Modded Minecraft Nightmares: The Scariest World!

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Me just switch my um account on my phone so I could go to the actual one okay I guess I have to wait till it wellit I just need to check something okay it works congratulations I know how to stream all messages you go okay so hi howdy welcome back um so

Last time um yeah go here for stream o shiny uh last time we did a bunch of stuff died a lot um we’re not that far from home to be honest uh for a second I thought our home was there but that’s the man from the fog

Portal um we’re going to go here for stream I probably want to get out of this place um run around run around here for a bit and then go right back into that so I’m going to sleep get it all ready and um going try not to get uh hello o

Okay very beautiful uh let’s get it let’s get it yeah I I honestly I could not imagine playing Minecraft again without without shaders like it makes it look so good like I wish the default Minecraft had like options like this um oh it’s one of these let’s get it um what up creeper

Yes yes I like the sun too all right well I hope you have fun hopefully you don’t get chopped down from some random person with the iron axe um but yeah like don’t to me that’s a statue nope this is just Stone okay good this is a weird

Spot oh it’s part of a cave okay oh got our first major lag Spike okay not really too worried about it cuz you want to fight me you want to fight me bro you want to fight I do not know what what I don’t want no rice

Grain uh I would take the bread though bread is absolutely delicious um okay so yeah we do got another couple things um to do like I done some reading and and it seems like the box of whes monsters you could find naturally maybe some of them you have to spawn in but a

Lot of them have like weird uh Generations we need to find um now I don’t know if this is part of the weird generation but it’s part of a m shaft um yeah guessing Lush is below us or something cuz there’s a moss block there

Yo I want to get a bunch of pets like the birds and stuff but I would do that when I’m not currently hunting or getting hunted um I do that whenever I feel like it okay I’m just making sure uh that I want a blue J low

Key hey this kind of hey this has slabs on it what is this are these like the new types of caves if that’s so or like if this is probably one of the mods I’m guessing it is unless Minecraft like Mojang just added stone slabs in like natural like

Mounds to make them more like realistic in a sense then yeah good job moing um because at this point I I feel like you could for sure do it or they need to like add a bunch of Base stuff to the game I don’t think people would be very

Mad if they spent a whole update making um like adding a bunch of like uh face features hello dude what up okay I was about to say you’re not an alligator but you are also poisonous so bro you really miss me miss me now you got to kiss me what ain’t no

Way come on I literally almost died to a freaking salamander dude I don’t have my bow and arrow what up octopus or squid sorry sorry sorry sorry literally one shot from anywhere and I get bodied okay I don’t know why I have that many saplings uh fish cool I guess wood will

Be easy to get also why does the saturation go down faster when you’re eating like or healing shall I say so like if you eat and your full health right it goes down the normal rate right but if you’re like injured like I am it goes down faster cuz there’s no way I’m

Losing one and a half uh one and a half freaking um hunger by sitting here it definitely has to go down I’ve AED five pieces just to heal up this dud is going to get it I get anything no I just got poison wow I did all of that just for

Nothing wow wow wow and the reason I’m kind of streaming earlier is cuz I always want to test like what times are best and number two uh I might have to leave at like 6 which uh by my calculations is uh one of the times I’ve been streaming so oh hello so I

Preferably uh want to be able to stream four to five hours Today hello I ain’t going to fight you you’re going to fight me though you’re going to fight me though stop it stop calm down is it because you look them in their eyes I know like apparently like alpha male type animals if if you even humans if you look them in the

Eye they will like feel like you’re trying to challenge them hello that was kind of scary ah hello uh uh uh uh uh oh I want a two can but I don’t know how to get them probably cocoa beans to be honest oh and I did add another

Mod and uh it’s it’s kind of a rare spawn I might have to go into configurations and kind of boost up the spawns on a lot of these things um cuz like granny how are you supposed to eliminate her like five million times just to get a rainbow sword right like

When I’ve only seen a once and that was near the beginning and nowhere else unless I need to start going towards these red dots oh creepers okay ooh I will always point to drip Zone okay so these are outside I’m guessing this is biomes of Plenty tropical jungle bamboo jungle Fung

Jungle rainforest oh the rainforce would be cool I want snakes like I keep thinking of ones like mods I want like I want a giant snake I don’t have my boat um I did also add spiders that’s basically the other mod um oh time to swim with

This cuz I think the water mods especially with this where in a sense sometimes it’s kind of hard to see in the water um I think it would be good I also saw a kraken not wello I thought I bro I thought I keep forgetting I have to breathe underwater

Um yeah but I think we’ll do good think we would do good yeah I don’t want that no sir rainforest so this is a rainforest I figured to be honest it would be muddy and stuff like I I think it’d be I think it’d be cool if it was

Muddy my an Hill but yeah I think it would be cool if it was muddy and stuff so it’d be kind of hard to Traverse in a sense kind of like a real jungle I feel like or rainforest I guess rainforest is a freak is that what up little dude I want

One bro oh my Lord laying down ow okay listen I I I forgive and I forget and one things you apparently don’t do is forget and forgive or both things technically come on oh how are you hitting me through that hit me oh that kind of scared me okay

Ouch mhm good riddance damn so cool I said like a superhero line or whatever okay that’s just a skeleton Ash I do not need that I do not need that I do not need okay where were we going I probably will cut down here what I do is kind of

Um a no way I was about to grab that again need need to start using my scroll wheel I’m so used to the numbers because back then my scroll wheel like I said does not work o this is one of the things I was looking for but um and it

Did not have the one thing I was looking for either um could use that anyways uh so I always use the numbers and now that I uh could use it I think I could I need to get used to using the scroll wheels so I don’t have to like

Reach like for yesterday I had to reach all I had to let go of my movement key because my fingers won’t reach all the way over to like8 n so um I needed to I need to start doing this so I could actually keep running while switching um

But yeah the one monster I added yesterday uh and I I’m going to have to restrain myself from adding more monsters for now cuz we haven’t even reached half of them I don’t think a fourth of them um or maybe not even a fifth to be honest um don’t attack me please

Is uh like a giant well it has spiders in it and it has um it is also uh a giant spider moth type deal uh but it only spawns in rainstorms in a cave and I think in a certain biome so it’s definitely going to be more rare and a

Banana well I found another one of these and that be honest I wish only one of these spawned close by in a sense just so I could um just so they’re not all the way over I heard a Hur oh it’s you what do you got in here anyways

Um just so it’d be like feel like there’s only one place cuz I’m going to just have to keep finding them unless I could spawn more of them unless there’s two that I need one to defeat it whatever one to spawn it one to defeat it um I’m going to ignore it for

Now that will be another time to to spawn that I think I Will um for sure for sure uh uh Whatchamacallit I forgot what you call it but anyways um yeah I will for sure oh I know what I was going to say um I again I don’t forget I know it’s just for some reason my brain purposely

Zones out before I say it um but like I know what to say it’s just zones out and it’s stupid uh let me check yeah yeah we good um what I was going to say is one stream we will for for sure what up flying uh for sure spawn the man from the

Fog there you go you want a wiow flow where’s another one oh buddy so little baby bud let see okay we got it I also kind of want to and it really will be kind of hard which I’m not really worried about it now cuz this

Series okay as sad as it is it will eventually come to an end um it’d be a while because the uh um cuz I have to my plan is defeat all of the monsters that I can like are allowed get all of the achievements unless they come out with horror uh more horror

Mods which will in return help us um how much do these have a lot more than me so I might not fight them and with in return they will will make it where I can um what the freak you call it keep doing this uh of course like if we get rid of

Herob Brian and there’s nothing like major we have of him because I kind of want to keep statues and stuff or whatever or like a room of all the monsters I have slay if there’s nothing like for the her Brown mod I might get rid of it so

There’s more space cuz we already defeated it not right now cuz we have not even got close to to defeating him um I don’t plan on rushing on fighting like what’s that rushing it and fighting everyone I might just find a way Stone and do it cuz we have what

3,000 so like 5,000 blocks total explored well not total but like distance that’s the longest distance I feel like um when we get elyra it’ be better that’s what I also was thinking should I have like a um hello sanity how are you uh should I have like a vehicle mod

In a sense like actual airplanes uh or like cars or whatever something that could Traverse these things probably a plane would be better um and build like a hanger and stuff I don’t know probably siren head might freaking grab us out of the air to be

Honest but yeah when I find a waist Stone cuz I don’t have one on me and we find a good place to add it to not like in the middle of this I will um go back to the house uh and yeah for sure do that what the freak um what pushed me

Forward I don’t know was that here Brian that just whacked me also I don’t want to go over here cuz those birds are going to steal my food and I don’t like my phone my phone what food being stolen by birds so what I’m going to do a little

Shrimp go this way and I did find a house yeah that’s our plan when I find a way Stone go to the house travel back to this place where that’s the scary house that we found yesterday that we need to explore hopefully we could get some good weapons and a boss

Fight and then boom oh what’s this oh okay is this the one thing H yeah I think this is the man from the fog house can I buy another cassette um without you uh beating me up yeah no he has just cassette players will he give me more

Stuff I want another tier that’d be cool okay hey buddy I might come back for you or actually I might go to the other one since I already bought a cassette player he’ll be closer to leveling up and I could see if they uh will level up also I’m going to sleep

In your bed since I’m not going to break it uh if I die close to here this bed is not occupied never mind but yeah I think that’s the plan oh One lag Spike I also might turn down biomes of Plenty cuz as much as I like it I think that

Might be the main reason some of the horror mods ain’t working cuz it kind of gets rid of the natural biomes and a lot of the um why are you not sleeping usually villagers sleep before players anyways that might be the reason why we’re not getting n cuz everyone

Says they like it’s cool and all that a well and a cow okay oh I was about to say is herbron here and that Lo the way he PE hey saw you you ain’t running away from me or maybe he is I think he is y rest in peace not to

Me of course to here Brion okay let’s see if we can break this big old tree it should it’s kind of slow so we might be able to break it yeah it’s definitely slower so it should break everything and break my a yep O It’s raining tacos from out of this

Guy uh I do not need Redwood I’m being honest I don’t need that I want to keep that I want the wood dang already already again I mean I could do this what took its place oh a whole stack of it or who just ate something

Um ah wish should I I don’t need glycerin melon right here Glycerin can I make anything with it just brewing so it really is not I really could care less about Brewing breu what I can admit though uh is I need my axe then maybe I could get some oh great oh great now I need a fish

Byebye let me pick up some of the sticks you know that’s there just lying Around uh okay that was a lot of wood I did not know I would get that much wood to be honest Redwood oh that’s what I got okay okay okay I’m just making sure wait that’s a whole different I got full blocks I mean hey not really complaining I

Guess cuz though one blocks will work for this is cool the only way to scare off scary things is make your house scary in the first place and that’s how you win it Little Portal nope okay but from what I’ve seen I’m going to screenshots of box of horse cuz it’s

One of the Mysteries I’m trying to solve is some of the stuff spawns at like different little main made objects okay buddy I just got taken from a seagull and uh here Brian started chasing me try me you luy I’m nice no actually you’re just you laughing you better not

Be laughing you just lucky herrine came out here kiss me real good yeah I really need to find a way Stone um okay I’m just checking my phone for notifications like I don’t know about y’all but most of the reason why I like car my my phone

Places it’s not really just so I could be on it all the time I really kind of get bored some a lot of times on it it’s more so um it’s more so like if someone needs an emergency I’m always like not I guess cautious uh oh more so just very uh I

Don’t know what the word would be but yeah somewhat this is one of the man-made objects something is near I hope like a monster is not supposed to spawn in those would that mean that mod is probably broken not really broken because the freaking rats chase me so I know it’s

Working it just what B we in TAA I do think we need to find like a dead tiger also something’s behind me like a dead Tiger Biome or whatever uh that’s that’s what I think Bigfoot spawns in too yeah something’s over here we found something y’all we might get uh we might

Get something cool where it might just be might just be uh upset upset of the Sentry spawning in just just in case there’s something yeah I don’t see no uh red on here h there’s a public bathroom what you doing around here I mean to be honest uh disappointing in a sense of

Nothing happened but that does give me hope cuz I have not seen anything like that in a bit wait we missed something I think we missed something right there we’re going to go to the end of this island to check that probably there if there’s nothing there then we will go back to

The one Place yeah to be honest if I knew like this series it ain’t like doing like my YouTube channel my main Channel yet but from what I’ve seen people kind of have taken interest I feel like the first time I did it I really uh didn’t

Put a lot into I added a lot like a lot of the mods you see in here are from the first one ban mining nice I forgot added that but um what would you call it it didn’t like I just had the basic core mods right I

Never try to really add a bunch more cuz I think Calvin I think his name is it was like a YouTuber he kind of started blowing up because from what I and a lot of people found him is because his man in the fog or man from the fog series

Uhoh oh no that’s I I think I remember seeing something hold on we might actually have something here this again forgot my bed too let me go and the car okay me go and grab my and there’s a Red Dot in that corner kind of why uh maybe no that

Might be a different Corner anyways let me grab my bed from here and go uh okay little bro the that scared me ears what can I get rid of Now that let’s let’s be honest I probably don’t need That Way Stone too bro this is perfect actually yeah this is perfect perfect oh my yes actually what up dude uh sir can you please get on my way I might let him out soon like when I redesign my house I might let him out

Think I think he wants out too to be honest uh I should probably not have these cuz they are not toys h I about a way to travel oh I got another way Stone any anyways um sorry sir I need to get in my bed one probably this stream I don’t

Know I kind of want to stream um uh I kind of want to stream at um after I get back if I’m not satisfied like I might be tired cuz I’m going to the gym and stuff but if I’m not satisfied with uh like how the stream

Went after I get back cuz I’ll be back in an hour basically so uh over an hour close to two but if that means I come back at 8 that’s still hours I could uh do it red ST power or Redstone Mark there you go I don’t know something that not a random name but something that I could kind of remember uh because we’re about we might okay this might not be safe so what I’m going to do is that okay guys if we die delete my search history what

Um nothing over here I saw something glowing over here though before I do anything let me do a beback soon and look up let me look up real quick the screenshots because okay the rat is what happens okay yeah the first thing I see is literally that yellow

Thing at night do I have to come here at night engage three oh no Um I got an idea let’s look up what like we might have to crash something uh um see like there’s Krampus and everything xenomorph blood Xenomorphs are in the bottom like in the ground we could do the DVD burner for sure vo no that we could do uh t h no

Actually we could do that those two go with each other right ray gun I want a ray gun across a deer mask and it just switches to Bigfoot so as much as I want to I don’t understand this let me look up something again I really okay let me look up

Let me see I really don’t know uh I found another mod that’s SCP trying to look up like anything I also want to add seasons trying to look up oh this is from a different game don’t know what game that is anyways I really really want to find it let me look on

The comments real quick yeah like any ideas like they can’t find them like uh they know they found the other ones but they can’t like find like one they’re just asking how do you find this certain one but the way they talk is people have definitely found them

Naturally so there are other one you could find them naturally okay uh the L deer isn’t really problem okay so from what I’ve seen so they spawn naturally it’s probably just cuz I got a bunch of other mods that it kind of is is slower in a sense to um do

It or it’s not night time so uh I’m going to come back at nighttime because I found the structure there’s also Freddy Fazbear or F Fazbear frights so I think that naturally we could find them it’s just they’re not spawn in or be at night time

I would guess at night time that’s when they would spawn like I wonder if these flowers indicate that something is nearby like one of the things cuz if so we’ve passed a lot of places with them like bro imagine another one this is like literally one of the

First ones I’ve seen or like on the mod pack just like a indicator indicator please nope not that that I did not mean to do that thing like that I’m trying to press e because some games you could press e but that’s not working yeah I wonder if

These mean like uh cuz they’re not everywhere oh hello whoa do that again please cuz they’re not like everywhere but um they’re in certain places they’re kind of common but maybe that means they’re um I don’t know what time it is okay it’s about to be there

Like okay so box of Horrors right they do spawn naturally uh springtrap here well any don’t attack me like this is one of the spawns and there’s another one there but I’m guessing the whatever creature like out of the 30 there is um spawns here but I don’t know if I

Need a lighter or something I don’t know light it up I could go to the other one run back and forth I get it maybe like even if I go to that building there’s one cuz this island seems to be um this is what I mean these are

Nearby this whole island right here is scary bro I thought that was something oh my goodness I don’t know this whole island is like filled with these deers which isn’t really anything too bad um o fishies I also want to go in the ocean too do I need to also go there for

Stream So after night time what I would do is go for there where there’s a monument I’m going to look there’s anything there’s a shipwreck I could go to and something weird over there wood or that might be mushrooms so yeah what I would do is is there anything underwater shipwreck trying

To trying to find something special Pumpkins I’m guessing cuz I’ve probably missed a lot of stuff the fact that that one was under a tree like you see this one right here but you do not see that one maybe a glimpse of it somewhere maybe right

There I don’t know that looks it would be that color so maybe somewhere here maybe that right there I don’t know but actually Maybe maybe that right there actually I don’t know I have no idea yo what up Dorito how have you been um okay it’s not night time yet okay I’m going to go to the first one to see if any monster spawns since it’s close to night time actually I might wait till night

Time cuz I did not touch that one I I did not touch it I’m going to get out of the mini map view too that’s good that’s good um oh no Pillager no I do not want to fight you so I don’t get a raid on um I’m going to disappear from the

Mini map yeah this is where we need to go cuz hopefully a monster will spawn cuz if a monster spawns I don’t know which one that could be oh hey yo where are you man is following me um I don’t know which killer could be a bathroom

Um oh yeah this is Minecraft yeah shaders and all with a bunch of scary movie people horror villain icons and just a bunch of scary monsters hunting us right now I’m trying to figure out cu there’s a mod called box of Horrors and that’s the one with all of the uh like uh

Springtrap rake uh Jason literally some of the most famous uh horror movie villain icons there are and um I don’t know how to spawn them or if how it spawns at night or what but that’s what I’m trying to figure out oh hello hello hello after this we’re going to go to

This house I found I could just zoom out yeah right here there’s this scary house I found I’m going to go to after this if this doesn’t if nothing happens I’m going to go to that and see what happens in there see if we get jumped or something

Um okay I think it’s it’s about night time so I think if we start running there if anything’s going to spawn it’s going to spawn right here uh uh I’m going to ignore you you know what actually I’m not going to ignore you um oh my bro did I get

Him I don’t know if I got him well thank you for the sub yep yep but yeah this is my second channel uh Yeah most of these Subs to be honest are from the meme video I created years ago they got a bunch of views for some reason so like literally I would say oh my Lord bro yes that’s not a deer I found something Oho right in front of my eyes no

Uhhuh how Do You Like Me Now how do you like me now what you going to do a an axe that’s all you got me bro a wooden axe is what my man got me okay flip it ship it I want the actually bro why okay so the deers at night change

Or is it like their Boss right I I do not know what that dude was doing okay so it’s probably their boss or random ones that turned into like a freaking I don’t know what that was what was that like it says not deer but oh no For the Love of Jesus you want

To walk like that to me Oho why you getting bro these animals are crazy oh I don’t know what that deer is doing but it better back up for it gets bodied I don’t have the weapons for this either hello deer let’s see if we could get it

Um yeah we’re almost there my bad should be over here too yeah what the freak what are you what are you okay you could have just exploded hello anybody here oh heck no ow bro just what the Freak hello y’all good bro okay who pushed 36 on the was it you okay well Uh okay I’m going to go out blasting with my Dynamite Uh-huh let’s get it bro here Brian I Ain in the mood I don’t know what I just said there but well I kind of wish I didn’t leave I was just too scared to actually uh fight that dude but I want that Monster to come back I got Dynamite for

Him okay dear listen I bro I why can’t I see now Dodge moves Dodge moves bro calm down Enderman have you seen uh Oly gly oh you’re oh yeah bro that uh-huh yeah let’s get it spider uh-huh corner it what the freak is going on I’m About bro what bro I just looked at you stop what are you doing okay okay okay Dodge moves Dodge move what up Enderman are you going to Let’s do let’s get it out of here skirt okay this is probably a bad idea but I’m going to

Not what the freak was that oh my goodness bro my man is back for more open up bro hey oh okay can y’all like calm down with it like low key y’all missing your arrows like a bunch you know why I’m going to make you hit the Enderman there’s two right wait one

Who hit him bro really who oh heck no bro bro you should have turned into a not deer home no no no we we we sleeping now that the Weeping Angels the freaking um uh what you want I’mma callit uh what up 36 I don’t know how to heal 36 either

What up my dude up sit back down though okay I’m going to do not not deer we also took down not deer that’s good granny laser giant coral reef Giant and not deer is who we have eliminated so far but y’ I need to get out of my

House okay okay so all we got to do why hold on real quick why did the music quit it’s already been an hour okay I’m switching the music okay it’s already been an hour or close to an hour uh we could make mutant skeleton armor or B one I guess I don’t know

Um or I could expand my house so what I’m going to do is either a find a new house that has more room maybe like this um like yeah sleep all the way up here this already has a good room get rid of that and then somehow connect it down to the

Downstairs uh get rid of this room and just have storage I guess like any Minecrafters that know the best way to make a house without actually building a house um I could add stairs to this place but this place is kind of nice I don’t want

To ruin it but I do need a big enough place so I could decorate my uh was that Herobrine like the Herobrine mod makes you paranoid that you see him any like flash of blue with like white um you just think it’s here Brian

So also need to cover this up I need to become a good mayor what up dude uh you going to move okay buddy you’re going to move get out of here I know you like this hole I will bury you under here by the way get up get up you’re literally moving

Everywhere but where I want you to you just not get up oh thank you you’re you actually listen Okay that’s not where I did not bro don’t make me I don’t want to hurt you you’re the Bro here ran do something about it please here Ron you’re going to do something you going to do something can I take a screenshot yeah what you

Going to do here Bron how are you cuz like um what I got to say about this is let me oh what the freak okay let me just get a little bit of course of course he leaves now I’m go are you still mad at me that

I took one heart off of you and you took like 50 off of me listen let’s set our differences in a one V one I know I’m supposed to be uh oh my goodness bro actually this might be good Because I have to get dirt a lot of it and I have to get these out and the only way to get out is dig dirt I want as much villagers as I can to be honest come on I’m going to okay get out of course one well I even then I need

More yeah I really want like although this is oh yeah I can’t get out this way get out don’t make me bring a zombie down here you too go bro ow your friend got out you get out too scam I will throw a zombie down here there you go now go ain’t no

Way you you think this is funny I will literally throw a zombie down here out now what please get out huh stop stop kissing thank you now ain’t no way you you were going up there uh-huh yeah now you come up uh-huh y’all are not best buddies get

Out y’all both out in a way you just delete my block Ain’t No Way ain’t no way you just deleted my block there you go nice we guys we getting this nice before a freaking monster before a freaking monster comes and destroys everything hey what about

This house I could live in this although it’s kind of a way oh yeah what I could do for sure is what up here yeah not usable is make this clean this all out and I could for sure like keep some of this but yeah this might be

My house unless there’s one closer to me then I will move to this one but if there’s one closer to me then I’ll move to it and there’s that thing but half of that I would have to build a way up I don’t know if I want to uh so

This that’s closer but it’s down hill I just like mine because it’s on the hill yeah but there’s this yeah is it kind of destroyed in a sense is everything good huh I don’t know y’all think I should get this one or the first one which is

The like up there this one is close to the mound not really destroyed at all just lower down and then there’s this one which is literally right behind my house I think oh no this one okay never mind so I think either top one or down

One and boom and that’s this what’s this oh this is just a ah I don’t know BR I wish I had the Mesa one to be honest because the Mesa ones are built so good I don’t know why not all of them are built like that but the

Mesa ones are built so like gigantic in a sense uh see like this I’m already crowded uh what I would do is I got drawers uh I don’t want to use that unless it’s stuff I’ll use chests for uh a lot of it what about this place that’s the same going

Up I mean this place would be cool build the fence right here add little storage right there and then replace it right here or I could just go next door and do it now this is a different one too uh no that’s too many beds I I don’t want to ruin that

Also there you go I might choose this house it’s on the edge and I need to explore up this way either anyways so I think I would go there yeah and there’s a little cubby and I could have I could have some villagers sleep in here to be honest um

Not a lot but just some uh I don’t know how I could switch it so I will start breaking these that’s what I do then I have the cassette player on there um okay okay I think this will work y’all I think if we kind of Swit

Switch this around should I keep this kitchen should I keep it I don’t know and I might get rid of this bed right here or either get rid of these two and keep this one the freak or get rid of this side or heck even this side I might get

Rid of this side keep this one for me keep this one for two villagers um yeah that’s what I I do I need to add these into a a house so the villagers still have a room uh sorry I have to kick you out like this

But um I kind of had to hello are you taking new people actually I don’t think they are they literally why do you have that that’s kind of scary okay they got a literal bath in their house that’s kind of cool they got a bath y’all okay so this would be perfect

Right here so um cuz we need a better place to store all of our Majestic stuff when we kill the scary monsters so um I think this will be it before I move everything in I’m going to clean this pathway up get it all ready um okay and then do the same with

This now I don’t know how I connect this without this looking weird I guess like this just do it I guess and have it right here yeah like that I guess that doesn’t look too bad and do the exact same thing on here so it would be kind of even on this

Side I don’t really care if the I don’t really care if the kitchen is uh what do youall it connected and then I should I get rid of that that’s okay yeah I should maybe cuz that’s six total actually should I cuz if I do like two double chest double chest double

Chest there’d be one single right here where could I put the single or it would be a double chest and a single on both sides and it would have the pillar I guess I could do that and then that could be this could be my

Room keep that cuz I want to add the cassette player yeah that’s perfect yeah what up this is well two of your houses let me claim my bed real quick I wish if you claim the bed whatever bed you claim it does not they do not

Uh uh what do you mean what what is the word uh get in your bed shall I say um look how beautiful this area is look how beautiful also that’s I think a rare color and there’s still a bunch of them the villagers down here so I need somebody connect

It so what I’m going to do this episode this episode what this um what do you want to call it stream it will be a lot a large part of it will be uh getting stuff ready so when we do fight um the monsters whatever scary monsters happen

Then uh what up dude then we can cuz like see I don’t know why that’s in there oh that’s came there but like those two these four I need 36 to come with me the cassette up there um I’m already out of space uh what was I going to do over

Here oh I know what I was going to do hey yo that’s all I’m worried about to be honest with my Village okay already down here banging up a Storm I kind of want to get the flowers out the way I would do that next okay you that is literally kind of annoying me cuz I was going to fix it and you decide to run in there I mean that would be a cool way up but uh no so come back

Up of course I’m one short if you fall in that I’m literally going to snap your ankles thank you okay but we need to dig a a bunch of dirt So this dirt will be dug cuz well I need to repair the road make it more accessible like uh once we get all the villagers safe running around I could see what’s going on and I will I think it should all be safe yeah see already looks better and

Then might need to add stairs to that but any any M Crafters though if youall have any tips uh leave them be shall I say or not leave them be what comment down below shall I say uh any tips for I guess making stuff look better might try

Them so yeah see this is so far what I’m going to pay them maybe later uh but I got that working that’s good yeah that working down there now make sure this way is good going through here how is this looking uh not good what I do is it’s

Just it’s got to make it a little bit cleaner I like making it even I would say I like the I wish this stuff like uh spreaded but that would be worse cuz it wouldn’t make sense and also so it’ just be bad I can’t make this look okay

Okay I think we got this do don’t SE I hate how some plants you can’t break with those um H yeah what up dude what up what up what Up yes I see the predicament you’re in h i want to keep the flowers everywhere cuz it like makes it look better okay so I definitely have to build the stuff here actually while I’m at it might as well do this part and boom okay hey so we’re kind of get a Uh somewhat fixed yeah that looks better you can go down here let me sleep cuz as much as I like I said want to see monsters I don’t want my villagers to be attacked yet oh actually never attack but we don’t know what we’re facing yet well not all all of

Them um cuz there’s like over a hundred scary monsters I think most likely cuz one mod has like 30 of them and I have like 70 something mods so no I need to add that there then delete that one is this uh three go away

Please we we got this I think what we could do is not that cuz we want our villagers to have a safe place don’t we and hopefully this doesn’t go too far I don’t think it will okay they won’t notice a hole under their thing I guess I don’t know maybe they

Will it’s not like they’re going to fall in it though so that’s all that matters okay maybe it might be a problem and then the water oh my Lord okay we got this y’all all we have to do is keep on mining we’ll get back to the action in the

First place or what what we’ll do is after we’re done renovating see that’s already kind of looks better especially if we pay it um or even if I download maa’s uh path mod we could for sure do that uh but not the crit uh this over

Here we need to travel to that if we travel to that uh we will get a scary thing so that’s definitely what we need to do um much as I wish it wasn’t the case I am kind of happy that the water is just this now

Oh now I have to go all the way up here and somehow fix it I don’t know if this water is yeah uh what up any I saw a bunch over here here why are y’all stuck y’all stuck there is there wait hold on is there is this an opening Hey yo

Uh oh wow wow wow wow well they should be able to oh they can get up here they can get up here I’ll be good this way cuz the main way is over there anyways uh now I just have to mine away cuz we got this down here we got this

Way good and we got down here good yeah so all we have to do I had stay there and all of that I’ll make it look good but now we just have to do this so this looks good okay this is where it doesn’t look so hot

Uh although I guarantee I will need way more dirt I am going did not need to do that yep a whole lot more dirt y’all wow I want a cat too yeah these staircases I will fix later like I said I’m only going to make it where it’s suitable

Now I’m going to do this for now rest of these houses um a lot of these houses should be good down here also I noticed P like this pathing stuff caving stuff make it like like the shovel go down faster like than digging a block or is it because you don’t real

Cuz I feel like it goes down way faster but it’s like do I even realize how like much I’m Paving in a sense like I’m probably doing a lot of Paving like right there that’s probably like eight nine 10 like we’ve already done 20 so like does

It go down more when digging or Paving or the same but it just where you’re able to do it faster Paving faster it just looks like it goes down quicker and just for now for neatness I’ll pave this would probably be the most natural um thing instead of downloading a whole mod

Just for paths but um I might in the future never know um and look it already looks better like this I’m definitely going to add stairs anyways like I don’t know about the smaller ones that go down maybe I also notice like they’re technically not holding together on Blocks okay what up dude oh I hope you find that monster that keeps spamming that move heyo okay and then boom let’s get it y’all that this yeah see there we go I wish it was kind of a tan color but you could see that we went down that way

You see we went down that way and then down that way and down this way some of it’s already still here so we got that I think we’re doing better now and like see this I don’t know if I should add stairs or if I should like on these small

Ones I doubt it would look bad just a bunch of small stairs um I I guess I don’t want to throw all of these plants away so what I would do is all takes over the freaking grass too don’t it there you go and there was a compositor yeah right

Here I don’t need these yet I could find them pretty easy well I can’t do nothing with them but there you go and a bunch of moving blocks Um since I’m sleeping over there I would go there yeah the strongest Minecraft streamer there is imagine so what up Nathan what up what up oh love oh no not love dang uh so you think about streaming gotta do it gotta do it the best thing is is find a better Village

Like this and then freaking make one of the houses your own uh I need a I’m thinking about could I make a this table go all the way around here cuz this is going to be storage right H I also H if I could do this put the heads on

There and then put drawers up there right oh yeah that that for sure would work what up also probably need to close these doors or no yeah because there’s a monster that if it finds you it could break glass and bushes and stuff and go through one by one

Things yeah you’re going to become a Minecrafter bro um are you going to stream later or you going to stream like now I guess or soon in Ence because I still stream for another three hours I think close to three hours so um but even if you stream while I’m

Streaming I’m GNA for sure join um watch it after but just wondering cuz I kind of want to see the ventry you go on uh 36 you stay there for a second uh I’m going to miss this house but later for sure all right well I know

I am going to the gym at 6 so you probably start streaming near there and if you do stream or even before that um if well if you but like if you start at 6 for example and you stream for 3 4 hours I would still be there for 3 4

Hours technically or two or three at least first hour I’ll be at the gym unless he canels like I said in a way I I know we need to go to the gym so I want to but I kind of wish he would cancel in a

Sense just so I could do this but I I we I know I need to go to the gym yeah I got that uh Scaffolding too uh there you go it’s even and Then just for a little bit of differentiation n that looks weird okay looking good cuz this is basically where I’m going to add my um this shelf is where I’m going to add stuff like this for mods uh this is my shelf I don’t know if I I could do

Drawers um or shelves I guess they’re called I don’t know um where the freak they are right here the only thing is they’re good they like are smallart I’ll probably go around 8:30 and probably end at like 10 all right he I mean if you’re free go at seven be

Honest more time to do it yeah I try like I mean I of course don’t uh well you’re going to get tied shall I say it you know as people say on Twitter or big streamers say it’s streaming is harder than an actual job but

Um yeah but yeah if you do that then I’ll for sure be able to watch at the beginning too and like I said he might be able to he might go earlier which if he does it would be good in a sense but also bad cuz I kind

Of want to stream for a bit but anyways uh what hey what you think should I do drawers or should I do never mind I’m not doing J that’s a bunch of wood uh never mind Redwood I got oh I didn’t realize how uh I could probably for real do um I could for real probably uh do drawers but I don’t know I might do drawers on certain places like uh and the pillars like the half drawers so stuff that’s random that I could get a

Bunch of cuz it’s different like they’re not like chest they don’t uh they don’t open like this like you could only see the item on front of it and you have to click it a couple times to even oh to even get it it’s weird oh

Well well I guess I do need a uh well crafting table right here uh where the freak do I put this I guess right there probably didn’t need that much actually I probably do nope although I wanted it the other way it they decided to yeah yeah

Totally although I went it the other way it they kind of did weird stuff um yeah I could put the drawers right here like the small ones it would come out a half thing it would add more detail um and then I have to make

Uh then I have to make a a lot a lot of freaking what the freak you call them item frames and I’ve seen so much leather but as you guess it I don’t think I’ve grabbed all of the leather I probably found like over a stack of just

Leather in chest I never grabbed it also I found the monster I was talking about yesterday that I saw on your stream I found it in here it just like it it it started jumping me when two weeping angels uh giant the giant laser dude uh everything just started attacking

Me um yeah not fun I to say uh what am I looking for leather three leather okay this this might be a bad thing yeah this might be a little bit bad is there a way to make leather a hoodie a jacket oh that’s how you make it

Kangaroo hide okay what does this make though leather jacket leather tunic glove cursed head wash your hands what the freak uh bat wings oh this is all for elyra for it assassin tunic uh okay backpack I need a backpack okay for real parag glider bows assassin cap bro that would be so I

Want an assassin C okay that and that I need to go to the Sea this is what I do I would just Uh Yep this is what I will do I will um keep everything here cuz I really don’t need it and then is there anything else I would need oh my goodness I’m dumb boom shaka like a boom bam okay then granny laser giant core Reef not

Deer okay we do that uh I’m going to start moving everything actually I might not even move everything I might what I might do is um honestly low key just start moving this stuff like cuz I don’t feel like moving everything so what I might do is

Over time like add stuff in there hide from here BR yeah where should I uh put who I’ve killed cuz I need a lot of them a this would be the perfect place I need to make a sword though I ain’t spinning that iron stick hey bet uh this would be the perfect Place where’s would she ah this is pretty fast I didn’t know yeah although I did steal this house actually I stole it only from two people I I uh so you’re just tell telling me there’s TNT above my house and a piston would this break the

Roof good cuz I want I want this room um yeah if hey I recommend since you do have this mod um recommend fighting like a desert one the desert ones in my opinion are way better uh they have way bigger houses and stuff um yeah they have way bigger houses or

Houses with usable space um yeah that’s what I should say houses with usual space um for sure so granny uh laser giant coral reef Giant and then not deer that’s what it’s called but I think it was like a windo or something like a you know that

Like deer like weird scary deer thing like one of the deers as I was walking I want to clip it but as I was running right in front of me like this is it right here while I was running just turned into a demon and started attacking

Me yeah all the hassles will be yours like the first time I did this my first series on this attempt on this my house was three houses big houses connected cuz the way it spawned they all like kind were inside each other so I kind of

Like cleared out the inside and it was just giant but it got raided and my villagers died and I died multiple times um so yeah don’t get raided it will be a world of pain if you do even though I got a bunch of cool weapons in here that I’ve have not been

Able to build a multi-tool or Soldier helmet that’ be cool uh or this what the freak is this oh yeah that’s the new freak I want that holy crap okay anyways we’re looking good so Far okay there you go I don’t have invisible item frames on yeah see like that that’s running that’s here BR ain’t it uh that’s for sure here Bri I don’t know why I did that but I am greedy with it right since that’s already there uh this will be like mob

Drops there you go and this will be Redstone this will be Books Okay spooky Minecraft world yes very spooky what up sheep wait why are you I I haven’t really seen a normal sheep I don’t think in a bit seing all of the extra like uh extra or like the variants of

Them okay I think that’s enough uh what do you want to call it revamping I think now I’m going to go to the scary house I found uh so let’s go to it you know if this was a video I would do a whole transition swipe all

The way there and we’re here but no this is not sadly this is an actual thing okay go for here I need my bed there’s a bed woo I don’t know I’m I’m ready for yours cuz if you’ve if you’ve added mods uh like your own mods and stuff I think it’d be

Good even if we have the same cuz I don’t like cuz I think the way it is even if you don’t like have like um as much mobs as me you might have in return find more of the monsters like more of the mobs cuz

I uh where I have so many mods for mobs and stuff and even the biomes are plenty some of the mobs only spawn in certain uh natural things right uh natural or like vanilla shall I say biomes and they uh even then the vanilla I

Think are kind of hard to find in biomes of Plenty hopefully they’re not impossible because like one of the mobs uh the scary one you have to find um like a vanilla one I forgot which one it was while it’s thunderstorming in a cave and even then it’s hard to

Spawn it’s supposed to be rare cuz if it does it will wreck your world ah the Crypt the Crypt the Crypt I think we conquered that to be honest uh well not really in a sense cuz I still defeated a boss room after dying a lot of times

But there’s something weird weird about there’s another room with the exact same spawners in it so I don’t know if I have to defeat all of them but I’m going to go back when I get better armor and what I’m going to do is freaking explode it I’m going to in

There and just explode and everything holy crap spider eggs you know there’s not actually a lot of spider mods uh I thought there would be more um since I like a like a spider overhaul that would be good hopefully they’re work on one maybe I don’t know um that would be like super

Good spider overhaul cuz like a lot of people are afraid of spiders so imagine I mean there’s also a realistic spider thing where they’re able to crawl like uh under like blocks so like they kind of like the ants they could crawl up this and then crawl under

And then go so you’re not really safe from them I thought about doing that but I wasn’t for sure but I might uh bones holy crap this place Again never knew how nice it would be to have um music playing I wish I could see any giant monsters spawning I like those like little like pockets of water oh that oh nothing just a partical accelerator uh uh I really need to make Minecraft Clips that’s what I need to do Minecraft

Tick tocker cuz like I I guarantee I could put some oh Lord I guarantee I could put some like make some pretty good ones I don’t know okay we’re good no more sounds maybe more sounds I don’t know have I already explored that one yeah yeah yeah we’re almost there all yeah we’re

On we are almost to the scary house and when we get to the scary house we better not not get attacked well we might get attacked but you know yeah bananas I also downloaded a corpse mod now um well so if we do get like if we do you know get

Eliminated uh we can um the freak is it we do get eliminated we could for sure I pick up that was weird there’s nothing extra anyways we could for sure uh fre what was I even going to say I was mostly confused on why I picked

Something up I can’t see what I picked up no um but let’s see let’s just see what’s going to happen here catfish lapis why is lapis all the way up here this biome I guess I do know an overpowered mod um that’s good from my modded world

Mostly because some of the stuff I have like even with my plus 80 100 whatever armor it is uh we found Sasquatch guys we found the Sasquatch bro this wood Deep Dark Forest oh growth Birch Forest a this might be a debate though I’ll grab that in a

Second that might be a debate cuz how small it is it might not work unless hold on oh he might be over there oh I did not know that bro a banana Gone Bananas a banana bro I am happy cuz like um see I thought for a second that we

Uh cuz I’m going to get rid of this Waypoint and then add Bigfoot I don’t think this should be uh big Foot house there you go Bigfoot house this we’re going to go Elite Waypoint uh big foot location and then what would be a good color um probably a gray yeah okay wow okay okay wow uh we got that too wow okay okay okay I keep saying the same stuff we need that for

Sure what but you could put that on there okay hello uh let me eat something there’s a bunch of red nice nice nice nice nice nice nice nice nice but that that was like one of the first ones that was pretty good okay see now we’re just getting

Okay know I might do low key though I might take one of these or two of them uh just because okay I know this might sound crazy but just because I think it would be a cool uh thing to have in my house like imagine I could

Uh well they they are under me go sit back down I don’t want Rong flesh remember like people wish you could o leather hopefully I’ve been grabbing leather remember when people thought like Uh uh my was that like a like was that like a very intelligent person’s grave or like a Ruler CU like I’m sorry I dug up your grave although like imagine getting bodied to Minecraft am I right I’ve never had that happen to me oh y’all need to calm down with the uhuh uhhuh bull crap dear yes I know it’s scary that people are shooting at

Us I don’t know what to do steth here calm down I ain’t going to do nothing to you roses roses roses okay buddy uh I’m going to keep this stuff but as soon a I should have kept well I mean at the beginning I really wasn’t uh worried about

It if I’m being honest I really really really wasn’t Worried that scared the freak out of me oh what if I what if I could do this spooky spooky skeleton hey nice let me go back to my house really quick and dump this stuff off I need to change my home too um huh huh that’s something I really don’t have to worry

About as much as I like that home I need um keep my distance h no I uh I need to start switching cuz this is my plan I probably need to make um right now so I don’t uh get it but I need to start putting all my new stuff in

There uh where can I put this to be honest home home where’s home home lady I don’t know where your home is okay I just ignore me I’m just going crazy right now I don’t know why I did that but uh oh that was almost perfect oh little little lag

Spike so what what can I do here this will be valuables Okay okay someone do not like my valuables uh drops gunpowder I guess and then these are wither roses so I could do there’s that there’s that okay do this and this could be like the stuff like that I don’t know and then the food food I guess and then armor Uh oh I’m dumb and then the rest will go here I know I I just said what I need to do um but I need I need to I need to just do that H Samurai how are you how are you okay let’s go back to Bigfoot house although it’s not really Bigfoot

House I mean Bigfoot is over here somewhere or over there this is just a scary house we’re about to go into um I wish I could keep those it sucks that I can’t anyways let’s go in what up what up what up okay I’m scared though there’s blood oh heck

No leather I would keep you know what hold on real quick this music if I’m being honest there we go there you go there you go bro someone’s R oh my Lord bro someone’s getting cooked up for dinner bones that’s good that’s good okay let’s go oh my Lord basement okay [Laughter]

Let’s can I get NOP yep if we’re getting chased I need a I should have just kept my sword well guess what I have to stand here and be that I should have just kept my sword because this is going to take forever also let me look on the map really oh no

Those are just the red circles something’s flying fast though maybe a fly or a Bird okay one more I guess uh don’t you love having to break a cobweb although you had a weapon okay can all y’all shut up you’re getting annoying um okay we we we about to go in here in here like swim where Okay bro what the freak is that open up okay that’s pretty good armor not that I need it Uh oh okay I going back down Down I’m going to sleep in here should I sleep in here no but oh monsters nearby okay great bro well to be honest I forgot that I don’t need this okay let’s go okay let’s go in the basement actually no well let me out there you

Go when by I get rid of these annoying uh-huh you want to come down here one out of Time oh oh sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry did you mean to do something down here oh I’m sorry oh okay I could just Dynamite this whole House is there spawners bro Bro stop stop stop Detective but where are you spawning from um W I don’t know where these people are spawning From okay can I just stop placing is there anything up here nothing yeah sorry I’ve been kind of uh busy like I’m not really talking a lot because this is okay kind of crazy oh I got bone dagger okay that’s cool okay let me eat real Quick okay Ain’t No Way ain’t no way probably not the best idea a weeping angel okay okay okay bro bro oh guys I am stuck up here this house is burning too okay Okay okay okay okay oh I’m honestly surprised I’m honestly surprised that I did not blow up the front of the house Holy crap not that how are y’all y’all doing Good I wish these guys wouldn’t spawn not spawn but keep spawning bro I got scared and did something bad oh okay okay okay we’re good hopefully it didn’t destroy okay also hate uh this so basically so I’m going to just put all of this here preferably keep my

Wood Pon would be nice um name tag will also be nice Unbreaking to really does not matter freezing three aqua affinity nice that’s what I like my reward although to be honest there’s not really a good reward I need to eat but there’s not really a good reward for this unless I

Get something cool stop trying I might be able to uh why is it not adding when I want did he just freaking Jump okay can you I’m scared anybody in here y guys what up listen I don’t know how y’all would get out of here uh but that’s better Than bro guys I am a Minecraft God oh my Lord sorry bro my greatest failure was the Bigfoot house this has to be sealed forever this no one could come in or out this has to be sealed Forever we do not talk about the tragic vent events that led to this oh real quick let me check the thing um also if you guys haven’t please like the stream you know you know okay uh and then I should be good okay let’s get it y’all wow we really

Really F at that can I say we I told him or I I released them just so I could get them out but what screwed me up is they the acolytes are so fast that he climbed up and it didn’t build the one uh stay when I was going to do it

Cuz I would have got them out of there 100% but I couldn’t um we could add two more villagers actually probably not but they could have live lived there or somewhere okay they they they could up they were just young n it sucks though we we failed

That one y’all or i f it shall I say we we you know we have some wins some losses you know I need my saddle over here okay I’ve Noticed that’s okay can you just not that sound has happened right so often or recently now I don’t know if that’s Bigfoot and it’s because we kind of activated him or what uh drony you’re coming uh but what I do know is we fell today y’all he was just a

Young I don’t know what I’m saying I’m trying to make it dramatic right like like well they weren’t Tech well how old are villagers okay cuz I keep on to say like they were just born or whatever but to be honest they were just freed

Okay from the prison and then I had to just be I should have what I should have done is cleared it all out build away and then do it that would have been good but for being honest here where would have I uh like where would have I

Put like them after we got out of the house cuz after like uh will he teleport in nope he’s going on the house okay come on your drone yes welcome um your humble abode you could right there there y’all go we got him in

Here uh let me do this so I at least have some in there I guess just so it could uh looks better I guess I don’t know uh this we got that we got that we got that um I could low key cuz all I’m using the sticks for

Right or the leather for is is this so I could for Sure there you go I was wondering where that was I was like ain’t no way I only have this much now I need more sticks perfect yeah okay something we activated did something we activated a monster I’m sorry y’all but it get out the way please H uh okay this

This name tags there I I doubt we have that many name tags um I could make a chest right here I need the wood to be honest and I’m getting out of bread it’s getting d damage that’s what’s yay oh so they have it where as soon as

It gets where the villagers want to sleep in a sense that’s like our alarm clock saying hey let’s get in that’s a cool feature that’s what I figured it was but I didn’t know it was the exact same time I think that’s the cool part it’s basically the exact same time as

Soon as they hear it it’s like they just go in there a I’m going to just put those in there and this if I’m being honest I don’t know where with that stuff um I’m not really good with it shall I say okay let me put my phone on a

Charger so cuz when I do leave I ain’t trying to have a dead phone um I will forget about it I could put on my wood in a place that apple is also good this is also good potions are also good string is also good um yeah what spreading I don’t really need

A keep yet well I well I need a keep but Um it’s not really a thing okay I want the armor stands huh Emerald dark iron Door ooh the top part is where I can put my armor stands just like cuz I want I for sure based off just how much I have and stuff I for sure won’t have enough like literally based off how many armors there are I probably won’t get

All of them maybe I will uh that would be a good like point that that that would be one of those streams near the end of the series whenever the end I figure that this will be well over a 100 right at least um so yeah

Okay what was I going to do okay yeah yeah yeah yeah so this is this it will kind of get annoying If For the Love of Jesus it keeps doing that without no actual reason like it better have a reason for doing that I’ll fix that in a

Well well that would be easy there you go wood yeah wood will literally might be the biggest part well here planks and then logs oh that’s Dynamite like there is no way oh for example that’s how it would go and then that’s how it would

Go I’m going to keep half that cuz I might need it y’all know what I mean um oh wait there’s a bunch more stuff a oh another name tag okay dang we have three name tags that’s pretty good I would say food right there uh what’s right there

Nothing so that would be like uh MK stuff um this will be candles stuff like that just anything that’s Lightable um coal so anything that well I guess run stuff and then armor and weapons extra stuff like that don’t need those what if what if you was here BR I might be um I also found Bigfoot um I don’t know if you were here for it but I

Did find Bigfoot literally the house right here here we don’t talk about what happened there we just got done with it bad stuff but right here I found Bigfoot um I didn’t like investigate it like see Sasquatch detector um I didn’t investigate it yet

Cuz I kind of wanted uh to do that when there’s a bunch of people to you know cuz I feel like that would be a good or wasted opportunity if I just did it with well zero viewers to be honest my humble opinion um since it is literally like a whole

Investigation that would be something I’d do later I just marked it so I do know where it’s at um right now I’m just sorting all this stuff cuz I honestly think I’m ready to fight someone I don’t know uh dang I got a lot of coal and a diamond

Sword I don’t know what to do with parter flesh like that’s just such a weird name for It yeah always comes back haunting us and all the hold on what up what up was there anything weird because I noticed I didn’t really pause my game so was there anything weird sounds up playing but yeah I also don’t like how uh that loud noise keeps

Play like it it if it’s for like Bigfoot then maybe we might need to do Bigfoot soon but if it’s not for bigfoot then buddy stop doing It okay hey yeah I’m going to I’m going to like this place it’s going pretty good but yeah the Bigfoot he better okay who keeps did the Villager push you off um and there’s a lead so yep I’m about to fight it that has to

Be Bigfoot right or is it an actual like is it like something near me like it’s about to kiss me kiss me if it’s something near me uh coal that was perfect um anything here NOP just the riches someone’s walking here better not be in my house

Nope I need to find a better lighting up there than torches so this would just be random I was so scared to do that um while I’m doing this I won’t oh a thunderstorm okay that that this this should be good y’all thunderstorm not scary at all nothing will

Happen only thing I don’t like is if uh I’m kind of scared okay ooh ooh banana man Spirit orb smithing table bro oh guys the rarest mob that hold on hold on hold on repeat undesired what no my no villager don’t go in there you let go of my V okay wait it

Died did it die Okay it definitely Burns bro first off first off protect the Villager from an undesired shark without starting a fire oh that that thing okay thank you bro yeah for real demon so it won’t burn so the stuff on the campfire won’t burn so he must have just despawned

Bro like that scared me okay let me let me continue with this slow music we got that waste bro I’m about to whoop Bigfoot in a second like that might lowkey just be big foot huh H okay for real and the stuff it does by the way like the stuff that that monster

Does is like actually crazy like I that’s why I didn’t want the villagers to go in there because if they did if it didn’t despawn right or unless it died it might have died but if that happened I want to find the stuff I didn’t see it turn red

Uh but that wasn’t the big one there’s like a one what if Bigfoot didn’t have a Bigfoot would he to be called Big hey you’re asking the real questions bro uh maybe I don’t know would he be called Bigfoot small small foot no foot like I don’t

Know okay buddy no no no no no I don’t want to hurt you so if your mama tells you your mama told you to walk up to a stranger and kiss him would you do that no so stop attacking me go to sleep go

To sleep go to sleep I didn’t want to go to sleep but I don’t want to hurt my villagers they’re not in the right mind you better get the freak what I don’t want you ow n n no no no come here come here I’m going to literally n you come

Here come here come here you think you funny I didn’t want to have to do this Bob but come on no Paul stay back you would kiss a stranger is p well Bob I really don’t want to do this so you better stop listen Bob I don’t want to do this

This is going to be hard for me but ah you’re going to make me do it aren’t you okay you stay down there Bob okay I told you I didn’t want to not bro I’m surprised he even survived that to be honest listen Bob sorry I’m surprised he even survived

That I thought he would about to get babon but no we survived it they don’t know we use Spider-Man bro I wish I had a Spider-Man mod remember that uh Dragon Ball Z mod I had and it was just a weirdest thing that here BR I’m about to

Freaking you know what this you want this bro my man TI t oh my house is this way hahaa so funny okay let’s get to it so we got that uh we got this we got mob drops uh this is going to be one and this is going to be one

Uhhuh uhhuh uhhuh got more gunpowder nice got a lot of rockets yeah he went to oneon-one but he ran away I ain’t no way did that wait all right did that fall right through there the first time or no did I just look at that weird um corruption right

Here I don’t know what to do with this stuff guess right here now we would do a duplicate since it is duplicates uh yeah that oneon-one low key he’s a baby I want more chest that would be cool one Marvel like weapon utility type deal honest honestly like if we’re being

Realistic like if we get that weapon or utility type deal we’ like do we get the power cuz like Spider-Man’s web shooters we would get those but we wouldn’t be able to us as normal humans wouldn’t be able to swing for that long and that fast like he does cuz it would just

Freaking rip us off our arms up because well we’re not strong but like if we get the my goodness if we get the power Towers like that come with it in a sense than Spider-Man but if we don’t then I would like uh probably Captain America’s shield I don’t honestly I’m in

Gauntlet his is just pew pew that’d be fun pew pew PE so yeah if we get the powers yeah then if we get the powers and Spider-Man’s web shooters but if we don’t then Iron Man’s gauntlets I don’t know where to put these what about you Nathan who would you pick you

Probably bro I’m out batt bro you’re literally about to get whoopy kushed whatever that means and I’m about to run out of Food coffins this um probably this right here all right the graveyard yeah that would be good that’ be good I could Store dang that’s a lot of storage you could have I didn’t know it was that much to be honest where’s do it w wo w all right I guess fancy egg this

Um other than that I was thinking oh yeah true Friday that would be good Hest if we yeah no if we didn’t have power than that that would be good cuz then that would be in its own be a superpower because information information in the boom Peter Parker is

Spider-Man I got the tears for the blood tear tier of the man to summon the uh the man from the fog so that’d be a good stream and then Bigfoot yeah world domination for real for real and then this food would do the egg where could I put the coffins uh

Um I don’t know bro you know what I might do low key if I ever have to I do a right here if I have ever ever H now since this is my yard could clean it up but if I ever have to do something cuz to be honest like these

Dark Oaks uh coffins are cool but I kind of want like maybe the one from the [ __ ] like the Blackstone one um like I I I might add like weapons in here Um just dud yeah that it’s Bigfoot I feel like it gets louder if I look this way in both ears and unless I was just pying myself out that’s where Bigfoot is and that’s where the sound like really came from so it’s definitely Bigfoot so if I I

Might do it today or tomorrow depending on how much um time to go bed determining if uh what a thing is what um the Weeping Andel bro let me tell you be careful especially with a bunch of other uh things flying around cuz the freaking mutant or the

What do you want to call it The um what the freak is it called what the Weeping Angels right they move like the more you’re in the day or the night the more that spawn duh but especially with the other mobs that are distracting you and like you’re looking at them like oh that’s scary whatever

They will come up behind you they kind of get more deadly in this in my opinion and I don’t know if you know but well I don’t know if you know where they send uh they uh Whatchamacallit send you right have you seen where they send you or not yet cuz

If you haven’t or don’t know then I won’t say cuz it it is a good surprise surpr if you ever get caught but I mean don’t get caught from there please uh but it would be fun okay so skeleton heads or any head really I’m going to

Line no okay then I won’t say just don’t get caught that’s all I got to say okay I know that makes you want to get well I don’t know if that makes you want to get caught but actually don’t it’s actually bad uh how do I mutant I need one more rib

Bro I’ve I missed the rib somewhere what does these do five five two two oh my goodness bro oh my Lord wo this is not bro stop it and what does this add cuz I know nothing really bro that’s actually nice with It not that I need one more rib I must have missed a rib when I was there on was that here R let me I’m going to look back at my uh stream in a second but yep that was that was 100% him freaking banana see and paranoid

Again yeah no I always stay far away from them like the reason Okay the reason the first one caught me and it’s not even like well actually I only got caught once but my first death was because I caught him but I fell off the church looking Tower and died to my

Death then the second one I was looking at him but he kept moving right they just kept moving above me although I was looking at them and they fell on me while moving I was looking at them so yeah if you get caught like that you must most likely will 100% get caught

They do something like that I need an anvil stop pushing me please you don’t know who I am stop pushing me going add cool things to uh poison spikes okay I would like to try something like that soon I have to uh eat but I’m going to just watch

Something don’t know what to watch to be honest uh yeah the water I think it’s because it still counts as like a block in a sense and sometimes you could of course like if you look away and look at them they like it depends like for the most part that one was actually

Sometimes I see them move but I don’t really blame it on the thing because uh I move very fast back at them or there’s still technically like a see-through block maybe like uh Leafs or something you could see them walking through but that time I literally was in plain view um there we

Go I need to move it this way though look how beautiful the house is coming along you know like we got 36 okay I want to add this somewhere but I don’t know where to add it without it actually hurting people so is it like

A okay so it’s not like a fortnite one it doesn’t shoot that’s what I was kind of afraid of um and I don’t know I don’t want to put it on here because the Villager is going to walk on here and start dying there you go just up there you

Know does America actually run on Duncan I don’t know does it honestly I think I’m done with this not with streaming but like the with moving I think I could go on the next adventure yeah I lowkey think we can cuz well banana I want to uh should I go should I

Go to the crit again and yeah I might go to the crit that’s what I might do cuz I got better armor and stuff so I might go to the [ __ ] if I even have it on there that’s what I’m going to do um okay buddy what what what you really

Do uh oh yep does it just turn in okay here night thunderstorms all that yeah I might go to the Crypt or so we got Bigfoot house Redstone Mark and fogman portal oh yeah the Redstone Mark bro wait why did I go here bro I forgot here like bro look what happened last

Time oh calm down you ain’t the target like kiss me already I guess okay you know what I’m going to I’m going to come on come on come on your lasers don’t affect me by the way oh you stuck under here bro quick but Stop chicken BR yeah spawn camping is crazy what you going to do what you going to do I’m right behind this F PO let me heal up real Quick wooo oh you mad aren’t you you mad aren’t you scirt skirt oh you thought I was going to go right huh bro what that’s what the laser does it hurts and yeah spawn camping I summon Sapling I don’t no Wonder let me eat this real quick and I got it skirt skirt uh-huh get teab bagged on Dance dag on and I only get black stone for it like bro give me something better like you would think that you would get uh something also hold on real quick not

Full face although that to be honest that is pretty cool um this uh You’ think you would get something better but no you don’t but yeah what I was going what this was is this over here right um this is one of the box of for

Things now maybe but I don’t know what supposed to spawn and there’s another one over here and there’s a bathroom filled in over there why are you all so liking me anyways I don’t know which one’s supposed to spawn here or what but something Is sh Um oh I could go here oh wait if that’s what I think it is then we might be able to yeah that’s what I think it is we might be able to fight another monster H Boom cuz it that might lowkey be which way that it kind of looks like one of the like the freaking oval or like the round shaped bunkers hangers type deal a yeah look at that yeah it definitely is and then what the freak is that yeah yeah that and then this we

Lowkey might find someone here what the freak what up guys we might get slender or something I’m going to go away real quick yeah so down here this island is where you find the box of horse to be honest um I’m going to go big foot Um this little place right here uh hanger Boh box of hores that’s where that is and then boom away so we don’t get into any trouble when fighting it if there’s yeah right here that thing right there is in the screenshot so that has to do something with it now I don’t

Know what the freak this is um oh dang bro and that one is too I know what this is why are there so many spawning of these like I wish this was the one that was like only one yeah you it’s just a cassette I low key might steal that one

Day but for now I Won’t ah wait those are drawings I’ve seen them everywhere collect the page no no I didn’t want to collect a page engaged I a I ain’t engaged in nothing guys oh I’m off this island drink water drink water bro really really your mother your mother is here BR where is he bro shh bro I’m literally about to throw a freaking dag on thingy Miggy at you oh can’t run help me Mama this music is not like OMG Fame for Less uploaded wooo

Uh is that him over there where else is these Pages supposed to be like is he going to be hunting me like what if I run away like how many papers do I got to find like a 100 what if I just run away herob Brien who would win Herobrine or

Slender also I didn’t know this was going to be um okay I won’t look sorry sorry I won’t look at you but I will throw a dynamite if you keep trying bro where is he where the freak is he where the freak is he uh brow can you help me yeah

So this was Slender Man the whole time um I mean I don’t really see him so what if I teleport home am I still engaged like bro are you still going to engage me Okay Horse anything else oh yeah this some weird Stuff drops yes glass bottles yes I have to drink one of those you know so I have to collect like eight pages right and he’s always on Me yeah that’s not good that is not good better not hurt my villagers by the way hopefully I’m not hurting them since coming here should be good though right cuz like if we’re being honest somewhere uh okay I spawned where spawn like down here I think so somewhere in here maybe over

There somewhere or anywhere here there are the exact same things with the car and stuff so and it had the papers on it I didn’t know that was the papers um well I would well no no not that I didn’t know it was the papers or I didn’t know they were the

Papers but I had a feeling like I was wondering what those are but like both the first time I couldn’t I didn’t feel like building into it because it was in the air and it was my like I just started and the second time I was just lazy so I

Guess it’s lucky that I started it when I uh did wello that scared the freak out of Me yep yep so I have to find eight pages throughout like everywhere wasn’t there like a page here like a car with it there’s something over here too yeah I could if I travel over there then yeah and I got another one so and a bed so I should be good all

Right think I should be good then think I should be good unless there’s a there I don’t know if this is what spawns him I just don’t know also don’t know where he’s at so still engaged to him so I guess he like was like H he’s too fast for

Me let’s get him or don’t get him cuz he’s too fast I remember uh me and my friends old surviv sural world is on Playstation this was before they added infinite worlds I had like a um O Okay um oh this is just this I had a uh um little house

And they um and in the backyard was a Berry Farm and it was the biggest I had the most berries ever and I was like the food supplier in that world it was beautiful and then like in the forest kind of like this though but more like

Add more like Ferns and stuff I guess is that’s what you call them it um it really really uh I have like traps in there trip wire so if you’re running you get hit like with a poisonous arrow just so I could like just for fun

To be honest and if someone was in the backyard my backyard without me knowing uh they get smacked up with an arrow of course um but yeah slender is looking for us cuz I got three pages so far thought that was him to be Honest I don’t see him though he was chasing me for a bit kind of what kind of looks like a dog are you talking about this or like dog in a sense of like bad I don’t know oh the world map never mind I I forgot map I don’t know why um but

Yeah uh to be honest if you turn it like this way so like this part goes over here like 90 Dees or whatever or 45 whatever that would be it kind of looks like a that dinosaur that flies Triceratop or whatever it kind of looks like that yeah

Dog I need to find a dog so uh I can name it and also so holy crap also so I can Bigfoot if you make this noise again that’s Bigfoot making that noise yeah engage so here Bri this listen Okay you oh you didn’t disappear listen I don’t want to hurt

You but I’m going to hurt you with this oh yeahhuh you like that don’t you you you like that don’t you f yeah okay I should have never done that though this part is going to burn down I am sorry um uh well what up vibe to me it looks

Like a gold retriever covered by a green blanket oh okay I see that now with that okay see that that okay that makes more sense this is the face I’m pretty sure the mouth and then yeah that makes more sense um but yeah Slender Man is

Fighting me here Brian well you just saw what happened we found we found Bigfoot earlier right here I was going to wait probably after I eat or whatever or next stream whatever mostly when we have more viewers cuz I don’t want to kind of waste the Bigfoot thing or like just me

I’m the only one watching AKA playing but uh cuz I I it’s a onetime thing in my opin ooh um but yeah a lot of stuff have happened oh we also went to this house today we don’t talk about what happened there but we went to it that’s all that has up

Anded yep what up what up yeah um that’s basically what has happened today so far and we still have a while ooh bro these trees Cherry Logs with the white is beautiful also I was wondering would you guys like me to add a Seasons mod where basically uh it turns seasoned so even

In non snowy places even like this it will snow when it’s winter uh and it’s winter for like each season is seven Minecraft days long so would y’all like me to do that or no uh that what happened in that house was we lost two good uh

People oh my goodness you could zoom in two villagers um hello tree well I see there’s someone running behind me I’m not crazy um oh no so yeah it uh we were going in there and then it got too chaotic and I tried to I tried to let people escape that was

Prisoners in there um and they did not survive and I almost didn’t survive I got there with half a heart wow look at this beautifulness oh that well is just destroying stuff all right then I would def def what for sure or I was going to say definitely and then for sure

Also okay Jesus Christ like I kind of placed myself near there so if I did accidentally fall so I was kind of prepared but I wasn’t really prepared for it that scared the freak out of me um but yeah the seasons I for sure I oh my goodness bro that is so cool

Though like look at that I I don’t know why it’s made like that but that is so cool we need a build something over here no bro I want mud I’m stuck though oh my goodness bro we we need this mud also a giant monster that flies

Almost grabbed my villagers and me so that also happened I forgot about that I want this mud give it to me give the mud to me and I could go straight and then probably teleport to home okay we need to be careful cuz there’s a lot of mud

Around what the freak hey sheep you good you been in the freaking uh swamp I See I love these villagers though these style villagers I I I would look but I wonder if there’s a mod I like that o this looks also have another mod I don’t know if it is oh wait there’s a mod where you find stuff in ice

I think I might have kept it I don’t know but I looks cool but anyways uh I wonder if there’s a mod that changes the way villagers look I kind of like the zombies have different styles but with a villagers so you could have like cool like human looking

Villagers I could just add I don’t want to do it because it’s too much but the NPC type deals blue b ads I want one uh where like you had to create relationships and all that with them uh and but I just don’t want to redo all of that and like basically they’re

Humans also my Village I doubt any would spawn to be honest so cuz I maxed it out on my uh modded world so I don’t know I do not know well thank you bro this yeah wow I’m not even going to like I’m not even being a rude when I

Say this but my Village sucks compared to these also I think my food is here I’ll be right back y’all right back okay I’m back I don’t know when my food will get here later though okay um going to try to grab these all the time just because oh bro hold

On we’re going to we’re going to look hold on y’all y’all see that we’re going to get a good picture of that or someone do and put it in the Discord this is a whole one yall could keep this crafting table by the way there you go I was wondering if this hold

On yep be right back uh I have to uh grab my food okay so what we’re going to do is well get rid of these but um I don’t even know what I could watch to be honest um what I could watch to be honest to be honest to be honest is

Um what can I watch Like a VHS like a short uh let me see if I could watch this then I might Lowkey um whoa whoa whoa why did it I literally paused it and then you want to unpause it like at least make it make sense um I think I have something to watch yeah I’ll watch this um let me switch to the stuff but I think I will watch this

Um so let me just make sure that’s this okay so basically Tyler I don’t even know how to pronounced her last name this is what it it’s called disguise um yes pretty good I know I know I know let’s get into it I guess I might need turn this down

This okay for sure works okay I’m GNA eat eat and yeah Jason Jason Vorhees but yeah J credit to Tyler and all that um this is for sure going be Scary uh oh and if you hear me I am sorry mhm yeah this ain’t going to go good wait people have their attic things in their garage in a sense it makes sense I think it makes sense but not normal from what I’ve seen awesome you should have waited for Jason wake

Up cuz if it gets both of you it gets both of you oh no oh why do you even have that nope I think based off the thumbnail it’s going to be below oh no also in my opinion why do lights make that noise ain’t no way I’m just saying if you

Want to make a short film good make it where they don’t say a lot of lines or the lines don’t require acting okay or you know what I mean not saying she’s a bad actor it just like this stuff this stuff like people like when they’re scared kind of do oh my Lord

Do stuff like that IID get out of there if I were you kiss it jump on it don’t run well actually yeah nope should have kept your eyes on it grabbed it with your feet I don’t know okay never done it NOP it’s about to be here get Jason smack it real good

Don’t let it get the jump on you you do that then we’re all dead it uhhuh see like why yesterday didn’t do nothing he just ran behind oh heck no smack it what the Freak I mean technically she did smack it because it was her that smacked herself he she did it not the way I liked but you did it mhm that was like one of the few words how did you become me can’t walk your life was fine I took it from you wait

What I’m taking it back wait wait I’m so Confused so that’s the real one oh my Lord BR no don’t be behind like here Brian Don’t Close Your Eyes well Well that’s why I don’t get it right my man has millions of views right but only 24,000 subscribers like it like I feel like these short film people should have way more just how good they are um is this from the same person I’m guessing if it is we’ll watch it really

Quick like two bites left proba not I’m watch it she’s here my man is moving through there come on hurry what the heck it’s a box for what like the one we made when we were little want to try the slide come on just

Go here I’ll take it and you can go okay it’s a bit of a squeeze two one get in the for come on that’s dir Theo you want to try 30 boxes later voila what are you doing doggy cute Dog wait did you hear that it’s all fun in games to real monster comes through there like right now tayor have you seen my phone I don’t think it’s in here I know I haded in here earlier sorry case maybe the battery’s dead and it’ll show up tomorrow y’all ever like follow sleep

Put your phone you wake up and you literally cannot find it for the of you and it turns out it’s literally in the cover but you shook the cover so many times and it didn’t fall out somehow but it was still in the cover and then you got mad and beat it

Okay Theo Theo that a Theo Theo come here come on than come on come on big boy he’s a man not a boy Theo is a man don’t go down there that’s not Theo okay good ominous droning so is that what that is called like the suspense type

Deal or ambient suspense it’s not really suspense but just the same sound cuz suspense I think goes up higher higher in Pitch but this was just staying the same Theo is he downstairs did we bring him in last night I’ll tell m Muse we can’t find Theo Theo Theo Theo am I really freaking pulled up a thing whatever you call those table Dressing Table dress I don’t know tablecloth 911 uhoh hello hello just say hello gosh darn it Theo man Theo just did a whole Escape what’s scary what’s even oh my goodness what’s even scary is the box is just a the Box the thumbnail is just a picture of her looking inside the box it’s not

Even showing what the creature looks like maybe Theo is the monster no callor ID how do you get someone to call you like that with no callor ID oh you suck did not answer it why are you looking that is that blood I mean tomato sauce not

Blood yeah don’t look away Silly Willy actually wait that that’s a good point now that I’m done eating I could literally just turn my face cam back on boom done there’s nothing else we can do tonight we’ve looked everywhere we’re giving up he might not make it through

The night one night on his Z won’t kill him we’ll look more tomorrow when technically that’s two nights right because he left away in the night and was alone all day and then that night technically in a sense two nights first my phone then Theo goes missing and then

My phone mysteriously shows up I know I checked the entire Fort last night what’s going on Muse Muse is going in there oh never mind bro stay like oh I was going to say stay like here on the side of it and just as soon as something moves just

Start punching jumping on the box so it gets squished unless it’s C don’t do that or the other people I don’t really care are you giving up the dog wanted to come back it would have okay running in the fort well why you breathe like that why are you breathing like that

Kick it kick it kick it jump up and kick it real fast not do it real fast real fast Muse get the freak up and start kicking don’t do that bro I would start running I’d wake everyone up and say hey hey hey someone’s in my box and just

Start stomping all the boxes what are they going to do attack you nah you stomped on them already don’t do that and Bodied Theo body body bodied bodied when you look back it’s nope and you’re going in there I stomp on the box like literally the last girl right uh did something right why yesterday didn’t do nothing right this girl is not doing nothing right either Kelsey I guess I would call her

From the last short film that she did good although it turns out she was a real disguised villain in a sense in so I don’t know VI I’m coming something’s going to happen okay be right back y’all right back right well well well the king is back didn’t really plan on watching this

All but I mean I am uh the king what no literally about to get bodied oh my lord it’s literally about to do what I told you to do yeah you should have done that but the opposite go in smack it in I’m like like a survival tactic God okay

Why it just be a cruel prank everyone’s playing on her not even a monster watch it watch her be doing this like or that like watch her be the one that’s going crazy and she’s the one that done something to her dog do they not tape that together I’m guessing the top part

But bro yeah move out for sure I’m going I’m going to do this in Minecraft build a box for it uhoh uh oh uh oh come on run up there keep the glass of water cuz if something pops out throw it at it throw the water and when

They’re like ah my eyes throw the glass at them and then start fighting them and Minecraft of course should opened it as soon as you saw it how did they not see the camera there that is not a dog what theck heck how did you get here are that was a

Voice over how’d you get here bud huh that did not look like a dog to be honest that looked like someone that was in a dog suit all right come here okay that look looks like a dog now for real wait I wait have I seen

This I just got like deja vu type D like I that shot where she had oh my goodness SL the door actually don’t do that do that don’t do that don’t do guys wait on the deck that’s not the deck is it I am so confused so is that so is that uh

Yeah so that was was that like a demon OMG it’s my video so was that like a demon type deal low key was that like a and we’re back here okay so is that like a actual demon like what y’all think that was like some type of demon that hunts box forts

Whatever oh meow there a lot of redstone up here let me just crawl through the Seven Seas okay I did all of that just for that Despicable Me but yeah that that was a good uh video I’m surprised oh no that’s I know what I was going to do I was

Going to take a look at this beautiful sky like bro look look at that oh look at that beautifulness wait that was up there I don’t remember that being up there oh that’s a different one look how beautiful this is it is beautiful um what the freak is that I want that

Okay I don’t know why I said I want that I really don’t want it but I want to fight it there you go okay I got my Dynamite so if you you you try to do something you fall in the water what what what’s your health shoot skeleton want you want the smoke

Too good too good too good so that’s what that was that’s what I saw on Nathan’s stream I mean except the one he found was scarier to be honest but it’s all good all the same um the thing is though I’m pretty sure I have a mod where you can find stuff in

Ice but again with this bro stop trust me you ain’t him you think you’re him but you’re not you think you’re him kill a graveyard mob wait didn’t I haven’t I already done that have already done that I might want to keep these I ain’t visiting this anytime Soon bro a how cute a look at you you’re so Cute I would name you Bob Bob used to be a good man till he had me put him in a hole mostly cuz uh wait did you just kill a villager down here I don’t know why there would be XP down here no you stay back uhhuh yeah I didn’t have to touch

You and you start burning that’s how hot I am uh does anyone know the mod with the ice in it or the stuff that spawns with ice in it I if I remember correctly don’t doesn’t it have to be like a certain uh area with ice I want to this and then like

This my goodness that’s a lot I didn’t know that was a lot uh uh uh uh where is it I need to go up here I passed it thing I want is the thing I have and the thing I have thing I want one one one one one one one one

A is this just a yeah that’s just a little thing okay we we really don’t need to worry about that to be honest uh that’s mud um don’t know what that is on there I wonder what these are these I check them cuz they kind of look like

Uh they’re kind of round and they look like uh like a snow uh not snow globe igloo in a sense the way it looks like it’s going up and the fact that’s round that is oh my Lord guys guys guys well Nathan if you’re here uh this is your favorite ain’t it

I’m going to put these in my house and they if they start spawning crazy then yeah they getting taken I’m also doing this so uh they don’t chase me anyone else nope okay so yeah okay so it was it was these things it was trees so in a sense I was

Right um that they could have been snow or Igloo I keep saying snow gloves because the trees are kind of round and they go up okay listen I don’t want to hurt you I don’t want to hurt you po popop corruption there’s something on my map that followed me or went in that

Direction shall I say so we are going to put on our investigation pants and get going there’s something okay just making sure everything was still working cuz I did just get back from watching the video so I don’t know why I that I need to check on why the faceless scene didn’t

Work okay so we do got corruption and snow angels more snow angels how about no Nathan is going to love those he ever finds those I want to find a ice house is there anything that I’ve walked past that looks interesting pyramid I want to check what the pyramids are underwater or if

They’re just giant pyramids under water um I feel like I haven’t explored a lot to be honest Um I could just go on the ice and then go up connect the two pieces that’s what I could do I’m going to try not to sleep okay just so I could experience if there’s any like monsters that uh uh spawn in the winter ice biomes and stuff cuz if there

Is then we will be good hey Hey listen listen listen listen everybody want to get on my suppl Edition Edition I’m on a mission where’s everyone I don’t know why I’m asking for everyone I really don’t want everyone but I do want the loot I know I got rid of it

Well no I don’t think I got rid of it on the other mod pack other version of this mod pack I just don’t know what’s happening I lowkey don’t know and that’s it like I said it is supposed to be a what up okay oh dang dang help yourself oh

No hey yo don’t follow me BR it better not follow me it’s going to have a problem we’re going to have a problem should let’s say did I explore this no yes I have no I haven’t yes I have I don’t know I don’t know it’s kind of weird I

Don’t know if I explored this one big well yes yes yes yes did you see any on your uh thing Nathan okay cuz I don’t know if you have the if you added that mod oh a bed a Bed okay yeah you see this for villager karma karma karma Arma am I right did you see this vager did you see this how do I get out of Here what the BR what what even a bro I’m above the nether I’m about to mine bettered you know what screw it B wow um I’m trying everything corruption what if I teleport now you don’t want to do it there you go take me I’m a genius I’m literally the

Biggest genius there is where am I what did I do what what the freak was that why did I why oh that bro I’m literally the biggest genius there is oh my goodness I’m far like call me freaking Einstein oh my Lord low key I can’t believe that worked I’m actually kind of

Shocked so I’m always going to carry some of those when I get a backpack I’m going to carry some of the oh my goodness you just ate my man oh yeah these things take forever to fight by the way so the Weeping Angels after I got aimed from one or touched or

Whatever you want to call all you to do is Place another one down and get it to activate and then it will teleport you back bro like this is why they call me the Minecraft God Okay like those thousands of people are right what the freak is this by the way I don’t want to see that that’s kind of cool looking Thought that was like a giant animal or something rainbow trees let’s get it ah uh wait yeah there is stuff so what what part is this is oh so they made it kind of rare rare cuz I remember there’s a video I don’t know if it’s from Forge Labs or whatever his

Name is uh I already forgot really to be honest Uh I already forgot but anyways there was like one where he had to survive in the winter like super cold and he had this mod we got rid of it it’s this because um because it was too overpowered it was giving him like a bunch of diamonds like

That but nothing is over powered than this oh no there I got you I don’t care if it’s Nature’s course you’re not going to attack my friends uh-huh what you going to do you’re going to fight me you’re going to fight me get away get

Away you’re not going to attack the SS I don’t know which one is more in danger dangerous oh my God I was going to call peace treaty I was oh my go okay I’m sorry oh my goodness I’m sorry bro I think they’re more dangerous cuz if I hit a seal they’

Be like squack squack you’re going to attack me too ain’t no way bro I this is supposed to be free Willie what the freak but where is going be granted a blessing from a wide Orca what’s my blessing they’re literally eating me half to death what is the blessing

Here like how you happy with me just don’t attack the seals I’m sorry but just don’t attack the seals okay okay that’s all you have to do just don’t attack them um I don’t need that I lowkey don’t need that uh don’t need that I could eat some meat to be honest and

Then I need that though BR thank you we got on the wrong foot but I I think we we’ve grown as a person and as a well okay creepers what do you do to people that hey how you doing pack it yeah yeah pack it you want

Tooo yeah I don’t know why you even attacked him bro now your friend is attacking a skeleton with glow oh my Lord bro I want this I want this this is beautiful this is beautiful what if I do this what bro you are eating my butt wait wait [Applause] pause BR spider jocky really oh holy Elsa what the freak I want that hey bro creeper I know you actually hold on come

Here explode next to these fine gentlemen are you not going to be mad at him are you not mad at your cousin just blowing you up or I want to go to that I want that also don’t want Birchwood though so what I’m going to do is just

Sleep bro can you just stop for the love of Jesus I’m about to literally kill here Brian just so this stuff could stop like literally that’s all I want it is uh unless there’s a way to turn The ain’t catching me ain’t catching me ain’t catching me what you going going to do what you going to do huh can’t catch me ouch he caught me skirt dodging arrows left and right skirt skirt skirt skirt skirt skirt skirt you guys really suck at your

Job also here Bri did not want that disrespect really bro really I don’t want to hurt you but I’m literally kind of a parkour expert around town oh My I want a big tree like this I get that and all the Rainbow sapling bro imagine like how cool it would be right 13 yeah that should be enough bro imagine how cool it would be to uh have that around the house um what

Up it’s a Foxx it’s a fo fo y it’s a foxxy here Brian really you were going the same way I am cool you can go through walls cool you know what you can’t do be friends with people have people love them you know why a cute little cat a you

Sleeping who sh you’re going to get attacked you’re literally going to get attacked I want it I want it I want it oh no come back oh it’s scared to me H I’m the man here I guess you suck you literally suck holy crap guys do you see how much blue stuff is

Under it or above it I don’t know if it’s above or below oh it’s below freak are you doing it’s a seal I put my seal of approval ha okay what I’m going to do is this so if I do kind of get you know bodied it’ll be okay not really okay but

Ice castle there we go and then what I’m going to do is this I don’t know why I put that there I need to keep these so if I do get attacked again it won’t be very um SC SC uh I don’t need to keep the Redwood I

Guess I could do that and switch it for there anything else I really need nope okay let’s get it y’all this will be the beautifulness all I was going to do is go under right yeah I don’t know why I’m guessing it’s kelp I’m guessing it’s kelp that’s broke or it’s a

Cave so yeah it’s definitely like a cave or something okay you’re so Beautiful yeah the thing is though if I do add the uh I I need to I want to add like this one thing where you could pick up animals and crates and then carry them around so you could put them wherever I kind of want that what up

SE I don’t know if it worked for modded ones I’m not for sure guessing this is the way to go I don’t know if uh I don’t know if there’s any mobs up here I don’t know I’ve never seen this one and I don’t have the towns and

Towers on cuz those kind of get repetitive um so let me see bro look how beautiful this is freaking making me eat bread all the way up here also realize it’s surrounded this has like surroundings like Circle you could see on the mini map better but we are getting pretty high y’all ooh

Trees rainbow trees okay bro how tall is this watch someone like grab a flamethrower and just start melting all of it no bro if I fall through because powdered snow I’m about to kiss someone Ice King better be up here oh my goodness jump I don’t want to drop to my death mommy Mama y’all ever have to climb a mountain with powdered snow or n in a mountain it’s a castle holy crap OMG guys we found the hidden armor oh oh my goodness I’m about to kiss someone real good this is what we need this is what we need to save the

World what even is this like bro y’all see this well if a monster spawns right now I’m about it okay oh okay you you you don’t want to put the W did I just okay calm down with it what is this curse of binding um causes the tool at a slower rate reduces

Damage from the most sources Wi on head negative 8 speed okay what type of freaking what’s this ain’t the thing that could save the world this is the freaking thing that will ruin the world is there any do I not have a shovel if I’m being honest the barrel

Was better than the Dagon thing anyways uh how do I jump down y’all any suggestions um yeah netherite helmet pretty good okay hopefully this oh hopefully this freezes back okay hopefully this freezes back nothing is turning into water now besides a one thing okay bro I’m putting

Bro okay so it puts it in ice okay that’s good to know guys we’re about a calabanga okay um I think we can make it right um what do cool people say before they jop b boom bro we almost went Splat okay I thought I cleared that but no the only

Thing we okay uh the seal probably got the seal got washed away bro sorry oh I ruined That hopefully it freezes what up dude I almost got bodied right there I really don’t need this stuff to be honest like I really don’t the only reason I’m carrying it is because on the occasion I need it AR this vein mining o so when we get

Like a good pickaxe um thing yeah about the workout thing he changed it so I guess I’m lucky but also uh I guess we change it I guess I’m going to put the 50/50 blame on both of us but anyways yeah but for real though um we ain’t going

Today I’m going to keep that there that’s rainbow maybe okay what I would do is make a boat maybe red boat please oh my goodness that actually works Redwood boat let’s get it let’s get it y’all H uh listen I got a banana I got a banana it’s so

Beautiful I have to make a call too let me make it right here mute my mic though and we go here okay I’m back all back back back we are back at it um I was going to look at something but I don’t know what I was going to look at

Bro I like the red boat though there is a mod I’m not going to add it okay but calm down I ain’t going to hurt you there is a mod um where you have like could get a super fast boat it well you add a rocket onto

It but yeah ah this is a pumpkin patch right pumpkin patch yeah right through out there nice I love the falling the falling of the snow or the snow what it ain’t snowing yet okay low key that sounds not really sounds like but it reminds me of

Jason okay that just sounds like a T-Rex okay that’s all that reminds me of so you could keep your mouth shut okay why you looking at me oh ooh h no that’s just a that’s just a thing ain’t it okay so there’s that I could go in one of those there’s that

Again I could go in one of those again I want a backpack where okay I need to find a m shaft I think if I find a m shaft that’s where um that’s where I will find a backpack well that’s where I did on my modded world or this world um hold on

For okay I might finally be backoo finally Finally trying to get low low okay you going to blow up yeah I just need need to try to find a m shaft that’s what I’m trying to do if I could find a Min shaft can’t really get low enough on this I do like the Cobblestone uh that’s added very uh Beautiful holy crap why is this tree like this why is this tree like this this is cool shut up Bigfoot it’s literally Bigfoot I like that any my okay so it’s the pink under the ice okay M to no added so if I ever for some

Reason see that in like the mod pack or whatever and like find out what that the reason is like there’s a how you summon something or there’s like treasure in it then I will remember um bro I need a start turning this way going to go around but turn this way and then

Up cuz I need to find a m shaft I have to get home I don’t want To I literally might just smack up this dude he really thinks he’s going to do something to me calm down buddy I thought that was the dinosaur I might want to add dinosaurs imagine adding dinosaurs okay this needs to calm down I should I kept that torch um okay let’s get this

Is there a m chant nearby there’s something over there maybe an End Portal um this looks like a bunch of water so I don’t know if I want to do that one I can I mean I could just teleport um I could just go so I got one at

Bigfoot maybe that so if I home I don’t know I’m trying to find I’m pretty sure the better M shaft is this no that’s that weird room what is this that that is weird um this lowkey might be it I don’t know yeah I’m sorry yep I ain’t doing that

I’m going to just add a travel Waypoint or Beacon just say travel uh this is South right so yeah travel South travel South so this is like I have a boat here just for it actually yeah let’s see let’s see let’s see cuz if we I could try to get

Um I could try to get I’m guessing or what this is what I was going to say uh is there a m shaft near this let’s just go home and then we’ll figure it out cuz I need a m shaft cuz that’s how I can find a

Batpack and then batpack would be good for um well extra stuff like the Weeping Angels if I ever get caught I could just use those to well you know go up um um let me check something real quick okay what I’m going to do is I’ll be right back I’m going to

Mute my mic but I’m going to be right back uh well tell me if you guys see something like anything crazy hear something or whatever be right back okay I’m back okay so what we’re going to do is put this beautiful stuff up um so the Weeping Angels should I put

The Weeping Angels in my house although they literally spawn in if you get on them should I Spa put them in there in here if I do then I can’t walk on them which is probably a good thing anyways but I’m going to put dyes in here um okay and then I

Will do this bricks I don’t really need okay I’m going to let you in here just cuz just cuz Unbreaking I definitely need that I don’t know if I should put this helmet on cuz it’s curs of binding but the speed is like super slow now and

I can’t try it on because well uh deep slate we can find a bunch of that well it’s already too late so um two diamonds y’all see anything weird when I was gone Minecraft yes m inecraft for sure okay what we’re going to do is have some scariness going

On uh since it is night time I’m going to try to hunt some uh scary people Gunner I don’t want to take Gunner or 36 out I could put all this stuff in here I could put them in here no I want to keep them so if I do get

Caught I know what to do uh I could put this in here and this stuff I don’t know what I need anyways let’s go out see if we could get you know some kisses from herob Brian or Slender cuz slender is still chasing me so somewhere it’s slowly coming to me

Kind of like it follows or whatever or follows or it follows or it not it uh it follows I think that scary movie don’t know if youall have seen it uh good movie if you haven’t um I’m I’m just trying to have some litness up in here that’s probably cringe but hey who

Cares am I right is that him holy cow and not talking about those cows but why y’all all in here H okay what you’re going to do is you’re going to break out right here ooh ooh scary scary you’re land the cow out oh okay really you really going to do that

To me also I think the Iron Golem just killed one of the Laughing children or whatever or darkness in the eyes or whatever how did you even get in there that no that’s not really going to ruin it that’s probably how okay now you’re good you know what screw it I’m gonna I

Could always oh you almost got axed to death I got to ask you a Question I didn’t have to do I didn’t have to bro you want it you wanted back in didn’t you you going to come to me there you go I did not want to do that but hey I guess it worked I guess I guess it worked how you doing

Buddy you doing decent you doing decent too what about the one in my house you should be yeah about say you should be full health ain’t no way you’re getting caught unless for some reason you are then not really my style then uh wild armor trim okay Place armor ingots and crystals

So so they are kissing no but so what else should I do should what I what I could I do should what I could I do should I what what I could do um what I could do is go to sleep in the darkness or stay

Up I guess I could stay up I need feet though well not feet but shoes um or feet boots there you there you go ah Divine helmet’s almost done I need to go to the shipwrecks that’s also what I need to do once I get oh that’s where I need to put them

Right here boom shaka boom Bam I got so much bread for you I got so much bread for you you you you so what was I going to do I forgot what I was going to do oh shipwreck the only shipwreck I’ve seen the ice castle is down here but the shipwrecks I’ve seen are where are

They oh right here but that’s pretty far either Way is there any here there’s no way there’s none in here in this vast sea there’s no way there’s none well I need a oh yeah there is one okay that’s what I do I teleport there I will make this boat right real quick a great boat this

Time and teleport all the way there hopefully there isn’t that giant spear crab thingy um what up this Village bro they here R stuff is annoying don’t try that don’t try that I don’t want stop actually don’t stop there you go now uh when B team is you on I’m

On BR here Brian calm down I’m on on the Lakers yep should have never done that are you not going to attack attack bro my man got hit multiple times uh but yeah I don’t know what time I’m on or time I’m on what team I’m

On I don’t really like have a team that I really watch anyways if I do but if I had to pick one I guess the Lakers or something bro stop laughing at me just because I don’t have an NBA team doesn’t mean you laugh at me I want that the

Be the be I don’t think I went Here I need to start collecting all food so the only one I see where was that one I Saw where wait where was that ship I saw right there it’s such a beautiful time look at that oh my goodness that’s beautiful y’all see that that supposed to be like that I don’t know if that’s what there’s a lot of enemies there I but I could

Barely survive on land what why do I think I could do the water stuff go banana Anama I don’t even know what I’m saying I’m just trying to get over here to the ship cuz I want uh what why why did I do this anyways why do I need shift bricks I already forgot oh ouch mom BR why didn’t y’all attack me the first time

Skirt bro Dolphins help help the Rude Wells Skelly wag Fishbones gosh D bro making me move a 100 blocks away it’s so beautiful it’s so Beautiful suspicious do um so this is the way I need to go cuz the way uh the way it is is since it’s so bro hopefully it’s over there oh that’s where the other one is so I could just sit ter temporary Waypoint too cuz what I could just do

Is hopefully they’re different ones but I don’t know I have no idea I wonder what the pyramids are there’s no way there’s like good loot in all of them there’s no way there’s good loot and all of them oh yeah literally too good too good too good yeah I was always like wondering

How would you find how would you find stuff like this like on PC because like on um or on Java shall I say because on Bedrock you don’t you have an arrow that points like your thing is pointed which I like um holy crap BR let scare the freak out of

Me that scare the freak out of me we got a globe that’s Cool okay we got a tier upgrade nice Okay I might have to grab him okay but why is my breath going down so fast I feel like feel like it’s going down so be an NBA player I know you probably typed down a long a bit ago but for some reason my brain just now processed it processed

It uh listen if that is that it no that’s just eh might be underw water lowkey or might over be there we’re over here and then I need to go back skirt uh go back and uh we go back this way too okay somewhere all the way beneath so you’re telling

Me who’s walking up there is this a troll one I don’t I know I I don’t know about this I have no idea about this this ain’t really the best and let me just go back to this thing I don’t know I might not do that

One one I want to keep it for now I don’t know has anyone actually um found a buried treasure I’m guessing people have found a buried treasure without having the map or was that even possible like does it only spawn when you find the Treasure BR what what are you doing dancing so it’s still moving still moving I don’t know what that dude was doing he’s grooving bro when we get on land if actually if it thunderstorms we’re screwed that’s all I got to say if it thunderstorms we are screwed well maybe screwed depends if

The freaking giant that might have been it l depends if The no the flower uh uh flower Enderman bro can those things stop spawning uh but there’s a giant demon that flies at thunderstorms and I lowkey might now I’m going to Li might need a might get bed right here okay why did I just drop I don’t know how I dropped all my

Bread I’m confused about that I don’t know how like I dropped some the zombies are weird cuz most of the time the zombies will only grab you if they look at you or if you look at them but skeletons doesn’t matter how far you are like will grab you well not the

Normal but like the possessed ones all can I just jump up and I don’t like how we’re in tall weeds cuz we might get jumped here yep see look what I mean that my man was all the way over there and still trying to shoot me honestly

The skeletons are more annoying in my opinion hey yo you you could just fight the people that are like chasing me like you know like if you’re a real villain you will um get rid of the people that are trying to harm like like for a Joker and Batman

For example like if I’m Batman and you’re Joker and other people want to hurt me Batman but you want to be the only one that does it right you eliminate them first so it’s fair grounds so it’s a one V one you and me so you have the you could eliminate me

You know that’s what you should do is that him that’s actually him bro pop ouch I want to look at him I want to look at him yeah I’m Batman you know thank you dolphin um yeah you know I’m Batman a little bit Batman a little bit I just realized something music was off would have been good I also have that problem even with actual music or not actual music but I mean like songs in a sense with like words and all of that like I even if it’s the most aggressive

Like word heavy song There Is I if I keep playing it and it goes off randomly I just forget that I’m listening to music till like I for a a you sick can you guard me I’m guessing if someone hurts me in accident and they hits you you attack

Them what are these I want to go over there what are these behind me but first I want to go here I don’t know why the render distance is so I don’t want that I don’t want to go to that but I want to go to uh listen listen I’m on my supplemental

Edition wait it’s Thunderstorm that’s the case I going get jumped I might get jumped well I’m about to see what these are it’s just these little weird like it’s those I figured yeah it’s those I I figured that’s what that was low key kind of hoping it was different but get what you

Get okay let’s go down to the cave cuz I do know the big monster is coming out where or the Demona dude I didn’t know if that was water or what well look how beautiful it is you know holy crap what Who’s down here holy crap bro this is like the

Nether ain’t no way okay I was about to say ain’t no way hey you too what you get no no too slow aha um let me see something let me see something um uh-huh uh-huh never seen before red wood okay so if I get attacked from a cave dweller

Y’all you know what to do spam it on Tik Tok let me make a little base here and then cave West or it’s probably North right I don’t know probably the north low key low Keyy I’ll keep that there I’ll keep that there food uh Boom boom boom uh Birch fishing boom boom uh this boom actually probably right there boom food soups right there potatoes right there vegetables probably go there um Compass I really don’t need there boom uh oh right here I want this wait that show something 167 oh that’s Mine that’s cool not really what I wanted in a sense but that’s cool let me create a temporary Waypoint nope uh cu the other one seems to be uh uh still there so I’m guessing it goes away when you leave uh the game and stuff but there’s a lot of

Diamonds and I don’t want a cave dweller par Roach bro there’s so many diamonds bro holy smokes slowly but Surely oh yeah who’s up ouch I was going to say who’s a boss but you guys are bro can they like not like do stuff like that the lag Spike oh the water oo bread bread bread um oh my bro they actually finesse me the fact that that dude shot me out of The bro I don’t want your sack did I just drop my axe oh time to go Mayhem wow there’s so many diamonds let me get my stuff bro I also like how it auto sorts it that that’s why the corpse is cool holy crap wa I need to fight that I think I

Remember where that is actually never mind I oh oh my Lord but did I oh come on come on this is crazy oh my goodness oh we’re next to something skirt oh not no skirting okay creeper no that’s not what I wanted I wanted the centipede cuz the centipede gives you something

Um and uh yeah really didn’t give it to me I think I should be good here cuz the water they can’t really get up well the arrows can holy crap y’all um let me ow in a way you got me something’s behind me by the way okay okay okay

Um okay no way you just hit me through that I’m going to let it slide because you were kind of fing at the beginning um is there a way I can make just a bunch of this I know it won’t be enough but kind of hope it’s uh

Will you know give me some closure let me get some diamonds okay BR fight each other yes do that well look how many diamonds there are there’s like 50 million square box I don’t know why that Broke my dude has a longer range now I feel like before he was not getting me that Much freak was that I don’t know what that was dark Roach I’m so sorry um I really guess we’re about to go in here based off how it’s built and how this is on the outside this is a crypt ain’t it yep it’s another Crypt dang preferably wanted it a uh wanted a

Uh what do youall it SK a um what do you call it like like just a m shaft but no have to be fancy I Min water y’all saw that mining mining mining mining water honestly not I’m in a bad trade okay this is where we’re about to I don’t like how

Uh I went in the direction Of w why is there so much skeletons like what are up with skeletons I might have to cancel skeletons lowkey like bro there’s so many diamonds I can’t really grab them because these like Monsters especially the skeletons want to ruin the fun just cuz they can’t M diamonds doesn’t mean I

Can think I did a loop I think I did a loop-de-loop though I’m going to hold my wood out Because if there’s a cave dweller I’m going to start spam building bro pecking that corner like that is not good for you a buddy I’m trying to teach You flutter flut are you going to flutter away I can’t really see can’t really I really can’t see that’s probably it low key just have to somehow get there I could probably get there anyways I’m going to be really really right back really right back be back

Well well oh well the king is back I just realized I’ve already been streaming five hours 40 minutes and the only way I might end is if I get super super Bored or bananas um the free C okay so I need to go back out actually no maybe behind let me see how oh no no uh I said that um we had to redo it reschedule it for tomorrow or we decided to whatever the correct wording is nope tomorrow early though like it’s

Going to be early tomorrow um you know what yeah I’m going to just go back as much as I want the M shaft I think the best way to go is not through there oo yeah but no you could uh when you stream I would stream probably right now start doing it right

Now get your uh ow bro that literally was a perfect shot because it’s at 7 so earlier and then by the time is that real here Bri yeah then by the time you probably getting the algorithm then you will for sure um cuz I I feel like the longer you

Stream and the more watch time you get for the stream average blah blah the more uh they will give you shall I say not more they would give you what’s the word more your video stream will get pushed out I could put yours in the background

I could pull it for a tab up so you could my viewership since I would be watching it anyways if I wasn’t streaming this is a dangerous game I’m playing Bro it for real a lot of them I need a shield I hate having to I need a shield they need okay what they need I might what I might do is that a mod where like I could add a headlamp on or whatever um also I don’t know why this torches

Here especially on water um and uh just so I could see and then have a shield also the what the what the what the what the what the Bro help help can’t really see them can y’all get in water are y’all allergic to water a yeah yeah yall allergic

Huh oh no no they bro they allergic bro throw your meat what shoot sword uh what you going to do bro y’all see that I’m getting tacked what thinks I’m Spider-Man I’m about to be what the you try bro they trying to tangle me up oh my goodness where are you Spidey

Creeper you took no damage from that you did it was like minuscule silver Aura I need to see what I could get with silver war cuz I know sometimes you could use some stuff some uh mods were compatible but you could use some over and tin and all that Al they they from

Different mods on the same stuff um so many so many diamonds it’s rain and diamonds from out of the sky Diamonds uh home what up what up what up people I’m back know the one and only uh where I just I don’t want this hat but or this skull but I guess I could just put random stuff in there I guess I don’t know bro you kind of scared me

Villager tacas from out of the Sky um bro that would be a bro he has a light that would be good but I don’t know if I don’t know if his light is like that though okay armor Boom if it comes down to it I will for sure oh that was an achievement super speed that’s cool okay um let me look up silver silver silver silver raw silver silver Ingot I can make a spectre flare silver bomb Oh wait wait I can make that low key

Um can make that low key also I need to see if one place has a uh I know a place I want a cat too and I wish you could take I I need to look if there’s a mod if you could have like your if there’s like a like a thing you

Put in your house right that you could say uh this radius right and you could put like 20 by 20 100 by 100 whatever but you could have there’s three options roam around free follow and sit and have your animals if you have it like like wander around or whatever then it will

Wander around that like radius you put up uh I think that would be the best way to make it where you could have your dog roaming around like an actual animal and um not have it follow you this right here what up this is masonary I need someone to where

Would just give me my money money money money money money money This might be a good place I just need to find where they the smelters at this is a furnace yeah money money Money multi-disciplined hello it’s about drive it’s about power okay buddy well let’s see how this goes about Drive let’s see if Bob if Bob is good now unless he despawned or got aen could have happened are you Bob I don’t know no Bob was not a nitwit Bob was a sophisticated man I

Might have this over here so it’s kind of far like my uh my um my fun place so basically where I just test all of these weapons B no oh it’s up here a’t it yeah oh he’s still here Bob okay I guess this uh place right here uh I

Mean I don’t know if it’s about drrive bro I don’t know if it’s about power either what up Bob that was kind of underwhelming to be honest like yeah it’s all cool and stuff but like bro anything else combustion table barometer superus Shadow frame balance Abyssal pickaxe and Crystal mangled spider flesh H

Okay it’s about drive it’s about power we stay hungry we devour uh Dynamite Molotov cocktail we need to go there well that would be cool flamethrower water thrower poison thrower smoke grenade frag grenade grenade oh we have this well how do you oh wait wait wait H Blaze bro Blaze bro njaap assassin

Tunic saber Warhammer that’s what we need wait I can make that I could probably make a Warhammer let’s make a Warhammer cuz it will it acts like if it acts like uh Stone Crusher no it won’t never mind this is what I need Diamond Battle Axe what do I need for

It Stone nine stone and a crafting table okay we could get stone right Cobblestone it just need a bunch of cobblestone let me do it for you I would get about 32 or just enough I think I need and then boom house what up house yep I know it’s crazy 14 silver silver

Silver I mean how much damage it doesn’t show the damage But uh caveman boots well that’ be cool red candle there’s a cassette one I guess if they update there would be more cassettes or they just named it cassette one I want to find wise Oak creeper Shard that’s cool thank you Leaf staff staff okay huh hello hi hi hi oh no than

Down I howdy okay we’re going to go like this I guess also I need half of that actually no I need some of that and then I guess you could take that um and then what do I need so I’m going to I’m going to make that because I

Think that’s the best we could do right now 13.5 yeah and then the other one is seven so yeah so we have a blank we can make a blank template uh so yeah we can make it for sure Freddy f is be yeah there you could find the

Freddy uh you could find the pizza place I’m pretty sure in the box of fours mod cuz the axe I was telling you I think springtrap holds it and when you kill him you get it from what I’ve found out could do that right now to be honest so I think we’ve for

Show could do it okay okay okay oh this another one wait I have that I just need to go back to where I was and then boom we win right here I’m guessing yeah I need to get back into it wait wait wait wait wait wait this part I need this

Part ain’t no freaking way hold on on I need to go back to my house get the thing or make the thing and then go over there and then combine it all and then I get a good old axe and you know what I should have done while I was there I should

Have boarding axe template Hatchet battle axe H where’s another Axe n we’re doing battle axxe but yeah uh I want the axe it would be cool I want I just want to find everyone and do it nice nice now I don’t have to use any more stupid like no offense but iron

Pickaxes I wish I kept the an anvils that’s what I wish I kept uhuh yeah someone someone in my house yeah I like how the villagers to be honest probably have no idea what’s going on I always scared to look at them going look at them all right uh

Yeah I think it’s like you don’t like don’t let don’t let them sneak up on you I think or something like that I don’t know I never got attacked from one that’s I was just like the little cool War behind it but yeah I

Need a backpack and I want to find a m shft for some reason I don’t want to make one yepy that’s cool though what’s here like where the um o bro I want to find some of those okay yeah wait I do got the hookers on here hookers what

House oh those are pretty easy to make books shall I say um skeleton trophy oh yeah bro backpacks though I think I always had the bat one um yeah see Batman Batman Batman I need the Dragon egg how do you even find that oh Enderman U-Haul oh so they’re like a compatible that’s

Cool um yeah I don’t know about that Chief I don’t know if I’ll be doing that uh a lot of handcrafted stuff pillows Herobrine stuff clock block um Enderman head so we would have to find that rope Arrow quiver that would be cool rope arrows signs bro this is so cool okay let

Me 6 hours W yeah need Bigfoot want to do Bigfoot yet I don’t know if I don’t want I don’t know if I want to do Bigfoot yet because what I want to do I need a backpack backpack backpack oh what I was going to do also is this not that but

B mining is for my pickaxes Edge that I wasn’t going to do nothing apparently well hopefully this just doesn’t break or I don’t Die how much just over six hours okay what I would do is at eight if I don’t really feel like I end stream and then yeah he’s been on Golem but if I feel like it then I’ll keep streaming but kind of getting tired but hey I don’t know holy well what

Up I have an idea I have an idea a big idea actually no I don’t know where it would be though um cuz the first time I got caught right it maybe over here I was thinking we’re over here what if I went back to the

Spot where I first got caught from the Weeping Angel what is that I might want to go to that uh let me go to that real quick can I teleport nope okay kind got scared that it worked listen closely as soon as they did that they did the walking behind

Me I don’t hear nothing little baby uh what I think we could do for sure though is well I need to go this way yep H what’s that 36 again come back for you another 36 I need a name bro I need find the anvils I need to find the anvils that’s

What I’m going to do when I’m going out here I need to find the anvils that were on like the graveyards and stuff or make one I’d rather not make one and just steal the ones at graveyards but hopefully this axe also does good I think it will um h Uh uh uhhuh uhhuh uhhuh uhhuh wow beautiful but yeah what I was going to do is go where I first got uh caught from the Weeping Angel and then get caught from from a weeping angel there and then um since I know how to get back get back there let me test this

Out o one tap or two tap up bro yeah scared of me are you scared of me and then just because I have a tot as long as stuff doesn’t despawn from that far away I literally have a um totem of a dying and all of that stuff like I had decent stuff

There um also need to find spawners and break so I can get more Hearts I think yeah you have the graveyard so you have this mod I think it’s worth it um think well a bunch of powdered snow yep okay of course of course it’s just cover me in snow ah ah uh

Boom up there is there oh I need to look for yetis or if there is a Yeti I need to look for snow stuff there you go so what’s over here water really and I guess it’s worth not thinking it’s something super good as I know what it is for staring at

It a long time and thinking it’s something good and then when I do check after I’m super hyped upop it’s nothing need to get as much food as possible I was hoping this is one of the places where I what the oh like Mama Mia whoa can you stop bro it’s you it’s

Literally you n it ain’t you but that means I’m getting close right like that means I’m getting close scared he knows I’m finding out about it the truth whatever that is cuz I have slender hunting me actually no I don’t I died well I had Slender Man hunting me I don’t know

Some giant freaking uh something is haunting me oh it’s that freaking I think it’s it looked like to be honest that thing that was at my house that one time in thunderstorm it looked like that and where I’ve seen it or something or came in contact it uh is now haunting

Me let’s go down here super long stairs OMG OMG OMG we’re going infinite infinite INF okay this place looks safer okay let me run and do the Spawn oh well hold on let me I’m going to change the music to the other one okay getting lightbe okay feather falling nice okay I was about to say ain’t no way you’re pausing what I would need well maybe that I need yeah I for sure thought I was

Dead I for sure thought I was an unstable mixture okay how unstable could it be okay down this way I guess down this way or down this way get it yeah just now I went here okay cleared out this way too I think you also have these too

Nathan well I don’t know I forgot I forgot which ones I don’t know which ones you kept and which ones you didn’t forgot well I also forgot which one this is part of so even if I wanted to remember I really can’t so sad times

Bro I’m so scared why am I pressing like random uh levers and stuff that could be like a trap and all that as long as you can’t get up here we’re good okay let me go to this side all the way down this way so I could have all of uh okay

Nice okay now we’re going down trying to grab as much food as I can and then okay now you’re spawning that torches good good good an unstable I kind of want to drink it but I want to drink it in the safety of my own home cuz

If something does happen then I won’t get bodied from it you know that the same As this one see if yeah bed I check those two now this One yeah before I even like loot up I need to make sure everything is safe if I if something spawn there because I couldn’t get it because that bat was in the way I would have been dunzo honestly the thing that would be more important right now not a potato or

This it’d be like the gold and stuff oh also I need to get the coal so if I do need to make more torches I can ain’t going an apple that’s that’s pretty important ain’t it I don’t know if I need another one of those that one was just bad

Okay let’s get going going Y’all okay freezing would be cool H I could definitely oh I yeah I’m definitely going to have enough uh Whatchamacallit um stuff to get way more Hearts I don’t know about stamina cuz I don’t know what the stamina will really do for me okay I already have some is there any what I might do is this

Right not that home where’s home home A place where I can go whatever the rest is uh boom boom boom Shak like a boom bam uh okay cook stuff and then potions go up here and then I would just put these in here just so I

Uh to do it and then the random stuff all of this stuff I’ll get blocks actually okay and then let’s go Oho really an angel is there wow it opened the door right oh good thing uh good thing that happened I lowkey thought cuz I was like no way someone’s in my game

Right and then because I heard like the building type deal turns out it wasn’t really building it was just freaking uh scary noises but uh from the what do you call them weeping angels okay I forgot which I forgot which which ways I what the freak pictures drop I want that that looks

Cool will it be used don’t know that’s probably the first chest in here that actually grabbed everything I think this way yeah I’m grabbing all the shields because first off you never know when you need them second off they all have cool designs is there a way to put um

Shields on like a wall without like H like without I I might look up that mod um just have shields as like decorations in a sense I think that would look good I would think that would be a good mod oh yeah this is the final level ain’t

It holy crap it is guys we might beat this y’all as long guys you have a shovel buddy you ain’t going to holy crap y’all they really coming up attack them uh-huh yeah no not me yeah there you go oh ow pack okay that’s good oh they they are hurting me I’m getting

Hurt being smart about it okay ow okay okay maybe not being that SM smart too slow okay oh my Lord bro really really right now around the rosie bop bop bro they are smacking me up right now I know I am not supposed to but I want to get this done over with So okay this might be the last level y’all oh and we got this too that’s actually nasty with it y y how many times can I say y y uh it is nasty because I um have the gold one so I could literally once I get a backpack and all

That I could level it all up at once Basically okay okay good good good we nectar okay he y’all might be doing something here someone opened something velocities okay let me already go back home and put all of this stuff up already um horse armor yeah so we’re already doing super good I keep pressing the stuff I’m not supposed to press

Um also there is this plant I don’t even know what the freak it is but I want it bro can I do anything but press the I keep two uh uh that that anything else I should get yeah yeah this cuz I want to keep as

Much as that and yeah like I could just go back if I do die but just in case something odd happens okay yall ready we might be done here once we uh get this way breaking three that I me it’ be nice I should have grab the sticks from that

But silk touch let’s get it that was that’s beautiful okay bro these Bots are crazy Sless Arrow slime balls boom Shadle jump sharpness oh dang okay arrows I want to make a lot of rope arrows that’s what I want to do I’m guessing the Rope arrows would be like okay I got this no I don’t no I don’t no I don’t I don’t

Got this repeat I do not got this I didn’t know he was there I figured it would bounce too but apparently I guess if it hit something it so it’s exploding anything but hits anything but the actual fits anything but in the land I say okay There okay okay okay okay why do I feel like this is yeah a like a more type de bro Hebron I’m really not in the mood okay respiration and loyalty I want that honestly I don’t need that won’t say I don’t need it but I am going

Home like one of these is a good like round trip to be honest like like this what I might do at the beginning of tomorrow’s stream uh is this stuff weapons boom finding need to do Dynamite lowkey lowkey Dynamite Just because I think it will be Better Okay fire protection don’t know if I have that probably do I think pretty sure I got this one yeah I got these two ah we could find another one what up I need to start getting lapis so maybe right here is a good time good time is any stray okay stray stray

Stray here’s a van finishing yeah I like when that first I guess came out in a sense I would I lost my diamond pickaxe I was like bro someone took it for the longest time oh Lord it turned out and then I was like H it most likely did have curse of

Vanishing on it okay is Are we almost done Hey You oh there’s a creeper I thought it was some like Majestic creature actually not Majestic but you know scary creature about a okay you still don’t have To come up here just cuz I said you w AR really scary does not mean you have to why would I take that the only way I would take that is if a banana told me to and no banana has told me to take it so I ain’t going to

Take it you know what I mean uh Oho I literally uh should have did I get any more Shields yeah this Enchanted one yeah nice we got some good horse stuff um I’m really happy I’ve been finding uh name tags um okay I need that Apple oh we didn’t put

That this horse thing away uh and this book wow and the CD is going there’s so much more CD see yeah so I’m going to what I’m going to do though is when it comes down to it is is okay run out of food but hey that’s what

Happens when you do stuff like this FEA falling nice yeah that’s definitely what I need I’m guessing the last part is freaking nether time a type of demon is up there or below me some Demon is below me and I don’t like that um oh bro y’all see

That n no no y don’t no don’t play that game don’t like I don’t see that I’m taking that home instantaneously instantaneously that I’m taking that home y know I am am um let me check something yeah bro I was going to end at8 but that’s our that’s 20 minutes ago so what

I’m going to do is just finish this and there’s some type of demon there’s some type of demon below Me Um Um guys I’m running out of food too I noticed Are yall like that huh both have heart bro the creep or the nether is below us something is where did you come from oh my goodness the one thing I’m looking for is right there so much junk bin mining bro bet bet bet bet yeah I know honestly this is more intense than

I thought if I’m being honest here like I I didn’t know it would be um this big right yeah okay I got this done yeah I got this done right yeah y okay y’all ready for the nether part and then we are done I think I don’t think there’d be more parts to

This there is this is the most intense thing there was how deep am I Cordon or how deep am I well I can check that but okay so honestly it looks like I’m getting like lowo I’m currently only n oh I’m 19 Okay can’t really see so golden apples are going to be a big thing I guess what is that uh iron so far for the lowest level it really doesn’t seem like a bunch of stuff so I’m going to switch these blocks out because I would rather waste blocks I get for free than

Blocks or my wood man had like every buff in the game but it did not make a difference ah listen listen listen I could go with the flow you’re just a normal zombie One Tap wait one tap One Tap okay then now the other way kind of if the other ones are like

That like pretty easy then I should be able to roll out of here ready right he pre-fired those I don’t like rooms like this cuz I feel like I’m going to just walk into like a freaking boss battle without even knowing it yeah like right here you run wherever running is too

Bro Dodge moves okay okay we got this y’ let’s probably recalibrate recalibrate check this room what does this have pretty decent stuff smite oh I’m kind of scared of walking off okay I don’t know what I even typed there but bro I really need A regen stuff or I wish I regen uh faster shall I say um yeah this turn is literally going to just have the most random stuff there is keep that and then I’m going to have bro yeah I’m going to have so much at the end of this

Um so much Hearts I’m going to love it and then okay let’s get It so all I have to do is Holy Gold by the way so all I have to do is um leave and they would disappear pretty cool anyways we are deep deep in it I did go I did explore all of this you know when you’re like running around and all of

That it seems way bigger but then when you get like it all done not really that big what the freak was that bro I I I’m scared I don’t have a chest plate either thank you that’s literally one of the things I really needed I don’t even know how you got me up there or from down there Think I completed it I lowkey think I completed it nope I was going to take that and I was like I I was literally going to take it and being like boom I got my chest piece I need because M broke I was like in the back of my mind

Also there you go I was like you know what watch it have like curs of binding or something on it and it did is that protection okay okay not bad not bad B I’d rather get everything free and repair everything I don’t know why y’all are spawning but yeah okay now we just have to make it out through wherever which wherever which way it was sh low key thought it was that way but apparently it’s not okay it’s this way nice I think there’s a couple levels to this right

Yep and then at the first level dang I thought we it was only three levels I really thought it was going to be like way more okay yeah and then yep yep ity y it’s more for a second I thought I only did one of these but apparently

Not if this is a long one Then okay buddy okay yeah so there’s like four or five levels unless there’s another nether one but and it got cut off I feel like the nether would have been good cuz it like signifies like the bottom okay what in the demon is that oh that’s what up

Dude so I I would say this has been pretty good to be honest uh like We are getting here how how far is home not that far but we do have the the pleasure of uh big Mound right here hey to be honest I might just go down here and go to the water since I have a boat and I I would say it’s kind of

Faster than trying to Traverse I could go straight there and then I could Traverse up I get there andless a freaking demogorgan or something grabbing me in the water so yeah oh home sweet home home where’s home you know what’s crazy though is this isn’t even my longest stream

Ever my longest stream is 24 hours right and I fell asleep for a couple hours it the thing is it’s not even like see a lot of people’s 24-hour streams especially I would say the bigger streamers are kind of easy to do Cu uh you could switch games all of that right whereas on Playstation if you don’t have a capture card and you’re just on Playstation as I know on PS4 but I don’t know about PS5 but on PS4 I’m pretty sure on PlayStation 5 too on Playstation you can’t switch games

Without the Thing ending so when me and my friend decided to do it we knew we would have to play the same game 24 hours in a row that was siege and luckily it was at the time I’m pretty sure where it was like the best in a sense

Um like the best in a sense of the game mode that was out it was like it wasn’t even really a game mode it was just the map that was out that I liked a lot so if it wasn’t for that then literally I don’t think we would have

Survived and even then we kind of didn’t because we fell asleep but that’s that’s our little secret okay no one knows that well I mean my friend fell asleep way longer than I did but I still did fall asleep and Enchanted I didn’t even notice that

Uh although I’m going to grab those orbs out in a second I’m going to just grab everything we are good the blocks all of that be honest I will worry about all of that later like maybe when I’m watching my friend stream hopefully he does stream I

Will uh oh there’s one right in front of my house I don’t know where the stamina is so I literally got Max everything so I don’t even need these wow that was cool and this is probably good because yeah anyways guys if you guys did enjoy uh please like And subscribe you like this uhuh I know pretty cool I need to

Switch this thing to Red uh but I don’t know yet since it’s my second Channel anyways have a great

This video, titled ‘The Scariest Modded Minecraft World!! – Minecraft Nightmares #3’, was uploaded by FAME4MORE on 2024-03-02 02:06:49. It has garnered 62 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 07:06:37 or 25597 seconds.

So today I’m playing Minecraft but it is scary… also don’t get jumpscared 🙂

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    Insane Gamer vs Smart Zombies: Epic Minecraft Telugu SurvivalVideo Information This video, titled ‘Over Smart Zombies: Survival Challenge in Minecraft Telugu | GMK GAMER’, was uploaded by GMK GAMER on 2024-05-11 03:30:07. It has garnered 18448 views and 1213 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:13 or 973 seconds. ✔ Follow Me On Insta : ✔Join My discord : gmkgamer minecraft gmkgamer minecraft telugu Telugu Minecraft _______________________________________________________ My PC Specs : Monitor – Asus 27 inch 144hz 2k Processor – AMD Ryzen 7 5800x Graphic card – NVIDIA RTX 3080Ti Motherboard – Gigabyte B550 Aorus Pro Ac RAM – 32GB (16+16) Corsair Vengeance… Read More

  • Unleash Chaos: Instant Sensor Nuke in Minecraft

    Unleash Chaos: Instant Sensor Nuke in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘How To Make Sensor Nuke in Minecraft (Easy)’, was uploaded by Quick Fix on 2024-03-15 13:00:33. It has garnered 12 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:06 or 66 seconds. How To Make Sensor Nuke in Minecraft (Easy) In this video I will show you how to make a working nuke in minecraft also how to make a nuke in minecraft pocket edition. Watch video till the end and learn how to make a nuke in minecraft no mods and how to make a nuke in minecraft. Create a Sensor Nuke… Read More

  • Insane Physics in Minecraft?! You won’t believe it! #minecraft

    Insane Physics in Minecraft?! You won't believe it! #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft, de van fizika #minecraft #minecraftmemes #minecraftmoment #shorts #vicces #kovix’, was uploaded by kovix on 2024-07-22 11:43:07. It has garnered 106890 views and 4197 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:31 or 31 seconds. Minecraft but with physics #minecraft #minecraftmemes #minecraftmoment #shorts #funny #kovix inspiration: The server was provided by Woodcraft 💙 this is a minecraft smp, which is an abbreviation of survival multiplayer, this is a server where there is no bedwars minecraft game in Hungarian, I am Hun Hungarian, so this is mc in Hungarian, mc Hun, Hungarian server woodcraft is… Read More

  • Uncover Ultimate Arceus Location! Goodbye Pokemon! 😮

    Uncover Ultimate Arceus Location! Goodbye Pokemon! 😮Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT PIXELMON SIÊU CẤP *TẬP CUỐI | LỘC CHINH PHỤC ARCEUS TỐI THƯỢNG VÀ CHIA TAY TẤT CẢ POKEMON❗’, was uploaded by Lộc Zutaki on 2024-08-19 02:00:13. It has garnered 447526 views and 10839 likes. The duration of the video is 00:53:50 or 3230 seconds. ✔️MINECRAFT PIXELMON SUPERIOR *FINAL EPISODE | LOC CONQUERS THE SUPREME ARCEUS AND SAY GOODBYE TO ALL POKEMON❗ 📺Hello everyone, I’m Loc and I’m just a new Youtuber so I hope you can guide me and help me enthusiastically. 💒If you like the video, don’t hesitate to click the like button… Read More

  • Josh goes CRAZY playing God of War LIVE!

    Josh goes CRAZY playing God of War LIVE!Video Information This video, titled ‘PLAYING GOD OF WAR FOR THE FIRST TIME!!! (and minecraft later) *LIVE*’, was uploaded by Josh Bad on 2024-05-23 08:15:58. It has garnered 95 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 05:08:34 or 18514 seconds. Read More

  • Surviving 2.5 Days in Hardcore Minecraft – FULL MOVIE

    Surviving 2.5 Days in Hardcore Minecraft - FULL MOVIEVideo Information This video, titled ‘I Survived 2.5 Days In Hardcore Minecraft [FULL MOVIE]’, was uploaded by Sunny on 2024-09-01 21:30:04. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Okay bro. It’s time to be serious na. Im back now- Like im really back i have said it before but i mean it now. Yall ready for this grind … Read More

  • Furious Fortune: Ultimate Ender Dragon Battle! Who will win? #minecraft

    Furious Fortune: Ultimate Ender Dragon Battle! Who will win? #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Ender Dragon vs Minecraft mobs(CRAZY BATTLE)[Find the stronger] #minecraft #shorts #furiousfortune’, was uploaded by Furious Fortune on 2024-05-31 13:37:53. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Ender Dragon vs Minecraft mobs(CRAZY BATTLE)[Find the stronger] #minecraft #furiousfortune #shorts #battle *Disclaimer:* The … Read More

  • OniMc

    OniMcWhat is OniMC? OniMC is more than just another Minecraft server, it’s the start of a dynamic gaming network. We’re launching with the BoxPvP game mode, but that’s only the beginning. Our vision is to create a diverse network of game modes, ensuring there’s something for everyone. Why Play on OniMC? Early Access: Be among the first to experience OniMC by applying for early access. Help shape the server and contribute to its development before the official release. Community-Led Content: Your voice matters! We actively listen to feedback from our community to enhance and refine the server. Network Expansion: OniMC… Read More

  • Flare SMP – Semi-Vanilla SMP – whitelist

    Join a Relaxed Long Term Community! About Us: The Flare Community and its Flare SMP were founded on April 14, 2023, by Antimony_Sb and a creative director. The server offers a relaxed semi-vanilla experience in a mature environment without a planned end. What Sets Us Apart from Vanilla? We offer unique features such as Dynmap, Bolt, mcMMO, GSit, FlareDeathMessages, Pets, Cosmetics, Decorations, and more. We are an international community with English as the primary language. We have a summer event starting soon and are developing a second server named “Flare Adventures” inspired by MMORPG games. Feel free to drop by… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – MADE THE ATHER: THE MOVIE

    Minecraft Memes - MADE THE ATHER: THE MOVIELooks like someone needs to pass Minecraft spelling class before they start making movies. Read More

  • Crafty Campus Capers: Cube Xuan’s Minecraft Mischief

    Crafty Campus Capers: Cube Xuan's Minecraft Mischief In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, Cube Xuan brings laughter with every surprise. Funny animations, jokes that ignite, Bringing joy to all, day and night. From classroom tales to songs that adapt, Cube Xuan’s content is never flat. So join the fun, hit that subscribe, For a daily dose of humor that will revive. In the realm of gaming, where stories unfold, Cube Xuan’s channel is pure gold. So dive right in, let the laughter ring, With Cube Xuan, happiness is king. Read More

  • Minecraft meme: Hot shorts, hotter blocks!

    Minecraft meme: Hot shorts, hotter blocks! Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! #minecraftshorts Read More

  • German Cantu: Minecraft Server Priority!

    German Cantu: Minecraft Server Priority! Exploring the Exciting World of Minecraft Servers! 🔥 Embark on a thrilling journey through the vast landscapes of Minecraft servers, where endless possibilities await! 🌍 Whether you’re a seasoned player or a newcomer to the game, there’s something for everyone in this dynamic virtual realm. Let’s dive into the exciting features and experiences that make Minecraft servers a top priority for gamers worldwide. 🎮 Creating a Gaming Community One of the most captivating aspects of Minecraft servers is the sense of community they foster. Players from all walks of life come together to collaborate, compete, and build lasting friendships… Read More

  • Join Minewind: Survive the Ultimate Invasion Experience

    Join Minewind: Survive the Ultimate Invasion Experience Welcome to, your go-to source for all things Minecraft-related! Today, we stumbled upon a thrilling YouTube video titled “I Survived 500 Days of THE INVASION (NOT MINECRAFT)” that got us thinking – what if you could experience your own epic battles and adventures in a virtual world like Minecraft? Imagine facing off against overwhelming alien elves, equipped with advanced tactics and deadly drones, just like in the video. Now, picture yourself exploring a vast, open world where you can build, survive, and thrive alongside other players who share your passion for adventure. That’s where Minewind Minecraft Server comes… Read More

  • Building a Bus-Like Plane in Minecraft Bedrock!

    Building a Bus-Like Plane in Minecraft Bedrock! Minecraft Bedrock: Build Battle B13 – A Unique Aircraft Resembling a Bus! Greetings, gamers! Dive into the exciting world of Minecraft Bedrock with the latest Build Battle B13 event, featuring an aircraft that resembles a bus. Let’s explore the creative and competitive aspects of this unique Minecraft experience. Channel Overview The channel hosting this event primarily focuses on gaming videos, with a special emphasis on Minecraft and Brawl Stars content. However, viewers can expect a variety of other games to be featured in the future, promising a diverse and engaging experience for all gaming enthusiasts. Community Guidelines Respect is… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Modpack Madness! KeyDevy RLCraft Ep. 11

    Insane Minecraft Modpack Madness! KeyDevy RLCraft Ep. 11Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: RLCraft | Minecraft Modpack Series (Episode 11)’, was uploaded by KeyDevy on 2024-07-16 19:46:48. It has garnered 86 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 02:38:58 or 9538 seconds. *Overview:* I’m playing RLCraft! This modpack is hard, intense, and filled with lethal mobs. My goal is to survive and progress within this tough world. The gamerule for InventoryKeep will be enabled but the rest I will have to solve on my own! _______________ *Socials:* Instagram: _______________ *Want to leave a tip?* – _______________ *Go check out my website!* -… Read More

  • Samurai Paws Survives Scariest Minecraft Mods

    Samurai Paws Survives Scariest Minecraft ModsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Surviving the SCARIEST Minecraft Horror Mods Ever! (You Won’t Believe What Happened)’, was uploaded by Samurai Paws on 2024-08-09 04:00:21. It has garnered 14 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:02 or 542 seconds. Dive into the terrifying world of Minecraft with me as I tackle the scariest horror mods ever created! 😱 Watch as I encounter spine-chilling creatures, explore haunted landscapes, and face unimaginable horrors. Will I survive the night, or will these mods be too much to handle? Join me on this thrilling adventure and find out! 🔔 Don’t forget… Read More

  • Insane XP Mob Farm Build | Minecraft Ep.2

    Insane XP Mob Farm Build | Minecraft Ep.2Video Information This video, titled ‘I Made XP Mob Farm | Minecraft Survival Episode – 2’, was uploaded by Neoblade on 2024-07-10 13:29:37. It has garnered 143 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:26 or 1226 seconds. I Made XP Mob Farm | Minecraft Survival Episode – 2 In this video I will made a xp mob farm in hard difficulty after 2 Years, will I be able to do this successfully ? find out by watching full video. ➽Devices➽ Mobile :- Redmi K20 Laptop :- Dell Inspiron 5577 Microphone :- Vivo Mobile Earphone (Rs-250) Mouse… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Build SEVEN – Ultimate Stone House Tutorial

    Insane Minecraft Build SEVEN - Ultimate Stone House TutorialVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: Small Modern House Tutorial🏠 | 簡単!石で作る小さなモダンハウスの作り方(現代建築)’, was uploaded by SEVENのマイクラ建築 on 2023-12-22 10:00:20. It has garnered 42537 views and 538 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:13 or 373 seconds. It explains how to make a small modern house made of stone! Not only the exterior, but also the interior! ——————————————————————————— [Subscribe here] ——————————————————————————— ■Videos uploaded so far ■Twitter ■instagram #Minecraft #House #modern Read More

  • Insane GTA V Hack: Play Minecraft on Windows! Easy Tutorial

    Insane GTA V Hack: Play Minecraft on Windows! Easy TutorialVideo Information This video, titled ‘wie kann man auf Windows Minecraft spielen? so geht es Tutorial’, was uploaded by Alexander Gta v online on 2024-08-13 11:52:24. It has garnered 10 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:32 or 632 seconds. Read More

  • Robby2002 tells terrifying tales! 😱👻 #trending #YTshorts

    Robby2002 tells terrifying tales! 😱👻 #trending #YTshortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Scary Stories. #scarystories #trending #ytshorts #youtubeshorts #story #youtube #minecraft’, was uploaded by Robby2002 on 2024-09-22 15:55:01. It has garnered 21 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:42 or 42 seconds. Read More

  • Mysterious Nasquik in Minecraft 🎃 #herobrine

    Mysterious Nasquik in Minecraft 🎃 #herobrineVideo Information This video, titled ‘q es esoo?🎃 #herobrine #minecraft #twitch #horrorcraft #minecrafthorror #dwellers #horrorcraft’, was uploaded by Nasquik on 2024-07-12 14:26:05. It has garnered 503 views and 27 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:41 or 41 seconds. Read More

  • Epic Showdown: Spider-Man & Miles Morales vs Minecraft Creatures & Sharks!

    Epic Showdown: Spider-Man & Miles Morales vs Minecraft Creatures & Sharks!Video Information This video, titled ‘Spider-Man and Miles Morales vs Minecraft Creatures on Sea with Shark in People Playground’, was uploaded by Gaming Plus on 2024-09-17 15:30:26. It has garnered 22167 views and 206 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:14 or 494 seconds. Spider-Man and Miles Morales are going to war against Minecraft Creatures as a team, there are sharks in the sea in this war. A great battle awaits you in the world of People Playground. Will Spider-Man and Miles Morales defeat Minecraft Creatures ? You should leave a comment for the sequel of the video “… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Sweden vibes with Toastaku!

    Insane Minecraft Sweden vibes with Toastaku!Video Information This video, titled ‘sweden (minecraft lofi)’, was uploaded by Toastaku – Topic on 2024-08-23 06:04:55. It has garnered 7 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:57 or 117 seconds. Provided to YouTube by toastaku. sweden (minecraft lofi) · Toastaku minecraft sleepy lofi ℗ 2024 Toastaku Released on: 2024-03-01 Main Artist: Toastaku Producer: Toastaku Composer: C418 Auto-generated by YouTube. Read More

  • Hypenos Network

    Hypenos NetworkHypenosNetwork sunucumuz hakkında; HypenosNetwork sunucumuz 2024 yılında kurulmuş olup yepyeni yenilikler ile birlikte oyunculara eşsiz deneyimler sunmaktadır.Yönetici ekibimiz yıllar boyunca Minecraft serverlerinde çalışmış olup çalışmalarını bizimle devam ettirmektedir.Sunucumuzun ana hedeflerinden birisi oyuncuların Minecraft dünyasında daha neler yapabildiklerini göstermektir. Yönetim ekibimiz ve yetkili ekibimiz 6 kişi olmakla beraber gece gündüz oyuncularımızın neler daha fazla dikkatini çekeceği üzerine çalışmaktadır Ekibimizi kısaca anlatmak gerekirse Mimarlar yazılımcılar ile doludur. Haydi sizleri birlikte sunucumuzda güzel vakitler geçirmeye davet ediyoruz. Read More

  • RigoloSMP – Vanilla SMP 1.21 – 100% Vanilla – Whitelist – Nice Community!

    JOIN THE DISCORD HERE – Hey! A few weeks ago, just after the success of the previous 1.20 season, my friends and I decided to start our next adventure in 1.21! The server is entirely vanilla and our community is amazing 😀 Now’s the best time to join us on this journey! Cracked and Bedrock players are also allowed! Simply join the Discord and we’ll be happy to whitelist you 😉 Read More