Zombox – 1b1t-Minecraft Anarchy Server

Video Information

Hello Video so um I didn’t upload it um but I did get some footage of it if you guys want me to upload it but I was playing on to be 2t and if you don’t know what that is it’s like a Enter key server it’s really popular but there’s like

Oh yeah I can’t play me now but like it’s really popular so you can’t really like join it well you can we have to wait a while so I’ve been playing on one b1t which is um like to be 2t except um it’s better and multiple ways because

You don’t have to you don’t have to you know to wait and mine and although you can you can also like you can get the players are like way nicer like they give you like kits and everything so like here’s my under chest I have an apple because petrified

Legendary kit yeah so I’ll probably put the IP in the description but the IPS it’s 1 B 1 D D D and this dotnet and owners actually I’m right online Yeah so yeah he’s or she’s really nice so but um today I’m just gonna be like playing around and I’m gonna try to get away from spawn I should probably take AB enjoy the time I have with my golden apple stuff they just had so I’ll take Come on Armour is mending sword really good kid so yeah but I don’t want to tell you everything in case I were to die so I’ll just take this and equip all this Take some golden apples maybe like a this yeah that should do and yeah I’ll take a steal and now all this let me put it back and alright so now let me just place this get back all right and now and let’s take a pic action and now I’m

Off does this sort have fire aspect yet sir it’s overpowered so basically and today I feel like a missing something No so in today’s episode I will be trying to journey away from spawn and it’s kind of set up like a base and I just feel like something that’s probably yeah and

I feel something now if you guys join and then you’ll know my face well ok we’ll just don’t if you want I mean I obviously prefer you don’t straight it or if you do like don’t oh annoys um hit me up if any of you guys want a team in this or like

Yeah and so I’ll probably actually what I’ll do is well I know maybe this will just be about escaping spawn um and then another video will be actually about um building a base um I don’t know um anyone still one wonder where they even are oh yeah another key difference I

Realized that’s different from to be 2t is you can actually um teleport people which I thought was cool so like watch this TPA and then he has to accept it of course that I said be way too overpowered but yeah and then you can teleport when I kind of wanted to accept

So I can show you guys but yeah it’s pretty cool um and then yeah there is a time limit though so he can’t like it’ll expire soon in any he’ll he or she will no longer be able to accept and teleport me there so I just picked this peg out of the way

This little piggy turned I’m gonna get lit on fire so yeah and also guys actually um so I don’t know if you guys know but to me – he already explained all of it but oh that’s a wither yep that’s the wither let’s just not

Mess with him right now but um so Toby tooties been wrong for like ten years no wait eight years um came on 2010 that’s right I thought ten but um I think he’s still um 1 b1t um but I was just like released like two weeks ago so

Like I think it’s cool as um if this server becomes super popular which I think it will honor has thanks for it then we could be like then we could say like that we played since like the beginning like I don’t know and also um another thing though but yeah see my

Teleport request timed out there probably afk I don’t know what another thing I noticed at school um is um actually um I was I gonna say actually I’m sorry I can’t think I know um yeah what was I even gonna say oh yeah um so there’s actually a duplication glitch in this game

If I press tab you probably I saw it dupe disabled in 52 days we disabled then January 1st although I am like not worth as doing this dupe I’ll show it to you um but like I’ve only gotten it to work once and it was stupid cobblestone but I’m

Probably gonna use an auto clicker which is not cheating by the way cuz wanted to enter key and to the or even said that auto he he or she actually recommended an auto clicker to me so it’s I love but um so yeah what

You do is drop and I watch me like get it right right now is you drop an item and then you craft something so I don’t let me see if there’s anything I can craft so like this is what you do I’ll drop it and then spam craft this and

Then yeah I didn’t work that time but basically if you pick up the item um and you craft like well like spam crafting then there’s a chance I think it’s like um if you like exactly pick it up as you well it just this missive long not bad

So I think this is like Max and Chapman’s actually um then it actually will um yeah I think this also has Max and Chapman’s Omega max then it will actually um stupid but it’s not really a dupe um cause like dupe means duplicated it actually doesn’t don’t want um I think he’s like

30 times it I don’t know when I was doing the cobblestone I was duping one the practice and then I got started so I don’t know and I should actually also probably really get a bed and actually craft once a night away from spawn so

Yeah um no I was gonna say um oh yeah I’m really hoping to find like a structure or something like that – um – like show you guys and that a desert temple like as I spoke I think that’s literally a desert temple I don’t know

Or a creeper do it I don’t know but like I think I’m like honestly I think I’m like one of the first people like ever to explore this area because like the server’s knew and I don’t know it looks unexplored I don’t know see and look the chunks are still loading

Nixie I think I’m pretty sure that’s a sand block and I can walk right here or it’s not a sand block well that was I think this I don’t know either way doesn’t matter it’s not the point is the point is I don’t think that’s a desert

Temple after all but I should still walk in this direction in case there is one just bound to be one because I think this world’s infinite Oh Petra fight joined hey strolling that gave me all those kits I wonder if you’ll be needing more kids

Thank you for tits no he laughed so much for that well but anyway petrified if you’re watching this video then thank you for the kits and I mean I’m not gonna change out but also on my subscribers might want some and so yeah guys if you want to play just on go to

The IP um you know probably in the description and I said it already and I’ll say it again 1v1 TDD and its net but you need um you need you need to have minecraft job I addition to play and so if you have that then you can play and if you don’t have

That then you can just download it off the internet but it’s not free I think it cost like $27 I don’t know I seek it does but I could be like way off I’m sure someone in the comments will say actually probably not cuz I don’t

Know oh well last week I don’t have to me subscribers yeah Oh things just took a turn anyways oh wait oh I just realized that I’m still holding the kit I’m still holding the this kid I thought oh the whole point was I was gonna put in that ender chest

We go take a fishing run and let’s just get this oh I should I should build an afk this farm all right let’s try one more time so it’s turning night so many people are leaving my papa fish that’s good for water breathing Posen’s right yeah we should probably get

Exploring soon all right that’s enough well I destroyed like instantly I get let’s keep on heading in this direction and I’ll take some sugarcane and oh yeah and guys awesome don’t laugh at me but like two days ago I just found it with a chest meat I’ll actually technically I

Didn’t find out I just assumed so all sudden it hit me if respect I was like electronic chest so don’t laugh at me nothing it hit me and I was like wait a minute each chest is probably ender chest I know I’m all you’re probably like yeah but yeah I just fitted that

Out don’t laugh at me and if you do love me then you have to like the video and subscribe no I’m don’t have to I would like it a lot wait oh my tonight it’s a village right you know let’s just lava but still and there’s a well which I have heard is

Actually really rare but no one really cares about them um yeah like that’s later I heard that wells are actually like really rare but like a lot of people don’t bother to stop by them cuz they have like no loot and I really want

To find a village or a what you call it um a village or a desert temple also guys um so since this anarchy hacking is loud on the server so tell me if you want me to hack or not hack and stay like vanilla and also um like like I

Know that hypixel like if I ever get enough subscribers to apply for youtuber rincon hypixel I know they check to make sure that you don’t support hacking so I just want to make a disclaimer and that I don’t support hacking when it ruins the experience of others well look look at this

Like for example don’t hack on a server that has rules against hacking but it has rules that says you’re allowed to hack then I mean um hack like you’re allowed to and but I know hypixel does not support hacking so don’t hack on hypixel and yeah village this is a village doop

Why did I don’t know what he means by that but anyways um so yeah um Mike only hacked like don’t hack if it runs the experience for others like you’re playing in single-player then you’re the only player so hackings like fine and if you’re playing in a server then check

The rules and if you’re like the owner has a server then um I mean I can’t tell you what to do but I would recommend not hacking if you have a rule against hacking and if you hacked and allow everyone else to heck I don’t know cuz

And yeah I don’t think that really was a village must’ve it’s over here no so yeah um it’s up to you and so if you guys do want me to hack on this server um be sure to comment with a link to a good hacked client that you recommend

Because um I’m gonna have to check it out cuz I don’t know so many good hair to clean oh wow like spike critical hit oh it’s automatically gonna blow up I forgot about that I think Oh No No maybe not I thought that it would automatically blow up cuz it’s being led

In fire yeah that is weird no it should’ve right it’s just deserts like oh I of Endor that’s so weird like it’s not an enderpearl it’s an eye of ender like just in the middle of nowhere maybe I’m not the only one that explored this area maybe I’m being and for

A moment I thought this characters was a creeper I got scared but yeah I know actually that reminds me on TV to tea I got so terrified so since you like the lag or something zombie ended up being in a skeleton so oh no baby to baby is what the oh no why

Look we all get a lot of XP from my own fire So yeah it looks like but it was terrifying and like I don’t know when I just turned the corner I was like mining and it was so terrifying but yeah I know I would definitely like mom recommend playing high knock one b1t versus two routine because there’s no queue I really hope this skeleton drops in Jesus So yeah does chainmail So anyways cuz like ones no keel and to the server owners really nice and three also on its new so like you don’t have to be like outcast was like everyone else being really good oh I think that’s go didn’t seize me let me just do something really quick check is that

Another skeleton with armor This is infinity oh it doesn’t have mending what how did that oh there’s a village behind it why is hopefully we can get some rare chainmail armor maybe I’ll be like a sort of current son you know we didn’t wait Oh for a moment I thought that it

Dropped fire cuz you know how a chainmail armor crafts a little fire piss like um I heard this village is so my stuff though I mean no offense – what’s up okay this village has been raided before I think or maybe it hasn’t yeah this is I think this is just I

Don’t I think this is all just natural oh you know it’d be horrible what happens if my chakra box got birth But I Oh guys this is really creepy like so hard like I’m sushi remember filming a video with me in a broken village and there’s a potato over there and okay and kind of nervous now but I kind of remember dying when I boom just like I’m

Not even kidding like I seek I’m gonna die now and if I die I’m gonna say I called it I called it if I die I called it so weird it whatever did that potato just despawn yeah let’s get up into that potato I think it just despawn because I

Didn’t pick it up oh oh whizzers so someone must have have been here if there’s none when there’s already heritage endless of weather is naturally spawn now but they don’t as far as I know and we’re not gonna mess with them right now I mean maybe in a

Future video so guys um be sure to comment if you want this to be a new series 1 B 1 T and be sure to join I P I’ll probably be in the description and I’ll say it one last time 1 B 1 T dot d

D and s net and also be sure to I really want to find a desert temple yeah be sure to subscribe and and comment and join and yeah and you know if you can block it and yet guys um also I’d really appreciate like and subscribe and you know we find some

Pretty weird stuff today this video is already going on like 30 so sorry about it being along uh comment down below whether he like long videos or is it raining here no I just not comment down below whether you guys um want to is it that’s nice structure you

Think how do you guys like the long videos or the short videos like cut in the different like a part 1 part 2 part 3 Exedra and yeah I don’t know if you guys can tell your friends but my voice might be a little bit different cuz I’ve

Been battling a cold and so my voice is sore and sorry about the podium like once or twice a week like I mean I have a busy schedule that’s like school and everything so I mean I’m sure you guys understand so yeah but like if I get more subscribers

Likes and comments enough probably prioritize prioritize this more I really was at this bowhead mending like well I have 64 of them prioritize my videos more and so that’s I’ll see you in the next video probably and I might play a little off camera I don’t know

So guys be sure to join one b1t and and I know see you guys in the next episode bye

This video, titled ‘1b1t-Minecraft Anarchy Server’, was uploaded by Zombox on 2018-11-10 01:49:46. It has garnered 5509 views and 69 likes. The duration of the video is 00:30:08 or 1808 seconds.


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  • Unleashing the Devil Ninja Train in Minecraft! #modmadness

    Unleashing the Devil Ninja Train in Minecraft! #modmadnessVideo Information This video, titled ‘#1 Making Train working train in minecraft #mincraft #modminecraft #creatminecraft’, was uploaded by Devil Ninja on 2024-05-19 06:30:25. It has garnered 114 views and 20 likes. The duration of the video is 00:39:51 or 2391 seconds. #1 Making Train working train in minecraft #minecraft #modminecraft #creatmincraft #minecraft #minecraftlive #minecraftsmp minecraft smp,public minecraft smp,public smp,minecraft public smp,minecraft,public minecraft server,join public smp,public java minecraft,join minecraft smp,public minecraft,minecraft smp servers,minecraft server,minecraft public smp ip port,free to play minecraft smp,public bedrock minecraft,public smp ip,lifesteal smp,minecraft public smp ip,1.20 minecraft public smp,minecraft public smp 24/7,minecraft public smp live,minecraft public server… Read More

  • Turmoil SMP

    Turmoil SMPA vanilla+ survival minecraft server that runs 24/7 and is completely free to play including cosmetic items, crates, and more! play.turmoil.live Read More

  • The WACE server SMP Semi-vanilla Whitelist No resets planned 1.20.4 Australia

    Welcome to WACESMP! Welcome to the WACESMP! I’m IAmMutskie, a member of this Australian Minecraft server. We are currently running version 1.20.4. Brief Overview Approaching 7 months old Various quality of life datapacks Dynmap available DiscordSRV integration for chat Various plugins for administration and quality of life Survival mode on hard difficulty 6GB RAM allocated Java + Bedrock crossplay supported Our Vision WACESMP is a place for survival Minecraft enthusiasts to come together, plan, and create amazing builds. Whether you enjoy intricate details, large scale projects, or just classic survival gameplay, this is the place for you! About the Server… Read More

  • SUPER☺FUNLAND [SMP] {Whitelist} {City Building} {FUN} {1.21}

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  • Blind in Minecraft, No Green in Sight #shorts

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  • Villager Goes Full Speed Ahead with New Rail Hack! Oi Oi Oi!

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  • Minecraft Movie: A Beautiful Disaster!

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  • Farm & Mine in Deep Caves | Minecraft Fun

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  • Insane Gamer Finds SCP Secret in MCPE

    Insane Gamer Finds SCP Secret in MCPEVideo Information This video, titled ‘scp ADDON update in Minecraft PE’, was uploaded by exe gamer on 2024-04-21 12:04:02. It has garnered 274 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:10 or 190 seconds. scp ADDON update in Minecraft PE download link https://youtu.be/IXbhy-LzkGk?si=wJo0AMMMxLfGituA minecraft shortsscp 096shy guytherubberminecraft musicscp therubberminecraft survivalminecraft memecammannostalgic minecraft musicminecraft seedminecraft updateminecraft rtxminecraft funnyminecraft 1.20minecraft rarestminecraft factscamman18 shortsminecraft manhuntminecraft speedrunminecraft seedscamman18 face reveal #minecraft #video #shorts #shortvideo #short #addon #mod #model #addons #skibiditoilet #tnt #tntmod #animals #animal #weapons #sword #armour #tools #subscribe #like #skibidi #poppy #popping #playtime #chapter3 #gun #guns #gündem #spiderman #spirituality #magic #mobs… Read More

  • Nightmare CatNap ATTACK at 3:00am

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  • EPIC Base Hunting in Leviathan SMP!

    EPIC Base Hunting in Leviathan SMP!Video Information This video, titled ‘Leviathan SMP Season 10 (Base Hunting/Exploring)’, was uploaded by Gohstleviathan yt on 2024-05-03 13:42:00. It has garnered 40 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 01:27:09 or 5229 seconds. Hello I make mostly Minecraft content centered around war and countries server that I host, if you would like to join it join the Discord server https://discord.com/invite/UDm65C3tMT Read More

  • 🔥 INSANE Dubai River Challenge! 🔥 #viralshorts

    🔥 INSANE Dubai River Challenge! 🔥 #viralshortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Dubai ki nadi #shortsvideo #viralshort #viral #short’, was uploaded by GamingWithSaurabh on 2023-12-30 16:28:01. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Minecraft #Gaming #VideoGames #MinecraftGameplay #MinecraftBuilds #SurvivalMode #CreativeMode #MinecraftCommunity … Read More

  • Shocking Middle East Thug Activity!

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  • Insane Cheating: Jamesy Uses Wall-Hacks in Mob Battle!

    Insane Cheating: Jamesy Uses Wall-Hacks in Mob Battle!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Cheated using WALL-HACKS In a MOB BATTLE!’, was uploaded by Jamesy on 2024-04-25 11:00:12. It has garnered 143366 views and 908 likes. The duration of the video is 03:23:34 or 12214 seconds. I Cheated using WALL-HACKS In a MOB BATTLE! Jamesy, Gracie, Louie and Sophie are playing Minecraft Join this channel to get access to perks: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3qPTTV-3FUsiezeJrQUl4Q/join Follow Gracie! – https://www.youtube.com/@GracieWinsMC?sub_confirmation=1 Jamesy name is spelled like Jamesy not James C or Jamesie or Jamey or JayZ. #Minecraft #MinecraftMod #Jamesy #JamesyandGracie Read More

  • Hacked Again – Epic Cat vs Dog Battle! #Minecraft #Sonic #Roblox

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Zombox – 1b1t-Minecraft Anarchy Server