Modded Minecraft Dungeon Adventure

Video Information

N Oh Oh Hello hello hello welcome to stream thank you for coming hey medy how’s it going sorry we’re running a little bit late it’s uh very hectic got a lot of people with us on stream today we are trying to sell we’re trying to set up all the mods and everything

Um should be quite exciting actually I think uh I God I’m sweating already in the Stream hasn’t even started or we’re only just starting um so today we are playing modded Minecraft with soul kaider iy LK and others um I’m not quite sure what mods we’ve got on the server but we have

A few I know I just had to choose my class which I’ve gone with blaze born obviously on the theme with dragon also kaida taught me something very interesting that I can’t believe I haven’t noticed before hey croin how’s it going I just realized I can toggle on Lizzy like wait

What I can’t believe I never never knew I could do that yeah I’m not bad not bad how things with you how’s uh how’s your Friday night or well it’s Friday night over here but how’s your Friday going everything good how’s your week’s been you guys been busy think another we had another

Disaster before stream as well um I ordered pizza and I got a call like 10 minutes before stream like from the pizza place saying like oh yeah we delivered your pizza and I’m like well I’m here I I don’t have any food I’ve still got nothing what what’s going on

They oh no we handed it through the window you’ve definitely got it and I was like I absolutely don’t have my food so at some point during stream I might have to dip for like 5 minutes to go get my food and then I’ll just eat it while I’m stream yeah Lizzy just

Vanishes she so cute but then she’s gone um it’s cool I I love having Lizzy on but I did not know uh I could I could just toggle it off oh B with editing some videos yeah thank you very much yeah appreciate it yeah thank you for thank you for doing

All those for me I’ve got them all in the bank so hopefully be poting those soon window Pizza I know who goes up and like we’re going to deliver pizza through the window we’re going to just uh casually post it through and it’s definitely the right place it doesn’t make any

Sense but yeah man so hopefully uh hopefully it turns up soonish but as I say I’ll just uh I’ll have it to the side and I’ll just munch on it during during stream every now and then but um yeah so we’re playing modded Minecraft um I think Soul has got some stuff in

Store for us he said he’s got some plans of what he wants to do I don’t know whether to be excited or nervous about that I guess we’ll find out hopefully it’s nothing too scary but um yeah we’ve got a big group of us so it should be

Fun so I’ll hop over into game now and uh turn on the voice chat so you guys can hear everybody and uh yeah let’s do it okay also if the game or the Discord or anything gets too loud at any point or too quiet as always please just shout

Out cuz I can’t hear it thank You do you really don’t work and then I don’t know what to do cake help let’s see can what I’ll hold my hoe out so you feel safe hey K it’s not working the thing I don’t know what I’m doing hopefully later in a sec uh what

Is it the fire oh okay I can do this as well actually so you don’t have to he the disc sound there we go did you export the file oh M follow me oh thank you so much for the follow did you export the file into the resource pack I don’t have enough

Resources to get out of here oh export it inside the far tell let’s do this he’s the he’s the gang are you all Nether people’s no this one is and then these two are on fire because they’re how do I was it5 there go oh I’m burning a little bit

Day we burn the daylight yeah I can do this now but we have backpacks so we don’t take face over there face over there I can do this now okay all right cheers gr thanks for coming to stream I can do this I know I

Am how’s it going I can also do that with fireworks I have not played this game in absolutely ages by the way so I’ve i’ played it since beta it’s been so long since since then I still have no idea what backpack okay come with me before you take off that back okay right let’s get back like can

You just like dig or something real quick shut up we’re gonna go to a building come on okay follow me follow me Gamers we’re going yeah we are if anyone has any questions leave it to the end yeah so Soul was like a I I I wasn’t sure how to

Feel about uh hey if anyone has anything to say they say it now I didn’t know how to feel about Soul giving us loads of like free stuff but he was like I’ll give you all diamond I was like fine I won’t complain it’s it’s all good it’s all good yes watch more

Jjk I feel like a [ __ ] teacher right jjk kids Waring off the I I still can’t do the what resource pack well uh have you enabled it in the resource pack folder what do you mean if you click options and go to resource pack did you

Put it in the right side the right side let me check your stream ncky oh yeah you can he about that whoops hello it keep yeah it pops up with this thing that says um what the following entries are not valid not valid packs it should be red but like it

Should work fine if you put it like if you enable it I lost the game on Friday so my ha scen this week it’s very sad thans oh no God I was wondering why I was getting so much Echo because I could hear your stream as luy uh so if you

Click on H what was it which one is you’re trying to install [ __ ] going on on look at Discord I’ll just screen share my screen okay yeah uh Christmas tree yeah that is the the Christmas event K come here I’m gonna throw something at you is it available like

You is oh no it’s not that and if you press on open pack folder does it actually open it opens up this I Dr these into here already but I don’t know oh why why did you because it should both of them should be in the same

Folder I’m giving you around the place uh cuz if you go one like thing out huh can you click on like a cool mod pack at the bottom at the top okay and then go to Resource back again what’s going on both of those should

Be H okay yeah people who don’t like jjk are wrong 100% AG one that do% agree um I [ __ ] love jjk so much but I am on the leaks every week every week I I want to change like the Sprint and Crouch buttons because they’re really really annoying controls key

Binds okay okay we’ll solve this later let’s uh because this is way too complicated is he AFK no I hope not not punching I’m trying to change my keybinds yeah that’s bro can you give me like two seconds I’m trying to change keybinds okay k k you’re coming with me

No that wasn’t K you coming [ __ ] CH child children I’m gonna K goddamn [ __ ] children okay you two come with me you two are too dangerous to be left alone Ka what are you doing what are you doing stop breaking the berry bushes you can right click them oh I didn’t know

Yes so I can kill you with one punch honestly medic I I love it so much running s left done done I’m not going to kill I’m taking off the arm my hands are empty come on but yeah jjk is great it’s like a it’s like a very emotionally

Charged stop running away so like it’s it’s intense I think is the best word to describe it but such a good story so you can mine and [ __ ] come on where did everyone go can we still kill e though no guys where did you go murder them come on follow me

I’m did you take one of those things down what do you mean oh you’re joking okay you couldn’t get it working oh sorry about that oh if you’re asking if we’ve killed the warden we’ve killed like 20 oh Jesus you have to I definitely want to try and

Do that at some point you will I’ve never killed one yeah I’ve never killed one I can probably kill it with a regular like a diamond sword D okay everybody into this building okay it’s not mine but it it solves the issues come on everyone I swear to godbody

Upstairs upstairs God what he’s doing sit down on a chair not the table K stop beating me up okay sit down can can we make it symmetrical can you sit that how does one stand up I refuse fine [ __ ] off okay you’re the only one I can punch without taking like

You’re taking you sit next to me sir how do I take off the backpack no not don’t throw how do I get out of the chair oh left control okay yeah okay chair I’ve change my binds okay what can you just sit down hey sit down okay all right I’ll be back in

Just two seconds okay God damn it I’m gonna give presents okay down okay uh K there’s a bunch of [ __ ] everything on the right side is your the backp okay I’m gonna hit okay everything on the right side of the backpack I knoww my stream the right side hello

Reaper how you doing I’m doing good backpack everything that’s on the right of the backpack is yours yeah give me a second I don’t know want to left right this uh it’s a problem the one the oppos opposite side of God so the my side right here there you

Go put that hand put that glove on top of your like Shield slot and then you might be able to okay let take everything else out I’m trying but it keeps going yeah because I hit it I will beat you to death with my own hands if you

Yeah name listen to me I got I gotta be honest with you I don’t see a future in for you here now I see a future okay okay now you have Dam can you get off my chat can you I will both you was do nothing sit down and behave how I take

The backpack back why youparent sh that was the pizza so I have it now in front of me exactly doesn’t help that we’re in the middle of a but we’ll see what we can do okay I’m bro K I can see what you’re doing good okay I’m good

Sorry okay okay everybody sit down the storm will get I’m take back to the side do the resource packing later okay well I guess I guess no more definitely P time I’m excited so hry not eaten all day okay I’ll take food out backpack I baked potatoes okay thank you okay sit down

Everyone sit down class that’s not sitting down okay we’re sitting we’re sitting every down you’re not going to get a you’re not going to get presents if you don’t sit down okay I have less Hearts than you got sword yeah you put that away real quick listen listen to three two

Just put down the weapons and let’s continue I don’t have nothing it’s these two okay okay so the first thing that I have here is an efficiency 5 breaking three fortune 3 pickaxe who wants it who wants it yeah sure I wouldn’t object you want to say something funny

First he doesn’t know how to be shut up okay that’s that’s pretty hilarious that’s actually more depressing but I thank you very much thank you okay uh next thing up for auction is this diving helmet hell yeah we’ll take that me that’s that’s very good no wait I have a

Bag for that I’m good any anyone else yeah annoy don’t hate me medic it’s Hawaiian pizza next what I always go for unless it’s pepperoni which I get sometimes but ha’s just better to the to the three of you two who wants to read the message out

Loud for I got read I know it’s very obvious looking at you hey do you want to read it I’ll read it I appreciate the sav kind of at least someone else is my have a gift happy face my braces hurt so bad thank you for

The bread but it must be done for the food want bread by the way that that’s a binding contract you’ve just read I didn’t read out loud what did you read [ __ ] your book you just daming your friends not to existence you you fine with that do do

You want to read the funny message what does the message say I I I will read it whether I say it out loud or not I don’t know it depends on how hang on let let me uh let me change scenes first before I open this book no you can you can keep

It up you can keep it up okay okay we’re safe we’re safe we’re good we’re good it’s not it’s not it’s not anything racist fine I showed it on my stream oh oh okay okay have a gift we’ve made a deal with the devil so we’ve each made a

Binding contract what the [ __ ] are these congratulations you three I own your soul now give it back I might need it for like another wedding okay sure sure sure pepperoni without cheese give back okay I think I’ve spoken before about how much I like pizza okay War Z you get

It pepperoni pizza without cheese is Criminal a in your inventory there should be like a void like object uh yes I have a dandelion I don’t think that’s it I don’t have that anymore I know you don’t have it okay don’t don’t use it yet okay

You you okay you follow me you can right click it you can right click it when I say you can okay okay not now though like right now or no don’t use it right now okay like right right now or not right now bro howy to chill don’t worry she’s on fire now

Good me K I have I have a beam attack do not threaten do not do not who who hit who where’ you go where’ you go I’m gonna beat the [ __ ] out of you where are you yeah Shad me I’m invisible bro I’ll take instead hey

Hey Hey sir come on Cal stop it forget this [ __ ] sick children come on right where are we going so all right where we going follow me I’m literally trying to take you to a cool place and you guys are all just [ __ ] beating the [ __ ] out of each other like you’re

Fuckingo shut the f okay come on come on I’m Cal I’m nothing happened don’t worry don’t worry no one hit anyone okay um here is a teleporter to the first base first thing hey yeah a soul base okay now right click theet right click the void right click the void right click the

Void where am I supposed to go bro kaer chill chill out where did I go where did you go where did I go which teleport I went to deep dark Village oh on the top of the list no no no no no you right click the

Voice you okay I going okay okay right click lost I’m lost okay it’s called Uh Sol just right click there you go now that still one miss yeah but she’s gonna beat the [ __ ] out of everyone so it’s better if she’s oh no why are we why are we here

Why we why are we this late in the game well no this is this is my base I’m just proud of it so I just wanted to show it off damn of chill I’m trying to eat my food trying to play Minecraft trying to enjoy myself

She’s dead she’s oh God so you actually killed her yeah okay this is this is The Hourglass it’s pretty cool looking nice nice thank you thank you thank you I just want I just like positive AFF why you holding you you don’t want God to look at your kill

Him what do you mean you’re going to kill me not you ather I was the one that killed you I was protecting ather from you you Gremlin okay come on this is just bro iy stop chill do you want to go kill himy kill him okay come on go on as I’ll prot

You take I’ll listen I’ll listen yeah okay this is my cool base it’s very cool I spend like three days doing this and I just want to show it off and I didn’t help you at all apparently okay he play he placed down all the trees below he helped I placed

Down literally every single block here okay okay follow me and go through this hole over oh this hurts okay just go to the bottom just go to the bottom go to botom forgot about his The Classy Pig go go oh my God I’m alive I lost lots of

Hearts uh we’re good we’re good I had a if I had a gold yeah we have a stack of them okay come with me K is just teleporting around the place leave B I’m trying to find where you are a s’s base what it says something okay hold on it’s making

Global scroll to the bottom going the I’m Here I didn’t you hit him I watched I didn’t hey calm down you two Jesus Christ I have to stand in the Middle come come stare at one of these things bro you dead buddy what the hell’s going on keeps trying to kill me just so keeps killing her oh it’s the

Enderman I’m watching you I see it huh don’t do that can I punch him off punch him no me off the end uh so this is nothing I don’t know why I was trying to bring you like you know [ __ ] it do we have this do we have any scaffolding okay

We what is that okay chasing me AC do you think you can teleport to the top of the do I think I can teleport where uh to the as’s base at the top of let’s try is there a half finished house here no I

Can’t okay well let me make it for you I got this thing right I should be fine to as well that kills you yeah it kills you just teleport he okay I’m alive I’m alive I’m just consuming lots of food let me give you something to help come with

Me I look oh my God I’m coming down there I broke I’m sorry let me give bro why did you kill me as well what the [ __ ] uh bro Soul Smite him I’m stronger I don’t care do it anyway okay okay I’m going to teleport back home and then we’ll travel a bit

Okay now I’m all the way back in the goddamn nether oh godam yeah oh yeah yeah you have to get out of the nether now professional bullies literally professional bullies I was helping you I was helping you I just wanted to stop the fight the fight was bro that didn’t

Stop the fight they finished it it’s two different thingss the fight was already done when you kill the man I mean there’s one way to stop okay a come on Signal that come on okay take this just in case kaida does anything stupid thank you thank you or iy at this

Point either of them reallyy yeah again get okay come with me you or something what do you mean I can’t get to you I broke trying to kill that that’s broken oh yeah resource pack no I’m trying to stop fooling down holes okay ASA Do you want to build your

House where shall I build there’s like a new location for you that’s where I was going to bring you and then some tried to fight you and then I had hell yeah I’m down somewhere in the over do you want me to bring kaido no don’t don’t show kaido I don’t

Want her knowing where I’m at okay don’t worry it’s fine we’re gonna play play like Age of Empires we’re both going to build up our bases and territories and we’re go going to go to war okay you realize that you’re saying that towards the two people me and K that are

Literally Gods right now you guys moderate it you guys can moderate it okay I’m fine with that you guys can fight we have Clan Wars inside the server we already won the first [ __ ] clan war on the server against crey okay can I tell you you’re doing nothing

To cuz we had a war over the Dragon Egg and I went there and finished a job you know I’m going to let you two kids do this need to learn the fighting mechanics ker they changed it from the old Minecraft it’s not just swing as

Many times as you can you’re just an old man oh my God I I did it I think I did it so I mean oh yeah both you teleport to new Hub new Hub yeah where is that scroll down it should be on the N I didn’t it’s not oh

There it’s skillable right now don’t don’t touch anything at weit I’ve got uh deep dark Village Gate and uh just continue strolling down new oh new Hub yeah I got you uh you lack the required XP to travel so I need to kill some stuff oh God okay hold on let

Me go home I think we should have a bunch of Enchantment B I swear to God what what’s happening I will end you I will burn This okay there we go I’m okay it’s Gonna Keep Global just in case k wants to come okay welcome okay K you got to get off of that no I’m fine here okay fine the [ __ ] okay let’s go down oh what the hell it’s an elevator come on this

Is new house that’s pretty sick it this I built this then a so this is where you can live nice it’s place no this is this is um a place right click the B just in case uh I want to reset my spawn before K tries to come up my throat again my

Cad okay okay just right CLI okay she used the treasure barrels what kind do don’t wor trying to kill someone I don’t know anyway uh not oh look a pig I don’t know why my chats are not keeping up today stop fighting means killing everyone so no

Witnesses in fact just in case something funny happens you can have oh thank thank you I think I need a right Shield going against carer if you drop God I will I will Smite you myself I didn’t you can I am I able to actually do it

You are able to but don’t do it God if you want to drop God put him in the pool it’s like a you may have God it’s just an attempt has attempted many times I actually did I my sword God Slayer there is there goes

God yo trying to make sure I can keep my VT too I just realized Lizzy keeps spawning in because I keep pressing my helmet I should be to be full water it’s not they’re all having fun in the water I can’t swim got God back yeah fast do

You here let me see what’s what’s acceptable anywhere around here anywhere around here first of all just the thingy isch a Teleport thingy okay let’s see what what have we got home one I’m at the home one need to go to new Hub new Hub new Hub

Yeah okay we got some rocky areas over here yeah I mean we can just FL it out okay we’re very re resource constrained here there AR many trees no we’re not we literally aren’t we I have so many saplings at my I need to be self-sufficient so I need to be

Self-sufficient maybe I’ll build over this way you’re not listen you’re a baby bird still not ready I pushing did it okay no I think I’ll probably build like I’ll flatten out up here if that works or is that too close so no no no anyway F

Listen here we go I have found my spot it is here okay yeah uh do you want to sign hold oh hey all right let’s go home go Home uh here’s some wood make yourself a sign backp the backpack comes with a crafting table you’ll find leave him yeah leave him alone I’m it’s so good I can do it I can do it IU to your staircase I got this did what I did stuck to your stairc I’ll do the

Next layer too thank you uh right okay so now we need to start coming up with a plan of what we’re GNA tting to if you notice it do you notice it what see this these edges around the top part Pi upy I think you’re still

Streaming to Discord as anything am I oh [ __ ] knock knock knock knock knock look at this right here knock thank you thank you thank you what did you do I’m dying please open the door right here look what I’m looking at Swap around right here look what I’m looking at

Oh your stairs have more stairs like under your stairs like Under the Staircase I am just oh no we don’t want to use yeah well I’m a vampire can’t get let in no go away I don’t want you here I will break down this door Treasure Chest Treasure Chest that just popped

Up is that random or hold on you continue I’m just why am I getting hurt cuz you’re hitting me what does that sound it it’s my armor noise hey they’re trying toil let’s go you need more carpet Che jump on me so we don’t bother the others whil we commentating what we’re doing

Confused man your kitchen has a blast furnace in it first things first we need to create shelter before night I think doesn’t have to be great to start with it works yeah you need to [ __ ] Char food two need to eat more food you need that food to be golden guys help

I’m Ste like four your logs okay yeah appear out of nowhere from gold I gave kaider like 20 logs and and the stuff I de the [ __ ] I had to deal with from kaido so I like we’re going to give you a chest I though you need to unun

Efficiency that’s pretty good if we didn’t have all this uh then you make all this um stuff already would have been really put this in the kitchen okay yeah why do we get rid of the axe there we go it’s basically be but that’s the first priority oh sh what do I

Do hang on put the food down we got to start building quick all right there’s coal down there let’s go let’s grab the coal we need torches like right now you can just you can just left shift off the cam now come on come on come on is there a camel in

Here I don’t know ask GMP is this awesome basic house is what’s going to have to do for tonight and we’re going to have to rush it cuz it is night already I shouldn’t have [ __ ] around eating food so much gry e do you want anything funny

Anything funny Let’s Get r of that that cool go three four five I don’t know just like anything like I can get you literally anything do you want anything uh I don’t know I can’t think of anything so no not really okay okay building building I’ll let you know I’ll

Let you know if I want anything what oh it’s going to have to be oh God there’s sheep here let’s see can we reclaim one of these I don’t have any way to get you carpet so we can make some torches it’s two like wool together to make a carpet

Yeah it’s to W you can do it in your inventory oh God what goes my carpet upstairs let’s do that do that in here uh let’s go this color torches okay we’ve got some sort of light let’s be able to put it down uh now anyway it’s going to cost

You some blood so just stand very still thank you how do we make I’m trying to remember doing business how’s it going how’s it going it’s the wrong color of blue okay let’s put that there for now so we should be relatively safe from why you blaming me

Uh now let’s figure out how right what the [ __ ] how you I said it was light blue caret crafting table now you this thing let’s go oh I think we need six damn I love doing this uh can you a you’re alone right now I think that’s better for you yeah I’m

Focusing on not dying in the night I mean you’re fine just one person needs to sleep put down your backpack and then you uh open it and sleep my okay one second okay you oh only one person needs to nice yeah also very nice house very spacious I was thinking like the old

Minecraft like just build a build any sort of shelter at night now I need to go resource Farm you honestly don’t need to worry about night on the server CU honestly it’s easy Plus have literally someone who can do this to a chicken oh God I can two hit a creeper

With my fist Jesus Christ what you you’re saying you can’t do this not yet not yet yeah I need IED your Blast Furnace okay right I’m going to go resource Farm I put it under that uh is there like a Woods or anything fine does this

Like fine to you um there’s some trees here you need any like specific type of wood of uh I like to start with Oak but I’m not going to be fussy uh these trees won’t work come over here I see sorry I’m very fast I see uh

Just break down this tra thank you uh shift and then start breaking the TR yeah I was going to say it’s the bottom block should if if you got the auto I don’t have a bed you just need a ship first I’m going to make you yeah nice

Okay yeah I can start working with that it’s all good it’s all good I can do it I can do it no no no no no you’re nice to me so you start we’re starting from scratch we can do this you get resources no matter what you say there we gok

You the blue one H the problem with the shift you don’t get the saplings from the trees do uh you do but there’s one right here as if you need it you need another oneing the one thing I would pest you for is do you have bone meal by any

Chance coming with a perfect that’s all I need just just bone meal okay so the way the trees work is that yeah okay that and then shift right click the bottom yeah yeah shift right click yeah with your uh tooling with my axe yeah there’s a left

Click sorry I’m an idiot I was going to say right click what we doing with right click okay yeah I got the saplings perfect yeah if it’s touching the floor and then you do it it it plants on the sapling okay perfect this is plenty thank you thank

You do me for now not here I know oh hell yeah the carpet Cherry saplings hell yeah take take more I’m giving you more no it’s okay thank you I could do this uh also make yourself a CH so you can get like different types like wooden

Make myself a what you your chisel respawn yeah uh how does one make a chisel uh you can just take mine that really no no no it’s okay it’s I can learn no it’s cheap no it’s literally cheap it’s just iron and I don’t know what else I don’t

Know make chest we have a lot of wood Place some stuff in your backpacking what can I get rid of you what does this do I’m just G to give you one last want to make some back there is a tool menu I we could use on men top

Top left there a bunch of tool oh yeah yeah it’s gonna wait I just G to I just going to drop everything though everything the chest come okay one in your hand keep your okay uh I can’t put the Chisel in there but can I put Diamond you I can put the other

Stuff in pick up some things okay put one tool in your hand did you pick up the chest one tool in my hand look at the chest there it is yeah I drop it doesn’t matter which one no no it doesn’t as long as it’s one that can fit in the slot you’re

Fine let’s go with this a horrible idea K I told you okay right I’ve got it got it’s okay pick my hand now go to control I got the chest options control it and then to travel backpack where do you want to put it inventory movement the

House in the house miscellane put these two Origin skills TR backp yeah yeah and then or change hose mod you put one at the end uh swap tool or change hose okay y yeah I recommend putting that to like mouth like Mouse four or something like side

Mouse put in the kitchen yeah I can do that and then after youve done that uh hold down the button and then oh sick okay yeah that works now all your weapons are in one spot all your nice awesome thank you I have four more chest we do with this and Uh one there’s a lot of cabinets in yeah thank you very much appreciate the help we will leave you one those set of stairs under this one perfect sounds good like we’ll find somewhere just to keep the place looking I’ll try to make it look pretty prettier than it is now on

The on the roof all right thanks guys yeah K we’re taking the elevator I’ll leave I’ll leave I’ll leave in the chest time for Toar yeah I’m not going to subject you to the uh ASR hey K what was good welcome to stream what is this crying cat one sec what the [ __ ] asy sir follow me there’s just one last thing I need to tell you oh you destroyed the chest out

Here yeah I did that’s why all the stuff is up there yeah it’s gonna despawn if you let it beat left too long five minutes I I don’t know what she doing dude okay what I’m about to make a chest for outside again real quick M you hit

The top button to go up nice and then the bottom button to go down just left click or right click oh [ __ ] I stole everything by AC I just just put some of it in there can yeah right click okay yeah and then that’s how you get to the

The teleport thing so over here over here over here mming it the elevator’s up when you’re done oh I see yeah yeah yeah yeah so if anyone else spawn they won’t die ex is coming I don’t have have wor so if you um click the button

Here pull the elevator down oh okay cool it’s justo yeah okay well I’ll see you later awesome thank you very much okay think that was it yeah my God that was so close how I was too distracted by the thought of pizza oh my God upstairs let’s get back up

Quick let’s get back up okay so what is it we need to do so I think first we’re going to we’re going to chop down some trees rep build up some resources maybe plant some Sac trees and I think we need to look at food right so we can maybe do a wheat

Farm to start with I know right I was so lucky there was no full damage imagine so Le like one second and we inst to die yeah I don’t know I don’t know what we’ve got on there got to be it’s either that or there’s some mod that’s stopping us from taking

Full damage want to put it in different chest like upstairs or yeah there’s no there so there must be yeah so what what is it that we should probably do any suggestions medy see it where is it it’s coming down oh wait me broke it broke maybe there we

Go you maybe I definitely ping me I just had the chest close uh you can Hello Goodbye on good sh I am I am thank you forever player player ahead what it was late but it was good oh we got some t as well don’t know I I don’t

Know okay right let’s first let’s get some uh first of all if your head’s a can there is let’s go some of these [ __ ] uh oh it automatically plants one nice yeah only need not going to lie I did not hear that when they said that it automatically plants trees what that was my fault for dirting up yeah nice and easy bit too easy I think we’ve got a

Bed in our bank pack so we can use that if we need to let’s just try and get as many oak trees around here as we can get our wood game wor going I am the more of these the we now it’s going to be a forest but then we can prune It

Off justes going as well more these saplings it’s G play gang style all right let’s yeah completely added to fornite that was like my how do we do the bed I would make for a good guys how do we sleep from the backpack put it down maybe fence you

Have to put down the backpack like on the ground how does right click it I don’t think it’s going to work uh if you just press B and then you see like The Arrow maybe this instead oh okay yeah yeah got you and then um then just place

It down normally yeah shift right click the backpack on the not shift right click you just need to place it down like with right click I don’t know cuz if you shift right click you just put it on again no if you right if you no if

You right click in your inventory it just opens that’s oh no it is sh thinking of the other way yeah it’s hard like ceiling right there in the corner okay put put it on the floor now how do I open the bed bit uh you click on it again with right

Click and then it’s like the bed icon in the middle okay I can’t for some reason house is thank you but it’s going to remove more our chest is full I can’t hear you what I to make it first start expanding the other I’ll put another okay I was G to

Start doing the vill stuff after I placed the uh here mean I don’t know where it’s going to be yet so going to do that yeah yeah I’ll start doing that after I fix this [ __ ] up what does this like to you is it weird M I think it’s

Okay come here ah it’s kind of floating though it’s never oh you can just Place another one there just place an extra congratulations ASA you’re now a Minecraft gamer here go ahead we’re gaming we’re gaming we got this I love my favorite game monster that’s cute creep you dare you

Dare oops sticky keys oh sticky keys hey Lulu how’s it going you don’t have sticky you’re gonna have to teach me the ways of playing Minecraft Lulu you’re too good at this game uh we are this this is the extent of what we have so far so we are on crimpy Minecraft

Server so this is a yeah you could do that my food down this is the first time we checked checked out the server and at the moment I’m just trying to Resource together so we planted a bunch of trees uh I I have really no idea what we can do with the mod

Pack so we got like the backpack stuff I guess it’s a question for soul he knows more about this than I do they’re like all set up and they’ve got everything ready to go but yeah so what what are like fun things we can do radad rad

Bread dig straight down easy should we go straight for it try and find like a cave like Ravine system you’re going to have teach me how to make a like Redstone machinery and stuff that’d be crazy why is there a gold thing on that my

Bread here huh okay I like the fact that it automatically plants new trees for us huh crafting table please I think we need a chest right we need start being able to store stuff and we need to start expanding our I see it it’s right next to the main

Chest you’ve been using oh God we got so many loc already we’ve got 70 LS disco bro this girl bro okay I thought you said disco start checking a bunch of stuff in here that we don’t need right now matches it doesn’t probably want those right got to put it somewhere near here

Though uh put it like yeah what else do we need okay oh we can make a chicken little next to it how did you make these where’ you get those from great part of the mod pack uh I don’t know this this one is yeah it’s like a I don’t even know what

Happened it popped up out of nowhere it was like a Tre Treasure Chest it just sort of when I was mining something it just popped up on the floor I like little surprise some of this we don’t want to jungle wood right now have idea you need to there either block

Of qus so you can make a block of qus for let’s get some Sakura trees going try and make a little Forest of them is that what you me yeah nice nice nice oh we can make some really cool stuff with the wood it’s really pretty I give you guys Way Stone

So you can we have cheated a little bit Soul gave us so much stuff we got such a head this fence down here let’s do that now there’s new blocks by the way ah they’ve not got chain like Ravine mining I suppose is kind of cheating he

Hi I already have some but thank you oh there you go there’s another one I don’t know what this was causing these to pop up but every time I mine I’m getting loads of stuff so potion of night vision enchanting then a bunch of string the good thing is it does solve

Our food problem right now place you got here it’s not ready yet nice place you so’s kind of cheating I said I’ll do it all myself but in fact I’ll tell you what I’m going to do is I’m going to as soon as we get back let’s do this let’s

Make it the proper Minecraft experience Let’s uh I’ll mine this then I’m going to get rid of all of my diamond there’s another one Jesus I’m going to get rid of all of my diamond gear so we’ve got like the proper experience that’s C can I leave you can

Leave thank you can you CL thank you all right let’s get this let’s get rid of all our diamond stuff we don’t need it we don’t you know you know I’ll go through the roof oh God the forest is already growing too quickly we’re losing track of where our houses see I’ll see

You later good good the roof for excitement all right wait come back I’m the only thing we’re going to keep is the backpack I’m so stupid hold on I can just teleport we’re going to be self-sufficient we can do this let me come back so I can teleport

Okay I can teleport I’ll see you later okay okay okay more storage space Oh dam is there in case we ever need it the guy does a peace out and it disappears R shield no idea how we that the Goku thing is Riot Gauntlet but not a riot shield

Instant we don’t need the armor right we can we can we can build our own armor we’re going to be self-sufficient we should in theory get rid of all of our I was trying to have a drink in real life God what we do what do we do I

Failed uh do that and was it that that then we take these out spaghetti we don’t need those okay we’re going to turn this whole the whole bit elevator none of this stuff okay we need our wood trees we need our coal and that’s what I’m doing that’s it everything else

We don’t need it it can be uneven a [ __ ] there’s a chest in the way no is definitely going to kill me yeah that’s the only thing I need to try and avoid need to try and avoid if K comes after me okay right so the first priority

Is oh I guess um you remember the stairs I dropped oh it’s a pink stair yeah your stay right here Bri just break this last one and then we can start that’s but do not make it sh what do you mean cuz it’s uneven at the

Top oh [ __ ] yeah we need to expand it up by yes that’s what I was trying to tell you yeah and I this isn’t in the right place you’re never happy oh my goodness ah what’s happening what actually we need to expand it by two my noise suction is working that’s what’s

Happening let’s go just do it anywhere what am I doing uh I don’t know what you’re doing I’m just watching you okay I’m gonna make the elevator block now I’m going to show you just like guys we have some drama going on we have uh we are currently locked in our stream

Room so there’s loads of kafuffle going on in the background cuz uh we trapped in here in in the Stream room it’s fine I’m sure it’ll be fine by the time we by the time we finish stream we can figure it out without trying to

Break the door down you do it how you doing what you trying to do it should be fine should be fine don’t worry everything’s going wrong today our pizza was late was trapped in our stream room it’s all going wrong yeah make you can make a entrance to a basement down here

To fill out the okay right let’s make wooden tools yeah uh I was yeah you can’t normally yeah right no but I actually got some really good treasure loot um I got backpack I’m so not used to making stuff from the backpack I’m stuck right now I didn’t

Even realize it was broken but uh my step that just tried to come in it’s kind of building by and uh he like what have you locked the door and I was like nope I lo I’ll upload a picture of it on my Twitter after stream like where

The door is to the room so you guys can see what I mean but we’re in danger it’ll be fine okay anyway all right we got basic gear Port uh let’s make a spade what am I doing I need Soul’s going to kill me if he finds

Out what we’re doing why you not using stuff I gave you so okay we have treeses good you probably need food or something some point it was when I on the floor we make a but I did it grab some seeds make a little Wheat Farm God damn treasure for [ __ ] we got

Two seeds I usually just destroy I don’t know what the Chisel does they gave gave us a chisel genuinely yeah I hope I can get out too it’ll be fine honestly I’m not too worried I think it’s CU um it’s so cold here at the moment I think uh

All of like the me the woods and things are like uh expanding and shrinking so like all the metal and the wood are like these chests are [ __ ] annoying God knows it’ll be fine it’ll be fine we got stream to worry about yeah that piece of paper well I as I said

Earlier like kaido has been so aggressive in in this Minecraft server so far that I think the plan is going to be we’re going to try and build up an Empire of resources and try and go to war with kaido maybe we’ll get rid of this one on the

End say at some point as well I want to try and make like a server kind of like the world you’ve got Lulu where you’ve got all those like a yeah I need need a but yeah I want to have like the dragons and the crazy and the dancing

Cockroaches I want all of that stuff it’s so cool see what’s the all right let’s sleep don’t worry about it full [ __ ] you make a table make a table sleep full how do you do that obsidian base we’re gonna need it I’m sure ka’s going

To be S so much stuff after us how did you do that she hasn’t killed us yet she’s tried to oh no wrong thing down oh give me the stairs click on it and then that there we go I’m not used to playing moded Minecraft like okay

Okay yeah that’s do uh we need to make a hoe I’m an old school Minecraft player I’m going to make a crafting table we have it in our backpack but I’m not used to it so upside down that’s the hot coffee pot okay upside down there upside

Down see we are a blaze born or Blaze skin so we can’t touch water but we need to figure out a way to get some water at some point but for now watch out I think there was some water over here some here so we can probably let’s get rid of this

Tree I wonder is this going to work with a wood it does okay perfect so now let’s go oh what yeah you have yeah there you God should be able to do thata actually then me around it soon actually let’s build a let’s build

A I’ll be back I got a idea yeah yeah we got the origins mod on so I can’t touch any water or anything like that I can swim in lava though you’re right I think medy I think I can swim in lava I’ve not tried it but we were born in the nether

So we got to try that out at some point uh let’s see what do we need for a fence uh just four four planks and two sticks ID probably need to make some more sticks did you want to it’s not in the Middle look this is the

Middle oh my God I don’t know okay okay Jesus what I only one in the middle perfect I want it in the middle know looks weird what am I doing there we go tell me not look weird tell me not look weird that should be enough for now and

What is it fence post I’m just now realizing there’s chairs in this game you so four sticks here there’s a mod that adds like literal chairs oh no okay let yeah I just realized Fu don’t you me that’s offensive to my kind okay being blessed so disgust I

Think we’ve got enough to make a farm but the CHS aren’t cute uh let’s just build a basic fence these are whole new these are new to me uh do you want the I have some I’m so paranoid about jumping on like B ground but in where can we put I have

Chairs we put this here perfect okay right that’s a good start uh then let’s check see if we got any more seeds do are really much though this is like really just a the base not a so far no I’ve not got a skin I

Think kaido was going to make us one but this is me for now I I hit my head I’ll ask kaido in a bit see see where she got to with but hopefully we’ll have on soon we’ll have a skin soon hopefully what the [ __ ] oh more seeds perfect that’s

What I wanted I’m I’m in the and we do we use the bone meal or do we cheat help do we cheat and use it oh God I’m sorry Lulu I’ve not got one set up yet kaido oh yeah uh what did we did you get a chance to look at custom skins

At all or not yet I forgot you didn’t remind me sir no I didn’t remind you you didn’t remind me it’s your fault it’s my fault chat apparently it’s my fault yeah I forgot to make him a custom skin no we’re good we’re good that’s we spoke

About it before stream and then we were like trying to set up all the mods so just ran out of time I said yesterday remind me sir well it that was yesterday and today is today you didn’t remind me when I said yesterday I said to remind me later on

So I could do it for today’s stream sir next time we’ll have it for next time wow someone’s angry I’m not angry I’m just disal penguin That’s what an angry person would say no not me it’s gonna break now okay yeah there will be one what does

The name tag do I’ll go back on mute so I can chat to you guys again you put it in an manv yeah so we should hopefully we’ll have a skin out there thank you so much a d yeah I need to try and find out

There’s a whole mod pack for this server I’m not sure what’s in it yet but I want to find out if there’s any cool Dungeons and stuff or bosses and stuff we can fight we need to do something about this though this is horrendous like the guys

Made it look pretty with the flowers but it’s not good Santa Claus is coming to to the house oh okay okay okay uh what to do what to do what to do we’ got food coming along okay I think we start getting some loud ass dogs okay where we should have let’s

Let’s build out our house a little bit let’s store all stuff we don’t need right now by the way you can’t probably have that in our inventory oh really you can’t okay what do you need for the pickax or a and take these make a bunch of planks there go so

Same with these ones the modern chairs uh yeah okay if actually let’s just make all the planks from that one we’ve got whole another 64 stack check on no one now I how to plan out a house I guess so how do how do you plan out what what the

Architecture of a house is going to look like do you think about it much before I don’t know you’re talking about let’s get rid of this you are a creature of evil I a doing anything you are definitely a creature evil I’m sorry I just have to Come mute just to say that

Yeah with you you good yeah we good we good we are hope to go progressing we’ve made a forest I’m I’ll uh trim it all down after I’ve finished building I mean this is technically your B so we’re just resource farming we don’t need this many

Trees if you want do you want me to break them all down no that’s all good I’ll do it I’ll do it did you break your diamond pickax your diamond axe we we are starting from zero we don’t need it we don’t need any any help beating kaer we’ll do it

Ourselves we got this go if you want I can just go kill kaida now no it’s fine that defeats the purpose we’ve got this yeah how’s this like oh this is cute now I need [ __ ] oh so that’s how you did it put chairs closer ah see that

Always looks so good I’ve always have like the crisis of why does my house not look good next to each other no but like this should be or that like weird but doing that makes so much sense I think it’s better how it was okay

Okay me and then let’s get rid of all of this as well I’m putting things on the outside it looks like a God damn waiting room oh no else else the L shape said we need okay right let’s see how can we build an L shape so let’s say should we

Go this way let’s clear out these yeah no it didn’t St hell yeah it didn’t you saying that because mean to me no I’m saying that because fine okay yeah it’s not like I have the best looking base in this goam no I’m just trying to be rude you’re right get rid

Of some of these make more space don’t want to cover up the view out the back here as well with the trees good dare okay m style okay right so let’s say we probably want to have this four wide I guessin you can’t kill me EAS easier to

Kill maybe five wide or four wide five wide I might do that let’s go this way you won’t see it coming we can start out just making the shape right now and then uh we can build out and make it prettier afterwards okay what do we

Think probably could go a bit wider this way I think this is the staircase let’s build it out a bit more hey kaido I’m here dirt left can I please kill you okay get rid of this one oh God we’re going to need another axe soon uh

Ka the bunny star me to bring elevator blocks elevator blocks youing some more cute bunny cave well yeah so you don’t have to worry about these let’s take these out stairs R about my stairs I said no offense we don’t need the door anymore that doesn’t make it not offensive well

That’s not my problem I said no the blend on Pi an axe sorry axe let’s take this a bit wider what’s going on over here whose place is this yeah definitely has the cabin look by having it having a bit more shape I really should get some like

Stone tools at least to start with let’s go to like maybe here stand very still well several arguing we’re just building fine that’s fine by me okay how does that look lock do I think that looks a bit better it’s big but that’s not a problem I’m watching fine actually that

Open doors let’s take that out to down bring out our bed what still too early make the coffee table still too early apparently coffee table there we go you it would as soon as I’ve got like the walls in place we’ll start going to get stone I almost forgot my backpack

Then that wouldn’t been good do that do this you’re not welcome in here more I do uh make a space for the elevator and then I’ll build it uh let’s just I I want your elevator I want you in your own house get out how wi is the elevator as soon

As we’ve got two the thing wait what did I miss or two just two is fine just do like the what did I miss do one block well it’s say it needs room for the elevator block and then room for the elevator that’s going to be the elevator we’ll go in

Between right here straight up this way what’s wrong with then nothing it’s just need to so then here I we go on his now hey like this no I think ultimately if we go for like a Sacura style house it would look great we’ll use Oak planks for the

Meantime though and we start don’t you want a cuter house can redesign it do you another my pink stairs I like your what you’re saying H I like my pink stair no I like your pink St yeah yeah yeah yeah that’s what I’m going to try

And do here seen that way sir you are replacing my stairs your stairs are outside the house it’s everywhere still these two man argued away in the background stairs what are you so I think you a basic start for now that is a window what do you

Mean not a stairs it’s a window right let’s just fill these in go tell you what right this this is all temporary I’m here all right I’m here with the stair remodel let’s go like this I’m getting rid of these awful godam stairs I mean nice lovely stairs I still got all this

Stuff in the way no this is my house you know well well you know what do you want to fight before it get rid of it all no we leave the the cly get out while I’m building your elevator I said right you hit me this is you’re

Doing yeah sit down it’s just pure chaos in the voice chat behind me I don’t know what’s going on uh do you want if you if you want we can make it three block two is fine three blocks like it’s I think you’re right actually I don’t think we got enough

Sacura wood to do that maybe we do can see if I can make just we have enough a hole in the wall I think we’re going to be one short God damn we’re one short okay right no it’s fixed it’s fixed let’s grab another one stop

Worrying but it’s not pink it is am i t very both in in terms of canonically and in Minecraft who hit who oh that’s annoying I’m going to this one down I think what we’re going to try and do two block tool room what what um let’s grab these I think the plan for now with the trees get rid of all the oak trees replace them all

The sacur trees I don’t know why I decided to start building loads of Oak yeah no I’ve not played this game in a while I’m sorry guys I’m still getting back into it this is what I mean when I’m like I can’t build redstone contraptions I can barely build up house

Fine damn it Stone where are you we need Stone ugly sir I don’t know what you mean by it you’re fixing you can fix it I’m done using Wood Tools one on the elevator I can get you gold gold blocks if you want for the elevator kind of oh

Really is that a thing I didn’t know that that kind of makes sense I mean for context like I stand up in this room well too late it’s already installed you guys owe me you guys now owe me a lot of money I’m sorry like if

I stand up in here I’m like 30 cm away from my head touching the ceiling I have to tear down the whole building so everything looks I what wow uh missed F let’s go like that trying what why where is she she she I’m going

To build a new house what the [ __ ] okay remove it then you guy over with these guys remove it then got the elevator what the hell is this is pure chaos I’m just therapeutically building my house here and then there’s just pure chaos going on in the group chat kaer are you moving

House after all the work she didn’t want to elevator I I helped I helped I helped them I said no what do you mean well the other person said there’s two people living in the house a rare Captain built the house spawned nearby do one of you guys want to come slay the

[ __ ] what the [ __ ] [ __ ] the [ __ ] what do you mean you built the house I got all the materials I built it yeah I’m coming to you give me a bit I was going to say I don’t know whether you want to kill this if it’s some sort of boss I don’t

Know where it is I don’t want what what Rarity event uh what did it say in the chat uh it says a rare mob Captain has spawned nearby yeah no okay fair enough where you as long as it doesn’t kill me new house location it’s not going to the

Elevator is gone it’s gone the the elevator’s gone I took it it’s whis sorry Jesus come here ma’am damn it anyway do you want do you want the yeah I know it was a cute house before they put the elevator in it right damn it can

You believe them in my house you want elevator is gone ma it’s want these elevators maybe you want some a bit more advanced at the moment I’m working on on the wood platform right now I need to go advance to the Stone Age soon cool I’m literally a Sci-Fi gun I’m

Out D why do I keep doing this building one too low your stairs are back good the stairs are back you know what I’m going to give you a gift for for saying sorry okay I can’t yeah I mean I kind of want to go fight the boss but I’m wait

Damn it why do I keep doing this gift I’m not going to shoot I I feel like I’d be too weak but I definitely want to go and try and fight B I was going to shoot you where did you here where did you say I

Was going to when when did I ever do anything to break your trust okay you buil an elevator in my house and then got rid of it immediately you cannot we have a peaceful chill time over here trying to build stuff uh oh God this is going to be dark

Let’s try and Chuck down some torches before stuff starts SP p and diamond block somewhere else okay all right thanks for coming to stream Lulu appreciate it thanks for stopping by you yeah let us know if you want play lethal some next week don’t want these cool pink

Pedals thank you very much hopefully by the next time you stop by I’ll be a lot more advanced than using wood right here right here they’re everywhere no they’re not look also I I’ll post on Twitter as to whether I actually escaped my my stream room or not what are you on about

[ __ ] might end up being tell me where they’re everywhere I saw somewhere around there before where where around there before where’s this before this time doesn’t exist I want to run away this damn it why do we keep doing this sorry for installing an elevator in

Your house I said Sor to her I was need to startop making windows when we resources to make glass the moment is very dark behind you there you go very sad it will look better though put pink pedal in here goodbye goodbye actually I’m sitting in your living

Room right that’s the basic outside bit done oh outside bit Yeah the outside wall done get me uh we need another door I think we should have damn it what is wrong with me why do I keep doing this second of all why I got a block of diamond why

Are I’m still sitting here while I’m standing now tell you what we could do as well is do we have we do I say goodbye uh no cool I’m G to kill the people you love then Ka the [ __ ] okay anyway let me there we go this this is

What you get for deleting my boat oh yes I was on mute when I said this but uh I’m currently locked in my stream room right now by the way guys I have no physical way to get out lock in what My Stream room where all my stuff is for

Streaming so it could be a very long stream nice uh if you guys need anything uh tell me okay I need you to leave well I guess are just chaos well I was just I was literally out the door I’m just saying like if you

Get if you my door we can we can change it in the future but something like that maybe okay we have space now I’m gonna fly over to good good good good right now I’m right here what guys name give me a second ather ather yeah sorry I get confused names

Are very hard for me to understand I’m to you I need to go I need to use your roof I’m out of here okay all right I need to start making a cave cave you have a cave I need to start making one what are you making now let’s start we can probably

Start from down here right are you lagging no yeah we can start down here oh you should you should start lagging now we should start lagging yeah why I’m moving at rapid speed oh God what are you doing I almost killed no why did we do that

I’m turning around no I got him I got him I got him better hope to God you got I have God was was about to make anything look like a cake W yeah trying get more guy was stuck inside the wall I got him up got guard in your

Walls talk to you guys again but yeah we are making as much use of this little tiny little patch of grass around this one single square of water as we can you upet oh don’t break my crops please I can’t believe an elevator in my house it’s not here

Anymore it was still here at one point I reil your stairs I’m yelling at people I even modified your stairs want me remove my bed more I’m going to rest real quick hang on I love you bed sleep if you’re killing God I almost killed God oh God my vision is just

Covered you’re about me all right there you go give me the to give me the to I want a to what is this to there’s not much to to seeds the SE so here’s the chest here’s the crafting table cuz I’m not used to using the backpack and then here are the

Torches going to make here’s the sac how do you make that I love the um uh the postmodernist look you’ve got here for the Tores very I don’t know what this is I’m what is um the philosophy of not owning anything minimalist lifestyle this is proper minimalist I love the grass flooring

With the stone in here very much just the one stone very cozy I I love I love what you’ve got here going I mean it’s something it’s something uh right okay I’m gonna go I’m gonna go kill the Ender Dragon oh God good luck I don’t need luck I need luck I will

Not you know what I I’m I’m gonna see if I can take it to the Overworld now I’m done then this work yes it does perfect we go one 21 two I’m G goog going to check my phone in case anyone’s do you need help I don’t mind helping

You it’s fine no one’s trying to save me yet I was talking to but I guess okay I found how to do it cool nice I need to more so the guys can’t get confused who talking to dragons can I kill see what’ you do I put something in

The kitchen oh I see I see put a brewing stand in the kitchen I’ll soul in a bit why have you put the seeds in there I don’t want them what do you want me to do with these okay right let’s start digging singular torch we can start off

Um let’s start by grabbing this right I took them out cuz it looks better like this a CH see butterflies okay good okay oh no it’s raining Dragon 11 times never dig down but we need to get out of the way of the rain do that now oh God okay have to

See what you put these for um oh God yeah that’s a good point com can mobs use wooden pressure plates you doing man let’s fix that I didn’t even realize what do let’s get rid of those ow inside no let me in anything everything hurts right now

No I got this you got it ow ow ow we should make stone ones shouldn’t we let’s eat eat eat eat eat okay time to fight the End Dragon does anyone want to help me kill kill a dragon no okay A bit high level maybe it’s not you can literally do this

With a wooden sword I’m just gonna k a dragon nothing better to do well I do have other things but I’m too to do them right now can’t listen to The Big Bang ow ow ow eat some bread all right now let’s just try and out the

Way out the way out the way out the way let’s just dig dig a hole anywhere here’s fine just dig dig dig dig I’m going to die to rain I need to destroy the this is not good that does work Jesus I don’t want to dig directly

Under my house either so maybe place we go like this way oh more coal perfect then we go make a stone pickaxe because that the very least will be some form of upgrade right oh had a painting yeah it was such a cool idea cuz I thought oh well I’m a dragon so

Blaze kin is kind of the closest thing to that I can get I can’t find out to put a two two one did not work out we can’t touch any water are you able to take them off now put them back on I guess we need to try and find some armor

That’s going to mitigate that weakness at some point if that exists the lights are on but nobody’s on he big oh we have a skill point oh there skill points I you better a painting where it actually space like over there guys is the skill tree broken cuz K is not doing

Anything how’s that oh no um I think it’s because it’s to another check no okay so we check keep it’s the only painting that’s there for like four blocks we check that in just a sec no I wish we had like a proximity chat mod on as well that make chatting

Way easier it’s in the WR space huh there up here it needs to be further down my God okay chilling out to the Minecraft music still being heal how that no so have you played a lot of Minecraft yeah is this uh oh God oh God

Oh God oh God no no no no no no no let’s e there was no let’s try and regenerate okay the [ __ ] is that Dragon doing C down let me kick your ass yo Sam how’s it going oh my God how’s your Friday I mean for me it’s Friday night could be Friday

Afternoon Friday wondering how’s your Friday going in general down from there let me kill you thank you Clos right there okay I see I see what I could be a closet come on that’s what this is for just let me up let me up I just like

Design please I don’t want to die to rain ni oh my God we’re going to die to rain what are you trying to say about my house we’re going to die to rain we’re going to die to rain swe R we have one and a half HP left one and a

Half Jesus Christ we’re going to recover in here for a minute and make some more tools get rid of this wood crap this def needs to be downstairs probably put the down there as well uh I don’t think we need anything else right now uh a sword would

Be great yeah it’s not bad T not bad tar I don’t should should explain tar as a britishism meaning thank you I say that t cheers all that sort of stuff I say it all the time so yeah I’m good thanks I’m good I was just explaining to uh Med

Lulu earlier that I’m currently like locked in my stream room I can’t get out a few minutes ago my my step came by and tried to open the door and it is completely jammed so we are other than being locked in right now we’re doing good what did you do that for

What I hope someone dragon come down I’m bored let’s see we got any more wheat we do okay yeah we got some more food try and get back up to full health what is up with this Dragon what are you doing okay torches may be good as well get down from that

You let me kill you right do for now oh should we make a can we make a stone plate actually that’ be really useful cuz that won’t work with mods right mobs I should say it’s not going to work okay what theck could H me can hear that from over here what is

That cuz I can hear that as well that’s the Ender Dragon dying why are you fighting cuz I could you want to come here over here okay can come here kill another one I I have more cryst we could kill like another wait whoa whoa whoa

What you teleport to the lag is killing us I didn’t teleport anymore you teleport make crafting over here disappears yeah I will admit I’ve never actually beat the Elder Dragon in this game is that bad should I have done that is that something we should do as a part of this

Try and like water here thingy is so Anno try build build up to defeating the Ender Dragon let’s just stop plunking some torches down yeah I can make some go this way I don’t want I was just wondering if you had any I used them to kill best to mine at

There go don’t break them yet oh that’s so much better already Jesus uh here ma’am yeah what’s the best level just let break it I guess did you get them you have an elytra my ambition are high do you not think I’m skilled enough am I not good enough to beat the Ender

Dragon what is this copper what can we use copper for there we go Dragon I’m going to move the um I’m not sure what we can use it for but I’ll Mine It Anyway crafting table okay the craft area take it anyway did you get any

Dragons bro uh no oh yeah we need to look at uh we enough SKS skills skills behold it B to K it said the mighty Jesus open skill tree okay let’s change that to how many did you destroy already J no l no p no o where did the chest go

I what chest well open that with I yeah my God what is this nothing you didn’t tell what you’re do don’t worry about it I’m exactly the same I’ve never killed it either follow it I dropped it behind you um follow it you want like

A it punches me temped to just go for damage yeah that’s in the way okay they’re all relatively similar right guess other than defense I’m just a training a Dron we’re going to go this okay now we can put all the gra we got no points left

Damn so we started building out this tree but that locks us off from all the other trees um that’s fine I think so we got to go Dragon you could put the the the what do you call I’m winning put the wood in here no maybe one two three

Fouron five six seven eight nine and that is like pure damage we could put like is huge right like there is so much stuff here I wonder can you like go around and unlock what are you doing Tak the small pile I think now one two three four and

Then figure out where to go from there I’d imagine something like this oh we can’t go that way so we’d have to get some range damage at some point oh well sorry uh where were we wherever I put this you’re going to yell at me for uh we were mining copper what did

You do I’m just going to hold on to it nothing what is it put on the backpack don’t worry about it uh nope dead again I think I got the final hit what the heck need to do something about the rain getting in the house um oh yeah we absolutely need more skill

Points definitely good job I don’t know we’re getting by mining right now so you’re doing what you get uh we get the problem so have is like once you’ve done everything in this gamea wanted to put slabs on he’s just like defeating dragon now like what more do you do have

Four oh we got another treasure chest cuz techn yeah there’s one over here now okay we get potions of enchanting and night vision yeah but like second time you’ve killed it like uh go teleport to the base cake and show you the elevator stand here just troll people just go around

Griefing it’s a bit glitchy but yeah that’s better thank you yeah cuz you’re up there yeah exactly yeah then you can do it all with your with your friends I don’t like I think once uh once we’ve got like a solid foundation we’re happy we’ll go like I’m conscious that we’re all

Streaming together but we haven’t seen their house for ages but I was trying to Get oh they do work with the elevator we gu say hi to them in a bit so we can actually so at the villager farm we can just transport the villagers using yeah and I have three more okay someone want an elev another one hell yeah we’re getting loads now

That’s correct well done I don’t actually know whether they’re worth it do we get anything bottle of enchanting is probably good right I didn’t want an elevator that’s not what I asked enchanting maybe you should it’s my house enting oh that wasn’t ench I don’t see your name on it maybe it

Was by I’ll put my name on it let’s break this but I have a door where the [ __ ] did I get a door from that was my door okay where were we my face oh do you reckon that’s what it skill points with experience maybe that makes sense why did I do that

Here yeah I lost the guys minute there we go I fixed your sign now you put I just want some iron what’s the best level to find let me I’m going to Google that in a second what’s the best level to find iron uh what is the best level to find iron in

Minecraft 1.20 minus 64 onwards um you typing them um is it F3 to see whatev we’re at he changed it yes it is oh my God that’s huge why is it all so big I it let see can we how do we make this oh [ __ ] dude how do we make this

Smaller thank you at least someone about ah there oh my God okay let’s go with scale two what the [ __ ] is that oh there we go we can actually see what’s going on now so where are we I put on this cool dragon ha because it’s Halloween we can see on

Theow oh God we’re at 38 we’ve got to go down so much further are you ring on the sign now what are you writing on the sign nothing this is that’s no good let’s go yeah this is this should have been on that sign like that that’s

Better yeah should still be able to see this come on kind here an extra sign you can tell you can tell people oh yeah there we go we can see we’re on 38 there [Laughter] what did you do what did you do well you could do

That yeah you could do that if you just right cck you can ride in the back of it did not know that man we got so far to go we’re so high up can’t I don’t need more chests I need to just for the love

Of God just mine no more chests how long has that been a thing has that always been a thing no it’s not always been a thing it’s like no new like I think it’s like last upate I see kind of picked up my eyes yeah MineCraft with Mods is crazy have you

Been uh in kaido’s stream at all Samurai what are they up to what Mischief have they’ve been doing since they’ve been trying to kill me why is it we’ll go so high to them in a minute is that lower case then I just wanted to find some iron

First don’t worry about it yeah I’m excited to see what some like okay I fixed this sign over here thank God for the backpack forite stupid and you literally played it last week last week yeah I love like the idea of fighting bosses and stuff with all

Your friends so and for to update now it’s now it’s never and never is always oh God we got no we got no room to keep that I’m just going to leave that there in case we ever want it in future the heck why oh for you was CH Kyo was

Chilling in a house SC I’m not on your roof you’re freaking out that was sad oh God I didn’t think about that yeah they could just have any sort of water would do so much damage to me that would be scary let’s just hope they

Don’t F like I guess iy let’s go we found some finally let’s [ __ ] go we have a new skill point as well oh this is we hit the big time what the [ __ ] yeah I’m not sure if kaer would figured that out how to like abuse water welcome to the Cool

Zone welcome don’t Flint right now we that kind of come to the window give him my space no I don’t want to we’re having fun over here though I can’t do that yeah let’s keep going yeah I I wonder whether because obviously that that happened when we did something new

I don’t come to the window I swear it says I got zero points left oh oh oh oh there is a whole another tree how’ you get in holy I did not know that it just gives you more mining speed I have a touch oh my God how do we not

Know you think I’m invisible here I I blend I don’t know hell yeah how do we not know that don’t don’t talk here oh that’s why we’ve got no points okay yeah based on what sort of achievement you get yeah we invisible I guess that’s good because it controls like the

Uh the number of like points you can get you can’t just get every Point possible what don’t we need in here oak sapling we don’t need oak sapling the so we can like try and build with it probably more important than the oak sapling right now

Did you get Windows 10 you you get Windows your windows did you hey you need to update your driver okay okay we’re here to okay we’re here to tell you about your car extended warranty you need to you need to pay that it’s very real estate M talking about extended warranty

The fact that you need to pay oh la not that we need it but enchanting in future could be useful there we go Hey listen listen buddy oh God we going need to find more inventory space I need to stop picking stuff up that I don’t need I solve practical problems

Not problems like zomie ow should we just drink a potion of night vision just PO let him be wooden sword who needs wooden swords we don’t need wooden swords oh there’s a space Oh I think she’s a cat in in This Server another chest I believe she’s a

Cat oh end Pearl end Pearl end Pearl where are you hell yeah we want that but you’re in my way yeah I think oh yeah oh yeah that’s a good thank you I don’t know why I didn’t think of that yeah we have like a full Suite of Lea Enchanted armor

Genius gen what happened to the other box I’m pretty [ __ ] luxurious got your own [ __ ] Popeyes luxerious no [ __ ] way no but you got your own hoty in house oh my own oh yeah we’ll worry about that later priv this restaurant is trash this is my own private that I didn’t build it

Okay where were we let’s see what floor we’re 14 we got so far to go we found some iron though so it’s not like it’s all as you don’t want to elevator inside of your house I this is my own private [ __ ] and I will not be harassed not be harassed [ __ ] Jess

[ __ ] what is that oh we can’t oh no it’s just say we can’t break it no it’s just lag okay what is this don’t tell anyone but I have a secet super secret plan it definitely doesn’t involve elevators what are those what are you talking about of course it doesn’t have

Elevators deep it’s just deep slate I’m not in your houseo it’s been so long since I played you what are you doing where the [ __ ] don’t worry about it is deep slate harder to break than Cobblestone I guess godam holy [ __ ] it’s raining now you see what you’ve done raining scff oh

God thank God we’re not there we would be coping well no elevators I’m not going place on an elevator I’m placing on scaffolding no elevators it’s fine they isn’t scaffolding a type of elevator just one that you do manually how almost no more food leave okay leav

Redstone yeah it’s new to me what the [ __ ] yeah NE is oh we can’t break redstone cuz we not got good enough stuff and that’s broken as well do we you just punch me did you just punch me sir I think for now let’s just do one last you punch me I wonder

Does this work no it does okay I swear you can look back at my stream do one last pickaxe so we can go down try and get to layer minus 64 what is this guy doing he just going to take such a long time oh Jesus

Christ does he did fa damage do you think ow or minus four oh God I know who punched you who oh God oh my God I forgot to change my ke Basie my ass I saw you invisible ear I’m one of your kind I know we don’t like your kind

Around oh no I could have done that as well Med I I could have put the stuff in the backpack I’m so dumb I’m so dumb I more we don’t need it of stop it you’re not getting any food you I can’t punch he’s invisible in what do you mean in the

Wall I’m in the what are you two doing you will never find me don’t look to your right I swear to God we’ve been seeing it for a while okay it’s invisible I don’t know I don’t get what you mean Invincible or another one we’re getting so much food from this

But it keeps getting in the way where am I we got that chill Minecraft music coming inia what is this [Laughter] end you need those C looking yeah what are you taking what did you just take not me that wasn’t me wasn’t what’s up M stop stealing my

Stuff M you want to teach me the thing right after stream which is in like probably like uh what minutes 15 minutes oh a legendary mob Captain spawn nearby so I’m too busy I’m too busy working my master evil plan get this one God yeah Minecraft music has different definitely

Not being evil right now as long as it’s evil not where I am it’s fine oh don’t don’t worry don’t worry you’re nice to me you know I’m right I’m going go on a mission all okay cake come here cake come here C come

Here for a b come here okay where I am where I am where I am if you kill I’m just trying to exist peacefully here Jesus Christ what what ah gotas out of the block okay we’re out of here we can get rid of that R do what is

My R what is that where did this just go the build limit wait what we’re out of here baby I’m taking I’m taking again what is going on right now I’m happy to try and build except what did they do they took the yeah they took a chunk

Of the ground into an air care [ __ ] in Detroit they took a goddamn look up look up K look up there’s a block in the air you see that yeah that’s them they more I don’t know where the chunk came from I I’m playing like Minecraft like it was

Played like back in the day I don’t know whether we’re still supposed be doing this or not but you can’t like destroy it dig down it’s a moving entity we right there I see it oh we are literally hold on I’m going to bring it back down

You place it literally the white Li Box’s going to descend Ohio moment another Treasure Chest guess we go this way I’m coming back down oh sorry I just had a meeting with a God right now oh [ __ ] that’s go way he had here had to go consult with the AO

Guard surprised he didn’t make a joke about being heally does slowly what you I’m just conscious that we’ve got like two HP well we got like a tiny bit of HP left on our um what the [ __ ] pickax right now so why you firing your I’m not zombies somewhere as well there’s some

Lapers at the bottom of that oh cool oh [ __ ] that we do need of that do you want to ride ride get some iron stuff going come down ride I’m good no serious no seriously no come on F I’m I can’t have way back down you’re going

Break I’m not I’m literally not I can’t break it if it’s moving come this is taking his time okay come on I made made it faster matter one more what happened okay what’s Happ ready ma’ what are you saying godamn not that perfect okay right we’re making progress we’re making

Advancements just slowly I’m wor about it let’s let that Cook you go down I’m going to break the elevator what you talking about no B we can’t touch that in a chest C uh maybe we go this way C did you hear me away from the water it’s so strange having to be scared of water in this

Game it doubles like the danger well I guess we don’t have to worry about falling into lava anymore right so that’s not a problem it’s just falling into water which I feel like is much more common okay I love all right we are so close to the level

It and it’s now in the hey Hermes how’s it going why does water hurt cuz we are a blaze kin so uh basically fire is good water is bad I’m always worried so we are like the opposite of like a normal normal character holy [ __ ] we got so much stuff

From that you found okay let’s stop putting stuff in the backpack congratulations M these these these these these [ __ ] these yeah so it’s a modded Minecraft so I don’t really know what other mods are on here but like we got the backpack mod which kind of gives us like a little

Crafting table and extra inventory space God these chests like spawn in randomly I think I I don’t know if I see it or not uh in terms of goals I’m not really sure I think um godam in terms of this stream we wanted to get iron but

Now we have more iron than we would ever need because of that reward epic default defitely not a new Hub you would have insane so now we’re going to go back up uh we’re going to work on our house a bit more you like the required

XP and then we’re going to go figure out what else the other guys are up to cuz they are just causing now I don’t even know what they’re doing how was uh someone kill me oh God what’s what are you doing I’m I’m warning you be careful I’m just trying

To exist here okay yeah just don’t look it’s not me you have to worry about don’t look outside just don’t look outside but what happens if I need to get outside okay well just look out outside then I I I kind of need to but now I

Don’t want to okay just go outside then you’re not going to get hurt I feel like I might you’re not I’ve literally been killing the people trying to kill you and then you think I’m going to hurt you people are trying to kill oh God iy and ker here no

I made sure they’re not okay thank God wait I S how do youa I have no food can I just exist here you have some my character gets hungry first I need help okay right what what are we going to do okay let’s uh don’t wor I’m just being I’m just you

Stuck yeah where did you teleport to Minecraft right let’s build some armor real quick we need some upgrades where the roof the roof oh she’s on the ne roof that as well where’s that what are you teleport oh I need help that that stuck up here can you help me can

You kill me kill you how did you get yourself stuck take off your armor wait what okay right we want uh just a sword I’m going to destroy it by the way so do you have a way point for the we’re basically just trying to exist we’re

Trying not to get killed oh also I’m like locked in my stream room right now so I currently have no way to leave nothing here let’s turn Lizzy off there we go I also figured out I can toggle this as well toggle Lizzy like on the

Nether but uh only K put the model together for me and she was like oh yeah you can toggle this on by the way you can come outside now uh H is you still up you guys still up for yeah I’m literally loged in in the middle of stream earlier my my um

What just tried to open the door and they like have you locked the door I was like no I’ve not locked anything and try to open the door and yeah I’m currently stuck in here so we’ll see mission is survive yeah exactly but oh God no I mean uh [ __ ] other one

Yes I’m the I’m the other one yes hey come here say old man it’s easier hang on let me Chuck don’t say old man Jesus I during the day probably kind give me two seconds I’m just going to make another chest real quick yeah okay and then just come outside oh God

Maybe two chests just to be safe you put your back you know this keep inventory you won’t die oh that’s true but I want to treat it as if if there wasn’t play hardcore what is that that’s a phantom that’s basic uh do you guys want to travel to new Hub to

Ride the cool elevator I have enough levels to do it oh no I uh I have the XP backpack I can just give you guys some XP right oh nice yeah I hope I escap soon too this I’ll post it on Twitter later but like this is literally the

Only the only stuff in this room right now is my streaming stuff so my P and my streaming set up and a desk and a chair I I I currently have like I’m I’m going to be climbing out of a window if uh it comes to yeah I said if you

K’s I can’t hear you so um okay what I’m trying to say is that if you kill anyone jump on you so we’re not interrupting everyone else just realized okay come here come here oh yeah I’m looking forward to tomorrow this should be fun I’m looking for

Teaching you guys how to play lethal company have you guys tried it at all since though have you have you played anymore since you did it on stream okay don’t kill him but you can hurt him over here hey hey how’s it going I don’t like you like

SE I’m look at me oh yeah oh God you’re like sinking into the floor yeah they gone they’re gone there they go okay we’re going to have to bring it back down how big is it so the treat is no killing no killing I guess you can Hur I have he’s not dead

Equipment I’m trying to play this without handouts and C is just hit me with a diamond he dies if he dies to anything I’m blowing up your house I said that do not threaten I want to see anymore I want to see if I can kill k k

With iron Gear watch she’s got full diamond gear kill you want to do a PVP not right now don’t now yeah no being scared scar cats is great for lethal company Mak much more fun up the build [ __ ] I have your we just watch five yeah watch these

Two help it out oh God I hit somebody else by mistake what the [ __ ] is flying around like a damn bug bro can I just like exist without kaida trying to kill me what’s up I don’t know how long you sent that welcome welcome to the stream welcome to

The it’s probably hurting ather yeah I’m down I’m dead it’s a bit unfair the godamn rain killed me kaida didn’t kaida didn’t even kill me the rain got me for God’s sake I guess your house lives day oh I think the yeah maybe yeah soul gave

Them all diamond gear I’m trying to do this the the real prop I didn’t need it until ker tried to kill me why you say gave I’ve been trying to kill you the whole time what are you talking about whose house is this I’ve just been existing

That’s okay right guys coming down now I don’t want no elevator uh so fun how am I going to get back home guys getting elevators guys I curently can’t leave because of the rain oh D can’t come home God how’s everyone’s Friday been going how’s everyone’s week guess those who have got

Work how’s work been going oh [ __ ] I accidentally took the elevator up again [ __ ] what’s everyone been up to how was uh kind of how the stream going while me having a [ __ ] knowwhere to jump to make th you guys doing over there yeah yeah make make a tunnel we’ll just dig

Straight through underneath the house it’ll be fine it’ll be fine this is sort of more what we need to like aim towards building something like this but we’ve been playing for I have a delay two hours now we’re nowhere near ready ow I’m almost dead I’m I’m just

Going to go for it just just run I can see my house over here somewhere oh God I need to sleep I need to sleep okay okay actually the trees help us the trees help us dead one heart okay there we oh God how do I get round where am I

Going where am I going where am I going where am I going let me in go kill with my fist was kill trying to H cake she killed herself I didn’t yes you did you killed me no you no well you die while trying to punch they justly frustrating

And cute game we just about made it just about I’m going to take all this diamond gear back and go screw it it was I mean technically that’s a way to teleport you know without take this stuff off we don’t need to play nice is I made a cool space elevator and now

No nobody want your silly elevator oh God he’s dipping underground I just died what the hell I’m going to jump off the elevator and I think I’ve seen it I’ve heard of vs before I’ve never played it it’s U is that that’s one of the ones where you

Both you got to both sort of cooperate with one another it looks fun I mean I’ve never played it but definitely at some point want to give it a try it’s like I can’t remember what the party game was whenever very first watch you guys you’re all playing

Um this uh party group fighting game you know it’s whatever it was I definitely want to download it oh God see that’s a stain on our career latest death let’s see get out come on oh God party animals yeah that was it oh see watch watching you guys play that

Definitely made me want to give it a try watching you guys play that look so good need to buy that for sure this is slightly terrifying oh God you can open your mouth come on just come on I can’t leave we need to sleep then uh okay right let’s try and

Sleep oh my goodness I got this again oh wrong one that one that one then that one that one I’m s we can’t sleep during thunderstorms all well I guess you can ride the elevator on your own I’m going to go fly over to Ka she’s upset me for the last time what

Are you doing man so now we’ve got all of our Diamond [ __ ] back we’re going to get revenge a skeleton trying to shoot at you with you take some meat as well this is the location to’s House book it book it book it Run Dog Run you’re not welcome I’m

Coming anyway okay you pull that sniper wol come on yeah let’s talk all right so where do I find you and uh kaido and iy oh [ __ ] never mind never mind uh you have to teleport to home to home yeah yeah sorry I’m just riding this elevator up the floor

What whose house is this I’m getting [ __ ] for no reason what I got cats dogs parrots oh that’s the global house that everyone El has oh okay okay I kind of I’m coming to murder you God I did not realize being a blaze Kim was such a de debilitating thing

That’s why uh Soul switched origin because originally he was your origin but he switched yeah yeah this is this is hard to deal with ma’am you’re teleporting Phantom G for life no I’m lagging it is a difference oh yeah no I’m traveling I’m traveling at supersonic speet to trying to figure out

Where God tree tree tree tree feeling give me shelter please you’re dying so bad H how you’re so bad I’m coming to I’m lagging pretty bad as well yeah I know I’m quing it how you doing that why cuz he’s traveling too fast oh I’m above you you you’re

Half stop raining I think I stop oh look what we found hello what’s this I’m not home right now get out of my house we are though we’re home I’m going to go back under here actually you’re not home but we are if they destroy my house I’m leaving this C destroying the

Uh has anyone got any uh Flint I’ve got steel so no we’re not we’re not burning down wouldn’t give it you anyways Z I already have a flint fuel on me what’re bu yeah that’s a good point with all the mods you guys have got on this

Server is there some sort of umbrella mod that we could use is there anything that’s going to stop me taking damage we don’t have umbrellas sorry godamn it actually been a good idea I I have wizard skulls we just uh let just yeah tell you what actually tell you what let’s

See let’s just sit down at a table God how who gave Carter all this stuff it’s my stuff no I get no this is my stuff I do not believe for two minutes that you got a full stack of emeralds in two streams no no that’s me that’s me that’s that’s you’ve seen

Me oh my God chair let’s just sit down at a table guys what do you want to talk about a table does you see like the weird armor that we yeah that’s above nether right hey well oh look who’s home hey got hey welcome welcome welcome down let

How let’s let’s have a talk sit down this is an intervention for once we get stop being so violent my God she said a betray where you at ma’am we can we can you see this is the word I’m not betraying you I am betrayed I’m not coming home oh my

God God I’ll my I’m not betrayed no I’m not betraying you ma’am I at the table with them the [ __ ] I’m out of the table I’m gone uhhuh he’s in the Popeyes get him where are you oh what’s down there oh it’s just a zoo just a zoo oh my God oh my

God how do I get bad happens oh God fire are you okay she doesn’t see me she doesn’t see me what’s down here there’s definitely some sort of mod that excavated through here for sure oh no that’s a chunker it loaded like that oh really ma’am yeah man that

Is huge cu the guy who uh like made the mod pack yeah essentially [ __ ] around with the generation a bit and it [ __ ] up the chunks some places yeah because it literally looks like someone someone has just carved this all out with world edit yeah no cuz

If you press like right and then you hover over that like area where it’s excavated you can see that it’s like perfectly like cut where the yeah it’s also it’s also another biome see see see two cuz you can see on the map it’s a complete different like shade of green

Where to to tame a dog I don’t have any bones yeah that’s why I’m asking do you want bones can I get this small one God I wish it would stop raining get the big on get this one this is so difficult I I do it yeah I gave you

The Bon right click with the Bon just I can’t sleep oh well there you go all the dog’s going to die if it it keep on hitting me then get out of here more tedious like obsidian yeah can you right click on it we need to think

About like go for stream like with Minecraft like we’ve mined we’ve crafted I guess we could keep working on the house cuz that looks pretty d right now the stop hit my dog hit me when when it stops raining we here bro bro give us some food to heal

It so can I change my origin immediately went for me you move away you done it before way why you do that that dog was looking at me funny feel like it be ashamed to change origin are you still in ka’s house or it’s a Cher no in the cherry

Trees come on it’s safer inside of her house where she isn’t yeah but I would literally do anything me with a dog outside I’m like dying you’re completely have a golden apple hello where’s my dog right there sit there eat it e it what am I eating

The golden apple I just gave you okay yes now you ow me more money you ow me more stuff now you want to make a deal come with me let’s go make a deal okay where we do that I saw that happen we’re going we’re going to the place

That belongs to the devil I’m still dying shut up sit down okay I don’t know the way to the house anymore what am I doing up it’s up above us to the right listen listen ma’am over here kind I’m going to take off so we can have a chat Manor

Tomorrow okay so yo listen I can do whatever you want okay okay just tell me what you want me to do it could be murder it could be M specific person it could be murdering a certain animal let’s say an animal that’s I don’t know like black and

White my I would like one or come on you want to come this way not have an or of origin you need to go talk to the I have you know what I’ll use my power to DM right yeah but what that’s a good point medic what what what is this going to

Cost me what what will I owe you walk into the house more it’s going to walk in or you loyal okay I mean c has already tried to kill me about 50 times that’s not a problem oh cool okay well that makes it easier the you just have to on the

Roof God yeah that no no no he’s just my assistant he just to make sure like everything’s going okay you know you know sometime it gets busy sometimes I need someone else to Deals yeah just you know learning on the job oh there he goes he’s a bit introverted don’t worry

About that pleasure making business with you okay right uh now what what do we do about my origin I leave oh my God I can finally leave yeah I messaged the server admin you just have to wait now okay thank you make devil didn’t work make him sit

All right where is uh no him there you go [ __ ] don’t make him pick fall damage no I told you he’s literally on the bottom floor what the hell sorry feed him again feed him feed him feed him stop punching him no no NOAA leave

Leave this dog wants to kill you I know I know I know feed it more Ka keep feeding it leave com yeah get out of here guys oh he’s still pissed he’s so pissed oh has raw K what do you want to name the dog I think it’s fine then it’s

Probably full then what do you want to name the dog I want you all get out of my house please I’m going to help you name the dog what do you want to name the dog okay he’s still pissed he’s still pissed he’s still pissed yeah cuz you just hit

Him again what are you doing I hit him again I’m kill you I didn’t touch him what the dog doing Jesus chill dog don’t if you get close to the dog a it’s going to hurt you Violet I said Violet I’m pretty sure this is kingers it’s a zombie K I’m pretty sure

It’s definitely a zombie definitely oh golden sh I can hear it the dog growling at us oh [ __ ] golden why did you play screaming he’s very attached dog what happens if I hit this dog do not hit my dog what would happen you wh pet pet pet what happens if I uh

Uh you go away we’re probably going to end stream soon uh just so I can try and actually escape this room Happ if I it’s been interesting I’ve not played Minecraft in a very long time I always struggle with like the objectives on Minecraft what do have to try and do

No he doesn’t T like we could just keep mining what if I what if I do this at what cost at what cost I think having mods definitely helps because you can you can like do bosses and stuff but touching him or maybe we’ll wait for the

The moderator of the server to change our origin and then we’ll we’ll call it a day yeah I have to try and figure out how I’m going to get out get the hell out of this room that’s going to be the biggest fall all the time I don’t know

What you guys are doing well I’m following you all the time uh right okay uh what am I doing about the origin stuff orine leaving that’s fine we can do that some other time off stream I say I’m going to probably stream for like another 10 minutes or so then I’ll call it

Bye why I did like half of my health I was trying to knock you off yeah sorry I’m I’m sorry why is the dog now attacking me so what you do move move ASA take this Golden Apple quick dog buys me one more time I’m going to execute

It just leave get the [ __ ] out of here the time has come move 66 leave my dog alone me I’m just looking at it now don’t trust you don’t you want to don’t you want to die it’s col come on guys crimpy in my chat can’t

See where is he where is he where is he F me you can’t see me he’s under the ground you can still hit me from there I saw you then I trying to get in the house okay hey so are you having your schizophrenic episode again calm down

They’re not real it’s not real Vietnam was like 50 years ago I’m not they’re not in thee Jesus Christ calm down get down Mr PR leave him alone throw the bottles at dog leave him alone go away ather if you s do a wi attack it might hit the

Dog if you do a first your first swing isn’t it like a wide one no no it’s a wide attack every time it’s fully charged pull out an axe it doesn’t do a wide attack and does damage does more or less damage you say more damage but it

Only hurts one person hey it calm down he’s near my dog I will have him attack you I’m more dangerous swing at me from nowhere the girl dogging me so I don’t know if Mr dog keep inventory is on yeah it is why is there a chicken in my house uh

It’s don’t wor this is my this is Frank no worry this is Frank then it goes Frank okay I’ll be back in a bit guys I’m kidnapping the dog give me the leash let’s go back to what we were doing ear we’ve lost our objective we’ve just been sort of thinking about trying

To fight and you and and have a water bucket should figure out where oh standing up now where leave my dog alone not take it run must be over here somewhere on let me uh hold on let me pick up yeah probably should try heal it I think she was

Feeling earlier I don’t know when the last time she fed it was up here up here can you just put it in a boat my God I’m surprised I remember the where I came from I’m normally terrible with directions that’s a thorn bush I sabotage plan no

Okay don’t put him in a corner he’s a very good boy leave him alone get get killed now as well what are you doing don’t I I I left doing to you this is the progress we have made so far so we have a food source we have a house that looks very

Basic right now we have a mine underneath the house we should probably make a furnace while we’re here actually make two furnaces some Mission Impossible [ __ ] how does the bed respawn point do to keep clicking on the bed every time you die no it’s because you have um slab

And then we need some fuel slabs around the bed oh then get off my dog okay I think we got a pretty good setup stop moving over here I got the dog I got the dog we got two spaces River get in the river this is going to suck if we have to

I’m what the [ __ ] y have an inventory full of stuff chests I got the way around go the dog okay pick up a bunch of more stuff this is going to be so disorganized now it doesn’t matter we’re just filling chests up that’s all we care about right now the

Dog save what are you doing we can worry swim leave it alone you’re going to drown the dog get out of the boat let me in I want my dog back pretty decent ofu we want to get rid of this stuff as well do doggo Dogo I’m taking you to Mexico

Bye get back the stuff we were working with Mexico with a blaz backe it oh cool give me my dog back why cuz it’s my dog but he’s not hiding anymore was actually he was hiding people this is probably for what else give me my dog I think that’s everything we had

Right oh we had all of these as well you put fish in yeah we got all the wooden stuff that’s fine you can put polar wrong one that so yeah we’ve done pretty good I’m getting Bor that I’m not going to lie that that epic treasure treasure chest

The end was absolutely crazy it would have been it would have taken so much uh so much longer to get all the resources I don’t know oh that was what I was going to do is my face I can’t see anything got the chaos going on in the background so if

We make stone we should be able to make some pressure plates to go outside I think there follow that boat taxi follow that boat definitely to Meo joking about it I’m going to take it to dry land okay we’re evolving oh no KS got it again

Whoops what do we Evol into God nothing good let’s while that’s cooking real quick my dog being angry how you making a boat on screw it we don’t need a ho don’t is literally causing a war yeah cool dog what the dog well there was going to be conflict eventually right

One of the longer term goals is we we need to try and level up and we need to beat kaer that’s we need to get a better house she’s had far longer to work on it than we have where’s my dog he’s G she’s now got dogs she’s getting loads of stuff from

Soul we need to somehow still beat her with all the support she’s getting from you cannot there’s no shot you okay I just uh he Ka put it in the boat just don’t drive under don’t drive on a waterfall I don’t know what I’m doing don’t drive under water to drown the

Dog you get my dog the dog where are you I don’t know get the [ __ ] out of here K get the [ __ ] take that dog and nice okay that’s what we want oh no he just left oh no he went down guys you going the wrong way he went the

Other way okay right it’s basic but it works [ __ ] I have to slow them down then don’t need those don’t need those God don’t need those don’t know what that means you already have God what else do you want Ka God is the ax of Auto I have on my bucket here

Oh go I destroyed that boat do the rest of the bre guys unless God we running yeah we we need more food ASAP stop all right let’s go say hi to everybody do end stream yeah we could make a deal with the devil medy but then I also feel like

Is that cheating the thing is that going to be cheating if we just boat cuz I’m faster without the boat yeah but the dog is oh really oh God okay we will have to fix that at some point then so okay we’re going to be screwed if we leave those pressure plates

There okay we’ll worry about it next time all right we’re going around this way don’t IDE oh God we’re lagging why is my character sad I’ve definitely not make a fair deal no that’s true it’s true definely not I feel like we don’t need we don’t need a God the devil’s help

Um here it’s not literally literally said it wasn’t why I don’t know where he went he definitely did not and what was it around this way can you see other people on the map yeah oh that’s how you do the map yeah you can’t see players on the

Map there a boat here and around here maybe he walked off maybe he didn’t how am I got be around little weird [ __ ] oh B yeah we can get pep still for my life cake [ __ ] go go faster go faster okay we might be officially lost run

Cake run run there’s a creeper up there don’t want to deal with him hey guys he’s uh definitely gone way absolutely you definitely he definitely went that way he was not here just a second ago you guys are okay right where do we want to go where abouts are

They they got to be here somewhere I was boasting about my directional skills earlier it’s all gone to it’s all gone to hell okay I think it’s safe to assume that that uh it’s been 24 hours the dog is missing you’ve not lost the dog have you they kidnapped the dog been

Kidnapped all where about are you guys no clue we’re in the middle of nowhere K I’ll give you a hint we went down the wrong river what do you mean okay come with me get in the boat I’ll show you what I mean go hello oh it teleported back

There all right guys I’m going to end stream in a second got destroyed for a second why I want in the boat I’m so sorry that happened to you need to find a way to bust out of this room ADV you guys well I’m oh looks so cool

Well okay this is a good place to end it I think next thank you very much for watching guys I appreciate it thanks for hermies Medico Samurai who else have we had in chat today Neo earlier what the [ __ ] do you mean every day lul thank you for Lulu for coming by

As well come on go let’s do this properly let’s go over to I got slow internet you got my dog yeah turn that off turn that off turn that on let’s do it properly so yes thank you very much um as always medy thank you for coming to stream I

Appreciate the support thank you for coming by as well Samurai thank you for coming Lulu thank you for coming Neo thank you for coming Hermes um who else who else who else lily as well thank you for coming by so uh tomorrow we have a conundrum so we have two options

One we’re streaming VR chat in the afternoon and then we’re going to be doing lethal company with Hermes and the gang in the evening so I think we’ve got two options one we do a really long YouTube stream so we’ll stream for like six hours from 4 p.m. we’ll start off

We’ll do VR chat we’ll hang out we’ll chill out we’ll have fun uh then we’ll do sort of food and memes so we we’ll like watch uh your like daily dose of internet and stuff whilst I eat dinner and then after that we’ll do lethal company with Hermes and

The crew it will be my first like long stream the other option we have is to do two streams so we’ll do one VR chat stream then I’ll have a break for like two hours and then we’ll do the lethal company stream now for that what I was

Thinking we could test out and mecoy you probably would suggest otherwise I was thinking we could stream VR chat on YouTube like normal and we could try streaming on Twitch for lethal company because I’m not streamed on Twitch yet so I was thinking about is it worth

Something that we that we try on that we do again those those are the two options I see right now is one we do two different streams potentially on one on Twitch one on YouTube or the other option is we do like a six- hour YouTube

Stream and we go crazy and we have a nice long stream and just hang out and have a good time um but yeah that’s that’s what I’m thinking right now if you if you’ve got any preference on on what you think would be better what would be more

Enjoyable let me know I’m happy to do either uh it should be fun anyway uh as I say if if we are going to stream for long we’ll just like do like meme review and stuff instead uh in in between like games but I think I’m definitely looking

Forward to Lethal lethal is going to be fun I’ve not played with a multi company the I’ve not played with the multiplayer mod I can’t get my words out I’ve got everyone chatting in in the Discord in the backgrounds they can’t hear me you can’t hear them but I can still hear

Them chatting so trying to speak as hard um Then yeah the the eight player multiplayer mod should be fun should be interesting should be a lot more chaotic than normal even though last time we played Lethal it was uh it was even even it was chaotic enough even without having seven people there

But uh as I said as I said last stream Hermes hermes’s group they’re all amazing they’re incredibly talented the art and stuff they make is incredible I’m very very jealous of the skill they’ve got and uh iky actually won a art piece from Hermes because Hermes recently hit 25 followers on Twitch so

Congrats Hermes well done on reaching 25 followers and congrats to icky for winning the uh the sketch in the raffle very jealous and uh yeah they’re really fun so they’re they’re a really interesting group and I’m getting I’m getting blamed for stuff in Minecraft while I’m doing stream outro right now

They’re saying K is saying I’m going to kill you ather right now the right quote but um I’ve literally done I just just letting you know I’m literally doing stream outro I don’t know how I’ve gotten implicated here I’m not even in the game right now so anyway apparently there’s a hole in

C’s house I don’t know how I’ve been implicated in that but yeah I’m lit I’m literally doing stream outro can’t be me you’re good you’re good um apparently the dog’s fine so we’re all good we’re all good anyway back on track please go follow homies follow II

And and all the guys over at noar all the girls over at noar they’re a really really amazing talented group they are incredibly underrated they they deserve thousands times more followers than they currently have they are so Ed so please go and check them out and we’ll be playing Luther company with them

Tomorrow and we’re doing VR chat with iky and kaider as usual tomorrow afternoon hopefully we won’t have issues this time like last last last week we had to cancel stream because of tech issues but should all be fixed now and yeah we should enjoy it all right thanks

For coming to stream guys have a good one enjoy your Friday bye later guys A N N n

This video, titled ‘[MODDED MINECRAFT] DUNGEONS AND DIGGING! Minecraft w/ @FuyukoKaida @_ikigai_ & LK’, was uploaded by Aether Rin Dragon VT 🔥🦎 on 2023-12-09 09:52:54. It has garnered 45 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 02:39:57 or 9597 seconds.

I haven’t played this game in ages! Time to dig some mines and build some castles!🔥🦎

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    P.N Journy: EPIC Tree House Build 💥 #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Simple Minecraft Tree House ❤️ #minecraft #minecraftbuilding #minecraftshorts #minecrafttreehouse’, was uploaded by P.N Journy on 2024-05-13 14:17:53. It has garnered 2832 views and 60 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:38 or 38 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftshorts #minecraftsurvival #minecrafthardcore #shorts #shortsvideo #shortsfeed #shortsviral #shortsyoutube Hardcore Minecraft Days 2000+ Trailer | Pankha-Booi | Facebook Page FINALLY I ESCAPED FROM GRANNY’S HOUSE | GRANNY 3 I BEAT Garten Of Banban 7! (FULL GAME ENDING) We Played The Weird Steam Game Again 100 MEMOREST Vs GOD BELLENOIR! 😱 PALWORLD | Techno Gamerz | #56 I BOUGHT A… Read More

  • Minecraft Madness: Epic Mansion, Secret Base, Cliff House!

    Minecraft Madness: Epic Mansion, Secret Base, Cliff House!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Gameplay Fun, How to build a Mansion, How to build a Secret Base, How to build Cliff house’, was uploaded by Minecraft Junction on 2024-06-07 16:57:13. It has garnered 29 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:14 or 134 seconds. **Minecraft Gameplay Fun!!** Welcome to an epic journey in the world of Minecraft! Join us as we dive into some exciting Minecraft gameplay, filled with adventures, creative builds, and handy tips. Whether you’re a seasoned player or new to the game, this video has something for everyone. Remember to subscribe,… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Mobs IQ Test! 😂 #Shorts

    Insane Minecraft Mobs IQ Test! 😂 #ShortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft mobs IQ 😂 #minecraft #minecraftshorts #shorts’, was uploaded by BrickBoY PLaYZ on 2024-01-13 03:30:31. It has garnered 2530 views and 82 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:52 or 52 seconds. Like and subscribe for more amazing Minecraft videos and short comment which type of videos you want next time! Minecraft Minecraft shorts Minecraft videos Minecraft world Minecraft survival Minecraft creative Minecraft hardcore Minecraft logics Minecraft facts Minecraft unknown facts Minecraft horror facts Minecraft funny videos Minecraft memes Minecraft graphics Minecraft shaders Minecraft texture Minecraft RTX Minecraft SMP Minecraft moments Minecraft rarest moments… Read More

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  • Constructia Freebuild – Creative, Semi-vanilla 1.20 with WorldEdit, CoreProtect.

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  • Minecraft Memes – Bloke tried to slay me

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  • Mine Your Mind: Exam Stress Test

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  • Bedrock Pickaxe & Time in a Bottle! | Minecraft Submerged #7

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  • Ultimate Lag Fix for Minecraft Mobile

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  • Monster Party with Prof Mush! Subscribe for 1v1s and more!

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    UNSEAKABLE FAN'S TERRIFYING MINECRAFT SEEDVideo Information This video, titled ‘ScArY MiNeCrAfT SeEd’, was uploaded by unseaakable fan on 2024-02-26 21:53:34. It has garnered 0 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:24 or 564 seconds. not for kids Read More

  • 🔥ULTIMATE Minecraft Wood House Tutorial!🔥

    🔥ULTIMATE Minecraft Wood House Tutorial!🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘How to build wood tutorial house⚒️minecraft ⛏️ subscribe, like share channel.’, was uploaded by magnate_gamer on 2024-05-11 05:40:00. It has garnered 130 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:29 or 329 seconds. I will make wood tutorial house We are playing mane game after so long sapoot my gaming videos (like .coment .share and subscribe) Instagram- Facebook- Distord- Twitter- Other channel About me. My name is jakariya khan, I am from West Bengal and i am a student. Now I am pursuing YouTube. I make family friendly clean comedy gaming videos… Read More

  • EPIC Police Station Build Challenge – Minecraft Battle

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  • Insane Moments in Minecraft Bedrock Montage

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  • INSANE REACTION! Minecraft Pros Dominate Dungeons

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  • Unlock the Hidden Realms of Minecraft! #shizo

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  • 🔥HellFrozen – EPIC Mountain House Build! #shorts

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