Modding by Kaupenjoe – Talking Minecraft Live 2023 | Community Mods | Maybe Modding later

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Da all right welcome to modding Monday over here hello hello everyone what is going on guys what is going on how you all doing on this uh hopefully beautiful Monday after Minecraft live we have a lot to talk about but first a um thing in uh

Well in my own sort of thing let me actually get this craziness in here there you go um one thing and that is there is a sale there is another and the sale is 50% off for the courses take a look at the description below uh they

Should be linked in the first like the first links should be the courses they are um they are 50% off so keep that in mind if you want to take a look at that you can’t 50% off this is this is true yes this is true 50% off take a look at

That take a look at the um current uh curriculum they are you know there’s like a list of things and topics that are included as well so do keep that in mind let me uh let’s do this here as well there you go Bam um and yeah that’s that’s a really

Good idea to take a look at and there you go well well well well well well came late again well actually in theory I am just really early I’m just like a minute early why no German course it’s just not worth it man I mean like

The even though there is a big minority of people who watch my videos that are German it’s just not worth it I would have to like record everything again and do that all of that it’s not it’s not worth it but the courses do have automatic subtitles so basically there

Are subtitles that are generated and you can like automatically um basically translate them so that does that does exist so that is a thing that is keep in mind you know fish fish fish fish fish mind height well yeah it is a minority yeah of course like it’s a it’s a big

Minority but it is a minority let me double check over here I’m just going to double check let me see audience in the last 90 days the biggest geography is the United States with 25% so 25% of all of the people who’ watched my videos in the

Last 90 days have been the United States and then the second uh you know the second geography is Germany with 7.7% which is a lot I’m not going to lie but it’s like I don’t it’s it’s not it’s too much it’s too much it’s not a new course for learning German a course

For learning German H what did you vote for Captain I voted for the crab but it did not come to pass you know I can get gifts now what does that mean what does that mean you can get gifts now I too you also voted for the crab

Well listen I mean it is what it is you know it’s like it’s it’s a fair and uh it’s a fair and Democratic process but the thing about it is that they should really change this up they should really have two mobs against each other simply because of the reason then

You know not the majority of people are going to be pissed because right now uh only 45% of the like people actually voted for the armadillo meaning that 55% of people are actually mad so why would you make more than 50% of people mad if you just had like one against the other

Yeah okay it might also still be 50/50 but in theory right if it’s one against the other other then more than 50% would have to at least vote for one of the mobs meaning that you would at least have the majority of people uh you know

Agreeing with a mob vote which is you know at least something but I don’t know that’s just me you know bit sad wolf armor I mean I one yeah I don’t know I mean you know if they want to have like a huge like w in the community in

122 they should just add like the rest of them but I don’t know now that’s a good take I mean it is it is because it’s just sensible right and also have I listen Okay this is now this is getting serious okay we’re going to go in serious mode

Now uh new YouTube has gifted memberships oh there were they have been gifted memberships for a while but anyway we’re now getting in serious mode okay and the serious mode is as follows there have been a lot of people and this might not this is a hard take

Okay I’m telling you know I should I should probably put this in the title hot take no so like a lot of people have been slandering Mojang a little bit in terms of like how fast they are and and you know how long it takes them to add uh things to the

Game now as per usual on the internet right there is only there are only two options right you either say absolutely they are pieces of crap they’re really lazy and they’re like they don’t have anything to do and they basically work like 50 minutes a day and then it’s like

Done either that’s your opinion or the other opinion is no they’re really hardworking and they’re like freaking awesome and you know they doing everything they can and it just takes that long right so those are the only two possible options and the all the shades of green all the Shades of Gray

Between right those are just they you know those are don’t count right like I mean come on Nuance on the internet who are you I will give the nuanced take which is of course going to be the best thing because both the camp that hates Mojang

For you know being lazy uh is going to hate that take and the people who are like defending Mojang also going to hate that take because that’s that’s what what happens so number one um yes they could be faster that is actually a thing that could be possible

The issue though is number one so the reason why they aren’t faster is because they have a real issue because they have uh Java and bedro Edition and Pocket Edition and education Edition I don’t even know how many editions of Minecraft there are that are vaguely feature

Parody right so all of the features have to work in each of those additions that’s number one and that’s that’s much harder to just get it done in like one of them uh then also they have to coordinate via different teams so if I recall correctly I think there’s a Mojang studio in

Shanghai and in somewhere else I don’t know exactly where else that is but I I think one in so one in Asia at least one in Stockholm still and then one or two in America coord via that like that’s freaking insane okay that’s like pretty pretty difficult so that’s the second

Point then you also got a China Edition which actually doesn’t necessarily have to have parity but it’s you know at least somewhat they still have to work on it as well excuse me so that is the one thing so that is why it sometimes takes a

Little bit longer now the reason why it also takes longer is because management right often more often than not management is not that Tech techically involved in the process of um of development right so that’s you know it is what it is so that’s that’s one thing

Now they then have issues really knowing okay what is the development going to be but I also think and this was an interesting video that I saw a couple of days ago uh by this uh long-term um game developer who worked on uh fallout one and I think it’s like the original

Designer or programmer for Fallout and he basically said that in today’s like game development environment people are so incredibly non-accountable to anything like so in the first Fallout they had like a big whiteboard so he described that they had a big whiteboard and you wrote down like these are the

Top 10 bugs right and then just you came in and you just rote your name next to the bug and you were then responsible for fixing that bug right he said oh let’s do that like five or whatever years ago and they were like no we can’t

Do that I’m going to quit if you do that what the heck what are you talking about so people don’t want to be responsible or accountable in the game the environment which is that’s very strange to me but okay fair enough and I think that also leads to an issue now I don’t

Know if this is a Mojang thing I think this is just a general uh I mean maybe even a generational thing who knows but this seems to be an issue in like the grander game development sphere in general or development sphere in general which is very very strange right it’s

Like what do you mean right so people don’t want to be accountable people don’t want to be responsible for things and um yeah and I think that also leads to quite a few things so another thing that the person said in the video I should really link that somewhere but

Like the the the other thing they said is um he asked someone to make a make a very simple AI right so for the I mean most of the people listening here are somewhat developers so they will understand that so the AI was just supposed to be this following you should

Have a list of all of the um when when the when the enemy gets damaged you should have a list of people that damaged or like you know entities that damaged that particular enemy and the uh the order of the list should be how much damage the like was taken from that like

Entity that’s all that was supposed to be done and then they should basically attack that particular like the the the one at the top of the list that was the entire AI now a lot of people you you know who are developers are already going to be thinking okay yeah you can

Probably do that maybe with a map maybe you have like an ordered list or something like that right like it’s it’s not that crazy to think about and to be honest you know of course depending on how the architecture of the game is it might change a little bit but when you

Really think about it that is not an AI that is going to be incredibly hard to do right the estimate that they got back was four weeks what you can do that in an hour easily right maybe put it a two hour tops so I think the issue is that the

Estimates of how much can get done in each unit of time is like it’s just really narrow now it’s somewhat understandable because um especially in America it seems uh every time that you at least this is what a lot of people like report who knows a lot of times if you’re fast

Fter than um if you’re faster than you know people expect then what happens is you just get more work dumped on you so basically there’s an inverse relationship where you know instead of the manager saying listen we want this done by this time and then you’re done

And then freaking go home if you want to I still don’t understand why they don’t do that like the idea that listen this is what you have to get done get this done you worked for oh Jesus Christ what the heck um you worked for 5 hours today you get everything done sure

Whatever get the freak out of here you know make yourself a make a like the rest of the day is off inverse obviously would be the other way around as well it’s like you haven’t get that done I mean this has to be done today so maybe

You work 9 hours today but I feel like that’s a I feel like this is a good tradeoff but whatever the case may be it’s it’s rough it’s rough so I don’t know I don’t know I think Mojang is um between a rock and a hard place I think

They really want they want Minecraft you know they they have this like weird they have this like weird split they want to have like e for everyone but also n we really we really only want to like cater to children and there’s like uh and you

Know we have to everything that we add has to be you know thing for standing for the next 100 years I don’t know I I don’t envy them has been com uh compromised by the wrong people it might be the case I don’t know I don’t even know like how big are they

The way Mojang Studio employees like how many employees do they have 600 people I I just don’t I just don’t understand this that is ridiculous like that’s just crazy to me who is their Co CEO so this is another thing right their CEO I I I complained about this before right Jonas mortensson

I’ve I I I’ve never I think the last time time they tweeted was like 2015 or something like that it’s actually insane Twitter there he is okay I’m sorry actually 2017 that’s what it was like what is this right I if you look at the CEO of twitch for

Example right now the previous CEO of twitch uh M here did didn’t do anything with the community right that was the same way that um that right now the Mojang Studio CEO does things but Dan Clancy if you actually see that is insane Dan Clancy is like in the

Trenches he streams like once a week on uh on Twitch itself like he he talks to people he literally meets with streamers off stream and just talks to them he talks to the employees it’s actually insane like he’s doing a really good job as a CEO to like understand what the

Freak is happening on the ground I don’t even know what like what the most Jang Co does now it might be the case that he’s really good but I don’t know it doesn’t it doesn’t seem like it right now at least I don’t know yeah it’s it’s I don’t

Know it’s rough and um I don’t know I it’s going to be it’s going to be interesting to see where it all goes the um overall life like let’s let’s go back to um to Minecraft life itself um yeah they don’t play Minecraft that could be

The case yeah I mean I don’t know I mean imagine imagine if they only played uh if they only played modded I actually like speed they put up stuff out not time to play so I can’t keep up with a I mean that’s fair it’s it’s very

Fair yeah that’s a that’s an interesting way to look at it as well but I don’t know I don’t know it just seems um I mostly play moded myself I literally only play modded I don’t play I don’t play vanilla at all like it’s just not a

Thing I’m not I’m just not that interested in it it’s just not there just not enough I I don’t want to say there’s not enough to do but it’s just I don’t know if you have three ideas it’s easy Implement two extra then come up with three new

Ideas um at least quality ideas but they probably have enough ideas to last them a while I mean gez like how many freaking mobs have been discarded you know how many ideas have been discarded so I don’t know activate player only Redstone powerful see the thing about it is that

That so the trial Chambers right let’s think about this the trial Chambers are interesting I think or the tri you know what I mean like the trial stuff like that’s interesting but then they have one boss what I mean maybe they’re going to add more who knows but like that’s one

Of the things that’s kind of interesting right they would have been like oh yeah that’s one of the bosses that you might get and then even just teased it like that they should at least have like three different boss inside of the trial Chambers because it’s procedurally

Generated so they could do just do that I don’t know that that’s I don’t know so I don’t know why they don’t do stuff like that they only took from modded which is absurd because they crap on it I don’t think they crap on it I just

Think that it’s um it’s an it’s an endless like you know butting of heads my interest in Minecraft at this point is purely for making things modding and data packs are the only reason I still play you know and the thing about is that this is a place there a lot of

People find themselves in that place I don’t know if that’s even supposed to be called a boss fair enough I guess fair enough yeah that but that’s true I mean it’s a really cool platform to create things like the mods or data packs and stuff like that um yeah I don’t

Know TR Chambers overlapping other trial Chambers yeah I’ve now modded more than a year than played this game yes add Elemental bosses true have you ever um vce the support Forum they crap on you entirely uh that gets found and moded yeah well you know it is what it is bread bread

Bread I don’t have bread sorry I’m out of bread I know it’s not it’s it’s very ungerman of me to not have bread all right now the entire chat is going to be bread for a minute that’s okay so I can continue well that’s one thing

Um yes I was just about to say so what is crazy though is the crafter like the auto crafter that one is I’mma Be real that’s pretty crazy to me cuz that seems like very un Minecraft that’s true it seems very modded right now um so I

Don’t know like that one is is very very strange so yeah I don’t know about that one um I never expected them to add an auto crafter yeah me neither like that one was very very um just I don’t know I just didn’t expect any of that and uh it’s very

Interesting uh sleeping on it for a knight I think it could be it could be cool it I mean it depends right always wanted a crafter but it feels out of place it does kind of feel out of place that is the thing we’ll see man we’ll see you

Think maybe this kind of thinking uh um we as moded players have yeah this is correct you got you got to really think about that as well I mean like while the modding community in Minecraft is like big it’s a very small tiny portion of the of the Minecraft Community when you

Really think about it right like let’s not let’s not kid ourselves I mean first of all you know more than 50% of all Minecraft players are Bedrock players right or something like that I don’t even know so they don’t they they they are not in this like modded space that

We are in they are in the um they’re in the minecoin uh Marketplace let’s go baby which of course it’s different right it’s it’s not the same it’s not the same I don’t know yeah crafter seems really moded I it’s I yeah it’s it’s strange I don’t

Hate it but it’s super modded yeah M blow up the TNT in the background this guy wait where is it this guy let me see can I get this this guy no I will not Arctic what’s up you know I mean just talking about Minecraft life it’s

Been it’s weird right it’s a weird update Arctic I will actually ban you okay have you seen Alex’s cave yet yes I have seen that it’s it’s really it’s amazing it’s it looks really freaking good I feel like almost all the kids that play Minecraft play on Bedrock yeah

And then you know then they ask to be like hey uh I want to buy this this uh this plugin over here and then um and then there uh parents give you give them their credit card and they get their mine coins and then there you go I don’t

Know what community mods will you review this time I literally only have one singular Community mod uh on my docket over here because I have I’m still I’m still uh you know it’s it’s rough it’s called capitalism I don’t know if that’s I mean yes but also uh I don’t know that

It seems it seems this is more this is the next step I don’t know if you’ve heard about this but like the next step is uh is um what is it called techn feudalism is where we’re at at this point like this is beyond it at this point because the marketpl it’s just

Like it’s not even offering a good product at this point anymore cuz like it’s user generated so while they share it’s just I don’t know it’s it’s crazy how hard is it to create a create add-on I think it’s possible but whatever um it’s not it’s not that

Difficult there’s a couple of people in the server who have created that as well you should be able to buy Standalone add-ons in the marketplace just you wait man just you wait just wait Java oh the Java Marketplace is coming it’s coming guys it’s going to take a while but it’s

Coming what do you think they’re working on what do you think why do you think that the updates take so long they’re just they’re just I’m just I’m telling you I’m telling you that’s why they continue to make the data packs uh like stuff more viable and have everything

Like have the codecs and everything read in like via Json files and stuff like that that’s why they’re doing that stuff so everything can be done with Json files so that everything can be done just like the same idea just like um just like Marketplace in on Bedrock so

That you know it’s going to be it’s going to be that be the first to make a mod to disable it oh no not Marketplace for Java I don’t know I it’s obviously just conjecture but I just think I think they just they’re going to coll up with

Cursed Forge I don’t think they’re going to C up with curs Forge I don’t think so I think they’re just going to do it and that’s going to be real bad for Cur Forge as well because oh boy I mean you know you know like look at if you look

At curs Forge they have been trying to get into other games right like uh they they did a big like Sims 4 push maybe it’s because of that right the maybe it’s because they’re like listen uh we got to like diversify because my God bro Minecraft mods on cursed Forge have

44.7 billion downloads in aggregate holy crap but that’s that’s wow they try to get into KSP 2 well I mean to be honest though ksp2 is also a piece of crap so you know uh they getting ready to ban modding I listen okay I think that that

Would be I think that would be a huge blunder on their part but also I would not put it past them just because it’s it’s a bad decision doesn’t mean that it’s not going to happen um and if they did do that oh boy oh man

If they are going to do that oh W they are actually going to be they are effed at that point it is actually it’s done it’s it’s it’s over not because the moding community is big but because the moding community is going to I mean they are I mean just I

Mean just think about it like this right um every single like interesting YouTube video at this point that has anything to do with mine okay that’s not that’s a little bit far but like any nonv video uh that’s not about um that’s not about uh like um what is it hermitcraft is

Modded right like everyone plays modded if you have like canarie who else is there like system Z though even a freaking um funy right that’s all modded stuff so that’s all modded um content all moded Minecraft that would all stop immediately you know I

That’s nah n no no no no no n they would make themselves like such a big enemy and I oh boy bending modding will make Minecraft a slideshow it’s going to be rough her craft heavily relies on cosmetic mods that’s actually Fair that’s fair let’s talk about the armadillo yes

Um yeah the armadillo I mean it’s uh it’s it’s it’s fine it’s okay um I don’t know I’m still sad because I really wanted to see the crab it was interesting to me even the penguin would have been fine but you know what is what it is Moon

Hello interesting but I won’t use it I mean it’s literally the same thing every time every time something gets added it’s just not you know I don’t think they will ban modding the developers are still supporting mods in the modding servers I we’ll see you know we’ll we’ll

See I don’t know what’s going to happen it’s it’s just going to be very very strange first for started with World of Warcraft yeah how are you doing uh you know it’s been it’s been an interesting um Sunday right I mean Minecraft life was very strange they have an old

Modmaker in their mod team modding won’t get banned I mean we’re like just obviously we’re just conjecturing and like and and pontificating on this right it’s not going to be it’s um it’s hard to say uh that might be the case but you know just one person on a team but if

The if the if the management of Minecraft says ban modding it’s not making us money it’s actually losing US money exactly you know make a new Ula and uh put in Java Marketplace if the management says that then that’s it it’s done like you can’t do anything few of the devs have retweeted

Posts that mods is what I mean by support yeah I mean listen it’s it’s obviously a little bit Doomer to say that right that it might get banned or anything but I I I really do think they are somewhat gearing up to a kind of a Marketplace it’s going to be interesting

To see maybe they’re going to somehow integrate it maybe it is the case maybe they will work together with curse Forge I don’t know I I kind of don’t think about it but I don’t know I’m confused what’s the issue oh we’re just um we’re just pontificating or thinking about

Like what’s the next step for like Minecraft Java Edition and I think that um my personal opinion or my personal idea is that they will probably at some point add a Marketplace to it so that it’s going to have a Marketplace and maybe they will work with curs Forge

Together but to be honest with you I don’t even how much is uh overwolf worth wait a second um oh boy overwolf might be worth between 300 and 450 million that’s a lot of that’s uh that’s a big load of the balloons I don’t know if they’re going

To be I don’t know if they’re going to going to buy that that seems a little bit much but it’s not like it’s not like they don’t wouldn’t have the money at that point they would just buy it right they just they would just buy entirety

Of overwolf just be like freak it just give us curse forward and overwolf and all that stuff Mojang or um Mojang or Microsoft would buy that bam and then they would just integrate all that in because the the the system already exists they can buy mod I don’t think

They’re going to buy modin also I don’t think that modin would sell I’m going be real I do not think that they would sell that would be interesting I don’t know but I don’t know the ideal in my opinion is to have a Marketplace to be an alternative to

Installing mods rather than replacing them that’s true what mods are reviewing today or are already reviewed I shall be looking at uh the uh epic Empires that’s the one mod that I will be looking at modin is great though yeah it is great but that’s what I’m saying like modin it

Doesn’t seem like they are a company that’s set out to be like hey hey we want to make tons of money to get an exit rather they are like hey we want to go in and make cool make cool modding space right so that’s why I’m saying that they probably would not sell

Although once again this is also just conjecture you know if Microsoft knocks on your door and is like hey here is $50 million I mean like can anyone really fult them to be like I’m really considering taking this deal cuz $50 million is f you money right like that’s

You’re done at that point like it’s just you can do whatever the freak you want that’s like generation wealth type of money like you and your kids and even your grandkids if you raise them right um are going to be like basically set for life but yeah I don’t

Know Microsoft is being sued by the IRS for an amount of 30 billion US damn man I mean that’s I mean what whatever are they supposed to do oh no they’re going to they’re going to they’re going to lose one quarter of Revenue that’s a big of net income sorry

One quarter of of uh of net income yeah those numbers are insane um Microsoft is huge they are worth 2.5 trillion US Dollars okay that is a that is a size that is like they are huge so who knows who knows but I I’ve never heard about the the um IRS Microsoft

Thing audit why the owes 29 billion back taxes Jesus that’s a lot of that’s a lot of the balloons what other PC games do you play except Minecraft this is a very good question uh most of the time so I have like a couple of games that are like

High on my list so my most played game on Steam is Rim world then I got Crusader Kings 2 Europa universales 4 Mountain blade warband we got Stu Valley factoral basically just like uh you know uh strategy type games that’s basically what I play $40 trillion I mean $40

Trillion there was uh wait you know that there was ever $40 trillion that was created on Earth I don’t even know what that means what if Apple buys Microsoft that is not possible apple does not have that much money hash reserves Apple they have 166 billion doar okay

Like that’s a lot of money it’s not enough to buy Microsoft okay that’s like that’s an order of magnitude and just a bit like off factorio is addictive that’s true have you ever tried binding of ISAC yes but I’m not that good at it do you play FPS RPG games so I play

Mobile let me think about this so a little bit of um war zone with the boys sometimes you know that’s that’s sometimes a fun thing RPGs um what’s the last RPG that I played oh like Final Fantasy but like Final Fantasy 12 so it’s it’s one of the old ones let’s say

Uh that’s a bit ago uh it’s usually older games not um you know it’s like I don’t know like newer games honestly like especially triaa gaming modern triaa gaming kind of sucks doesn’t it it doesn’t it’s not good I see you have an VR headset what about those games yes I

Do the I pretty much have just um I have uh pretty much only a beat saber that’s the only game I play with that to be honest with you um in the whole history of the dollar since the first time they were created there were only $40 trillion worth of

Money that was created on Earth meaning they have one tenth of the worldwide dollars I don’t I don’t think that’s I don’t think that’s how the economy works that’s not that’s not how I mean like I that’s not how this works cuz like you know after I don’t want to make

This like historical political economical but but after uh the gold standard was like released what was that under Nixon or Reagan some like that um like because the dollar was no longer tied to anything tangible it was just fiat currency like the you know it just went like freaking insane right so so

Money basically became worthless slash it became a pure contract between like people to be like yeah this piece of paper is worth something it’s just like you know if I have these playing cards to be like L excuse me of course this is worth a freaking Tesla what do you mean

Take it you can get a Tesla for that as well and then that’s it you know so that was a that that was one of the things so I don’t think that there’s like ever like 40 trillion W dollars worth because that’s it doesn’t like that’s not you

Know the economy only works as far as things happen yeah but the whole amount is $40 trillion I remember I looked that up oh it might be the case that the entire world economy right now is worth $40 trillion that could be the case but I don’t think it is I think it’s

More worth of the entire world economy 85 trillion it says it’s the global GDP which is very interesting oh here it says 105 trillion damn 105 trillion what do you think should we split that up and uh for everyone evenly how much how much how much you think

Everyone’s going to have 7 million people oh it’s probably 8 billion at this point $113,000 jeez man that’s not okay that’s pretty crazy actually how does 121 and capitalism relate I listen I mean I’m not even talking about I mean the people just C that’s ridiculous I’m not even

Talking about that I’m talking about the thing about um other stuff can you Pro oh can you please review the Creator tools mod uh probably not today um imagine if Minecraft was bought by EA EA Sports It’s in the game it’s in the game uhop World economy uh in debt of10

Trillion right but who it’s the aliens guys aliens anyway so um I thought to uh to end up with the um Minecraft life stuff we talk about a little bit of um a little bit of uh the the you know the memes and the stuff so one thing I found

Was this this is very interesting right look at this right so apparently the amount of time they spend talking about the update here has decreased significantly between the years that’s very strange right like we went from like over 30 like 37 minutes to like barely 30 17 to 10 what the

Freak what is that to be honest also when you think about um how much they did in this year bro they they patted out like quite significantly the camel sniffer animation I really like that animation it was a nice kind of cool animation but it didn’t do anything right like it it

It was just padding it was just more and more padding so it was so weird and then in the mega thread in on r/ minecra it was crazy uh so um yeah filling up time so they have a long live stream and the live stream wasn’t even that long right

It wasn’t even that freaking long that was what was so surprising to me it’s like it was not even a thing and then a few people actually um where is it copper bulbs yeah I mean the copper stuff it’s it’s cool that copper hopefully has some more uses and it’s

Going to be very interesting to see it’s also very interesting to see if the copper grate is going to let water flow through but not mobs that would be really cool if that was the thing if they didn’t if they don’t do that that would be I don’t know that would be a

Bit of a bummer um yeah obviously um Jeb’s hair right that was that was freaking phenomenal I like that whole segment um mob that triggers Redstone uh also this is the thing it was fully pre-recorded right they they had they didn’t put like certain pre-recorded things in between the the live things

Everything was pre-recorded right I’m pretty sure that one was freaking strange to me that one was just like one of those things where it’s like they really did that that’s I don’t know I don’t know that’s um it’s weird to me autocrafting is huge I do agree

With that but it’s just like I don’t know I don’t know yeah and then this of course right I mean y carried the whole show Absolutely Minecraft life that’s not live I mean I think they did that because of the mob vote hate maybe I’m starting to think the entire

Thing is pre-recorded I mean you know also this is this is the hilarious pretty sure pre-recorded his banned word in chat bro if they actually did that that’s so bad that just looks horrible it’s not Minecraft live it’s Minecraft not live or Minecraft pre-recorded next time they should do that Minecraft not

Live I don’t know that’s just it’s just weird that’s just weird makes almost makes a lot of blocks farmable true true true anti Blaze it’s like players of ads I don’t know the dungeon update it’s just weird meeting that could have been an email I mean okay maybe maybe you

Know but some of the acting was a little bit cringe as well they they didn’t wait what pre-record it I mean it I think that that’s oh that’s not what I wanted to do I think that that’s fair I think it’s I think it’s yeah that they pre-record every possible outcome for

The m v uh probably yeah I would assume that that would be that they would do that yeah basically you just I mean you just finish all three of the videos and then you know you just play the one that is that one and also I mean in

Theory they could also just make up whatever they wanted right they could just make up the numbers I mean that would probably get leaked at some point because let’s let’s not get into too crazy of conspiracies over here uh but you know it could be

The case I don’t know it could be the case yeah and then this was interesting right so they did say right our little frog friend didn’t win the vote but they still managed to hop their way into the game I don’t know why they said that cuz

That seems to me to be like yo um maybe we will get the penguin but they only set it for the Penguin and not the crab so that one was I don’t know about that one are they like live sessions or are they text based the um it’s all good the

Courses are uh video based so they are video courses um basically going through I mean every topic is basically a video similar to the YouTube videos here on this channel and um yeah it was part of the biome Vote here’s also the list of all the losers I mean honestly this is it’s really a bummer cuz like mircat ostrich vulture I mean iser they would have been like I don’t know it’s just such a it’s such a shame right is it’s just it’s a bummer that

This is like so many good like things just left in the dust and not add it the crafter is insane Modelo got more than 40% of the votes thought on the new update there you go that’s that’s oh I saw another um like we could have had a potential crab Rave yeah

Well now we don’t we don’t I saw one thing on the memes I think yeah new this is by the way this is the craziness right so it’s like a new mob was chosen okay like I’m not okay listen you can slander me all you want after this Phantoms worst thing

Ever they are so effing Annoying It’s actually insane every time they come up I’m just like like bro get those guys out of me like it’s just ridiculous right you light up everything oh they still spawn and then the issue is you light up everything and then they spawn

More because they are the only mobs that even spawn the uh glow squid I mean we don’t need to talk about that yeah glowing signs and stuff like that okay fine but honestly like how often are we going to do anything nothing La was interesting when it was

Announced like honestly who’s using that Chad tell me are you using the LA on a regular basis or not I I don’t I mean I I don’t even think I’ve ever like used it ever in the history of my playing Minecraft no yeah there you go right only SMP yeah okay fair enough

I slaughter them yeah exactly I’ve seen people try yeah exactly that’s what I’m saying that’s what I’m saying right it’s like people try it’s so bad it’s a bummer everyone and I mean everyone thought the glow squid was to lure you by H hypnotizing you to look at

It I’m a creative mode player that’s fair actually people just voted for the glow squid omillo for the items they gave him right but then the sniffer is like an interesting idea to go in but then they don’t do anything with it or you get like one or two

Flowers ancient seeds there you go what is that there’s nothing there’s no I think the issue is I think I I have the issue figured out okay the issue is that they have a lot of width but they never have any depth that’s the issue they they

Don’t go deep enough with their with their different um with a different like things that they add right they they’re like oh we want to add this and we want to add that and you know they did talk about oh we’re going to probably um you know revisit some older stuff which is

Pretty good but when when they revisit that they should add some depth to it right I mean even a couple of other flowers that have some thing you can’t have depth for a game Min for young kids I find it really interesting that the game they actually even announced it

Right the game is going to turn 15 years old next year yes that makes me that that does make me feel quite old but at the same time I was once a kid that played Minecraft and we didn’t have any of that right like we H we like fended

For ourselves we had to figure out everything for ourselves wait how does that work wait you can make a boat oh my God like I I don’t know that was fine and now it’s just ridiculous it’s actually ridiculous I don’t know yeah it’s it’s just it’s a real shame it’s a

Real shame trial chamber I sleep crafter I mean it is true I don’t know mob vote yeah yes this was so bro the live chat was going crazy they like the mods were working overtime in the twitch chat it was actually insane they were going nuts right it’s

Like your passion inspires us the entire chat was like Revolution stop the mob vote hash stop the mob vote I mean even though it’s probably not going to do anything but that was that was so good that was actually crazy man oh boy boy there it is there’s our boy

Ah what a shame live chat was hilarious does YouTube not have tools for it oh they do have tools but I don’t know micraft live was on Twitch I it was on Twitch and on Twitch actually was like 15 seconds in front that’s why I watch

It on Twitch but yeah it was on Twitch yeah honestly this update would be uh just Minecraft creative the crab one I mean yeah but you know it’s how crab lost that by the way I don’t I mean so apparently that that’s what I was told apparently a lot of young mcraft

Players really like dogs like they really like dogs and like wolves in the game so I don’t know I feel like the mob V just is is actually not really smart like from a game design perspective yes so I think that I I actually told that at the very beginning

Of the stream I think what they should do is instead instead of having three mobs to choose from you should have two mobs to choose from reason being right now uh what were the numbers uh I think that that was wait somewhere over here yeah there you go um yeah so the numbers

Shake out like this 32.5% crab 25.2% penguin and 42.3% armadillo which means if you do some basic arithmetic more than 50% of people are now mad that their mob of choice was not chosen so so like more than half of all the people who voted are like oh I didn’t want the

Armadillo to win if you had have two choices then obviously you would have to have like over 50% so I yeah I don’t know so I I I just think that that’s it’s just not a smart idea to have three of them because because the more choices

You add obviously the less of a percentage you would have to have in order to win right in theory you could have the armadillo win with like 33 33.4% of the vote right if you had an even split and then you know just like a tiny bit more which would actually get

You 67% of people or 66% of people not having voted for the mob that is ends up in the game I it’s just ridiculous I don’t know want more re use mods I mean sure that’s fine of course but I it’s just not I mean listen Maybe the armadillo is going

To be really cool right maybe it’s going to be really awesome and maybe it’s like actually going to be pretty good but you know what they should do honestly this is actually the issue of of the voting system once again right like someone call cgp Gray hey let’s talk about

Voting system cgp gray first pass the post ridiculous how about ranked voting right my first vote is the crab my second vote is the Penguin my third vote is the armadillo and then you rank that rank Choice voting would have been way better but it’s it’s more complicated

Right the thing about it is that just Mak an xcept what you choose it’s the like the first simplest way of choosing but it’s actually really bad voting system it’s not what you want to have right I mean listen okay one thing I will say about the armadillo is as long

As it doesn’t look like this we’re going to be fine okay this is not let’s hope that this is not going to look like this okay look at him look at him blink look at him listen okay I I I have said I’m not

A I’m not a modeler and you you now know why that’s my own this is cute I mean listen Okay this is like this is like if the you know what it is it’s like when a when a girl says oh yeah you you’re cute that’s not what you want to hear man

That’s not what I want to hear as long as it doesn’t look like that that’s true it’s true the blinking animation was better when it just made the eyes smaller like like evenly right yeah that was a little weird plus they counted the Minecraft China Edition listen I

Couldn’t make a really bad joke about the you know the CH like Minecraft China Edition having a vote but I’m not going to uh cuz I don’t want my social credit score to decline okay no no no no this is all fine this is good this is good

They they have to have their choice okay and if they choose the armadillo then they chose the armadillo I mean it is what it is they are adorable yeah you’re cute you’re like a brother to me listen okay don’t even don’t even don’t even add me don’t even have me we have armored

Rat I hate the mob vote let’s all boycott it why did the arm win I don’t think that’s I don’t think that that’s a thing no that’s not a thing I don’t think that that’s I don’t think that happened okay I don’t think that happened copper glare T ice moo

Yo yes we want this Minecraft suggestions I don’t know it’s just scary math wizard wait does this not add up to oh it’s just a okay fair enough well whatever I don’t know guys it’s just a it’s just very weird it’s a it’s a it’s a strange one and um I don’t

Know it’s uh it’s rough about Um I don’t know it’s it’s it’s interesting to see we’ll see what happens we’ll see what happens autocrafting is interesting I was eating did you do community mod yet I did not I did not if the autoc crafter was right you think spice would are you going to

Make Breeze wait a this stream no I’m not going to make a breeze that is by the way I this is insane by the way okay Minecraft youtubers that are doing like modded stuff and and things like that bro those are a different breed okay system Z my man system

Z two like three hours after the uh thing concluded my man had the breeze in game like look at this wait a second look at this guy okay this was 22 hours ago and if you count that that’s like that’s ridiculous system Z like that’s crazy

Talk yeah in like two or three hours like that’s that’s insane and that’s like pretty good like um why can I not sure okay that’s crazy right and then the other one was the the this this loop it’s just craziness man that’s ridiculous how did they do that so

Fast has a server that adds a ton with no muds yeah I’ve seen that before I don’t know how that works it’s very strange very strange I saw that mob and block bench Discord wondered what the hell that was ah yeah does zake mods or data

Packs so I the only thing I do know is that um someone so I think that um Z does um has a bunch of people like also working together with him uh because I’m pretty sure that there was someone from my server who has already worked with

With them before so keep that in mind I think that’s pretty cool so like you know like a person who was on my Discord server who also helps technically to make mods you have to make data packs I mean that’s yeah if you make a if you

Would make a set right the set would be this is data packs and then every mod is also wait other way around this is every mod and then every mod is a data pack right so you draw a big circle around that it’s origin Realms that place is insane

Yeah he made mobs mob with entity Wizard and blockbench I’m I mean fair enough but still I mean he didn’t do it live though did he I mean I don’t know wait a second is he do he live on Twitch nope nowhere okay fair enough well it is what it is it is

What it is listen okay it’s I mean we can’t change it it’s a very very strange um thing that happens uh I think makes add-ons and data pack plus the server parody between bedro Java and Bedrock interesting some people are Uber talented with blockbench that’s true is

The crab mod released which crab mod like my mod that I made made I I made I make your ideas in Minecraft or rather I I tried to make the mob volt mobs yes that is that is a thing that exists it’s on my GitHub wait is it on

Tutorials by cjro or did I publish that on cjo I don’t even know no I published it on cro why would I do that c SC mob vote mods get you can find it it’s like the second to is I think it’s the last updated thing be better with blockbench too but

It’s really hard yeah I I’m not I’m not it’s crazy what we can change is to get cjo to show my chocobos um like he promised as well listen okay I have a lot of going on okay and I will even I I will say that I will even

Curse Forge to say that but um yeah I mean it is what it is no we’re going to show one thing and the one thing is going to be epic Empires and then we’ll uh we’ll show more stuff I still guys I still have you know there’s a lot of

Stuff to do here okay it’s not just like Dilly dallying it’s not just like chilling and beinging chilling right it’s a little bit more I know you got a lot of stuff on your plate my hard that’s exactly right that’s exactly freaking right um okay so that stuff can

Go away being chilling listen okay I have been chilling ridiculous what don’t even listen okay don’t even hum me can’t wait for the doctor to survive two more hits oh I’m going to leave sure okay you don’t have to announce that by the way

You are free to leave this is not not a thing have you have any of your mods cancelled because it was hard for you not really I think that the only reason why my mods uh like I cancelled continuing to work on my mods is because of time management I think that’s the

Issue um I I I genuinely think that is the issue for myself at least because I just there’s just like there’s too many things going on and the mods are kind of like one of the things that are like the easiest to just be like ah we can we can

Push that back it’s fine all right I bought my first course in my life fabric 12x yo let’s go I’m really hoping that you’re going to enjoy it it’s I I really think it’s awesome also later this um later this week there should be some uh additional topics also still coming so

There are still topics that are going to be added so it’s going to be pretty interesting nothing is hard for that guy look at him the passion in his eyes yeah that’s great look at my look at my suit okay now I need to go work all right glad you got the course

True no but for real though um I think feel pretty confident about having like being able to almost add anything it’s just a matter of time that’s always the thing right would love to buy the course but it any my budget they are 50% off right now Max now obviously if they’re

Still not in the budget that’s totally fine and you know there’s going to be some type of way to like there’s going to be some sort of giveaway soon I don’t I I cannot exactly say when cuz this still has to be planned but I want to do at least a

Couple of giveaways because I do know that there are a couple of people who cannot um like where it’s not in the budget so that’s that’s totally fine but yeah love the Pac-Man well oh yeah the Pac-Man yeah absolutely wait where is he where’s he gone what the heck where’s my Pac-Man

He’s cut off right here hello he’s he’s gone 100% price for 50% course no the other way around it’s like you get 50% of the price for 100% of the course do you use chat gbt I use it all the time for plugins I use chat gbt um

For uh for things that are not like programming related as as of right now also I I actually use the Bing AI because the Bing AI makes more sense in my opinion um because it’s Strat bt4 because if you I don’t know if it’s in

If it’s normal as well but if you have uh cuz I have business uh Office 365 uh being AI chat like GPT 4 is included in that um so that’s what I basically use for some stuff mostly ideation to be honest with you and sometimes like I

Don’t know like script writing and stuff like yes they give give you sources being AI gives you sources the issue is if I use if I ask for modding stuff it only gives me my videos which you know that’s that’s a bit yeah it can be useful though it can be quite useful

Though is it is that why I have Bing a co-pilot 7 I have personal account and can use gbt 4 well there you go that’s what I’m saying yeah being AI is pretty good because it’s like I I think it’s it’s actually like quite useful for a

Lot of things it’s useful for like the I don’t know it’s like the mundane tasks the um the one thing that um uh Deon Nash one said is that people think that it’s like one really smart person like helping you with stuff but it’s actually wrong you would have to think about it

Like this AI like chat TPT and stuff is actually like an infinite am amount of stupid people doing like really mundane things for you that’s more how you would think about it and not like one really smart person right because he could literally just ask it hey give me like a

List of Minecraft mods I don’t know something like that oh yeah no it uses my videos as as stuff I’ve asked on how to um wait I’ve asked on how to ask good questions before but I’m still uh too afraid to ask a question itself any help so

The real thing about that is the following um if you ask a question you’re a fool for a minute if you don’t ask the question you’re a fool for a lifetime always remember that and you that there are there are always going to be people people who are going to judge

You you know basically on asking a question but you know more like more often than not that is actually projection and insecurity on their part because they were like oh I can’t ask that question that is going to make me look stupid but then they’re like oh good thing someone asked that question

Because I wanted to really know that but I was too afraid and too insecure to actually ask that myself never be afraid to ask a question it’s just it’s ridiculous like I genuinely it’s not it’s um you know there are obviously ways to badly phrase the question but just in just in

General ask ask ahead right like basically you know just be sure to include enough um include enough uh information then that’s pretty much good to go new plans for the moding courses yes there are this speech is so much better with my lowii background music see this is why I don’t have lowii

Background music for myself because it’s just you know it doesn’t make any sense is there a string Handler capability for Block entities I don’t I don’t even know what that would do so I don’t think so no by the way also Dr galaxis the new plans for the morning courses yes uh

Probably Wednesday it’s going to be the new topics um a bunch of stuff uh let me actually double check over here let me just like let me just get you a little bit maybe you know maybe people are like oh I don’t I don’t know if I should buy

The course even though it’s 50% off right now Link in the description below but you know probably Wednesday Thursday somewhere around there we’re going to get um oxidizable blocks as a first time topic we’re going to make a custom furnace specifically a furnace not a block entity but a furnace it’s going to

Have one slot at the top and one at the bottom where you can put in a custom Fuel and then also custom recipes for that custom furnace and of course custom structures that’s going to be the big thing in the next update for the course

So do take a look at that if you are interested in it hello real stream ore hello real stream or pre- played this is a real stream uh person who has a bunch of uh I would assume Chinese characters as a name that I cannot read how about low-fi high-fi Wi-Fi

Honestly if you need Advanced help it’s worth getting the course it’s so the course is definitely worth it for the advanced topics right if you’re just starting out you don’t necessarily have to spend the money you can go in and um you can basically take a look at the

Tutorials you know if you’re like oh I’m unsure look at the tutorials first and if they really like that if you really like it and you want to go it bit more advanced then the courses definitely make sense if you buy the 120x course do

You have to buy the 120 point okay uh no so the way that this works is the 120x course uh what I want to do is I want to keep it updated at least until the last 121x version now this is going to be very so

Especially in Forge this is going to be a little weird because um yeah Forge is a little bit of an issue right now with the 12.2 update it’s a little rough um so I don’t know how that’s going to work I I do still want to have it

Updated until that but I don’t know how much that I don’t know how much Forge is going to break so I’m a little bit uh careful about that the fabric course if they just continue on their way then it’s going to be probably updated until the last 121x version

Yeah that’s the most racist thing I ever heard that I called them a person with Chinese letters what do you mean like I mean that instead of saying bro really called me person with Chinese letters you should have said hey nice that this is not pre- played but this is an actual

Stream this is how you pronounce my name and then the the whole entire thing would have been resol so I don’t know like I don’t like I it’s it’s just a fact I don’t even know what’s going on asking for the third time are you making YouTube tutorials

For things like commands or other Niche features commands probably not in 120 pointx I don’t think so anything else I don’t know uh other feature I don’t know your opinion on the mob vote I think it it is what it is I think that’s it why do you stab my heart why

Do you enjoy my pain is it because I can be feisty and bit up a sometimes maybe commands are annoying they they really are they are quite annoying I agree with this okay that’s that’s not okay yeah okay that’s not sure don’t don’t that’s not a thing

Okay you don’t come come into my chat with that there’s lots of tutorials out there and um the wiki in your hands why Forge will be more problematic to update so the issue is uh in 120 point so from 120.1 to 12.2 uh what happened is

That um they changed a bunch of stuff and the bunch of stuff they changed is uh networking and a bunch of other things uh in their code that’s specifically Forge not Mojang but Forge and and um it’s very bad to update it’s not nice it’s it’s actually kind of horrendous and uh yeah

So like it’s possible and it’s not bad it’s not like impossible but it’s it’s a bit rough and also there’s a couple of things that don’t work namely uh Global loot modifiers don’t work anymore so you can’t add stuff to um to vanilla uh loot tables anymore so that’s

Not a good thing and um yeah that’s so that’s one of the reasons yes switch to Neo Forge that would be the obvious solution that is going to be probably uh done in in the future but for the time being I want to finish out the 120 series with um with

Uh with um Forge and then we’ll see it’s it’s going to be rough do you think this will make modders stop updating their mods there’s no reason to update it Beyond Forge 4713 reason being I mean at least all the mods 9 right now that is their uh

That is their version and I don’t think they’re going to update because it’s it’s just not it just doesn’t make any sense uh do you go slower in your courses are they same speed um they are similar I would say I think they’re they’re pretty much similar there’s a

Couple of uh there’s a couple of videos that are free to watch so you can take a look at that as well by the way wait is that actually by the way oh Jesus Christ what the heck okay that is the thing moders will still update to on

Neo Forge fores dead I maybe most like create since remove fake players wait what have you seen Alex Cav mods I have it’s it is crazy it’s true Alex removed fake players that is a very weird weird Choice as a very weird Choice why would you do that I feel like that’s

Ridiculous like that’s actually just kind of weird I don’t know I think so I think that 121 we’re going to I will probably move over to Neo Forge because I think that a lot of people are going to move over to Neo Forge to be honest with you um

Especially if any big mob big mods and mod pack mod packs are going to go over there um but yeah that’s what I heard in the Neo for Discord I could be misunderstanding okay that’s fair we don’t want to that’s a good that’s a

Good um thing to uh to add there as well yeah yeah I don’t know it’s um it’s strange Fabric or Forge serious opinion uh so the only reason why I would say fabric right now is because it’s a little bit more future proof in the

Sense that it is not so up in the air right um the um because Forge and Neo Forge because of the split like you basically have to stay on Forge 47.1 point3 otherwise you’re just freaked like it’s just not a thing um so that is a thing that is why I would say

You know fabric is probably better but to be honest Just In This Moment by the way however so day old day old question fabric right as of right now I would say usually probably go into Forge rather than uh sorry you should rather go into fabric than Forge just because of the

Split right now however in 120 1.21 when Neo Forge is hopefully out and it’s and it’s working and it’s good it might change again so you know uh don’t take this statement as like an absolute and it’s going to never change ever again and no no no no that’s not that’s

Not how this works okay it’s called software for a reason right because it’s it’s soft and valuable and changeable okay unlike Hardware which is not changeable what is changeable however is Java Edition over here and that is going to be good day helloo ricey welcome

Welcome uh and that is a little bit of a community mod right here how long does the sale for the course last it is until the 20th of October so we have four days yeah something like that four days um and it’s 50% off by the way 50%

Off uh let me just change my key bindings what your key bindings you you jump on E what is this craziness don’t even add me okay uh why did the split happen um people in in the Forge team were unhappy with the leadership and um and basically they wanted

To get out on the there go Mario Bros wonder is the 20th I don’t even know I will add you sure don’t even add me hey this is epic Empires uh together with by the way um the better combat mod as well as combat

Rooll uh now this is you are going to be like wait what the heck so this is pretty cool this is can be found as suspicious and nice hey how are you going to take a look at the archaeology plus like you said last

Time oh boy I I I’m going be real I really should be careful with being like Hey we’re going to look at that next time okay um listen Okay what I’m going to do is the following okay we’re going to also look at chocobos and we’re also

Going to look at emails mod archaeology plus that’s that’s now my C promise and that’s the so we’re going to look at three mods now uh listen Chocobo sorry um choke defion is this on Cur Forge do you have this on Cur Forge as well how

Do you select mods to look for I look at the Discord server I uh have a I have a Discord server and I have a community mods channel so you can basically uh join the Discord server right here please read the rules though that is a quite important thing and if you read

That then there is a uh Community mods channel in which you can uh basically you know post your curse Forge or modin page please know jar files or stuff like that those will not be accepted it has to be a curse Forge or modin page and I

Basically uh from some time to time I go through that and take a look but now it is I Spartan C I don’t know I don’t even know what that was but you know what do we have Spartan sword look at this call me Leon us cuz I have 300 subscribers this is

Sparta did Sparta have a Emperor I don’t think that they I don’t think they had yo let’s go wait I spart an elite Shield yeah wait is this oh it Clips through there a little bit but that’s fair Brothers wait I have to face the Light Brothers today we shall die in Hell

Okay damn he has drip IRL in in game I know how nice of you to notice well that is the Spartan armor there’s also Elite oh boy oh boy okay you thought this was drip now we’re dripping out look at this holy moly I look really really angry in game it’s Like give me the give me wait yeah give me the spear again or the spear can you like Nito burrito that’s pretty cool I love it which mod is this this is epic Empires yo what the heck English homework what are you talking about have to do your English homework maybe we can

Help it would be really cool if you could also throw the spear I mean I I know that that’s like you know that’s kind of hard to do but you know I’m just saying you know the dog would have survived if there was an armadillo in the

Game I like the spear animation yeah that’s from better combat uh so basically this is um this is uh this is compatible with better combat which is pretty cool you can throw it with a Q button okay sure well anyway we have the Roman soldier did the boots even like change

Anything bruh the boots are just like just like sandals I think that that’s true though right for I think that that’s right that’s accurate Roman boots let me get my Roman Gladius out here and a Roman shield look this guy oh this guy yeah Romans who is your

Emperor hardcoded uh only for the Trident uh Trident is quite hardcoded yes they did a lot of great work on the armor modeling yes that is that is true like the mini skirt listen okay why not I like the hel helmet cmano this is my name oh that’s the emperor yo let’s

Go holy moly man Emperor Cel I mean listen okay I’d rather not Roman Spear and the elite Shield let’s let’s do this oh look at me now look at this look at this boy yo oh oh my God that is like a I’m not saying anything about anything

But it’s pretty freaking cool it looks pretty nice what was this B sheep my greatest enemy where’s another one B my greatest enemy is this spear worse no it’s not actually actually interesting huh I honestly gave up them Shields they’re not that hard I have um if you want to learn about Shield

Don’t I have a tutorial on that as well or is it not a tutorial is it only in the course well at this point I don’t even know anymore it’s actually crazy Egyptian huh is even Egyptian stuff okay interesting a copes as well as a fan axe yo what the

That’s a two-handed weapon can you not wear get a shield with that you can’t oh that’s cool the heck how do you do that is that a part of better combat that’s pretty cool PES yo that’s crazy well how does the elite one look though that one’s that

One’s the that one’s the question over here right yo my man uh wait a second you shall not pass sing there you go I don’t know yo this is like so freaking cool man like it’s just like every time the Epic ones are just I

Mean I mean I don’t know what else to say to get that right I mean listen that is pretty freaking cool that is pretty freaking cool man that is epic Empires let me just give you the link over here epic Empires okay MC course MC course epic Empires highly recommended with better

Combat uh it is pretty cool it’s pretty cool it it’s literally by the way it’s it has it came out 10 days ago by the way so um you know just just if you thought that it was like oh boy what is this well yes okay the next thing is going to

Be as I have promised uh archaeology plus by email I did see that before this is a fabric quilt ABS freaking lutely um download me let’s just create a new one what what version is this 120.1 that makes a lot of sense there you go this is Ary Ary

Cuz you know what sometimes there’s just not enough time to write Archaeology is it um is it by per chance uh you know compatible with anything probably not okay mods and I don’t mean the mods that are Banning your butt over here make sure you get 120 beta let’s

See I shall be doing so good thing that you mentioned that because I know that was the one I got it’s all good okay all righty you made a c promise yeah and now I have to do the C video C stream I don’t know

Man I don’t know man can I prevent from using an off hand by an effect right click double and it does nothing Archie wait how about this that doesn’t do anything it doesn’t matter I will repay you for fulfilling your promise it’s all good man it’s all good

Can you send me the curse Forge link though actually just wait I I just I can just search for the freaking name it’s way easier Man Press enter to enable the narrator press enter to enable the narrator I get it all right all right whoa the background light went off what happened wait

What was there a light in the background you need shorts about why fabric why Forge not why NE Forge why quilt sup you’re too underrated thank you this is true I agree with you it just became knight uh I don’t think that that just happens like that

But um it might be the case that um like some people have like lights on because there obviously there’s a window like basically straight in that direction there’s a window so if someone has a light on on the outside it would probably shine in but yeah there’s a blue light

There I’ve added a marker and I will look at that in a bit by double checking my fabric one it’s all good must be living in Alpha Minecraft uh yes exactly where it just happened immediately suspicious red sand yo we got some suspicious stuff and a

Chisel do I use a chisel on this no uh Idols Buffs the holder during daytime well where’s my buff my man maybe in survival mode nope um rain Idol loot pot what is this give me some loot what is this ah the loot is probably generated so this is probably default

Loot okay fair give me a brush I want to brush some stuff this is probably not there’s nothing in there a tiny bit faster and resistant done with attributes check out the structures ooh let me first of all get rid of this guy and then we’re going to do a locate

Structure this is the uh archaeology bone desert oh boy let’s go we’re rich guys we found some gold I can finally retire Man Minecraft modding retirement pop Pottery charge yo those are really good that’s actually like a pretty good uh okay that’s pretty nice some pretty good

Stuff yo okay the loot over here is pretty nice does this go down by the way or is this like just like one layer but the loot there is pretty nice okay that one’s pretty good okay let’s uh let’s Lo at the next structure that is going to be the desert temple um

Dickide Forest okay we need to wait wait no archaeology I wanted the dickide forest first and then we can look at the monolith okay okay wait let’s just that’s the Dig side let’s get the let’s get the um loot again okay that’s that’s some nice freaking loot man five emeralds uh yes

Please suspicious stuff the desert temple is by far the largest one well then we can keep it for the last one see that’s that was my my idea all along oh just a bit of that anything else wait what the heck oh it just starts brushing it that’s actually kind of

Funny I wasn’t even aware that that’s going to do that okay uh then uh we can go to the Fallen monolith rush it baby yeah baby yeah brush it oh my gosh so the only I mean it’s not that bad though but you know one of the

Things that would be kind of a bummer is like when someone raids it then it’s like gone but I mean I guess that you know when you brush stuff then it’s also gone so I feel like it’s not that bad sussy gravel it’s true true there’s even sussy Soul Sand

Man SSS sussy Soul Sand good that there were three s and not only two oh boy shees loader wait is it fabric is this fabric this a fabric potery sh actually kind of funny that’s actually like that’s that’s okay I like that I like that that’s yes that’s really that’s good I

Like that one that’s a that’s a good touch medium ruins desert statue jungle I mean obviously we need to the Jungle right I honestly regret and fear learning 118 119 119 wait you’re still on one what are you on what version are you on all of

Them like all of them below or all of them above oh there is one there you go what are we getting Flint what are we getting here hor Shard and it is revive that’s a totem of undying that’s pretty cool the statue is buried oh yeah that makes a lot of sense

Actually no no no wait a second that’s not what we want to do wait what am I crazy what’s the what’s the replace oh Phil is it don’t it’s not that isn’t there a replace one Phil it is Phil fillian it is Phil um oh it is replace there it is replace

I can do this okay wait why is it all of a sudden dark hello excuse me no what I replaced air with dirt no air that’s not good dirt okay where the freak am I there I am oh it was like a villager nose type of thing

Okay listen you reversed it listen Okay I I I I just jumped into uh I just jumped into you broke the head okay that sometimes happens you know you can’t it is what it is locate locate structure and now desert temple get get your brush out

Get your brush out and don’t be so susing o okay let’s oh wait a second survival what are we getting come on come on just like gunpowder I mean okay maybe maybe there you go holy moly everyone breaking their head listen okay we’re modders over here my Minecraft modding that’s literally the

Only thing you’re doing breaking your head are they breaking when I do this yeah they are nice dig down to the center oo there is something waiting for me in the center oh boy oh boy oh boy yo that’s really cool wait what the heck wait there’s no

Way oh my God that is so cool how do you do that that crumbling Sandstone okay that’s a really cool effect that is an insanely cool effect yeah okay I like that a lot holy moly man some looms nice ourselves fire protection 4 actually like really good as

Well you can use the drip Leaf code true multiple block States and an enum maybe um let me think about this how would I do that how would I uh make it crumbling uh oh actually really actually I don’t immediately know how it would do that use the Chisel on the walls ah

There it is and just circle through on tick if the player is standing above it uh well you can also just do there’s you don’t even need to do on tick there’s um there’s the um like above method right like a walk- on or or um on entity Collision method or whatever so

You could do that but you would need to count somehow right because you don’t wouldn’t yeah on stepped on exactly but you wouldn’t want to have it like immediately happen so yeah yeah you would have to um count it though interesting yeah that’s crazy though is

This a riddle can I like can I break this is there like Redstone behind this there’s not okay doesn’t it could have been the case right I mean you never know hold every tick and I use a ticker yeah fair enough that is fair but it’s a very cool

Effect like that is a i i genuinely don’t know if I’ve seen that before as an as an effect which is pretty interesting have three to check out the rest yeah crumble level yeah there’s different block States nice a TI not needed it’s a private in that triggers with the okay

Fair enough y it continues to go down no it does not okay I was just about to say that would have been crazy if it actually it does go down even further what the heck man obviously a jigsaw structure right like I mean so it’s like procedurally generated

Right make the crumbling level texture more obvious I don’t know if you necessarily want to make it more obvious um I would I would say that what you would want o uh what you would actually want it Tri spectator mode actually good point that’s pretty big that’s pretty big pretty good yeah

That’s something um maybe but I think that you should also um I mean once again this is like there’s obviously like High Praise as well but there should maybe be a point where it’s like some of them are already like almost ready to break I feel like you could do

I think you could do a lot of that like a lot of things with this specific um block right you could make like a hallway right where it’s like like that and then they’re like just about to break and then you’re just like right and then it’s like boom Oh

No but now the big question is this though let’s go he fell in it worked guys it worked zombie traps there is a hallway there is another come on get me you’re not getting me oh no this guy though there you go I think that you can do a lot of

Stuff with that that’s crazy you should make it craftable oh now it’s it is night now no longer time set day player traps for multiplayer pretty good okay that one I actually really like that okay that’s pretty freaking cool uh is there any other type of um is there any other

Type of uh structure we should definitely take a look at or would that be sort of the conclusion to be honest really happy that I saved this one like the the uh crumbling stuff for last cuz that is really cool man that’s like that’s some major cool Vibes I like that I love

It yeah and then you’re just like walking around here and then you’re like oh no oh God obviously you’re safe by the water here that’s pretty good that’s really good for vanilla gameplay well done it’s super cool agreed I agree now that’s the best one all right nice that is going to

Be you forgot to unmute skull depth music that is going to be archaeology plus over here let me just get you that fresh and hot off the press there you go archaeology plus a 120 mod than to add more content to new archaeology you should definitely lead

With a bit more you should definitely add some amount of um like uh structures and stuff as well on the on the description and the gallery but you know that’s it’s pretty good it’s very well done email awesome man freaking awesome okay okay let me just see over here is it

Um so Defan are we looking at Dean’s reclaim or are we looking at something else or are we looking at Dean’s choca and then also for which version are we looking at them and then also should I do fabric or Forge for everyone wondering I have a bunch of structures

Planned nice chables okay that’s good I going to say community mod levels quality has massively increased over the years true reclaim is the base mod okay I mean it it has I actually I do agree any version all right that’s awesome I agree it has been increasing quite significantly um but you know

Cabo let’s see there you go but I mean it is to be expected right I mean as as more people join the community I mean let’s not forget get um you should be really proud with your work on teaching people you I mean it is crazy to even think about like what an

Impact uh like some of the mods that people I basically T have made uh I just want to like uh think about the following oh that’s I mean you should also start um can we talk about deeper and darker okay that started my man deeper and darker has 11 million downloads

Now literally all of the people okay I don’t know if all of the people but most of the people who um are in there as you can clearly see right here right kenite mods uh I don’t know about JY Nitro Dynamite definitely uh Pedro I’m pretty

Sure a new jumper at least these three have met in my server like in in like on the Discord server c c Hub that’s ridiculous okay I’m not responsible for it but like I I feel somewhat responsible for it to be honest with you I remember new

Jumper starting out yeah that is so cool it is actually crazy it’s pretty freaking crazy to think about that and they now have freaking 11 million downloads holy moly man that’s crazy but gave an infinite lasting Darkness what was that I don’t know 3K downloads I mean it it sometimes

Takes time right there I I think that deeper and darker they did like they had the I mean obviously they had the deep dark on their side and they like immediately got it and they they they had just had like a couple of things that were just so good and then

Also I made the really freaking awesome um mod showcase on that which is you know that does that does help it only have has like um what is it it only has like 30,000 I might have 50,000 views at this point but still all righty let’s see I’ve even given up on comparison

Against other mods you can’t you cannot compare you should never compare yourself to others okay always compare yourself to to what you did like last week or yesterday I’ve been stoling the entire time that’s what I’m saying like you can’t you cannot compare yourself to others it doesn’t work like that

One of my mods recently passed 100K it’s an Origins add-on yeah Origins add-ons are pretty uh pretty um popular so choos CH wait why can I not Whistle yeah leashing stick no leash points set okay the whistle does not work items for movement control oh compile yourself compile myself true oh hello hello oh they are huge though right like look at them are they this big you sure about that oh there’s a smaller one there a baby look at

Him that’s cute very cute wait a second ridiculous man okay they’re variable size ah that makes a sense Crazy Craft okay uh cleanse dial okay maybe a blocks there’s a bunch of blocks those are just just the blocks there it is chocobos oh Happy Jumper what chocoo saddle let’s go let’s

Go look at me go I love how the choco actually looks in the same direction my camera does we can continue to jump over here can we still fly over water no that was fixed let’s go what is that most people oh wait wait wait no no no wait wait I’m going

To break it again I can’t move I can’t go off of him again most people that help in MMD are pretty egotistical and mean makes he get demotivated when I ask him for help so um I can’t necessarily like speak on that 100% okay I I I broke something my man I

Can’t get off anymore it’s Des synct it is listen okay I’m sorry that I contined to do that but I don’t know yeah so they definitely aren’t like horrible people uh the one thing that is this just the case that um I think sometimes what

Happens is that um when you uh when you are like wait what the heck um okay I think that the issue is that a lot of people sometimes you are um you are drawn to let’s say like you have been helping people for like 3 years right oh wait during creative it’s invulnerable

Okay uh Flint Steel uh if you’ve been helping like people for 3 years the issue is that sometimes at some point you get to to be like why do these people not understand how this works because you keep getting the same um the same um yeah the thing was still

In water okay that’s that’s kind of weird um uh you keep getting the same questions asked over and over and over again um and at some point you take it out on the wrong people which is obviously like not what you want but like you know it happens

Um we also do have a um whistle tab would Follow You Ah that’s actually fair I also do have a um does it follow oh follow um I do have a uh Discord server as well where I’m trying to like literally not have that happen basically

Um your Discord has been way nicer I genuinely like this this was from the very beginning my point right uh there is no reason to complain about what others are doing right even if you dislike things that are happening the only thing you can control is what you

Do yourself so I said to myself listen let’s try and make a server that like is very like trying to be uh open and welcoming to beginners but slower support in general since more people are beginners listen the issue about the slow report is that I at this point it

Is I am like literally unable to like help everyone in there um at the very beginning I try to like really get behind that but um basically the way that my day starts is I wake up and I have 40 unread threads on the Discord

Server um that is way too many like I it’s just not like I and then you know they are aarian complexity as well right some of them if it’s just that’s why sometimes I I you know answer some of them like pretty quickly CU if it’s just

Like oh my texture doesn’t work I know how to fix that in like no time right that’s that’s easy enough but if it’s like oh I’m trying to to add um nice I’m trying to add a you know chokeable like a flying entity that does like crazy stuff it’s like um yeah the

This one’s kind of weird but okay um excuse me can you like move thank you so I don’t know how should we support people who just don’t want to learn Java um okay so there’s a there’s a bunch of different um there’s a bunch of different things for that so number one

Is the following okay wait a second give me my whistle follow me there you go um there’s a bunch of different variations of this if you tell someone hey you really learn Java and they’re like oh yeah absolutely I’m just also on the side that’s totally fine

Because they are like oh no I’m going to I’m going to um I’m going to learn that yes uh I’m learning Java that’s great that’s awesome if they are like no I don’t want to learn Java and you continue to oh that’s pretty nice uh if they’re like no I don’t want

To learn Java you try you going try to be like listen Okay and then you just give him like of arguments basically being like Hey listen um if you are don’t learn Java then you’re going to get into like you know run into issues wait what the heck oh that’s that’s

Ridiculous that’s ridiculous I love it but it is ridiculous though I mean you at least have to admit it it’s ridiculous it is very funny though uh no so um if they don’t want to learn Java then you just you know you you tell them this ARG it’s like okay listen it’s like

You want to you want to write a book in French okay and what’s happening you don’t know French like that’s not that doesn’t work Cho C it’s true like that that you can’t do that so you have to learn French first um here’s a player effect

Oh attack let’s go um so that’s one of the things that’s like quite important to keep in mind but yeah I don’t know my most recent mod took my uh took a decent amount an effort but it’s not performing very well it’s very hard uh to um it’s very

Rare that okay that’s not actually true sometimes not always but sometimes that’s awesome um oh flame yo look at them let’s let’s go uh you know effort and uh and reward are not always proportionally related especially in Creative Fields it’s very very hard to to like get that one to one I’ve been

Working on a mod uh for like four years only 1K downloads I mean look at the end of the day like sometimes you know it’s like it’s not always about just the downloads but also like how um you know how like interesting it is for the people

Who play right I mean if there’s a mod that I mean it depends on your goals it always depends on your goals you do it cuz it’s a hobby yeah exactly I mean if it’s a hobby that’s fun go for it if you want to like make it a a hobby in games

Or stuff I mean you know then that’s I mean that’s a little bit different oo oh wait oh you can give in the CLA I understand now I understand now I think people forget that you are one person who has a job in life uh yeah but sometimes people

Just don’t want to don’t want stuff you add which is the harsh truth uh yes that is also true that can happen how do you get the list of cbot commands it just sends empty list I don’t know it depends on where it is the mod’s called a conos cup of java wait

What came a blue one Brave glider what what can the blue ones do can they fly they fly in netherite give me netherite and get me a where’s my where’s my saddle there’s a saddle I would just start to make a mod that works for all mod loaders uh I

Mean you don’t what if I missed we’re testing mods yes we’re looking at choos as you can clearly see right here no flying was intended for the gold ones ah ah you’re right I remember wait what the oh saddle get the freak out of here you there’s no flying yet though into

The ocean not in game I’m not going to go into the ocean again it’s going to you know that it’s going to break but it is kind of funny look at them though I will say that they they look pretty good oh with the blue one in the ocean

Yo they swim like insanely fast can I check out my mod I will be putting it on my list or you can post it in the Discord server in the community mods channel uh that’s probably the best uh place to put it in um because uh um yeah

That’s the last one we’re going to look at today but yeah can you teach us how to create a multiblock structure with three modeling like uh farmcraft or M of engineering on four tutorials nice ah it’s the it’s I mean listen I I’m not you know I would really love to but it’s

Also like I’m that’s probably like one of the craziest things ever which is just not I don’t know the the the answer is I don’t know because I uh it’s very hard to do and um I don’t know I I I’ll put a big I I’ll put a big freaking

Maybe on there I don’t know when though it’s just not I don’t know man multi blocks it’s just rough I mean I get it like it’s they are really cool right like let’s not let’s not kid ourselves like having a multi block is really freaking cool but you know it’s also

Really freaking Advanced like it’s like majorly Advan Advanced so I don’t know Holo I really worked in the bigas mod could you show off the sand items yes those are those are the um cut sandstone in different colors okay get me the freaking whistle and get them three High block

Crop don’t even don’t you even dare okay don’t you freaking dare no Sans you didn’t do a 119 course did you no I did not uh basically the courses are planned for every second um oh the slaps and stuff um they they are planned for every second version interesting um go sand with

Space sand with a space there you go yo how you making freaking how you making how you doing that but it is pretty cool though let’s go that’s cursed kind of C but I also kind of like it man wait what the heck why can I not go over

This is that a new thing sand castle true it’s a sand castle sand walls it would be really funny if this would if this had gravity and it would just fall down I mean obviously it would be kind of ridiculous but it would be kind of funny

Though you got to admit would be kind of funny I I wouldn’t want to add it I I don’t think you should add it but yeah bottom slat solid sand and their particle colors yes I mean it is pretty cool because you know what it allows you to get is a

Pretty nice texture right like it gets you a really really nice texture for certain color blocks I think that is like what is really freaking cool so if you like take a look at the um like different uh why are there not why are they not also like full blocks or are

There smooth Sandstone like so there’s not is or is there colored sand as well don’t forget water logging fair enough um red sand there is no there’s not solidified red sand no there is they they do exist okay right so like as a red block this this

Gives you like a really nice and then solidified scent doesn’t fall very good very good yeah that’s pretty good so I think that that gives you a really nice texture to add into um into the um into like builds I think that’s like a really cool thing

Actually are you going to make an updated Java tutorial for modding Yes actually this is planned for uh December um there’s going to be a new Java tutorial I you know it’s going to be I don’t even know how easy it’s going to be but that is a thing that is going to

Be plant I love the wood blocks as well wood R chry wood um are block States going to be covered I got a problem with in property right now I do not uh think in 120 I’m going to do uh that but you can look at the uh one before that

Actually I think think what’s uh tutorials are missing in the modern Community is more advanced stuff you know I don’t necessarily disagree with you the real issue with it is just that as I as I get so this is I can speak of that on my own analytics and stuff as I

Get more advanced right you like the amount of people who can like honestly like use that and watch that just like diminishes so crazy fast it’s crazy and to be honest and even the beginner stuff is like it’s just not the amount of people interested there’s a lot of churn let’s say right

Like while there are still um a lot of people like subscribing to the YouTube channel which is fine it’s great um there’s also a lot of people who are like leaving because you know people are like start modding just a little bit and then they’re like ah maybe this is not

For me which is fair but you know it is uh it is a bit a bummer so I don’t know I don’t so you know and then the issue is that everything that’s like really um complicated to do you get to the to the issue where it’s like it is a

Proportional it is proportionally way harder to do but it benefits only a few people so it’s it’s rough it’s rough like it’s it’s a it’s it’s a hard um that’s why like most of the like I mean somewhat of the advanced stuff is uh course only because then it’s at least

Viable for me to do that um but yeah even there there are some things that are just not um not a thing dead bushes sugarcane Cactus can you put as well nice I would like to say help me a lot in developing my mod I was thinking

About um can you try a roted forge mod I will uh keep it in mind uh is this already posted on the community mods channel in my Discord server if it is then that is absolutely freaking fantastic I will be then I I have it then I will keep it in mind definitely

Uh if not then um yeah I don’t know yeah tree building is hard as freak um I think a lot of people would like custom tree shapes that’s actually a tutorial that is planned that is actually planned as a tutorial Uh custom Tree f foliage placers and custom um custom trunk

Placers both of those are planned they are going to be a little scuffed cuz I’m going be real it’s really hard to show an example of that that’s like like sensible but I’m hoping that if people know how to um how to um yeah exactly I think that if people know how

To register them and things like that then um it’s going to be interesting um it’s going to be interesting um because the thing about it that it’s custom trees aren’t as scary as they look the thing about it is if you understand what you’re doing then

That’s going to be fine right um so when you want to make a custom tree what you can literally do is just like okay you have wait a second this red block right here right that’s position you’re getting this is block pause called pause right so pause. above is this and pause.

Above two is this and pause above three is this and pause. above three do right one is this that’s literally all you need to know and then all of a sudden you can basically build yourself a entirely custom tree now you just need to then be

Like okay this is now going to be translated into like Java stuff that’s fine right you can do that and then you can spawn that tree and you can even then build in variations for that but of course you know as you get more complex as it get more complicated it would get

More um you know complicated and and uh you know even and the code would also get more complicated but yeah that that could be a thing that you could do but uh yeah I don’t know I think the left um Dimensions wait there’s a dimension locate biome there

Custom biomes locable biomes oh oh okay fair enough adding food effects give you enchantment I tried adding food effects but uh the effect gives you enchantment like Fortune yeah that’s a little bit harder that’s not as that’s not as easy but the issue then also is like if

Topics are too specific like if they’re too narrow like even if they might be like Advanced or something like it just gets it just gets too much like that’s just I I just can’t um you know it’s just not possible to do that like that’s really the issue like um cuz

If it’s too specific it just gets um I don’t know there you go look at my beautiful house oh they even do uh wait why do the orange one’s not oh they now they’re go the particles are a very nice touch it’s small but it’s pretty cool I like

It there you go choos where I where I there it is let’s go give me the chocoball armor again give me the freaking iron iron iron iron why can I not right click with it that’s kind of weird like I need specific knowledge for that like Java

Java is always always need it yeah that’s just like what it’s going to be diet wa you can diet let’s go wait is this just like crafting stuff no wait how can you oh interesting one hand and the other there that’s actually very I mean that would be the next thing I would

Have done Let’s Go Blue where my blue there it is give me more vials no give me all of the vials there you go wait what the heck all right that something went a miss right here but okay C bird hello I love teaching people how to mod one of my friends wanted to add a custom particle and showed my code awesome yeah that’s really cool that’s really awesome man my Bor I tried using 120 biome for 119 fortunately can’t follow exactly Al to match Terra blender biomes are just I

Just they’re just horrible absolutely freaking horrible man just like that that change worst change for the modding Community ever like genuinely the changes on the biomes man what type of mods are are your favorite I do really like um I do really like uh mods for

Um I do really like Tech mods like any type of tech mod mechanism probably my favorite mod that that one’s just I mean come on man come on pretty good check my mod try whenever you want thank you awesome absolutely I’m going to I’m going to uh definitely keep an eye on that

Um that’s kind of funny but okay also we have chocobos this is the chocobos right here take a look at it if you so choose to uh there are bunch of things green choke let’s go like the choces are pretty cute and also as I’ve said the

Sand there’s something to do with that I think that the I think that those ass building materials are pretty freaking good it’s also combat heavy yeah they did attack like uh enemies they they did they did do that so that was a thing that did happen pretty interesting pretty

Cool looking at mechanism Cod and is pretty complicated yeah you should not look at that code for uh for for yeah no no no no don’t do that don’t do not look at the mechanism code for for trying to understand stuff uh because that way all

Lies Madness and I really do mean it there lies Madness in there because that is uh that is not yeah that’s it’s it’s too it’s not it’s not um it’s not necessarily the most beginner friendly code to look at there some sometimes the issue on some of these mods is and once

Again I mean I don’t even know if I could write that type of co uh thing but the issue there is that um they abstract stuff so crazily right that if you want to be like oh I just want to let’s say like from uh thermal expansion right you want this like tiny

Thing um on the side when that you expand like the tab and then you can change stuff right and you’re like oh I just want that piece of code and then you’re like how about you go through a a hierarchy chain of 12 different classes until you arrive at the first class but

Then the issue is that actually to do that you need to take the first the second and the fifth class but because they are so interl with each other you pretty much just like you know what just freak off and I I can’t I can’t copy over anymore because then you also need

The one interface from there and then you need the like entire enum from that place and it’s just like ridiculous so I don’t um yeah but once again I I’m not saying that it’s like badly written no probably not actually if you can use the code and if you’re like in that uh

Project itself probably pretty good but um you know if you just want to like copy over a piece of code from there that’s not easy so you know but that’s not why the why the mod mod is written in a way right so um the the mod is

Written in a way that it’s like that you can continue to work on it and also like you know stuff like that so it’s fair it’s fair it do be fair player enchantments they can be enchanted there you go that’s pretty good it’s pretty Prett freaking cool uh my friend wants to make

Mods but they don’t want to learn Java they want to start from Advanced Plus+ what way can you recommend for that tell them they have to learn Java and if they don’t then it’s not going to it’s not it’s not going to work it’s not

Going to work out okay um if you want to climb a mountain you should not start with Mount Everest right it’s not possible i’ like to my personal modding poach how coach how is that I I sadly do not offer that uh Service as of right

Now or I don’t even know if that’s the thing but um yeah I don’t uh I don’t know it’s it’s it’s probably going to be it’s not I I my personal opinion on it is it’s probably not going to be economically viable because I would be

Charging too much um because I value my time too much that’s the thing M Creator is if he wants to do beginner stuff I I really do not recommend M Creator cuz it gives you a lot of uh while it might give you a lot of power uh there’s a lot

Of issues with it I I would not do it use the paid course for more stuff that could also be the case the tutorials are really good and cover a lot that’s true that yeah I mean you can definitely like jump into the tutorials for a bit first that’s the thing yo C

Busy with the um fam right now but wanted to take a moment to thank you for your amazing uh tutorials well that is awesome to hear my man and um that’s awesome enjoy your time with your family that is always a that’s that’s the biggest uh that’s a that’s a good way to

Spend your time man that’s a good way to spend your time but it should be a stepping stone yeah but a lot of people don’t use it as a stepping stone do they like a lot of people are just like oh I can use M creator for that let’s go it’s

Like nah it’s not good it’s not good how what headphones do you have those are the uh dt70 uh 770 Pro 250 ohm they are very good I do have a little bit of a ouch there there you go com tutorial help me get started I mean yeah they they that is a thing that a lot of people have said you know they they did help a lot of people get started it’s pretty

Cool I’m going to try I tried to do a mob I succeeded in crashing my game that listen there are always going to be stepping stones along the way right and this is also a thing and genuinely this is the most important lesson that I can give you in um programming in general

Never feel bad about it crashing or having an error or having a something broken as programmers we have a magical ability if we make a mistake in our program we have this thing called control Z and that erases every eror like any error that we’ve made or select

Delete amazing right so any error that you make is not irrevocable but quite the opposite is it’s very revocable you can always easily um change it back and then make it work so never feel bad about things not working getting errors you can get frustrated absolutely that’s going to happen at some point

Absolutely but it is genuinely um it is genuinely the case that there are going to be um like errors are just going to happen look at count last week trying to implement the mob vote mobs exactly you know I I coded stuff um not only code stuff I also you

Know I I I modeled stuff that was very scuffed right and Um you know chat was chat was as always just uh just dunking on me what is this uh what is this ugliness right so they were like that’s ridiculous and ugly and I’m like yeah sure I’m always angry bro listen Okay that’s that’s my that’s my secret Captain I’m always debugging all

I don’t know ridiculous Avengers Avengers uh rise of Rise of the Minecraft when you get an eror and the next task is either get it to work or a different era yeah I’m going to redo the mob from the start anyway so I’m going to watch your videos nice crap going to

Work for the first time yes yes yes no listen Okay you can’t have it work for the first time yeah I watch you struggle with the Penguin and the amilla while sitting in my psychology class my base mode affects all leaves oh boy I was nice the last time that’s true and

And were you added in the in the video no because it’s not you know it doesn’t make the video I actually I don’t listen Okay the thing about it is the reason why you probably weren’t added or like added as a comment is because usually I

Only have the comments that I read right so I I have them pop up on the screen when I read them so you know then people feel included which is pretty cool you know but you can’t listen you got a freaking newspaper last time you got got

Like that was high like the free real estate okay that was really good so don’t you even complain I was added as a flashback yes my funny over quality comment got in the video yeah it was actually in there twice once’s at the flashback and then one’s in the actual

Video you have to be partly spicy without being rude exactly is it true that fabric allows more quality mods than Forge that’s a very that’s I think that is a bit too reductive no um I think that you can um right now fabric is probably a better

Choice if you want to go for the newest version 12.2 if uh overall both of them basically like give you the same amount of things that you can do uh sometimes Forge is a bit easier because it has more uh more um it has more events that

You can hook into but it’s not that bad yes and all it taught me is mean being mean equals attention oh oh boy oh boy that’s not good I worked so hard on my first mod I only got 200 downloads I made the second one in like an hour and it got

500 story of my life it’s like you make a 30 minute tutorial on on a highly highly uh crazy topic 500 views you throw out hey don’t download the newest Forge version how much views it have 3,300 it is what it is it is what it is it’s

Not my fault people don’t have a taste in mods these days true true also why is 1 122 such a big problem I’ve ped rot into it um no so the reason why it’s an issue is because Forge uh changed like not Minecraft but Forge changed a lot of stuff especially

Terms of networking they basically rework their entire networking code and that is um it’s not nice the reason why it’s not nice is because not there’s no where where the changes are documented they don’t have it documented anywhere uh so that’s a real issue so updating to

It like it’s possible but without any any documentation that ain’t happen because the person that documented before went to Neo Forge so yeah that’s not good so I don’t know it’s probably going to be NE for me soon I’m going to be real I made a ghost SL fire um with a

Made of it as a joke yeah well there you go what’s easier Forge Fabric or Forge um I mean there’s a change log but not like a documented change log right so not like hey this method you now have to use this method no it’s just like there you go

Whatever do you think it’ll be easier to convert a forge mod to Neo Forge um I don’t think so so the real real it is going to be when we move to Neo Forge I think that probably the easiest way to Port your mod is to uh literally rewrite your mod

Again because from all I’ve heard Neo Forge is going to be so different that um you basically want to have an entire new project but it’s probably going to be much easier from what all I’ve heard also is 300 entities listen you might be able to

Copy stuff over okay but oh boy just made a cobblestone generator 4K downloads then one mod with one Mixon for mod and it has two million two million downloads okay 2K downloads F me listen I don’t know if this is the case but that’s what I say

Maybe listen maybe because there’s a lot of smart people working on Neo Forge maybe there’s going to be someone in there in the team that makes a forge to Neo Forge converter so that it like converts certain things already to your new project that is probably um probably

What happens what the heck is Neo Forge basically uh Forge had a bunch of people not being uh happy with their leadership with like Forge leadership and um they basically uh then were like hey let’s uh like make a soft coup and and TR start our own thing and then that’s you know

That’s basically what happened wider audience equals more downloads yeah I will cry because I have to redo the chocobos and the networking is what nailed me listen just stay on 120.1 for now it might be the case that 120.1 is going to be one of those like long-term versions again where uh know

Just like 1122 was something like that uh don’t try to be like oh I have to upgrade to the newest version don’t get crazy you’re planning on working on resource LS again um while yes probably not live because I just I just don’t think that

Working on the that mod live makes a lot of sense I think anything that I want to do live is going to be like sort of a you know I make your ideas and Minecraft or like I make this like funny thing or um you know I recreate the 121 um things

Before they are even made right so that would be one of those things that I can do next week right where I’m like hey I create I get the copper stuff working and I you know I add the grades and I add the like custom boss and stuff like

That like the boss that we’ve seen in Minecraft life that would be the thing that I would uh do um on modding Mondays when I like actually do something otherwise it’s not good or yeah I know of course show Community mods but yeah that’s it I

Don’t think I want to like actually make proper mods in a modding Monday setting because I don’t think it’s going I I I’m because I’m too focused on chat so I’m either too focused on chat to like actually program something or I program too too much and I don’t I’m not focused

On chat and I also the think that not focusing on chat is just not nice you know I want to focus a little bit on chat at least what is more suitable for large difficult mods um once again it really depends on where you want to go I mean

If you want your mod if you have Ambitions for your mod to be added in a big mod pack highly recommend it to forge although fabric is really catching up on big mod packs as well at this point so that is a thing my personal

Choice would be if you want to stay on 12.1 definitely fabric uh sorry definitely Forge if you want to do 12.2 probably fabric I think uh I’m just going to cut the sprinting nonsense difficulty how will you make a tutorial on Unreal Engine on your second Channel I will be

Making a video on Unreal Engine it’s not going to be a tutorial but like a like a First Look at video yes that is planned for tomorrow or Wednesday um as well another question I’ve seen you made geoip tutorials why didn’t uh you make none of 120.1 uh because 120 uh 119

Introduced the key frame system which is actually really nice that it’s vanilla and that basically works you know with vanilla so you don’t have to really have the galip dependency because then you are dependent on another mod and a lot of people actually don’t want that although there are some people who

Do want the deck Ealy dependency you know maybe I’m going to add a little bit of a thing there uh towards the end like next year or something but I don’t know yet would you be uh up for showing parts of the code I had

To sue to get the UI what to sue what did you sue man I like Geck I mean that’s like listen it’s fair it’s absolutely Fair um geoip is a really cool tool but like I said it’s like you know some people like it some people

Don’t uh I don’t know I don’t know maybe maybe there’s going to be a you know something that I’m going to add at the end but I don’t know yet uh tutorials are going to go until end of November so far right now and then um you know like

I said December is going to be uh Java introduction a new Java introduction and then January I don’t know because I will also this is not okay this is not 100% like in the cards yet but it’s like we’re like 98% in there um I will probably be moving in January

So yeah I that’s going to be that’s going to be a rough one so I don’t even know what’s going to happen there um but yeah so I’m going to be moving uh hopefully to a pretty cool new place so uh yeah that’s going to be a thing uh so

So that’s also what’s probably going to be happening how do I make an UI in fabric I can so depends on what you mean by UI like so if it’s going to be a UI when you right click on a block that will be a block entity screen I have a

Tutorial on that on the Block entity if it’s just a custom UI it depends on like how do you want to open that that’s that’s the real question there gal does have its things oh absolutely I have returned bread welcome back you’ve been in the toaster for too long you have turned into

Toast ah what a weak joke it’s not good it wasn’t good but yeah interesting hello there I arrived late darker hello you have arrived late this is true command and get the player model and armor of the executor I’m don’t I’m unsure what that means in the UI I’m trying to make a

Flashbang um I would like to make a full screen GUI GUI that full white well I need to mix into the game renderer you can take a look at um no I think you could do I think you could do that uh take a look at the I

You might have to be mixing in I’m unsure you would you could take a look at the way that the pumpkin Works uh basically if the you know the overlay of the pumpkin that would be the way that you would probably want to do that or death

Screen that could also be the case get the skin of the player that executes the command I don’t know uh that’s I I’ve never worked with a skin sadly before I I don’t know how to do that I’m waiting for Neo Forge to continue my mod yeah it

Makes sense to be honest with you will you also stream on your game def Channel right now it is not planned because I because I’m I have some time management issues right now because last week I was wait was it last week or the week before

Well I don’t even know anymore no two two weeks ago I was a little bit sick so I’m I’m basically just like catching up with stuff so I still have like stuff on the on the um on the um conveyor belt so to speak uh so but right now I don’t

Know I don’t even know where the where the game the channel will go next year so basically this year is just going to be looking at all sorts of different game engines uh and then next year I don’t know I it’s going to going to be

It’s going to be a I don’t know I’m probably going to make a um maybe make even to make a poll on like what people would want to see uh cuz I’m thinking about like there’s a bunch of different ways that I could go you know like tutorials on different engines but the

Issue is I then also of course have to learn the engines well enough to be able to explain stuff which is you know that’s rough uh the other thing is um would be like sort of a game development uh sort of essays like the game makers toolkit or something like that that

Could be interesting to do um you know stuff like that uh you know sort of game development related uh and then the other thing was I actually have a list of things that I was thinking about but something like that right so it could go into some directions of that

Uh but I really don’t know it’s it’s like it’s so up in the air what could I do as well um you know game def stuff I don’t know that’s that’s like the only thing I’m I’m I’m right now thinking about that’s going to be interesting Emi tutorial for

Fabric listen okay I don’t know con I’m sick right now no uh you know get get well soon custom Pokemon game mod would be epic yeah I would really like to do any type of game but you know Unity just me a little bit I’m not going to

Lie that that like really me over I wanted to do so many Unity things man I want to do so many Unity things I’m actually working on Pokemon Mod yo let’s go have you seen cobon kobon literally like goated as well I dropped out of University twice when I was studying to

Become a program I hated it and I didn’t understand why I needed it in 5 years I was just playing Minecraft I got interested in mods yo I want the player skin to show up interesting wait why did they F you over they changed their pricing model and basically the entire community rioted

And was like nope that pricing is horrible because it was it was absolutely horrendous it was like just not okay at all uh and then basically now I would say at least 50% of the community are now have now sworn of unity in its enti entirety and will

Never touch it again at least 50% if not more uh which basically is a real like that’s a rough one that’s a real rough one and I had basically like content planned for like the next three years with unity it’s a bummer man oh boy yeah

So now I have to learn another engine you know all of the stuff learned in unity for the last 10 years out of the window damn that’s rough yeah it’s kind of rough it it’s it is kind of rough like you know but you know it is what it

Is like I can’t can’t do anything about that um you know and I I just don’t I don’t think that it would be you know any type of yeah I don’t know it it we’ll we’ll see we’ll see do you have a Discord server I have a Discord server yes uh I shall

Link this again because a lot of people do not know about it uh this is going to be this one right here uh I do do say though please do read the rules and if you have any questions use the proper um proper help channels for that either

Forge or fabric uh that is where most people are going to be able to help uh I will not I’m unable to really help individually because it’s it’s too much it’s I I’m not able to do it it’s it’s not possible you hear about the new CEO

Yeah well they they’re going to change their Co yeah which engine would you change to well I mean currently I do really like game maker I’m not going to lie it’s I actually it’s way better than I expected um so that one I could see myself making like a small game in that

Um uh otherwise gdau is also pretty good although it’s a little more oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah you just love it don’t you you just love to see it yeah listen okay it’s like um I don’t know what it is at this point I just I I

Don’t know what it is it just it just stops working um I used to do before but I couldn’t do all the stuff that I could do in unreal Fair actually yeah so I mean obviously unreal is huge but I’m I’m a I’m a bid yes 2D 3D hybrid andal

Is awesome that’s actually also the thing I was going for or the thing I was thinking about doing but it’s yeah I don’t know I think that I want to do stick with 2D for the time being so I don’t know big great Community event to use uh for micro game

To get into Dev sure check out the one I linked yeah yeah but I so in 2D games I don’t know GD G develop I actually have heard of G develop that is actually also on my list of uh of things that I I think I want to look at I’m pretty sure

At least um there’s so many game engines it’s actually crazy like there’s just so many things it’s actually pretty awesome to to be honest so we’ll see we’ll see where goes but then have you ever heard of the tragedy have you ever heard of the tragedy of Darth plag The he could save others from death but not himself ironic oh that’s behind a pay wall yeah there’s some things that that’s I I don’t I don’t like that okay then I maybe I’m not using it remember Unity use JS mostly oh it’s CP now it’s it’s C

They changed the C trying to add a custom sweep attack particle oh boy me bit of a pay wall isn’t bad yeah but like not not if you want to just test stuff out you know if you just want to test stuff out it should be free I hate CP oh boy that’s

Not good I really like it actually there’s construct three I also have construct three yeah my best language is python fair enough Minecraft sucks these days you know it is what it is man it is what it is you know we can’t um we can’t can’t control anything but that’s that’s what it

Is but you know but what we can control is um what we can control is the Nic also thank you for approval of my C of my crab model yes it was pretty good it was nice um you did post that on modding showcase as well I’m pretty sure so that

Was pretty awesome anyway so modding Monday was pretty interesting can you script in Python I can actually yes um I mean you know if you when you know one language you you do almost know all of them right I don’t think like it’s you know a lot of them are similar I think

That the only difference would be you know if you go from like python to C++ I mean that’s a big jump but you know still if you can code in one you you should be able to code in in the other even though some of them are not like

Might you might not be one’s preference I think that you know it’s still not that bad except C listen Okay C is you know it is what it is PHP moment I don’t know I tried Lua once that’s a great start to that sentence yeah I like that that’s

Pretty good that is pretty good oh man came crashing down on me yeah I feel that one M yeah that’s true so learning Java M up adding random stuff for no reason well you know it is what it is but what it also is is that

Chat Monday right um so there are a couple of things to say number one I will be live again tomorrow on Twitch um with more Bavarian Tales that’s the German uh detective story I will also okay that’s another thing I do not know if I will be live

Next week on Monday and so the week after I’m definitely not live 30th is definitely not going to be a modding Monday cuz I am in Vienna uh I am in a little bit of a um so 30th I’m going to be in Vienna a little bit of a vacation uh and next

Week 23rd I don’t know yet uh there are so many things to do I don’t know can you do a German only stream um I don’t know maybe at some point maybe at some point uh but yeah so 23rd uh big question mark tomorrow definitely uh on Twitch um and uh yeah that’s going to be it basically just take a look at either the um either the uh on the Discord server stream notification or you can also look on you know here or wherever or or we’ll see what happens thank you so much for watching everyone

That was morning Monday actually overdrew a little bit longer than I wanted to but you know what you were all so awesome keep staying awesome having great rest of your night evening Day morning uh sleep wherever you might be and uh stay awesome and continue modding until next time so

This video, titled ‘Talking Minecraft Live 2023 | Community Mods | Maybe Modding later’, was uploaded by Modding by Kaupenjoe on 2023-10-16 18:37:57. It has garnered 958 views and 73 likes. The duration of the video is 02:31:57 or 9117 seconds.

Minecraft Modding Monday Again! 😎




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    "INSANE! Surviving Minecraft Backroom in EXACT Seconds!" #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘¿Cuantos segundos sobrevivo en este backroom de Minecraft? #minecraft#shorts #humor #videojuego’, was uploaded by Gabigamer4771 on 2024-04-06 16:17:21. It has garnered 118 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:58 or 58 seconds. I don’t really record more because it doesn’t fit in the shorts. Read More

  • Wither Storm VS Lộc Zutaki ALMOST DEFEATED *VOLUME 10

    Wither Storm VS Lộc Zutaki ALMOST DEFEATED *VOLUME 10Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT THỢ SĂN WITHER STORM *TẬP 10 | LỘC SUÝT NỮA THÌ HẠ GỤC WITHER STORM???HỒI KẾT SẮP ĐẾN’, was uploaded by Lộc Zutaki on 2024-03-19 03:00:05. It has garnered 293950 views and 6472 likes. The duration of the video is 00:37:31 or 2251 seconds. ✔️MINECRAFT HUNTER WITHER STORM *EPISODE 10 | LOC ALMOST DEFEATED WITHER STORM???THE END IS COMING 📺Hello everyone, I’m Loc and I’m just a new Youtuber so I hope you can guide me and help enthusiastically. 💒If you like the video, don’t hesitate to click the like button and subscribe so… Read More

  • Time Traveling Chaos on FableSMP EP 88

    Time Traveling Chaos on FableSMP EP 88Video Information This video, titled ‘Steeped In The Past { FableSMP S3 EP 88 }’, was uploaded by Artfulrenegade on 2024-02-23 22:41:34. It has garnered 643 views and 64 likes. The duration of the video is 00:46:21 or 2781 seconds. Hi Hi! This is Episode 88 Season 3 of Wolf’s journey on the Fable SMP, a lore based multiplayer Minecraft server. Today the Wolf and Ulysses have a long awaited talk and after Wolf finally reads the note from Centross.. Watch the lore LIVE over on my twitch Check out these playlist to catch up on past lore! Season… Read More

  • 5 Mind-Blowing Minecraft Redstone Hacks! 🤯

    5 Mind-Blowing Minecraft Redstone Hacks! 🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Redstone Viral hacks….’, was uploaded by FALCO GAMER on 2024-03-15 06:59:14. It has garnered 6327 views and 146 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:23 or 23 seconds. #macaddon #steelwing #falcogamer #lucon #technogamerz #minecrafthacks #minecraftredstone Minecraft challenge #shorts #minecraftshorts #minecraftredstone #redstone #redstonebuilds #redstoneviralhacks Thanks for being part of our Minecraft community! Your support means everything. Let us know in the comments your favorite Minecraft moments, and don’t forget to share the love by subscribing and exploring more of our shorts! #MinecraftShorts #Shorts #MinecraftGaming #technogamerz #gamerfleet #macaddon #falcogamer #lucon #dream #steelwing #senpaispider #nizgamer #lapatasmp… Read More

  • Godzilla vs. Zombie Father in Monster School! SEASON 2 ALL EPISODES

    Godzilla vs. Zombie Father in Monster School! SEASON 2 ALL EPISODESVideo Information This video, titled ‘Monster School : Zombie Boy And Bad Zombie Father SEASON 2 ALL EPISODE – Minecraft Animation’, was uploaded by Godzilla Minecraft on 2024-02-25 10:24:51. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Monster School : Zombie Boy And Bad Zombie Father SEASON 2 ALL EPISODE – Minecraft Animation … Read More

  • AKSH is a 1.20.1 – 1.20.2 True Anarchy Server that provides a interesting experience with a small yet loyal community. aksh is the perfect server for people who are overwhelmed with 2b2t and want a less intense anarchy experience. Join now while spawn is easy to escape! Read More

  • PaduaMCC | Smp & Realms

    PaduaMCC Bedrock Faction Server Choose from 6 different kingdoms with unique build styles, goals, and opportunities. Explore great add-ons that enhance the Vanilla style in unimaginable ways! Join the Discord server today to become a part of this exciting community. Message for the Discord link. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Epic Minecraft Achievement Unlocked: No More Problems

    “Looks like this meme has achieved a high score in both comedy and problem-solving!” Read More

  • Roblox Deathball: Cursed Spirit Boss Strikes Back!

    Roblox Deathball: Cursed Spirit Boss Strikes Back! In the world of Roblox, a cursed spirit boss, Ian and Ethan face him, no matter the cost. Their skills put to the test, in a battle so grand, With teamwork and strategy, they make their stand. Dodging his attacks, with precision and speed, Their determination, a powerful seed. To defeat this boss, and claim victory, In the world of gaming, they make history. So join them on their journey, subscribe and see, The adventures they have, in Roblox and BTD6. With laughter and fun, they’ll entertain, And bring you content, that will never wane. Read More

  • Masha and the Bear vs Banana Cat: Battle Royale!

    Masha and the Bear vs Banana Cat: Battle Royale! When Masha and the Bear team up against Banana Cat Spawn, you know things are about to get wilder than a jungle gym on a sugar rush! #minecraftmadness 🍌🐱🐻 Read More

  • Surviving Minecraft: Day 3 – Danger Lurks!

    Surviving Minecraft: Day 3 - Danger Lurks! Minecraft – Daily Survival Let’s Play: A Relaxing Journey Through the World of Blocks Embark on a serene adventure with Solomon Leatherland, also known as PCG, in his Minecraft Daily Survival Let’s Play series. This vanilla survival experience offers a tranquil escape from the chaos of everyday life, inviting viewers to unwind and explore the vast possibilities of the blocky world. Immersive Gameplay Experience Join Solomon as he delves into the intricacies of Minecraft, from building and exploring to caving and collecting trophies. With natural regeneration turned off, the stakes are higher, requiring strategic use of golden apples and… Read More

  • Join Minewind Server for a Better Minecraft Experience!

    Join Minewind Server for a Better Minecraft Experience! Welcome Minecraft enthusiasts! Are you looking to take your Minecraft content creation to the next level? Do you want to grow your channel and increase your views and engagement? Look no further! Join the Minewind Minecraft Server today and immerse yourself in a vibrant community of like-minded players. Just like in the YouTube video “1 Mistake Every Minecraft Youtubers Make (FIX THEM TO GROW FAST!!)”, where creators learn about common mistakes and how to fix them, Minewind offers a unique and exciting gameplay experience that will keep you coming back for more. With a focus on player interaction, PvP… Read More

  • GamerFleet’s Overpowered Weapons Exposed!

    GamerFleet's Overpowered Weapons Exposed! GamerFleet’s Super OP Weapons Unveiled in Minecraft World Exploring the vast world of Minecraft can lead to unexpected discoveries, and one such revelation was made by a curious player who ventured into GamerFleet’s survival kingdom. In a thrilling video, the player uncovered GamerFleet’s secret base within a majestic castle, where an array of powerful PvP weapons awaited. The Quest for OP Weapons As the player delved deeper into GamerFleet’s world, they embarked on a quest to locate the legendary OP weapons rumored to be hidden within the kingdom. The anticipation grew as they navigated through the intricate pathways and… Read More

  • Unleash Your Inner Wolf – Minecraft

    Unleash Your Inner Wolf - MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft’, was uploaded by Wolf Heart on 2024-04-13 07:28:59. It has garnered 31 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 02:22:19 or 8539 seconds. JOIN THE DISCORD #minecraft #mine #craft #steve #creeper #letsplay Read More

  • Psycho Family Chaos in Minecraft

    Psycho Family Chaos in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Having a PSYCHO FAMILY in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Aphmau on 2024-03-17 20:47:03. It has garnered 2028008 views and 36147 likes. The duration of the video is 00:18:17 or 1097 seconds. Warning! This video gets CRAZY! 💜 Come take a look at my merch! 💜 ► Instagram: ====. * ・ 。゚☆ [Friends!] ☆。゚・* .==== ★ Aaron: Jason Bravura ★ Zane: Kestin Howard ★ Ein: Chris Escalante ★ KC: MegaMoeka NOT an official Minecraft Product. Not approved by or associated with Mojang or Microsoft. #Minecraft #Aphmau Read More

  • Unreal: Prism Water Minecart Boats in Minecraft!

    Unreal: Prism Water Minecart Boats in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Water Minecart Boats? #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Prism on 2024-06-15 11:00:05. It has garnered 74535 views and 2074 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:25 or 25 seconds. Read More

  • Insane Minecraft AI technology🔥

    Insane Minecraft AI technology🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Ai video 📸📸📸’, was uploaded by @ All Gaming on 2024-05-29 08:24:58. It has garnered 446 views and 19 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. #Minecraft Ai video my channel subscribe please 🥺 #Minecraft #Ai video #Ai #games #gaming #gameplay minecraft site not working minecraft site for building minecraft site minecraft store april fools minecraft store addons minecraft store app minecraft store apk minecraft store amazon minecraft archeology site minecraft altstore minecraft account store minecraft app store account minecraft store build minecraft store bedrock minecraft store building ideas… Read More

  • Shocking Dad’s EPIC Minecraft Skills – Switch Edition!

    Shocking Dad's EPIC Minecraft Skills - Switch Edition!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Gameplay | Nintendo Switch @minecraft #minecraft’, was uploaded by Proud Dad on 2024-05-20 15:00:14. It has garnered 34 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:49 or 529 seconds. Exploring the Endless Creativity of Minecraft on Nintendo Switch Minecraft, the game that has become a cultural phenomenon, continues to thrive on the Nintendo Switch platform, offering gamers an expansive world of creativity and adventure. With its blocky, pixelated charm, Minecraft has captured the hearts of millions, transcending age, gender, and gaming experience to become a beloved pastime for players around the… Read More

  • SECRET Spiral House Found in Minecraft?! DJ and Monkey’s Epic Adventure

    SECRET Spiral House Found in Minecraft?! DJ and Monkey's Epic AdventureVideo Information This video, titled ‘JJ and Mikey Found SECRET SPIRAL House – Maizen Parody Video in Minecraft’, was uploaded by DJ and Monkey on 2024-05-07 17:00:35. It has garnered 21526 views and 145 likes. The duration of the video is 00:18:42 or 1122 seconds. JJ and Mikey Found SECRET SPIRAL House – Maizen Parody Video in Minecraft OG Maizen Channel – #maizen #jjandmikey #minecraft #video #minecraftvideo Sneaky Snitch by Kevin MacLeod Link: License: Read More

  • P.N Journy: EPIC Tree House Build 💥 #minecraft

    P.N Journy: EPIC Tree House Build 💥 #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Simple Minecraft Tree House ❤️ #minecraft #minecraftbuilding #minecraftshorts #minecrafttreehouse’, was uploaded by P.N Journy on 2024-05-13 14:17:53. It has garnered 2832 views and 60 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:38 or 38 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftshorts #minecraftsurvival #minecrafthardcore #shorts #shortsvideo #shortsfeed #shortsviral #shortsyoutube Hardcore Minecraft Days 2000+ Trailer | Pankha-Booi | Facebook Page FINALLY I ESCAPED FROM GRANNY’S HOUSE | GRANNY 3 I BEAT Garten Of Banban 7! (FULL GAME ENDING) We Played The Weird Steam Game Again 100 MEMOREST Vs GOD BELLENOIR! 😱 PALWORLD | Techno Gamerz | #56 I BOUGHT A… Read More

  • Minecraft Madness: Epic Mansion, Secret Base, Cliff House!

    Minecraft Madness: Epic Mansion, Secret Base, Cliff House!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Gameplay Fun, How to build a Mansion, How to build a Secret Base, How to build Cliff house’, was uploaded by Minecraft Junction on 2024-06-07 16:57:13. It has garnered 29 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:14 or 134 seconds. **Minecraft Gameplay Fun!!** Welcome to an epic journey in the world of Minecraft! Join us as we dive into some exciting Minecraft gameplay, filled with adventures, creative builds, and handy tips. Whether you’re a seasoned player or new to the game, this video has something for everyone. Remember to subscribe,… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Mobs IQ Test! 😂 #Shorts

    Insane Minecraft Mobs IQ Test! 😂 #ShortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft mobs IQ 😂 #minecraft #minecraftshorts #shorts’, was uploaded by BrickBoY PLaYZ on 2024-01-13 03:30:31. It has garnered 2530 views and 82 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:52 or 52 seconds. Like and subscribe for more amazing Minecraft videos and short comment which type of videos you want next time! Minecraft Minecraft shorts Minecraft videos Minecraft world Minecraft survival Minecraft creative Minecraft hardcore Minecraft logics Minecraft facts Minecraft unknown facts Minecraft horror facts Minecraft funny videos Minecraft memes Minecraft graphics Minecraft shaders Minecraft texture Minecraft RTX Minecraft SMP Minecraft moments Minecraft rarest moments… Read More

  • Batya Mine

    Batya MineКлассический сервер без модов для тех, кто просто хочет спокойно поиграть без вайпов. Read More

  • Constructia Freebuild – Creative, Semi-vanilla 1.20 with WorldEdit, CoreProtect.

    Welcome to Constructia Freebuild! Constructia Freebuild is a small, laid-back, freebuild creative server where you are welcome to join and build with others. We have two worlds to choose from – one with normal vanilla terrain and one that’s superflat. Our server offers protections such as the CoreProtect plugin for real-time rollbacks, anti-exploit plugins, and world backups for exceptional circumstances. We want our players to have the freedom to be creative without any restrictions. Join our Discord: Server IP: (1.20.x) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Bloke tried to slay me

    Minecraft Memes - Bloke tried to slay meIt looks like Blud needs to work on their PvP skills in Minecraft! Maybe they should stick to building instead. Read More

  • Mine Your Mind: Exam Stress Test

    Mine Your Mind: Exam Stress Test In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, Fangkuaixuan brings joy with his animated dives. No worries of exams, just fun and delight, With funny animations, he shines so bright. Creating content that’s safe for all to view, His channel is the place for a happy crew. Original videos, each one a gem, Subscribe and join in, don’t miss out on them. From classroom series to songs that adapt, Fangkuaixuan’s channel is where it’s at. So leap into the verse, let the story sing, In every pulsing line, let the truth take wing. Read More