Zozo – I Survived 1000 DAYS as an AMONG US IMPOSTER in HARDCORE Minecraft! – Top Adventures Compilation

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On day one I spawned in by the remains of a crashed ship as the Imposter from Among Us wow it’d be hard to tell me apart from a crew member even though I’m just a just an imposter it’s a good thing I survived the crash but I

Couldn’t stay relaxed for long a soul vulture walked up to me and it looked hungry guess I’m about to find out if imposters have souls the soul vulture looked like it was about to attack me but it was suddenly hit with an energy blast and exploded I turned to see who

Fired the blast and saw a red Mungus Captain walking towards me oh thank goodness you saved my life Captain enough blubber in recruit we lost enough good men when we crashed onto this planet do you know what happened to the Imposter he knew about me I needed to

Stay in character that meant I needed to trick him the Imposter and that it was destroyed when the ship crashed unlikely the Imposter is too crafty for that listen we have a hundred days of supplies in that time we need to rebuild the ship destroy the Imposter and get

Out of here now make yourself useful and go find the other crew members sir yes sir as I walked away I thought about how crafty and tough the red Captain seemed if I couldn’t outsmart him in the next 100 days I’d be toast on day two I left

The red Captain to his own devices and ventured out to search for a solution to my problems I’ve only got 10 Hearts something as dangerous as the red captain and his Mungus crew would eat me alive the way I am right now speaking of eating me alive while I was walking

Along I was approached by a group of vicious tarantula Hawks this planet has some really dangerous animals without any weapons or abilities there was no way I could fight off against these monster bugs and survive I ran off as fast as I could until I’d lost them as I

Was regaining my strength I saw another Mungus crew member approaching this one was blue you are you a friendly Yes red Captain set me out on a recon mission with that the blue crew members seemed to relax and approach good he can’t be too careful these days it’s possible

That the Imposter survived the crash I’m Corporal blue who are you I’m Zozo uh awaiting further orders sir then follow me another Survivor set up an encampment near here he arranks us so we should go see him sir yes sir lead the way Corporal blue started walking and I

Followed him relieved that he bought my story on day three I followed Corporal blue over to the encampment he told me about a tough looking orange Among Us was waiting for us next to the fire there’s another Survivor Corporal sir yes sir well he’s not much to look at

But after the crash I suppose we have to take what we can get I dispatched people across the surface of this planet to search for more I’m Sergeant orange what do they call you I’m Zozo sir basic recruit I’m not very strong yet but I’ll always do my best heart warming you need

To get yourself some weapons and set up another encampment stat their safety and numbers we need to root out and destroy the impassa as soon as we can but sergeant if you don’t mind me asking why does this imposter even want to hurt us that’s classified son just follow your

Orders and start building the base and equipment we have 97 days to get off this mud ball of a planet and we have no time to waste with that Corporal blue and I headed off to work on Sergeant Orange’s demands they were still nonethelesser that I was the Imposter

Among them from day four to day five Corporal blue and I found a nice place to start working on our base first and foremost recruit we’re gonna need a crafting bench at a wooden pickaxe start busting down some trees I’ll get right on it sir after some lumberjacking I

Built myself a crafting bench and a wooden pickaxe then I mined into the ground and collected enough Stone to build myself a stone pickaxe and stone sword good work Soldier now start building that base using the rest of the wood and stone I started building a base

It was basic at first with two separate rooms for the Corporal blue and uh this is looking good recruit but we don’t have time to rest some hostile creatures are approaching go stop them sir yes sir I ran off and intercepted did some tarantula Hawks and this time I had a

Stone sword to fight them off it didn’t take long to defeat them and that gave me the XP to upgrade I now had 30 hearts and I also unlocked an energy blast Cannon this is gonna come in handy later from day six to day eight I went

Exploring hoping to find some time away from the Mungus crew members so I could figure out some kind of plan to be the true imposter I need to outsmart and defeat all the crew members I’m not strong enough yet and I need to gain their trust but while wandering along I

Happened upon a green Mungus being chased by some bubble parasites maybe if I helped him they’d trust me more don’t worry fellow crew member I’m coming to help you I ran in with my stone sword and defeated the bubble parasites saving the green crew member well you really

Saved my bacon there I was worried my Goose was cooked all these food metaphors are making me hungry wanna come back to my base I would but red Captain sent me out here to destroy the bubble monster but I couldn’t even defeat his bubble parasites then let’s

Go together maybe we can defeat it with our powers combined so the two of us went off to defeat the bubble monster from day 9 to day 10 I followed the green Mungus crew member until we saw the bubble monster wandering around it looked way scarier than the bubble

Parasites I could I can see why you had trouble fighting this thing let me see what I can do I ran in and fired an energy blast against the bubble monster but that only seemed to make it Angry it ran towards me and considering how

Strong it was I knew that all I could do was run away I met back up with the green crew member you’re right that bubble monster is way too tough to take on now let’s head back to my base we’ll pull our resources and take this monster

On later you seem to really know what you’re doing I’ll follow you let’s go so I started leading the crew member back to my base having gained the trust of another Mungus from day 11 to day 12 I returned back to my base with the green crew member and started building a new

Floor and a new Boom the more people I could have around at any given time unless anyone would suspect of me being the Imposter by the time the new room was done the green crew member approached me with some exciting news I’ve been working on another section of

The base I feared we might need our storage areas ready for weapons and equipment that’s excellent fellow crew member let’s go take a look green had built an excellent storage room perfect for supplying what was left of the Mungus military they were only going to

Get stronger as time went on I need to make sure all of my own tools are up to date I found a mind where I could dig up some old iron ore and took it back to the base I began to smelt that iron until I had enough to make an iron sword

And an iron pickaxe then I returned to see how green was doing making sure it acts natural green just between you and me do you have any idea what the red Captain is planning for us it goes above my pay grade comrade but I do know that red Captain is calling in reinforcements

And he wants us to acquire heavy weaponry and supplies for some kind of secret mission and hmm fair enough I guess I’ll work on buffing out our supplies I spent the rest of the day building a paddock to store some sheep in and then herding some sheep into it

Wondering what exactly the red Captain had planned for us all from day 13 to day 15 Corporal blue came to give me some new orders recruit I want you to go out and search for other lost crew members the more people we can bring in to help us build our encampments the

Better sir yes sir I went out into the further reaches of this strange new planet pretending that I was doing exactly what Corporal blue wanted while I was secretly planning on sabotaging it all that’s what being the Imposter is all about and while I was out searching

I ran into a pair of munguses hey you you’re on our side right yeah but nobody seems to tell me what the mission is do you know that’s on a need to know basis kid and you don’t need to know and I guess that’s all we have to say to each

Other I shot one of the munguses with an energy blast and then pulled out my new iron sword to take on the other soon enough both were defeated looks like I’m really living up to the Imposter mantle that’s when I noticed that one of the munguses dropped some kind of scientific

Healing serum Don’t Mind If I Do I I drank the health serum and found myself getting bigger and stronger I now had 60 hearts and the ability to shapeshift this is gonna make me a better imposter than ever before from day 16 to day 19 I continued searching after defeating the

Pair of patrolling munguses I’m glad nobody is around if anyone saw me fighting those munguses they’d know I’m a fake immediately while walking around I found a book on the ground it seemed like it was some kind of military journal from one of the munguses stranded on the planet I picked it up

And took a look inside this cross is seriously affected the timeline of the mission we lost half our crew and the rest is scattered all around the planet we need to find and destroy the Imposter that brought us down once we’ve gotten rid of him we can continue the extermination plans extermination plans

I’m beginning to think these munguses don’t have the kindest intentions here before I could think too hard about what was happening I was ambushed by another Mungus he must have seen me taking out those other crew members thankfully with my iron sword it wasn’t hard to defeat

Him I just needed to go back to my base now and ensure that nobody suspected a thing from day 20 to day 22 I returned to my base covering my tracks to make sure nobody knew about my conflicts with the other munguses on the way back I

Fought a gang of bubble parasites which were even easier to defeat than they were before I’m really getting into the hang of this whole imposter thing I arrived back at my base and smelted the rest of my iron to create some iron armor which would improve my defenses

Against attackers of any kind I finally felt ready to go and settle an old score I went out to battle the bubble monster that seemed unbeatable a few weeks ago but with my new sword and armor it didn’t take me long to bring him down that’s another win for Zozo good work

Son we’re only just getting started I turned and saw the red Captain was approaching I waved to him trying to hide my nervousness red Captain what a lovely surprise not all surprises are lovely Zozo case in point this situation with the with the Imposter he’s undermine in our Authority I saw that a

Few of my soldiers went missing he must be behind it is this all delaying the extermination plan cause I like you I’m not gonna ask how you know about that but dread carefully Zozo you never know when something dangerous is just around a corner from

Day 23 to Day 26 I return to my base to deliver the good news to the green Mungus recruit I did it I finally beat the bubble monster that’s great I knew you could do it thank you for having faith in me of course your strength is

My strength comrade with that I left the base and wandered for a bit to clear my head I wanted to tell him the truth but I couldn’t I had to keep the facts that I was an imposter to myself until I could figure out what to do about the

Extermination plan I found a book containing the fire aspect enchantment that would really boost my sword power this is amazing I can use this to enchant my sword and give it the ability to set Targets on fire I rushed back to my base and used the book to enchant my

Sword and some of my remaining iron to fix it up finish the green Mungus came over to talk to me again so though while you were out I built an additional Paddock to contain any more sheep or other livestock you might find I hope this proves useful that’s great you work

Really fast I’m impressed looking at the awesome upgrades to The Paddock that the green recruit had made part of me just hoped he wasn’t in on whatever evil plan was afoot from day 27 to day 31 I went back out to explore the Red Rock Highlands while I was looking around I

Was approached by a group of funguses oh I hope they’re not onto me hey you’re the guy who got rid of the bubble monster right yeah I am I was pretty relieved that that was their question if you’re that good of a fighter we definitely want to stick with you have a

Safe place that we can hang out sure thing you can stay at my base for as long as you want I sent the munguses back to my base and continued exploring I gathered some sand to make some glass in the furnace then headed back to my

Base to use it I used the glass to add some new windows to the base so I would be able to see outside whenever I was hanging out inside as I finished adding the windows the blue Mungus Corporal approached me recruit our Sergeant needs our assistance he is currently under

Attack and we need to get there and help out immediately sir yes sir from day 32 to day 35 I followed the blue Mungus Corporal to where the orange Mungus Sergeant was being attacked I saw a group of tarantula Hawks fighting with the sergeant and I sprang into action I

Used my newly enchanted sword to attack the tarantula hoxum’s fire but there are so many of them while I was focused on fighting one group of them another group and managed to take down the sergeant before I could say them no the Mungus Corporal rushed over but it was too late

To do anything to help the sergeant he was gone I’m so sorry about the sergeant sir as am I but sadly that is what happens on the battlefield sometimes we must press on it’s still sad though you’re a curious man recruit sometimes I’d swear you don’t act like Among Us at

All I started to get a little nervous when he said that it’s refreshing thank you no time to stand here talking we better get moving from Day 36 to day 39 I went back to the meadow before I had a chance to explore very much a green

Mungus recruit came running up to me Zozo help the red Captain sent me to clear this area of hostile forces but I’m not strong enough to beat this Ender Creeper if I get too close I’m scared it’ll blow up and take me with it could you come fight it with me sure thing

Let’s go the green Mungus and I sprinted over to the area where the Ender Creeper was still well creeping around taste to energy blast you creepy creeper I shot an energy blast at the Ender Creeper then I attacked with my enchanted sword and burned him up before long that Ender

Creeper was toast literally you really are an amazing fighter thank you so much for your help we’ll definitely be able to use you for the special mission right the uh special Mission which mission was that again no the captain’s special secret mission the one dealing with the

Imposter home planet it don’t tell me you haven’t heard about it oh that plan no I totally heard about it after the green Mungus ran off I was left alone to wonder what he meant what could the captain be planning to do with my home

Planet from day 40 to day 43 I headed back to my base I couldn’t stop thinking about what the green Mungus had told me the embossed her home planet I guess that’s where I’m from too what’s the captain going to do to it I wish I could

Get him to tell me about the extermination plan and get the feeling it’s nothing good I didn’t have time to ask myself any more questions because when I got to my base the blue Mungus Corporal was waiting for me recruit I’ve been hard at work in your absence take a

Look at this new guard Tower which will add a necessary line of defense to the base whoa that looks awesome I feel safer already I’m pleased to hear that I want to invite additional recruits to the base so that they can take shelter here and avoid potential attacks by The

Imposter sounds like a great idea more munguses arrived at the base and I showed them to their room boom there’s plenty of space for everyone next the Mungus I met earlier came up to talk to me Zozo we need your help again the red Captain is requesting as many of us as

Possible to go to his coordinates and help him with a special task we could use your fighting skills will you join us sure hey maybe he’ll tell us more about that secret project from day 44 to day 49 myself and the different munguses went in different directions to go and

Meet up with the red Captain we went different ways so if the Imposter ambushed either of us at least one group would survive although he didn’t know I was the Imposter all along or did he when I arrived at the red Captain’s coordinates I got a nasty surprise the

Captain was there alone waiting for me what had happened to all the others red Captain the munguses said you wanted to see me you needed as many troops as possible what’s happening tonight we’re finally gonna destroy the Imposter young recruit oh have you found him where is

He simple he’s still handed right in front of me now don’t be silly son if you move any step in any direction I’ll vaporize you with a well-placed energy blast but I’m not the Imposter sir I swear don’t waste your last breaths on lies imposter I’ve been watching you all

Along following your movements carefully you think you’re slick I know exactly what you are at this point I was terrified I was frozen in place with no idea what to do so are you going to destroy me then thankfully I won’t need to make the effort something special

Survive the ship’s crash a security Golem perfectly designed for destroying sneaky little imposters like you the red Captain walked away and in walked the terrifying security Golem my secret was out and now the robot was going to give me a real run for my money tired and energy blasted him and he was

Completely unfazed time for me to see how strong I really am from day 50 to day 53 the security Golem began its Onslaught it fired its laser on me and I barely managed to dodge has the robot ran in I unleashed the flame Enchanted iron sword on him striking him again and

Again until the flame effect burned through his armor and ate away at his circuits soon enough after a hard fight the security Golem collapsed defeated when it disappeared it dropped three things a tricked out crossbow arrows and a data log a data log that just happened

To contain the true details of the red Captain’s extermination plan we’ve been at war with those pesky imposters for decades now but this time we’re gonna deal with them once and for all if we can send a big enough Mungus army with enough Heavy Artillery at their disposal

We can whop out the entire imposter Planet once and for all and in this pesky expensive War I was horrified by what I saw so the extermination plan was to exterminate my entire home planet that’s awful I need to put a stop to this myself but after the red Captain

Uncovered my secret I had no idea who was still on my side I guess I just need to find out from day 54 to day 57 I started heading back to my base on the way there I ran into a gang of munguses loyal to the red

Captain well well well if it isn’t the Imposter I always knew that you were little sus you told us to wait here in case you survived the security Droid the red captain always thinks of everything yeah including trying to exterminate all of my people that must be why I was sent

To sabotage your mission you were going to do something pure evil there is no evil it was Zozo Only Winners and losers and the winners get to decide who was right all along I wasn’t going to listen to these munguses excuse their evil boss’s actions I pulled out my new

Crossbow and expertly sent a bolt at each of them they dropped a strength potion which I grabbed and added to my inventory and never know when you’ll need this I returned to my base and immediately ran up to the Corporal blue I had no idea if the red Captain had

Already told him the truth but there was only one way to find out Zozo you looked exhausted is everything okay perfect he didn’t know I could still spin this purple blue I found out some terrible news red Captain was the Imposter all along he was infiltrated before we even

Got into the spaceship he’s been Landing against us all along that’s diabolical but also the perfect cover who would ever suspect the captain it’s just you and me now Zozo we only have each other at least now I knew I still had Corporal blue on my side but for how long from

Day 58 to day 62 relieved that Corporal blue hadn’t caught on to the truth about me yet I continued working on my base I introduced more sheep to my Paddock just to make sure we’d always have more than we needed but wool wasn’t the only thing

I wanted to get my hands on I returned again to the underground mine going down deeper than I ever have before after breaking through stone for hours on end I was finally able to collect plenty of diamonds these are exactly what I need to make myself stronger offensively and

Defensively the red Captain would probably appreciate that if he didn’t hate my guts I went back to my base and created a full set of diamond armor a diamond pickaxe and a diamond sword this is more like it now that I was fully armed and armored Corporal blue

Approached me yet again this time with some interesting news Zozo come over here I’ve created a valuable new base Edition it’s a planning room where we can discuss our next moves against the Imposter in private I went over and took a look at the new room it was an Amazing

Creation that clearly came from extensive military experience I can’t even imagine a better place to plan sir good because we’re going to need to do a lot of planning if imposter has truly taken the role of the red captain we’re both in grave Danger from day 63 into

Day 66 I met with Corporal blue in the planning room so that we could come up with our next step if my intelligence is correct I believe there may be some important information about the Imposter or rather the red captain in a nearby area I need you to be my eyes and ears

Zozo will you go inspect the area you got it sir I’ll head there right now I travel to the fungal patch immediately and I found a grow full of huge mushrooms looks like there’s a fungus Among Us that’s a pretty good joke but I’m afraid the blight of my people is no

Laughing matter I turned around and saw a mushroom Lord standing there he grabbed my sword just in case he decided to try and attack me have you come to invade our home to kick me and my people out of the place we’ve lived for years

Oh I don’t want to kick anyone out of anywhere I’m trying to stop the red captain from hurting anyone if this is true then you and I have something in common you look like them but you behave differently perhaps we could be friends and you could Aid me in defending my

Fellow mushroom people definitely what can I do to help there are enemy forces nearby attempting to drive us out of the area so they can set up a base here help me defeat them and protect my home you got it I’m Zozo by the way my name is

Lord chungus from day 63 to Day 70 I followed Lord chungus to a nearby house where a bunch of munguses were attacking hey come help us get rid of these mushrooms no can do they deserve to keep their home they’re here first what are you some kind of Traitor get him the

Mungus is rushed at me but I hit them with an energy blast then I attacked my sword and it wasn’t too long before I had defeated all of them I looked around just to make sure no munguses were watching me phew the coast is clear everyone here should be safe now Lord

Chungus thank you for your help Zozo the mushroom people will tell your story for generations to come that’s really nice thanks it’s good to feel like I’m actually helping I was starting to worry I might be the bad guy here not bad at all you’re a hero

From day 71 to day 74. I decided to keep exploring and I wandered over towards my base as I walked I spotted a note on a tree what’s the say it says to make sure and subscribe to the channel if you want to see more Adventures like this one and

Don’t forget to search Zeo Zeo to find more awesome Minecraft videos nice note when I was close to home I started looking around for useful materials before I could find anything the red Captain surprised me from behind there you are pasta I knew I’d find you skulking around here somewhere

Where cured and draw but that was just look this time you won’t be so lucky I know what your plan is you’re trying to destroy the Imposter home planet that’s terrible people are just trying to live there and they’re not bothering anyone false they aren’t bothering me but

Bothering all of us their very existence is a threat as is yours but you won’t trouble me for much longer he attacked me and I tried to attack back with my newly upgraded diamond sword but it barely left a scratch on him uh-oh he’s still way too strong for me I need to

Get out of here I fired an energy blast to distract the red captain and then I ran out of there as fast as I could from day 75 to day 78 I ran all the way back to my base I was scared that the red Captain would follow me but I managed to

Get back safe and sound I was way too close for comfort I can’t believe I had to run off instead of fighting him such a disappointment to my people I went to my room to be alone and think about what I could do to fight better next time I

After a little while Corporal blue came in to see me recruit I know you’re feeling disappointed but now it’s not the time to get lost in despair come take a look at this I added an Armory to the base so we can store additional weapons and be prepared for anything I

Followed him towards the new high-tech Armory that he had built oh wow this does look really awesome and you building it means you really believe in me thank you sir absolutely speaking of which I also have this growth serum for you drink it and find the strength you require sir yes sir

They drank the growth serum and felt myself getting stronger my hearts increased to 100 and I also felt like I could take on the world of my newfound strength this is just what I needed from day 79 to day 84. I went back to the orchard to see if the red Captain was

There with my new Strength I had a feeling I would do much better this time but when got there it was nowhere to be found there were some tarantula Hawks lurking around though and I tested out my new Strength on them so much easier to defeat this time

Around getting so much better at this awesome skulk scorpion saw me fight the tarantula Hawks and came over to talk to me look cool you’re some kind of hero or something I hope so sure seems like it what’s your name hero Zozo I like your energy Zozo I’ve got this thing I’ve

Been waiting for the right person to give it to you and I think that person might be you yeah take the shark tooth arrows oh thanks I can use these with my crossbow nice get you on the flip side Seaman from day 85 to day 89 I went back

To my base to show Corporal blue my new shark tooth Arrow but when I got there I saw a bunch of munguses attacking the base that’ll show him that’s what happens to imposters yeah hey stop that look there it is let’s get him not if I get you first I attacked the munguses

With my new and improved strength yikes he’s strong let’s get out of here not so fast I ran after the munguses but along the way I saw a pig arrest that looked really upset hey what’s going on oh and some help I lost my favorite book somewhere around here but I can’t find

It let me see if I can find it I looked around and I found the book I took it back to the pictures ew I wish I could give you something in return but I don’t have anything those munguses took everything I have don’t worry about it I’m happy to help did you

See what way they went yes they went that way where the shuttle is from day 90 to day 94. I followed the mungus’s tale to the new shuttle the base that the red Captain was making to escape the planet I don’t want to get too close if

I do then the red Captain’s guards will come running out to get me I’ll just focus on that group of munguses that attacked my base and watched the munguses all go inside and a member of their group I hadn’t seen before came out of the shuttle that robot Golem he

Must have been behind the attack the robot Golem spotted me and ran toward me sure was the red Captain sent me on his right hand man and I’m going to make sure you don’t cause him any more trouble oh yes it’s time for a fight I fired an

Energy blast to start but it didn’t have any effect at all next I tried my sword but he didn’t seem to be hurt by that either this guy’s really tough this is gonna be my hardest fight yet I decided to drink my strength potion and push

Forwards from day 95 to day 97 I continued my fight with the robot Golem he was really tough the toughest enemy I’d fought so far for a little while there I thought I might be a gutter oh no you don’t I have a planet to save I thought about all the imposters that

Would be lost if I didn’t save them and I summoned the strength to defeat the robot Golem when I beat him I noticed that he dropped a book on the ground hey what’s this I picked it up these look like the access codes wait a second I

Bet these are the access codes to the red Captain’s base with these I can get inside and surprise him that might help me win but I wasn’t ready to just run there all of a sudden I need to get ready if I’m going to go into the

Captain’s base I’ll only get one shot at this so I’ll need to be as strong and as prepared as possible back to the base on day 98 I headed back to my base to prepare for my big battle against the red Captain I’ve only got a couple days

Left before he tries to exterminate my home planet I’ve gotta work fast as I got to work practicing my fighting the blue Corporal came up to talk to me Zozo I have to confess something to you I know that you’re not who you say you are

I know you’re the Imposter you do are you going to try to destroy me no I’m not I’ve looked into what the red Captain has planned and that’s not what I signed on for I don’t want to be part of destroying a planet whole of creatures who aren’t doing anything

Wrong so even if it goes against everything I thought I knew I will still stand with you I’m counting on you to defeat the red Captain Zozo not just to save your people but to restore honor to us all to remind me what it means to be

Among us I will definitely do my best thank you sir oh one more thing take this potion of strength you’ll need it before the final battle I took the potion and drank it and I felt the strength coursing through me I was finally ready on day 99 I traveled

Toward the red Captain shuttle as I did I passed the pig arrest who sent me to find his book Thank thank you again for what you did Zozo it really made my day whatever you do next I know you’ll do a great job hey hey thanks I continued on

My way until I finally reached the shuttle there were a bunch of Mungus Gardens stationed outside way too many for me to try and take on at once oh no what should I do now how about assistance from a fun guy turn to see the mushroom Lord standing behind me

Lord chungus you came to help I certainly did now I’ll handle these mysterians out here you head on inside an unseately Tyrant red Captain it will be an honor to fight by your side Zozo you too Lord chungus rushed in and started attacking the munguses and while

Lord chungus kept the guards busy I put in the access codes and used them to open the door to the shuttle then I ran inside on day 100 I entered the red Captain’s Lair to finally confront him once and for all I’m back Captain come out and face me imposter it’s time to

Finally face your fate I will happily be your judge jury and executioner you think you’re so much stronger than me but you aren’t I’m going to take you down I drew my sword and attacked he dodged my hit but I didn’t give up I got some distance between us and got out my

Crossbow and knew shark tooth arrows I fired an arrow at the red captain and it hit it’s too late I’m gonna exterminate your planet and there’s nothing you can do about it liar I’m going to stop you I fired another arrow and it hit but he

Was still up he came at me and attacked but I dodged if I don’t destroy you one of the others will everyone knows what you are now and everyone knows which you are too a villain he came at me and hit me hard but I didn’t fall down I kept

Going I fired an energy blast and finished him off with my sword finally the red Captain Was Defeated I can’t believe it it’s finally over I hope that Corporal blue was able to tell the other munguses what was going on but at least my Planet will be safe

Made it back to my base everyone had come back after they learned red Captain’s plan they realized he wasn’t someone that they wanted to follow with him out of the way imposters and munguses could finally coexist in peace on day one I spawned in as aphmau ready to begin my latest Minecraft adventure

And wow look I’ve got five Hearts it must be because aphmau is so good at making friends but wait there was nobody else around me in the forest that didn’t seem right aphmau always has her friends especially her best friend Ian I started looking around to see if I could find

Him Ian can you hear me Ian I don’t like hanging out in this creepy forest alone but I wasn’t alone suddenly a huge hum Bubba came running out of the trees towards me are you calling for Ian oh that annoying little Brad has given me enough trouble already if you’re a

Friend of his I’m gonna need to kidnap you too so that’s what happened to Ian he always knew how to make a bad first impression I turned and ran away from the forest there was no way I could fight that big humbaba unarmed I hear you little dwarf there will be no Escape

Once I reach my full hour that didn’t sound good I kept running until I couldn’t see the hum Bubba anymore and stopped to catch my breath after the chase so he kidnapped Ian I need to get him back I really don’t like that thing the humbaba said about reaching his full

Power but I didn’t have time to think about it suddenly Endermen were coming out of the trees all around me grasping for me with their long spooky arms oh gotta go I ran off again until there were no Endermen to be seen I hid underneath a big tree to get some

Sleeping secret it’s harder to make friends in this world than I thought on day two I woke up with a sore back sleeping on the ground under a tree isn’t that comfortable I needed to make myself a base but first I needed to get myself some materials I started breaking

Down a tree with my bare hands to get the material for our crafting table ow my hands are gonna be sore after that one I built a grafting table and used that to craft my first set of tools a wooden pickaxe a wooden ax and of course

A wooden sword now it’s Base building time but there wasn’t much space in the forest so I headed out into the plains to start building my base on a wide even plane I admired the planes from my new balcony nothing can sneak up on me here

That’s when I saw a bunch of freaky Little Creatures crawling towards my base are those enderio phages that doesn’t make sense what are they doing outside of the end either way I needed to get them out of here to finish building my base went outside pulled out my sword and

Started attacking them being careful not to let them attack me if an enderio phage attacks you you get Ender flu and nobody wants that get out of here you nasty little viruses I kept attacking them until there were no more left and stay out I went back in to continue

Working on my base the first room I finished was my sleeping quarters complete with a nice comfy bed this sure beats sleeping under a tree on day three I woke up feeling well rested and decided to continue expanding my base I left the planes and walked back into the

Forest to gather more material with my new tools after all I needed to build a room for Ian after I rescue him from the humbaba on the way through the forest I discovered an opening into a cave and decided to explore who knows what Treasures I might find in there but as I

Got deeper and deeper into that cold dark cave I realized treasure wasn’t the only thing inside suddenly an armed mimik Cube snuck up behind me before I could even react it hit me with its mimic sword taking out a good chunk of my health get away from me you lousy

Slime I’m just trying to gather some supplies but it didn’t listen it just kept attacking me my sword was like a toy against it whatever Adventurer it copied a shield from was too strong for a minute there I thought I was a goner until a friendly Chocobo came running

Out of the cave towards me I’ll put my back kid it isn’t safe in here thanks that’s an offer I can’t refuse I jumped onto the jacobos back and rode her out of the cave leaving the mimiky cube behind us in the dark we ran until we reached my base where I finally

Dismounted off of the jacobo thanks for the save jacobo I’m Zozo what’s your name I’m Coco huh guess our names are kind of similar you did a great job saving us from that mimikube I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t have survived without you the mimik cubes are just the

Beginning of it haven’t you noticed all of the Ender creatures that have been bothering everyone around here it’s all estragon the hum Baba’s fault wait the hambaba I think we should stick together that’s the guy who kidnapped my friend on days four to five I invited Coco the

Jacobo into my base be it ever so humble there’s no place like home nice place where will I sleep that’s when I realized he wouldn’t really fit through the door well where do you want to sleep personally I’ve always felt a little safer underground is that doable you

Betcha Coco I mined a space underground in my little base and built cocoa a cozy underground room to sleep in by the time we were done it was night time and we were exhausted it feels so nice to have a friend staying at my base with me too

But we didn’t get to cool off for long we heard the sound of zombies moaning outside please we can’t catch a break can we you hang back this time Coco you’ve already saved my bum once today now it’s my turn to help you out I climbed up the stairs and pulled out my

Sword it may be wooden but I could still outwit a bunch of zombies even at my lower power level I ran in taking advantage of my speed to lure the zombie horde away from my base that’d keep Coco safe now it’s time to Tango you Undead

Fiends once I was far enough away I started picking them off one by one defeating each one quickly before the rest could gang up on me you know that age-old rule never get surrounded by zombies this will teach you to invade my base it’s just rude you know I noticed

That one of them dropped an enchanted book on the ground I ran in and picked it up right away oh wow protection level four this will improve the strength of my armor that’s perfect on day six to eight I decided to build a chicken farm

On my base so I could collect the eggs and make myself some nice meals once the new section of the base was built I went out into the jungle to find some wild chickens roaming free here little chickens I’ll put up some fences and make you some nests while I was there I

Collected a few apples from the Trees Too Much back to full Hearts nice and just in time too because I saw a stragging the hum Bubba coming towards me through the trees it was carrying a bow with flaming arrows we meant Zozo ‘s a long way from your base

Strigon I know your name now what did you do with my friend Ian Ian Ian I’m sick of hearing that name almost as sick as I am of keeping him as a hostage but it’ll all be worth it when it’s time for the sacrifice what sacrifice what are you gonna do to

My friend I’ve told you too much already Zozo no it’s time for you to revive that started shooting Fireballs at me and all I could do was run away there was no way I could face him with just a wooden sword run Zozo run it doesn’t matter

I’ll catch you in the end no matter what he kept firing more Fireballs as I kept running there were so many I could barely Dodge them all I just kept ducking and weaving between the trees they were my only protection why can’t you just leave me alone I can’t have you

Getting in the way of my plans Zozo I won’t risk it luckily I was still faster than he was I was able to keep running until I passed through a gap too small for him by the time he could make it around I had hidden behind a tree You Can’t Hide forever Zozo

Then he angrily spat fire all over it didn’t feel safe until I saw him Fade Into the distance looking for me I’m gonna need to get so much stronger before I can beat that guy I hope you’re safe out there Ian on days nine to ten I

Was hanging out with Coco thinking about how to pass the time while I searched for Ian and figured out I’m Baba’s evil plan he’ll go had a pretty bright idea about that how about you build a statue Zozo that’s a great way to pass the time and it’ll help inspire you to complete

Your mission great idea Coco I’m so glad I have you around to help me out what would the statue be it has to be something Ian would love sitting on the balcony thinking of what exactly to build oh wait I know I’d build a statue of the Inn he’d love to

Have a big statue of himself to look at ventured out to the plains where I started mining some more materials this would help me build my statue and improve my base I went back to the base and started building the statues Foundation heck yeah that’s a good start

I also decided it was time to furnish my home a bit more I needed somewhere to chill out and maybe read oh I know I’ll build myself a library that will be the perfect place to study and relax I built myself a nice cozy library with bookshelves chairs and a fireplace now

This is the way to live days 11 to 12 I was exploring a cave searching for more materials when suddenly an ancient Spirit villager appeared right in front of me oh no a ghost Be not Afraid how do you know my name I know many things as

An ancient Spirit it is my duty to Guide Heroes and warriors who are pure of Hearts to their destiny incense that you have a mission Zozo I can give you the answers but you must ask the right questions well ahambama named estragon kidnapped my best friend

Ian and I think he’s up to something bad can you tell me everything you know about him yes estragon Baba there is a great darkness in that creature’s heart it started out like any other living in the desert Plains with his family like many evil men estragon wasn’t satisfied with

What he had with the love of his friends and family he always lusted for power to gain control over others his quest to become a more powerful being led him to the end a realm even darker and further from the Overworld than the nether he knew that the forces of the end would

Give him power he only dreamed of but it exacted a terrible rice in return a sacrifice he wanted the power of the end he would need to forsake the Overworld and help the Enderman and Enduro phases take it over and make it their own he gains power to perform this ritual

Through sacrifice I would wager that this is his intention with your friend Ian what that’s even worse than I thought I need to get stronger and defeat this guy before he can hurt anyone else from Days 13 to 15 I returned to the cave where I first met

Coco the Chocobo I wanted to get strong enough to defeat estragon the hum Baba I needed to at least be strong enough to defeat that mimikyu as I got deeper into the cave I saw it was waiting for me on top of a stalagmite clearly he had

Gotten some Flair for the dramatic as it hopped down towards me I dodged and went for his back trying to hit him where he couldn’t block with his shield he took a lot of hits from my wooden sword but eventually I did manage to defeat it the

Good swing to the back the fight made a difference because I could feel myself leveling up I went from five to eight hearts got twice as strong and gained a new ability disguise aphmau is great at fitting in so I could now convince some lower level mob groups that I’m one of

Them just as long as I don’t act too out of character this will probably come in handy later after that I mined some Stone and left the cave all this will help me rescue Ian and stop estragon someday on days 16 to 19 I built myself

A crafting room so I could make better gear I used my crafting table and the stone I’d collected to make myself a new set of gear a stone sword a stone pickaxe and a stone ax we’ve just entered the Stone Age baby I realized I needed more materials for Base building

And crafting that’s why I started exploring an underground Cavern near my base the deeper I got into the cavern the more I noticed how cold it had gotten even cooler than you’d usually expect for an underground Cavern that’s when I noticed an Iceman standing deeper into the cavern waiting for any

Intruders to enter he was walking towards me I needed to think fast now is probably a good time to try out my new disguise ability has the Iceman approached me I switched into my Iceman disguise hey Google’s there hey it’s me fellow Iceman so nice to see another one

Of my cold Bros down here oh yeah I guess it is nice to see another Iceman down here it looks like my disguise worked well what can I do you fart fellow Iceman you mind if I mine some materials I need to upgrade my equipment sure thing but be my guest my new

Disguise ability was already coming in handy with The Iceman’s approval I mined some extra Stone and made my way back to my base on days 20 to 22 I woke up to Coco the jacobo outside the door to my bedroom frantically calling for me you’ll know what’s wrong Coco

Is right outside I think he’s here to see you oh I better get dressed and go see him then I grabbed my equipment and ran out of the base I saw estragon the humbaba standing there waiting for me eat again Zozo our last meeting was cut tragically short if I recall correctly

You ran away like a coward will you run away now I’m through running away I’m ready to take you on estragon are you brave enough to fight me directly gladly estragon readied his claws and ran at me we dueled managing to dodge or Parry most of each other’s blows

Aggressive he’s gotten a lot stronger since we last thanks for providing the encouragement as we kept fighting I managed to hold my own but I was getting tired lucky for me it seemed like estragon was getting tired too proving yourself so-so but this isn’t even my final form the next time we

Fight it’ll be the end of you mark my words and with that he ran off leaving us on a draw but the next time I would meet him I finally believed it might be my turn to take home the victory when I’m done with you estragon the only end

You’ll need to worry about is your own on days 23 to 26 I explored an underground Cavern hoping to find some interesting loot using torches I place along the wall to light my way I walked deeper and deeper into the belly of the cavern along the way I saw a family of

Spiders skittering along the stone I really didn’t feel like fighting these guys so I hid in the shadows and watched them pass spiders always give me the creeps once the spiders were gone I kept creeping into the cavern I could just feel I was getting closer to something worthwhile

Hey what’s that that’s when I discovered an old chest hidden among the rocks I opened it and found a potion of healing inside this will help me regain two hearts I better keep this for when I really need it and if you want more Zozo videos when you really need them search

Zo z-o in your search bar and you’ll be able to find all my Minecraft Adventures on days 27 to 31 Coco brought me some materials to get started on the Statue and I quickly got to work on it knowing that it would help to motivate me to

Take on estragon and rescue Ian this is looking Rad but I can’t help but feel like it’s missing something I realized pretty quickly that the statue needed some more colors to really bring it to the next level I made my way over to a nearby desert where I found some

Abandoned sheep in a pen their wool is exactly what we need for the Statue as soon as I tried to get closer however a gang of husks appeared from behind the Sands it was too late to use my disguise skill they’d already seen me and now I

Was in trouble I’m guessing you guys don’t want to just talk this one out spoiler alert they didn’t I pulled out my stone sword and started fighting off the game him angry husks there were plenty of them but I was a lot stronger than I used to be I bet you wish you’d

Just talked it out with me now huh some husks with bows were hiding on top of a sand dune firing arrows at me but they weren’t as good a shot as estragon so I was able to dodge their arrows and run at them come on guys you can do better

Than that I swung my sword again and again and again never letting up by the time I was done those ancient bad guys were done and I was free to explore the pen I found a big stash of wool in a nearby chest since I had what I needed I

Set the Sheep free enjoy your freedom with that done I made my way back to my base to continue work on the statue on days 32-35 I decided I needed a change of scenery so I left my base and ventured down to the swamp to see if there were any interesting materials to

Collect hmm it’s got that fresh swamp smell but I didn’t find any interesting materials instead I found a swarm of monstrous swamp Legion and I really didn’t want them to get to too close to me I think I might be allergic to leeches especially giant monster leeches as I

Tried to run away I fell into the bog and found even more monstrous swamp leeches slithering through the water towards me I needed to get out of here I climbed out of the water and started running as fast as I could as the leeches started slithering up onto the

Ground behind me those monsters must be really hungry but I don’t want to be on the menu you nasty leeches I pulled out my sword and I was able to fight a few of them off but every time I took out a few of them Moore crawled out of the

Water I was on their Turf now okay okay I’m leaving just please stop trying to eat me after running for a while I finally managed to escape all the hungry leeches I stopped for a minute to catch my breath and that’s when the iron chicken ran out to meet me Hawaii’s gone

Stranger I need your help of course tell me what’s happening my chicken friend was kidnapped and dragged away into it too but it’s too heavily guarded for me to go and get her back myself will you help me do it I will my friend got kidnapped too so I know exactly how you

Feel I’ll get right on it on days 36 to 39 I followed some instructions the iron chicken gave me until I found my way over to the ancient tomb of course they’d be hiding the kidnapped chicken in the creepiest place possible duh getting in wouldn’t be easy I could see

A powerful looking Stone monster guarding the gate and I had no idea what other enemies or traps were waiting for me inside I needed to think of a way to approach this tactically wait I have an idea the stone monster hadn’t seen me yet so I could use my disguise skill to

Infiltrate the building without needing to fight the stone monster once I was inside I could try to find the chicken and sneak back out it’d be a Flawless plan and nobody would need to get hurt that’s the aphmau way what could possibly go wrong days 40 to 43 I put my

Plan into action I used my disguise ability to take on the form of a stone monster and approach the stone monster Guardian the entrance to the ancient tomb hey there fellow Stone monster how’s it going well I know you well we’re both Stone monsters aren’t we

What’s up you guarding the tomb can I go in look buddy this is a security job I don’t let anyone into this tomb unless I know him so who are you I feel like I definitely know you from somewhere are you a friend of my brother Michael

Yes that’s it some would say I’m his best friend me and Mikey go way back so you mind if I enter the tomb yeah no I don’t have a brother I’m taking you down my disguise was foiled the stone monster ran towards me and I used my Speed and

Agility to dodge around him and run into the ancient tomb don’t worry chicken I’m coming for you I ran into the tomb it was a cold dark passageway where I could barely see in front of my face put up a couple torches along the walls just so I

Could find my way around that’s when I found a potion of night vision laying around on the floor of the Tomb this is perfect just what I needed I took the potion just in time to see a vicious Ruby mummy running towards me it gave me

The threat of my life I dodged the lunging mummy and only then noticed a green chicken cowering behind the money hey chicken come with me we need to get out of this scary dump I didn’t have to tell the chicken twice she ran after me

As I ran out of the Tomb leaving the shambling Ruby mummy behind us we also passed the big strong Stone monster on the way out and left the tomb for good the green chicken and I returned to the swamp where she was reunited with her good friend the iron chicken thank you

I’ll never forget this no problem iron chicken I just hope I don’t need to go into any more creepy tombs anytime soon on days 44-49 after reuniting with the chickens I decided I needed a little reminder of the friend I was doing all of this to save I haven’t forgotten

About you Ian that’s why I continued working on the Statue with some of the materials I’d been Gathering it was getting a little taller every day I loved seeing my work get better and better like this okay the statue is coming along nicely but now I need to

Beef up my home defenses a little I mine some Stone out of the ground nearby and started building a wall around the base to keep it secure from any potential attackers I’d like to see estragon break in now oh wait I should probably build a door I built a double door into the

Front of the perimeter gate and mounted torches all around the sides to ward off mobs after that I got to work making Ian a room of his own he needed a good place to stay after I got him back from estragon while I was at it I decided to

Add a kitchen as well can’t live off of apples forever now my base was really coming along on days 50 to 53 my new security system was put to the test when estragon the hambaba attacked the base again and this time he brought friends there was an army of enderophages headed

By one of estragon’s generals the mutant Enderman who was larger and stronger than your average Enderman you just don’t know when to quit do you estragon why would I quit Zozo I hold all the cards you’ve been getting too big for your boots this is gonna teach you a

Valuable lesson about your place and things minions attack on estragon’s order the Army attacked I thought my new perimeter wall would keep me Coco and our base safe but that’s when the mutant Enderman came in he teleported past the wall and opened the door from the inside

That’s when the end of your phages came storming into the base oh this isn’t good I pulled out my stone sword and tried my best to fight off the end of Euro phages but as they attacked me I caught the anderflue and felt myself getting temporarily weaker it wasn’t

Even strong enough to stop them from getting to Coco the Chocobo Zozo help they’ve got me Coco No but it was already too late estragon teleported away with Coco all that was left at the base was me the enderophages and the mutant Enderman that’s it all of you bad

Guys are going down one by one with my stone sword I took down all the remaining enter your phages and and the mutant Enderman teleported away in fear the battle gave me enough XP that I gained two more hearts and double speed I quickly ran back inside and opened my

Fridge and grabbed some milk thankfully drinking it removed the underflow from me now it’s time to get serious I’m not letting estragon keep Coco and Ian I’m getting them both back on days 54-57 I decided I needed to improve my base defense system before I took the fight

To estragon in his goons I reinforced my perimeter wall by making it thicker and adding more layers and I added lanterns around the outside to ward off any enemy mobs good luck teleporting through that mutant Enderman the next defense I needed was knowledge that’s why I returned to the underground Cavern where

The wise ancient Spirit villager was waiting for me ancient Spirit villager I need your help estragon keeps attacking me and taking my friends but I don’t know where to even start looking for him to get my friends back where should I look well I think I may have an answer for

Lisozo across the forest in the Badlands there is an ancient Temple which I believe is owned by Esther Gandhi perhaps if you find this place you can discover astragon’s end portal find that we may be able to rescue your friends and stop his terrible plans that sounds

Like a plan but first i’m gonna need to improve my weapons and equipment if I want to take on estragon I need to become more powerful than ever that’s when I set off for a nearby mine on days 58 to 62 I entered the mine and started

Mining iron ore with my stone pickaxe this will be perfect for upgrading my gear well I was mining I suddenly felt a presence behind me I turned and saw the mutant Enderman lurking in the dark you again have had enough of you the mutant Enderman teleported toward me but I

Wouldn’t let him get the advantage here I pulled out my stone sword and finally put an end to the crafty teleporting villain he had one final trick up his sleeve though before I could back off I got sucked into the Ender energies that exploded out of him by the end of it

Though I was in a lot better shape than he was you picked the wrong side mutant Enderman I gathered up rest of the iron and returned to my base there I used my crafting table to create an iron sword an iron pickaxe an iron ax and a full

Set of iron armor looks like I’m getting stronger and stronger every day yeah on days 63-66 I continued working on the Statue it was coming along well but it still had a long way to go and it was a heck of a lot harder to build without

Any of my friends here to help me but I had to keep going because that’s what Heroes do that and go on adventures of course you want to make sure you never miss an exciting Zozo Adventure hit subscribe and click the Bell to get notifications we promise we’ve got some

Even cooler Adventures on the way you can suggest your ideas for Adventures down in the comments I love hearing what you have to say but now it’s time to continue my quest let’s do this on day 67 to 70 I followed the ancient Spirit villagers instructions to find estragon’s hidden dungeon I tracked

Across the forest until I reach the Badlands there I finally found a cave entrance guarded by a few floating guests with this kind of security this has gotta be esteon’s secret dungeon I bet Ian and Coco are trapped in here using my impressive speed I ran in through the Cave’s entrance avoiding the

Fireballs blasted at me by the patrolling gas you can’t catch me I’m gonna get in there and save my friends on day 71 to 74 I entered the dungeon there were Wither Skeleton skulls on the floor but suddenly in a black puff of smoke they reanimated into wither

Skeletons hooray more enemies just what I wanted pulled out my iron sword and started dueling the wither skeletons they were stronger than than I expected even iron wasn’t that effective at stopping them it jumped to a platform off the side of the bridge to make some

Distance between us that sure is a long way down the wither skeletons were hesitant to follow over the Gap then I took a look around and noticed something sitting on the ground nearby I couldn’t believe what I was seeing whoa a mace that’s one of the most powerful weapons

Out there looks like I’m getting some good luck after all with the mace I made short work of the Wither Skeleton Squad blasting them all into a pile of ebony bones not so tough now huh after defeating the wither skeletons I noticed a gate at the back of the dungeon I just

Knew that whatever I wanted it was hiding behind that door let’s go on day 75 to 78 I walked through the gate at the back of the dungeon and entered estragon’s Lair the humbaba was standing there waiting for me with a huge end portal on the ground behind him I bet

You’re proud of yourself you’ve come so far and what a shame it’ll be what happens to you in the end do you have any final regrets yeah not taking you down sooner I pulled out my new mace and ran toward estragon he tried to dodge

But I was too fast for him all it took was one good strike and estragon was thrown across the room needless to say he didn’t seem happy you really have gotten stronger and I’ve gotten angrier you’ll see just how angry I can get if you don’t tell me where I can find my

Friends oh you’ll find them but to find them you’ll need to follow me estragon jumped into the end portal and disappeared I wasn’t going to let him get away so I jumped in right after him on day 79-84 I arrived in the end where estragon the humbaba was already waiting

For me on top of some kind of tower this guy above was Pitch Black something about this place made me shudder all the way down to my bones welcome Zozo the end I hope you find it as hospitable as I do give it up estragon it’s over tell

Me where you’re keeping my friends oh they’re right here Zozo but you’ll never see them again isn’t that just tragic now this creep was really making me angry not as weak as I used to be estragon I can defeat you now perhaps you can but can you beat me after this

Started floating off the top of the tower I could feel an energy building in the air what was happening here prepare to witness true power Zozo in a puff of poisonous purple Mist estragon harnessed the power of the end and transformed into an Ender Dragon one of the most

Powerful enemies imaginable this is what it’s all been building to I’ve harnessed the power of the end and become stronger than I could have ever hoped to be soon with the help of my Enderman and my Android phases I will conquer the world never let you do that you’ll be too dead

To stop me estragon the Ender Dragon fired a purple Fireball at me I had no hope of surviving like this I ran away and hopped back into the end portal if I couldn’t figure something out soon we’d all be doomed on days 85 to 89 I ran

Back through the forest to my base by the time I got back there I was exhausted from the journey and from my last fight I needed to take a nap and get my energy back that’s when I got an unexpected guess the ancient Spirit villager floated into the room and woke

Me up ancient Spirit villager what are you doing here seems the situation has become Graver than ever Zozo or shattered enemy estragon has taken the form of an Ender Dragon I know that ancient Spirit villager I saw it happen then you know how much is at stake what

We must do in order to stop him and save the overworlds from his tyranny you still think I can beat him you wish to save your friends and Coco and you will have to you will need to get stronger first here take this the ancient Spirit villager gave me a sharpness enchantment

Which would make my mace even stronger but if I wanted to beat this new estragon I needed to make my spirit stronger as well as my weapons feeling well rested I went out to the Statue and put on the final finishing touches it looked amazing just like my friend Ian I

Knew when he finally saw it he’d love it he always was a little full of himself that’s when the ancient Spirit villager appeared to me one more time Zozo my dime is almost at an end but I have a message to impart to you if you wish to

Survive the Wrath of the Ender Dragon you must wear the ultimate armor you will find it in a jest hidden in the netherways there is a portal to the nether on the stone Shores you can do it I believe in you and with that the ancient Spirit villager faded away I

Would need to do the rest alone thank you ancient Spirit villager for everything on days 90 in 94 I use the sharpness enchantment the spirit villager gave me on my mace to make it stronger I took my enhanced mace and made my way to the stone Shores he see

The nether portal glowing in the distance it’s now or nether have I made that joke before there were a few zombies scattered along the shoreline when they saw me they immediately started running towards me thankfully by this point I was way too strong for them

And I took them all out with my mace and ran towards the portal nothing is Gonna Stop Me Now I jumped into the portal and was suddenly transported to the fiery nightmare world of the nether now I’ve gotta find that chest huh this place is way bigger than I thought as I wandered

Further into the netherwist I was attacked by a horde of zombified piglets all oinking furiously guys I’m just looking for the chest I don’t want any trouble they weren’t interested in listening instead they all attacked me and gave me no choice but to fight back take this and that

So powerful Now it only took one strike each to destroy them the biggest problem was that my mace was slow so it took me a while to work through them all they really should give you guys a raise ones the zombified piglets were taken care of I continued exploring until I found an

Empty Bastion remnant must be where all those zombified piglets came from I wonder if they were guarding something I crept inside and that’s when I saw it the chest the exact thing that the ancient Spirit villager told me about I opened it up and found something amazing inside a set of

Netherite armor the strongest armor ever this would be perfect for keeping me safe against the wrath of estragon with the armor in my inventory I ran back to the portal it was time to return to my base and prepare don’t worry Ian and Coco I’m coming back for you soon on

Days 95 to 96 I continued the prep for my final battle back at the base I used my library to craft a few new Enchantment books that had give me the edge in the fight against estragon even though my netherite armor was already the strongest armor you could get your

Hands on it could still be stronger I gave it the projectile protection enchantment so I could withstand anything that estragon the Ender Dragon through at me but I didn’t stop there when you think dragon you also think fire that’s exactly why I also gave my netherride armor the fire protection

Enchantment you won’t be able to toast me now estragon but I couldn’t just load all my efforts into defense my mace was powerful but it was also slow and it was no good at long range not exactly great when your enemy can fly that’s why just

To be sure I also made a throwing ax to keep in my inventory just in case estragon decided to cheat and use his wings and to think I started this journey as just a fun YouTuber now I’m a powerful Dragon hunting Warrior let’s go on days

97 to 98 I made the hard track across the forest toward the cave where estragon was keeping his end portal I was nervous after all the Ender Dragon was one of the strongest enemies I’d ever faced but I knew in my heart that I could win this thing and save my friends

Do you believe I can do it let me know down in the comments along with what Adventure you’d like me to take on next anytime you want more Minecraft adventures with me Zozo just search z-o-z-o for more that’s when I noticed that dark scary dungeon right in front

Of me okay estragon it’s now or never I’m gonna defeat you once and for all on day 99 I entered the dungeon where astrogon was keeping his portal to the end if I didn’t defeat him here he might become all-powerful and spread the Ender creatures all over the world I can’t

Just let that happen I jumped into the end portal and was immediately transported to the main island of the end I saw Coco the Chocobo and Ian trapped in cages watching helplessly while the mighty Ender Dragon floated up above you actually came back I can’t tell whether you’re brave or just

Foolish but I’ll destroy you either way Coco and Ian looked amazed to see me here and I was so happy to see them Zozo I can’t believe you actually came back to help us this is literally the coolest thing you’ve ever done don’t worry guys I’m gonna save you that just made

Estragon laugh I thought it might be nice for them to see you get destroyed it’s a little parting gift from me to you you pathetic little weakling who are you calling weakling it was time to level up I equipped my niece and fell myself beginning to change I upgraded

Reaching twice my height and strength my final form let’s do this Ester gone estragon immediately swooped down towards me doing the Ender Dragon died I quickly ran and dodged out of the way as he collided with the ground that was too close I grabbed my mace and ran towards him

Ready to deal a blow but he was already up and flying around again oh come on that’s not fair he Unleashed a purple Fireball that flew down towards me and exploded filling the area around hood that lethal pink Haze I could hardly breathe I needed to get out of here

Before it depleted my health this is even worse than Ender flu the Ender Dragon had so many attacks I could barely keep up just as I was recovering from the poison gas the Ender Dragon flew towards me again spewing a barrage of normal Fireballs down onto me if I

Wasn’t wearing my enchanted netherite armor I probably would have been melted right there and then did despite my armor they still dealt some damage taking out two of my hearts thankfully I still had my healing potion to get me back to full health Bottoms Up and estragon certainly didn’t like that face

It Zozo I’m all powerful you can’t stop me I will rule the Overworld but I wasn’t done just yet I grabbed my throwing ax and prepared for the next attack this time I’d be ready you want to finish me off estragon come on and do it then if you insist Zozo I saw

Estragon preparing for another dive towards me this would be my chance as he got closer I threw my accident throwing off his arm and sending him collapsing into the ground with an earth-shaking crash before estragon the Ender Dragon could get himself back up into the air I

Pulled out my powerful mace and ran over straight towards his head I could see him starting to panic wait Zozo no you can’t do this this is what happens when you kidnap my friends boom with one strike of my mace to his head estragon the Ender Dragon was destroyed for good

It was over you did it Zozo yeah you won on day 100 me Ian and Coco escaped to the end I let them run ahead while I turned around to throw my mace into the portal to destroy it so nobody like estragon would ever come back the portal

Started bubbling up so I rushed to get far away from it when I turned around I saw a dozen of tiny falling stars running down on the dungeon and portal slowly producing it to Rubble then we made our way back to the base to finally hang out and chill

The adventure may have been over but now with my friends back the fun had just begun on day one I spawned into a beautiful cherry blossom Forest as a creeper oh wait why does my stomach hurt I guess I must be a hungry creeper and a baby

Hungry creeper at that lucky for me there seemed to be lots of apples laying around the forest that must be why there are so many capuchin monkeys hanging around would you guys mind sharing some of your apples with a hungry creeper like me I’d really appreciate it that’s

When I saw a big scary skele King striding towards me out of the trees and he looked like he really meant business not so fast kid these apples don’t belong to these goofy little monkeys they belong to me skele King of the Overworld oh well can I please have some

Apples your highness my name’s Zozo and I’m so hungry sure if you can pay up some emeralds nothing in this world is for free kid I don’t have any emeralds then we have nothing to say to each other I’m sick of all you freeloaders thinking you can enjoy my food for

Nothing within a hundred days I’ll make sure that nobody can get a single morsel without paying through the nose for it I’ll never let you get away with that that’s not fair on all the hungry people who don’t have emeralds well I guess I’ll just have to destroy you then sorry

Kid gotta make an example out of people sometimes the skele King Unleashed an energy blast I ran away as fast as I could but it was already too late for the monkeys and the apples the blast took them all out the blast also took me

Down to two hearts I ran as fast as I could I needed to defeat the skele King within a hundred days where everyone would go hungry on day two I reached the Sika woods and stopped for a minute to catch my breath I could still feel my

Stomach growling I wish I’d been able to eat at least one of those apples but while I was still catching my breath I got ambushed by some armored skeletons and something told me that they probably wouldn’t have any food for me hey it’s that freeloader the skele King told us

About boys we’ll teach him to try scrumping our Supreme rulers produce attack armored skeletons ran towards me and all I could do was run away it’s not like I had a weapon and even if I did I probably would have been too hungry to fight eventually I managed to lose them

Being in this world was already exhausting and if I don’t find a snack soon I think I’m gonna pass out that’s when a cassowary approached me from how slowly she walked over it seemed like she was nervous you’re not with the Skelly King are you gosh no I was just

Running away from him and his minions I’m Zozo what’s your name that’s a relief I’m Cassie Cassie the cassowary you look hungry come with me I know someone who can fix you up some free grub thank you that’s the best news I’ve heard all day on day three Cassie the

Cassowary took me to a cozy little cabin in the middle of Seco Woods that’s where I met the cabin’s owner a friendly struggle I’m named Stefan my word you poor little creeper you’re all skin and bones how about I give you some of this nasty did is fresh out of the oven

Stefan gave me some tasty bread and it helped fill up my hunger bar a little bit anyway seems I really was a hungry creeper through and through thank you Stefan I really needed that I don’t understand why the skele King doesn’t just let people eat when they’re hungry

He’d make a lot more friends that way ah Zozo but you see the skele King doesn’t care about friends all he cares about are jewels and riches as a skeleton he doesn’t even need food he just Hoards it for his own benefit that’s awful how can

We stop him we can stop him by fighting back and making sure all the hungry are fed without having to give in to the Skelly King’s evil demands making a base would be a good start good idea thank you again Stefan we said our goodbyes to

Stefan and then Cassie and I set off deeper into the secret Woods it was time to start building a base from day four to day five we started the construction project of course before we could do anything else we needed tools that’s why I broke down a tree and made myself a

Wooden pickaxe which is good for only one thing mining enough Stone to make myself a full set of stone gear including a stone pickaxe and a stone sword finally I can deal some damage and start building a Cool Base I used my pickaxe to harvest more Stone and used

The stone ax to chop down some more trees giving me more wood to build with and more space for the foundation of my base looks like I’m getting the hang of this using all the materials I gathered I started building a pretty basic starter base with a room for me a room

For Cassie and a common area to hang out together when it was done Cassie and I took a second to appreciate it together it’s not much but it’s a start I think it looks awesome Zozo but as you can probably expect all this building worked up a real hunger I did some more

Exploring until I found myself some delicious carrots to eat and what’s up back and as soon as I ate the carrots something amazing happened I leveled up getting bigger stronger and getting nine Hearts looks like I power up by eating that must be why I’m so hungry from day

Six to day eight I decided I needed a change of scenery and traveled out to the Mojave Desert to search for more food suddenly some text appeared it was my stomach you have generated one gunpowder well would you look at that I now actually have one gunpowder in my

Inventory I guess it makes sense I am a creeper after all I explored for a bit until I was surrounded with hot desert sand all around Las Vegas should be around here somewhere and I’ve heard they have amazing all-you-can-eat buffets sure my stomach would like that but I

Never found Las Vegas or any buffets instead I found a little Goblin named goblo running towards me in a panic yeah stranger you have to help me I’m being chased by a desert mummy oh no don’t worry goblo those us the name and helping people is my game stand back I

Charged in leaving goblo behind while I searched for the desert mummy it didn’t take long for me to find him he was running around the desert trying to find goblo instead he found me let’s battle mummy you should at least be picking on someone My Size the desert mummy

Attacked he was one tough cookie but thankfully with my stone sword I was able to get the edge he dropped a cookie well don’t mind if I do when the desert mummy Was Defeated I returned to goblo thank you Zozo you’re a lifesaver no problem goblo why was that desert mummy

Chasing you in the first place because I owed his boss the skeleton Jackal some money when he finds out he defeated the desert mummy he’ll probably just send another then we better go have a chat with this skeleton Jackal personally and I’m gonna need to break for lunch from

Day nine to day 10. I followed goblo into the Red Rock mountains where he told me the skeleton Jackal was waiting you hang back goblo I’ll take care of this guy myself then come back yeah okay Zozo yeah take this slingshot maybe you can fling some stuff with the skeleton

Jackal I wish you luck I kept going until I found the skeleton Jackal waiting for me if you’re not gonna forgive goblo’s death then I guess we’re gonna have to fight I loaded my slingshot with gunpowder and flinged it at him to my disappointment nothing happened oh well I guess a good old

Stone sword will have to do I charged in with my stone sword expecting this to be an easy fight like my battle with the desert mummy but I was so wrong it seems like my attacks were barely doing any damage to the skeleton Jackal he was

Just too fast and strong and to make things worse he started throwing his javelins at me ouch that hurt I need it to get out of there so I just turned and ran I ran until the skeleton Jackal was out of sight then made my way back to gablo

Feeling hungry and ashamed I’m so sorry goblo I don’t think I’m strong enough to take on the skeleton Jackal yet how about you come to my base to lay low we’ll figure something out yeah that sounds like a good idea Zozo thank you for helping me from day 11 to day 12 I

Returned to my base with goblo seeing as only Cassie and I had bedrooms at the moment I needed to expand my base I started adding a whole new room for goblo to sleep in connected to the common area after building the room I furnished it with a bed so goblo could

Finally relax how do you like your new room goblo yeah it’s amazing thank you Zozo I feel safe from the skeleton Jackal and his goons here great hopefully it’ll keep us safe from the skele King in his goons too ah no the Skelly King he’s like a hundred times

Worse than the skeleton Jackal I thought his troops have been going to anyone that can produce and stall food and trying to take it all over but why almost everyone needs food Zozo so whoever controls the food controls the world and we better start producing and

Storing our own food just to be safe with that idea in mind I started adding a new room to the base just for storage once I built the room I installed a few chests so we could store as much as possible I also started mining around my

Base finding some iron ore deposits that I could later smelt into ingots but I was still hungry and I couldn’t just eat iron so I started adding another new feature to my base a little chicken farm filled with some chickens I found around the secret Woods the chickens would lay

Eggs and give me a steady supply of ingredients for cooking projects my mouth is watering just thinking about it from day 13 to day 15 I returned to my base and decided to have a much needed chat with Cassie the cassowary Cassie I need your advice how do you think I

Should go about getting strong enough to take on the skele King well you told me that eating helps you grow and level up maybe you need to venture out further and try more exciting Foods the tropical rainforest might have what you’re after that’s an amazing idea Cassie I took her

Advice and traveled out to the tropical rainforest the journey actually made me even hungrier but lucky for me I was able to find some sweet berries that reduced my Hunger a little bit but this was immediately followed by a sudden ambush from the Spider Queen well well

If it isn’t Zozo the hungry creeper I expected you to be bigger I’m working on it it doesn’t matter the Skelly King sent me to eliminate you and believe me no matter how hungry you are I’m hungrier the Spider Queen will eat you alive without another word the Spider

Queen attacked me it was a tough battle but lucky for me I was able to hold my own and turn the tables on the evil Spider Queen when she was defeated she dropped some cotton candy onto the ground that is sweet get it because it’s

Candy sorry that is a bad joke I ate the cotton candy and immediately felt myself growing again just like cassia told me I was bigger stronger and now I had 14 Hearts from day 16 to day 19 needing a break from all the dense woods and forests I decided to take a stroll

Through the beautiful rose Fields while exploring I got hungry and decided to eat some bread from Stefan the straw Golem that I’d kept in my inventory when you’re going on a long journey you should always bring snacks especially when you’re a hungry creeper a little less hungry now I continued my search

Through the rose Fields until I found a mysterious old chest just sitting around in the middle of the field oh I wonder what’s inside I took a peek and found a book titled Mysteries of the Weeping witch Forest most of the pages were blank but one of them had the words a

Man who once watched The Weeping witch forest with evil thoughts found his mind and body Twisted always Desiring but never hungry forever unsatisfied a creature less than human wait that sounds a lot like the skele King does this mean he has something to do with the Weeping witch Forest before I could

Finish my thought a bunch of armored skeletons turned up looking for a fight look we found the freeloader again let’s destroy him for good this time maybe the skele King will give us a raise the armored skeletons attacked me but I wasn’t a little baby hungry creeper

Anymore with my new size skills and my stone sword I was able to defeat every last one of them seems like all my hard work is paying off now I’m hungry again though running out of food fast from day 20 to day 22. I continued through the rose Fields I found a few

Spiders along the way but after defeating the Spider Queen they were nothing I think I’ve earned myself some upgraded equipment after all this I continued mining into the ground until I found some more iron ore I then built myself a little furnace out in the field

To smelt the ore into Ingot then turn the ingots into a full set of iron gear first and foremost an iron sword and an iron pickaxe I think I’m finally strong enough to settle an old score now with goblow’s debts in mind and my Hunger nagging at me again I made my journey

Back to the Red Rock mountains where the skeleton Jackal was once again waiting for me ready for a rematch friendo the skeleton Jackal attacked but this time I was a lot bigger stronger and faster than before and I had way better weapons it didn’t take me long to defeat the

Monster and in doing so clear all of goblo’s deaths it feels good to help now if only it made me less hungry well I was feeling sorry for myself the skele King himself suddenly appeared walking right up to me with him there I certainly didn’t feel as confident as I

Did before been enjoying all the free snacks you sad little mooch you’ve been eating on borrowed time Zozo you owe me and I always collect on what I’m owed I don’t understand you skele King I read that you were a person once before you lost your Humanity why do you want all

This money if you don’t even need to buy food with it to need is weak and to want his powerful Zozo what you have is hunger it’s a sign of your low status what I have is ambition perhaps someday you’ll understand that but I don’t expect you to live that long mark my

Words your days are numbered and with that the skele King disappeared and I was alone in the Red Rock mountains with a grumbling stomach once again from day 23 to Day 26 I tried to ignore my grumbling stomach as I returned to my face I really wanted a snack but first I

Had to give goblo the good news I found him chilling at the fireplace hey goblo guess what yeah what is it Zozo I took care of that skeleton Jackal so he won’t be sending his goons after you anymore that’s amazing thank you so much for your help no problem now we don’t have

To worry about any more of those creeps coming after you next I decided to gather materials that would help me improve my base also I wanted to see if I could rustle up another snack hmm some stone blocks I can use these to build a stone wall around the base and keep the

Bad guys out I gathered the stone as well as some coal which I Unearthed and got to work building a wall around my base that looks great super secure but I want to make sure I can see what’s going on out here while I’m inside I know I’ll

Add some windows after carrying all that stone putting in a few Windows was a snap true that really made me work up an appetite I wandered out into the woods to see what I could find and suddenly I spotted a tree filled with what I like

To call yellow gold bananas this is the best day I’ve had so far I picked up as many bananas as I could find and made sure to eat a few to help fill up my rumbling stomach after that I could think much more clearly as much as I

Wanted to eat all the bananas I realized I could use some of them to help upgrade one of my weapons I know I’ll fuse these with my sword and make a banana sword no a banana Katana hey that’s pretty good maybe once the skele King is defeated

I’ll get into comedy it tastes delicious I just gotta make sure I don’t cut my tongue while eating my Katana from day 27 to day 31 I was getting restless hanging around the base having no more bananas to eat it was time to head out and explore a new area to see what

Snacks I could find my journey took me all the way out to the ice spikes I wish I’d worn a coat but I’ve got my sense of adventure to keep me warm plus it was pretty hard to focus on being cold when I was so hungry as I was walking I came

Across some diamonds whoa I can’t believe these are out here I’ll grab them and take them home with me then I saw something amongst the ice in the bushes and rushed toward it maybe it’s something I can eat but as I got closer I realized it was just Among Us oh sorry

To bother you no bother at all I was hoping someone would come along to help me I took a stroll away from my home in the mushroom fields and I’m afraid I’m hopelessly lost and getting colder by the second well you can can warm up at

My base if you want follow me there oh thank you please take these cookies as a token of my thanks See I showed the Mungus the way back to my base but we were both still shivering from the cold we need a bigger fireplace I quickly upgraded our existing one and before long we were warming ourselves up by the fire and munching on cookies this is the good life just then Cassie the

Cassowary approached us Zozo I need your help it’s Stefan he’s in trouble we have to go now from day 32 to day 35 Cassie and I headed to Stefan’s cabin in the secret Woods to see what was going down Cassie sounded pretty upset so I knew it was

Probably pretty bad when we arrived I saw why Cassie was so freaked out the place was swarming with armored skeletons Zozo thank goodness you’re here these brutes have been tearing my cabin apart don’t worry we’ll stop them I drew my banana Katana I’ve got my banana Katana so you guys better split I

Didn’t have time to laugh at my super funny joke I had to get to work fighting these guys off there’s so many of them what do we do we do our best one of the armored skeletons came at me but I managed to get in a good hit with my

Weapon before he could give me we were so caught up in the fight we didn’t notice the two skeletons that knocks Stefan to the ground oh no I tried to help him but it was too late Stefan was gone you’ll pay for this my anger gave me the strength I needed

To finish the fight and with Cassie offering moral support we defeated the rest of the armored skeletons I sadly approached the remains of the straw Golem this is all my fault I bet these guys were working for the skele King it’s not your fault Zozo it’s the bad

Guys who should be blamed you’re right Cassie I need to focus on what matters stopping the skele King from taking everyone’s food speaking of food I’m getting hungry again I explored the Golem’s house for some food but instead found a crafting table with items placed on top of course it’s the crafting

Recipe for TNT I bet shooting TNT with my slingshot will work way better than shooting with gunpowder from Day 36 to day 39 I set off in search of something else to eat Cassie and I split up so we could cover more ground I also needed to keep looking for additional ways to

Defeat the skele King but I was pretty sure I could do both at the same time I couldn’t help it I was just a very hungry creeper Cassie told me she heard there was food in the Badlands so that was where I decided to go but I didn’t

See any snacks anywhere just rocks sand cacti and other non-food plants oh man nothing to eat here as I was talking to myself a coyote came up to me he told me that he needed help finding aloe vera to treat his sunburns he had spent too much time in the sun without applying

Sunscreen and now he had sunburns all over his skin sure I’ll help you maybe if I found it quick enough he’d give me a snack in return no I I shouldn’t think that you shouldn’t do good deeds just in case someone gives you a gift you should do

Them just because it’s good to be kind and help others I spotted the yellow plant but when I ran over to pick it up someone jumped out from behind a rock I am the desert Lord dessert Lord what kind of desserts do you have not dessert

You fool desert this is my domain and everything in it belongs to me including that aloe plant be gone no can do buddy that aloe is required by someone else then you must duel me for it works for me I ran toward the desert Lord and fought him with my banana Katana The

Duel didn’t take very long because my Katana broke what was I thinking it’s made from bananas of course the durability is non-existent I used my ax instead before he fell down and gave up then I grabbed the Zimbabwe aloe saplings and took them back to the

Coyote he didn’t have any snacks for me but that was okay it was still nice to help out before I left the Badlands I made sure to stock up on some sand so I can craft more TNT when I get home from day 40 to day 43 I returned to my base

To check things out this place is missing something I know we need some banners and some bookcases I quickly got to work adding them when I was done I took a look at my new and improved base much better that’s when goblo approached me yeah Zozo could I ask for a favor

Sure thing goblo what’s up I’m pretty lonely here without any other goblins think I could invite some of my God friends to stay with us for a while sure let me just make them some rooms I added some extra rooms to the base so Gobbler’s buddies would have somewhere

To stay it was starting to look like a hotel all done go ahead and invite your friends while gobble and the gobs settled in I crafted as much tea geez I could I have enough gunpowder for only three come on stomach you can do better than that start making more gunpowder

At least I could craft myself a diamond sword to replace the good old banana Katana my thoughts turned to food again but my thoughts were interrupted by one of my latest guests the Mungus coming over to me with a quest hey Zozo I have a quest for you

Sure what is it I need you to go to the underground mine for me there is an Anubis there who has been terrorizing my family and keeping them from mining there I don’t like bullies you’ve got it Mungus I’ll make sure he leaves your family alone

From day 44 to day 49 I travel to the location of the underground mine to look for that Anubis who is giving manga so much trouble I spotted a crane in the distance this must be it it was an entire mining site I headed down into

The mine and started to look around I have to admit I was also kind of hoping I’d find something to eat too but the chests there were filled with rubbish mostly I was focused on my quest but I’ll never turn down a snack I ventured deeper but I didn’t see Anubis anywhere

But what I did see was the skele King lurking in the mine hey you’ve gotten bigger since I last saw you what did I tell you before Zozo no more free snacks this is the end of that line kid your toast and you’ll never eat toast again

Without paying me for it first you’re terrible you let your green consume everything you do and then you act like we’re all greedy for wanting the smallest things it’s not fair life isn’t fair you’re either a winner or a loser get used to it and speaking of losing

Get ready to lose a fight with one of my best minions he let out an evil laugh then ran out of the mine leaving a terrifying ghost Miner behind I had to be brave even if I was scared whatever I ain’t afraid of no ghost but when he rushed me I could tell

He was really strong and this wasn’t going to be an easy fight from day 50 to day 53 I worked hard to bust the ghost Miner and get out of the underground mine alive I was a little bit worried because I couldn’t damage him my punches went straight through him and his

Pickaxe did loads of damage but it dawned on me I should blast him away with my TNT I loaded up my slingshot and Kaboom the ghost was literally blown away haha I’ve managed to win after all as I was looking around the mine after the fight I saw a chest in the distance

I checked inside a golden apple can I eat this only one way to find out turns out I could eat it and not only was it tasty and gave me some nice Buffs but it gave me some secret knowledge suddenly I knew something else about the skele King

So he’s hiding all the food he takes in Chess at his base if only I knew where his base was I could return all the food to the people that need it that’s great now I just have to find out where he’s hiding and get big and strong enough to

Stand a chance in a fight with him too from day 54 to day 57 I climbed deeper into the mine I couldn’t go back to my base until I found that Anubis after all I gave Mungus my word that I would complete his quest well all of a sudden

It looked like I would still get the chance because a great big tough Anubis came bolting out at me ah bad dog bad dog he knocked into me and it hurt but I was still alive and I was still strong enough to fight back I ran back at him

And managed to defeat him even though he was bigger and better than me oh hey he dropped something suspicious too awesome I didn’t care how suspicious it was I was starving I slurped it up and felt myself grow bigger and stronger with 18 Hearts now with my quest complete I

Headed back to the base to give Mungus the good news thank you so much Zozo I have some good news of my own I heard a rumor that the skele King’s bases in the Weeping witch Forest when you feel strong and ready enough you should be able to find him

There from day 58 to day 62. I was thinking about food again I wish I had some more eggs then we can make all kinds of snacks here at the base wait a second if we had some more chickens we could have more eggs I went out and

Found some chickens then hardened them back to the base and put them in the coop with the others make friends little chickens then I decided to see if I could upgrade my gear I went down into the mine and found some more diamonds perfect I used the diamonds to craft a

Shiny new pair of diamond boots and pants I feel tougher already from day 63 to day 66 I tried to come up with a plan for what to do next I wasn’t ready to try and take on the skele King on his own turf I needed to get stronger first

Then goblo came to me with an idea say Zozo are you still hungry I’m always hungry well I had there’s some yummy fish to be found in the bayou might be a good idea to check it out and see if you can find some that’s a great idea thanks

To gablos tip I left my base and traveled to the Bayou I was wandering around when an ogre came stomping up to me I was pretty nervous and got ready for a fight but he gave me a friendly growl instead ah yeah sorry to bother

You but I could uh use a little help yes see there are a bunch of gnarly swap spiders infested my house and trying to bite me every time I go inside could you uh get rid of them for me sure after the kind of enemies I thought lately I can

Definitely squash a few spiders from day 67 to day 70. I followed the ogre to his house and sure enough it was crawling with swamp spiders yikes I get why you asked for help these weren’t any ordinary spiders they were meaner and much more dangerous but I’d already

Fought the Spider Queen so I knew I could take them it didn’t take long before I defeated every single one of those spiders thank you I couldn’t have done it without your help all done your house should be safe now yeah take this as a uh thank you he handed me some raw

Salmon hey it’s true there really is fish here I gobbled up the salmon and it really hit the spot we said our goodbyes and the other went back to cleaning up and living in his house from day 71 to day 74. I took a walk through the Black

Forest on my way back to my base as I was looking around I found a note on the ground make sure to like And subscribe if you want to see more Adventures like this one and be sure to search z-o-z-o to find more awesome videos after

Looking at the note I went back to hunting for something else to eat I’ve heard people talk about black forest cake before maybe I can find some of that here if I’m lucky but I didn’t find any cake all I found was the skele King lying and wait for me there’s no more

Cake left in this Forest Zozo but I’ll give you a slice if you bring me some diamonds first never then perish he started throwing phone blocks at me I tried to dodge them but if you got me anyway ouch that really hurt he’s still a lot

Stronger than me I don’t want to run away but I’d better get out of here if I want to survive so I ran out of there as fast as I could before he could do any more damage next time I see him I’ll make sure I’m

Ready from day 75 to day 78 I ran all the way back to my base thankfully the skele King wasn’t able to follow me there I need to do something to take my mind off of that disaster I looked around and my eyes settled on the garden

Some flowers would make me feel better so I planted some flowers in the garden and it really chewed me up look at all those beautiful flowers as I was finishing up with the garden one of the gobs that goblo invited to the base came over he thanked me for giving him and

The others a place to stay and handed me a steaming hot bowl of mushroom stew as a thank you gift yum this smells great I quickly ate the stew and grew larger gaining four more Hearts wow I feel so much stronger now thanks Gob that’s a

Pretty powerful stew from day 79 to day 84 I headed to the apple orchard to gather some fruit and look for some mobs I could test out my new Strength on I found plenty of both there are a lot of apples and there was also the golden Devourer they were hungry little guys

Trying to eat all the apples for themselves leave some for the rest of us I taught them a lesson and beat them quickly I really am stronger a giant came up to me and told me he saw what I did he’d been trying to clear those

Pests out of the apple orchard for days now and now he and the other people living nearby could finally get some of the apples I helped him pick some to take back home and he gave me a piece of mutton in return I ate the mutton and it

Tasted great and helped me grow even stronger from day 85 to day 89 I take a leisurely walk back to my base but when I got there I was shocked at what I found there was a big nasty sectoid Queen attacking my base and scaring all of my

Friends hey you get out of here but before I could attack the sectoid queen scuttled off into the woods oh no you don’t I ran after her but I lost track of her I saw a bull looking around and thought maybe he could help me have you

Seen a sectoid queen yes if I tell you where she went will you help me get my cat out of that tree sure here kitty kitty I don’t know why but the cat listened to me and climbed down out of the tree I guess I could tell I just

Wanted to help thank you she went that way he pointed me in the right direction and I headed off to track down the septoid queen from day 90 to day 94. I found the sectoid queen deep in the secret Woods there you are why were you attacking my face

Following orders from the Skiller King he sent me after a little mooch who’s been holding snacks without paying for them when I couldn’t find you I decided to tear apart your house to teach you a lesson you shouldn’t have done that now I’ll teach you a lesson

You can try I attacked with my sword but it was a much harder fight than I expected uh oh she’s really strong this isn’t gonna be easy the queen seemed to back off and started digging a tunnel into the mountain I was hurting so I didn’t follow her immediately instead I

Gathered some berries to replenish my hunger and health before continuing the fight from day 95 to day 97 I went into the tunnel which led to a drip Stone cave where the queen was waiting I charged her and kept on fighting the sectoid queen she started spawning regular-sized

Ants around her sure they were small but they still bite I was getting pretty tired and I was worried I might not make it out of this one might as well give up now you’ll never be a match for the skeleton that taunt gave me the inspiration I needed to finish up the

Fight that is it no more playing around taste the power of TNT I shot a TNT charge up into the drip Stone and it fell right on the sexoid queen she was done for wow that was a tough one I saw that the sexoid queen had dropped a

Throwing ax and I picked it up wow this is a great weapon it’ll help me a lot there was an inscription on the handle reading property of the skele King I guess this used to be his throwing ax well he took a lot of things from people

Who need them and then he was careless so the Zone weapon Finders Keepers I guess I’ll use this to defeat him once and for all before I left I made sure to mine up all the diamonds that were in this cave this will be just enough diamonds to finish my diamond armor set

On day 98 I took my new throwing ax back home to my base and to my surprise my friends fixed up the house back to the way it was before I started preparing for the final battle first I made the rest of my diamond armor there now I am

Well protected next I crafted As Much TNT as I could thank you stomach this gunpowder will be used for good now I finally felt ready to take on the skele King and return the food to the hungry masses but first Cassie approached me Zozo I’m glad I caught you I brought you

This pineapple to help you get your strength up before your battle I ate the pie and changed my form into a mutant creeper now I look really Mighty I gained even more hearts up to 40 now what was in that pineapple I don’t know but now you can definitely defeat the

Skele King then came goblo yeah thank you for saving my life Zozo you have done so much to help so many people and I just know you’ll be the one to free us from the skeleton thank you that means a lot of course the Mungus had something

To say Zozo I may just be a simple Mungus from mushroom Fields but I think you’re really fun guy thanks and even the other gobs wanted to encourage me since you liked it so much before here’s some more mushrooms too eat up before you leave I stored the stew for later

And I felt prepared to head out and take back what was rightfully ours on day 99 I started on my Trek to the Weeping witch Forest where the Skeleton King’s base was at first I wasn’t sure where exactly his lair might be but a bubble parasite pointed me in the right

Direction you can do it Zozo thanks pal when I arrived at the base I saw an armored Pillager guarding the entrance how am I gonna get past him for a second I thought my plans were doomed until the yogurt came running out of the woods let

Me handle them you take on the skele King ogre you’re here you didn’t think I’d uh leave you without any backup did you I can handle the zombie yeah you head on inside on day 100 I ran straight into the skele King’s base with no more

Minions to protect him he would have to fight me himself one on one come on out and face me it’s time for you to be the one who pays he emerged from his lair at the sound of my taunts I’m not paying for a thing you don’t know what your

Mess with little creeper I’m not so little anymore no I guess not you’ve gotten strong on Stolen snacks snacks you should have given me emeralds in exchange for you can’t make people pay you for food it belongs to everyone enough talk I’ve had enough of your

Cheddar I’ll shut you up once and for all you know what I’m still hungry and there’s only one thing that would hit the spot right now Justice and with that I sprang into action and charged at the skele King dealing him a powerful blow but he was not taking any damage he had

Some sort of purple magic protecting him that’s when I noticed purple crystals in the watchtowers that must be what is protecting him just like when you fight the Ender Dragon I needed to get closer to them I managed to Sprint into his house I searched for a lover to

Deactivate the towers but saw nothing just his bed and his throne he did have TNT on display that is it it who needs a lever I can just shoot TNT at the crystals I had no time to waste the skele King came into the house and

Landed some good hits on me I ran to the first Tower and launched TNT right into the crystal the skele King didn’t seem to like that explosion I ran to the next Tower while skele King chased me soon the second tower was also down just one

More the skele King almost caught up to me but it was too late I successfully destroyed all the crystals and his magical protection had disappeared he stepped back injured no you’re weak you’re tiny I own you I own everyone everything maybe you did own everything

But I’m here to take it all back I threw my throwing ax as hard as I could and it hit knocking him out and that was that the skele King had been dethroned time to take all of this food and get it back to the people who need it in that moment

I didn’t feel hungry anymore and I knew that as long as I had anything to say about it no one in the world would ever go hungry again on day one I spawned into the autumnal Valley has an itty bitty baby Steve this is no fun who wants to be a baby

I’m so small and weak at least the valley was peaceful and I was surrounded by adorable fluffy mystery sheep they comforted me in my frightened baby State suddenly a huge gold-plated bully walks towards me just seeing him made me feel nervous well looky here if it isn’t the

New meat a silly little baby thinking he can just wander around the field but I’m Midas and these are my Fields dork and there are no babies allowed I’m sorry if I hurt your feelings mister I didn’t mean to trespass my name’s Zozo I’m just trying to understand what’s Happening

Here Zozo yeah I’m gonna call you bozo from now on that’s much more fitting for a silly little baby clown like you why are you so mean because when you’re the strongest you get to be mean like this he fired an energy blast that vaporized all the mystery sheep around me I was

Horrified by it all that’s gonna happen to you too over the next hundred days unless you get strong too I’m gonna get you bozo I felt so mad about how he treated me but I wasn’t strong enough to fight back all I could do was run away

As fast as I could I don’t care what he says I will get strong enough to stand up for myself in 100 days on day two I continued running through the autumnal field and didn’t stop until I was absolutely sure that Midas the bully wasn’t somewhere behind me phew that was

A close one I only have five Hearts so I can’t afford to let someone as powerful as him get the jump on me like that I still feel terrible for those mystery sheep though my knees started to hurt from all the running so I started crawling around the abdominal Valley

Didn’t seem so sweet and peaceful anymore to a little baby like me everything seemed almost too scary to handle I hope I can find someone around here who will agree to help me but because I wasn’t very lucky I instead ran into a group of mean looking skeleton jackals excuse me guys but

Would any of you be able to help a little baby like me I’m lost and afraid but the skeleton jackals just started laughing and laughing oh this is priceless what a little baby dork you must be Bozo Midas told us all about you when he sent us out to look for the

Little lame-o who was trespassing in his Valley what you worked for Midas the bully but why he’s so mean sure he’s mean but if you side with the bully and help him bully others then they won’t bully you that’s a terrible message we should all stick up for each other

Spoke him like a true Bozo let’s get him boys I had to run away again because there was no way I could take those guys on it made me feel so weak and cowardly but there was nothing else I could do when I outrand skeleton jackals I

Stopped in a clearing to cry that’s when a friendly pig wearing a crown approached me are you all right there little one no I’m not I’ve only been here for two days and everyone is mean to me oh that’s no good I’m the king pig

And I won’t stand for any of that sort of rubbish in my kingdom come with me little one okay so I followed the king pig out of the autumnal Valley on day three the king pig led me out into the blue tiger where there was a small

School building do not worry little Zozo this is the blue tiger school it is a safe place for children and a good friend of mine runs it I entered the school and that good friend turned out to be the water Elemental the teacher who taught anyone passing through the

Blue tiger good Heavens you poor thing look at you I’m so sorry that some of the people you’ve met in the Overworld have treated you poorly Zozo but I promise that you you will always have a safe place here thank you Mr water Elemental it was also very kind of the

King pig to bring me here it makes me feel a whole lot better after my incident with Midas the bully and all his goons Midas a truly nasty man an ex-student of mine actually I expelled him from the school years ago for bullying other students as sad as I am

To say it I don’t think he’ll ever change what do you think I should do teacher honestly little Zozo I think the ultimate solution is to train hard enough that you’re strong enough to defeat him for the sake of everyone there’s a nice place called The amaranth

Fields near here that might be a good spot to begin your work thank you Mr water Elemental I won’t let you down so King Pig and I set off for the amaranth field ready to begin the process of taking Midas the bully down once and for

All from day four to day five King Pig and I arrived at the amaranth field there were enough wide open planes for it to be perfect to make a base but first I broke down a tree and made myself a crafting bench and a wooden pickaxe then mined into the ground for

My first stone blocks now I’m feeling less like a baby already I built myself a furnace a stone pickaxe and a stone sword uh King Pig your highness is it all right for a baby to hold a sword it’s okay with adult supervision Zozo and I’m 47. well okay then I continued

Mining and collecting Stone and wood until I had enough to start building a basic base with a room for me and a room for King Pig it wasn’t much but it will be enough for now space is looking good to Zozo it’s not quite Fit For A King just yet but you’re

Getting there then a problem came up a small swarm of golden devourers tried attacking my base and I was forced to use my sword to fight them all off get out of here you nasty little critters I’ve had enough meanies this week but when they were defeated something

Amazing happened I had enough XP to level up becoming a slightly bigger baby with 20 hearts and the ability to crawl up walls I guess it makes sense for a baby to be really good at crawling from day six to day eight given a little more confidence by my new power and new

Hearts I decided to venture out to the mangrove marshes where I could hopefully learn more about being strong and tough it seemed like a nice enough place until I saw an ancient Egyptian guy being attacked by a nasty bunch of sectoid soldiers I couldn’t let them get away

With that don’t worry I’m here to help baby into the rescue I pulled out my stone sword and ran in defeating all the sectoid soldiers with the element of surprise when I was done it was just me and the ancient Egyptian left thank you very much my friend I’m Seth you saved

My life just then don’t mention it Seth I’m Zozo and I’m just trying trying to learn to be stronger so any combat experience is helpful well in that case we may be able to help each other you see Zozo you may think this is bad but

There’s a far worse pest problem out in the Cypress swampland think you can help me deal with it of course lead the way Seth so Seth led the way and I followed him from day 9 to day 10 I followed Seth out into the Cypress swaplands ready to

Take on whatever pest problem he was dealing with I mean it’s only bugs how scary can it really be I changed my tune when I saw the pest that Seth was talking about a giant terrifying mummy scorpion Okay this may be a bit more challenging than I thought well Seth

Stood back in the shadows I pulled out my stone sword and ran into battle with the mummy scorpion but my sword strikes didn’t do any damage mommy scorpion hit back it took off several hearts in one hit I needed to get out of there as quickly as possible

I ran away from the angry mummy scorpion yelling for my life until I was out of there Seth was waiting for me so Zozo did you manage to defeat the mummy scorpion I’m so sorry Seth but I’m still too much of a baby to defeat him wanna

Come back to my base in the meantime I’m sure we can get something figured out thank you Zozo that’s very kind of you I’ll follow you back and with that we headed back towards my base in the amaranth fields from day 11 to day 12 I

Arrived back at my base with Seth and immediately started working on adding an additional house for him to sleep in having two of my new friends here definitely makes me feel safer after all babies shouldn’t be left alone for too long once I was done with Seth’s room he

Came over to me to share some exciting news Zozo since she was so kind as to let me stay on your base with you I took the liberty of building you a little upgrade come with me I’ll show you oh Seth you really shouldn’t have that’s

Just too kind of you he led me over to a new room he’d created a super cool storage area where we could keep gear weapons and supplies this is awesome Seth thank you this room is gonna come in so handy perhaps more than you even know Zozo I’ve come to understand that

Midas the bully is after you don’t let the juvenile name fool you he’s an extremely dangerous fighter and Magic user to take him on you’re going to need the best weapons you can muster feeling inspired fired by Seth’s words of warning I made my way to a deep cave not

Far from my base and started mining there I found some iron ore which I took back to the furnace on my base and smelted into iron ingots before I knew it I had an iron sword and an iron pickaxe a baby with an iron sword this

Is just crazy but I guess I’ll go with it and of course a sword is no good if you don’t have supplies that’s why I made a paddock on my base and heard it’s a mystery sheep into it after all you never know when you’re gonna need the

Wool from day 13 to day 15 I wasn’t sure what I needed to do to get stronger so I went to my oldest friend King Pig your majesty I’m not sure how to get strong enough to defeat Midas the bully I know I’ve got a better sword now but I’m

Still a tiny weak baby well one of the best ways to grow big and strong is to have a healthy diet my boy and for what it’s worth I’ve heard the delicious apples on the Dover mountains have particularly special properties then I’ll head straight to the Dover

Mountains thank you king pig put the journey up and into the Dover mountains wasn’t easy thankfully due to my climbing ability I didn’t fall but it still took me a whole day just to get up there and when I did I noticed something terrible there were apple trees but no

Apples where could they have gone that’s when I turned and saw a massive skulk scorpion creeping towards me oh no the Scorpion must have eaten all the apples it attacked me and I need it to fend it off with my new iron sword it was hard

Work for a little baby but I still managed to defeat it and when it went down it dropped a special Dover mountain apple time for a post Victory snack when I ate the apple I immediately started growing and becoming more powerful I now had 50 hearts and the ability to quickly

Build walls I’m one buff baby now from day 16 to day 19 I wanted to go somewhere a little less challenging than the Dover mountains so I settled for the Charming Evergreen Hills instead wow the scenery here is lovely if only I had a book to just sit around and read this

Would be the perfect afternoon and as if by Magic I ran into a book on the ground I picked it up and saw that its title was the tragedy of Midas this sounds like an educational read I started reading a passage that said once the one

Known as Midas was small and weak he was picked on and grew despite everyone around him he got strong and grew his fortune covering himself in Gold he then became a bully himself just like the ones who bullied him but my reading was interrupted by a gang of minus the

Bullies skeleton jackals that came towards me yeah look at that nerd reading how’d you like that book bozo is it teaching you how to be less lame oh it’s teaching me that your boss is even more small and insecure than I thought hey nobody gets to talk about

Midas that way he’s the number one bully around here let’s get him boys the skeleton jackals attacked me but this time I wasn’t going to run away with my iron sword I took them on and defeated every last one of them when I’m done their number one bully is gonna be the

World’s biggest zero from day 20 to day 22 while wandering back towards my baits in the amaranth Fields I was attacked by a group of feral swamp spiders thankfully I was able to defeat them easily but how strong I was getting now no spider is tough enough to defeat Zozo even as a

Little baby after defeating the swamp spiders I returned to the Deep cave near my base where I mined some more iron ore I took it back to my base and used the furnace to smelt it then I crafted it into a full set of iron armor gotta stay

Safe out there with my new sword and my new armor and with the knowledge that I’d already beaten a skulk scorpion I went all the way back to the Cypress swamplands to settle an old score defeating the mummy scorpion he won’t chase me away this time I tracked down

The mummy Scorpion and this time I defeated him easily I felt on top of the world knowing Seth was going to be so proud of me until Midas the bully himself stepped out of the trees feel like a big man for wasting some goofy spider huh Bozo you’re still just a tiny

Little baby to me Midas why don’t you come over here and fight me rather than just calling me mean names fight you kid I’d squish you like a bug and believe me I will someday but not yet I want you to become more of a challenge first later

Bozo Midas ran away before I can say another word to him from day 23 to Day 26 I return to my base feeling upset for my encounter with Midas but proud of myself for finally defeating the mummy scorpion I approached Seth with the good news Seth I defeated the mummy scorpion

The Cypress swamplands are now clear of monsters that’s fantastic Zuzu thank you so much I’m going to do something to repay you for this stay tuned while Seth went to work on some mysterious project I decided it was now time to improve my sword I repaired it and applied the fire

Aspect enchantment giving my sword a fiery power boost once the upgrade on my awesome sword was done Seth came and led me over to his gift he’d built a secret underground safe room under the base now if anyone attacks and they’re too strong to fight off we can hide down here and

We’ll be safe until they leave this is an amazing upgrade Seth and hopefully we’ll never need to use it from day 27 to day 31 I went back out to the Evergreen Hills where I defeated those evil skeleton jackals before hoping to find something else of use

There instead I found a small group of Sky lizards sitting around looking relieved you are you the one they call uh Bozo it’s Zozo actually well Zozo we wanted to thank you we heard that you destroyed a group of skeleton jackals here and those skeleton jackals had been

Hassling us for years we just wanted to say thank you no problem I just wanted to do the right thing I’m glad everything is okay now ah well not exactly everything is okay we’ve been hassled by other creatures and monsters too it’s hard to live out here why don’t

You come live with me for a while at least until I’m defeated Midas the bully thank you Zozo we’ll head over there immediately I went back to the base too and decided to get some much needed rest by sitting down on a nearby Hill and

Enjoying the view of my base just as I was standing back and appreciating my hard work King Pig ran over to me in a panic Zozo we need to go to the blue tiger School immediately something terrible is happening from day 32 to day 35 King Pig

And I ran to the blue tiger school as fast as we could but it may have already been too late the blue tiger school was under attack from a swarm of skeleton jackals sent directly by Midas the bully oh no we need to stop them I ran into help attacking the different skeleton

Jackals but I couldn’t save the water Elemental he was destroyed in the confusion oh water Elemental I went into full range mode after that taking out every single one of the skeleton jackals but even though they were gone there was no bringing back the water Elemental I’m sorry King Pig we

Lost him this is a truly terrible day Zozo from Day 36 to day 39 I went back to the mangrove marshes I needed to be alone and clear my head I still felt so guilty about not being able to save the water Elemental but then as I was

Traveling through the marshes I happened upon an air Elemental and he looked like he needed help he reminded me of my old Elemental friend so I really wanted to see if I could help out I’ve lived in these marshes for years but recently a bubble monster moved in and it’s been

Ruining everything I may need your help to stop it Zozo of course air Elemental I’ll go see what I can do I ran deeper into the marshes excited by the thought that I might be able to do a good deed and make a difference I’m Coming For You

Bubble monster when I found the Beast it didn’t take long to defeat especially with the fire aspect enchantment on my sword once this Dirty Bubble was defeated did I ran back to the air Elemental as fast as I could you have done me a great kindness Zozo in return

I will give you one cryptic clue Midas lurks in a forgotten place and with that the air Elemental disappeared and he was right that was a very cryptic clue from day 40 to day 43 I returned to my base and found that King Pig had made an amazing Improvement

To my base a statue of the water Elemental so we would always remember him that was so kind of you king pig if the water Elemental was here he’d really appreciate this thank you Zozo also I was wondering if I could ask a favor my friend the gold pigs need to leave my

Kingdom for a while to be safe from Midas can they stay here until we’ve defeated him of course they can call them over whenever you’re ready your majesty and he did a day later a group of gold pigs arrived and came to stay in the new house that King Pig had created

It for them so many people live here now it makes me feel so safe speaking of people who lived in my base now one of the sky lizards ran over to me with some exciting news Zozo you must head to the flowering Ancient Forest at once we

Believe that minus the bully is already there from day 44 to day 49 I followed the tip from the sky lizard and traveled to the flowering Ancient Forest to find Midas the bully as I was looking for him Midas himself jumped out from behind a tree well if it isn’t Bozo what’s up

Little clown I’m not a clown and you know my name is Zozo you’ve been pushing everyone around for too long we’ll see how funny you think it is when I finally stop you from bullying everyone yeah good luck with that clown you see my gold armor no one can get me when I’m

Wearing this and once I’ve got my hands on all the goals no one will ever be able to stand up to me all the gold you’re just going to steal it I’m gonna make everyone so afraid of me that they’ll just hand it over like the sad little cowards they are that’s

Terrible too bad so sad anyway wish I could stick around to kick your butt but that would be a waste of my time I’ll have my buddy here do it instead come on out Horus who’s Horus me Horace appeared out of nowhere and Midas ran off uh oh

This guy seems pretty strong I knew I was in for a tough fight from day 50 to day 53 I started my battle against Horus in the flowering engine Forest he was a lot more powerful than I expected but I was still holding my own I had enough

Yet Bozo no way I’m not backing down and I guess I’ll just have to make you he hit me hard knocking me back and I almost fell over but I got my balance back and came back at him just as hard the fire aspect enchantment on my sword

Helped me finally defeat him and I took a second to catch my breath that was a close one hey what’s that looks like he dropped something there was a baseball bat on the ground I’ve heard these can freeze mobs for a couple of seconds this is gonna be super useful I also spotted

A part of a book this looks like a page from a diary it says Midas on it dear diary I sure hope no one finds out the reason I wear all of this armor I’m not a very good fighter I’m just good at dodging and taking lots of damage if someone found a

Way to freeze me or damage my armor I’d be in big trouble good thing I’ll never tell anyone my secret oh boy I’m glad I found this from day 54 to day 57 I got ready to head back to my base but as I Was preparing to leave the flowering

Ancient Forest an Ender Creeper ambushed me you get out of here don’t blow up on me I used my new bat to freeze the Ender Creeper for a few seconds giving me plenty of time to defeat it before it could explode This Bat is pretty awesome

When I beat it the Ender Creeper dropped a potion of strength I picked it up great I can take this back to my base with my new bat and my potion of strength I headed back to my base to tell my friends all about it I found the

Sky lizard waiting for me to there hi Zozo how did it go I couldn’t defeat Midas yet but I got this bat and this potion and I learned some new information that I think will help that’s great news from day 58 to day 62. I decided to take

Time to make some improvements to my base I expanded my Paddock to make room for more sheep we’re gonna have so much wool sweaters for everyone or whatever else we can make with it speaking of which come here little sheep let’s give you a haircut I harvested some wool from

The mystery sheep when I was done with that I decided to keep the resource Gathering train going I headed down into the mines in the Deep cave and started digging whew mining sure is hard work but it’s worth it as soon as I said that I found some diamonds I gathered them

And brought them back to my base I was able to use the diamonds to craft a diamond pickaxe and a diamond sword I’m making great progress look out Midas we’ll see how your gold does against my diamonds one of the sky lizards came up to me as I finished crafting my diamond

Gear Zozo come look I added some more bedrooms to the base in case any more friends need to come and stay here I followed him and saw all the rooms he had added under the base wow this must have taken ages thank you so much anyone

Who needs a safe place to hide from Midas the bully can come here now with the help of my friends even though I’m a baby I feel big and strong from day 63 to day 66 Seth approached me at the base Zozo I have information about where my

Test might have gone I heard he likes to stomp on flowers big meanie that he is is there anywhere with lots of pretty flowers he might have gone to hmm I don’t know wait a second maybe you should check the flowering Enchanted Forest I travel to the flowering

Enchanted forest and kept my eyes peeled for the glint of gold that meant Midas the bully was hiding there I didn’t see Midas but I did see a fire Elemental running right at me the OZO is that you oh geez no it’s Zozo I grabbed my sword

I guess you’re here to fight me for Midas huh what no I never worked for that guy I I heard you were someone to go to for help I need help getting this ghost Miner to leave me and my family alone he’s trying to kick us out of our

House and wants us to give them all of our gold that’s despicable he must be working for Midas don’t worry I’ll see what I can do from day 67 to Day 70 I followed the fire Elemental to his house sure enough there was a ghost Miner

Trying to break down one of the walls looks like my grandma is still inside hurry please hold on granny fire Elemental I’m coming I got my sword ready and rushed towards the ghost Miner he was chipping away at the wall of the house but when he saw me coming he

Stopped and turned his focus on me he was strong definitely the strongest enemy I’d fought so far but I still managed to finally defeat him it’s safe now no one will try to destroy your home again thank you bozo I’ll never forget what you did for us today no problem my

Name is Zozo though could you spread the word minus the bully started calling me the wrong name and I really don’t want it to stick I may be a baby but I’m no clown you got it it’s the least I can do if you ever need a fire Elemental you

Know where to find me or you can just come over for dinner sometime yum sounds like a plan from day 71 to day 74 I kept exploring the flowering Enchanted Forest keeping an eye out for smushed flowers I know if I see something that’s messed up

Midas can’t be far as I walked taking in the beautiful scenery a bee came buzzing by me hello little bee Zozo say if you’re a joy Eagles adventure and want to see more make sure to subscribe and find other Adventures by searching Zozo anyway I’ve got a buzz

Off bye thanks for the tip B now back to searching for that bully talking about me bozo I could see Midas just up ahead of me stomping on a flower why would you destroy something so pretty these flowers aren’t hurting anyone flowers are for losers and dweebs who needs them

You probably love flowers don’t you bozo I can stomp on you just like these flowers you’re just as weak no I’m not I’m getting stronger all the time oh yeah you think you’re strong enough to fight me I tried to get my bat so I could freeze them for a few seconds but

I wasn’t quick enough he rushed at me and overwhelmed me I had to run I ran to a safer place and stopped to collect my thoughts next time I’ll be ready next time I’ll be stronger that’s right you better run from day 75 to day 78 I

Returned to my base feeling pretty down about the fight with Midas all I wanted to do was lie down and take a nap but I couldn’t even fall asleep I can’t believe I had to run away after I talked all that talk about being stronger I still wasn’t strong enough to take Midas

On maybe he’s right maybe I am just a silly little clown baby I’ll never win knock knock can I come in sure go ahead I thought you might want to see some improvements I’ve made to the base come on take a look okay I’ll check it out

While I was gone King Pig had added a bunch of decorative lanterns to the base it made the whole place look way nicer and even though I was still bummed out it definitely cheered me up this is really nice and calming in a way one of

The sky lizards came running over to me Zozo Zozo look what I found it’s a potion I think it’ll make you stronger try it and see what happens sure I might as well I drank the potion and to my surprise I found myself getting bigger and stronger I was growing up my hearts

Increased to 100. thank you I feel so much better now I had a tough time before but I just know I’ll be able to take down my decision soon from day 79 to day 84. I decided to take my new confidence back to the flowering Enchanted Forest to see if Midas was

Still there this time I’ll show him he’ll see that I’m not a clown at all and he can’t pick on me anymore I looked all around but I couldn’t see Midas anywhere I saw some sectoid guards though and I was able to test out my new Strength by fighting them off it was

Much easier than fighting the sectoid soldiers from before I’m definitely getting better at this when I finished battling the sectoid guards a rich mummy came to me say your chop that was impressive tell me how did you become such a talented fighter lots of practice some special potions and the support of

My friends right who Splendid work my lad a warrior of your caliber deserves the finest quality armor why I have just the thing I don’t have any use for it myself I have so much wealth already please take this netherrite helmet and put it to good use really thank you so

Much no trouble at all old sport give that wretched bully Midas what for Tata after giving me the helmet the rich mummy ran away and disappeared what a weird guy but this is a really nice gift it’ll help protect me the next time I see Midas from day 85 to day 89 I

Returned to my base only to find them more of Midas the bully skeleton jackals were attacking my base trying to break down the structures me and my friends worked hard on those how dare you oh this was your house we thought it was just a big pile of trash

Someone left in the field it’ll probably look better once we’re done you you big jerks I’m not gonna take that in my pure anger at being attacked like this I went into a rage frenzy and started knocking them out one by one let’s some of them managed to escape during the chaos I

Knocked out the remaining ones and decided to give chase chasing them outside of my base I noticed that I wasn’t fast enough to catch up during my Chase I suddenly saw a lone saber-toothed Pig just standing around in the field and crying what’s wrong saber-toothed Pig those big mean

Skeleton jackals came through here and they called me ugly and now I feel horrible about myself oh no that isn’t fair for what it’s worth as saber-toothed pigs go I think you have a certain handsome charm but at the end of the day that’s what’s on the inside that

Counts the only truly ugly thing is to be mean to people you’re right Zozo thank you that made me feel a lot better no problem and if you’ll excuse me I need to chase those meanies down go get em Zozo from day 90 to day 94. I chase

The gang of skeleton jackals into the Forgotten Forest eventually we found a dead end I had them back into a corner ready to face the consequences of your bullying ways skeleton jackals but they just started laughing at me you fool you fell right into our trap queer nasty meet midas’s best friend

He’s gonna get all the gold now a huge buff pigless walked in and the skeleton jackals ran off he must have been midas’s best friend and it was certainly scary to be standing in front of him you can leave now there’s no need to fight a

Pigless didn’t seem to listen to me so I walked in and hit him with my baseball bat he wasn’t even affected this is gonna be a tough one from day 95 to day 97 the real fight between me and that huge buff pigless began every hit from

Him took down my hearts massively I was lucky that I had a hundred of them or I would have been doomed kept hitting him with my diamond sword until the pigless was finally defeated and when he went down he dropped a book A book I never

Expected to see it was marked the Diary of Midas wow another extract from midas’s Diary piglets must have really been midas’s best friend if he trusted the guy to carry his diary of course I opened up the diary and started reading and I didn’t believe what I was seeing

Inside it said another day trying to get rid of Zozo I feel like I’m so anxious all the time it’s so difficult to pretend to be big and tough all the time but it’s the only way people will respect you Zozo he seems like he’s actually strong and people like him too

I need to get rid of him quickly or I think he might actually defeat me I was blown away by what I’d read so deep down Midas is the most scared and insecure of all and he’s afraid that I’ll defeat him if he believes I can then I believe I can too

I ran back to my base ready to make the final preparations I was gonna take down Midas on day 98 I came back to my base feeling more motivated than ever to complete my quest and end the reign of the overworld’s number one bully once

And for all King Pig Sky lizard and Seth gathered up around me ready to see me off it’s time everyone I’m going to midas’s base to defeat him once and for all and free the land from fear and bullying here here Zozo you’ve always looked out for us and I’m proud of you

For seeing this through all the way you’re a true hero for doing this I agree ever since you first Saved Me from those sectoids and helped me defeat that mummy scorpion I knew you had a didn’t you to save the world you’ve got a hero spirit and you can do this

But I don’t want to send you into the lion’s den let me come and help you Zozo you shouldn’t have to do this alone it’s okay King Pig I’m gonna do this myself knowing all of you believe in me is enough on day 99 I made my way across

The Dover mountains psyching myself up for the final battle against the bully who’d been hassling me for 99 days I I can’t wait for this to finally be over so me and my friends can all relax on my way there I ran into a yak it was

Casually grazing wish me luck Mr Yak I’m on my way to defeat a major bully good luck hope you don’t get your butt kicked I kept going until I saw the last thing I wanted to see a big gang of midas’s skeleton jackals ready to fight

Oh no even I might be outnumbered here think again I turned and saw that King Pig had been following me the whole time King Pig why are you here because you need me clearly you’ve helped me a lot since you’ve come here Zozo now it’s time for me to help you I’ll distract

All these nasty skeleton jackals you go take down that big bully you’re the best King Pig let’s do this on day 100 I entered minus the bully’s Lair by using my wall climbing abilities to get in past the walls all that Goldie’s taken you think he’d have invested in some

Better security when I went in Midas was the only one there he seemed shocked to see me what this is impossible I sent out all my skeleton jackals to stop you how could you have gotten past them because I still have friends unlike some people around here being talked for such

A little baby Bozo I may be a baby Midas but I’m not a coward I know the truth pigless was carrying your diary and I read it you’re afraid of me you’re afraid of everything and rather than confront that you’re mean to everyone around you I’m giving you one last

Chance to be better you you read my diary oh for that I’m gonna pound you you nasty little baby this is the end well I can’t say I didn’t give you a chance Midas fired an energy blast at me but I used my quick building skills to build a wall between

Me and the blast now it was time to fight back I chug down the potion of strength I received earlier there was no way he could stop me now I ran out from behind the wall and took minus by surprise and bumped him with my bat

Before Midas could stop me I hit him again and again and again cutting through his golden armor until the last strike defeated him for good that’s what you get for being a bully and with Midas gone the Overworld was free to have fun once again on day one I spawned into the Ancient

Forest as a super cool Elemental wolf a wolf spirit tuned into the power of the elements this is a awesome and I’ve got 10 Hearts too that’s so exciting I wonder what I can do I concentrated hard and blasted a powerful ball of energy this would be an excellent weapon if

Anybody tried to attack me and that was exactly what happened aghast floated out between the trees before me what why are you here aren’t gas supposed to stay in the nether you know nothing Little Wolf the world is changing and The Wheel of Time turns on the command of our Master

Fungi the mushroom Lord will you swear Your Allegiance to him what fungi the mushroom Lord I’m not gonna swear allegiance to anyone if I don’t know what they stand for if you are not the servant of the mushroom Lord then you are his enemy and it is my duty to

Destroy his enemies Oh Glory hurry to the mushroom Lord the gas started firing deadly Fireballs at me I was lucky that with my elemental powers I took less Elemental damage from the fire than a normal wolf did I turned and ran as fast as I could losing the gas somewhere

Behind me I wasn’t expecting to get attacked so early and who was this fungi the mushroom Lord before I could take the time to process any of this zombies came shambling towards me out of the trees in a moment of panic I hit them with an energy blast destroying them

Using my powers like this is exhausting I need to find somewhere to sleep and figure all of this mess out I found some shade beneath the tree and laid down to get some sleep on day two I woke up from under the tree and went exploring the Ancient Forest it seemed that this

Experience wouldn’t be as awesome as I thought I need to find out everything I can about this mushroom Lord and why nightmarish nether creatures like the gaster serving him but first seeing as how my Powers exhaust me I need some tools and some food I started on the

Tools first in the ancient in Forest I was completely surrounded by trees that’s why it was so easy to break one of them down and collect enough wood to make myself a trusty wood pickaxe well not that trusty but it’s a decent means

To an end I used the big X to mine up some of the stone blocks between the stone and some spare sticks I soon had a stone pickaxe and a stone sword not quite as defenseless now that brings me some small Comfort at least I continued exploring the forest with my new tools

Until I happened upon an evoker standing in a clearing I approached to ask him a few questions greetings proud evoker I’m Zozo the elemental wolf I have an important question to ask you but first an even more important question do you have any food of course Zozo here have

Some of this meat it’s what a growing wolf needs the evoker gave me some meat which I ate sitting my hunger bar replenish thank you for this great kindness and as for the other question do you know anything about fungi the mushroom Lord I ran into his guest he

Seems like some kind of threat to this land you’ll speak the truth also fungi is a great evil some say he rose up from the deep dark others say he was grown in some kind of fungal patch of Pure Evil all we know for sure is that he controls

Mutants monsters and Abominations across the world and if he isn’t stopped the entire Overworld will descend into corruption and filth that sounds like a job for a certain Elemental wolf rest assured evoker over the next 100 days fungi the mushroom Lord will be defeated on day three I knew that I needed to

Seek shelter I couldn’t hope to defeat the mushroom monster if I didn’t have a place to rest and hone my abilities as an elemental wolf I have deep knowledge of the ancestral home of the elemental wolves in the engine Forest perhaps I could seek shelter there but when I

Arrived at the ancestral home I was devastated to find that it was already in ruins it looked like nobody had really lived there in centuries this must mean I’m the last and only Elemental wolf no matter I have a duty and I still need to see it through I’ll

Rebuild the ancestral home myself I crafted a stone ax and chopped down trees to gather raw materials then set about painstakingly repairing the broken ancestral home until it was a brand new base of mine for a brief period I took a break to admire how the work was coming

Along when a huge vicious giant came charging Out of the Woods he must have been another one of the mushroom Lord’s monsters well the giant was big and I was small I didn’t back down I held my ground and fought back against the huge creature until he was no more and this

Act of heroism gave me the power I needed to become bigger and stronger I also rose up to 20 hearts and gained the elemental ability to breathe fire yes this is more like it I spent the rest of the day finishing up work on the base

Proud of myself for how well it was all developing from day 4 to day five I ventured out further into the forest wanting to find more wood and stone that would help me rebuild the ancestral home to its former glory when I have a fortress that’s truly fit for an

Elemental wolf it’ll give me the confidence I need to Vanquish the mushroom Lord and save the world but I must have been talking about saving the mushroom Lord a little too loudly because suddenly the same guest I’d run away from earlier had popped out of the

Trees you insulin brat you have no idea the power you’re messing with the mushroom Lord is a God and you are a mere Aunt why are you so devoted to serving that nasty Toadstool you have no idea the power He commands they say he cannot be destroyed and all who face him

Are doomed to fall ill and wither away such as his Supreme toxic power the only thing that’s toxic to your devotion is this evil wannabe ruler so how about we cut the talk and fight this one out that’s the first intelligent thing you’ve said all day the ghast was a

Formidable foe with his deadly exploding Fireballs but in the end it was my Elemental energy blast that won the day the ghast Was Defeated and I gathered up the materials I’d come to collect before making my way back to my base from day six to day eight I’ve entered into a

Deep dark mind Network that contained many Treasures secrets and deadly enemies I crept through carefully trying not to attract any unwanted attention I was here for one thing and one thing only some valuable iron ore perfect for upgrading my weapons we’ll see who wins gross squishy mushrooms or reliable cold iron

Looked up after the mining was done hearing footsteps it was a ghost Miner walking towards me out of the darkness but once again I wasn’t going to fold I Unleashed my Elemental flame breath on the ghost Miner easily defeating it then I proceeded further into the dusty old

Cave where I found an abandoned furnace there I forged an iron sword and an iron pickaxe the mushroom Lord is gonna love these I’m sure from day 9 to day 10 I decided to leave the cave and the Ancient Forest and explore the autumnal Valley it’s been an intense few days I

Think I need to go to a nice calm place and clear my head so I can make a plan of action but because the universe has a cruel sense of humor during this mission of relaxation I found fungi the mushroom Lord himself waiting for me a huge terrifying fungus man

Ah so you’re the Little Cub they call Zozo you’re far less impressive than I was led to believe such a shame I thought having an interesting Challenger might liven up this whole process this process being the great change I will alter and rebuild the sad little

World in my own image so far none have offered up a meaningful Challenge and I don’t expect that you will change this allow me to prove you wrong fungi I Unleashed my strongest attacks on him energy blast fire breath and even the strikes of my new iron sword but it had

No effect that’s when he struck me with an energy blast of his own that almost destroyed me all I could do was run away in Terror I ran as fast as my Elemental wolf legs could carry me even when I could no longer see fungi the mushroom

Lord I still felt terrified of him I don’t think I’d ever been so close to total Destruction in my darkest moment yet an air Elemental appeared be calm child fear will not save you here how could I be calm I couldn’t even slightly hurt him and hurting me was nothing to

Him I’m outclassed here but also you’re the only one who can defeat him do you not know of the prophecy about the elemental wolf prophecy look I don’t want to talk here he could pop up at any time come back to my base with me the ancestral home of the elemental wolves

We’ll talk more there from day 11 to day 12. I return to my base to find the air Elemental already there waiting for me how did you do that I’m an air Elemental young Zozo I can move as Swift and silently as the wind then I guess I

Better build you a new room right now there’s only one for me that would be much appreciated Zozo I spent the rest of the afternoon building the air Elemental a new room in the ancestral home when it was done he fitted in there nicely you have done well Zozo allow me

To give you your first mission you must Source armor but wolves can’t wear armor air Elemental while use would armor give me you’re not going to wear it Zozo you’re going to keep it in the chest of the ancestral home having it in there air will harden the strength of your

Spirit it’s an ancient tradition you see very well master I shall do this food take this potion of strength should you encounter trouble on your way I returned to the cave where I mine for more iron ore however my little Adventure was interrupted by a huge terrifying Dead Worm burrowing through the ground

Towards me I tried to shoot it with an energy blast but it resisted the attack I needed to quickly drink the potion of strength the air Elemental had given me that gave me the Boost I needed to pull out my sword and finally defeat the

Beast then I took the iron ore down to the underground furnace and smelted it into a full set of iron armor and finished my tool set after that I went back to my base and the air Elemental created a chest in my room I put all my

New iron armor inside and just hopes that the air Elemental was right I’ll take anything that could help me right now from day 13 to day 15 I convened with the air Elemental in his room he told me that he wanted to tell me about the prophecy he had mentioned earlier

You said something about an elemental wolf prophecy yes yes that I did it’s an ancient one that I studied back when I was a mere monk before ascending to the level of air Elemental the prophecy says that the darkness would rise up from the ground and spread evil and tyranny

Across the other world many would fall but in the end a Great Hero the final Elemental wolf would rise up discover his true power and turn back to the dark I believe that prophesied one is you Zozo but but that’s impossible the last time I thought fungi the mushroom Lord I

Didn’t leave a scratch on him and he almost destroyed me I can’t be the one from the prophecy you can be and I truly believe you are Zozo but you must train hard and fight with all you have only then can you stand a chance against the

Terror that faces you are you up for the challenge I I’ll have to think about it from day 16 to day 19 I woke up to find that the base was eerily quiet I searched around but I couldn’t find the air Elemental anywhere this isn’t good I sense that something terrible has

Happened I need to follow my Elemental intuition and find him before it gets any worse I followed my senses out to the cold swamplands there I couldn’t help but feel paranoid it was like I was being watched every step I took and those senses paid off because suddenly

An Ender Creeper teleported in front of me the mushroom Lord was right you fell right into a trap little silly Wolfie and do you think you’re gonna be the one who defeats him embarrassing what did you do with the air Elemental if you hurt him all yo what there’s nothing you

Can do nothing except be destroyed the Ender Creeper ran at me preparing to explode he probably would have blown up half the swamplands if I hadn’t hit him with a quick energy blast destroying him before he had a chance to destroy me man the people that the mushroom Lord are

Sending after me really are dangerous suddenly the air Elemental popped out of nowhere he must have been bound by some kind of dark magic until I defeated that awful Ender Creeper Zozo you saved me you’re a true hero thank you so much for this master air Elemental I’m so happy

You’re alive this is amazing news I’m going to return to the base to regain my strength stay safe out here Zozo fun guy the mushroom Lord has agents everywhere the air Elemental left and I continued exploring the Eerie cold swampland during my search I found a few zombies

And was able to defeat him with my deadly iron sword that gave me enough XP to level up again becoming bigger stronger going as high as 30 hearts and gaining a new ability claw attacks that feels appropriate for a wolf I decided to leave the swamp but on the way out I

Ran into a wise looking gold Pig you seem like you’re in a hurry soon of course I am I’m going to defeat fungi the mushroom Lord no you’re not what yes I am no you’re not fungi the mushroom Lord is a monster of Pure Evil he’s literally Invincible unless you have the

Halo which is almost impossible to get there’s no way you can beat him oh from day 20 to day 22 I return to my base only to see a couple more zombies Milling around the grounds the corruption of fungi the mushroom Lord seems to spread everywhere I used my

Claw attacks to destroy the two zombies then slinked off to my room feeling defeated maybe there really was no way for me to defeat the mushroom Lord maybe the prophecy was all nonsense as if sensing myself doubt the air Elemental lofted towards me Zozo I’ve been working

On something for you I wanted to wait until it was done but I think you need to see it now it’s a statue a kind of monument and to inspire you and remind you of your inner strength perhaps you can help me finish it I went out behind

My base and saw the beginnings of a statue already it was amazing even inspiring I felt so grateful to the air Elemental for everything he’d done can you guess what it is yet if you can tell me down in the comments and while you’re down there remember to subscribe to Zozo

And hit the Bell to make sure you never miss one of our adventures from day 23 to Day 26 a swarm of gas floated towards my base launching explosive Fireballs trying to damage the statue we’ve been working on oh no more of the mushroom Lords minions don’t worry I’ll handle them

Careful Zozo I leaped into action I had already taken on one gasp so I was feeling pretty confident about this fight but they outnumbered me I had to be careful not to take any hits since they’d come from the nether the guests managed to resist my fire breath but

Luckily my energy blast seemed to do the trick one of them even dropped an item I’d never seen before a fire aspect enchantment for my sword wow this is so cool I better try it out I ventured off to the autumnal Valley to practice my new fire aspect sword on a horde of

Meandering zombies each hit of my new weapon made them burst into flames once the zombies were dispatched a mysterious stranger approached me wow that’s a mighty impressive blade you got there thanks who are you well I’m a weaponsmith see I specialize in quality crafted swords bows you name it I’ve

Been trying to get to safety since the mushroom Lord’s forces started swarming all over the place I don’t suppose you know anywhere I could stay sure come back to my base in the Forest we returned to my base and the weaponsmith saw some of the damage the gas had left

So they suggested some ways we can improve the defenses making my ancestral home better protected against attacks I built a perimeter wall to keep the mushroom Lord’s minions at Bay and in return for giving me the idea I surprised the weaponsmith with a new room that he could stay in this looks

Fantastic Zozo thank you from day 27 to day 31 I decided to ask the weaponsmith if they knew anything about the Halo the mystical item that could supposedly be used to defeat fungi the mushroom Lord once and for all oh yes sir I’ve heard many Legends of such a thing supposedly

An ancient and Powerful being Filled from the sky many centuries ago it was the first being to wield a Halo and he used the power to create the Overworld and Philo would laugh then it created balance between all the elements between Latin dark good and evil but then the

Dark and evil it had created to balance out all the good tried to overthrow the Mata creature and steal the halo for their own destiny means in the end the ancient Thing cast its Halo out into space some folks like to think it’s what formed the heart of the Sun and keeps it

Burning huh that’s quite the story you think you could Forge a Halo of our own well that’s no small feat Zozo it would just be a knockoff if I’m made it besides that Halo requires a powerful being one able to bring balance to all the elements in order to wield it but

The real thing could be out there somewhere there’s some stories about it being lost at the heart of the swampland so maybe start there my search for the Halo took me into the swamplands again but I wasn’t able to give very far a witch ambushed me sent by the mushroom

Lord to stop my progress the witch was wielding dangerous spells and although I fired a few energy blasts back I couldn’t get close enough to use my claw attacks so I had to retreat from day 32 to day 35 I was still determined to track down the ancient Halo maybe the

Prophecy of the elemental wolf meant I could wield it and use its power to stop the mushroom Lord I ventured back to the cold swamplands and luckily that pesky witch had gone but the place wasn’t empty completely by chance I stumbled across a weird creature that looked like

A mix between a chicken and some kind of lizard hey what the heck are you why I’m a cockatrice but my friends all call me Clarence are you in the mushroom Lord I heard he controls all sorts of monsters and mutants that’s rude I’m actually trying to get away from the mushroom

Lord sorry I didn’t mean to offend you say why don’t you come back to the Ancient Forest my base is there sounds like plans Zozo I’ll see you there Clarence ran out of sight adding another person to my forces in the war against evil but then all of a sudden the

Mushroom Lord emerged Clarence Clarence there’s no use in hiding you will be mine oh no I need to make myself scarce before the mushroom Lord could see me I quickly dug a small pit into the ground and hidden it until he passed through phew that was a close one from Day 36 to

Day 39 I made my way back to my base where Clarence was waiting for me I immediately started working on a comfy new room for him and when the room was done Clarence and I sat inside discussing our common enemy so what made you want to leave the mushroom Lord’s

Armies he’s just so cruel oh he cares is about his control in the Overworld and making everyone into his bidden some of us just want to live our lives do our own thing without him telling us what to do all the time say Clarence I’ve been

Searching for a Halo so I can use its power to stop the mushroom Lord once and for all do you think you could help me find it Well what do you know I heard about something like that they say that the Halo glows brat with the heat of the

Heavens so why don’t you head someplace hot to find your Halo that’s a pretty good idea I’ll head to the desert things are pretty hot out there listen Zozo I wanted her to pay you for letting me stay I noticed you had an unfinished statue outside so I thought I’d give you

A hand with it what do you think I went to take a look at the statue’s progress whoa I’m really impressed thanks Clarence you didn’t need to do that I’m happy to help but I still appreciate the gesture the statue is looking better than ever a large Recreation of an

Elemental wolf like me that perfectly told everyone around not to mess with us and that this forest was protected even if the statue was unfinished saying it closer to completion made me feel inspired from day 40 to day 43 the weaponsmith informed me that I’d need

Some much stronger gear if I was going to explore the desert in search of a magic Halo listen he is Zozo you don’t want to get stuck in the desert without the right equipment luckily I can make you what you need I just need you to

Head into a cave near here to grab the right materials no problem just be careful it could be all sorts of Critters down there I set off to the cave that the weaponsmith had pointed out and it didn’t take long for me to meet some Critters just like they’d warn

Me I had to fight my way through the nasty insects but lucky for me my fire aspect sore was burning through them pretty easily it was only as I got deeper into the cave that I discovered a nest of the bugs with a mermax queen in

The center I used an energy blast to clear the path too much fire and I’d run the risk of getting burned myself with the nest cleared out I found what I needed diamonds bringing them back to the weaponsmith they were able to turn the diamonds into a matching diamond

Pickaxe and Diamond Sword for me now I was ready to head off to the Desert from day 44 to day 49 I was certainly glad to have a diamond sword handy when I first made my long journey to the desert I encountered a troll a huge ugly beast

That tried to smash me to Pieces luckily I was able to dodge out of the path of his attacks he was much bigger and slower so my wolf speed made it easier to duck and weave between his clumsy cumbersome swings before I could land the final blow with my sword with the

Troll defeated and out of my way I continued towards the desert but when I arrived it was clear just how dangerous this place was someone was already in trouble somebody help it was a cyclops who was being crowded by vicious husks they were using the fact he had only one eye to

Take swipes at him from all sides I jumped right in to help hacking all the husks down whoa thanks so much for your help no problem I don’t suppose you know where I can find the ancient Halo the Halo I’m pretty sure there’s an old Temple around here somewhere that might

Have what you seek come on I’ll lead you there just keep an eye out for more husks will ya from day 50 to day 53 we made our journey to the Ancient Temple and looked around the place was pretty much deserted all just ruins like when I

Had found what was left of my ancestral home back in the forest the Cyclops and I went into separate directions to search leaving each of us alone suddenly I was confronted by the witch I’d found in the swamp you again I’ll deal with this meddlesome pop once and for all

Then I’ll find that Halo and destroy it do in favor with the mushroom Lord our battle began and I had to move out of the path of the witch’s spells I’d faced off against that powerful magic before and it had almost taken me out but I had

More experience now I’d learned from my past defeats and I’d come with new weapons so I leapt into action and swiped my diamond sword at the witch it worked I landed some strong hits then used the Rubble of the temple as cover jumping back out at the right time I was

Finally able to beat the witch for good the Cyclops had been hiding but reappeared to show me around the temple there was a hidden area underneath the floor go down there alone Zozo I’m way too scared I went into the underground area alone and there we found something

I never expected to see it wasn’t the Halo it was a Lightning Dragon ah you must have come seeking the Halo sorry to disappoint but don’t worry you’re on the right path you cannot merely find the Halo it must find you and how can I make it find me you must

Master balance Zuzu become the balance of all elements then and only then will you find what you seek from day 54 to day 57 I made the long journey back to my base when I arrived I was so happy to see how much it had improved I took a

Look at all the upgrades that my friends had made well I’d been gone there are more defensive walls around the perimeter we Watchtower where I could keep a lookout for the mushroom Lord’s forces it was all coming together really nicely I spoke with my mentor the air Elemental

About the advice the Lightning Dragon had given me achieving balance between the elements is your destiny Zozo but it’s no easy task you need to seek out the root of evil and start tipping the scales and as you do you’ll learn more with every Victory here there is one of

The mushroom Arts cronies scouring the Ancient Forest for you go and tilt the scales back towards balance I set off to find the mushroom Lord’s mob and sure enough discovered a dreadlich this thing was scary I’d never find anything like it before but my focus was on my goal I

Had to master the elements and bring back balance and I used that to guide me through the fight with my goal in mind battling the dreadlich seemed Easy by comparison and it fell at my flame breath and Diamond blade I moved as Swift as the air with the ferocity of

Fire and held my ground with the strength of Earth I was starting to learn what it really meant to be an elemental wolf when I returned back to my base the weaponsmith had a new Diamond Helmet forced for me so I added it to my armor chest feeling happy I was

Making so much progress from day 58 to day 62 I was woken up by the weaponsmith who seemed super excited to show me something comb take a look Zozo we’ve been working hard on getting this place looking modified come see the best part it was the statue it had been almost

Finished and it looked amazing it towered over the main area of the Fortress proud and awe-inspiring I was so happy to see it almost finished it looks awesome thanks so much suddenly an explosive Fireball rocked one of our walls I ran outside to see the air Elemental panicking Zozo guests

Are attacking we need to fend them off remember what you’ve learned about balance Yes master you and all the others should hide in the buildings I’ll take them all on with everyone else in safety it was time for me to take on the gas attackers I hopped Into The Fray

This time I tried to imagine water how fluidly it moved but also how strong and dangerous it could be my elements had all the strength and speed of a flash flood and it meant I was able to take down all of the gas in no time but I

Wasn’t fast enough to save one of my friends aghast had launched a fireball as it ran away retreating to the mushroom Lord and the fireball had struck my trusty weapon Smith from day 63 to day 66 I was still feeling sad at the loss of my friend the weaponsmith I

Had decided to venture back to the desert to seek more information from the Lightning Dragon although I was sad I I wanted to use the Halo to stop the Evil Mushroom Lord I remembered my goal balance not just balancing the elements but also finding the right balance of my

Emotions too I allowed myself to be sad for my friend but also had to make sure I didn’t let anger or hatred get the better of me when I returned to the temple in the desert the Lightning Dragon was nowhere to be found that was strange I thought but then again he had

Been cooped up underground for who knows how many centuries maybe he just needed to get out and do some sightseeing but in his place was an old book he must have left it behind I opened it up to read and it told the story of the Halo

In much more detail and even better there was a clue about where to look for it I couldn’t allow myself to get impatient learn how to master balance and the Halo would find me that’s what the dragon told me suddenly I was attacked by the ghast the one who had

Escaped this was my chance to defeat it but while I could have done so out of Revenge for my Fallen Friend the weaponsmith instead I remembered my lessons about balance and dealt with the last cast from day 67 to day 70. I headed into the heart of the Ancient

Forest like the book had suggested there was a Sinister Fortress waiting for me it was the mushroom Lord’s Hideout it was no wonder his forces had been able to find my base so easily and so many times his base wasn’t far from mine it had been under my nose the whole time I

Tried to get closer to the Fortress but it was guarded on all sides by mutant zombies halt by order of the mushroom Lord I’m not halting for him his time is up I need to end his reign of terror once and for all I attacked the mune

Zombie and easily chopped it down but in the commotion more of them started swarming to my location there was a huge horde too many for me to take down alone just as I was about to be defeated I heard the voice of the air Elemental in

My head Zozo don’t give up hope things are tough right now but you can’t take on the mushroom Lord until you’re ready get to safety with that I ran back to a safe distance where the air Elemental was waiting for me from day 71 to day

74. once we had made our way to safety the air Elemental noticed my discomfort I know you’re frustrated Zozo but you can’t give in to that frustration if you hope to succeed I understand we all do but you just want to do right by others but don’t worry Victory will come in its

Own time as we headed back to our base we came across a note that some of the mushroom Lord’s forces had left on a tree we thought it was to send a message to all of his various mutants and monsters but it was entirely possible he wanted to brag to me specifically good

News my minions I have in my possession the ancient Halo it was not lost I have had it all along but we cannot be complacent the last thing we want is Zozo getting his hands on it so be alert and if you spot that Elemental wolf you

Know what to do the air Elemental offered me some food replenish my hunger and we continue towards the base from day 75 to day 78 we return to my base in the Ancient Forest although my spirits were pretty low seeing how much my home had been improved was enough to make me

Smile again the place had gotten much bigger not quite the size of the mushroom Lord’s fungal Fortress but still with more rooms and better storage and crafting areas it reminded me of the weaponsmith and how he’d be proud to see how far we’d come suddenly there was an

Attacker at the perimeter wall it was one of the Mutant Zombies it must have followed our Trail back from the mushroom Lord’s base immediately I went in to attack it but not out of anger I had to make sure to follow the air Elementals teachings and not let myself

Be too frustrated I thought with all the ferocity of fire but also the calmness of Still Water I stood my ground like Stone and finally moved with the Swift speed of the air I was in tune with all the elements and it allowed me to beat the mutant zombie to my surprise I

Leveled up my victory had made me even stronger I now 50 hearts and a new understanding of my Elemental abilities this gave me a special power the dragon Fireball attack even better the mutant zombie dropped a clue fungi the mushroom Lord was going to be in the autumnal

Valley soon from day 79 to day 84 I headed off to the autumnal Valley where I had first encountered the mushroom Lord back then I had learned that he was planning to unleash the great change and turned everything in the Overworld into an awful fungus-filled realm but how is

He going to do it was that what he needed the halo for and why come to this place specifically my thoughts were interrupted by another cockatrist popping out in front of me hey who are you I’m Carl the cockatrice and you must be Zozo the elemental wolf so are you

Friendly like Clarence I know not all cockatrists agree with the mushroom Lord oh you wanna find the mushroom lord well he’s planning to use the winds here to carry his fungus spores across the Overworld here I can take you to him I trusted the cockatrists like Clarence

But to my surprise he turned on me he was still loyal to fungi we battled and I used my dragon Fireball attack to finish off Carl from day 85 to day 89 I decided to find anyone else that could help me put a stop to fungi the mushroom

Lord’s plans I thought the most knowledgeable person to ask after my mentor the air Elemental would be the Lightning Dragon so I headed back to the temple where he had been before but sadly he still hadn’t returned that’s when the Cyclops popped back up oh hey there Zozo hi you’re the Cyclops from

Before right yes sir Simon’s the name didn’t get a chance to thank you for dealing with that witch and those zombies before no problem I don’t suppose you know where the dragon went no idea I haven’t seen him since he left the temple that’s a shame I really

Needed his advice anything I can help with it’s the least I could do after you helped me out I don’t suppose you know how I can get the Halo and defeat fungi the mushroom Lord fungi well the Halo would help you for sure but you mean you haven’t tried netherrite yet another

Right yeah fungi’s weak to know the right and lucky for you I know a place you can get yourself some from day 90 to day 94. I headed off to the place that Simon the Cyclops had pointed out for me it was a cave where apparently someone had stashed some netherite ingots and

Forgotten about them I kept my guard up after being betrayed by Carl I couldn’t be 100 sure that this wasn’t a trap and at any rate the last time I was in a cave I had a whole nest of nasty mermaxes to clear out how much to my

Pleasant surprise I found the chest without any trouble and sure enough it was filled with netherite ingas I couldn’t just hurl them at fungi and call it a day no I needed to craft them into something that could help me win the day I thought back to my old friend

The weaponsmith and it gave me the perfect idea I’d make a netherite sword luckily there was something that looked like a Smithy right next to me by combining the ingots with my trusty diamond sword I was able to turn it into a brand new netherride sword one that

Would weaken the mushroom Lord when we next battled from day 95 to day 97 I made my way back to my base in the Ancient Forest it had been a long journey and the ancestral home of my fellow Elemental wolves was almost restored to its former glory there was

Just one final touch hey Zozo we’ve been working on it to keep your spirits up but you should be the one to put the final piece in place with that I added the final piece to the elemental wolf statue with the Statue done the air Elemental approached me it’s time Zozo

You’ve learned much about harnessing the elements and restoring balance to the Overworld before you face the mushroom Lord once more you deserve to give yourself a moment to remember just how far you’ve come and just how much progress you’ve made taking a moment I realized that I’d grown and gone

Stronger as the statue had gotten bigger it was there as a reminder of how much I’d gone through and how big I felt on the inside now it had been one heck of a journey and not always an easy one but I wasn’t the same wolf cub that I’d been

When I started I oh on day 98 I got ready to set off to take on fungi the mushroom Lord one more time first I spoke to Clarence the cockatras Well Clarence this might be goodbye for good Zozo wait I wanna come with you are you

Sure I thought you were scared of the mushroom Lord I am or at least I was but I should have stood up to him instead of running away if you’re gonna take him down then now’s as good of a time as any for me to do what I should have done

From the start glad to have you with me Clarence as we went to leave my air Elemental Mentor had one final bit of wisdom to impart Zozo you must remember all you’ve learned you can restore balance as an elemental wolf with the Halo in your possession you’ll be able

To bring all the elements of the Overworld into harmony once again but there is one final thing you must do if you’ve been enjoying this video be sure to hit the like button leave a comment and subscribe to the channel on day 99 Clarence and I marched up to the huge

Fungal Fortress of the mushroom Lord our plan was to get inside we can fungi and get that Halo back from him we were met by a horde of zombies ahead of us but I remembered all I had learned so far and relied on my elemental powers to fight

Back Dragon Fireball attack took out a bunch of them as I used Fire and Air at the same time I swung My netherride Sword the zombies taking them out in one hit the air was guiding My Sword and the netherite hiding within the Earth was strengthening my blows the zombies had

Once been a challenge with their numbers but now I was better attuned with the balance of the elements staying calm and cutting through them one by one as more and more zombies flooded out Clarence hung back to distract them and I ran right into the base ready to take down

The mushroom Lord himself on day 100 I searched the fungus Fortress for the mushroom Lord but instead I found what I’d been looking for the Halo but it was guarded by a mighty pigless I used all of the elements to defeat him sure enough just like the Lightning

Dragon had promised I obtained the Halo I leveled up getting 80 hearts and even one more extra ability a lightning blast I hurled crackling bolts of lightning at the pigless before long they had been defeated which only left their Master Zozo you won’t stop the great change

Even with that blasted Halo you’ll never stop my plans soon the Overworld will be mine a filthy fungus ridden Paradise for me to rule over no fungi you’ll never win I have mastered all the elements but most importantly I know why you’ll never win because there must be balance the

Overworld can’t just be one thing foolish wolf you have been a thorn in my sight for too long right before my eyes fungi the mushroom Lord grew into a huge version of himself although I was surprised I didn’t let my fear rule me after all two could play that game I

Channeled the balance of all the elements and called on the power of the Halo to transform into my ultimate form oh oh the battle was on I swiped at fungi with my netherite sword and it worked Simon was right netherite made him weaker I thought with all the attacks at

My disposal energy blast Then followed up with a claw attack and some extra Dragon Fireball and lightning strikes for good measure then netherite made my attacks do some real lasting damage the mushroom Lord was almost beaten I summoned up all the elements Earth Wind Fire the water lightning and energy of

The Overworld and channeled them into one last swing of my sword boom it worked fungi the mushroom Lord Was Defeated he exploded into tiny little spores but this wasn’t a chance for me to be cruel so I called up the wind to carry his spores across the Overworld

Just enough so that fungus and mushrooms would grow after all everything had to be balanced that was my job as the elemental wolf on day one I spawned Into The Baobab Savannah as the mighty electric tiger well at least a baby version of an electric tiger but if I

Work hard and train I can live fully up to my electric tiger potential oh no you won’t I looked in front of me and saw a massive hulking Squad Golem thundering towards me he was so much bigger than me the size difference was terrifying listen Mister I don’t want any trouble

I’m Zozo what’s your name my name’s Mike and I’m here to fight but why that doesn’t even rhyme yes it does if I say it Rhymes it Rhymes I’m the strongest creature in the world nothing challenges me anymore and the only way to relieve the boredom is getting into fights with

Anyone I can but no butts weaklin or I’ll kick yours here’s the deal I’m gonna give you a hundred days you better use them well kid and get as strong as possible strong enough to have interesting fight with me cause if you don’t I’m gonna find you and pound you

And tell you nothing more than a little electric tiger staying in the floor now run Mike the Golem didn’t have to tell me twice I turned and ran away as quickly as possible well Mike just laughed at me he seemed like my most formidable opponent yet 100 days I need

To get real strong in that time or Mike really is gonna destroy me on day two I continued running through The Baobab Savannah not stopping until I was confident that Mike the squabble was nowhere to be seen phew that was a close one if he’d attacked me in that state I

Would have been a goner I only have 10 Hearts I wonder if I have any special abilities without even realizing I could I released a blast of electrical energy for my paw the electricity is eliminated from me and charges up the air around me that must have been one of my basic

Electric tiger abilities whoa maybe I’m not as helpless as I thought wait do I see a pear tree there I should grab one I grabbed a few Pairs and ate them even if my Hunger was full I just couldn’t resist it things were looking up already

At least I wasn’t gonna be hungry but my contentment didn’t last for long a scary plant-like whisper wrestled its way towards me it wasn’t as big as Mike but it was definitely freaky oh no I have a feeling I know who you work for you’ll fail correctly Zozo you really think you

Can beat Mike he’s the goat goat he’s a Squall Golem no goat is an acronym he is the greatest of all time g-o-a-t and that’s why you’ve got no hope against him then why even bother coming after me I didn’t even want to fight I’m gonna destroy you myself to

Save Mike his time as the Whisperer approached me I fired my energy blast but it didn’t even slow him down all I could do was run away knowing that even with my energy blast I had no hope of fighting him I was hiding behind a small clutch of trees when suddenly a wind

Caller teleported in front of me come with me if you want to live sure let’s go I’ll follow you wow people normally have questions huh let’s go the win color ran off and I followed him without question happy to finally have someone on my side on day three I continued

Following the wind caller deeper into The Baobab Savannah he seemed to have confidence and power it definitely made me feel safer around him I’ve been waiting for you to arrive Zozo you have no idea how many people have anticipated this special day special this doesn’t feel that special aside from you saving

My life from all the weird creeps who have been trying to attack me those weird creeps as you absolutely put it have been bothering people for quite some time but if you stick with me and my allies we might be able to change that together the wind caller led me to

A small shack leaving me to talk to its inhabitant a mysterious figure called the illusioner so you are the one new one’s color selected you don’t appear all that strong but perhaps that will change I still don’t understand what’s happening here who are all of you people

And what does any of this have to do with me or that nasty squaggle a mic winds color and I are just two members of a secret group called the order of the shield for years we have made it our purpose to find and train a champion capable of destroying Mike and ending

His reign of terror if you accept this responsibility we will do all we can to help you realize your destiny well saying as Mike is going to come after me anyway I agree to working with you good go with wind color there is no time to waste you must get strong enough to

Defeat Mike once and for all from day 4 to day 5 the win color and I went deeper into The Baobab Savannah we didn’t stop until we found an area that was big and flat enough to start constructing a base first I knocked down a tree and used its

Resources to construct a wooden pickaxe I then mined into the ground and collected enough Stone to create my first set of real tools a stone pickaxe and a stone sword from there I gathered more stone and granite and made a basic base with a bed for myself and another

One for the win color to stay in with me you’ve done great work here Zozo you show promise with time you will become a a warrior capable of taking on Mike and showing him what we are all capable of I want to get stronger wind caller but I’m

Not sure where to start how can I become more powerful I can help you with that Zozo I’ll give you a portion of my power and that will give you a foundation to build on stay still please the wind caller fired and energy blasted me the second it hit me I started growing

Becoming bigger and had the ability to summon lightning strikes I tried it out on some grass and it was fantastic wow I’m really starting to live up to my electric tiger name now from day six to day eight I decided to explore a new part of the Savannah and test out my new

Powers for real energy blasts and lightning strikes I’m all force to be reckoned with and those Powers would soon come in handy because I saw an innocent fungus thrower being attacked by that nasty Whisperer who had attacked me earlier I’m not gonna let this stand as I ran in the whisperer’s attention

Was turned to me and the fungus thrower was able to escape it was just me and my old enemy now hey you ugly plant you again I didn’t expect to see you after you ran off like a coward last time I’m no coward Whisperer and I’m about to

Prove it taka’s cheap tiger boy let’s go I Unleashed a powerful lightning strike on the Whisperer and this time it was completely destroyed my electric tiger Powers were coming in clutch already yo fungus thrower it’s safe to come out now I’m friendly I promise when I found him

On the beach the poor lad was shivering from Fear dude that was scary but also amazing I thought it was a goner and then you came in like a superhero like bam now kapow it was awesome well I don’t like to brag but I guess it was

Pretty awesome you’re real good at this whole fighting bad guys thing Dude tell you what I know there’s a real nasty bad guy not far from here follow me let’s see if you can beat him sure it couldn’t hurt to try let’s go from day 9 to day

10 I followed the fungus thrower into the bamboo jungle until we reached a clearing there a freaky frozen zombie was waiting yikes that thing seems unpleasant but the promise is a promise I ran in and Unleashed a lightning strike against the frozen zombie but it didn’t seem to do anything other than

Annoy this particularly Frosty member of the Living Dead the frozen zombie chased me and all I could do was run away as fast as I could when I’d managed to lose the frozen zombie I rendezvous with the fungus thrower again I’m really sorry for letting you down on this one man but

I just don’t think I’m strong enough to take down that frozen zombie yet it’s chill dude you did your best and that’s what matters tell you what why don’t you come and stay at my base while I get stronger you seem like a cool guy I’d

Love to hang out with you some more oh you’re too sweet man let’s do it from day 11 to day 12 I returned to my base with the fungus thrower it was exciting to have another friend added to my team fungus thrower left to rely well I built

A new room for him along with the rooms for me and the wind caller what do you think Buddy this looks awesome Zozo I can’t wait to hang out here and hey I got a little Restless while you were building the bedroom so I built a couple

Of upgrades of my own go take a look the upgrades that the fungus thrower had created were truly awesome he’d made a beautiful path connecting all the buildings and a storage room for the base with a furnace that I could use to smelt and Forge metal say that gives me

An idea I searched until I found a cave that might contain some valuable materials and sure enough we’re out at the entrance I found a rich vein of iron ore I mined and collected a bunch of it before going back to my base once I was

There I used my furnace to smelt the ore into ingots then I made a full set of iron tools I still had a little left over so I used that to make an iron helmet and a chest plate this looks awesome so I’ve got shelter and weaponry

Covered now I need to make sure my food sources are sustainable too I built a small chicken farm on my base and herded a few chickens inside so I’d never run out of eggs or yummy chicken from 13 to day 15 I spoke to my mentor the wind

Caller and asked him if he knew any other ways I could train and get stronger a very good question Zozo to become a better fighter you need to fight and hone your Battle Tactics I’ve heard reports of another one of those Sinister Whispers wandering around the

Bamboo jungle go out there and defeat it to grow your strength because everything win color had said so far hadn’t led me astray I followed his advice and went out to the bamboo jungle again I searched until I found the Whisperer that WinCo had told me about I will

Destroy you in the name of Mike not if I destroy you first Whisperer with my new iron sword it wasn’t hard to battle The Whisper into submission when the Whisperer was destroyed it dropped a potion of strength onto the ground perfect timing I was starting to feel

Super thirsty I picked up the potion of strength and drank it and I felt the change immediately I started to get bigger stronger and my hearts grew to 30. the win color was right fighting that whisperer did make me stronger from from day 16 to day 19 I continued

Exploring the Overworld until I came upon the Cypress swamplands it was a strange mystical place and the more I wandered around the more I got the sense that something important was waiting for me here and that feeling proved to be right when I Came Upon an ancient Book

Of Secrets laying around I decided that it might be worth reading so I flipped through until I found a section called how to defeat Squall Golems wow that’s appropriate a section red the Stony flesh have a squaggle and may seem impenetrable even diamond swords and the strongest of arrows just seem to bounce

Off but if one could obtain a sword of netherite then the playing field would be evened another right sword I need to get my hands on one of those then my moment of victory was interrupted by a pair of Whisperers suddenly appearing and wandering towards me they must have

Come here to stop me from reading this book of secrets you overgrown weeds can’t scare me with my lightning strikes and energy blast the three Whispers were destroyed for good from day 20 to day 22 knowing that I needed a netherite sword to truly defeat Mike the squad Golem I

Went back to the mining cave looking for more material sadly I couldn’t find any diamonds or netherite down there just more iron ore I mined a bunch of it and went back to my base where I smelted it into ingots and made myself the rest of

My iron armor if you can’t invest in your text you might as well invest in your defense my recent increase in strength reminded me of an old unsettled score I needed to defeat the frozen zombie for my friend the fungus thrower time to send that zombie to its Eternal

Resting place I returned to the bamboo jungle and hunted down the frozen zombie that had given me trouble all those days ago with my iron sword I was able to defeat the nasty Undead once and for all it probably won’t be long before I’m strong enough to take on Mike and win I

Wouldn’t be so sure weakling I turned and saw Mike himself was standing right behind me I wanted to run but this time I stood my ground I’m not scared of you anymore Mike I know the secret I just need to get my hands sword I’m a champion of the order of the Shield

What’s so funny you think you’re the first Champion you think you’re the only one who knows about netherite swords I’ve destroyed a hundred foolish Champions like you and you’ll make it a hundred and one Mike punched me taking off a frightening number of Hearts all I

Could do was run for my life I was clearly still not strong enough to face him yet from day 23 to Day 26 I went back to my base and informed the fungus thrower that I defeated the frozen zombie of the bamboo forest way to go Zozo you’ve no doubt achieved a whole

New level of strength from that battle and I plan to get even stronger now that I was able to fulfill my promise to you oh yeah buddy I know you can I knew that I needed stronger materials in my inventory if I really wanted to work my

Way up to that netherite sword so I went digging for more iron in my mining cave while there were still no diamonds to be found the iron ore was plentiful I helped myself to as much of the iron as I could carry and smelted a bunch of it

Down into some more ingots I made a temporary smelting location to smelt the iron while I’m mind I already had a set of iron tools and armor so out of all the iron I made an anvil so we can repair our gear when it loses durability

My pickaxe can be the first candidate to get repaired once I was done mining I went above ground to my base where wind collar was waiting for me Zozo I’ve given the base a new addition that will be sure to keep you safe while you build

Up your strength that sure is nice of you considering my thanks for all the hard work you’ve put in so far I went to see what the wind caller had added to the base and found a well-constructed security bunker to hide in in case of invasion this looks like it will come in

Handy from day 27 to day 31 I was far away from the base exploring the Cypress swamplands when I had first learned about the existence of netherite Swords if I remember my last visit correctly I also defeated a couple of Whispers while I was here the whole area looked totally

Peaceful now without any of Mike’s minions to be seen as I was taking in the pleasant Vibes I was approached by a kindly Fletcher who seemed rather happy that the swamplands were free of baddies are we you must be Zozo the electric tiger I urge you took down those

Whispers some days ago that’s me I’m the toughest and only electric tiger around that’s wicked awesome it’s good to know that there are people out there looking for strength who are also nice and willing to stand up for the week I will do my best to help those in need I heard

There were some other Whisperers skulking around and looking to challenge you they must really want to stand up for that mic guy I can take them do you know where they are not right now but they’d probably hunt me down and try to beat me up if they knew I told you that

Then they’d be right here in the swamp again I know what if you stayed at my base for a while at least until I have my match with Mike that way I can protect you the Fletcher agreed and together we went back to my base where I

Added a base extension I made a small Outdoors library with a few couches to have a nice cozy place to relax the books that I put on the shelves would teach me strategies and techniques for winning battles because knowledge is power later I was a pro coached by wind

Caller who had some bad news Zozo we have to come with you again Mike’s minions have discovered the order of the shield and are attacking its members we need to check on the illusioner before he could be next oh no that sounds serious let’s go from day 32 to day 35

When caller and I crossed the Baobab Savannah to reach the illusioner shack when we found the place it was too late the shack was under attack by a Whisperer and the illusioner was desperately fighting for his life you order of the shield fools can’t win Mike makes right the saying is might makes

Right but you said is just silly you’re calling us silly just for that you’re going to die Whisperer destroyed the illusioner right before her eyes you monsters talk about pathetic is this all the order of the shield is made of you’re dead wrong I’m Zozo the electric

Tiger I am the champion and I’ll show you how strong I am I called down a lightning strike getting the whisperer’s attention and dealing a bunch of damage in the process with a few swings of my iron sword I made that whisperer pay for what it did to the illusioner more

Whispers emerge from the edges I was so angry I didn’t even need to use my energy blast to bring the pain and take them all down when the battle was over Windcaller and I planned when our next move would be we need to be on the lookout for any other mobs that are

Working for Mike curse him we were too late to save the illusioner from his Rampage we’ll keep an eye out for the other surviving members of the order of the shield and once we’re together we’ll help you become the strongest Champion you can be from Day 36 to day 39 I

Returned to the bamboo jungle so I could practice all my most powerful fighting moves in a safe place where none of my friends would get hurt I was tossing around energy blast when I blasted away some bamboo and found an iron golem hiding nearby whoa glass you could knock somebody out with those

Apologies I didn’t know you were here sometimes I Don’t Know My Own Strength oh no it’s okay I actually have been searching for someone strong enough to defeat the ruthless roaming ravager if it’s a worthy opponent that gives me a chance to test my skills then I’m 100

Game where is this ravager anyway I’ll show the way oh mighty electric tiger I was brought to another part of the bamboo forest where the ruthless roaming ravager was running around it was my time to bring that bad boy down I fired some energy blast for my Paws and the

Ravager responded by jumping over to me and making a few attacks I countered with my iron sword the battle raged on for a while but I knew from the start I would come out on top and I was right I returned to the Iron Golem to tell him

That I had successfully defeated that rascally ravager huh you really are one tough tiger that’s for sure from day 40 to day 43 I was in the base and decided to see how the fungus thrower was doing it looked like he had been hard at work decorating the base with all sorts of

Tiger pattern banners and paintings this base looks absolutely awesome now good job fungus I’m glad you like it I was just sprucing the place up in preparation for the pigs I invited over you invited pigs yep I invited some pigs because I thought they might oink Joy

Themselves here that’s a bad pun but not a bad idea I say yes hamtastic I mean fantastic the pigs that fungus thrower invited arrived soon after and were the life of the party I even got to train my defenses against their classic Pig pile technique after entertaining our fine

Piggy guests for a while I went for a walk out in the base and ran into flusher everything all right Fletcher I’m worried about my home back in the Cypress swamplands do you think you could go check on it just to be safe sure buddy it’s the least I can do for a

Friend from day 44 to day 49 I went back to the Cypress swamplands like Fletcher wanted me to I was expecting there might be a few Whispers Milling about but I never ever imagined that I’d see Mike himself what up tiger ready to take another shot at the big man Mike this

Should be between you and me what you did to the order of the shield was unforgivable no no way I’ve been beefing with those bozers since long before you showed up and if you’re the chosen Champion they kept talking about then I had to take him down before you become

Any stronger so you did it because you’re afraid I’ll get stronger than you well now you’ve made sure it’ll happen I will beat you Mike one of these days you want to make this personal huh all right let’s make it personal safe you can take on my man the piglet brute to my

Surprise Mike ran off and stuck me fighting with one big mean mob that he called The pigland Brute it sure did live up to its name I’m about to show you why they call me the pigwin brute because I’m brutal yeah I already got that put up your dukes electric tiger he

Slammed you in the an attack that was definitely brutal but thankfully my iron helmet was able to soak up some of the damage I traded blows using my sword and started to wear him down but then knockback of his attacks was giving me some trouble this will be a tough fight

From day 50 to day 53 I had started to use my energy blast to continue to deal damage to the piglet brute he didn’t show much signs of tiring but then again neither did I I can see why the order of the shield was impressed by you but you

Can’t really be the champion who will defeat Mike because I’m about to take you down wouldn’t bet on it brute I launched a couple of strikes at The Brute then I hit him with my sword and knocked him off balance so I could defeat him with some classic electric

Tiger energy blast bye bye brute you were my biggest and meanest opponent yet but I’ve won this round The pigland Brute disappeared and I soon found an item that he dropped it was a map leading to Mike’s Fight Club this is quite a discovery I didn’t know whether

My expected me to find this or not but either way this meant that I could go to his base whenever I wanted from day 54 to day 57 I cleared the Cypress swamp lands of all remaining Hostile Mobs so that Fletcher wouldn’t have to worry anymore the last one in the area was

Especially tough a Vindicator who could take a lot of hits from my iron sword I really had to stay on my guard the whole fight relying on my new combat strategies that I had been practicing sure enough I was able to win with plenty of Hearts to spare The Vindicator

Even dropped another idea which was the first step to the netherride sword that I’d need to defeat Mike I quickly returned to the base to tell Fletcher the good news so the swamplands are safe they sure are you mean that you found another right Ingot just like that I

Sure did that’s some kind of coincidence huh it’s no coincidence it’s a sign you were meant to be the champion of the order of the shield it’s your destiny well in that case I better make the most of this chance and get some diamonds so we can eventually make an another right

Sword you can do it Zozo from day 58 to day62 I made a much needed expansion to the chicken farm so that it can hold more livestock it was just in time too because I was able to round up more chickens for food an electric Tiger’s

Gotta eat to keep his energy up and delicious chicken tenders are what’s on the menu next I delve down to the mining cave to have another look for the diamonds I would need to craft a diamond sword I had to explore pretty deep but soon enough I managed to get my pickaxe

Into some diamonds there’s many diamonds here I might believe in destiny after all I mined for a while and found more than enough diamonds to make that diamond sword which I planned on using as the foundation for the netherite sword I’d be making later I used the

Rest of the diamonds to craft a diamond pickaxe and a full set of diamond armor for myself once I was satisfied with the amount of diamonds I had amassed I returned to the surface of the base and met up with one caller hey win caller I’ve crafted a diamond sword that’s

Excellent Zozo we should celebrate and the brand new soup for amazing party room that I just built oh wow no way a party room I love parties well I had been down in the mines when caller had given the base its most exciting feature yet a decorated room for hosting parties

I tried out the dance floor and had a really good time from day 63 to day 66 I was hanging out at the base with fungus thrower discussing ways for me to become even stronger if I could train in a new location maybe I’d be able to discover

Some new fighting moves I actually know just the place if you drain in the harsh sunlight of the desert you’ll increase your strength in no time how do I find the desert I’ll show you the way on your map the fungus thrower marks the desert

As a location on the map I received from the Fallen pigland brute it looked like it was on the way to the biome where Mike’s Fight Club could be found I should get used to that path while I’m out there I went to the desert and felt

The sun beating down on me this would be a good place to train and I was in the mood for a fight with a scary opponent across the dunes I saw one scary looking Wither Skeleton I moved towards him with my sword drawn ready for battle hey you

Wanna fight Zozo the electric tiger no thank you I don’t want to fight especially not a tough customer like you okay I can respect that we won’t fight did you think just because I’m scary looking that I’d want to fight yeah really we shouldn’t judge people by their outward appearances yeah that was

My dad I’m very sorry about that friend lesson learned it happens to me a lot I’m afraid just the other day a zoglin tried to pick a fight with me I told him no wait for a strong person who wants to fight well if that zoglin wants a fight

I’ll fight him I came here to train anyway from day 67 to Day 70 the friendly Wither Skeleton brought me to meet the zoglin a dangerous opponent who was also looking for a challenging fight the zoglin agreed to fight me one-on-one so we could test each other’s strength

Before the fight began the Wither Skeleton took me aside so we could have a quick discussion are you sure you can win Zozo I didn’t mean to put you in danger I think I’ve got a chance but thanks for being concerned now thank you for fighting this battle for me that’s

What a strong person does now I’m gonna go kick some zuggling butt the fight between myself and the zoglin was off to an exciting start when the zoglin charged straight at me I dodged his powerful tusks and hit with my sword while his back was turned the zoglin

Countered by hitting me with his tusks I lost a few Hearts but I was still in the fight I fired some energy blasts and used my signature lightning strike to deliver the last blow defeating the zoglin zelzo you did it I am the electric tiger Zozo remember the name

For from day 71 to day 74. I had completely left the desert behind and was traveling through a new biome the eroded Badlands according to the pigland boots map this was the same biome where the entrance to Mike’s Fight Club could be found the map also says you can find

More of my Zozo videos by searching Zeo zo in the YouTube search bar you should try it out I followed the directions on the map further into the eroded Badlands and I could see Mike’s Fight Club in the distance just you wait Mike I’ll fight

You one of these days I heard that Zozo suddenly Mike was right next to me and he was looking as strong as ever you shouldn’t have said that spark plug now I’m gonna give you a taste of my super special punch the mic Spike oh no I

Forgot that today is one of those days Mike Spike he punched me and my heart started to deplete thank goodness I was wearing diamond armor I drew my diamond sword and swung at him but the damage it did was really low you’ll still weak kitty cat no way well I need a netherite

Sword to even stand a chance I ran away from the fight retracing my steps through the eroded Badlands I still wasn’t strong enough to beat him from day 75 to day 78 I followed the map home to my base and went directly into the bunker to work out somehow I couldn’t

Find the energy to train probably because I was disappointed that I had to run away from Mike Mike was the strongest in the world and I still didn’t have the netherride sword I would need to actually challenge him from what he said before even that might not be

Enough cheer up Zozo you have our strength too so don’t give up it was wind caller he had come into the bunker to check on me and raise my spirits thanks win caller I’m feeling like I’m weak today so I really needed to hear that follow me I’ll show you something

That might also help there was now a new watchtower at the front of the base where we could look out at The Baobab Savannah from all of a sudden I feel a whole lot better wind caller now I remember what I’m fighting for you are the champion electric tiger Zozo don’t

Forget now that I was feeling better I went to go visit Fletcher hey there Fletcher Zozo I got you this special magic Apple to help make you strong enough to face Mike well an apple a day as they say I scarf down the apple and began to grow into an even bigger

Electric tiger with 60 hearts in addition to bigger damage and more health I could also perform a special Whirlwind attack Mike won’t know what hit him from day 79 to day 84 I was feeling strong and decided to go back to the eroded Badlands this time there was no

Sign of Mike so I fought some skeletons to test my newfound strength I wanted to prove to myself that I had what it takes to become the strongest a nearby weaponsmith saw me defeat those mobs and thought that I was pretty cool so he offered to upgrade my weapons this is my

Chance to get a netherite sword yeah no absolutely just give me your diamond sword and your netherride ingots and I’ll take care of the breast I gave the weaponsmith what he needed and waited in anticipation for him to finish my super cool netherite sword it didn’t take him

That long and I could tell just by swinging it that this netherite sword was the most powerful weapon that I’d ever had thank you weaponsmith I promise to use what you’ve given me for the side of Justice go on and save the world every weaponsmith dreams of creating a

Hero’s weapon from day 85 to day 89 I returned to the base to show the others that I had obtained The netherride Sword and found that it was being attacked by Whisperers so this is where you ran away to coward we’re gonna make you feel real

Silly for leaving Mike in the middle of a fight I battled The Whispers with all my might testing the edge of my netherite sword these minions had given me trouble in the past but now I was so much stronger than them that they were barely a threat I easily defended the

Base and prevented any further damage to the structures oh man this guy is actually way too strong maybe I should leave this one to Mike he’ll know how to win intimidated by my strength the Whisperer stopped fighting it was now their turn to run away serves you right

For trying to mess with my friends you’ll have to deal with this electric tiger now I chase the Whispers Through The Baobab Savannah until my base was far away never come back a villager who saw me bravely face off against Mike’s henchman came over to cheer me on you’re

The electric tiger the second strongest being in the world soon to be the most strongest or first strongest whichever sounds better do you think you can spare some of your strength and give me a hand building a bridge over the river sure thing villager I use the materials the

Villager gave me to finish building the bridge across the river thanks Zozo only a truly strong hero could do something like that from day 90 to Day 94 I continued onward across the desert and through the eroded Badlands until I saw on the map I was getting close to Mike’s

Arena I could see one of The Whispers who had attacked my base lingering nearby and I drew my netherite sword in preparation for a battle I’m here to see Mike I’m going to challenge him for the title of strongest being in the world oh no you didn’t you’re gonna need to get

This guy first he’s the second strongest in the whole world an armored Pillager showed up taking the place of the Whisperer as my opponent I’ve heard people say that you’re the second strongest in the world not true because that’s me I’ve never beat Mike but I’ll

Be anyone who isn’t Mike you won’t beat me I’ll take your title then I’ll take on Mike then bring it on Zozo the electric tiger the armored villager waited for me to make the first move which I did using my netherite sword he blocked the attack and countered with a

Strike from his own weapon I lost quite a few hearts and had to dodge back to avoid the worst of his attacks I used my energy blast to keep him at a distance but his armor was as tough as mine you’re pretty strong Pillager are you

Ready to give up and run away no way I’ll Never back down from a fight again from day 95 to day 97 I continued to battle against the armored villager utilizing all my specially trained techniques to try and gain an advantage have another lightning strike I can handle your lightning strikes all the

Live long days Zozo we’ll see about that I circled around the armored Pillager with my Whirlwind attack and delivered sword strikes wherever I could I was still having trouble cracking the second strongest Fighter’s armor but I figured I could soften him up for a lightning strike if I just kept attacking with my

Whirlwind active I spun around and Unleashed my lightning strike with that attack the Villager surrendered the electric tiger defeated the armored Pillager and became the true second strongest in the world no I couldn’t achieve my dream of becoming the strongest in the world why did you want

To become the strongest so bad I’m doing it to protect my friends and myself from Mike it started that way for me too but when I realized I would never win I became his follower all the people who believed me before became sad and stopped being my friend but they went on

To form the order of the shield wait you were the original champion no I was just the guy who tried to be a champion before there was a champion you’ve got to be better than mizozo I will armored Pillager I’ll defeat Mike and become the strongest in the world once and for all

On day 98 I went back to the base to tell everyone that I would soon be facing off against Mike for the ultimate title I went to visit wincaller first who is standing at the top of of the Watchtower thanks to the strength you gave me at the start I was able to

Become the champion that you always thought I could be it was like I said long ago my strength was the foundation but you built it into something better and made it your own thank you for believing in me here is a bit more of my strength in the form of a potion drink

It before you go into battle next I met with Fletcher outside of the chicken farm I wanted to assure him that once I was the strongest I would use my strength to protect all of the biomes from Evil very soon the world will be safe I’m glad I was able to help your

Quest for strength Zozo you gave me what I needed when I needed it most and I’m so grateful that I was able to meet you make the most of your magic powers the special techniques will be the key to Victory after Fletcher there was only one last friend to thank the fungus

Thrower who was chilling in the party room this room is the best room other than a mushroom of course that’s a fungus I look forward to hanging out after I beat Mike once and for all it’ll be a big celebration on day 99 I made my

Way back to the eroded Badlands and saw the first glimpses of Mike’s base I approached and there were The Whispers waiting to stand in the way move aside small fry I’m here for Mike you guys don’t need to be involved the whisper is bolted for The Hills And I Ran straight

Into Mike’s base on day 100 I walked into Mike’s fight club with my netherite sword drawn Mike I’m here to fight the big golem himself Mike appeared before me in order to fight Zozo the electric tiger he fought all the other strong people in the world and now you think

You can steal my crown I do I’m gonna make sure that you are put down for the count lots of people have said that to me before and I’ve beaten them all I didn’t get to be the strongest because I made excuses I just kept fighting and winning but you didn’t fight The

Whispers when they started going after the order of the shield you didn’t want a champion to fight you I don’t care what those weaklings do or what fights they get into all that matters is to fight between me and you that’s how it’s always been destined to Champion let’s

Do this in a place worthy of this showdown Mike left and I ran after him he turned into his fighting arena I followed him in when he hit at the entrance and slammed his Golem fist into my body it was the Mike Spike his signature opening move I drew my

Netherride sword and dealt some real damage to him for the first time I followed up with a whirlwind and a lightning strike Mike threw me across the fight club then he jumped and slammed onto me dealing a lot of damage he tried to attack again but I hit him

With an energy blast he bottom off guard and I was able to land a bunch of other energy blasts after then I remembered to drink up the strength motion when caller gave me I felt much stronger now as we stood there swinging away at each other

Hit after hit I was wearing the Golem down he eventually one of us fell Mike actually dropped yes Zozo the electric tiger wins I had completed the 100 day challenge to defeat the strongest being in the world I had won

This video, titled ‘I Survived 1000 DAYS as an AMONG US IMPOSTER in HARDCORE Minecraft! – Top Adventures Compilation’, was uploaded by Zozo on 2023-09-14 01:15:00. It has garnered 193063 views and 1605 likes. The duration of the video is 03:44:51 or 13491 seconds.

In this video, I, Zozo attempt to survive 100 days as an Among Us Imposter in Hardcore Minecraft!

0:00:00 100 DAYS as AMONG US IMPOSTER https://youtu.be/Fl6RXQDz170 0:33:38 100 DAYS as APHMAU https://youtu.be/aKc5HBpo8C4 1:13:31 100 DAYS as a FAT CREEPER https://youtu.be/JlPV7CGWM0E 1:52:12 100 DAYS as a BABY https://youtu.be/kfAXowMhZ5g 2:29:10 100 DAYS as an ELEMENTAL WOLF https://youtu.be/O0TDEREWkAc 3:08:27 100 DAYS as an ELECTRIC TIGER https://youtu.be/9QrRHyql8FM

#minecraft #100days #amongus

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    EPIC GASLIGHTING in AMONG US! Watch NOW!Video Information This video, titled ‘The greatest GASLIGHTING ever suffered |AMONG US//Vanilla lobby [FULL VOD]’, was uploaded by 5up VODs on 2024-08-29 15:45:06. It has garnered 4625 views and 129 likes. The duration of the video is 02:41:32 or 9692 seconds. ๐ŸŒฑExpand me๐ŸŒฑ ๐ŸŒฑOFFICIAL NEW PLUSHIE HERE! https://uwumarket.us/products/5up-leafling-plushie MINECRAFT โ–บ https://store.lunarclient.com/category/5up MERCH โ–บ https://5upmerch.com/ Help me get 50k subs!! โ–บ http://bit.ly/5upVODs Main Channel โ–บ http://bit.ly/5uppp Clips Channel โ–บ https://bit.ly/5upClips Variety Channel โ–บ https://bit.ly/Also5up Contact me! โ–บ [email protected] VOD: 22nd august 2024 Timestamps: 0:00 Neutral Modded 16:36 Crewmate 45:30 Crewmate 1:02:44 Crewmate 1:19:18 Crewmate 1:36:59 Crewmate 1:54:59 Crewmate 2:09:30 Crewmate 2:21:23… Read More


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    Scaling Everest in Minecraft with Joe BartolozziVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Modded ep 8 Joe Bartolozzi’, was uploaded by Everest on 2024-01-30 06:06:47. It has garnered 145553 views and 961 likes. The duration of the video is 03:10:32 or 11432 seconds. Video created: 1/29/2024, 1:57:07 PM https://www.twitch.tv/joe_bartolozzi Read More

  • Insane discovery: Duping 2hotdogs2buns glitch at 1.20.4 on 2h2b.org!

    Insane discovery: Duping 2hotdogs2buns glitch at 1.20.4 on 2h2b.org!Video Information This video, titled ‘1.20.4 dupe 2h2b.org’, was uploaded by 2hotdogs2buns on 2024-08-24 14:15:22. It has garnered 660 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:37 or 37 seconds. 2h2b.org 1.20 but you can join on all versions #2b2t #2b2tjp #2b2tmcpe #2b2tpe #minecraft #minecraftbuilding #dream #sad #sad #crystals #anarchyonline #anarky #mcjava #minecrafthacks #minecraft120 Pugman2013 Crystal pvp config 2b2tpvp.net Future Client FreeConfigs Free Configs Free Config Tuffty, 2b pvp, Pugman2013, 2b2t crystal pvp montage montage, Owning spawn on 2b2t.org, 2b2t, 2b2t cpvp, crystal pvp, 2b2t crystal pvp, 2b2t,5b5t,9b9t,eliteanarchy,fitmc,minecraft,crystal pvp, cpvp, montage, tutorial, crystal pvp tutorial, how to… Read More

  • Insane Gamer Mastermind – Epic Laughs!

    Insane Gamer Mastermind - Epic Laughs!Video Information This video, titled ‘Funny game’, was uploaded by mr. Allrounder gamerz on 2024-06-25 18:51:03. It has garnered 22 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:35:38 or 2138 seconds. Minecraft Minecraft morden houses Minecraft morden build Minecraft morden build hacks Minecraft tips Minecraft tutorial Minecraft survival series Minecraft mod Minecraft pocket Minecraft tips and tricks Minecraft free Minecraft Farm Satisfying sand art Battery run Minecraft funny video Minecraft short Minecraft video Minecraft viral video Minecraft download free Minecraft trand Minecraft change Minecraft chalang Game #SHORTS #viral #short #viral # Cartoon Mr beat Ajjubhai Technogamerz Funny… Read More

  • Unleash Ultimate Power with YDM’s Weapon Master Mod! #Minecraft

    Unleash Ultimate Power with YDM's Weapon Master Mod! #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Introducing the YDMโ€™s weapon Master #Minecraft Mod!’, was uploaded by CurseForge on 2024-06-20 15:00:34. It has garnered 4029 views and 219 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:38 or 38 seconds. Everybody kept saying “Sophisticated Backpacks” is the best backpacks #Minecraft mod so here’s a video about it so you’ll leave us alone already. #curseforge #minecraftmods #minecraftshorts Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Golem Battle: Gasbo VS Demon Warden

    Insane Minecraft Golem Battle: Gasbo VS Demon WardenVideo Information This video, titled ‘Demon Warden VS All New Golems Battle Minecraft’, was uploaded by Gasbo on 2024-08-22 18:27:33. It has garnered 440011 views and 3898 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:06 or 486 seconds. #minecraft #memes Witness the ultimate clash in this action-packed video as the fearsome Demon Warden takes on an army of unstoppable golems and powerful mutants! Who will emerge victorious in this epic showdown between dark magic and raw strength? #minecraft #memes Read More

  • ๐Ÿ”ฅ EPIC Minecraft Donut SMP Base Ratings LIVE

    ๐Ÿ”ฅ EPIC Minecraft Donut SMP Base Ratings LIVEVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft donut smp rating bases (live)’, was uploaded by Scissors810 on 2024-09-18 05:40:58. It has garnered 9 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:08 or 548 seconds. donut smp live minecraft This stream is created with #PRISMLiveStudio Read More

  • Ultimate Steampunk Minecraft Build! ๐Ÿ˜ฑ

    Ultimate Steampunk Minecraft Build! ๐Ÿ˜ฑVideo Information This video, titled ‘Steampunk Starter Base Build #minecraft #minecraftcreative #minecraftcreations #minecraftvideos’, was uploaded by Zevan on 2024-09-02 17:30:06. It has garnered 2296 views and 64 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:51 or 51 seconds. Iโ€™m back to making Timelapse builds! Letโ€™s Gooooo! ๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽ‰ Read More

  • “UNBELIEVABLE! Kid’s CRAZY Party in Minecraft!” ๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽฎ #trending

    "UNBELIEVABLE! Kid's CRAZY Party in Minecraft!" ๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽฎ #trendingVideo Information This video, titled ‘Dance And Party ๐Ÿฅณ๐Ÿฅณ๐Ÿฅณ #minecraft #trending #minecraftanimation #gaming’, was uploaded by Childish Behaviour on 2024-05-17 18:14:29. It has garnered 1230 views and 32 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. Read More

  • Cubed Chaos SMP Semi-vanilla 1.21.1 Whitelist 18+

    Welcome to Cubed Chaos! The Cubed Chaos server has been around since b1.2, and continues to update with new features. Our goal is to create a community of friends who love Minecraft and contribute to our ever-expanding world. Join us and explore our massive 50 GB world file inspired by YouTube SMPs like Hermitcraft. Datapacks: Gameplay enhancements: Anti Endermen grief Anti Ghast grief Armour Statues Armoured Elytra Coordinates Hud Custom Nether Portals Double Shulker Shells Crafting enhancements: Back to Blocks Blackstone Cobblestone Crafting Cubed Chaos Exclusives: Renewable Gilded Blackstone Smeltable Amethyst Shards Rules: Don’t be a prick No Griefing No… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – What blocky game is this?

    “I guess the game is obvious… it’s obviously Pac-Man, right?” Read More

  • Sneaky Skyblock Tactics: DragonHeart Power Moves

    Sneaky Skyblock Tactics: DragonHeart Power MovesVideo Information This video, titled ‘Wind charge, mace hit, clutch with wind charge. #minecraft’, was uploaded by DragonHeart on 2024-09-27 22:44:15. It has garnered 3838 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:11 or 11 seconds. Read More

  • Java Furnace Fun: Fast Smelt Masterclass!

    Java Furnace Fun: Fast Smelt Masterclass! In Minecraft’s world, a furnace array so grand, No moving parts, just hoppers that land. Items slide in, fuel loads with ease, Efficient and quiet, a smelting breeze. Double chests and hoppers, a perfect pair, Furnaces ready, with precision and care. Dirt blocks and carts, a smooth groove, Fuel loading hoppers, in a perfect move. Add double chests, clear temp blocks away, The smelter is ready, for items to play. Grab your fuel, watch the items melt, Check the output chest, your array is felt. In 1.21 Java, this build is a gem, Fast and efficient, a Minecraft hymn…. Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Crafting Chaos!

    Minecraft Meme: Crafting Chaos! “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” #minecraft #memes #subscribe Read More

Zozo – I Survived 1000 DAYS as an AMONG US IMPOSTER in HARDCORE Minecraft! – Top Adventures Compilation