Modding by Kaupenjoe – Add CUSTOM ENTITIES to Minecraft 1.16.5 | Forge 1.16.5 Modding #38

Video Information

It’s alive it’s alive let’s see how to add custom entities to minecraft all right we found this back in intellij once more and in this hotly awaited tutorial we’re finally going to add custom entities to the game i think no topic has been rivaled with having been

Suggested so many times how do you add custom mobs and we’re finally here we’re gonna go through all of it how to make the custom mob how to spawn it in the world how to add custom spawn egg items as well all of that right here the one

Limitation we’re going to have though is i’m not going to show how to make the actual model inside of blockbench the models i’m using here actually have been provided by me by ferro thank you very much for providing those to me a link to his twitch channel is in the description

Below you know leave him some love that would be great right so let’s start with the first thing and that would be a new a package in our tutorial mod package and we’re going to call that the entity package right here and inside of that we’re also going to make a new package

Called custom so we’re going to stick to the way that we’ve done basically the item package and the block package as well and instead of the entity package then a new class called mod entity types and this class is going to look very similar to a lot of other classes

We’ve been using before which is going to have a public static deferred register right here this guy and this is of type entity type and then of type question mark this is the entity underscore types which is equal to a deferred register that create or registries.entities tutorialmod.mod id and how often have

You heard it now where there is a deferred register there is a public static void register method with an i eventbus called eventbus which then of course calls entitytypes.register with the eventbus let’s not forget to immediately add this to the tutorialmod constructor here so this is going to be the mod

Entitytypes.register with the eventbus there you go i think the smartest thing is to register the two entities that we’re going to make and then basically build all of the classes and all of the files up one by one this is going to be a public static final registry object of

Type entity type and then of type buff zombie entity this is the first entity we’re going to create which is going to be called buff zombie and this is equal to the entity types dot register called buff underscore zombie and then a supplier of entity type dot builder dot

Create and then we put in the buff zombie zombie entity colon colon new all these arrows are of course completely normal here because we’ve not yet created those classes this in this case would get an entity classification of monster down here this guy because of course the zombie would be a monster and

Then after the closing parentheses here we’re going to put in dot size now this controls the size of the actual bounding box so basically the hitbox of this particular entity and this is gonna be one f and three f or the buffer zombie let’s make this a little bit nicer to

Read and then after that closing parenthesis we’re gonna put in build and here we need a new resource location which we’re gonna take in a tutorial mod that mod id and then the buff underscore zombie and then we’re gonna say to string and i’m gonna format this a

Little bit nicer in just a moment something like this there you go and then we also need a last closing parenthesis right here so this is the general gist here we have a registry object of entity type and then of our entity that we’re going to create this

Is the entity class of our custom entity and that is once in here and then once in here and the rest is basically sort of boilerplate entity classification of course changes depending on what type of entity you want to create and then the size of course also changes depending on

How big your actual entity is we’re simply going to copy over the registry object that we’ve made and then we’re going to say this is the pigeon entity because that’s the second entity we’re going to create and this is the pigeon and then here of course also pigeon

Entity we can simply copy this over and then we will hold this one here pigeon as well then last but not least pigeon here as well and then also make it a little bit smaller so the classification here for the pigeon of course is in this well some people would say that it’s

Still monster but let’s not go that far this is a creature in this case and then the size here is going to be 0.4 so 0.4 and the height is 0.3 right so with that the mod entity types class is actually done and now we can actually move on to

Making the entity classes here so we don’t get any more errors in there so in the custom package in the entity package right click java class and this is going to be the buff zombie entity this is going to extends the zombie entity right here we can simply hover over here

Create constructor matching super very easy and then of course we’re going to get a few errors no issue there whatsoever we’ll deal with those in just a moment now i’m going to copy over some of the stuff this is of course all available in the description below

Either in the github repository or in individual gists what i’m going to do is i’m going to copy over the basically the contents of the entire class and then we’re going to go through from the top to the bottom the first thing that you’re going to see is you’re going to

Have this set of custom attributes entities basically have different attributes as you can see of course max health we have movement speed attack damage a follow range and this in the zombie entity which is very important is the zombie spawn reinforcements this is actually critical that you add this if

You extend the zombie entity you have to add this attribute you don’t add that attribute then it’s not going to work so this is very important wanted to mention that so that’s important here you basically set certain attributes for this particular entity and of course

There’s quite a few so if i middle mouse button click on the attributes you can see those are basically all of the attributes that you can use you could in theory also register your own however that is something that we’re definitely not going to get into at the moment

Because that’s very much more complicated then we have the register goals method which is super important this basically registers the goals so this is sort of the brain of the actual entity what does it do and there are a bunch of goals right here for example we have nearest attackable target goal

Which simply says hey if there’s a player you know we’re gonna attack that one with priority one and then if there’s a and a villager then we’re gonna attack that one and so on and so forth so there’s different priorities for different goals and this is a rabbit

Hole that you can go down and basically after a month of digging through this you can still you’re still probably not going to be done let’s just go into the nearest attackable target goal which you’re going to see this is a target goal and i can middle mouse button click

On that one and that finally is the goal and if i click on this and then press ctrl h you’re gonna see all goals that are actually defined in vanilla and we can click this button to expand all but then we’re also gonna see all of the

Subclasses and if i just scroll down a little bit you can see that there are an insane amount of gold as you can clearly tell like i said to go through all of those is pretty insane but usually they are either inside of the actual entity

That uses them so that can be really useful that you can find a lot of other stuff as well so if you want to make your own you know custom goals in there you have to go through this there’s generally so much in here that i mean it’s basically it’s almost endless and

Then you could in theory also make your own goals as well simply by extending the goal class yeah so for the goals i would definitely recommend first of all sticking with the vanilla goals that are already in there and trying to you know you use a few of those instead of making

Your own immediately but that’s just a suggestion right next we have the get experience points method should be fairly self-explanatory it simply gets the amount of experience that is dropped when this enemy or this entity actually dies ambient sound simply is the sound that is played you know sort of around

The mob and then we have a death sound as well as a herd sound in this case pharaoh has picked the oglin ambient and the hogland death and the herd sound is actually the iron golem herd sound and then there’s also a step sound so those

Are sort of the things that you can expect here and last but not least there’s an attack entity as mob method which is basically called every time this entity attacks as you can see here what is basically happening is that this entity is being attacked right now and

If that entity actually is a living entity then we’re just gonna add like these three potion effects so when the above zombie entity hits something you know it’s gonna add the slowness the weakness and nausea to that entity so those guys are actually pretty beefy right so that’s the basic idea of the

Entity class those are going to be fairly similar like for all entities basically some of the main points are going to be there so the register goal method of course is going to be one of the most important ones because those are basically the goals this is the

Behavior of the mob and if we now switch back to the mod entity types class we can now import this so simply go on here and then press alt and enter and then import this class and then all of our arrows will go away and then the next

Thing that we can actually do is we can get the pigeon entity class i’m actually going to copy over the entire class here just one time and we’re going to add that and we will actually get one error up here this is the pigeon flying movement controller which is actually

Also a custom class we’re also going to copy that one over like always everything is available in the description below get up repository or in individual gists as well and the pigeon flying controller basically is almost the same as the normal flying controller there are just a few

Different changes i won’t go into too much detail here usually the normal flying movement controller should be enough however if you do want something that is more custom you can always extend those classes override the methods and just change a bunch of stuff right and then as you can see the error

Goes away and here once again we have the attributes normally the goals and then we have some of the sounds the last thing that we have is here the get leash start position that is something that is a little bit different but apart from that most of the stuff is pretty much

Exactly the same as with the buff zombie entity at least the types of methods that are in there and if we now go to the mod entity types we can import the pigeon entity as well and now we can go into the interesting stuff and that

Would be the models but the models are going to go into a new package in the entity package and that is going to be called the model package and then let’s immediately also create another package in here called render because then we have it so in the model package we’re

Actually going to create two models but we don’t really need to create those that’s where blockbench comes in so in theory when you’re in blockbench and yes i know this is a absolute masterwork um if you’re in blockbench what you can do when you have created your entity you

Can go to file and then you can go to export and say export java entity and this is going to actually export a java class now this currently looks like this for me at least as you can see this was exported with mcp mapping so that’s very important when you’re creating your

Custom entity you’re gonna basically say hey is this mcp or is this mojang mapping so the official mappings that’s very important that this is of course correct because if you choose the wrong ones then that’s not going to work and you can basically take this and copy

This over and make a new class out of it i of course now have the two classes the two model classes for both the pigeon and the buff zombie already so we’re gonna copy those over right so here we have the buff zombie model as you can

See a lot of different well cubes that were added and a bunch of stuff most of this is already generated from blockbench the only thing that is not generated from blockbench so if you were to actually recreate this model this is the only thing that is not generated

This would be empty the set rotation angles method and there i can just say that what you have to do there is basically go through the other models and see what you really need so the head rotation angles simply make it so that the head can only rotate around for 180

Degrees and the rotation angles for the legs basically just are the swings that happen when you walk this is um also something that is barely boiler plate in this case because all models that are bipedal actually have those same things this is basically just a bunch of math

Right you might see this and you’re going absolutely crazy no worries there i can tell you just go to the entity model and then you can press ctrl h and you can see all of the different models so in the ageable models for example there’s an insane amount of models biped

Model for example is the model where where you have two legs so this is the pipe biped model and if i go down here you can see that the set rotation angles has a bunch of stuff in there down here basically the rotation for the right and

The left leg this is basically exactly what we have taken as well there’s pretty much no way around it just try out a bunch of stuff that is pretty much the smartest thing that you can do and taking a look at the pigeon model it is fairly similar as well the only

Difference here is that we have a right wing and a left wing which basically rotate around and those rotate around in a little bit of a different way so those actually have a little bit more of a swing to them however once again you have to just play around with the

Numbers a little bit until you find something that you actually like once more just because maybe some people have skipped over it the rest of this class is generated by the blockbench export so only the set rotation angles really have to be changed right and then last but

Not least we also need the two renderers and i’m going to copy those over as well once again everything available of course but they are actually fairly straightforward as well and as you can see the renderer in itself is actually fairly straightforward it simply points to the texture of this particular mob

And also basically has the shadow size so this is the round shadow that is below a certain mob literally all it does same with the pigeon it pretty much is exactly the same it simply points okay this is point two for the shadow size and it points to a different

Texture so those are basically the three classes you need for a particular mob you’re going to need a entity class you’re going to need a model class and you’re going to need a render class of course also need the mod entity types class and register your mob but that is

Of course fairly straightforward another thing which of course is very important for mobs is going to be the spawn eggs but that’s the thing that we’re going to do next we need to create a new class this is going to be in the custom item

Package and this is going to be the mod spawn egg item class this is going to extends the spawn egg item class right here i once again will copy everything over at this point things have gotten very complicated that you know just me typing everything out just doesn’t

Really make sense a lot of this stuff is actually not too complicated it’s just a lot of typing basically we’re going to copy that over everything of course available in the description below and the two things that are interesting is first of all we’re going to have this

Entity type supplier and then we’re going to have this field which is the unadded x this is basically a list of mod spawn x to which we’re basically adding our eggs that we are registering every time we register a new egg and then down here we simply create a

Dispense item behavior so that the actual item knows okay if i’m in a dispenser and the dispenser fires what is happening we’re simply spawning a new entity here very easy and up here we’re basically using reflection to get the actual list of eggs so if i go into the

Spawn egg item class by a middle mouse button clicking you can see that this is actually the list of all spawn eggs that are in vanilla and we somehow have to get this we’re going to get this via the obfuscation reflection helper which simply is going to get this private

Value for us this has to be the unmapped name here by the way very important otherwise it will not work once you build the actual jar file and we simply go through register the actual dispense behavior with this and then we’re gonna clear all of them so the init spawn act

Methods is something we’re gonna call in just a little bit but first of all let’s create the two eggs those are the simple and normal items of course but simply in our items class let’s just take the oil bucket and let’s call this the buff underscore zombie underscore spawn

Underscore egg and let’s not forget to add that here as well buff zombie underscore spawn underscore egg and this of course is going to be a mod spawn egg item now this actually takes in a few other parameters the first parameter is going to be the mod entity types dot

Above zombie without a get in this case because we actually want to pass in the registry object and then the second thing and the third thing is going to be basically uh two colors we’re gonna do a zero x four four f56 and then the last one is 0x1d

6336 comma there you go so this is the idea that it takes so those are colors in hexadecimal very important so you simply have to get the rgb values in hexadecimal and then if you put in a 0x in front of it then this is being interpreted as hexadecimal and those are

Then converted later and then let’s also add the spawn egg for the pigeon so this is the pigeon spawn egg and down here also have the pigeon spawn egg and the colors are different so this is zero x eight seven nine nine nine five and this is zero x

Five seven six abc those are of course customizable this simply changes the actual color of the spawn egg you can of course play around with those as well or you know just get a rgb picker online and that is basically all you need of course let’s remove the max stack size

Here of course you can have 64 of those we don’t actually want registry objects of item we actually want the registry objects to be of type mod spawn egg item right and then let’s change this to the pigeon of course so that the pigeons won’t expose the pigeon as well right

Now somehow we actually need to initialize those eggs how will be doing that well for that we need a new events class this is very interesting so in our events package right click new java class which is going to be the mod event bus events this is something i’m going

To explain so the mod events here has an event bus subscriber and what we’re doing here is basically this defaults to the following so this is buzz equals and then we can actually say bus dot as you can see we have a mod right here and then we also have the

Forge bus so this defaults to the forge bus but that’s not what we want because the events we’re actually going to use in here are actually fired on the mod event bus if that seems a little weird to you you can basically you can think about it as the following some mods are

Fired with forge some mods are fired with mod that’s pretty much all you really need to think about there and this is why we need a second method because we need to actually define this so i’m going to copy over the add one at eventbus here and then we need two

Methods which i’m also going to copy over quickly and those are of course once again everything is available in the description below i really highly recommend to get this because most of this stuff does not need to be typed out necessarily so the first method is the add entity attributes method which

Simply uses the entity attribution creation event and then adds the actual attributes that we have defined in our well in our entity classes and adds them to the particular entities so this is very important this is an important step if you don’t do this then the actual

Game will not start and then we also have this method right here which is actually the register entity event so this is fired when the entities are registered and inside of there we actually initialize the spawn eggs if we initialize them anywhere else then the second swan egg will not have the color

That was a an issue i have that i’ve been dealing with for a long time and this actually has been solved by pharaoh as well so this is the pollution pharaoh has found that i don’t know how but i’m just gonna be a happy camper and say

That this is basically what we need right we also need item models for the actual eggs so i’m simply going to copy them over and i’m going to show you them they simply point to the item template spawn egg that’s all you really need to

Put in there and those of course have to have the same name once again as your mod items here so as this one and this one that is of course fairly straightforward right and while we’re down here we basically have to add the textures as well so those both go into

The entity folder here this is once again the buffer zombie and the pigeon kind of looks like this this is for example the pigeon and then let’s also add the translation to the items right just like this so that the spawn eggs actually have names right and then

In our tutorial mod class we want in the do client stuff outside of the unq work runnable actually we want to call the following and that is going to be the render registry and then register these two and we simply have to import both of those here and then that’s fine so this

Simply puts the renderer to the actual entity yeah that’s that’s pretty much it right and those are actually all of the things that we need to do to add the mobs and the spawn eggs so let’s first of all see if it works and see if our

Mobs are actually in game all right we find ourselves in minecraft once more and let’s see so the actual spawn acts have been added now it’s very important is that we’re actually on difficulty easy so that the buff zombies even spawn so let’s set it down and there it is it

Actually works and of course they’re gonna burn immediately let’s try to give them some shade and there they are so that’s pretty cool and let’s see if the pigeons also work they also work completely fine and they’re gonna be flying around so they shoot up into the

Sky really fast so the actual goals um could be maybe change a little bit the actual fly uh controller there as you can see they they zip around quite crazily but that is something that can of course always be changed and then so the mobs are actually in

Game so now let’s see how we can make them spawn in the world by the actual classes that we need we actually only need one class in our world agenda package which is of course going to be the mod entity generation and this will have a public static avoid on entity a

Spawn with a final a biome loading event called event and in this one we’re basically going to spawn our entities now what i will do is i will actually copy over the three methods that are in this class once again everything of course available and then i’ll explain

Quickly what is happening here so this is basically a creation of my own and the idea is that you have either the add entity to all biomes which well simply adds the entity to all biomes then we have the add entity to specific biomes where you can basically put in different

Registry keys for biomes you can basically say okay the entity should only spawn in those biomes and then what you can also do is you can say add entity to all biomes except these so you can actually make it so that the entity spawns in every biome except the ones

That are passed in so this is really a fairly cool thing to do and the way that we can then use this in the on empty spawn method we say for example add entity to all biomes then what we want to pass in is the event.getspawns

And the second parameter is going to be a mod entity types uh for example the above zombie.get and then we have to pass in the weight the minimum count of entities that are going to spawn in a group and then the maximum count let’s say for example weight is going to be 40

Two and four so there’s minimum going to be two zombies and the maximum gonna be four zombies and those are actually going to spawn in every biome so this is going to be to all biomes and then for example we could then say something like add entity to all binds except these

Right the first parameter is actually only going to be the event not the spawns this time and then we have the mod entitytypes.pigeon.get and then we get once again a weight let’s do 50 and the minimum count is going to be four maximum count is going to be 10. if we

Were to do this then actually the region would also spawn in every biome but now we can actually specify some biomes so let’s for example say biomes dot let’s say planes sure and then let’s also same biomes dot beach and then let’s take one more biomes dot let’s just say for

Example something like the birch forest so now the pigeon will spawn in every biome except for those three and the same way the add entities to specific biomes works where you can basically pass in as many biomes at the end there as you would like and it is simply going

To work how does that actually do it well i have made a little comment here so it goes through each entry in the biomes and sees if it matches the current biome we are loading because of course the biome loading event is called for each biome that is loaded and we’re

Simply going to say okay we have multiple biomes here that we’re going to pass in we’re simply going to make a stream out of it and then we’re going to say okay get the location get location basically if i middle mouse one click on this gets the location which is actually

The resource location of this so this is simply going to be the resource location minecraft colon and then whatever the name of the actual biome is and then we simply go going to say okay if there is any match with the actual location inside of this event so this event here

Let’s just say that we’re currently loading the planes event then event dot get named to string is going to return minecraft colon planes and if we have the biomes planes in here then one of those is going to match so this is why i took in any match if the biome is

Actually the case then we’re going to say okay in the accept these we’re not going to spawn it when we actually find it and down here we are going to spawn it when we find it that’s the general gist here once again incredibly useful to have some intermediate java knowledge

So this is definitely some intermediate java stuff right here if you don’t quite understand it that’s totally fine that’s not the worst thing ever but once again this is another appeal to basically learning some java so that you can completely understand this and then of

Course this has to be called in our mod world events right down here so we’re simply going to call this at the very end this is going to be the mod entity generation that on entity spawn with the event right here and that is actually

All that we’re gonna need to do so now let’s see if it works right let’s not forget to make a new world for this just in case usually the entity spawn should also work even if you don’t have a new world but that’s just gonna make sure

That everything works fine all right we found ourselves in minecraft so let’s see first of all if we can find some pigeons somewhere around here at the moment we’re not finding anything but i’m sure there it is so there are some pigeons right they are in the water but this would be the

Tiger biome and we can for example in theory go to a plane’s biome just in case so let’s go to a plane’s biome and in theory if we’re in the plains biome we should not find any pigeons in here however we could of course find them you

Know sort of at the edges so in river biomes they would still spawn and stuff like that in the plains biome itself they should not spawn now let’s also make it a night so time set knight and let’s see if some of our buff zombies spawn making of course sure that we’re

At least on difficulty easy otherwise the actual monsters don’t spawn of course and there are some of them already there there you go so that’s actually the mod mob generation also completely done right and now i hear you say wait that can’t be it that’s that’s

All that there is to it so this is basically it to summarize one more time for an entity you need three things you need the model you need the actual entity class and you need a renderer then the mod entity has to be registered in the mod entity types method you will

Also need a mod borne egg item class and also a mod eventboss events class right here which adds the entity attribute to the entity attribute creation event and then also calls the mod spawn egg item in the actual registry method right here for the egg items you need the item

Models as well as translation in the en underscore us.json file and then once again for the entities you simply need to add the actual textures in here as well and those are of course defined in the renderer but usually they should always be on the same under the same

Location basically textures entity and then the name of the actual mob png apart from that most of the other stuff is something that you will just need to play around with basically adding a few different goals trying to make it so that the actual mob behaves in a way

That you want and once again thank you very much for pharaoh link of his twitch is in the description below so maybe leave a follow there and write some nice words or something like that when he’s live next time otherwise that would be it for this tutorial right here i

Genuinely hope you found this useful if there are any questions don’t hesitate to ask in the comments below the entire code is of course once again also available in the github repository as well as in individual gists as well i hope you learned something new if you

Did i would first appreciate like but then don’t forget to subscribe for more tutorials just like this one so yeah

This video, titled ‘Add CUSTOM ENTITIES to Minecraft 1.16.5 | Forge 1.16.5 Modding #38’, was uploaded by Modding by Kaupenjoe on 2021-10-18 14:00:02. It has garnered 18913 views and 392 likes. The duration of the video is 00:27:38 or 1658 seconds.

In this highly awaited Minecraft Forge Modding Tutorial, will add CUSTOM ENTITIES to Minecraft 1.16.5 using Forge. This includes SpawnEggs AND custom Entity World Generation! Let’s GOO!

== MAPPINGS USED THIS TUTORIAL == mappings channel: ‘snapshot’, version: ‘20210309-1.16.5’


== TIMESTAMPS == 0:00 Intro 0:32 Credit where credit is due! 0:50 Registering the Mod Entities 4:17 Creating the Custom Entity Classes 9:45 Creating the Custom Entity Models 11:01 Something about the setRotationAngles method 12:34 Creating the Custom Entity Renderer 13:23 Making the Spawn Eggs for our custom Entities 15:02 Registering the Spawn Eggs 16:55 Adding another Event Class 18:03 Using the EntityAttributeCreationEvent to add the Attributes 18:51 The JSON Files + Textures 19:30 Registering the Renderers for the custom Entities 20:03 Demonstration #1 20:49 Making our custom Entities Spawn in the World 24:50 Demonstration #2 26:02 Summary 27:14 Outro

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== LICENSE == Source Code is distributed under the MIT License. Additional Licenses for other assets can be seen below or in the accompanying CREDITS.txt on download.

== ADDITIONAL CREDITS == Outro Musik by Kevin MacLeod: “That’s a Wrap” Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0

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    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for the Ultimate Survival Challenge! Welcome to! Are you a fan of challenging yourself in Minecraft like Raido Gamerz? If so, you’ll love the Minewind server. Imagine surviving not just 100, but 150 days in a world full of surprises and adventures. Join a community of dedicated players who push the limits of what’s possible in Minecraft. Experience the thrill of exploring new lands, battling fierce mobs, and building your own unique creations. Connect with fellow gamers on Minewind without any limits or boundaries. The possibilities are endless, just like Raido Gamerz’s 150-day survival journey. Ready to take on the challenge? Join us… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Build Hacks

    Ultimate Minecraft Build Hacks Minecraft: Unleashing Creativity with Awesome Build Hacks 🔥🤯 Embark on a journey through the pixelated world of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds and players can unleash their imagination with awesome build hacks. From stunning structures to intricate designs, Minecraft offers a playground for builders of all skill levels to showcase their talents. Exploring Minecraft Build Hacks Delve into the world of Minecraft build hacks, where players can discover a plethora of tips and tricks to elevate their creations. Whether you’re looking to construct a majestic castle, a bustling city, or a cozy cottage, Minecraft offers endless possibilities for… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Build Trick!

    Insane Minecraft Build Trick! Unlocking Minecraft’s Creative Potential with Build Hacks Are you ready to elevate your Minecraft building skills to new heights? Whether you’re a seasoned architect or just starting out, the latest Minecraft Crazy Build Hack video is here to revolutionize the way you approach construction in the game. Get ready to discover a world of innovative building techniques, secret tricks, and creative strategies that will take your creations from ordinary to extraordinary! Exploring Game-Changing Build Hacks From hidden passages that add an element of mystery to your structures to jaw-dropping landscapes that will leave you in awe, this tutorial covers… Read More

  • Minecraft Creepy Shadow Mine

    Minecraft Creepy Shadow Mine The Legend of “L’ombra nella Miniera” in Minecraft In a remote village in Minecraft, a dark and terrifying legend existed that only the bravest dared to whisper under the moonlight. It was said that there was an abandoned mine, where the darkness was so dense and oppressive that it seemed to envelop the heart of the earth itself. Rumors spoke of an evil and mysterious entity lurking in those timeless depths, known only as “L’ombra.” The Haunting of the Abandoned Mine During moonless nights, strange noises could be heard emanating from the mine: anguished cries, eerie whispers, and the… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for the Ultimate Gaming Experience

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for the Ultimate Gaming Experience Welcome to Minewind Minecraft Server! Looking for a new and exciting Minecraft experience? Look no further! Minewind offers a unique and engaging gameplay environment that will keep you coming back for more. Just like the “Important Button” map, Minewind features a variety of challenges and adventures for players of all skill levels. With different biomes to explore and conquer, you’ll never run out of things to do on our server. Whether you’re a seasoned Minecraft pro or just starting out, Minewind has something for everyone. Our server is designed to be both challenging and accessible, ensuring that you’ll always… Read More

  • Unbelievable Lucky Minecraft Seed!

    Unbelievable Lucky Minecraft Seed! The Luckiest Seed in Minecraft 1.21 Are you ready to embark on an epic Minecraft adventure with the luckiest seed ever discovered? In this video, the Minecraft enthusiast MontifinyXD uncovers a seed that promises thrilling gameplay and exciting discoveries. Let’s delve into the world of Minecraft 1.21 and explore the wonders of this incredible seed! Exploring the Luckiest Seed MontifinyXD, along with their team of skilled players, sets out to explore the vast landscapes and hidden treasures of the luckiest seed in Minecraft. This seed is packed with unique features, challenging dungeons, and bountiful resources waiting to be discovered…. Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Modern House Building Fun!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Modern House Building Fun! Welcome to! Are you a fan of Minecraft house builds? Do you enjoy creating unique and modern structures in the game? If so, you definitely need to check out Minewind Minecraft Server! Imagine taking your building skills to the next level in a community of like-minded players. On Minewind, you can showcase your creativity, learn new building techniques, and explore different design styles with fellow Minecraft enthusiasts. With a focus on creating amazing and unique houses, Minewind is the perfect place to hone your skills and get inspired by others. Whether you’re a beginner looking to improve or… Read More

  • Dangerously Catchy 2024 Minecraft Music Top 10!

    Dangerously Catchy 2024 Minecraft Music Top 10!Video Information This video, titled ‘♫Top 10 nhạc Minecraft gây nghiện 2024♫♫♫’, was uploaded by JuroNHK on 2024-03-03 06:46:50. It has garnered 869 views and 25 likes. The duration of the video is 00:33:47 or 2027 seconds. ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 🎁 If you find this video good, please leave me 1 LIKE and 1 SUBCRIBE for the channel ಥ_ಥ 🎮 DISCORD “” 😄 SUBSCRIBE TO THE CHANNEL ➡️ 💖 “GOAL” TO REACH 20 THOUSAND SUBSCRIBERS! ⭐️ For copyright complaints or business requests, please contact me directly via email: [email protected] _______________________________________________________________ Thank you everyone for watching this video! Thank you very much! Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Pumpkin Boss vs All Mobs

    Ultimate Minecraft Pumpkin Boss vs All MobsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Lord Pumpkin V’s All mob || #minecraft’, was uploaded by Utos Craft on 2024-04-18 21:58:02. It has garnered 1321 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:04 or 184 seconds. Minecraft Lord Pumpkin V’s All mob || #minecraft minecraft song pewdiepie minecraft minecraft parody minecraft music dantdm minecraft minecraft song minecraft gameplay minecraft survival minecraft mods minecraft house tutorial minecraft soundtrack ssundee minecraft prestonplayz minecraft epic minecraft battles revenge minecraft sideman minecraft minecraft 建築 minecraft suro minecraft monday minecraft haus bauen pupolarmmos minecraft minecraft memes jacksepticeye minecraft minecraft hunger games diggy… Read More

  • Minecraft Secrets: Insane MK 2215 Tent House Build!

    Minecraft Secrets: Insane MK 2215 Tent House Build!Video Information This video, titled ‘minecraft tent house #minecraft #minecrafbuilds #minecraftshorts #shorts’, was uploaded by MK 2215 on 2024-01-04 12:10:26. It has garnered 2452 views and 94 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:40 or 40 seconds. Read More


    PLAROS - 100 DAYS MINECRAFT CHALLANGE! 😱🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘100 DAYS MINECRAFT CHALLANGE HARDCORE MOD SURVIVAL’, was uploaded by PLAROS on 2024-02-29 21:00:00. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. 100 days without getting bored, I’m doing a survival challenge in minecraft. I’m waiting for long video lovers to watch this video … Read More

  • EPIC Iron Golem vs Fire Zombie Showdown! 💥🔥 #shorts #minecraft

    EPIC Iron Golem vs Fire Zombie Showdown! 💥🔥 #shorts #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘iron golem vs fire zombie 🚀 #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by akshit deshwal on 2024-03-24 03:15:47. It has garnered 5494 views and 175 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:39 or 39 seconds. #viral #trending #hacks #gaming #easybuild minecraft minecraft mod cash nico minecraft mods family friendly nico and cash cash and nico minecraft mobs minecraft challenge minecraft shorts minecraft funny kid friendly maizen minecraft custom mod minecraft custom aphmau custom mob minecraft mobs remade custom mobs minecraft mob i remade every mob in minecraft banned minecraft custom boss custom minecraft mobs custom mobs… Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft Animation Short: RixPiee – Daisy Daisy

    Unbelievable Minecraft Animation Short: RixPiee - Daisy DaisyVideo Information This video, titled ‘daisy daisy- #shorts #minecraft #animation’, was uploaded by RixPiee on 2024-03-25 23:32:35. It has garnered 9796 views and 304 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:40 or 40 seconds. Watch as Herobrine ventures into the mysterious and eerie backrooms of Minecraft in this animated video. Will he find treasure or danger lurking in the darkness? Find out in this thrilling adventure! Join Herobrine on an adventure into the mysterious world of the backrooms in this Minecraft animation! Explore the dangers and secrets of this hidden place and see if Herobrine can make it out… Read More

  • Gujju Bhai’s Insane Countmaster Skills #7

    Gujju Bhai's Insane Countmaster Skills #7Video Information This video, titled ‘Countmaster #7’, was uploaded by Gujju Bhai 24 on 2024-04-15 20:37:28. It has garnered 1 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:33 or 33 seconds. minecraft minecraft song minecraft civilization minecraft house tutorial minecraft house minecraft 100 days minecraft music minecraft 1.21 minecraft live minecraft builds minecraft hardcore minecraft horror minecraft roleplay minecraft automatic farm minecraft arg minecraft ambience minecraft armadillo minecraft and chill minecraft april fools minecraft aphmau minecraft april fools 2024 minecraft asmr minecraft avatar a minecraft project a minecraft song a minecraft story a minecraft parody a minecraft… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft PVP Moments – GameXcoom

    Insane Minecraft PVP Moments - GameXcoomVideo Information This video, titled ‘Random clips Minecraft pvp (pojaylauncher)’, was uploaded by GameXcoom on 2024-04-23 06:00:09. It has garnered 47 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:57 or 57 seconds. Random clips Minecraft pvp (pojaylauncher) ip- minecraft minecraft pvp pvp donutsmp lifesteal smp bedwars hypixel lifesteal shorts drdonut java minecraft java mojang pvp server cheating minemanner cpvp hoplite crystal hacker crystal pvp minecraft smp minecraft pvp server rich duel hacking hack triggerbot 1.8 bedwars smp 1.8 texture packs skywars 1.8 pvp hacks 1.8 senpai senpaispider netherite pot pvp clan kopiop notrexy montage texture pack india… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Parkour Art in Minecraft! (PPL Request) 🎨

    Mind-Blowing Parkour Art in Minecraft! (PPL Request) 🎨Video Information This video, titled ‘Satisfying Minecraft Profile Pixel Art ( PPL Request YT ) Part 3,606January 12, 2024’, was uploaded by Relaxing Minecraft Parkour on 2024-01-12 13:34:31. It has garnered 238 views and 44 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:01 or 61 seconds. Satisfying Minecraft Profile Pixel Art ( PPL Request YT ) Part 3,606 #minecraftpe #algorithm #artist you can get your short request video and post on your youtube channel mentioned me. if you also want to make your profile, just comment and then like the video. Please be patient if it takes a long time… Read More

  • Tesseract

    TesseractTesseract is a great minecraft server that have flying island. You can travel between them in a map full of it where there is city created by everybody. There is also a second flying island region that is made by architect in the creative server of tesseract where aventure awaits. You can build city, create alliances, becoming rich with shop and jobs in a aether inspired mc serv Tesseract had a creative server where you can have unlimited worldedit and voxelsniper command (and gopaint, gobrush) with gigantic plots Join now to see how great is it to fly ! Read More

  • ShadeCraft 24/7 SMP Modded Whitelist

    Join Our Gaming Community! Welcome to Our Streamer Community! If you enjoy chatting, hanging out, and playing games, then you’re in the right place. Join our casual gaming group and be a part of the fun! Join our Discord server to get whitelisted: Share your username under the #whitelist channel and specify if you play on Java or Bedrock. Find the server IPs in the #server-ip channel on Discord. Features include: McMMO Sky Dimension Dungeons & Taverns Mob Arena PvE Minigame Custom Quests Anti-Griefing Features (CoreProtect) 24/7 Survival Whitelist Daily Backup Java & Bedrock Support Versions Supported: 1.8 -… Read More

  • Minecraft Gaming

    Welcome to Minecraft Gaming, where endless adventures await! Dive into a vibrant community where creativity knows no bounds. Whether you’re a seasoned builder, a redstone genius, or an adventurer seeking epic quests, there’s something for everyone here. Join us and explore vast landscapes, conquer challenging dungeons, and forge friendships that last a lifetime. Immerse yourself in a world of limitless possibilities on Minecraft Gaming – where the journey is as exciting as the destination! Build, explore, and thrive with us! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Steal and Mine: A Minecraft Meme

    Minecraft Memes - Steal and Mine: A Minecraft MemeThis meme is stealing the show with that high score! Read More

  • Hotter than a lava pit in Minecraft!

    Hotter than a lava pit in Minecraft! “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” #minecraft #minecraftmemes #memes #gaming #funny #meme #lokicraft #oldfreefireback Read More

  • Join Minewind: The Ultimate Minecraft Server Experience

    Join Minewind: The Ultimate Minecraft Server Experience Are you ready to experience the exciting comeback of Minecraft with the highly anticipated Update 1.21? The recent additions like the mace, trail chambers, Ominous trail, and the new mob, the armadillo, have sparked a renewed interest in the game. If you’re looking for a vibrant and dynamic Minecraft community to join, look no further than Minewind. With its unique gameplay features and dedicated player base, Minewind offers an immersive experience like no other. Join us on Minewind server IP YT.MINEWIND.NET and embark on thrilling adventures, build magnificent structures, and forge lasting friendships. Don’t miss out on the excitement… Read More

  • Insane Journey Through Minecraft’s Iconic Maps

    Insane Journey Through Minecraft's Iconic MapsVideo Information This video, titled ‘I Explored Famous Minecraft Maps From Every Year’, was uploaded by JunD on 2024-04-19 20:01:48. It has garnered 3774 views and 148 likes. The duration of the video is 00:54:39 or 3279 seconds. I played Minecraft’s most popular maps from every year, from 2009 all the way to 2024. This video is the longest video I have ever made. Map Download Links: 2009 Map: The first Minecraft world 2010 Maps: Double Pyramid with internal water fountain, Temple of Notch, Survival Island, Tsuchi Iwa Castle (Earth Rock Castle), Star Destroyer 2011 Maps: The Temple Of… Read More

  • Demonic Creature Haunts Minecraft Mine

    Demonic Creature Haunts Minecraft MineVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Horror Creature 😱 #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Jinn Mine on 2024-02-16 11:13:09. It has garnered 19803 views and 1108 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:34 or 34 seconds. Minecraft Horror Creature 😱 #minecraft #shorts #minecraftshorts #youtubeshorts #trendingshorts #gamingshorts minecraft horror horror minecraft techno gamerz minecraft minecraft bhoot minecraft horror video techno gamer minecraft minecraft horror game minecraft horror videos minecraft horror story minecraft techno gamerz ujjwal minecraft minecraft game minecraft horror map minecraft ghost bhoot minecraft techno gamerz horror video minecraft horror movie minecraft horor bhutiya minecraft techno gamer horror video… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Herobrine Vs Smarty Pie Showdown

    EPIC Minecraft Herobrine Vs Smarty Pie ShowdownVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft herobrine Vs Yes Smarty Pie @YesSmartyPie #shorts #minecraft #ytshorts’, was uploaded by NOOB 444 on 2024-01-12 03:30:02. It has garnered 5544 views and 181 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:12 or 12 seconds. Read More

  • Epic Minecraft Parkour & Pixel Art – Mind-Blowing PPL Request YT

    Epic Minecraft Parkour & Pixel Art - Mind-Blowing PPL Request YTVideo Information This video, titled ‘Satisfying Minecraft Profile Pixel Art ( PPL Request YT ) Part 3,563’, was uploaded by Relaxing Minecraft Parkour on 2024-01-10 10:13:46. It has garnered 1958 views and 84 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. Satisfying Minecraft Profile Pixel Art ( PPL Request YT ) Part 3,563 #minecraftpe #algorithm #artist you can get your short request video and post on your youtube channel mentioned me. if you also want to make your profile, just comment and then like the video. Please be patient if it takes a long time but I… Read More

  • 🔥 EPIC MINECRAFT PE Survival Series in Hindi! 🇮🇳

    🔥 EPIC MINECRAFT PE Survival Series in Hindi! 🇮🇳Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT PE 💥 survival series 1.20 Hindi | MCPE survival series 1.20 in Hindi 🇮🇳’, was uploaded by Legend Gaming Yt on 2024-02-09 14:43:30. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Minecraft survival 1.20 In Hindi. . @samor_gamer5193 @TechnoGamerzOfficial @YesSmartyPie @PORTELMCPE . Read More

  • Insane twist: Mobs in Minecraft can now eat you!

    Insane twist: Mobs in Minecraft can now eat you!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft but Mobs Can Eat You’, was uploaded by Craftee on 2024-04-09 14:00:33. It has garnered 682723 views and 13853 likes. The duration of the video is 00:19:02 or 1142 seconds. ✅ PLAY My NEW Marketplace Game Dragons Evolve [DX]! ➡️ ✅ BECOME Craftee! My latest Skinpack ➡️ 👕 Get some *OFFICIAL* Craftee Merch! ➡️ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ #Minecraft #But #Craftee ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Minecraft but Mobs Can Eat You 🗣️ Voice Over Artist: Parker Coppins 🎶 Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound 📜 All music used with permission from its creator. Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Memes & Viral Shorts by MP Gaming

    Insane Minecraft Memes & Viral Shorts by MP GamingVideo Information This video, titled ‘#minecraft #funny #technogamerz #meme #gaming #youtube #viralvideo #minecraftshorts #sort #shortsf’, was uploaded by MP GAMING BY ROHIT on 2024-01-05 02:00:19. It has garnered 3519 views and 144 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:39 or 39 seconds. Read More

  • Gingershadow vs. Sukuna: Epic Minecraft Battle!

    Gingershadow vs. Sukuna: Epic Minecraft Battle!Video Information This video, titled ‘SUKUNA BEING A MENACE! Minecraft Jujutsu Kaisen Mod Episode 3’, was uploaded by The True Gingershadow on 2024-03-21 23:00:22. It has garnered 2411 views and 173 likes. The duration of the video is 00:38:05 or 2285 seconds. Minecraft Jujutsu Kaisen Mod Review (v32) – STREAM – DISCORD – BECOME A MEMBER HERE – GingyGames Channel – SUKUNA BEING A MENACE! Minecraft Jujutsu Kaisen Mod Episode 3 #JujutsuKaisen #Minecraft Also big thanks and shout out to our ANBU members of the channel MonsterQ Series Playlists RWBY Students Of Beacon (Minecraft RWBY… Read More

  • VAMPIRE MASON IS BACK! 😱 – Minecraft 🦇

    VAMPIRE MASON IS BACK! 😱 - Minecraft 🦇Video Information This video, titled ‘VAMPIRO PEDREIRO DE VOLTA – Minecraft 🦇’, was uploaded by NikimVTuber on 2024-04-12 05:04:33. It has garnered 62 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 01:59:41 or 7181 seconds. MESSAGE BY PIX ON LIVE: TWITTER: INSTAGRAM: DISCORD : TICKETS: TWITCH: Participate in the lives and don’t forget to check out the videos!!! 🦇 Almost every day at 10:00 on Twitch and Youtube too! If you liked the content, give it a like to help support and promote it, I thank you with my cold vampire heart!… Read More

  • Ultimate Legacy

    Ultimate Legacy– Survival – MCMMO – Jobs – Custom Enchants – Vote Ranks – Grief Prevention (Land Claiming) – PVP – Player Shops Read More

  • SurviveMC RP – Roleplay, SMP, Modded

    SurviveMC RP – The Ultimate Zombie Apocalypse Experience Inspired by the hard-bitten realism of “The Last of Us” and the emotional drama of “The Walking Dead,” SurviveMC RP is a brand-new Modded Minecraft server. Our goal is to create a realistic and engaging survival experience that captures the essence of these iconic franchises, and we need your help to bring our vision to life! What We Offer: Immersive Roleplay: Enter a universe where choices are made carefully and actions have repercussions. We’re committed to creating an immersive roleplay experience that will keep you on the edge of your seat. Custom… Read More


    WELCOME TO TOAD SMP!SERVER INFOThis message will contain information about the server as well as basic info about how the server operates.This server is a back to basics hermitcraft like server, we strive to bring back older seasons of hermitcraft back and keep it as vanilla as possible with a few quality of life changes in. The only place where there is a set theme is the shopping district, every shop made must be there. We aim to have a welcoming and friendly community with no toxicity and frequent events getting as many players involved as possible. We also aim… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Well well well, look who dug themselves a grave.

    Minecraft Memes - Well well well, look who dug themselves a grave.Looks like they’re too busy mining diamonds to notice the meme’s score! Read More

Modding by Kaupenjoe – Add CUSTOM ENTITIES to Minecraft 1.16.5 | Forge 1.16.5 Modding #38