Video Information

This is a ghost truck and today we’ll be hunting ghosts in the zombie apocalypse at the end of the last episode I got a new truck after saving the Earth from the end of the world it turned out that a new location appeared called greyland it is there that all paranormal

Activities are found and our task will be to build a new base there find the activity of ghost and catch them in our truck wow listen it looks pretty good actually stop wait what is this honestly it looks like some kind of creepy biome I don’t even know if it’s safe to be

Here but what are we really afraid of they should be afraid of us having looted a couple of boxes I didn’t find anything serious or dangerous I’m only gonna say that this is not the only biome there are lots of them all over the map as for the zombies in this part

They’ve become way stronger and there’ll even be new types that you will learn about later in the episode well and they still continue to always attack me everywhere and always nothing has changed about this so guys the zombie is of course still continue to annoy me but

This will not prevent us from making a test drive on our truck not buying a ghost truck is a mistake didn’t catch the ghost with it fatal mistake superbly executed design a shovel so he can dig for worms for fishing beautiful alloy wheels with these tires it will go

Everywhere it can super secure door from the bunker which is located on the back of the truck there’s even a super sensitive microphone that picks up ghost noises I don’t know how that part Works yet I still have to figure that one out but seriously the truck is really

Amazing it even had flashing lights that could actually be turned on for a truck I even decided to add some little red accents to the garage to make the truck fit in a bit better this marked the end of day 50. well uh it’s a new day day 51

And you all know my team and this episode was no exception because I just got a new message in the chat siemen this truck will send you on adventures again only this will be more of a mission we have added a completely new huge location in which paranormal things

Happen there are legends that those who went there never came back to find out the coordinates of this place you need to install an improvement a large antenna you can find it on newly appeared biomes good luck yeah guys this by the way is very frightening and

Interesting at the same time okay there is some unknown very scary cool location and in order to go there we need to install an upgrade on our new truck so let’s go having prepared a little I want to explore these dungeons there was no need to look for them they were just

Everywhere to be honest now in addition to these zombies we now have these skeletons that are just so annoying oh look in these biomes there’s these crosses over here and if you dig under them there might be a chest in there or they just might be evangela today I

Called evanchella I’m a mushroom hopefully together we’ll find this antenna so I can go ghost hunting is there really going to be ghosts of course I showed evangela my base and taught him how to fight the zombies come on just put a barbed wire I got no idea

How to do that day 52 this search had to be continued I learned from my team that the chance of the antenna spawning is three percent and let me tell you this is a very very rare item I think we just killed more skeletons than zombies I

Think so too on day 53 near the base we found a traveling Merchant and another one and another one for rotten flash you could buy a couple of guns as well as some armor well let’s go farm then yeah we just need to make sure that they

Don’t leave yeah I agree we need to hurry up guys I can’t wait to open a new location because we’ve already found everything with you the entire map we just need to find the Santana Oh wait look I found it so okay we replaced it the antenna is functioning oh the

Coordinates are the two rules to enter the location are you have to enter with a completely empty inventory as well as no armor there’s been a lot of paranormal activity in the area your task is to find three ghosts and neutralize them oh wow your team is

Really putting out the work well then I’ll have to go alone let’s say thank you very much to evangela for helping us find this antenna day 53 today I was going to go to a completely new location one of the rules was that you couldn’t take anything with you but I decided to

Go there with my items anyway and if anything happened I just leave them in a chest in the evening once at the coordinates I saw the good old tunnel my team always uses them when I’m moving to other locations but I never could have imagined that the location would turn

Out to be a whole new map okay guys look I’m leaving the tunnel and I can already see a zombie oh he’s coming right after me I didn’t notice right away but everything was a little different from zombies to the color of the grass and

The fact that I was given a single item in my inventory and it was a detective’s magnifying glass in front I could see some kind of bridge and even a billboard look it’s a some kind of poster there’s Sun trees so far everything looks completely normal and I don’t see any

Paranormal Activity yet so you know just some kind of creepy Tower and also I’m really afraid of horror and I just hate watching them and here I got location that just says that there will be ghosts here what do you think I was feeling while playing this there were some

Houses just across the bridge everything looked very atmospheric and apocalyptic and of course there were zombies so guys there’s zombies running after me what am I even gonna do to beat them I wasn’t even allowed to take any items with me it was very unusual and probably for the

First time that I actually lived more than 50 days and it felt like I had to start all over again it’s good that my game skill is not lost so I quickly made myself a wooden sword and dealt with the zombies very easily the first Village

Had a lot of houses and they were all destroyed this is where I hope to find some first resources which sounds strange to me since I’ve already lived more than half of my survival however the conditions of this locations were such that there was no way I could take

Anything with me here by the way the zombies here are also different everything seems to be different here look at how detailed the grass is it creates a pretty gloomy atmosphere there’s darker zombies the truck is pretty much the same but everything looks a little bit strange it is worth

Talking a little bit about my first item given out at this location it’s a detective’s magnifying glass by pressing the right Mouse button I can see the text that are hidden and so we can find various clues that will help us find ghosts because that’s the reason why we

Came to this location well it’s pretty obvious that I would probably find something like this here who wrote this here maybe he wanted to warn me I mean both me and you can guess that it says don’t these things don’t scare me salute in the houses was good I even found a

Gun that helped me deal with the zombies more easily there’s a in addition to this I also found a backpack that gave me additional inventory slots and the most attentive of you noticed that the inventory was also different the arrow s it will help us a lot in finding

Ghosts oh this looks pretty unusual I’ve never seen anything like this in my life digital thermometer look it seems that with this thing I can somehow recognize the activity of ghosts that’s pretty cool so for now the temperature shows 20. and it’s pretty not cold by the way

Let’s look at the other boxes oh two iron blocks at once this building looks like some kind of modern house and here again there’s a message look run so wait now this is a bit more interesting there’s some kind of trailer a tower and some tents it was a portable Science

Station and so far I didn’t know what its purpose was there’s no zombies yet but there’s another text over there run okay we’re just in Minecraft right of course I think that my team could have made some horror moments but I still think it’s pretty unlikely okay look at

That it’s a pretty nice trailer but at this point stop did you notice it too look closely at the replay of this footage I saw maybe I was imagining that someone was there in addition to everything there is a message on the trailer in Red Letters he is here but a

Second later there was no one in the window this freaked me out when I first entered the trailer I didn’t see anything only some kind of note on the bed press F to pick up so here’s some photo and text the former Merchant the workshop was demolished and a small

Village was built up in its place now he takes revenge on everybody not really understanding who and why he came to this Forest okay let’s just say this is our first lead on the first ghost the day was coming to a close I decided to wait it out in this trailer especially

Given that the zombies spawn way more at night well what can I say there So Many Zombies outside the window but still we have to get out of here somehow so let’s just run let’s run most likely we’ll be staying at this location for a

Very long time so my first goal was to make a super cool base I chose a small piece of land not far from the village and began to get some resources probably from the main advantages of this place there’s this cave over here to at least

Make my initial base and I’ll 100 go to the mine to get some coal and iron although by the way I have 18 pieces of iron I can make better tools for myself right away but I’ll still think of something to use it for and now I need

To decide what kind of Base I should build so that it would be quite unique and one that I had never built before so I finally decided to build a fire station I think the style of our truck will fit perfectly there we’ll leave our station to hunt for ghosts so oh and

I’ll make myself some iron armor as well as some tools not far from my house I found a very interesting cave in which there were traces of a person visible because the iron bars here cannot spawn on one hand I understand that the builders place these bars but on the

Other hand the cave already looks quite unusual which means that there may be some kind of terrible garbage down there and in this case I’m a little bit scared as a matter of fact while the sun hasn’t said yet let’s go in there and try to find something yeah the survival of

Course is pretty interesting a new location is generally some kind of separate world my team combined elements of the zombie apocalypse and some kind of horror and together with the search of ghosts well by the way I like this combination I couldn’t even imagine that this was possible and what do you think

If you want to see more just tell me in the comments day 55 was coming to an end and there was a lot of useful resources in the cave as well as some kind of ladder but in fact there was nothing scary in it I managed to get a lot of

Different ores and decided to head back home day 56 there were really a lot of zombies in the morning they were just everywhere but yeah I can’t really get used to that guys why are there so many of you and there’s nowhere to collect barbed wire to deal

The deal’s gonna be the old-fashioned way I remembered my old zombie apocalypse survivals that’s how I dealt with the zombies in the first place only then I came up with barbed wire and other tricks the goal for today was simple I just had to keep building my base basically many of the beautiful

Blocks in my build could be crafted from Waters in The Mine by crafting and connecting one block to another so our bases kind of slowly taking shape I plan to finish it tomorrow look this is kind of weird there’s three signs over here A Sign saying that you can’t honk here and

Two end of the road signs where specifically as I understand is in the water I didn’t find anything in the water but there was a huge Bridge nearby along which I decided to go explore new locations and on the way there I saw Lumberjack’s house look there’s

Okay okay let’s go so the house is just like a house very nicely detailed I don’t see anything here that would really scare me on the contrary we have some shoes lying here a cooking spatula and some strange object it turns out that this item will help me

Communicate with ghosts so far I absolutely don’t know how but I’m glad that I’m finding some items that will help us fight ghosts or rather communicate with them day 58 I decided to take Luigi’s board and put it somewhere near that very trailer let’s see what result this will give

Understand that the ghost should be asked but how will I do it in Minecraft on the last part of the day I finished the house day 59 let me remind you that every 10 days my base which is located on the main map is attacked by a horde

Of zombies if they destroy my flag that stands there then my survival will end so I was going to return home for that day and then go back to continue looking for ghosts but what was my surprise when I drove back to the tunnel and it turned

Out that it was close by Bedrock okay there’s some science here for now you cannot leave this location zombie hordes every 10 days are temporarily disabled oh okay that’s pretty nice there was both a plus and a minus I absolutely could not as it turns out leave this

Location and go home at the same time the hordes of zombies are temporarily disabled but I don’t think this is gonna last forever do you think my team would actually let me stay here and live here for the rest of the 100 days they’ve probably come up with so many things

There that I won’t get out of here at all since I had a little bit of time I decided to take a little bride on my truck having passed a couple of bridges I ended up on some kind of lawn where the road ended a small house was visible

In the distance uh guys I hope that this house doesn’t have any ghost in it or something I’ll just loot it look around and go back is there anyone home sir uh Only Zombies I can’t just hide from them it’s a real zombie apocalypse just look

At how detailed the map is take a look at how everything is made of micro blocks here oh a computer does it have Minecraft on it I mean judging by the monitor there’s nothing here having fun a bunch of good resources I decided to go home tomorrow was day 60. it came and

There was no heart of zombies just a small Bunch under the house I even felt some kind of Peace although I understood that it was very temporary I decided to check out the trailers and that very board that I left in there yeah this is interesting don’t even ask how this

Thing even works I don’t know at all my team did it the cursor is on get out but I’m not really going to leave I want to find at least some kind of ghost or Monster we need to take a better look around here and here it is my

Attentiveness really helped me out there was a note behind one of the crates which I probably should have found earlier so a bonfire is drawn here and near a dirt of the letter H maybe if we do that something will happen well let’s try okay it’s done and what where something

I know that the monster is usually appear at night so I decided to hide in the trailer just to wait and it’s good that I waited because this same monster came to that place now it was clear it was the same monster that I saw in the

Trailer when I approached it at the beginning of the video come on come on here okay guys he’s pretty fast so let’s try let’s just try to kill him oh okay I thought it’d be way more difficult you were able to catch and destroy the first Monster congratulations All That Remains is the

Last and most dangerous monster in this location good luck searching one more that’s it I can finally go back to my base well let’s try so guys I haven’t driven on this side of the road yet honestly it’s even a little bit scary okay and this zombie seems to be jumping

Over there what kind of party do they have I don’t know where I’m going yet but I feel like I have to get out okay I’ll try to deal with them with my rifle oh oh wow oh well there’s so many of them okay calm down this is a very

Interesting bio and here there’s zombies coming from everywhere oh my God you’re what why are there so many of you well that’s it I’m out of ammo for my rifle while I deal with the zombies I suggest we see where we are not far from here

There was a huge abandoned church and on the side was a parking lot next we’ll probably go over there to explore it oh I think that’s everybody there’s still two left over there and over here I think because of the micro blocks he can’t even move I’ve never seen such a

Helpless zombie you know I won’t even touch them I’ll just let them live before we go there let’s take a look at this location there’s a couple of places here that I want to explore yep paranormal activities nearby I have no doubt about that claw marks of a huge

Monster well you can’t really argue with that one either and a secret chest I didn’t bring a shovel with me so I’ll try to dig it up with my hands oh really nice a bulletproof vest some kind of strange video camera and five Diamonds the armor is just perfect by the way it

Looks like some kind of mosquito spray or some kind of cassette tape it doesn’t click at all it can’t do anything maybe it’ll come in handy later you know it’s like we’re in some kind of Minecraft series but we’re still in survival so we shouldn’t be afraid of anything we’ll

Just go there and study everything there okay to be honest it is a little bit scary though so okay let’s try to go inside I’m not sure that this is a good idea what kind of glowing block is that over there I haven’t felt so cautious in

A very long time I was afraid to just step on something and I was really hoping I wouldn’t get jump scared over here okay there’s some kind of figurine here I’ll think I’ll pick it up oh The Entity has woken up wait oh my God there’s some kind of object here okay

Let’s just study little by little especially this block over here and I hope that no monster will attack us right now okay I think it’s safe here hold up there’s a second floor we throw magnifying glass it says summon monster I think this is where I can summon this

Ghost like I said I don’t really like horror films I understand that my team most likely came up with some things that could scare me but on the other hand survival is survival and all I have to do is complete it it’s worth noting that when I took this super device that

Measures anomalous activity near that very luminous block its needle went to the red zone and level four was shown I’ll go to the top four top flooring this monster this and city which by the way kind of woke up wait it’s already night I don’t want to stay

Here overnight what’s oh okay that’s just a chandelier it’s cool that my team added various custom items which made the gameplay much more interesting for example I walked around and measured the level of anomalous activity everywhere in order to ultimately understand where I should interact and with what look

Ancient manuscripts about a certain darkness and the level of anomalous activity here’s three I’m gonna head further down the corridor oh it’s even scary to open these doors okay there’s no way to squeeze through here at all okay there’s a note here Darkness this entity does not let anyone out of here

The story began a long time ago back when there were no cars or telephones the monster emerged from its shadow at night and attacked everybody around there are two Bells left in the cabinets these were its subjects that’s all I know because of all that I’m scared to

Even be here I want to draw your attention to the temperature in this room as I understand it the thermometer shows what type of monster it is to be honest I have no idea what that means at the moment so there’s some kind of Bell

In here okay I have no idea why though so this what what kind of sounds are those and another Bell over here I already have two of them I just need to figure out what to do with them now on the ground floor I looked through everything using a detective’s

Magnifying glass and I found the most important text which I apparently missed before okay to summon the monster place the items you found in the correct order the figurine in the middle so let’s try I think these bells should be on the sides and it’s pretty obvious that we’re

Talking about this place ghost in the dark yeah and here we need to put one figurine for some reason I have two of them so let’s just try this what what is this oh my God what was that here it is look it’s it’s coming it’s coming for me

Get away from me get away from me oh okay it’s gonna kill me right now I have to fight it with a crowbar otherwise it’s not gonna work at all so okay we won guys you defeated the main ghost of this location the tunnel is open again

As soon as you want to change the track to the new and the last one press the letter L on your keyboard next to the truck okay guys that was very cool a really sick level actually and by the way look the figurine is gone alright let’s take the diamond sword and head

Back home like I said I don’t really like horror I think that’s the third time I’m saying this however this location seemed very atmospheric to me with very very detailed buildings cool new items which by the way were developed specifically for my channel and cool quests to catch those same

Ghosts well I guess it’s time to return home on day 64 I went back to my house interestingly none of the items that I found at that location survived nevertheless the truck remained with me as I was told in the chat I can change truck to a different one and

Any but I think we haven’t driven this enough because the next few days are gonna be Mecca interesting in my telegram Channel I asked you to give me a task for my truck survival in the zombie apocalypse I choose the best one and now we’re gonna complete it the

First task was to tame a cat or dog and build a separate Pet house thank you very much for this Mission now let’s do it firstly I didn’t see any cats here at all but there’s always dogs walking around so let’s try to find one talks usually run somewhere in the forest oh

And here we go that’s one so come on doggy hooray guys we have a dog now I think that this house will be just right between the tasks I want to chop down some wood and go to a cave I hope you don’t mind that I spent two whole days

On this I just couldn’t pick up the resources that I found in the last location so I’ll have to work here for a while day 67 today we’ll carry out the second task from you to improve the defense of the base and make traps no problem I didn’t track my brains for a

Long time and just started doing what I remembered in the entire history of my Minecraft career and let me remind you that I’ve been playing Minecraft for more than 12 years alright guys I have use cobwebs in this survival yet and this stuff is really powerful it slows

Down Zombies by almost 80 percent and I think that this is the best defense to slow down zombies so that they don’t reach my base let’s put it here when I put it some here oh great and as you guys know there can’t be too much Barbed

Wires so let’s put even more and here it is just perfect okay guys the last task for today will now be completed the task is to improve my garage so that there’s if anything a place to disassemble the truck as well as install some parts okay no problem I agree it’s completely empty

Here there’s absolutely nothing standing on the street at all let’s make a shelf here like this with these chests something like that I don’t know I think it turned out pretty great well today I completed three tasks from you in the fourth episode we’ll survive on our new

Truck that’s all for today guys all links are in the description was with you goodbye

This video, titled ‘100 DAYS ON A GHOST TRUCK INSIDE THE ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE IN MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by ZeeMan World on 2023-09-26 16:25:14. It has garnered 71762 views and 1638 likes. The duration of the video is 00:22:12 or 1332 seconds.

“Translated by the ZeeMan official team. All rights reserved”

Telegram: https://t.me/zeemanworld Instagram: https://instagram.com/_zeeman_?igshid=OGQ5ZDc2ODk2ZA== Discord: https://discord.gg/dXCUFJMYZE

I am a YouTuber with 1.9 million subscribers. I’m trying to make this channel for an English-speaking audience. The voice in the video is not mine, it is the voice of my translator. but I hope someday I will start making voice-overs myself in English.

I would be grateful for your support, I hope you enjoyed the video, if you did please SUBSCRIBE! ๐Ÿ™‚

★Original video on Russian: https://youtu.be/hsV-_gYyqJ0

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    Tree Trouble: Minecraft's Timber Taboo #shorts In the world of Minecraft, where trees stand tall, I can’t cut them down, it’s a challenge for all. But fear not, my friends, for I’ll find a way, To survive and thrive, in this game I play. With tools and tactics, I’ll mine and craft, Building my world, with a creative draft. Exploring caves, and battling mobs, In this blocky world, where the adventure never stops. So join me on this journey, as we explore and create, In Minecraft, where the possibilities are great. No tree cutting for me, but I’ll find my path, In this game of… Read More

  • Iron Golem Logic: Absolute Unit in Minecraft #lit #minecraft #memes

    Iron Golem Logic: Absolute Unit in Minecraft #lit #minecraft #memes Iron Golem logic be like: “I see a tiny zombie trying to attack the village, better go full Hulk mode and smash everything in sight just to be safe.” Read More

  • Oops! I Accidentally Turned Off the Lights in Minecraft

    Oops! I Accidentally Turned Off the Lights in Minecraft The World of Minecraft: A Missclick Adventure Embark on a journey through the vast and creative world of Minecraft with Martinouxx in the hilarious video “J’ai missclick sur un interrupteur.” Dive into the realm of blocks, crafting, and exploration as you follow Martinouxx’s misadventures in this popular sandbox game. Missclick Mishaps In the video, Martinouxx encounters a humorous mishap when he accidentally triggers a switch in the game. Watch as chaos ensues and Martinouxx navigates through the consequences of his missclick. This relatable moment adds a touch of comedy to the gameplay, showcasing the unpredictable nature of Minecraft. Exploration… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Build Series: Stark Begins His Panzer Empire LIVE!

    EPIC Minecraft Build Series: Stark Begins His Panzer Empire LIVE!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Create – 1.Rรฉsz (Kezdล‘djรถn a Hรกz & Vรกrosรฉpรญtรฉs) – Stark LIVE’, was uploaded by Stark Panzer on 2024-03-24 22:43:14. It has garnered 53216 views and 1885 likes. The duration of the video is 04:18:00 or 15480 seconds. ยป In this section, we look at a mod package that looks promising, which could even be the start of a new series. ยป Discord Server: https://discord.gg/KKbZhga ยป Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/starkpanzer/ ยป Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@starkpanzeryt ยป Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/starkpanzer ยป Strong products: https://shop.pentamedia.hu/starkpanzer/ ยป Channel membership (for 1 month on dino icon chat :D): http://bit.ly/2y6diUr ยป Live support: https://streamlabs.com/starkpanzer (Read… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Troll Stream

    Ultimate Minecraft Troll StreamVideo Information This video, titled ‘chill minecraft stream’, was uploaded by GGFLUIS on 2024-03-17 15:03:54. It has garnered 97 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 04:20:13 or 15613 seconds. Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft 24/7 Server App with Anime & Bass Boosted Music!

    EPIC Minecraft 24/7 Server App with Anime & Bass Boosted Music!Video Information This video, titled ‘mincraft 24/7 sever app #anime #music #phonk #bassboosted #bass #naruto #animeedit #minecraft’, was uploaded by UG EDITZ on 2024-05-09 12:57:13. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. your question minecraft video 1 (1.7%) mrbeast 1 (1.7%) news 1 (1.7%) not your type 1 (1.7%) notgamerfleet 1 (1.7%) pizza 1 … Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Boss Battle: 2 Withers vs Ur-Ghast!

    Insane Minecraft Boss Battle: 2 Withers vs Ur-Ghast!Video Information This video, titled ‘2 Withers Fights Ur-ghast. 2 Withers Vs Ur Ghast – Twilight Forest #minecraft’, was uploaded by MATTHEU GAMING on 2024-01-14 01:25:45. It has garnered 185 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:56 or 56 seconds. Read More

  • Insane Pranks in Minepur SMP! ft. Top Gamers ๐Ÿ˜ฑ

    Insane Pranks in Minepur SMP! ft. Top Gamers ๐Ÿ˜ฑVideo Information This video, titled ‘Day 4 In Minepur Minecraft SMP! with @rio_gamer @Xashrein @vasu008 #minecraftlive #minecraftindia’, was uploaded by Katsura on 2024-03-06 18:10:52. It has garnered 43 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 03:52:17 or 13937 seconds. โœจMinepur SMP: Day 4 Thumbnail by @vasu008 โ™ฅ Hello everyone, and welcome to Katsura’s channel! I bring you the best in entertaining gaming content right here. I stream games such as Valorant and have a great time playing with my friends. You’ll find thrilling gameplay, epic plays, and hilarious moments on my channel, all accompanied by my friends’… Read More

  • INSANE mash-up! Don’t DISTURB me ๐Ÿ”ฅ #shorts #YTshorts

    INSANE mash-up! Don't DISTURB me ๐Ÿ”ฅ #shorts #YTshortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Don’t disturb me ๐Ÿ˜ต(Masha mash-up)#shorts #ytshorts #youtubeshorts #shortsfeed #minecraft’, was uploaded by Break Gamerzz on 2024-05-22 02:47:42. It has garnered 10132 views and 280 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. Don’t disturb me ๐Ÿ˜ต(Masha mash-up)#shorts #ytshorts #youtubeshorts #shortsfeed #minecraft#minecraftnoobvsprovshackervsgod #mashup #trending #viral #gaming#viral #memes #youtube #suscribe #views #viral @breakgamerzz8064 Subscribed Minecraft Top 100+ ‘Ulta Super MORE TNTs’ ๐Ÿ˜ฑ๐Ÿคฏ #minecraft leaked Concrete mega tnt in minecraft 1.21 !! ๐Ÿ˜ฑ๐Ÿ˜ #shorts #minecraft #minecraftmegatnt 1M Dislike 8,435 Share Description leaked Concrete mega tnt in minecraft 1.21 !! ๐Ÿ˜ฑ๐Ÿ˜ #shorts #minecraft #minecraftmegatnt Break Gamerzz… Read More

  • HEROBRINE IS WATCHING – Who Will Survive? ๐Ÿคฏ๐Ÿ˜ฑ #minecraft

    HEROBRINE IS WATCHING - Who Will Survive? ๐Ÿคฏ๐Ÿ˜ฑ #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Herobrine Hai saath Toh Darne kA kya BAAT ๐Ÿคฏ๐Ÿ˜ฑ #gaming #shorts #minecraft #viral credit by- @LostEdge’, was uploaded by CHILL SWANIK on 2024-04-12 11:49:55. It has garnered 20220 views and 1149 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:34 or 34 seconds. Herobrine Hai saath Toh Darne kA kya BAAT ๐Ÿคฏ๐Ÿ˜ฑ #gaming #shorts #minecraft #viral @LostEdge wait for end Share the shorts with your friends! Have a good day. ๐Ÿ™‚ Copyright disclaimer under section 107 of the copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching,… Read More

  • Insane Bed Wars Battle with KingOCookies! ๐Ÿš€๐Ÿ”ฅ #minecraft

    Insane Bed Wars Battle with KingOCookies! ๐Ÿš€๐Ÿ”ฅ #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Mind-Blowing Bed Wars Showdown! ๐Ÿคฏ๐ŸŽฎ #shorts #minecraft #bedwars’, was uploaded by KingOCookies on 2024-05-09 15:59:31. It has garnered 3823 views and 69 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:33 or 33 seconds. โžก๏ธ Enjoy my videos? Watch me live: https://www.twitch.tv/kingocookies Email me your inquiries: [email protected] Sponsors, Business, Media: [email protected] โญ๏ธ Follow Me If You Are Amazing: โžก๏ธ TIKTOK: https://www.tiktok.com/@kingocookies โžก๏ธ TWITTER: https://twitter.com/KingOCookies โžก๏ธ INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/king_o_cookies/ โžก๏ธ KINGOCOOKIES DISCORD: https://discord.gg/G5gBDmDTYX โžก๏ธ DONATIONS: https://streamlabs.com/kingocookies/tip Read More


    INSANE BANK BUILD | MINECRAFT TUTORIALVideo Information This video, titled ‘@minecraft|| HOW TO MAKE A BANK ๐Ÿฆ IN MINECRAFT || Tutorial ||#minecraft#viral@MrBeastGaming #132’, was uploaded by SKY GAMER 0005 on 2024-03-12 14:31:10. It has garnered 335 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:12:41 or 761 seconds. #minecraft #minecraft, #minecraftbuilds, #minecraftmemes, #minecraftbuild, #minecraftpe, #minecraftpc, #minecrafthouse, #minecraftdaily, #minecrafters, #minecrafter, #minecraftideas, #minecraftonly, #minecraftmeme, #minecraftserver, #minecrafthouses#minecraft #memes #meme #dankmemes #minecraftmemes #fortnite #funny #gaming #gamer #funnymemes #memesdaily #minecraftbuilds #lol #dank #youtube #edgymemes #anime #offensivememes #ps #tiktok #xbox #roblox #minecraftpe #minecraftbuild #edgy #minecraftpc #twitch #pewdiepie #lmao #minecrafters#dankmeme #follow #game #minecraftmeme #art #shitpost #dailymemes #gta #games #minecrafter #minecraftonly… Read More

  • Magic Network

    Magic NetworkThis is a Lifesteal and PVP Server. With Tons of Ranks, Crates and More. I hope you enjoy and have fun! magicsmp.mc-connect.xyz Read More

  • Project Nebula SMP Java 1.20.4 Age 18+ Whitelist Hermitcraft-like LGBTQ+ Friendly Community-focused 5+ Years Running!

    Project Nebula Project Nebula Hey! Thanks for checking out our server! Project Nebula is a Hermitcraft-style SMP where we focus on community and fun gameplay. Our goal is to grow a friendly and diverse community of players who enjoy playing Minecraft together. Quick Links Nebula Photo Album Dynmap Discord About Us & Values Project Nebula is run by college students who love playing Minecraft and fostering a welcoming community. Our server has been running for over 5 years with a focus on providing a fun Vanilla experience. Our Values: Diverse & welcoming Community-driven & transparent Mutual trust & respect Commitment… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Sunrise? More like lava-rise ๐Ÿ”ฅ

    Minecraft Memes - Sunrise? More like lava-rise ๐Ÿ”ฅ“Who needs a real sunrise when you can wake up to blocky pixels instead? ๐ŸŒž #MinecraftLife” Read More

  • 24-Hour Training: Epic Gains or Epic Pains?

    24-Hour Training: Epic Gains or Epic Pains? In the gym for 24 hours straight, Pushing limits, feeling the weight. Stretching, cardio, feeling fine, Ready for this marathon, feeling divine. Energy bursting, two hours in, But the challenge is about to begin. Fatigue setting in, feeling the burn, But I won’t stop, there’s more to learn. Maintaining energy, nutrition is key, No time to rest, let’s continue with glee. Second wind, feeling reinvigorated, Ready for more, feeling elated. Hitting a low point, this is tough, Praying for strength, feeling rough. Every muscle aching, but no giving up, Pushing through, filling my cup. Steroids giving me the boost… Read More

  • “Bedrock Logic: When you dig straight down and find diamonds” ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ˜‚ #shorts #viral

    "Bedrock Logic: When you dig straight down and find diamonds" ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ˜‚ #shorts #viral “When you finally find diamonds in Minecraft Bedrock but then accidentally fall into lava and lose them all… Troll Face be like ‘Gotcha!’” Read More

  • My Human Lover: Minecraft Animation Story

    My Human Lover: Minecraft Animation Story Minecraft Animation Story Love: “Human is my Lover” Season 1 [Part 2] Exploring Chiang Tung City In this episode of the Minecraft Animation Story “Human is my Lover,” the characters find themselves in the vibrant and bustling Chiang Tung City. The map used for this episode provides a stunning backdrop for the unfolding events. You can explore the city yourself by visiting the map here: Chiang Tung City Map. Immersive Soundtrack The episode features an engaging soundtrack that enhances the viewing experience. The music sets the tone for the story and adds depth to the emotions portrayed. Here are… Read More

  • Minecraft Pro Reveals Insane Cloak Secrets

    Minecraft Pro Reveals Insane Cloak SecretsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Chill Time’, was uploaded by CloaK on 2024-05-29 21:10:37. It has garnered 17 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 03:22:08 or 12128 seconds. Read More

  • Presidents Play Minecraft: Wild Adventures

    Presidents Play Minecraft: Wild AdventuresVideo Information This video, titled ‘US Presidents Play Minecraft 1-7’, was uploaded by Game_Mood on 2024-05-18 11:18:43. It has garnered 53041 views and 1519 likes. The duration of the video is 01:02:13 or 3733 seconds. USE CODE: GAMEMOOD in the Item Shop #Epicpartner Support Our Channel By Being a Member https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-iynlGv3vLIEFyhsvnU_PQ/join #shorts โœ‹ โœ‹ #minecraft #gaming #clips #Minecraftshorts #funny #troll The US Presidents play Minecraft, Donald Trump Joe Biden and Barack Obama start their own Minecraft server and mess around This video in its entirety is satire and is simply to entertain and for laughs. I am in no way… Read More

  • Uncover the Secrets of The Tomb of Mythical Sausage!

    Uncover the Secrets of The Tomb of Mythical Sausage!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft SOS – Ep. 15: THE TOMB OF MYTHICAL SAUSAGE!!!’, was uploaded by TheMythicalSausage on 2024-05-02 14:30:02. It has garnered 40538 views and 3539 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:01 or 1201 seconds. Welcome to Minecraft SOS Episode 15!! Today we’re doing a pet challenge on the server, and building up our recently bought cemetery plot from Jimmy!!! My Friends: Fwhip – https://www.youtube.com/@fWhip Joey – https://www.youtube.com/@JoeyGraceffaGames Katherine – https://www.youtube.com/@KatherineElizabeth_ Lizzie – https://www.youtube.com/@ldshadowlady Mog – https://www.youtube.com/@Mogswamp Owen – https://www.youtube.com/@OwengeJuiceTV Pix – https://www.youtube.com/@Pixlriffs Sausage – https://www.youtube.com/@TheMythicalSausage Scott – https://www.youtube.com/@Dangthatsalongname Shubble – https://www.youtube.com/@Shubble Joel – https://www.youtube.com/@SmallishBeans… Read More

  • Dying in Game Turns into REAL LIFE DEATH ๐Ÿ˜ฑ๐Ÿ”ฅ

    Dying in Game Turns into REAL LIFE DEATH ๐Ÿ˜ฑ๐Ÿ”ฅVideo Information This video, titled ‘KiiBOOM emerald switches ๐ŸŒฟ’, was uploaded by Lifeafterdeath Gaming on 2024-01-03 21:45:45. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft #mojang #thankyou #gaming #update #portal #portal2 #dropper #thedropper #2022 #viral #original #dimensions … Read More

  • “Uncover the Secret to Invincibility in Minecraft SMP!” #wintersmp

    "Uncover the Secret to Invincibility in Minecraft SMP!" #wintersmpVideo Information This video, titled ‘Becoming invincible #wintersmp #minecraft #smp#shorts’, was uploaded by Qeco on 2024-04-06 12:01:00. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More


    INSANE MINECRAFT ATM9: SAY GOODBYE TO REFINED STORAGE!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft All The Mods 9 (ATM9) – Stream 18 (Bye Bye Refined Storage!)’, was uploaded by Creothina on 2024-05-22 02:28:37. It has garnered 649 views and 36 likes. The duration of the video is 05:05:45 or 18345 seconds. Hey everyone! So, I finally decided to just do the thing and switch EVERYTHING over to Applied Energistics because Refined Storage needs to go sit in a time-out for a while and think about the temper tantrums it keeps having. xD Note – I’m going to add a little blurb here since I got asked this several… Read More