You Asked… So Here’s Your Answer

Video Information

You asked me questions and now it’s time for me to answer them we recently passed 150 000 subs on the channel so i decided to just do a bit of a q a for fun and i allowed all of you to submit whatever questions you wanted as of the time of

Recording there were about 900 different comments on that community post now i was just gonna go through and pick out some different ones to put into the video and then somehow i ended up going through all 900 plus questions so of those 900 questions i obviously

Cut it down to not 900 questions because that would be way too long but we got rid of all the duplicates and i tried to keep the more interesting ones i’m gonna be honest i screenshotted all of these comments a few days ago so i already forget what all of the questions were

The footage you see in the background is just some gameplay i recorded so that you’d have something else to look at while i’m just kind of rambling here and before you say anything yes my writing doesn’t seem to do that much damage because currently she has an electro

Damage piece because it has good crit rate and crit damage and i don’t have a good attack percent piece to replace that with also all the other characters besides kokami are very under leveled so please spare me in the comments with how bad my damage is i’m aware trust me but

With that being said let’s get right into this because i don’t know how long it’s going to take considering there’s a decent number of questions and i don’t know how much i’m going to say per question for a basic question what’s your favorite and or your least favorite

Time of day i don’t know that i really have a favorite time of day but my least favorite time of day is probably about five or six am because i do a lot of my editing and recording at night time so when the sun starts coming up and i

Realize that the sun is rising it’s like oh crap a new day already started i’m not ready for this my question is was making content on youtube or twitch something you’ve always wanted to do for a living obviously it’s something i didn’t expect to actually be doing and

Also you never know how long it’s really going to last but yes it’s something i wanted to do for a very long time now i mean i can remember back in middle school back in like freshman year of high school wanting to be a youtuber as

A career did i ever think it was going to happen not really but now that it kind of has it’s really nice are you planning to do another this weapon only series if yes what would it be and why i’m gonna be honest i’m not gonna say no

Because knowing me i may end up doing it sometime down the line but for right now i’m not planning on it because i have too many accounts if i were to start another weapon only series i would have to actually drop one of the ones i’m

Doing right now and i don’t mean just oh i’ll farm off camera i mean no i will have to stop playing on it mentally i cannot juggle more than the three or four accounts that i’m already trying to juggle right now plus it does get pretty

Tiring to go through and replay all the same quests over and over so i’m not gonna say definite no but right now i’m not planning on it have you ever considered covering other games it’d be cool to see what else you’re interested in and other challenges you can do with

Other games i would love to branch out at some point but obviously i’m kind of i don’t want to say stuck but stuck with gentian impact right now the majority of my audience is here for genshin impact content so if i randomly started posting other games instead obviously that’s not

A good idea and also the youtube algorithm does not like you just trying out different things that are completely different from one another the algorithm rewards consistency with that being said though i would like to try out other games at some point maybe through streams and then have kind of a cut up

Version to put on youtube or something like that though even if i did upload other content i would still keep uploading genshin content as well if you would obtain a vision which one do you think it would be there’s a couple different ones that i would be

Interested in having but i think electro and not just because that’s the ride in shogun’s vision throughout my life i’ve always had an interest or rather i just thought lightning was very intriguing and cool i guess i mean the sky is generating electricity and then just

Shooting it at the ground kind of not that’s not how it works but you know what i mean so i would have to say electro what is your favorite archon or story quest right in shogun but you’re also asking that since i’ve played them a few times are there any that i look

Forward to and the answer to that is absolutely not i’m so tired of playing through all of them though i would say zhang li is the one that i don’t like the most just because it’s so many fetching quests on top of fetching quests on top of fetching quests how do

You feel about all the recent weapon only series as of late did you ever give permission for creators to make their own well you see the thing about youtube and social media in general is if somebody sees something working they’re going to copy it it’s not like i have a

Copyright on gentian blank only series it’s kind of mixed feelings for me because on one hand i’m a little sad that they did it since i originally wanted to go through and do all the different weapon accounts but i don’t think it’s as necessary now that so many

Other people are doing them as well on the other hand though it’s kind of cool to see that i started a trend of sorts with gentian impact content who were some of the first creators you watched who really got you into the youtube community i’m gonna be honest i don’t

Remember the first ones i watched because that was so long ago so maybe instead i could just give you a few creators that i have watched and sometimes still do watch when i have free time just to name a few we have people like connor michael reeves video

Game donkey j slat and jubi now obviously those all span a wide variety of content and i do watch more but that’s just a couple for you do you think you would ever try a nuzlocke ingention again well i wouldn’t try another one i would just continue the

One that i was already doing the reason i haven’t gone back to that yet is because every time that i think about going back to it i have a different account at the same point in the game and i never like uploading content onto youtube where both accounts are at the

Same exact spot because i feel like it’s very repetitive not only for the content itself but for me mentally it’s very boring to do the same story or arc on quests of the game over and over within like the same week so at some point i

Think i’m gonna go back to revisit that nuzlocke challenge but just not right now what is your favorite thing about the best i mean ryden shogun the answer yes in the future if genshin ever decides to add new weapon or element types what weapon or elements would you

Want to see added to the game the most nothing really comes to mind per se i guess for an element maybe something like void kind of what we think things leaf might have but then as for the weapon types i don’t really want another melee weapon we already have three of

Them compared to the two ranged weapons but actually just completely going against what i just said what if we had shields and not like the actual bubble shield thing around the character to protect them i don’t know it could be kind of cool and then you could have one

Character that throws it like captain america or just something along those lines what did you do before uploading gentian content i went outside my question is why did you choose to make swords only in spells only not claymore or anything else when i first was picking my weapon type i chose swords

Because it seemed to have the most variety of more so easily accessible characters as well as every element available plus the traveler starts out as a sword user so it kind of just made sense then for my second account it was between bows or catalysts and someone

Already had started bows plus i saw a lot of people leaving comments that they thought catalysts would be very difficult so i thought wow yeah i’m down for difficult i guess i just love suffering i know making a bunch of gentian accounts can be boring and doing

The same stories all over again can be time consuming and boring yeah yes do you think you will stop making new accounts after only spells is over again i don’t want to say yes or no because i changed my mind constantly so i could say yeah no we’re done with the counts

Now and then in a month be like alright guys here’s the new account so i’m not going to give a definitive answer because i really can’t but for this moment in time i don’t want any accounts besides what i have right now i want to actually make my account strong i don’t

Just want to keep adding more that i have to farm on if you could make a rule and everyone had to follow it for one day what would it be subscribe did you self teach yourself digital art and if so do you have any tips i mean i guess

Kind of yes i did but i am also not an artist so i don’t really know what to say to this you’re referring to the element swap series and on that it’s not like i’m drawing anything i’m just going in and kind of coloring it’s just a

Matter of knowing what colors work well together and then the different compositional layers which if you want me to explain it you will get nothing out of it you’re much better just going and looking up tutorials on youtube i guess if you were committing to digital

Art just as a whole the best thing i could say is be patient because it’s not something that’s going to come quick do you plan on making or experimenting with non-gentian related content sometime in the future if yes what might it be so obviously i did touch on this a little

Bit already but i didn’t really go into what games it could be again i’m thinking of experimenting more on streams and then maybe turning it into content on youtube so some games i might want to try out are very challenging ones perhaps jump king or pogo stuck or

Things like that because people like to see me suffer apparently and i like putting myself through that i guess but honestly i’d be down to try any game that i’m interested in at least on streams in terms of youtube stuff i don’t really know because the algorithm

Stuff and it’s hard i do want to start mixing and other stuff on youtube a little bit down the line though because that way there’s more for everyone what nation in te vat would you want to live in and why you see that’s a hard question because inazuma has the right

In shogun leeway is just really pretty and then monstat has a lot of greenery although sumaru might take the spot for most greenery in one region i think i would have to pick leeway though i just really like the overall aesthetic of it and how it’s kind of like slanted on a

Mountain side and you’re overlooking the coast and it’s just really nice are you going to pull for kazuha on swords only nope who’s your favorite character in the spells only series part of me wants to say ning wang but she also doesn’t really do reactions and reactions are

Just such a fun part of the game so that’s like the only thing holding her back in my mind but we did also just spoiler alert get hazo and klee on spells only so maybe one of them is going to take over as my favorite i

Guess right now it would have to be ning wang i feel like mona or kokomi could take over that spot but obviously we don’t have them on that account so they don’t count yet if you hypothetically could c6 any character you had right in shogun what prompted you to create this

Channel and upload genshin content specifically well i’m gonna be honest long long ago i tried a couple different ideas for youtube channels way back when i tried doing some overwatch stuff and that went absolutely nowhere then eventually i tried doing some minecraft stuff and in about two years of

Uploading i got to a whopping just under 500 subscribers none of those channels exist anymore so you’re not gonna find them if you look sorry to say but right towards the end of doing the whole minecraft channel stuff i really wanted to get back into genshin but i felt like

If i played genshin i would just be wasting time because i should instead be making content for the actual channel that i had so my solution to that was to create another channel for gangshan impact content i figured as long as i can make videos and upload then it won’t

Feel like i’m wasting time so i can enjoy the game plus gentian impact is one of those games where there’s really nothing to do in co-op so once you build characters or get characters you just play alone and since i have no friends that actually play the game it’s really

Nice to have the channel to share all of this stuff with all of you what may be your least favorite thing about gentian impact the lack of a skip button in cut scenes or dialogue and pymon how did you come up with your persona why is a cup

Named java in a.i well here’s the here’s the misconception you know i’m not a cup the cup itself is not the ai i am the ai think of it kind of like this imagine you walk into a starbucks and there’s a barista there who is an ai and their

Name is star they are an ai barista named star working at starbucks so now apply that to me i am an ai barista named java and the name of the coffee shop is java the cup and i’m gonna be honest in terms of the basic beginnings

Of this whole story it started on live streams i don’t remember exactly how it came to be but essentially chat started creating this narrative and then i took it and we ran with it if you had to choose a food to eat for the rest of

Your life what food would it be food not drink well then i’m going to have to say probably ramen there are so many different varieties and types and styles of ramen plus you have like literally everything in it you could have vegetables you can have protein you can

Have like the broth itself you can have different sauces on top it’s got everything that you need how did you come up with the nicknames you gave bosses the fierce owl korea university rock dragon etc those are all from gentian impact co-op videos i myself really didn’t come up with any of them

The fierce owl was just a clue i used for one of the bosses in a riddle based co-op video and then i think the others were just mistranslations through google translate as people were trying to translate to english so they could actually communicate with me so yeah if

You want to see the origin of those you can go check out the gentian impact co-op series i don’t know if this would count as being personal or not but did you ever do extracurriculars whilst in school and if so what did you do well it did change as i went throughout

Different years and levels of school but i did cross country i did track and specifically on track i was doing i think the 800 the long jump and the high jump even though i told the coach i wanted to run in the 100 meter dash not the 800 because i’m much better at

Sprinting in short bursts and not long distance but no they wanted me on the 800 so i always came in last on the 800 then the last day of school that year we had a meet just between our own students just you know just for fun because why

Not so i walk up to the coach i’m like you know can i run in the 100 with all the other runners just because like it doesn’t even matter and he was like oh no i i don’t know maybe we’ll see if we have room so then the whole meet starts

Winding down and the last few runners are going to be going now i walk over to the starting line and i was like oh i want to run with the 100 meter dash and the other students and other people running or like you know just just go on

You know you you could go it doesn’t matter so i go i get down on the starting line you know they they shoot the little cap gun or whatever it’s called into the air boom we’re off i’m running i’m running too fast i beat everyone on the team and then my coach

He turns to me he looks me dead in the eye and says oh you’re pretty fast huh yeah no duh that i’ve been telling you to put me on this event but besides that i did play tennis as well what is your favorite song album or music artist and

Why i’m gonna be honest i don’t have one i’ve never had a favorite song or music or whatever i really listen to just about anything as long as i like the song i don’t care what genre it’s from though i’d have to say recently i’ve been really liking the eurobeat genre i

Think what i wanted to ask specifically was why you started these swords on a series and did you think it would be so successful absolutely not i don’t remember exactly how i came up with the idea and i think there’s another question that kind of tied into this so

I’m not going to go too much into it here but basically i was trying to think of something new to bring together an impact that no one had done before or at least that no one had really uploaded before i had the idea of doing a weapon

Only account and i decided on swords and then when i went to make it i was really second guessing like should i even be wasting my time doing this and i really almost didn’t upload it but then i finally decided to just go ahead and do

It and it was the most successful series i ever started on this channel until spells only came along what’s my least favorite enemy to fight in gentian well i would say spectres but in 2.8 they kind of nerfed them even more so they’re not as bad now it’s just the environment

That’s very annoying so i guess i would have to say the abyss mages when they have the element that you don’t have the correct element for or the hydro fatoui agents on a scale from one to purple how cool are wednesdays because 789 well everyone asks if pineapple belongs on

Pizza but what i want to know is if mustard belongs on pretzels chews wisely i wouldn’t say it belongs on pretzels it’s something you could dip a pretzel in for short i never personally have had it so i really couldn’t tell you one way or the other my question is how do you

Have that much patience to do the archon quests over and over again or just tedious tasks again after making new accounts like swords only and spells only the answer is i don’t i absolutely hate doing the same quests over and over this is why i wish they would at least

Add a skip dialogue option i think the reason i’m able to go through it is because i know i have to go through this if i want to make a video and get to the actual parts that i enjoy playing so it’s just like i have to get through the

Bad stuff to get to the good stuff do you see yourself being a content creator for life or would you be interested in other things as well i think the answer to this is both i would love to keep creating content for youtube or whatever platform for as long as possible but i’d

Also be interested in trying out some other things on the side i know some people who started on youtube have now branched out to making their own clothing brands and not even just merch like actual clothing brands or even something like a coffee company now i’m

Not saying i’m gonna be doing all of that exactly but you know just other things other ideas that i could branch out into so my controversial question is which anime character do you think can beat goku without breaking a sweat well since you just said beat goku and didn’t

Specify in what way i’m going to have to go ahead and say yukihara soma because since you didn’t specify in what kind of way that they would beat goku i’m going to assume that you meant in the kitchen with a bit of a cooking competition or a

Shokugeki and as far as i’m aware goku isn’t used to cooking up gourmet meals what has been the hardest or most interesting challenge about making a youtube channel and continuing to make amazing content well i think part of the challenge is trying to make that amazing

Content and then always trying to up the bar you’re not just competing with everyone else on the platform you’re also competing with all of your previous videos and honestly i always try and think of what i could do next like that’s the whole reason why i made the

Swords only series and now obviously we have spells only as well so i don’t want to go introducing new stuff on top of that because i feel like that would just be too much right now but i am always trying to think ahead at what might be

The next good idea to run with do you ever feel burnt out after playing gentian for so long what do you do then easy force yourself to keep playing now in all seriousness i do get a little burned out from time to time mostly because i

Have to farm on like three to four different accounts so it’s not like i can even enjoy playing on some of them at times i just log in do my dailies spend my resin log out onto the next account do my daily spend my resin log out next account rinse and repeat so

Some days i just don’t touch the game at all and like right now obviously swords and spells only are both entering the chasm i mean swords only was already in the chasm but spells only is just getting to the chasm as of right now there’s not all that much new content

Yet i know subaru’s coming out so that’ll be exciting but with those two series being where they are and me needing to farm on so many different accounts you could probably tell just by looking at the channel i haven’t been uploading those series quite as much

Recently which i kind of feel bad for because i know a lot of people subscribe for that and i i know myself from other people that i’m subscribed to when they don’t upload like their main series i’m like oh i was really looking forward to

That today but i do also want to make sure i’m not known for just one thing i feel like i just went very off topic with that question but oh well we all know that you are of course an ai but what exactly were you developed to do

Were you designed to be a genji ai no i was not designed to be a genji ai but if i were to tell you my true purpose i would have to eliminate you what are your thoughts on circle pizzas that come in square boxes and are cut into

Triangles i think we need more hexagon representation how do you balance grinding and recording on all of your accounts as well as editing and uploading do you have a schedule or routine on how you typically go about your day also how does it affect your social life first off what social life

And second off i don’t have a schedule or routine i basically you know i get up i come out of sleep mode and it’s like all right i need a video let’s try to procrastinate that a little bit and then i procrastinate and then i decide okay i

Really should get this going now and that’s when i decide what i want to try and record then i go record it and then i edit it and then we upload it and then by the time all of that is done i am exhausted and i go back into sleep mode

Rinse and repeat each time you replay gention on a new account which part of the story do you dread the most to have to go through again and which part you most look forward to going through again i think the monstat story quest is the most fun just because it’s the one that

You kind of breeze through the quickest no pun intended that’s the point where you’re getting all these new characters from wishing that you might not have used as much on other accounts and it just feels fresh and new and then the part that i dread is probably the leeway

Story quest because fetching quests what would be your favorite element swap design so far i would have to say probably pyro ryden shogun or pyro chongyoon would you rather have guaranteed for every character slash weapon on the limited weapon banner but you always have to hit 90 pity or cut

Pity in half but lose the 50 50 each time meaning you’ll always have to pull again to get the character you want i don’t know if you intended this to be a trick question but the obvious answer is cut pity in half but lose the 50 50 every time because either way you’re

Gonna have to go to the 90 pity to get the character that you want so by taking the cut pity in half but lose the 50 50 you’re getting an extra 5 star for every 90 pulls what other hobbies besides video production and gaming do you enjoy

Uh um i um i played the piano a little i guess when you are out of resin what are some random things you do in genjen i log out and go on to the next account to spend all the res in there how did you come up with the idea to start this

Weapon only series like i said before i’m always trying to think of new ideas but i think some of it might have stemmed from nuzlockes and pokemon i always loved and still do love going through pokemon games with nuzlocke’s or mono type playthroughs and i was trying

To think of some way that i could take that concept and apply it to genji and impact how did you find out about genshin and what was the reason you thought you’d give the game a try i think i just randomly happened to see some of the trailers for the game at one

Point i just remember seeing characters like amber and fishel in their it wasn’t even trailers for the characters it was just trailers for gameplay i guess it had that anime aesthetic and i just thought the overall design was really nice and i figured you know when it comes out i’ll try it would

You ever consider cheating off screen in weapon challenge series no and i’m not just saying no for the sake of oh no i would never cheat a nose if i allow myself to cheat while i’m not recording it actually kind of ruins it for me a little bit it’s kind of just the

Principle of the account like when i was re-rolling on spells only every single time i started the game over i would do the same routine so that i didn’t use anything but catalyst characters unless it was absolutely necessary if i allowed myself to cheat off camera it would

Genuinely lower my interest in the account i’ve heard legend of java couple lore can you sum it up in exactly 15 words okay okay let me think let me think uh okay 15 words all right here we go once upon a time there was an a.i

Barista named java the cup but he do you have any fears if so which is your biggest i don’t know that i have one that trumps all the others but i think just the unknown in general is kind of kind of scary also failure that’s always

Not a fun thing and then just somehow becoming irrelevant on the internet or just losing my channel and then i’m just yeah no that’s that’s bad i know this is asked on a stream a lot but why did you name the channel java the cup there’s a

Lot of reasons for it back when i still made the minecraft content people would always leave comments saying that the content was so relaxing and my voice was so relaxing though to be honest i have gone back and listened to that audio that they’re talking about and i sound

Beyond monotone even at the beginning of this channel i sounded pretty monotone so imagine back then it was even worse but i think that’s why i was able to improve and have a decent start when i started making the gentian content i already had some idea of editing and

Just how to record in general but whenever i think of relaxing things for some reason i think of coffee shops and at the time i wanted a channel name that was kind of a simple thing because you always see channels where it’s like one word it’s just like orange or is it i

Don’t know coffee even though i don’t know if that’s one but i’m sure it is i just wanted one simple word and as you could tell i ended up not even doing that but since i had the idea of coffee shop and i wanted to do something with coffee because also minecraft java

Edition was what i was playing so i had the java there but obviously javascript is very popular so i didn’t want to compete with that so i couldn’t just be java and i think there was already a channel named java so then i was just trying to think of things i could do

With the word java and now i myself am not a huge star wars fan or anything i’ve only seen like one of the movies to be honest but i know there is a character named jabba the hutt now he’s an ugly little guy but i just wanted the

Sake of the name being similar because that way if people hear java the cup and they think oh that sounds a lot like jabba the hut then it’s kind of like sticks in your mind i guess to an ex i guess to an i guess to an i guess to an

Ex i guess to an ex i guess to ending i guess to an extent i guess to an ex i cannot say that oh my gosh i guess to an extent i guess to annex i guess to an extent why can’t i say that i guess to

An extent it’s all just marketing but yeah that’s how i came up with the name and then i just took that name joint and put it on this channel are you planning on playing other hoyoverse games like honkai’s endless zone zero honkai star trail and more in the future i’m

Definitely down to try them out i’ve looked at some of the honkai games and at times i’m like oh maybe i want to try this but then i don’t because i want to save it for content like a live stream or something and i could turn it into a

Video this endless zone zero i am almost definitely going to test out when that’s released i don’t know when that’s coming out and i did try to get into the hong kong star rail closed beta test but i was not accepted into it but yeah i mean

I’m honestly down to try any of their games just to see how they are see if they’re fun maybe do a couple videos on them if it performs well and if you guys like seeing it of course which is better plea on swords only or kazuha on spells

Only no have you ever made a video that you thought would do really well views wise but didn’t definitely absolutely yes i think some of them were the update videos when they would do a live stream for the upcoming version invention and then i would cut it down and turn it

Into this little sarcastic video those just never seem to do well which is why i really don’t make them anymore another one was the gentian impact catalyst only trailer that i made i really thought that that was going to do very well and it did not i guess i was also hoping

That the gentian impact translations with google translate were going to do well and those didn’t perform that well either and to be honest i’m sure this video isn’t gonna perform well too unless i’m able to clickbait it very well and not like bad clickbait like clickbait where it’s something that’s

Actually in the video but it just intrigues you enough to want to click on it what’s a place you’ve always wanted to visit slash is your dream place well i don’t know about dream place because if i want to visit there then i haven’t been there so it really can’t be a dream

Place because i don’t even know what it’s like but a place i’ve always wanted to visit is japan and i was supposed to go there in i think 2020 but then the whole pandemic started so all the borders shut down and i have not been able to go someday someday i will make

It out to japan how do you feel about the current socioeconomic climate in america ew politics no stop it do you have any relationships with other genji tubers if so will you ever feature them yeah this was supposed to be a secret but i guess i could let you guys in on

It if you guys know of techtone you probably know that he does have a wife but that’s all just a cover up because actually the two of us are married i know i know you’re probably shocked it’s crazy i i understand none of you saw that one coming did you i think i

Already know the answer to this one but do you have a significant other well yeah actually i do tuanto and i have been together for quite a while now why do you play gangshin and not the other game what’s what’s the other game wait am i missing out what’s the other game i

Could heck with kenshin what’s this other game that you’re talking about i want to know if you were dropped on a deserted island alone what would be the first thing you do no phone nothing on your person just you probably swear what is your favorite generation of pokemon

And who is your favorite pokemon i don’t really have a favorite pokemon i don’t think i mean pickle up was my first ever pokemon because gen 4 and also favorite gen is gen 4. so i guess i would go you know what we’ll say piplup like the empoleon evolution line and generation

4. will you release merch eventually yes i just don’t feel like i should yet but also if i ever do i want to make sure it’s high quality and not just like you get the company where you just send them a png they slap it on a shirt and sell

It out i actually want stuff that i myself would want to wear so i don’t just want a logo on a shirt because i think that that’s pretty boring i want a very interesting design or just something that is aesthetically pleasing but is still somehow tied to the channel

I love how i’m kind of phrasing this as a question because it’s nothing that i’m sure of yet i’ve thought about this stuff but i have nothing concrete at this time are you planning on quitting gentian impact anytime soon if so then why yes i’m just going to completely

Stop playing the only thing that’s being uploaded on my channel yeah no i’m gonna keep playing it are you dating someone well actually funny you should ask yes i am i do actually have a girlfriend named mocha what is your favorite flavor of ice cream i would have to say mint

Chocolate chip or or wait because there’s if you know the carvel places that i think they’re only like the north east or something i think but they have a flavor called mint chocolate chip mint oreo mint oreo mint chocolate chip yeah that that’s pretty good although sometimes you know cotton candy is

Pretty nice as well what is one thing you would like more viewers to know about your channels promo yourself here with all of your content and social media accounts do it so if you have watched this far i’m sure you’re already subscribed but if you’re not feel free to hit that subscribe

Button you know you could like the video if you want to maybe leave a comment all that fun stuff i do have a twitter account linked in the description below i also have an instagram which is java the cup official i really don’t post much on there because i don’t know what

To post but i would like to post more so feel free to go follow that uh uh what else is there this is my one chance oh ooh twitch why am i so stupid yeah twitch you could go follow me on twitch java the cup

Tv right java the cup tv i don’t know my own twitch name that’s bad yeah java the cup tv go follow over there because i streamed at the most random times so if you want to actually know when i’m streaming i do try to post a something

In the community tab on youtube but if you’re followed over there and on youtube then you have a better chance of seeing something and if you’re on the discord then you also are gonna have another notification coming up when i go live so that’s three chances for some

Platform to notify you correctly when i go live i think that’s everything hopefully are you a cat or a dog person and why you choose cats well you’re wrong i choose dogs and the last question that we are going to look at is are you real i think it’s a pretty

Obvious answer no no i’m i’m not at all how does that make you feel well i have no idea how long this video turned out to be i’ve recorded this bit for about an hour and a half now so i get to go edit all that together woo but if you

Have any more questions that weren’t answered in this video and are not super personal you can throw them down in the comments below and i’ll go through and maybe respond to some of them while you’re down there you might as well click that like button and check that you’re subscribed because sometimes you

Think you are you watch a lot of the videos and then you realize you’re not even subscribed and maybe it leaves some ideas for what we could do for the 200k once we get there and no not a face reveal you are looking at my face already with that being said though i

Appreciate all of you guys watching this and every video on the channel as well as being part of this community and as always i will see you guys next time

This video, titled ‘You Asked… So Here’s Your Answer’, was uploaded by JavaTheCup on 2022-07-21 14:30:11. It has garnered 138958 views and 9884 likes. The duration of the video is 00:33:21 or 2001 seconds.

You Asked… So Here’s Your Answer. We recently passed 150k subs on the channel, and as such, I asked all of you to submit your questions for a bit of a QnA.

Am I quitting Genshin Impact? Why is the channel named JavaTheCup? Am I currently in a relationship? The answers to all of these and more can be yours… If you’re willing to listen.




#Genshin #Genshin Impact #QnA

  • Minecraft Capes Ranked!

    Minecraft Capes Ranked! Minecraft’s Latest Capes: A Tier List Review As Minecraft continues to evolve, so do the cosmetic options available to players. In a recent update, three new capes were introduced: the Twitch Cape, the TikTok Cape, and the 15th Anniversary Cape. Let’s dive into a tier list review of these exciting additions! The Twitch Cape: C Tier The Twitch Cape, while not groundbreaking, offers a decent design that some players may appreciate. It’s a solid choice for those looking to add a subtle flair to their character. Overall, it lands in the C tier for its middle-of-the-road appeal. The TikTok… Read More

  • Who Called Me in Minecraft?!

    Who Called Me in Minecraft?! Minecraft: Unraveling the Mystery Behind “BENİ KİM ARADI” Exploring the vast world of Minecraft is always an adventure, filled with mysteries and surprises at every turn. One such intriguing phenomenon that has captured the attention of players is the enigmatic “BENİ KİM ARADI” trend. Let’s delve into the depths of this mysterious occurrence and uncover its secrets. The Origins of “BENİ KİM ARADI” In the realm of Minecraft, players have reported receiving mysterious calls from unknown entities, leading to a wave of speculation and curiosity within the community. The phrase “BENİ KİM ARADI” translates to “Who Called Me” in… Read More

  • Delete World Save: Minecraft’s Creepy Creature Craze

    Delete World Save: Minecraft's Creepy Creature Craze In the world of Minecraft, a legend does dwell, A creature so eerie, it casts a dark spell. If you spot it in-game, don’t hesitate, Delete that world save, before it’s too late. With half of his body, Alex did appear, A sight so unsettling, it fills you with fear. A monster lurks under the trapdoor, beware, Its presence alone, enough to make you swear. So heed this warning, from Game Koala’s tale, In Minecraft’s world, where legends prevail. Subscribe for more stories, of myths and of fright, And keep your eyes open, in the dark of the night. Read More

  • Join Minewind: Start Your Epic Minecraft Adventure Today!

    Join Minewind: Start Your Epic Minecraft Adventure Today! Welcome to, where we bring you the latest and greatest in the world of Minecraft! Today, we’re excited to share with you a new journey that is just beginning in the Minecraft community. In a recent YouTube video titled “New Journey Begins 🔥 Minecraft PE One Block Survival Part-1 [HINDI],” we see a group of talented gamers taking on the challenge of Minecraft Pocket Edition’s One Block Survival. While the video may not be directly related to Minewind server, it does showcase the creativity and excitement that Minecraft has to offer. Watching these gamers, such as beatplayz, rosygamerz,… Read More

  • Real Life Minecraft: How to Open a Door Like This!

    Real Life Minecraft: How to Open a Door Like This! Minecraft: Exploring the Real-Life Door Opening Experience When it comes to the world of Minecraft, players are constantly discovering new and exciting features that keep them coming back for more. One such feature that has caught the attention of many is the real-life door opening experience. Let’s dive into how this unique element adds a touch of realism to the game. The Real-Life Door Opening Experience In Minecraft, players have the ability to interact with various objects and structures, including doors. The real-life door opening experience takes this interaction to a whole new level by simulating the process of… Read More

  • Crafty Clues: Minecraft Mystery

    Crafty Clues: Minecraft Mystery In the town of Minecraft, a man did see, An odd creature walking, what could it be? He reported to the police, they thought it was a joke, But footage on a camera made them choke. A special group of cops went to investigate, And what they found was truly great. The town was infested with strange beings, The SWAT team was in for some serious cleanings. As one creature got too close, they couldn’t wait, They opened fire, sealing their fate. None survived, it was a tragic sight, Reported on the news, causing a fright. What will happen… Read More

  • Tree Planting 101: Minecraft Mode Mastery!

    Tree Planting 101: Minecraft Mode Mastery! In Minecraft, trees are key, don’t you see? To survive and thrive, plant them with glee. Different types to choose, each with a use, Find saplings in Survival, no need to abuse. Pick the perfect spot, where they’ll grow tall, In Survival or Creative, plant them all. Dark Oak trees, giants in the making, Follow these tips, no time for faking. Like and subscribe, for more Minecraft fun, Join the community, a new adventure begun. Plant those trees, watch them rise, In this blocky world, reach for the skies. Read More

  • Explosive Moments in Tinker World SMP

    Explosive Moments in Tinker World SMP Exploring the Explosive Fun of TNT in Minecraft Introduction In the world of Minecraft, there are few things more satisfying than the explosive power of TNT. Whether you’re mining for resources, defending your base, or just looking to have some good old-fashioned fun, TNT is a versatile tool that can add a blast to your gameplay experience. The Joy of Destruction One of the most appealing aspects of TNT in Minecraft is its ability to create chaos and destruction in a controlled environment. From clearing out large areas for building projects to setting elaborate traps for unsuspecting players, TNT… Read More

  • Soundcraft: Cube Xuan’s Location Quest!

    Soundcraft: Cube Xuan's Location Quest! In Minecraft, sound can guide your way, Listen closely, don’t go astray. Cube Xuan’s animations, funny and bright, Bringing joy and laughter, day and night. Fangkuaixuan, the creator of fun, Crafting MC animations, second to none. Avoiding harm, keeping it safe, For all the young gamers, in every place. Subscribe to the channel, don’t miss a beat, For daily doses of joy, oh so sweet. Minecraft facts, shared in rhyme, Keeping the community, in perfect time. Read More

  • Big Soapp Minecraft Tower Stream Pt. 2

    Big Soapp Minecraft Tower Stream Pt. 2Video Information hold on hold on there’s a little problem going on there we go see it does feel a little weird when I’m like this but I think it’s a lot better than when I’m straight looking at the camera okay I’m wait around for some people to get on here well while wait I might can this work please oh my goodness and now it’s raining what’s up Spanton let’s see uh what not 54 and it kind of sad scon but not a lot of people are on here anymore okay well I’m going just start with… Read More

  • INSANE Lucky Gaming Ankit Minecraft Moment WTF

    INSANE Lucky Gaming Ankit Minecraft Moment WTFVideo Information तो गाइज यह देखो हमने बहुत सारे क्रीपर कैप्चर कर लिए अपने घर के अंदर मिलकर भाई मजा ही आ गया भाई यह एप्पल पता नहीं क्यों नहीं दे रही और यह मजा और यह एक और बार जंप करने वाला हूं मैं ओ नो अबे यार गलत भाई हो गया खत्म गाइज वीडियो पसंद आए तो एक लाइक और चैनल को सब्सक्राइब This video, titled ‘What the F*ck 🤬 #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by Lucky Gaming Ankit on 2024-01-14 12:30:25. It has garnered 6526 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds…. Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Secrets REVEALED – DONG_FORTNITE’s Keybinds & Building tips | InsideMC

    EPIC Minecraft Secrets REVEALED - DONG_FORTNITE's Keybinds & Building tips | InsideMCVideo Information the amount of people I’ve spoken to who are really good at this game and really good at parkour and they use R to Sprint oh my what and I made the most wonderful well-used map that everyone loves the black Wars season 11 hunt map that got used once and everyone said it’s the worst thing they ever played in their entire life and never got used again I guess my one fun fact is that I’m the reason fishing rods are in MCC sky battle there is no event game I love more than multip it… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Japanese House Tour!! 🤯

    INSANE Minecraft Japanese House Tour!! 🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Japanese House | Cinematic Showcase’, was uploaded by MrMattRanger on 2024-04-07 14:46:20. It has garnered 11868 views and 644 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:18 or 198 seconds. Minecraft Japanese House Cinematic 4k Showcase Tour World Downloads of all my Builds Find me on Instagram | Find me on Twitch | Find me on Twitter | Find me on TikTok | Join My Discord | Do you need a Minecraft Server to Build and Play with your Friends? DedicatedMC is a Minecraft Server Host, with top… Read More

  • Ultimate Underwater Minecraft Puzzle Map Challenge!

    Ultimate Underwater Minecraft Puzzle Map Challenge!Video Information [Musik] Oh lah ini ikannya merah banget iya kah merah Oh merah merah berapa ikan merah berapa ikan coba Guys kita ikan merah berapa ikan merah ada tiga 1 2 3 tiga ikan merah tiga biru S du 1 2 t 5 3 5 1 4 2 ikan paus makan k C cakep paus pembunuh orka halo semuanya balik lagi bersama aku orcak craf hari ini aku akan bermain puzzle lagi guys ini part ke berapa Aku lupa guys udah part ke berapa pokoknya aku lupa ini aku akan lanjut dah dan di sini aku di penjara guys… Read More

  • Zlatoff UNVEILS Secret Herobrine Brothers in Minecraft Animation

    Zlatoff UNVEILS Secret Herobrine Brothers in Minecraft AnimationVideo Information breath at your WS slipping Venom in my veins yeah you’re just trying to clip my wings this why you throw these words to me I wish I could stay away I don’t want to see your face no but you got me in a days I can’t find a way out of these chain no my strength feeling so Dr made the mistake believing you’d be true believe in you were you This video, titled ‘#minecraft #herobrinegamerflet #minecraftanimation #animation #herobrine #herobrinebrothers’, was uploaded by Zlatoff on 2024-06-04 07:19:52. It has garnered 1625 views and 156 likes. The… Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft Hack || Must See! #viral

    Unbelievable Minecraft Hack || Must See! #viralVideo Information आज हम मन को कुछ हैक्स टेस्ट करने वाला है देखते हैं ये काम करेंगे कि नहीं लेट्स गो अगर तुम लोग के पास ऐसा बबल एलिवेटर है और तुम लोग इधर साइंस यूज कर रहे हो तो हम लोग ये साइंस की जगह पे ये ग्लो लइकन भी यूज कर सकते हैं लेट्स ट्राई ओके थ्र टू व वो काम कर रहा है और एक्चुअली कितना अच्छे दि और वो लाइट भी एमिट करता है तो अगर समझो तु अंडरग्राउंड हो तो उधर वो लाइट देगा अच्छे से दिस इज सो ऑसम हैक्ट नंबर टू है कि… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Baby Zombie VS Villager Battle! 😱🔥

    Insane Minecraft Baby Zombie VS Villager Battle! 😱🔥Video Information [Music] [Applause] [Music] h This video, titled ‘Baby zombie and Villager fight meme (Minecraft Animation)😅🧟’, was uploaded by TC Films on 2024-02-16 15:37:03. It has garnered 9440 views and 299 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:22 or 22 seconds. minecraft, minecraft 100 days, minecraft house tutorial, minecraft music, minecraft house, minecraft song, minecraft godzilla, minecraft videos, minecraft civilization, minecraft jj and mikey, minecraft live, minecraft aphmau, minecraft animation, minecraft asmr, minecraft armadillo, minecraft ambience, minecraft armor trims, minecraft automatic farm, minecraft arg, minecraft animation movie, minecraft ancient city, a minecraft song, a minecraft house, a minecraft… Read More

  • Amethyst Pixelmon

    Amethyst PixelmonAmethyst Pixelmon is a new Minecraft server launched in July of 2023. We have a number of features, including a Battle Tower, Gyms, and multiple fully explorable cities and builds. There is also a unique set of custom starters and an expansive wilderness world, allowing you to wander freely and build to your heart’s content. Our staff is always present ingame or on discord and is happy to help you get started! So come navigate your way around and see if you can uncover everything we have to offer. 🙂 Read More

  • Eternal Realms – Official Server

    Greetings, Minecraft enthusiasts! Are you ready for an adventure of a lifetime? We are thrilled to invite you to Eternal Realms, a dynamic and thriving Minecraft community where creativity knows no bounds. 🔹 Endless Exploration: Discover diverse biomes, hidden treasures, and epic landscapes. 🔹 Creative Freedom: Build anything you can imagine, from towering castles to intricate redstone machines. 🔹 Friendly Faces: Join a community of friendly and helpful players, always ready to collaborate and share ideas. 🔹 Exciting Events: Participate in regular events and challenges to test your skills and win awesome rewards. We can’t wait to see the incredible… Read More

  • ☼ MIDCRAFT ☽

    ☼ MIDCRAFT ☽☼ MIDCRAFT ☽Do Anything Except Hack.SMP is a survival multiplayer server, With Pure Vanilla and Enhanced Vanilla.Enhanced Vanilla:• /Homes, /TP, /back• Quests • God Items • Custom Structures• Custom Bosses Pure Vanilla:• A Brand New World for 1.20.6, No resets!• Just Regular Vanilla MinecraftDo Anything Except Hack.Bedrock Port: 19132 Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft Meme Madness

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft Meme MadnessWhy did the creeper cross the road? To blow up the chicken on the other side! Read More

  • Zombie Verruckt: Minecraft Madness in BO3

    Zombie Verruckt: Minecraft Madness in BO3 In the world of Minecraft, we take the stage, Crafting news in rhymes, setting the page. Insane Zombies in Black Ops 3, we explore, With rhymes and beats, we never bore. We appreciate your support, hanging out with us, Thumbs up and subscribe, no need to fuss. Gear we use, links we share, For streaming success, we always care. Throw a buck in the hat, if you please, Support our channel, with great ease. Facebook and Twitch, where we play, Join us in the fun, every day. In Minecraft’s world, we make our mark, Rhyming news, with a playful… Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Memes: Noobs vs. Pros vs. Hackers vs. Gods

    Hot Minecraft Memes: Noobs vs. Pros vs. Hackers vs. Gods “Why did the Minecraft noob bring a shovel to the fight against the hacker and god? Because he heard they were digging their own graves!” #minecrafthumor #noobmistakes Read More

  • Crafting a Redstone Timer in Minecraft

    Crafting a Redstone Timer in Minecraft Constructing a Redstone Timer in Minecraft Introduction MoonGMC, a Minecraft enthusiast, demonstrates how to build a timer in Minecraft using redstone components. This guide will walk you through the process step by step. Materials Needed – Redstone Comparator – Hopper x2 – Redstone Repeater – Redstone Dust – Sticky Piston x2 – Redstone Block – Bell Building the Timer 1. Start by placing a random block and a redstone comparator facing towards it. 2. Place two hoppers facing into each other. 3. Add another redstone comparator facing outwards from the hoppers. 4. Place redstone dust on both sides of… Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft Servers – Join Now for Free!

    Unbelievable Minecraft Servers - Join Now for Free!Video Information hello everybody brow here and I wanted to go over something that a lot of people have been asking me about um I have and run a lot of community servers some paid some free that people inside of the community can play on and a lot of people don’t know a lot about them so I wanted to kind of let you know some information what are the different servers what makes them different what makes them better than maybe other servers that are out there what systems can you join them on easy quick answer all… Read More

  • Ultimate HeroMC PvP Gameplay

    Ultimate HeroMC PvP GameplayVideo Information [संगीत] तेरे को क्या चाहिए मेरे से मेरे डायमंड वापस दे ओ नो नहीं मे डायमंड This video, titled ‘@UiHeroMc Players Minecraft 🥶 #pvp #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by UI HEROMC on 2024-04-04 06:22:54. It has garnered 12343 views and 213 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. In Minecraft, MLG (or “Major League Gaming”) refers to a term commonly used by players to describe performing a clutch maneuver or stunt, typically involving water buckets, to prevent fall damage or execute a daring escape. It’s a display of skill and quick thinking, often celebrated… Read More

  • 🔥TOP 5 MUST-HAVE BLOCKS in Minecraft!!🔥

    🔥TOP 5 MUST-HAVE BLOCKS in Minecraft!!🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘5 most used block in minecraft’, was uploaded by ActuallyMaple on 2024-03-06 11:47:32. It has garnered 40 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:34 or 34 seconds. #comentary #hypixelskyblock #minecraft #skyblock #gaming #shortvideo #video #hypixel #shortvideo #viral #subscribe Read More

  • EPIC DJBruhdy Reacts to Manhunt Grand Finale Rematch LIVE⁴

    EPIC DJBruhdy Reacts to Manhunt Grand Finale Rematch LIVE⁴Video Information I started a stream I start a stream I’m streaming chat I’m streaming I think yes no maybe so perhaps per chance one could have reason to believe so uh uh okay yeah I’m streaming I’m ultra streaming I need to close Minecraft because we do not need Minecraft when will I what in what realm am I ever going to need Minecraft not this one not this one hey there mic stick hey there broy stick okay not going to lie party’s 500s being a year ago is flaring crazy I’m scared why do I hear this… Read More

  • Epic Minecraft Civilization Wars! Land At Stake!

    Epic Minecraft Civilization Wars! Land At Stake!Video Information this is the Las vdz sunshine good morning Las vdz with the server reopening sometime tomorrow citizens can’t wait to return to axilus however instability continues to haunt the region Beek has seemingly made no concessions to their massive stake on the continent their proposed border is now encircling yet another Nation settling nearby The gerk Horde descendants of the famous wrath Community ktek nevertheless phase one of the Las vas development plan is still on track leadership has recently discovered that the underground ores and resources are actually renewable in the long term regenerating after 1 year… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Growth Challenge!!!

    INSANE Minecraft Growth Challenge!!!Video Information today we are playing Minecraft but mobs will get bigger every minute this one’s going to be a funny one wait is that a portal already okay well we found a good seed but like I say mobs will get bigger every single minute so that means creepers zombies and yeah even the Ender Dragon wait hold on is that a sheep oh my gosh look how small it is yeah so they are got to get bigger oh it’s so cute look how tiny it is the shadow is bigger than the Sheep itself what the heck… Read More

  • Epic Sweet Potato Circus in Minecraft Update!

    Epic Sweet Potato Circus in Minecraft Update!Video Information This video, titled ‘Updated Digital Circus ADDON in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Sweet Potato – Minecraft on 2024-05-29 12:00:58. It has garnered 291 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:32 or 152 seconds. In this video, I will show mod in my Minecraft world. If you’re interested in minecraft, then you’ll love this video! This mod lets you do everything that you would in the regular game, but with a little more naughty fun!Be sure to subscribe to my channel if you want to see more Minecraft gameplay! mod: mod: #Immersive_Paintings_Mod_1201_1194_Download_Links #minecraft… Read More

  • Minecraft Hacker Creates Ultimate Safe City!

    Minecraft Hacker Creates Ultimate Safe City!Video Information this is the impenetrable City from Avatar and Last Airbender and I’m turning it into Minecraft’s safest city complete with blast proof walls doors that can kill anyone outside my team and so much more upon joining the server for the fste I was given a set of armor and tools by a player called Emma which seemed like a nice gesture but you never know what people are really after on This Server so even though I’m suspicious I happily accepted the gear saving me a lot of time grinding which means I can instantly start working… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Parody! See You Again – Wiz Khalifa (trailer)

    EPIC Minecraft Parody! See You Again - Wiz Khalifa (trailer)Video Information [Music] hey everyone down here from the Diamond Minecart hello this is Stampy and welcome to a Minecraft it’s been a while since 360 my friend and I’ll hop on 1 20 when I see This video, titled ‘”A Tribute To Minecraft” A Minecraft Parody of See You Again – Wiz Khalifa (trailer)’, was uploaded by Kemac Animations on 2024-03-04 16:20:49. It has garnered 127 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:22 or 22 seconds. Song by: Wiz Khalifa Parody by: @JJGamesOfficial Animation by: Me Read More

  • Dead Factions

    Dead FactionsA balance between beta nostalgia and fast-paced gameplay. – Eat –> Heal – Beta Walking (lite stamina) – x2 Mob Health (remember when they were hard?) – Minimal Travel (2k border) Better Raids. – Lite TNT Jump (less “ooh!” more boom!) – Giant Zombies (remember MineZ?) – Seasonal Features Resurrect the Glory Days of Faction Raiding. Discord: Personal Website: IP: Read More

  • Experium SMP Vanilla SMP Whitelist 1.20.4 New Season Hermitcraft-Inspired 18+

    About Experium SMP: The Experium SMP is a whitelisted 1.20 vanilla server that just started a new season on June 1st. Join us for a fun and dedicated community where everyone is included. Server Details: Version: 1.20.4 Edition: Java Difficulty: Hard Host: Apex Hosting Server Location: California Member Requirements: Discord with voice chat Active participation Experienced Minecraft player Good building skills Age 18+ English speaking Server Rules: Respect all members and creations No griefing No resource stealing No cheaty mods/hacks No duping Lag-friendly builds Datapacks: Multiplayer Sleep AFK Name Display More Mob Heads Player Heads Wandering Trader Armor Stand Statues… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Farmville with Villagers

    Minecraft Memes - Farmville with Villagers“I’ve reached my villain arc because those baby villagers just won’t level up fast enough, it’s time to take matters into my own hands.” Read More

  • “From baby blazes to senior ghasts” 🔥😂 #minecraft #meme

    "From baby blazes to senior ghasts" 🔥😂 #minecraft #meme “When you’re a beginner in Minecraft, the nether portal is like a mysterious gateway to another world. But as you get older in the game, it’s just another annoying chore to deal with before you can mine some more diamonds.” Read More

  • Kroberto’s Epic Hill Destruction

    Kroberto's Epic Hill Destruction Minecraft Adventures: Destroying the Hill Duo SMP Unveiling the World of Minecraft In the vast world of Minecraft, players embark on exciting adventures, building, exploring, and conquering challenges. The thrill of discovering new resources, crafting powerful tools, and engaging with fellow gamers creates an immersive experience like no other. Exploring New Heights As players delve into the game, they encounter various terrains, from lush forests to towering mountains. The thrill of conquering these landscapes is unparalleled, with each new discovery sparking excitement and creativity. Resource Management and Crafting One of the key elements of Minecraft is resource management. From… Read More

You Asked… So Here’s Your Answer