Zebra Gamer – Minecraft Avatar Legends DLC!! – Becoming the Avatar! – Zebra’s Minecraft Fun

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Hello zebra herd today we are becoming the Avatar in the Minecraft avatar Legends DLC joined by our trusty Skye bison we travel across the world in search of powerful opponents can we become the strongest avatar ever and perfect our bending skills in air water Earth and fire let’s find out together So we’ve made our way into the world of avatar The Last Airbender where we have four different kinds of elements to choose from welcome new Avatar interact with your former lives to learn more about the four elements begin your journey all right that’s so cool so as you can

See we have air water Earth and fire and I guess with each one we might just be able to walk up and interact with it here’s Aang the Airbender error manipulate the flow of air and embody Freedom you can start life as an airbender why not that’s one

Of my favorites for sure but here we are look at us we’re just out here this is so cool hello White Lotus Sentry welcome to air Temple Island you must be the Avatar it’s an honor to meet you we’re the order of the White Lotus your sworn allies here to

Assist you on your journey view air Temple Island Whoa that is a tall tower this is so neat on the bamboo forest This is really really cool Lots of people to talk to too I think we’re gonna have a lot of fun exploring this one so is there a different Island for each type then I guess so okay that’s what we just did okay I didn’t they were gonna say anything more

I guess not so yeah nice to meet you we’ll look around the island a little bit and see what we can find we can run super quick right now this is so cool I know something to talk to you right over here White Lotus entry it’s an honor to

Speak with you Avatar thank you for interacting with me this is the best day of my life well thanks I guess uh that’s very flattering let’s head out of here though and we could like get cool punches thrown out too we’re quite the the battler it seems

I just love moving around real fast and what is our item here air blades huh I don’t know what those two just yet we’ll figure it out as we go along I’m sure there might be people here willing to teach us look at this this is so cool and who is this

White load essentially again apologies Avatar the staircase is currently in need of repair it shouldn’t be a problem though you can jump and then jump again to double jump oh okay so I guess we have double jumping whoa that’s great so we just up and then

Jump again I’ll get up there no problem that’s cool adventuring around is no problem for us don’t hear someone else plenty more centuries around this looks like an ideal spot to meditate and set your spawn point once you’ve gained the Mastery point you can meditate to unlock more bending

Techniques Mastery points are gained by defeating enemies so I guess we go over here this is a meditation site while meditating you can use Mastery points to earn new bending techniques that’s so cool so do we get to choose any of these I guess not quite yet because

We don’t have any uh along there’s of course with the different elements we don’t have any points right now we just hit the air blades but there are different things we can get throughout our adventure so we’ll definitely have to earn those app do you have anything else to say not really

But I’m sure there’s other people around right oh yeah there’s another Century over here oh they want to battle I think so Avatar would you like to practice spending I can tell you more about how to bend the elements and then you can test your might against me how do I bend

Bending takes a lot of practice to master but the fundamentals are rather straightforward what are your controls I’m using keyboard and mouse first hold the item that represents the technique you would like to use then hold down the right Mouse button to use it you are

Born as an airbender and as such you have already learned the air blades technique face your enemy and hold down the right Mouse button to send forth a swift flurry of air blades a stool and you can try it out let’s do all excellent I wish you luck Avatar begin

Dual all right let’s go for the tutorial duel against the White Lotus Sentry so if we right click we can throw out our air blades apparently oh man Whoa that’s so cool oh and they’re spinning around the throne a tornado at us oh my gosh and I can get a couple of punches in too ouch okay that hurt a little bit no I’m falling off hold on let me get back up there wait does that mean I get knocked out

For good uh where did they go the back I think they won whoops uh let’s try again I I did do a very good job it was my first time it was my first time killing everything right okay we gotta win it this time though so

Don’t get pushed off the End by the tornado that’d be bad BFI right click like that I can damage them down a little bit that’s cool just gotta be careful of the tornado but I might be able to just walk up and punch you too I think for now we’ll just do this

Because that seems to be working pretty well now we got a good flow with it we’re trying to throw some at me too but just gotta keep at it keep at it come on almost there there’s some water on the floor over there too I guess for waterbenders gotcha not too bad

Excellent performance Avatar with each Jewel you will need Mastery points Mastery points can be used to learn new bending techniques when you meditate so let’s get a reward for defeating that tutorial very nice now I guess because we did that they’re sort of translucent so we don’t really

Get to do any anything more there can I go up here I wonder so far it doesn’t really look like there’s too much to do up here okay yeah so we’ll go back down and get a Mastery point so what’s cool about this is we don’t

Just have to choose one of these right could we choose one of these oh yeah so we could just become also an earthbender Firebender all that kind of stuff or we could keep saving up for points to improve some of our error bending hard to decide for right now but I think

Air and water would be a cool combo some people would also get water whip create a lashing tendril of water that swipes up or swipes and soaks opponents wet opponents drop puddles which serve as water bending sources that is so cool so if we do this requires water source that’s why there’s

The buckets around so if we run all the way back over there near the bucket oh man that is so cool and when we do that as you can see it makes more little water spots where we can go around and I don’t have to be directly on the bucket

For it to you know create water so very cool stuff like that got to keep that in mind but what about you over here maybe somebody else to battle or just to talk to these are shrines to some of your former lives it is said that Avatar can seek

Guidance from these statues ha so I have to talk to our previous slides because whoa It’s up you’re so cute oh yeah before you head out on your adventure you should take this this special bison whistle will return you to your bison oh I would love that

So we have a bison whistle so I guess if we ever go too far out we can use it confirm there we go and we’re brought all the way back here that is so cool so let’s talk to some people now look we have you this is your Flying Bison they will be

Your loyal companion as you travel the world Avatar are you ready to depart interact with your bison and head out on your adventure if you ever need your hour support you can visit us here on air Temple Island so I don’t want to do that just yet but that’s very cool

I am here to help this is the performance guide huh so I don’t think we need that’s more so about the game itself like an options menu so I’m fine with that but there is a building to go into here hey Avatar we have prepared these quarters for you should you wish to

Relax here the room is a little bare at the moment perhaps you can decorate it with trinkets you gather on your journey that’d be cool wow so look at this this is where we can probably find some Collectibles we got this nice little film the camera and everything so we’ll

Definitely have to look around for whatever little things you can find is there anything else around here I guess not so I want to go to the bamboo forest before we head out with our our Sky bison and yeah what can we do with these whoa

Hey here we go this is Kyoshi well hello you’re the latest version of us I see it’s nice to meet you I am Avatar kiyoshi I lived a long time ago during my time I restored peace to the world remember that sometimes the Avatar must be Swift and decisive and I can

Challenge them you’re a brave one it seems unwise to challenge me until you have at least mastered all the Earth bending techniques interesting so I’ll have to challenge them at some point and I’m guessing we can do that for the rest of them too like we have Roku all of the

Past avatars all of their experience and wisdom is available to you I am Avatar Roku one of your many lives I was a powerful Firebender yet when the Fire Nation started a war I was unable to prevent it remember the Avatar must consider all possible consequences to their actions

So I guess we could talk to these avatars and challenge them once we’re more powerful so I’ll do that at some point we got Guru Pathak greetings Avatar I’m Guru Pathak I once taught Avatar Aang how to master the Avatar State the Avatar state once circumstances become dire you may

Find yourself slipping into the Avatar State during this time you’ll be able to bend with greater ferocity it’s very difficult to control the Avatar State you’ll be able to learn a great deal by defeating your past lives in a duel cool so we’ll definitely be working on that

Once we get more abilities but we also got a rava statue this is the air Temple Island to view the collection that’s nice what about you this is Asami hello Avatar many people owe a great deal to avatars of the past I know I do for that

Reason many are going to want a chance to duel against you or give you a gift so take this from me what is that uh it’ll tell us eventually here we go asami’s Gauntlet that’s so cool so we just get a little Collectibles like that

Do I get another gift or is it just I think the same one and then this is uh quora the world will try to knock you down Avatar you’ll face challenge after Challenge and there are times where you will feel helpless or hopeless when I

Started my journey I had a lot to learn but I stayed determined never give up people still need you so can I challenge you I was like he wants always rushing ahead of myself I’ll be Avail or I’ll be happy to accept the challenge once you’ve mastered all the water bending

Techniques okay so we’ll do all that soon what does this appear is this another collectible I think it is whoa that was something what sound this way then this looks like another airbending kind of deal yeah there are more people out here so there’s still more people to talk to and

Experience in this island before we move I was really looking forward to playing a classic game of pie show but we’ve lost all the tiles oh you’ve already have one of our tiles please go ahead and place it onto the board okay sure uh posture tile get it right there so I

Guess I have to find some more of those but that’s so cool so I have to look all over for them and make sure we find them so that they can actually play pie shower I don’t think there’s too much more to do around here though so I guess we’re

All finished up with this island let’s go back to our Flying Bison and head out of here so we’ve made it back to the Flying Bison and where can we take you so a whole bunch of places most of them are locked the only place we can go to

Right now is bossing Sai all right well awfully good we just hop on to your back I guess so oh man this is so cool so we’ve made it to bossing say which I’m pretty sure is like a big city you can see some of the walls they

Are huge in the distance whoa okay so let’s talk to you maybe are you the my cabbages guy I think you are maybe not well we’ll see Judy welcome traveler to bossing Sai the greatest city in the world welcome to the lower ring where it’s so quaint and

Lively let me know if you have any further questions also we can look at a little overview of it just like we did with the first island I love these so much because we sort of get to lay the land we can see what’s going on around

Everything and we can see all the different characters we can meet up with I think now’s a good time to mention that I’ve watched the original avatar The Last Airbender but it was a long time ago so I’m a little fuzzy on some of the details and I have not seen the

Newer one with Korra in it I think it is um so maybe at some point I could watch that one but I might be missing some of the details of the story for this but it still seems really cool I’m super happy to play it so yeah

I do definitely remember bossing say a bed oh that was I saw him for a moment that was the cabbages guy I saw him with this with this little cart there are so many people here though it’s going to be a pleasure to sort of explore around and talk to everybody

And I think that’s about it or maybe there’s more it just keeps going really gives us a good look around okay here we are so now that we’ve seen that can we talk to them a little bit more ask about the Fire Nation this is bossing say silly or in the earth

Kingdom not the Fire Nation there’s no war embossing Psy delofey the Delphi are a band of rebels and outlaws that that operate within the city they’re nothing to worry about the City Guards and dilee have everything under control the dilee are highly skilled earthbenders that make up the city

Police they’re here to keep bossing say safe the Dai Lee are furiously led by the grand secretists Long Thang longfen is our most honorable Grand secretist our Secretariat okay the head of the government he has committed his life to keeping the city safe good to know

And not everybody we can talk to but the ones we can oh no what’s wrong with you hey my friend tried to make to take on the Delphi but it didn’t go very well life is tough when you can’t use spending the Delphi user earthbending to block the alley so that they can

Continue their misdeeds in private oh no so we can’t really bust through that normally right like what if I were to whoa that does bust through it are you okay can I Splash you awake a little bit that is so cool let’s see if we can

Break through this no problem can I also use air blades I can that’s great so we’ll Buster that a little bit but before we do too much more I should probably go over to our meditation thing we don’t have any extra points but the least I can set my spawn here

A statue of Avatar kiyoshi 2 kiyoshi is The Greatest Warrior of all time she did everything she could to embody peace and justice kyoshi’s Earth bending skills were unparalleled she once ripped a peninsula from the mainland and pushed it out into the ocean that’s where I grew up I

Joined the kiyoshi Warriors so that despite not being an earthbender I could help protect the island from anyone who would do it harm kiyoshi Warriors fight with fans here I have a spare on cool so we get a little fan his fan what about you some time ago the Fire

Nation attack bossing Sai and we were under siege for 600 days it was hard for us all but the king and the walls kept us safe and I will always be grateful I’m glad so let’s go back this one I’m really curious to see what we can find

In this little spot now that we’ve opened up this room are people gonna fight us oh they are uh oh so the Delphi are coming in to attack me I don’t know if I’m ready for this but I’m gonna try it run out as much as I can to you I don’t

Know their friends are coming over it’s not doing any damage to their health bar just yet uh oh no maybe I should because they they made some water so I can throw that at them I don’t know if there may be extra defensive to water moves because they’re also water vendors wow

That was cool but I think we’ll keep with our air blades because that one’s pretty easy to land they still have so much more of their health though oh that hurt gotta be careful I’m still getting used to the controls and stuff and as you can see

With some things well I might just be able to go up and punch you a little bit that sort of helps whoa backing it up a little we’re about halfway through and we we still have a good chunk of Health left oh my just try to keep it that way

And punching seems to help a lot with getting some of my energy back so that’s good oh gosh they’re getting really close now I like this giant like tentacle slam it basically is okay we’re doing a little bit better I might want to run up on you just start

Punching that’s not doing anything for you but it is for you so there we go I think because we defeated them now this one would be a fire bender looks like it right oh no oh I think they hit their friend wait you’re behind me oh no now I’m

Really starting to take some damage I’m getting a little concerned trying to Bunch my way through sometimes that works out a little bit better geez it’s hard to dodge stuff because like when you throw out a move okay did we do it I think we did it that’s awesome

So it looks like people are coming back into here now that we’ve we’ve pulled out the Delphi very nice oh we get a little extra point there the boulder huh the Boulder’s practicing for his next match down at the Rumble Arena a much a little thing like you do

In getting in the way we can challenge the boulder to a duel you’re challenging me you’re making the Border laugh the boulder doesn’t fight for free Little Thing You Really Want to Take On the Border you should come down to the Rumble Arena you’ll fit right in with the other pipsqueak who competes

There unlock the Rumble Arena Don’t Mind If I Do so a whole new area to get to later on that’ll be cool but I guess we could maybe talk to some other people that might be around here not really seeing too much so what happens if I try to double jump over

Here well I can do that no problem not everybody has something to say though so this city is very fast there’s gonna be a lot to explore here I’ll do my best to get to everything but I don’t want to miss too much so can

I double jump up those walls I guess not there’s somebody at the well here hello I’m the world’s foremost Avatar expert I hope to meet the Avatar one day well actually I’m the Avid but I guess some dreams have to wait I’m sure the Avatar has more important things than

Hanging out with me so anyway while you’re here how about some trivia about one of my favorite avatars Kyoshi sure great how many years did Avatar Kyoshi live for uh I have no clue I’m gonna say more than 100. yep that’s right I have a turkey she lived until she was an

Incredible 230 years old to Teague The Immortal taught her how to become a mortal through sheer willpower that’s so cool so I guess we earned a little bit of a trivia points here in a way uh we can go into this building too can I open these doors I can

Not too much in this one but that might be somebody to talk around here either way it’s just fun to explore and see that’s sort of the different ways of life here in bossing Sai but I think we’re good enough to head back to where we were which was right

Around this corner and then up here got it I don’t see anybody else to really talk to we could talk to you again hi they don’t have anything new to say though dude what happens if I try to I could and look at this for exploring we get

Another one of these uh pie share tiles very cool definitely worth exploring around as much as I can to find actual little collectible goodies okay well in the meantime it looks like the Town Center area here might have some more stuff for us we could spend

Another point I think we should get one on each typing of uh element here so we’ll get a fire bending one this time fire stream shoot a stream of fire from your fingertips that engulfs opponents in a blazing Inferno this ability can be held to shoot a continuous blast that’s

Cool so I’m gonna switch to that one I might want to if it lets me maybe reorganize some things there you go whoa oh he damaged the cabbages cabbage Merchant hey you you look like a wise and worldly individual wanna buy some cabbages they’re the finest

Cabbages in all of Boston to say we can say no or Austin I’ll just say no well it’s your last kid so can I dab there we go no my cabbages whoops why I’m so sorry I’m so sorry I couldn’t help myself that was so funny okay so what else

We’re gonna do around here who can we talk to and interact with because we unlock the other area so maybe there’s like things we can do there and then come back here all that kind of stuff hey kid I want to buy some cactus juice

Uh I would love to but I didn’t give me the option to actually respond well we can fight you Mako or Miko hey you’re a bender right I’ve been looking for someone to fight are you up for it sure we have a brand new fire bending I want to try out detective Mako

Whoa and they’re definitely a fire bender as well let’s see if we can’t keep our distance from them like this and then whoa they’re jumping right on me so that might not work but I’m just gonna hit them with as much fire as I can and it’s working out pretty decently

And when they get close like this maybe start throwing some water at them we can really hold it down too to I guess hit harder I think we got them whoa that was great so quick wow you’re good are you sure you’re not a pro at this thanks for the training

Let’s get a reward for that one very cool so that’s another point for us I guess we could talk to them again if we wanted to but it would just be a rematch I don’t think we get any extra points for rematches now this we could definitely break through

So we’ll go through there in just a moment in the meantime now anything else around here oh wow yeah we got some extra water benders oh it’s it’s soccer okay we’ve got exactly three copper pieces left left let’s spend them wisely right we still need to get some food

Cabbage not again please not again then what do you want to eat meat look I know we can’t afford meat but can we just pretend hello I’m Katara and this is my brother Saka we’re here from the southern water tribe you’re not from around here either huh I’m the Avatar I knew it

Yeah I’m sure you did it’s an honor to meet you Avatar the poles are spiritually powerful places perhaps visit the southern water tribe sometime I would love to so we’ll unlock that one for sure very very cool and is there anything else uh I guess not but still just talking to

Characters to unlock new things is super exciting is there anything down here I can’t really talk to you too much oh that building is on fire over there so there’s a lot to tend to we’ve been inside this building it doesn’t look like it open the door take a look around maybe

Somebody here is is you know able to talk or at least we can collect something we haven’t found too many more Collectibles around here besides the one um token we did talk to you know we have that extra point let’s go and get our Earth bending ability uh

Which is Earth throw send chunks of Earth hurtling towards opponents charge Earth throw to increase the size of the boulder whoa so now we have one of each which I think would be pretty important just to whoa look at this boom it doesn’t go as far I think if it’s bigger

But I I do want to find where was that one door we opened that could lead to something important you never know I think it was down this way yeah this opening that we made what’s going on out here it’s like a nice little Garden area this place just keeps going and going

There everywhere we turn Boston say it gets bigger and bigger so we’ll get another one of those and I can meditate here real quick I think that sets my spawn point each time so I think it’s worth doing now what was going on down here

We have you hello this is just a citizen wonderful day isn’t it I come to this park every day to relax it is very relaxing is this person like training well good filter well with water or maybe we’re taking the water out of the well so before we go down farther in

That Garden I would like to go back down this way because we saw another familiar character on the other side of the well and I just want to make sure that we’re interacting with as many people as possible see that was right over here I can already see them

So we’ll try to talk to them because yet they’re looking for a battle this is zukow I will find the avatar I am most definitely not the Avatar wait something’s not quite right here you must be the Avatar I will capture you and restore honor to my name my name is

Zuko Son Of Fire Lord ozai and the the heir to the throne I will be at my father’s side once more we’ll see about that one so fire Prince Zuko is our next fight and this one might be a bit intense oh boy let’s fight fire with water I think

But we also might want to give this a go oh they’re gonna hit me pretty hard right away I’m just gonna throw that right at you oh I missed come on come on it takes some time to throw a next one requires Earth source so I guess we don’t have

One of those or a water okay what does these air air is so reliable because there’s always air around there’s no error on then we have some some problems but again can also throw out a fire stream like this that’s pretty good they are hurting me pretty

Good right now but maybe we could just walk up to get a couple punches in that’s not too bad I wonder if you could win this game melee only just walking up and punching probably not but you never know but definitely used to punching house or

Not water near us right here you know it doesn’t let me throw out the water with even when I’m in the water this is so weird yeah I have a water source I guess it doesn’t count that’s very odd okay they’re really trying to pack a puncher we’re so close to getting you

Come on come on I think that’s it awesome No I refuse to lose to you fight me again Avatar I will not give up okay let’s try it again I guess fire Prince Zuko do we just do this forever I hope not I mean it’s fight number two maybe we’ll get an extra reward out of it

The first flight was pretty tough though I think this time we know a bit better I’m just going to try to punch you a little bit but oh no maybe just using the fighting fire with fire still seems to be super good because that’s just consistent damage for sure oh boy

We got you pretty good there but we’re out of energy for a bit so that might be the good the best time to walk up and punch it seems like punching makes it restore faster I might be wrong with that might be strong normally regardless you can throw

Some more air blades over and then get some punches out come on actually I might just there we go I almost got you there we go two times you’re on right no gain award so we get ourselves another point there they don’t seem to be happy buddy we want the blue spirit mask

Avatar here to rub it in I think I am but that will leave Oh what about you the city guard this guy owes me five coppers some people are just so rude oh no so what’s going on down this way it’s like a little shopping area I can grab ourselves another token a tile I don’t see anything more over here I

Could maybe make this jump oh I could cool cool can’t open that door though some of those blocks sort of look like doors but they’re not really supposed to be what’s wrong here I guess the dilee are doing training exercises or something they’ve been acting strangely for weeks now

Are they down this way oh I think they will be so who are we facing off with here at the dilee oh man they’re definitely gonna try to hit me with everything they got so getting rid of one of them there is pretty big so the

Health bar only goes down once I defeat one of them I want to hit them with rock but there’s never an earth source which is so weird because they clearly have one come on okay I got them I’ll turn around and hit them a little bit if possible there we go

Oh no time to turn to fire I think gotcha and then if I could maybe just walk up to them oh gotcha is that enough not quite you’re a tough one ouch oh we are being surrounded at the moment this is pretty intense I think we switch over to fire

Because I might be able to hit two people at once in the fire that’d be yeah super convenient okay I’m running around a little bit just to dodge our moves whenever there’s two of them close together I could just try to hit them with fire there’s you down and then your

Friend over here out for the count so many still so many I’m liking the fire bending so far that seems to really do good but I’m about halfway down to my health right now it’s not so good try to hit them both come on come on gotcha they are so low

I’m just going to hit them without as much as I can we did it we defeated some more of the Dai Lee whoa we’ve got somebody else waiting here too now okay so who are you we got an extra point for that too long thing what are you doing back here causing

Some trouble huh you better watch yourself I am the leader of the dilee we are a group of elite vendors who protect the uh protect the honor and cultural heritage of bossing Sai are the direly corrupt what how dare you you are under arrest for disturbing the peace in

Bossing say let’s begin the duel we’ll see about that grand Secretariat long Fang okay well this one might be a little bit more difficult to keep up with but I’ll try all got a good Dodge there for sure so we’re already trying to bring it to

Them as much as we can if they get a little too close we can start hitting with the fire too there we go there we go they’re trying to hide and stuff too I’m trying to dodge those moves as much as possible oh whoa the huge wall that’s not good

But we’re doing some great damage to them right off the bat oh they tried to get me with that not gonna work not gonna work I’m gonna walk up and punch you a little bit but then we’re gonna hit you with the fire oh we’re doing some numbers for sure

Oh gotcha so we’ve defeated long Fang you’ve been made an enemy of the dilee at the Glorious city of bossing say better watch your back kid oh my well I guess that clears up this whole area so that we can sort of look around a little bit more but that was so

Interesting and I think we gained an extra point for that yeah there’s people around who we can talk to you now so what does this guard have to say I wonder what the dilee were doing here earlier I would ask a long thing but he

Scares me at least the path back to the apartments where I live is clear now and God I could help out with that but I don’t see anything else really to do in this section I thought that some of these people I could talk to but I guess not

If this is where we came in before the city is so huge I sort of wish I had a map we are getting closer to that building that was on fire though so maybe we should check that out oh we can go inside of this building so far we haven’t found anything in

These but maybe soon maybe soon I just want to find more of the tokens wherever I can but might not be worth worrying about too much I guess it’s like a big bet or something okay back down this way can I jump over here sort of there we go cool shortcut

It’s not really anything over here so hopefully I can make my way to this next one you feeling all right some people are just sort of sitting around but now that I have three points I think that’d be a great opportunity to get another air bending technique this time the air

Sphere encircle yourself in a blistering Gill that can block incoming attacks this ability sends out a blast of air when released Okay cool so I think we’ll save upper points so that we can get the tornado next but so far so good right I’m going to get this one over here so we sort of have everything sectioned off based on what you know element it is so we have aerosphere

That is so cool I like it I like it and what’s going on around here is that a coffin up there uh oh we’re in trouble the Fire Nation Army is attacking we gotta go get rid of as many of these guys as we can that gets rid of one of

Them straight away so that’s good they’re not super strong so far ah one’s on top of me scary but I do want to walk up to you maybe and just do that oh that was cool but they’re packing a punch this could become a problem

Okay did I get them I don’t think so they really hurt I need to run around a little bit and wait for my energy to like restore maybe my health go back up that seems to be working uh-oh come on come on how did that Miss I don’t know

I’ll do this real quick ready boom that didn’t do anything the range on it’s not super huge okay I got you is that the guys sort of just standing around maybe my chance then to use some fire there we go much better much better there are some behind me though Then you over here I got you the range on that’s really nice oh no oh they’re using moves and they already got knocked out that’s rough okay here we go here we go ready boom that got you pretty good but it wasn’t enough that should be good and then back over

Here I’m gonna do that move right back at you I just gotta be careful because we are just about oh no we did it okay I was gonna say we’re just about out of Health but we defeated them first so I guess that opens up a little thing around here

I’ll get also another point so what is with this it looks like there’s a coffin up here I don’t know if we can interact with it at all no that’s not what I wanted there we go I think so King boomi whoa I didn’t even

See that there was a person in there Ah that’s right don’t worry about me I’m having a great time up here in this cage okay if you’re sure about that so I can’t bust you free or anything I guess not oh you know what I have to look down at

The ground to make that work that’s so neat now I know now I know ah is that the Fire Nation why are they here why is everything on fire this is about my pay grade right well don’t worry I’ve already dealt with that life is tough around here for us

Non-benders if a bender approaches and starts making demands well there’s nothing we can do that’s not fair how about this this is jet stop right there what are you some kind of Fire Nation spy no then stay out of my way I’m pretty sure that old man inside is Fire Nation

Object’s sword well I took it okay come on if I do then who’s in here oh it’s you this is a hero hello there would you like a cup of tea sure understandable I like to relax with a cup of tea and being the Avatar must

Keep you very busy indeed you know who I am you had the look of someone who has the world on their shoulders Avatar have you considered taking a vacation Amber island is very pleasant this time of year you can relax on the beach or watch your performance life is not just about

Protection and power you must make time for love and happiness too unlock Amber Island so we’re knocking more areas here which is really exciting what’s that this way oh we have another token another tile awesome so we’re finding lots of stuff happy about it and I can just pretty simply jump back

Over here so I don’t know if there’s too much more for us to do in this section specifically it could be pretty easy to get lost from time to time but I think we figured most about oh this is the other side of the garden so I might as

Well break that open just so that I know I’ve been here but there isn’t really anything more to find so let’s go back over to where we were we defeated the Fire Nation Invasion that was going on we got a cool sword there so unless there’s other people to talk

To I think we’re good to sort of move forward I’ll get this so that we don’t have to backtrack if we do end up dying so I don’t think we can go into that room there but on the other side of this this is all stuff we’ve not explored yet whoa

There’s a couple people to talk to over that way what about you this is my princess Azula has been looking for you we had a lot of fun capturing King boomi just to lure you out here although I’m not sure if anyone actually noticed that he was missing I guess not so

Is this queen Azula I think so my brother and my uncle have disgraced the fire lord and have brought Shane on all of us as the true heir of the Fire Nation it is up to me to protect my father’s Legacy I challenge you to a

Dual Avatar I will show what a true firebending Master is capable of sure let’s begin the duel fire princess Azula Oh man they seem pretty intense so hopefully we can handle this I’m gonna just throw some of the um air blades right away but they are really starting to pack a punch here I don’t know if we’re ready to actually handle this one but I might try something like this will

That even hurt them I need to be like right on top of them to do that one I think there we go knocks them super far away and then I can throw some water at you maybe where’d you go what ah they’re behind me okay

So far we’re able to keep a full health your health was low so you’ve activated the Avatar State whoa okay never mind so that’s what happened so I guess we’re fighting more now but eventually that’s gonna end I can only guess who let’s Punchy like this and then just

Start hitting you with fire that is working pretty well I think our Avatar state has ended but it’s gonna pack a punch as much as I can and then maybe hit the mother rock that was pretty good hit him with another rock and I think we got them awesome

I don’t understand what just happened Ty Lee my you should have thought harder don’t look so proud of yourself Avatar that was hardly a fair fight whatever I’m already over it so we can gain a reward for that one cool so I think with that we’ve sort of yeah

We saved the king that’s nice hello greetings Avatar I’m the king of omashu I was here on a diplomatic Mission but those Fire Nation Scoundrels caught me off guard thanks for freeing me no problem now Avatar it’s time for your real challenge to begin I challenge you

To a duel you may think I’m a frail old man but I’m the most powerful earthbender you’ll ever meet let’s give it a try then let’s begin our another duel here mad genus King boomi we’re just finding people all over the place person after person we got the king here

Dancing around all silly let’s go for it so you know we might want to try some Earth bending just to you know give that a go and that worked out pretty well but oh man they got more for us here okay so I’m sort of cornered against the wall

Here they seem to recognize that and backed up I don’t think it’s a good idea to Corner an avatar okay let’s go with this then hit me with as much fire as I can muster am I gonna try to dodge that I think that when they start prepping that I

Just need to double jump but we got them halfway down and I would like to hit you with the big rock that was good that was definitely good and then trying to dodge that one oh we do awesome oh man that got me good though

I think we just want to dodge around a little bit here but as soon as I can oh man just barely dodged it again hit you with the fire as soon as possible if you’re running away from me you get back here okay

Oh did I hit you with that I think I did ah couldn’t quit get you with that one that would have been a pretty big deal there we go much better much better and since we haven’t done any let’s do some water bending there we go we defeated King boomi

Well done Avatar you fight with much fire in your heart you’ve passed my test creativity cannot be undervalued when it comes to combat I hope you will think like a mad genius in your fights to come that’s awesome so get a reward from that one extra points we’ll definitely spend that

Soon you have unlocked creeping crystals visit air Temple Island to view the collection very very nice so I don’t think there’s really too much more we can do around here as far as I’ve been able to tell we’ve found everything so maybe we’ll go back to our bicensing I’m

Gonna poke around a little bit more but I think in general we found all of that we need to find so you know what let’s go for it we use the Bison whistle here and are we going back I need to confirm it there we go

That’s so cute okay so while we’re here is there anywhere I can meditate really quickly I think right over this way we got a lot done here though so that’s always good so I’ll go back over here and I think we’ll get our final thing that’s term NATO conjure a devastating

Twister that seeks out opponents tornadoes will damage and knock back opponents who come into contact with it so that sounds like a really cool one to get so we’ll even get some extra help for that you’ve mastered air bending you’re ready to prove yourself against Avatar Aang speak to his statue on air

Temple Island so I’ll do that soon enough but I think in the meantime we’ll do that and head on to our next adventure so we’ve unlocked a bunch of areas almost all of them so we’ve been on uh bossing say we were starting at air Temple Island let’s go to Southern water tribe

Off we go it’s investing there’ll be more to explore in these spots but okay yeah this is where we saw I mean this is where Saka and uh forgetting their name right now but they told us to go oh and there’s the big ship and everything this is so cool so

Let’s look around the little village first some people are just sort of taking a nap I probably shouldn’t uh bother them then how does [ __ ] get all up on the ice like that shipwreck on the coast is such an eyesore we shouldn’t have to be constantly reminded of every everything

We lost whenever we go fishing this is Kana it might not look like it Through The Eyes of an outsider but wolf coves history goes back hundreds of years but everything changed when the Fire Nation attacked and now this is all that’s left of our town are you the

Southern water tribe so let’s take a look at it ourselves the different things we can explore around here with this huge igloo that is so cool it’s a small village but it used to be much greater there’s the huge ship I hope we get to explore that that’d be really cool

There’s plenty more out that way too I don’t know if this area will be like there will be as much to do as there was in bossing Sai doesn’t seem like it but we’ll definitely make the most out of exploring everything that was cool can look inside the tents a little bit

Too because we’re still looking for the the tokens and stuff we can also head into here anybody to talk to oh it’s you we got Saka again so you’re the Avatar huh that’s pretty cool me I’m Saka I got stuck here training the kids in case the Fire Edition comes

Back one day I might not be able to bend but I’m going to be a great fighter and protect my friends and family hey take this Boomerang truly the most loyal weapon of them all so so we get a boomerang as a gift very nice very nice

And then we have over here just a villager Avatar Korra was born in the southern water tribe how much do you really know about her I know it’s trivia time yay I do not know much about Korra what is the name of korra’s polar bear dog

Uh it’s not APA it’s not Euro it may be Mobo maybe Pabu not quite try again what is the name of okay so it’s not Pabu sorry Momo okay Naga there we go that’s right Kura and Naga became friends when they were both still Cubs out here in

The southern water tribe huh neat so now I know a little bit more what else is there to do around here I think there’s one more tent to poke into it’s the Cabbage this guy again I definitely gotta knock over the cabbages right getting my car here through the snow was

Such hard work and yet nobody wants to buy my cabbages so we can just beat it up again I think we need to hold on did that not work huh I just used fire last time there we go my cabbages I was told that forgiveness is a virtue so I

Forgive you this isn’t great but at least I have three more cards okay interesting the young man Suka build this Watchtower with his bare hands it’s a really interesting attempt and there’s another token up there so first we’ll rest up here we don’t really need anything because we don’t have any points but

Whoa quite the view out here seems like there’s a lot of nothing in a way there’s not really much we can accomplish but I’ll try to get out there soon first I want to get to the Tiffany top of this and get this there we go so we got

Another one of the tiles very cool yeah I’m not seeing too much out there so before we run out there and try to figure that out I think we should just focus on the mission that we have going on right now which is to explore some of the other stuff

So I think there was somebody out here right that might be able to battle us or something like that I thought I saw somebody in the little overview Oh look The Little Penguin things oh they’re so cute I love them what about you over here some strangers have set up camp just

Across the ice Plains I wonder who they are I guess I could go speak with them but Outsiders make me nervous ha just across the ice planes demon these people Maybe These look like other waterbender kind of people maybe not unalak oh I just I recognize that look you must be the new Avatar as the Avatar you are the bridge between the material world and the spirits I will teach you and help you fulfill your destiny sure let’s go Fred water bending Master

Unilock and the twins wow So we’ll I guess learn a couple more about things about water bending here I’ll try to use my own water vending stuff against them but might be easier said than done at times could also throw a rock at them sometimes that’s an easier solution especially when I hit multiples come on

That’s not really working super well but if they’re all bunched up like this I should be using fire because I can hit multiple at once just like that very cool oh this music is so exciting oh no not good no while we’re farther away oh did I no

I got pushed down no way does that account I guess not yikes let’s try oh man don’t get pushed too far that’s gonna happen we haven’t tried our chinita yet so let’s give that a cow because the tornado I think well automatically hit people that’s cool and

Then you’re right in front of me so I guess I can just punch a little bit or maybe can throw out some fire or something there you go that’s not too bad then big rock throw it over that’s working out pretty well I’m trying to uh I don’t know why it’s

Not let me charge it up all the way but it’s fine it’s fine I’ll punch you a little bit while we’re waiting for our fire to come back and then I’ll go for you as much as I can but I gotta be careful not to get knocked out again so going over here

Hitting both of you at once is pretty huge now I’m just doing a lock come on come on you have a lot of Health though luckily so do we I do want to throw another tornado as soon as possible if it lets me there we go

I’m just gonna send it right at you and while it is did it even hit you no it’s just over there how do I send it over there I guess I just gotta be closer or something weird come on just keep hitting me with fire the water bending is like the only thing

I haven’t used here so there we go we finish you off with that at the least excellent I see you’ve learned a lot on your journey so far perhaps soon you’ll fulfill your destiny sure hope so but we do get a reward for that that will be the vatu statue

Desna aska it would appear that there is a stranger inside our tent yes Cessna it does appear that way what should we do shall we summon father negative let’s just stare at them until they go away agreed commencing staring oh no ask it it would appear that they

Were they are still here yes it appears so does not huh awkward we’ll leave I don’t know if there’s too much more to do beyond that but we’ll head out this way got more of these guys I wish I could ride them like they do in the show

That’s so cool but there’s gotta be something with the ship that we can explore right somehow to get up there and really take a good look around definitely gonna try because it’s just way up here oh yeah you can see an entrance this is cool okay we’re inside can I open any of

These stores not quite will there be anybody waiting it looks like it are you oh that’s just a helmet that scared me a little bit there is a door over this way hmm I think we’ll keep with error for now can’t open any of these stores so we’ll run over to this room

I can’t open any of these doors either there’s not much in here then well there is something in there but how do I get in maybe I just gotta break it open myself for some reason I don’t have maybe it’s because of the room we’re in since there’s no elements in here

There’s no way I can use bending okay now I can now it was just weird it was just not letting me do it before I mean obviously there’s air in here we want to be able to breathe but doesn’t seem like I can do much so weird that the ba

A ladder up here but there’s just nothing to do maybe I’m supposed to come back here later or something because so far this is really confusing oh no there’s a room right here gotcha and now I can plot down this way and get it myself there we go took some work but

We found it I don’t think there’s anything else going on with this so I think we’re good to head out maybe I’ll try to climb to the top of it but I’m not expecting anything to really be there it might be difficult to do with all this ice though

There we go doing a little bit better okay I’ve made it I made it I’m not seeing too much going on up here it is very cool to climb though maybe on this side a little bit not really looking like it okay I don’t think there’s anything up here so we’ll

Go back to the Village or at least look around there to see if there’s anybody else to fight so back on that side it seemed like there’s a little bit more so I will yeah walk over here and let’s see for ourselves who are these people oh here you are hi oh it’s

Katara welcome to Wolf Cove it’s an honor to have you here Avatar I’m the only water vendor in the village but I’ll do my best to help you on your journey let’s begin the Dual down so we’re gonna be battling water bending Master Katara seem pretty intense foreign against them

So far not so bad definitely packing a bit of a punch but gotta be careful because running out of energy here that’s where I can just go back to punching a little bit and then once it gets a little more intense if you walk over here that didn’t do too

Much you need to be careful about using that one we’re gonna use earth pool and then oh you just barely dodged it oh and I missed that one entirely okay maybe that’s not going so well how is that going through you that was sort of baloney Oh no I got knocked out again

That keeps happening to me okay we’re gonna try again keep at it bending is all about using the environment to your advantage since we’re surrounded by snow have you tried using water bending I have you were still able to beat me up pretty well so we’re gonna try again

This time undetermined to win okay so I might just start with fire right away could have does some good damage and like you know we’re just sort of standing here hit me with everything we got then I punch you a little bit while our energy comes back up

Then I might do a tornado gotcha and then some water oh you’re getting knocked all over the place so now I can really try to bring the fight to you where did you go whoa that tornado is really doing some stuff to you come on just a little bit more

We definitely have a lead on you right now I just want to keep it that way so use the earth pool you toss some of that stuff if we can do that one more time we’ll be in a really good spot but I might just want to try to push you out

I don’t know if that gets me to win I don’t think that counts for me that’s not fair they could knock us out but if we knock them out doesn’t really do anything but there we go either way we beat Katara wow I’m impressed Avatar well thank you very much

Wolf Cove might be small but we’d never give up what you like to do again I do not want to rematch at the moment but that was definitely really fun I think that we’ve done everything we can do in this area though I mean there’s more stuff you know out

In the distance but I don’t know if that is anything so I might run out really quickly just to see but if it isn’t then I guess we’ll turn back oh whoa what’s happening it just sends you back here okay let’s see we’re not supposed to go at that far

Um I do have enough points though to get some kind of new move so I guess we should meditate on it and decide right over here so we of course got all the air vending moves maybe I move over to water now we have the octopus form embrace the waves and become the

Embodiment of an eight tentacled Beast you can block incoming attacks and deal massive damage at close range for two points might as well so do you need to reorganize this again because I want to do that we won’t be able to have all the elements in our selection unfortunately but I can always

Get a good chunk of them is there anything else I can do around here I don’t think so I think we’ve gotten it all done so we’ll head out of this area and over to the next one so here’s our little Flying Bison where can we go next next up is the

Rumble Arena whoa so here we are at the Rumble Arena we’ll definitely take a look around I don’t think there’ll be too much going on at least on the outside of it but I guess this is where we can fight some people and maybe claim some kind of

Honorable title that’d be fun so let’s go over here and of course first beat up your your cabbage stall I thought all of these Fighters would be hungry for cabbages but I haven’t sold a single one well can’t really help you much with that but I can do this there we go

My cabbages whoops you know I may not be the protagonist or anything but I’m doing my best out here trying just trying to Pedal these leafy Delights why do you do this to me so sorry well I don’t think there’s anything more to do around here let’s head in to the

Arena whoa this is so cool oh my gosh there’s a lot going on up there it’s in Foo Welcome To Earth Rumble six seven seven I am your host zinfu are you interested in joining the fry prove yourself in the free-for-all and then we’ll talk is that the Earth Rumble hopefully we

Can use all of our elements but this seems so neat So I’m guessing this is more of a smaller area a bit more simple but you can take on tons of foes well you can see little just walls in the even though we can like hide from or hide with that is so neat we’ll definitely give it a try

They did not have anything else so I guess we just walk in and we fight this area is so simple here I am oh no just right away we got the combatants popping up I’ll try to throw this at you but it wasn’t far enough oh no we did get you okay that’s

Good I see another one over here gotcha you’re knocked out now too I think boom you’re down there are so many of them but luckily it seems to be more of a quantity thing than a difficulty thing so far we just hit them once or twice

And they’re down oh here you are gotcha might want to use some other moves as well I do want to try the octopus form so maybe we’ll sneak up on you then oh I need water I don’t have water so never mind can’t do that one

But I can take them out another way so I think three hits from this or maybe even just two does the job pretty well so far this is actually not too difficult toss that over to you gotcha and then you two oh man gotcha still even though somebody hit me

Comes another oh gotcha we’re doing really good we’re destroying no problem oh but there’s more waiting for us so let’s start with you in the front I guess you’ve earned yourself entry to the Earth Rumble you’ll have to defeat three powerful opponents one after another without taking a break are you ready

I guess so enter the Earth Rumble so first the pro wrestlers in Foo let’s see what we can do about you I’ll start with one of these and then I’ll try to dodge yours yeah there we go um I need another Earth Source oh uh I dodged it somehow

And they’re getting really close so I still don’t have any water around but I can use the tornado I wonder if there’s any way to knock them off that’d be so cool just like knock them off the side like this whoa it worked uh see ya dude

No they came back here I was gonna say does that mean I won I guess not that’s so silly come on come on foreign In the meantime whoa it has hit you with this much if you don’t have water I keep trying to use water but I can use fire it seems like maybe earth and water are sort of the weakest in that way that they need something to throw

Fire and Air just seems like you can do it anywhere at any time I’m out of points so I’m just gonna try to punch you a little bit and then throw another tornado at you and then just back to the fire come on we almost got you there it is the first

Opponent taken down wow that was some impressive bending are you ready for the next round I think I am is it against you again pro wrestler the Boulder so we run into them in bossing say we challenge him to the fight but they said to wait for here and here we are so

Let’s go for it again oh no I tried to dodge that one didn’t go so well I gotta be careful for moves like that because that’ll knock me off super easily how did that mess I don’t know but this one not missing as much is it there we go much better

Give you as much of a problem as we can muster oh have to sort of run around a little bit while we’re waiting for our stuff to come back okay so eventually they just sort of get Warped back to the edge the entrance but the center of it

Okay does that work it does and then while it is where did you go where did you go you got that way up okay I’m gonna have a full thing of energy here ah I couldn’t quite Dodge it let’s move back to the center then and try to catch you

Oh you’re gonna be in trouble now you’re gonna try to launch me around but not on my watch that was pretty good I might just want to punch a couple of times while our energy is coming back that worked out quite well uh oh oh this

Is not good where’d you go where’d you go they were just waiting for me that’s so silly I was able to get them pretty good though uh and I think I got them okay cool the boulder is dissatisfied by this outcome although the boulder does look forward to watching you get crushed by

The little girl wolves or our next opponent is going to be the blind banded Toth oh this one’s cool it’s one of my favorite characters from the show okay so we’ll grab a rock and I’ll try to hit you with everything I got oh no oh we almost got you still

Send that flying over but she is able to dodge out pretty easily that was good oh no oh that could be a bit of a problem I might want to switch over to some other elements here real quick like we could do tornado just like that maybe did that work did

It did so oh man come on come on we got you halfway down gonna hit you with all the fire that I have we almost got you here there we go now we need to do some punching much better much better a little bit more

And there we go we did it we defeated all three of them wow you really took me down and snatched away my Champion ballot I never thought this day would come to be honest nice work thank you thank you so for that we got an extra point and you’ve unlocked

The Earth Rumble champion belt that is so cool so I really don’t think there’s anything else to do around here from what I can see so I think a little skedaddle from this one and go somewhere else but there are extra points we should for sure try to uh

Get something going on four points is quite a lot for us not to use so we were trying to get more water bending stuff we might as well continue with that we have frost breath exhale a bone chilling mess that deals damage and freezes what opponents in place this ability can be

Held to send a continuous stream of cold air so we can unlock this for Four Points might as well that seems really fun so that should be no wait not there I guess although I’m getting it all mixed up that’s much better something like that we haven’t really

Been around water so I haven’t been able to use any of these but oh this one works that’s so cool so we’ll go back to our Sky bison and skedaddle to um I guess Ember Island So we’ve made it to Ember Island and with this one is there anything uh dude to do out here in the dock there is whoa a big ship to explore I might want to do this now before I forget because it looks like there might be some stuff over here

And we can also use more of our water stuff I have a water source it’s the ocean so silly okay almost there oh that was a good job and will people be fighting me up here oh yes they will so let’s try our frost breath

Fire Nation Navy is coming in oh gosh no wait oh no that’s not good that was not what I wanted at all Okay we’re trying again I want to run up to them and try the octopus form it only works if I’m closer okay so maybe I could just knock you off like this that was pretty cool got rid of them for it and then you it seems like it’s working all right but

Honestly the other things I’ve been using are pretty nice too see I can’t really use Earth here but I can hit you with some fire same thing to your friends over here the tornado’s still going for one while I’m fighting the other that’s pretty nice to multitask

Like that a couple more Fire Nation guys over here no way really Frost breath out and that seems like it does you know enough damage to actually get rid of a good few of them there so that’s really cool and then maybe if I back up a little bit I need to wait for oh gosh yeah run over here throw out the tornado again

Just like this and then back to the frost breath that’s more than defeated but there’s still more waiting come on come on got it sort of oh there’s a lot going on here I just might maybe need to fight you like this there’s just so many

I need to back it up they’re really starting to hurt I can hit them with fire too and there we go we were able to defeat them cool That’s now we fight you Zao well huh you’re the Plucky new Avatar I’ve been hearing about you look even weaker than I expected centuries from now people will study the great Admiral Zao and read that he was stronger than even the Avatar you’re lucky kid you’re about to make history I

Don’t know so see how we can handle fire Admiral Zhao let’s go for it another fight waiting for us this time I think we’ll use a lot of the frost breath if possible there we go so whenever you get near me it’s gonna hit you without as much as I

Possibly can it’d be cool if it slows them down and sort of looks like it does so I could just use up my my whole sort of set of things here they don’t like that very much so I fight you a little bit like that I can’t use any Earth bending here but

I’ll use the tornado real quick there we go now you’re in trouble and then I’m going to Fight Fire With Fire we got you about halfway down which is more than what you have me so keep fighting like that and then back to fire this is it this seems to just be the

Most steady sort of source of damage is the fire stream so whenever I can I just try to do that then punch you around a little bit more and I think this might be enough to defeat you come on just a tiny bit more

Come on we can get you we can get you there it is we defeated General Zhao impossible I am Admiral Zao I’m destined for greatness I will destroy you and then I will destroy the Moon the Moon why the Moon Avatar why are you back for no reason

Just wanted to see how you’re doing uh is there anything else on the ship though maybe something way in the back and imagine foreign I’m not really seeing anything though maybe if we were crazy and climbed all the way up here there could be another

Tile but I don’t really see too much of a way to make that jump so we’re gonna leave it and I guess go back to where we’re supposed to I’ve sort of got a little ahead of myself here and go check all that stuff out I should

Be able to well do a little flips even in the water I like it um should be able to talk to them though and get a little tour of what’s going on around Terry that would be fun so let’s get up here I’ll talk to you about

Welcome to Amber Island it’s a great place to come and relax let’s view Ember Island for ourselves wow very cool building like the moss growing on the top of the the ceiling too the roof Areas too nice Beach to take a tan on that’s nice and then back over here we have this which we’ve already done yeah I definitely got a little too ahead of myself with that but that’s okay Cool so with that done that means there’s just a few more things to check out over this way and I’m guessing that once we get enough tokens or whatever they are enough points to unlock everything we can take on all the statues and maybe that’s sort of the end of the adventure

In the meantime that I can just run through the store and hello who’s this ozai hi on the Avatar of course you are what are you doing here I’m not allowed the leaf why is that I continued a hundred year long war and tried to conquer the four

Nations Avatar Ang took away my bending and now I’m stuck here with you okay take your crown okay now they have even less even let the fire lord crime did this sort of takes place after everything in a way it’s very interesting and what about you oh didn’t

We just talk to you before you it’s hero uh hello there Avatar the occasions are just wonderful aren’t they in my old age I have learned to take life less seriously there’s nothing wrong with the life of peace and prosperity but if you’d rather we fight that’s good too let’s begin our doula

So we’re going against the grand Lotus era and this one says four on the top I guess is that means it’s like a more difficult opponent so far we’ve been doing really good so I’m not too worried about it we’ll hit you with some frost breath as soon as possible

Which does good damage but it’s not as good as just hitting them with this so why would I do anything different you know maybe back up a little bit grab a rock and then hit you like that that definitely does some good stuff too oh okay back it up a little bit Maybe restore well they’re jumping all over the place that’s so cool come on they’re halfway down already so we’re doing a good job don’t think this is going to be really too much of an issue but if we wait for a full bar of fire again I’ll just keep hitting them I do

Want to try though more of the octopus form that’s the one I didn’t really get to try too much before it gets to knock them back a bit come on just a few more hits should be good oh we’ll use the air blades against you and there we go we defeated IRA

Congratulations Avatar I always believed in you while it is always best to believe in oneself little Health from others can be great a great blessing we get a little reward for that one too an extra point and Ira’s teapot very generous so let’s work on leveling up I guess

More of the earth bending we have the Earth throw let’s try the earthquake Stomp the ground and send out an earth-shattering Shockwave which launches nearby opponents charge earthquake to perform a larger more powerful attack cool so we got that one I think we’ll do this so we have a whole set of everything

Like I said we can’t keep all of them out at all times unfortunately but I think we’re fun with what we have there’s nothing else in this building it’s nothing over it that way I guess we’re good to head out to the Little Beach area that’s over here talk to a couple characters

If there’s a way to access it from here I’m not quite sure there we go I think I might be going a little bit of a weird way but we’ve made it we’re on the beach is there anything out here we learned anything from the Ice Area

It’ll probably just send me back so I don’t want to go too crazy far out but what’s up with all this oh they’re playing volleyball that’s so cool that girl is so mean she said that my face looks Bland and then I’m a nameless side character ugh that’s not very nice

What about you oh this is Azula uh it’s you did my Trader Uncle tell you to come here just go away I’m on vacation well I want to enjoy the vacation too then there was a couple more people you know soaking up some sun Ty Lee okay they’re sleeping and then uh

My I sent tsuka to go fetch us ice cream half an hour ago but it’s taking him so long if he’s looking for us we have more of our friends out here too whoa cool oh this is Zuko no I said I wanted extra chocolate sprinkles this is cute

That guy has been yelling at the ice cream salesman for 20 minutes now some people really just need to learn how to relax I guess so it’s tough all the sand makes it kind of hard to see what’s going on hey Avatar don’t mind us we’re just here

To relax the water is so blue I could just watch the waves for hours who’s this oh we got Sockeye over here I mean the sure beats standing watch in the southern water tribe this is Suki oh okay I miss kiyoshi Island but yeah this is very nice

It’s even nicer with you here Suki oh Sucka I think that’s so sweet everyone’s just sort of relaxing and enjoying their time which is always a good thing can I talk to you there we go hello I’m the world’s foremost Avatar expert if you’ve met anyone who says the same

Thing well they’re wrong okay how about some trivia about my personal favorite Avatar Avatar Roku great which Fire Lord was Avatar Roku friends with in his youth uh I’m not sure Maybe ozai asalan I’m guessing at this point there we go correct Susan and Roku began as friends that ended up bitter enemies

Even still it said that Avatar Roku never stopped loving his friend I think there was a little bit more left to do off in the distance here oh and there’s another tile I’ll grab that one and let’s see what the deal is here in the captives of course but oh look it’s

Like a little play Princess Prince Zuko sure does talk about honor a lot he must be the good guy I hope you capture that pesky Avatar I don’t know about that I find these characters fun and relatable so let’s see what they’re saying up here hang

I flew all over town but I could have found a single earth-bending master Hey kid you’re kind of in the way of the performance how about you take this limited edition poster random get out of the way sure Honor on or honor otter honor honor ER I capture that pesky Avatar honor honor

You can’t find an earth-betting master in the sky you must look on the ground my name is tough because it sounds like tough and that’s just what I am my heart is so full of hope that’s what makes it me tear band oh I want is a full feeling in my stomach

I’m starving so I guess that’s all the characters around here that was neat so at this point I don’t really know too much more to do I know that this one area we’ve yet to unlock I didn’t see any characters that would unlock it but I

Guess in the meantime we just need to get a couple more points and everything I just don’t know where to do that I guess if we defeat the statues maybe they’ll give me more points so that I can get the rest of the Earth and firebending stuff because if

Not I’m a little stumped to say the least I didn’t see anybody else around here to fight so yeah let’s go for that I guess if we go back over to you we can’t go to the Northern Air Temple but I can go back to air Temple Island

So we’re back here on air Temple Island where we should be able to fight at least a couple of the statues like we have you here I think for you we needed all the Earth bending techniques what about you all the past avatars all their experience wisdom is available to you

This is Roku firebending so which one are we truly looking for okay here’s Aang hey nice to meet you I’m Avatar Aang with the help of my friends I managed to bring an end to the 100 Year War remember don’t forget what is most important to you and who you are and

Just because you’re the Avatar that doesn’t mean you can’t have fun so let’s challenge you want to fight all right let’s go I’ve been bored stiff over here let’s begin our duel Avatar Aang and this is a level 5 battle oh boy thank you but I think we can handle it

So far we’ve been doing really well against everybody so let’s just try the earthquake move really quickly since I haven’t done that whoa okay that’s really cool but maybe not the best from that distance we get a little bit closer I can go like that and really do a number to

You but once again it always seems better just to do something else with this as much damage as it does you know it just seems always better come on come on gonna hit you with as much fire as I can but this is already an intense fight with stuff flying everywhere oh no

Come on come on okay go for some more our health is slowly restoring but I don’t know this is tough so far oh no of course Aang is using all the different moves not just error oh no I guess we’ll try this from this distance it still works which is pretty surprising

Oh no oh no I need to run I will try on one of these since you’re close enough for it that did do some decent damage okay oh and that one hits you too that’s good the tornadoes are coming for me though which is a little bit scary

I need to try to keep my distance from them if possible this is not that’ll be a problem gotta let some of my points restore though where did you go uh there you are ah did I get you with that I did give me a little bit more but I think

We’ll just use fire for a bit just like this because our health has been restoring just from not getting hurt for too long oh no 13 is going right for me come on I gotta be able to get you here not so bad let’s run away again let my points restore

So that we can maybe finish you off but these are by far the most difficult battles yet come on come on that wasn’t too bad oh we gotcha wait no no we didn’t no we didn’t I thought that was it there we go now we’ve got you

Congratulations Avatar I see you are a true master of airbending I guess so so we got a reward for that one you’ll not the airbending trophy that’s the problem though is that it’s not enough points to get everything it’s weird um I’ve already received your gift but I

Have I can fight Cora world will try and knock you down Avatar let’s challenge Cora in order to talk to them sort of before okay so it will give this a go Let’s see for ourselves can we beat you at your own game oh they’re gonna use actually the uh Earth moves first oh no oh don’t knock me out that was really close okay they’re really trying to give me everything they got right now I would just like to use a fire stream

Come on that wasn’t so bad we got plenty of Health left over too ouch they’re spinning around so much that’s so cool oh no you don’t no you don’t it’s gonna keep firing you up but now that oh gosh we’re out of energy I might want to walk over

And then boom that was pretty cool right yeah very good very good I think throwing some rocks at you too might be good they had the same idea they are spinning all around what if that’s what we look like oh it sort of is that’s so cool

So if I use the fire bending here we just have like different moves that we’re just having fancy animations with which is nice but you still have so much health left that I seem to keep working on this it’d be cool if something gave us more energy points like we get extra health

For finding all of the uh certain upgrades but it’d be cool if you got more energy points okay just keep hitting them with fire but not quite working that way I think I will do a tornado of my own because the tornadoes are nice because

They’ll try to do damage to you if they don’t miss while I can hit you with other things all right where are you now over this way Okay now I’ll try some air blades this one has a lot more health I think this is more challenging than Ang was even Hard to tell but just gotta keep hitting you Oh gotcha that was a close one I think we gained you with a big one this time that didn’t do any damage though did it I don’t think it did that’s it for sure so while you’re running I guess we need to avoid this tornado please don’t throw me out

Come on come on just a little bit more we have so much more Health than they do it’s just the duration of actually finding them off that takes a while but I might as well just do a little bit more damage by punching them come on we are almost there

Just a little bit more we’ll do the earth pool and I think we got them awesome congratulations Avatar I see your true master of water bending I guess so um and do we get anything for that yeah we got the water bending trophy so the thing is is that we’re not getting any

Points for defeating these statues so I need to find more people to fight because we still need like a good chunk of points left I don’t know where to get those so I don’t think we ever went this way with this one guard I wonder what the

Dialy were doing here earlier I would ask long Fang but he scares me at least the path to the apartments where I live oh yeah that’s right but I guess we didn’t go this way huh I suppose not so yeah let’s see what the deal is up here oh we definitely did

Not go into here I like to come sit here after a long day and admire the view bossing is like truly is beautiful isn’t it hmm so we’ll go ahead and save here really quickly obviously we need more points to upgrade more stuff but if we

Can just unlock the next area which is what I’m looking for really um through Boston say I should be able to get more stuff I think those two brothers live somewhere around here is one of them a Firebender he’s pretty scary looking so I guess yeah we have some stairs we can

Go up just like this aren’t seeing any brothers so far but it’s got to be something somewhere right oh here we go who’s us Bolin oh hello there I am Bolin my brother and I have been practicing our bending all day I decided to take a break but he is still

Out there pushing himself I wish he had a real bending master bending Master yeah bending Masters can teach you a lot like Master Tenzin who has been training the next generation of Airbenders at the Northern Air Temple he might be worth speaking to if that sounds interesting to you so that’s cool

That’s what we want is that right there so if I can find your brother maybe we can battle them to but we unlock the next area that’s definitely what I was looking for I don’t think there’s anything else around here actually you’re just rinsing back down here so I don’t think there’s anything

More to do I’ll poke run behind here real quick to make sure there’s no other you know tokens or anything but I guess not so we will use the Bison whistle and go over to the Northern Air Temple so let’s talk to Sky bison Northern Air

Temple here we come so there should be a lot to do here I hope whoa okay oh look at you you’re so cute I love it okay so what about you air acolyte greetings Avatar thank you for traveling all this way welcome to the Northern Air

Temple we could get a good visual this one so this is the last area we have to explore and look at it way up here in the clouds and everything quite the view the Tower of course goes above the clouds so I’m sure there’ll be a lot to do here

Too we’ll definitely want to clear this out so that we can at least get enough points or as much as we need hmm gotcha but once we do all that I think we’ll be good to take on the last few statues I’m not seeing too much more we can do

Here so I should do that at the least and talk to these people this is Kaya good day Avatar our brother Tenzin is out in the courtyard running a training exercise just another traveler came here looking for Tenzin huh why’d nobody come here looking for boomi I’m sure the Avatar would equally

Appreciate any wordy wisdom you have to offer boomi oh well um so I guess this is when they were younger aha I thought of something don’t let all those great expectations Get to You Avatar instead of obsessing over your destiny sometimes you just gotta trust your gun I’ll puff for once I agree

Cool so I guess yeah that’ll just restart that I didn’t know if I could talk to the other one instead but here we go gonna set that and then head back over here not too much going on in this room but down this way awesome not too much happening oh

Actually no I thought that was a closed door so we can go all the way down this big spiral I might just jump down and save for some time there we go don’t know who that is but they’re sort of watching over whoever’s training this is such a cool area definitely fun to

Explore there might be some extra stuff up there but no way to get to it from here more the acolytes are around what about you those two have been battling all day aren’t they tired yet I’d imagine but keep it up keep that if Owen oh Avatar I

See you’ve made it to the Northern Air Temple Mako and I just finished a duel but I’m ready for another okay so I guess we’ll be on a battle Bowl in here mover stars there are only two stars compared to the five star we just fought so let’s go friend

I don’t know what kind of Bender they’ll be I guess an earthbender we got the earthquake coming in it didn’t really hit them at all oh gotcha oh I’m knocking them out Unfortunately they don’t play about the same rules so it doesn’t really matter much oh no oh no no come on you’re

Kidding me that’s rough so wait no no it counted never mind I’m still in it I thought that would that’s so weird huh maybe it has to be a certain amount of time or something I mean they can still seemingly spend all the time they need out there but

It usually cancels it for me okay come on or we have you halfway down already so I might just punch you around a little bit they’re running away from me I guess they’re scared of what we can do let’s try the water whip that did not hit you at all don’t knock

Me out don’t knock me out oh boy no no no no gotta be careful gotta be careful let’s pull up a tornado ah tornado tornado jeez they are so good at doing that I might not want to risk it too much this is a lot more difficult than two

Stars or just two level two difficulty or whatever come on just a bit more punch you a couple times sure why not and then this should be it there we go we finally got you that was a tough fight impressive as expected Avatar I will keep training that’ll be another reward for us

Now we got the cabbages guy again earth-fending disc I heard that air Nomads were all vegetarians so I figured they would just love my cabbages nobody told me they were going to be flying lemurs who begin and nabbing cabbages left and right left right and Center I’ve lost money by

Coming here well at least nobody smashed my car yet I suppose until now yeah my cabbages this can’t be happening again is it really even really happening are you real am I real oh look at you this is a air Accolade again when I meditate near this glowing

Purple thing I feel a spiritual connection with the Avatar it’s almost like I can sense the Avatar standing right in front of me well you’d be surprised anyways we still need two more points to get the Earth wall so that’s what I’m saving up for the meantime though I have you to talk

To I look after the Flying Bison they could be quite the handful it’s also quite the job but also very fun they seem so adorable as I’m sure you could tell by my eyebrows I’m very wise in fact I love Avatar trivia in the final moment of their battle when

Bending art did Avatar Aang used to defeat firelord ozai once and for all wasn’t it all of them together let’s try energy bending that’s correct apparently Avatar Aang was able to use energy bending to take azai’s bending away recently it really makes you think huh I guess so and what about down here

They were around here somewhere the Red Lotus stay vigilant we will find them oh Avatar tends to inform me of your arrival it’s not safe for you around here you should leave unless you can prove that you can defend for your or you can fend for yourself sure so we’re

Going against law enforcement Lin and Soo Yin okay so two versus one but if we can get the look at the Tidy it was tracked by how adorable you are but I can hit both of them at once with the fire here and that’s always super duper useful whenever we can do that

Um in the meantime though since they’re not stacked up hit you with some rocks and then we’ll get up close to both of them and try to earthquake didn’t really work out very well because they knocked me back but now they’re they’re close together again let’s do octopus form

Like that very cool very cool tossing that at you and then hit you with some more fire right I don’t know if that’s gonna work super well but we’re handling them then you over here wow they’re throwing stuff all over ready earthquake I got ground I don’t know why it’s saying it

Requires ground there we go I might just toss some of that over but they are giving me a hard time right now but they’re close together again you know what that means hit them both with the fire if I can manage they are still pretty high on health right now

They’re trying to knock me out but luckily this part’s sort of just a corner there’s nowhere to knock me to at least out of bounds oh man we are almost there but my health is super low they’ve been packing quite the punch I tried to dodge that one it didn’t work I

Just need to get rid of one of them I think they’re running away from me come on I almost got you there we go so just me and Lynn who’s hiding back this way my health is going up slowly but surely oh I dodged it I dodged it

And then you’re done for your finish keep hitting him with this maybe switch over to something else gotcha one more one more should do the trick Maybe there we go we defeated both of the most close so for sure I see you can fend for yourself Avatar

Yes we can and that gives us plus one point we’ll get the police badge very nice so that looks like everything from this way I don’t see anybody else to interact with it might be more over here though whoa I’m not seeing too much maybe up this way but I don’t want to

Get too distracted so I think I’ll head back now and then we’ll go to another Direction so back over here you know we went down that one there’s still more over this way this might be the sort of the main path to go it seems like this at least you

Know some people to talk to like you over here this is Opel wow you’re the Avatar aren’t you I’m opal I’m pretty new to airbunding but I’m trying my best you’re just gonna duel you immediately air Nomad opal it’s only a level one person so I think we should be able to

Handle this right maybe we’ll show them some real deal error bending here we’ll do a tornado move oh they got it too now for being new they got some pretty advanced moves we’re doing what we can about it I’ll get up here and just punch you a

Couple times and then as soon as my energy get back back my energy gets back out where’d you go hit you with some flames and that does a ton of damage to you wow okay almost there almost there just gonna keep doing that a little bit more and we

Got you so Opel defeated pretty quickly wow excellent bending I have a lot to learn I guess you do but I opened up the door back there cool so it’ll be another little tile for us and with four points we should be able to get our final Earth bending thing

Earth wall raise up a stone barrier that can block incoming attacks Earth walls can be thrown at opponents to cause massive damage that sounds great so we’ll definitely have to try that out a little bit but with our on Earth tile we can go take on Avatar kiyoshi

So that can block things but I can come up sort of faster slower how do I push it like that that is so cool I really can’t wait to use that a little bit more in fights but I guess we can just go up here for now while we’re really moving

Tenzen greetings stranger my name is Tenzin leader of the air Nation did you travel all this way for help mastering bending well the latest bash of recruits are just finishing up a training exercise how about you head out there and show me what you’ve got sure

So I guess we just go out this way and we’re just finding people right away oh my goodness so let’s try out our Earth wall and then just push it at you did that defeat you or do any kind of damage to you at all oh there we go that was

Huge that was cool so let’s try that again push it over like that and then that knocks you out that is so cool but super powerful for sure so just whenever they show up might have just found our new favorite move wait hold on push that at you and then if you’re

Gonna get that close I might as well try a little bit of that or dismiss you entirely yep there we go And then we’ll push this one at you as soon as the one hit most of them so that’s pretty cool push it at you and we got another one taken down but that’s my wall so I can damage him for a second I was a little confused I was like wait

Why are they Earth bending nope that was me okay oh I hit the wall with the wall I think I miss you no not good come on there we go then you over here come on no that’s not what I needed it has of course it’s Minecraft so it has to work

Like directly you can’t really hit things at an angle there we go I got them all that was great oh and I guess it opens up more of the temple or something not quite sure but it was cool so I guess we’ll talk to you that was very good I see you’ve learned

A lot on your journey so far would you like to duel against me sure air bending Master Tenzin and the kids whoa so three against one can we really handle this I sure hope so gonna throw it at Tenzin straight away I’m just trying to deal with you as much

As we can but we might be able to hit both at once you never know if we always set up like just the right spot I just really like this move so I’m just gonna keep doing it as much as I can just like that over and over it keeps them far

Away too it pushes him back it’s into the wall there we go it’s not doing as much damage anymore though so I do have to be careful and then maybe just boom that was pretty good if they’re gonna be all over us like this we do

Have to be careful but using the octopus form is another good way to deal with it and the air sphere push them all even farther but since we have some distance birth wall time that didn’t do much damage to them because they got their own air sphere

There we go they’re about halfway down with most of them can I push this one a little bit yes I can so it depends on the type of block that’s so cool oh my goodness come on I got you good with that one keep out though Genora is

Almost defeated wherever they are I think they’re stuck whoa okay that’s very fortunate for us they got stuck in the wall like that come on keep trying to hit you what’s good yeah it’s just us and tenza now we can handle that and this doesn’t even

Use up too much only uses up three points so I can just try to survive a little bit more I’m just gonna keep using it over and over again if it works it works so knock that one at you and then this one maybe I could just push you off

Where’d you go oh you’re over here oh we got you awesome excellent just excellent but don’t get complacent true strength comes from reliability awesome well I’m glad to get that that’s our second point but the problem is we need a bunch more points to be able to

Uh get our fire building bending Max down I don’t really know where I could find that Avatar hi did you know that the Flying Bison were the original Airbenders every day I thank the Bisons for their gift and I feed them plenty of moon peaches so that they know I’m grateful I’m glad

Oh hi Avatar it’s really cool to get to meet you nice to meet you too so we came in from up there right so is there anything more going on down this way it looks like there’s at least more people to talk to I think somebody is down there you’re

The Avatar right I’ve heard rumors that some dangerous people are lurking somewhere nearby oh okay down this way I mean we’ve already fought the people down there I’m pretty sure but I guess I’ll take a quick look just to be sure maybe I’m getting it mixed up no I haven’t been down here

But I don’t oh no here they are so this is gazan Avatar we will defeat you we’ll see about that one the Red Lotus gazan and Ming Hua well they seem pretty intense I like their outfits so let’s go for it so I’ll just push the the wall into

Maybe none of them there we go much better gotcha and then if they’re gonna be so close to me I should walk up and earthquake and then octopus form just do away with them however we can maybe use a little bit of frost breath but it seems like the best thing for

Right now is definitely still the wall and then push that into you or you’re trying to do the same moves against me oh and I think they’re still over here so I’ll just push him again that was great actually oh no you don’t they pushed it at me

Don’t you dare it’s two against one so it could be pretty tough I think what we need to do here is maybe do a bit of this gotcha and then as I’m getting closer to you I might be able to just get you this way at least a little bit problem is they

Really pack a punch so we are running on a healthier slowly but trilly gotcha good there oh no okay now we’re in our super Avatar mode whatever it’s called which is great but if we run out of Health now we’ll be in huge trouble so that’s not what I want um

Got it just a little bit more a little bit more that was good we got rid of you now it’s just Ming Hua that we have to deal with here so octopus form oh we thought the same thing mine might have done more down on the job so that’s good

And then I’m just gonna try to get cram you against a wall like that I have the opportunity very good and then this now we’re out of energy so I might want to run around just a little bit more come on just keep getting ya we’re almost there just a little bit more

That should be it there we go we defeated both of them not panic is on we will defeat the Avatar it’s only a matter of time well we do get some rewards for that another point and there’s two more people to fight over here zaheer hello Avatar I am Zahir the man

Who is going to destroy you I have nothing against you but I am against all who are automatically given power monarchs dictators avatars nobody wanted them to have the power that they hold and therefore it is immoral I will strip That Power from you and put an end to

The Avatar cycle pulley quickly now before they escape because we have two more people who are fighting here this person wants to remove anybody with given power interesting motive So I’ll do what we can against these two probably more the same there we go got you pretty good there let’s bring up another stone wall I’m just gonna keep doing this if I can if I can get away with it getting rid of one

At a time might just be the best bet we have come on go go what’s interesting about the concept though is that of course they’re they’re bending which means they have the bending abilities that they were born with that right not everybody was so what if that also be something they

Should be against oh boy come on run and run I’m gonna hit you with the wall as much as I can that didn’t do anything because they’re no oh okay I thought I was gonna get knocked off there for sure let’s go on this side

Push it over I got one of them that was pretty good I’m mostly focusing on zakira for now they’re throwing a lot at us Okay gotcha pretty good there just a little bit more we have you knocked out so I might just want to run around get some health back Some health back and get some of the energy back and the feed secure a little bit more gotcha good there so I will get the earth pool toss it at you That’s not really what do I thought it would there we go so it’s just me and police now I’ll just punch him while I’m waiting for my energy to get back then sometimes it’s the best move let’s just get them stuck and start punching there we go much better because where

Are they gonna go they’re just sort of stuck now so this might be just an easy way to deal with this one get rid of them very cool oh so we get an extra point for that and I think another reward the guru lagima Idol

So what do we do now we defeated all them I guess we had to find a way back up pretty intense battles though I don’t know how much time we have to do more and it seems like we found most things but there’s somewhere to discover I’m sure

Like have we been up here if this is where the cabbages was so let’s see we have at least enough for now to get another fire thing the fire sweep amid a stream of fire that extends outwards from your feet while performing low sweeping dance like kicks sure we still

Have two more points if we could find two more fights maybe that’ll be enough I just don’t know if there’s enough of that around but when looks that we have angle over here no the similar never mind I am practicing the ancient lemur training technique then when the bad guys show up

I’ll have an army of lemurs at my back that sounds great so good luck with you with that I don’t think there’s too much more left to do it seems like we’ve explored all this area I feel like I’ve done a decent job of being like thorough

At things but we couldn’t quite find it all that’s fine you know we don’t always need to complete Everything 100 I’ll take on the last statue that we have and we’ll call it a day with that but this has been such a cool map for sure

So since we have all the Earth bending of abilities now I should be able to take on you I think right challenge kiyoshi you’re a brave one but I shall reward you for your boldness let us do all so let’s try this will be our last tool of the day against Avatar kiyoshi

A bit worried about it but I’ll give it my best effort okay so if they’re they’re an avatar but they’re originally the Earth bending ones so oh gosh everything was in front of me all over the place but maybe you could just push their walls and then

Start burning them up and there’s gonna be a much tougher battle than the other ones that we just went against so might be a bit of a challenge but we can do it for sure like get Earth full launch that at you that was pretty good whoa heading right for me

Come on I might just use some more fire here and then run around a bit more I’ll keep punching you while we’re waiting actually doesn’t do a ton of damage to somebody with as much health as you have but it’s just something while I’m waiting because this does a lot

That honestly seems to be the best strategy just punch them until I can just oh here we go how did that not get you that definitely dead I don’t know how much damage it does though it just doesn’t seem as time efficient as fire stream we should have

Just been a Firebender I suppose you’re doing a little bit more though you’re about halfway down it’s gonna keep punching you because we have plenty of Health actually oh trying to knock me out of the way without that and you know what since we have the time let’s do tornado

That way that can maybe damage you up while we’re doing some other stuff here it comes you better be ready there you are there you are keep fighting and more than halfway down now so I think we got you on the ropes here we should be able to defeat you come on

Come on let’s go into third person just for the fun of it it’s always cool to see how it looks a little bit different like this so I could just go with another one of those even throw the Rock at you that hits you pretty good

Can I push there well I don’t think I can so we’re just going to find out where they went hit them with the rest of the fire come on this might be enough to defeat them ah not quite not quite it’s gonna punch you away it’s a little bit more that’s working

Come on fire fire fire almost there will we get you there it is so we defeated Kyoshi congratulations Avatar I see your true master of earthbending we should get another reward for that so obviously we didn’t get every single reward but we’ve made our way through a lot of it I think

That’s really it for the the thing you’re supposed to defeat them and then it’s over but I don’t know we had a great time with it for sure you can see like all these different Awards we got some of them are still missing like the Cabbage Merchant oh I think the one in

The fire area maybe I didn’t get so maybe I should do that really quickly but beyond that I’m not really seeing any others except for Avatar Roku I don’t see anything else so you know we’ll go knock over that last cabbage Merchants thing because we didn’t find that apparently

So we entirely missed right over here this so I guess I’ll do it you know what it really just hits a spot on a hot summer’s day A nice moist almost sand-free cabbage I don’t like what I’ve become either kid oh no so I guess we’ll

Destroy this one pretty sure this is the last one my cabbages why what do you want money attention cabbages just take this cabbage and never talk to me again please okay I guess we got a gift and it’s gonna be a cabbage so that’s cool I don’t think I could find anything else

But I’ll look around a little bit more so I’ve been looking around a little bit more of bossing say and I was able to find right over here another fight so we haven’t done this one this is kypes hey the dilee have left right I think so

Phew hi I’m Kai I used to be just a normal kid but now I have air bending Powers wanna check them out sure I’d love to so air no bad Kai this person seems you know not super powerful so hopefully we can handle it pretty quick and then we

Need to find one other person maybe still here in Boston say I’ll look all over for sure but for right now it’s all about fighting you and we do a ton of damage too so I’m hoping I get to stand here and damage you down if I need to

Though I can always do a bit of that and then while we’re waiting I have not tried this move out so I’m just gonna move some things around there and try fire sweep whoa that’s pretty cool and that does a lot of damage too so you can

Keep fighting you keep punching you and then that should be it right there so we defeated Kai pretty quickly wow and I thought my Powers were cool where do you learn moves like that thank you very much that is going to be of course an extra point and stolen bag

Of money huh there’s extra people around here now I think is there anything else to do around here I sure hope so because I still think we’re looking for more I don’t know if we’ve been this way but we can talk to you hello I’m the world’s foremost Avatar

Expert I hope that the Avatar one day I feel like we did yeah we did we did Okay so we’ve gone full circle here I’ll keep looking around there’s got to be one last fight somewhere so I was able to find something else right over this way this is where we

Fought or we met um a couple of people and then the gardens out that way but over here I think we found something new there’s also this here these frost breath to break this open and get another one very very cool so this should be your last

Reddit there’s a fight over here hello uh yes there is so who are you come on are you tired of living under the charity of Benders then join the equalists for too long bending has been the cause of war and suffering join me and together we will tear down the

Bending establishment uh try to sneak away maybe you there in the back I wouldn’t leave yet Avatar you’ll miss the main event people are bossing saying please watch what unfolds next carefully the Avatar needs to be reminded of the power I possess so they also a bender with what they

Would say you would think they want to be the Revolutionary Amman we’ll see for ourselves but with this we’ll be able to actually get our final upgrade so this is so exciting um let’s start with a fire sweep something like that I didn’t see what

Level they were I think it was four as not doing any damage to you uh I might have missed so we’ll try something else instead like this can I please get do something to you seemed pretty tough so far there we go there we go I’m gonna

Hit you with the Earth wall and then just push it over there we go that’s working out quite well keep doing that to keep you away from me there we go much better I might do a bit of the tornado move it seems like they have a lot of water bending Okay so Yeah they’re using the frost breath on me now halfway there halfway there but they are not happy with me so I’m gonna move around a little bit pushing me back and then now I have full energy they’re stuck in the wall then I’m just gonna go

For them what can they really do you know there we go keep punching keep punching and then while they’re stuck back here oh come on come on there we go much better and then back to the Earth wall because where are they gonna go they’re stuck here

That one didn’t hurt okay so I think it was because they had the octopus saying but that is doing a number it’s a little bit more of that and then maybe just fire the rest of them down I’m at the punch through this thing now and then as soon as we can

We got them okay so man is defeated impossible we get a reward for that one very cool so yeah happy to get that done now we can head out of here for real so let’s get the Bison whistle and then just go like this got it so we’re gonna head back to

Um the air Temple Island so that we can actually take on the rest of it you know I was gonna give up but you know what we might as well it’s right over here I will get fire we have the meteor Dash Propel forward with amazing speed and blow opponents away

With extreme force causing an explosion on Landing charge meter dash to launch yourself further cool so we’ll definitely want to try that maybe right here so now we can go against Avatar Roku whoa that is so cool I sort of want to see that from third person that

So let’s take on the final Avatar here Avatar Roku all the past avatars of course um I see you’ve grown a lot on your journey so far very well let us do battle the final one and then we’re finally clear with everything we did a great job getting here

Let’s see what you got so I think we’ll start with an earth wall just to you know do some good damage to them to start things off and it seems to be working quite well we’ll do one more ready or or not there it goes

And then I think we’ll get that there I don’t know if that’s actually the best thing um but we’ll try it ow that hurts you’re definitely doing a number to us but we can just hit the most normal fire and then I want to try the the meteor

Dash oh that didn’t do too much damage out or better off with some other moves I think I would like to get over there and do frost breath and that’s slowly sort of chipping away things but once again firestream just always needs to be better

That was some good stuff I think I might want to back up run around that’ll give them the chance to maybe get a little bit closer to us too okay there they go there they go so now I get like here and start pushing more walls at you

And then we can do another right there that didn’t work uh I’ll push it over like that there we go much better dodging all your stuff come on Roku you gotta go down I might just punch you a couple of times I wish I could actually push you out of

Bounds and win that way but nope not the case they might try to do that to me though so let’s move over here now or they’re gonna actually meet me there we’re more than halfway down now though this is pretty intense this is looking good though we’re almost there

Keep punching you keep punching you it’s not a lot of damage but it’s something and then we’ll separate ourselves a bit and start throwing walls at you it’s just the best move ever oh no where’d you go right here and then I might be able to push the wall again

I don’t know if I will maybe with this move enabled there we go I like it when you get extra use out of it like that and almost gotcha we are so close come on uh-oh okay that wasn’t too bad ouch come on just a little bit more we

Got it we got it we got it there we go so that is another one defeated congratulations Avatar I see your true master of fire bending we get a reward for that one it should be I think our final reward you’ve unlocked firebending trophy visit air Temple to view the collection so now

That we defeated every person I don’t know if we get anything for that but so cool hmm we’ll go back over and just sort of see if there’s anybody new to talk to or anything like that but I think we’ve done it I think we’ve completed Avatar

Legends here in Minecraft what about you I guess not but it looks like mostly everything we might be missing like one thing Varick I haven’t seen that person but uh most things most things I’ll take it I think we did a great job and we had

A lot of fun so that was a Minecraft avatar Legends we became an airbender and took on all of the legendary characters that are in this wonderful series I would definitely love to hear if you’ve been able to get this one yourself and if so what are your

Thoughts on it but with that being said that is gonna wrap it up for today’s episode of zebra’s Minecraft fun thank you guys so much for watching I’ll see you next time bye bye

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Avatar Legends DLC!! – Becoming the Avatar! – Zebra’s Minecraft Fun’, was uploaded by Zebra Gamer on 2023-01-27 20:15:01. It has garnered 38168 views and 362 likes. The duration of the video is 01:55:53 or 6953 seconds.

Checking out the Minecraft Avatar Legends DLC on Minecraft Bedrock Edition! We become the Avatar and become a master at bending Air, Water, Earth, and Fire! We battle tough opponents and meet Aang and Korra!

Check out more gaming videos! http://zebragamer.com More Minecraft videos! https://zebragamer.watch/ZebrasMinecraftFun Subscribe to join the #ZebraHerd! https://zebragamer.watch/ZebraHerd Official Zebra Gamer merchandise! https://teespring.com/stores/zebragamer

Zebra’s Minecraft Fun is a series where Zebra Gamer checks out the latest and most exciting content added to the Minecraft Market Place in Minecraft Bedrock Edition!

More information about #Minecraft Bedrock Edition and the #Avatar DLC: Minecraft is a game about placing blocks and going on adventures. Explore randomly-generated worlds and build amazing things from the simplest of homes to the grandest of castles. Play in Creative Mode with unlimited resources or mine deep into the world in survival mode, crafting weapons and armour to fend off the dangerous mobs. You are the Avatar, the embodiment of light and peace, now in Minecraft! Master all four elements and learn new skills from Team Avatar and Team Korra. Meet up with Katara, Zuko, and others while completing quests, explore all four nations from the hit shows, and channel your inner bender with the skins of your favorite characters. Journey to a new world and let your imagination loose on an unfamiliar environment. With so many things to discover, the possibilities are nearly endless. Take a look at the world that’s waiting in Avatar Legends from Gamemode One.

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  • INSANE MLG Stunts by Mr. Lightning! 😱 #Minecraft

    INSANE MLG Stunts by Mr. Lightning! 😱 #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘minecraft highest mlg || minecraft shorts || #minecraft #gamerfleetfunny #gamerfleet #herobrinesmp’, was uploaded by MR. LIGHTNING on 2024-05-22 10:29:12. It has garnered 14953 views and 265 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. minecraft 9 ways to host a minecraft server 9/11 minecraft 9 minecraft mod minecraft 94 minecraft 93 minecraft 9×9 house minecraft 9/11 8 minecraft techno gamerz 8 minecraft account minecraft 8×8 texture pack minecraft 8k minecraft 8 bit 7 secrets about cash in minecraft minecraft 777 minecraft 7 segment display minecraft 747 64 bit minecraft download 6 minecraft… Read More

  • Zzapz – Learn the TOP secrets of OneCraft SMP!

    Zzapz - Learn the TOP secrets of OneCraft SMP!Video Information This video, titled ‘3 Reasons to JOIN OneCraft! | Join a Minecraft SMP’, was uploaded by Zzapz on 2024-04-07 17:49:28. It has garnered 121 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:51 or 51 seconds. Are you looking for a Minecraft server/ SMP to join? OneCraft is the server for you. With many performance mods, and entertainment mods, you will never get bored of this world. Join OneCraft today and start your adventure. Join us @ onecraft.sytes.net Bedrock port :19132 Discord : https://discord.gg/TAAwV6wU #minecraft #smp #french #polska #minecraftshorts #minecraftsurvival #fyp #foryou #foryoupage #viral #viralvideo #blowup… Read More

  • Yoshanity vs Anity – CRAZY COLLAB LIVE!

    Yoshanity vs Anity - CRAZY COLLAB LIVE!Video Information This video, titled ‘NO HARD FEELINGS!! | Anity Callaborations LIVE’, was uploaded by Yoshanity on 2024-04-12 06:03:02. It has garnered 39 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 03:12:09 or 11529 seconds. We are playing some Minecraft Dragon Block on this stream of Anity Callaborations Live! Hope you guys enjoy this one! You REALLY like this kind of content? You wanna thrown in a dolla? Feel free to!: https://streamlabs.com/yoshanity/tip THE YOSHANITY LINKTREE IS HERE!!! Linktree – https://linktr.ee/yoshanity ► Stay up to date on ALL of Yoshanity’s Platforms! Timestamps – 0:00 Intro/Waiting 14:13 Just Waiting and… Read More

  • SHOCKING! Pekora Exposes Crime Ring on Her Minecraft Server!

    SHOCKING! Pekora Exposes Crime Ring on Her Minecraft Server!Video Information This video, titled ‘Staff Reports To Pekora About Crimes In Her Minecraft Server【Hololive/Usada Pekora】’, was uploaded by Pekora Clips on 2024-09-08 16:35:30. It has garnered 14916 views and 956 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:43 or 103 seconds. Pekora Ch. Pekora Usada https://www.youtube.com/@usadapekora Stream:[Captain Tsubasa]Complete first look at “Captain Tsubasa RISE OF NEW CHAMPIONS”! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Peko![Hololive/Pekora Usada]*Contains spoilers https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rUfZYPTKU3s Please drop a like and subscribe to the channel if you enjoyed the videos! #Hololive #Vtuber Read More

  • 🤯 EPIC FAIL: Minecraft Movie DISASTER w/ Culture Casino | Salty Nerd Podcast

    🤯 EPIC FAIL: Minecraft Movie DISASTER w/ Culture Casino | Salty Nerd PodcastVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Movie DISASTER! ft. Culture Casino | Salty Saturdays’, was uploaded by Salty Nerd Podcast on 2024-09-07 19:10:00. It has garnered 1613 views and 174 likes. The duration of the video is 02:02:20 or 7340 seconds. The Minecraft Movie trailer drops and people aren’t happy about it. Acolyte shills are trying to cancel Nerdrotic, Geeks and Gamers, and Ryan Kinnel! George RR Martin slams House of the Dragon Season 2, and Elon is bringing X to TV. All this and more in today’s Salty Saturday, with special guest Culture Casino! What do you think of… Read More


    EPIC MINECRAFT RARE MOB!!! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT RARE MOB EDIT #minecraft #shorts @YesSmartyPie’, was uploaded by 185k gaming on 2024-06-22 16:01:26. It has garnered 6959 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. MINECRAFT RARE MOB EDIT #minecraft #shorts @YesSmartyPie o hello guys welcome to new video so first make sur subscribe to my channel and like the video and new topic is very long time I upload a new modern house tutorial on mu channel so enjoy the video so guys mene ek link diya hai uski help se aap without help apnea videos ke… Read More

  • ElementalMC – Network PvP Factions

    4 Elements Minecraft Server Java & Bedrock | New Players Welcome! Cross-Platform Play: Java & Bedrock players unite! Play together seamlessly, no matter which version you’re on. Choose Your Element: Earth 🌱 | Water 🌊 | Fire 🔥 | Air 🌪️ Harness the power of your element and forge your path in our custom elemental world! Game Modes: PvP & Survival: Engage in epic elemental battles or test your skills in survival mode. Custom Features: Enjoy unique gameplay, tailored for our community. Exciting Events: Participate in tournaments, build competitions, and regular server-wide events with awesome in-game rewards! Join Our Community:… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Crafting Skills on Point

    Minecraft Memes - Crafting Skills on PointWhy is Steve always yelling “CREEPER!” when he sees me trying to craft something? Oh wait, that’s just my terrible crafting skills. Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Minecraft 1.21 Update Unleashed!

    Crafting Chaos: Minecraft 1.21 Update Unleashed! Welcome, gamers, to the latest update, 1.21 is here, don’t hesitate. New features, new blocks, and mobs to explore, In Minecraft world, there’s always more. Smartypie here, your news reporter in rhyme, Bringing you updates in my own unique time. Crafting, building, surviving the night, In this pixelated world, everything’s just right. So grab your pickaxe, your sword, and your bow, Let’s dive into Minecraft, let the creativity flow. From building epic structures to battling mobs, In this blocky world, we’re all just blobs. Stay tuned for more news, more updates to come, In the world of Minecraft, there’s… Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a Nether Portal!

    Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a Nether Portal! “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” 😂 #minecraftmemes #boom Read More

  • 100 Spieler in Minecraft Fallout Apokalypse!

    100 Spieler in Minecraft Fallout Apokalypse! Surviving the Minecraft Fallout Apocalypse with 100 Players In a thrilling event organized by @Protagnst, 100 players entered a Minecraft Fallout Apocalypse to test their survival skills over 7 intense real-life days. The aftermath of nuclear devastation brought scarce resources, dangerous mutants, and desolate landscapes, challenging the players to build bases, scavenge for food, and avoid becoming victims of the ruthless apocalypse. Exploring the Post-Apocalyptic World As the players awakened in the wasteland, they encountered various locations such as Huston, Junction, The Vault, and Tricolor. Each area presented unique challenges and opportunities for the players to navigate through the… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Life Hack

    Ultimate Minecraft Life Hack Minecraft Life Hacks that Everyone Believes In Are you a Minecraft enthusiast looking for some fun and useful life hacks to enhance your gameplay? Look no further! In this article, we will explore various popular Minecraft TikTok videos showcasing tips, tricks, and life hacks that claim to improve your Minecraft experience. Let’s dive in and see if these hacks are truly game-changers or just myths! Jump Boost with Crossbow One of the intriguing life hacks showcased in Minecraft TikTok videos is the ability to get a jump boost when holding a crossbow. The command to execute this hack is:… Read More


    ANOMALY FOUND IN FANTASY MINECRAFT WORLDVideo Information This video, titled ‘[DUNGEONS HEROES] ANOMALY TERJEBAK DI DUNIA FANTASY DI MINECRAFT #1’, was uploaded by Bangdaap on 2024-08-26 15:50:14. It has garnered 67 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 02:42:49 or 9769 seconds. JOIN MEMBERSHIP GET MANY FEATURES Don’t Forget to Support Me at Saweria https://saweria.co/Bangdaap Join the Fourmalin Team Discord for various information https://discord.gg/GazVMt9Dpk Join Saluran WA https://chat.whatsapp.com/DgNFfM4Fm8nLsv256NYe6H Don’t forget to subscribe, guys. Don’t forget to follow my Instagram social media ►https://instagram.com/bangdaap12 TikTok ► https://www.tiktok.com/@bangdaap For Business Emails, You Can Enter Email ► daftra12@ gmail.com Thanks For Watching And Subscribe Guys….. Command… Read More

Zebra Gamer – Minecraft Avatar Legends DLC!! – Becoming the Avatar! – Zebra’s Minecraft Fun