Modded Minecraft: All The Mods 8 – ARS NOUVEAU #14

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Hello my dudes welcome back to all the mods 8. now behind me you see the beginnings of what is gonna be our magical stronghold it’s not complete but I’ve started to build what’s gonna be the area where we do all of our ARS Nouveau occultism potion brewing enchanting basically everything that’s

Magical and not technological is going to take place in the building behind me and that’s a great way of just having a clear divide between the tech mods which are going to happen in this office style building here and then yeah the magic mods so let me jump in and show you

Around my new digs so yeah here we go so I wanted like a wizard tower but I also wanted like a more Square structure as well so what I’m going to have here is like a house connected via a bridge to a Wizard’s tower now let me go and show

You what I’ve done inside it looks pretty snazzy now the entire build is almost exclusively these green brick shingles oak logs Oak planks these Oak pillars which I think look fantastic and then stone brick and stone brick stairs so we have the ground floor I’m not quite sure what we’re going to do

Here maybe enchanting maybe potion making maybe both then we have the second floor up here which is yeah a big empty space for us to work with and then a staircase that rises up well I don’t know how many floors we’re gonna put in this place but this thing goes

All the way up and this was just like a really easy staircase that I was able to copy and paste now because we are jetpack Lords we might not even be using stairs but I do think it’s always good to put stairs in your house because you know how else are

You going to be protected also uh it’s great just because you know my Jetpack might run out a few and also we have this tower now at the moment this is very Bare Bones and take a look it’s a giant Hollow Tower plus I dug down a

Little bit further as well and it goes pretty damn deep take a look at this plenty of room in here to do some pretty wicked wizardy things and we’ve also got this outside garden bid because you know what most Wizards use and potion makers especially use kind of vegetables and

Herbs and you know also there’s those weird occultism seeds that we got right and this is a perfect place to grow them now the back of this will lead down to what’s going to be our creates Farm over oh my God it just gets crazier and crazier doesn’t it anyway uh yeah this

Will lead down to that farm eventually but for now it’s just going to be the place where we do all our magic stuff so we do have one problem before we get started with magical mods and that is the fact that I don’t want to come back

Over here every time I need to craft to use my computer and the crafting grid so what we’re going to try and do this episode as well is make a remote control that’s going to give us remote access to the crafting grid now this is super easy super simple to

Make it should be is is the one here yeah here we go it’s one of these bad boys so we want to make the wireless crafting grid yeah here we go and it’s not too hard to make in fact what we can actually do is borrow the crafting grid

From yeah let’s borrow the crafting grid down here from the evil craft room because I realized evil craft was quite kind of fun to check out but what we’re going to actually turn this room into is going to be the mob farming room because there’s not really enough in evil craft

Justify a massive room like this plus also we can move like the blood chests and maybe the blood infuser over to our magical Tower and boom here we are the wireless crafting grid now we can throw this into our Elite energy Cube that’s had time to

Fill up amazing boom now we also need one other thing we need to get a signal to our wireless crafting grid and we do that with where is it yeah here we go a wireless transmitter now again these need some spicy materials like some of these uh cooked processors

But all in all not a crazy hard craft now I’m not quite sure what the range is on this wireless transmitter so we’ll have to wait and see if I remember rightly I think it might have been something really bad like 16. blocks but that can’t be right maybe

Maybe it must be higher than that anyway you just stick one of these onto one of the cables of refined storage like this yeah oh my God 16 blocks well there’s also space for upgrades as well so maybe we can make an upgrade for this

Yeah here we go a range upgrade now if this doesn’t do the job I don’t know what will so here we go the range upgrade now makes it 24 blocks and then one more 32. well okay let’s see how far away 32 blocks actually is because I still might

Be you know in range so if I hold down shift and right click on the computer controller does that work how do I make this crafting grid work with my computer linked to oh apparently it’s already linked okay great okay so it works here Works here right not quite in range here so what I’m going to probably have to do is bring over like a cable underground and park it roughly in the middle over here and that way it’s going to be in range no matter where I am in the tower And there we go the wireless transmitter is back in action and yeah my wireless crafting grid now works most of these places but I will actually have to put in the upgrades again here we go and I’ll make two more range upgrades as well because you know that should

Upgrade it to 64 range which is definitely what we need okay no curious so the maximum range you can get with these range upgrades is only 48 blocks that’s still pretty far away though I mean to put into perspective I think even at the top of

This Tower right here I’m still in range even over here still in range yeah oh oh okay so way over here I’m not quite in range but anywhere else yeah it’s pretty good to go okay so this should be good for ours Nouveau so we’re ready to start our journey into the

Magic mods now the first thing I want to do is can I use a Paxil to hoe ground and let’s hold this ground and plant these occultism seeds we’re not doing occultism yet we’re going to focus on ours Nouveau this episode but I really want to get those

Seeds planted so that in future we have some grown crops some grown demon seeds Now also the wireless crafting grid is a curio so I don’t need to put it in my bag and I can just attach a hotkey to it so let’s find a slot can we put it as like a charm yeah perfect amazing so in the quest log there are two

Magical mods that have Quest chains there is Elemental craft the wow looks pretty complicated but also that’s going to be very fun but the one we’re going for this episode is gonna be Oz Nouveau the spiritual successor to RS Magicka one of the best mods ever made and where

Else are you gonna start but the start in fact that is a great thumbnail right there so welcome to ask Nouveau completing the first Quest gives us a worn notebook it’s basically the wiki slash guidebook for ours Nouveau now apparently I’ve been told in the comment section thank you very much that getting

Silk touch with a spell is actually really easy to do and I think I remember it being quite easy to do so that’s going to be quite cool to get started you’ll need to craft yourself a novice spell book where you create and store your spells hitting the

C key will open up the create a spell page we’ll make the book first so let’s get going uh yeah so the notebook is very good it’s like a standard like you know notebook style I think lots of mods use this same mod to make their information books

And here we go this is how you make the novice spell book just a book and all the iron tools there’s an iron sword apparently we have the rest boom novice spell book and we’re gonna get a potion of minor regeneration for this and some XP

So here we go oh my God this looks really complicated but I don’t think it actually is so you have forms and effects spells that are how you cast them it can be a projectile it can be on yourself or it can be like something you

Touch like you hit like with a sword and then the effect that they do so you can have break so if you do touch break you basically make a pickaxe if you do projectile break you make like a ranged pickaxe and as you progress through the mod you

Unlock more of these forms and more of these effects and in the end you can do some really crazy stuff now there’s also color Pickers for your spells oh man there’s loads of stuff familiars oh no way so we can get like a familiar

Like a rat or an imp or like some kind of squirrel would be cool sounds spell sounds let’s turn up the volume on these spell sounds I want to hear them go off like big time but yeah overall this is these are the basics so how do we make a spell Where

Do We Begin well okay yeah so let’s make a spell we press the button to open the book we’re gonna make this spell number one and spell number one is gonna be projectile break like a ranged break spell so projectile break and this is gonna be

A break ball it’s like a fireball but it breaks yeah okay create there we go break balls let’s try and cast this on something I guess I can probably break this piece of um this piece of dirt boom yeah oh yeah so the Mana I have is

On the bottom left and you can see that going down when I cast the spell very cool now what I would like to know is what the mining level is on this spell because I’m pretty sure you can’t get all the modium with this but I’m sure later down the line there’s

Ways to upgrade that okay cool so we made our first spell in the bottom left of your screen you’ll see your Mana bar yeah we talked about that there are ways to increase your Mana pool so let’s do it let’s upgrade our Spellbook to a major spell book

Okay pretty cool so we use the spell book with some obsidian Diamonds oh No how are we gonna get those jokes block of Quartz and Blaze Rod and then put the spell book in the top left and Bam now we have a major Spellbook wow super quick super simple it’s really

Nice to come out these mods once you’ve done like a bit of playing around got like a crafting grid got some power and some materials because you never really get stuck at a point because you need to go and mine for diamonds that really slows you down doing some Mining and

Gathering and can really suck but also most mods kind of have their own resources anyway that you’re gonna have to make for example taking a look at the next few quests I think we’re gonna have to go and find some archwood logs I don’t know what they are or where they are

So we’re not making an archimage spell book anytime soon that means the next thing in the quest chain oh my God look at all these effects there’s some crazy things bounce extend time orbits splits oh there’s so many cool things anyway what we’re gonna do is we’re gonna see

If we can find the uh the archwood logs do we have any other magical seeds I seem to remember there was some hexari seeds yeah what’s this Sage seed so we’re also going to plant these seeds as well oh look at this Glyph of craft did I get

That as like a quest reward I think I must have done there we go so how do we get the glyph into our spell book do I right click on it yeah boom just right click with it and you unlock it amazing yeah awkward trees where are we gonna find them

So we’re gonna try and fly around on our broom oh yeah look at this to find an awkward tree oh man I freaking love this broom it’s so good it’s not amazingly quick oh whoa what’s this I didn’t even see this crater ah no way what are my doorstep

Oh man this broom is it’s hilarious because it’s got like a Steve head at the front um it’s not quick as a jet pack but it it is way cooler and way more on brand so we’re looking for an awkward tree I don’t even know what one looks like

The biggest problem with the broom though is that you go where you’re looking and we kind of want to fly up while looking down to find an awkward tree whoa what the hell is this a forest temple so as cool as the broom is it’s not

Ideal for what we want it to do we’re gonna have to use the jetpack I think let’s check out this Temple though what’s going on here We’ve got a bee cage podzol might come in handy and these gems so I realize we can actually use these gems in future oh ours Nouveau and what we’re going to want to do is break them down into gem dust so I’m going to collect all the

Gems that I find it’s actually really valuable oh look at this a free supply Camp no way were micro missiles well okay and we’ll take these Arsenal vote arrows as well because I really do want to make like a crossbow from Silent gear and I think a crossbow with augmented magic arrows

Could be freaking insane anyway there we go we’re looking for awkward trees not temples let’s get out of here okay moving on well another Forest Temple well I mean there could be good stuff in here so this is a very weird Temple look at this so I presume you’re supposed to

Kind of solve this challenge to get to the chest however we just broke our way through because you know oh look at this Kitty slippers amazing Creepers will ignore me let’s keep going keep looting oh bunny hoppers what I’m really looking for is like any kind of tree that has different leaves

So whatever else is in the biome and this looks like it might be what we’re looking for oh yeah yeah cascading awkward logs okay let’s grab it oh yeah there we go awkward logs task complete now I want to get saplings as well I want to be able to regrow these things

And it looks like this thing is dropping them so that’s perfect yeah amazing eight saplings from One Tree that’s a great rate boom boom boom there we go Quest destroyed and it gives us a sapling as well amazing so let’s take this home oh well I’ve actually traveled really

Far anyway let’s head back south what’s this another Skyship no it looks different let’s go and check it out yeah there it is oh my god wow this thing looks amazing this is a really cool looking Airship not quite as cool as my let’s build one

But you know what points for trying Sky High yeah yeah yeah so what’s inside Oh there’s a ladder that goes all the way up oh okay so you don’t need to be able to fly to get in here um knock knock it’s me hi oh a spawner skeleton spawner at that well we’re gonna box no no I can’t box I don’t have any uh

Any boxes we’ll take the Redstone and get out of here then oh no there’s an upstairs what’s this oh blue dudes okay enough of the distractions it’s time to get home back to our base Foreign Okey dokey so we’re gonna go juice South a little bit There we go that Tower of sugarcane in the distance unmistakable Now so far we haven’t really needed to build any machines or put down any objects so we can kind of do Arsenal though wherever we want but that’s going to change pretty soon I think especially now that we got some building blocks so here we go a dowsing rod for a magic

Finder the dowsing Rod gives you magic find and scrim okay allow you to see nearby magical creatures and helps you to find amethyst what the hell is amethyst oh okay so yeah the quest book crashed me again oh a cursy quest book but I’ve

Had a look and I’ve done a few quests so I’m gonna have to kind of like you know fill you in on what I did while the game was crashed because I forgot to press record again ugh crazy but yeah I planted a few more of these

Saplings because this wood is going to come in handy now they’re not the prettiest of trees but um function over form it’s gonna be fine it’s more important that we get this wood than we make the base look super pretty right now so the dowsing Rod so the way this

Works is you right click and you get a couple of Buffs scrying and Magic find and this shows you the location of all kinds of magical creatures so I accidentally buried a carbuncle when I was building earlier oh there’s a cat down there as well sorry bro but yeah

This shows you the location of magical creatures like a carbuncle here anything else flying oh yeah there’s one of these whirly gigs over here a spinny woo LLY sprig that’s what it’s called so that’s pretty cool now there’s not much use for the uh what’s it called the

Dowsing Rod right now but I imagine that’s gonna come in super handy later on in the mod now also the next Quest was to make one of these a scribes table pretty amazing and the scribes table is how you unlock gifs no not gifts glyphs it’s super

Simple and the process is really fun now this is the first actual object we’re gonna have to place down so with that I’m gonna dedicate this floor right here to being all about ours in the bow now it looks very Bare Bones at the moment but don’t worry I’m going to be adding

More pillars and um more decorations and bookcases this is going to look like the home of a real master wizard a real grand wizard uh yeah so the scribes table and we’re gonna put this down I reckon just over here in the well no

We’re gonna put it out of the way of the corner first we’re gonna put it in the middle here we can move this later on if we find a permanent location but for now this is fine so I don’t right click on this how does this work

Oh right yeah I use the major spell book to right click on the table and then there’s a whole bunch of glyphs in here that I can pick from now they’re arranged by Tears tier one two and three and obviously the tier three ones are quite expensive to make Now I did unlock summoned wolves and I have that as a glyph now so what I can do is uh well give that a cast I made but wait oh yeah there we go so basically I designed the spell it’s in slot 10 as self summon wolves called

It Wolf brothers and what this does is for the low low cost of half my Mana summons me two wolves to help me in battle pretty cool and they last about a minute but let’s unlock another glyph and let’s also skip all the way to tier

Three now most of these require a weird kind of summoning icon thing like I don’t know what those items are like that banana and those blue circles but I think there are as magical related kind of runes but there’s only one spell here only one glyph that doesn’t

Require any of that it’s called orbit summons three orbiting projectiles around the Caster that will cast a spell on any entities it may hit so you could even use this as like a way to mine the blocks right around you pretty cool and we need a compass Eye of Ender and a

Blaze rod to uh to get to create this glyph so we’ll click orbit those are the items we click select down here and all of the items appear floating above the table looks very very very cool and down at the bottom it says toss the items into the table as they appear now

Luckily enough I prepared all these items earlier so there’s the compass there’s the blaze rod and there’s the Eye of Ender so compass check oh poof I have Ender poof check and last but not least the blaze rod oh and oh yeah look at this the quill goes

Over to the ink pot floats around and creates the glyph this is really really really cool and reminds me a lot of ours Magicka making spells in that was one of the most fun things I ever did anyway boom I’ve unlocked orbit wait oh no yeah so orbit is too powerful

For your current spell book a tier 3 glyph so I think the Spells are literally like a major spell book yeah here we go can cast tier two glyphs or lower so we’re locked to tier two glyphs what is in tier two that looks tasty yet affordable

Extract we can afford there we go oh applies a silk touch effect to break so we can add this to our break ball and it’ll make a it’ll make it silk touch pretty cool well let’s do that boom I’ve definitely got emeralds boom Oh The Quill gets to work the quote

Comes out of the bottle and we have a glyph of extract boom so let’s add this to break ball basically we already have a pickaxe that doesn’t have silk touch but if we can now have a spell that has silk touch it’s just a great way of just you

Know bypassing the whole enchantment process so augment it with what does amplify do increases the power of most spells can increase the Harvest level of break and increases the damage of spells so let’s increase the Harvest level for one and then extract and the end boom break ball

So now in theory this thing can probably break netherite or even like all the modium and silk touch it so let’s take a look at these quests now oh oh my god oh right oh my God I messed up here I really should have accepted these quests before I started using

These glyphs but that’s okay like I said this series is mostly about me making mistakes so you don’t have to so yeah make sure you unlock these three quests before you unlock any glyphs because well I mean the materials weren’t expensive I can make these again

No worries but it is a bit of a shame because some of these things that are here I’ve already unlocked luckily enough though the rewards are only really XP however they are 100 XP well okay we understand spells and spell books we understand would and finding magical creatures

We know how glyphs work and how to make our first spells what is the next step an imbuement chamber creating Source gems we have some of them already from chess but it looks like it wants you to make the imbuement chamber first so let’s get about this an imbuement chamber

Doesn’t look too hard to make I’ve got all the bits boom and there we go press complete get some XP and some awkward planks now creating Source gems which is basically like the item that you use to craft things in Oz magic we haven’t used it so far

But we’re still very early on in the mod aren’t we so we’ll need to put lapis or amethyst shards into the imbuement chamber and over time these will convert to Source gems now again we’re putting down these objects only in temporary spaces later on down the line will work out

More room to put these things in but for now here we go the imbuement chamber and we right click our guess with lapis oh add Source nearby to increase craft speed crafting progress oh it looks like we might want a couple of these going at

The same time so we can get like even more gems yeah here we go I think six is going to be a nice number for us to get started with one two three four five and six and let’s put just some lapis in all of these

Oh and the first one is already made a First Source gem good to go yeah there we go 100 Source gems boom and this is a purple quest which I think means it’s supposed to be a good one but yeah three rewards nice oh look at this that’s quite a range of random

Rewards conjuration Essence Ah that’s one of the things I need to make a glyph perfect The Source jar storing sauce now I’m assuming it doesn’t mean ketchup and to be honest I’ve always hated ketchup but I can never say no to barbecue so in Arsenal though the power system is

Called source so source is basically power to start collecting some sauce we’ll need a source jar give me move with buckets oh so it’s like a liquid sources power and sources are liquid so it’s like oil it’s like magic oil there we go a sauce jar just some glass

And some slabs no sweat now I feel like we might need more than one of these so I’m gonna make two there we go sauce jar it’s not a fluid okay not a fluid so we have a jar now and these other things seem to be connected to the jar

For some reason this one creates source using the growth of plants oh interesting this one generates Source from nearby food this one stores potions oh and this one gives you power through potions this one generates Source from Mob depths and animal breeding and this one is a volcanic Source link very

Interesting right so yeah there are a number of ways to make Power we’re gonna put down these jars and see if there’s any way we can really interact with them so Bish bash Bosh and yeah they’re all zero percent full so how do you like you know if this stores power

What are the kind of cables do you like magically link these to the other blocks that Produce Source I don’t know the volcanic sourcing generates Source by consuming burnable items oh perfect so we can just basically put coal in here it’s like a coal generator oh but archwood logs generate bonus source

As it burns it will convert nearby Stone into lava luckily enough there we have all the bits we need so there we go a volcanic Source link let’s get the reward could be good anyway yeah let’s put this down and see how it connects to these jars do I put it on top

Will that work it’s connecting it like that so it uses burnable objects like like coal I suppose and I have coal oh oh I think I have to toss the cold block on top is that right is that right yeah okay so there you go take a whole stack of

Coal blocks and let’s see how much sauce I get from that is it working yeah yeah there we go almost 100 full pretty cool but the big question is how do you get it from the source link to the jar now it looks like this is automatically transmitting to this nearby one like

With those beams Source Stones formerly known as Arcane stones with Source gems you can get started but crafting the various machines by creating Source stones okay well let’s get some of these Source gems out of here and see how you craft Source stones okay so you put sauce gems in the Middle

Stone around the edge and you get yeah sauce Stone simple there we go 16. oh man look at this so there’s some pretty cool digs down here as well arcanists hats sorcerer’s collar oh so we can choose to either be a sorcerer or an Arcanist I’m not quite sure what I

Want to be I like the idea of being a sorcerer to be honest also what are these Bookworm drigmere starbuncle wixie amethyst Golem whirly sprig now these look like the the bad guys of the mod pack enchanting apparatus and what’s this Arcane pedestals these are needed for the ritual brazer

And crafting items with an enchanting apparatus go ahead and make yourself eight of them so these aren’t you know we need a lot of these oh my God and they’re not cheap wait no this is the apparatus not the pillar ah still we need one of these anyway so we’ll make one

Magic mod make oh so we’re gonna need a few uh yeah we can do this super easy so let’s do it then we need um a few more Source stones and yeah one two three four five six seven eight eight Arcane pedestals and an enchanting apparatus now I hope I

Have enough room here for this multi-block structure I can move these jars though they don’t need to be where they are in fact yeah let’s go and put these in the corner over here add a sight out of mind so here we go we’re gonna get oh air Essence nice

We’ve made eight of those and we’ve we didn’t make a ritual Blazer though Blazer brazier this is used to cast rituals and can be used for decoration oh wait so you can make lights out of these ritual brazer add Source nearby to increase craft speed let’s try that let’s move over one

Of these jars yeah there we go now we’re just speeding things up oh yeah massively look at that everything just crafted instantly so let’s make some more The other materials we have and boom a ritual Brazier so let’s see what this looks like Foreign very much seems to be gold and purple with a bit of gray here and there and you know what it’s quite a nice color scheme so what can you put on a ritual Brazier to make it Glow to make it like you know pretty oh use a light spell on it right

Fair enough oh so it looks like there are a number of different rituals that you can cast tablet of disintegration tablet of war war Pig no warping warping summon Wilden right that might be what we have to do to get the Wilden boss oh what’s this I got some water essence

Magical Essence is created in an imbuement chamber what else can you make in an imbuement chamber then oh air Essence water Essence fire Essence and these are important for certain spells oh you can also turn blocks of amethyst into blocks of source gems oh I wonder if you can turn like a

Block of lapis into a block of sauce gems as well okay aspiring Wizards what is next now enchanting apparatus we built one of these but now we need to build an Arcane core the enchanting apparatus is used to craft various items within the mod okay and it requires

Source to work also a multi-block structure here we go now we’re talking utilizes Arcane pedestals to craft start by placing an Arcane core in the ground then place the enchanting apparatus on top of its surround the apparatus with Arcane pedestals there will be somewhere in the book however that shows us

Exactly how this goes together so let’s make the core first the Arcane core amazing got the stuff oh whoa look at cool items with this we can make an enchanted sword an enchanter’s bow an enchanter’s mirror or in Chance’s Shield these could be pretty good the casting wand especially sounds

Pretty amazing but what’s this other end summoning help oh so we can use these creatures to help us do battle like a bookworm a whirly sprig amethyst golden or maybe maybe they’re not for battle maybe they feel like crafting I don’t know so what is like the enchanted sword do

Is it got like crazy damage oh no it’s got like eight damage however it can be inscribed with a spell oh and the bow lets you use those empowered arrows that we’ve been finding that augment spells that you put on the bow pretty cool okay

Oh and look at this there’s also by the looks of it some curios and equipment to wear as well so what’s a belt of levitation hover everywhere you go this lies your levitate to activate just sneak while in the air oh I’ve used one of these before

And this is actually a really powerful tool well okay what we’re going to do now is set up the enchanting apparatus because forget these summonings and forget these tools what we really want to do is craft a mage Bloom seed so how do you set up the enchanting apparatus what does the book

Say okay weird there’s no diagram in this book or at least not that I can find uh wait here we go place any number of Arcane pedestals within three blocks so there’s no specific structure to this other than the fact that the core needs to be below the main block so let’s just

Try putting this down here So the Arcane core goes down and then on top of that goes the enchanting apparatus then you put the pedestals within three blocks around the apparatus so one two and uh oh yeah where we’re gonna put the last one I guess here eight wait a minute this could be a bit neater let’s

Make it a bit neater there we go now they’re way more evenly spaced so you put items on these pedestals and then it creates a ritual well okay then let’s make some some Mage Bloom seeds how do you do that okay so it’s just basically

Four Source gems and any old seed in the middle so let’s just splash four of these around one two three four and then a seed in the middle and luckily enough we have no shortage of seeds so boom Oh it’s working oh man this is a very cool looking Rich oh whoa

Oh my god oh that looks freaking amazing foreign and now we have a mage Bloom seed ah well let’s do another one I want another Mage Bloom seed these look pretty cool and it looks like you can put the items around the edge in any old order it

Doesn’t really matter where you put them As long as there are four in total Boom the third seed Quest complete this will be used to create us some magical clothing oh very cool and we get two to four seeds as a reward very nice well let’s go and plant these in our garden

In our Magical Garden oh it looks like some of the sage seeds have grown and so have the demon dream seeds now we’re going to use this little bit of land over here for the other bits of uh you know the other seeds one two three now this is gonna take a

While to grow I guess so I could speed things up with my watering can so we have the Mage Bloom and the next Quest is Mage Bloom fiber okay when your Mage Bloom seeds Bloom okay you can use the Mage Bloom to create fibers all right yeah cool these are used to craft

Several items including your first set of magical armor right so it looks like there’s three different sets of armor sorcerer battle mage Arcanist the sorcerer caller needs what does it need oh it’s tier one then the Battle Mages tier one and The Arcanist is also tier one

Right I see so it looks like the battle mage stuff is a bit more for taking damage it’s got higher levels of armor and armor toughness well you know what this is taking way too long time for some bone meal Now does bone mill work oh yeah it does oh thank God okay there we go why was I ever bothering with that watering can such a fool there we go almost a stack of Mage Bloom let’s see how this works then you use this to make Mage Bloom fiber just put

It in your crafting grid cool Quest complete and now it’s time to make a set of armor what are we gonna go for are we gonna go for battle mage we’re gonna go for sorcerer or are we going to go for arcanist’s hat well I think really what we’re gonna go for is looks because none

Of it’s going to beat this refined obsidian stuff or will it I don’t know one thing’s for sure though this armor is good for Mana regeneration maybe we can enchant our obsidian Gear with minor regeneration but I don’t know so far though The Arcanist stuff looks the coolest this

Looks like actual wizard stuff the other stuff looks like I don’t know like a bit weird but this is like a purple Gandalf hat I’m on board for that so let’s try and make one of these iron wait hang on a sec this is an iron set

This is a gold set and the battle mage is diamonds okay so you know what why stick with one let’s make all three of these sets and see which one looks the best there we go all three sets now we combine them with Mage Bloom and uh yeah

We’ll start with the cheapest up to the strongest so the boots and all of the recipes are literally just I think four fiber and the piece of armor so boots first foreign Oh there we go arcanist’s Treads but this is going to take quite some time so I’m gonna just hit back with you guys in a minute when we’ve created all of these pieces of armor Well there you have it my friends the complete sets made now let’s go and redeem these quests oh yeah look at all this XP and loot we’re gonna be able to unlock all of the glyphs with this it’s gonna be amazing so much xp so much loot Fantastic yeah Pocketful of uh spell materials now but the moment of truth what you guys have really been waiting for we need to hit the catwalk to see what these badass new threads look like so music maestro Foreign number one we’re looking at the sorcerer’s set this is the one that you make with gold And yeah if you’ll excuse my Cape it’s looking pretty snazzy not bad not bad at all so this is the gold set the sorcerer’s collar and regalia next up we’re going to be looking at the iron sets now this is what I’m talking about I look like a real wizard in this stuff

Fan freakingtastic once again excuse the cape but yeah not much going on in the back anyway very cool very very very cool and last but not least we’re going to be equipping the battle mage set okay it’s weird I look like some kind of weird kind of magical Biggles like a

1920s Aviation Pro very cool though and this armor set I think is the best out of the three in terms of stance very nice but since this armor is purely cosmetic for now we’re going to be going back to The Arcanist set which I think looks the

Coolest however what we could do is actually mix and match these sets yeah you know what I think the winning combination is the arcanist’s Hat the battle mage chance the battle mage legs and The Arcanist boots looking very cool very cool indeed like a real real wizard

So there you have it ours Nouveau completed from start to Absolute finish there’s a lot we didn’t really cover like we never did any of these rituals so we don’t know what these tablets do also we never really did the summoning help or crafted some of this gear

So there’s still time to come back and take a look at some of these other things but honestly this feels like we kind of covered most of this mods pretty much in depth to get the archmage spell book I do need to summon like some crazy

Wilden dude which I think is going to involve a crazy ritual as always though a massive thank you for watching I’m really enjoying the magical mods so next episode we’re going to be dipping into another magical mod maybe Elemental craft because it does have a

Quest chain but I also want to sort out my gear and chance so apotheosis and the enchanting setup might be the next best place to start so thank you for watching hit like And subscribe and until next time take care

This video, titled ‘Modded Minecraft: All The Mods 8 – ARS NOUVEAU #14’, was uploaded by Sjin on 2023-01-04 17:00:06. It has garnered 28062 views and 838 likes. The duration of the video is 00:43:09 or 2589 seconds.

Modded Minecraft: All The Mods 8 ( atm8 ) 🏰 Minecolonies 🏰 Getting started with modded Minecraft and atm8 or atm 8, I build a magical wizard tower where we can do guides, tutorials and deep dives into magic mods like ars nouveau mod

👑 Sign up to my PATREON here! 👑

All The Mods 8

World Seed: 5547783346912800649

Minecraft version 1.19.2 Shaders: Complimentary Shaders

Subscribe for more lets play and gameplay videos! Thanks for watching!

In this short videos, I’ll be talking about the new ATM8 mod for Minecraft. If you’re a fan of mods for Minecraft, be sure to check out this new mod! This mod changes the way you interact with ATM8, adding in new features and gameplay tweaks that you won’t want to miss.

#Sjin #AllTheMods #ATM8 #Minecraft

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  • 50-Hour Survival Challenge as Necromancer in Minecraft!

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Modded Minecraft: All The Mods 8 – ARS NOUVEAU #14