Z1 Gaming – GELATINOUS CUBES And A DEVIL ?! Minecraft Dungeons And Dragons [E2]

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Oh what’s going onz here and welcome back to some more Dungeons and Dragons in Minecraft we’re doing the things doing the stuff hopefully you’re all having a wonderful day I’m having a fantastic day if you missed the first episode I highly recommend going checking it out and then coming back to

This one but if you’re here and you’re ready well let’s get on into it so we had to find a uh a piece of paper that was going to allow us to be a resid what is that uh is that a regular horse that doesn’t look like a regular horse

It looks like a weird horse uh we’re going to go talk to this guy though a is that a bit of legal documentation I see there yes it is and smell okay well you what you’ve got right give me a bit to scrape off and refinish the important parts then I’ll

Start with color match and then confirm and handwriting and your eyes are glazing over just just just give me the goods and wait a bit okay and here you go certification that you absolutely belong to the area and could come and go as you like just don’t let

Any Wizards near it they get curious they’ve probably got spells or something that can sniff out a forgeable other no one will ever beat a wiser Castle uh wow that was that was quick okay so I have my my forged papers there what is the deal with this horse look

Back actually quite curious now hello oh it’s like a normal horse I I don’t remember this being here last time okay well um I don’t know why you’re all like you look red and like musly I don’t know all right let’s see if we can get into the

Castle now and see what we’ve got going on hello papers please um give pass here’s my resident certificate the guard glances at the paper noting the seal and the signatures but does not peer too closely watching him scrunch up his nose the cursory inspection might have to do with not

Wanting to put his face too close to the smell of rancid onions oh yeah probably all right everything looks fine head on in just keep an eye out for any strange activity gotcha thank you H yeah passing through the city walls you are dumped into a large open Square that

Seems to double as a Marketplace okay it is not exactly brimming with life but considering how you live nearly all of your life in a small village the number of people in one place is staggering and the activity threatens to be overwhelming good that was tedious but

We made it we did indeed now the next part could be problematic only the avowed and certain other others are allowed into the inner Ward through the emerald door on the far side of unicorn talk to the keeper there and determine what is required to get in and speak

With one of the experts oh okay so I need to talk to probably this guy let’s see if we can go talk to him and see what happens what business have you here child I need a scholar I wish to speak with one of the researchers okay huh you and everyone

Else do you have an appointment or a letter of introduction um I don’t well I don’t have an appointment or a letter or anything like that how do I get in do you have a rare manuscript to donate that is not already included in the city’s collection r no then you

Won’t be getting in anytime soon um how can I get in without donating some absurdly rare book you can petition for a place on the waiting list if you were to submit the appropriate forms and filing fee right now you will be 1,892 on the list that is about a 5

Month wait uh maybe seven oh my gosh thank you for your time my pleasure okay so that didn’t work out very well this is unacceptable we must find someone to assist us and soon I can only imagine what those monsters doing with my body and already I chafe at

Being confined to yours wow thanks well do you happen to know where we could find a rare or unique book no distasteful as this may be we might have to find another dubiously legal way around this problem dubiously legal actually I remember passing a sewer grate earlier if there are sewers for

This outer area then they surely have some for the inner Ward so you want me to break into a suit SE ER sneak through agma knows what kind of Filth and then break into the inner Ward to what kidnap or threaten a scholar into helping us presumably we would be able to find

Someone more reasonable or at least amenable to our request however we cannot do that from out here the sewers are our only option right now all right we always always love a good sewer Mission say this because you won’t have to smell what I do actually I will you

Think I only see through your eyes child I am bound to experience everything that you do believe me sharing in your bodily functions these past weeks has been far from enjoyable e okay point taken uh steers it is then I guess all right into the sewers um hold

On I actually want to see like cuz there’s like there’s armor here and stuff 25 25 these are all 25 what is this 35 uh how much monies do we have we have enough for a couple things now if I go to oh wait hold on it’s under tab isn’t

It uh is it tab not es oh it’s the it’s the book okay um quests weapon oh but there’s really no way to does it see what the stats are oh my gosh 000000000000 it’s all zeros and this is all zeros as well okay so if I were to

Does it say like can I talk to you oh Apprentice staff a wooden staff for a mage in training cut from a narl tree it gives me plus one strength plus one um plus one con and one plus one intellect would you like to buy this for 35 ooh I

Don’t know I have 117 total let’s cancel that for now hold on I want to see what these ones do plus one con plus one one in uh plus one plus one in condu magical energy okay interesting I wonder you know what let’s wait cuz we’re probably going to we’re

Probably going to be able to come back here eventually you know maybe possibly um all right so where am I supposed to be going here oh the SE great oh how fantastic why is this in my inventory now let’s put this Co let’s put these coins back I can’t get over

That oh but I can oh sneaky sneaky I am oh oh my gosh we have epic music this is what living in a city means how can one place produce so much filth you sounded as if you knew what you were getting into I thought I did didn’t think it’d be this

Plentiful the the byproduct of civilization people are messy fire are you okay do not call me that it’s strange even without a body or the need to breathe I feel a tightness in my chest lightheadedness I I think that it would be best to spend as little time in here

I can’t go through there please hurry through this place all right let’s make this okay I can’t go through here which means something’s probably going to happen that is the right direction and it seems to no longer be sewers Beyond this point these are probably the tunnels running

Beneath the inner Ward I have heard of oh catacombs vaults Labs much of the work and knowledge of the avowed is down here it seems unfortunately there is a ward on the door you will need to find a key unless you wish to be fried uh no no I

Don’t okay so that’s the ward that’s on the door oh a chest ooh okay that’s not good we just got a bunch of healing potions we’re about to get in a fight I can feel it wait look at that on the ground I can’t look at anything there’s nothing on the ground

Precisely helpful the rest of this place is a riot of grime and muck child yet this path is almost spotless oh I would be willing to bet half of my entire horde that a gelatinous cube has come this way a what now a gelatinous cube losing monster that inhabits places like

This some people and more intelligent creatures keep them as witless Guardians and janitors the things absorb and dissolve any animal or plant material they touch as a way of eating they cannot dissolve metals and other non-living things though so they can carry the equipment and goods of

Whomever they have eaten for some time time forever as in people oh yes of course do not be dense child now follow this Trail you might find something interesting floating in the Cube’s body just careful though as they can be transparent and thus easy to overlook oh my

Gosh okay this is exciting we are going to find ourselves there he is look the thing has a key inside of it it must have eaten a maintenance worker or one of the avowed that might get us out of the sewers into the cleaner partment saw earlier just don’t let the creature suck

You up please I already got him he’s he’s gone I already got him like it was see super easy yes it looks as if an enchantment quite similar to the one on the locked doors embedded in this key it should work to get us through and what

If it sets off the Trap then you had best hoped that the Mage who put it there said it more as a deterrent rather than a defense okay so this is the key okay okay just going to open the door the magically trapped door stuffed with potentially lethal lightning right okay okay we’re

Fine those guys are going to wake up and still alive right well that’s uh that’s good yeah oh my go dramatic you could find much worse before we are done here I have heard tell that there are Guardians and occasional escaped experiments down here though that may just be

Rumor oh thanks the possibility of even greater danger certainly sets my mind escaped experiments oh we’re totally going to find one right now this right here is absolutely a dungeon to fight somebody in okay we’re going to go this way it’s the only open way all right there’s a chest

What get back oh my God oh my God it got me it got me it got me it scared me okay oh my gosh creature was known as a mimic yeah I’ve heard of those things expect it to be so slimy though uh why did it have a key inside of it

Though did it eat someone like the cube did probably not otherwise we would have seen some more gruesome evidence of the meal no some people feed mimics various items that they need to hide or protect if you know how to handle one of these things they can be rather convenient

Guardians as long as you keep them fed that is yeah I can imagine the alternative all right that scared the V Jesus out of me oh hello is that a sewer rat oh my gosh there’s a whole bunch of them oh we got more of course my range isn’t very

Far have to use magic Missile see use it on those guys oh fantastic oh shoot okay easy enough be gone maybe we should have got our uh armor upgrade shoot there’s more magic whistle I love this okay we’re good we’re good we’re good we’re good we’ve made it through there all

Right make sure we’re getting all of our goodies here any uh super secret chests things like that what was this can’t do anything with that oh well there goes my magic Missile oh my gosh we got another gelatinous Cube all right magic pistol out oh you know what it’s not even worth using

My oh we got a crit uhoh what is that what’s that thing looks like a globe or something okay oh do we have another mimic up here is that a mimic oh it absolutely Is come on move move move boom baby oh shoot that thing has a lot more Health than I thought it did he’s going to eat me I’m going to become the contents of a chest monster we gone an evil skeleton oh why is it sound like there’s another one right

Here we got more people up here here oh things are getting spicy and I love it where do we go from here let’s see let’s take a peek there could always be some hidden super secret treasure somewhere or not maybe we should just head this way instead magic barrier a ready magic Missile

Go oh look at us doing all kinds of damage and stuff fancy oh hello SE rat be gone evil sewer rats what in the heck is that thing oh there’s a whole bunch of them over here okay if I can get can I get a group of you guys together yes it worked

I don’t know what these little guys are like little lizard people are they lizard people is that what they actually are they might actually be lizard people swamp no not swamp sewer lizard people oh my gosh there’s a whole bunch more over there okay we need to run in and pop off

Our fire deal holy moly wait who’s hitting me who’s touching me I must have got burned or something am I burned whoa healing potion please healing potion okay Ward oh oh my gosh they’re throwing stuff at me is what they’re doing magic Missile oh my gosh there’s even more oh my goodness

I feel like that armor would have been nice right now that extra con cuz the Constitution I think that’s our that’s our health that would be nice okay we should be good we should be able to heal up now all right pop this guy back on you

Never know you know you just never know all right what do we got going on here some kind of thing I have a feeling that we were supposed to go this way though there’s some kind of weirdness going on oh my gosh what the heck is

That what in the heck is this demon dog thing Fireball magic Missile I might have missed that one I I definitely missed that one get him holy moly what the heck was that where’s a ear person okay magic Missile did that’s fine holy moly what is down

Here oh another gelatinous Cube oh I love gelatinous cubes magic Missile that bad boy magic missiles basically all we need for a m a gelatinous cube okay Fireball is at the ready and use it on this guy hey bud wow that didn’t do anything his weakness is definitely

Not oh it’s definitely the magic Missile oh there’s a thing there okay well maybe we should just go back up and then I could do this yes get over here all of you pop ha magic Missile baby okay uh I really need a cool down on this to be a little bit

Quicker there we go very nice okay much better how what’s my range on the magic Missile like if I go no not that far okay all right we’re going to magic Missile you we’re going to Fireball you and the mimic that’s a mimic and they did absolutely no damage to him

Okay oh we got a crit is there anything good in these guys no you can’t actually open them okay okay so we took out oh Noe we did not take out that guy all right that guy’s gone there’s more up here though well unfortunately it seems that

This en Sorel armor is tied to the exit unless you have a powerful dispelling magic at your disposal that you have neglected to mention you’ll have to defeat this thing to undo the Seal of the door you’re saying I have to fight a piece of armor with no obvious weaknesses or even

A person inside to take out let me guess I have to just beat it into a useless hunk of metal kind of like I did the scarecrows precisely I’m really starting to hate all right where is it looks like he might be stuck there that would be funny if he was all right

Let’s go and pop a magic barrier get our magic Missile And okay it is officially time well the magic Missile helped out a lot ha okay that doesn’t work out so good things definitely have weakened is in this game for sure finally this better be worth all the trouble we’ve gone to Vier how are we going to get someone to help us though

We’re breaking in let us consider that later first we need to get out of these tunnels yeah we do some might have heard the battle or noticed that the enchantment or the door is broken we can determine our course once we are safely hidden with IND thean award all right oh man

Uh okay so I guess this way oh nice place uh thank you unfortunately for you chances are that you will only see it as you are taken away to a prison cell huh get us out of here we cannot be imprisoned not in a Cell fight run do something are you

Joking there’s so many of them we’ll be torn to shreds if we resist while we would normally have prevented you from coming this far sage thesari has taken an interest in you oh now you are to attend him personally whatever you do do not allow them to incarcerate us do not

Give them a reason who’s thari who is Sage thesari seriously you broke into here without even knowing who the people in charge are not a very wise burglar are you okay I’ll go okay I’ll go where do I find them he is waiting for you in exaltation the keep consider this an

Honor as few of those outside of the aound are allowed entry to our home okay you are to head directly to the Great Library do not attempt to deviate from the main path so you’re just going to leave me alone we will be watching you

So so these guys I just broke in and they’re just going to let me freely go to this guy by myself okay um where we going up there okay this is a cool area all different kinds of of uh mystical peoples and stuff so we’re going oh we’re going into the castle

Mm hello I’m going to run this way I’m just kidding I’m going to steal all your stuff all right let’s see what this place looks like shall we ooh ah very nice castley looks looks good looks good looks nice okay you beat my he wants to

Know how we got in because we beat his like toughest guards are you the person enough oh are you th are you thari I am oh good what do you do here I’m the sage of magic in Candle keep I am the leading scholar on Magic and the department head

Of magical studies here I also work as a lawmaker with the other sages it’s not terribly glamorous if I’m being honest involves lots of committee work poof I am here what are your other two wishes wishes uh I don’t uh good one why am I here why am I here you

Caught my interest we have all sorts of detection spells in the sewers you pinged a half dozen of them when you sneaked in and a dozen more when you entered the catacombs okay what happens to me now do not attempt to resist the spell if you

Resist then we will have to detain you and try again until you cooperate lots of extra bother as a spell activates you feel something press against your mind and on some level you know that it is trying to pry away your ability to lie the intrusion is sudden and set your

Teeth on edge and your first reaction is to resist okay however considering where you are and the promise of a jail cell or worse if you do not cooperate you relax and allow the spell to take hold good now let’s get the boring stuff over with do you intend to harm anyone

In this city be it specifically in terms of property or any other way that includes but is not limited to theft spying or harassment no no I do not good next why did you sneak into the award we need help we need the help of someone who understands magic and we cannot afford

To wait we there are more of you well let’s come back to that okay now the interesting stuff why do some of our spells register you as a dragon and a human you aren’t some Abomination and you aren’t a construct or other made thing so what exactly are you

Careful um let’s be blunt about it a group of people stole the soul of a dragon’s body and it accidentally got put into my body they took the body away after infesting it with some sort of monster how about while we’ve got this handy zone of Truth working you just tell me

Everything you can about how this Dragon came to inhabit you and we work from there all right well hopefully they will be able to use what you told us to find out more about this group that you encountered and the Monsters accompanying them in the meanwhile we need to discuss whether

Or not candle keep will assist you in your predicament whether or how could they refuse us tell him that endand draer demands their Aid it is only fitting that they should restore me to my rightful form he demands help and Andra says that he demands your help

That it’s only right that you put him back in his body does he now well I don’t see as he is in any position to be making demands much less determining wrong and right I am a golden dragon my very nature is to know right from wrong

Tell him not to question me he says that he knows right and wrong better than you do does he well I may not be an expert on dragons but I am a fan of them and have heard his name before I cannot say that it has been treated with much reverence or gratitude

As endand draer has a reputation for isolating himself and neglecting to help those in need even if they ask for his Aid she’s kind of a lonesome jerk then huh seems to me that we neither owe him anything nor that we can trust his moral judgment much less treat his decisions

As lawful righteous commands what do you mean are you turning us away why bother looking into the people that attacked vayer then V huh funny I figured he would be too proud to accept the nickname everyone calls him everyone calls me that but no I am not turning you away at least not

Yet and Andra says that he demands your help that it’s only right that you put him back in his I already selected that one does he now I am a golden he says does he I cannot say that it seems to me that we neither owe him anything is

There a way we can convince you to help well yes I happen to have something in mind you see there is a clock tower nearby where a colleague of mine named adro lives however no one has heard from him in some time since there have been

Reports of monsters going in and out as they please it is probably safe to assume that adro is now dead sad as that is the old coder had a valuable book in his collection I want you to clear out the Vermin and if wizard adro is

Imprisoned or injured help him if he is missing or dead then find and take the book you do this and we’ll call it even as far as your crimes go fine excellent well in that case I am looking forward to hearing from you once you have concluded your investigation

Until then try not to die find the book thes wants in adro Tower okay well that’s just fantastic so let’s go ahead so we’re going to head probably back down the stairs I guess we could possibly pick up some new armor now oh look it’s the front door that we

Were at before that they would’t let us wait is this yeah this is the same front door aha I made it in um oh the doors are all open now okay do we pick up the armor do we not pick up the armor let’s see how many

Coins we have we have 64 we have enough for we probably have enough for everything let’s do this let’s get the um I want to get this I want that okay look at that it’s new and fancy okay and then I do want um let’s go ahead and get these I mean

You know what like we might as well it’s our only upgrade that we’ve come across so far so all right so now if I go into my book I now have oh it is a level two staff okay and then our armor is all level two

As well yeah look at that wait do I have to equip it oh okay that means it’s on perfect so now we actually have some stats now that’s actually kind of nice all right so now we’re good all right now we have to head over to oh oh

Is this a side quest I have been instructed to allow you to and from the inner W as you please thank you but if you step out of line again I will arrest you enjoy the sides didn’t they just tell you that you have to let me in

Woman I don’t know you two would get along handsomely I understand that was supposed to be a joke but even so I failed to see the similarities yeah you would um okay so we’re oh oh so this is where we came in and this is like the outside

Area now we’re like on the inside area oh fancy all right so let’s go see what we can do over here did we we didn’t unlock like any new spells or anything did we no we have any we still have lots of coin left too actually that’s

Fantastic that’s not too bad all right let’s see these are super musly horses I’m just saying they they look super musly I’m going we’re going in here right oh no we’re going over here no there’s what’s going on over here I really want to hit this guy with

My new staff and see how it does nine okay that’s not bad there we’ll magic Missile you enjoy he’s gone all right so we’re heading this way not these things again oh I feel like I can attack faster now I feel like my I feel like I can actually like hit this attack

Faster I like that okay why were they here too if I were have haard a guess they are guarding the path to the tower you think the person who puts some in the far Fields also left these ones here it is possible we will discover more at the tower I

Suspect uh is this the tower oh my gosh those guys look super Serious we should go take them out oh what is that guy oh he’s huge okay we’re going to use the magical barrier we’re going to use this and yeah baby magic Missile let’s go oh my gosh okay he they they probably do a lot of damage be gone Woo oh there’s a guy right there too darn it they’re everywhere okay hold on we got to get him grouped up oh those guys are back over here Now those guys are back over here now unless they were they never left all right you know what let’s go try it Again and a magic Missile for you and I’m going to come over here this time and I want to see I want to make sure you guys don’t respawn oo they’re spicy Boys magic Missile for you barrier for me and death for you all right feeling a special connection with nature in this place Druid created this Shrine long ago the shrine is meant to heighten the magic of nature found here and allow visitors to commune with the Earth even now

Centuries later the sight is witnessed to all manner of events from purification rituals to weddings to the swearing of Oaths do we get something every two locations you’ll receive a new stat point oh so we get a stat point for uh clearing out this like magical super secret place that’s nice please tell me you’re a regular chest oh it is regeneration potions okay so we need to keep an eye out for

These it’s a good thing that we went over here we did a good thing all right now we have to fight this giant troll thing over here which I imagine will be just fine oh magic Missile did a lot of work oh my gosh he’s got so much health holy moly

Oh we got him oh he respawn okay so if you get too far away I think it’s if you get too far away from their normal spawns they just respawn see these guys respawn too okay yeah see these guys all respawned as well I bet you those yep those guys

All respawned again so they definitely just respawn as you clear out an area hm that’s kind of unfortunate we’re just going to keep going I’m just going to run past these guys cuz if they just keep coming back it’s kind of like what what’s the point exactly you know oh Hi magic rat of death I mean I guess we get coins for defeating him but I guess if we need a coin you know we have a full set we got our full set of upgraded armor that we can have right now anyways oh there’s an

Imp okay see we can’t walk away this way we have to we have to PSE towards them otherwise we’ll uh respawn Them who’s hitting me is somebody hitting me no all right so this must be the guy’s Tower maybe I feel like this is it a nondescript but productive mind enthone has gained something of a reputation among the locals this place has a history of being taken over by monsters that then turn it into their new home until the local militia or a band of adventurers removes them why

Goblins Orcs and other nasty things so prefer this cave over others in the area is anyone’s guess it’s big and roomy and spacious it’s like a mansion compared to the other caves I mean come on like why not oh see those guys are back again not a liot it’s kind of a

Bummer like it would be nice if you could just take them out you know and then they wouldn’t respawn this whole respawning every as soon as I walk out of the area you know what I mean where is this dude’s Tower At okay we’re going this Way oh I see his Tower right there holy Moly okay come on everybody all at once now and okay that didn’t work really at all I can’t go this way I got to go this way we can’t we can’t we have to walk towards them oh there’s a guy behind me too wonderful here magic Missile for

You barrier for me death for you you know how it goes standard same things that must be it a b grandiose but still quite appealing those guys are all fighting each other oh there I see the monsters let’s get this over with wait did you

Hear that oh I mean I know you heard it because I heard it but whether you acknowledged it or not is what do we hear it’s those those things again from my cabern oh yeah it is observe you only caught a glimpse of things before the fight started and

Cannot determin what caused this perhaps they were arguing over food let’s fight them let’s watch them tear each other apart no sense getting caught in the Middle I want to fight him Okay those imps are really annoying because they like are just up here in front of you and they oh yeah see like that guy you try to shoot something else and then it’s like oh surprised there’s an imp there so it’s actually going to explode way earlier than you want it to

Can you attack him please that’d be great thank you and Fireball over here and death over here get past the door to an agro’s Tower okay we’re good got to get all this money I’m just saying there’s like free I don’t know if there’s XP in this

Or not but you know we got money um his Tower I would say this is the door to his Tower right oh no oh it is up here okay I say cuz it looked like this was like a Stairway I guess that’s a giant door wait remember

The catacombs we must assume that this place is similarly trapped can you see anything with your magic site yes but I cannot make out the details from here nor am I terribly versed in wizardly Magics the spell on the door to the the catacombs was heavy-handed and obvious these enchantments are more

Subtle okay I can point out General paths and principles however it may take the two of us to puzzle them out completely investigate the Magic’s plac on the door turn out to be easier to understand than either you or Vier had anticipated and you disarm them oh very

Nice either wizard adro does not care enough to make better defense or he did not put them here considering that the door seems fairly new the latter seems more likely perhaps something happened and these are temporary defenses I must say those were rather puny defenses as far as Wizard’s Holmes

Go I’m increasingly inclined to think that someone else has taken residence here stop leave or we kill you do we do Insight let’s do Insight between the Goblin’s Twisted face and being by the various sharp objects pointed at you it is a bit difficult for you to get a read

On these creatures my Charisma is so low certainly try and you’re gone yeah look at us being all powerful Wizards and stuff oh it’s fantastic I love it all right let’s see what do we got now anybody else wants some more let’s go got some bookcases over

Here you know the book we’re looking for it’s going to be it would be in the hands of the individual that is what that that we’re looking oh it’s probably that one note to leader okay he these aren’t like accessible are they oh darn it I keep hitting the wrong

Thing non-accessible non-accessible okay cool I didn’t think so all right let’s press on see there’s got to be more people in here somewhere I don’t see anybody this house is huge um okay this is electron in here uh okay nothing really there guess let’s go up the

Stairs what do we have what’s going on this is definitely a cool area though oh oh my gosh they’re all Batman hey guys excellent work brothers and sisters this wward lamb will be a worthy offering to our Lord and savior they look like Batman break us out of

Here CRA now okay nice try kid but this trap was designed to keep creatures far more dangerous than you contained okay no no no no no we’re going to investigate not after a few moments of analyzing their clothing something clicks these people have neither bound the imps you found in and around the

Tower nor are they simply borrowing power from creatures of the lower Plains they worship those creatures oh beer I need you to focus I need you to help us get out do you think you could see or find anything useful in this barrier maybe a way to dispel it I I

Don’t I’ll try there are there are channels in this barrier that the magic has to flow through if you I think that if you touch that glowing point on the wall you can you can redirect the magical current to wherever you step if you pull the

Current to every part of the barrier I think I think it will disrupt the entire working and cause it to collapse oh okay I’m sorry it’s quite difficult to to oh I have to light up more than a moment at a time please hurry I have to light up all of these Things oh dear what happened the prisoner kill them kill them before they flee do not even think about fleeing eradicate the scum destroy them for daring to imprison us oh we’re going we’re going to destroy them absolutely not even a worry hey are you feeling all right you

Got pretty worked up when we were trapped and I’ve been pretty quiet ever since um we’re in the middle of a fight why are we chatting I am fine are you sure are you sure you kind of I said that I am fine okay then do you not have matters to attend more

Pressing than badgering me okay then okay well I guess we took them out um all right wait which way did we come in from did we coming from over this side yes we did okay so we’re going to go this way cuz they were in the thing and look like Batman oh which

Batman okay let’s see look like we’re going this way this Tower is huge oh there’s a crystal right there as you enter this room you find the door across from you the only way forward shrouded in a magical barrier okay in the center of the room sits a

Filled goblet on a pedestal high above the door shines a crystal that is jammed into a crack between the stones with VI’s help you can see that the crystal goblet and barrier are linked okay even from where you stand you can see that the crystal has a

Series of wards around it not to mention that even reaching the thing would prove a challenge written before the Goblet on the pedestal is a note that says an Act of Faith and proof of falty to our Lord drink and embrace the shadow of death to demonstrate your devotion it would seem

That the crystal Powers the barrier and that drinking the goblets contents will either allow you to pass through it or temporarily lower the defense judging by by that note however I would guess that whatever is in that drink would not be good for your health well let’s investigate first whatever is in this

Liquid will certainly hurt you if you ingest it it will not kill you but depending on your tolerance for nausea You may wish it had you can also tell that the Goblet refills as soon as it is emptied all right well let’s drink it the drink is room temperature but it

Leaves a sensation like ice pricking your skin as it washes down your throat nausea Andra s soon follow but they are manageable and your body feels otherwise functional are you sure you’re ready to face whoever is behind that door this is the last room in the tower and

Considering that we have not encountered them yet it is probably where this Lord we have heard so much about is waiting oh my God it’s a portal of something oh my gosh you should not have come here you’ve certainly made a mess of things

And now our Lord is upset oh is he upset yes though it has been entertaining to watch you struggle and Claw your way here one step at a time you have caused enough damage besides I am bored while sacrifices are all well and good I enjoy brutalizing my victims far too much to

Ignore when Hess fools wander right through my door okay so we’re going have to take out this guy battlecry magic Missile start with and then one of those and then some of these and then we Dodge continue dodging another magic Missile another Fireball I don’t have a barrier up okay barrier’s up let’s start poking them with our magic Pokey f magic Missile oh you’re going down you’re going down oh we destroyed you take the book where’s the book there the PLS Walker’s

Guide that is the book that SES T sent us to retrieve where’s the book what there there’s the book where’s the book this is the book I don’t see a book do you have a book this one okay it was that one what to do about this one they seem rather

Powerful powerful but perhaps thari and the other sages would prefer to keep them for question what what have you done you doomed us all do you even know what is coming you’ve destroyed our only hope at a safe haven against against what enlightenment believe me novice there is

Nothing that can protect you from the forces of the universe what is going on here they will learn Contra give her some time to see the erors of her ways then she can dream that this never happened and apologizes before waking up useful primitive and temporary but even

These figments of our imaginations that you call people create the occasion or useful to have you the eyes for S have you the sight to recognize what lies theck of this it seems to me that you might but no never mind there was something familiar about

You perhaps something that I met in you some down the line your role in this world is done enjoy their coming sleep and in your Slumber be ready for the Awakening once the true Gods come to call he threw me out of window really can can you swim get us out of

The water move now that’s it he threw me out of a window I I did not think to see that thing here that was more than we bargained for when we took this job uh what was it are you okay you seemed really shaken when it showed up and you

Seem to be thrown from the top of a tower nothing about that encounter was normal what was that about dreams and true Gods I am as much in the dark as you are they sounded at least half mad to me all right I think I’ve had enough of

This Tower and everything in it you yes I think returning to Candle keep and its walls seems like a very reasonable and pleasant proposition return to Candle keep though I will admit that I want to know what they have done with my body we were in

No shape to contend with that Man or Monster or whatever manner of creatures behind that mask even if we should find a way to track them though perhaps there is nothing to be done for my body anyhow it could already be gone or simply pursuing that masked figure will result

In both of our deaths for now report to thari they will want to know what we have found this is where the the guy was at the very beginning oh wow it looped around so we could come back super fast fast very nice all right so we got to head back

Into candle keep and uh I guess we’ll we’ll see what happens here you know you’ve been rather quiet since we left the tower something I should know something is clearly bothering you it might help to share the burden I I let my emotions get the better of me

When we were trapped in that barrier I was not thinking clearly and even if I had been clear headed there was so little that I could do it just it’s ging I have I feel as though I am not much of a dragon anymore I cannot say as

I even feel particularly useful I feel weak ever since I lost my body I have had little or no control over my life it’s unsettling ah he’s human I hate it understandable that’s understandable I can only imagine what that feels like you needn’t imagine anything you and your breed are

Inherently weak Pawns of Fate that can only hope to not be caught in the conflicts of those greater than you fine sulk okay if you’re going to be that way then go ahead and sulk in silence I don’t need to hear that very well all right to the tower to see

What’s going on um I wonder if no these are okay I was one I was curious if like any of the equipment upgrade like if you bought one equipment set if feel like it automatically would like uh upgrade to the next one but I don’t think so I think what we have is

What we have I mean it’s not like I feel like we didn’t have any issues with that whatsoever so needing uh better gear probably not but you know what we always like everybody likes gear everybody likes getting new upgraded shiny things okay so we did a thing for where

Is he at where is he at was oh it’s right there I didn’t recognize him from the back of him hello ah I was wondering if you would return at all I considered scrying to see if you had decided to just make a run for it glad to see you

Didn’t we’ve got the book you wanted ah EXC oh oh does that mean that uh Arro yeah we were too late we were too late I’m sorry for your loss yes so am I though I will admit that I had assumed the worst already hearing it confirmed is still something of a shock

By the way do you know what was being done in the tower a cult of devil worshippers had taken over his Tower and removed him devil worshippers that’s a bit uh extreme I certainly hope that adro had nothing to do with them what if adro was the guy so many people seem to

Forget how committing your soul to a devil is usually a rather permanent Affair I would not want that for him he could be unpleasant yes but he was a good man all things considered do you know what they wanted from his Tower or why they were there I don’t know portal

Or safe there was a portal they had some sort of portal I think they were using it to summon more devils and stay in contact with the devil in charge that cannot have been their only reason for being there though they could have taken residence and hooped a portal

Anywhere well they did say something about needing a safe place they we thought there was some sort of impending Calamity and we’re using the tower as a fortress really did they say what This calamity would entail we didn’t really get that far in conversation between them trying to sacrifice me and all

That all right that is fair I suppose I had hoped for too much we did however run into that masked man we told you about though the one that was in the cave when V was taken out of his body yeah he wasn’t he was a piece of work really what happened he

Sounded like he was spouting nonsense neither Vier nor I could figure it out but he then killed one of the cultists and their leader before taking whatever they were using to open the portal a couple of its minions were also killed outside the tower while fighting against the things living there pretty

Fair indication that they’re not exactly friendly acquaintances then is this enough then will you help us please help us help you who said that I would help you you did you said that you would help us if we cleared out the tower and got your book for you I said

That I would wipe the slates clean regarding your criminal activities and wave your fee for entrance to the Great Library the matter of helping you with your little identity crisis is something else entirely that’s dirty you made it sound like you were going to help us you just

Used us it did sound like that didn’t it I’m kidding I’m kidding just doy with you a bit I was planning on helping you from the start as the problem piqued my curiosity though this ought to remind you that you should be careful about what someone says and what you agree to

There are plenty of devious people and creatures out there either way I had actually already begun investigating some leads this may not exactly align with my specialty but we have hundreds of researchers in my department so I’ve enlisted their help you can just do that get them to

Drop their own projects of course what good as being a head bureaucrat if you cannot throw around your weight a little every now and then oh and speaking of assistance I should also note that no one has been able to identify the creatures that you described to me

Earlier that in itself is rather peculiar considering how many people in this city are fascinated with magical creatures none of our experts had any answers though H fortunately the avow are a curious lot and are working all the harder to determine who or what you encountered since you ran into one of

Their kind again if their bodies are still where you slew them in the woods finding and examining their Anatomy would go a long way towards solving the ridddle that I went out to find and retrieve them okay did you know wizard adro particularly well uh-oh he was actually the last disciple

Of my late Master m in Kanan it is how he came to possess our master’s last written work we trained together for a little while though I struck out on my own while he was still an apprentice they were both far more invested in the workings of the Multiverse than I was if

I’m being entirely honest I was always a little jealous of how well they got along still it is hard to imagine that both of them are gone now is there anything we can do to help speed up the research not now I’m afraid now it is just a matter of giving our

AOW some time okay what should should Vier and I do in the meanwhile well you’re always welcome to find other work in the area otherwise you have been through quite a lot in the past few weeks go to the in get some rest come see me again once you’ve had a solid

Night’s sleep I may have some more information for you by then okay Quest complete Sage Against the Machine um started Some Enchanted Evening so now we uh we can go and chill at the end and uh just enjoy ourselves until the next morning but that is going

To end this episode hopefully you guys enjoyed if you did like subscribe all the fun things and if you want to see more make sure you leave a like comment down below that you want to see some more and uh yeah maybe we’ll be back with some more but yeah thanks again for

Coming out have a fantastic rest of your day see you in the next one bye Everybody Yeah

This video, titled ‘GELATINOUS CUBES And A DEVIL ?! Minecraft Dungeons And Dragons [E2]’, was uploaded by Z1 Gaming on 2023-09-28 23:33:52. It has garnered 5303 views and 284 likes. The duration of the video is 01:06:02 or 3962 seconds.

Experience a dramatic tale with Minecraft’s Dungeons & Dragons DLC. Explore iconic locations in the Forgotten Realms like Icewind Dale and Candlekeep, battling Beholders, Mimics, and more. Choose your class, unlock classic spells, and ace ability checks to escape sticky situations. Your adventure awaits!


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    SHOCKING! Airi Viridis RECYCLES THUMBNAIL?Video Information This video, titled ‘REUSING THUMBNAILS’, was uploaded by Airi Viridis Ch. 【V-Dere】 on 2024-05-28 23:15:53. It has garnered 781 views and 188 likes. The duration of the video is 01:46:46 or 6406 seconds. Playing Minecraft on the V-Dere Server tippy. https://streamelements.com/airiviridis/tip Please note that all tippy are non-refundable! I lick them all! rules. ♥ Be kind! Don’t insult others and don’t use bad words, always respect your fellow Viridevils! ♥ No back seating! I may be new to some games, but I would like to figure things out myself unless I specifically say “viridevils can help me now”… Read More

  • Unbelievable Twist in Unknown303x Minecraft Hardcore Series! #day1

    Unbelievable Twist in Unknown303x Minecraft Hardcore Series! #day1Video Information This video, titled ‘The begining of my new Minecraft Hardcore series #day1’, was uploaded by Unknown303x on 2024-03-24 02:03:43. It has garnered 48 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:00 or 600 seconds. Minecraft Hardcore series Ep-1 || The begining *gone wrong _________________________ do the above using VidIQ (I use both)(Affiliate Link): https://vidiq.com/?afmc=6b7 How I build awesome 🔥”HOUSE”🏠 in my “Survival world” MINECRAFT💥 #minecraft #survivalseries _____________________________ Hastags : – #minecraft #minecraftfunnygameplay #minecraftsurvivalseries #minecraftsurvival #minecraftshorts #minecraftmemes #minecraftanimation #minecraftgameplay1 #minecrafthardcormode #survival #survivalseries #minecraftlive #minecraftbuilding #isurvived100daysminecrafthindipocketaddition #gaming #games #minecraftlongvideo __________________________________________ I request you 🥺 : – HIT… Read More

  • SHOCKING Transformation: Hindu to Muslim?! #CrazyMemes

    SHOCKING Transformation: Hindu to Muslim?! #CrazyMemesVideo Information This video, titled ‘هغه هندوه جینی مې مسلمان مې کړه #memes #minecraft #music #mobilelegends #mobilelegends #aforapple’, was uploaded by تــرنــم ټال on 2024-04-22 13:28:13. It has garnered 65 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. Read More

  • The 🅱️inecraft 🅱️ealm – 1.20.4 – SMP – Hard – Whitelist

    Welcome to the Binecraft Bealm! CHECK US OUT ON DISCORD! We are a small group of players who love making immersive builds, crazy redstone, and playing with friends. This world is never resetting, so come add to the history. Looking for people to help us expand our server and grow into an active community! Build or adventure, the choice is yours! Currently have community builds, looking for help creating a spawn area, community areas, and a shopping district. All suggestions will be heard and discussed within our group. Our Server is a democracy and every suggestion is valid. No griefing… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Lukewarm mob voting experience

    Minecraft Memes - Lukewarm mob voting experienceLooks like this meme got voted off the island by the mobs! Read More

  • Debt to Duo: Dave’s SMP Woe!

    Debt to Duo: Dave's SMP Woe! In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, Dave made a mistake, it may sound like a dream. But in Duo SMP, where teamwork is key, One wrong move can lead to a catastrophe. The viewers all gasped, as Dave’s error was shown, But Kroberto kept calm, in a rhyming tone. He described the mishap with humor and wit, Turning a blunder into a viral hit. So if you’re a fan of Minecraft and fun, Check out Kroberto’s stream, where the rhymes never shun. Subscribe, like, and follow along with the crew, For more epic moments and rhymes… Read More

  • “Hot Minecraft Logic: Troll Face Edition” 😂🔥 #tiktokviral

    "Hot Minecraft Logic: Troll Face Edition" 😂🔥 #tiktokviral “Why do we spend hours building elaborate structures in Minecraft, only to panic and run away from a single creeper? Logic at its finest.” 😂🤷‍♂️ #minecraftlogic #trollface Read More

  • Experience Thrilling Adventures on Minewind Minecraft Server!

    Experience Thrilling Adventures on Minewind Minecraft Server! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com! Are you a fan of the latest Minecraft updates and features? If so, you need to check out Minewind Minecraft Server. With its unique gameplay and community-driven environment, Minewind offers an exciting and immersive experience for players of all levels. One of the reasons why you should join Minewind is the constant innovation and updates that keep the gameplay fresh and exciting. Just like the new cave sounds in Minecraft that are both scary and thrilling, Minewind is always introducing new elements to keep players engaged and entertained. Whether you’re a seasoned Minecraft player or just… Read More

  • Minecraft Skinwalker Sound Effects

    Minecraft Skinwalker Sound Effects Minecraft: The Skinwalker – Unleashing Terrifying Sound Effects Within the vast and immersive world of Minecraft, a new mod has emerged to send shivers down players’ spines. The Skinwalker mod, created by the talented @masoniscool864, introduces a chilling atmosphere with its spine-tingling sound effects and eerie encounters. Exploring the Depths of Fear As players venture into the dark woods, they may encounter mysterious entities like the Man from the Fog, the Cavedweller, and the Goatman. Each of these creatures brings a unique sense of dread, amplified by the haunting sound effects that accompany their presence. The Man from the… Read More

  • 300 Days in Minecraft Mod – Journey to the Moon in Pure Insanity

    300 Days in Minecraft Mod - Journey to the Moon in Pure InsanityVideo Information This video, titled ‘I spent 300 Days to get to THE MOON In Minecraft Create Mod’, was uploaded by Dejojotheawsome on 2024-05-27 19:00:31. It has garnered 21381 views and 541 likes. The duration of the video is 03:24:55 or 12295 seconds. Discord: https://discord.gg/dejojotheawsome Modpack download: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/create-mekanized Strap in for 300 days of Create Mod engineering and utter shenanigans as Dejojotheawsome begins his journey to conquer space itself in Create Mod! In this pack you’ll witness factories rise from the ground, vast exploration, and eventually space travel on a beautiful rocket ship! Get ready for my first 300 days… Read More

  • Haunted Minecraft Lady Jumpscare!

    Haunted Minecraft Lady Jumpscare!Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT DEMON LADY JUMPSCARE 😭#minecraft #fivenight #gaming #horrorgaming #scary #minecraftmeme’, was uploaded by Oldgamerj300 on 2024-05-01 05:35:49. It has garnered 11314 views and 253 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:17 or 17 seconds. Read More

Z1 Gaming – GELATINOUS CUBES And A DEVIL ?! Minecraft Dungeons And Dragons [E2]