Moocake: The YouTuber From Hell Exposed

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Greetings comrades it’s been a while since I’ve uploaded on this YouTube channel and for that I do sincerely apologize it’s been a very busy year for me aside from looking for my companion dinosaur Tyrone the Tyrannosaurus Rex I’ve also been sech searching for a stable base of operations to actually

Look for him and make these degenerate videos and all the while that’s been going on I’ve been moving from place to place and just generally trying to keep my lights on have you seen the state of the of the world recently keeping your lights on is hard enough on its own cut

Me a break you’ll be pleased to hear though that I do now have a bit more of a permanent residence shall we say and this happens to be the shed of said permanent residence don’t worry I don’t live in like a padded cell or anything I

Can just stay out here and scream and shout to my heart content without annoying everybody else that lives with me penis you see no noise complaints it’s a dream come true anyway I have been meaning to get back to the old youu of tubes despite how grumpy and old I

Just sounded it is genuinely one of my favorite hobbies and so to Kickstart things back off I’d like to tell you all a Story Once Upon a Time on the 22nd of September 2019 I finished an uploaded a we old YouTube video here it is and

There’s me at the time I’m 19 I’ve just started my second year of University and I am desperately clinging onto a fringe it wasn’t a good look I’ll be realistic it was soon replaced by this very weird hat anyway I uploaded the video went on my way and other than reading some of

The comments bored in the back of a lecture I didn’t really think anything of it that evening right as I was heading out to the pub to meet some friends my Discord just blew up with notifications I had a quick look and it turns out the very content creator i’

Meaned and discussed not a few hours ago had joined the Muk Discord server and was asking to speak with me personally this threw me a hell of a lot firstly because like I said I was 19 and at this time I had about a th000 subscribers

Tops I wasn’t used to being trapped down by other YouTubers let alone ones with 3 million plus subscribers secondly as well just because I wasn’t sure if this was actually real or not for a good 10 minutes but once I was certain this was

Legit I typed out what I hope was a firm but polite response and this guy seemed to accept it he shortly [ __ ] off afterwards and I then breathlessly legged it to the pub to explain to my friend what the hell had just happened I didn’t think much more of it at the time

And that’s probably down to a mixture of relief and sheer confusion to be perfectly honest and so the video Grew Older and the event itself Grew Older and found itself in the back of my Dusty Very Old Man brain eventually though about a year and a half ago this guy

Cropped up on my radar again I can’t even remember what it was to be honest it was just like a tweet or something like that and it peaked my cure osity I found myself thinking back to the day i’ actually spoken with this guy how had he

Found me why had he found me I found myself asking I did a bit of light digging and it turns out that this is something this guy does quite a lot as you’ll hear about later on in this video and evitably then I found myself thinking about making a second video on

This guy maybe longer more in depth discussing my experiences with him as well and then I completely forgot about it and and never did it this is something I do quite a lot and long-term viewers of this degenerate YouTube channel will be well familiar with with this they’re also well aware of how

Little a [ __ ] I give I’m not remotely sorry I’m doing my best at this video uploading [ __ ] I mean look at me deal with it I’m clearly a very dysfunctional man about a month ago I learned very late admittedly that this guy’s Channel had finally been terminated which

Honestly is the best news I’ve heard since onion got demonetized it’s also very convenient not only because it reminded me to make this [ __ ] video but also because now that that channel is gone I can hopefully try and tell a well-rounded and complete story because make no mistake this story is pretty

Insane and The Man Behind the story and this channel is equally [ __ ] up so take that as your only warning I guess because this guy and the little trail of Carnage he’s left across the internet is far from sunshine and rainbows okay prepare yourselves then ladies and

Gentlemen as I take you down not the rabbit hole but the gaping precipice that is the YouTuber futuristic hub Futuristic Hub was and this is the nicest way I can describe it a parody animation channel of the most toxic and twisted variety you could ever possibly imagine it was run by a man called Brian Martin who has a twisted little story of his own which I assure you we’ll get

Back to a little bit later for now we’ll solely focus on this particular Channel he had it was started on the 25th of October 2012 and almost immediately began [ __ ] out some of the worst content you’ve ever seen in your life three things were prevalent on the internet in the 2010s [ __ ] Minecraft

Videos ship animation videos and ship parody videos sometimes of the Minecraft videos these parodies became inevitably and deliberately more scuffed until eventually something like futuristic Hub was born a parody animation Minecraft channel that just is several shades of demented his animations would typically center around Minecraft with a series of

Other copyrighted characters that futuristic Hub did not have the rights to including Sonic the Hedgehog The Angry Birds Thanos baly and the internet’s favorite corrupted culture icon Shrek based on what little I’ve shown you along with his titles and thumbnails futuristic Hub is clearly imitating and parading the plethora of

Children’s animation that flooded YouTube in the 2010s these videos were and arguably still are rampant they just take a load of copyrighted characters have them sing a shitty song and because children are stupid and will watch anything with flashy colors for hours they get a [ __ ] gold mine of views

And [ __ ] ad Revenue that’s what futuristic Hub is parody then but it gets a little more questionable though when we find out that riddling his animations with softcore porn and sexual themes is the choice of parody futuristic hovers chosen not like some stale cringey memes or an unhealthy dose

Of nihilism no no no no no let’s just riddle this kids animation with softcore porn that’s a real fun joke that’s a great parody guys and to be honest that’s pretty generous in itself this guy did once upload completely uncensored Minecraft porn onto YouTube so if that says anything at all it’s

That this gu’s a [ __ ] lunatic why do they have toes why that is sick what is wrong with you what’s a specially Sinister about all this is how well futuristic Hub imitates a video like usually with a parody especially a YouTube parody it’s a bit janky it’s a bit wonky sometimes

Deliberately so and you can usually tell right from the back be it from the thumbnail or the opening few seconds of the video that this is clearly a joke a piss take of something else but with these videos there’s no immediate warning at all if I sat you in front of

One of these videos and just put it on with no context for the first few minutes you would easily think that this is just some shitty animation for teenagers or something back in 2018 when I sat down to make my original futuristic Hub video YouTube was having

Some technical issues with its kids app and to be honest with its moderation Tools in general but to cut a long story very short a lot of videos that certainly weren’t suitable for children Were Somehow slipping through the cracks of the moderation and getting on to the

Kids app the kids app is a monetization paradise and that’s because as I’ve alluded to already children are stupid it is so so easy to hold their attentions back you could put a million [ __ ] ads throughout that thing but they’re still going to sit there glued to the screen because they’re watching

Peppa pick and that kid will sit there and watch the colorful [ __ ] on screen be it Peppa Pig or a poorly animated YouTube video for hours for as long as physically possible I mean let’s be realistic that is the main function of the YouTube kids app let’s slap

Something colorful and sing songish on for the kid to watch for 20 minutes while I go into the other room have a slight mental breakdown and Chuck a bottle of wine I I assume that that’s what parenting is about once people clocked onto this along with the flaws

In the YouTube kids app it was naturally exploited quickly made and sometimes inappropriate videos quickly flooded onto it and bequeathed those that uploaded them with shitloads of AD revenue and granted it’s gotten significantly better in recent years that’s something I do have to give YouTube credit for but back then it did

Kind of strike me that maybe futurista CU is using this exploit I didn’t mention it in that original video but the thought passed me and to be honest I’m still not sure if that’s true whether he did use this exploit I’m not sure if it even matters at this point

Either what matters is that these videos whatever way you look at it appeal to Children if a child comes across one of these videos be it on the YouTube kids app or just on regular old YouTube it doesn’t matter where if it comes across a video like this it’s probably going to

Click on it and whether that’s intentional or not that’s really [ __ ] low in my book at this point some of you might be thinking to yourself Jesus Christ m you really started in the deep end with this video and for that to be fair I do

Apologize but sadly there is no way to sugerco this that was not the deep end this is just the tip of the iceberg the channel futuristic Hub is screwed and depraved enough as it is even if the person behind this channel was a perfectly harmless and nice human being

Who had no ill intentions at all and just so happen to have a very very strange sense of humor even if that were the case this would still be pretty [ __ ] weird right but spoilers The the owner of this channel is not a perfectly nice and harmless human being just in

Case you had any doubts in your mind arguably the futuristic Hub channel pales in comparison to the behavior of Brian Martin its owner this is a man that’s had a very very long career on the internet most of it shrouded in the mids of time thanks to sites being taken

Down and the internet getting old and being bombarded with all sorts of new [ __ ] on top but this guy’s been around for a very very long time and for all of it that I’ve been able to find it’s been Horrific in February 2018 a YouTube channel called Optimus uploads a 5 minute video taking the piss out of futuristic Hub it’s still up to date and I recommend giving it a look it’s quite fun shortly after it was uploaded though Optimus found the comment of that video and many videos across his channel

Spammed by futuristic Hub all with negative comments abuse threats and demands that the video be taken down following this futuristic Hub apparently even got in touch with Optimus by joining one of his friends Discord servers and taking some pot shots make note at this point Optimus had about 12

To 13,000 subscribers at the time he put out this video futuristic Hub had around the 3 million Mark in a similar the case at the end of May 2018 YouTuber LS Mark puts out a parody of futuristic hubs content he at the time only had about

5,000 subscribers but in no time at all he’d also received some vague and rude threats and demands to take the video down in particular he got several private messages from accounts claiming to represent futuristic Hub they essentially demanded that the video be taken down insisted that futuristic Hub

Would issue a dmca if it wasn’t and generally did their best to be aad at [ __ ] this was all accompanied by a slew of comments from obviously botted accounts that were just basically worshiping futuristic Hub and being a complete dick to LS Mark they all claimed they weren’t futuristic Hub and

They all soon closed down and went inactive so come on let’s be [ __ ] realistic here head your bets when I first heard about these incidents myself I was quite stunned at how similar they were to my own admittedly I seem to have got off on the lightbook and I’m very

Very thankful of that but the same underlying thing is is very clear very small YouTuber with a very small audience puts out a video about this guy and this guy makes it his business to find that video and track its creator down basically there is no level that

This guy will not stoop to you could be a painfully cring inducing Instagram with two followers and six likes spread over the entire 78 odd posts you’ve ever made and he would still come the [ __ ] after you if you said anything remotely bad about him of course if futuristic

Hub is willing to spend his time trolling through YouTube looking for comments from Tiny channels you bet your ass he’s going to do thunder on the bigger channels and it’s the cases where futuristic hub goes after more well-known YouTubers and content creators that we get more details about

What this guy is willing to do because while he’s never actually delivered on a threat of legal action it’s not the lowest he’s going to stoop to here’s Emma Doral she’s a one YouTuber who’s now migrated to Twitch and only fans after getting her Channel terminated she

Had a runin with futuristic Hub in 2016 though she refused to talk about it for 4 years when she finally did though in 2020 she eventually told Twitter that she’d been harassed doxed and even squatted by this guy how did futuristic Hub respond to this I hear you ask well

He direct messaged several of Emma’s friends asked for her location in order to surprise her [ __ ] prize send her a seat and to sit and then we have the poor poor case of ice Poseidon who got squatted a total of five times over the course of a stream in 2017 and lo and

Behold there’s futuristic Hub in the chat being a knob demanding people call the rosers and even posting ice Poseidon’s [ __ ] location at the time so even if futuristic Hub didn’t actually pick up the phone and Swap this guy he still clearly wanted it to happen and encouraged it and to the shock of

Absolutely nobody at all everybody’s favorite known keemstar has also had several encounters with futuristic Hub Keem has apparently had years of threats harassment and stalking at the hands of futuristic Hub eventually leading him to filing a police report against the guy futuristic Hub is a [ __ ] complete

Random scrub who has been stalking me for years and he hasn’t just been stalking me he’s been stalking the people over at TK he’s been stalking zombie there’s literally so many YouTubers that he has been stalking threatening to shut down their YouTube channels like this guy is a [ __ ] con

Man right I’ve posted articles about this dude this girlfriend used to be one of the reply girls like I could go on and on and on I have that con man that stalker that harasser blocked for a reason because he does not leave me alone and if you continue to like

Basically help him out by mentioning his name in my chat you will be banned I want nothing to do with that [ __ ] piece of [ __ ] yet and by the way his name isn’t futuristic Hub his name is Bryant Martin and you can bet your ass that these are just three very

Well-known cases of likely hundreds many many videos across YouTube and other platforms that talk negatively about futuristic Hub or Brian Martin the Creator have been age restricted or Flatout removed thanks to privacy complaints or copyright strikes essentially what I’m saying is if this video disappears you [ __ ] know why

Very ironic that this guy is allegedly copyright striking video when all of his videos comprised of copyrighted characters he didn’t own the rights to oh sorry did you call up [ __ ] Sega and get the rights to Sonic did you how much did that cost you a small yacht

Note that I use the word allegedly there I know it suddenly smells of lawyer in here but that’s because much like the swatting and the obviously fake fan accounts that will attack anyone futuristic Hub doesn’t like we can’t conclusively prove that he’s the person behind this but if I happen to be sworn

Under oath in a court room and as to Guess How likely the futuristic Hub was behind this stuff let’s just say I’d be confident hedging my bet on that the sheer amount of harassing this man has done over the years is nearly overwhelming and bear in mind the stuff

I’ve mentioned so far just relates to futuristic cup Brian had already been behaving like this for years before he even thought of starting futuristic c as far as I can tell his internet career begins back around 2006 2007 his first channel anyway was in 200 7 called MK

The superhero and to be honest that’s the only concrete thing I could find on this time in his internet career other than this post he made on a bodybuilding Forum in 2007 asking for advice on how to get a bigger [ __ ] the story really kicks off though in early 2010 with the

Advent of Brian’s now deleted Channel life in a tent this was essentially a rant Channel which were back in the 2000s YouTube’s janky predecessors to the commentary channels we all know and hate today look there he is younger angrier and very much in your face compared to his later years on

Futuristic heart the truth is at first Brian seems to have done reasonably well for himself on life and a tent but that all changed when he gave in to one of the deadliest of the seven sins greet in this context known as clickbait Brian would first go prancing across the

Internet to find a viral video or clip that he could milk for views he would then title and dress up his video to looking exactly like the original clip the one that people want to actually watch so you go to click on the video and what’s this why goodness me it’s

Brian and his stupid [ __ ] face of course he’ll do a crappy little intro that nobody asked for and then he’ll roll the clip and once it’s done he’ll come back like a recurring nightmare with some faint bleeting about liking and subscribing to be honest it is one

Of the simplest and most pathetic forms of clickbait to ever grace Grace is the wrong word but to ever appear on the internet certainly and if Brian got any criticism for this scummy Behavior he’d react in exactly the same way he later would in his futuristic Hub days anger

Insults threats at this time he was so pissed off at the universe he even went after videos criticizing his girlfriend who was also a well-known click baiter at the time on YouTube Megan Lee Hart was a reply girl which essentially was the eag girl of early 2000s YouTube

These ladies would dress up all nice and lovely for the camera and then they would copy the title and tags of a viral clip so their video would appear in the watch next section and then they’d reply to the video usually with nothing more than a couple of basic reactions and

Comments Megan claimed that she owned this degenerate form of content and her argument for this was that she was the face of the content the face that everyone thinks of when they think reply girl and to be fair this much is true she was very much the biggest and most

Well-known reply rep girl on YouTube and even today if you put reply girl into your Google search a couple of pictures of her still show up and a couple of horrendous memes as well and bear in mind this form of clickbait has been dead for well over a decade now so that

Says something about just how synonymous she was with it anyway as a result of this many other reply girls suddenly found their DMS filled with threats and messages from Megan and her boyfriend demanding that they take videos down or stop copying her thumbnail style or stop copying her artistic and creative ideas

Eventually all the clickbait harassment started giving them both of them a bad name for Megan Not only was she getting slammed for being scummy and clickbaity but at the time reply girls also started getting slammed on and shittle over in general and bear in mind Megan had made

Herself the face of reply girls so most of that criticism was directed right at her basically she shot herself in the foot she didn’t have long after that as for our dear old Brian on life and attent I like to think that the final nail in a coffin for that channel was

The video he uploaded on the 2011 Japan earthquake Brian figured he broke the news early on YouTube he seemingly came across the fact that there had been an earthquake in Japan quite early after it had happened there hadn’t been much news coverage so he figured he’d make an

Early video addressing and commenting on the situation that isn’t so bad in itself but the problems really started when Brian ended said video with thumbs up this video for epic earthquake and and I’m not trying to make a joke of this this is a pretty epic size earthquake it’s a 8.8 what I’m

Essentially saying is Brian flushed his reputation down the [ __ ] what’s new there very little to be honest but what’s more interesting is how much more upfront and personal Brian is with his harassment and his anger and his videos in general back in the Life in aent days compare it with futuristic Hub while

That is still targeted and malicious it’s more indirect less personal and more trying to be anonymous I guess if you insulted life in a tent you get an angry [ __ ] message from Brian but if you insult futuristic Hub you get a vague and still pretty [ __ ] up threat

But it’s from futuristic Hub and there’s no mention of who that might be behind the scenes and this indirectness let’s call it cranks up about 4 years into futuristic hub’s life with the appearance of a character called Holly bone she suddenly appears on the scene proclaiming that she’s actually the

Manager and owner of futuristic Hub and always has been she could also be Brian’s wife to be honest I wouldn’t be surprised if she didn’t [ __ ] exist at all but one thing’s definitely for certain she is definitely not the Mastermind behind futuristic Hub that is Brian Martin what’s going on everyone my

Name is futuristic Hub or Hub as most of you guys know it I do very cringe very meme very offensive uh like Minecraft animations uh I want to be or I probably am right now now the most offensive Minecraft animator on YouTube I am an adult who enjoys Minecraft and I enjoy

Animations so yes I’m a Minecraft animator on that channel and I love to animate Minecraft now I’m not saying I’m not cancer when it comes to my animations I know that cringey as hell so I know that trust me I know and I know I made Minecraft porn like four

Years ago as a joke and yet the both of them would be happy to tell you literally under court of law that Holly owns the channel and Brian’s just a voice actor or helps with the animation or just generally helps out a bit from time to time maybe he comes around on

Thursdays and helps do the washing couple this with the fact that videos discussing Brian Martin and its connection to futuristic Hub have been especially targeted by harassment you could almost say that they’re on the priority list and if you look at that all together this is clearly something

More than a coward ego Maniac that’s just trying to silence any criticism this is frantic and almost paranoid Behavior he’s clearly desperate to cover the fact that he owns futuristic Hub or is formly tied to it in any way and yet Brian is a very loud and opinionated

Person who has been with previous YouTube channels so why did this change then and where did this change come from well I mean who’s to say the answer behind that that could be anything could be because all I don’t know aside from the fact that Brian owns several YouTube

Channels he’s also an actual [ __ ] convicted criminal oh didn’t I mention That in October 2011 the life in aent YouTube channel was terminated it was more than likely due to Brian’s frequent click baiting and harassment and general shitty Behavior which wasn’t helped by all the attention he’d suddenly garnered himself you see much like the commentary channels they would become those ranting

Channels and their little community on early YouTube suddenly got interested in Brian Martin for all all the wrong reasons the number of videos criticizing him increases and so Brian’s responses get angrier and louder and more frequent and so in turn he gets more negative attention and videos and criticism it’s

A cycle of [ __ ] that repeats itself over and over and over until the life in aent channel gets game ended what this also achieved though was Shifting the attention of just life in a tent and the confines of YouTube and on to Brian Martin and what he gets up to outside of

YouTube and so people started looking into what else he did on the internet what other accounts and Brands he might have and they discovered pretty quickly that Brian Martin is a Serial [ __ ] scammer and I’m not talking like the occasional free v-bucks Tik Tok clickbait no no no I’m talking pretty

Hardcore [ __ ] by all accounts for a good number of years here’s as far as I can tell anyway his first entrepreneurial startup it’s called pays forever it was started in 2008 and here’s their promo video guys I just want you to know that I’m involved in internet marketing I’ve

Been internet marketing for a lot of years now uh I just recently got involved in a lower lower level program it’s called pays forever pretty awesome you guys uh listen instead of paying cash and stuff uh you go ahead and if you have all you need is a debit card uh

A PayPal account or an alert pay or whatever and you guys can get $20 over and over and over again it depends on you know how many signups you have and your Referral List and it’s just incredible guys it’s easy you throw up your link people go to your link and if

They like what they see they’ll sign in join in you get 20 bucks and we’re all happy I mean guys come on this is clearly legitimate no question about it I mean look at this if you’ve got any doubts in your mind this just so happens to be the description for that

Promotional video that I found just look at that nothing dodgy here at all now is there this is essentially a pyramid scan for all intents and purposes you buy into my grand Financial scheme and you get rewarded tenfold what you invested in the first place but only once you’ve

Convinced 10 other people or 10 of your friends to sign up as well either way this is not a good track record for anyone but especially not for someone who’s got a public internet career and who’s recently pissed off the entire community of creators he’s come from of course even after the Blessed

Destruction of life in a tent Brian still likely had and still has a slew of alternate accounts and sock puppets tiny little hidden accounts all across the internet but his main platform though was gone so what had caused this well his own shitty past so what’s he going

To do about it next time well not change his ways anyway because he’s complete and utter ego Maniac instead just make sure that nobody knows you’re running the successful Channel next time that way you can avoid more of that pesky criticism being directed at you and as

Well the BD of YouTube who really don’t like letting people back onto their site after they’ve been terminated and suddenly it makes a little more sense why Brian doesn’t want to be seen as the face of futuristic Hub but it still doesn’t explain the rampant paranoia other shitty YouTubers such as Jak Paul

Rice gum and quop have been involved in scams or advocated them and they seem to have got away with it just fine why couldn’t Brian just make an insincere apology video or just [ __ ] ignore it and plow on like so many other YouTubers have well maybe he did for a while but

Not forever like I said futuristic Hub started in October 2012 so about a year after the death of life in a tent and there’s a few screenshots from around that time that seemed to imply Brian just try to shrug it all off but then in 2016 a clockup of monumental proportions

Caught up with Brian Martin and changed the entire playing field one of the many channels and accounts Brian has opened over the years is simply called video games this particular Channel Channel co-owned actually with another man called Marco PRP is a long abandoned Relic from a bygone era of YouTube this

Is a community channel it’s a channel that multiple people uploaded onto either a small group of people all have the login or in many cases one person would manage and own the entire Channel and accept content submission from smaller channels hoping to perhaps build an audience can you guess how Brian and

Marco would use this gimmick as a scan at some point you’re 2012 the two of them cut a deal with a Brandon keing and a David Ty Moss they were told that they’d get a stake in the video game Channel’s earnings as well as a bit of

Control over what it does in exchange for assumedly paying Brian and his degenerate friend but then in a Twist that really really shouldn’t shock You by this point in the video Brian and Marco started dodging their payments to Brandon and David and they even went as far apparently as to keep Brandon and

David completely out of the loop with how the channel was was being run even how it was managed what it was doing this eventually all got too much and in 2016 Brian was dragged to a courtroom alongside his buddy Marco to account for his actions they were both found guilty

And find please sit down if you haven’t already $20 million ladies and gentlemen that’s right along with the video games Channel being seized and just thrown in the corner and left like some sort of weird [ __ ] time capsule Brian Martin suddenly found himself owing more money

Than most of us will ever own in a lifetime I’m uncertain if he’s paid any of it off at all but apparently he’s claiming he doesn’t have to do it and though I can’t confirm that to be true it does sound about right doesn’t it

This though explains a hell of a lot why Brian doesn’t want any videos made about him and as well why he’s gone from the in your face owner of life in a tent to the more in the background Anonymous owner a futuristic Hub or at least

That’s what he tries to be any channel or business that he publicly or legally owned would just be immediately seized along with all its earnings to account for the money videos and it might make a bit more sense now why Holly Bon suddenly appeared on the scene in around

2016 it’s the very same loophole that keemstar uses to keep drama alert alive he doesn’t actually own the channel he just makes the content for it speaking of Kemar when he inevit ly covered the lawsuit on drama alert shortly after it went down aside from getting a torrent

Of abuse from Brian himself he also managed to get in touch with one of the staff members on the video games Channel according to him Brian went so far as to flee the country to avoid the consequences of the lawsuit as well as putting the futuristic Hub channel in

His wife’s name Holly bone it seems by about 2018 then he’ split up with dear old Megan leeart the reply girl and had started up with Holly who According to some accounts might even be an impressionable fan since the initial coure case in 2016 Brian has been to

Several follow-up trials has lost an appeal and interestingly during a hearing in 2020 claimed to have never owned the futuristic Hub channel at all what does your wife do for a living YouTube what does she do on YouTube She’s the owner of futuristic Hub is she

Now yes when did she become the owner of futuristic Hub I’ve always been the owner of futuristic hub always always she’s 20 years old yes she makes kids animations mind you he also said back in 2016 that he did own the channel so either way he’s lying under oath and that’s perjury so

You can add that to your little list to my knowledge this case still goes on and it could be something to do with The Disappearance of futuristic Hub towards the end of 2022 though to be fair that channel could have just been finally [ __ ] over and terminated for its

Horrific softcore Minecraft porn the channel seems to have stopped uploading and deleted a lot of its videos in the months before its termination and many of Brian’s attempted sequels to futuristic Hub seem to have also been removed and purged of videos another known Alias of Brian which is now become

A kind of bastard successor to futuristic Hub is Wildcraft I don’t know how many channels Brian has had under this particular Alias but right now on YouTube this is the only one I can find it’s got just shy of 10,000 subscribers and two videos the first is an

Announcement from 2021 that all the depraved Minecraft [ __ ] of futuristic Hub is coming over here to Wildcraft instead the second and latest video is from January 2023 11 months ago from the time of recording this it’s a very short trailer video that promises imminent new content coming very soon sh sh we’re still

Here we’re still here who’s here what do we going to do about those scammers subscribe to this Channel and find out I wouldn’t hold my breath the story of the futuristic Hub channel is well and truly over at this point primarily because the Channel’s been [ __ ] terminated but as we’ve all

Just seen that story of an admittedly very screwed up and depraved YouTube channel it is just one small part of the much larger and much more screwed up tale of Brian Martin is that story over yet well we can certainly hope so I mean multiple Channel terminations and a

Literal conviction of fraud are pretty difficult things to get back from they’re going to get in the way of your illustrious public career you know but hey everybody loves an underdog right right no with all that said though when you’re dealing with someone as volatile and unpredictable as futuristic Hub

You’re never going to be able to accurately predict what could happen next this guy has done and caused a hell of a lot of [ __ ] on YouTube alone over the past decade and a half let alone on the larger internet and granted the repercussions of all that are finally

Starting to catch up with him but I doubt he sees it that way and so I reckon given any chance at all he’d come straight back and start his [ __ ] up all over again in a heartbeat it’s just a question of whether he has a chance or

Not and how big that chance is if it exists of course this is all just speculative in a way but based on the fact that he put out an announcement trailer 11 months ago that surely indicates something he clearly wants to make content again maybe in that

Particular case he riled himself up to do it put out the announcement trailer video and then maybe gave up or chickened out or something got in the way I don’t know but it shouldn’t be ignored is what I’m saying just because it would be very difficult and extremely

Unwise to try and make a public return to YouTube it doesn’t mean this guy is going to listen to that have you seen what this guy has [ __ ] done already and as I’ve said already as well Brian has likely oodles and oodles of sock puppets and fake accounts all lying

About all over the Internet still so even if he’s completely wiped out and can never make a public return to YouTube or the internet he’ll likely still be there in the background watching in the shadows for any criticism I’ll keep you posted on whether I hear or anything but there we

Are what a weird and [ __ ] up Journey this has been hasn’t it I’m not sure you were expecting to end up here and to be honest when I sat down and started making this video I didn’t expect to be here either But Here we are now thanks

For joining me on the way 2023 has not been my most active year of uploading on YouTube I kind of mentioned it at the start and I don’t really want to get into it to be honest but short and sweet I’ve had a hell of a lot on this year

It’s probably been the busiest year of my my existence so far I’ve suddenly found myself with a lot less free time than usual and basically I just need to get my [ __ ] together and get better at organizing myself and get the little old YouTube train running again even if it’s

Not as regular as it used to be I will get a little schedule going again on this channel that is my New Year’s resolution to you all we’ll get this [ __ ] all back up from running just you watch me until then though thank you very much for your patience for your

Support and for watching this video If you enjoyed it please support it in any way you can drop subscribe and check out the backlog of degenerate content much like this that’s already there on the channel it’ll keep you busy while I work on some new [ __ ] a final thought for you

Did you hear about the man who lost his left arm and his left leg in a tragic car accident he’s all right Now

This video, titled ‘Futuristichub: The YouTuber From Hell’, was uploaded by Moocake on 2023-12-29 20:42:23. It has garnered 55407 views and 2977 likes. The duration of the video is 00:38:06 or 2286 seconds.

I’d put a terrible joke about Minecraft here, but I really can’t be bothered. Welcome back to thew Moocake Show.

Subscribe: Twitter: Spotify: Apple Music: Discord Server:

Timestamps: Chapter I: Close Encounters – 00:00 Chapter II: Making Noise – 05:01 Chapter III: Picking Fights – 11:11 Chapter IV: On The Run – 24:31 Chapter V: The End? – 34:15

  • Join Minewind Server for Epic Gaming Adventures!

    Join Minewind Server for Epic Gaming Adventures! Welcome to! Are you a gamer, explorer, or just someone looking for a new adventure in the world of Minecraft? If so, we have the perfect recommendation for you – Minewind Minecraft Server. While watching The Jack 😎 @GamerFleet @AnshuBisht on YouTube, you may have felt a surge of excitement and creativity. That same feeling can be found on Minewind, where players from all over the world come together to build, explore, and survive in a unique and challenging environment. With a focus on gaming, education, narration, storytelling, guides, and tutorials, Minewind offers a diverse and engaging experience… Read More

  • Cape Escape: Unveiling Minecraft’s Truth

    Cape Escape: Unveiling Minecraft's Truth In the world of Minecraft, capes are a delight, But behind the scenes, there may be a fight. For the 15 year anniversary, capes were given out, But could this be the start of a money-making route? The green creeper cape, a token of thanks, But the TikTok and Twitch capes, filling up the ranks. Could brand partnerships be on the horizon, Turning capes into a marketing guised in? Imagine if capes were sold for a price, A new marketplace, not once, but twice. Minecraft Java Edition, always free and fair, But could brand collaborations bring a new affair?… Read More

  • Unlock Endless Possibilities on Minewind Minecraft Server

    Unlock Endless Possibilities on Minewind Minecraft Server Welcome Minecraft enthusiasts! Are you looking to enhance your gaming experience and take your construction skills to the next level? Look no further than Minewind Minecraft Server! With a vibrant community and endless possibilities, Minewind is the perfect place to unleash your creativity and connect with like-minded players. But why should you join Minewind, you ask? Well, imagine a world where you can use commands like /fill to quickly place blocks and bring your ideas to life. Just like in the video tutorial on how to use the fill command in Minecraft, Minewind offers a dynamic gameplay experience that… Read More

  • Ali’s Truck Kaboom: Minecraft Mayhem!

    Ali's Truck Kaboom: Minecraft Mayhem! In the world of Minecraft, a tale unfolds, Of Ali’s monster truck, a story untold. Explosions and traps, revenge in the air, But Hasan Usta’s skills, made the car repair. Ali’s determination, stronger than before, His monster truck roars, ready for more. The bad guys tremble, their shop rebuilt, But Ali’s resolve, cannot be wilt. With friends by his side, they stand tall, Ready to face any challenge, big or small. The monster truck shines, a symbol of might, In the world of Minecraft, they’ll continue to fight. So like the video, subscribe with glee, For more adventures in… Read More

  • Player Pushes Boundaries in Minecraft

    Player Pushes Boundaries in Minecraft Exploring the World of Minecraft on AresMine Server Exciting Events and Features Await! Are you ready to dive into the world of Minecraft on the AresMine server? With an IP of and version 1.20.4 (accessible from 1.19.4, 1.20.0/1, and 1.20.3/4), this server offers a unique experience for up to 300 players in one mode! Upcoming Wipe and Events Mark your calendars for May 11th at 12:00 (MSK) for the upcoming wipe on the server. But that’s not all – AresMine frequently hosts various events where players can earn exciting rewards, from in-game currency like “Ares” to in-game privileges… Read More

  • Hacktastic History: Minecraft’s Mischievous Masters

    Hacktastic History: Minecraft's Mischievous Masters In the world of Minecraft, hacks and hackers abound, From cheat engine to SIM-swapping, chaos is found. Exploits and glitches, the game’s evolution, Notorious hackers causing quite the commotion. FitMC, TheMisterEpic, and Sipover in the mix, Inspiring news reports with their Minecraft tricks. From world of Minecraft to the dreaded cheat engine, Players tinkering with hacks, a wild scene. 2B2T, the Anarchy server where chaos reigns, Popop with Thunderbolt exploit, causing pains. Inventory edit tool, MCG, and MC cheat, Changing the game, making it hard to beat. Reliant client, Nodus, and the infamous Adolf, Hacked clients causing servers to… Read More

  • Unlock 16GB Ram Free Server on GitHub for Minecraft

    Unlock 16GB Ram Free Server on GitHub for Minecraft Welcome to the World of Minecraft Hosting on GitHub! Are you ready to dive into the exciting world of Minecraft hosting on GitHub? With the ability to use a 16GB RAM free server without a panel, the possibilities are endless. Let’s explore how you can make the most of this opportunity and create your own Minecraft server. Setting Up Your Minecraft Server on GitHub Setting up your Minecraft server on GitHub is a straightforward process. By utilizing the 16GB RAM free server, you can ensure smooth gameplay and a lag-free experience for you and your friends. With GitHub’s user-friendly… Read More

  • Herobrine Shenanigans

    Herobrine Shenanigans Minecraft Adventure: Journey to the Ender Dragon Exploration and Discovery In this epic Minecraft adventure, players will witness the thrill of exploring unknown biomes, uncovering hidden treasures, and navigating treacherous landscapes. From dense forests to vast deserts, the journey is filled with breathtaking scenery and exciting discoveries. Battle and Survival Prepare for intense battles against fearsome mobs like zombies, skeletons, and creepers. Armed with trusty weapons and armor, players will learn the best strategies to survive and thrive in the hostile Minecraft environment. Building and Crafting Get inspired by incredible building projects as magnificent structures, from cozy houses to… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server – Hardcore Fun!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server - Hardcore Fun! Welcome to! Are you a fan of intense Minecraft gameplay like the one you just watched in the video above? If so, you need to check out Minewind Minecraft Server. With a hardcore survival mode that will push your skills to the limit, Minewind is the perfect place for players who crave a challenge. Join the action-packed world of Minewind by entering the server IP: YT.MINEWIND.NET in your Minecraft client. Whether you’re a seasoned player looking for a new adventure or a beginner eager to test your skills, Minewind has something for everyone. Experience the thrill of surviving… Read More

  • Riverbend Shenanigans: CasualCraft SMP

    Riverbend Shenanigans: CasualCraft SMP Terraforming Adventures on CasualCraft SMP On a fateful day in 2024, Jumbosale embarked on a terraforming journey on the CasualCraft server, all while chaos unfolded around them. The server, a private Minecraft survival multiplayer realm, was established by a group of like-minded individuals from the Spawn Chunks podcast discord. While not officially affiliated with the podcast, the members come together to enjoy the game and create lasting memories. Optimized Gameplay with Fabric Mod Loader Running the latest version of Minecraft with Fabric mod loader, the CasualCraft server ensures optimal performance for players accessing it from various corners of the… Read More

  • Ultimate IQ Witch vs Villager Minecraft Race

    Ultimate IQ Witch vs Villager Minecraft RaceVideo Information This video, titled ‘WITCH VS VILLAGER😂MINECRAFT🤣RACE🥰#shorts#viral#minecraft#trending’, was uploaded by AJUBA IQ on 2024-04-03 13:54:29. It has garnered 7799 views and 283 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:42 or 42 seconds. WITCH VS VILLAGER😂MINECRAFT🤣RACE🥰#shorts#viral#minecraft#trending #viral #minecraft #destory #village #amazing #new #craft #light #new #destory #like #trending #best minecraft, j and mikey, maizen, mikey andj, ij and mikey minecraft, minecraftj and mikey, maizen minecraft, j and mikey roblox, siren head, shorts, minecraft ghost, roblox, mikey and j minecraft, sonic, choo choo charles, maizen roblox, sakura, granny, herobrine, jj mikey, chainsaw man, minecraft shorts, minecraft minecraft, choo-choo-charles, jj and… Read More

  • SHOCKING!! Insane Loot in 1H on Minecraft HARDCORE!

    SHOCKING!! Insane Loot in 1H on Minecraft HARDCORE!Video Information This video, titled ‘Co zdobęde w 1H na Minecraft HARDCORE?’, was uploaded by Chmuraa on 2024-03-19 17:33:33. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Hiya! Here’s a cloud with my first episode on the channel! I would like you to welcome me nicely and reach 1K subs until the end… Read More

  • Minecraft’s Terrifying Hidden Secrets Exposed! 😱

    Minecraft's Terrifying Hidden Secrets Exposed! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT TOP 5 DARK SECRETS 😱’, was uploaded by Kaikki Gaming on 2024-02-04 05:00:53. It has garnered 213 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:09 or 189 seconds. MINECRAFT TOP 5 DARK SECRETS 😱 SOSAL MIDIA》🥰👇 INSTAGRAM LINK: FACEBOOK LINK: WHATSAPP LINK: YT VIDEOS》🥰👇 MINECRAFT TOP 5 FACTS IN HINDI: MINECRAFT TOP 5 UNKNOWN SECRETS: MINECRAFT TOP 5 DARK SECRETS: ABOUT VIDEO》🤗👇 in this video I Play Minecraft but I tell about Minecraft top 5 dark secrets that you actually don’t know before watching video in this video I explain about… Read More

  • Insane New Minecraft World Created! 😱 | AnimalMace Pt.1

    Insane New Minecraft World Created! 😱 | AnimalMace Pt.1Video Information This video, titled ‘Creating a new Minecraft world.. ? | Pt.1’, was uploaded by AnimalMace on 2024-02-04 01:41:42. It has garnered 4303 views and 282 likes. The duration of the video is 02:02:51 or 7371 seconds. AnimalMace and Oxy are starting a new world together with a lot of pals! What adventures does this new world have in store for us? Only time can tell… NEXT STREAM: SOCIAL YT: TikTok: Discord: Twitter: This post is powered by ! Berry Byte offers premium hardware for affordable prices For a few dollars, you can… Read More

  • 10 CRAZIEST moments on my Minecraft SMP!

    10 CRAZIEST moments on my Minecraft SMP!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft smp’, was uploaded by AwkwardIndividual on 2024-02-28 04:24:30. It has garnered 142 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 03:05:11 or 11111 seconds. #minecraft Read More

  • Bihari Ninja Crushes 1000 Day Survival Challenge! Join Now #Minecraft

    Bihari Ninja Crushes 1000 Day Survival Challenge! Join Now #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘🔴MINECRAFT || 1000 DAYS SURVIVE CHALLANGE || JOIN MY SPM #minecraft’, was uploaded by BIHARI NINJA on 2024-03-11 20:42:52. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. SMP IP IP: DISCORD ABOUT THE GAME … Read More

  • 🐷 Discover Your Gaming Personality as President Pork 🎮

    🐷 Discover Your Gaming Personality as President Pork 🎮Video Information This video, titled ‘💀 Which kind of player are you? 💀’, was uploaded by President Pork on 2024-03-19 18:30:11. It has garnered 6807 views and 266 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. Title: Minecraft PvP Masterclass: Kill Montage Description: Embark on an epic journey through the pixelated battlegrounds of Minecraft with our intense PvP kill montage! Prepare to be dazzled as skilled players showcase their prowess in the art of combat, executing flawless strikes, cunning strategies, and daring maneuvers. From nail-biting duels to epic team battles, every moment captures the adrenaline-pumping thrill of… Read More

  • Minecraft Happy Ending! Hacker vs Pro vs Noob

    Minecraft Happy Ending! Hacker vs Pro vs NoobVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft:Happy Ending 🗿#shorts #minecraft #minecraftnoobvsprovshackervsgod #gaming’, was uploaded by Atif Flame YT on 2024-01-15 13:30:19. It has garnered 2502 views and 75 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. minecraft, minecraft 100 days, minecraft house tutorial, minecraft music, minecraft house, minecraft civilization, minecraft song, minecraft jj and mikey, minecraft videos, minecraft movie, minecraft aphmau, minecraft animation, minecraft asmr, minecraft armor trims, minecraft ambience, minecraft automatic farm, minecraft arg, minecraft aphmau and aaron, minecraft armadillo, minecraft animation movie, a minecraft song, a minecraft house, a minecraft parody, a minecraft movie, a minecraft… Read More

  • Caelids Vanilla SMP – Vanilla & Fabric

    Welcome to Caelid’s Vanilla SMP Server! Hey everyone! I’m running a very simple vanilla server just for some chill gameplay. Feel free to join! Max players: 12 Max Render Distance: 16 World Size: 50k Client side mods allowed! Join us at: Read More

  • MINEBLAZE // 「 Hack any cases /free (1.8-1.20) // take your HELICOPTER 」

    MINEBLAZE // 「 Hack any cases /free (1.8-1.20) // take your HELICOPTER 」 Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “1st glance at mace: instant obsession”

    Minecraft Memes - "1st glance at mace: instant obsession"Based on that score, it looks like this meme is just as addictive as Minecraft itself! Read More

  • ChatCraft: A Mod Install Tutorial Encore

    ChatCraft: A Mod Install Tutorial Encore In the world of Minecraft, a mod takes flight, CreatureChat brings creatures to life, oh what a sight! Install it with Fabric, and the API key, To chat with mobs, oh the fun you will see! Download CreatureChat, from Modrinth’s embrace, With Fabric API, creatures chat face to face. Create a profile, install the mod with care, In Minecraft’s mods folder, drop them in there. Launch the game, with Fabric loader in sight, Chat bubbles above mobs, a wondrous delight. But without an API key, they can’t chat on their own, Get one from OpenAI, or Discord’s tone. Protect… Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Memes: Creeper Edition

    Hot Minecraft Memes: Creeper Edition “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too many explosive emotions!” #minecraft #memes #shots Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Endless Fun and Adventure!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Endless Fun and Adventure! Join Minewind Minecraft Server Welcome to Minewind Minecraft Server! If you are a fan of Minecraft and looking for a fun and exciting server to join, look no further than Minewind! With a vibrant community and endless possibilities, Minewind offers a unique Minecraft experience that you won’t find anywhere else. Why Join Minewind? Engage with a friendly and welcoming community Experience unique gameplay features Explore a vast and dynamic world Participate in exciting events and challenges Make new friends and create lasting memories How to Join To join Minewind Minecraft Server, simply open your Minecraft game and enter the… Read More

  • FREE Minecraft: Sneaky Tricks!

    FREE Minecraft: Sneaky Tricks! Experience Minecraft for Free on Google! For Minecraft’s 15th anniversary, Google has hidden a fun easter egg that allows players to enjoy a limited version of the game for free! By simply searching for “Minecraft” on Google and clicking on the grass block icon at the bottom of the page, players can dive into a fully progressable version of the beloved game. Unleash Your Creativity Once you start playing, the possibilities are endless. Mine for resources, craft tools and weapons, build magnificent structures, and explore vast landscapes. The free version on Google offers a taste of the full Minecraft… Read More

  • “Ultimate Game-device1.0 Hack for Epic Minecraft PvP Laughs! 😂” #shortvideo#minecraft

    "Ultimate Game-device1.0 Hack for Epic Minecraft PvP Laughs! 😂" #shortvideo#minecraftVideo Information yes yes yes yes no no no [ __ ] [ __ ] This video, titled ‘Minecraft PvP funny moments 😂 #shortvideo#minecraft’, was uploaded by Game-device1.0 on 2024-05-19 15:04:44. It has garnered 465 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:09 or 9 seconds. Edit with InShot: Read More

  • Insane Mining Strategies in Minecraft!

    Insane Mining Strategies in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft #minecraft #shorts #yt #mining’, was uploaded by CrafyHemYt on 2024-03-15 14:15:29. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE♥️♥️ IGNORE TAGS:- minecraft,minecraft but,minecraft mod,minecraft challenge,minecraft shorts … Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Quiz: Are You Elite Enough? ⚔️🛡️

    Ultimate Minecraft Quiz: Are You Elite Enough? ⚔️🛡️Video Information let’s see how well you know your favorite game Minecraft which biome is known for its tall thin pillars made of [Music] clay B Mera what is the name of the block used to activate Redstone Circuits B redstone torch what do you need to kill to obtain ender pearls a Enderman name the block that allows players to sleep and set their spawn [Music] point sir bed what is the name of the rare structure that generates in the end [Music] Dimension C end City drop your score in the comments below and let us know which… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE! Insane Shadowlands Mod Reveal!

    UNBELIEVABLE! Insane Shadowlands Mod Reveal!Video Information This video, titled ‘Shadowlands mod showcase’, was uploaded by dreamCritting on 2024-01-14 19:30:00. It has garnered 1057 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:47 or 47 seconds. First full release for Shadowlands 3! EDIT: outdated, biomes look a lot better now. I’ve been spending nearly all day every day for weeks rewriting the Shadowlands minecraft mod in Java, older versions of the mod were done in Mcreator but that stops here. There have been a lot of changes, Tyrene has been removed entirely as it was fairly empty, Sparkpolia has been merged with the… Read More

  • KRASS! Schuhgiraffe verwandelt Minecraft in Trailer-Look! 😱 #minecraf t #gaming

    KRASS! Schuhgiraffe verwandelt Minecraft in Trailer-Look! 😱 #minecraf t #gamingVideo Information Leute mit diesen zwei Texture Packs können Minecraft so aussehen lassen wie im Trailer ihr braucht nur das Trailer Vision Texture Pack und danach noch das fresh animisss das fügt richtig coole Animationen hinzu und wenn ihr die beiden habt dann sieht Minecraft schon aus wie im Trailer und jetzt abonniere meinen Kanal um keine weiteren Videos zu verpassen This video, titled ‘Mit diesen Texture Packs sieht minecraft aus wie im Trailer #minecraf t#shorts #ichbincool #gaming’, was uploaded by 😎Schuhgiraffe😎 on 2024-01-13 19:00:04. It has garnered 2543 views and 111 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:22… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Man Emerges from Fog! Don’t Miss

    EPIC Minecraft Man Emerges from Fog! Don't MissVideo Information welcome to the Minecraft player Protection Program our purpose is to provide you with the foundations to survive clarification since the mod is a beta there is a lot of content that is not been added because it is still in development this is almost half of what the mod will be also including the dialogues in this audio I will appreciate the opinion and criticism of users since it is my first mod let us begin to survive we will need to pay attention to sounds they can imitate them don’t trust your environment you may hear… Read More

  • Surviving the Nether w Friends: Insane Adventures with Axel Benedict!

    Surviving the Nether w Friends: Insane Adventures with Axel Benedict!Video Information [Music] all right play create new world create new Hey Demo you are counted as a friend yes [Music] [Music] Minecraft yes it is a new game that I’m playing all right if this spawn isn’t good I’m changing it Mincraft oh yeah no this is going to be a good spawn very good spawn oh I’m in the corner corner of the map all right let’s see I did get an axe and now I am stronger than everyone who will ever join this world at the beginning anyway uh I’m thinking that little Plateau over there… Read More

  • SHOCKING! Mends Albert unlocks coding secrets!

    SHOCKING! Mends Albert unlocks coding secrets!Video Information [Musica] ents This video, titled ‘#memes #codeing #funny #coding #phython #coder #greenscreen #python #minecraft #learningcoding’, was uploaded by Mends Albert on 2024-04-05 08:00:07. It has garnered 30 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:08 or 8 seconds. Dylan Marlowe record high dirt road when die you see mine empty shotgun you were right what know now Dylan Marlowe record high record high Dylan Marlowe Dylan record high country music country songs country video Dylan marlowe youtube dylan marlowe vevo why’d we break up again DylanMarlowe why’d we break up again all about it place… Read More

  • Insane Curse Version in Minecraft!! #133

    Insane Curse Version in Minecraft!! #133Video Information an Apaan tuh guys ada papan kok ada papan W kita bunuh dulu ada tulisan apa nih uh kagetin cuy oke Ada papan kosong ya tiba-tiba oke Ada suara ambience yang mengerikan di sini Aduh ngeri banget nih kena apa Ya sih tapi gua kagak tahu juga XP kita 10 11.000 guys dari 10.100 ya jadi 11.000 Mantap Jadi 11.000 guys 11.000 11.000 gak tuh This video, titled ‘Ini Adalah Minecraft Versi Kutukan #133 #minecraft #mcpe #mcpc #mods #error422’, was uploaded by Razz Gaming on 2024-04-17 04:30:12. It has garnered 12976 views and 271 likes. The duration of… Read More

  • Ainu Middle-Earth

    Our server is an adventure Lord of the Rings Mod Roleplay server, filled with dungeons and rewards for building, roleplay, and adventuring! Come join and create a story of your own in Middle-Earth! We are a Modded server, please use the links below to be able to join! ⫸Technicpack: ⫸Curseforge: ⫸Come join our welcoming community on Discord!: Read More

  • SC Modern Times – modded, pvp

    Welcome to SC Modern Times Server! Join our PvP focused server today and experience a cool gaming environment. Join our Discord server here to connect with other players. Download our modpack from CurseForge here. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Now vs Then: Minecraft Evolution!

    Now: Builds elaborate redstone contraptions with intricate mechanisms and automation. Then: Struggled to figure out how to make a simple wooden door. Read More

  • Flag Frenzy: Minecraft’s Global Charm

    Flag Frenzy: Minecraft's Global Charm Yo, what’s up guys, today we’re making Ukraine’s flag, Let’s get started, no need to lag. Blue and yellow, colors bright, In Minecraft world, a beautiful sight. Crafting blocks with precision and care, Creating art, beyond compare. Join me in this creative quest, In Minecraft world, we are truly blessed. Subscribe for more fun and gaming delight, Together we’ll soar to new heights. Thanks for watching, stay tuned for more, In this Minecraft world, we’ll continue to explore. Read More

  • Hotter than a lava pit in Minecraft

    Hotter than a lava pit in Minecraft Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! #minecraftmemes #boom Read More

  • 100 Weirdest Minecraft Experiments!

    100 Weirdest Minecraft Experiments! Exploring the Strangest Experiences in Minecraft! Embark on a journey through the most bizarre 100 experiments in Minecraft! From unexpected outcomes to mind-boggling scenarios, these experiences will leave you amazed. Let’s dive into the world of Minecraft and discover the unexpected. Breaking the Norms Have you ever wondered what would happen if you placed stools inside the End portal? Surprisingly, they break! But the real twist comes when you drop an anvil on eggs – they shatter too! And if you place a feather on a tripwire, it won’t trigger, but an anvil will. The world of Minecraft is… Read More