Xylophoney – FOR THE PACK! Minecraft Supernatural Origins Server LIVE (Minecraft Roleplay Survival)

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Be one and only xylophone e here it’s time time to begin a new world a new location with new rules new magics and new designs who’s ready who here is ready to join my vampire pack it’s gonna be great we’re gonna have a group of vampires and all

Of us together we’ll defeat the stinkin werewolves we are going to bite them fly around with our little bat wings and no further back I have a werewolf I had to mess with people all right so how is everyone doing hopefully everyone’s good and excited for a new journey

Similar to supernatural origins we got werewolves we got vampires but this time we got you and this is little dog and so many other things so many other things so rah hopefully everyone’s doing well I think a couple people here might want to join the pack of course if you want to join

The pack you can do so by joining the server info is in the description there’s a bunch of cool stuff here but just to give this a brief explainer before we start biting people’s faces we’re gonna probably read these boards over here yeah of course – fine today

Yeah as it should as it should anyway this might be a little hard to read ah luckily I can kick my legs really quickly and float three types of wolf packs there’s a more – no with the slash sno guide which is also explained in these books right here

There’s vampire perks meaning you couldn’t be friends with the mobs you can be powerful from the start that’s like for debate but sure maybe from the start but where was work for their power there’s gonna be all kinds of events and puns for mobs and story and I can’t read

When you’re all hopping in front of my face but it’s fine so we also have a bunch of commands like slime fun and warps and spawn and random TP and marriage and rules so let’s check out those rules shall we of course we can have a seat as well just before we go

And do that sort of thing so up now people are sitting on me that is not as intended let’s see good stuff make sure you all check out that kind of stuff as soon as you can if you’re on the server anyway before we get still you know what let’s play a

Little game I’m going to slash actually yeah I’m gonna give you a couple of carrots now I’m gonna slash our teepee and see where it takes me good luck finding me first person to find me will be bitten I’ll leave the hints on the screen right

Here very nice very nice and yeah so essentially you know I haven’t been getting along too well with Mario lately so we’re gonna be making our own pack it’s gonna be the best we’re not gonna be afraid to fight vampires when we need to especially since these vampires

Aren’t are vampires their prior k– so it’s fine sure they might be stronger but we have more heart and claws we have claws that as well claws as well so it looks like you guys have a hint to where I might be if you have been looking around so far so really buddy

You are fast oh wait did you not fight okay well now I suppose I need to bite you but I suppose I should get some some armor on myself let’s just do this I thought that would take longer I can’t do they pop ker permissioned help me

Help me let’s see we spare our net I have no kids no pop armor for the Xylo there we are admins are gonna help out every now and then anyway so what you must do is I believe if I strike you many times then I will be able to turn

You but the news I think at this particular location we’re actually a little too full close to one of the buildings so let’s let’s run a couple let’s run a little bit and we’ll see if I’ll be able to bite you out here if not

We might have to wait for the first full moon for me to do it in werewolf for that sounds good to me sounds pretty good to me and didn’t go over to here and yes this is a public server up we got another person finding hmm it’s last

Not working let’s see I can break things though let’s see yeah can and will hate each other yet nope we need to go further further of course there’s some safe things very say things has to be daring full moon thought so I thought so we have a national village over here

Somebody’s building nice people working on Nathan’s let’s see so looks like he just gave me the pup gear so this is just the first rank on the air so you can get some nice protection gear sweet alright so I’m assuming can’t hit you gonna have to wait to the fall then

People to get better all right as well make sure that we’re in a good position to do some things soon now let’s see we’re gonna give you a little test here so you got these nice little pressure plates for your thing did you protect your home ah maybe not so what

You want to do is when you’re setting up your home make sure you make a golden shovel and then with that you should be able to clean up your area so other people can’t go break in your walls down rock ain’t gonna do it though I ain’t

Gonna do it not me mm-hmm for the packing for the moon-goddess very true let’s see so while we’re here let’s see what am I gonna eat I got carrots sometimes I get hungry soon as I get hungry all right I don’t get friendly little creeper out here

Excuse me have you seen my friend sparkles I said have you seen my friend sparkles okay so I can certainly hit him I’ll do it I’ll do it let’s see oh boy we have 91 of you joining right now that’s cool I guess it’s kind of cool there we go

Let’s see what happens if you blow up huh yeah thought so so yeah right now oh okay no black damage per safe we did it we did it you guys you’re gonna get torn up when that stairs aren’t you you’re hurt if he didn’t get put in the same spot lucky man

Very nice very nice and then fluffy fuzz find us as well and we’ll get plenty more people it’s just how much time do we got until the next full moon you could type slash werewolf it’s three days three days until the next full moon so I think what we’re gonna do is we’re

Gonna maybe try to find some cool places to build up a new pack place a new city massive area with tons of stuff so you too I know that you found me maybe we’ll link up soon again but for now I’m going to home to one of the other cool things

I found here we are so we have this really cool plateau that I spotted look how high it is okay it’s all the way up here as water all around it there’s another little rock over there it’s a cool looking place isn’t it yes I’m only

Gonna be able to bite so many people when the full moon comes we got sheep there for eatin we got more water down there and then of course we got this one big rock I called this place Pride Rock because it looks like Pride Rock a

Little bit from Oh from the right angle that’s C and if you do want to join the server guys the IP is in the description you do need Java minecraft so minecraft for the PC not for our mobile or any console knows what this is currently running on let’s see training montage

Right morpha biting people in the face montage it’ll happen soon so yeah who likes this area for a potential home to at least myself and many others some of you are already Wolf’s nice good stuff good stuff I like it of course I call the prod rock well duh so it’s just very

High up I know you do not need mods just minecraft so that’s cool now over here oh you want to find a good spot to jump down so this is option number one for where we want to live ah am I gonna make it am I gonna

Make it oh ha ha I have safety because I had to fly earlier this is fine want to see your cave maybe look at some other places later what other homes do I have let’s see I got set homes here so I found a home megataiga

Wouldn’t this be a nice place uh big ol trees everywhere pretty fancy pretty fancy got chickens for a food source let’s see how do you delete a home I’m pretty sure it slash Dell home and then the name of it or are you gonna sit home and then you can do

Set home or mountain all caps but sit home overwrite and then the name of the new thing if you want to change the room some cool stuff let’s see bean is your destiny look I’m only just an alpha I don’t know like the right way to do

Everything I don’t know for sure but we’ll see trees that means tons of sticks to play fetch I know right that’s great people are getting eaten up by wolves joining other packs like that it’s fair enough fair enough well my pack those other packs might be alright but this pack were the strongest

At least that plan for us to be that’s a plan those commands don’t work really oh you might not have access to them I don’t know how many homes people get if they don’t have a rank I’d have to talk about that with the others but

Yeah we got this nice little tiger Hills next to this bit of a swampy area so it’s pretty cool that’s that option and finally Wow you know you don’t turn into a werewolf by walking into a cactus age and the Kaos characters do not turn people into

Werewolves you get one without the rank okay I thought so that sounds about right okay so you still get a home nice when I see a couple of people got that beta ranked already where’s the omega ranks out there come on let’s see so all kinds of nice stuff

Over here then we have a village as well okay can you join the pack as I said we’re gonna start biting people when the full moon comes but it might be a little while into the form that’s how many days until the full moon now I know it’s not

A better day I guess werewolf will you get banned if you spoil in game of course of course you get banned let’s see so next one is in three days might be a while might be a while hello villagers anyone want to turn into a werewolf I’ll bite you all except the

Matter can’t be good my wolf farm and I can’t really turn into my wolf form immediately gorget aye-aye Walt all of you yes can’t control my form that well one day one day someone need to train first things first invited more people to the pack and then

Second things second get him more people in now we do have a couple that have started following me already so we have werewolf clan and this is the Blood Moon clan for now we might do a little bit of renaming it but you know the Blood Moon

We want to be scary right want to be feared want to be you know respected people fear the Blood Moon see level 10 to transform into a well fit well I mean I think it might be 30 but that might just be do it able to do

It in the daytime so it’s fine dad’ll amaz over here look baby llamas go Coco let’s see I don’t think we have zebras here but anyway I have some other home stuff so he’s already in the Blood Moon plane so we also found sunflower Plains in case we want some flowers got

A hail we got some flowers who doesn’t like flowers right should be pretty good it’ll take an hour for me to turn to or if I know it’s a little complicated let us see maybe I can conduct some magic to make the night come sooner let’s see may

You join the pack you’re already blood moon then you already set you’re already set alright so let’s see anyway we can skip a night or two to have the full moon rise let’s see don’t go encouraging people to pirate movies in the chat don’t do that that’s bad I know this

Isn’t the new origins this is just a way for you people to be able to join oh we’re at ninety two people right now so let’s say if we hit a hundred people I’m gonna give people but if we get a hundred people on here I’m gonna throw out some of these event

Crete keys and these can be opened up and spelling so I’m gonna go open one up right now oh wow it’s all dark out here fancy fancy let’s see see yeah the moon definitely will take some time to become a full moon if you turned it already and

You’re not in the Blood Moon I believe there’s potions that you can find to turn you back to a human again but I see let’s see sirs all kinds of stuff here oh it’s all locked off right now but I want okay it might be broken

I lied I completely lied I don’t have that power I’ll give you carrots here take the carrots instead take that carrots instead the vampire division of my pack no that doesn’t exist there won’t be a vampire division here let’s see it’s a currently the name of the pack

Trying to fly a blood moon banner but we might be switching it up we’ll see just depends trying to get some creative ideas so of those places we’re pointing out what do you guys think is a good place for my new home where should we build it

Look I doubt you guys can even get the server to a hundred people it doesn’t matter anyway let’s you bribe with carrots so much like yeah as you can imagine we’re in there’s still a bit of a testing phase for the server so that’s why we need your help

If you guys can all break the server that’ll prove that the server needs more juice policy also of course you know it’s not always gonna be this many people on so know I need five more I’m for more it’s not gonna happen it’s not gonna happen

See Pride Rock make a tiger some fun Wow y’all got different ideas a lot of you were thinking Pride Rock though so let’s see we’re gonna home Pride Rock yeah yeah cool welfare so this could work out now what do we need to make a beautiful

Home we gonna need some people who can build some stuff I’m gonna need some even one up here mm their Nair mother dear now so we got a couple of trees let’s see I think a little den area would be nice I need to get myself some tools let’s see I who

Own the server so far has a really cool house they’ve been building and wants to help out the pack you might be able to start with things here yeah it’s only that’s five more people now alright I am like in this area and I still cave we

Can put it right here like keep it all Pride Rock themed I think and yeah as of right now the blood moons are gonna be on pad but things might change up so if you’re not in the pack right away don’t worry too much so let’s see we’re gonna

TP it’s a boy feather so all you go go to your homes and let’s do a little show-off let’s see what y’all got I wanna see yous got the nicest builds this isn’t your house this is your place disappointed I know you don’t have to be sad it’s okay

You can have a carrot it’s fine it’s fine you have monsters in your garden I’m coming let’s see if we go with Pride Rock make the main area on top and have a village around it Oh like an entire villager on the bottom of it that could

Be cool really cool monsters let’s see oh sorry my boots fell off Hey look I’m looking good now do you want to be bitten you want to be bitten Cassie I could bite you like a bite you’re real good I could start biting goodbye you too I combine all of you

Let’s see so since I got this it’s liking for him right now I still can’t seem to bite people I already wear without you on top of things alright that’s a dog that’s it you’re doing that alright I’m gonna do the RTP one more time it’s a nice little place by the way

I like it with the bones ah you know what it’s all about you know what it’s all about alright find me and I’ll start fighting yeah let’s see where am I they’re not far let’s see if I can get a glimpse of anything fancy enough let’s

See it’s cool I got the night vision I got the up didn’t last long enough oh well that’s it can I can I change it now it’s nighttime ah ah stupid thing wanna come see your cave sure TP a dragon key let’s do it all right where’d you cave at well your

Wolf form right now what’s that oh geez Cassie murdering that other guy out there happens where we go yosef carrots growing good good good oh well you got to show me your cave so many cave the guy broke your window Wow nice ah I made

That jump there you go you have to be able to jump this gorge do it make the jump make that jump make that jump prove yourself no no it’s not really proven I mean I guess using your brains instead of other things I went to the wrong I

Went to Dragon’s Lair you’re right You are not worthy of the pack you won’t even make the jump oh you made that jump pretty good pretty good I still regular TPA oh okay someone’s got some levels you fancy huh oh I got some as well wait Oh little human boy again I won’t put my pants back on geez

How many bottles you got oh thank you let’s see if we can share these between us cuz I wanna steal oil okay okay I’ll steal all your levels I don’t see my GPA Zach let’s do this keshia’s jboden that a powerful bone all right what you got ah nice you get the

Little cliff house as well fancy fancy I like it lots of glass more uses yeah I’m loaded let’s see oh you got your stuff all locked up nice I can’t even get in good stuff good stuff I like it nice very nice looking good so far well I like the woodwork

Very nice very nice I forgot my boots in the garden oh no I forgot my boots gee PA just so many people 96 still haven’t broken 100 ha ha y’all hire man you just fly up here good job you guys can have some carrots oh thank you thank you for the boots let’s

See you can have these let’s see oh man yes every deaf one needs to continue its testing phase here but that’s why we need you it’s looking good that’s it character useless Wow no they’re not carrots can be meat too we’re vegetarian I don’t eat me wolf bastard joins a server

I lost regard to TBA it’s gonna age in a chaos see what he’s cooking up I’d like to go to everyone’s house but doesn’t always work like that oh oh yeah you got this little place out here nice nice cool finish doing if anyone’s trying to

Mess with you you got a nice little bridge good good let’s see who else was there TBA there use your portal whenever sweet it warned about the phony werewolf who spooky all right it’s cool cool got a little little downstairs just seems to be in it am i

Trapped here forever now it’s their way out AHA never escaped nope that’s not the way out yeah I think this is the mind if I’m just going into the mine that’s cool yeah that’s cool ahead see let’s go here you guys got your thing all set up here

Oh hold on I got I think I guys see us from the outside this is I think I know what this is about to look like let’s take a look Oh nice and spiky right there ah okay oh you got the stalactites and stalagmites yeah you’re looking a little a little

Pale there buddy you wouldn’t happen to be a little pale old you know you did the double crouch I guess she’s fine yes she’s fine oh and look at that the server has struck 100 people sure it’s struggling at a hundred people but we’ve done it

I’m gonna head to spawn real quick oh I know I made some empty promises but I don’t know if these guys got any ideas I’m gonna give away all the carrots I have forgive what I got carrots and you know what someone could have my pants that’s the plan that’s the plan

All right who gets the pants no no cheese it’s a bit of a mess bit of a mess it’s fine everything’s fine clearly the pack is too strong need the carrots for your farm all right carrot carrot and the staff is likes I don’t face don’t there we go

More of them ah all right how many days until I can start two more days until the next full moon I don’t think we can affect that and then see and Bosh bottles get you Oxford you got 23 carats sure sure on it let’s do that and an oh

Boy some of them brought the wolves okay master I got all right I’m gonna drop the pants and yeah of course this dream is delayed so all right who will win the pants well we done it we’ve done it we give someone the pants who got the pants let me know in check

Oh boy you wanted to carry it can’t spot your name down there and in the sea of people oh I got pushed off now carrots and carrots and carrots and carrots and carrots gee Hannah’s got the phone when I see fighting Laurence oh wait no that’s a sword that’s not a bone having

Their epic battle very nice very nice carrots carrots carrots carrots carrots let’s see very nice Oh even better they’re having a giveaway off the rank so like those pants I just gave away you can get the full set someone’s doing that all right how we gonna do it how we

Gonna randomize this you know what just in case these people want to say anything I’m gonna hop into this uh this here private room and if they come in and want to explain anything good stuff oh no they did it they drum rolled it beasty beasty beasty Reese D rather

There we go you are now officially good stuff I was gonna do something silly like um maybe just your smile I can’t smite people man I think I feel like that’s something I need to be able to do just my people I’ll see your face sure

It’s all look at a couple more people’s basis just since it’s not a full moon Oh see some punching going around all right oh wow you got something big coming along okay yeah they said this is their work in progress yeah clearly but yeah you got the wool

Are you meth doubt a perfect circle all right all right well several perfect circles actually yo this is gonna be nice I’m excited to see this place you got a pokeball in the middle I see you I said it’s not a good stuff very good stuff all right

So over here how’s the werewolf a vegetarian why is that why couldn’t that be a thing huh it’s gonna be gear holla sounds pretty cool so you got all those sheep sheared uh yeah you collected they’re nice all right let’s try to go to an imperial yeah yeah yeah you guys

Are all here doing your thing nice nice nice see have 5% pretty much pretty much it hello 3 hello you want a carrot okay so the private room apparently anyone can join big shout to my boy Jose let’s see so the guy here always just waterfall entrance

What are we looking at no all right show me the way oh it is a secret underwater entrance which is dangerous and blue nice no one’s ever gonna find this place especially since I just showed it off to the whole world you got a tree in here

Nice nice nice grow it Oh didn’t work didn’t work just a big old death walk nope it’s cool it’s cool let’s see it comes out boy there’s so many bases you guys are done going on here geez let’s see slippery as a bone let’s go see slippery I guess it’s just gonna be

Me looking at everyone’s places so I think what’s gonna go down is I’m going to try to be around on the next full moon and bite as many of you as possible but we’ll see if that’s possible so looking at the werewolf thing is 2 more

Days till the next full moon and a day is roughly between 20 minutes 30 minutes depending on the server so might still be like an hour from now but we’ll see valid ID I gave you carrots and you got some better than the keys you got a rank

You guys got a raffle for our rank the keys just get your silly things the rank get you pup gear you have a giant bone oh yeah what are we looking at where’s the bone wait I see you’re making it of bone blocks so it’s in progress very nice it’s half a

Little oh geez what is this you got some mechanisms going don’t you got some science right here very nice I have no idea what this thing does but there seems to be some sort of minecart and another portal strategically placed yeah I don’t know this thing I thought this

Was elevator blocks for a second but no he just fell hold on this person cordially invited me to something yeah please do not spam the chat guys it’s not gonna help you let’s see just woke up nice nice all right oh he’s doing the thing do it again what’s happening to me

What’s it gonna do that was nice I’ll put it back I don’t know what I just accomplished but I hope I did a good thing let’s see oh he made grandpa’s walking stick very nice that very very nice luckily for today oh and our super powers super powers all right cool

Where’s that other guy we’re gonna test him out well we just got old Sonny ah protected in this area all right slippery all right that’s cool though I’m gonna do it want to do it I don’t want to do it huh it wants me to do it man somewhere there working all that

Well is it I’m gonna give you a stick back since I clearly I’m not strong enough to use it anyway up and just give me more things that pack it’s a full moon so you’re already a wolf but this guy this guy you got away this time

Alright let’s go to spawn and RTP alright here’s where I am again let’s see if we can find anyone you know this is going to spawn and then walk and hope break and bite people for the back nice Let’s see where’s people at I don’t know how far out I need to go you know what just to make this easier we are gonna let c TP toggle nope TP toggle there now people might be able to TP to me there we go so see if we can

Bite anyone I’m just gonna let you guys TPA to me and I’ll TP accept and we’ll see who wins then I’ll try to bite people I don’t know if I’m be able to we’ll try it don’t bite anybody boy alright what the guys just yeah person who’s already in

The pack got here first nice nice nice okay bye Oh can’t buy people can’t do anything Hey you’re from you’re from another pack you’re all with everything yeah if anyone’s already a vampire please don’t try to cheat because that makes things a little harder geez what’s

Happening hey you you’re a human oh okay so you guys might want to leave your stuff at home is what we’re saying so up no he’s back at spawn Jackson if I can remember I’ll I get you back your stuff in a moment cuz you got dropped getting really a

Wooden pickaxe though all right now case we’re not killing them we’re just biting it oh wow you actually just keep it here successfully I was smooth alright so I don’t know how many of these will it take what you’re defenseless alright let me throw some of your stuff that I don’t

Know what’s yours but let’s see I know some of this was yours so take that back at least and you have slime boots nice if that was yours did someone just kill me get not that’s cool this spider trying to mess around I think I got you

Most your stuff back but I don’t know what’s what so try it all right let’s get another person cuz we seem to have been able to bite someone there you go or bite so some people I can bite some not so much but you can bite people but

I can’t back chop them up give them the chops you know go for wild pack oh boy kicked for spamming i mean i was spamming in all fairness all right what do we got oh can we bite can’t injured defenseless players oh you might need to

Wear armor here who wants to wear this puff gear put that out and see if you’re defenseless oh let’s see let me just make sure i’m i can do stuff what i need to talk with TP that’s 18 feet tall go so i can actually read my stuff again outfits it didn’t

Work okay there we go it’s a werewolf well okay yeah so we do want to be able to infect people there we go who else do we got here all right niceness ice there’s parents over here who wants the parents didn’t even drop the fare oh you can’t drop

Items when you’re in PvP combat that’s good so there’s some food there’s some pants here’s a hat who’s getting bigger you now you already got bit all right you now you’re defenseless here you need a sword here you go have a sword then you won’t be defenseless end up while

All the wolves run for it come on guys attack so strong huh more food we might be alone oh he’s trying to fight the pack is he he’s trying to fight us off all right pack SiC him let’s DP toggle again there we go yep people are still trying it of course

Free pants we don’t with the fat getting to Mastiff right at the beginning so we’re only good soon jeez careful your valuables when you come here cuz people are getting dropped out oh no you you can get struck it gives eat some carrots all right let’s see punches flying all

Around how big is this guy careful with your punches up I think it’s a turn but summons armors on the ground or needs a hat this is such a mess with this many people decide it’ll get better you have a hat wait you have a stick

Much but yep there she goes my stick hey get back here you’re a squid vampire squid all your defenses hold on it needs boots a lot of clothes being thrown around I just a couple more but this will be last year oh yeah I can’t

Do it man come back got a lot of wither fading people around you let’s just stay out of combat for a second so we can get a couple more people here didn’t work the strategy give him a weapon now get him house hey you stop it you goofy stop

Getting me in combat trying to do this for the back now we’ll be out of inspector Two seconds and I can do it all right ah squeezed one person in I thought the peaceful music we got going on right now we can’t do with this peaceful music guys we need to change this up let’s see what do we got here oh yeah oh boy

Bodies are dropping all around miss Kim powerful rifle hood more fodder all right there we go oh we’re getting people now there we go I got a line of new fresh meat up then I’ve been struck let’s see grab my carrots all right looks like we have a pack now looks like

A pack to me if I ever seen one during your wall more wave of people then I’m done it’s the last wave once I get hit no more teepees let’s see if you get too hungry you start to feel weak so you needy up that’s it that’s all of

Them it’s all we can do now bite them buy them all fight the humans hey human watch yourselves oh boy it eat some food ah where their fangs are coming after me man oh wow a little fire now come on like in regeneration what there’s a

Human he has a sword gotta be careful it’s not silver Wow oh that’s beastly the one who won the pub gear he’s using the puff gear against us hey let’s see Oh looks like he’s been taken down over here by one of these guys see this is what happens other wolf

Packs come in here so how’s it going There’s one let’s see right here I don’t need the same sack Let’s see well then you’re in the wrong place all right things are starting to get a little vicious I’m gonna get out of here let them handle themselves we’re gonna have to kill these with her fangs everybody someone is that sunrise hits everyone will be morphed back give this

Food in me ah nailed it did that region coming back now some packs are faster than others some are stronger we have the strength some of them have the speed all right oh you’re killin that bit oh yeah it’s a little hard to control it for a lot of this someone’s getting hits

In on me Oh someone’s making a farm nice jus come up a little bit I didn’t work so well oh no wait I’m still okay I thought we just got turned back for a second that was fire might have been still oh hi swinging a sword at me come on we

Got to get out of this prick use the levels never give us a spare inventory space that’s not where I want to be that is a lot of wither fangs ha my head is I didn’t understand how dangerous our very alpha alright let’s throw some claws come on blood

Moon people get these with her fangs office hectic its core I easy might need to switch up to some Golding may have more strength but the regen is certainly much slower mine Oh be careful here okay oh geez the special hearts went away real quick

It hiding is not a bad idea for those going for that option you’re on my side you’re on my side okay Oh got a good hit on on that guy future guy he’s getting a lot of hits on me oh he’s down he’s down karma come on where’d they go

Someone get them no don’t they’re right here oh oh they got my friend sorry oh he’s good all that future got back somehow when you beat some carrots while they’re all distracted up carpet barred out here man we’re still werewolves in that day time Oh easy it’s

Yes we got one that’s when you got to get him when they stop to me oh oh that’s quick put on whatever gear I have oh that’s about it wait I have a hat I have a helmet Oh future now you’re defenseless hey hey you want something here you go have a

Sword have a sword aha we’re after them some of them don’t why’s everyone jumping in this hole particularly if so it’s uh uh I think they got me out of there well where’s the hole I’m gonna pour love in that’s okay I’m no longer tagged in

Combat let’s just go to spawn this is good a spine well we lived geez barely lived through all that everybody but I got a too few too many where was a one spot a blood was boiling a bit so let’s see use the levels yeah oh yeah I

Can use the levels for the slime thing I might save that for another time let’s see what werewolf level I am now did I gain a level hey I did I’m level six werewolf now sweet next full moon in seven days alright very nice we now have a bunch of oh we have

Another level five in the pack now awesome and I think there’s more members than that let’s see there is eighty werewolves that roam this world now yeah so I think some people got successful in the pack that’s the thing now of course we’re gonna have to do some other things

We’re gonna have to figure out some more organized times to get some people in the pack but for now we got a good start so everyone just keep making yourself stronger keep getting some gear keep getting your supplies get your food up get your levels up get some armor

Because from now you’re gonna need it and I think that’s about as far as that goes the full moon is past so I can’t find anyone else but man that was crazy see if I can pull up let’s see okay so I can’t fly anymore that’s good let’s throw this out Hardison filthy

Werewolves you know let’s see get XP yeah I can do that as well so I think I’m going to get that stuff I took your slime boots and gave them away I know I was just giving people armor so they wouldn’t be defenseless anymore let’s

See yeah I have a tough gear boots after all that iron leggings and an iron helmet off things I was picking up off the bodies so that was a little crazy many more crazy things will ensue and you know I think it’s gonna be interesting and

This man has a taco on this head so that’s that let’s see so far there’s playing blood moon clay and wither Fang and then there’s a whatever Ruiz clan is or something but we’ll we’ll figure out more about that in a future so do you think I couldn’t give you your pickaxe

And sword back I mean I might be able to do you know if you’re trying giving you your sword back I claimed this sword anyway example so this is a lot of attack speed no no so this is like definitely don’t have fought that I went

Through a lot of here just tossing stuff around there so that’s cool so if you’re completely defenseless then you know PvP is not enabled for you but if you you know have all your armor and weapons at the ready then yeah you can go fighting people

I like that system that’s cool but I think that’s where we’re gonna wrap this up guys thank you for receiving many bytes and happen on the server would broke a hundred people on here that’s pretty cool feel free to play throughout the rest of the day and you know onward because

There’s more improvements to come on the server as time goes on obviously minor lag issues that need to be ironed out you guys all have fun on the help is great so yeah y’all know what to do I’m gonna give a couple of whisper outs to people in

Stream chat so I’m gonna give that whisper out to side dinner bubble girl out of Rio right Raynald Jesse Traci William bubble girl gaming cat lady Traci Warner Black Falcon purple don’t be proud o Umrah you’re cool armen beastie race tea and then who won that raffle and finally Beck fist Kim

And the rest of the Wolfpack we’ll see you all next time

This video, titled ‘FOR THE PACK! Minecraft Supernatural Origins Server LIVE (Minecraft Roleplay Survival)’, was uploaded by Xylophoney on 2019-05-05 23:42:27. It has garnered 13497 views and 483 likes. The duration of the video is 01:00:41 or 3641 seconds.

FOR THE PACK! Minecraft Supernatural Origins Server LIVE (Minecraft Roleplay Survival) /w Xylophoney ★ SUBSCRIBE ➡ http://bit.ly/SUBSCRIBE2XYLO

Join us on the Server! IP: Sno.uk.to Shop: http://supernaturalsurvival.uk.to/ Discord: https://discord.gg/yQzYvf2

Version: 1.12.2 JAVA No mods needed, All Vanilla!

• Youtubers Playing • Xyloploney: https://www.youtube.com/user/XylophoneyGames MarioMania: https://www.youtube.com/user/333aaammm ZloyXP: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvFZqf1gW_XSCZyTku15LSA RETARTION: https://www.youtube.com/retartie

MORE SERIES: Jurassic Origins — http://y2u.be/GE8wJy-D-R4 Fairy Tail Origins — https://youtu.be/YwssDnJ3-u4 Yu-gi-Oh Minecraft Roleplay — https://youtu.be/SjHPiVHH2XU Minecraft Overwatch RP — https://youtu.be/QNb2dCxHsqQ Deadpool Minecraft Roleplay — https://youtu.be/MHzMKikex0s Jurassic World Minecraft Roleplay — https://youtu.be/IQInh_ZjSQQ Star Wars Minecraft Roleplay — https://youtu.be/Nomb_Up9ZHY Minecraft Pirates RP — https://youtu.be/vVNzDjFbR-w ARK Survival Evolved — http://tinyurl.com/XyloARK

►GET A SUPER COOL MINECRAFT SERVER! http://akliz.net/Xylophoney Use code ‘Xylophoney’ for 20% off your first month!

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  • 🔴New Girl in My Life – Ep 1: The EMC Grind Starts!

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  • Insane Minecraft Animation – Unpledged Alliance Meme

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  • Blossom Survival

    Blossom SurvivalWelcome to Blossom Survival, the ultimate Minecraft server where adventure and exploration bloom! Dive into a world rich with diverse activities and challenges. Survival Mode: Experience classic Minecraft survival with a twist! Gather resources, build your dream base, and thrive in a vibrant, ever-evolving world. With unique biomes and custom features, every day brings new opportunities for discovery. RPG World: Ready for a change of pace? Step into our immersive RPG world where epic quests, intricate lore, and fascinating characters await. Whether you’re a seasoned adventurer or new to the genre, there’s something here for everyone. Dungeons: Challenge yourself with… Read More

  • GreenCraft SMP – Semi-vanilla, Cross-Play, 1.21, Dynmap

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  • ✘ ɴᴏᴛᴀᴍᴄ » Survival « (1.16.5) ↳ ᴛᴇᴄʀᴜʙᴇʟɪ ᴇʟʟᴇʀᴅᴇɴ, ᴋᴀʟɪᴛᴇʟɪ ᴏʏᴜɴᴄᴜʟᴀʀᴀ! ↲

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.16.5 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.16.5 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: play.notamc.com (GL HF) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Mine-tax season is here

    Minecraft Memes - Mine-tax season is hereI guess even creepers have to pay their creeper taxes on time! Read More

  • Chicken Sight, Video Flight: Minecraft’s Delight

    Chicken Sight, Video Flight: Minecraft's Delight In the world of Minecraft, where chickens roam free, I’m the news reporter, bringing updates with glee. If a chicken crosses my path, the video will end, But until then, let’s dive into the news I’ll send. New features, new mobs, all in rhyme, Crafting adventures, one block at a time. So join me in this Minecraft journey so grand, As we explore the world, hand in hand. Read More

  • Spicy Minecraft Memes #1

    Spicy Minecraft Memes #1 Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! #minecraftmemes #boom Read More

  • Uncovering a Secret Base Worth Millions in Minecraft

    Uncovering a Secret Base Worth Millions in Minecraft Exploring the World of Minecraft: From Rs1 Secret House to Rs100000000 Mega Mansion The Ultimate Showdown In the vast world of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds, a fascinating showdown is about to take place. It’s a battle between a humble Rs1 secret house and a luxurious Rs100000000 mega mansion. Which one will emerge victorious in terms of security, design, and creativity? Let’s dive in and witness this epic build-off! Rs1 Secret House: The Underdog The Rs1 secret house may seem unassuming at first glance, but don’t be fooled by its simplicity. This sneaky design is all about cleverly… Read More

  • Minecraft Logic: Welcome to Chaos

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  • EPIC Minecraft Hermitcraft: Darkness and Light Unite!

    EPIC Minecraft Hermitcraft: Darkness and Light Unite!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Hermitcraft :: Darkness and Light become friends’, was uploaded by BdoubleO100 on 2024-09-08 15:00:27. It has garnered 302974 views and 23673 likes. The duration of the video is 00:39:06 or 2346 seconds. Minecraft time on the Hermitcraft Server Season 10 SMP Episode 19. Go to https://buyraycon.com/bdubs for 15% off your order, plus free shipping! Today on the Hermitcraft Minecraft SMP, we play Etho’s game, Ravager Rush and then build a convenience store in the cyberpunk city. MY LINKS: ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Instagram: @BdoubleOinsta Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/bdoubleo100 Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/BdoubleO100 ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Hermitcraft Website: http://hermitcraft.com/ #minecraft #hermitcraft Read More

  • Minecraft Map Destruction: Block Party!

    Minecraft Map Destruction: Block Party!Video Information This video, titled ‘We Broke This Minecraft Map… #minecraft’, was uploaded by Block Party on 2024-04-30 17:00:23. It has garnered 71 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:05 or 605 seconds. Broken Minecraft maps! We didn’t mean to, seriously! What started as a nice Zelda map ended up turning into a disaster, not really sure what happened! New full videos every Monday, and new shorts every day! #minecraftlive #minecraftsurvival #viralvideos #viral #minecraftvideos #blockparty #minecraftmeme #minecraftmap #broken #challenge #challengevideo #minecraftmaps #viralvideo #minecraftchallenge Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE: New Cosmalverse RPG Server Animation!

    UNBELIEVABLE: New Cosmalverse RPG Server Animation!Video Information This video, titled ‘Cosmalverse OFFICIAL Minecraft RPG Server Animation’, was uploaded by Lerfing on 2024-09-07 22:33:13. It has garnered 501 views and 19 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:30 or 150 seconds. Cosmalverse Survival RPG has finally been released! This is basically a mod pack without needing to download anything similar to medieval mc, except you can follow a main campaign and lots of dungeons, custom mobs, and more! More videos will be made on this server in the upcoming weeks. Join the server today: IP (Java): play.cosmalverse.com IP (Bedrock): bedrock.cosmal.minehut.gg Website: https://cosmalverse.com/ Wiki: https://cosmalverse.obsidianportal.com/ Get… Read More

  • Get ready for Minecraft madness with GalSal & Lethal Company!

    Get ready for Minecraft madness with GalSal & Lethal Company!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft and then Lethal Company!’, was uploaded by GalSal on 2024-02-17 04:38:42. It has garnered 78 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 03:29:43 or 12583 seconds. Powered by Restream https://restream.io Powered by Restream https://restream.io First we escape the room in Minecraft and then we will hop into some Lethal Company! ALL THE GOOD STUFF: SUBSCRIBE NOW: https://www.youtube.com/c/galsal04?sub_confirmation=1 Use code “GalSal” to get 5% off PowerA Gaming products here: https://www.powera.com/ THE GROTTO DISCORD: https://discord.gg/kSRsw9mSQ3 FOLLOW ME ON TWITTER: https://twitter.com/_GalSal_ FOLLOW ME ON TIKOK: https://www.tiktok.com/@galsal04? BUY MY BOOK:https://www.amazon.com/Lamenting-Heart-Musings-shattered-soul/dp/198393674X CHANNEL ART as of November… Read More

  • Unleash Dino Horde! Prehistoric Mod Skeleton Fossils Minecraft Ep682

    Unleash Dino Horde! Prehistoric Mod Skeleton Fossils Minecraft Ep682Video Information This video, titled ‘Prehistoric Nature Mod v.59 Showcase Skeletons Fossils Minecraft JAVA 1.12.2 Dinosaurs Ep682’, was uploaded by Smithy MC on 2024-03-18 15:03:25. It has garnered 2600 views and 85 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:13 or 973 seconds. Prehistoric Nature Mod v.59 Showcase Skeletons Fossils Minecraft JAVA 1.12.2 Dinosaurs Ep682 | Prehistoric Nature Mod | Prehistoric Flora Mod | Prehistoric Nature Mod Fossils | Prehistoric Nature Fossils | Prehistoric Nature Skeletons | java Prehistoric Nature Mod | Prehistoric mod | minecraft dinosaur mod | minecraft dinosaurs | Prehistoric Age Mod | Minecraft In Minecraft Dinosaurs… Read More

  • VIPER Z Broke My Bed! What Happened Next Will Shock You 🔐

    VIPER Z Broke My Bed! What Happened Next Will Shock You 🔐Video Information This video, titled ‘he broke my bed… So I Had to Lock IN 🔐’, was uploaded by VIPER Z on 2024-02-18 07:18:26. It has garnered 261 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:37 or 37 seconds. #minecraft #blockclutch #bedwars #minemen #blockin #hypixel #lockin sometimes u just gotta to lock in 🤷‍♂️🔒🔒🔒 | (Sub for Goodluck 👍) Bedfight / Bedfight Minemen Club / Hypixel Bedwars / Top Bedwars / pvp combo / Gotta Lock In Found This Desc From Cruh And Cheetahh I am gonna just copy paste half of this from a Cruh video… Read More

  • EPIC! Building Modern House with Subscribers in Minecraft #Giveaway

    EPIC! Building Modern House with Subscribers in Minecraft #GiveawayVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: How to Build a Modern House Tutorial I Build Big House With My Subscribers #minecraft’, was uploaded by Carrymangal on 2024-09-01 07:31:49. It has garnered 1413 views and likes. The duration of the video is 03:36:17 or 12977 seconds. Minecraft: How to Build a Modern House Tutorial I Build Big House With My Subscribers #minecraft Minecraft live streaming first time minecraft playing Minecraft for the first time minecraft live with subscribers minecraft mobile minecraft pe servers to join minecraft pe smp minecraft pocket edition live minecraft pocket edition smp minecraft server minecraft smp free… Read More

  • Mikey & JJ ESCAPE from SCARY Sonic/TAILS EXE!

    Mikey & JJ ESCAPE from SCARY Sonic/TAILS EXE!Video Information This video, titled ‘How Mikey and JJ ESCAPE From the SCARY Sonic and TAILS EXE ? – Minecraft (Maizen)’, was uploaded by JJ MAIZEN & Mikey on 2024-08-04 17:30:02. It has garnered 74314 views and 361 likes. The duration of the video is 01:06:05 or 3965 seconds. How Mikey and JJ ESCAPE From the SCARY Sonic and TAILS EXE ? – Minecraft (Maizen) This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with Mikey and JJ. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We’re not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add… Read More

Xylophoney – FOR THE PACK! Minecraft Supernatural Origins Server LIVE (Minecraft Roleplay Survival)