YouTubers in FIFA 22! 😱 (KSI, Dream, MrBeast)

Video Information

Boys we are creating youtube fc and fifa 22 create a club a team full of youtubers in fifa 22 where your rating is decided by how many subscribers you have we will be managed by the ceo of youtube susan wajasik We’re gonna go with siki and yes creating our own club calling it obviously youtube fc so this is kind of a part two i did this back in fifa 20. now that we’re in fifa 22 and we have created a club i felt like we should do

It again make sure you guys are subscribed to the channel right now for loads of experiments like this i kind of want saturdays to be the day where we just create content on create a club and create new and unique teams every single week i have so many ideas we’ve already

Done afc richmond we’re now doing youtube fc so comment who you guys want to do next in the most liked comment i will do next saturday i don’t care what the team is i will create it next saturday but you guys have to hit 15 000

Likes for me to do the top like comment and create that club here it is boys youtube fc okay right we gotta come up with the perfect nickname for youtube fc let’s go with the uh let’s go with the trojans if you know you know oh my bad

That was so cringe okay they’re knowing my audience they’ll be point zero zero zero zero zero one percent of people who actually know what that means okay cool who are replacing we gotta use siri siri give me a random number 1 to 20. it’s 16. 16. didn’t we get 16 last

Time we did this oh my god poor southampton bro they get released or i guess you got released every single time we got a stick uh to the red and white color screen scheme for the kit design so we’ll go for this yo mba 2k lets you import your

Own badges like i i feel like we should be able to do it on fifa i know people would import just like bad stuff but still bro you could do it on 2k why can’t you do it on fifa or at least at the very least be able to edit the text

Within the crest like i want to put y not f on my badge why is it f okay as for the squad yeah it literally doesn’t matter i’m gonna do three and a half we’re gonna be signing a full club full of youtubers that i’ve custom created myself so this stuff yeah

It literally doesn’t matter this will be three seasons to glory to see how many trophies we can win for youtube fc and yes as i mentioned we will be signing youtubers that i have created based on their subscriber numbers that’s what their overalls will be don’t get into

Those signings a minute but yeah let’s let’s describe how the ratings were determined i have gone for a random uh just a random group of youtubers 20 youtubers in total so if you have less than 1 million subscribers your rating will be anywhere from 70 to 80 overall

If you have 1 to 10 million subscribers you’ll be anywhere from 80 to 85 overall 11 million to 20 million subscribers you’re gonna be anywhere from 86 to 90 overall 21 million to 49 million will be 91 to 95 overall and finally if you have more than 50 million subscribers which

Is only a few you will be anywhere from 96 to 99 overall 20 players signed in total unlimited money so that we can afford all of them which shouldn’t be an issue and these are just 20 youtubers that me and my chat have come up with if

You guys want to see a part two let me know which youtubers that i should include for the next one i’ve already done i mean this this is technically already a part two if you want a part three check part one some of the players i’ve repeated from part one some of the

Players are new some of them are all like just watch part one and then if you want other youtubers leave them in the comments for the next one alright hopefully well definitely actually by the time we sign all of them you see all these players right here they will be

Gone okay we are gonna start from the lowest amount of subscribers and work our way up to the very top at center back 75 overall because of his 500 000 subscribers the man who has taken over the fifa scene the legend himself danny aarons i am not gonna be showing the

Scenes for signing them all of these guys should be free agents so again your rating is based off of your subscriber count so 500 thousands is gonna 500 000 a subs is gonna equal a 75 overall also i should know all of these youtubers go drop them a sub because they’re all well

Most of them are pretty good youtubers um danny aarons i mean he’s got some of the best content out there in terms of right now next up is it’s me right now 77 overall because i have 70 70 700 000 subscribers i’ve tried my best everyone’s correct age should be

Right at the time of recording this video actually no well at the time of the calendar in this video yes i was 23 i’m actually now 24 years old now so how did i get positions i kind of just felt like i just kind of threw people at

Random positions so i don’t know i felt like i was more of a cam myself i would definitely not be starting on this team probably coming off the bench but i got some potential you know hopefully we can sneak our way in okay wait this is the

Only one who has like i mean well let’s just explain this ben foster he’s actually got himself a youtube channel now so he is the only one whose rating isn’t determined by his subscribers wait actually no it actually works out perfect 78 overall he has 800 000 subscribers it

Works out perfect even if i were to change his rating to match his subscribers it would literally be 78 so it’s perfect ben foster just started a youtube channel he actually just like reached out to me on youtube to collab so i i don’t know i haven’t been able to

Reach him lately he’s a footballer he’s busy um he responded to one of my tweets is what he did so i may collab with him in the future it’d be cool i want to do like an actual footballer besides my career mode of all the people in this

Video this one right here would be the one most likely he would be the highest rated on the team if we weren’t doing the ratings based on how many subscribers you had in terms of skill jeremy lynch is the best one out there a hundred percent i mean

Check out his channel f2 freestylers like this dude is um he’s legit and he also has a great youtube channel another one who would be one of the better ones on the team if it weren’t determined by subscribers chris md 83 overall yeah what five million actually

He should be higher than that right he should no no 83 no 83 is actually perfect yeah 83 because if you have 1 million to 10 million subscribers you’re 80 to 85 overall no that’s actually right where you should be now as i was saying though chris md is um a great

Football you guys have seen and stuff his stuff in the charity matches if it weren’t based off subscribers he should be one of the highest rated players on this team actually just found out who this was um like i don’t even know a few weeks ago when

He was on logan paul’s podcast don’t watch him he bangs views he seems popular so we’ve thrown him in tommy and nick oh yeah also before p all people have probably all already commented just so much on this the heights are one of the only things that isn’t accurate

Height and weight is not accurate i haven’t like gone through the trouble of looking up youtubers height and weight because first off i don’t think you can find it second off that’s just that’s kind of personal you know it was in the last one road to shaw i mean chris md

Was in the last one i was in the last one um that we did the part one again a few players have been thrown in again a few players are new 88 overall is a pretty solid rate there’s a lot of high rated players in this team i don’t even

Think we’ll have to get to the whole team but i’m pretty sure 88 overall isn’t even good enough for him to start yo faze rug he was in the last one too he just has super interesting videos man also just like living the dream bro all the houses that

He’s living in what he’s been able to like do for his parents like i’m pretty sure i don’t think he still lives there now but like he bought his parents just an insane mansion and i mean everything he does like all of his challenges and stuff all of his

Videos um good production just an interesting guy in phase face rugs a beast i used to watch this guy all the time i’ve been a little bit busy lately so i’ve been able to watch his content all too much laser beam definitely in my opinion the best youtuber from australia besides

Jared hd jared you’re not in this video you’re in the last one but best best fifa oh there’s the master box too then you get into the question who’s better jared master bucks i don’t want to talk about that right now all right ali a um oh wait he’s actually lower rated i

Forgot to include him earlier ali you know what we got to do for ali a right roll the freaking intro yep we’ve put him in the midfield 88 overall ali ah i don’t like ali a i mean i’ve never really watched ali a he posts fortnite videos i don’t really play fortnite i

Don’t really watch fortnite i used to not anymore but yes ali a has somehow snuck his way into this squad i’ve actually gone on and done this the paul brothers i’ve put both i don’t i can’t remember i don’t know if i put the paul’s in last time or not jake paul

Oh he’s so annoying man good name good first name you know ah can’t stand this guy i don’t know if anyone can stand this guy i mean i’m sure some of you guys like him fair play if you like his content he’s not for me man’s just got a

Big mouth man he knows how to get people not to like him so i mean i i guess he’s doing something tonight one night this man’s kind of fallen off bro we got ninja i guess maybe it’s more like fortnite has kind of fallen off a little

Bit it just isn’t as big as it used to be in terms of like being mainstream but ninja technically is one of the biggest gaming youtubers still in terms of subscribers he is a 91 overall because he’s got himself whatever 20 million subscribers gigi’s ninja you are in the

Team left the wing i don’t know why i put him there he just looks like he could be a left winger all right you saw jake paul we got ourselves logan paul next at center back and you’re never gonna guess who we’re gonna pair him up with at the the next

Center backs position actually though fair play to logan paul didn’t really used to like him but i’ve actually been enjoying his podcast as of late um and uh i mean that’s kind of all i enjoy this podcast i think he just brings interesting viewers on but um you know

Fair play he’s he’s not as annoying as he used to be so yep it has to be done ksi and logan paul are gonna be the two starting center backs on this team yep that one is gonna be it just big for sure ksi bro ksi and logan paul wants

Enemies now i mean i don’t even i don’t know if they’re friends but you know they were on each other’s podcasts so um i don’t know i wouldn’t say they’re friends but they’re they’re kind of just acquaintances now you know they’re just they’re just youtubers right

My chat convinced me to do this one so it wasn’t me i swear it was my chat all right so go chat a little sus over there a little sassy right sassy baca all right four youtubers left these are the four highest rated players on youtube fc that we will be signing okay

Dream right wing 92 overall um still i don’t think he’s done a face reveal has he i think his face got leaked somehow not gonna lie bro he has insane content honestly like really banging video i mean it’s just the manhunt videos right they’re just so good whether they’re fake or not they’re

Just entertaining it’s just entertainment value i absolutely love watching them so and he has a mad amount of subscribers so here we go this is actually the top four did i say no top five not top four top five sss sniper wolf the only girl in this i

Tried doing i wanted to include more girls but there aren’t as many that are like super familiar that have like a ton of subscribers actually she is a right back i might end up changing that yeah i might actually end up changing that position because we need ourselves i don’t know what you

Know we’ll see when we sign them all what we need to switch around in terms of positions you know we had to be in here mr beast okay and i probably should have explained this one too i’m just counting youtubers main channels okay no second channels count towards this so mr

Beast would be a 99 if we counted all of his channels but we’re just counting the main channel so he stays unfortunately at a 97 overall boys we got two left who are they gonna be who are the two biggest youtubers in this video going to

Be of course we gotta go for pewdiepie and we’ve thrown him in that that’s that’s right we’re gonna have ourselves a 99 rated goalkeeper you’ll love to see it okay so pewdiepie is not number one he is number two on this team so that means two ninety nine rated players used to watch

Him not so much anymore but it’s pewdiepie bro he’s the legend he’s the go give me get a drumroll the number one youtuber on this team it’s not t-series here it is yup it’s coke melon 99 overall damn it’s not a real person it’s literally

Just it just it’s just like a show right like a kids show right i’ve actually never seen it i’ve just seen the intro but they got mad subscribers so they’re gonna be the captain they’re gonna be the number one player on this team they’re cam they’re 21 years old they’re

Not a real person but we’ve turned them in to a real person yep i i don’t know what i’ve done but oh god all right so i gotta go sign all of these they were all free agents but now i gotta go get them into my team

Okay um i’ll be right back all right so these players better have accepted their contract mr beast has oh yeah they’re all coming back no one’s declined so far right les okay boys listen to create these players right i have had i’ve kind of just gone through and given them similar

Hairstyles made sure like their skin color is correct it’s such an l though look let’s just go through and have a look at every one of the players there’s danny aarons there’s me how have i done with myself i feel like i’ve done pretty awful

This is this is melon i don’t know what i don’t know what pokemon looks like so i just used one of the generic created players ali again can we could we just roll that intro one more time please i promise it’s the last time all right sniper woof

Might be the worst one i i couldn’t create a female player so that’s the closest we got right jeremy lynch kind kind of close right all right chris md tommy isn’t it row two shot road to shaw’s actually no rhodus shaw’s looks good here right face rug

Lasalle is a laser beam uh laser beams look sorry too jake paul nah not good ninja we got we got the blue hair at least okay logan paul it’s awful oh god james charles i don’t even want to look at that okay dream no idea actually what

He looks like uh mr b mr beast is pretty good right we got our boy pewds we got ksi and that is it all right let’s go through has that has everyone accepted oh i need ben foster’s the only like legit chancellor the rest of them were

Free agents yep okay we just got to go through and spam now because everyone’s accepted we just got to accept them ourselves nah bro you’ve been caught in 4k riley you have just been caught in 4k bro i’m exposing you right now to the world

Man and the last one ben foster yo i still want to collab with this guy he he responded but then he didn’t respond guys go spam his youtube tell him to collab with me say b ford wants to make a video like let’s go all right so i had

The player faces for the beginning of the video but um unfortunately you can’t i can’t i at least don’t know how to mod them into the game correctly all right so my plan was to just use the 433 attack my favorite formation in the game all right let’s throw the best possible

Players in the starting eleven and then yeah we may switch some positions around okay so here’s the starting eleven these are the highest rated players i we need to we need to switch um switch some positions right here so i’m gonna change one of the center backs i’m gonna make jake paul essential

Midfielder now that’s it we just we need another backup well i might switch like faze rugger or jeremy i might switch let’s let’s switch jeremy lynch to the left wing here we go boys we’re giving this team officially giving this team three seasons to win as many trophies as

Possible youtube fc yet again boys your top players in order also to note i will not be messing with development plans they’re just all going to stay unbalanced again comment section if you want to part a part three i guess to this video uh let me know the players i

Swear bro if anyone in the comments is like b ford why didn’t you include this player b include him watching b for b i swear i swear i’m gonna break a monitor i i will actually do it is it is there any is there anything else that i need to do oh

I need to make sure that they’re all like signed along contracts yeah other than that let’s um let’s get into this yo is that a lic to lester well not this again i don’t know what it is about fifa 22 that you just like can have an insane

Team and not win anything i’ll just taking a pit stop to see if we have a ballon d’or winner yep that’s leia come on man you’re telling me leia beat out coco melon i don’t think so bro cocomelon’s 99 what’s leila 91 bro nah nah that’s not that’s not how just

Happened all right so i’ll put after the james charles thing man that from the chat i had to put them in timeout today man i we can’t deal with that we just can’t in this video i’d seem with 99 pewdiepie 99 coke melon i don’t expect to lose any trophies starting with the

Primary league it is a w barely though from the few experiments i’ve done this year you don’t really see any teams anymore no matter how dominant they may be winning the primary league with like over 100 points at least it’s it’s at least very rare from what i’ve seen okay fa cup so

Far we’re winning everything we continue to win everything have we just racked up four trophies in the first season his career mode actually gotten realistic we’re in the final and we are oh my god yo career mode is i guess the win the trouble yeah literally have to have multiple 99 related players

On your team if you guys missed it a few days ago the messy rewind that we did bro we had insane teams where everyone on the starting level was over 90 rated and we still couldn’t win the champions league and even though i didn’t put development plans on players are going

To grow pewdiepie and kokomo and sell 99 mr beast is close to a 99. that’s just how it works even though you don’t put development plans on players will still oh my god yep coco melon is the best fifa 22 player you’ve seen so far there’s no one

Better i’ve i have you know what i don’t think i’ve seen a better stat line than that 47 goals in 12 assists that might be the most goals in a single season that i’ve seen from any player ever gigi’s coco melon wait hold up how

Many goals did i score did i even did i get a single goal i played three games got zero goals bro i only grew one overall too yo spurs fans um how does it feel that cocomelon literally has more trophies than you guys like as of like oh man

That’s a tough one to swallow isn’t it let’s freaking run it back this year man here we go or joe we gotta go for 12. we literally have to go for 12. i’m tempted to bring the forfeit wheel into this video like if you don’t get 12 trophies

Then i have to give it a spin but i want to save this wheel for the all-star challenges only all right so in between seasons there really isn’t much to do oh yo um okay so you know who’s gonna win the world cup for sure then england because pretty much well no the

U.s might win it there’s a lot of u.s players in this team let’s go i’m gonna sim to the 25th and watch as coca-melon leads the us to the world cup final almost i’m guaranteeing right here it’s going to be the u.s versus england in

The final it has to be right the winner oh my god the netherlands no we’ve lost to brazil man who did england lose to um hello england england england wow they got grouped dude the u.s bro even with 99 rated players are terrible yeah man look at

This they had they had a pretty much everyone 99 rated i mean some of the normal players still they lost oh my god this is kokomon’s year for the ballon d’or man if i see leia’s face there i’m i’ve just become the number one coca melons coco coco melon supporter it’s

Coke melon it’s gotta be right no it’s mr beast okay fair play the legend himself mr beast for balindor let’s go that is mr beast right yes it is come on somehow pull a six wow poo poo sick must be just the goat beat everyone on our

Team for uh player of the month i’m gonna give the chat one more chance to come back but if i see one more james charles reference i’m out all right you guys kidding me man i gave you one chance are you serious man wait are they

Trolling me or what bro no no no no no no you guys are out again no you guys are done you guys are done you’re banned yet again all right boys yo let’s go okay it’s time let’s just see if we can stay undefeated in

Trophies oh my god we can’t this game i swear bro this game is rigged i’m not gonna lie fifa 22 kind of sucks man it really does like okay nah nah we go from winning every trophy to zero nah nah okay we won the champions league there’s actually something wrong with this game

When a full team of 90 rated players 99 rated goalkeeper as well 99 rated cam 98 rated striker can’t win the prem okay at least we won the champions league i’m actually like very mad because i’m gonna be taking just loads of l’s this year

This is how it works and if it’s so unrealistic like this mr beast no wonder he won the ballon d’or coke melon had last season was so much better but um mr beast carried some of the load this year all right this is the last season man we’re up to five trophies

Double digits is impossible right now i need someone from ea to explain this though like come on man we’ve created the dream team here a 99 rated keeper look at the bench but i’m up to an 80 overall there there we go i mean this is

This is it this is the final season at least you know what i’ll give it to at least we won the champions league every time a few moments later what how have i been terminated wait what’s nah i’ve been terminated from my own club they’re all 90 rated and i had mods on

So that i shouldn’t have what bro this is bs man i had a 99 manager rating yo what the heck man yay why bro why is this broken career mode sucks this year man what is wrong actually though why did we get sacked i’m top of the league

Right are we still in the fa cup but the effie cup hasn’t even started yet uh champions league okay i have a nine i have a night i have a 99 man did it give me a reason for why i got sacked chat wow okay um ballon

D’or i mean we had the ballon d’or winner on our team that’s mr beast yet again yo freaky mr beast back to back ballon d’ors i don’t know if there is a reason for me getting sacked that’s just flat out weird luckily i have the mods

Where i can just like manage again yeah so imagine bro winning five trophies for your team in two years and they sack you all right i’m back on youtube fc is everything the same yep i mean the team’s incredible if this happens again man i am uh

I don’t know dude this this this year’s fifa is just weird i gotta say this before the season ends man i know i’ve hyped up like fifa 22 for the past few weeks uh after playing it for about i’ve had the game for about a month the game the game

Actually sucks i’m not gonna lie chat all right let’s just go that’s why you guys are gonna see me like branching out to other games and different types of videos and stuff um let’s go we win the pram i’ma always be playing youtube but i just wanted to keep it real with you

Guys i really want to take this channel to the next level always will be football based and whatnot but um yeah we we gotta we gotta figure out what we’re gonna do with this channel over the next year i don’t know how long i can do experiments like this if we’re

Just gonna get sacked and lose trophies with the best teams in fifa all right i mean again w is it a w for the carabio cup it’s not a w for the carabao cup it’s an l in the champions league on we lost to lottium 399 rated players can’t

Win the champions like a full 90 rated starting 11. boys ggs that’s all i gotta say in my opinion get the game if you want to but uh honestly i’ma be posting content that’s gonna be better than actually playing the game so watch videos like the ones that are right here

I’ll see you guys at the drill click this button to subscribe listen i like fifa 22 but i don’t know how much longer i can keep dealing with this

This video, titled ‘YouTubers in FIFA 22! 😱 (KSI, Dream, MrBeast)’, was uploaded by BFordLancer on 2021-10-02 15:16:41. It has garnered 2166928 views and 61469 likes. The duration of the video is 00:24:19 or 1459 seconds.

►In this FIFA 22 Career Mode video we create a full team of YouTubers in Create A Club. Adding YouTubers like Dream, PewDiePie, MrBeast, KSI, Logan Paul, the Sidemen, W2S, and SOOOO many more. Your rating is decided by your subscriber count!Subscribe for more FIFA 22 Volta, FIFA 22 Career Mode Create A Club, and FIFA 22 Ultimate Team content! #FIFA22 #CareerMode #CreateAClub




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    Unnerving Minecraft Modpack GameplayVideo Information This video, titled ‘This Pack Scary Asl #minecraft #modpack #herobrine #scared #fyp #twitch #funny’, was uploaded by TwistedEditzz on 2024-02-23 16:51:57. It has garnered 3 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:05 or 65 seconds. I downloaded The Man From The Frog Texture pack and was left surprised… Read More

  • “TheWOOFisThere – Ultimate Biomes Skygen REVEALED!!” #minecraft #skygen

    "TheWOOFisThere - Ultimate Biomes Skygen REVEALED!!" #minecraft #skygenVideo Information This video, titled ‘Biomes Skygen OFFICIAL PREMIERE!! #minecraft #skygen’, was uploaded by TheWOOFisThere on 2024-04-12 13:00:21. It has garnered 85 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:31 or 211 seconds. Biomes Skygen features – Different maps – Ore mining – PvP – Wilderness / survival mode – Shops: Buy and Sell – More features coming soon Download: Read More

  • Minecraft:TV in Minecraft – You WON’T Believe This!! #viral

    Minecraft:TV in Minecraft - You WON'T Believe This!! #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘mincraft:TV in Minecraft but it’s NOT what you think…#viral #minecraft #trending #shorts#gaming’, was uploaded by Its_smash_ kk on 2024-05-21 23:48:55. It has garnered 1138 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:59 or 59 seconds. In this Minecraft video, we explore the concept of having a TV in the game, but with a twist that you wouldn’t expect! Watch as we take the idea of a TV in Minecraft to a whole new level. Join us on this unique and unexpected adventure as we showcase a creative and surprising way to incorporate… Read More

  • GOD ARMOUR in MINECRAFT SURVIVAL?! 😲 || Minecraft Survival #6

    GOD ARMOUR in MINECRAFT SURVIVAL?! 😲 || Minecraft Survival #6Video Information This video, titled ‘I made GOD ARMOUR in MINECRAFT SURVIVAL 😍|| Minecraft Survival #6’, was uploaded by Kanhiya Gupta Gaming on 2024-02-28 11:26:21. It has garnered 218 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:24 or 324 seconds. I made GOD ARMOUR in MINECRAFT SURVIVAL 😍|| Minecraft Survival #6 Discord My videos My Minecraft house Brain it on Guess the YouTuber by their smile ______________________________________________________________ About Myself My name is Aarav Gupta. I am 14 years old. I am studing in 7th class. . ______________________________________________________________ @totalgaming @desigamers @AnshuBisht @Yessmartypie #trending #viral #minecraft #technogamerz… Read More

  • Crazy Modded Minecraft Fun! Day 1 w/ Friends!

    Crazy Modded Minecraft Fun! Day 1 w/ Friends!Video Information This video, titled ‘Modded Minecraft with friends – Day 1’, was uploaded by CallMeCarsonVODS on 2024-04-01 02:59:49. It has garnered 25141 views and 703 likes. The duration of the video is 05:31:11 or 19871 seconds. Streamed on 3/30/24 Follow me on twitch for more! ♠ Social Media Links ♠ → Twitch – → Twitter – → Instagram – → Subreddit – → Discord – Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft glitch turns player into hero XD

    Unbelievable Minecraft glitch turns player into hero XDVideo Information This video, titled ‘Когда игра дает тебе… | #shorts #minecraft #game #epic #funny #twitch’, was uploaded by Default_xD on 2024-01-03 16:19:44. It has garnered 556 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:25 or 25 seconds. Subscribe to the channel and come to the streams And a little discord Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft Mace Experiment with MrCrisper!

    Unbelievable Minecraft Mace Experiment with MrCrisper!Video Information This video, titled ‘Testing Our Best Ideas with Minecraft’s New Mace! (ft. Conraz and The Numenorian)’, was uploaded by MrCrisper on 2024-03-18 18:00:31. It has garnered 204 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:29:44 or 1784 seconds. Mojang has added the best and most overpowered weapon to the latest snapshot, and we’re here to test it out and see just how much potential it has. Enjoy! For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes. Romans 1:16 Disclaimer: Not that I should… Read More

  • Insane 3D Minecraft Character Model on Android!

    Insane 3D Minecraft Character Model on Android!Video Information This video, titled ‘How To Make Minecraft 3d Character Model With Item in Android 🤯’, was uploaded by Alex Adi XD on 2024-04-19 04:30:22. It has garnered 354 views and 27 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:26 or 266 seconds. *Title* – Minecraft 3d Character Modelling With Item in Andriod *⌜ Tags ⌟* #AlexAdiXD #minecraft #minecraftpe #minecraftinhindi #mcpe #mcpecommunity #prisma3d #minecraftmodel #3dmodel #howto @AlexAryanXD •• ━━━━━ ••●•• ━━━━━ •• *💙 ⌯ Follow Me On*  *🎯 ⌯ Discord* ‣ *🖼 ⌯ Instagram* ‣ *⚡My MODS & APK Download Links * MCPE 1.20.50🎯 – OptiFine🔥 -… Read More

  • Constantiam – Semi-Vanilla Anarchy – No Rules – No Map Resets – 1.19.4

    Connect: You can join right now at: Description: Constantiam is a semi-vanilla Minecraft server running version 1.19.4 with no resets. It features an infinite map size, no gameplay rules, and no admin interference. Established in February 2016, the map is persistent with no resets. Rules: Absolutely no rules, anything is permitted. Survive one of the greatest anarchy servers of all time! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Creeper, Aw Man…

    Wow, that meme must have some serious XP points to have a score of 215! Read More

  • Minecraft: Totem Of Undying on McDonald’s WIFI 😂🔥 #minecraft #meme

    Minecraft: Totem Of Undying on McDonald's WIFI 😂🔥 #minecraft #meme When you finally find the Totem of Undying in Minecraft but your WiFi decides to die instead. Looks like even the game knows you need a little extra help surviving! #WiFiWoes #MinecraftStruggles 😂🎮📶 Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Building Shapes Tutorial

    Ultimate Minecraft Building Shapes Tutorial Exploring Basic Shapes in Minecraft Are you ready to dive into the world of Minecraft and explore the endless possibilities of building? Join 牧飛 as he guides you through the basics of creating various shapes in Minecraft, from circles and rounded edges to triangles and polygons. Get ready to unleash your creativity and build stunning structures in the virtual realm! Building Circles Creating perfect circles in Minecraft can be a challenging task, but with the right techniques, you can achieve smooth and symmetrical shapes. Start by outlining the circle with blocks, then gradually fill in the interior to form… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Magic Feis Reaction – You Won’t Believe What Happens Next!

    EPIC Minecraft Magic Feis Reaction - You Won't Believe What Happens Next!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft magic 2 skoro’, was uploaded by Feis on 2024-01-16 16:52:54. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. _- Read More


    GIRL TRANSFORMS INTO SCARY MONSTER PRANKVideo Information This video, titled ‘Morphing Into OP SCARY GIRL To Prank My Friend!’, was uploaded by Floki on 2024-01-29 01:45:03. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. In this Minecraft world I morph into a SECRET CREEPYPASTA TREVOR HENDERSON BOSSES and then I pranked my friend as … Read More

  • Unleashing Chaos: MINECRAFT Survival Part 1 with Combo_Gamer

    Unleashing Chaos: MINECRAFT Survival Part 1 with Combo_GamerVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT Survival Series Part #1 @Combo_Gamer’, was uploaded by Combo_Gamer on 2024-04-20 03:25:00. It has garnered 21 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:01 or 601 seconds. Survival series Part #3 MINECRAFT Survival Series minecraft survival series minecraft survival series 1.20 minecraft survival series first episode minecraft survival series cookie god minecraft survival series ldshadowlady minecraft survival series pe minecraft survival series multiplayer minecraft survival series bedrock edition minecraft survival series thumbnail minecraft survival series duo minecraft survival series best house minecraft survival balkan minecraft survival series best seed minecraft survival… Read More

  • Survive Minecraft Villager Zombies with Shizo Clickbait!

    Survive Minecraft Villager Zombies with Shizo Clickbait!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft villager civilization survive from zombie apocalypse #minecraft#shorts#minecraftshorts’, was uploaded by ZombieMattyClips-Minecraft & Roblox on 2024-01-10 09:08:36. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Subscribe to Zombie Family: Subscribe to Zombie Matty: … Read More

  • Intense Cryospace Chaos Unleashed on CBSMP! 😱

    Intense Cryospace Chaos Unleashed on CBSMP! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘Chaos On The CBSMP’, was uploaded by Cryospace on 2024-03-11 19:00:23. It has garnered 3519 views and 132 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:59 or 59 seconds. #minecraft Read More

  • “Duck Finds Portal to 2024 in Minecraft! Subscribe now!” 🦆💙😱

    "Duck Finds Portal to 2024 in Minecraft! Subscribe now!" 🦆💙😱Video Information This video, titled ‘#minecraft #2024 #подпишись 🦆💙😑’, was uploaded by утка@24 on 2024-05-23 04:37:41. It has garnered 340 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. Read More

  • Unleash chaos with the Minecraft Story Mode Editor🔥🅥 – The Wither Storm ep 10: The End… or is it? 🤯

    Unleash chaos with the Minecraft Story Mode Editor🔥🅥 - The Wither Storm ep 10: The End... or is it? 🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘The wither storm ep 10 The End Or is it….? Part 1’, was uploaded by TheMinecraftStoryModeEditor🔥🅥 on 2024-03-24 21:37:37. It has garnered 45 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:41 or 221 seconds. welcome everyone today your on the minecraftstorymodeedtiorchannel a channel that does minecraft gaming and editing and fun stuff like modding minecraft and playing every minecraft game and minecraft story mode and etc anyway’s hope you have fun on the channel see ya my friends and enjoy your time here #virtualreality #vr #augmentedreality #d #gaming #oculus #oculusquest #ar #technology #vrgaming… Read More

  • Camdeeno’s HILARIOUS Minecraft Speedrun FAILS!

    Camdeeno's HILARIOUS Minecraft Speedrun FAILS!Video Information This video, titled ‘The FUNNIEST FAKE Minecraft Speedruns EVER…’, was uploaded by Camdeeno on 2024-06-01 14:16:37. It has garnered 151413 views and 2952 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:29 or 989 seconds. The FUNNIEST FAKE Minecraft Speedruns EVER… Today, I present to you, The FUNNIEST FAKE Minecraft Speedruns EVER… This video is similar to my other videos on fake speedrunning, like “The Most HILARIOUS FAKE Minecraft Speedruns…” “The MOST FUNNY Fake Minecraft Speedruns…” The FUNNIEST FAKE Minecraft Speedruns EVER… “The FUNNIEST FAKE 1.19 Minecraft Speedruns…” and finally, “Hilarious FAKE Minecraft 1.19 Speedruns…” This video contains some… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing FREE Mods for Minecraft Xbox/PS5!

    Mind-Blowing FREE Mods for Minecraft Xbox/PS5!Video Information This video, titled ‘Reviewing Every FREE Mod For Minecraft Xbox / PS5’, was uploaded by ibxtoycat on 2024-02-23 17:07:31. It has garnered 367859 views and 5962 likes. The duration of the video is 00:33:30 or 2010 seconds. I downloaded every FREE Mod that Minecraft currently has Chapters: 0:00 – Intro 0:32 – Add-On 1: Spark Pets 6:24 – Add-On 2: Hiker’s Friend 12:42 – Add-On 3: Dragonfire Lite 17:56 – Add-On 4: More TNT! 25:29 – Add-On 5: Gravestone 28:03 – Add-On 6: All The Wool 28:37 – Add-On 7: Another Furniture 33:05 – Outro If you liked… Read More

  • VitalCraft Semi-Vanilla SMP 1.20.4 +20 whitelisted Survival Towny Economy Mature No-Reset

    VitalCraft VitalCraft Server Information VitalCraft is a +20 Minecraft community server with extensive towny/economy plugins that enhance gameplay. Launched on May 10th, 2024, we focus on a SMP style with unique jobs, roles, and more for a real society experience. Community events are organized on our Discord server, everyone can contribute! To join, whitelist and apply on Discord: Join Discord and go to #Town-and-Nations channel. Server Address: – 1.20.4 Java edition. TL;DR – What we’re About: Mature community of adults, accepting anyone +20 Constantly introducing new ideas, goals, and events Super friendly environment Brand new gameplay Features: Dynmap Discord… Read More

  • Emerald Hunt: Day 1 – Digging for Treasure

    Emerald Hunt: Day 1 - Digging for Treasure In Minecraft, we dig for emeralds, a quest so bold, With iron pickaxes and torches, we’re ready to unfold. We’ll dig and dig until we find that precious green, In this blocky world, a treasure to be seen. Join me on this journey, as we mine and explore, In this pixelated land, where adventures galore. Like and subscribe, support the cause, As we delve into caves, and break all the laws. I’m Ali, the cave dweller, shooting videos for fun, In this pink-walled room, where the day is done. Let’s walk together on this YouTube road, With rhymes and… Read More

  • Sigma Brainrot: Hotter than a Skibiditoilet!

    Sigma Brainrot: Hotter than a Skibiditoilet! When you’ve been playing Minecraft for so long that you start seeing creepers in real life and trying to mine diamonds with your toothbrush. #SigmaBrainrot #MinecraftMadness Read More

  • Helping Piszta in Minecraft Prank

    Helping Piszta in Minecraft Prank Minecraft: A World of Creativity and Adventure Minecraft, a game loved by millions worldwide, offers players a unique sandbox experience where they can unleash their creativity and embark on thrilling adventures. From building magnificent structures to exploring vast landscapes, Minecraft has something for everyone. Building Masterpieces In Minecraft, players have the freedom to build anything their imagination desires. Whether it’s a towering castle, a bustling city, or a cozy cottage, the possibilities are endless. With a wide array of blocks and materials to choose from, players can let their creativity run wild and create stunning masterpieces. Exploring the World… Read More

  • 100 Days in Scariest Minecraft Cabin

    100 Days in Scariest Minecraft Cabin The Haunting Adventure in Minecraft Hardcore Embark on a spine-chilling journey as you join a brave Minecraft player surviving 100 days in the scariest cabin in the woods in Minecraft Hardcore mode. This thrilling adventure will test your survival skills as you face terrifying monsters and uncover the mysteries lurking in the haunted forest. Surviving the Unknown Our protagonist, accompanied by a friend, finds themselves in a cabin deep within the haunted woods, where they are not alone. The Evolved Cave Dweller and The Silence are just some of the monsters that will haunt them every night. As they… Read More

  • 🚨Zoonomaly Infection Survival in Minecraft!🧟‍♂️🔥

    🚨Zoonomaly Infection Survival in Minecraft!🧟‍♂️🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Surviving the ZOONOMALY INFECTION in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by TeeVee on 2024-04-24 11:00:39. It has garnered 31487 views and 982 likes. The duration of the video is 00:45:53 or 2753 seconds. Surviving the ZOONOMALY INFECTION in Minecraft! TeeVee slowly becomes the Zoo Keeper from Zoonomaly and needs to find a cure before its too late! 📺 The video is inspired by Aphmau, Maizen, Cash, Nico, Ethobot and Slime Block! TeeVee is a channel rated E for Everyone, making funny Minecraft content such as Minecraft Challenges, Minecraft But, Minecraft Roleplay, Minecraft Stories, Minecraft animations and more!… Read More

  • Sneaky Collab with Meno Ibuki in Minecraft

    Sneaky Collab with Meno Ibuki in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘【Collab】Minecraft【PRISM Project】’, was uploaded by Meno Ibuki / 伊吹めの [PRISM Project] on 2024-03-08 06:39:03. It has garnered 779 views and 276 likes. The duration of the video is 03:20:16 or 12016 seconds. I’m IbukiMeno! Nice to meet nyo~! 🐉 Welcome to my stream! would you like to be one of my precious collections? Donation link: Please follow these rules to ensure a safe and fun stream: 1. Be nice to other viewers. Do not spam, troll or argue with each other.🐉 2. Do not engage with spammers or trolls. Please block and report… Read More

  • “Dronio’s Minecraft World – EPIC Surprise Await!” #drone #minecraft #surprise

    "Dronio's Minecraft World - EPIC Surprise Await!" #drone #minecraft #surpriseVideo Information This video, titled ‘Канал A4 в Minecraft – блестит улыбками и радостью. #viral #minecraft #minecraftsurvival’, was uploaded by Дронио on 2024-03-08 15:15:02. It has garnered 851 views and 40 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:26 or 26 seconds. Podpishis #shorts #minecraft #minecraft Sign up for a free trial English lesson in Minecraft with your parents, here is the link: ➜ Our social network social network ➜ SUBSCRIPTION MOTION GRAPHICS FOR VIDEO DESIGN ➜ Buy a Collection of AI ART Images 100,000 AI-Generated Images ➜ Digital Art Monetization DOWNLOAD… Read More

YouTubers in FIFA 22! 😱 (KSI, Dream, MrBeast)