbenches. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Check out this Minecraft Chad!”

    Minecraft Memes - "Check out this Minecraft Chad!"Looks like this Minecraft meme is a true diamond in the rough with that high score! Read More

  • Diamond Golem DESTROYS Golems | Epic Minecraft Battle! #minecraft #meme

    Diamond Golem DESTROYS Golems | Epic Minecraft Battle! #minecraft #meme Why did the Diamond Golem bring a shovel to the battle? To dig his opponents’ graves! #minecrafthumor #golembattle Read More

  • Escaping the Warden in Minecraft!

    Escaping the Warden in Minecraft! The Deep Dark Adventure in Let’s Play Minecraft: Ep. 8 In episode eight of Let’s Play Minecraft, our intrepid adventurer embarks on a quest to the Deep Dark in search of echo shards and ancient treasures. The journey is fraught with danger as the Warden lurks in the shadows, ready to strike at any moment. World Info Version: 1.20.1 Seed: -1056946488598000456 Mods Fabric Loader 0.15.7 Fabric API 0.92.0 by modmuss50 Sodium 0.5.8 by jellysquid3 Indium 1.0.30 by comp500 Replay Mod 2.6.15 by Johni0702 Simple Hud Utilities 2.6.0 by johnvictorfs Mod Menu 7.2.2 by Prospector Iris Shaders 1.6.17 by coderbot… Read More

  • Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience on Minewind Server

    Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience on Minewind Server Are you looking for a new and exciting Minecraft server to join? Look no further than Minewind! With a modern and upbeat atmosphere, Minewind offers a unique gaming experience that will keep you coming back for more. Join us at YT.MINEWIND.NET and immerse yourself in a world of adventure and creativity. The video you just watched may not be about Minewind, but it’s clear that the excitement and passion for Minecraft are present. Just like the content creator in the video, you can join Minewind and be part of a community that values creativity, collaboration, and fun. Whether you’re… Read More

  • Caught! – Minecraft Prank

    Caught! - Minecraft Prank Exploring the Thrilling World of Minecraft with EmirhanCTN Embrace the excitement as EmirhanCTN delves into the captivating realm of Minecraft, where adventure, mystery, and suspense await at every turn. Join EmirhanCTN and his friends on a journey filled with thrilling escapades, heart-pounding challenges, and spine-tingling moments. Unveiling the Mysterious World of Minecraft Step into the enchanting world of Minecraft, where EmirhanCTN and his companions navigate through a landscape teeming with wonders and dangers. From daring escapes to chilling encounters, each episode promises an adrenaline-pumping experience that keeps viewers on the edge of their seats. Embracing the Thrills of Minecraft… Read More

  • Bazaar Maniacs Reveal Ultimate Investment Strategy!

    Bazaar Maniacs Reveal Ultimate Investment Strategy!Video Information This video, titled ‘This Investing Strategy will Transform Your Profile… | Hypixel Skyblock’, was uploaded by Bazaar Maniacs on 2024-06-13 01:43:18. It has garnered 6365 views and 275 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:04 or 64 seconds. How I make 600m every Traveling Zoo Event In Hypixel Skyblock #hypixelskyblock #hypixelskyblockmoney #minecraft Join The Official Bazaar Maniacs Discord! https://discord.com/invite/bzms – In this video I will be showcasing the new changes made to fairy souls. In this video I will show you how much money chum fishing makes per hour!. This is infact a Hypixel Skyblock Money Making… Read More

  • Exploring the Best Castle on Survival Island

    Exploring the Best Castle on Survival IslandVideo Information ऑलराइट गाइस सो कैसे हैं आप सभी लोग होप फुली सभी लोग बढ़िया होंगे एंड आगे भी बढ़िया रहना सो आज की वीडियो में तुम्हारा भाई एक न्यू वीडियो लेकर आ चुका है एंड इस वीडियो में तुम्हारा भाई विजिट कराने वाला है एक न्यू सर्वाइवल हाउस यानी कि एक न्यू कासल को एंड यह कासल देखने में तो बहुत ही बड़ा लग रहा है एंड बहुत ही अच्छे स्पेस में है बट यह कासल है आइसलैंड पे बना हुआ और इस कासल को आज हम विजिट करने वाले हैं तो बिना किसी देरी के इस वीडियो को… Read More

  • “Escape Minecraft Traps with Insane IQ😱 (World’s Tiniest Violin)” #clickbait #minecraft

    "Escape Minecraft Traps with Insane IQ😱 (World's Tiniest Violin)" #clickbait #minecraftVideo Information [Music] hello it’s nice to meet you can you tell me where I am I don’t know how I got here but I I think I’m starting to understand I don’t belong among the angels and baby that’s just fine with me the things I did up there were high school but now I’m going for my degree hey sorry but you just got in my way I promise honey I can feel your pain and maybe I enjoy it just a little bit CU that makes me insan haven’t been the same since I Fire doesn’t mean… Read More

  • Unbelievable Loot Strategy in Hindustani Gamer’s Minecraft Shorts!

    Unbelievable Loot Strategy in Hindustani Gamer's Minecraft Shorts!Video Information This video, titled ‘the best structure for loot #minecraft #shorts #trending’, was uploaded by HINDUSTANI GAMER RED on 2024-02-03 05:22:01. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. the best structure for loot #minecraft #shorts #trending..#minecraft #shorts #trending the best structure loot of Minecraft #minecraft … Read More

  • Herobrine reveals ultimate cobblestone hack – #shorts

    Herobrine reveals ultimate cobblestone hack - #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘|| how to make cobalstone generator in Minecraft || #minecraft #shorts #viral’, was uploaded by Herobrine 314 on 2024-02-11 08:06:07. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. herobrine #minecraft #status #viral #shorts #shortvideo #shortsvideo #viralvideo #viralsh #viralshort #viralshorts @hirobrine 314 … Read More

  • Insane Mods in Minecraft 1.20.1! EP 2

    Insane Mods in Minecraft 1.20.1! EP 2Video Information aquela mesa de encantamento é muito boa cara eu vou ver só que vai um XP Desgraçado é não não é muito ué eu gastei cinco level para deixar tudos os negócios nível TR tipo eu ia colocando colocando sabe então deve ser mais ou menos nvel vanila então Ah vou te ensinar um negócio tem de com não encanta só um coisa uma de cana velho Caral verdade nem me lembre escolher qualquer encantamento prote level máximo seis níveis não faz um só tipo assim não coloca eu sei dá para colocar um monte né vários então… Read More

  • Insane Mod Revealed in Minecraft Gameplay! #mods

    Insane Mod Revealed in Minecraft Gameplay! #modsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Мод на лаловую кирку! #minecraft #майнкрафт #shots #video #youtubeshorts #игры #youtube #mods #моды’, was uploaded by DAV222-Minecraft on 2024-01-13 16:52:33. It has garnered 2772 views and 96 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. Read More

  • Eyezrox – Insane Twist in Hardcore Mode!

    Eyezrox - Insane Twist in Hardcore Mode!Video Information This video, titled ‘Thing Just Got Worse in Hardcore………..’, was uploaded by Eyezrox on 2024-05-03 10:52:12. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Welcome to my epic journey surviving a whopping 356 days in Minecraft Hardcore Mode, enhanced with some of the most … Read More

  • Insane Clay Collecting in Minecraft with Viewers!

    Insane Clay Collecting in Minecraft with Viewers!Video Information [Music] [Music] oh shoot oh shoot hold on boys hold on Cookie Clicker it’s more important all right um yo welcome Rory how’s it going dude turning PS4 wait turn on PS4 right now good M good M uh welcome uh ketchup welcome stop stop motion Sega as well um glad to see you guys here um as always you know um I been working off camera kind of um I’m crying right now what happened Luke what’s going on dude um why you crying sir but I’ve been working off camera um on this oh I say… Read More

  • RuthlessCraft Survival Apocalypse

    RuthlessCraft Survival ApocalypseThe server is mainly focused on: Severe weather effects that can make it very difficult to survive, Hardcore elements such as only getting a limited amount of lives and when you run out you’re temp banned, ability to train skills and mcmmo, economy, factions, pvp and pve, monsters with increased difficulty, boss monsters that are extremely hard to kill, and improved gameplay elements such as: special enchantments, a plugin that adds magic, and unique craftable items. Read More

  • QuaintSMP | SMP, hermitcraft, whitelist, 16+, Discord

    – Server Details: Version: 1.20.1 Community: Close-knit World: Long-term Gameplay: Proper survival Features: Shopping district, Minigame district Server Type: Forge with light mods (waystones, backpacks, Vanilla tweaks) – About the Server: I run a Hermitcraft-style server with 9 active players and looking to expand. We prioritize community and teamwork in building and projects. Seeking players aged 16+ but exceptions can be made for mature individuals. Goal is 15-20 active players. Join us on Discord: https://discord.gg/X5JXDrpND4 Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Please mojang, fix this mess”

    Well, looks like Mojang better watch out – this meme is clearly a top player in the game of internet humor! Read More

  • Speedy Iron Forge: Minecraft’s Fastest Form!

    Speedy Iron Forge: Minecraft's Fastest Form! Welcome, welcome, to the iron farm show, Where we craft the fastest form, don’t you know? Piqman here, with a tutorial so fine, In Minecraft world, where iron doth shine. First, gather materials, obsidian and more, Build a structure, like never before. Slabs on top, to stop Golems from spawning, A wall around, to keep the iron forming. Water flows, in a perfect design, Portal lit, with a flick so divine. Villagers placed, in beds they lay, Glass above, to keep them at bay. Zombies brought, to scare the night, In survival mode, it’s quite a fight. But with… Read More

xjemmamx – Minecraft | Ultra Hardcore Season 3 (UHC) | Episode 1 | So Many Cows!