Modding Monday: Community Mods & Making a Minecraft Mod

Video Information

Thank you Foreign Hello hello hello I guess this means that you can hear me I would hope so not twitch this time it’s not it’s not because it’s modding over here it’s modding Monday okay that’s what it is I’m not leaving late it’s I’m not even late man I’m not even late it’s I am a a moderate um a modder arrives precisely when they

Uh want to and that’s the truth All right let me just uh double check over here all right that seems about right and then mobbing Monday it’s morning Monday but yes yes well I mean that’s uh awesome Let’s uh let’s get uh nice and cozy over here hello there hello guys how y’all doing

How are you all doing let me see this all works let’s go baby oh my lands and we have I mean I don’t even I can’t even like go through everyone over here I’m very good Arctic thank you for the I don’t think the why the notification are coming

Through oh there it is for the king thank you thank you it is pretty good isn’t it um I don’t think that there’s gonna be a plain tutorial we’ll see Arctic okay we’ll see decided to switch to YouTube from twitch entirely I don’t think so I

Think what I do want to do is I want to have modding Mondays basically here on the YouTube channel because it just seems like the right thing to do right like I don’t know it just seems like it’s it’s a pretty good thing I’m missing the orange glasses I don’t

Even I don’t even know man I don’t even know can I have mod no hello there hello hello man that’s like a freaking crazy people are coming in over here I gotta I now gotta be um careful right uh to not swear over here everything has

To be for um for 10 for ages 10 and uh above below I don’t even know right otherwise so Minecraft might come over here and uh spank me or something like that I don’t even know there you go how’s the weather in Germany um so today in the morning it was

Raining like crazy and now it’s actually pretty good it’s actually pretty good hello there make a video on how to implement other mods as dependencies uh agreed I think that I think that that might actually come in Halton as he didn’t recognize you I don’t even know is that a new Jeweler

Thing I think that there’s about um so a couple of them completely overblown a couple of Eula things are completely overblown and other things are just rephrased really like overall I would say it’s about 90 the same and then 10 uh just rephrasing of of some stuff that

Was already there like if you know if people are like they can now take away like everything that they want it’s like they were always allowed to do that it’s their IP they were able to do anything they wanted if they were like Minecraft you you say

In Minecraft you are not allowed to do that it’s like then they could have just you know done whatever they want now it’s just you know written plainly basically how do you do natural or generation in the end uh the same way that you do it uh in any other dimension just uh

Specifying or specifying the end how deaf will there be dimension video uh we’ll go custom Dimensions or just stand at ones no I I mean um I do want to do like custom General like Dimension generation but it’s it’s rough specifically the biomes are rough but it’s it’s actually not too bad

120 structure what the hell the audio suggestion it’s higher than recommended because that the uh that the recommended bit rate is is um that I’m using is higher than it’s recommended I don’t see like why why would this be the case I can I but I don’t know when thing

I don’t think I can just change it on the flight we can try though I mean what’s the worst that can happen oh I don’t think I could change it no I don’t think I can wait can I I might can I change it wouldn’t that be crazy let me just try it

Did everything break right now nothing it’s all good oh my God it actually did they changed the bit rate like life I went from 12K to 8K that’s pretty good that’s pretty freaking good um do you know what Denmark is do you know what Denmark is I it’s a country

That’s north of Germany yeah of course nothing happened there you go no buffering and quality is good let’s go as long as you can see the beauty that is my suit you know everything’s gonna be fine you know that then then it’s all going to be good and it doesn’t even

Matter the rest is fine are you good I am pretty good overall I mean man it’s been going pretty crazy I mean you know you’ve got one hour sleep Luke well that’s that’s kind of rough you know Cub swag exactly listen moderates they you know you have to like that is a really

Great suit listen you ain’t seen nothing yet just just wait every Everybody Monday I mean I don’t want to say every morning Monday this is going to be a new suit because that’s a little bit too much but you know we’re gonna get a few suits I can’t speak um Danish no sorry I have a custom or generation for 120 not yet though not yet do you uh know what you want to mod today yes we’re gonna I’m pretty sure listen I’m pretty sure I’m gonna go back to my good old pal resource slimes okay

I just I just can’t not I just you know I say in this Jeep Jack listen okay you don’t you don’t know what’s below over here right I’m also just wearing a sweatpants over here I’m just you know it is what it is I’m not adding a suit

Is pretty good every morning Monday not I mean yeah that’s exactly exactly resource slimes LMAO oh no not slimes again what do you mean what are you talking about what is this this is uh it might just be an unbelievable man that’s crazy but before we do our own

Stuff okay let’s just let’s just refocus over here a little bit okay we’re looking at other mods that the community made okay let’s let’s think about that as well resource lives that’s actually pretty good as well resource limes I actually kind of like that good we can still clip oh no one

More question how do you use entity.damage in fabric everything I saw on the internet didn’t work well hopefully you didn’t ask Chachi PT because that one can’t help you also notice there are no more Dimension mods into Minecraft 120 really the manager didn’t seem that complicated actually to

Do the biomes that’s that’s the real kicker that’s oh that one is a rough I I can tell you that one my Dimensions aren’t actually that bad it’s um I don’t know can I like get rid of this guy first I can’t okay that’s interesting will it be a tutorial on custom mob

Effects I think so I think I got that somewhere on the on the on the list on the on the list of incredible topics let me just double check over here this is um or maybe not maybe not no I I don’t maybe I don’t know right now I’ve

Like put it away again as a topic but I don’t know maybe I’m gonna read it I’m not sure yet I’m not sure biomes are easy in custom Dimensions no I I mean the issue with biomes is actually the like the surface rules that’s the issue

Thanks for the money diet could not find a normal explanation thank you thank you Alternative for Minecraft modding then try gbt I mean the only other thing that might be worth looking at is the Bing AI like the Bing I I bought but honestly uh there’s also another good alternative and that’s learning Java and then learning modding I mean it kind of sucks

But it’s true it’s true because like at the end of the day that’s probably gonna be your best bet to like actually probably mod um that is going to be a thing come on lines can you just link the 500 lines that you said were too complex in the course I

Would love to see it is a lot you can take a look at my GitHub repository there there make Minecraft mod in python or C sharp you cannot so thank you for modding tutorials I learned Java I’m running from the let’s go Diamond Dev that’s awesome

I’ll come draw thank you for the Java guides n120x guide of course no Java well then you could ask charged apt yeah but the issue is that let’s be honest like probably not gonna happen why YouTube because it is modding Monday and modding happens on modding by calandro that was

The idea that was uh I feel like that’s that’s fine that’s fine which GitHub repo name you can take a look at my my my own GitHub wait yes Carlton Jewel like on on Carlton Joe should be there in the course I don’t even know which exactly

You’re referring to to be honest so I don’t know learn so much from your tutorials over the past year is crazy to think about well thank you why not twitch once again it’s it’s morning Monday so it’s gonna be uh over here on the on the Morning by Commodore Channel

I think that’s uh that’s fair gonna make a mod for the server I mean all mods are immediately like automatically for server and client basically so they are both like they’re basically the same thing when will you start and that’s exactly where it started bam there he is

So this is uh Minecraft maybe you’ve heard of it before pretty crazy I’m actually going to turn this off because why not why this didn’t even continue to run oh it did run okay thanks for the tutorials mate thank you very much no I mean for the portal

A portal oh the portal you can take a look at uh oh funnily enough this is actually this mod right here that that has the crazy portal stuff so I’m gonna take a look at it in just a moment so we’re gonna see uh this is the Stellar Conquest uh Stella Conquest

Do you know how to add an effect or a custom ball what is uh this Minecraft never heard of it I only know Terraria yeah I don’t even know either let’s take a look so this is a mod by frv oh my Lanta let me see is this going to come

Over here I think it should be a notification some point it’s height for the king gentlemag thank you for the 20 Canadian dollars or 15 normal I guess or 15 U.S Mom just wanted to say thank you for putting out so much hair from your frustration moments well thank you so

Much for the support and you are very welcome it is it’s I mean it is insanely awesome to see like how many people the the um tutorials so far have have helped is like it’s crazy like it just continues to um let me see let me do this it’s

Just you know crazy um celestroid Mothership um I don’t think that that for me I don’t know about that one oh boy that’s so okay that’s crazy okay okay yeah tutorials are awesome thank you thank you thank you I mean yeah it’s I I don’t even know I mean at

This point I also I’m still having fun again it’s like you know sometimes I’m do I’m putting up like really weird crazy stuff and uh yeah well it’s gonna be a ride when in survival look at this guy look at this guy the aliens are coming over the UFO is here

That’s why Mothership spawning oh you hear that wait can you hear that you should hear that right that’s pretty funny let me see what do we have we got the band Hammer again you always add a band Hammer to every one of your mods man let’s swap enemies away

What the frick Cosmic death ray Master caster oh you gotta charge it Yoho look at this okay what do you think I’ve had from powered snow that is sadly um the freezing effect is hard coded it’s very annoying yeah I mean that’s pretty cool though look at this pretty cool

That’s those are the two ones Hammer oh boy it’s someone did someone copy my hammer code I mean that’s what it’s there for right so I mean I guess that’s fine let’s take a look oh you can’t even do it like that oh the mothership is gonna attack me I

Oh boy what the frick is this what the hell oh my God what is that are you crazy oh my God it just spawns like tons of people oh man that is that is something oh interesting they drop stuff let’s see you know they drop like really good

Valuables actually yo four golden apples are you out of your mind it would have been very funny actually that’s that’s true that is some crazy stuff Martian Invasion moment it is it’s crazy where’s the mothership gone there it is let’s get that how do I submit a mod on my Discord server

There’s a community mods Channel and basically added there just to link your modern or curse Forge page and then you know maybe you will be among the selected I don’t know how many there’s gonna be like I don’t like it’s like I think I have like four or five

Mods right now for uh for this one uh for the first show over here but that is crazy man that is some crazy stuff so this is the eye of celestroid xenoflux yo this is some crazy stuff okay those are the items okay um I should have added uh ji so I would

Assume that this is probably the thing that we make the portal out of right I mean I’m just I’m just going I’m just going see I’m I’m just I’m just that guy you know adding effects on custom items depends on what effects are let’s go into the crazy Dimension over here

So I look at this so this is really cool that’s like custom stuff in the in the sky are there any more behind the mods videos planned well I mean uh probably but I don’t know yet because I I mean most of them so far I’ve I’ve made

Myself the mods that I’ve made behind the mods on I’ve made myself so I don’t even know like this the custom Sky stuff is really cool right I really like that and apparently from what I’ve seen in the GitHub repository it’s actually not even that difficult can you confirm order an iPhone

I don’t think it is right or this guy that I mean honestly proved your sound design is on freaking point like you have custom music in this like like come on that’s really cool like it’s just good design oh resource lines just Ambience but it’s so good miraborn slime

Every time great to have the streams back thank you James yes it is very cool to have the streams back can be incredible hello I am new subscriber hello there hello also okay interesting oh that’s why it’s mirror okay there’s a custom Village over here there we go

Let’s let’s take a look at the the crazy people what is this guy there they are they gonna attack me if I’m like in if I’m in like survival yeah would we have seeds over here okay they’re a little loud for my liking let’s turn this down a little bit there you go

This is craziness man when this resource slime’s coming I don’t know man I mean I’m gonna continue with it like what’s the end for the king sleepy age I would love to do a collab with uh with on some mod well I mean first of all thank you for the support

Uh it’s it’s a rough one so maybe possibly I could see like opening up big I mean at some point opening up resource slimes for um to make it open source and have people like help but um I don’t know yet that’s that’s going to be we’re gonna see we’re gonna see what

What happens there they’re fine they don’t attack me what’s their left in resource times the resource times is going to be it’s all going to be done like redone well we’ll do it live again that’s the idea all right so um what can I give them you

Can trade them normal blue ones to give them loomy Bloom seeds or Lumi Bloom himself okay let’s take a look this is Lumi bloom where is it where’s the guy where’s the guy there he is he’s actually even coming towards me there you go take it take it

Oh you have to right click them okay you can right click them and then just like get stuff okay that’s ever Fair GUI tutorials for 120x or button that is actually a really good point yes I really do want to do a button at some point okay there you go

Because the bun is a good idea aren’t content modes more like customization stuff all right okay that’s probably traded enough so then we got the zenite one will be a tutorial on how to make your own cut API um I was thinking about that at some point but it’s quite

Um it’s a little bit more advanced right eat the shade a low low do you think do you think you will make new Forge mods I I mean like I would say tentatively yes but it really depends on how this is going to develop I you know

Um I don’t know maybe if if they if they split like crazily then we’ll see yeah I have to go for now unless you feel confident you can do it for yourself we’ll see we’ll see also YouTube streams kind of cool hello hello Quinn hello hello

Maddie is pretty good I do agree with you so that would be pretty nice Let’s uh let’s um let’s see what happens if I do this oh they dropped this off as well hello there can you drop some of their stuff No Loot what is this that’s not okay don’t forget about the

Dungeon oh the dungeon what is Neo Forge oh boy that is like that is a that is a can of worms I’m not gonna open right now oh because that’s a little bit too much let’s see biome structure this is Stellar Conquest oh frv why is your why is every mod frv as

Your mod ID you should really change it don’t worry awfully okay advanced stuff will you cover um some beginner tutorials are pretty great oh advanced stuff is coming it’s coming it’s um it’s a little bit more of the stuff that we’ve seen so far but then and then oh

Boy there’s gonna be stuff for coming okay this is the fighter all right okay so let’s just go go in here let’s see what happens there’s more spiders I know that there’s a boss in here somewhere let’s go down and let’s see I mean there’s gonna be a bus over here

Oh boy hello excuse me I I know I should go through this uh in in survival but like why why would I why would I do that why would I not just take a look at this hello there crazy book Enthusiast that’s a that’s a great name that’s pretty good

But custom recipe types I believe yes custom recipe types I will do a tutorial on yes because I want to show um REI for fabric because I’ve never done that before because I was never able to get it to work but now oh I did get it to work um

Okay this is what is this freaking maze over here you’ve gone the same way three times now what is REI roughly enough items oh you haven’t said uh did you see um Peru did you see the um the things like people spawn not on the ground but

In the sky you haven’t set the spawn placements for your um for your different uh mobs you have to do that otherwise they will spawn in the ceiling and then fall down and take damage upon falling down uh so write that down ever gonna do quill tutorials

So currently I’m not really planning on doing that but I don’t know I mean that maybe if the demand gets like higher and higher possibly but right now it’s not planned thanks for popping it out there’s the Boss look at him macron yo how did you do the the the the

Stuff above them that’s pretty cool is that just a custom name tag where you display the health that’s 30 damage I’ve done it before in my mods thank you Dakota but I’ve I’ve I figured it out I got it to work and I’ve even got it to

Work with energy and uh freaking fluid display imagine that that’s pretty crazy okay what what loot do we oh we’re gonna have Astra flux okay anything else yo it’s crazy stuff TJ key hello hello JK that’s that’s better custom name tag yeah probably guy gives you hard knockback Lauren welcome over here

Logan did you uh did you remember to um to uh make sure that the schwerflies are correct hey man I wanted to learn modding can you uh can your channel teach me my channel I mean I’ve taught a lot of people so probably hopefully yes I would uh would hope so

Definitely try and they release new parchment mappings um you’re gonna update the course I mean the mappings really aren’t shouldn’t be like they shouldn’t really like you know a difference or anything but um I’m gonna take a look at it yeah like really the only thing that the um

That the punishment mappings do is give you the give you the rest the other uh issue working with shaders I have not uh no I have not heard about that how do I get in here just break it wait is that like a Secret Door okay interesting the baby

Skeletons are so cute well they’re actually like skeletons from like the the different uh like species over here like the the alien species those are alien skeletons anyway uh to make animations without gigolip Yes actually I want to do that in um the tutorials

120 series I want to do um I want to do oh that’s not what I wanted to do I want to do um I want to do exactly that I want to do the uh okay interesting uh mobs and um entities without gecko lip but still have some

Animations it is possible and it’s it’s I mean I wouldn’t say that it’s like easier necessarily or harder but it’s pretty cool look at this yo look at this pretty cool that is pretty cool I mean like easier way to do stuff than without it it’s actually gotten pretty easy with

The new keyframe system see yeah so this is the day you see the Sun and then like I don’t know freaking Mars and then like I don’t know which way is this is still right the way up or not Andromeda and then you do time set night

And then it’s the earth look at this is modding easy why is this why is it doing that that’s kind of weird oh interesting it changes the when you look in this to the sun that’s kind of weird um I don’t know mod like it depends I

Mean you definitely gotta take a look at um I think you got to take a look at uh Java first like if you have no programming knowledge at all morning is kind of you know it could be kind of difficult but if you know some mod uh

Some Java it’s gonna make it a lot easier uh other way it’s you know it is what it is image chat mod yes um and still only I can make you a mod on this uh on this but I’m not going to right now you can uh we can talk about

That uh next time is it as hard uh as it is as hard as you want it to be I guess that’s true started on two by two blocks I don’t know about that I don’t know about that but what I do know is this is

Let me just uh just let me just give you this oh that’s not what I wanted to do at all that’s kind of annoying can I go back over here that because otherwise that um that’s an annoying thing yeah a chat is gone I’ve I’ve missed my chat

Where’s my chat there’s my chat oh no I can’t go back that’s really annoying why would that be the case why would this happen Okay that’s okay then we’re gonna I guess do it for over here that’s also okay uh this is first Forge uh this is the um this is

Stella Conquest oh my God this is like I have to catch up now what the frick that’s weird oh my God my chat has to catch up now it’s just going it’s just going to understand okay are we there 206 CF points there you go there you go now now

It came through right so it’s like this is the um this is the uh link for the mod that I just showed from frv um that the Stellar Conquest pretty freaking cool if I do say so myself and let’s take a look okay uh let’s take

A look could you please help me with my uh get effect on my custom bow depends on what that means um did you already you already um added a bit of question in the in the channel I think right in the hub channels I might take a look at that probably

Tomorrow I don’t know if I have time later today but we’ll see this does uh there’s more downloads well I from what I’ve note is that um frv has been working on that like not too long ago so we’ll just take errors is trying to be able to detect my errors in output

Console if I copy paste it unlikely I don’t think so release schedule on what tutorials are going to be next EG custom projectiles biomes release well I can give you oh is this gonna be like a little bit of a preview over here okay we’ll get some

Preview in So currently so today tags released tomorrow of course fabric tags then we get data gen honestly the data gen tutorials got it they were so good I I was I was really happy with them we got through like basically everything pretty smoothly it’s gonna be really

Cool then all of those like non-block block stair slabs all of that that’s gonna happen next week Monday and Tuesday then we got this is a highly requested topic 2D textures and 3D item in hand that’s like the um like the what is it called the uh the

The freaking Spyglass that one we’re gonna do also next week Wednesday and Thursday um and then then we got tools armor the full armor effect Revisited modifying existing Loot and then we get like the interesting stuff adding items to suspicious sand we got custom crops and then two block High custom crops because

Which is also like a thing that a lot of people wanted uh and then we’re gonna do probably events explained again but I want to go into a little bit more depth in depth on that and then we’ll see we’ll I’ll probably Shuffle around a few things but then there’s like uh adding

Villager trades and also adding trades to a Wandering Traders which is also a thing that was asked quite a lot so we’ll we’ll see about that so sand needs to Among Us item I don’t know about that one but we’ll see we’ll see I did call

It sand because honestly what a freak is suspicious why is suspicious so hard to write it’s just ridiculous they didn’t need to make it that bad you’re right I just don’t understand it structures and adding stuff to villages um I think most of the stuff still works

The reason I have not yet done structures is because I would really like to get structures done completely with datagen because in theory it should be possible Right in theory it should be possible to enable the narrator I will I will do that just a moment uh let me do

This there you go so I don’t know about that um custom enchantments I don’t know if I’m gonna do custom enchantments again I think I’ve done that like three times already and I feel like that’s I think that the old tutorial should still work although I would have to double check

The course is for 120 119 2. no then the course is 120x Plus that was the that was that’s the current course also by the way of course is still on sale until the 13th of August to take a look at the in the description below should be right there is fabric

Better than Forge it’s honestly hard to say um I think that they are they share like 70 to 80 of their like code base like common and only they’re very specifics are different um like I I would imagine the best thing to do is probably just pick one go for

It and then we’ll see didn’t see anything about custom enchantments I do have a couple of them differently um developed for other mods like development for something to work with the create mod I have seen a lot of people like they where they want to do

Um they want to do create mod create mod uh like plugins and stuff I don’t know it’s um it’s it’s very strange to me I’m in in a lot of ways but yeah fair enough um what do you wdyt what do you think of the new Euler

So I think 90 is exactly the same and then 10 is just a couple of things rephrased um I have not seen any diff big changes especially the usage guidelines they they have always been there they just were called a little bit differently so I don’t think that it’s

Going to be like um an issue but yeah create add-ons they’re fun to make but they need yeah it’s it’s it’s rough I think it’s like kind of a kind of a hard thing literally seen nothing different in the EULA I don’t know I mean maybe it is but

I I don’t think it is but what is different is we have this guy which should be the next mod now you might say well which mod is it oh we gotta we gotta return customer so to speak okay that sounds very straight but we got a return

Customer because I don’t believe they are here but this is moog’s uh end structures uh I should have prepared this moogs and structures is actually the name of the mod let’s go mes moves and structures so we’ve seen this before from Finn dog and friends I guess

Um and that is uh we’ve seen the mooc structures that has the duck the duck was really good and now we’re going to take a look at the at the end is there like an easy way to get to the end execute in and TP nope as nope uh wait

As it in no why would I do that again on am I crazy run there it is that’s what I want to do TP count draw teleported wow that’s that’s some that’s some crazy stuff right here um can I not do that I think I can’t do that because uh because

This guy’s running this is almost true everyone’s just execute run run run run that’s that’s amazing that is amazing I know I okay thank you thank you very much guys I I was not able to type this quickly I wasn’t able to do it it didn’t work thank you guys

What a ridiculous thing wait do I have to do I have to defeat the dragon to get to uh like in Islands do they not spawn before or can I just fly in the direction I’ve never beaten this game I don’t know what Minecraft is what are you talking about

Don’t tell me I have to beat him that’s that would be ridiculous what is this can I just fly you can just fly out no just fly just fly just fly all right a thousand blocks away okay we’ll just fly oh boy this is gonna be this is gonna be great oh boy

No I wait what the heck there it is let’s go wait I’m crazy I could have just done this locate structure NES there it is astral Hideaway meteorite what the frick mes astral Hideaway oh my gosh let’s take a look so these are just um oh boy so this is uh mes

Um end uh structures and there are just some structures oh boy loot we got some loot over here uh these are just some basic structures or like interesting structures that are added to the end uh let’s take a look if they aren’t like kind of kind of a few like interesting ones um

Like that okay that’s pretty good the other ones were pretty awesome already that is the custom structure though that’s pretty nice okay okay okay we got ourselves some stuff over here okay lectern interesting anyway create a full of under my bedrock and large pockets of air you could probably do something like

That but that’s would definitely require a custom um biome I don’t know how you would do that exactly uh though probably just with a once again custom um custom rules review my mod this week would you be able to also review it in a few weeks just say

I can I can review it in a couple of weeks sure that was the idea you did say that it took it takes like another week or two until it’s like done so that’s why you know there was nothing else uh mes let’s see what else do we have

Phantom Citadel yeah I like that I like the sound of that I want to look at that where is it okay you know it’s actually like pretty nice out here oh my God the amount of phantoms that would be spawning here would be ridiculous that’s just not nice it’s just I don’t

Like them okay I don’t like Phantom I know this is a this is a complete like an insane take over here right controversial take from cow Mojo uh I just don’t like Phantoms I know it’s it’s crazy um you can don’t add me or if you really do you can you can add

Me at Twitter and say why would you not like Phantoms why is there no entrance oh there’s this I mean listen okay that’s it is what it is does this add any new blocks I do not believe that it adds new blocks let’s see natural blocks

No blocks added we can also do the following we can do give count and draw mes there are no blocks added you make a tutorial about it using data packs with mods this must for configured features instead of hard coding them well I mean I was thinking about well the thing I

Want to do is I want to do everything with datagen which is basically going to create the Json files I’m gonna have projectally currently working on are you starting a new modulator today yes Royal G that is the idea well I mean maybe not a new mod but

We’re gonna go back to Resource lines it’s going to be interesting listen okay it is what it is we’ll see we’ll see I gotta go all right Luke hey care the door is going to be made out of what the frick oh they’re gonna take tear your hair out well that’s okay

I’ll send the thing in community mods fair enough resource limes exactly trick man Ender Watch Tower oh we’ve seen this already question mark I mean it’s pretty nice although they’re counting drill how is everything going everything is going splendid no I’m I’m expanding my vocabulary over here everything is going splendid

What do I have here oh loot it’s not oh it’s actually not that bad okay wait what was that why did it fall down is that oh it’s concrete powder to to do okay that’s fair enough I guess that’s fair enough let’s take a look at like

Two more structures is are there any like structures that are that are like stand out in Scripts underpin spikes um inner keep Courtyards Mythic Garden okay that sounds interesting okay yeah a config file I really do want to I really should do configs but man I just

Couldn’t fix or just kind of annoying but I should really should do config because I agree with you oh there’s more loot over here that’s like I create like quite a few things load unfix are very useful I fully agree with you oh no like they are incredibly useful but it’s also

You know it’s also kind of a thing you know oh I didn’t even want to go out of it I wanted to actually take a look at two more structures he has turned into a true British man a bottle of water no I don’t think so I don’t think so not yet anyway

A pain to add them I mean it’s not a pain to add them it’s just you know it’s just sometimes you want to do certain things and they don’t like quite work out Starlight of Voyager probably gonna be a a flying ship right of course it is of course it is

You know I’m just that guy I know that stuff I know my stuff okay I mean what else feasibly would it have been oh I like throw let’s go baby it’s got mending and Unbreaking 3 already built in that’s my a little broken I’m not gonna lie phenoc you should probably take a

Look at that I’m just kidding just keep it I mean if they are if they are rare then I I wouldn’t worry about it honestly I think that’s okay pretty cool though okay let’s look at one more over here this is going to be structures mes oh what else is there Bloom Courtyard

Monolith it’s probably not too interesting Rune pillar Prairie Placid what does placid mean that like oh that’s the same idea as this one okay fair enough it’s not too interesting okay well that is not has not yet been picked up I think by a big um mop pack or anything but it

Is pretty interesting and nonetheless uh no ducks this time it is what it is bummer though but it’s okay that’s fine let’s take a look I have some more oh this one this one’s gonna be good I have not checked this one out I’ve not

Checked none of them out by the way this it might be good it might be interesting let’s see so we’re gonna have to do I really hope that this one’s gonna be good because it will be so awesome why is it necessary that this uh for

This to be a mod it could have been a data pack um I think it might actually be a data pack uh like in the natural like in the actual sense um let me double check um yeah thank you thank you so much I’m not gonna press enter right now but

Thank you for telling me that I think that the reason it’s not it’s a modest for the for the sweet sweet points curse Forge points you know that that’s probably what it is very discourage about the effects on the custom ball could you maybe answered if

You have time oh I’ll once again I mean I I did already uh sort of say maybe if I have time later today or maybe tomorrow we’ll see I don’t know how oh boy that is not what I wanted to do um if I have some time left we’ll see

About that but maybe when you finally put a face to the voice and does it work I mean listen also think about the the awesome um the awesome suit right like does it work or does it not work I think it works I think it works all right

Let’s see let’s take a look at this over here yeah I mean it is actually true right A lot of people on the on the YouTube channel probably have not seen me yet because um I’ve only been streaming onto I think I’ve streamed twice on the channel so I

Did I did stream once but yeah this is um this is this guy let’s take a look at this that’s gonna be interesting I think that’s an interesting mod I just added it like at the end the suit is cool thank you thank you that’s that’s my that’s my stick I’m

Just gonna I’m just gonna add like wear suits because why not like crazy suits like this because it’s weird it’s actually as close to the voice as you can get let’s go I mean I guess that’s good I don’t know I’ll just take it I’ll just take it as a as a compliment

Why not that’s okay imro will do daylight cycle falls there you go what does the new Minecraft rules mean for us uh so so far I don’t think that they mean anything for us I think that we can operate just as we’ve operated uh you

Know so far I think that it’s all gonna be good but we’ll see banana suit yo you want to see something insane listen okay you’re gonna you’re gonna be jealous chat look at this guy look at him banana duck okay this is awesome isn’t it

Oh I love him it’s so good man it’s so freaking good I love this guy I I posted it on Twitter I was like I was like people are flexing with their Bugattis and their Rolex I have the only Flex banana duck April greetings from Germany love your

Courses by the way thank you greetings from back from Germany by the way as well uh that’s also something that a lot of people don’t know I am from Germany it is true but what calvinjo you don’t have any accent I mean I do have an accent but

You know not many people know like still don’t know that okay let’s see what is this how can I get a Core over here this is traps course and I somehow can get that another dark mode when you know what this is actually a really good idea

Um Nano are you still here Nano are you still here can you get on making a banana duck um like thing I wanna I wanna do that I wanna I wanna have a banana duck now this is actually a great idea I noticed the chair again it looks so

Lonely which yes okay well we’ll talk about this after the Stream now that you put Germany into your voice I can hear the German in your accent now let’s go root animals mod oh nano this is a brilliant idea maybe I should do that instead of resource slimes but we’ll see

Okay let’s uh see if I can’t like figure out how to do this okay so um if I only have a en underscore length then you can’t change this is correct yes banana duck kiwi kiwi okay now you’re getting now you’re getting a little weird okay how does this work no one knows

Shift for more information pickups picks up a core poor key oh I can spawn it a little bit there let’s go oh my God they’re really fast what the frick oh my Lanta look at this okay you know what now oh boy okay wait wait wait wait no no

There you go let’s go oh that’s actually oh boy okay huh okay that’s pretty cool that’s pretty cool let it die in the lava sure oh no no it’s that was me in the love okay you can actually okay it’s it completely knocked back resistance that’s fair that’s fair

Um okay what else is there type V1 purple that’s not okay okay I don’t know about that let’s see what else is there red V3 it’s very fast yes okay is that are there like is there no okay the only thing that’s probably not no music over here

Okay the the lack of sounds is what is a little bit of a bummer over here if there was sound that would be so freaking cool but I to be fair I’m pretty excuse me please pretty sure that the mod was like just like it’s it’s pretty new let me

Actually see this is traps cars it has 65 downloads so it is very new it was created on the 3rd of August okay listen that’s you know so it’s I’m pretty sure that that’s it’s still like in in the testing phase but it looks pretty cool though like look at

This the car the the is going round and round let’s see what happens if I like oh it stops taking damage actually what happens if it like dice let’s find out end oh okay it just explodes yeah of course I mean that that that’s what happens when I run into a cactus as

Well Bray type V okay so there’s like three types of cores right so there’s type one type two type three okay that’s pretty cool but they all work pretty much the same now what happens if I were in a survival mode though then I could still go and do

Whatever okay so I I think that it is probably not like a lot of stuff has been added yet uh however they are craftable custom crafting they are craftable there’s a crafting table for this so they should be craftable with this one the core table

Okay that is oh wait oh you should okay yeah that should probably be adjusted in the in the first person view there it is so you want to put in a paint over here and then down here I would imagine a car body that’s what I would imagine let’s see

Paint and then the body let’s go and then you can just do this and then get the key awesome yeah there you go that’s it that’s that’s gonna get you the core is there a more intuitive way to what spawn weights to give an entity than to

Do algebra no you have to you have to just I mean basically you’d have to know like what the spawn weights of everything else is and then get an average like or like you know divided stuff like that you know you know what I mean good number stuff it’s called math maybe

You’ve heard of it yeah that was ridiculous okay so you can’t do anything with a gasoline yet I would assume that the pump okay yeah okay let’s not get them will there be YouTube tutorials on how to add structures and Wars there’s gonna be a

Yes on both of them or probably a little bit sooner than structures although it’s going to take a little bit of time still until that’s gonna come out oh yeah there you go I mean that’s I think that that’s pretty cool I think the cars are

Actually pretty nice uh I will say this um I’m I doubt that trep is watching right now this is from trep horde however if you are watching this or are watching this in the future um do keep in mind that when I downloaded the mod it did not add gecko

Loop automatically so you should probably add that as well um that’s just in the depends in the I think this is a fabric mod so you should add that into depends and also the rest of that absolutely freaking awesome for the fact that it’s like up for like

Three or four days pretty cool this is the mod you can take a look at that um that is a traps course pretty cool if I do say so myself there’s an advantage with running mobs uh um that don’t have gecko lip but as I reread that what in particular

Is an advantage with running mobs plugins that don’t have gecko lib I’m unsure if that what that necessarily means like if I why would you use gecko lip or why you wouldn’t you lose you schedule up um so any limit on Hollow structures can be

Structures can be a maximum uh 48 by 48 by 48 if you want a bigger structure you have to use uh jigsaw blocks to sort of piece them together okay what else do we have this one we have this one I think that that is actually the last mod that I want to

Show as well which is fair um let’s see magic mod magic mod I think I don’t know if this is a magic mod but we’ll see this is it looked cool that’s why I chose it to be honest with you we’re gonna I I don’t think it is a

Magic mod but we will see um if it works let’s see oh interesting this is is this download everything well we’ll see I mean we’ll just start it and if it doesn’t have a have a dependency then we’ll figure it out afterwards okay with jigsaws it has no limit this is

Correct you’ll be adding a tutorial on how to add a custom bucket well that would just be a cut just be just be a custom um there’s the narrator again it would just be a custom fluid basically in theory so yeah you can’t see the game okay just

Give it a moment just give it a moment this is like I mean I yes this is true you can’t see the game but just give it a second over here this is all right here we go this is dropping this this is doing this and this is doing this there

You go single player and this is um there you go that’s what it’s called make sure that you’re in Creative let’s go baby there you go oh they do have a limit well I mean oh they do not have a limit there you go okay that’s fair that is very fair

Bosses mod maybe maybe okay so this is called Cynthia oh right now it adds only three items well there you go but it looked pretty cool oh oh right that’s okay um I guess that’s the reason why there’s only three items so far oh boy um okay okay okay nice plant you mean

The one like in the background listen Okay that plant is dead the reason it’s dead is not because why like why you what the hell wait how did I do that I don’t know like how did I do that break the plan I don’t care about the

Plant anymore how did I do that no I don’t know how I oh my God this is ridiculous oh oh it’s it’s the breeze breaker when you jump with it you do like a freaking flip over here look at this craziness what is this that’s so cool

What can I do with this can I like go crazy with it oh my God okay this is like the the intro here makes itself did you ever okay let’s restart it the intro makes itself did you ever dream of becoming your own anime protagonist no you can in Minecraft

I mean right like that’s literally like just craziness man what’s this dude by the way that’s not as interesting I mean it’s still pretty cool that’s pretty crazy and a custom new bucket once again nuts it is probably um it is probably going to be if then

It’s gonna be a custom fluid which basically just hello hello I have returned you know the good thing about YouTube is that it doesn’t like like kill the kill the like thing like the the actual stream I think hello we back yes we back right he’s back let’s go baby it doesn’t like

Change the stream because it’s it’s like differently like it’s different uh I don’t know what it was it was uh just you know for some reason uh OBS was just like I don’t we don’t I don’t wanna why would I work over here that’s ridiculous came back in 144p it shouldn’t be it

Shouldn’t be you can you can do it zero resolution comments back that’s ridiculous more pixelated than Minecraft excuse me excuse you know what it was it was this like craziness it was these like crazy like look at this right like this the excessive stuff over here that’s what it was

Good for me well there you go that’s that’s what that’s what matters that is like I’m gonna be a real that’s really freaking cool even though there’s only like three things so far three um three different items if this continues that is gonna be pretty nice gonna be pretty nice

Can you show your weird keybinds of course I will I will show my weird keybinds okay because it’s you because it’s you I will show my weird keybinds let me let me show you my weird keybinds just give me a sec okay so my weird keybinds are as follows okay so

Obviously you have to change stuff right so first of all jump is on E because I mean it just makes sense right because e is like you can you can press it like it’s it’s just like it’s just an easy you know e e e right and then

You switch sneak to left control and uh you change Sprint to oh boy that’s not and you should like to shift I feel like this makes sense right like changing those two I feel like that’s fair um what else is there uh dropping an item is the is the like carrot symbol

Right that’s fair enough and then um inventory is obviously tab there’s no other thing that you can do and then showing the list of players is Q because why not what does mods mean for the um new rules for micros I don’t think that it I don’t think that they’re going

To change now I I’m I have a different take on on Java Edition and mods entirely that has nothing to do with the with the Euler changes but that’s you know just something else um I thought that I had weird keyblinds listen listen it is what it is okay I

Don’t you know it is what it is cursed control scheme your curse control schemes you freaking unbelievable man it is what it is uh this actually has this uses the mod users wait it uses the what is it called a player animator mod but I will link

This to you look at this there you go left click I don’t even like there’s nothing there’s nothing here comoding um it would kill Minecraft okay here’s my here’s my crazy take I will show I will give you my crazy take on Java have you noticed that

Um across the like last couple of versions they’ve introduced way and way more stuff that is doable with data packs if you notice that you probably have now imagine this right imagine like think about this how is most of the modding done in Bedrock Edition with Json files slash data packs What else does Bedrock Edition have a Marketplace that makes millions upon millions of dollars for Mojang slash Microsoft I mean I’m just saying how much money does Java Edition make a big old goose egg that’s how much it makes you know if you put one and one together and it turns into two

I think that the most likely thing there’s two things that might happen either Java is going to be completely gone and we’re back to buffering oh no we’re back okay we just couldn’t handle the OnePlus One um either Java is going to be completely gone or this is the alternative Which is far

More likely um we’ll get a we’ll get a data pack Marketplace for Java that’s what I’m thinking that’s what I’m thinking is gonna happen and everyone’s gonna be oh no oh no how expensive are goose eggs I don’t know didn’t complain because we can be the Creator on set Marketplace this is true

This is true yeah absolutely I mean yes but it’s probably hopefully uh I don’t know we’ll see I mean we’ll just see whether or not they’re then gonna completely eradicate any Java stuff or if they sort of incorporate it somehow I don’t know but they’re definitely not gonna make themselves a

Lot of friends by doing that I can tell you that it’s not gonna add a lot of friends Bedrock mods can be got Google Play yeah but we won’t be able to release real mods real mods on data pack Marketplace this is true I mean this

Listen I I don’t know if it’s gonna happen this is just some idea I’m sure that this is not going to happen I I it might not listen I really hope I’m wrong on this but I just cannot imagine that they’re sitting there right in in their suits which aren’t as

Freaking amazing as this guy like this suit right they’re just gonna sit there in like normal suits and they’re like how can we make money with Java Edition and they’re like I don’t know do the same thing we did for bedrock Maybe for Java stay the way yeah I mean we’ll

See we’ll see I’m not playing paying for mods unless I want to donate I agree I agree but you know it is what it is I mean if there’s no other way then what are we supposed to do let’s just hope that I’m wrong over here and that would be the best so

What we have now is we have um the good old good old resource slimes okay we’re gonna we’re gonna shift from looking at Community mods to looking at my own mod now what is the counter alert when what’s the counter on how often I explained resource slimes

Um I’m gonna show you the current like or sorry the old version of resource slimes what I have what I have achieved there and then we’re gonna go into the um into the like new new thing and just add a couple of stuff a couple of things

Yeah I’m gonna get a little bit too brave is what they’re doing maybe maybe that sounds exactly like Microsoft exactly yo level one Noob yes yes resource lines has returned they’ll make the attacks or subscription fee to join servers oh boy I mean the fact that they

Like from what I’ve heard apparently if you are on a like Lan like on a lan server and someone reports you they can ban you for that that is ridiculous that should never be the case like crazy overreach but it is what it is oh people always find a way to go past

It but you know but it is I mean still you know you can’t really change that working on mod that lets you predict the end chance in the enchanting table oh my I don’t I don’t even I don’t even know where I would begin with that it’s pretty crazy

You should make a resource camels I don’t know about that one but maybe I guess it could be could be doing that as a model though I’m hyped for the competition that hightail is going to bring to Microsoft oh man I yeah I I’m here’s hoping that hightail is going to do something

Um I don’t know I mean I at first it was meant to be Java and then it was C sharp and Java and or at first it was only C sharp then it was C sharp and Java and now it’s C plus plus so I don’t even

Know how the modding on there is going to work it’s gonna be it’s gonna be insane so we’ll see about that but yeah fantasy comp screen I have not added that yet no freak I’ve forgotten that uh I will I will do it for the next uh

Round okay I will do it for the next um round of mods I will do it for the for like showing your mod yeah okay that’s I think that’s fair make a resource times open source I’m going to add lives okay that’s that’s fair enough okay that’s okay

Is hightail ever even coming out I mean they’ve got the backing of Riot games so I feel like they have I mean basically unlimited money so um I don’t see why not I don’t see why they just wouldn’t be yeah sure keep developing I mean they got so much League of Legends money

It’s crazy only trying to add a shock wave to my um this mod yeah I don’t know how um about you all but I’m doing most Math and how that I’ve ever have see this is why they say fork like computer science and stuff you have to mod live streams

With smaller YouTubers are nice thank you I don’t know if I I mean it is fair I am I mean it’s like really weird right because at the same time what is it like 23.5 K which is an insane amount of people but when you look at it from the

Perspective of like you know size on YouTube it is pretty small uh All Things Considered that is true that is pretty true all right okay it’s gonna go over here it’s gonna be a little bit slow for just a moment as Minecraft starts because it is going crazy holy

Moly man also why are there two Java things running am I gonna get the right one well well there’s only one way to find out I did not get the right one well there you go let’s let’s finish that job over here and let’s run this again I guess you

Deserve millions of subs thank you so much I don’t know if it’s like millions of Subs but you know I mean um thank you opinion on quilt I have never looked into it actually like so I I don’t have any real opinion on that so um

I really only have been using Fabric and Forge and I’ve been pretty good with that silver gold hello hello I can submit a mod to be shown on the string yes since you can do that in the community mods channel on the Discord server that’s where it is at

Oh boys it’s gonna it’s gonna buffer for just a moment again just give it a moment just you okay it’s gonna be fine I feel like you’ve fueled most of the morning Community it’s weird that you only have 20K I don’t know because I feel like it’s um

I I just don’t think that there’s that many people who are like consistently interested in money I think there’s gonna be like a lot of people who are let’s say there’s a lot of churn right there’s people who are like oh we’re gonna try modding and then they try it

For like a couple of months and then like ah I don’t it’s fine and then there’s like new people coming in so who knows even with 20 plus case subs or usually live streams have less people in chat I think it’s a lot easier to communicate I do agree with that that’s

True that’s true but it is cool like it’s just nice to like um I don’t know it’s just nice to have like the chat be communicatable anyway right because if you’re like in like a lot of weeks chat or anything it’s like it just goes crazy man it’s just insane

Been added since 2012. yo that is that is a lot resource slimes okay let’s go in like I’m gonna make a new world and we’ll see how long have you been making YouTube videos so on this channel I’ve been at it for YouTube is not enough receiving enough

Video what the frick that’s a ridiculous man I don’t like YouTube is kind of weird um I’ve been at it on this channel for uh three years-ish something like that two and a half I think um overall on YouTube I started in 2010 so that’s 13 years ago so if you want to

Like completely go crazy yeah that’s that’s something man that’s something last number I remember it’s like 13k well you know there you go sweet craft hello there hello hello I actually found out about Ludwig recently that’s crazy to think about the man has like three million subscribe I don’t even

Know how many subscribers he has at this point but it’s a lot of them it’s a lot a lot of subscribers 13 years ago I was seven oh boy that’s let’s not get into that okay I’ve never programmed Java but I started making it more two years ago after discovering it was still

Developing it yeah that’s why like Java is like pretty pretty good I’m planning to sort a making a mod but it’s a lot harder because I live in Brazil Brazil doesn’t have a big Community I feel like I feel like there actually is quite a

Big community in Brazil I I have a lot of people from Brazil Brazil you would like not imagine it’s actually pretty crazy um I do I do have that but we’ll see and this is for the following re-record videos on your own without sounding dead inside what do you mean

Like without sounding dead inside listen okay am I not on my own right now as well I’m just looking at a camera I see Logitech right there and there is the there are you hello there you little guy over there or girl or in between who knows

Right who knows I’m just here with my suit and I’m just happy that yeah I don’t know you gotta just do it just do it there you go okay let me um let me switch to the game so this is resource slimes okay this is going to be insane

Okay let’s let’s look at this okay so this is the first ever show of the resource slimes mode so this is the mode that I’ve been doing before and that is um resource lamps so the general idea is that you have these guys which are resource lamps so you can see these are

Resource slimes and they gain a they gain certain uh asterects that you can then get from them so basically I think what I can do is I think I can like let me see I think there’s like a couple of things done I don’t know if it’s iron or not okay wait

A second do I have any asterisks done okay I do have some of them done let’s do stone then because otherwise it’s gonna look a little weird Kabul hopefully it will okay that does not work how does how does how do I how can I debug this Frick

Okay so um anyway so these are the resource slimes right and they grow over time um I think that this is a shulker one okay this is a netherride okay maybe maybe not get rid of that okay so you can see they drop the extracts and you can take these extracts right

These are these guys you can like actually do stuff with them let me just get rid of the other slimes over here otherwise they’re gonna slime all over the place and we don’t need that we don’t need that right now get out of here get out of here I want

To show the machines because friends are really okay okay now the machines are this so we got the oh geez that’s not what I wanted uh this guy there you go you got the gem cutting station we have the gem infusing station we have the Slime extract cleaning station and we have the

Slime incubation station okay listen I’m gonna blow your freaking mind over here okay this is gonna be really awesome you’re gonna be like what this is possible guys this is really cool so the idea is that you will find um you will find raw like gems right

These are raw gems and what you can do is you can smell them to uncut gems and then what you can do is you can take these uncut gems with a gem cutting cutter tool and actually make them into cut gems that’s pretty cool right that happens right here so you need the

Cutting tool we’ll take that put it in here we need some water obviously right because well it needs to have some water so let’s add some water over here so we got 300 ml buckets of water in there awesome you need some energy for this I have mechanism installed because

It just is a little bit easier okay let’s just like let’s just get this like oh wait it’s the creative energy conduit and then it’s called a um Cable cable yep it is a cable there you go all right so let’s just hook all of them

Up to cables over here so that they get filled with energy that’s awesome right so so I’ve got this and then I get myself some uncut citrine over here and I’ll put it in there and Bam right it just goes on and it cuts this and it even

Damages the Cutters tool and I now get cut citrine that’s pretty cool right yeah well I can now take this cut citrine right I can take it to the to the gym infusing station right and I can put it in here and if I actually take a look at this in

The infusing station I can make this an infused gem with some citrine slime fluid right so we’re gonna get ourselves some citrine slime buckets we’re gonna put it in there and all of a sudden those two cut citrine are going to turn into infused citrine and now this

Infused citrine actually can’t be used for anything right now it just looks really freaking cool because it’s I don’t know it’s just cool I guess there you go but um there’s another thing and that is when you actually get slimes so um how do you get slime fluid ah this is

A great question so what you do is you get yourself a slime over here right like a resource slime and um there’s a flower let me get the extract wait I can do it like this right there it is there’s a big slime so this

Guy has 60 uh 64 asterisks in it right and I just gonna take a bucket over here an empty bucket and look at this right I’m gonna right click him bam so he drops 16 of the extract and I’m gonna get one of the like I’m basically gonna

Like scoop up the the juices from him that’s the idea I’m going to do the same thing again and again and again and I can do it right now because it’s the only s16 but there you go that is the idea and then I can go into the extract cleaning station I

Can put in the slimy extracts which you can use by the way right so I can get like eight stone out of them that’s pretty cool but if you clean it first right with some water again no actually with soapy water this is so weird this

Is great I haven’t done this in a long time so you have to get soap right you have to put the soap in here and the water in here and that makes soapy water and then you can climb the Slime extracts over here which is also going

To make dirty water right here but then you get normal extracts which get you way more resources than the non-slimy ones basically so that is the idea of the whole entire thing and the way to get slimes right because that’s obviously also another thing right right

Now this guy has a 19 again so you can see it like continues to grow just passively and to get slimes what you want to do is you want to use the Slime incubation station over here now this guy listening guys this is really cool okay how does this work well

You take a slime ball and a resource and a cut citrine over here so we’re gonna take the stone right here and we’re gonna get the um Stone and what was the other thing uh a what is it what is it um frick frick um it was a oh boy

That’s it was a slime ball slime ball slime ball there you go okay okay and now now behold okay behold with the slime ball in you put the stone in look at this look at this craziness okay you see the Slime grow right here is this

Craziness it is but that’s not all okay you might be like oh that’s that’s I mean yeah that’s a pretty cool effect right you see the Slime grow in the GUI in the GUI that’s pretty awesome but think you think that’s everything now you see the Slime draw right here as

Well look at this and then it becomes a real freaking slime how good is this transition tell me that this is awesome because it is okay you don’t even need to tell me I know that it’s awesome this is the the best thing I’ve ever created I think it’s really cool

Yeah exactly because it’s awesome that’s why it’s it’s it’s so good I like that effect that’s what it is how how did it become real exactly how did it become real that makes no sense so good I just love that it’s so good 10

Out of 10. 10 out of 10 wood slime again exactly this is the thing that’s what I’m saying you can also see this guy right like it’s it’s uh it’s working on the on the cut citrine over here and here you can see it in there

It’s pretty cool like it’s it’s a pretty cool thing top one effect ever true you made a slime just to kill it I mean listen okay that’s sometimes what it is but yeah that is the general Loop right so the general Loop is you loop loop no Loop

Man that’s hard to say Yeah so basically you find the gems and then at some point you find something to make your first resource slime and then you just create stuff and and you create those um extracts here and out of those extracts you can basically make all sorts of

Different things so you can see out of the stone extract once you’ve cleaned it you can make like 64 Cobblestone out of very few if you have not cleaned it you can only make a couple of them like half of it when is this mod coming out that was

Amazing well I mean there there is a version out for 118 too listen I’ve not been keeping it up to date at all okay that’s it’s it’s a bit of a bummer is there going to be a citrine slime yes there is a citrine slime I can even show it to you

There is apparently no citrine slime no there is it’s called a lesser gem extract is what you want from that because you can get all of those um so that’s gonna be a this guy Lester gem let’s do a lesser gem right here slimy extract and there

It is this is the this is the Lesser gem extract slime come for Fantasy Captain you have a horns or without good with either basically is there gonna be a diamond slime I mean they’re not gonna be there is one a diamond slime right here look at him

Look look how awesome he looks like come on you gotta admit that that’s pretty cool like the guy looks pretty cool huh yeah and you basically get the slimy extracts and I don’t think that there’s a recipe for that yet no you just get yeah I haven’t added that yet so Carlson aloha

Yeah but that is that is the best mode ever okay I wouldn’t maybe go that far but it’s I don’t know I like I I really do like it I really like the concept and it’s like I don’t know it’s it’s it’s it’s an idea that I’ve been working with

Yeah this mod will blow up especially if you have an API for making custom research lamps banana puppy can you read my mind that’s exactly what I wanted to do yes I I basically wanted to do exactly that I wanted to also have a some way of

Basically making it so that you can um you can have that why do they um have a weird R layer so the outer layer is the um the Slime fluid that surrounds them and basically when you harvest it you take the bucket and you sort of like swoop up the Slime fluid

And with that you get some of the resources what are your future plans for resource slimes so the first thing to do is I have a new repository here completely fresh with nothing in it for 120.1 and here is where I want to start and probably want to just you know start

Implementing some stuff I want to probably get I think I want to get rid of the old versions yeah I could probably also update them I don’t know yet maybe I’m gonna backport because 118 119 120 not anything huge in terms of changes uh but we have to we have to get like

Changes in there because I’m gonna be real so this is the old repository or the old project it’s rough buddy it’s rough so um I mean just the just the entities the block entities oh boy oh boy I mean do you want to go through this look at this

Craziness right like if this could be like all just work much better because let’s be honest all the machines that they already have this mod slime block entity over here which doesn’t do anything it’s just an abstract class this should like do almost everything that all of them do because all of them

Do almost exactly the same thing there’s a lot of stuff that I basically want to change um but yes the first step would probably be roughly get to feature parity with the old version roughly let’s say um and then I would want to uh then the idea would be a correct

Email that I would want to take on maybe a more managerial role so that would was sort of the thing that was alluding to before where I was like I I would be open to making it open source and then adding certain people into help basically

Um but you know it’s probably not going to be like everyone because it’s quite hot I like I mean managing that is going to be pretty hard to do as well so um yeah that would be the idea and the ideal but we’ll see that that was sort of the the rough estimate

Um but yeah I want to be back with resource lines and I think that that the first step over this is uh to actually um re-add some of the items so this is just going to be the raw stuff I’m just interested in this I feel like

I could probably generate them in a little bit of a different manner but honestly also I feel like I could also just copy it over oh I’m just saying I could do that right it’s on 118 yes that’s that’s the thing and now I’m gonna update it I want to

Update it so I just want to look up what did I miss see you a snow Pelt Productions you missed uh showing of my resource slimes mod the old version at least lerwin all right man take care and talk to you soon um I think that it’s just gonna be you know

Starting to like add the items and stuff and then we’ll we’ll see did I have datagen over here oh it doesn’t no I did I did I did I have data gin yeah wait a second does this still work wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait a second

Oh Easter eggs oh can I still do this wait is there still a hat where’s my hat where is my hat uh it’s not existing here um would not be easier to just remake it if you have so many issues well I mean a couple of things you know you can just

Take like I mean let’s be honest like you know if I do this I mean like come on the copying the Deferred register over here right and then just but yeah that’s the idea I mean remaking it is the idea um but most of the stuff like adding the

Infused stuff I was just thinking about this so I have for the for the things I have this right so oh boy the tabs are done differently no oh no that’s kind of annoying but okay that’s gonna be an interesting one uh so I have the four different or the

Five different types right where I always have a raw and uncut a cut and Infused version of it I could also make it so that it like generates them via like a for Loop but honestly I don’t think it makes sense it’s so few of them it just I don’t think it makes

Sense to do that I just think that just this hard code them it’s fine and then here so basically now you can see a behind the scenes of how I uh sort of do stuff right so you can see all sorts of errors I’m like not an issue I

Just select it right then you press Ctrl R and then you just replace it with nothing done over no more arrows present should I start working on the extract textures again we can let’s talk about it after the after the stream okay we’ll we’ll talk about that after the stream and

Then we’ll we’ll figure something out there you go that’s that’s everything done already bam uh now for the data generators Item model I can just I could just take that oh boy oh boy that’s gonna be rough oh boy that is going to be rough complex block I don’t even know what which ones oh that makes sense actually and that’s fair um okay yeah no that’s fair more items

Dot register passing in the mod event bus I love to you’ll have to hear that so that is going to be all of the items um resources this is assets can you copy from your own tutorial you would you would not imagine how often I copy from

Earlier tutorials of mine and then just change the code it’s crazy what’s the current what’s the situation with crowd and oh boy don’t even like that don’t don’t remind me of that one that’s I I mean I’m probably just gonna like merge it over to this to this one and then

We’ll see adding of adding a custom biome I mean maybe possibly I was thinking about that I was thinking about doing like three like two or three different resource lines mods one is just like resource slimes what actually I was thinking about four one of them is a

Resources core which basically does all of the API stuff to add like your own resources to any of those mods then there’s resource slimes core I guess as well or resource times main which is the main stuff that as the resource slimes and you can like add stuff and things

Like that and then the other one would be resource slams Adventures which would add a custom biome or multiple custom biomes custom Dimension maybe even storyline stuff like that I was thinking about that I just wanted to say thank you because your modding tutorials have

Been very useful to me well thank you so much for the kind words awesome to hear um whole game modding Loop cool to see the best guy provides an easy entrance is also a streamer well thank you um for joining over here well I mean you

Know it’s uh I wanna I wanna do some stuff over here you know some mod life modding I feel like it could be like pretty nice um in the past I was never like it’s never been um fast let’s say I’ve been pretty uh because I’ve I always interact with

Chat a lot so um you know sometimes the the actual sometimes the actual uh modding and or programming gets a little bit pushed to the back but you know it is what it is let’s just add all the items here for the time there you go you can also add the Lang

Oh my God is that does this all have all of a Langs okay it does not it only has German and the English there you go is that they have to go but I have a nice stream well thank you for joining us where in the MDK can I find the original

Minecraft source code so when you have IntelliJ open see there’s external libraries right here you can open this and you can go down to wait is it here it is right net microf extra no it’s not this is all of the Json files where’s the where’s the source code it is in uh

In where is it where is it you know what there’s an easier way click shift twice right and then you just put in items uh with an uppercase i and you click the include non-projects and you can see this guy bam items and the middle Mouse

Button click on this and ban there it is so you want to search for net microforge Forge 120.1 or whatever your version might be and then here net Minecraft all the code available bam absolutely awesome mscp reborn I’ve not heard of it and I don’t know how hard

Would it be to set up data gen which provides a temporary texture to items blocks or even armor without a texture how about we do it right now I actually have this like literally exactly this thing um so for the extracts that do not have a texture yet so these extracts have a

Texture right but there’s also ones that do not which are slimy extracts temp right this guy and the other guy extremmed this guy right so these are the two ones um those just do the following in the item model generator I go through all of the extracts right here um

I don’t know how it knows oh this is probably a thing that happens in the resource right like in the in the actual like slime resource oh 100 like there’s no way so basically I get a slight yeah okay it’s a little more complicated I guess slime resources

Yeah this is where I the way the tier why would that be the case I haven’t looked at this in a while so these are all these slime resources built in slime resources enabled true yeah I don’t know I don’t I don’t see that

Well there you go I don’t I have no idea okay well there you go oh that’s that’s interesting we 100 need a video on this I mean I mean couldn’t you just make a like literally okay wait a second simple item method right mod item model provider simple item method

Temp item right bam instead of this guy temp texture done that’s it you just call the temp item method for your item done that’s it to make a mods when you well we’ll see we’ll see I do want to do stuff with um like uh I coded your ideas in Minecraft I was

Thinking about that well that’s a good idea for an interesting idea let’s say so this would be everything that you need in theory because that’s that’s gonna do it going to continue your 120 series now have a great day all right awesome um yeah anyway though that’s um

We’ll see that would be a great idea let’s go let’s go I think I wanted the data gen um I think I first won the data gen for all the items so that I have the items out of back and then we’ll see come you have the

Same thing above a few okay sorry yes you I probably have now I now I know what you mean there it is it’s literally here simple slimy extract item temp you know you know what that means it doesn’t mean that I’m stupid now it actually means that I’m smart I was

Smart when I implemented this ah there you go unbelievable that you would backstab me like this what do you mean what do you mean dark what are you talking about I don’t even know what you wow not even um not even mud okay dark listen I don’t even know

I created your drawings into mobs millions of views y’all that’s crazy I mean that’s that’s pretty crazy I don’t know I think that that’s because I want to just put a sort of an educational spin on it as well right with the um with the idea of I coded

Your ideas into Minecraft because then I can also show hey this is sort of how I did it with the um with the code I feel like that it just makes a lot of sense in my mind I just think that it’s uh it’s a good idea

To think about stuff like that I’m just going to copy over the entire data folder and then um and then we’ll just get rid of basically everything except for what we need I’ll be the lonely ruler forever well not forever just for a couple of um

Just for like another hour or so and then next time we’re gonna add another one oh no you are absolutely right I can’t find the source code let me double check wait a second ducky man um in non-projecting and then where okay sorry um so wait what is happening here

Okay external libraries right this one you have opened and then you go down to I’m gonna find it oh this one this guy net microforge 121 so it’s like when you find the extra it’s like a couple of down from there usually this is where this is or like I said before

You can press shift twice search for the items uh class over here and just middle Mouse button click on this and then it’s going to open as well that would also work finally got sub 13 in a Rubik’s Cube after over a year of cubing is that sub 13 seconds foreign

This guy over here I it sold over here and it’s uh it’s gonna stay solved because otherwise it’s not I don’t I haven’t looked at it at all so let’s not do that well the course by the way very good thank you thank you very much

That’s awesome by the way core is a very good um thing to mention a link in the description below it’s still on it’s still on sale until the 13th of August so you can take a look at that as well there’s like I don’t even know 15 hours

Of content in the fabric core 17 in the Forge course it is crazy just added the custom biomes as well so that is a pretty cool thing indeed okay so this is going to be oh no we’re gonna get that out of here what’s the price So currently it is or reduced by

50 it is 29.99 um in in USD in US dollars oh boy this has changed oh boy this is not good okay the block tags we don’t need that anyway so we can get it away uh Hamza low my record is over a year on a

On a two by two Cube two by two I’m currently the lonely ruler I command you to put on column ears no can I buy those courses in Germany too I’m I’m selling those courses courses in Germany so I would imagine yes you should be

Able to buy them in Germany as well yes it’s 111 shekels I mean that you have to like I mean I guess I’m just gonna take your word for it uh I can’t uh I can’t do that can you unban me from your um Discord server please

That’s very funny I’m sorry I shouldn’t I really shouldn’t laugh about it but it’s kind of funny I don’t know it’s like one of those things that just kind of funny I’ll have to look at it um after the stream once I once I like re-familiarize myself with what happened

But yeah I’ll take a look at that love your tutorials boss well thank you mate thank you thank you thank you that is awesome oh wait the or the ore can actually stay yes the ore can stay oh boy oh boy oh boy you’re a hot fishy what a freaking

Awesome day man that’s so good now I’m doing even better with that name I’m doing awesome I’m doing swimmingly bro that was a dad joke if I’ve ever heard one man that’s ridiculous but it’s I I laughed so you know what I found it funny I found it really funny

Let’s go how do you create multiple uh lines of this you hold alt when you hold alt you can select multiple lines and then just do a lot of stuff like simultaneously so you can do like hello it is I Alton Joe you know for example

Can we get a big old all right oh I’m gonna do that just for you oh right we found this back and tell everyone’s more and in this live stream we’re going to be making some datagen for resource slimes isn’t that insane it is pretty freaking crazy let’s first of

All add the blocks over here so we need of course for a deferred register what do you need of course a public static void a register method with an event Plus Port event bus passing in to the register method let’s actually also add this modblocks.register passing in the event

Bus right here and let’s freaking go we of course need a bunch of helper methods in the mod blocks class so let’s just throw them in there why not it doesn’t even matter oh boy there’s no tab anymore so we gotta change a lot of things but we’ll see

He did the thing let’s go oh it’s really good I mean if this you know if this is uh this is what makes you happy then I’m then I’m happy as well that’s pretty cool um what is oh item properties yeah that makes a lot of sense okay so we need to

Do this and then no more Tab and then we should be fine right so something like that and then something like this let’s go okay is this Comm just real or Voice or is he faking it the rest of the time what do you mean like I mean there’s like low

Energy voice and like high energy voice right so if I’m so if I’m like on like if I’m doing a tutorial I I’m gonna be I’m gonna be a little bit different energy than I’m in a live stream because usually when I’m doing a tutorial I’m

Not recording for like two plus hours as a very rare rare one right it’s like it’s usually gonna be I mean I think I don’t even know what the longest tutorial is that I ever recorded like an hour and a bit something like that but it’s not gonna be like way more

I gotta go shop I’ll be back in 50 minutes all right my man good luck shopping for everything that you’re gonna need so citrine or let’s add all of the ore blocks because that’s going to be done anyway like we need that anyway okay copy of the following we wanted to

Copy of block start oh wait a second am I crazy yes blocks.stone yeah just just do that yeah that’s fine and then once again we want to select this press Ctrl H replace all everything done or I guess not that’s not good uh remove the third parameter expect the third parameter oh

What is the third parameter of the tab well we don’t have any tab how much did I miss from the live uh I have been live for I can’t even I don’t even know where I can see it I don’t know it’s been a while it’s been a bit

Have you ever messed up um on a tutorial I had to do it again I mess up all the time I I like the I just I just cut it out basically that’s that’s all I’m doing um like giant mess-ups I don’t think that that have been like giant mess-ups so far

I feel like that’s been like pretty okay register block item method why is this giving me craziness because no one knows 98 minutes there you go hour and a half awesome yeah that’s true I could have also just done it in my head well there

You go turns out the source code was in the extras oh um okay okay okay is already defined well that would well that would do it yeah no already defined that’s I sometimes sometimes sometimes even I get stumped by weird stuff like that okay let’s copy the

Stone of course these ones copy deep State otherwise they will not get the correct sound it’s always very important to keep in mind over here so that’s going to do deep slate and then this is going to copy End Stone I know your recording habit you record

For like six hours a day sometimes well yeah but like not in one video so it’s like you know you you know it is what it is what’s the best thing uh to what what’s the best thing to hit your head against you get yourself a

Banana duck and you talk to it and you say banana duck why does this not work and banana duck is concerned listen guys I’m not losing my mind are you crazy I’m not losing my mind you are mental if you think I’m losing my mind okay this is not none of this is

Happening no no no no no well that’s actually true like you just do that and then and then everything is just gonna work out fine uh this is the block States right yep it is this is no longer taking in a generator that’s now taking any pack output okay that’s fine

Where get banana dog I got that on on um on Amazon check you know you actually like coin right oh yes yes please there you go banana Doc is stack Overflow replacement exactly that’s exactly right you can’t lose something that you have lost already my mind

You might be true it might be true wait a second let me let me see let me see hydrate this is a good idea oh man the water guys that’s so good oh boy oh no okay let’s like see this is this is what happens by the way this is

What happens this is the reason why people are like when they’re like can you update your 112 mod to 118 five please this is what people would be dealing with they would be like oh no I have to like comment this out and then I have to comment this craziness out I

Don’t even know why oh this is just different okay that’s fair really went on Amazon so but I don’t talk and thought I gotta buy this my man I bought three of them what are you talking about of course yes I did I love it you know what it like it’s

Very easy right so I have it like sitting right here right and the thing about it is that every time I see it I smile I’ll laugh and you know what that’s totally worth it absolutely worth it three while two of them were a gift to for uh for uh um or

A family member you know so it was a good birthday gift two of them but one of them one of them I kept is I wanted to have one of those I was like yes that’s great yeah I got four of the three he bought that’s not even true

Petition for banana giveaway no of course not another guide on how to create obj models I have not dealt with obj stuff at all so I don’t I sadly don’t know good evening Misha good evening there might be there might be but you know um sometimes I like to over complicate

Things because you know that’s just that’s just the kind of stuff I do sometimes oh no oh no this is horrendous this is this is going to be rough okay so okay this is actually not that rough so item get path is replaced with this guy

Of course I forgot the the the eye there’s no I in item there’s also no team an item I mean there’s there’s almost an eye and it’s human item which is not the best why why would this be the case why would you ask for this because the

Item is not an item at all it’s actually a registry object isn’t it yeah of course you freaking you freaking registry object you that works registry object for the block easily enough replaced and then we just need to do this this is what I mean by like just this is really useful

Sometimes to have like everything done already we need to just import this and there you go freaking awesome that’s that’s all we need reused Mojang mappings I use parchment so yes it would be Mojang mappings but with parchment on top of course now there’s no need for the

Get over here so we’re going to replace it with nothing and no more errors almost ah this one still needs to okay fair enough do you can you do a cobbleman Fakemon tutorial actually kind of an interesting idea I was yeah that could be a good idea actually yeah

Stinking registry objects that’s true uh beginner’s a Minecraft Monastery unloving them let’s go to ask if there’s a way to modify existing Minecraft blocks instead of adding new ones there are of course ways to do that I usually don’t like showing how you can change a lot of stuff like that simply because

Um well usually usually if like people who are beginners you know I die like it’s it’s sort of like a power Beware of the power you wield you know it’s the legendary column draw you’ve been such a big help getting me into modding well thank you

You think thank you 27 off areas Pokemon day you know what I’ll think about that I’ll think about that that’s actually not the worst idea could do that I just even like oh okay okay and yeah that makes sense item tax Um Let’s uh let’s get rid of this for the time being why would they create it like in line over here as well kind of tired and go to sleep now at 7 15 all right man so take care talk to you soon I don’t I don’t really need this right

Now like is this needed can we just like get rid of this this is gonna be this is awesome this is horrendous have you tried mCP reborn I have not I have not tried that I would need to educate myself on this how long have you been working on this mod

I mean the original version is like oh man that’s a while ago now you know that’s a while ago um I don’t even know anymore wait what the heck what the heck it’s been a while um it is there you go but we also need the pack output for this

The lookup provider I think I don’t know if we need this right now but you know better to add it than not okay then for the uh recipes we need this but we don’t even have the recipes yet and the loot tables We’re Not Gonna add yet and then

This is gonna be the this guy which is gonna be bam and Bam and then pack output right here see this is the this is the this is the behind the scenes that you really want man what is schnitzel in Germany made out of it depends if you get a Venus schnitzel

So a Vienna schnitzel um if it’s if it’s cold viennages it has to be out of I don’t know what kalp is in in English so there you go you only get the German uh word uh if it is a Schnitzer Vina art then it can be out of anything and I

Think that and then it is made out of pork if I recall correctly so there you go didn’t you start spring of last year listen Okay level one Noob don’t yes it’s probably gonna be somewhere around there yeah yes oh boy hello hello let’s just do it like this let’s just

Comment it out why would this be why is this the case by the way category and item like oh man but like we could I could just add a category right I do I need it though don’t need it I don’t need it right now just just get

Rid of it it doesn’t matter for driving me nuts to trying to get it to work schnitzel is also really popular as lunch for kids as a matter of chicken but we also have chicken chicken schnitzel sure item tags loot tables oh boy this is completely different the entire

Class is completely different oh just just get rid of it just get rid of it I don’t want to see it anymore recipes oh boy I don’t think it’s that different but like it’s just I like I just this is the this is the issue on in copying over

Stuff look at this look at this what is this this is so much oh boy oh boy oh boy okay okay okay let’s see loot table provider that’s done that’s done now he got the loot over here which is just gonna throw the same error I mean

Okay you gotta like you gotta get like part by part done okay you can’t you can’t get everything done in one bite it’s the same when you have like schnitzel or anything like that oh I should just delete those I should just delete that and like copy it over

When I need it honestly that’s probably going to be easier my friend is visiting Germany soon let’s go very cool that is very cool indeed I don’t think I have any more errors uh run data oh let’s go run data it’s gonna work first try let’s just see no errors present for me

It’s always the case every time I run my data it works schnitzel now you’re making me hungry guys stop that that’s not good what an error in my code citrine ore is not okay I didn’t add the block textures you know what that’s fair that’s that’s okay okay you need that’s

I guess that’s fair I didn’t I wasn’t aware that I wanted to add the the blocks as well so you know it is what it is now it’s gonna work though haha datagen using gecko lip 2 and block model is there um is there when I place it but it doesn’t show up

In the inventory item model Json file properly I guess then you add a fighter slime I mean there’s gonna be like a I mean there’s gonna be like a slime that that you can like this is gonna be a lava slime you’d really wanted the code to work first try

Listen guys like you gotta you gotta remember like sometimes you gotta hype it up a little bit okay like like before when when when I used to do this on Twitch um the morning Mondays I would actually do a um I would actually do a uh we would Gamble

The channel points on this stack underflow great name I love that that is awesome new resource resource slimes geez can you actually write this yes you can okay there you go I can create a mob with with more than one hitbox no idea probably take a look at the Ender Dragon

Which is a little bit a little bit more complicated never done that before oh you can use gecko lip from for blocks as well no no that that works I didn’t add it I didn’t add a creative tab like that’s just not let’s make custom slime block in 119 1.

On 191 of all the of all the things that you could do it why 119 one mod creative mode tab but you use the same geojson file I I’ve not worked with it with gecko live for a while now I just it’s it’s been a while it’s been a while

Um let’s do the Creative Mode tab over here I’m going to do the register method over here uh I didn’t I didn’t copy this from the tutorial mod you didn’t see anything Listen this is why it’s really useful to be the tutorial guy because you just copy our own stuff I mean it’s just it doesn’t even matter in the end it doesn’t even matter that’s that’s the awesome bit about it that’s the whole reason I’m doing it just so I

Can copy it from myself I mean that’s that would be great but it’s not quite alrighty this is not even a sapphire this is the everything sure nah let’s get the raw citrine I think that’s fine no no you don’t understand you don’t understand okay now he understands there you go

Projectile entity is 120. I think we’re gonna do that yeah I think we’re gonna do that ready to have resource what is the name of this I think we’re going to do custom um projectiles because there’s like a couple of pitfalls there I already have

It in the uh in the course by the way custom projectiles and custom throwable projectiles as well um that is a thing oh boy what was it called before item group um creative tab resource slime tab there you go and then we can do the same thing here let’s go have you um

Oh my Lord are you gonna record it on how to make a GUI in the micro menu depends on what the like I mean I guess it depends on what the Minecraft menu is like um I mean I guess raw uncut cuts makes sense and then infused

I need to need to add the get over here as well oh boy oh intelligent the new version yes um I need to really update my IntelliJ you were absolutely correct there’s no information about the GUI settings menu I should really do something like that yeah um

Okay citrine zero Corners the second one uncut zero con and then we got cut xerocon and they’ve got infused zircon there you go how do you make mob that can take on many different models like cobhamon did they take a lot unlike different models I guess you would just switch out the model

You like the new UI I think the new UI is actually okay but I just you know I will probably also have to get used to it because I mean it just is what it is but yeah raw is Tanzanite already three am I crazy really no it can’t be the case right

Exactly cut diamonds and stuff come first see I’m not crazy I was like tanzanite is way higher up he got an uncut die oh cut diamond okay so you get cut diamond yeah and then the infused one okay okay I I am almost yeah variant models like tropical fish oh

Variants ovarians are really easy they are pretty easy also added in the um in the course by the way take a look at the first two links in the description below currently on sale um but yeah variants I don’t know if I’m gonna do variants in the tutorials this this time around

We’ll I don’t know yet but this it’s it’s still up in the air um but they are pretty straightforward you can take a look at the old um the old ones I have a tutorial on that for 118 I think um that one should still

I mean at least it’s gonna get you shove you in the right direction I mean not Nothing’s Gonna like work one to one but like I guess better than like having nothing tanzanite infused tanzanite okay what else is there black opal there’s a lot of there’s a lot of stuff

To this mod man cut and then we got black opal uncut and then we got the cut version like opal and then lastly the infused black opal are you send a full text component in chat I don’t I don’t know what that means forces go over things like spreading blocks they do not

That is not a thing that I have right now and I’m I don’t know if I’m gonna I don’t know if that’s gonna be a thing that I want to do probably not there’s like so many the issue is like there’s so many things that I could be

Adding it’s crazy let’s go I’m not late you are not you are still here as I’m going and losing my mind it’s not actually that bad it’s not that bad it is not that bad at all okay this is gonna be the following uh you should do a Showcase of Isle of

Burke as dragons yo we we out here having dragons now crazy after hello Mr HK I’m such a big fan well thank you it’s awesome to hear we’re gonna we’re uh we’re out here doing some stuff what are you doing I am making resource slimes my own mod working on my

Own mod over here we will be in the in the game shortly you you we just have to add just a couple more things over here to the creative mode Tab and then you can actually go into the game and take a look at this there’s

One more ore right yeah black opal of course there’s black opal or there you go and then this one is the end one and now we should have everything added here in the tutorial tab okay call this like resource tab resource slime tap yeah it doesn’t matter what it’s called

Anyway it’s never used anywhere and now we can go into the game and actually see stuff let’s go Again Minecraft once again exactly this is true what’s going on what’s going to be the icon raw citrine right now I’m making a mod 2. let’s go let’s see you’re gonna see the awesome textures

From Nano attack listen genuinely though like if we actually take a look at this I love this play lows come on guys guys look at those textures and tell me they are not freaking awesome where is the raw black opal I forgot one yeah it’s it’s

There you go because the raw one is actually one of the best oh yeah there you go uh make a mob which can give 3D staff like switching models but not replace it I am unsure what do you mean you saw the black oh damn crazy I compete with those textures I

Think wow that’s crazy I mean I still I still like them unfortunately I have to go greetings from Poland all right thank you for joining us though how do you add a gif item texture it is it is supported by Minecraft only not a gif it is just smarts over here

This is done the following way so I can show you how this is done um I don’t have do I have a tutorial on that I maybe not actually it is in the course I don’t know if I have a tutorial on that I don’t need to double check

Basically you just add the different like different um textures here in one file right and then you add an emcee meta file that basically just says hey this is the frame time on how fast this is going to display each of the different textures and then there you go

And that gets you some cool freaking visuals pretty nice hmm oh yeah it’s pretty cool and that just makes it like look so awesome you do in previous versions I thought it’s different textures I mean it is different textures it’s just that you know it just goes through the same texture basically

Um and then just looks at it pretty nice though this all work wait see hey listen you can go you can go crazier with this by the way there’s like there’s like a um there’s a way that you can do this which is uh even crazier

Wait a second I might want to I might want to show this um do I have a 3D 3D animal so you know how you can add a 3D item model to Minecraft with like blockbench right so for example oh boy let me just see if there’s anything here um

I think I did it with a spec with the radiation stuff or it doesn’t matter no let’s take the let’s take the other one let’s see the Ruby stuff like you know how in blockbench you have like one texture right and you can like add stuff to it

In theory you can add the same texture on top of each other and do the same thing with a with a 3D model as well like with the MC metaphile and it’s going to change the color of the of the thing it’s not going to change the um

Change the shape but it’s going to change the color which is you know that’s still pretty cool I mean it’s better than nothing right like that’s that’s pretty awesome do you make your textures or does someone else know the person who is called a nano attack in the chat over

Here does all of my textures or most of the textures let’s say uh not all of them sometimes I also get some other people too and commission them to make some textures but most of the time it is a good old Nano attack because you know

It’s just been it’s just nice it’s just nice working with people but you know like everything’s going to be nice and awesome um but I’ve worked with a lot of different people so far like doing textures and so far I’ve always been thoroughly impressed I’m gonna be real it’s always been great

Um their texture like people’s textures have always been really cool and uh yeah that’s that’s awesome better animation flipping a coin okay nice it is true it is very true yeah so those are the different um different things over here these are the oh that’s awesome added to all of that

Stuff already let’s go okay let’s see what is like another um let’s say like low hanging fruit that we can add yeah like I think that’s not like too crazy because like the issue is oh the resource line but like that’s so much The Entity oh boy that’s gonna be a rough one Um I could though there’s so many things bro the resource slime okay look at this right like it’s 462 lines long okay like it’s a lot um I might start tutorials LMAO like making them very cool there are so few people who do the tutorials so you know absolutely um

You’d be doing on adding a custom bucket um I mean I don’t know how often I should like answer you not um I might do custom fluids which would include a custom bucket but just custom bucket doesn’t like I don’t I don’t know have you showed the slimes

Yet oh you haven’t seen them yet I feel like there’s a lot of people who are coming in and out so let’s just let’s just show the the old version again one more time I’m gonna show you the old version of resource slimes again um

I mean I don’t know that I would have to the the resource times are going to be so rough to add man it’s gonna be like so much to change I don’t know also wait a second no no wait wait a moment like it doesn’t close

The Java stuff not do this that’s so annoying okay let’s just how to make airplane let’s sudden custom fluid holder Maybe I mean a customer fluid holder I mean I guess that could be it meaning like a wooden bucket oh I see now I understand

What you mean okay sorry I was yeah okay that makes a lot more sense I haven’t thought about it before um I don’t know I mean it might be just doing that but I don’t think it is I think you need to add like a custom

Um let me think about this you need to add a custom capability to the item so it would need to be like an item fluid capability to add to the item I don’t know it it could work but I don’t I’m unsure about it but it could be the case yeah but these

Are the slimes by the way if for for anyone who hasn’t seen them yet so this would be a this would be the um wait why can I not oh there it is wait what the heck is it oh the hitbox didn’t update wait a second that’s that’s a wait

Oh the hitbox doesn’t update anyway also that’s so that’s an interesting one now it updated um okay something going on here but anyway so this is the uh this is the diamond slime it’s pretty cool right time set today look at him look at him going on here

Who makes the text to the models for your tutorial so most of the textures um from the tutorials and all of that are made by nanotech over here um but some of them have been made by other people as well um that I’ve just commissioned to make

Some other textures when you just copy the vanilla bucket you might it might be able to yes you might be able to I’m still confused on how you make entities well let’s dispel that illusion and let’s create the resource slime over here let’s do this let’s at least add

A resource line and you can right click and get any like one item out of it that’s all we’re going to do now so resource slime add a new package entity let’s actually let’s actually do this properly wait a second I have to get into this Zone just one second oh

All right friends that I can tell everyone’s more and in this live stream right now we’re going to add a custom entity namely a resource time so for this we already have our entity package right here and we’re going to right click new Java class called the mod

Entities there we freaking go and for this the best thing to do is just to copy over some work we’ve already done previously because in this case I actually know well basically everything I’m doing so I’m okay with copying certain things over this is not a thing

That I would recommend for beginners I highly recommend to always be sure to you know keep things um simple and not to copy everything over especially things you don’t understand because if you don’t understand something and just copying it over could be detrimental to I mean a

Lot of things basically so this is going to be the resource slime entity that we’re going to need absolutely freaking fantastic and this is going to be going into the custom package here of course resource slime entity let’s create that over here and there we go this of course

Extends the slime entity class no only the Slime actually there we go and we’re going to hover over this crit Constructor matching super and in theory we would be done but of course we need more stuff do during the tutorial juice it’s so funny like it’s just awesome

Like I can just uh you know it’s I like that it’s really good I like that like how I can make make you all happy while doing that that’s that’s really good that’s that’s a superpower if I’ve ever seen one you know that’s pretty good okay resource time entity though

Okay let’s think about this um what do I need like I could just like copy the entire class but I don’t think so okay let’s first of all add the Slime controller over here the reason why I needed the Slime controller by the way is just because

Otherwise I think oh wait wouldn’t this work with a slime though because the Slime has it on its own I don’t know if it does well just try it out why not let’s just you know let’s just try this out so we don’t even need any of that so

The only thing we need here right is just right clicking functionality now uh you know it’s a good day when you hear all right we finish this back in Taylor once more it’s actually crazy how like crazy like how fast I can say it at this point

Public speaking 100 I don’t know if it’s a hundred but pretty high up there man it’s pretty high up there I’m trying a bit of hovering over the arrow with a mouse you can just press alt and enter I mean yeah but you know then you know what you’re doing

And sometimes the actual error that it’s giving you um is not always or like the the solutions giving you is not always the thing that you want to do so keep that in mind as well okay let’s see that okay sounded like a little bit Canadian didn’t it

I don’t even know what that like what does that even mean I mean obviously it means that what it means but yeah literally just overriding the mob interact method right there you go and then there you go Redstone Yano hello great morning playlists well thank you

Nios thank you thank you do you like a business presentation in the tutorial voice do you like a business and that I don’t even know like what do you mean like um so it would be what would it be like I it’s really hard like if I don’t do

The all right it’s really hard to get into the tutorial voice wait a second I right click on resource slimes or create a new package and then what we’re going to do is so welcome to my presentation over here I want to show you a great new business idea that I

Have and it’s going to blow your freaking mind okay you know what we’re gonna do okay let’s you know how Gamers they love group loot boxes right loot boxes are I mean let’s be honest everyone loves them everyone buys them it is absolutely freaking awesome okay

What else do Gamers love of course nfts okay but just wait a second we’re not done yet because you might be like okay nfts and loot boxes I mean that’s that’s already going pretty crazy but we’re not done yet because you know what we need to add as well let me actually let’s

Listen listen listen you don’t need to only add loot boxes and nfts you know what you also need AI AI nft loot box game we’re gonna make trillions we’re gonna be better than EA with that stuff it’s gonna be off the charts it’s gonna be awesome there you go that’s that’s that’s there

You get my freaking business idea oh okay all right let’s just um stick why would this be isn’t okay that’s fine why is why is AI such a big thing now why wouldn’t be he is now less crazy listen I’ve been I I it’s I’m growing

More crazy by the minute okay like by the minute output info no no no I don’t want to Output info I want to harvest a resource let’s go let’s keep the Harvest resource then let’s keep this and no more crouching needed and then we’re just gonna get the

Harvester resource and we’re just gonna spawn any item any old item modding my Inland draw okay maybe AI plus fabric modding Big W oh boy what did I do okay you make custom structures sure Uh custom structures coming at some point definitely okay we don’t need this we don’t need

This we don’t need this what is the item stack new item stack of mod items no items Dot iron ingots sure no player or hand needed awesome it’s even better damn this is a resource line by the way like oh interesting okay yeah I generated loot boxes listen to me

Listen to me AI generated loot boxes that drop nfts oh what a great idea man um I have to make like a like a parody short of this this is actually a really good idea actually this I should I should really do that Okay so we’ve now added an entity I can

Right click this entity to harvest the resource and 16 iron ingots are going to drop if I do that it doesn’t have a texture or anything like that just yet so for this we need to of course add a client package how long um do um how long do you wait

How long do you are modding in Minecraft um I have been modding for like I don’t even know maybe like three years like pretty consistently before that I don’t even know I don’t even know um but yeah how do you learn it yeah so Java is a

Good idea I have to I do have a Java introduction on my channel over here so that can be quite useful use resource slime model we also need the resource slime renderer hello there will be lesson to create a user interface for a block or element

Yes that would be a block entity a basically like a furnace right you right click the furnace in a in a new window pops up that is going to be done in the tutorials I don’t know when yet though like that’s I don’t yeah but it should

Be done yeah it should be at some point be done oh no this is so much stuff I’m just I’m just thinking I’m just thinking you know I think I feel like I feel like I should just do I should just do it easily and then just chaining it learning Java

Is for nerds just make the first just follow the five tutorials and make some something explosive I don’t know man it’s fine you can you can do that but you know it’s okay okay let’s do the render first um oh no that’s actually that’s the layer oh boy oh boy

Honestly let’s just try this I don’t know if this is gonna work slime renderer I’m a question about modding courses are they like video um are they like videos like the free ones or are they live no they are like the they are they are already created videos

Um like the like the tutorials but there’s like way more breadth or width depth all of it basically just like more many more things English might not be first language but that’s kind of rude what is rude oh okay that is actually quite rude okay listen yeah okay Lord energy Kitty

That’s fine but like uh you are you are kind of mistaken by the following fact and the fact is that you know you were like oh this person can’t speak English very well so maybe they have an accent you know what an accent is an accent is actually showing

Bravery rather than anything else I I would like to see you go into a country of that like for example if you were to visit a country of which language you don’t or barely speak and then just like go ahead and you know show your bravery there and like try to

Speak with people right I mean I think I think that is it’s very unfair um so yeah they can speak multiple languages I mean it’s fine they’re German right this is correct I am German hello I don’t I don’t even know I was stupid but you know it’s still fun

It’s rude it’s clearly a joke it doesn’t I mean it can be a joke it can even be a funny joke but it can still be rude there’s things can be multiple different things at once it’s crazy I know it’s it’s pretty insane it is actually true though things can be um

Things can be multiple things at once I don’t know if this is just gonna work what mod you working on homie I am working on a resource slimes comic stores Deutschland yeah these are chats is known uh is noon brick what is it what is it this is Republic Deutschland just see there’s

Like gonna be like five or ten people who are now going to write German comments because they are like but like he bit on a on a download like don’t don’t go crazy right we don’t have that many things I do have a Discord yes let

Me just let me link it to you it is Discord GG slash Commodore there you go garter snake hello what do you mean Estates whether or not I’m German or not Firestorm yes oh interesting I’m not gonna tell you what city I’m from I’m from North Rhine Westphalia

NIV that’s all let’s Okay like let’s not go crazy over here I’m not gonna tell you what city I’m from here you go that’s that’s that I love how two people are like uh which which city are you from that’s funny that’s kind of funny okay so slime renderer doing the model I

Think that that’s just like I I don’t even know if I need to do anything else um I think I just do that I mean I can just do like entity rendros dot register mod entities .resourcelimes.get and then just the slime renderer I’m calling you I guess that works as well

Are you married how old are you I’m not married and I’m I’m not at Liberty to say how old I am no I’m I’m 28. um me when anyone gets calm’s location nah cologne is the only good thing in NRV oh boy oh boy let’s not start that okay

Let’s not let’s not go too crazy over here okay let’s not this is not good hashtag old well I mean hashtag experienced think about it like that think about it like that I think that the resource line should actually uh render as a normal slime now

What’s the mod mate well I will I will show you I’ll show you so basically I want to add slimes that grow with different resources and um yeah what does Calvin mean it’s a it’s a port thing from my last name which I took for my online Alias which is a genuinely a

Great idea that’s pretty good V is this indechron it’s pretty good actually it’s I’m doing pretty good I was wondering if you can show me how to make animated boot screen I don’t know even how to do that boxed hello hello I I recognize that name

How are you doing I turned 20 this year I’m feeling old nah it’s always about it’s a bit about the feeling first time catching uh the live one over here one of these ah there you go well hello there hello hello um let’s see if if we can spawn this guy

I don’t think it’s no okay wait a second I can do a poll engage with your audience wait a second start a poll let’s go is the slime going to spawn without error yes or no ask your community let’s see can we do that let’s go okay we’re gonna

We’re gonna do a poll we’re gonna see if this is gonna okay let’s see what you think immediately 60 60 freaking one percent no okay well now we’re now we’re like okay we’re evening out but we’ll see I mean listen you’re not gonna win anything it’s just a poll for fun okay

It’s just a poll for fun opinion on create it’s the best mod that was ever made Captain Joe never makes mistakes I would not go that far that is not the case that is not the case at all okay I love like how I’m not now like oh I do make

Mistakes and people are like going on to the no now someone made a live remote that limit lets you make a item with 2B texture and 3d hand um garter snake is this for a fabric or for Forge in 4G just works with a Json file if it’s for fabric then

That’s an interesting one although I gotta be honest it I it’s kind of not really needed but you know it is what it is well we’ll see this is going to be okay we’ll uh we’ll give it like a couple of more um seconds over here and then we’ll end it

I’m interesting hello hello I have plans to make an entity tutorial for gecko lip 3. okay so the poll wait where can I see the poll I’ve ended the poll can I not see it now where is it by Pole oh there it is 55 said no aren’t you gonna be silly off

God damn it ah okay okay okay you got it you got it it’s fine it’s the attributes I knew it it was the attributes I was like the attributes are it’s not gonna work with the attributes I I had to I have to add the attributes for the for the custom

One I didn’t add that so there you go okay okay okay yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah you laughed you freaking new guys go ahead go ahead and laugh mod event bus events there you go you need to add the freaking attribute over here this guy this is what we need

To do resource slime mod entities mod entities resource line adding this anything else no anything else this is all we need it’s always the attributes for some reason it’s true it really is never works first time listen Okay it it might stream froze there’s no there’s no freezing over here okay we’re we’re

Doing good you search create Aeronautics I’ve I mean I know create Aeronautics it’s pretty it’s pretty crazy anything create is crazy like in a good way the fact that that works oh man the fact that they get that freaking mod to work is insane to me that’s so that’s a

That’s an achievement in and of itself okay awesome will that make one every time but it’s gonna spawn this time because I’m a freaking genius and you know what I can do I can right click it and what’s going to spawn 16 freaking uh iron over here look at this damn I’m

Gonna just Spam it as well look at this infinite resource glitch let’s go baby Cookie Clicker but with uh oh man cookie clicker in Minecraft I think that that would be a really good Minecraft mod imagine that wait a second that could actually work oh man I shouldn’t have

Said that now no cut it out of the cut it out of the freaking things people should not know oh no are these gonna be resource lamps the resource slimes oh no look at this look at this all the little resource lines over here get rid of them okay it’s all good

Oh man that was that was that was a lot of iron there you go it works absolutely freaking awesome absolutely awesome progress update I was gone for 20 minutes Edo you just missed the slimes how do you generate slab stairs and walls in fabric datogen well you are in

Luck you know why because uh when is this gonna come out on the 14th of August no wait that been what in Forge or fabric wait a second you say Fabric in fabric on the 15th of August you’re gonna find out exactly that on this channel right here

It’s gonna be awesome it’s gonna be a tutorial on that the new resource line updates are crazy it’s true this is true you just exercise pulse when you click oh oh whoa Wibble wobble absolutely there’s a proof of concept over here like that’s that’s the only thing

You missed the slimes not working man I mean listen it is what it is like this is just a proof of concept but imagine this is like all we need right and now you just need to like add all the rest all the resources and all of the freaking like registering of the

Resources and and and and and so many more things I’ve got to make an item turn a block into another Block in Forge well I mean creating another block is just you know set block on a world so it’s just in the like right clicking functionality of the item it’s very easy

Happens to the best of us it’s okay listen sometimes there are moments when you cannot perform right even as a an expert modder there are going to be moments when the performances are going to be lacking and then that’s okay it’s fine they’re still they’re still good

You give us custom blocks the hitbox from a slab I don’t know what that means I don’t know what that means maybe it’s a it’s a good idea though um interesting well anyway this is a good thing to have what else is there well adding all of the resources is going to

Be a big ordeal because that’s gonna be like system Forge registry entry oh boy oh this is so much to do though like it’s just not I just don’t like I know that it’s like an interesting thing but it’s it’s also a lot quick question would it be possible to create a looping

Array the Adam um more easily generate blocks by just adding the name to the list did you um did I remember this correctly that you asked the a similar question on the Discord before with the with the looping of the different like blocks and stuff the answers in theory yes I mean that

That would be would be possible absolutely um it just depends on like where exactly like everything is going to be so as an example for this is 118 so it’s a little bit older but um I have a similar type similar ish thing so that would be the following so this is

Um for the data gen I’ve basically used this so I have a I have this like resources over here so those are all of the Slime resources this is a defer this is a registry right in theory this is a forge registry that contains all of the

Resources that are created right here in the summary no built-in slime resources this is it so these are all the resources that are in here and when I call slime resources get values it’s going to be basically just a list of all the Slime resources and then

I just do stuff with it basically um I don’t think I create any item models item tags I don’t create oh wait a second I do create items with it wait a second wait I do create items with it I I do right wait a second built in okay

Um then it’s okay then it’s gonna be a little bit right here what items register slime item slime item for all of our different things so basically I yeah every time you register one you okay it’s a little bit different sorry hello from struggling for hours how to

Make a loom like block with three more slots that’s quite complicated that’s a that’s a um the custom block entity so you know would be fun if you made another video where Chad GPT codes in Minecraft mod I might do that I might do

That a big I wanna I wanna change um I want to change countman’s role I want to change the calendar channel that where where this happened before and probably put a lot of stuff like that on on this channel instead because I want to go on

Another things yo are you gonna play on a server probably not today I will see maybe starts taking notes and listen man you I I recommend it it’s a good idea I could uh reference blocks a loop without the get method wait it could be hard to reference the

Blocks you registered in a loop without the get method you want to take that into account listen this is a very specific thing that we have here right have you had issues with the attribute supplier with the slime well I I had it before but then I added

The the event over here if you have an issue with a with an attribute just didn’t add the attribute for your for your custom entity I’m trying to follow your blog entities from when I realize that I’m not trying to make a container but a crafting block

But like okay I mean you could take a look at the crafting table of in in theory but yeah I’m gonna work when you get uh to my mod could you ping me I think I’m not gonna get to your mod today in yard near we’ll probably uh push that to uh

Next week though I think that that makes the most amount of sense ask for account um Discord when I run into issues Google can’t help that’s fair listen I mean the count like uh account map is open for anyone and that’s totally fine absolutely any joke languages are there

In Minecraft upside down pirate I think that there’s like some sort of hieroglyphics as well when you can make resource times for fabric man I’ve just like started thinking about doing resource slimes with 120 in Forge and you’re like when is it gonna come to fabric

We’ll see about that I don’t know yet but I I do kind of want to do it I want to get like a Baseline functioning like something that just like something that at least works even if it has a couple of like a couple of you know things that don’t quite work

And then we’ll see take a look at the loom block and when I try to replicate it it’s like 226. when will it come to hightail I can’t zoom I have to I have to do a manual zoom are you are you for real right now you freaking you freaking

As soon as this is gonna be the first mode I’m gonna make in hightail resource slimes and hightail which is more powerful useful they’re pretty much almost the same to be honest with you um uh they’re almost the same pretty much forging fabric they share about 70 to 80

Of their mods and um yeah can I get some opinions on Textures from you what you can do is you can post your Textures in the modding showcase channel on my Discord server if you’re not in there uh oh that’s not right this is gonna be right here

There you go this is the Discord server um you can post it in the modern showcase channel that that’s basically where people um give like some feedback that’s a lot of people play on after all yeah well 30th of February when will resource slimes game be coming to steam

Oh boy oh boy they’re now or now we’re going now we’re absolutely going oh boy oh boy oh boy this is not um when will okay oh a magic mod like thumb craft yeah that’s that’s a big one that’s a big one let me actually switch to this guy over here

Just because why not there you go when is it coming to Gmod okay now now you’re getting ridiculous guys now or now we’re over going crazy resource slimes Discord part bruh love the Blazer thank you it’s pretty good right just wait until next week we’re gonna have another um we’re

Gonna have another suit then I have a lot of Suits specifically for exactly this specifically for exactly this is the idea PlayStation 5 Edition yeah okay okay okay I have been a software developer for 25 years and love coding let’s go oh that was a voice crack did

You hear that that was a voice crack and I have yeah how much was that suit oh this one specifically I think I got on for 40 bucks on sale this is including pants by the way and they um and it also includes a tie so do keep

That in mind that that is included I just don’t wear that I just wear the the Blazer the jacket basically at their own mods I was thinking ducky I was thinking about like adding a making a server where people add like modes from the community but it’s like I don’t know man it’s

I don’t know it’s uh it’s a little bit of a thing like resource slimes Aero plane when airplane when oh boy everyone knows streamers don’t wear pants listen I’m not gonna stand up okay that’s all I’m gonna say Okay We’re not gonna have a hog Shack We’re not gonna

Do a twirl over here none of that’s gonna happen that sounds like hell to maintain which one exactly airplane mode slimes resource slimes coming to real life I think you can’t escalate it any further guys I think that that’s I think that that’s the ceiling stand up no

Okay should I should I bait it listen okay listen I can’t do anything about it do I’m gonna stand up if someone um gives some memberships or for a uh for 10 bucks as a freaking um what is it called I don’t even know what it’s called

Um like a super chat then I’m gonna stand up you can you can buy you can buy a hawk check but I that’s not for free are you crazy you know how many of people like people pay for stuff like that have you seen the crazy things people like pay

For on only fans someone do it I’m just saying that’s listen Okay you gotta at least like give me something over here okay like I can’t just like go empty headed that’s crazy for standing up and then I’m gonna do a twirl just for you just

For you but I have to make sure that that’s like T West this is gonna be TOS oh boy oh boy let’s hope that it’s not gonna be there that’s so crazy that’s crazy stuff man that’s crazy stuff recess lives off no no I was so what I was thinking about

Actually was this okay I was thinking about you could make an of and upload all I could upload all of the errors that happened during the tutorials like what so stupid but it’s kind of a funny idea right just basically like every time there’s an error during while

I’m recording a tutorial that would be like behind the scenes for of um it is very stupid and I don’t think I’m gonna do it but that would be really funny and you could do something like you could call it something like um I don’t know stripping stripping everything away seeing

Um I don’t even know seeing um seeing everything later bear all the way to the source code uh what else is there gonna gonna show you my floppy disk wait no no wait wait my hard drive my hard drive now my floppy disk are you crazy that’s the real naughty bits that’s true

That is true man when it works the first time oh boy when it works the first time Vince McMahon GIF that’s that’s the thing remove the Polish remove the Polish you said remove the Polish that’s not no no don’t do that don’t do that no no

Listen that’s that’s not what I mean are you gonna make a Minecraft mod I mean I I was making a micro mod but um we are sort of at the at the end that’s horrible that’s horrible you can’t say that you can’t say that oh that’s amazing man I come back and the

First thing you can make an of listen you can no you have to put the P wait let’s Lexia moment listen a uppercase B on that and a lowercase b and that is a huge difference it’s a huge freaking difference man that is not a good thing that is a really bad

Thing an uppercase layer is not something that you should say oh boy band oh boy oh no full stream yeah well we’ll continue with this um like I said every monday-ish I’m probably gonna take like one Monday a month off from the from modding Mondays but yeah we’ll go through

Somewhere around three to five different um three to five different um like three to five different uh mods mods basically um I mean you know we’re we’re slowly moving towards that shadow game yeah um no don’t do that James don’t do that um yeah so basically like I don’t know

Three to five Community mods in the beginning and then we’ll see and then we shall see um like where this uh where this goes but then you know basically continuing resource times I’m probably gonna do just a couple of things for resource slimes uh off screen because I think

That I’m not gonna do it like the like the guys who who go off screen and then like uh oh guys I mind a little bit off screen uh diamonds you know and then all of a sudden you get like freaking eight stacks of diamonds okay that’s not

That’s not gonna happen no that’s not that’s that’s gonna be okay but yeah that’s the that’s the general idea um we’ll see we’ll see I’m watching your blogging tutorial and nothing matches the thing I want to achieve I want to agree another container well I mean the best thing to

Do is probably take a look at the stone cutter and or the crafting table that’s that’s the best idea probably uh to take a look at then I would say I think that that’s probably gonna be best case scenario for you to take a look at that GUI listen okay don’t you

Make fun of how I say GUI it’s gooey GUI it’s it’s gooey all in order block entity tutorial I don’t think that that works I think that they all they’re all um like everything like they’re all for uh for like entire block entities I guess why is your intelligent not updated

I have not gotten around to updating it I’m gonna I’m Gonna Make You This Promise I’m gonna update it for next time the g u i um the g u I um people are having fun with their reactions we’re gonna get a few hundreds over here I can do reactions as well oh

I can’t freak freak I can’t I have to do it here there you go get a few hundreds no update now please I don’t even know check General chat guys there’s a lot of stuff over here okay I can’t even what the frick is this oh

This is a clip oh no oh no I said remove the Polish that’s That’s what a freaking stupid clips oh also gotta stick that should be um this should be ghosts posted in the in the freaking live stream Clips but yeah that’s kind of funny though that’s kind of funny oh man that’s awesome well anyway guys uh that was a stream and uh like I said

Next time we’re definitely gonna be back next week on Monday again with some more Community mods if you once again want your community mod to be added or to to possibly be shown join the Discord server and make sure of course to read the rules and then a

Little bit far below their Community mods channel is where you want to post either your modern or your um or your curse Forge page to your mod highly recommended to do that um and then also in the description below right here the courses are still

On sale until the 13th of August it is a seal right now 50 off there’s I mean so many things added right now there’s custom biomes over there two high block crops we got entities uh like tameable entities writable entities there are so many things in the courses highly

Recommended to go at least check it out you don’t have to buy it of course absolutely no worries but yeah there you go that would pretty much be everything I have for today thank you so much for joining over here it was a I mean it was

Crazy I I’ve been seeing the viewers it was absolutely insane uh next time we’ll definitely look at more mods and we’ll continue to work on resource slimes until then hope to see you next time so yeah oh after after I have to end it here oh no so yeah

This video, titled ‘Modding Monday: Community Mods & Making a Minecraft Mod’, was uploaded by Modding by Kaupenjoe on 2023-08-07 18:35:02. It has garnered 1927 views and 148 likes. The duration of the video is 02:40:52 or 9652 seconds.

Modding Monday 😎




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  • Memelands – Vanilla 15+ SMP Whitelist No resets 1.20.4

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  • INSANE Day 3 in Hardcore Minecraft! What Happens Next? #hardcore #100days

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Modding Monday: Community Mods & Making a Minecraft Mod