MoonMining Madness! Modded Minecraft LIVE🌙

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Thank you for the sub hello we are here let me just make sure everything is working properly you can hear me you can hear the music hopefully you can hear the game and the game sty Arts thank you okay cool how’s everybody’s day it’s a Sunday it’s a chill day hopefully

You’re all vibing um so I don’t know why it’s happened but uh our Phoenix has changed colors it was red before and and now it’s not red now it’s now he’s yellow which you know I’m not complaining I do like me some yellow oh my matching Me

Maybe he changed to match me you know maybe he just wanted to be like me we both got the the yellow going on and then like the green on the head oh you’ve become like your owner it’s true it’s true hi Halo we’re back I haven’t played since I last

Streamed but as you can tell from the title we’re going to go mining and they had a dream about this world I don’t know what it was I just remembered thinking oh I have to use my iron sword in the dream because it was stronger than the diamond sword because it had

Sharpness I don’t know what I was doing I don’t know why I needed a sword but um yeah anyways off to the mines we go oh that scared me that just okay hello D missed something no we’ve just started stream last stream we we made this Moon that we have to like dig

Into and we we got our some some basic supplies some plushies and things but now we need to get some real gear we need to we need to get some real iron what is that oh it’s a horse we need to get like actual iron and and gold and

Redstone and things and Lapis and we’ve only got eight we’re doing okay with diamonds um can’t complain about that or gold but the iron we’ve only got 21 left and uh it’s not even enough to make a a another set of iron armor so I do fear it’s time you know my

Account post it on your Discord put it in media yeah yeah um hopefully we can find one of those like Angel things too well that’s not what we’re woring about right now let us go to the nearest cave I suppose boom do I remember where the nearest

Cave is not really but I remember there was one that way we’ve already been through the cave that way though so maybe we should go another way let’s find one that way we have a brand new fresh cave k k y okay hi k hello we’re out

Here is that a cave or am I crazy oh this is either going to be promising or just really disappointing I hear mobs you know that’s a good sign oh it looks like it’s a cave on on the map it looks like it leads to a cave at

Least Po’s The Pick of kitty in my media let me go see did I even read that right no but you know I got the gist oh Hello Kitty you look so angry kitty looks annoyed like kitty does not want to be there that’s funny oh it is it’s a promising cave

Covered in diorite I what is that is that a mount or is that a scary Monster let’s go see let me get my shield out just in case can you guys see by the way I was looking at my my VOD what is it called is it called a VOD on YouTube anyways I was looking my VOD and I was like dang it’s kind of dark when I

Go in the caves is that a monster or is that my friend oh BR there’s four creepers over here do you love me or are you going to eat oh well I bad first impression I did just almost get him assassinated um whoa whoa whoa that explosion is crazy why do you

Need this Cobblestone why are you walking towards the creeper you you just you’re asking to get blown up I he’s not a baddie cuz he he would have attacked me by now unless he’s just blind um which you know he could be you can see very fi okay

Good I am I don’t want you guys to be like mood I can’t see what you’re doing this is embarrassing like oh why is my fortune not working I have fortune 3 and I haven’t got like any oh there we go now we’ve got some Fortune going

Hello I’m going to need to make another diamond pickaxe and it’s going to be real real sad cuz I don’t have any villagers for mending all right we have enough for some extra where’d he go Yota I saw it on the map anyways are you sleeping giant

Gekota is this like a a caveman that I can ride hello cem men oh you’re suffocating me love me love me oh wait don’t send me down into the caves I’m not ready it’d be cool if we could like climb walls or something is that a creeper that is a

Creeper Yota you’re trying to get me killed you know we don’t have time for this we’re going Mining um this cave looks wait the minute there was a mimic on the map somewhere here I Rely very heavily on the map as you’ll um come to learn I quite like me my map go away go away I know it was oh I saw it Oh I saw

It am I am I crazy there’s a way she got me she got me let me go or maybe not maybe I’m crazy oh well oh hello whatever I’m out of here you all smell I’m Going let’s go this way oh I do love the glow like G I have my shears on me my backpack hello zombies yoink so pretty and glowy and I love it more iron I keep like wanting to ignore the iron but I need to remember that I am

Just starting this world and I’m not rich um I should a lot of farms that we could and should work on but I want to get my house ready or like at least my underground temporary base ready before I start making Farms this C cave is ginormous uhuh let me turn that that

Damage tilt immediately I hate damage tilt uh this you can go down to like 1% all right if you will play with a damage tilt on you’re insane insane what is that that’s iron beig on spider be gone the drip still looks so cool it’s like more uh

Detailed giant lava what do you have for me today oh that’s a a deep dark place but is it a city dot dot dot question mark got to ask the real questions around here why is that just light oh oh that’s just open to the surface imag like accidentally fell down

There that’d be Crazy ooh we’ll be fine maybe that deep dark is not actually that big you know yeah yeah yeah what is that red stuff oh oh oh oh is that red stone we need Redstone we don’t have any at all what is that there’s a building there’s so many cool things over here there’s

Ears and stuff OMG bu don’t mind if I do what’s in here trash but you know what I I’m that broke I’ll take it I’ll take it ow listen I’m just trying to mine here oh look at me 30 levels again oh as I should black seeds antique ink is cool

Orches I will take hopefully there’s diamonds in here that would be very nice Orly there’s hell iron iron here iron there Iron everywhere y what’s that bath why is there bass salt down here and Blackstone okay it’s definitely the game that’s making those frog noises I

Think every time I hear them it confuses me but it makes it underground for some reason it’s not a building it’s a boat is it a boat are you sure that looks like a building to me other in the front I think it’s a building

Hold on let me just take care of this guy go away the front looks like it’s a boat but I don’t think it is I think it’s like a crane for like like a miners Hut like an underground miners building it’s like to like tug up the iron or

Something this is what I think it is her don’t need that we’ll take some books any paper no oh so much iron thank you thank you bane of Arthur pods get that trash out of my face you know I probably shouldn’t throw away all the nice blocks cuz I’m

Going to want them to build at some point to building on the boat but why would there be a boat like underground you know that doesn’t make much oh Vines sense to me um but what do I Know like the bottom is flat you know so that I don’t think it’s a boat cuz at least you know from what I know the bottoms boats don’t look like that but you said of was I don’t think it’s a boat CH I fear I have to

Disagree Karen am I saying that right hello hey two more pics of the kitty okay he looks a little happier in those and the first one is he looks like a baby is that when you first come she younger you know what I I do need it I

Do I’m taking it don’t judge me one day yeah I found her at my job when she was a kitten I was going to say she looks like a baby there’s a river and it collapsed we’re Underground there is no River we are deep in the mines in the thermal caves go Diamond

Y what you doing no oh sorry how do I pronounce it um we’re mining today cuz even though I hate mining we we need to usually when I play Minecraft I try to get like all of my mining done in the beginning before I make

Farms cuz like after I make like an iron farm and I get villagers what do I really need to come caving for you know cuz even lapis and Redstone I can get from villagers and then diamonds you oh I will need diamonds cuz this is the 1.20 update dang I actually have to

Mine what a sad sad time we live in oh well all right this place has nothing for us how do I I haven’t gotten into a redstone that I could actually grab yet let me some blocks out all right we’re getting to dangerous territory now all right just just just

Blow up just do it already two blocks that was kind of embarrassing for him you know we won we won’t make fun of him cuz we are so kind waa whoa emeralds what what that rubies fire whoa OMG Ruby from from Fallen wink wink n n

No of my baby kitten is it a cat or you mean like your baby baby cuz I wouldn’t advise sending pictures of your baby I think that would be strange but um have your cat Yeah this play Minecraft but I laugh since I saw your stream is on hey I’m assuming you’re like me and only have one monitor or whatever that you can yeah on Um okay this is fine oh why the music get like that do you hear that my baby C you hear that uhuh there’s oh and now it’s thunderstorming uh you know that’s why I have my Animal Crossing music on how can I be scared when there’s Happy Animal Crossing music

Playing in the background you know what is that I think it’s glue ink we’re in the Deep caves emeralds hey what’s that oh pears we need those nice why did my music stop there we go maybe it’s five nice sword and yeah I used to play on

Playstation way back when look at it’s glowing down there it was really fun I enjoyed playing on Playstation um I first started playing Minecraft on the Xbox 360 then I went to PlayStation then I went back to Xbox and then here I am on Java the Final Destination um there’s a mimic somewhere

Here and I want it but if it’s underneath me oh the game is trying to set me up for failure you know the mimics by the way they give me the artifacts like this cloud in a bottle that lets me double jump and the uh the pocket piston that gives me extra Knockback um but if he’s underground that means I have to fight him I mean under me I have to fight him in the deep dark cave and I don’t know if I want to do that you know I I do value my life believe it or not um

But like maybe there’s not even W spawners over Here oh there is well oh and it’s it’s right next to the mimic right you know we can go to that area there there not like really Warden spawners over there oh and we made a safe I don’t like this music I’m going to ignore it I’m

Going to listen to my Animal Crossing and I’m going to be happy going to be a happy lad and no one’s going to stop Me you know what maybe I could like drag him out here cuz if other mobs make sounds then it won’t count towards me what that could either be a wonderful idea or a really bad idea going into the warden territory I want to do that wellit um

Listen I’ve got a mine and then this place has got the goodies I think I could do It come at me son wait wait but not that fast though not that fast though whoa wait not that fast oh he just broke my AR oh snap oh snap it’s fine it’s fine it was only one no harm in just one this is fun it’s on X do you see it h

Oh the cat pictures I’ll look on I won’t be looking on Twitter on stream but if you send it in the Discord I’ll look oh oh oh oh Oh give me oh you see normally I’d be so happy but but I’ve already got a cloud in the bottle you know so um you know that’s that’s extra if if the occasion ever occurs that I need it um yeah all right what’s this the structure that I’ve been Ignoring oh it’s nothing but it’s got loads of earns what is in here Absolut oh oh another diamond pickaxe how lovely that’s a creep [ __ ] I thought I had more time well they do have good chance with blue just don’t make noise yeah trying to take risk in Minecraft I the opposite

I’m actually kind of a Pro Gamer myself um at least I like think oh sub touch we need that so I I do all do all the things the when the warden first came out and it was genuinely so scary to me like I I was going to cry when I

Spawn the warden uh-uh that man’s so scary but now you know I’ve gotten used to him for the most part how did that I think I am pressing the one button by like accident though yeah yeah yeah we hear you we hear you thunder please I’ve got so touch now it’s

Wonderful got an extra diamond pickaxe didn’t even need to craft it or anything look at meig go all right the efficiency wasn’t as good but uh I won’t Complain all Right there’s another mimic that way but there’s also more deep dark that that way and we’ve already set it off like twice has it been twice it has been twice so like the next one or the one after is going to spawn a warden and then and then that’s what I’ll

Cry oh it’s up it’s up I think I think it’s higher I don’t think we have to go to this the scary Darkness I think we’ll be fine oh it’s right there all right we got this do I got that jump definitely not not I oh snap I didn’t see the Zombie anyways hello oh that’s a real one wait a minute where’ the mimic though then oh well raw gold what’s that we’ll take a fresh Anvil don’t mind me nice yeah I text you to give me the the how do you pronounce it um I don’t know

How to say it correctly I do Fear dot dot dot her do you see a mimic I don’t see a mimic I think it’s higher Up I got this i got this we’ll be opening these ears I haven’t seen any diamonds like just spawned yet any any blue that’s not skull other than okay that’s also not lapis do dot dot what’s that petrified Len oh why do you guys look so ugly you look

Scary car and ren kin car like car ah oh that is the guy that is the warden spawner right there yeah we’re just going to we’re just going to ignore this skulky area and we’re going to go down to the normal area um I do think that is you know the best

Decision I could make at this this point in time um oh oh I’m going need you to pass away reheal ah anyways blow up blow up do it do it I dare you all right I got it I got it look at me go all right just going to dump that all in

There don’t want that car car okay okay oh Redstone finally cuz I haven’t actually grabbed them I’ve just seen it but it’s been to too high in the sky and I was just not willing to put that effort in that’s Diamonds oh we’ve done it we found our first mind diamonds that

We will have oh there’s a m shaft that way cool the Redstone looks really like just blood mixed with stone but you know get it I guess Minecraft love that for you I suppose like right under my house almost okay maybe not oh no it’s over there Wow brench Stone ow sir I didn’t ask for You I’m sorry to break it to you oh there more diamonds aha we’ve gotten to that wonderful level guys Hello oh and we get one with our Fortune three pickaxe unbelievable oh okay wow that one got us four and that one give us one okay well you know can’t win them all I guess or even uh even most but it’s fine it’s fine I only you cry a little vampires in

Minecraft how that even work there’s the mods that you can do that with we did a Halloween SMP on um during this October I don’t know why I found that so hard to say we did a Halloween SMD this year or last year and one of the origins you could get was

Vampire you had to like feed off the blood of like animals or other players it was funny where’ the diamonds go there they are hello oh I’m rich Cash Money rich in diamonds baby give me more give me more oh that’s lais but you know you tried you you they give me something

Blue um I’m not going to turn it down it’s not what I wanted but you know next best thing there’s a time in there oh there’s one there anymore oh there’s like Warden things though there I’m regretting not having Java Java is the best I do fear I’ve got to

Say it I’ve got to admit it and I can say that cuz I I’ve played every console every version for many years other than phone version cuz oh cuz yeah I don’t like phone games but Java is is the top tourist of them all Empire werewolf would I rather be

Um you know aesthetically I prefer werewolves cuz I like you know the whole yeah but in terms of the fact that werewolves don’t live forever vampires do I think I have to go with a Vampire um get to live forever feed off some blood I’m chilling unless they the kind

Of like burn in the daylight then that’s just that’s just embarrassing that way I’d rather be a vampire but if they’re not you know what I’m saying oh in Minecraft um in Minecraft still be a vampire it was kind of annoying being a werewolf you know I feel like this is a bad

Idea but I do want those Diamonds can I make the jump let’s grab a couple more [Applause] Blocks I’m going to turn off the ambient sounds they’re kind of cramping on my vibe right now This deep SL looks actually quite Pretty oh and she’s here safe and sound boys thank you for the diamonds Don’t Mind If I Do ow I could have sworn there was more I definitely was oh it was over there though um you know that could gone Worse is it really worth it though for that like one little thing there’s so many over there we’re going over there just got to watch out for the spawners at the moment I’m only seeing them over there think we’re fine series there’s a new series called bloodlust all about

Vampires actually I’m not going to lie are they what kind of vampires are they though cuz every show has like different kind of vampires but now when I think of vampires I think of the what was it Vampire Diaries that’s the kind of vampires I imagine now when everybody some whenever somebody mentions Vampires have you ever seen Vampire Diaries I love Empire Diaries it’s so good tough tough actually looks pretty decent okay now the without the ambient sounds it’s too quiet and now that’s that’s scarier than the noise you going get away with breaking that one there was one over here I saw

It my saw it I think unless it was that am I crazy I could have sworn I did see one but you know what I don’t see one now so that sounds like a moon of the past problem I’m going to get my diamonds I definely don’t want to be a

Twilight vampire yeah that would just be a bit they’re like vampires hidden away from the human world like where like on another side of the country or the world underground what are we talking here who made apma Diaries I love apma Diaries I was a Diaries girly I did

Enjoy my street but diaries for me was where it was at Personally I wish you did the re is it reborn diary reborn I was so happy I was like oh my God like we’re going to get like an updated version of Diaries and I was so happy and then she disappeared forever and I cried um so yeah every sat they release every

Saturday I love when they do that but I also hate it I’m watching my demon right now which is like a K drama on Netflix and it’s so good um but it’s like releasing every Saturday you know I I like it cuz I have something to look

Forward to and I can’t just like you know binge watch it and be sad CU all go over so fast then I don’t like it cuz I’m like H like I just want to watch the next episode series 3 never ended Series 3 what is Series 3 dot dot Dot Contin you I really hope she does I want Diaries more than I want my street so sorry to all the my street homies but you got to get into to diar okay it’s I don’t get quiet now making me nervous we’re getting out of here we’re

Going to the Happy Land um which is the m shaft Area you think can’t reach me from over here I don’t know I know that in the summertime she did like she went some to some sort of event and did like had a video of her saying on stage that she was going to you know pick up with her her role plays

But you know it’s been months and I don’t know anymore oh season three of Diaries yes yes yes yes who’s oh my favorite character from a M’s both series is Travis I love Travis Travis is just that guy you know he’s so funny and adorable and I love him he’s

Wonderful I need more Travis content in my life you know whoa whoo whoo What are you talking about nobody explained it to me or something we’re talking about afm’s role play series it’s kind of like you have to have watched it to know what we’re talking about but she has two series one was Diaries which was a fantasy series and

Then she had my street which is more like modern day you know 2020 Vibes that leave him alone and he’s so adorable he’s adorable he’s adorable and he’s funny listen listen he has his moments you know um or maybe he does things that he probably shouldn’t but on the whole

Okay he’s a good guy um there’s so many diamonds here and you know I love that for me I don’t love that for me oh and my sword’s gone hold on let me regroup for just a moment um Aaron and I hate Lawrence Lawrence is so annoying I do love Aaron though how

Can I not but Lawrence I hated that man okay wait let me elaborate I hate him in I hate Lawrence in my street I appreciate him in Diaries and I hate G Garth in Diaries but I love him in my street I feel like I don’t like them

When they’re too serious you know it’s just like relax a little bit you know you’re going to f you be fine you’re a little too serious for my liking so yeah they flip-flop in each series cuz they just you know they switch between how serious they are I’m

Just going to light them up I was going to break them we’re just going to light them up and keep moving oh oh there’s so many oh God whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa but Travis I love them so Much oh well there’s so many diamonds I’ve never been in a cave that was just this nice to me oh my God we have 61 diamonds I haven’t even been paying attention we have so many very very rich now holy oh my God Yeah how long has it been since she like last up first of all oh I don’t even think about the the ending that we have of my stream right now cuz that was just heartbreaking all right that was cruel but anyways how long has it been since that happened it’s been

Years oh my goodness we have so many dond I’m so just pressed I could leave now and just have a full set of armor and tools and never have to look back oh no no I do I need to remember this is 1.20 and so I like I actually need diamonds I can’t

Just like get some diamonds and be fine cuz I need it for the Netherite dang they really screwed me over uh um num n what are I see clouds we’re underground oh I meant to use a block for that but you know that works Too we’re going to be so rich chat oh my God we’re going to Corner the diamond stock market hell yeah years later ask my had Errand that’s what happened to diaries oh we in Diaries but oh sorry for um anybody who hasn’t seen it you know ketchup I um but in Diaries when she was like oh I’m pregnant I was like speechless speechless okay draw on the ground ow ow ow oh I’m about to die I

Should like not oh where do I go there’s just things that want to kill me and I need to get away from the skeletons so I can you know Dodge and I can Bob and weave everything else I can’t I can’t Dodge the skeletons mind your business stay over

There this is a mimic which means he’s going to drop an artifa hopefully one we don’t already have this time would be nice I’m just saying I am in fact just you know suggesting putting the idea out oh okay you know it’s not the best but it is something we don’t have

So I suppose I got what I asked for grab some gold why not Dodge that skeleton okay or not boom boom boom oh but no she can’t do that to us again that would be that would be Mean let’s go back and get all the diamonds that I saw but there’s just like hell you know I have all these torches that I’m just not placing down maybe that’s my problem let’s let’s light it up in Here oh he can’t attack me cuz he’s playing music what a poor guy oh he didn’t even drop his instrument how rude Tani ton yeah I know who you’re talking about I like her I she came back in um season two of my street I was very happy

I was like oh my God it was her she was like my favorite or anything she was cool Enchanted God Apple don’t mind if I do some tor Oh I think I might want that Rice it might be actually hard to find I got some cabbage and some tomato I was thinking too maybe I should start planting stuff um because things grow the best in the season we’re in uh spring so it might just be the Move oh in terms of the the girl characters I think Kawai Chen was my favorite than a a favorite I like a m but I think Kawai Chan was my f my favorite she was funny and I just liked her character Vibes oh there’s a slime here was not expecting you

Hello please drop you know some oh and I can lead Zar up there our Phoenix which would just be oh so lovely there’s diamonds over there did we miss any other diamonds I don’t remember oh that one hello I was running away from my life you know screaming and crying and

Throwing up and I just I don’t remember where they all were that is just Skull all right let’s just grab I forgot where they are oh over there let’s just grab them oh set off a skull thing and why hold on can I like send you down into the abyss whoa whoa ping pong oh I got the this go go

Go I was like half trying but not really having my hopes up and I actually got one I think it’s blocks it’s the red one I’m just launching these guys oh it’s chir is is red also blocks I think blocks is also red she Zan is myly funny I like Zane but

He’s not like my favoritist he started annoying me a little bit in like early my street um but then when he got less clinging of a m then I started liking him [Applause] more yeah now diary Zane oh man insane but it’s okay I suppose this is a big diamond patch Don’t Mind

If I Do I why did I think those guys were diamonds they’re in fact not yeah definitely I would be a little concerned if you uh like diary Zane although I guess you know if you vote for the you know the villain then I suppose it makes sense I

It was so funny what she did I thought oh this thing is confusing me how she like changed them between being like different versions of their Minecraft Diaries version so like how the shadow kns were like the gang in like high school that was Funny yeah there’s a mimic over there is it worth getting where exactly is It oh it is right there it is reachable I don’t see any spawners yeah we’re fine watch me it’ be funny if there was one right right there across the corner it would be funny and scary cuz I would cry but oh there’s two that one’s the

Mimic there’s two right next to each other I’ve never seen that before pity slippers that makes creepers afraid of Us efficiency 4 don’t mind if I do I will take those iron pickaxes we are rich but you know still oh and I will take all those blocks cuz I do need Them uh backpack’s getting little full now don’t really need any of That glass furnace don’t really need all right oh did I open this yeah I did didn’t have Nothing then let’s just oh Yeah now we’ll go to the m shaft cuz I pretty sure we got all the diamonds around here right Ow oh my God I was just jumped into lava would have been a we bit awkward did I open this I don’t think that I have I did not I will take those extra gear Diamonds oh don’t mind if I do how many do we have we have two stacks of diamonds that’s

Amazing I need gold we might I don’t know hello skeleton deep caves and there’s like oims everywhere more diamonds ah ah ah why aren’t you guys fighting each other I thought if one of you shot each other you’re supposed to like oh I’m so low on health I didn’t even I wasn’t even

Looking I wasn’t even looking I wasn’t even looking I need to eat thank God there was water there man it’s coming at me with a triangle waa the demons I love other than like the main like Diaries and no I even I think I liked my inner demons

Even more than my street other than oh did I oh I don’t want to say that I love my inner demons though what the I took it off your homie so I could have it not so that you could just pick it up I love my earner demons no give me training

Go you know what forget you guys I don’t need the triangle anyways that is the final season of my street also see about toe and the guardian forces to have a series of their own oh oh I’m like who the hell is Toby the guardian of verses yeah they’re

Interesting I don’t think I would care to see like a series about them though to be honest who would I want to see a series about that wasn’t like a what are you a main character um I don’t know I don’t know hey up maybe ton but I don’t really

Care that much about it just will watch now I not heard like non roleplay videos ow actually I watched like rewatched every single season of Every role play that she made and that’s when I decided I was going to do fall and I was like you know what I’m going to do

One and then I did wow look at me go such an inspirational story I know I know anyways can I get my loot now what’s with all the bottles who was down here drinking no one I died you hear these creepy sounds or is that just Me let’s put all the other stuff away in the bundle I don’t know why people hate on bundle so much I personally I love me a good bundle you know they’re so convenient not Forest what is it it’s it’s the you know if you’ve seen the end

Of my street hopefully you have there’s like that big thing that goes down and like there it’s like the Army almost it’s like the guardian forces yeah it’s like the Army sir I walk over here you’re not supposed to follow me I could have sworn there was a m

Shaft on the map but maybe not maybe it’s under me oh [ __ ] [ __ ] oh my God um oopsie oh my god oh oh oh my God yes I got a villager hat that’s not what I was going to say but oh my God yes aren talks about pushing back the

Void which I have a feeling big is yeah yeah if you have you seen the um what was it like it was void something but it was like that the series she did about the scientist who like you know his whole world got corrupted and then they opened the void

Portal on hit there Earth and there was like oh my God like the void’s going to eat everyone and then like Aaron in that one scene where he’s like in between wherever and that like weird space and then he has void burns on him I was like OMG the Multiverse is

Collapsing not sure yeah it’s in like the last later seasons of my street like the last two I would say void Paradox yeah that’s pretty good too yes it was it was it Was yeah ah let me out of here yeah that one I was like mind Bone so that’s a mimic I mentally prepared now your ears will not get uh destroyed why did they just missed every shot that was that was kind of crazy personally all right they’re not even paying attention to me I’m just going to get this Guy I you’re not supposed to hit me back a whoopy cushion I don’t want this oh oh wait where’d it go oh I don’t want this she says she takes it b um I don’t want it but I’ll need it you know the big bad what the big bad

Villain himself is in the void and he’s a mystery to all of us oh interesting Theory I had a choice of making them I would I would rather demon one cuz and we’re CU about that one I am I do think that we did get like a

Nice good couple seasons of my stre and you know a nice good R of Diaries I love Diaries though I I feel like we kind of get like a conclusion to Diaries like almost with the end of my street and we find out everything that happens which was kind of

Crazy um so I guess I I can I can feel that you know I I had like another I feel like my own demons has like the most potential of where to go right now whereas if she was going to continue Diaries or my stre it’d be more of like

Concluding everything you know more of like a giving us closure I guess whereas D Miner demons can like have its a whole own story line continue and whatever Not to Yeah are you a cave spider where did you come from you just burned to death so the bad thing about this flame pendant is that it sets things that attacked me on fire oh I have the whoopy cushion on it sets things that attack me on fire but then

Those things hit me and then I get set on fire so it’s kind of like a win lose situation I’m so sorry CH I’m just tooting everywhere I apologize I apologize what a girl’s got to do she’s got to do yeah I know that so I’m like we we we

Do get a conclusion but I would still like I would love to see every sir like one at a time please I would still love to see it like remade I know she didn’t really like have the whole setup yet with Diaries in the beginning and I would still love to

Have like some sort of conclusion to it you know how she got to that place at the end of my street Maybe and that sort of stuff you know what speaking of earlier I think if I were to see you know spin-off series about one of the

Characters that’s not like you know we don’t really know their story oh I forgot they’re scared of me I think it would be a what’s his name is Shadow Shane I forgot his name but the the evil Irene’s husband or baby daddy um I would love to know more about him

Cuz I thought he was pretty cool personally personally sh the phone who’s the youngest prin I like the green guy I he looks exactly like Travis so maybe that’s why I like him but that’s why I like him Diaries only got up Shad yeah Shad Diaries only got to season three I love

Yeah we’re on the void and the who rules the void and the big Badd in the void you mean um the the demon guy what’s his name the demon Warlock the demon warlock we know that he’s like Travis’s descendant I think there was like something about that confused me and I

Didn’t really understand cuz every were supposed to be like reincarnated but like Travis was the only one that like wasn’t reincarnated or something like that for all of them um and it confused me but yeah he was he was interesting you think the big bag in the boy is using

Shad not Michael yeah no no Michael’s Travis’s dad that’s not the demon warlock Michael was also controlled by the demon warlock it’s like it’s a thing from diaries that like has been you know the demon warlock takes over their family’s bodies and minds and like uses

Them to do things and like have a hold like have a foothold on the world cuz cuz they he can’t just like be in the world on his own okay the whoop be cushion it’s throwing me off I do fear we’re taking it off open here and I think you know it’s

A good time to go back to the surface make us some full diamond armor you know no Michael’s not the demon warlock Michael is not the demon warlock Michael is Travis’s dad Terry oh my God wait are you right Terry I remember that name are you sure

I don’t think so I don’t think the name the demon more like didn’t have a name did he I do know the name Michael but I wait is that what’s Aaron I mean Aaron’s what’s a mou’s dad’s name what is ael’s Dad’s Name there’s Michael oh is it wow mind blown you sure I feel like he didn’t have a name but maybe I just didn’t understand that Zach Zach’s as’s dead okay not that way no sir I think it’s about time to cut our losses and a head up to the

Surface you know I feel like there’s a lot of things that want to kill me and uh I don’t know about you but I personally would not like to uh pass away anytime soon so I don’t know I have to rewatch that one to make sure wow that’s such a basic name to have though for somebody that old your name’s you’re telling me you’ve lived for that long and your name is Michael like please no no offense to any Michaels out there I’m sure you’re great

But uh however you’re old warlock I don’t know it’s a little off puding you know like Irene oh that that’s a name that gives power Shad boom that’s a name that gives power you’re telling me all of this is over some guy named Michael please please oh speaking of you know what gets

Me like so weirded out is that like how in her like later like now videos she like does videos where it’s like Ian has a crush on her or whatever and I’m like ma’am that’s supposed to be your half sibling like what are you do

Doing but uh you know get it I guess um that’s where the M shaft was dot dot dot all right let’s go up there’s water oh that I missed there’s water above Me Hey 1 2 3 4 I where my Cobblestone Go and it’s got feeling Michael the demon warlock had a brother who was also a demon warlock who was Travis’s uncle in Diaries but I thought in Diaries like Travis was like the last living relative of Michael I don’t remember anything about an uncle I don’t know I’d have to rewatch to get freshened up on all that Info to the surface I go he what’s the the the Snow White song it’s like he ho oh something something something yeah yeah Yeah just want to go you know what I can make now I can make um a worp stone that’ll let me teleport home from wherever I want so that’s cool Terry’s dad is possessed yeah I got that I got that part m I hi ho it’s up the work we Go except it’s off home I go instead of work I already I already went mining done enough mining today dragon fire I completely forgot about that let me see do it now dragon fire mod what version is this for I’m an adult oh they look like Pokemon they look very

Silly they look like Pokemon they like like they’re very cartoony for uh for Minecraft I pulled up the Wiki page I was like oh my God Charizard is that you it was not it was just an orange Dragon oh how many BL blocks do I have to Go the Torches so I don’t get you know suffocated to death by gravel by the Way really fun I probably won’t play it but but it’s cool to know about what version is it for is it Fabric or Forge and then is it for like the latest versions or the earlier versions or did you say already was it 1 16.5 dot dot dot question Mark oh f go we got this we got this I’m under a tree not anymore the surface oh beautiful hello fcy seeing you here is that a mushroom biome excuse me oh no I’m blind that’s just some red trees it update every month that’s crazy usually mod that like usually mod

Like that update for like ages shout out to them I guess SL hello world it is I Moon intensity I’m back I know I know I didn’t believe it myself but here I am here I am and I’m rich got two and a half stack

Of diamonds not too shabby if I do say so myself hello Gil is that a what is that that’s a giant rock okay oh oh oh wait how they can’t do mods on Bedrock though isn’t there like a more data packs than than than mods question

Mark oh wow I was like straight that way I don’t know why I thought i’ from that way it’s kind of cool seeing the village in the background hopefully the villagers are all still alive um hi Claudia what’s good I’m rich now look at these diamonds baby

Oh let’s throw out all this trash iron armor and if I throw out I mean save in case I die what the did you hear that about to be full diamond oh yeah she’s dppy look at me SLE oh texture packs it’s kind of cool

They can do that do that with the just texture packs though all right put our leather away let’s get some tools going all right we don’t have to budge it anymore we can get an axe we can get a diamond shovel I can even get a diamond ho

No a Diamond Knife if I was really feeling it I already have an extra pickaxe so I don’t really need that I also have a sword um what else do I need you for oh backpack upgrades boom I’m Co to get oh that’s what I don’t like about Bedrock you have to

Like buy everything and is all free or fall comes out when watching your series since episode one thank you um I want it to come out next weekend like next Saturday and if I really like really grind it this week I think it could but

I also don’t want to rush it um cuz we’re like switching locations right like we wear anura and then we wear at Calo now we’re going to Clover and we’re going to be in Clover for a little bit so I I don’t want to rush like going into it I want to make

Sure I’ve got everything ready for that place so we’ll see we’ll see anything oh oh no I got excited then I was like maybe not okay nothing that interesting right just the smithing templates but you know what diamonds look at me go look at me go

Chat oh my God I grow up so Fast let me enchant this diamond pickaxe and see what I get oh maybe we get so touch we already have a book for so touch so maybe efficieny for to take your time thank you thank you I think I will for this episode I don’t want to I

Don’t want to rush getting it out I want to make sure I have everything ready everything I finished putting together the Skins like today it’s already built and everything I’ve had everything built that I’ll need for a while honestly oh wow that was a great pickaxe other than

Silk touch I don’t really want mining on silk touch but you know I won’t complain um what was I saying but yeah Unbreaking three what kind of trash mine SE one day I’ve always wanted to make one it’s a lot of fun it’s a lot

Of planning and it’s a lot of work but it’s a lot of fun it’s cool it’s very cool oh I should probably start smelting you know that would probably be a good idea I’m just sat here I love the sound of the rain I don’t like the the darkness it’s

A it’s it’s getting a little scary but the rain sounds so pretty I think the hardest thing for me with Fallen starting off was in in be in the beginning you’ll notice like in the first like what like six episodes that I can’t move more than one character at a

Time and it’s cuz I didn’t have I don’t have I don’t have body actors really and I didn’t know about this mod that like lets me pre-record the movement so back then I had to like I was just sitting there like I would Bob my head as one character and I

Would record that entire scene as that one character then I would switch a character put an NPC there and I would Bob my head as the other character for the whole time but now I can do it easier and I have a mod that like lets

Me record the movement so I can do the movement do the movement back up and record and have it play which is very nice why did it get so quiet where did my music go oh it ended how sad dot dot dot calm Animal Crossing music for Sweater Weather

OMG um I do need some more Blast Furnace this is a little little slow my game keep screaming bloody murder to feed him go feed your cat man is like um can you feed me and stop watching Minecraft please like more coal what am I smelting iron let’s get the gold

Going why do I have a raw block of iron just one oh we have so much we have so much oh my God we have so much more well we will be speling for a hot minute it seems I probably have to make some charcoal but that’s

Fine um I feel like amethyst is more decorative than valuable to me at least hello little Pikmin were you afraid when I was gone for so long did you miss me I’m so sorry um let’s get a little little organized in here let’s make a iron Block have a pick of a city I built let me see oh you didn’t said it yet dot dot dot do dot dot posi Media how many diamond blocks can I make how can I craft anything to diamond blocks oh just just decoration which you know it’s not the worst unless I can’t uncraft it then that would be awkward but oh well what else do we have in here emeralds Redstone Glo

Ink oh I should really put my tools away let’s get rid of those old tools we’ve upgraded we’re cool now yeah it is for Bedrock I’m acting and listening to music love that for you I’ve never really been an actor I did like you know in Middle school I did some like middle school plays but what’s this mod that you’re using camera mode that looks cool I love the color scheme

For the roof that you did on the right the blue and the orange the what yeah the blue and the orange I don’t know why I thought I said that color wrong you did say it what I did say it right but it’s looking good I love the trees the

Yellow as they should be oh honestly giant statue is my character oh my why did I think that was you like flying I thought you were in like creative modee and that was just you flying there I even notice the perspective threw me off I don’t need no clocks give me a

Redstone gunpowder Ash um Glo ink sacks antique Ink even more stuff um we got berries for days I didn’t even notice we got that many berries glowing column that’s food that is good efficiency for I will take I I I really don’t want main mining on this but I don’t think I can get rid of it

So I mean I can get rid of it technically but then I would lose my Unbreaking and that’s actually so good so we’re going to save for now oh oh Oops let’s put our music disc in there these leggings in here we we’re going to have to start throwing stuff out that’s got to go I don’t know why that specifically but it’s it’s got to go um just got to go yeah and learn’s got like 50 dragons

Cool oh wait I can upgrade my backpack let’s grab the iron it’s already halfway done not anymore but it was is let’s make some backpack upgrades maybe we should die our backpack yellow die I am I’m pressing the one button and I’m not even Realizing oh I can’t die it well that’s just sad oh well guess it’ll be white then can I rename it no um where’s my shears away am I blind where did my shears go oh they’re right there in Manor is that from the latest videos I see very blue I like those

Paintings is it modded paintings or is it texture pack why do I just have an iron pickaxe did I pick it up on the ground oops I don’t want to wear that we’ll be cushion cooking pot when we get a kitchen I can go in there got another

Cloud in the bottle E I got my first one was a cloud in the bottle and my second one was also a cloud no my third one was also in a cloud in the bottle the second one was the knockback Thing I definitely did just pick that off the ground um oh well oh cool we need this Make fun of me because of what I watch but I don’t give a damn what they say is why is it their business unless you’re watching some crazy thing um then I don’t really see how that concerns them personally Personally boom boom bones sand oh I’ve got Stone now I don’t remember what I needed stone for but I remember I needed Cobblestone and then I thought oh I can’t oh for the path I wanted to make my staircase down that’s what I needed Cobblestone for mod

Paintings nice so I see I got Ferro claws I mean it’s not that good but you know it’s cool I got some ker slippers You know I’ll just keep a pickaxe in there why not um put that down Oh wrong thing oh let’s make a warp Stone am I spelling it wrong am I crazy Stone isn’t it called the warp Stone oh it has a space in between my bed something else I wanted emeralds for

Ender pearls for I think it was the staff for the mount but I think I’d prefer a warp Stone so we’re going to go for that wait a minute now I know for a fact that we had ender pearls so where’ they go that’s what it looks like oh I have a bundle

Right it’s probably in my bundle that would make Sense I think oh yeah this Okay sorry oh yeah Ethan’s British an and Pierce are my two favorite characters in The an series and like you mean in the series that she does now or like my street and Diaries cuz if it’s in those why I don’t understand why so many people like in I hate you

Personally he drives me he makes me angry uh-uh my okay is now calm and fed what happened when I was gone we’re smelting getting our cash money up oh I forgot I was supposed to upgrade my backpack I was going to go dye it and then I just completely

Forgot oh is that all arm Co I think let’s go all smelted right yeah let’s turn that into blocks oh and let me I upgrade let me upgrade have any nuggets in here I do put a lot of effort into Ian’s man I love getting killed a lot okay so you

Mean in like her new like videos I don’t really watch them but I get the feeling that she made him a more enjoyable character based on how many people like him now so I mean I guess back I want to make the spider backpack so we’re going to work on that

Too oh I have spider’s eyes oh I will cry if I don’t um need glass let me smell some regular sand let’s do the Red Sand F z out of 10 would not recommend I would not recommend him ey either M’s an idiot yeah he makes me frustrated but you know I guess in the new videos he’s not terrible um what is upgrade oh I need more nuggets I just made one more okay there we Go boom oh we’ve got so much more space I could keep going but I’m going to leave it there for now in terms of our [Applause] storage string what do I need for this backpack I want this specific spider backpack because it means that I can climb walls which is absolutely amazing so we need four leather some iron um glass like one piece of gold and a Chest King in Pierce butts on those videos daily I don’t watch her her latest videos I’ve only watched her role plays and like a couple of the mini game Videos so so no um Pierce is that the blue demon or is that the the like baby demon what am I doing I need a tank oh and then I need wool we have wool one two three and then I want it to be yellow we’ll D two of these

Yellow we’ll make a sleeping bag and then what do we need other than the tank oh just the tanks one oh two now I’ve got backpack how do I get the spider we need four spider eye and four string oh I’m regretting all the spiders I have

I probably have thrown out now let’s go kill some spiders this way the to pierce is the blue demon he’s okay I mean he’s all right I don’t know didn’t really care much for him but I didn’t hate him he existed You got a beast oh hi Beast skeleton I’m I’m really not here for you right now um we don’t need the beef right now I’ve got bigger and better things to uh go go explore and take care of I still have to enchant why there no spiders

Anywhere where did all the spiders go and I need just like a one more eyeball let me just scoop one out real quick really I thought Pierce I thought the blue demon at least in my inner demons was like the really like calm and collected quiet one was he

Not oh there’s a spider this Way um where is the spider I hear you I’m like am I lagging or is he not coming towards me I keep forgetting now I know I saw a spider here somewhere I know I’m not blind oh sugarcane we don’t actually have any so I am going to take

That I see there’s a spider there Somewhere oh why are you walking towards me you’re supposed to be fearful of me I’m supposed to strike fear into your your entire being he didn’t drop eye well there’s another one Qui one and he’s AA yeah that’s what I thought or he’s in a pod oh well that’s disappointing but again I

Didn’t really care about him that much so if anything I thought it would have been the green one so that’s interesting what is Kitty it came into who’s Kitty who is Kitty um I’m not caught up on this I I do fear dot dot dot spiders hey oh three SP oh four

Spiders hello one of you has got to have an extra eye you could lend me possibly maybe oh there we go any any extra for the road yes how kind of you all right let’s go what is that oh it’s just is it like connected okay Miss Le oh yeah I love

Leaf I would have thought it would have been Leaf but I guess Not hello sheep what’s rolling um what’s cooking I don’t know what’s what’s sheeping I have added the mod so I can now take them with me and kidnap them oh I need to skip this song is that real dramatic behind Animal Crossing song I don’t even think I’ve ever heard this in Animal

Crossing all right back to normal Kitty is AF mou dressed as a cat Okay why would I give you spoilers uh-uh I do fear I do fear not I do fear you will not have any spoilers whatsoever um now how do I make you loveely where are my seeds you like oh my got me where’d he go hey

CHS you can uh oh no not in the Pigman I wanted you to be next to him but I I guess not look at him he’s St ion go go Go he actually cares about than well okay so he likes Kitty and kitty is just a m but not right got it oh let me Sleep uh no spoilers from the Moon Intensity oh you know it’s kind of cute like he’s he’s having a spa day he’s Chilling I love how sugarcane looks on this p back it’s gorgeous gorgeous okay I was going to say still don’t know why you’re yellow but you know I’ve moved on I’ve got bigger and better things to care about like my spider backpack wait I put my string away was a string that I

Needed yes it was 1 2 3 4 I know look at the little fat JS he’s mching mching away for spider backpack boom oh we’ve yeah we’ve got it I have an upgrade I believe already made somewhere have an iron one and I think we add it in this thing or not

Um how do I add it and smithing table use leather as template and combine with leather tiar What oh that’s tell me how to upgrade it but why won’t it apply to my spider one I’m Confused why won’t it apply let me look upgrades grade I best not need a leather one that wouldn’t make any sense no it’s already a leather tier the next tier is iron is it a crafting table thing why won’t it apply I’m confused let me what is it at traveler’s

Backpack there’s no new item that I don’t know about no there’s Not do I need iron is that a new smithing table thing do I need iron to actually update it or is it in the wrong slot no how does one use a smithing table in 1.20 I am so Confused what is what is this that’s better end that’s better nether not even from that mod um why won’t this upgrade I’m so confused Moon does not understand I shouldn’t need a smithing template for that oh this is why I don’t play 1.20 Um how do I upgrade it iron tier upgrade use leather as template leather tier what let’s just make a leather one and and see what happens how do I make a leather one I need six leather let’s oh oh oh oh we have animal feeding

Troughs Oh I thought we did tro there we go it’s just some some slabs Spruce slabs we’ve got we’ve got more Spruce slabs and and I’m going to have a trough two and we’ll get our wheat animals you have jobs now not that you didn’t have one before

But um you know what I mean we need the the cows to breed more so we’ll focus those guys you guys get their leftovers sorry make babies more more anyways we’ll let them breed for a bit we’ll ignore the backpack and just wear it but look now I can climb walls oh I’m

So cool no one can tell me Otherwise join I give I probably won’t but thank you for the offer all right boom boom boom give me all of that put all of that away cry about my backpack oh what’s smelson I ran out a coal for that oh I ran out a coal for that but we’ve got some

Here I’ve got so much stuff see this what I’m talking about go mining like once be good for the rest of my life it’s a It’s a Wonderful Life to Live a golden gr that’s cool looking the iron blocks throw me off cuz they’re gray and they’re not like

White it it’s it’s not normal in my brain what do I want to do I’m want to enchant where’s my lapis where is I’m tempted to try another pickaxe for it we’re going for it we’re doing it all right let’s go see everything else too let me just uh do that real Quick no no no o boots are yes that’s a no that’s a no all right we’ll go boots Dr four yes and helmet no no no oops oops Unbreaking three is tempting knock back let’s go I’m breaking I like that one more I think I’ll unenchant this we’ll

Try to get like efficiency and Unbreaking on it cuz I do have a silk touch book all guess mainly Unbreaking cuz we have silk touch and an efficiency book if I’m not wrong oh we have looting three I didn’t realize and we have efficiency and we have silk touch and looting

Three so I’m going to enchant that one or should I I should I did it I did it I did it Unbreaking three that’s what we needed cool I am stop pressing the one button all right let’s do our pickaxes let me get the silk touch and efficiency where is my end

Bill is it cheaper if I do it the other way no it is more expensive I have a texture pack what kind of pickaxe do I want um I’m going to show you guys the website new default plus let me go on the Wiki page Anvil item names all right

Look let me set my window capture Bo boom boom all right what pickaxe do I want definitely a yellow one um paste full pickaxe is kind of cool but that probably be like Silk Touch no but I always go for a glass pickaxe with my silk Touch Crypt vanquisher that’s kind of cool I don’t know if I have these actually these updated ones Mesa Smasher that’s crazy oh a little drill could be cute uh I kind of want a hammer do I let’s try the Mesa Smasher let’s see if I have it I don’t know how updated this Is no we’re not that updated um let me see that it works first of all it doesn’t work why don’t I have it oh I didn’t turn it on did I oh I didn’t turn it on should I risk it I’m risking it I’m risking it I still

Can’t see my uh my button now going to risk it guys oh I want it to be a b okay wait let me make sure I got the r yet and then boom and then we’ll cross our fingers and hope that this doesn’t crash my game or take forever to load we will Hope well that loads um we can look at some more Stuff what kind of sword do I want dungeons gold sword I do like that One gatekeeper sword no I like the dungeon sword no I kind of like the gatekeeper sword we’ll go gatekeeper sword for now what else do we Got raining Guardian all right that one looks cool the sort of Twilight’s cool too but it’s not yellow at all so rainning Guardians taking the lead right Now that one’s cool Wo I have a dancer sword that was kind of cool it’s not yellow I mean it has a little bit but it’s not that much be Stinger no Lance of Radiance I don’t think I want a Jou sting stick I can get a tiny one Moon dagger

Oh was made for me but no it’s going to throw me off these one looks crazy I don’t think my pack is that updated though I don’t know it’s actually on there The Golden Phoenix I like this for a bow though I have used it before yeah I pr it for a bow these are new the present Puncher yeah we’re going to go for the one that was up here where was it was it the gatekeeper swore it wasn’t it was something over here was it that one imperior no it was raining Guardian let’s copy paste that oh and it did load so let’s Go raining guardian and then oh I don’t remember the pickaxe this is really embarrassing um boom boom it was like the Mesa Smasher or something let’s see if it’s actually on there oh it is oh it’s all purple though cuz it’s Enchanted I’ll add another pack that

Makes my enchant glint yellow oh I’m lagging now though I think the new resource packs are Looting all right and then for our silk Touch I usually just go for a glass pickaxe I think I will just keep it that’s from a different pack that’s from uh better vanilla building T you scared me hello are you okay I need to feed you what do you eat no you don’t eat so you’re just you’re just saying hello I like how this this like little glass pickaxe and have this Mega Smasher all right we’re kind of broke on a enchant levels oh let’s make the warpstone going to put some Vines down that will start Growing boom seeds potatoes um glow like and then how do we make a warp Stone need an emerald and some amethyst shards 1 2 3 4 and one Emerald we can get villagers now and I don’t have to like heal them or anything why I lagging why did the texture pack lag the

World that Badly you see that uh-uh that might have to get turned off I fear I’ll have to fix that Later boom a warp Stone now we can always just teleport home with the waystone that’s there num creeper get away from my Animals okay um I was saying that we should probably plant food but now that I’m thinking about it the only reason I make food is for for fun not like I’d actually need it so maybe we hold off until next spring you know unless there’s something I could really

Want sugar cane bamboo sugarcan and bamboo let’s plant those those I will want anything else I don’t know I’m going to turn off the texture pack okay it’s lagging I have to fix fix it some other time I don’t know why it’s lagging so bad but I’m not playing like that Uh-uh I wonder if it’s the pickaxe that it was like cuz it was 3D or something I don’t know I’ve never had it lag like that so that’s interesting I have to test it off stream what well we”ve seen it we know it exists um dot dot dot you

Know now me wait for this terrible loading Screen I’m pretty sure I have some stuff possibly in this pack no I don’t cuz I it’s not the one I use for fall it’s not edited okay oh well I can survive having normal pickaxes you what actually now that I think about it once I upgrade my

Pickaxes I’m not even going to be able to name them like rename them cuz I’m going to have modded pickaxes and tools and stuff and you can’t rename those with texture pack stuff so I suppose not oh Well Dot dot dot wait patiently how’s the uh how’s the weather out there guys Um right um red screen dot dot dot um oh there we go thank God look how much faster and smoother I’m running now oh this is amazing oh well anyways um let’s start mining out our little area down there so we can actually have a place to live let’s get some

Cobblestone I guess and then we’ll like I I can smell some now why am I running low on coal and stuff that’s not good all right let’s make stairs night time all clear here it’s been prettyy clear apparently there’s supposed to be a blizzard that’s happening I don’t know

When but some point this week and I’m like oh oh like why is there a blizzard please all right where do I want this staircase to start a couple things about my staircases I hate for them to just be straight like up and down with like just

All stairs I like spread them out but for this case that will be a little impractical because you know I got to make it to the door in time so let’s see how far down we can get first of all let’s just dig it out actually and figure out where I want the

Door to actually be want to be decently far in the ground but not like crazy far are is getting hit by strong winds also South by area is really flooded and people are buying a lot of sum pumps I don’t know what a sum pump is to drain

The water out of their homes and basements that’s scary I’ve always like heard about people getting flooded but I’ve never experienced that personally um I’m scared to like live anywhere near the water because I’m like oh my God I’ll get destroyed by like a tsunami and my whole house will be gone cuz

That’s what I imagine happens during floods although you know logically I know that’s not what happens but still you know you Know I want it to be deeper than this but if I want the staircase to look nice it can unless I give it more space and I make the path further off Yeah that’s what we’ll Do boom boom now I can go one more down yeah I think I can also give her this rock look at this vein mine boom gone in an instant Yeah I Fe that’s going to be as far off as I can move it I would like like an outdoor area there but I fear it’s it’s not going to happen cuz I want it to be deep enough you Know deep enough to look good inside but not too deep where it doesn’t look good [Applause] Outside I think right here’s all right door can be like do I have dramatic doors I do I can have a big fancy door I got hit by a tsunami before and it was very painful to me it felt like someone was pushing me in the gut seeing

That massive wave of water damn yeah I’ve seen those videos and they are terrifying I would be so scared I can’t imagine going through that I would pass away right then and there so shout out to them um that looks Good yeah I can work with this and is where my mom came from and it’s her home country them then that really has to like Hurt it home [Applause] sorry to hear that that didn’t look like glass and it confused the hell out of me oh that’s a really easy way to get rid of all that oh that was nice [Applause] Boom ah I’m going in the floor but it’s fine cuz I’m going to have to mine that out Anyways oh my God I was really cheering you on oh man yeah so hard world we live In we’re going to have to get more cow site but that’s going to be easier now because I’ve got Bane mining so I can just do like that and boom we’ll have all the cowside we need my dad was we in the US I still

Miss pass away 4 years ago I’m oh sorry to hear that um dot dot dot I don’t really know what to say that’s cool I’m Puerto Rican and Costa Rican my dad from Costa Rica my mom’s from Puerto Rico they both immigrated to the US before I was

Born so Mooney was born in the US I was going to say you have kids oh my God you know you’re Sibling I’m sure he’s watching from the Beyond whichever Beyond you believe in and if you don’t then from the stars Um I need to empty my inventory oh my God I’m going to save all this dirt too for when I terraform like what is going on here oh oh I mind that probably that makes sense my grandpa came from France oh my God you’re from everywhere I remember my grandma in

France oh that’s cool so man’s Man’s family was just toring the whole world that’s cool um me personally grandparents are also from the same home countries as were their Grandparents that’s cool my older brother is the dad of my nephew huh his son yes Yeah I got that I got that [Applause] also going to eat them the other day not was it the other day the other week he said something funny he was like he said something like my my dad’s brother’s son and I was like no was it no something like that my uncle’s my dad’s brother’s son yeah and

I was like so your cousin he was like oh yeah right my cousin and I was like sir please I’m a mut man oh no you’re they’re all Man all right h so thinking about this I realized I have made a grave mistake because that’s the ceiling right it’s all cool but once I dig into the walls the dirt becomes the ceiling and so I’d have to go one block down and then now that’s the ceiling but then

I’ve only got two blocks of of wiggle room to walk through so uh we’ve got to go one more down what no that way so my beautiful outdoor area is now being interrupted it’s fine I’m only crying a little bit same difference um I don’t know about that One and now that can be the roof and I’ll still have at least three blocks of wiggle room and uh I’ll figure out the rest later let’s make this a slab why not or or I can suck it up and uh do a double stair somewhere not here though so like right there

Maybe so boom boom moon will just cry every time she walks on it that’s fine I can move this all back One I mean it doesn’t look that bad right it’s more about like the walking up experience feels weird and walking down I don’t know is it just me am I overthinking this h fine fine I’ll do it I’ll do it you don’t have to yell at me CH I’ll do it I’ll do

It why does that feel like it didn’t accomplish absolutely Anything well that can get pushed back now so I guess that’s a win I like could go one more down do a little slab action along the edges mayhaps and that’s the door and then maybe I can put like some grass here some flowers make it cute put some

Like be plushy some lights okay okay overthinker blinka h we need to make sure it’s gorgeous who who whoa Hey listen listen listen it’s got to be beautiful CH okay it’s got to be beautiful oh Um um yeah oh this is the FL from there do I have grass oh no I don’t cuz I don’t have soap touch didn’t even realize boom boom boom let me know if the music is a little loud or quiet or whatever by the Way Brand New Day brand new cry now we have boom four spaces of head room there oh yeah food I have a sandwich go Honestly let’s get rid of all this I do like how Stone looks in this pack it’s very like Smooth I think it’s quite fun okay maybe you say so if you insist um could have been better but you know it’ll work I can make it I can make it

Look fancy I can make it look Snazzy boom boom and we’re going to have a yellow floor it’s going to be made out of yellow planks which is just the oak wood but it’s really pretty and cute and it’s going to be absolutely adorable nobody can tell me other was I don’t know what’s going to go on

In the corner there maybe just a plant wall or yeah who knows but I Mak it of my chest right now cute is she puring L one catsper so so calming now we’ve got blocks hello I guess I didn’t really need to smell that Cobblestone that I smelted

Earlier oh well what’s done it’s Done I’m like I hear something it’s it’s Zar up there flapping his Wings there’s so many cute decorational mods that I’m excited to use on on this my newest favorite decorational mod is cluttered at the moment and it has like a lot of like very cut sea decorations a lot of like gaming related decorations it’s giving it’s like a very like pastel

SL Animal Crossing kind of vibe sparing loudly I love that I haven’t seen a cat yet have I in the game I don’t think I have course you’re going to make the wall I’m going to make them white if I wasn’t going to do white I’d do

Brown but I think I am going to do white just for the main room we’ll see what I do with the rest I want this I think to feel very magical very yellow very magical cuz I am going to turn into a magic area once I move out of

It so yeah C this is this room will be like our main Hub and then we will like Branch off I think in the three directions go one here we’ll go in this direction and then we’ll go in that direction wait why is that wall to but that one’s not am I Crazy how did that happen what how’s that possible oh I didn’t mine one of them down I’m like went Wrong there we go why is this so sad I don’t want to be sad right Now I want to be a happy moony cool 1 2 3 yeah all right let’s go get the yellow wood and some cow site the other what I just need um go get some Oak planks cuz again it’s just died where do I want to get that

From I’ve been realizing I don’t have any Oak near me oh there’s a force there there’s no cow site that way so cow site’s here there’s not there’s a forest not too far from there we’ll take Zar oh star my Majestic birdie it’s your time to Shine flap your wings and fly I’m loving this yellow and green I hope I wonder why are change I don’t know if it’s cuz like he changes every time I load or something happened but I’m living for it you know outfit change the new and improved Zar so over here somewhere bir trip

Yeah my Majestic birdie I think that’s calite yep we’re here all right Zar don’t burn to death in the water please please um I fun with caution I really need to get mending I might have to go just like quickly get a mending villager cuz I have the Villager

Hat so it’s going to make it cheap for me so I could do you know wait a minute I really could and it would be so easy cuz it’s the first enchant enchant yeah first first trade that’s what I meant well oh this just made my life so much

Easier hello that would have taken forever that would take that took 2 seconds now all right well on to Wood oh my I forgot I can climb walls oh I love when I add mods that make my life convenient you Know SAR I’m going need you to get down here I realized last stream I was like I don’t know how to make the summoning thing it’s actually pretty easy I just need another ender pearl Sor don’t land in the magma please oh the force is right there I

Don’t know why I thought in my head that that was farther than it was where’s my axe me just do some uh deforestation real Quick oh that one’s done that’s a hoe all right I’m just going to don’t mind Me we’re going to need a decent amount of wood then we’ll dye it all yellow it’ll be super cute I think this I can get like a flowering yellow wood too but I don’t remember what that recipe is I think it’s like grass and some flowers

Maybe we should probably find a find a flower Forest to get flowers from if that’s the case but we’ll See oh what’s that what’s that Redberry I’m pretty sure that should be enough for now extra for the for the road oh that won’t mine anymore oh well we’re going to leave it and pretend it’s not there I know Chad I’m a criminal I’ve left I’ve left it floating what can I say I’m sorry I’m sorry oh there’s

Wood up there I keep forgetting I can climb the leaves hey let me up yeah oh my there’s so much wood up here I have just left I have just left it all behind um I could um but they won’t grow big because it’s not a mod it’s a data

Pack and so I can’t make them as big and so it’s a lot more tedious but I will do I’m just going to be bothered cuz I’m lazy um dot dot Dot boom boom boom is that wood no that’s just yeah all right come back wait Sor oh and I caught him a a hell yeah no how could you you know oh oh oh I think I just crashed the Game okay note to self don’t move things in your inventory while you’re you’re on Zar oh I did I crashed the whole game um awkward let me load it back up dot dot dot won’t do that again oopsie my bad so mildly award have you guys seen The Never Have I Ever

Video I’m thinking about doing more videos like that would you guys like that there’s a perform as well that’s like actual Fallen but they’re still fun to make L back up you might fall off the bird I won’t die from it hopefully he’s too power for the game yeah clearly much too Powerful it’s going to take a hot minute to load I’m not going to lie to you I don’t know why my background’s empty hold on whoa now there’s yellow crazy omg Omg never have I ever not watched the video yeah oh the cool kids have seen the video I don’t know why why the screen go black again I don’t know I don’t know I wasn’t meant to be J I fear I do fear that that oh that room’s cool I looked in the

Discord this supposed to be like an armor display room Nice I don’t feel like I have that many mods on this mod pack either like we I’ve played a lot bigger mod packs than this one this one has 128 and if you yeah if you’re not like big on mods and that probably sounds like a lot but like

The other mod packs I play have like 149 161 so personally I don’t think that was that big of a mod pack hav hav’t yet oh you should AO you should very funny you get to see on the voice actors play with each other get to see what they’re like when they’re not

Like playing in their characters wait and we’ll continue waiting sir yeah it’s loading I’m sorry I’m sorry I couldn’t predict that that getting on Zar and moving my inventory would crash I fear I’m Sorry look look I want to try to find cuz I’ve seen like the PNG YouTubers that can like be like angry and then happy and then cry based on whatever like your voice is or whatever so want to see if I can find one so if she can

Do and then just like stick her tongue out he’s like but all right it’s 1.20.1 the Minecraft like thing has popped up officially Now update available update Available hopefully they didn’t set me back that would be real tragic Um holds Breath dot dot dot Waits awkwardly the bird change colors again I feel like he will but I hope that he doesn’t you know I don’t know how many colors he can be I don’t know what all the options are apparently I’m supposed to be able to

Get a feather from him but I have no it’s ice cream I want ice cream I have no idea how or like if I’m supposed to do something that makes them do it I have to like research the mod a little bit it didn’t look like there was much in the

Mod other than the actual mobs themselves and some feathers and the summoning staff so I wonder what the feathers are for cuz it doesn’t look like you can craft anything with them it just looks like the feathers Exist you know surely they have to be used for something but if I can use it to change his color maybe that’s what it’s for oh and we’re back look it’s me guys OMG what’s the mod it’s called Mythic Mythic mounts I believe yeah Mythic mounts they’re like horses I think I can

Get like faster ones I mother freaking breed them I probably can’t cuz I can’t feed him or as far as I’m over decorative pieces but like decorative how cuz I don’t think I can plant them like put them down plant them what the I don’t

Think I can put them down so unless I’m just hanging them on my wall and I don’t really Know reading World data hopefully I didn’t just break my entire world cuz that would be very very sad um Waits patiently Waits awkwardly um if anything I would have to get rid of the mod if it did mess up the pack somehow but I hope it didn’t I hope it’s

Just going to be like oh you I don’t know are not writing him anymore or something like That hot hot hot um block and they stand right up like a pen like a pen like a pet but what block Oh Oh you mean the the feather I mean I guess we’ll see I have to figure out how to get one First oh here we go loading up joining World Moment of Truth and will I be plummeting to my death will the game crash or will I have a happy time and nothing will go wrong ah okay well I didn’t Plum it to my des and he almost did but you know we’re

Good forward with what do you mean teleport me Forward within render distance so it doesn’t teleport him to me it makes me go faster I’m confused oh off I remember that okay I guess I’ll just have to wait for the one to fall OMG like falling oh my God s crazy home sweet home after that conundrum oh my Goodness hello chubster we’re back teleport mounts oh okay so it’s I don’t it’s not me it’s not it’s like I think it’s summoning so it summons him to me is what I would imagine otherwise that doesn’t really make any sense s does it grows no does they have seasons

Okay that one grows any season these can’t really grow in the winter so I should probably stock up on my oak wood I guess what kind of tree is this Walnut wait I think that was actually quite a pretty it’s been sitting there for days but days I mean uh two IRL These 1 2 3 4 1 2 three 4 1 2 3 4 boom boom boom boom all right we’re just going to plant them I give up I don’t know why I was trying to make it perfectly aligned but that was not Necessary squirrel why are the squirrels that big I’ve never seen a squirrel that big in my entire life I would cry if I did D tack will apparently protect you also they breed with golden apples that is good to know will’ll be breeding mans creating AAR Army it’s true 0% in

The winter let’s see how pretty you are I mean you’re not that pretty but you’re not like bad so I guess I suppose you’ll do I suppose I’m sorry I had to get the music it only lasts about like an hour to two hours um so oh not the ads this is so

Embarrassing oh my God cool um where’s my yellow Dy and then I think it’s like that and then like that we’ve got yellow how do I make yellow flowering oh there any flower in the middle Okay yeah on YouTube cuz I am in fact using YouTube cuz I don’t want to get any copyright problems at all why did I thought think that was a real Enderman it’s my plushy let’s pick some Flowers I’m not getting those flowers cuz I like those flowers and I actually want to use them to decorate but the blue ones I don’t care as much about oh it’s a oxy that is lettuce oh I can get um flowers from these nice Oops Zar is near oh oh they’re rare to spawn oh and I got it as my first one I so cool they’re herbivores do they eat anything other than golden apples plants plant my oxide Ready and then we go like this and like that I got way more flowers that I’m actually going to need but it’s fine look how gorgeous this block is oh thank yellow lovers dreams sausage pasta kind of hungry I have fun the only thing I know how to cook

Other than like breakfast foods there quesadillas at the moment I’m trying to make learn how to make rice cuz I do love me some rice um and I made like this yellow rice with corn in it the other day and then my mom and my dad were like oh it tastes fine

It look tastes good like I don’t know what you mean but to me it just tastes like white rice and it didn’t tast have like much flavor so I was not very happy with it I’m guess I’m going to have to keep trying but I don’t know why I’ve tried

Making rice before and it came out terribly so you know we’re at one step up from where I was Before that meant to be a wall look how happy this block is oh I’ll survive the winter time down here happy as can oh wait it’ll snow on my glass and then it’ll make it really dark down here um mooch I don’t know a mooch is mooch

Mooch I don’t know what mooch is not going to lie a mooch maker and sweet rice what’s mooch what’s sweet rice mooch am I saying it right Mooch dot dot dot um Sweet rice never heard of sweet Race beautiful yellow moon it’s is Japanese type of food what what is it like that I would know about what is it most is it most like is it like Mochi or is that like the ice cream or is that something completely completely Different soak sweet rice and water for 3 Days wow and put moochi maker to make it Steam and is that like the the sticky rice is that is that what that is or is that something Different I know that just better come out banging if I’m waiting 3 Days To Eat This meal that just better be the best meal I’ve ever had in Forever you know better be top tier deluxe menu you know that’s a wall set for there that is not a Wall I need more yellow I’m steaky right sticky rice or steaky rice I’m learning about races I didn’t even know existed oh my god oh I got a feather I don’t remember what you said I could do with this oh I just display it which ice cream I had when I was in

England and it was pretty good I like them it was different but I like that it was yummy what eat again the green tea emoji I don’t remember what the flavor was that we tried sickly rice that’s another rice I’ve only heard about like sticky rice oh yeah sticky rice yeah I’ve heard

About that One oh wait that’s kind of pretty but like just for display Though actually I probably don’t even need need cuz I’m going to mix in some of these flowering Planks here we Go very pretty very overgrown Cuy I told you I told you so OMG I told you so I’m brilliant you know what you know I’m amazing thank you very much mik Gr you are right you are amazing you are imp able coolest person ever award goes to Halo I’m sorry to everyone else in the

Chat um I hear it’s truth yeah yeah can warp Mount to oh yeah yeah that’s what I figured it would do that’s why I was confused when you said it teleports me forward I was like what do you mean it teleports me forward it’s a summoning

Staff oh oh blast can you send me a picture of the the Moi rice the moochi rice I don’t know how to pronounce it but I’m curious I want to see what it looks like in Media oh o i e fear although Ethan has given me a lot of information about a lot of mod things so I suppose Ethan’s can be cool as well I suppose I’ll allow It this song’s weird but I’m not against it I guess Boom boom Boom see and I’ve got all my blanks back then even need to craft then you got a Stack this sound sounds like every so often like somebody’s just breathing in like like that it’s strange you hear it Oops nice yeah a chest I I think they yeah I think that work like horses from what oh I can make yellow tables I really like this one I like the the the double Color I’m not going to not in this room at least maybe no maybe but I know now I now know that I can let’s do the walls where my cide oh in there muchi moci am I saying it right moci I that rice that does not like that looks like

Tiny pancakes that’s so cool oh no wait you said it goes with the rice so that’s not the rice mcci is it soft it’s made from steaky rice so it is rice question Mark made from rice so I’m guessing it is rice I see all Right let us what did I need a stone cutter for I remember I wanted one was it for this I don’t think so I wanted Moi made from sticky rice so not steaky rice okay it’s made from sticky rice okay I see oh I think this is what

I want but I also could like this one and I I could like this one so I mean we might as well just try them all right right that’s the logical thing to do right dot do dot my mom made it love that probably tasted so good my mom’s been making this rice

Lately I forgot what it’s called but it’s like it’s rice and then it’s got like beans and it’s got red peppers and like this green thing it’s like a little green plant I forgot what it’s called um and it’s got like Platos in it so you’re eating and it’s like this most

Delicious rice I’ve ever had ever and then it has like a little bit of sweetness in it from the Platos which is oh amazing amazing and I love it it’s my new favorite rice other than yellow rice with like beans and stuff in it cuz that slaps

Engraved oh biger go home that’s what I so yeah we got to try it all that one kind of looks like wallpaper there’s actual wallpaper hold on oh but none of it’s really like my color other than this checkered lime one it’s kind of cute but I don’t think

So I’ll just try these I’m happy with these let’s try them she get a dragon is that in the M I have to them I just you know decide that I want a dragon all right we’re going to try the eroded over Here you know it’s just a clean a clean white look although it’s going to give like Stone which I’m not like completely feeling now that I’ve placed it okay can look into Dr dragons and large caves I don’t really like this one either maybe I don’t like any of them

Like that um I like that one more than this one though let’s get rid of that I do like this One do I I don’t know anymore I like this one still more than all of them what’s this one oh m what do you guys think eroded or sanded I don’t like the white honestly I think that’s what’s throwing me off that was like the whole vibe that I was going

For I don’t know let get another plank plank jelly shroom we can’t go to the end right now um go these green planks that could be cute why need to get cactus though they’re hostile but you can still tame them how ancient planks I think I want to go for the

Greenwood I think I would like that a lot more than uh this get in more detailed look even the sanded one I think I’m going to go for the green I think I would like it more let’s go get some Cactus put that away oh let me change it

All back into normal cow site it stacks and Whatnot we’re going to go Green I need to make a Nature’s compass same way as what I didn’t have Oh what the Pudo woodoo sud woodoo Nature’s Compass logs one 1 2 3 4 oh uh then I need a compus get some red stone one two three four iron oh Ethan you know why you’re Googling mods can you like look up why I can’t add my up iron upgrade to my traveler

Backpack for 1.20 how do you do it in 1.20 cuz it’s not working same way okay I’m I was just confused cuz he said they fight me and the other ones don’t fight me um what else am I missing saplings I’ve got saplings Nature’s Compass I guess we go to a

Desert that is 5,000 blocks 6,000 blocks away where’s the where’s the next nearest Desert Desert Canyon that is even farther away Desert Oasis that is even far okay uh desert uh the Lush desert or not um wait there’s an island I believe that is it summer summer Island Skyland how far is

That why are all these biomes so far oh wait maybe I didn’t finish search we’re still going oh it’s it was still far Though um what else would have maybe a Mesa where’s the oh bad lands sorry why is it not is it not the bad lands what’s a 24,000 blocks away holy the ancient Sands I’m just I’m just why are these bling so far yeah but that’s like crazy far you

Know what else is a dry Biome I mean I Guess well if I’m going to go that far out I might as well go to like oh no the desert is the closest thing what else would be a biome that would have G this in it or like a savannah cuz those oh why can’t I search for a

Savannah what is it is it not called a savannah am I crazy AAA sa it’s called a savannah why are they saying it doesn’t exist Oh that one’s close we’ll go there and hopefully we’ll find a village that has like a cactus in it and if not then we’ll find we’ll go to the [Applause] Desert actually I guess it’s not that far on my my little man’s here as we fly Majestically but 20,000 blocks away is crazy there’s only two slots I tried that iron doesn’t go in the first slot it won’t like it physically Can’t oh see this is this is why I having to travel so far the blocks start struggling why are there so many mobs over there am I crazy other oh I can’t be bothered to go for that right Now show me then you’re going to have to wait you might scroll back in the SC in the Stream I’m going to the to the Savannah that’s what I tried cuz I was like oh maybe it needs the material but the material doesn’t go in that Slot another birdie CHP yep oh he didn’t change colors I’ve just realized he just wanted to be like me he just wanted to be yellow and Green and if not then I suppose we can go to the desert depending on how badly these chunks struggle to load will depend on how our journey Goes gravel Beach oh the ocean we’ve reached It I believe in your world you got this oh oh maybe not birdy I hope you can swim oh new wood I think the seat board is yellow too oh oh oh he crashed oh he can’t swim cool all right you wait there a hot second I’m seash shell collecting that’s a sand

Rock give me the Coconut yep it’s not as pretty as a yellow log but it’s yellow a starfish Hello did I get any saplings I didn’t or is it the coconut I think it’s the coconut that I need oh I can’t reach it hold on oh I for I keep forgetting I can climb blocks or is it not the coconut am I Dumb oh there we go we got it row AR the season okay another one another one yep we got it yeah it was up right after I got out of the cave um but I don’t know it wasn’t working grab some panes for the Road I don’t think I’ve gotten any yet grab some coconuts and we’ll be all I hate coconut actually I I don’t like how coconut tastes I just not even know how it tastes really it’s just like the flakes like they bother me I don’t like the

Texture of it and I I don’t really like the flavor that much like it’s not a terrible flavor but it’s not like something I look forward to it’s like coconut you know El Village hello oh those lemons I want lemons it is oh what The thank you so much tree for your lemons when life gives you lemons you Know Sor I’ve got lemons it’s a wonderful day kind of lemon stuff can I make lemon absolutely nothing lemonade lemon chicken and some lemon coconut B bars of course it would be coconut Sor coconut milk tastes very good to me no I haven’t I feel like it would not taste

Very good to me you know 300 blocks that way oh hi B all right Zar off we go I need to eat I’m starving in game oh snap I almost did the I almost did the thing I almost did the thing it’s a pigman I think what is that why the turtles look

Weird interesting is it a pigman oh tree plant oh no it’s just I thought it was a Pikman hello sea turtles you looked funny to me I’m sorry what is this wild cabbage Sandy Shrub I don’t know if I’m supposed to do something with you there’s a fancy Village over there maybe they’ll have some Cactus who knows I TR like almond milk I quite like almond milk there was another nut milk that I tried but I don’t remember what

It was pears I don’t really like I like you know those like pear cups they give you in school I like those but I I don’t like real pairs which is weird probably but I don’t like real pairs like biting into an actual pair it’s not my VI kitty

Cat oh I don’t have any fish and I probably couldn’t take you back with me I’ll be back for a cat at some point emeralds J about lemons and near human made what near human made on nature Made excuse Me uh excuse me do dot dot I’m going need you to reward that for me please I’ve got a knife and Meat nobody’s going to fork with me Now I’ll take the sugar cane I want to look in the chest cuz I want to see if there’s an artifact here cuz the artifacts are quite useful hum made the lemons not nature I feel like I’ve heard that before that they were like I don’t remember how they did

It but something to do with limes I think or I could be completely wrong but shout out to them cuz uh lemons are delicious I don’t eat lemons like on their own but I eat them in like desserts i’ love me some like lemon pound cake lemon cake lemon

Bars I love me some lemon flavored everything lemon cookies lemons are so yummy lemon water goes hard too yeah what does it look like his eyes are on his forehead or is that actually his eyes or the the black line supposed to be the eyes and those are

Eyebrows I don’t really know what’s going on with Them Hey will we find an artifact or will this all be for nothing find out next time on moon density Channel yes they’re so Good lemon lemon flavored everything just goes hard you know lemon bread yeah can never go wrong am I that desperate for wool yes I think I’ve been in every house now what the hell I kind of want to stab him but I also want to leave him alone cuz he he

Looks at me Jud he’s judging me but he’s making weird sounds also I didn’t see any cactus in here I’ve realized I forgot that was the goal nothing nothing sorry and I’ve already been in here okay let’s check the got another beef checked all the chest where’s Zar at Zar right there oh

Maybe I should sleep before we head out there bed sir you got to you got to wake up what do you trade while we’re here oh no okay that wind is going crazy might as well check in Here Thorns mending I can disenchant that so I will take it um usually it’ be in the the cabin underneath that but I don’t think there is I think it’s broken but I’ll take the mending let’s get out of here s oh he dropped another feather thanks

Homie goodbye Village thank you for your uh your sugar and your mending and all of the above but I fear it’s my time to go look for some more C I haven’t seen any more waist Stones I not I think about it what is this blue excuse me what is this

Biome temperate Highlands this actually kind of nice I like it here it’s it’s quaint it’s pretty it kind of feels like a golf course to me for some reason is that weird I don’t know but that’s what it feels Like that looks like there was a signpost that was meant to be there but didn’t oh oh yeah we were just at that Village sign post we did to come from that direction oh tulips I love me some Tulips tulips are so pretty like tulips are always the best flower in every game and just IRL tulips kind of dominate you know they they eat the other plants up is that dark oak wood it is will that give me dark oak saplings we’ll see two lips ha funny wait a

Minute excuse me I am not crazy I mean gaset that’s a poppy what why does it look so pretty poppies usually look ugly I mean I like this so I guess I like it but I usually don’t like him I got that was crazy are you going to drop dark oak

Wood or saplings no peaches peaches peaches peaches peaches peaches Sor time to roll out I got Bamboozled into liking poppies of all things can you believe it that’s anime I do I do love me some anime I’m upset with anime right now though cuz like all the shows that I

Want to watch they’re doing that thing like why they take so long to come out I’m trying to wait for what’s it Dr Stone I really wanted to keep coming out I like one of my tops and then spy family saying forever to come out I

Don’t know where to watch it like h I just want to forget that am& may exists for a minute so that I can come back and all my favorite ones we like have episodes out you know oh I’m here it won’t load in but I’m here let’s

See how far the desert is from here orig roses I do know that and they ruined them and turned them into poppies are these a Alia trees blooming Valley I’ve never seen this biome before Oh oh that’s the the Moonlight biome I like it for the name I don’t

Actually like it though because it’s very blue and I’m not a blue I mean I don’t like dislike blue but I’m just you know I’m I’m more of a yellow warm tone girly and it’s very purple blues yeah now we need to find a village I guess

Um oh those are more over there the white to lips we’ll be Grabbing this easy too yeah like oh my God I’m just like please like it’s it’s so good like just just give me the episodes please especially Dr Stone Dr Stone I like every single episode hits you know for me it’s like every episode it’s like boom super interesting and so

When I have the wait it’s just like oh but it’s so worth the weight though too starf fruit I like them cuz they’re pretty and they look like stars but I’ve never actually had one I don’t know what this Animal Crossing song is but I like it it’s a

Vibe would listen to this all day with no Thoughts where’s oh hi Zar did I just look at Zar and then go where’s Zar yes I did yes I did wearing cloth Tower in Minecraft e that sounds like a lot of red stone Moon’s not a redstone girly yet key word being Yet I supposed to check how far the desert was I don’t think this uh Savannah is the kind of Savannah I was looking for I’m realizing blooming Plateau okay blooming Plateau all right let’s look for the desert oh okay then these are tulips there we go this why is Gorgeous now I such torture just you just waiting for your next favorite scene come up especially on yes I’m just like oh it’s so worth it at the end but it’s so frustrating just like it’s so good like I want to know what Happens about to just rewatch doctor Stone from the beginning just to fulfill my need for it you know I love Dr Stone it’s so good so good every season has a hit every episode has hit like not a single episode has let me down and then I spy family cuz it’s funny I like Ana a Belle and observing a de Oh I thought you meant like one that would

Like like turn or something like the the clicky clockies the clicky clacky the the the you know what I’m talking about do you Um okay 4,000 AAR I’m going to you to get your behind who do you think I am you think I’m going to jump off the mountain like I just did just to get you okay I did but you know that’s besides the point I shouldn’t have

To yeah I thought you meant like the big one with the hands that’s what they’re called The Tick the the the clicky clacky hands the ticktock Clans hands yeah [Applause] Yeah with that I understand I thought me something like crazy big and and complicated look at your base I don’t know about that one I don’t know about that one do I want to really hear a bell every time it’s daytime I fear Not make a house we are on a mission for my house right now I need Cactus so I can get green pretty planks for my Walls what is that oh it’s like cherries I can’t be bothered we’ve got 4,000 blocks to go I hope that I can warp home on Zar imagine I warp and I leave Zar behind oh that would be a sad sad day hopefully I don’t though hope fully man it’s looking like a

Pineapple whoa I’m sorry I’m sorry just went to the ground after I said that Hey Taylor what’s Good c yeah I just don’t have any interest in doing so I fear there’s a village nearby what is in here let me dig up some people’s Graves real quick Um sorry you just just teleport skeleton skull oh whoevers uh head that was is not mine thanks for your donations you know it’ll be kind of sad if you left the whole thing Cactus render you flying W absolutely not RS around it w w one step at a time

All right I’m just building my underground base right now we got we got steps to take there’s an order to be add cuz why Zar look different it kind of scared okay the loot here is kind of trash nobody Rich died here what am I supposed to do

This that one wasn’t that bad but it also wasn’t that good Either um okay we’re getting out of here that was a waste of time what is that tree is that AIA tree am I crazy Oh it is did I just say aelia I meant AAA and it was that’s going to alert like I I don’t even know I heard Something another Mansion incoming you know the the the the tribal mansion that I made the Princess and the Frog was my favorite thing that I’ve ever done I think I want to do something like that again where like remake something cuz I really enjoyed that

Actually and I had a um S&P that I was on and I remade like the the the mansion from The Princess and the Frog D’s Mansion I believe her name is and I loved it it was amazing and I want to do it again what in the what in the what in

The what in the what you see all the ravagers that are in there on the map I fear that’ll that’ll be a thing for another day not I not today not with the arear oh no we’ll see what I do I don’t want to rebuild something I really enjoyed like making something

From like a show that I enjoyed and then living in it that was that was fun as we wait for this chunk to Load Beach how far 3,000 blocks oh I haven’t seen a dark oak forest yet Either I going to say is that something but it wasn’t it was just a new biome I’m about to crash into a tree trying to convince my friend to call me I don’t know if it’s working well you’ll know it’s working if they call oh oh oh oh uh-oh

Uh-oh I have no idea where I am right now ah I’m trapped sh I’m Trapped ah okay reloaded Reloaded I’m not much of a social person myself I am not one that’s like big on phone calls I’m like whoa texting is good enough right um we don’t need to do all that uh right oh there’s a village I passed or maybe I don’t

Know I would just go to their house love that for you how did I get so turned around probably from when I was trapped in the wood I believe is this Redwood no that’s Spruce we’re an old growth tiger I love the old growth tiger I love how big it

Is unless I know them yeah I’m not much of a call kind of G I’m kind of antisocial I’m not going to lie oh another Village 600 blocks that way it’s about in the direction we’re going might as well Go we’re definitely warping back Zar oh L pads I do hope for your own sake that you teleport with me and don’t crash my game that would that would also be lovely um if you could not do that I love I love love how the lily pads look in this pack it’s Gorgeous what did you see That what was That eh I don’t know when the next time I’ll see lily pads is I need it I need it you know I think I can get a villager that trades them though I’m pretty sure I will I think if I’m riding him while he does while I do it then he’ll teleport with Me I just jumped underwater whoh whoosh The Meadows how pretty 2,000 blocks oh is this a village what is we’ll sleep here for the night and we won’t think about the last Village that we accidentally you know got them all murdered in accidentally That was useless sorry I’m going to have a look around Oh I thought it was a waist Stone it was not a waist Stone Flint knife I will be collecting all the knives so I might as well take it oh the banners look nice in this well that’s surrounded by Moss that’s

Interesting never seen that before you have nothing oh it’s this little bath oh it is oh let me get all cleaned up real quick there we go there like a bath house oh fishing did I just go swimming in a fish pond Well how come no Village that I’ve passed has had a w Stone I thought they were supposed to be very common I’m about to turn it on so that they always have Stones getting desperate desperate I mean I could just craft one I could but that’s not the Point none of these houses have artifacts either I’m getting scammed down here hey oh my throat is starting to hurt it’s a Hot Spring Resorts I had fish in the thing though so uh oh pumpkins throw faster in the fall I didn’t know that actually yes I did oh

Guess that’s pumpkin season Jacko lanterns oh are like oh those are cute they’re custom made like cherry blossom trees um is that an End Rod yoink Don’t Mind If I Do Um you’re all pretty and whatnot but I fear you’re a bit useless other than for meat maybe it is a Hot Spring Resort I like that cute what is this sad Song Emeralds I won’t complain okay well it didn’t have much usefulness but it was a nice experience I guess you know I got to relax in the hot springs of the cherry blossom have I seen villagers here are they all dead hey it wasn’t me this time where’s Zar SAR

We’re out of here oh I’m sorry I forgot SAR you were born in a village just like this that I caused um death and I’m so sorry sorry I hope I didn’t this didn’t bring up bad memories it’s okay like if you want to cry I understand um I won’t hold it against

You I will you know don’t feel embarrassed you know it’s really my fault I should have thought about that before I landed there I’m so sorry oh fancy knife oh I’m sorry you had to fly away I brought you too close again I’m sorry I’m sorry I promise I’m not doing it on

Purpose oh my headphones are doing the beep thing where they’re like we’re going to die soon and I’m like oh no please Don’t Sor I’m so sorry Zar I could you do that to your poor bird you’re so right I’m a terrible person oh my Goden fly over the ocean and listen to the sad sad music uh while I uh investigate this boat are you pretty sure this boat like never has anything on

It you know I’ll take the fish what if I want to I don’t a cat sir you’re broke I’m sorry to break it to you I don’t know if you know this I’m taking what little fish you even had um hopefully you know you can do better

Than that but what oh he opens I forgot he opens barrels too I was like waa wait a minute you’re not supposed to do that oh I forgot there ocean Creepers the ocean creepers are the scariest thing I’ve ever experienced in Minecraft they go so fast and they just like swim

At you and explode it was terrifying absolutely not the chunks are loading in better probably cuz we’re above the Water I need to put a wa over here if I don’t going to be flying over here forever trying to find One waiting for that to load in there’s a land he is that a village that is a that is a dirt Mound well it looked like it was to me my bed wa so now yeah hopefully we can find them in the desert they’re usually very com really common in the

Desert so I hope it will is that just a savannah tree yeah it’s a savannah hello Savannah hello hello are we here desert we’ve made it as soon as it left so in we’ve made it oh what The um dot dot dot give it a minute oh there we go oh hello oh that is a I was going to say a monster and zombie and I was like this is zomer but then I was like that is not right sorry we’ve got our Cactus got our one

Cactus let’s go loot this kill off the the child Spirit orb Some Coal mending I will take that I was about to leave it oh wait wait wait oh no it’s the warm ocean I was going to say we can get we can get the sniffers the sniffy boys

So bound and thank you is that a I’m going where Darko Sor you scared me I’m going to hang tight what if there’s ocean creepers though there is I hate ocean creepers some wait come back we’re going to fly over there I’m not mentally prepared for ocean creepers right now A piece of gold oh super Sous hat it gives us extra looting when we kill things that all yeah oh no oh I’m in the water okay there’s no ocean Cubs over here so I could oh get away with it maybe all right go go go I want some sea pickles St Those guys got oh I’m drowning oh I’m drowning D we got to get out of the water we got to get out of the water so all that for ring stones and mountains and huh trees and flowers and every en you can get across you went over there

For one Cactus and did and would do it again I want to find a wa Stone though I’m definitely going to place one over here s oh my God man’s trying to get me assassinated watch this be a tiny desert I would cry I would SOB profusely there’s more Cactus too broken

Not to take it there’s no Wingstone how do we make a away Stone I know I need obsidian we need three obsidian and I can make one I would have to sacrifice my only warp Stone but it would be worth it it would oh and this is a kind of desert

Now I cry now I sob now I throw up like oh my God I had one job sorry get your butt down here well now we need some obsidian um was there any lava anywhere mayhaps did I crashed again I just crashed again so apparently I can’t do oh oh okay it didn’t

Crash that’s a little bit of lava let’s go there to the next Island over this ain’t no way I’m traveling all the way back out here ever again no Siri not happening I want to believe that if I fly a little further there’ll be a bigger desert waiting for me what is

That and how do we miss it what hold on let’s get our waist our warp Stone just in case we die um while we take that what now I know I saw lava on the map over here where’d it Go Minecraft don’t get light me right now I know I saw lava oh was it pumpkins it was probably pumpkins No oh and it was it was pumpkins oh this is embarrassing I have to go all the way back there I don’t know chat I don’t know about this one oh it would be so worth it oh it’s so sad sad can’t believe this has happened I

Also can’t believe I’ve only found one way Stone up until this entire Point how does that even happen don’t pop an egg out at me oh it’s about to be night time oh this is so sad top that sad his moments for Moon intensity oh my God is that an above Island oh it is you got any Stones up here oh and it’s covered in Cactus hello it’s raining Z you’re glowing literally wow your feathers look extra extra nice today oh those are things that want to kill me Sor s oh my God look at you Whoa um I’m not seeing any way Stones Unfortunately the clouds look so weird up here back down I go Sadly wasn’t that far I guess to get lava I Guess that’s a village is it no that’s another Island can’t be Bothered any way stones around no oh okay no it’s fine I understand oh he got a backpack On yay new Backpack to end to the collection The Collection currently consists of uh two but Still Where’s My Water oh we can Vin mine obsidian now you know what let’s sleep in the village and you know not get a bunch of monsters spawned on us and then we’ll do this in the morning I could use the rest I’m back at your wonderful uh Hot Springs to relax and

Seek comfort and more relaxation um don’t mind Me A brand new day the skies are clear there’s a be it’s quite peaceful it’s quite tranquil oh look there’s even a rainbow if that’s not a sign to a good day I don’t know what is oh Cow and now we aain mine and oh voila just like that I’ve got Stacks and stacks of obsidian where is our Zar get away from the creeper go oh there another one Zar we got to Go now I just need sandstone and we’ll have it marked and we can come back whenever we want to this sad sad Desert that sky island is is it’s enormous that’s the boat we saw and the sky’s like right next to it but we didn’t pass it that’s crazy you imagine all the things that you’re like just off the map too that you could have found if you were like

Two blocks to the left oh sad Times it’s like that Meme when you’re mining in Minecraft like strip mining back in the day and you were like oh but what if there’s like diamonds like two blocks more and you just leave oh sad Times is that even the desert place I’m scared to open my map I don’t think it is it’s not That’s the dirt Mountain that I thought was a village House forward Forward sorry let’s go to the Sandstone cave I suppose get what tiny little bit of sandstone there is here How much did I need chiseled how do I I just need Sandstone slabs I can do That you know what yeah where’s my crafting Table should I maybe we go just a little bit further and there’s maybe some more desert and there’ll be a was Stone waiting for me just right there and Zar get your tail down here now right now get your little booty over Here oh my God oh just just a little further just a little further oh just just just um it’s Ju Just it’s it’s just Um Um it’s um I can we’re near it I I think um you’re telling me that’s the closest desert to me and it’s barely its own Island what is that warped Mesa that’s trippy I’ve never seen that ever got any warp zones and it’s also tiny how rude of the game I can’t believe

This how about this way maybe no oh okay I guess I’ll just fly back then oh there’s an entire sea Temple there hello well we didn’t find what we were looking for um but I suggest I should take the dub of the cactus and roll with it now new question can

I take Zar home with the warp stone with the the waist Stone not the warp Stone sorry I won’t have one anymore after I use it oh but what if it’s this way but if it’s This Way Desert please oh I know wasn’t even load in wait if that’s because it’s loading a

Desert surely now you were just loading more water oh what why is the ocean this big that’s going to have an artifact in it I will take that don’t land in the water Zar Zar you know what no I’m going to stay on Zar oh no because he’s going

To crash Dar don’t move a warrior chest plate excuse me I don’t even know why I grabbed that I really didn’t need it that’s a deep ass ocean holy okay it didn’t have an artifact I lied why is this war otion so big all right fine fine a little bit by defeat

We’re going home we’re going home tiny Boone don’t even look at me don’t even look at Me Sor okay let just go around the chunk that doesn’t oh or not oh oh that’s not a chicken laying eggs that’s Zar pooping out Feathers let’s go put the down the waist Stone and cry I not then we’ll have our Cactus we’ll be on our way home it won’t be so bad defeated by an ocean defeated by a tiny Desert just how far away from that that’s where we are that’s our home down here oh my God all that way for this tiny little thing and I got to waste a was Stone a warp Stone on it oh my goodness it’s a sad time a sad sad Time oh so desert let’s go Zar and you better not crash my what is This five armor uh it doesn’t feel that good I’m just going to put that on display let’s Go 7,500 blocks away oh and it did bring Zar back home suck It sigh all that for some green die is crazy me Personally what else can I do with Obsidian I mean I [Applause] Guess that laugh I love that laugh little but little buddy I don’t want to talk about it mama had a terrible day wait wait what am I waiting for a little too late AO little too late he leather as a template for the backpack right that’s what I

Was but the backpack is already Leather but I’ll try it how are my uh my Cowboys Breeding how are you guys holding up I see there’s lots of you now so you can make lots of babies I guess you guys can breathe Too keep going keep making Babies mother with a backpack and an iron upgrade that seems a little weird but I don’t do it damn I knocked him out the whole place oh I should be I should take that off that would you know that would be a lot more efficient you’re not sheep oh no the

Baby it’s fine no need to panic I will return the baby all right let’s make an upgrade now how do I do it I can make a par glider now W all right I need backpack tanks we got iron we got glass we now got some tanks um

Upgrade oh I’m missing the CH don’t why you sound so angry don’t yell at me you’re you literally got food you literally got food in your mouth right now I don’t want to hear Nothing sorry whoa whoa okay okay why you so angry why is the so angry at me it’s cuz I killed the animals I’m so sorry I don’t know if you know this but I’m not a vegetarian like oh my God the SPI table I know I know oh what what just happened you see that I didn’t mean to do that well dry it oh you said with leather I don’t know what you’re talking about what did I just pick up so backpack with that no that and leather

Oh it is leather why would it be leather I mean I Guess that doesn’t make any sense to me personally but get it I guess guess we’re going to add another one but maybe I didn’t what’s next gold I got gold got gold like got milk no okay sorry oh I should put my superstitious hat on then I can come over here and kill

Some more cows and I’ll get more Lether in Theory yeah um sorry babies uh dot dot dot and then we make oh I didn’t need the leather awkward make a gold upgrade combine okay and then I go that one leather why would it need leather doesn’t make any sense to me and I’ve got the diamonds so we’ll make a diamond

One bada bing bada boom baby boom Oh and then boom and then boom Oh the music stopped run um um um um um the names of of these like playlists are so funny they’re like Animal Crossing music to to to clean the house oh anyways Animal Crossing music for cat

Lovers Animal Crossing music for dog lovers only we’re going to pretend you didn’t just hear that it’s crazy Anyways put my head Away boom boom and boom Now I’ve got backpack I’ll put all my fancy Tools in here and this backpack will just be my other stuff things I might need on on the road will go in here um Yeah no I’ll keep the bundle well crafting table I that has a crafting table so I guess not um flint and steel for the road dot dot dot my my chisel I didn’t even realize I made a chisel why do I have an extra iron upgrade when did that

Happen I put my piston back on I mean I might as well just upgrade the uh the dog backpack I guess not that I ever use it but it’s there hello wolf man put the upgrade away have so much stuff it’s crazy it’s a little overwhelming and it’s crazy let’s unenchant these

Ming Oh wrong thing 16 never mind that sounds like a another day kind of thing yeah hella meat oh the C this I what to smelt it and then I was like oh I should probably plant it you know that would probably Help we smell to of it St I didn’t even need to smell really but oh it’s been done po I’m going to keep on me for cats that one’s Cooked what’s better than a cheese I don’t get that reference I do Fear Um just wait to have to put all that stuff in their base well I can actually just carry chests but uh yeah it’ll be it’ll be a thing I’ll probably do that off stream though so you guys don’t have to sit there and watch me do it oh oh what just happened hello Oh I don’t know I have that but anyways let’s be real I don’t need that anymore and I don’t need that anymore oh the ad or right oh I got a new a new plushy it’s kind of a silly plushy but it’s cute I like it um we’ll put him

Here it’s a little tree why does it look so big I don’t Know this is a decoration that’s a sapling that’s a food that’s a decoration that’s all wood that’s Cal site that we’re no longer using that’s a block of gold why do I still have copper that’s not smelted who knows not I um calite and wool oh and that’s full already well that’s trash but now it’s now what though what that’s pretty clean boom bo boom Boom where will we plant our Cactus right here come on oh why am I not using my Shovel boom know that bothers me for some reason we’re not going to put it there I put it over here that also bothers me where put here Bo boom that confused me I was like what is That dirt um what the I need to get a better system for throwing things Out we’ve got seven green dye guys that whole trip for seven green dye which isn’t even going to be enough for what we want to do all right green where is It where is it log it’s not going to be enough cuz it’s not like that where I can just boom get Stacks and stacks of planks I got to make this into the planks can you believe it oh my God I gu barely a stack barely a stack that was painful that was

Painful I think on the outside I want it to be white though so we’ll do the eroded oh will we we’ll do sanded kite kite we’ll do sanded csite on the Outside it’s going to bother me oh that so much cuter so much more homey you know you have bone meal um I do but you can’t bone meal Cactus uh so not dot dot you know can I make slams out of this wait can I make eroded calide slabs is the new

Question I fear I can’t but we’re going to try or Sandage Sorry but if I can that’ be amazing oh I can’t um is there slab bone slabs are looking like the best option or smooth quartz slabs How much quartz we got we’re not hurting that bad K Um let’s see calite there’s this one may go Those because I believe I have a mod that will let me do something cool I should not have made that many but here we are I in theory if I uh well that one’s just got to be a full block now doesn’t It I the it does um ignoring this one corner I Believe then I can go like this oh it’s not going to work on the corners though it’s going to ruin everything and then double-sided slabs Baby that’s going to be a bit of a problem however um but for the most part I think it’ll work I think it’s a solid [Applause] Plant hey wrong Way stop It m it’s not the greatest though because of the edges but what I can do is like cover it on the inside my thumb hurts from typing and I don’t like not typing but you know like using the keyboard and I don’t know why I’ll do like

That can’t do it on this side though so have to do that isn’t that so cool chat my mind is blown personally um W oh that looks weird there though so it’s not foolproof how bad does it look from the top it does look really bad it does I mean it’s not the worst it could be a lot Worser I don’t know I’m kind of feeling like I should just give up and just do the Cal site even though we was been on the entire Journey for some green planks you know I could I’ll just I’ll suck it up for the here and then we’ll use we’ll

Use it the Green in in one of these other Rooms me light it up down here so mobs don’t spawn are you going to have to suck it Up chat I fear well you know at least now I know that you know that’s the decision I want um instead of sitting here wondering like oh my God you know if the

Green blanks would look better back blast Lord we just went spent possibly you know the longest time ever flying all the way over here for this tiny desert for some cactus and now I don’t even like how the green looks so you know not the greatest time ever but it’s fine it’s fine

Um finished cooking sausage pasta came out perfectly I’m glad that you know at least you’re having a good time um the rest of us we we don’t want to talk about it oh no wow my pickaxe is so fast why am I using a pickaxe to mine that oh cuz it’s

Right I and these each one of the rooms will look different with different colors think about that you know you’re right now I don’t you know i’ I’ve planned for future Mooney future Mooney will be grateful I’m sure she won’t think I’m dumb at all um it’s Fine teleport my Minecraft map Well it’s so cool too that you have to like use the right one and it only breaks one of them am I getting these back I am okay I’m going to say imagine I wasn’t getting them back and they just like broke forever I would cry Again face you’re making would be perfect in the secret face ah yes well it is uh not so secret considering it’s a giant Moon that you consume from above ground oh oh now that I’m thinking about it it kind of bothers me that it’s facing this way cuz the moon I feel like

Would be facing the other way oh now I don’t want to think about it we’re never going to look at that map ever again SEI hi hello but it’s okay you know we we take our losses and we move on and we move forward and we don’t think about it you

Know and we we smile and we go it’s fine it’s fine and we have a great and wonderful day you know that’s what we do boom Mr LS are you there Mr Lags that would be a great suggestion what what would be a great Suggestion boom boom Boom oh all Right oh Bo And I have my traumatic three tall door and it will be Wonderful but look oh that looks so much better it looks so good from the outside it does well this down my magic amazing amazing Pickaxe oh there a bit in There on the moon I don’t like the r of redstone lamps um I do Fair if I make a redstone Contraption it’s got to look good from the outside and I don’t like how those look you know got to be pretty I want it to be yellow and glowy and adorable adorable Adorable and it’s got to be wonderful just the legs look at your disc scored thanks Omie you know I am liking this polished cite look I am it’s growing on me it took a lot for it to grow on me but it did it Did no that’s not what I want to see I fear I want to use there’s these like modded um lights that I have that I’m going to put everywhere and they’re going to be adorable they will it’s true it’s true boom boom boom oh I suppose I’ll use all the polished

Kisite slimes that I made dot dot Dot ah sorry it’s fine it’s fine you know this slow painful placement will remind me of my failures so that I never make them again oh god oh [ __ ] [ __ ] it’s okay I’m a calm collected Moon I’m a happy Mooney and nothing terrible has ever happened ever and I

Didn’t just waste all of that c quartz glass or anything and nothing bad has ever happened ever I’m tranquil I I am Zen I am I am happy I’m floating on a cloud I’m a Mooney on a Cloud today is just not my day chat it’s just not my day that pickaxe is going away it’s going away a I’m sorry Halo I’m sorry I’m Sorry can’t believe this has happened how this tiny hole Please let’s go get some more yellow Glass ah it’s fine for all broken moies can be put back together again I am learning patience and calmness it’s fine everything is going to be fine nothing bad can can put me down you know they say never give up never give up booty and I go I’ll Try Uhoh ah s It’s fine it’s Fine for no matter how many downfalls I have setbacks that I have I will always come back stronger or something like That this is fine wood doesn’t go in there there’s a character Fallen Side Stories called mut man super funny superhero with a mut this weakness is bad it’ll just be a random dog that just wanders into the village oh my God ow you know I keep forgetting that I can climb

Walls that would be a very handy thing to remember my phun hurts from just like reaching I don’t even know what I’m reaching for but I’m reaching for something and it’s hurting my thumb give me all the yellow for how can I be sad when I am surrounded by Yellow oh I have handcrafted I forgot I love handcrafted oh son even the Birds are they’re they’re yelling at me please they’re cursing me out right Now actively you know what at least we’ve got a full blocked house right now that’s one for a win I think oh I didn’t do this whole entire side I really thought I was done and I wasn’t Die this is fine the glass is smelting the walls are being built I’ve got a floor what kind of door do I want no no do the wall first then we figure out the door Did I make I was wondering if I can make dirt slabs I had to check you know I just have to check had to know buil the house they said it’ll be great they said it’ll make you so happy they Said More calite more csite hey do you remember wait wait is that even the tune I don’t know that song this is that was a compl completely different song Awward polish cow site oh this isn’t even enough this isn’t even enough just do a whole half a stack whole half a stack with a nonexistent coav my thumb is dying Actively Build beautiful house and happy happy beautiful house beautiful house make moon happy happy Moon makes beautiful House not of September yeah oh I got my I got my emotes oh oh oh oh my head is broken I can shake Chad I can I can hit the gritty why are they broken I don’t know why they’re broken this is so sad oh oh oh oh there we

Go you know I’m going to wall this off we’re not going it’s going to bother me it’s fine it’s fine it’s fine wall it off and it doesn’t exist anymore it doesn’t exist Anymore okay definitely going to need a crafting table down here oh it’s not a single sensor o this is awkward where do I want to put the crafting table over Here you know what I’m overthinking this cting Table I want some grass down there use my silk touch to get some some grass grass for Me B There we go ywn it’s looking cute though my little my little staircase down this would be grass I should use moss and instead of grass that’ll be all shiny OMG where’s my bone meal bones make some meal where are we going to go we need to go somewhere we can just

Like break it oh I need a hoe too let me get my hoe real quick boom where’s the nearest place that I don’t care about ow breaking my legs on the way there it’s fine it’s Fine Uhhuh and um we’ll Place some torches this will be my Moss hole oh Me there we go grab my Hoe Yeah and just like that I got a whole stack of a m oh I will be grabbing that cool well there was a lot not that I’m complaining who hole Stacks what about you oh yeah Ow there’s a little pond in there I have lily pads and sugar can this whole time oh I didn’t even oh I’m not wearing any of my armor I would have just got destroyed by absolutely anything that came nearby let’s put Moss so it can look so Pretty okay you know let just oh it’s all glowy I suppose those slaps don’t really need to be there do They ta and this will be like that then you walk in to my gorgeous beautiful amazing house and happiness will ensue the lands for Sure put the green away um and let’s get the rest of this glass going yellow quartz glass 32 will definitely be enough to fill in this little hole boom boom boom Oh and our hole is St sounds weird um our moon is stored we need a

Door I want either a white a gold or a yellow door golden door boom right there um what are our other options the glass door they’re kind of cute but they’re not in the colors that I want closest thing would be the boo bamboo Bamboo or maybe I should search

Door and not dramatic door this mushroom door is gorgeous I’ll try I think I’m going to try the gold door these doors are pretty but they’re not the right colors if anything I do Birch probably what’s this ancient door that looks pretty but I don’t have ancient Wood I do like the glass stores maybe a birch glass store could go well or this one Tall store door Tall store door sliding glass door this is the store door that’s funny to say my store door and the B the Door yeah iron and some glass panes in there yellow door like from cluttered yeah this door let try this one Too iron I’m going need some whoa we ran out of glass it seems don’t know what just happened there um and the gold door how do I make a gold door I’m assuming that’s just planks yeah [Applause] okay B door acquired I don’t think I’m going to like this door but we might as well try it I can’t make them Tall and then we need six glass I believe in you go s Go 1 2 and it’s glass panes boom boom boom oh look at my memory go oh but I need two sets so I can make it tall I think unless I can’t make them tall I can all right we try our three doors Go door go I do love it I do oh I think that’s a winner but we will try the other ones oh that looks really good too it feels very inviting I like that it’d be cooler if it like was a sliding door but I do like it and this door what no That is okay I guess I mean it’s not bad actually I do kind of like it let’s let’s complete it let’s complete it give it a fair Chance I do but it’s not as papow as the other ones I love the gold let me see it again but I like the white one more because you can like see through it and it’s like more inviting so we’re going to go for this

One like I can see where I’m going it’s like glass on glass and it just it it goes together you know it just does it just does Anyways yeah I like the glass one we agree where’s my glowstone what can I make with just glow stone let’s go at [Applause] Cluttered how I be I need honey I don’t have honey so we ignore that what next mushrooms I don’t have how do I think this oh I need glass I need more Glass boom got me a little Moon got me got me multiple Moon strings boom yeah it is better I don’t like rose gold I like gold oh this one too Boom um excuse me I need to see thanks the sunflowers on the string where’s my string do I have any sunflowers I do do love this very cute I make the bunny Ones white Dy I’ve got bone meal you excuse me thingy I do need to see Uh I’m thinking about for like outside right now well half outside half inside just walls basically walls and ceilings okay and then at burish anything cool for like outside paper post notes that’s cute paper rolls like a telescope we need a telescope don’t know how to make it but let’s put these Up that one there these aren’t going to look good cuz they can’t like hang on anything out here but little little Sun Garland to go in wait what it sounds like a ladder oh yes then inside I just going to put them on the ceiling wherever I want Really I probably get a bunch of them and hang them on the ceiling maybe some like leaves too then it’ll like really pop out right now it’s probably looks a little weird but trust the vision I know what I’m doing I know what I’m doing I Promise I have a new mod I’ve never used called outdoor furniture add gnomes oh bird bath bags of fertilizer gardening tools a tea set oh this is Cute I can I just like add Furniture no another furniture Mod oh this the bunting is nice Paladin’s Furniture I know what it has oh that’s a that’s a that’s a lot of stuff and other Kitchen St okay all right um I do think we’re going to end it here though how long have we been going 4 hours this stream I think

That’s what our my my Mark is for my my stamina and whatnot 4 hours now look at me go we’ve we’ve got some things we did mining we got a full set of diamond armor got like three no two and a half stacks of diamonds today which was

Amazing got some Cactus traveled hella far all the way over there I got a hamster we’ve we we accomplished some things today I’m proud of us I’m proud of us got Enchanted for our tools at least um and by tools I mean our pickaxes we mine this all out it’s ready

For decorating so that’s what we’ll do for next stream we’ll worry about decorating in here and figure out exactly we want to put I’m thinking it’s like a just a workshop in general right now for all my like stuff that I’m going to work on and then we can start like

Building outwards and making rooms for specific things and whatnot um but I’m going to leave you there I hope you all enjoyed I hope you had a wonderful day a wonderful time with me we will do much more decorating next stream um it probably won’t be tomorrow

I think it might be a weekend thing for the most part cuz during the week I’m going to be working mostly on Fallen but it’s been real thank you everyone for joining for talking to me for vibing for chatting oh we also got backpacks today today our Diamond

Backpack there let’s us climb on walls wo wo but I’ll see you bye I’ll do a little a little dance bye oh oh oh things broke it’s fine I’m a professional professional streamer nobody ever doubted me Ever

This video, titled ‘🔴LIVE🔴I’ll Mine if I Must…🌙Minecraft Modded Survival🌙’, was uploaded by MoonIntensity on 2024-01-15 03:21:03. It has garnered 82 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 04:06:11 or 14771 seconds.

☾ Livestream ☽ Let’s hop back into some simple Minecraft vibes. Starting my first java singleplayer world.

🌕Don’t forget to subscribe if you enjoy! 🌕 — ☾ My Socials ☽ Twitch: Tiktok: Instagram: — ☾ MoonIntensity Discord ☽ — #minecraftroleplay #minecraft #minecraftrp #mcrp #mctv

  • Touching Grass Ends Video?!

    Touching Grass Ends Video?! The World of Minecraft: A Thrilling Adventure Embark on a journey through the vast and exciting world of Minecraft, where every block holds endless possibilities. From building magnificent structures to surviving in the wilderness, players are immersed in a world where creativity knows no bounds. Unleash Your Creativity In Minecraft, players have the freedom to create anything they can imagine. Whether it’s constructing towering castles, intricate redstone contraptions, or peaceful gardens, the only limit is your creativity. With a wide range of blocks and tools at your disposal, the possibilities are endless. Survive and Thrive Survival mode in Minecraft… Read More

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Title: "BABY WORKER & HASAN MASTER CITY BUILD! - Minecraft Minecraft: Hasan Usta and Bebek İşçi Develop a City! In a recent Minecraft video, Hasan Usta and his son Bebek İşçi are seen working together to develop a city. The duo transforms their city into a bustling metropolis, attracting a plethora of new residents and filling the city to the brim with life. City Development in Minecraft Hasan Usta and Bebek İşçi’s city development project in Minecraft showcases the creative and strategic aspects of the game. From constructing buildings to managing resources, the duo’s efforts result in a vibrant and thriving cityscape. New Residents and City Expansion As Hasan… Read More

  • Bottle Greenhouse Build | Minecraft Fun

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  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Endless Fun!

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  • Unleashing Chaos in Minecraft: Krichney Jr’s Epic Adventure

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  • SoulForge SMP – smp pvp

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  • Minecraft Memes – Technoblade always prevails!

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  • Survival Twist: Minecraft’s Delightful Flight

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  • Join Minewind Server for the Ultimate Minecraft Experience!

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  • Is Microsoft RUINING Minecraft?

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  • INSANE New Class Maxed Out on Wynncraft!

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  • Crafting Chaos in Minecraft SMP

    Crafting Chaos in Minecraft SMPVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft SMP With Viewers, But Technical Issues Fixed(?)’, was uploaded by SIR HORSE on 2024-02-27 08:11:36. It has garnered 107 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 03:27:46 or 12466 seconds. On today’s live stream, Sir Horse is once again playing on the Minecraft creator SMP created by @clockswork . Sir Horse is currently just working on random projects and trying to create a map of the SMP while hanging out with friends in a VC. ​​Server IP: Port : 42069 Discord: All music used this stream is created by… Read More


    WINNING Minecraft BEDWARS GAME?! MUST WATCH!Video Information This video, titled ‘Play One Minecraft BEDWARS GAME To See If I WIN!’, was uploaded by TBAKris10 on 2024-03-18 20:34:42. It has garnered 22 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:22 or 562 seconds. Bedwars is one of a lot more Minecraft minigames! I’ts fun! Basically, when you go into teams and you have your own coloured bed. At this time, you can die and respawn normally, But if you loose your bed, you’re basically in hardcore mode meaning if you die, you loose. The same rule applies to the rest of teams.. Also,… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Pet House Tutorial! 🏠🔥 #gamer #shorts

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  • 🔥 EPIC WIN!! Beast Mode Activated in #shorts

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  • Saylor DESTROYS Minecraft Nature?! 🔥

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  • Unbelievable: Rui’s laugh identical to Doraemon subtitles

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  • Discover Victorian Port in Minecraft by WBC!

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    Unbelievable SHOCK at MINECRAFT MONSTER SCHOOL!Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT MONSTER SCHOOL MINI ANIMATION #minecraft #minecraftanimation #memes #minecraftshorts’, was uploaded by Kimorou on 2024-05-29 20:44:17. It has garnered 1 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. Like and suscribe for more videos 😉 minecraft, minecraft house tutorial, minecraft iron farm, minecraft builds, minecraft bedrock ios, minecraft 100 days, minecraft hardcore, minecraft 1.21, minecraft movie, minecraft house, minecraft civilization, minecraft music, minecraft song, minecraft bedrock survival ep 1, minecraft ancient city, minecraft asmr, minecraft aphmau, minecraft addons, minecraft avatar, minecraft armor trims, minecraft armadillo, minecraft april fools, minecraft… Read More

  • Forest Grove SMP Creative Roleplay PvP

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  • Minecraft Memes – RABBIT TWERKIN’ IN MINECRAFT 😳

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    MINECRAFT MEMES I STOLE ONLINE PART 11: HOT DIGGITY DOG! “I tried to come up with an original Minecraft meme, but then I realized I’m just not that crafty.” Read More

  • Uncover the Secrets of Minewind Minecraft 🌟🎮

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  • Roasting Minecraft 1.8 & MMC

    Roasting Minecraft 1.8 & MMC Minecraft 1.8 & MMC Slander: Exploring the Latest Trends As the Minecraft community continues to evolve, new trends and memes emerge, keeping players engaged and entertained. One recent topic of discussion revolves around Minecraft 1.8 and MMC slander, sparking conversations and debates among enthusiasts. Rediscovering the Joy of Bridge in Minecraft 1.8 One of the intriguing aspects that have caught the attention of players is the resurgence of interest in bridge gameplay. Many are finding the experience of playing bridge in Minecraft 1.8 to be surprisingly enjoyable, leading to a renewed appreciation for this classic feature. Embracing Fun and… Read More

  • EPIC STEAMPUNK ADVENTURE – Minecraft Modpack EP18

    EPIC STEAMPUNK ADVENTURE - Minecraft Modpack EP18Video Information This video, titled ‘Chill Minecraft – Steampunk Modpack EP 18’, was uploaded by Winnie Wriggle on 2024-05-23 02:20:35. It has garnered 32 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 02:01:51 or 7311 seconds. Adventure Time – Immersive Aircraft airship adventure! Relaxing play in the Minecraft Steampunk modpack. Join me (every Mon Tues and Wed @8:00 am Eastern) as I start my day with some chill morning Minecraft. Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Boss Build Hack

    Ultimate Minecraft Boss Build HackVideo Information This video, titled ‘Scary Build hack for your minecraft world #gaming’, was uploaded by MINE BOSS on 2024-01-05 11:46:58. It has garnered 2547 views and 109 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:47 or 47 seconds. Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Challenge: 200 IQ Test!!

    Insane Minecraft Challenge: 200 IQ Test!!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft’s 200 IQ Test…’, was uploaded by mini on 2024-02-24 12:15:06. It has garnered 10198 views and 822 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:01 or 481 seconds. recently my friend ClownPierce posted a video where he called me the worst player in Minecraft, well it’s time to prove him wrong! ● JOIN MY DISCORD: ● SUBSCRIBE TO @ClownPierce Read More

  • Shocking Illegal Troll Build in Minecraft!! 💀 #shorts #minecraft

    Shocking Illegal Troll Build in Minecraft!! 💀 #shorts #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Illegal build troll face 💀 minecraft #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by Casyrant on 2024-01-07 07:10:00. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Gear up for thrilling survival challenges as we face off against menacing mobs and conquer the perilous landscapes of the Nether … Read More

  • Kenorey – TOP SECRET MODDED SERVER REVEALED🔥 #minecraftmods

    Kenorey - TOP SECRET MODDED SERVER REVEALED🔥 #minecraftmodsVideo Information This video, titled ‘👌SERVER con MODS minecraft NO PREMIUM [ Voycechat, Create, Botania y muchos mas ] #minecraftmods’, was uploaded by Kenorey on 2024-05-28 08:24:00. It has garnered 440 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:36 or 36 seconds. IP: VERSION 1.20.1 All the information is in the discord: Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE: First Legendary in LändØf CärNissän Modpack – Episode 3 Livestream

    UNBELIEVABLE: First Legendary in LändØf CärNissän Modpack - Episode 3 LivestreamVideo Information This video, titled ‘THE ULTIMATE MINECRAFT MODPACK – EPISODE 3 THE FIRST LEGENDARY! – LIVESTREAM’, was uploaded by LändØfCärNissän on 2024-02-27 01:49:16. It has garnered 22 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 04:00:50 or 14450 seconds. Don’t forget to check his twitch! thanks for the participation! Join my discord Server Read More

  • Owlcean Ch. – Kaela’s Bank Card Stolen for Months?! 😱

    Owlcean Ch. - Kaela's Bank Card Stolen for Months?! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘Kaela’s Bank Card Has Been Used By Other People For Months Without Her Knowing 😥【Hololive】’, was uploaded by Owlcean Ch. on 2024-05-09 16:31:09. It has garnered 9057 views and 518 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:52 or 532 seconds. scammer must die. 🎲Source🔨 【Minecraft】Ender Dragon, i have come back stronger【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 🎲Outro Source🔨 LeAmoeba ( BGM – Busy City by TrackTribe 🎲Precious Vtuber🔨 @KaelaKovalskia ___________________________________________________________________________ #hololive #kaelakovalskia #kaela_kovalskia #hololiveindonesia #hololiveid #holoid #vtuber #vtuberindonesia #holoh3ro #vtuberid Read More