Mischief of Mice 2 – 09 Create: Above & Beyond w/CCI (Twitch stream) Minecraft Modpack

Video Information

Welcome to the mischief i’m valen i’m kashka and we’re here today playing more create above and beyond minecraft 116.5 modpack made by sammy booby all rights reserved trademark hi everybody and all that uh let’s start by greeting everybody in chat hello bishop shatner red dead monkey dunder tv do you kyle xy

Rowan fellar weasel uh allure uh deez bennett 1532 siren moons and dianes eqlm hello everybody how you doing today hi hi good evening oh and chad we’re doing the family dinner thing again just dropping by much love and have a wonderful stream thank you dandruff enjoy your din din have good knobs

So uh we’ve updated to uh create above and beyond version 1.2 as of just before the stream yep they extend look at the life remaining on these guys now 83 331 days left they’re not gonna last past one one like uh cci spawned incursion where they

Accidentally get hit oh do not fall down he’s fine just you got gotta have faith in the little dude he’s okay he’s just testing it out product or ability testing remember if ever they get into trouble you know we can we can hook them like this oh hello you got penguin pencil

I need a stuffy of that gold right the only thing is we can’t seem to heal them anymore uh but they look extra cute and like the derpy thing going on they’re stinky yeah they’re so stinking they’re so sticky okay the flies you guys are attracting penguin come on

No what happened okay i don’t know what happened here penguin come over here with your with your buddy come come here there we go twist you made it hi fourth west how are you all right okay so koshka have you decided what you’re what you’re going to be uh working on today

Um i’m gonna try and set up um that’s why there’s two these guys excuse me let me draw you away from the penguins the pete’s ow here we go siren moon thank you very much thank you sorry moon even i’ve got it the five times penguin party [ __ ] get hurt if

You follow those husks around uh maybe it’s going to see its other friend down i heard your party time bits thank you very much siren i have an idea what if i do this there you go you do it’s little tiny fin flaps oh my gosh it’s ridiculous you hang out down

There with the friend oh gosh the sky slimes they hurt so much no i said no sometimes when they’re the itty bitties not so much i still have to die i used to be a nature tour guide on small 10 persons cruises and we would go

To a bird rookery to view puffins oh lord the flies would follow the ship for the rest of the trip oh yeah that’s pretty funny um oh mob um thank you for the blade stout this is good that puts it oh that’s different place let’s plays milk so we’ve got

I mean i’ve never noticed like flies particularly we went on a boat trip once for um one of the islands in um the first down by edinburgh and hello dwi and there were a lot of flies around um it’s a little tiny little island that we well we went to like two islands

On the thing but um exotic birds yes exotic birds um and one of them was bass rock and it’s just absolutely oh where am i okay oh yeah how are you i’m all right it’s just absolutely covered in gannets okay there’s so many birds and there weren’t actually that many

Flies i mean you could smell it from like a distance off but there weren’t that many flies i need to make one of those wanna work well first actually i’m gonna finish this um so i may i’m gonna make my first mechanical mixer oh okay class completed mechanical mixing so so

Let’s see skunk what are you working towards today for starters algal blend okay like automation of it right yeah i’m gonna try okay hello some crazy skunk and i’m going to try to make some progress in um i don’t want to say this keep saying task complete but i have no idea

Like why these tasks are completed what what uh and i’m going to try to get closer to some occultism uh meanwhile i’m also slowly expanding via no penguin no no no no no oh no penguin penguin get out it’s got one heart left okay can we feed

Some fish or something will it will it eat fish i don’t know okay you got any fish um um i’m just looking to see if i’ve got any vanilla fish sourdough thanks for gifting us up to diese bennett thank you very much siren gosh all right try and lure things in there

They don’t want to go in you leave it alone and they just walk right in no you don’t want a fish no fish no fish where are you going it’s probably a oh ow no pete no stay away i’ve got a resonant ender bucket okay all right that’s it that’s it

Pete come here whoop that’s right you get to stay down here again an encased chain drive fantastic oh nice yeah i have no idea what to do with mine a lot of things have changed with the latest version but uh that’s full let’s put that railing yeah osha exists for a reason yeah

Last one for a short while you run out of points increase the smeltery wall yeah i was i was working it did okay and it freaked me out it was while i was trying to save pete good morning hey subby what’s up uh i need some glass okay you’re back up

Here you little sh i know i know or maybe this is the other one get over here whoa no oh it can fly see it’s flapping it’s doing a flap penguins can fly gosh didn’t you know this is modern minecraft only 36 000 left i need to up the point values

I need um they’re already 500 for everything uh some glass let’s do this listening to the little guys make a little 87.7 they slowly crash I have six i think i need let’s try that let’s make another one of these and we still haven’t got those toasts off from streamlabs whatever it’s fine okay got it and we can just leave that for now and put and we’re allowed to of underside cases put this in here

These two things in here for whatever we want to do okay um i got one i’ve got wood kashka just doesn’t all right let’s put this here and that should make it there we go much bigger smeltery space we can see a bit more be like okay

Take this so i’ve got some of those now now i need to relocate but i need wait did i have super phone i do you should okay uh oh that’s right that’s right what’s that what’s that i can do this oh i forgot we’ve got the launch pad

Oh wait all right les nessman oh my gosh first you thought turkeys could play and now penguins las nessman i haven’t heard that name in so long what was that from is that wkrp in cincinnati or something what what les nessman trying to remember

That that was a an old show as well jeez okay so oh so this thing needs to go on the bottom of the chassis is that right what what the portable um the storage thingy oh hello zoe b let’s have a peek she has arrived it just needs to connect to the contraption

And it oh so it can connect like yep they’ll momentarily pause and offload the contents okay good girl so if i put my chest there she is she’s there very sweet oh [ __ ] um but it needs to be a block apart right is that what i just don’t hang out i’ll

Figure it out okay one moment uh it doesn’t tell you but they can reach up to two blocks each i believe sorry um yeah one or two blocks i’m sorry i thought it didn’t tell you it’s okay um these guys are doing pretty good they’ve actually harvested half the farm and it

Was fully grown when we started the stream so that i’m impressed by those these little fuzzy guys though what are you doing over here come here the little arms let me grab onto him oh so cute oh no what are you doing in the animals come on they’re not to be trusted oh

Poor little dude no not sheep oh gosh well we’re get we’re getting somewhere can i can i get you out of here come on please get up on this edge cows get out of here [ __ ] don’t stop telling hubby has been moving he comes home with a tom selleck stash of black dirt

Is that from like tearing off the old roof right so now if that does that i think we might have too many cows again kind of damage this thing too and we wait half an hour uh not a lot oh oh oh oh he does a little flap Whoa what are you doing to the cow it’s not the cows oh duck got it i could make him fly a little bit it’s kind of cute ah duck on it come come here oh my god but think i got it and congrats man what a week you’ve had congratulations

Oh like i got slowed no get back no dude don’t make me you ready for the kissing pen you in come on well it’s gonna be smooching in a minute maybe come here there you go okay smooch acceptance it’s like a xenomorph smooch you know because it’s like a

Little inner mouth like shootout don’t make me fence you guys in let’s jump oh oh yeah oh nice i just accidentally oh no it’s right there oh oh wow that’s a lot of mobs i’m going to do asleep so then if i put the kissy things the kissy thing i’m sure that’s the

Technical term that semibooby used as well oh you call them centimoves thank you just what i was looking for roxas oh siren thank you for giving us up to roxas thank you siren moons for gifting that sub to roxas unknown and hi tal how are you hey tom okay here we go

What do i have so far occultism i’ve got a bunch of stuffs but oh right what nothing what you laughing at no unlikely uh i need here’s the thing though these what what this is it oh no four each and i don’t think my little tongue oh fudge

Well it’s gonna be another mining stream really it takes four diamonds to make one crystal hmm I thought you found four diamonds though yeah and i need two crystals get rid of some help what looking for diamonds oh oh well super speed how did i get over here whoa oh god i’m in jail how did i get in jail you’re in chat [Laughter]

I was going down the ladder in suddenly jail suddenly jail yeah whoop oh that that was convenient climb up all right let’s see here uh torches and sorted out a little bit so i can have some space oh there’s a tunnel going this way this is interesting oh that was me i did

Uh there’s nothing in here though oh jesus oh no i just broke one of my water wheels no where did it go ugh think one of my water wheels was like where the heck did that go is it in my own okay it’s in my inventory all right guys they’re so rude what

It’s so rude so rude you’re rude well they are too and this is a dead end room there’s nothing in here oh wait her what it is healed oh emeralds let’s let’s get some emeralds esmerelds um looks like a wild koshka has been here before because i see stone steps oh my gosh

That was um okay no sign of any goodies here i swear i saw something on the wall over here uh let’s try thank you for the click okay i think that’s pretty good ah oh oh thank you for the ale i’m in jail the speeding um i swear i saw some

Some emeralds along here but oh there it is way over there okay and lava never all right let’s see oh there’s a there’s a jail over there okay maybe this jail has prison has prison maybe this jail has prison i speak good today um maybe this one has oh oh

Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa oh gosh where’d the other ones go all right go away let’s put a light on that the skelly boys down here all right this is going to hurt let’s grab the shield put some torches on here and i can’t i can’t

There’s a lot of skellies they all have weapons what oh no kashka oh no yep wow that hurts you guys are so mean now gosh could go prison nobody puts koshki in a corner no uh thanks for the for the raid down there welcome raiders oh gosh also oh

Oh gosh sorry no sorry yeah i can tell all right i don’t remember how i got there but uh i’ll give it a try um and i’ve got some backup shizzle in here i think backup chisel yeah i care backup chisel all right i’ll meet you down in the mind back up

Shizzle involves a stone sword actually what is this iron axe i’ll take that out i can efficiently kill the scales maybe so if if you go down uh buy the um Buy your mining stuffs buy my money i can show you the way to get there okay hang out i think i kind of took a really convoluted way to get there so rude look now you guys are going together i’m just bringing people together right and how are you doing our

Jakarta how was your stream and uh thank you for the raid lucky we cannot yoink the boots okay all right i’m coming down the stairs now hi i think i don’t remember where your death point is i can see it like over there 80 80 blocks away

So you said you remembered you could show me how to get there i thought i remembered just bear with me here uh [ __ ] all right it was back off higher basically that cavern that we originally mined into it’s it was through that way and i think this

Might be it that’s it yeah because um yeah all right and then it’s up through here whoop i didn’t bring any light sources with it oh iron that’s fine uh and then down here oh no no this way this way Oh god oh god this ought to make things easier well you guys have to deal with the swirly screen now oh [ __ ] oh gosh careful that’s bad stone i see it uh hold on hold on challenging with that no all right oh god oh god this lava right there yeah

That’s why i said don’t do that all right all right sorry sorry it’s a little difficult to see when you know this okay where are you going up and over uh uh just mine in the block do you know i don’t have a pickaxe wow I think that’s the whiniest i’ve sounded in a long time at least i hope it is because otherwise it did sound pretty white i don’t have any nope you see the prison i see it okay why did you go this way because i saw a prison i was chasing the

There was a bunch of emeralds in the wall right right but i had a bridge across no not that i saw oh gosh oh wow serious creeper serious thank you thank you for the sub bob the fives up bob here we go i can do this to the wall therein lifelong

Satchel jb warsmith cyber gaming 424 and cornish miss saucy thank you very much serious creeper for that where are you going you’re not using i’m making this path to keep you safe and you’re just like [ __ ] that okay it was safer down there whatever and one wide path right next to lava

With chat with so many tools to kill us right hey i see your corpse do you want me to go down first sure okay all hey it’s clear for the moment hey corpse friend i take this oh i got a coin more coins oh [ __ ]

I see iron somewhere oh god oh god not while i’m in here no okay oh gosh thank you for the hundreds very well salty bits as well i’m minding my way back apparently you’ve got a pick or something yeah i do hey new prison exactly how’s it going thank you some crazy scum

Did my corpse vanish yeah i don’t see it okay all right just pick it up how to get back to just follow the cavern and there’s an opening on the left see any diamonds actually it’s not that way is it because my bridges oh you know what though i’ve got

Um let me know if you see any diamonds yeah this appetite ore is just messing with me yeah for sure it’s weird oh this is the way okay okay okay okay then darn appetite well thank the light oh sneaky siren boats thank you very much for the hundred bits so much

Koshka whining what thank you for the clip cyrus [Laughter] thanks for coming to help me look for diamonds koshka mm-hmm no no i’m getting on the other side i’m not getting pushed into lava i think the other one got squished or something you got squished or something

Thank you for the hundred bits that cast i don’t remember the way jeff says hello is this it i would show you but you’re just gonna go off in your own direction anyway so wow somebody is so salty super salty it’s real salty bits wait i see a stair there is that it

Maybe maybe not just what i was looking for oh my gosh siren thank you for the five sub bomb thank you very much and filling my inventory with luke uh subs for drop bear island waffle drop waffle zoo fro duck 42 electro fried bees and tyranidorcus thank you siren bears

Thank you very much siren and sirius as well yes just is take i don’t know i don’t know kashka why is this all like i am way confused yep so confused yep sure thing dorothy hello gentleman canoe hi how are you let’s put this oh that sounds interesting oh

Oh that’s it i think that’s it oh that’s lava oh boy okay yeah let’s do this that’s not it that’s it right there please tell me there we go okay this is it oh crap let’s do that this okay i hear them they’re all like grouped what above me or something oh boy

Amboy oh there’s mossy cobblestone there i’m guessing that this is a dungeon can i get up there oh i see the dudes i see you all hello lights zombies action i need to get out of here oh my gosh i think maybe okay now you’re just or a chain mail okay oh

You guys are so great with the heels thank you for the heels that’s very kind of you ooh slimy saplings stuck let’s take that get rid of these excuse me sir an oreo bottle how interesting redstone this oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] you stay away from that penguin oh no i’m poison no

Siren are you okay penguin why you do that why you do that oh so thank you very much for the bit siren thank you uh ow the poisonous poisonous bits i don’t have any milk oh it stopped okay thank goodness oh i did those heels undoing your request oh he’s shooting me jesus

Uh i’ll put some of that in there okay i’m sleeping i do have milk talk on it put that in there i also have melon coffee okay let’s drink that haste i’ll take it okay and thank you gentlemen for the tea time that’s pretty good that’s true you did bonus early

So the the body cards the precious chest is full okay just what i was looking for take that oh thank you very much hi and thank you for the sub gifting the sub to citrus sarcasm citrus that’s a good name too um all right this does go down this is good

Maybe lead to diamonds diamonds diamonds i need i mean i love your optimism diamonds that’s not diamonds that’s that’s iron melon coffee let’s try what’s this type wrong target [Laughter] coffee oh diamonds no not that this and this diamonds slowly recovering my why do i have a fork

What i have a gourmet fork uh random ore maybe a drop from from a mob that seems really weird ah got it no diamonds oh that one did not wait okay look at you handling the pumpkin like a big beefy stroke a big beefy struggle guess you’re forked now what can i do

With this fork all right moving forward there’s gravel above me um i think this chest is oh there’s a bat that’s going that goes up let’s put a torch in there unreasonably beefy no not unreasonable diamonds don’t come when called maybe maybe it’s the call that i’m doing is it’s okay oh

Oh oh god i thought those were made for walking and that’s just what they’ll do oh there’s a structure of some sort panic fell in panic why what start panicking all right it’s a little house it’s got pots in it it’s perfectly safe a mushroom and a mushroom so

We need to think about this oh [ __ ] i’m really high up for finding diamonds oh god stop oh gosh i train three hype train emote i got hype huh huh which is a hippopotamus going huh huh like thunking hmm i was hoping to find something led me down can i put a shoe

Um thank you guys thank you for gifting that sub to jumping jd thank you very much excuse me um that’s very kind can i like hopper out the bottom of this thing or shoot if i put a shoot shoo i think you could just put a chest next to it

And then you could shoot out of that i don’t know that you can shoot out of it but i mean you try so if i put a shoot on the bottom of something with an inventory though it will chuck stuff out the bottom of that inventory yeah

I mean through the shoe yeah right what is this tyrion oh hello this is an interesting structure laboratory blocks let’s see okay so i have some funnels right so if i put a funnel on the side but i want it to just drop straight down will it drop straight down out of the

Funnel uh it it should honestly it should yeah okay i just found some fluid pipes koshka oh yeah yeah wow that’s not super handy and an encased fluid pipe huh is that like a weird create ruin kind of thing yes i wonder if that’s one of the new

Structures i doubt it because it’s just under our base what is this stuff uh uh hold on backpack back and pack them just what i was looking for let’s put some of this stuff in here uh put that in there handsome thank you very much thank you heads up for gifting that sub

To super sir banks thank you that’s very nice uh this i guess put that in there oh damn it what is this stuff it’s it’s is this venom hold on a second here i know if you press f3 you can see oh really targeted fluid what from tinker’s construct we’ve got molten ender

Okay are those factory blocks yes laboratory blocks no not factory blocks yeah chromatic waste bucket what so yeah we we’re looking at liquid under but it’s chromatic waste interesting weird uh i might put this on the map add uh laboratory with endergoo confirm oh yes no that’s the factory one so i want

I think these are all laboratory yeah i need the factory ones okay laboratory laboratory laboratory all right i don’t think this stuff actually hurts you yeah i thought so it’s renamed for the pack negative okay oh how do i make a shoot i got a peculiar bell nice okay and a flower

That’s the next i got a gold coin koshka oh what right that’s pretty good that’s very good yoink i’ll take my water it came from a small treasure quartz pot oh i got a diamond out of one oh yes the journey has not been in vain

I thought i got both of those um i guess i didn’t there’s my shoot let’s try this actually before we get too far ahead there we go oh oh crap now buttons buttons jeez let me eat one of those golden carrots that i just got yeah maybe i’ll eat two i don’t know

You would have had me if i didn’t have this vision going on right now oh that’s better all right this and this okay this is just a dead end because i want to go back down lower that’s just lapis lapis okay so that totally does that all right got it

Nothing’s shooting fireballs at me but nice try um okay that will totally work above and over up and over up i think we’re streaming no this is the way i came from no okay anymore i’m afraid no but if you want we can do a quick peek at the sleeping pupper

She is there she is a lady of leisure and has has uh since retired from streamer life but she still might do an occasional appearance oh crap thanks teleported me away from that okay that wasn’t so bad right cool hey cinnabar if you teleport me towards diamonds all is forgiven [Laughter]

Thank you for the healings you guys are very kind when you do that uh i might get rid of some of this some of that there we go which way was i i don’t think it was that way skeletons are that way though ow oh what okay

I’m like why am i suddenly in the ground i got a silver ingot how about you kashka i got hang on that’s very awkward i got a dark oat door congratulations koshka that’s amazing all right i got one second i have no idea the direction oh is that not doing the thing

Oh there it is all right three stacks okay three stacks are in there got it that diamonds no that’s appetite ah dark on it no not a creeper whoa not another one geez okay get off actually ah like why can’t i move chat that is why you squandering those hps what hps

Oh really that’s not gonna does that not what i mean it should yeah it might have to be part of a construct part of something but i thought that it would connect to it maybe it needs to be stuck to it or something i don’t know it won’t i don’t

Uh let’s put the bell in there and then just can i funnel out into the chute got him hello creeper buddy can i do that funnel in out of the chute no funnel out of the storage interface into the chute um right click the funnel so the arrow points outwards

Oh i need the wrench right oh geez do i need the reach where’s the wrench you guys are so rude skeletons everywhere oh no not again there’s gotta be a skelly spawner around here more buttons nope not a baby zombie oh i see breaking them right okay thank you sorry okay

So night cat oh gosh is that a speed boost oh it’s a jump boost what job boost no not that jump boost without holding sneak hang on hang on appetite oh i think i might have dodged that one it’s going down tunnel with that moment no no fudge

There we go and then i can go over here okay all right but wait hang on nightcast was saying you can funnel into a shoot but it’s like hoppering into a hopper why not just hop her in to where the thing goes that’s a good question right what what’s

The thing i guess that’s my question sapphire oh i just noticed that i broke bladder let’s get rid of Got more of those so i’m gonna get rid of that whatever you’re funneling well i just want it to drop down like straight down there i don’t think a hopper will do that i mean i guess yeah just funnel will drop it in world without the shoe without the shoe yep oh wow

I see emma ralds okay but when i do that it’s facing the wrong way right like i need it to i need the little arrow to face the other way right like now it thinks that’s hang on don’t hold sneak poop with wrench i’ve lost my wrench

Oh no you lost the wrench i don’t know what i thought i made a wrench i thought you got one from a randomium or no i don’t have one sorry yeah maybe i put it in the crate chest they eat the food there’s no diamonds down here there’s nothing but just like

Tons of lava until i realize i need to know like five seconds that my bucket of water got used up and all right never mind there’s diamonds and water okay cool forget it it was it was faded to happen like that okay all right there we go it has been booped oh nice

Oh my gosh no there’s no kelp down there so now we wait except it’s not actually is this okay it’s off x petrified ore no no it blew up the x petrified right wrong i got the diamonds though that’s what’s important hey bullyman hey bully how goes your cousin after your

Appointment yesterday and he bought you a new dress oh fancy give it then he taketh away right all right here we go here comes the xenomorph kiss [Laughter] when’s animals make out when the kiss of zid of day oh oh there it is it’s pooping out the kelp kelp pooper

So excited by this animal smooch that come on it shuts calp how much water is out here oh this goes out into the ocean holy cow i got a bucket of water now that’s one way to get out of the caves oh i’m out yeah i just crashed you you

Did it says you left the game oh no what’d you do i don’t know this animal kiss was oh no bye it must go see its people all right maybe i get on shore oh this is a meteorite i’ll be darned uh let’s see if i can actually mine to the

Center of this thing hi newbie hi hellos uh let’s do this there we go that’s a little better no oh hey watch it can i access the inventory while i was doing this skystone chest oh it’s got the stuff can you access the inventory while it’s doing this

No i cannot okay i was like i’m not sure what you’re doing but good luck it’s just it’s just gonna take oh [ __ ] i’m stuck in here with them [Laughter] all right things i need to get rid of these i’m so glad some of the fish don’t have any any drops

Because we’d be so overwhelmed myself oh my no who’s in there give me back my loot now i have to jump into a pit filled with silver fish siren boots thank you for the for the 100 bits navigate thank you for the hundred bits okay got those two i need one more thing

And i need to drop something carrots goodbye So now i’ve got kelp down here as well and i’ve got a full inventory oh knobby you’re rude thank you for the hundred bits eh i’m writing it in water too why are you doing these things to yourself so rude oh god there’s a skeleton underwater over there

Apparently this just like busted into a serious cave system either way what is that it’s a cave system that has serious creeper huh all right let’s switch these out because i’m tired of uh doing that not being able to break things with that uh okay oh what’d you what’d you give

Oh coffee americano hold on i drink one slurps toss you have heist now quick i do i do has haste but i’m on my way back oh okay never mind ender friend come here ow that hurt he’s not my friend he’s he’s a ouch boy oh thank you for the heal yeah

Gosh i’m so paranoid from creepers now after that previous issue there we go we’ll grab that do we we’ve got grass blocks don’t we i don’t need that though all right so i did not need this chest that chest can go over here away proctor thank you for the following

Welcome to the mischief oh boy where did all the boys go oh that thing oh is the chest full look at this one contemplating life it’s like there’s wheat it’s magnificent could i possibly put it to the chest i can’t i can’t bear to let go of this wheat

This other guy’s just pushing it are you okay there yeah i got slimy boy you bastard are you squishing the crops kashki you can hook them and fling them oh where is he oh no crocs were squished more than just me is bouncing around here okay there we go

Oh and i got a i got a beer hold on okay okay gotta drink more apple apple limbic thank you speak on lives of the rich and cellulose is it so was he like just standing there looking is this full no oh that did not work out okay buddy You okay he’s having a midlife crisis with this wheat you oh you’re okay all right you know what the the grappling hook mod ever since they updated it it it is absolutely fantastic thank you for the tea row You and your wheat you just can’t bet to part with it you just need he’s like i wanna put it in there can you help me get there my feet no work push give push press yes give push hey you did it yay you were stuck and you did it i’m so

Proud of you i’m on my way that wheat was too heavy [Laughter] midlife crisis is like 18 hours old i know and now they live for like so many days 83 000 days okay hey what was i doing kelp i have kelp kelp me obi-wan kenobi you’re my only hope

Taking the money out of the money chest and putting it in the top what’s it chest allowed you made him give away his baby no not my baby um so now i need to do things and here let’s grab those it might be useful do we have grass

Block we have grass blocking dug on it i’m getting attacked by jefferies naby thank you for the 100 bits thank you so much maybe he was collecting some wheat to make a partner so lonely oh but he’s got lots of friendos look at them all running around look at

That guy walking on the top of the wall it’s like levitating its way across there what is missing though is where’s the phone excuse me for what i thought you made four i did they’re probably elsewhere well that’s a peat penguin there’s something else over here hold on

I i think okay it’s over that way oh no that’s another p penguin there’s one over here oh there’s one behind you oh that’s a lot but you’re slightly creepy newbie thank you for gifting a sub to siricard support thank you i put this in here

Is busy lion eggs at least one of them is carrot i give you push there you go you could do it Do you think i can just think i can slingshot my way over there while i’m yes you can do it kashgar oh god oh yeah bye you [Laughter] oh they’re all coming for you now [Laughter] oh crap oh oh got her got her thank you dinos for the 300 bits

And and the witch that just spawned right in my face do you think i can ride that water elevator up sure it’s a lot easier in this than it is on uh vintage i don’t think i’m good enough but you’re good enough you’re strong enough and gosh darn it people like you

Stop that no see i’m not all right oh crap especially when there are husks trying to write it up with me this gruesome threesome siren modes thank you very much for those bits thank you sorry for the 500 those fail fail fish emotes oh [ __ ] that was perfect

No it wasn’t oh i can’t shoot my grappling hook in the water it just kind of goes uh-oh no not jeffrey’s while i’m in the water oh so rude i’ll be thank you so much for the hundred percent thank you and dynasty 200 all right that’s it come here jeffries this way

I’ll just launch you guys off the platform and i’m prepped i was webbed oh gosh geez i thought that was one of them got it oh you limestone lapis lazuli or what is that oh my god my inventory oh jesus boy when you guys pick you pick hard okay

It’s almost like they’re working together why do i have two fluid pipes because i was giving them to you and i was and then [ __ ] happened [Laughter] a what oh it’s just a it’s just a card okay okay sorry okay i do a swim

I do a swim i do more swim no swimming swimming swim swim swim all day long swim swim swim while i sing this song oh and a backup got some fish in there oh [ __ ] 283 blocks i tell you i don’t know why people don’t use like speed 20 or something like that

As like some kind of like trap in a mod pack because that was amazing just like for like 15 seconds or something just suddenly death from being flung channel point theme idea snl movie quotes shaw right and monkeys might fly out of my butt spot my shirt to delete my points fast

Just keep swimming right all right should we try this again sure koshka what’s that what what’s this oh it’s an experience orb the water elevator blurb blurb bunches oh stuff okay and then no this is where we do this and that is i can’t even do this can’t even do what

All right all right i got it i got it turn that on okay it is this one a little bit to the side okay smelt that more iron i did it you did not i can’t believe i did it this is usually when you get flung off

Or something like that don’t give them ideas i saw a video of turtles with speed 20 was amusing boots of blinding speed from the elder scrolls oh gosh all right all right now i’m going to try and express this you’re you’re gonna try what an experiment oh oh excuse me sorry pardon me

Did you just fart in my face do you fart a fly in my face rude um um hi dude what do i do with this i almost touched it i can just smelt it let’s just smelt it i’ll just do that there we go it does do that okay sweet

I has the buddy okay thank god buddy cards there we go buddy cards arrows whoo uh an oriole bottle what is this used for it doesn’t say he’s reached 100 million wowzers my campaign down because i’m burning out on it oh i feel like that is yeah that’s a real thing

What’s that burning out on damning yeah let’s grab this and oh i already have a milk bucket let’s uh put this in so i guess i do think it’s just this campaign i feel like yeah possible as well put this in here torch is redundant that there

Is a long time yeah i agree peculiar belt um we can put this is a long butt [Laughter] it is indeed it is a long butt again nailing it um so now i want to pull the kelp out of there Car lock gosh combining it with this guy harvesting something at that exact moment i oh well time sir well timed if you’re kidding me you know what you guys i was thinking about how this is set up with the water okay and thinking it does need to be one down i mean

It doesn’t like for this setup right but if you were to have more than one fan it would need to be one down otherwise you’re just gonna have water everywhere right and the only thing that’s holding the water back is this funnel so anyway oh that’s what i do um

Oh thank you for the t-nubby so now i need to hook up this thing with that thing spammy did them underneath blowing up oh that’s pretty cool see i was thinking about like right down where that glass block is that’s how i yeah anyway it doesn’t matter

What i want to do now though is have a belt that connects from under there did you say underwear but wing is that the companion to ass wang there we go yay two spirited tube crystals okay now that i think about it can i like

Claimed chunks there we go so if i do that i need my dirt i think this will work stop creepers from blowing up our stuff at least um i hope but hang on though because i need oh i need a basin that’s what i need there we go took these two secret lovers

I think that’ll cover it is on my team so he should be already strong like all the way down there what are you doing buddy [Laughter] living his best life get back to work wait did bailey just make progress the tiniest smidgen oh hi bye oh they’re just trying to keep you from

Flinging yourself off too far you come back up here just hook him you just took him where is he dude this guy what are you doing all the way over there get get back to work oh leave him alone he’s on break poor little guy oh oh no

I think we might be down one golem i hooked him and he went flying i don’t know where because i got launched immediately after a golem space [Laughter] it’s program a grand adventure it needs to be some achievement launch a straw golem into space you know but i just use the grappling hook

[Laughter] it’s going to live maybe 3 000 days without purpose maybe he’ll find his way back i said maybe he’ll find his way back with his one and a half heart leave me alone i was trying to save him oh jeez oh jeez what did i get i got

Oh buddy card what did i get i got purple insulated wire hey how’s it going put the buddy card in hi oh i didn’t realize we’ve moved coins yeah the the chest got full okay yeah i did mention it but you were occupied dumb is pleased it’s a remake of wallace

And gromit valen and golem’s grand day oh let’s grab the book hey yes hello harpster let’s see what we’ve got here um spam made a biblically accurate christmas angel on top of his christmas tree what it’s going to fly across the universe meet a race of sentient grains and come

Back seeking to merge with its creator comparing it to the star trek one movie all right let’s see which which one of these is it oh it’s right there okay you know what um let’s look how do i get to this thing and it’s amazing it does look like it’s flipping

Look at binding toy is spectral compulsion that’s what i need yeah angel is fantastic it’s just like a whole it’s got a whole [ __ ] you vibe going on yellow candles and that okay all right i need some i think i need like some gear boxes probably got one oh [ __ ] i need chalk

Chalk uh candles thing oh crap and i i think that’s oh the golden bowl um this all right i’m gonna need more gear boxes across the universe at some point but we can’t find reverse i just put the logs away now i need them damn it congratulations

All right there we go now i just need to move some of these things like that needs to get moved get moved here here here oh it’s the casing ah there drop it there grab that chock chock chock chock there we go and then yellow okay

We got the exevious one which is a start and it is used actually here let’s look to make this thing just the base base but we need to know how to do this which is stringier’s higher binding it’s a little bit more complex it’s going forward because we cannot find reverse yay um

So we need string gears uh let’s do needs to be wheat field dimension where those golems can just frollock for all time are you kidding me just skipping through the bali skipping through the barley um jeez what i’m trying to figure out is how is exactly to

Slimy boy i think the slime just spawned in the wall i heard it for a second and then it was gone are you oh you’re not up there no i will go do this decide how to connect this to that and i’m gonna do a sleep before stuff gets boomed nasa this is

The space station we have found a new life form it seems to be made out of hay and has a droopy eye also seems to somehow generate flies oh this also needs perfect what i might do is pop this down one all right hang on we’re gonna no not with that oh

That’s going to take me a bit because i don’t have an eraser what can i do for you woodwood thank you for the following welcome to the mischief this all right so then if we do that is that still going the right way it does yellow good good yeah yellow yellow lulu okay

Then we need more of the stuff and the things with no air nearby i wonder if this would be good time for another hype train oh i have seats i need two more of those things how much do we have back making the bubbles again isn’t it fudge yes it is okay

I’m so disappointed koshka yeah i’m gonna need three more diamonds i’m gonna cry so many diamonds are needed so how come you can’t um melt them not what i thought you could melt down the stuff that we collected oh that’s a good idea go into the nether and uh kill

Some blazes for some blaze blazing blood to to melt them to do a melt them eraser a terrible but fun arnold movie i remember that movie kind of i remember the name of it that needs purple chalk is the other thing okay i didn’t get a basin good lord

All right purple chalk after all that i did not get a basin in stone i can make it over here so we need to do a summoning of an endermite um hold on there’s summons spirits on book books of calling now um unbound spirits nope it’s actually brave enough to make such

A trip not really aviar circle i don’t on pentacles i never clicked that there we go called paraphernalia unbound calling now what’s really frustrating is that these are one off look at this like one it’s actually kind of like hang on let me go look at this because maybe i

Can make it so there they line up because that would be quite convenient i think or maybe actually maybe it doesn’t help at all could i put that on the side of that so it shoots down the side um i don’t know ah azeevius is one we could make satchels

Now that could be cool it’s just a matter of those books which how we doing for for the ink sacks the income sacrums oh we’ve got that no why not i’m gonna see if i can make a satchel uh let’s see satchel and that’ll that’ll help in the meantime what nothing

What nothing at all i’m making storage no no no no no you’re totally fine how do i make silver what is there no is there no silver oh jeez oh okay don’t die i’m trying not to move around i’m trying oh why does it do that sometimes i’m pretty confused

You’re just gonna dig through with the hand um maybe where the heck is it darker depths wait what oh oh why am i moving oh geez [Laughter] how do i make anything silver this is really weird silver fish silver ore chat would never plot balanced demise oh red

Okay oh crap one coin is one nugget whoa that’s a big jump thank you navi but we are opportunists good night red dead monkey we’ll see you later goodbye ah string oh i need some placemats there we go grab those need some string them string leather homemade chests there’s one

And we’ll make those okay and then silver i can melt down some money what nothing not much just just nine coins that’s it okay uh turn this now leave that on more oh hey new buttons oh that’s quite tall okay and i need to use a cog on the side of that right

I’ve got different silver ingots good any of them work siren thank you for gifting us up to our jakarta thank you so much um and i need a foliobook this is where it gets a little bit like oh really because i also need that uh which is exact book and feather oh feather

Feather oh we have some okay how are you hi chip long time no see do we have the books we’ve got a book in quill already that’s even so i have a question yep i think i know the answer to this if i dump both of these things onto the

Same belt right the clay and the kell right and feed that belt into a funnel on the side of this mixer okay all right but is that sufficient for this the mixer to uh to get you know the inventory it needs oh you were in vegas nice um

I don’t know okay well that’s what i’m gonna try something you might already know is that the mixer does require a minimum speed to function okay what i think i’m gonna do because um it’s getting a bit nuts to try and power everything from one spot as i might make another water wheel

Over here okay slimy boy all right let’s do this come on down the secret lovers are still hanging out down there nice all right i need i do not have a crafting table down there that’s annoying these this this two book of bindings then i combined those with this foliate crotimer and jakrisder

Okay i’m gonna go try making us a bigger backpack kashka okay penguin hello penguin are you here for the sacrifice oh no you better not sacrifice don’t worry i’ll just latch onto the penguin if i go flying too fast all right so let’s see this requires all

Right check was that coming up here to my wheels chest silver ingot uh leather i think okay so they’re a big cog two leather that’s around okay i need five of these things okay let’s put down six because because i can uh and then isn’t that what a like

Vacation is all about chip especially i feel like especially vegas did you do the roller coaster on top of the building oh god hey it’s making the making the sounds it’s doing the thing it’s gonna take some time though and the penguin seems to be like trying to sacrifice itself at this point

We didn’t have the time and and yes kashka yeah totally that’s what vegas is all about pete’s volunteering i volunteer as tribute thanks i need planks wait what oh they’re just making sure paying attention did you see this oh brown mushroom block oh weird okay oh i’m hearing it do the thing now

That was weird i’m just ignoring the i heard you go over the edge would this be a bad time to spawn mobs i don’t think so i don’t think it’ll actually affect anything with this it’s going to do it actually yeah it might because i think

It drops it in the world and i think it gets blown up i just got a steel chest plate from that random really yeah that’s cool i got a brown mushroom block which i can turn into a facade a cable facade wow did the the ritual speed get sped up

Because it it’s going nope nope already afraid of heights and watched too many final destination movies oh more monies thank you thanks thanks for the bread i think the bread was from woodward maybe i don’t remember being a freighty mouse come on because one thing two things have been taken so

Far three things oh my gosh three more things we’re halfway through we’re at 50 percent of the first satchel of two final destination three ifrity mouse i want to make some familiars but i feel like we need to get more materials for this first and storage is really important hi cyrus

Thank you for the 100 stop it gotcha gotcha thank you siren thank you very much for the 300 300 oh 300 bits of murder one more went we got two left oh i see i can see pete’s pete one pete two oh there’s p3 over there maybe

Okay i can see oh pete four creeper oh [ __ ] i can’t see them oh they’re very difficult to see actually it’s difficult to hit them while your screens don’t wait oh no no no not the web got it there’s only one left one item left thank you harvester for the hundred

Bitties thank you harvester oh what did i just get coffee i got a mocha no no no oh regeneration Well now you do oh [ __ ] no you miss me nice try nobby thank you for the 300 bits and i i was worried that i was gonna go off the edge with her there it is got it okay number two Uh let’s what where’s the rest of the stuff oh boy uh silver and there was one more thing what was it got the string silver oh chest that was it and the book satchel number two on the way all right first let’s let’s look at the white

Backpack it’s nice it’s cool it’s very immersive now let’s open the magic pack wow wow achievement unlock i have achieved more storage jesus jeez i still have that regeneration um what i wanted was glass oh i got come on you don’t have any glasses why not upgrade the other backpack because

It kept on using more and more and more leather and more and more and more thread and the thread was actually rather expensive you have to collect more junk backpack can be upgraded are you i’m all like happy and proud of this you guys are all like you need to upgrade to backpack

I know it can be upgraded i’m still pretty happy about this for a second why why because i need some sand okay oh except no that’s the wrong wrong bit to stop those in there i still need the sun oh you don’t need to it’s just that hard to upgrade i just

Isn’t that hard to that hard to upgrade my objective was to work on occultism storage and seeing as how i was not going to achieve my original goal of getting to the storage i figured i would make temporary upgrades in the meantime so i’m still trying to get my goal

Log out you know wink wink oh i see what you’re doing siren i don’t know that she read chat fast enough i i saw that whoa oh god maybe we should go to the surface where valen is first you’re right there koshka yeah i’m okay we’re at fifty percent

You ready for for a bag upgrade soon yeah i am okay let me get rid of this cup maybe i’ll just go uh actually i should say huzzah and throw it into a fireplace hide out in here smash it totally safe nothing could go wrong because everything will spawn in there

On top of you in a tiny one block space not that anyone in chat would be plotting anything right that oh [ __ ] ow okay oh i would have heart oh god that hurts oh no oh oh god and i’m off thank the light oh god why is there a ravager over here

Uh because it oh god probably came up where i was people are healing me thank you let’s eat an apple and thank them oh god there’s a creeper in amongst all of them oh maybe i can get the creeper to blow up i’m stuck yes thank you creeper

I can’t even hit any of them crap i’m poisoned because of which i still hear that the ravager over there i don’t know what he’s doing ow oh crap he’s found me he’s found me run run oh god i’m about dead no don’t bring presents oh crap there’s more presents

Come on ritual finish finish ritual oh my god presents thank the light running come on oh oh that was so close there’s the satchel i can get it i can get it no got it [ __ ] whoa that did not work just me and my carrots

I was like maybe i can get this guy god this ravager hey maybe i can hook him and throw him off the edge no that that doesn’t work you just draw him to you oh [ __ ] thank the light [Laughter] all right i just heard some of them hit the ground

I can i can kill something there we go i think i might have lured a bunch of them to the wrong area what light okay there’s a charm fragment beating some fish to death that’s a witch fighting a whole bunch of silver fish that’s amazing oh [ __ ] no i had a good

Oh crap there’s one right here at the bed [ __ ] i did not anticipate that thanks for the food where’s my corpse it’s still a ravager look out oh gosh uh corpse where’s my old corpse latest death is way over there no it’s not it’s right here okay no something just broke

Okay quick run past let’s eat some food oh man you guys are so rude and you’ve got a really big reach oh wait a second what if i oh [ __ ] i was not expecting that oh no oh how’s it going koshka at least those guys are still doing okay

The the little wheat guys are doing all right let’s drink some berry coffee i i cannot rest there are monsters nearby i’m sleeping grapple the splash potion onto yourself i did not anticipate that it would work so well to pull the ravager straight to me killing me almost instantly uh [ __ ]

Oh god these guys are relentless oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh come on oh [ __ ] like peace out oh god running wait Oh god transfer items oh okay no no harvest or bad [ __ ] oh my god i have no idea thank you guys by the way for all of it oh that was close okay and ready oh so much for running jump and i’m dead leave me alone witchy

I’ve got so many buckets of milk oh oh the jump boost it’s good okay transfer okay oh [ __ ] i’m eating this that that witch really come on okay i just noticed thank the light hank grenades yes this is what i was going back to my corpse okay running

Oh there’s so many of them oh god i’ve got a stick all right all of you group up all of your group pop come on oh [ __ ] there we go y’all need to back off no i will i will keep smacking you oh my gosh siren moves up behind me [Laughter]

Oh got it okay they’re they’re down there gosh where’s my corpse i think it’s oh it’s the far one bad silver fish [ __ ] all right got it they found me oh it’s all my good stuff okay let’s get rid of some of this stuff uh this this and this that and this

Transfer take that that’s that come here buddy a little something for you thank the light oh gosh okay there we go that’s more like it gotcha got you too okay coming back kashki i don’t know if i want you to come it’s fine there’s oh [ __ ] there’s a bunch of ravagers down there

Oh crap there’s three of them yeah i was just two of them one of them they might be related none of them and which falls to her death oh whew that that was indeed do i still have the other satchel i do oh i see

Our straw man he lived he made it the one i eated into space adventure he survived like astronaut he’s made his turn sterner stuff okay let me see about getting back up to them he’s amazing you know you have to like hype trim okay all right now that i get up here

Thank you so much for gifting that let’s i need to go through the list you’ve got a corpse over here koshka i know i know there’s a floating xp all right level five hype training i have almost oh my gosh i’m so paranoid now about the hoof noises

From just from the cows like let’s just clear out a bunch of this stuff into level five all right kashka i have something for you do you have any space in your inventory i have like one open space okay well because this could clean up your inventory real quick but

Or at least give you space do you want your satchel sure okay there you go thank you nightcast thank you okay i’m scrolling all the way back if i if it’ll let me there’s so many buckets all right started off with siren moons with a thousand rip bits

Harvester with a hundred newbie with two hundred newbie then with another four hundred harvester with a hundred knobby with a hundred newbie with five six hundred more harvester with a hundred newbie with a hundred siren with a thousand newbie with 200 more harvester with a hundred harvester with another hundred papa

Cheese with a hundred rip bits knobby get with a hundred salty bits nightcast with a hundred pop a cheese with a hundred siren moons with a thousand saying she’s gotta be good now harpster with a hundred newbie with 300 and another 300 with four twist with a thousand in between wow

The guys are insane it’s it’s not over yet newbie with 300 300 300 more uh so that’s like 900 days dianess for 500. wow thank you thomas then siren moons gifted five subs to get this a flaming ass yes go go bob atomic blom uh harvester with a hundred sur bits and

Newbie gifting a sub to gaming on the spectrum uh followed by the finale there nightcast with a hundred squeaky hoof bits wow i just don’t even know what to say guys are absolutely insane i do thank you thank you very much yes oh that was a lot of painful fun

That was pretty funny i’ve got some oars oh gosh that [ __ ] me up so bad adding the sound in it makes it even worse it does thank you you know what to say i’m afraid fine what happened tonight one handed can i oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] no no

I’m still trying to put my glass down they’re pushing me around stop it so wriggly and also those that participated with channel point rewards as well yeah thank you for the healing yes they thank you all for saving our asses on a regular basis you said you would be good now [Laughter]

Got a saddle that we need to chop up i think i’ve got four buckets of milk so much milk maybe oh that’s right i need an axe i’ve nuked that yes milk whoops [Laughter] little strong guy just like scooting past me that’s all super cute little guy

He was going super speed as well i ended up i got hit twice by that one oh what is that oh and then did i get moved as well oh it was switcheroo that’s what it was oh yeah look wait wait wait oh yeah i got is that

A crying lion oh no oh no it’s so sad it’s our night though is that a stressed bunny what is it it is i am yeah what is that emote called hype cry oh yep and hype wave with like a flapping pigeon [Laughter] thank you all so much for uh for that

Hype train um crazy crazy hype training yep can i maybe with a different tool what do i need cheers make some clear glass okay oh it’s sheers is that all right yeah how about it there’s blood in there so you’re gonna have to click it wow that got the blood flowing and

This indeed i got a lot of buckets of milk too yep i’m gonna put some oh it won’t take buckets of milk do i have to drink the milk out how can i get right yes i can okay can i even use this basin now or

Yeah you just mine up the hopper and put the faucet back in its spot um right i was going to put this in here this in here that that whoo so much stuff okay take all this stuff back out uh this and this oh

I had a totem of undying in my pouch as well oh my gosh such a doof a couple of monies why not move the controller when next to the smeltery is empty i mean we could put the the hopper right on the front as well because we could

Reach past it with uh more recent versions of minecraft so we could do something like this and that should work too wait what just happened to my other class weird what i had a piece of glass in my inventory and i clicked on the basin and the glass

It was in my hand and the glass disappeared would you like me to like i think it’s under there i think i placed it hang on there it is I see would you like me to automate your glass i would love that okay one moment and we can do the hopper underneath thank you and then also i just need the lever um and a block to put it on let’s put this here and the lever where there’s the lever

There we go thank you and then when it gets to the blood uh it’ll it’ll pour out the blood into the the casting base and don’t worry about it just leave it there i’ll i’ll take care of it i can stop it as well before then

Well i’m not bothered i mean i just i’m just gonna feed it back in so there’s molten iron in there as well yep but it’ll stop at the blood because it won’t be a full block it’ll just partially pour it out and then stop uh this got all these mob drops

Got a bunch of wood and saplings slaplings my hidey hole didn’t work let’s do the one block high trap door yeah the ravagers well they did take like a whole bunch of damage but um but i also got stuck on my own corpse i think and silverfish happened and yeah it was

Bad news bears gaia strombeck thank you for the following welcome to the mischief thank you very much i have so many snakes i could see their butts in like the corner here taking damage but it did not save my ass all right glowstone dust uh i’ve got candles need to go in there

Money so water wheels for the next contraption this sticks mushroom oops mushroom blocks they can go through sticks and oh a slapling and oh i never put the knife back here we go okay ah my helmet broke okay take some coal actually let’s put that in there

See how far we get with that leave that in there make a seared shoot so you’re not connecting to the controller at all i could yes i’ve been lazy about it i mean i could easily add one probably on the side or probably on this corner here and just move these two back

It’s not that expensive it’s four oh and a couple copper i can make that all right so because i’m gonna keep that high out um if i use this guy yeah it’s still got a ways to go i’m gonna pause that move this to the back this here and this here

Resume there we go and then make another hopper and put that do i have another hopper here no but one two three four five i can make one that was actually in core minecraft now also didn’t know accepted input in the front um a chest you’re right yep this plus that

There we go input set and redey which i kind of want this to be a vertical one so i can go up one i think there we go don’t need that either whoops [Laughter] all right log not needed that sounds bad all right see you in a minute

Uh oh i still have your glass i’m still sorting my inventory i go like that i think that does it yeah i could have tools in there like this that that doesn’t make any sense i’ve got two of those already what doesn’t make sense actually maybe it does [Laughter]

Then i could do that right and then that could i could just move those over maybe starting to have panic attacks pre-session i think the campaign is pretty much over oh sorry to hear about that newbie put another bucket in there oh and i’ve got some beer oops what is this

Oh yeah familiar and i think i think that’s good put this over here there there we go and there’s my new helmet because my old one got destroyed wrecked oh hey this popped up smile siren moods thank you for the sub and for 21 months support thank you very

Much as well as all the other subs and bits okay that works right okay um okay occultism right oh look at you he’s so cute oh my gosh they’re so cute when they carry the pumpkins little things with bigger things or like tiny things with bigger things oh no

What he tried putting it in and it’s too full eat that cookie oh there’s a cookie i just sorted it and made a space okay that works as well there we go he’s looking at the wheat like i don’t know what to do with this wait yes i think um

Yeah i think your players will understand right yeah totally like i would not want you to continue um you know Okay i has the satchel oh and it needs the book this book what is whoa whoa what is going on with this you’re letting them know today okay tried to put the pumpkin in that’s all that matters right he succeeded in getting to getting to my heart

All right so besides more diamonds um what else [Laughter] all right um what else do we need for that um occultism we need these dimensional stories i just need to get oh i’m gonna need a lot more [ __ ] how many oh money thank you yes thanks

Um diamonds how much do we have we have one we need one more for the for the ritual so and that’s so i can get four of them and then we’re gonna need to actually spend them on this the tier one storage which then so i’m going to need eight more diamonds

At least oh that’s kind of nice for twist i like that this kind of thing happened in our games we took a six month break wherein other folks learned to gm dm for little one-off games with the same characters oh that is pretty cool um

We’re coming up on a year and a half maybe two years wow you just gotta let stuff go and reset yeah yeah for sure good night amber jade there we go so i’ve got this donut i need some more gearboxes gearboxes are life they’re the lifeblood speaking of blood let’s turn that off

Perfect oh he’s doing it [Laughter] all right blood um i need to pour you into a container of some sort you play like 10 times a year hmm okay put this here right this here how can i never remember what these things need i’ve made like 50 of them

Already because you make them in groups this pour that into here then okay i’ve got the casing i just need the small small gears small girls small gears play every week for three hours and that is a lot and yeah that that’s a lot of weeks that’s a lot of hours

And we can do this there’s still a witch down here what you doing before to six hours every four to six weeks oh you got a hat i did get a hat i’m putting that on there we go i now has a newbie hat because it was a newbie witch what was that

Zoom i think i might turn i might disable that for now because i’m getting that little h flying all over the place all right um i was over here gosh that startled me so much waves to the lurking jelly hello jelly sorry i have about 2.5 hours more of work um

What is that oh i think i just got a cooking pot i did that’s nice congrats i got concrete gray powder i’m gonna put it over maybe with the here part so yeah i actually need that well not with the other part but let’s grab these and we can put this back here

One of these here coffee toffee crunch ice cream bar so good oh that does sound good yeah seriously right that’s not the drain what am i doing whoa jumpy oh boy um all right so i’ve got some gears now thank you harvester for the tea time oh glass i should get gla whoa

Whoa whoa careful it said jumpy okay so if i put this is that oh my god uh okay i guess that’ll do for now here yeah that should work and then i just there we go Put the blood back on the bottom and we’re good to go okay and then line this up there we go you gave me the pig egg i did bring a pig oh i can eat that cookie now can’t eat the pig egg though all right item input go cool and then

Seared faucet can go here and then lever can go here no no lever can go here yes oh and that’s that’s a fuel gauge i’m going to take that with me and replace it with a piece of glass because that way i can fill it next time

That i’m near lava or something or like blazes oh i just realized something just borrowing this dirt for a moment there we go iron go columns of souls and underwater wheels yep you can do that we’ll come on to anger leeroy jelly by mentioning ice cream chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream no

No no everybody’s got ice cream oh my god okay that was close i miss ice cream so much and i’ve got the use if i smelt it it turns into just great concrete we’ve got a singles chest up here there we go i have no i i have no butt cream have

Coco though congratulations for twist chicken wings alright put this in here for now take this down here we’re back on the job okay so um there is an upgrade to is it this exchanging expanded reach silky dual wielding melting no no no i think it’s bucketing why did i put that dirt away

We emptied into a tank or a smeltery drain i need i need to add in spilling i need to add in a tank drains tank on attacking no i want it to fill a tank bucketing your tool is now a bucket tank size can be increased with tank upgrade

Is that it pathing stripping tilling trying to remember anybody remember which tinker ability or upgrade it is that um when you hit enemies you drain their essence aspects try turning your tool into a handheld smelter he smells attacked mobs into the tools tank that’s it’s melting then which needs blaze rods and lava

Fart okay blaze rods oh molten cores blazing blood okay well then um yeah i guess i’m going to do something about this put some bones in here Two three four jeez okay there we go prepared s word which does what seven point seven five it’s that’s okay it’s not the best it’s not the worst put those away i don’t have a ranged weapon shuriken aren’t gonna work so good i have six arrows Hmm and i’m going to need a specific weapon for that we really don’t have any arrows that’s so weird all right in the mop drops chest there’s like four that i just put in there oh yeah right okay hmm all right what kind of ranged weaponry is there just bows boomerangs

If i look up attack cross of mercy when in main hand attack damage attack damage you could have delivery yes delivery sounds good don’t have the option of a trident a coffee sword what okay reinforced arcane golden blacksmith gavel so extended caves forbidden arcanas okay mystical dagger interesting stuff

Still not seeing anything for ranged combat though besides just bows hmm i can go fishing for a bow but i don’t see the bow in there um What’s the other thing oh that’s right thermal’s in here i don’t know if they only need to put more glass at the bottom it’s missing the bottom bit of the thing there is an alchemical quiver that’s annoying which i don’t think we can make him part too easily uh yeah

I think that’s something that we have to buy or something another unprocessed invar ingot made from a nickel compound nickel and iron dust and it’s got to do all sorts of weird stuff okay all right hmm so i’m gonna need to make another weapon just for fighting blazes

Just so i can drain their essence uh it’s also getting nighttime beds too far i take a step good point don’t need anything bad happening to our jelly golems are stealing the arrows for when they rise up against their evil slave lords what for sure

I never told them that they had to do the prop work koshka did but i didn’t i’ve got all these gas tears oh my gosh is this military back up and running yes okay uh in fact it’s probably got a whole bunch of iron let’s turn that off okay

Yes we’ve got stacks of iron this is nice hey look at my mixer it’s like so nice i mean it’s not actually mixing but cool all right i do need a bit more glass though all right we’ve got almost three stacks of iron now koshka nice that’s good okay

I would recommend at least one constant part if you’re making a sword explicitly for blazes i can’t remember what constantine does actually i don’t think i ever knew uh what does it have temperate oh the automation went away though i don’t know what temper it does is that

Where it does more damage in hot environments i thought that was scorched uh plus six damage on fire or is it seared yes hottest damage which i think that’s seared let’s look up seared stuff tier three materials steel oh steel ductile okay um in extreme temperatures um

It’s good but not not the best for a weapon so tier three materials though funny that electrum is in here but it it’s not actually doable let me grab a different book this one tier two materials iron copper seared stone bonus damage in hot areas but less

Damaging cold ones yeah there we go so i could make a searing cleaver or something with bucketing stuff that sounds good to me [Laughter] well where’d mine go it teleported i got some funky stairs i got white concrete rock stairs disordered tiles [Laughter] all right let’s put this here in the singles chest

There we go and seared stuff so for that stickier what mob farmer thank you for the following welcome to the mischief thank you very much uh try putting one of these in i don’t know how much that’s going to make probably at least an ingot probably four ingots worth

Which then i probably need to make more smeltery stuff so i’m going to put these in there as well smelt them all i’ve made one block i don’t know how much that’s going to make so let’s make the klee there uh which i don’t know how what that uses

A cleaver needs a blade a plate and two and two it’s a newbie hat [Laughter] the slime goes into the smell tree it’s two points [Laughter] that i’m almost out of ice cream but don’t want to mention food while jelly’s hungry navi you’re so evil thank you rowan for the tea time

And ice cream although it’s been so cold here it’s difficult to think about ice cream well i could think about it like chocolate lava cake nice and warm it all sounds good it all sounds good delicious this put the pumpkin pie over here a nice block after this you finished your ice cream

That cabbage is as big as he was it was so cute sad you’re so sorry winter is the best time for ice cream what how because every season is the best time for ice cream if they’re all the best then they’re also all the worst i need to make more casts

All right let’s get some gold up in here okay you okay peachy there we go and we’ll do two three four i don’t know we’ll do we’ll do two for the moment because i don’t know what it’ll take for carving that stuff but let’s let’s see here parts builder i need

One of these made from oh you know what i would stop it and then this this this this and i think that takes care of all the parts that i’m missing so that’s off okay good so it’s not going to auto pour uh we’ll take that out put this in place

Come on come on come on get this out there’s one and that used ah no not there one ingot and we’ll do at this that and then this and then this one should be the last one I don’t know how many this takes uh does we should said how much it needed to make that uh two blocks of molten clay four blocks of seared stone oh just for the blade okay let’s take that out because that’s one of those was one block okay

Alaska ice cream can feel warm compared to the air outside nice and hello mob farmer oh thank you for the follow and welcome to the mischief and and the pig spawn egg too i will actually just go straight up use that right now because i think we only have like two

Three pigs in there there we go it requires you to go outside yeah that ain’t happening i’m getting sucked into the water wheel there we go oh [ __ ] there’s my bit of glass right well fair enough that’s fine all right let’s have a look at this oh that

Stop it water stop it one lapis okay we got one stealing it okay all right that’s fair uh let’s take some coal okay that’s good enough so maybe i just finished with like this like that okay hmm all right that works so now i just need to get oh pumpkin pie sand gravel

One two three four have a lovely weekend and you too charlie clay thanks for stopping in yeah take care jelly oh wait wait wait wait i can do the thing i can do the thing so now i just need to get them from a to b basically basically

So if i bring this out one there’s a fish there’s several fish they’re just flapping around on stuff up here huh using that did not get me down those stairs any faster all right i need some clay oh i was not expecting that uh let’s do this combine that and put

This one away and hopefully i don’t fling myself too far hello penguins can i click it oh that was close oh no something something bad just happened because my all my belts just went away and you okay yeah i had 12 belts i was clicking them while i was nauseous and

There they are okay they magically ended up back in the chest okay you’re going the wrong way a really poor memory and keep forgetting what these are for so i need to press the buttons again and again during winter your beer can get colder as you drink it what was that

I just got a shulker box oh i got cracked redstone bricks i have a small problem okay lay it on me and i know this is going to drive people nuts i didn’t make enough how do i change the direction uh put a gearbox in in the middle of one of the shafts

So i have to use another gearbox basically that that’s just that’s the easiest way i found okay i i’m gonna do a snooze as soon as i eat some food we were already nuts you know i might have needed that anymore maybe this this there we go because i think

Actually this might work really good the best kind of nuts the best those are the fish who learned they could move on land with their fins yeah they just didn’t realize they couldn’t breathe Actually i could just straight up smelt the the grout can’t i i don’t oh no oh no is that gonna just chuck it off the end yeah just throw it in there stop okay all right that works i got it thank you yeah it smells like that i don’t i’m

Wasting stuff that goes there don’t have to drive us to madness you were born that way right oh why why wait wait wait that was in there wait for it dad in there too seven blocks all right so i’ve got a broad blade i go with this 10.92

Plus 15 hottest damage so that would make it a 25 damage cleaver that’s pretty good i like that that’s that should be on my hop out to work we’re going for all the parts let’s look at this so if i stick that on the side there

And then whack it with the wrench that will pull clay out of there right and then yep but then i think my mixer is too low isn’t it to get quite into there because i can get look at this look at this she’s excited you can tell or not hold shift what

Not holding shift makes it go the other way i’m not holding shift all right two of those he says yes the funnel Oh oh yeah okay okay i see what you mean so then i connect this to this right and it’s gonna check so then that will feed the kelp you were so [Laughter] chat’s like you were so holding [ __ ] oh yeah yeah okay yes i was sorry i thought we were talking about sometimes

So then so i can get client and kelp to hear what i don’t know is how to get them like eh he only mentioned it a few times that’s fine fine okay there’s that that’s on the bottom and we’ll do that there we go um so how do i do that

It’s like i want another funnel but i think it’s too low like i feel like that needs to be one higher or something maybe there we go cool all right put that in there for repair and i have a kind of an idea this that couple of those bam one stone cleaver

That does 20 almost 26 damage in while while in another at least move the mixer to the end of the belt i forgot if it would just fall into it i mean i guess i could actually just put an extra piece of shaft in there and move this whole thing over once

Will it just fall into it maybe let’s try it it’s worth a try you can just move the basin and see if it’ll just go into it so you don’t need to move all that stuff i mean you’re just trying to get it in the basin right I don’t need to move the gears what move the basin over one yeah just to see if it’ll like rotate it around the side here yep yep i see i see i see all right so i just move it around the side of that what kind of goodies do we have we have

Records perfect like that what else can we use do we have any mob heads we do we have zombie head um do we have any cactus should we hook this up and see what happens although i need to wipe that with the wrench okay here’s what i do am i

I’m just not understanding how to change the direction of these i’m not holding shift and i’m clicking it and nothing’s happening i think they mean when you place it but i don’t think that you can do that on the face of that block okay i see so i do need the wrench then

Yeah when i’m placing it let me see oh here comes the clay here comes the clay here comes the clay upgrades we got i see it going is this happening experienced why it is arriving in the mixing basin it’s doing it It’s just gonna do this all day long isn’t it it well it depends is it going fast enough i mean i guess you don’t have you don’t have an output so i do not have an output can i put a oh no i shoot right a shoot shoo this this no um nope

It just ate my shoot it’s not good it’s just in there that’s all okay It’s fine here you’re okay all right modifiers let’s see bucketing i hope i could replace it when crouching wait no no no oh that’s an ability expanded fire starter [Laughter] oh my god [ __ ] luckier luckiest melting this is what we need but we don’t have that yet so i can just

Use this to get that i need blaze rods okay um Having reached this is gonna go for the day spilling stripping come back tilling access the chest because look at all this oh [ __ ] this is just gonna make alco blend for for the millennia basically i can add an emerald to the cleaver and give it a durability of six six six

I thought you could put when i look at this right i’m not that When i look at the mechanical mixer one moment fiery mechanical mexico confuses the fires of hell ignites targets ah yeah okay look at that what is that right there oh it just needs an inventory to the side right and then it’s it just needs an inventory to the side

And then it’ll form the little doodad all by itself right hydraulic auto output it needs a belt no no it’s you talking about the basin the basin shouldn’t need a belt to auto output you just need to have something because it’s directly or like diagonally below it adjustable crate or something like that

Light speed i guess the question is oh hang on hang on necrotic offhanded i have an idea oh yeah just a temporary kind of womp don’t have acre balls padded no piercing yeah we don’t have cactus except doesn’t it need to go oh hang on home place of course necrotic bones okay

This would need to go on the floor right yes yes i but no it’s not going to dispense into this is it i don’t know it might need to be create place it see what happens yeah okay yeah it would need a thing you could put it down another block and

Then put a chute on top of it yeah that’s getting really janky then i do have do i smoke oh rogue 3013 welcome thank you welcome raiders thank you very much how you doing we are playing create above and beyond mod pack with cci what are you up to what were you playing

Sweeping edge slow glycerin melons five per level sweeping edge tank tank allowing it to store fluid oh [ __ ] i guess i need to get a tank oh destiny thank you for the following welcome to the mischief also thank you for the beetroot soup thank you i’m great i was just playing all the

Mods seven oh yeah the brand it just came out like today didn’t it how is it out on 118 how you enjoying it be the easiest solution than hopper to chest um you have a not jank idea what’s your not junk idea oh boy how can it be a non-jank idea oh crap

Whoa [Laughter] and hello cato destiny how you doing uh let’s see if i put this in here it now has a tank so i can store stuff right tank capacity a bunch i don’t know um a bunch and then there was other stuff it could use it was not modifiers

That’s seven bring that algo blend up here bucketing it was searing wasn’t it melting that was it oh ow no stop stop attacked entities and items dropped what was that i don’t know if it needs the tank they got all excited for a minute thinking it was fun that

I got a witch hat importer a weighted injector i thought it was time what the heck is that can import which hats we can buy witch hats basically and they actually have a use i think yeah you can convert them into sugar redstone glowstone gunpowder glass bottles or sticks they’re a multi-tool item

Okay subscribe now and we’ll throw in a second block completely free All right maybe i i do hold on to that for now and hmm I don’t do the emerald just yet i think i’m probably going to want more severing on there whoo the jump whoa oh who activated the jump boost oh god [Laughter] siren oh it’s it’s full again take out that single stuff let’s you okay there yep just the jump it gets me

This this this that oh crap oh man at least the jump and and the speed aren’t combined that would be oh that would be dad they’re all off cooldown apparently there’s barely any quartz what just everything’s white oh good reason for that i was in web come up just go

All right i’m gonna deposit this thing then i’m i’m gonna try jumping into the nether oh yeah oh boy i’m gonna regret it but i’m gonna try it all right so if i want that algal blend to end up like jeez okay all right where would i want it to end up

Where’s the question the question all right there’s space now all right so to the nether and beyond okay needs to find the blazes that was a great spot all right uh also needs This stuff here i think actually i don’t want to use the chest do i oh no i know what i’m doing i forgot for a second are you sure absolutely not all right let’s the way up i don’t remember what’s on this side that’s what i wanted

Let’s just go around the circle i don’t remember i think it does well there’s some gold might as well get a little bit and maybe i’ll get enough to make myself oh i just heard oh i just heard a gasp that’s no good did that connect i can’t see Yes it did okay hi hi i’m so paranoid about hoppers connecting to dianes i think you’re the first person to use the ghast fireball while i’ve been in another [Laughter] i don’t see another fortress anywhere near us i see some interesting structures though it’s gonna be a bit of a trek maybe

Over here that’s interesting serious so now put a screenshot in minecraft oh excuse me sir thank you places where do i find the places oh oh maybe up here okay i will try to head kinda up thereish if possible i don’t know if it is which is what north west it’s that way

And that way hmm there’s nothing up there can’t get through there let’s try going around you put a screenshot these don’t belong here i tried the minecraft minecart contraption spawner moving trick and it said no it could be disabled depending upon the mod pack you can straight up disable it there we go

Oh i see yeah yeah that would actually work really well i guess that this is the same way i was before okay oh whoops what are you doing little buddy going the wrong way that’s what i’m doing do i have how many belts do i have left ten

I’ve only got two shafts left that’s okay pocket leading nowhere i see fungus forest or whatever i must be above it i hate where is it there it is okay you up and this is gonna be aqua confirmed oh what a lovely place oh god i’m getting shot at by guests

Bye bye gasty okay so i need to go north or northwest yep [ __ ] [ __ ] i’m still on the wrong side whoa oh god make it stop okay i moved i’m a little bit further west just need to go a bit more north now oh god this is uh

I’ve got jump boost oh my gosh oh right it’s a little bit distressing there are these cool crystals here um boy okay what are these another crystal block from biomes aplenty okay interesting there’s a lot of enderman and wow this quartz is actually very slow to mine oh i’ve just got speed boos We got you covered all right uh map heading over here because i i see another fortress now how’s it going koshka it’s going same here can i get around this side see little enderman just poking his head up what was that oh apple coffee i’ll try that

And it didn’t give me anything but i’ll still take it prison of death more than other quartz there’s two pumpkins over there don’t worry not been harvested leave them alone you can harvest them i only yourselves two guys they have they’re on break they’re on lunch break one of them might

Have been squashed by a slime oh yeah i guess that’s possible no it is a dangerous work environment after all they’re not wearing hard hats or anything i don’t have enough points oops wrong thing i’m lynched one i know yeah where is that guy he’s like over here somewhere uh he’s down below

Like yeah pretty much down there somewhere down there somewhere down there living his best life and then i think one of them i got squashed by the bike slime that was after me we have more quartz for the damage oh oh i just realized oh we’ve got hogwarts nearby

I hear them they’re doing an oink must be like right below me doing a big oink um still have my pride left no it’s all you have pride but i see what you guys are plotting oh no don’t you dare switch koshka is not prepared for this but science [Laughter]

Suddenly i have to disconnect fallon i’m really sorry yeah not surprised we need science questions [Applause] i got porkum chophams all right so map that way there’s a bunch of the striders just kind of hanging out over there what sapling is this a hell bark sapling oh interesting what about why koshka crash

Right things hurt oh [ __ ] not another one stab it jerk oh cobalt yes i can takes it okay you can harvest lava with that sapling oh what and oh really for the arboreal extractors that’s pretty awesome you got stuck it’s good now though terrible if kashka suddenly crashed

I finally go to the nether where you guys want me to go and all you talk about is just trying to get me out of the nether and this one okay oh magma block magma block hey puppy so many of these magma box i take a bunch because i’m going to need them

For the great magma block uh episode we’re going to have i see [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] running guys tried to web me earlier did you i see hey oh gosh a fun fungus trapped door all right whoa what was that this way happened happened

Oh a herpet is on it really the light nice gotcha thank you for the hundred bits harpster how you doing hi so what i’m trying to figure out is is what so i’m thinking about catapulting things places i’m a fan of this plan so if i catapult algal blend

Up here right but i don’t want to do that i suppose i could just put a void the void upgrade on here pata zone is one of the later tier allies it’s pretty but for uh i do things do you mean maybe oh jeez oh that was so close okay oh dude

Get into the get into the lava it’s not safe for you here i see you’ve got a saddle on you already but seriously get down there you you’re dying of your death of cold there you go see even though you guys tried killing me i was just trying to save that guy

But it does seem kind of a shame to void algal blend well it just voids the excess oh my gosh the speed can i it works very slowly but it works i probably could disguise the catapults that would be that would be good good stuff

I tried to bounce him into space but it didn’t work yeah that was disappointing much disciplined um so yeah you think boy like another alco blind draw yes but if you want to store more you just you know put um put some storage upgrades in there as well

So it’ll store more before it starts voiding them if that makes sense it’ll type more than one upgrade yeah i mean the one that we have for clay has like i think three gold upgrades in it right now maybe smelt the blend first yeah that’s a good point okay

I think i’ll get it here this doesn’t look very good maybe they can take like 10 upgrades cool okay so then what i need to do is 1937. oh god quartz explodes in weird ways with this vision oh god all right so let’s take any time and this this that okay and then yeah put that back in there we go then continue oops heading up and over except i’m gonna need to power all of these aren’t probably

Most things do require it five six eight he might mind himself into button the butt lit what kind of getting a little bit desperate there about spot i know so little about occultism well marin scale hello and uh i’ve done some tutorials on it um oh cool

I made my way up here oh there’s another fortress what’s more this really crazy crystal i see pig piggys can i get up here and mine that oink okay i hear blazes this is a good sign they above me oh there’s one right there it dead and so is that okay

That went well there’s more to go the innocent one harajuka you can trust something it’s got the cute little shoot on there all right so that now i just need to power this i think it’s a spawner ow [ __ ] all right let’s do this buddy boy no there’s no spawner dang i thought

That there was gonna sleep though oh so much disappoint slimy saplings and diamonds oh okay that was pretty good i also gonna grab some of this and actually uh let’s grab some of this too now that i get it hope your pants are on fire let’s get rid of that this

Uh let’s move no no that out there we go okay so this is a pretty big fortress uh i see pig zombie that’s fine i see this but i also see boys they must be up above yeah we got gold obsidian let’s get rid of the oh wait did i i didn’t drink

Let’s drink that thank you for the mocha gold obsidian okay continuing on oh geez a honey bottle i will take it um seducer welcome to the mischief and thank you for the follow as well as the honey let’s put this back down here and this dead ends okay all right

There is a path here but i don’t think i think that actually I don’t think this actually leads to another chamber i think it just kind of oh [ __ ] i think i’d have to go up to connect that’s fine okay so that’s that ready to go shoot me over there so now i just need a way to power that

Like a blaze style as well all right well it’s a super compact way to power an ejector we’ll see you later monstrous beast thanks for stopping by digging with a hand grenade um that that did not work what digging with a hand grenade it has its drawbacks I mean it didn’t eject me yes but it’s a good spot why is there a slime in the water hey you bastard oh that’s my water all right oh thank the light quick swim away from the solar fish mac chip thank you for the hundred bits this

Is a penguin doing a swim here check this this dude out you checked that dude out i was thank you check him out i checked him out wait you’re checking out dudes thank you chip for the 100 bury a water wheel run the output to the shaft you have there uh

I really need to leave markers or something oh maybe i could do that thing that let’s go around this way they were talking about earlier a bubble a bubble water wheel oh yeah um do we have any soul sand on your side i don’t know nether buddy cards i’ll take that um

I’ve got flintsteal i’ll keep another wreck that i’ve got okay and this is usually oh geez where the flip am i let’s just get back in here [Laughter] that wasn’t inconvenient or anything just in case all right so there’s the the red fungus forest dtm did he accidentally label someone else

I’ll be like dang it i should have read yet i don’t think he will at this point my massive backpack is here that’s going to take forever though right like also weird like why didn’t that let’s dump all that stuff in there i do have some dirt there we go tuck on it

This these another war blocks they are oh hey hello come with me what the heck what’s the matter i did it again also i’m lost did what oh no dudes oh dudes not the ore the pig oh where’d it go what what was that a sap [ __ ] it oh and

I got sniped by a blaze in the distance rude i wonder if i could bring him over come here dude that was close oh i know where i need to go oh it worked who needs a ranged weapon when you can just you know hook shot the enemy to you and use a

Melee weapon thank you for the tea time rowan oh and i think that is a blaze rod oh that’s two blaze rods even better i’m gonna leave that well there’s a blaze over here this is so weird why isn’t it i feel like i need to go connected again

Or something this weapon is so good in the nether i’m going to go connect to them maybe it was like while i was like nauseous or something did i click that one ouch i’m coming for you blaze nice try he tried to escape there but to no avail [ __ ] oh god whoa uh

Where am i [ __ ] how did i what i’m so confused how did i get over here i know that i was going really fast but okay i came through there okay all right i was going this way no why it’s not working what is it you’re trying to to do like

This the ejector is not injecting me all the way i know is there too much stress i don’t know that doesn’t make sense it either works or it doesn’t work so is that it’s a strider spawner really oh that’s just sad they’re like burping sadness what little striders they’re burping

Sadness am i hitting something i don’t think so oh yeah yeah yeah take these leaves good call good call aaron jakarta thank you let’s try it again oh all right let’s switch thank you my god right definitely those poor guys the heck that and grab some more quartz those buck guys hello

Cher berube it took me a second there i’m like what why could i never i could never do that you have before i know i know it’s just like patience danielson i’ve watched dennis menace and he’s ringing his hands trying to be good that’s you right now

You just know that i’ve got a really big weapon and i would end any critters that you spawned in on me though i would probably be ended too it’s entirely possible that i could survive is that giant piggy it is a giant picker all right we’re heading back um Actually why i do have an enclosed fan how much torque does that create like is this gonna be super slow uh fans are not very effective okay Right we call immersive portals and items retaining momentum through the portal wait when isn’t there no i thought that there might have been i thought portality was in here for some reason but i guess not what was that oh that’s all right just piglin dudes zombie pigmen whoa this whole like forest

With this is actually kind of interesting hello baby piggy There we go that doesn’t seem to go anywhere oh but hahaha oh are you stuck no i think i found the other dude with other dude yeah he’s like stuck on this oh god magma slime spawner are you kidding you’re free i think that’s quite amazing can you get out the

Corner there you go you did it whoa blazes as well i think he got squashed onto the anvil by him [ __ ] a triple or maybe he was just being a very naughty stronghold i don’t know triple plays there’s two blaze spawners and a magma spawner or a magma cream spawner that’s

That’s a lot of spawners um i’m gonna save that mocha because that’s the one that gave reach in this plus this one there’s torches anybody know if torches actually stop spawns in the nether oh [ __ ] whoa that was close viruses potions he’s got some back here

I’ve got i’ve got two on me right now oh yeah yep you’ve also got some crap on you right now yeah i do so do you yeah you’ve got someone’s freaking string it’s not even funny there’s actually a thing you can put on your tools stop spawns in the nether is marching oh

Well then oh now dang still coffee let’s do this i can use um oh i can use chain chain drives vertically right yes all right you let’s eat some food they stop at 14. oh so they do stop All right let’s move this this what do we got oh a blaze cake nice oh very cool all right so i need to move this wall a little closer there we go getting somewhere how how did i get oh geez i almost sliced you baby piglet okay that’s that’s not working let’s do

This now by stopping the fire i i hurt more ow oh geez one of them got out magma cream babies oh it’s because it’s a big old open room no go away stop that evil bad mobs loving or lower according to wiki okay this is where they can spawn okay um

We’ve got a little bit here i can’t i can’t seem to hit them this works pretty good talk about xp farm okay can i put down more torches ow do the little ones even hurt i didn’t think the little ones hurt torches torch torch torch torch run out nope they still spawn okay

Oh god that was weird look out buddy it’s true problems like whatever okay well oh [ __ ] one of them got out okay a couple of them got out yeah fire is my death okay where’s the blocks sorry dudes you get you’re getting blockaded right okay how’s it going kashka it’s going how are

You i’m okay leaves hole open oh no they got out well i did it so that like one would come through but then i got distracted you know ooh shiny okay there we go got him what is my bucket okay five of those i must have put it okay loads in here

Not a lot i’m gonna need more did i get any blaze heads no oh molten quartz those can make more okay cool give me the stuff you now just by swiping at the fire i catch on fire for some reason it’s really weird i’m using speed as valen is moving towards the magnus

I just got another copy oh yeah i wonder if that’s because you’re in the nothing maybe let’s pull this yeah this might work all right got another one got another one oh look at all this space over here oh god yikes i can’t i can’t see him time to back up

Oh this effect is not fun okay let’s try to put a few zip ups too late oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh god like five or six of them spawned at once oh man okay we’re up to 10 blaze rods though and more blaze rods now go uh

So for that i’ll need a big cog oh [ __ ] what are you doing up there again me no this draw golem keeps like going to taunt the penguin they’re evil i’ve decided oh i got a head i gotta blaze head [ __ ] eat food I was in there a little too long uh let’s let’s put the shield back on the offhand my armor is almost gone too i also have regen thank you for the heals i appreciate the assist a secret secret thing it seems awful quiet all of a sudden oh that’s not what i wanted

Got him okay there we go one more yes got him oh that was a good drop okay i feel oh 25 blaze rods 11 molten cores that this was this was good okay oh okay there we go let’s put it down and try mining it again was that a nugget sand cast

I got redstone or bricks i got nuggets not to be too jelly that’s pretty [ __ ] all right let’s time to throw up a marker uh let’s put uh a block here for now that works and i’m going to mark this as and place corner [Laughter] accidentally launched myself oh no it’s okay

All right so i need to get the heck out of here all right so pick your small gear just like that oh oh god damn we got launched that way where the f wait i just turned hi i found you piggy back pack picky backpack we’ve got those

We’ve got one in in one of the chests up there i’m i’m i’m working on coming back it’s just gonna take me some time to get there uh yeah where is home that way that works map okay that’s going to be a bit of a trick don’t know that i have that much

Durability in this picture to mine my way all the way there i guess we’ll find out just how far i can go oh [ __ ] hello skellyboy oh i see you zoom nice try switcheroo snap oh gosh please that’s just rude and unusual rude and unusual all right rude and usual

Oh god i just put the gear in the wrong spot wow fudge gosh the painting all right so i need to go this way oh oh that’s not gonna work okay well i guess that’s how much space i have to build with yep that right there but that would be funny and informative

Informative um informative how okay grab some gold i’m sure the piggies won’t mind not one bit i think i’m gonna have to move this up that’s fine it’ll save me a change right how how was your progress are you almost there yeah i mean i’ve got the alcohol plan like

Yeah that’s sorted i’m just getting it up to the main area now ah and a bit more courts here what the switcher would do with the different dimensions oh i don’t know that could actually [ __ ] us up i don’t know that it’ll actually teleport talking about like earlier that like for science gotcha

That is a good point i think i want my install the huggies though ooh what did i just get ooh pumpkin class i will i will drink some of that what’s it do there stores lots of homes yeah but none of the none of the beers for some reason actually restore hunger

I don’t know why oh that’s bad he’s right next to the portal crashes proceeds to crash game I know i need to go this way and up at the same time all right well i need to go one more this dark oh don’t mind if i do okay that should do it i need to go all right another cleaver so far has been has proven really really good really good

How good like really good one-shotting most things here in another except for like the the pigs they have like the the big pigs they have like massive amounts of health but still dimensional switcher crashes game character is corrupt pc implodes server crashes stream crashes house catches fire kashka valen dead

Man there’s so many endermen oh gosh well they’re making out alive find out next time on mousy ball cheese poucy ball cheese that’s the name you came up with oh no rowan save your points from here on out i’m out of beverages and i’m low enough that i don’t think

That any cast is going to hit me if that even was a cast goes to step into another portal switcheroo is income all right all right so that should be working then yeah that’s cranked it to the spot now i just need to kind of like okay fill this in

Wait where’s the that way it’s okay uh by the way i’ve got a whole bunch of junk let’s get rid of that and this that should do hello come with me if you want to another quote yeah that’s pretty good right uh expected should we test it for science test what

What you testing i’m i has a concern wait yep that works all right let’s test the whole thing there we go okay here we go you ready wait i wasn’t sure i was gonna make that well i think it’s because i moved while i was being catapult places wait

Oh there’s another up place over here oh there’s a ghast over there [ __ ] let’s try it one more time without moving i wonder if i can hook a guest also like stuff will be coming this way so well again that’s oh gosh there he is gusty boy

I i i don’t think that it would work right there i need to go to sleep zoom um i think it’ll work where’s up over there i think i need to try it i think i just need to connect the belts and try it [Laughter] oh that actually helped me a little bit

No it didn’t no it just it kept me about where i was i see these up spots but um oh fight i could probably grab onto these vines climb up here come on let’s go over here oh wait this nether crystal it actually lights up like a torch

Oh god damn it nope i thought i had but nope i had not all right there is an up somewhere up there now that zombie has seen me all right let’s see if we can yes oh creeper [ __ ] off i recognize this portal oh god the jump come on quick made it

I am back welcome back come on buddy you can do it okay oh that’s disappointing there we go oh no they’re throwing cabbages everywhere the great cabbage let’s rebellion that back in i’m going to get rid of some of these fish all right are you ready ready for for what for shenanigans

That’s what the stream has been about most of the time right yes i’m ready for shenanigans you don’t look ready you look like you’re sorting i just threw some stuff out where are you stay there actually stay here go like forward a bit okay this is not gonna work after all this

It’s not gonna work yeah like right there is good hi hi okay you ready oh yeah i gotta get the piggy back eventually you’re right give me a minute oh no it doesn’t oh my gosh what did that just what look what happens though no it’s not

You’re not supposed to be that side can i fix this with the wrench maybe i don’t know yes i can i see him there he is i fixed it with the wrench found him from the flies is it doing it oh my gosh let me take this shield off so i can see

Better yes it is doing it it is landing in the hopper oh oh that one didn’t quite land exactly right so it’s doing a little doing a dance i may have to yeah do something about that oh yeah though it went in get there it

Just took a sec it like it’s like those coin things where they swirl around and around you know before they actually make it down but you know yeah okay that’s awesome can you eject it onto another depot and then hop her out of that yes i guess you could that’s pretty good kashka

So are you flinging cabbages up here oh it’s the alga blend okay this is what you were wanting to do so well done cabbage flinger cabbage flinger Oh man i have a bunch of quartz let’s take that out of there because that’s just gonna jam up the works now here goes [Laughter] well done koshka stand on it oh shoot for some reason it doesn’t quite like i don’t quite make it all the way up there i don’t know

Like i make it over there and if i go and stand on that one separately then i make it up there but if i try and do them both together it doesn’t um that doesn’t do it wait which sound effect another wart another rack take out the singles

Having fun with your little sound effects put that there and necrotic bones this is fantastic get in there oops well that is that job well and truly done well done kashka well done i’ll go blender job’s done oh jeez you startled me oh you’re right you’re right you’re right let me get let

Me get the the piggy back pack yes where is it so i guess we just need to dump it into a furnace now kashka yes where’s the piggy backpack i have no idea have you seen it piggy backpack i gotta go get the buddy what does it look like it

It looks like a little harness oh here it is there it is i got it i got it let’s take this off grab this all right let’s see the algae blend just kind of coming around over here all right there he is all right Operation rescue straw man oh god okay he’s in my witch hat and he’s in my face so i can’t really see [Laughter] so i’m going to have to do this third person style whoa i i somehow got up here it worked all right dude there you go you’re you’re free whoa jeez

You are free be free and he instantly starts harvesting stuff he missed his old job he is ow that is not a good lad oh jesus i need my sword back so probably an excessive amount of belts but still i’m still pretty happy with that careful don’t hit the dude gosh

He’s just running around over here i know they just they just don’t care they have no you know everyone is their friend yeah he’s only got one heart left oh no can i please give you something that’s true yeah i mean it does only use one belt but i still i don’t know

Dude please accept this the excessive amount of belts was one the alternative names would create yay okay i was able to heal him that’s all oh so he’s not oh god doing it again no they still look derpy but i was able to heal them at least i’m fine with them

Still looking dirty there we go and where’s my my wheat i need to put a void upgrade on that crate you’re fine or well no not yet because um first of all it’s going to take quite a while to fill up i think oh there you are

You’re fine okay so we’ve got three of them yeah it’s only got a couple of stacks yeah apparently we only have three i bet you i bet you he fell so maybe we still did lose one you said you thought we lost one to the uh i thought so a big slime landed

And i thought he was close by so i think we might have lost one to a big slime maybe kashka yeah okay can you come here i can what just come over here oh there’s a skeleton a carrot [Laughter] it’s perfect i love how it’s turned into a skeleton

After a while oh it looks it looks like you to me oh yeah it looks like a skeleton to me oh i totally missed that wait guys no it’s dangerous over here oh my gosh all right i’m putting the piggy back pack thing in with the farming equipment

Oh no they’ve started overflowing into this chest yeah worse things could happen all right so shall we end it here i think so miss contraption challenger complete i i got a lot of really good materials that’ll uh i gotta watch this whip flop [Laughter] nice it’s very satisfying i did get two

More diamonds though it’s not enough it is it is closer gosh one for the road oh good i can’t get out there what’d i get um oh sort of squirts it’s not bad what’s that what’s what what what oh the item that you got from it basalt reagent okay it sounds dangerous

I got some slimy balls to put away let’s go oh i used this for i’ve got so much stuff still in my inventory as well don’t lick it good advice it’s like pro tips from chat don’t lick it please blaze there we go oh i have no idea what all these

Reagents are all about me either i think that’s for us to figure out for next time that’s very interesting how curious indeed oh i love how long the create streams are all the addiction right yes it is 2 a.m all right heating is turned off i’m freezing my butt awesome

But you completed the contraption challenge and i i will go get myself something some tea i think thank you navi thank you guys for coming out to the stream um whoo that was quite the ordeal got a bunch of stuff here i need to put in there

There’s so much stuff do you have i mean my burning question now is do you have the diamonds uh no i’ll no i i only found two while i was in the nether but i did i did get a 18 cobalt uh four stacks of nether quartz uh a bit of gold

And um a whole lot of blaze parts that we can use for fuel in the furnace to melt up the diamonds so essentially i got the fuel to make the diamonds gotcha okay cool uh which i don’t think do i even have the i do have the tank um

Yeah oh we’ll probably be we’re probably gonna go for a stream on sunday tomorrow probably probably because i i now need to i’ve done and i need to do the algo cooker and then i’ll go cooker another another mixer another mechanical mixer to make is that is what anyway

Anyway what cabbage flinger mark ii amen to that oh hi mew colin the water how you doing hi one bucket and 200 millibuckets let’s flip that over that that wasn’t as much as i thought it would be but still i’m pretty happy with that nonetheless let’s grab yeah the owl these

I think that’ll be a bit easier maybe throw them in there and to say alloy there we go all right so pour that out buddy liquid gold it’s better than liquid gold blazing blood oh i got it he’s still going i’m sorry my objective was to get enough of those

Uh diamonds and this is just trying to hover over the liquids to see what they are what’s that all right and then yep we got blazing blood all i got to do is throw in something diamond that’s all right at least you’re not pouring wine into your noodle bowl

Let’s throw in all the diamond items because all right don’t push there we go diamond chest plate whatever no no way to move him is known yet a way of creating or moving spawners in this mod pack not that we have been able to find i think it’s been turned off

Specifically oh yes i need a gem cast don’t i oh no give me a piece of lapis i was my wine ramen it was delicious how was your wine ramen ramen wine i could not believe i did that yeah it happens whole new whole new thing

Three blocks and three gems oh my god excuse me sir yes i thought you were wrapping up i am hold on a second this is making diamonds yes there’s the diamonds right there oh my god i’m making a block of them three blocks and two gems to be specific

Oh my gosh and while that’s doing we could do this eat that one and make some of the gems at the same time oh my gosh right let’s let’s pour another one while while i’m at it one block of diamonds oh my god you’re just like diamond craziness stop stop

But just gonna mine so many in the same amount of time but how much fun would that have been for you guys to watch this i mean this got multiple objectives completed for this either way it cleared up some inventory space it got us diamonds it got us fuel for

The smell tree so we can do it kind of wine more stuff it’s um it’s a red blend yeah it’s yeah a blend of red wines that i really like and i was we had like noodle bowl out ready to put the noodles in because valen was just cooking them up

And i was like i’ve had a shitty day at work i’m just gonna pour myself a glass of wine and stood there thinking about shitty things that had happened at work and looked down and had poured my wine into my noodle bowl instead of micron kashka yes There’s 30 of them that’s a lot of diamonds i feel oh accomplished even have a little our little party pal here too oh someone’s creeper listen i did accomplish a partial goal and that was at least creating some kind of inventory with with right i still use the white backpack for

My tools but yeah yeah i’m trying to decide how to use this exactly because it’s like i don’t want to just carry around things that you might want but anyway yeah when we go looting i i’m using it for that that’s gonna be a thing to beauty it was

I used to end up bringing so much crap back with us so much crap yup all right well let’s go to the credit screen thank you all for coming out for the chat for the follows for the lurks especially uh for for the bits for the subs for the gift subs for

Just all of it you guys are crazy thank you so much for spending time with us yeah and it’s it’s been the best kind of it’s been fun as many of you have noticed we’ve been kind of addicted so we’ll just limp it just a little bit anytime we want right

Good for loots i look forward to actually getting a bit further with occultism again all right let’s see who we got doing what uh can i actually close that there we go thank you guys hope for your company that really means a lot i’ve seen a lot of people with 118

Minecraft as one would expect yeah yeah people are all checking it out oh sketch is over there on it pirate’s cove we’ve got 112 scicraft what no we’re not doing that one um got so many so we can yeah sure you know what let let’s do a radon sketch

It’s a 118 verified season two day three crimbus baby yeah sure that sounds good we haven’t done a radon sketch in a very long time and i figure why not so if you want to join us for the raid feel free to use some stuff and some things and the the stuff that

Shows up on this one just copy the stuff after the arrows and it should work if you’re a sub to the channel i don’t think that they have follower mode on or anything like that so oh he’s he’s uploading some some video at the moment as well so anyway thanks again everybody

Thank you thank you serious creeper all right we’ll see y’all next time folks we bought you have a good weekend

This video, titled ’09 Create: Above & Beyond w/CCI (Twitch stream) Minecraft Modpack’, was uploaded by Mischief of Mice 2 on 2022-12-09 15:00:15. It has garnered 162 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 03:53:09 or 13989 seconds.

Broadcasted live on Twitch — Watch live at https://www.twitch.tv/mischiefofmice #MischiefOfMice2 #twitchstreamer #createaboveandbeyond This video is a recording from a LIVE broadcast to either Twitch (twitch.tv/mischiefofmice) or on our Discord in a mini-stream with our supporters. Join us! Mischief of Mice links: https://hypel.ink/mischiefofmice

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    Insane Minecraft Shaders Gameplay with CreeperrVideo Information This video, titled ‘When You Try To Run Minecraft Shaders’, was uploaded by Creeperr on 2024-06-06 00:08:20. It has garnered 22 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:02 or 122 seconds. Read More

  • Take on the Savage Viper Challenge – Join Us!

    Take on the Savage Viper Challenge - Join Us!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Multiplayer w/ Friends (Play with Us!) Java 1.20.6 & Bedrock (Console, Phone, PC) #2’, was uploaded by Savage Viper on 2024-06-03 04:04:38. It has garnered 220 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 06:03:46 or 21826 seconds. Join the Discord: https://discord.com/invite/Uk2CS6DSvT Minecraft Server IP: MC.SavageViper.com ( Port on all Devices: 25565 Server supports all versions of MC: Java, Bedrock (Console, Phone &, PC) Read More

  • Revealing shocking secrets live with FriendsWithMatt

    Revealing shocking secrets live with FriendsWithMattVideo Information This video, titled ‘I’m replying to live chat’, was uploaded by FriendsWithMatt on 2024-06-01 16:16:40. It has garnered 81 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 02:41:16 or 9676 seconds. Minecraft Got 3 minutes to spare? Please consider giving $2 to support this channel Paypal = mattbrodersen777 Venmo = FriendsWithMatt Cash App = FriendsWithMatt Zelle = [email protected] WHAT IS MINECRAFT? An introduction to a blocky sandbox game. Minecraft is a game made up of blocks, creatures, and community. You can survive the night or build a work of art – the choice is all yours…. Read More

  • What if Minecraft Had Realistic Physics?!

    What if Minecraft Had Realistic Physics?!Video Information This video, titled ‘What If Minecraft Have Physics?’, was uploaded by Anamous on 2024-05-31 07:39:48. It has garnered 187 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:19 or 199 seconds. #minecraft #gaming #comedy #trending #viral _________________________…………………… ______________________ Ladies & Gentlemens If You Like This Video Then Please Click The Like Button & yes! Also Subscribe This Channel! ❤❤ …. Love You Friends….❤❤ minecraft realistic minecraft but minecraft physics minecraft with different minecraft mods #shorts #minecraft memes meme #funny minecraft real physics with different minecraft wifi realism funny minecraft minecraft survival 100 days minecraft memes minecraft… Read More

  • Insane Sugar Cane Farm Build in Minecraft EP11!

    Insane Sugar Cane Farm Build in Minecraft EP11!Video Information hey guys and welcome back to another episode of our let’s play World here with funky J 13 thank you guys so much for the support on the last episode where we built this creeper form uh it was a really fun episode and I really appreciate all the kind comments you guys left on that episode U and this creeper Farm has been doing really well for us and it made me want to build a sugar cane Farm next we get a bunch of paper for things like rockets and bookshelves and stuff like that we… Read More

  • Unbelievable! Minecraft Hardcore Sickness – Drop Surprise!

    Unbelievable! Minecraft Hardcore Sickness - Drop Surprise!Video Information This video, titled ‘[!DROPS ON] Minecraft Hardcore stále nemocný | Sub = Minecraft item | !drops’, was uploaded by S1n1ster_ on 2024-05-20 19:41:55. It has garnered 61 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 02:04:16 or 7456 seconds. https://streamelements.com/s1n1ster_/tip – here you can give me money for cigarettes and technology Read More

  • Craft2

    Craft2Craft2 is a Minecraft network with forums and an enhanced survival experience. Be a part of your choice of Kingdom, and create a nation that is managed and ruled by you. Explore all the new structures and biomes to see, enchant your items with all our custom enchantments, and complete quests. Build with our custom blocks and decorations for your own town! craft2.net Read More

  • Harmony Reloaded – Vanilla

    Harmony Survival Minecraft Server IP: harmonyreloaded.minecraft.best Discord: Join our Discord community Looking for a true vanilla gameplay experience without all the added plugins and restrictions? Harmony Reloaded is the server for you. Join us and rediscover the simplicity and magic of real vanilla gameplay. Originally started as a MCPE server in July 2015, Harmony Reloaded aims to recreate the essence of Minecraft before it became cluttered with plugins and pay-to-win mechanics. Join us and create your own adventures in a welcoming community where exploration, creativity, and friendship thrive. Features: True vanilla gameplay Active and growing community Clean and easily readable… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Wood Tier Sucks!

    Minecraft Memes - Wood Tier Sucks!Wow, looks like this meme really knocked it out of the park with that wood tier list. It must be made of premium oak humor! Read More

  • Crafted Empire: Minecraft Music Disc Encore

    Crafted Empire: Minecraft Music Disc Encore In the land of Minecraft, a tale unfolds, Of friendship, power, and secrets untold. Ruber and Violaceus, vanished without a trace, Leaving behind a mysterious space. A messenger arrives, with an invitation grand, To Civitas Occidentis, ruled by Venalis’ hand. The group agrees to come, to the city so vast, Where a new ruler awaits, their future cast. Ruber, now in charge, welcomes with pride, To Novum Imperium, where secrets reside. In the chamber, leaders gather, a sight to behold, As Viridis questions, how power was sold. Ruber’s answer simple, yet bold and cold, “Gold buys all, even stories… Read More

  • Spicy Minecraft Maizen Meme Madness

    Spicy Minecraft Maizen Meme Madness Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! #minecraftmemes #maizen #memes Read More

  • Minecraft Mini Game Madness

    Minecraft Mini Game Madness Minecraft Mini Games: A Fun and Challenging Experience Embark on a thrilling journey through the world of Minecraft with a variety of mini games that offer excitement and challenges for players of all skill levels. From parkour to Bed Wars, there’s something for everyone to enjoy in this popular sandbox game. Parkour: A Test of Skill and Precision One of the most beloved mini games in Minecraft is parkour, where players must navigate through intricate obstacle courses with speed and agility. While some may find it easy, mastering parkour requires a combination of timing, coordination, and practice. With a… Read More

  • Rainbow Beacon Madness

    Rainbow Beacon Madness Minecraft’s LARGEST Automatic Rainbow Beacon Welcome back to the channel! Today, we’re diving into the world of Minecraft once again, exploring the fascinating realm of beacons. If you’ve been following along, you’ll know that this marks the fifth installment of beacon-related projects on this channel. But fear not, this time we’re taking things to a whole new level! Designing the Ultimate Beacon Display After realizing the limitations of previous designs, our Minecraft enthusiast set out to create a larger, more intricate beacon display. With 12 beacons surrounding an empty 3 by 3 center, the new layout promised to be… Read More

  • From Bottlequeen to Shaman in Minecraft!

    From Bottlequeen to Shaman in Minecraft!Video Information [Música] C [Música] [Música] C [Música] h ah [Música] [Música] [Música] [Música] [Música] C [Música] [Música] [Música] Boa noite pessoal sejam muito bem-vindos ao bar da C como é que vocês estão oi cuquito oi CRZ Oi seres Oi chque oi tio Gran oi oi sejam muito bem-vindos a b pessoal como é que vocês estão hoje [Música] nessa eu não sei que dia hoje não segunda-feira hoje é segunda mesmo hoje é segunda E aí pessoal como que vocês estão como é que tá sendo segund de vocês boa noite V Boa noite e a vocês estão… Read More

  • Haunted Encounter: The Mysterious Caller

    Haunted Encounter: The Mysterious CallerVideo Information do not try to call her my friends and I decided to chant Bloody Mary three times in front of the bathroom mirror at first we laughed but then the air got really cold and the lights started flickering I saw her a ghostly woman with empty eyes and blood dripping from her mouth I couldn’t move as she reached out and touched my cheek she whispered you’re mine now and then the mirror shattered she disappeared but the next day I had scratches on my face every night since I feel her cold breath on my neck… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Survival: Sky Block Lucky Block!

    Insane Minecraft Survival: Sky Block Lucky Block!Video Information yo Halo guys welcome back to my channel Shark 999 dan kali ini gua akan mencoba bermain Luky block tapi versi Sky block ya guys huh jadi ini map ini BAP syariknya download itu ya E di mcpdl ya ya pokoknya namanya lcky block l Tulislah ya dan ya pokoknya Ya pokoknya begitulah guys ya Oke tapi sebelum kalian nonton video ini alangkah baiknya kalian klik Tom like Kom dan subscribe karena subscribe itu halal dan jangan lupa like sebanyak mungkin agar Babang syarik rajin mengupload dan jangan lupa komen jika ingin mengatakan sesuatu asal jangan toxik ya… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft stream with insane viewers! 🔥

    Insane Minecraft stream with insane viewers! 🔥Video Information [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hi guys welcome to the stream haven’t done a Minecraft stream in a long time it feels like but we will have other people be joining us shortly too so if you’re already friends with me then you can just join if you’re not then I need to know your username so you can join us all right so I forget what the last thing I was doing here was I working on this working on this this is supposed to be lany’s throne room in the… Read More

  • Intense Dragon Gaming – Epic Smooth Texture Pack in Minecraft! #minecraft #smooth

    Intense Dragon Gaming - Epic Smooth Texture Pack in Minecraft!  #minecraft #smoothVideo Information This video, titled ‘smooth minecraft texture pack #minecraft #smooth’, was uploaded by Dramatic Dragon gaming 1 on 2024-01-10 17:55:13. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Minecraft texture pack Subscribe Minecraft PvP Minecraft build Minecraft bedwars Minecraft Lifestealsmp Minecraft bedrock … Read More

  • Rare Halloween Moon Crab Meme Update – Cobblemon Season 2

    Rare Halloween Moon Crab Meme Update - Cobblemon Season 2Video Information well how there YouTube we’re playing a little bit of that mythical cobon SMP we’re on the meme update which means like uh all sorts of goofy skins on characters let’s get into this let’s get into this let’s get into this silly little wild little stream of ours H nothing around spawn let’s reload just to make sure we fix our audio back in baby we’re rolling with it I’m telling you that much greets all smile greets all smile it’s Halloween Moon oh no I appear to have lost more letters H awesome hello doing talk… Read More

  • Minecraft INSANE CUBE Adventure!!

    Minecraft INSANE CUBE Adventure!!Video Information now I’m on stream yep I’m live today is Minecraft day it’s been a while since the last time that I played Minecraft even L the the jav Edition so today I’m going to be so oh [ __ ] I’m going to see what’s new in Minecraft see last last time that I played survival was like 1.8 I think yeah I’m here in Minecraft just let me let me see something H it still sounds veryy very loud maybe now yeah okay single player oh oh preparing for recreation this is this is new one whoa… Read More


    EPIC BIRTHDAY SURPRISE: OMEGA Guardian Farm Build!Video Information all [Music] [Music] oh thank goodness I finally found you I’ve searched for so long and traveled so far just to see you my friend Henry sent me Oh Henry I know Henry very well yes very good friend of mine uh-huh he said you might be able to tell me more about the mythical prismarine and something about temples oh yes I know where the temples are they are very dangerous though they are guarded by water monsters could you possibly show me where they are if you have any of the green stuff I could uh… Read More

  • “Crazy Gaming Trick: Writing Dhairya in Minecraft!” #gamingtrick #minecraft #clickbait

    "Crazy Gaming Trick: Writing Dhairya in Minecraft!" #gamingtrick #minecraft #clickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘Writing Dhairya in Minecraft || #games #gaming #viral #shortvideo #shorts #viralvideo #minecraft’, was uploaded by Double Gaming on 2024-06-04 06:20:10. It has garnered 174 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. Comment Your Name Like , Share And Subscribe Credits :- Music – Book The Rental Wit It – RAGE #gaming ,#viral ,#games ,#shorts ,#shortvideo ,#minecraft ,#doublegaming ,#viralvideo ,#short Read More

Mischief of Mice 2 – 09 Create: Above & Beyond w/CCI (Twitch stream) Minecraft Modpack