Modding by Kaupenjoe – Minecraft Modding 1.18.2 with Forge | CUSTOM ENTITIES WITH GECKOLIB

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Let’s add a custom entity to minecraft oh right reference back in intellij once more and in this tutorial we’re going to be adding a custom entity or custom mob to minecraft now this is going to be a very very interesting thing indeed and for this mob what we’re actually going to need is

Another well api and we’re going to use the geckolip api for this so in the description below i have linked the gecko lib repository here for from github basically and this wiki will explain everything on how to install it but of course we’re going to go through this as well we need

The for forge use right here and making sure that we go down all the way to 118 there you go and then we need to first of all copy this one right here for the repositories so let’s go in back to intellij and let’s go into our

Build.gradle file and we have to add this specifically a little bit further down so we need to go to the repositories right here and then just add it right here so we can see pretty similar to you know the ji one where we just add this maven right here this

Maven url and then we also wanted to add this one right here the dependency and let’s make sure that this is also copied over so this is going to be down here there you go and that should be all that we need in this case we can then just

Hit the load gradle changes button and let it build run through you know once again might take a minute to maybe even just a few seconds depends on a lot of different factors your pc your internet connection and whether or not you’ve done this maybe even before but let’s

Just let this run through in the background one way or another i highly recommend checking out the wiki because there is actually a lot of stuff in here that you can well basically get from well taking a look at the wiki i highly recommend it and then the yeah that’s

Pretty much the general idea there are also some example uh basically example build.raider files but you know we basically have seen this already this is now run through 31 seconds and there you go so just add those two and then immediately afterwards in our tutorial mod class at the very bottom we’re just

Going to do is we’re just going to say geckolip dot initialize and then we also know of course that it works because the geckolip class has been successfully added you know to our project therefore geckolip is correctly installed now geckolip is installed how are we going to add our custom entity well

First of all what we’re going to do is once again use blockbench to actually create our custom entity and this the reason why we’re using geckolip is because then we can add amazing and very cool animations to it so let’s open blockbench here as you can see i’ve already prepared the raccoon entity

Right here so this is really well done i mean it’s really awesome so the idea here is that when you have blockbench you can actually download a plugin so this is going to be under file plugins and that is the geckolip animation utils right here so just go to available and

Search for that and then install this and then if you have this then you can make the new entities so we can then go down here gekko lib animated model and then you know whatever test let’s say and then you can change this up you can

Also go i believe to the where is it it is in right here gecko model settings and then make sure that this is set to entity and then you can well change this however you would like and in this case right we already have our raccoon done and then

You see this animate button right here so we can click on this and then there are different animations i’m gonna quickly sort of roughly explain what this does if you’ve ever edited a video or if you’ve ever you know made something with animations then you will know this timeline it basically

Works with keyframes so if we go to the walk animation right here you can see that if i for example click on the leg you can see there are certain well different things that happen um let’s actually see if there is the legs should have animations too associated with it

Maybe it’s actually it’s the individual parts that actually have the animation so you can see those are the different keyframes here so you can see the rotation and then the rotation right here is going to be something different and then in between it just well it changes the actual rotation in between

So that’s the idea of keyframes and you know i highly recommend just playing around with this a little bit and checking it out if there’s a lot of demand for it then i can also make a little bit more of an in-depth tutorial for blockbench just you know just give

Me a comment down below and then we’ll see that to that as well but yeah the general idea is that you can basically change stuff with the animations here you can i also have a sitting animation which is just you know literally this and then the walking animation you saw

It right if i play it there you go there it’s walking and really freaking awesome there also is an idle animation i can show you this as well so it’s like very very basically like it’s almost not visible you see it’s just like the body

And the head moving up and down and then of course the tail just rotating around and the way i’ve done this is if i click on this and see i’ve actually done this with a rotation and this is just some mathematics once again so the sine curve of course is just a curve

That goes like this right and then we’re basically just putting in the actual animation time and then you know actually just multiplying it with some factor here and then outside as well so you can also change those factors to i mean change the speed and or you know

The actual where it stops and where it starts basically so the amplitude and all of that you can basically change with just these two factors right here so once again highly recommend playing around with this this blockbench file will be of course available to you as

Well let’s just save this for the sake of argument and then we what can we do with this well first of all we have to go to a file here and then export the geckolip model so there you go i’ve already done this this is a geo.json

File so very important a bedrock model don’t worry about it this will work in java as well let’s just replace this that’s fine but if we go to the animate tab and then to animations we can export the animations as well make sure to select all of them confirm and then we

Can basically see this is an animations.json file so just say save this as well and there you go and then we have all of the json files that we basically need as well and then we can proceed in intellij right so what are we going to need here well first of all we

Are going to need a new package so in our tutorial mod package right click new package called entity and then instead of there we’re going to make a new a new package called custom and inside of there we’re going to make one class so in the entity package mod

Entity types there you go and then in the custom package we’re going to create the raccoon entity class there you go and this is going to be very very interesting let’s start with the raccoon entity class and this is going to be well quite interesting indeed this is

Going to extend the animal class this one right here and this is going to implement the i animatable there you go let’s hover over this and implement methods it’s going to be three methods right here and then we’ll also hover over this and construct create constructor matching

Super and this should be fine if the actual names here bother you you can click on it shift f6 to change the names and then the actual suggestion should be fine the next thing we’re going to need i’m going to copy over a few things once again of course everything here is

Available to you in the description below get a repository individual gist as well the first thing we’re going to need is the animation factory this is the thing that we’re going to return right here so we’re just going to say this dot factory that should be the first thing that we

Need this is of course needed for the animations the get breed offspring is something we’re going to actually ignore for the time being this is going to be done in a future tutorial where i’m actually going to show you how to add the you know baby entities as well it’s

Not that complicated when i wanted to do it in a custom tutorial as well so that we have this as well let’s make this constructor public as well otherwise we’re going to forget this and then we’re going to need another thing and that is going to be the attributes so the attributes are

Incredibly important here so i’m going to copy this over as well as the set attributes method and the reason why we need this is of course well this particular entity needs some attributes and if we forget to set the attributes then it’s actually not going to work so

Please keep that in mind we’re gonna see how to set them in just a moment if this is great to you then usually you have not called it therefore the attributes have not been set so keep that in mind as well then what we’re also going to need is

We’re going to need the things for the animation so some things here are of course you know vanilla and some things are specific to geckolip specifically geckolip are these two methods and for this register controls method we’re going to need another method which is called the which

Is called predicate i’m just going to copy this over and it’s going to look like this there should be no errors present and the idea is that you can see it basically goes to the animation so it basically has a reference to the animation that raccoon walk and

Animation raccoon idle so if we switch back to blockbench for a second and look at the animations this is exactly the name of these animations here and this is what this basically refers to in our register controller what we want to call is this this is pretty much boilerplate

Code this is always going to be the same a data.animationcontroller just with a name controller and then passing in this predicate here as the last parameter and this is well yeah pretty much the thing that we want so if the actual entity is moving then we want to display the walk

Animation and if nothing happens then we just want to display the idle animation all right these are almost all of the things that we need to add here we need to we have two different things that we can still add number one is the sound so we can actually add some custom sounds

Here so you can see there are five methods play step sound ambient sound heard sound death sound and the sound of volume which you can basically override and you can return any type of sound event here for these and then just basically play them when certain things happen i highly recommend playing around

This as well like always be open to experimentation and just play around with this and then you’ll hopefully find a few cool sounds to play here but the last method that we want to add is the register goals method and i’m just going to copy this over and you can see so

This is probably what the most complicated the most complicated one simply because of the fact that the goals can be quite complex so the general idea of the goals is the following that you have certain goals with a certain priority and then those goals are basically executed and we can

Go into those you know goal classes by pressing middle mouse button on those classes and then you can see we’ll have basically how they work now what i can do for example is i can go into any goal and you can see it extends from the goal

Class if i click on this and press ctrl h we are able to see all of the different goals that are exist in minecraft if i you know expand all of them we can see even more goals that exist so we’re not going to do any custom goals in this tutorial series

Because that would be way too complicated and also it would be probably too specific because you know the one person maybe wants a specific goal that is something completely different from another person and here it just is once again what i always say if you don’t have sufficient java

Knowledge custom goals are going to be very very hard to understand because it just requires a lot of java knowledge here i would say intermediate at least otherwise you are might be stuck i mean once again be open to experimentation try out a bunch of stuff look at the

Vanilla goals here and try to understand what they’re doing and then probably hopefully you can sort of map it if you have custom goals that you want otherwise you can also take a look at some of the actual other classes so if i middle mouse by click on the animal

Middle mouse button click on the ageable mob middle mouse button click here and then on the mob i can you know once again and then once again on the living entity and then the entity is pretty much the last one yeah the entity is the

Last one so what i can do is when i’m on the entity click on it press ctrl h once again and then see all of the different entities that are available to us let’s actually expand this as well and then you can see all of the different entities and once again highly suggest

Go through the you know the actual vanilla code look at how things done if you’re like i want to add something that’s similar to a guest look at the guest the gas has everything you need to know and yeah it looks like quite a lot but when you really think about it you

Know you usually don’t need everything and even if you need a lot of it you know just go piece by piece think about it okay what does this mean what does this mean what does this mean so i highly recommend i cannot recommend this enough because entities your custom

Entities custom mobs can be very very complicated depending on what exactly you want to do and you know looking at the vanilla things is just the best resource that you have basically right but that would be the entity and now what we want to do is we want to

Register this entity so this is going to be in our mod entity types class right here and i will actually copy over the deferred register and the method because let’s be honest you’ve seen me you know type out the deferred register about a billion times already so i think that

These two things should be fairly self-explanatory at this point right just this and then we of course also call this right here let’s just call it um actually right here so that’s going to be the mod entity types dot register and then passing in the event bus there

You go and then um we’ll also copy over the registry object right here but this should be you know no worries at all so you can see we’re calling the entity types for register.register of course and then the name raccoon fair enough and then we’re making a supplier of

Entity type builder of the raccoon entity colon code and new so this calls the actual constructor right here make sure that you know everything here is set up correctly that this is made public as well and then we have to specify a category this is a creature

There’s also as you can see ambient x lawless misc monster and some other ones but creature here fits perfectly the size here is actually the size of your hitbox as well so keep that in mind for the size and then here the build in this case just needs a resource location once

Again with the name of the actual entity and then tostring so this is all that you really need for this and that would be fine but after having added this we now need some sort of way of actually well displaying the raccoon entity so in our entity package we’re gonna make a

New package called client and inside of there we’re gonna need two new classes one of them is going to be the raccoon model and the other one is going to be the raccoon renderer so once again this is specific for echolib if you have if you don’t have

Geckolip then this is not going to work you can’t follow this tutorial and like anymore um i mean you couldn’t follow it anyway with the i animatable of course right you need geckolip for this but still the model and the renderer are specific to geckolip now so we’re going to start

With the model which is going to extend the animated geo model and then in the angle brackets raccoon entity there you go and i’m going to hover over this implement methods and this is going to be three methods now this is actually going to be fairly straightforward we’re just going to need

A new resource location of course every time of tutorial mod that mod id and then another path here the first one is going to be geo slash raccoon dot geo dot json and of course how about we write this correctly there you go rakunji or jason there you go and then let’s just

Copy this over because the other ones are going to be very similar this is going to be a textures slash entity slash raccoon slash raccoon dot png actually there you go and then the last one is just animations then instead of geojs and we have animation.json there you go so this is

All that the raccoon model here really needs so here we’re pointing to the actual model file here we’re pointing to the texture and here we’re pointing to the animation file should be fairly self-explanatory these two we have exported from geckolip and then this one well i mean it was also in gekkolip but

We also have this available so we’re going to add those in just a moment first we’re going to go into the renderer which is also not that crazy so this is going to extend the geo entity renderer once again of type raccoon entity here and let’s hover over this

Creek constructor matching super and the first thing we want to do is this model right here we want to get rid of and then here instead of the model provider you want to say new raccoon model there you go and then here we can also define the shadow radius so for example shadow

Radius is going to be i don’t know 0.3 for example and there you go so this should be done as well here we want to overwrite two methods i’m just going to copy them over it’s not going to be too complicated you can see once again the get texture location

Method and the get render type method here we can also scale the size of our entity so if you for example want your entity to be bigger you can then here do it right 1 1 1 would be just 100 and then if you had you know 1.5 in

Every direction then you would scale it by 50 up so think about that and you can also do that as well but these are pretty much the things that we need to do here so let’s then go and actually register the entity renderer as well so this rendering class

Instead of the tutorial mode package inside of the client setup event what we want to do is we want to say what we want to say is in entity render us there you go dot register and then pass in mod entity types dot raccoon dot get and then the raccoon renderer which i

Actually mistyped colon called new you can see let’s actually rename this written properly there you go and then we should be fine there should be no errors present right here as long as you change the constructor of the raccoon renderer and then we should be fine

We can close those two classes this one as well and then we only need the attributes method and then the json files so the attributes method very very important as i’ve said this has to be said otherwise it’s not going to work and this is going to be done in our

Events package mod eventbus events and here we’re just going to need a new method i’m going to copy this over quickly once again this is not too crazy you know this is just the set at the entity attributes event and you can see this is the entity attribute

Creation event here and we’re just adding the raccoon with the raccoon set attribute that’s literally all we’re doing nothing too crazy here so yeah that’s pretty much how we what we have to do very important and then you can see also this turns yellow so now we

Know that this has been set and everything here is fine and now we need the json files now luckily where we need to put the json files is pretty much defined in this model right here so you can see geo raccoon geojson so this goes into our assets folder tutorial mod

Folder and here we need to make a new directory called jio and then i’m going to copy over the actual geojson there you go that’s the raccoon geojson yes please and then we also need the animations folder so animations and then copy over the animations raccoon animations json there you go

And that should be fine as well and then last but not least we also need under the textures folder a new directory entity and then here a new directory called raccoon and that is one oh too many that’s gonna be fine let’s just do this and then there you go and then

Let’s add the raccoon png as well and those should be all of the different well things that we need to hear now what we still need and this is pretty crazy we still of course want a custom item now what custom item what we want

Well we want a spawn egg yes that is exactly right so we could in theory already spawn our custom entity with a with the summon command but let’s be honest a custom spawn egg would be cool as well so let’s just add the spawn egg right here so let’s just copy this over

Quickly that’s going to be fine like always of course everything available to you in the description below get up repository individual just as well you can see we’re using a forged spawn egg item in this case i mean here we can actually make it an item i mean it

Doesn’t need to be this but here you can see this is a forged spawn egg item and raccoon spawn egg with the colors so those are gonna be the colors of the actual egg now what we still need for this is a translation file so in the

Translation actually and we also need a item model file for this as well so let’s just add this there you go raccoon spawn egg it should be fairly self-explanatory and the actual item model is not going to be too crazy as well this is just going to be the actual

Spawn egg there you go but we can see this is also very straightforward it just has the item temp slate templates spawn egg as a parent because of course then it’s going to basically color it in with the two colors that’s the general idea here

And those are all of the steps that you have to do here in order to add our own custom entity uh you know once again there are quite a few steps overall and you know the actual class itself while not particularly crazy in terms of how

Much there is you know it can be quite complicated to get exactly what you want i once again highly suggest you just have to be open to experimentation try a load of stuff look at the vanilla code that is the best resource that you have at hand the second best resource is

Probably other mods on github basically that also use geckolip and you can always take a look at those as well but for the time being let’s see if it works all right friends i was back in minecraft and the spawning has been added so let’s see if we can spawn the

Raccoon and there you go let’s spawn a bunch of them and you can see the idle animation then the walking animation as soon as they begin to walk so let’s see we can see it a little bit more there you go so we can we saw the walk

Animation there and there well they also have the custom sounds so you can hear that and well they also flee so this is another goal that is basically determined in the goals register goals method and yeah that’s pretty much how easy it is to add a custom entity minecraft

Right and while this is it for this tutorial right here we’re going to continue with the entity tutorials for another week and a half right about so we’re going to basically make it tameable as well add the baby entities we’re also going to take a look at how

You can spawn them and then also have different variants so basically have them have different colors so that’s all still to come but that would be it for this tutorial right here i hope you found this useful and you’ll learn something new if you did or very much

Appreciate like and don’t forget to subscribe for more tutorials just like this one i also want to thank all of my lovely patreon supporters for supporting me and this channel it is very much appreciated and i’ll see you in the next tutorial so yeah

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Modding 1.18.2 with Forge | CUSTOM ENTITIES WITH GECKOLIB’, was uploaded by Modding by Kaupenjoe on 2022-05-10 13:59:53. It has garnered 32583 views and 524 likes. The duration of the video is 00:21:30 or 1290 seconds.

In this Minecraft Modding Tutorial, we are adding a custom Entity with GeckoLib to our Minecraft Mod using Forge in Minecraft 1.18.2

== MINECRAFT COURSES == ▶️ Learn Forge Modding with Minecraft 1.18: * ▶️ Learn Fabric Modding with Minecraft 1.18: *

== ASSETS & DOWNLOAD LINKS == GitHub Repo: Gist: Assets:

== TIMESTAMPS == 0:00 Intro 0:28 Adding GeckoLib for our Project 2:30 Looking at our Entity in Blockbench 5:14 How to export the Model & Animations 5:45 Creating the Custom Entity Class 11:55 Registering the custom Entity 13:25 Creating the Custom Entity Model Class 15:13 Creating the Custom Entity Renderer Class 16:20 Registering the Renderer 16:50 Adding ther Attributes to the Custom Entity 17:29 Adding the JSON Files 18:41 Adding a Custom Spawn Egg 20:15 Demonstration 20:51 Outro

== TAKE A LOOK AT MY COURSES WITH COUPON CODES == ▶️ NEW Forge Modding with Minecraft 1.20.X: ▶️ Learn Forge Modding with Minecraft 1.18: * ▶️ Learn Fabric Modding with Minecraft 1.18: * ▶️ Complete and Roblox Lua Game Development: *


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== LICENSE == Source Code is distributed under the MIT License. Additional Licenses for other assets can be seen below or in the accompanying CREDITS.txt on download.

== ADDITIONAL CREDITS == Outro Musik by Kevin MacLeod: “That’s a Wrap” Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0

== AFFILIATE DISCLAIMER == * Some of the links and other products that appear in the video description are from companies which I will earn an affiliate commission or referral bonus from or are my own products. This means that if you click on one of the product links, I’ll receive a small commission or additional kickback without any additional cost for you. This helps support the channel and allows me to continue to make videos. Thank you for the support!

== HASHTAGS == #Minecraft #MinecraftModding #MinecraftTutorial #Kaupenjoe

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    Chipi Chipi in Gamer Fleet's spicy voice “Chipi chipi in gamer fleet voice: ‘I asked my mom for a snack and she said ‘go eat some chips’… so I did!’” #gamerfleetfunny #gamerfleetmemes #snacktime Read More

  • Monster Koala Portal in Minecraft

    Monster Koala Portal in Minecraft The Mysterious Koala Monster Portal in Minecraft Exploring the Zoonomaly Game In the vast world of Minecraft, there exists a peculiar anomaly known as the Koala Monster. This creature is unlike any other, with a sturdy body and four eyes. But where are the other two eyes, you may wonder? Join UzeMing on a thrilling adventure as he delves into the realm of portals that defy reality. Creating the Koala Monster Portal UzeMing takes on the challenge of crafting a portal to the Koala Monster in the Zoonomaly game. This monster is said to be incredibly scary, with four… Read More

  • Minecraft: The Ultimate Void

    Minecraft: The Ultimate Void Minecraft’s Galactic Plain: A New Dimension Exploring the vast world of Minecraft just got even more intriguing with the introduction of the Galactic Plain. This new dimension, created by the Stinking Galactrift Mod, offers players a unique and empty space to unleash their creativity. Discovering the Galactic Plain The Galactic Plain is a dimension devoid of life forms, allowing players to build and explore without any restrictions. To access this dimension, players must gather Galactite, a rare resource found underground in the Overworld. Additionally, Pincher Beans, which are rarely found in the podzols of the Overworld, are essential for… Read More


    LIVE 24/7 MINECRAFT SERVER - JOIN NOW!Video Information ह बकट बकट [संगीत] है [संगीत] [संगीत] [संगीत] [संगीत] य हेलो हेलो हेलो वेलकम टू द स्ट्रीम एवरी बडी दो दिन के बाद हेलो आवाज आ रहा है ना मेरा माइक तो मट हा ठीक है हेलो हेलो अरे बोलो यस देख लेना एक बार स्ट्रीम से चल र है कि नहीं मैंने तो देख लिया अपने लाक स्ट्रीम इधर से एडमिन पैनल से बट एकसा तुम्हारा वो आवाज बहुत धीरे आ रहा है शायद से सुनाई भी नहीं देगा ये वाला सुनाई दे रहा है सर्वर प चलते है ना सर्वर प चलते आ जाओ सर्वर पे… Read More

  • The Dark Side of Pratham’s Value System

    The Dark Side of Pratham's Value SystemVideo Information I need a [Music] drop Val I need a drop found you my eyes are better than yours where is everyone hiding hard for enemy spotted a [ __ ] down a Shadows traveling 55 30 seconds left last player standing last round in the half 29 camera taken out enemy spotted B theun begins enemy attacker Spa I’ll handle this Spike planted decoy put down sh one enemy remaining last player standing swiching side they think they’re so secure reloading okay let’s go cover going out cover going out my camera is destroyed reloading reloading reloading reloading wait wait… Read More

  • Insane Challenge: Surviving in Desert-Only Minecraft World!

    Insane Challenge: Surviving in Desert-Only Minecraft World!Video Information This video, titled ‘minecraft desert only world in pocket edition’, was uploaded by NCN on 2024-01-11 11:39:38. It has garnered 15 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:30:50 or 1850 seconds. Read More

  • 🚨Bengali Minecraft Smp App for West Bengal & Bangladesh!🔥

    🚨Bengali Minecraft Smp App for West Bengal & Bangladesh!🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Application for বাংলা Minecraft Smp | West Bengal and Bangladesh | @BanglaMinecraftCommunity’, was uploaded by SlowGG on 2024-01-13 05:13:49. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Application for বাংলা Minecraft Smp | West Bengal and Bangladesh | @BanglaMinecraftCommunity #BanglaMinecraftSMP … Read More

  • My Friend Became a Zombie in Minecraft! #OMG

    My Friend Became a Zombie in Minecraft! #OMGVideo Information so there I was building my base with my buddy and he already went and fell off a ladder but because this is the zombie SMP he came back for blood I managed to fend him off this time to join my new zombie SMP head to the Discord link on my profile This video, titled ‘My Buddy Turned Into a Zombie! #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by Jamps MC on 2024-01-09 15:00:35. It has garnered 7345 views and 120 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. New Zombie SMP Coming Soon! Discord –… Read More

  • Save the world from the cursed toilet! 🚽 – MINTOON CRAFT

    Save the world from the cursed toilet! 🚽 - MINTOON CRAFTVideo Information [Music] woohoo what [Music] [Music] hey hm [Music] [Music] [Music] huh [Music] [Music] [Music] oh ah a w [Music] oh [Music] what he [Music] yeah hello [Music] what [Music] oh [Music] [Music] hey [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] no no no do it what the nice huh you will die hello come on huh subscribe now nice come on yeah [Music] boy okay huh wao huh [Applause] UHA [Music] yes come on easy huh huh what the go go go shut [Music] a huh what [Music] the w tast This video, titled ‘COMPILATION MINECRAFT: SAVE THE WORLD FROM… Read More


    SMAJOR'S EPIC MINECRAFT SURVIVAL MISSION!Video Information make it work make it easy [Music] while [Music] [Music] on [Music] [Music] I learned that from you Mama it’s amazing what baking can [Music] do make it up and surprise them tell them my secrets but disguise them so they dance on the tongues of the very people that bear secrets from make it soon make it better though better never lasts forever I’ll make it small so it fit even [Music] this even now now even as the walls come tumbling down even as a can stop remembering how every door we ever made we never… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Toyota Supra vs Diamond vs Dirt BATTLE!

    EPIC Minecraft Toyota Supra vs Diamond vs Dirt BATTLE!Video Information hello guys like And subscribe you are the best thanks [Music] [Music] woohoo woohoo go go go o oh my oh my god [Music] wow [Music] woohoo go go [Music] go [Music] woohoo what no no no no [Music] what H oh [Music] my Yahoo [Music] what oh my God no [Music] God yeah [Music] boy Yahoo [Music] woo [Music] woo Yahoo wait a minute go go [Music] go look at this [Music] dude [Music] ha [Music] Yahoo [Music] wow huh [Music] [Laughter] huh oh my [Music] God no God please no [Music] no ooho H [Music] oo… Read More

  • Zathan’s Insane ROBLOX Adventure! 🔥 Don’t Miss Out!

    Zathan's Insane ROBLOX Adventure! 🔥 Don't Miss Out!Video Information for [ __ ] hell shitty your laptop keeps on dying and I can’t read chat because of it damn well anyways today’s stream is not Minecraft because of the shitty update they had so yeah I hope they fix it soon because I haven’t played the game well actually I’ve been updating it but the update is just still there like the the new touch controls sucks they really need to change it back I’ll play the game again once they change it back or if they at least fix the spacing L well I guess this is what… Read More

  • Olympian realm

    Olympian realm*STAFF NEEDED* Builders For Olympus Builders for Mount Orthys Builders For Camp Jupiter Builders for new Rome & Rome Builders for LA, SanFrancisco And Las Vegas Builders For Aeoulus’s Place Builders For Greece Read More

  • Fractured SMP Semi-Vanilla 1.20.4 Bedrock & Java Dynmap Discord

    Fractured SMP Fractured SMP is a newly released semi-vanilla server that aims to provide a great vanilla experience with added multiplayer enhancements. The community plays a vital role in shaping the server’s direction. Links Website: Discord: Dynmap: dynmap What We Offer Community: Player suggestions and feedback are valued, and decisions are made transparently. Welcoming: A diverse community where everyone feels included and accepted. Stability: Top-of-the-line hardware for a stable gaming experience. Features Claims Plugin for land protection and sharing. Dynmap for real-time world viewing. DiscordSRV for in-game communication through Discord. Random Teleport for quick travel. Player Shops for… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Real Minecraft Players vs. Fortnite Tryhards

    Wow, this meme must have some serious high scores! I wonder if it’s going for the leaderboard next. Read More

  • Block Buster: Tree Farm & Pillager Swarm || Minecraft One Block Gameplay

    Block Buster: Tree Farm & Pillager Swarm || Minecraft One Block Gameplay In Minecraft, one block is all you need, To plant a tree farm and watch it succeed. But beware of pillagers, they’ll come for a fight, Defend your block with all your might. Crafting and building, it’s all in a day’s play, In this blocky world, where you can’t stray. So join Devil369 Gaming, for tips and tricks, And watch as your Minecraft world quickly clicks. Like, share, and subscribe, spread the word, For in this gaming world, we all are heard. Devil369 Gaming, the channel to see, For all your Minecraft needs, come and be free. So leap… Read More

  • “Hot diggity creeper, that’s a spicy meme!” #minecraft

    "Hot diggity creeper, that's a spicy meme!" #minecraft Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! #minecraftmemes #dankmemes #gamerhumor Read More

  • Ultimate Dragon Armor in Minecraft!

    Ultimate Dragon Armor in Minecraft! Minecraft: ARMADURA DE DRAGÃO *incrível* ‹‹ S5João ›› Welcome to the exciting world of Minecraft! In this video, we will delve into all the thrilling aspects of this sandbox game that has captured the hearts of millions of players worldwide. Introduction: If you are a fan of building, exploring, surviving, and adventuring, Minecraft is the perfect game for you. With charming pixelated graphics and endless gameplay, you can create your virtual world and embark on epic journeys. Features: Build Your Dream Home: From a small cabin to a grand castle, unleash your creativity in constructing your ideal abode. Explore… Read More

  • Join Minewind Server for Custom 3D Skins in Minecraft!

    Join Minewind Server for Custom 3D Skins in Minecraft! Welcome to, where we bring you the latest updates and trends in the Minecraft community! Today, we stumbled upon a fascinating YouTube video titled “How to Make 3D Custom Skin Totem in MINECRAFT PE/JAVA 1.20+” in Hindi. While the video itself may not be about Minewind Minecraft Server, it got us thinking – why not join a vibrant and exciting Minecraft community like Minewind? Imagine a world where you can unleash your creativity, build unique structures, and engage in thrilling PvP battles. Minewind offers a dynamic and immersive gameplay experience that will keep you hooked for hours on… Read More

  • Guess the Cartoon! Minecraft Animation

    Guess the Cartoon! Minecraft Animation Minecraft Content Creation: A Look into Berkant’s Channel Berkant’s Minecraft Channel Berkant is a dedicated content creator who produces Minecraft videos every two days. His channel features a variety of content, including Minecraft escapes, parodies, and more. With a mix of rich and poor elements in his videos, Berkant’s channel offers a unique perspective on the Minecraft world. Engaging with Berkant’s Channel If you want to support Berkant’s channel, you can subscribe and show your support. Don’t forget to hit the like button on his videos to show some love ❤️. New videos are uploaded every other day at… Read More

  • 💔Hunt for Leviathan Heart! | Lewis 0978 Live BloxFruit Gameplay

    💔Hunt for Leviathan Heart! | Lewis 0978 Live BloxFruit GameplayVideo Information say going live going live live we’re live what’s up chat what’s up what’s up what’s up chat what’s everyone doing hello orang what’s good bro hello K hello doy hello Zane what’s good let roll shall we hello shbs oh great no great start to the beginning all right uh well have some change hello Mar May mayor hello I just got the notification W oh yeah Zan for some we weird reason I was I was trying to type on YouTube on Google and it popped out Discord and I put why to you I don’t… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Love Challenges!

    Insane Minecraft Love Challenges!Video Information la novia gringa de Minecraft s Ernesto la esposa Ernesto creo que se colo estas son mujeres mortales muchachos ustedes no vieron nada realmente no no vieron nada ojo esa Ya di cuenta ya la Rio ya la Rio Dale que los platos no se lavan solos ve los platos no se lavan solos nos vemos a ver ch This video, titled ‘Desafíos Pixelados: Amor en Minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by The Morotex on 2024-02-28 19:00:24. It has garnered 471 views and 19 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:32 or 32 seconds. Every day on stream… Read More

  • 🐰 Ultimate Bunny TNT Tricks Underwater! 🌊🔥 #minecraft

    🐰 Ultimate Bunny TNT Tricks Underwater! 🌊🔥 #minecraftVideo Information टी एनटी अंडर वाटर हैक्स इन माट अगर आप टी एनटी को पानी में फोड़ने की कोशिश करोगे तो टी एनटी की तरफ से बस एक ही आवाज आएगी पानी पानी पानी अंकल जी मु पानी पिला दे दीजिए मेरा गला सूख रहा है तो उससे पहले मैं बताना चाहता हूं गाइस मैंने लिया 75 डेज सब्सक्राइबर चैलेंज 0 टू 100 के सब्सक्राइबर आपको बस इतना करना है कि मेरे चैनल को सब्सक्राइब करना है और मैं डेली डेली कंटेंट पोस्ट करता रहूंगा मिथ से रिलेटेड फैक्ट से रिलेटेड और बहुत सब कुछ तो सब्सक्राइब के लिए थैंक… Read More

  • EXPLOSIVE time travel in Minecraft

    EXPLOSIVE time travel in MinecraftVideo Information [Music] a [Music] the [Music] [Music] what [Music] e [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay what is up silly Goobers goobers and gobets I’m live is time it is time I have silly lore planned today the silliest of the silliest lore I okay did I so many of so much of this lore today was a mixture of last minute planning and long before plan [ __ ] that is that is what we’re working with that’s what we’re working with today but yes yeah hello everybody I don’t know if you guys saw… Read More

  • 🔥 EPIC Syphanic Minecraft SMP Gameplay! 😱

    🔥 EPIC Syphanic Minecraft SMP Gameplay! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft SMP type shit’, was uploaded by Syphanic on 2024-04-29 04:02:27. It has garnered 5 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:27:37 or 1657 seconds. yurr Read More

  • EPIC Monster School BABY vs DRAGON in Jurassic Park – Minecraft

    EPIC Monster School BABY vs DRAGON in Jurassic Park - MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Monster School : BABY BROTHER AND DRAGON IN JURASSIC PARK – Minecraft Animation’, was uploaded by Toca Betty on 2024-01-12 10:00:49. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Continuation of the story of friendship between baby brother and baby dragon! Music by Kevin MacLeod … Read More

Modding by Kaupenjoe – Minecraft Modding 1.18.2 with Forge | CUSTOM ENTITIES WITH GECKOLIB