Moose – I Survived 1000 DAYS as a TITAN in HARDCORE Minecraft MOVIE!

Video Information

Imagine being a titan for the next 1000 days morphing into every faction in the multiverse once upon a time there was a hero of the prophecy one that was able to shift into 1 000 forms although his journey was filled with dangers and mysteries he was able to

Bring peace and create a unified multiverse oh yes the legend of the meter shifter one that turned himself into the ultimate titan right yes but that’s how he started have you ever heard of the legend of the buff panda yes but maybe you can refresh my memory

Well let’s have a look at the past just imagine being a cute adorable panda and after eating a piece of bamboo you transform into a black panda this is hardcore minecraft and i’m going to be surviving for the next 100 days as a panda now what you’re looking out here

Is no ordinary minecraft world it’s filled with new animals deadly monsters evil factions just waiting to hunt you down it is not as happy as it seems my fellow brothers they’re under the control of the brown panda if this bear right here you might look friendly but

I’m telling you he’s behind all of this the whole thing and the only way to find out is to watch till the end of this video so my journey begins but first leave a like if you think pandas are cute and help me my boost family reach 500 subscribers by hitting us and

Scalping on day one i spawned him as a big fluffy panda bear and ate a piece of bamboo you know this is not not really that appetizing and looking over to my left and right i noticed that a part of a panda tribe inside the jungle hey there nice to meet you

Do you speak no one english great is day one and i’m already going crazy why are you crying why are you crying come on buddy it’s a bamboo and so day two rolled around i woke up to this evil looking brown panda standing in front of me almost

Like he’s the boss or something i was trying to sleep but he was persistent hey stab it stop it no i just killed the panda he dead started talking to me like i was his worker farm those bamboo i’m hungry we even is this dude this is our lord we

Must do what he says uh our lord what are you what are you talking about stop you do talking give me this bamboo or you will be turned into fertilizer well there i was doing whatever lord panda told me to do i didn’t want to turn to fertilizer on my second day

So i continued working just breaking down bamboo cleaning up the village getting extra materials and you know the drill all that boring stuff and finally it was day three one day of hard labor was enough for me i started creating a way to escape the group and i just like sneaked past the

Brown panda he’s not even looking he’s just watching two records do things what’s the point of that and as i left the village i found out that i can climb trees i’m being praised by a raccoon sir are you trying to kill me or are your

Friends down i guess i think we’re i think he’s trying to shoot me away for some reason oh oh shoot oh no stop stop it stop it oh this raccoon’s crazy man wait hold on a second i can climb trees are you kidding me right now i mean i guess it kind of

Makes sense i am a panda yo i can just keep climbing oh okay i’m good looks like we uh learned a lesson today don’t don’t ever mess with the raccoon he’s he’s still trying to kill me what what do you want from me [Laughter] you know i gotta say i’m kind of feeling

A little bit guilty you know we the pandas we must stick together and leaving my boys back home just doesn’t feel right i gotta go back for them i’m just extremely underpowered on day four i created a plan that could work for all of us become the lord panda i mean i i

Guess it does benefit me a bit but still it’s better than some evil lord panda punishing others for not doing work anyways how to get brainstorming first time to figure out how to become stronger i was far from it i then left the jungle and finally came across a

Local village i settled there and started working on my packing skills and on day five after looking at a hummingbird flying around i realized i suck at this game i can’t fly i almost died to a zombie i can’t even defend my friends let alone take out the brown

Panda so i would body for some iron that’s the only thing i can think of and you’ve seen me do this for the past 20 videos just the usual stuff but eventually that everything smelted and i was ready for battle and that’s gonna do it a full iron armor

Set to keep you safe we also have 15 diamonds not bad diamond axe and diamond pickaxe that’s gonna do it what is that dope dump bro the water’s trying to kill me on day six and seven i was tired of being on the run i decided it was time to create

My own bamboo tree house a prime location for bamboo and more bamboo that i eat the stronger than i get and slowly the house was coming along i placed cobblestone as my flooring and then moved on to the walls using jungle planks and for the corners i filled it

With some jungle logs gonna forget about the roof so i decided to go with hay bales eventually i finished up and moved right onto the interior i’m a panda this should be pretty simple we’ll go with the whole furnace theme these blast furnaces on the opposite side fill it

Like this and the carving table right in the middle and of course my carpets this is where i’ll be sleeping i literally sleep on the floor and just maybe i’ll use her furnace to make some breakfast the best part is the sunset look at that the next part was pretty unique climbing

The trees was cool but bamboo staircases you ever heard that before bam bam star cases only mooses know about my building skills on days eight through nine as i was looking outside of my base i saw a weird blue bamboo just just growing from the floor it didn’t make any sense why why

Is a bamboo blue amy being a curious panda i decided to check it out and as i was climbing down trees i found mandarin there was also weird birds that i just never seen before that kind of confused me and as i walked towards the blue

Bamboo it was guarded by an army of rattlesnakes and then in the distance there was pillagers why were pillagers guarding this blue bamboo i just couldn’t figure it out nope nope nope nope nope not a rattlesnake i’m not afraid of rattlesnakes but i don’t know it’s just way too many of them baby

Rattlesnake it’s so cute wow it’s still trying to hiss at me though what’s up with these pillagers i don’t understand like what are they doing here why are pillagers guarding blue bamboo what’s so special about it he didn’t want to hurt me i mean then again why would you ever

Heard a panda i guess let’s chop this thing down and see what it has hey blue bamboo what is this just called blue bamboo as i started munching on the blue bamboo it gave me a jump boost effect i’ve never seen bamboo that gives you effects before i’ve been tested the jumper’s

Ability and fought a bunch of mobs and for the first time i actually felt a little bit stronger at least i could defend against pillagers that was so close these rattlesnakes are no joke i gotta go i gotta grab all this bamboos and nobody else can have it i killed

This bamboo get into the wrong hands especially not the lord panda what is attacking me but what’s happening no no no okay five hearts all right it’s not good not good is there a milestone chase to me why why is this trick to me can’t get me i then went back and

Gathered all the remaining blue bamboo and on days 10-15 i spent most of my time expanding out my base building new bridges leading to different treetops i had a vision to create my own panda treehouse community which pretty much consists of like different houses for different temperaments of pandas panda

Hotel i gotta say not bad at all and once i finish up with my build the lord panda found my hideouts he looked extremely angry like i could give this dude a limited bamboo and it still wouldn’t calm him down let alone his kung fu panda powers those nunchucks

They’re vicious you dare backstab the panda tribe you abandoned us and now you’re building your own tribe i guess i’m the first one then what you gonna do about it so be it i challenge you to a kung fu panda duel you have five minutes to beat me and if you do

I’ll leave you alone what is a kung fu panda duel what does that even mean like the movies or something okay oh that tree just shaved my fall this dude is no joke he’s attacking me gotta go even in my own panda community i’m not safe what was that you just placed out

Bamboo how’s that possible okay all right i’m gonna die here oh where’s my shield that’s gonna do it come on oh no no how is she doing that was that okay okay whatever that was fire fire fire gotta go no no one heart come on come on come on come on

Let’s go blue bamboo baby jump boost baby let’s go dodge away dodge and weave washy attacks right circle around i can’t even get a hit on him i got one he’s running let’s critical strike him yes there we go [Applause] oh nope nope nope nope nope who’s he

Holy gold bamboo what is that okay there’s always this day time i should win a battle or should be a tie at least come on come on come on come back to the treehouse back to the treehouse back to the street house back to the street house jump jump jump jump

Climb faster climb faster this dude try to no i can’t even outrun this dude how is he so quick but he’s so thick but finally he became warning that means that i survived the lord panda and the challenge was over not bad young panda i’ll be back for what is mine he’s gone

Just like that look at him just running away like nothing ever happened on day 16 through 18 i noticed that there was red bamboo growing near my tree house for a second i was confused and then i realized lord panda probably placed it down while he was trying to

Eat his food what what is what is this red bamboo this this has to be a joke or something it better not be covered in poop red what this doesn’t make any sense why there’s so many different colors of bamboo is he playing a joke on me is he

Trying to poison me and as i ate the bamboo it gave me strength and speed for 10 seconds that’s just got to be a secret i’m not saying that lord panda is thick but i’m telling you that dude is pretty quick and especially pretty powerful i’m just wondering what other types of

Bamboo does he have i decided to play it smart i started creating my own bamboo farm i was afraid of the bamboo getting stolen by other factions out there and those were the only types of pandas that could guard my bamboo farm days 19-23 just what i thought that thing just

Couldn’t get any worse i woke up to a pack of tigers who would have known that my craft had tigers in the jungle they were swarming my base and they watered them started climbing my tree no no no no no back back kitty stop stop it

I’m out of blocks i’m on the blocks cover it up just cover it up eventually i managed to knock them off and run away just in time i was so close to becoming tiger food i seriously need some more pandas being by myself is it’s just terrible dude more pandas equals more

Security a rogue eye give it to our ancestors for the knowledge of redstone i then looted the jungle and managed to get myself enterprise to craft the pokeball catcher and launcher with these pokeballs i could catch any panda that i wanted and bring them back home are you really enjoying that bamboo

Stay still send it i can’t believe i’m catching pandas with pokeballs this is really happening more pandas should be enough sorry buddy boys welcome to the panda treehouse community that’s gonna be two three and four you’re so cute oh you’re so adorable bro here’s the bamboo buddy

You are safe here with me of course just sneeze on me you just stays up now it’s just kind of nasty benders we strung together and for the rest of the night i continue to bring the pandas by in the bamboo on days 24-29 i placed on a few lanterns

Around my house just to make a little more brighter mornings like this just super peaceful you can hear the wind blowing the pandas are chilling you know eating their food and stuff and just lighting it up with some lanterns so pretty i just can’t wait to see like the final

Product it’s just gonna look crazy as the sunset was coming up there was three pandas just casually chilling outside of my treehouse come on voice follow me up to the panda community treehouse thing listen i’m still working on the name okay hey where you going who are you

Going off to come on i know you want to i know you want the bamboo and the language well well well looks like we meet here again yay what bro you want you want to square up what it’s a cute little baby bender come on

Boys come on up follow me to the panda treehouse community what i’m still working on the name almost there just a little bit more this panda’s eyes are just like adorable you just seem like a friendly panda you almost got it follow the bamboo and i pretty much spent most

Of the night trying to get the painters off the treehouse it was just ridiculous it just wasn’t working real happy now you finally have your own treehouse community and you can have unlimited bamboo literally anything you want i can even protect you keep you safe from the lord panda anything you want

Here i’ll even give you a bambi tree eat on up buddy there you go i should probably introduce them to the other panda community over there did the baby grow up no way it’s finally an adult oh y’all are so cute this was an iconic moment the first successful birth inside the treehouse

Community and that got me extremely motivated i could see the vision of expansion it just grew up so fast that was way too fast i think gather more pairs i could find brought them back and kept on feeding the bamboo what’s up boys i brought back some more pandas it should

Be a total of four pampers there we go welcome to the community boys i got a welcoming gift for everybody eat on up let’s go i can’t believe we have so many pandas already um welcome to moose’s uh bamboo eating construction class things are pretty simple here we must

All meditate and eat um bamboo that’s right sweet baby moose books they’re babies popping out everywhere there’s so many babies did you just sneeze and become an adult panda all right that’s enough for today that is enough on days 30 to 35 i woke up to a sound of a whale in distress

This huge guy somehow got himself stuck inside of a patch of water in the desert why are there whales in the desert i don’t know relax buddy i’m coming to save you how did you even get stuck what this just doesn’t make any sense come on

Push you i’m pushing you out of here nope don’t don’t need me don’t don’t do it don’t eat me i’m just a panda oh there he goes no he’s these teachers getting more stuck i think i just need myself a diamond shovel all right let’s go just you know usually saving saving well

What would you do without the boy moose huh what would you do y’all was there here yo i’m just staring at a whale just just trying to escape great oh oh Oh there he goes mr beluga be free see you later buddy if you just like casually wait no no don’t don’t swim back oh man that was just a crazy start to my morning and later that day i crafted a boat and set sail looking for treasure

I found multiple sunken ships and lure them whoa that is insane huh it’s so peaceful out here just middle of the ocean look at that a beautiful view hopefully a shark doesn’t need me that’d be terrible [Applause] part of the sea and a magical eye bro guy and this time

A black eye i’m not really sure what this is for can i like use it oh what what just was it going to huh interesting look at that that’s that’s gotta hurt um that does that does not look pleasant at all hey these sharks are vicious but i guess everybody loves pandas oh

Hey you scary well i never thought that i would see whales and sharks eating things on days 36 to 40 i finally returned home and started clearing out the jungle i needed space to build my bamboo walls and expand my red and blue bamboo farm as i watched my bamboo grow it was

Missing something and then created a staircase leading down to the desert and i even added walking paths around now that is a lot of bamboo and for this space here i’m going to place down my blue bamboo and expand out this colored bamboo farm and while we’re at it let’s mix in some

Red bamboo as well finally this should keep all the enemies out i just need my aggressive pandas like this guy over here are you stuck okay buddy where you at boys there’s just so many of them and we got another one two aggressive pandas you my friends are gonna be guarding

This entire place all right so y’all are in charge look we’ve got a baby enjoy boys on days 41 to 43. that was planting bamboo it’s super adorable baby panda started talking to me hey um um do you want a minecraft uh i’m over here what what you’re talking to the wrong one

Talking to you sir oh oh oh okay i mean you are an annoying baby you know that sure what stop it jeez okay i’ll i’ll mine shaft with you let’s go geez can i also get a hug do you want a mind shift so i followed the baby panda and she

Literally let me to a minecraft at first i thought it was a prank or a trap but nope she was being serious so this is the spot this is it yeah hey you weren’t you weren’t kidding yeah you really weren’t kidding i just don’t faint in here though

This just seems like a death threat look look at this place well if you think that you’re in danger then you’re gonna be in danger yeah but you’re just like an innocent panda that like doesn’t even know what’s going on hey for all you know i could be manifesting your death Not that i am or anything okay where are we going oh wait i should be leading the way come follow me hey yup we don’t need them nope but i’ll take the brewing stand there should be a chest right down here oh there it is there it is i found it

Yo i could have fell down there and died chill and then you were sold iron sword from the chest i don’t even need that i have a diamond sword what’s this do over here a lever oh oh there’s a light on that’s kind of nice are you sure you’re coming yeah i’m

Going but are you sure this place is uh you sure it’s safe oh instant help i’m just collecting all the gold in here and stuff i mean this chest i don’t want i don’t want to pass a little chest gold is nothing we’re not peasants we only do we only take diamonds

I don’t have any diamonds well obviously you are not winning at the game spotter spawner nope well thanks for the help miss panda oh that’s not my job i told you i’ll help you find find a minecraft trap i never told you i’d help you not die so where’d you go are you

Like pranking me now oh hello i just i went home what what i mean you went home yeah i went home you just ditched me in here um i i i told you i’d take you here i never said i’ll take you back what that baby panda just disappeared

That i don’t know where she went so i explored the rest of the cave and found a couple chests luckily the mobs didn’t hate me so i didn’t have an issue and suddenly i started hearing screaming what waterfalls it’s just oh that that’s that’s the waterfall you’re afraid of

Yeah what do you mean here take this take this shield so this way nothing happens to you okay grab that oh it’s already down here now it’s down here i can’t touch water where did you what do you what do you mean you’re just a panda you’re just fluffy

Where did you take me to what is this place what do you mean i told you i’ll take you to a minecraft shop yeah except this is a little bit a little bit oh i found some diamond boots never mind i’m happy now what are you doing oh be careful don’t die

It’s dead just just just leave it alone it’s dead okay not chapel not chapel i was traveling through the mine shaft i started getting trust issues i didn’t really know what her plan was oh what is this okay i kind of trust you now how are you finding all this stuff

How’d you know about this place there’s so much good stuff here so you just explore by yourself just all casually yeah it’s like nothing ever happened to you uh not not yet but like if you jinx me it will i i don’t want a jigsaw i mean

These enemies don’t even hate us so yeah just don’t try to attack them or anything because here is good good vibes gotcha oh my god that thing is huge i don’t know what that is is it going in the lava why is there so many legs that is the

Most disgusting thing i’ve ever seen it’s so nasty i’m out you’re on your own and finally the baby panda led me to the jackpot room protection four wow you are kind of useful thank you at a smithing table i’ll be taking that hey if you want you know you can live in

My panda treehouse sanctuary um that sounds really lame what it’s not lame hey hey hey hey if you want to go another adventure i i guess does it involve bad people yes okay let’s go let’s go let’s let’s go let’s go i’m stuck hyundai’s 44-47 that same baby

Panda let me do an evil faction i don’t know where she was finding these places but she knew what she was talking about and supposedly they control his entire jungle area so we stuck inside from the top now ow what is that is that what are you taking me to

Find this place roblox i don’t know you’re the one that’s supposed to know this stuff you want you want to fight it i know what it is it’s um you know you’re friendly i don’t think he’s friendly i don’t think he’s friendly can i get a hug

I’m i’m pretty sure that thing bites i’m just saying come on break break yes there’s so many chests inside look you see all this and we got some ice oh just just gold i’ll find this thing let’s go dude here help me break this entire thing

Let’s feel the loot and get out of here okay okay okay i’m telling you these evil factions they’re going to get mad at us grab the obsidian you don’t have time to act no ah jeez and finally i broke through the obsidian getting all the chest that was inside look at this we

Got lapis gold you know it’s kind of basic stuff but i got what the holy water do you see this thing it’s got the most insane i don’t even know what it has but it’s got some crazy enchants you grab the chester like underneath these small ones you keep

Pushing me you are a thick panda and you’re pushing me another one what is all this stuff this is crazy yeah there’s a lot of gold there i’m just looking for diamonds that’s kind of like the main thing uh i i don’t see any no it doesn’t seem too many diamonds

Maybe like it’s something underneath here think there’s like anybody else in here hello uh they seem to be kind of friendly right now can i share with them no i can’t trade with them interesting there’s interpol’s though and diamonds nice you found diamonds yeah there’s all these like drinks in

There too here you grab those potions in here oh there’s so many interpols did you drink it you’re glowing what did you do why would you drink that are you like super down yeah you seem to be pretty powerful does that mean i could join the avengers

I don’t i don’t think that’s how it works you’re gonna be the first panda that you know what you go good luck with that look you got that call me call me fat panda the bat panda the panda bat and the bags all right well we’re done with this

Place now let’s do what we do best destroy everything evil paint off go paint a batch go back help help And finally i traveled back home it dropped off everything that i had inside of my chest are you giving belly rubs to my panda is that oh what what is what is good what’s going on here i think i think i’m pretty sure like he needs help you know

Just just feed up some fanboy it’ll be fine look you see completely fine now on days 48 to 52 the next morning i looked out my window and before i could even say bye maybe that panda just flew away into the sunset it was honestly pretty majestic

And she apparently left me a message it’s time for me to go i’m going to pursue my goal to become the first baby bat panda i’ll stop crime and save lives i’ll see you around from baby bat panda even though she was kind of annoying he was literally not having a friend to

Talk to well i’m pretty bored honestly i want to make diamond armor but i don’t want to use my diamonds and my iron armor is almost broken so it’s kind of unfortunate and boom that hit me i remember that i could craft worker blocks from 100 days as a witch which

Can make this place feel more lively in automated wood cutting or mining and of course farming boys our lives are gonna get a lot easier just watch ores okay logs and of course crops let’s start with crops probably like the easiest thing and we don’t really need

It but i think preferably right here we should work look at this cut a little bit look at this little guy there he goes and he’s gathering for us bamboo this is amazing why don’t have any of this farm over here i literally got a bamboo gathering machine and this one

Should bring us some horse look at that coal already gold stone iron are you kidding me this boy is fast oh he should have sending it and the last one is wood cutting there we go got a little wood cutting panda oh boy with all the guys gotcha

Oh it was rolled me off the mountain look at him go collecting every piece of wood even wood from the nether apparently okay it doesn’t make any sense something tells me this place is about to change look at the little baby not today rattlesnake and the next day i went downstairs and

Checked the worker blocks and what do you know these little pandas they knew exactly what they were doing these were no joke i’m telling you my old panda got me three gold 41 coal 24 ingots and some restaurant lapis it was not bad and for my farming panda got me

Blue red and even golden bamboo what what exactly was golden man that wasn’t sure but i was i was gonna find out as soon as i ate this thing i started getting absorption regeneration resistance fire resistance and i felt pretty invincible like i could literally just jump off and mounted like like this

Literally nothing okay i think you need a golden bamboo stop stop sneezing enjoy and for my woodcutting worker this little guy got me a bunch of wood and some of it was from the nether which didn’t really make much sense and the golden bamboo reminded me of the lord

Panda i’m pretty sure i saw him using it before that’s probably why he was so strong so nowadays 53 to 55. i got a little bit risky you know why not travel to a snow biome pain to go into a snowball to recruit a polar bear that

Was definitely never heard of and i just want to be the first one to do it and loose on a boot just swimming away zoom oh wait look at that that’s my previous build there you go you ever seen like a panda submarine yeah and once i arrived

I got ambushed by a pack of snow leopards just look at what they did to this chicken ah that thing is looking right at me oh oh if i stand still it won’t see or hear me it’s not what it looks like i’m not food just oh

Great the ice is cracking are you kidding me oh i think they’re awake hey guys where are you going uh that’s the leopard can it swim i don’t think i can swim oh man i’m gonna get shredded if i try to fight them nope yep

Got bit by a leopard what the heck man to them i looked like a chunky pork chop you know and finally i found what i was looking for a polar bear okay okay um that’s a little bit sus but the bear you know we’re kind of a bear

Family right you know we keep each other’s backs right you know i should bring him back home but i don’t really have snow in the jungle it just doesn’t make any sense you bamboo no not on a bamboo diet oh you should get on that i’m telling you right now it’s fire

Here gotcha i’m gonna build you a bamboo sanctuary and then while i’m gone this snow leopard it can’t i mean i don’t think it’s gonna eat you but you never know no i got you and you now that i got you here jeez oh yeah pack would have shredded me

Apart that’s a fact what’s happening what’s happening here take the national geographic but the moose edition what’s up bro what’s up bro you speak you speak you speak panda oh hold on whoa whoa whoa what are you doing nope nope nope nope hey all right that’s that’s that’s oh oh

Oh nature oh there’s some animal planet out here i’m out i’m out that’s it i’m not for the day i wish they had motors in minecraft just gotta speed up the boats just going way too slow no schmonaman no way oh nevermind nope nope from these 56 to 62. this place

Just felt so empty too many pandas not enough space for all my lazy and sleepy pandas i bought them a yoga room so they can exercise their rolling techniques it was so simple just carpet on the floor and hay bales fill them by fences a two-year-old with an ipad could build

This next building was the panda hotel this one which is gonna be iconic this time building a hotel just for sleepy and lazy pandas so they could sleep all day and for my third building i thought it was pretty clever let’s save a panda hotel hey hey i’m looking at you

You wanna you wanna save a panda listen just let me let me tell you what this panties okay subscribe subscribe to save a panda that’s it oh and leave a like for bamboo to be delivered to your doorstep being that serious and this place was for all the sneezing pandas that were extremely

Weak finally for the last building the panda smith a place where all worried pandas can use their blacksmith and toolsmith skills they just gotta make sure that they’re prepared for all the thunderstorms it’s pretty scary out there Let’s save a panda hospital On day 63 it was thunderstorming all you could hear was an army of pandas just just crying it’s sobbing away it was honestly one of the worst days hearing all the pandas cry i’m just so sad no just got struck by lightning my my panda just died in front of me

That’s so sad it’s gonna be okay buddy come on it’s gonna be okay here take some bamboo i i don’t think he wants bamboo looking to be just crying away and meanwhile these dudes just don’t care they’re just rolling away i’m guessing everybody’s okay here what

About the save and pay in the hospital everybody’s all good right just double checking and on day 64 to 66 the thunderstorm finally stopped and there was a beautiful baby panda that was born come here little buddy i got you here you go here’s a bamboo and you also get some

Bamboo as well welcome to the panda treehouse community you guys all holding up good right everybody’s good and day 100 was slowly lingering i knew that the lord panda would eventually come back and cause destruction i then took the bamboo and the emeralds to start crafting weapons bamboo pickaxe with 15 attack damage

That’s better than my sword definitely gonna replace the diamond pickaxe now let’s get a bamboo sword as well oh okay not bad and the last part is a bamboo bow perfect and with the bamboo hope it allowed me to plant unlimited types of bamboo all types of colors this pretty

Much meant like an unlimited food source the sword looks pretty cool the pickaxe is pretty awesome and there’s a hoe i’ve been waiting so long for this moment oh nope nope nope nope i was waiting for that no this dude is so crazy i nearly two shot the iron golem and

At five shot though okay all right that was pretty good oh still can’t have to kill him this attack speed is insane what way too easy and the bamboo pickaxe just breaks chunks of blocks just as fast as the diamond pickaxe that’s gonna make mining so easy there he goes everything’s gone

Completely what you’re looking at y’all want some of this that’s what i’m talking about i should stand a chance against the lord panda now and the last set of bamboo armor nobody is just bamboo surrounding a block of emerald the kung fu chest plate now this should be just as

Powerful as i’m guessing netherride armor and there we have it so we got two diamond armor pieces and two kung fu pieces no are you alive hello you dying why are you why are you loving what’s going on here oh it’s wicked i’m coming to save you for the second time no

Don’t die that’s so sad you’re almost there you almost yes i saved your life thank me later on day 67 to 73 i felt pretty adventurous i saw a castle in the distance and then traveled to it i wasn’t exactly sure who it belonged to but my guess was uh the

Lord panda i mean who else could control this place other than him or maybe another faction i don’t know now this looks a little bit intimidating what’s up with that banner interesting i then into the castle and the boss named the bell ringer disappeared welcome to my challenge i see you’re like

Let’s test your skills is this like some sort of a joke like i can’t even reach this dude oh where’s that oh whoa whoa whoa oh oh what is what the heck whoa nope okay go back don’t you worry i got you doing it just teleporting ow i can’t

Even i literally can’t reach you but i don’t have a bow yes it’s working what’s this it flamethrower what halfway down halfway down yo let’s go bamboo is so useful straight up let’s go ah dang it how am i supposed to get you you’re literally oh yes you’re a

Cheater i totally forgot i could actually climb up things it makes it a little bit difficult when you’re getting hit okay you can’t even reach me anymore oh there he goes uh i lost him how did i lose him he’s invisible come on man this is getting ridiculous let’s go

There’s a couple more hits and i should have him out there we go last two hits let’s use my flamethrower maybe like push him down oh he’s behind me no no my panda dang it are you serious no oh man that’s that’s so that’s so sad a phantom plasm gold ingot and trident

Turnover dying and a shield oh i can’t really see that was successful because my friend died well and as i left the castle i buried my panda friend it was very set to see him go day 74 and 75 were pretty chilly it was snowing and i was traveling through the

Snow bomb and as i was traveling i came across a pack of mooses what a coincidence if only they knew who i was under my parents disguise you know what my craft should totally add in mooses that would be the best update could i can i can i pet can i

Can i pet you Why are you so fast why are you so fast can i feed you an apple can i can i feed you can i feed you an apple just just take take take take the apple take take the oops okay all right all right gotta go gotta go and i pretty much ran away

Yeah what a coincidence being chased by my own kind days 76 to 84. i spent most of my time decorating the interiors on my panda houses first i started with the saving panda hospital the reception definitely needs a bonsai and then let’s put down filing cabinet

For all the smart panties and why not give them a sink you know this way they could actually wash their hands here’s some sea water just in case you kind of look a little bit sick i’m just saying and in case you’re having an emergency i got drums i don’t know just

Yeah just drums and here’s a mini drum i’m a panda playing the drums yes i got a cabbage barrel in case somebody needs some cat cabbage fancy water thing no clue what this does but it was easy to make look at that just water going down really satisfying and the flame through

It i’m just kidding i’m just kidding we’re not gonna do that chest and a crafting table just in case and here’s some more cauldrons for whatever reason and then moved on to the hotel placing down a few wall decorations and next was the panda smith come on

Think more you are in my way my friend get that there you go enjoy it that’s a pretty cool decoration ideas here a wood stove looks pretty cool i like it let’s put coal and cook some uh bamboo now that is sick for the front two armor stance

Would look perfect let’s also move that sign panda smith there we go full gold armor set nothing too fancy and the iron armor set that’s pretty cool i like it i also have stacks of gold ingots so we’re just gonna put them right here did you happen

To know that pandas love cake like they will swallow the entire cake i mean that’s what the wiki says oh my mooses that’s that’s a lot of cakes that that’s a lot literally every single type no way this actually works three tiered cake um oh it’s literally three

So i crafted a few cakes with my friends and then place them all around the village oh he’s eating it yo he got an appetite okay including the downstairs for my aggressive pandas i then saw there was a golden apple cake now that sounds pretty delicious but but

Once i ate it i transformed into a bunch of panda this is amazing i’m huge look at me i’m a buff panda and look at me i’m literally shredded i finally have abs i’m just way too big now that looks so funny oh go okay oh good thing i have really double the

Hearts find the smush hey what you’re looking at huh want some of this i don’t think so bro yeah i got a sword too what’s gonna do about it yeah probably that hold me back from these 85 to 91 i realized that uh i had no abilities as

Above panda i couldn’t believe it this was the first so i traveled to a swamp bomb looking for a witch and i was hoping that i could use those witchcraft powers to give me some powers as well you know to share the powers and once i finally arrived to the woodchuck it was

Surrounded by alligators everywhere these things are ferocious pretty sure that’s the spot i mean you really can’t miss it it’s a giant house surrounded by alligators yeah ow hey stop it stop it i’m not food i’m not i’m just a panda i’m not food on the right side it’s

Barely doing damage to me so that’s that’s pretty good y’all want some of this huh oh stop okay yeah they do damage damage all right flamethrower that that doesn’t make any sense on my flat three or something okay did i really forget my golden bamboo i i totally did that’s it i’m

Done i’m done with this place i’m over no more alligators yo i could two shot these dudes okay nope nope as long as they don’t bite you you should be fine if they do bite you they start rolling around and trying to like bring it to the water

Ow ow there’s so much damage and finally i went inside oh no hey get get over here i can’t be kidding me i’m stuck oh oh what kind of a witch is that what yo oh we’re safe now oh some gold and some ingots diamond leggings

And that’s it for the first floor i hear which is underground interesting just some more gold and ingots oh there it is the new ability let’s go i i knew they had something for me it’s got a hurricane on it or something interesting buff hurricane what is this let’s not forget the

Enchanting table oh what was that no that’s crazy i could just literally kick them in their face watch this yay that’s so cool y’all want some of this huh don’t want y’all want something oh okay all right all right chill chill you actually kill me you actually kill me nope okay all right

Oh oh we’re cutting it close we are cutting it have a heart you have a heart that did not work that did not work according to plan oh i just launched that thing that’s amazing what you gonna do about it huh what you gonna do now oh where’d

It go these are full way and for the rest of the night i tested out my hurricane ability combined with my sword it was extremely powerful on days 92 to 96 my fellow panda friend told me that he spotted lord panda heading to a new massive town i quickly

Grabbed my golden bamboo and started following him hey little buddy are you uh 100 sure this is the place like seriously right all right i’ll take your word for it let’s go could this potentially be the new panda tribe i had to find out

So i climbed on top of a tree and jumped inside then suddenly i saw lord panda heading inside a building so i followed him this is definitely the spot but where’s lord panda at exactly there’s his throne and his diamond blocks but no lord panda huh maybe through here i definitely

Can’t fit through there that’s for sure i can’t believe he did there he’s not on the second floor just chest in the middle what do we got inside this thing puff fireball this is Nunchucks 25 attack oh nope nope okay seriously a trap at least i hear the pillagers but where’s he at i gotta find this dude once and for all like seriously put it into the that’s a lot of creepers that is that is a lot of creepers oh no okay all right

You know what i should be i should be fine okay let’s go there’s just so many creepers that was way way too risky oh no there’s no more there’s still way more he’s got reinforcements okay all right i’m out i’m out i’m running i’m running it turned out this place was a trap

I was furious i’m done i’m storming into lord panda’s village and i’m gonna come to kick his face on days 98 to 99 it was time to defeat the lord panda i built an outdoor enchanting room and enchanted my gear then traveled back to his panda tribe i didn’t want to

Have any casualties so i had a plan two lure mounts what what is this place he’s got two giant buildings now looks like the pandas has been putting a lot of work hopefully everyone’s okay no one has died again i walked up to the front of the door and knocked one of his

Pandas opened the door for me there was blocks of emeralds diamonds and gold everywhere he then looked at me and said let’s cut a deal join back my tribe and you can have all of this as my right hand man i’m i’m in too deep i have my own

Community and i can’t let them down it’s better than whatever you have going on here so be it you see moose i’m always one step ahead of you while you’re out there trying to be a hero we are monopolizing this world it’s either you are with us or against us

What are you what are you talking about leave me one step ahead of me do you not see what i’m wearing i got full bamboo armor on i have fireballs hurricanes what are you gonna do about that huh that was oh The floor collapsed and i fell inside lava but luckily my golden bamboo saved me the old-fashioned lava floor pretty clever ah but listen that’s not gonna do anything to me i’ve been waiting to test out these nunchucks i’m ready where did you’re going huh let’s go oh

What is that what’s that gonna do oh there’s so much lighting don’t kill the painters that’s messed up oh no oh no Okay fireballs it is i don’t want to hurt the pandas save the pandas where’s that purple effect that he has is somebody trying to drown me with eggs what is that supposed to be i got him in the lava let’s hit him with the fireballs come on yeah

How is he still alive okay he’s about to do it okay no no i’m starting people trapped me in there yo get me out i can’t even see what’s going on anymore there it is i’m going in with the nunchucks they’re almost halfway broken this is my chance knock

Him in the corner trap him in there there we go charge of the nunchucks and he’s done for and just like that the lord panda was gone once and for all and on day 100 in honor of becoming the new panda king i had to let the world know

And what better way to do that than putting a giant panda face inside of a mountain i i know what you’re thinking by far one of my best ideas i mean i say that every single time but this is it boys i’m telling you no one is ever

Going to forget me now more moose doing 100 days for the next 100 days moose making 100 days videos in space bruce making 100 day videos on the moon and as the king of the pandas i have one request for you hit the subscribe button and enable all notifications and don’t

Forget to watch my other 100 videos right over here it was so cool because like spin it’s like getting away incredible the meter shifter although he seemed weak demonstrated absolute confidence in himself allowing him to adapt to any situation that’s right let’s not forget he is no legend for no reason

This is where he truly started unlocking his powers oh yes the legend of the buff [ __ ] what follows will truly inspire even the weakest warriors in the face of adversity just imagine being a hungry fox searching for food and after eating a sweet berry you

Become a buff odds now let me tell you about these chickens they found a way to advance their genetics and become this whatever this is these flocks of chickens have one goal kill all the foxes this is hardcore minecraft and i’m gonna be surviving the next 100 days as

A fox so my journey begins on day one i spotted it as an adorable baby fox and next to me was my trusty pack of foxes and right away we jumped into the water and hunted for fish but somehow i got stung by a jellyfish

I think this fox is trying to talk to me is that a seagull i’m gonna eat this eagle oh how’d you do that yo that was crazy i just stole food from a seagull we they grabbed some sweet berries ate them and fell asleep on day two i chopped out my first tree

And what do you know it fell on a wolf accidentally killing him now his friend wasn’t so fond of that oh i didn’t i didn’t even kill your friend it it wasn’t are you finally though oh okay let’s go let’s go oh i’m trying to kill you i’m trying to

Kill me okay okay i kept on running and they quickly hit inside of a weird cave opening if that wolf bites me i’m gonna die i only have five hearts wait what is this oh there we go honey oh man there’s spiders in here while the wolf slowly searched for me trying to

Smell me out so for the rest of the night i hid inside of a cave separated from my pack all alone just hearing the wolf howl on day three i was having a nightmare and everything was pitch black and all i could see was glowing red eyes

And suddenly a giant fox with nine tails appeared in front of me and said i will find you soon little foxy you in the packs of foxes no longer will be free while i sit and rot here uh who are you i am kurama the nine-tailed

Fox the most powerful beast in the world i was just like you once roaming the world what i was imprisoned by your kind with the help of those pesky illagers okay but what does that do with me you’re the key to setting me free i woke up extremely paranoid

Sword come on uh one stick two sweet berries yes it works i finally dug out of the cave and luckily the wolf was gone well that’s what i thought at least and all of a sudden he attacked me yes get back back off get get off me

Get away from me bro i i don’t want any trouble okay come fine for the remaining of the day i went exploring seeking shelter this world was extremely dangerous but finally i came across a village nature you scary pink sheep no that’s an egg me that’s an angry tiger

Okay all right i gotta go i gotta go oh oh it’s really angry on day four i woke up inside the village and as soon as i walked outside i saw a deer just casually eating a blueberry and then went over to him and stole it

Not that not bad it tastes kind of funky why would anybody even eat this and boom i finally became an adult fox and now that i was stronger i was ready to fight anything even those brain eating killer rabbits on day five i crafted myself a full set of sweet berry tools

Why didn’t i think about this before i literally made the sword but nothing else ooh oh this is awkward i’m just gonna walk away we have no beef here okay literally no beef just rabbit i was ready to find other types of foxes so i traveled to the freezing tiger bomb and

Found a new friend hey baby stole fox you are so flipping cute what i’m gonna call you felix and no i’m not talking about pewdiepie bro we then got some pumpkins showed us some snow and even placed on a campfire and created a pack of snow globes to

Keep us safe for the night oh get it felix come on get him buddy get oh he’s killing our stock golems wow this is like really giving me those hundred snuggle knives get him boys get him is that a seal oh wait hey buddy oh my god oh

Up and it’s gone it’s gone felix felix chill felix chill no leave this leave the seals alone you are one crazy you just you just uh uh that’s not that’s not that’s not good oh okay and for some reason felix had an obsession with seals

No no no go back go back to the base mike stop go back to the base come on this dude just doesn’t listen on day six we had a genius idea sweet berries are awesome but hear me out chicken hunting now that’s the challenge for a fox whoever gets the most chickens

Gets all limited sweet berries What the heck is that thing it’s huge is that a giant buffed chicken you think this is a joke what are you doing my turf bro hunting chickens uh yeah that’s that’s that’s exactly what it looks like i’m watching you and leave my chickens alone the buff chicken launched through the

Air and he was gone this man just superman out of here i have never seen something like that before but felix look he left his chickens and as soon as we attacked one a flock of chickens just started attacking how he looks why are there so many of them it’s a

Flock of chickens if you don’t want them they call for reinforcements felix they don’t like me they’re trying to kill me the [ __ ] chickens are trying to murder me oh chill broke my armor yes they were just chickens so we actually stood a chance against them

Killing them off one by one using a pounce ability from day seven through nine i needed a safe place to start my fox pack now do you know exactly what a hobbit hole is it’s kind of like an underground house built inside of a hill with an entrance

Doors and you know the usual house stuff okay anyways so first i lined up the inside of the hill after moving on to the wood flooring with every house you need support beams you don’t want the entire house collapsing on your right literally any nuclear builders next i

Placed on a few signs to distinguish the rooms kitchen chest four habitats chicken farm and a rabbit farm felix i gotta say buddy these small little details just really makes the place pop finally i started working on the front of the house first placing out two doors

Adding in a bunch of leaves with flowers to make it look a little bit fancy to keep the mobs out i needed a light source so i hanged up a few lanterns all i was missing was just small details such as railings and a doorbell bro i’m

So excited our new fox pack is gonna love this place just look at this habitat rooms for different types of boxes dude we could even make an automated farm well i was done for the night now i can’t say the same for felix that dude was wired in he was working on

Some sort of an igloo and from days 10 through 14 i woke up to a winter wonderland felix have you been watching too much frozen like you understand and you legit created a full snowball as your house before further expansion we needed some sort of a security to keep

This place safe especially with that buff chicken out there so we set out on a recruit mission to find the fennec fox i stacked up on some sweet berries and other materials and after felix and i finally headed out all the way to the dry desert biome oh oh okay all right

Felix stay back wow straight up nature oh okay never mind oh crookey look over there felix it’s a wild kangaroo that was the worst australian accent ever you know i always wanted a kangaroo in my backyard so when i wake up and grab like a nice cup of coffee there’s just a

Kangaroo boxing no rocky style you know i’m on a box in here bro now i can’t see the same for the komodo dragon that thing is just no joke it will swallow you it’s like a living dinosaur roaming the earth and at any moment it’s gonna transform the godzilla while i was

Admiring all the weird animals felix ended up making friends with an ostrich felix you know we can’t bring him back home right he can’t come back with us oh okay chill bro relax man i mean he seems friendly bro but still we we can’t do it uh did you just tame him felix

You’re honestly a genius that’s all i gotta say buddy felix no we’re not breaking them come on bro you already got a lead on him are you kidding me finally we spotted that sneaky little dude the fennec fox he was a master of camouflage and you can barely see this

Dude so what do we what do we feed him i i really don’t think it’s through are you sure raw rabbit this is going to work i mean i’ll i’ll give it a i’ll give it a shot oh i think he smells it here come on buddy come on come here run away

From me oh you got him there you go buddy and luckily felix had a lead on him and after i bought him all the way back home come on buddy come on you’re almost there buddy almost there welcome to the fox den aka the hobbit hole i know it’s kind of

Weird but walk up to your crib does he not want to go in really is he being serious right now just kind of push him in a little bit come on buddy he’s almost there he’s like not about it i think he’s just like a little bit shy so do whatever you

Want and i just do not catch on fire please days 15 to 18 i was looking for new items to craft a mob catcher slingshot and a spear two sticks one diamond and there we go a diamond spear felix fetch so we were just missing ender pearls and a string but instead of

Finding those items i ended up running into a pack of raccoons at first you might think what are raccoons gonna do to you just look at this not the sweet fairy part that’s kind of cute but this that’s scary felix what is that thing doing here that’s the same evil raccoon that tried

To kill me for 100 days as a panda this guy’s no joke i’m telling you all i tried fighting this dude more raccoons just kept attacking me and he managed once again to slip away i think only if you left this world i don’t know why they got to be so vicious

And they have glowing eyes oh ben no that was that cheers did you see that what it’s not my fault that they’re trying to assure us to death okay look they’re not friendly at all i’m telling you raccoons are evil not the creeper not the creeper nope stay away from my basement Wait what is that what is this this item right here is called tail whip and no i’m not talking about that pokemon move whoa that raccoon is just gone let’s just stay right there oh i guess it doesn’t work on foxes no we just kidding chill i was kidding relax buddy

On days 19 to 24 our hobbit hole was extremely empty and we definitely needed more foxes to help us out especially after almost dying to a pack of raccoons so i crafted another sweet berry sword with some iron armor and went searching for more foxes inside the tiger bile and

Bringing them home was gonna be a little bit tricky without a mob catcher luckily felix had plenty of leads on him he looks they’re sleeping i wonder if they actually remember us oh no come on you’re scaring them off buddy that’s how you do it you grab the

Lead i got the sweet berries and don’t scare him off oh you got him nice and now for the second one let’s go very slowly just kind of creep up on him here we go are we sleeping and oh felix we gotta run it we we gotta

We gotta runner hey get back over here buddy come here i keep getting stuck in my own sweet berries you swimming away yes yeah come on eat please eat my friend i’m trying to save you don’t run there we go that’s gonna do it come on buddy follow me let’s go

That was crazy our new fox pack was ready we had them all unleashes and slowly transported them back to our base ladies and gentlemen welcome to your new homes everybody eat some sweet berries and let’s all be pretty peaceful hill okay that was a long journey oh

We got a baby yeah we got our first baby no way oh felix look how cute his just head is so big though he’s even guarding a sweet fairy come on boys eat on up let’s go it’s a secret baby let’s go we grow biggest stronger

Felix i feel like all we’re missing is a new habitat i mean you did a slow habitat coverage but these are not snow foxes you know what i mean i started building an entire mega tiger habitat inside of my base by placing the podzilla mushrooms and more

And next i built the community chest room to keep all my mobs inside a bed right here for the finishing touches and we can’t forget about the sweet berries there we go that should be plenty of it just don’t want to get stuck in these things now felix i think

We should really start breeding more of them because our habitat is uh it’s going pretty good and y’all y’all gotta get off the sleep thing we don’t need no more leads just don’t be escaping the house and getting into trouble you’re so cute you look how small it looks like

You felix and this one’s sleeping next to a campfire felix i think they’re loving the new habitat from days 25 to 27 i finally explored the village next door there were some pretty cool structures that i hadn’t checked out and maybe the villagers were hiding something like a secret chest inside the

House you never know you know i just don’t get it a lot of the villagers just never have anything good like the blacksmith usually hooks it up but everybody else here just kind of sucks i’ll be taking this thank you now that’s gonna look good inside of my house

The buff chicken had his own plan he snuck inside of my base turned to a tiny chicken and stole my foxes just running off with them there we go got the grindstone and the stone cutter pretty solid oh it’s the buff chicken hey hey get back over here no no no

No no no he stole my foxes i got you buddy come on follow me let’s go follow me unfortunately i was too late it hadn’t even been a week and we managed to lose our pack member to some kfc looking chicken on days 28 to 31 i woke up to my fox

Pack going absolutely crazy boys what’s going on here why is everybody freaking out what’s happening they’re just running in circles and they’re jumping on all my stuff here everybody can we just please take him over and relax oh i think you all are hungry i’m gonna guess y’all probably

Hungry here you go enjoy take this come on you don’t know let’s go there we go now we’re talking there you go felix they’re going a little bit crazy you know buddy and they seem to love your how did you get stuck what is this like a secret meeting over

Here oh there’s so many of them felix i think they’ve been uh you know hiding here buddy come on everybody get out of here it was upgrading time i could not afford to lose more foxes for my pack i had to get prepared for the buff chicken’s returned and while my sweet

Berry tools just kept on breaking on me i needed something a little bit better so i went searching for ruby or Looks i think this is it i see uh oh felix dude be careful you you really could have died i mean i don’t think we take fall damage right oh huh like there’s water down here nice dude this place is huge all i’m really seeing here just like a bunch of rooms

And that’s about it have you found any chests be careful don’t fall in the lava or something oh wait i think i found something what do we got oh got some rubies he looks i’m not really finding anything i mean i got diamonds at least there we go

Oh great i came can’t even mine it amazing oh you found some movies thank you buddy i appreciate it he felix relax hold on what are you what are you screaming what what what is that dude what are you finding ah this this looks a little bit sketchy are you sure about this

You really wanna go hey i got i guess we’re going on we’re going in oh watch tripwire what is this it’s like a bone huh i got a bone that’s kind of cool oh it’s some gold okay now now we’re talking so what else we’re gonna find here

Just watch out for any traps you gotta be careful in here luckily mobs don’t hurt us so we’re kind of in a good spot here what is all this i’m just like finding random like flower pots or something and a bunch of vases what is that a nametag

All this for a name tag you gotta be kidding me and a little bit of rubies not not bad ah come on buddy let’s get out of here oh wait a minute i see a secret chest i just think i found a secret nope almost almost got it no no no come on

Power three bowl not bad out out out finally we returned back home with a decent bow and lots of rubies then we crafted a full set of ruby armor and tools all right that should be the last of it i got missing something oh i got it this

Sword how could i forget about the sword now we’re good not bad felix it’s time for my full set of ruby armor here’s my old armor set there you go oh what’s going on wait what what’s happening here wait what now let’s test this out so i get a

Regeneration to buff when wearing a full set of armor and let’s throw away all my old items felix i’m pretty sure it’s like equivalent to like diamond armor or something wait do you hear that oh what was that hey i think somebody’s here Felix don’t move don’t felix just do just got them angry well what do you know it was a good thing we got upgraded because these pack of wolves finally found my scent and they must have followed me back home i just couldn’t let them tear apart my fox family [Applause] [Laughter]

Felix let’s get him go get off me get away we gotta take every single one of them out bro we can’t let them hurt our family ow man dude these wolves looking insane like they legit look like they’re feral or something oh no what’s up buddy they’re they’re okay watch out yeah

We almost got him yo you’re going in felix there’s just so many of them but luckily at least the iron golem is trying to help us out look at him they’re gonna go nope back up nope oh man they are so mad they are so mad nope

Back up come on buddy that’s it they’re almost they’re almost gone there’s way too many of them i gotta eat some berries i’m slowly dying here this tail whip ability is still insane felix watch this combo oh wait that’s my lava i’m bad ace 32 to 35 i left my base to find

Chickens and once i returned back home there was a strange purple-eyed fox standing in front of my door i wasn’t exactly sure what she wanted hi my name is vixen and i need a place to stay and i heard that you were recruiting yeah yeah totally okay i’m just making sure

You you’re not being followed right uh no wha what are you talking about yeah just just just forget about it come on let’s go come on in let’s go just be careful with the foxes i do have a couple chickens all right i don’t want nobody eating them especially not you

Okay and you can of course stay here and do whatever you want just don’t cause any trouble come on chickens let’s go just stay away from the army of foxes trying to eat you oh man they are ready they are absolutely ready to kill my chickens hey control yourselves that is

Terrifying hey vixx could you just get me like a like a fence here real quick just please oh thank thank you so much i appreciate it i can’t tell if she’s just doing that so she could have the chickens for herself i then started building a room just for

The chickens and after a hole to keep the chickens inside there we go just a couple more glass blocks and that should do it hopefully none of y’all find a way to sneak inside okay that that would be really bad now for the actual entrance just in case we can like you know

Foxproof a little more i’m gonna place like a couple spruce here probably make this also look a little bit nicer yeah much better chickens don’t worry i got you some water there you go and here’s a i don’t even know just some hay bales enjoy a chest right here

With all the seeds that y’all eat there you go enjoy careful we’re going to fill up the water there we go and then a trap door and this has to be chicken proof we need like a double trapdoor or something all right that’s gonna do it unless you get a future fox

Over here finds their way in listen but we’re not we’re not chicken haters right chicken farm felix we’re not like chicken haters right no okay don’t think i got something against chickens my favorite chicken his name is phillip and him and i we we go back to

The pokemon in moose monsters on the 30 60 40. i started my morning by letting my foxes roam free oh man i’m telling you this this could end really badly be free oh look luckily they haven’t killed any chickens at least we got that out of the

Way next up was building my new fox habitat i started off by placing down a bunch of sand then adding in red sand after some water sugar canes for decor and that’s gonna do it why are they all watching me what’s going on here my fennec fox is gonna love this place i’m

I’m telling you come on buddy so this entire habitat is all yours check this out you got water you got some sugar canes you go swimming just do whatever you want enjoy i think he likes it i don’t know i can’t tell after i moved on

To building my kitchen i used barrels as the cabinets then added in campfires with blast furnaces and iron trap doors on top for the sink i just simply use a cauldron with a lever and for the fridge just a simple iron trapdoor setup with two dispensers and for the rest of it i

Placed random blocks just to fit the theme on days 41 to 43 my fox’s work should be hungry so i made space for a temporary sweet berry farm and once i collected enough sweet berries i began breeding my fox army there was so many baby foxes just popping up at this point

We’re gonna need a bigger place i’m telling you there’s just so many foxes imagine what would happen if a chicken walked in that would not be good i’m telling you all right everybody come on be free let’s go and at night time our hobbit hole was surrounded by an army of

Zombies and phantoms and as soon as i walked outside there was a sign on my front door left by the buffed chicken um what’s with all the zombies and why is there a sign on our front porch soon the foxes will stop killing the chickens

I’m done with this guy man it’s gotta be him i know it’s the buff chicken he comes here steals our foxes right and then brings to the army of zombies now and phantoms we have to put an end to this there’s no other way then it was defense time i rang the bell

And grabbed my army of foxes to help me fight the mobs the massacre finally began felix and i one by one started killing off the zombies everybody just please stay safe and don’t get killed that’s the last thing we need here come on back up i need help with the phantom they’re

Gonna kill me i’m almost dead oh come on regenerate hit him with a tail whip it’s working that creeper almost killed me just look at my foxes go saving us from the zombies now the phantom they were extremely annoying i i was pretty much out of arrows so i

Didn’t know what to do yeah come on bro you’re gonna be heated oh got another one and i’m not visiting all my foxes but i gotta say surprisingly they took out all the phantoms and i literally didn’t do anything i’m telling you finally it was daytime the sun was

Coming up and all the mobs were burning away days 44 to 50. my fellow fox friend quickly ran to me apparently he was being chased by a flock of chickens and no you don’t see that every day i’m telling you felix fire your arrows buddy we fired our boats

And that’s gonna be the last of them good job buddy if the puff chicken saw this i’m telling you he’d be freaking out right now come on buddy don’t don’t be scared i’m not gonna hurt you what do you got ain’t that for me interesting it turns out that my fox

Friend had a map to the above chicken’s base and without hesitation i followed the map solo felix what are you doing here buddy you can’t follow me it’s a solo adventure i gotta handle this it’s personal no you can’t come on bro i got listen you’re staying back okay no no exceptions

Come on buddy take some sweet berries come on ah come on man now he’s getting all mad at me he just doesn’t get it it’s it’s just personal the map let me to middle of nowhere with a giant castle and finally the buff chicken was outside standing and waiting protein

What are you doing my turf brah did you even egg what does that even mean if this dude got some serious anger issues nope this story exploding how is that even possible one more time okay oh chicken versus foxes you are ants today no longer shall we be eaten and turn into nuggets

Oh it’s awful that is awful who i’m done with you you steal my fox pack and they try to kill me are you okay oh man that does so much damage that does literally like all my hearts got him with a bose man let’s go let’s

Go come on it can’t be that difficult he’s just a chicken after all he’s still throwing exploding eggs you’re kidding me you got nothing better than that huh i’m way quicker for you and i can tell this dude there we go i really wish i had my sword on me

Are you running away get a little bit scared where you going he’s just so thick but he’s still so quick for a chicken how do you have abs when you’re that thick like look at him he’s shredded it just doesn’t make any sense go wow that was just that was way too easy

Seriously not only did i kill him but i literally launched him on his death now that’s a tough way to go out oh electro wings let’s go i’m gonna become the first flying fox just mark my words and all i need is fireworks on days 51 to 54. i returned back home and

I was extremely exhausted dodging explosive x was not easy okay this is kind of fun i could just like fly and then jump in the middle of the air and keep gliding i’m pretty much a flying fox so what exactly is this place it looks like a shrine three diamonds

Not bad and oh blocks of diamonds okay now we talking there we go you want you want sweet berries what what’s your diet consist consistent you want some some brains no about how about an egg no no no no no no no no no stop it stop

It oh and he’s gone just just completely gone would you look at that more fennec foxes that’s pretty cool let me grab my lead come on boys let’s go you’re coming with me i’m gonna take you out to a new place it’s it’s much nicer trust me there’s so many of them

Is it a giant mosquito i definitely don’t wanna get stung by that finally we arrive back home once i walked inside of my base the vixen was just standing there on top of a table singing to the foxes i wasn’t sure what was going on what does the fox say

Ring ring ring the ring ring ring ding ding this this is vixen by the way hi so what’s going on here come on be free let’s go and please do not run into the actual berry bushes because i know you all take damage you’re gonna die i have

A surprise for you since you stopped the buff chicken here is a gold berry for your reward uh thanks i guess so what’s what is this it’s not gonna poison me right i don’t think so okay good effects but sorry i don’t know what’s going on

I don’t feel so good i don’t nope nope nope not at all no nothing whatever i ate transforming into the buff fox at first i felt nauseous but after it was a whole different story oh i look shredded you know i really wonder what everyone else is gonna think i

Walked outside it just just became buff it looks like i got some uh new abilities uh i don’t fit anymore oh this is not good getting inside of my own house was honestly a pain i had to redo the entire entrance on days 55 to 60 i

Had to recruit the last type of fox known as the mushroom fox and they’re located in an extremely rare mushroom biome and i bet you didn’t know they go crazy over mushroom stew yeah i i hate mushrooms just can’t stand or smell them traveling like this was gonna be pretty awkward

I’m above fox trying to recruit foxes to my hobbit hole yeah i i classified that as grade a weirdness don’t mind me just just above fox you know in a boat swimming away i finally reached land and there was the mushroom biome uh what is this a mongoose they literally look like

A mongoose characters are you friendly you got like a weird-looking eyeball and uh oh little pimple oh i just like pressed that button he’s gonna oh you’re kind of friendly you’re citizen you want to do oh are you my friend now so where’s this dude at oh i’m finding it’s just more

Among those characters i just heard like a sniffling it’s gotta be around here i got four mushrooms too which is not bad nope there we go hey what’s up guys how you doing here’s a is a mushroom stew are we friends no we’re best friends forever let’s go

And another one i’m gonna grab two of them and this way i can actually breed them uh there’s only room for two so can you just swim back yeah sorry buddy i finally brought them back home on the boat and it was difficult it was so difficult welcome home so this is where

You all be standing okay it’s pretty simple just stop here watch out for a second here we go come on follow me so over here is the kitchen and we got a sleeping fox on on a stove you know things get pretty weird here i couldn’t let the new guests just feel unwelcome

So i started building the mushroom habitat first i placed on some mushroom blocks then lots and lots of mushrooms after about a couple of tries with bone meal i finally got a full mushroom inside of my house so what do you think buddy not bad right

I don’t fit but i i think you might like it only 61-64 felix told me a story about this mysterious pink berry located inside of pink biome at first i thought he was going crazy but then again i’m over here eating golden berries that practically give me invincibility no not

The seagulls again hey back back get away get up hey don’t steal my berries hey no all right felix you’re the captain so just lead the way let’s go i can’t even see you where’d you go buddy oh there he is he’s under the boat yo we looking like a transformer right

Now felix oh he’s drowning the body you’re drowning get out of the boat buddy well what do you know he wasn’t kidding what’s going on here it’s like the the leaves are falling out the trees for some reason interesting oh he looks not the angry bee not the angry bee

Didn’t show mama ever tell you not to mess with the bee huh so where exactly is the pink berries these are just cherries yeah cherries and cherry saplings you find him felix oh oh there they are look at that it’s exactly like a sweet berry just pink

Now get them all buddy get every single one see there’s no more pink bam yes my evil plan sorry oh i got regeneration and strength it was about time that i created a berry farm so i dug out another room and made it slightly deeper after i added in staircases leading downstairs designing

The walls was kind of tedious and i ended up dividing every single berry farm into a six by six slot with a three by three pathway so this way i had a place to walk on i then place down sweet berries blueberries golden berries and finally pink berries only problem i

Ran into was getting hurt while collecting berries ow ow ow ow this is just messing up my armor just completely destroying it alright boys welcome to your new berry farm come on follow me follow the berries there you go keep coming look at that our first box what’s up

Buddy well there they go look at them just going crazy over all the berries welcome everybody to the new berry farm you can have all the food you want you’ll get berries you’ll get better everybody gets all types of berries these 65 to 69 i was exploring this

Massive mountain bomb just searching for new animals is that that ho ho oh that’s that’s literally ho ho from pokemon what we’re just fine that’s crazy look at that there’s another one sun bird’s blessing so can i use like super oh never mind oh i’m flying i can fly now look at that

That’s kind of cool not bad it looks like i found a barn what is is that a frog that’s a giant frog are you friendly i can’t tell i’m gonna be nice with you i don’t want to hurt you oh your sheep kind of friendly nope okay no he’s not really no

He’s trying to eat me nope yep you’re dead that’s a big fly that is an extremely big fly what is that it’s like some kind of like a goop i don’t know i went inside the barn not knowing we’d even belong to whoa whoa whoa whoa what’s going on here

Why are you guys inside of a cage i know you know you don’t get stuck in cages so i know you just jump out i’m guessing they’re probably searching for food or something not really sure so what’s inside fried eggs nice damn banana peels leather backpack a curious knuckles and a depth star

Yeah i think somebody lives here i’m started where’d you guys come from are you always here what oh look over there three beds i should probably get out of here this is probably someone’s base and what does this do okay that blows up that little just goes

Just like that i was off to a good start at this point i really was going to be invincible mobs were becoming too easy and i kind of want to revenge on the wolf pack don’t think i forgot about them anyways there they were at their campsite just coolest what’s about to happen

Get out of here this is revenge for causing trouble you see what happens wow you guys are doing nothing to me literally literally doing nothing get out of my face buddy get out of here you too i’m taking everything you got and no survivors oh is that a platypus

Oh we got phantoms we got hey nope now these wolverine claws are pretty powerful it’s like an instant one shot on anything that’s got to hurt why do wolves need chests what what are they doing here berry bombs that’s a berry bomb is this what the wolf pack has been up to making

Berry bombs to use against foxes nope huh nothing happened so how does this exactly work uh oh it’s literally a timed bomb should i try on that alligator i wonder what my claws can do to an alligator let’s find out i just i just one shot an alligator

So if i use my claws i can literally just one shot anything that is that’s overpowered oh yeah my final goal for the day was crafting this fox armor it was pretty much stronger than other right and with the full set i was gonna be unstoppable

There we go a full fox night armor set and let’s see how it looks unfortunately no more ruby but felix felix here you go buddy this this this this and that enjoy full armor set plus you got a new weapon and let’s see this arm is set look at this oh okay

Now we’re talking what do you think buddy i look good i think i look amazing that is a detailed armor oh yeah wow it’s it’s good enough to make felix’s hal apparently that’s that makes sense i looked squeaky clean and shiny what would you do if someone looking

Like this just broke through your wall while you’re watching tv yeah what what what are you gonna do about that yeah what would you do day 70 73 we’re pretty chill days i let the inner farmer fox in me take control i placed our sugar canes by the lake to

Make it look nicer and turn this entire hill into a carrot potato and wheat farm with lots of water pockets to finish up my day i crafted three workout blocks so i could start automating all my resources i dug out another empty room and built my usual design so we got ores

Logs and crops perfect the ore worker block and we got a little frost companion look at him go it’s monica away he’s already got two coal not bad and the wood cutting one now i never got chopped on a tree i got i got a fox

Doing it for me and this is gonna be the little room our hobbit hole officially had its own adorable foxes helping out instead of just uh um stealing things and making a mess day 74-76 i was in the snowball searching for stole foxes with felix and suddenly i

Saw a fox just casually get stuck in the stove i thought my minecraft was broken for a second but turns out it’s a real thing felix look over there buddy it’s your fox family just don’t don’t scare them off though oh you’re scaring them you kind of scare them off

Hey buddy just give us some street berries and let me let me grab the leads steady it’s daddy daddy yeah got him oh we got a runner hold on come on get your family felix he’s right behind you what are you doing are you jumping with

Him nope come back here don’t go in the cave yeah he’s gone there he is he’s running come here let’s start running away dude he’s so quick he’s so quick yes yeah gotcha there you go buddy that’s four of them uh felix is it that’s a chicken that’s not your family uh nope

Okay we’re not gonna we’re not gonna talk about that come on let’s go buddy oh no no bad day get away try to kill him he’s trying to kill the family that’s not cool get out of here are you kidding me seriously buddy yeah andy’s dead i got you don’t worry i

Got you come here kitty kitty kitty kitty yeah gotcha do cats get along with foxes is that a thing that’s it all right have fun you don’t have to put them on a leash it’s okay you can run around and do whatever he wants felix i’m guessing you’re gonna

Be a little bit occupied for the next few days with your family and stuff she’s so cute she’s just adorable i got an idea we need our first baby snow fox oh no wait it’s another felix felix you have a brother now yeah no um uh okay all right we’re uh okay

That just happened all right day 77 to 83 i gathered an army of rabbits and brought them back to the hobbit hole if i made one mistake it was gonna end extremely bad especially if felix didn’t have the foxes under control finally i brought them inside and started building

My rabbit farm i built the basic frame and placed on glass blocks inside i put a bunch of hay bales and bone meal the floor so the rabbits got plenty of food to eat next i created a small waterfall for them to swim in and getting in and out was going to be

Extremely difficult for me so i had felix help out oh man this is this is not gonna end good nope not at all okay everybody get away from the door come on get away why are they smelling the cat what’s up with the cat look at this dude

Look at him he’s trying to sneak inside hey get out of here get out get out and at night time it started thunderstorming the foxes were i think a little bit different days 84-90 i began my morning by building a really simple fox head to show off my fox dominance i started off

By building the head using orange and white wool i then used black wool for the eyes and moved on to the nose finally to top it off i stirred kota blocks for both of the years well nobody can miss this place anymore i mean it only has a giant fox in front

Of it i needed to enchant my new fox armor so i built an enchanting room with bookshelves an anvil and a chest i’m breaking three wow great way to start it off you’re just the worst enchantment fire prediction is not bad i mean at least i don’t want to catch on fire

Anymore air protection three ah dude this is awful come on no that’s not bad there we go the boots are pretty good that will do it nice i just want to test something so what happens if i give a fox a fire aspect sword let’s see there you go felix enjoy

Okay now hit that zombie over there there he goes come on oh it works wow that’s sick days 91 to 93 during the morning i went to the lush caves to find blueberries and mine obsidian from another portal the nether was one of the few places i hadn’t explored yet and who

Knows what we’re gonna find there i wonder if foxes eat blueberries no nothing i mean it doesn’t taste that bad at all well felix loves it oh they’re eating it look he hit the blueberry nice there we go now that should look a little bit nicer especially once it

Glows at nighttime i then crafted a bunch of golden apples and fed them to my foxes you get it you can eat that that’s kind of expensive you know it’s not some regular food okay hey felix come here try this out buddy press out let me know how it tastes pretty good

Nice oh they’re eating it look at that and finally travel to the nether he looks and i we’re officially the first foxes to step inside the nether yo what is this thing it’s just like throwing a slingshot at me felix i feel like the hulk like literally the hulk i

Run i jump and i can just go anywhere no okay that was the coolest one so what you think we’re gonna find in here what is that it’s got some kind of like a like a strider face on it stay here buddy i got an idea there we go apparently the nether has

Mosquitoes that’s that’s terrifying that’s a big mosquito felix i think it’s just a shrine yeah don’t sting me oh hey ow i’d sit out to sting me hey on days 94 to 96 while exploring the nether i ended up meeting a new friend his name was foxy hey another fox i need your

Help quick ah what is it man where’d you just come from take this book i need you to activate a respawn anchor for me oh and here’s the glowstone uh is that is that it oh no i’m gonna be in trouble i gotta go bye I i just i literally just met you you know i’m not here to be doing all the dirty work for everybody i don’t understand but it is a fellow fox friend i guess so i gotta help him out well he ran off leaving me was supposedly a simple task i wasn’t

Exactly sure what foxy from fnaf was doing here anyways nor did i know where we were heading to nope he looks what is that thing it’s like a it’s like a bone serpent well there’s a pyramid over there but this guy’s guarding it supposedly i mean he doesn’t seem to be what’s up

It’s kind of friendly is it hurt huh really nothing so what do you what do you do exactly oh that’s it that’s kind of easy there you go buddy enjoy you like bones i don’t know now this looks insane check this place out just look at this this giant like glowstone pillars and

The sketchy oh the felix is already there okay i guess we’re gonna go in you sure this is safe i don’t think i can fit through there uh this is this is kind of gave me the chills buddy it’s giving me some creepy vibes okay remember it said open the door slowly

That was kind of slow i guess i don’t know and why are they oh what is that thing those mosquitoes what’s with the chest over here oh netherride that’s that’s kind of good i mean we don’t really need it but not bad six now the right that’s a pretty

Good score oh holland what’s up buddy nope nope got him i gotta go i’m holding him back oh that was a close one here you break the spawner get the spawner i gotta check out check i got you there we go that will do it no no weird mosquito things

Yo they put you on fire ow make sure your gold sweepers okay buddy eat those things they’re really good for you look at these magma cubes good things still launching though oh just flattened out that’s crazy felix i’m holding them back here just break the sponsor from me okay buddy there’s a

Lot of them oh no come on kill these wolverine claws they’re they’re overpowered i’m telling you look let me go look at me just shredding training them apart okay there’s a little bit too many let me get that spotter get the other one oh oh thanks buddy i appreciate it why are

There mosquitoes in the nether still doesn’t make any sense let me just tell these dudes that is so annoying and is that an ore what kind of nor is this an end crystal fragment interesting so foxy was saying that somewhere here is a low stone that we have to fill up

So where exactly up there it is why is there a prison here what’s going on here so you gotta grab four glowstone and just fill it up one two three and four just by activating that respawn anchor i ended up breaking the magic seal which freed with the nine-tailed fox from his prison

Is that is that kurama yeah i can’t say anything felix run away buddy oh no you foolish foxes i tricked you you really believed you were helping foxy but instead you freed me wait what how did how’d you even pull that off it doesn’t matter i should probably thank

You but i have bigger plans say goodbye to all foxes and villagers where’d he go felix felix felix body all good come on we gotta go we gotta go we have a big issue we gotta we gotta warn everybody come on on days 97 to 99 as i went through the

Nether portal i went searching for kurama he was destroying the village next door look at your world slowly falling apart this is what everyone deserves felix sickle i better keep my distance and use my bow there we go come on postman if it’s kind of working

What is that what is he using nope double fire again i’m on fire whoa he’s just he just blows the entire floor how is that possible and now he’s building up is this some kind of a joke no fire fire fire i gotta get behind something oh

No okay okay i gotta eat my street berry come on oh uh it’s a lot better okay the golden sweeper is that’s who what was that what was that he just destroyed the building yeah fire fire well luckily i’m immune so that’s good back to the bow spam

There we go combos let’s go he’s using his fire ability oh how do you do that watch out be like stay away from the buildings he’s destroying everything no he can just launch himself up like that what oh no no don’t tell me i’m out of

Arrows oop the house gone the house is gone i’m out of arrows the house is gone i’m gonna meet this fire blaze which is a good thing but it’s still pretty powerful oh another death grip pull me down can i pounce out of this thing it worked

Oh it didn’t work no i’m just flying out why am i flying up oh yes wait there you go buddy where do you think you’re going oh okay okay no no no no the funny thing is he’s barely doing any damage to me but i just can’t seem to kill him

Oh he’s destroying everything oh he’s not stopping anymore no i thought he had a cool down okay i gotta go i gotta run i gotta run no it’s not a good idea it’s not a good idea i’ve come way too far to die so quickly it’s about to be sunset

How is this so strong he can just wipe everything out look look at him just no remorse at this point i’m telling you he’s gonna kill the entire fox pack i deeply underestimated kurama not only was he able to wipe out the entire village with his powers he turned

All the grass into lava solar killing anything left alive moose you have any ideas yeah felix all i got is a portion of poison i’m not sure what that’s even gonna do buddy hey hey where you going felix hey feel it do this get back over here felix

Wait stop no no felix while felix ran into the battle drama four script felix in the air and no felix he’s dead you you killed my friend oh man your next move hold on a second there’s no point of killing me okay what if i help you oh listen

I know where the elders are at did they trapped you they didn’t treat you right you want to help me i’ve never had anyone help me before only use me for my powers i’m telling you they they have a massive fort i know where it is i haven’t memorized

Deal lead the way and don’t try anything or you’re dead okay okay fine fine follow me follow me I i can’t do that but okay fine on day 100 i don’t think i’ve ever been this scared of minecraft before i i might be above fox and i fought the toughest bosses out there but there is nothing like kurama what he did to my best friend that deeply hurt me

I i was pretty much being held against my will just taking this massive beast to the ilder camp where he was originally imprisoned well this is it okay we got a deal right yeah it’s a pretty big place i’ve been waiting for years finally i can get revenge is that necessary

I’m supposed to be helping you hey hold up where you going and then kurama jumped into battle and started using his flame body ability he set the entire city on fire the evokers kept using their magic but it was barely doing anything he then started destroying all the

Buildings around him showing no mercy when the 911 says he wants revenge he needs it this truly was a massacre i got you buddy okay there’s a lot of it there is a lot of them for sure back up i’m telling them yeah you see we are a pretty good team you know

Okay everybody once kurama wiped out the entire village he used all his powers to kill every villager not bad kid i’m sorry about what happened to your friend but i have some unfinished business i’ll see you around well it was over grandma was gone and i returned back home to my fox pack

I hate doing this i i really i really can’t stand it you know it’s like you gotta you got a really close friend and they’re just gone just like that rest in peace felix the baby snow fox an item frame and a sweet berry so we never forget him

And in honor of felix he would ask for one thing hit that subscribe button and enable all notifications and don’t forget to watch my other crazy 100 day videos what did i say truly inspiring alvo with one sad ending you know what they say what doesn’t kill

You makes you stronger i guess so but let’s talk about what our hero did next don’t tell me you became a raccoon yeah right a funny joke nevertheless just like he showed his true potential across the lands he also set himself to be the fastest swimmer across the ocean

Huh this is the legend of the buff dolphin have you ever swam with a dolphin these creatures are cute and cuddly except when there’s sharks this is parkour minecraft and i’ve been surviving the next 100 days as a dolphin if you love dolphins hit the subscribe button enable all notifications

On day one i spawned in as a baby dolphin inside the ocean surrounded by a pot of dolphins we swam through the beautiful coral reef and hunted for fish come here boys i got you here’s a fish there you go you like this kind of fish now that should tame them

Boys listen up we gotta eat some more fish okay it’s as simple as that as dolphins more fish we eat the stronger we get and with this swarm of tropical fish we took our chances but right as i grabbed my first fish a great white shark almost ate me trust me you don’t

Want to mess with these creatures that they are dolphins number one enemy and they’ll eat you in one jump everybody go swim someway we look like trips it’s gonna eat us nope we all fled the area i was by myself for that night unsure of the mysteries in the ocean what evil

Creatures could be out there on day two i woke up to a crab biting my fins hello i like money and i don’t know what the zeus problem was so i ate him dolphins he crabs i don’t know i swam to the surface and saw a human on the boat just fishing

Hey ah what’s up that is the most adorable baby dolphin i know exactly what you need okay he was looking at me kind of funny he just started tossing hundreds of fish here’s something look at this i don’t even gotta work i was pulled towards the buried treasure

Now that is convenient we gotta cut a deal i’m taking the diamonds and you can have everything else for the rest of the night i looted a bunch of silken ships and even got plenty of wood and other materials the morning of day three started with a thunderstorm i heard a

Noise my dolphin instincts told me that something was off if you’ve ever had the fear of getting eaten alive by a shark see that thing in front of me that’s the megalodon king you don’t want to mess with him he will eat you okay oh you’re gonna eat

Me just get it over with maybe another day i’ve had enough dolphins for today you you ate my family listen i just ate dolphins i don’t know who they were but they were tasty always on i’m gonna hunt you down bounty hunter style anyways i know humans trust

You with all this trash in the ocean it’s killing our population and without any fish my sharks can’t eat you mean fish trash in the ocean yes exactly that here’s a book a dolphin just like you gave to me i believe his name was the mr beast dolphin

The goal of team seize is to remove 30 million pounds of trash from the ocean probably the craziest thing we’ve ever attempted which means we’re trying to raise 30 million dollars by the end of the year which is 10 million dollars more than what we raised for team trees we need your help

Now if y’all don’t clean up the trash i’m gonna start eating some humans whoa hold on a second let’s find the middle point no need to jump the conclusions we can totally do this okay and all people gotta do is visit and even donating one

Dollar we’ll get rid of one pound of trash and my dolphins and i will clear up the trash here and save the ocean deal you have 24 hours good luck we’ll be watching now that was a close one you know how about this barbie one thousand views

This video gets i will donate one dollar On day four i ate so much fish that i became an adult dolphin look at me i know i’m gorgeous now having more health and faster swimming this was insane i could launch out of the water and jump over anything so it looks like i got a new ability and

Let’s test it out on a drought okay not bad no there you go look at it just shove it into the wall this water spray ability is no joke now who’s that guy over there you know the dolphin could it be my family i’ll swim over there hello hey buddy uh

Hey are you are you lost by any chance Well i guess just follow me i got you buddy and i’m gonna call you mr flipper now here’s some fish and i know just the spot to get you some gear for the remaining of the day we kept on swimming and searching even coming across weird types of sea animals what what

What even is a thing i don’t know On day five clipper and i finally came across an underwater village there’s been myths about this place before it was abandoned and covered in drowned enemies it used to be like an atlantis but with villagers and way smaller come on let’s go buddy just to steal everything no mercy look at this

Got a fishing rod that’s kind of cool i’m i’m a dolphin fishing don’t see that every day and even a backpack to store all my stuff inside oh just be careful oh yeah they do a lot of damage let me go buddy i’m gonna keep them away with my fishing

Rod okay they’re gonna kill me they’re gonna kill me never mind flipper break all this dope one heart one heart nope no no that was a close one grab as much bookshelves you can find because we don’t have no underwater cows and then crafted an iron pickaxe in mind the

Remaining materials inside the underwater village and from that entire adventure we got five treasure chests that that’s that’s a lot flipper what is that thing it’s sunken golem i mean he doesn’t do anything oh everybody okay he does do something come on get him hurry up let’s go

We then cleaned up a bunch of trash around here and even found a coral reef axe i was intrigued apparently i can make armor and weapons from the coral reef asics began searching for a massive coral reef once we arrived it was a weird sea creature that attacked us this

Guy literally looks like venom oh god kill me flip her take him out buddy get get rid of this dude trap him in there let’s go wait no he’s kind of fast hey he’s he’s not he’s not a bad got him you just drop fish that’s it

Really and of course things had to get weird a turtle swam over to me and said yo dudes what’s happening oh uh nothing it’s just just mining for cool reflux follow me dudes oh uh we’re we’re okay there’s plenty here oh no problem dude catch you later alligator um i’m a dolphin bro

Whatever dude you know i don’t like that guy something sketchy about him so i began crafting a full set of cool reef armor it’s better than iron armor and for dolphins and to finish it up i haven’t crafted coral reef tools and there we go coral reef sword probably

Don’t need this i think my diamond sword is oh yeah way better well anyways flipper we are officially stacked that same night we found abandoned ruins and as we defeated the sharks around it got rid of the ground we glued the chests yo i got an idea

What if we create our own pot of dolphins yes that’s what we’re gonna do just grab everything you can and let’s make our own base hey seven through nine was the start of a new history we found a perfect location to create a giant aquarium ecosystem now building one wasn’t gonna

Be so easy all right flipper just keep on mining sand and i’ll keep making the glass we started by creating a giant circle layout using prismarine blocks and after building up a glass to create a dome design which would be for dolphins for the flooring we went for a

Rainbow theme using different coral blocks surrounded with corals to make a pop we were pretty much recreating my 100 days wither base design but on a much larger scale and way prettier after i created eight different circle outlines which in the future will connect to the other ecosystems for designated creatures final details

Consisted of using sea pickles as a light source and to stay organized having a big chest room for all the underwater treasure was necessary bro i am so hungry now a kitchen with a fridge that dispenses fish flipper i’m telling you unlimited fish for life well i guess

Sort of as we’re exploring on day 10 we spotted a submarine that you just couldn’t miss it was huge and i had no idea what it was doing here this place is massive oh it just keeps going there’s just so many rooms and there’s even like eels i don’t even want to get

Stung by a saltwater hill scavenging this place was a bit creepy although i did find a bubble which was a useful crafting recipe to capture underwater mobs oh and you know finding nemo well we actually found him and even dory and they were literally traveling together

Uh hey nemo and dory right yes i’m dory and this is nemo yup that’s definitely dory um hello have you seen crush oh crush yeah he’s at the coral reef nearby thank you so much i love you i love you i love you let’s go on an adventure

Right emo you’re still going adventure time no am i annoying you’re still gone days 11 and 14 begin with the expansion on my aquarium remember those circle outlines are built i started by extending those out now these will connect to eight different ecosystems which will be built

Out of glass the first four being 15 by 15 glass squares to hold the larger sea animals while the other four being glass spheres designed for smaller size creatures it seems a bit weirder first but once the insides are built and filled with sea animals it’s gonna look

Amazing now with the layout done these ecosystems exit down from these tubes and connect to the center dome all that’s needed is to label each room number one small fish number two sharks number three octopus number four whales number five guardians number six squids and axolotls can’t forget about those

Guys number seven poisonous fish and number eight a weird project that you’ll find out soon there’s still one more build left that was my actual bedroom i first built the glass tunnel leading up and after a big cylinder room made a glass for my bedroom for the interior i

Placed a bed barrels and a few other blocks to make this place kind of feel like home while flipper was building a weird bed uh is that is that where you’re sleeping uh just call me a moose bro what never mind on days 15 to 19 they were weird c mages

Surrounding my base well this should be fun let’s see how this coral reef armor holds up flipper i’m gonna push him back and just keep on melee attacking him they’re poisoning me okay it kind of poison you a little bit just keep your distance and do not get hit by them got

Him only three more left oh okay they kind of hurt a little bit just a little bit get him buddy get him go let’s go as we defeat the sea creatures i was worried about leaving this place alone who knows what could happen so i decided why not recruit some dolphins

It’s a great idea and then keep me safe all right boys every single one of you gets a piece of cod and y’all gonna be the first dolphins joining my aquarium i used the remaining fish that i had left to tame an army of dolphins and even

Crafted a bunch of shields so this way i could create guardian dolphins there you go a shield for each and every single one of you now y’all are officially gonna become guardian dolphins look at this they look amazing beautiful once nighttime creeped around the dolphins fought off the drowned enemies which

Made things honestly easier for me now i had one less thing to worry about days 20 to 26 flipper and i farmed some iron and crafted a bunch of water buckets today was the start of my first ecosystem placing on sand for the flooring and mixing in some coral blocks

And even seaweed now let me tell you this whole project was going to be difficult all right buddy we’re gonna find every single creature we wanna bring back home it’s a pretty big list and it’s not gonna be that easy then we traveled through the ocean taming as

Many sea creatures that we needed finding the colorful variety of fish such as the tropical fish it was honestly pretty easy now when it got to the coal cans and the angler fish this got a little bit more difficult we had to search the deep oceans in order to

Find them and luckily with all these fish in the same ecosystem they shouldn’t eat each other well that’s what i hope all right and that should be the last one out out nope nope i just want the fish i’m just here for the fish that’s it flipper let’s go back home we

Got back home and brought into lobsters next was a nautilus which looks really cool swimming around while the angler fish hit the entire place lit up at night just look how gorgeous it looks at nighttime amazing now as for the cola cats they’re pretty much ancient while

The pikes were a great addition for the tropical fish jellyfish salmon and cod it pretty much made the entire place colorful and to finish it up we even added in small details of spider crabs there we go the ecosystem is officially complete on days 27 to 30 there was a

Massive trash pile right by our place now cleaning the ocean alone was gonna take a while so it gave me an idea why not tame helper dolphins you might be wondering what are you talking about moose let me just show you first i lined up a bunch of cobblestone and crafted

Stone shovels here you go here’s some fishies and that’s gonna tame a bunch of dolphins now if i right-click a dolphin with a stone shovel it should turn them into a helper dolphin just look at them go cleaning up the entire place for us i gotta say it’s gonna make a huge impact

On cleaning up the ocean oh and all the way back home i even found buried treasure containing a heart of the sea i then placed it in the center of a traffic table and surrounded it by shells to create a conduit the goal was

To make a 96 blocks range so for that i needed 42 prismarine blocks also it was a perfect shrine to place on top of my aquarium alright and let’s place this right in the center there we go so anyone that goes nearby this thing will

Be given powers such as haste days 31 to 35 a helper dolphin brought us intel about a massive hotspot of trash going into the ocean thanks buddy so you’re saying that this is the source of all the trash in the ocean apparently this place was next to the

Beach and it was filled with trash now of course we had to do our job all right this should be it go wow this that’s a mess oh yeah bro my dolphins can’t even get up here get back in the water the entire beach was covered and the

Trail led to a throne made of trash and sitting on it was the trash king intruders trying to steal my money he came running at me swinging a giant bag of trash i had never seen something like this before yo get it back okay he’s poisoning me he’s literally pushing

Me no how’s that possible okay i’m dying i’m dying already i’m already dying what yo the trash king is honestly powerful he throws trash that gives me poison apparently and slowly kills me going in with my cool reflex okay take anything i’m turning into trash now fighting him was so much difficult

Having to place water buckets all around me this way i wouldn’t run out of breath and pushing him away with a water spray ability definitely helped a bunch this allowed me to keep distance to prevent taking damage but finally the trash king was defeated and he was gone now all

That was left was to clean up the entire place the whole entire thing i gotta say it was a huge victory and we removed over forty percent of trash that same day not bad age thirty six forty began with a thunderstorm there was a pack of sharks surrounding my base clipper they

Found us this must be the megalodon sharks army we gotta fight them off and luckily we do have our guardians as we battle them one of the sharks dropped a serrated shark tooth used as a core crafting recipe for the legendary shield of the deep while the last shark

Retreated we followed him leading us to the valley of sharks this was a death trap but i needed that shield nope they got me they got me okay oh you’re trying to be alive oh help help flip her get my back now i got nothing i guess

I just need their teeth that’s it now if you have a fear of sharks being stuck here would be terrifying so i grabbed a few bubbles and caught the sharks all right so three serrated shark tooth three prismarine blocks one part of the sea and two shark tooth and that’s gonna

Make the shield of the deep now what exactly is the difference between a regular shield and this new one i don’t know let’s find out last thing left was a second ecosystem i used sand for the flooring added in sea pickles and a few more blocks for decorations then place my shark pack

Okay i’m just saying this is not like a revenge type of situation here against the sharks i just think that shark ecosystem would be a different experience on these 41 to 44 i was on a secret mission you know how they put the man on

The moon well i want to be the first dolphin to go inside the nether and don’t forget i can’t place water in the nether i then mined up a bunch of obsidian all right that should be plenty and built into the portal outside my aquarium well it’s my time to shine i

Stepped in the portal and was transported into the nether nope okay i’m dying nope nope come on hurry up okay terrible i’m literally literally being bowled alive here i’m oh just to make sure i wouldn’t try this again i place down signs to remind others just like me just just leave it

Alone so to make up for the fat l i came more dolphins brought them back and then crafted stone swords by equipping stone swords on each of them it turned them into fighter dolphins pretty much it’s like a guardian dolphin but it fights for me and keeps me safe all right

Dolphins listen up so your objective is simple fight the drowned now let’s get to it day 45 to 50. flipper found a buried treasure map that looked a little bit unusual so we decided to set sail that day dolphins on a boat sure i could swim faster but i look like a dolphin

Submarine have you ever seen this before then then subscribe what’s it gonna take to convince you we quickly found out that the treasure map led us to a giant sand castle i guess let’s go inside this place and why is there an army of crabs look at this there’s there’s so many of

Them try to be worried grab some water buckets and follow my leader we snuck into a room filled with crabs in the center was a king crab what are dolphins doing inside my castle uh we’re just looking for treasure that’s it you’re stealing from me i’ve been waiting for this moment

It’s not like that at all whoa that was that was kind of bad that was kind of bad yo that thing is huge and it’s throwing some kind of weird explosions let me use my water spray ability it might keep it back a little bit oh it’s working it’s pushing it back

Not bad it says ranking crabs throw explosive fireballs how does that make any oh it’s fish going for the legs come on let’s go oh i just smashed him through a building he’s always coming at me i’m poisoned i’m poison okay swim away and heal back up after defeating the king crab

He dropped a rainbow fish and we looted the rest of the treasure on days 51 the 52 i began building my third ecosystem i used stone sand sea lanterns and other blocks to create the flooring then added in sea grass and seaweed with a small coral reef hill for

My future eels just look at that thing camouflaging everywhere it goes this is the element of surprise oh look at him he looks like a puffer fish flipper and i grabbed her bubbles and transported a few octopus after fountain meals swooping around the coral reef we even

Found adorable turtles to bring back to the aquarium all right flipper place down everything that you got so here we go i got a couple turtles and a bunch of salt water yields i just don’t want these guys get it out kind of tricky and they don’t seem to try to eat

Each other so i guess it’s kind of a good thing and the last one i gotta say this is uh oh one just got out that’s a pretty crazy collection very colorful i gotta say this ecosystem looks amazing did you know that octopus can escape out of anything that would be

Pretty sus if it got inside the shark ecosystem on these 53 the 55 i ate the rainbow fish for breakfast that rainbow fish transformed me into this majestic chiseled buff dolphin i really had no clue what my fish friends were gonna think i’m like merman but the dolphin version what

No it’s just a new transformation i even learned a new ability and this one was called nose dive so what’s this thing doing oh yo i just got launched on the water this is perfect for ambushing i literally feel like superman since i’m above dolphin now i’m overdue on enchanting

Literally haven’t enchanted anything and it’s day 50. so i crafted bookshelves and built a library with an enchantment table look at this fortune 3 not bad and for my sword knockback 2 honestly those were by far the worst enchants i’ve ever got and for one more diamond sword this

Time for better luck not bad and combine the two together to create a sharpness 3 knockback two sword these 56 to 58 we were swimming with whales yo these these are fast they literally swim faster than me there were so many different types of whales in

This area and they all seem to be traveling in groups but you name it humpback whales even bowhead whales all here and for some reason flipper wouldn’t leave alone the narwhals i don’t get this guy i don’t know what his shoe is you know flipper no flipper just

Get away from him stop bothering the narwhal i mean then again you know what i guess we could have a narwhal for the whale ecosystem there was also a bunch of orcas just swimming together and flipper tried feeding them fish and using a bubble i transferred

The two of them back to our ecosystem due to the size of these giant whales this ecosystem was gonna be a little bit challenging so essentially i kept the tunnels open alright so here’s the orca and the narwhal i think they should be fine it’s not that crammed and they could probably

Travel to the main sphere these 59-63 i spotted a bunch of pirates sailing on a pirate ship in the middle of the ocean since i was above dolphin now testing my abilities would be perfect imagine a buff dolphin just jumps into your boat what you gonna do about it

What’s up boys nope okay they’re mad hey you took my fish they’re firing candace okay flipper buddy i’m holding back yo they’re kind of doing some shots huh honestly that was not that bad let’s break all through so what do we got down here fire fire fire

Yo these pirates do not mess around back in the water back in the water honestly i thought it was going to be easier it’s not that bad especially with my water spray ability that is just so overpowered and what do we get oh a notch

Oh that was a close one a notch apple that’s amazing and i got 12 golden apples look at these guys on the tnt see you later get out of here boys no more seriously pirates trying to kill me and no more pirates ah so more golden apples and using my water spray ability

I thought it was funny just pushing the pirates in the ocean flipper is that funny no okay never mind on the 64 the 66 i wanted to challenge the elder guardian and complete my fifth ecosystem there was only three more left for completing the entire aquarium and there

It is the ocean monuments oh and we’ve got the guardians swimming around this just really brings back memories to 100 days as an elder guardian we rushed inside the monument and using my garbage pickaxe i broke as many blocks i could get then i stole the golden blocks and

When after the sponge you never know when it’s going to be useful also captured a few guardians and battle the other one i’m literally about to break this dude in half oh there we go one down and like three more to go oh no that’s the guardians no

That’s a lot of guardians that’s a lot of them yo no no something tells me they don’t like me nope i can’t i can barely dodge the attacks they gotta kill me they’re gonna kill me there’s just way too many of them and where’s the rest of the elder

Guardians i’m still looking for him there we go the next elder guardian only a few more left yo without my abilities i’m pretty sure i’ll be dead by now mining fatigue is by far the worst debuff ever i can’t even break the blocks anymore look at this sir do you

Please mind i’m trying to do something here i’m only trying to wipe out your entire population the final elder guardian you too sir nope oh oh that was a close one okay have a heart nevermind i’m leaving i’m out once i returned home i finished up my ecosystem by building an ocean

Monument shrine and welcoming the guardians to the new place an elder guardian spine uh that makes no sense but okay interesting two elder eyes in a guardian i i don’t know what to do with this thing but i guess uh it oh we have an actual eyeball

Totally makes sense day 67 to 70. i woke up to a dream from the king of atlantis moose come to atlantis you need the trident if we were to defeat the megalodon atlantis i don’t know what’s going on but we got to get ready flipper here’s another armor set and let’s get going

With my dolphin instincts i found atlantis in no time and this place was massive not only was it visually pleasing but when we went inside it was filled with so many creatures is that a merpeg in the center was atlan and he was king of it all welcome you made it

You see this trident long ago it belonged to a legendary dolphin that’s pretty cool so what do you need me here for i’ve been having an issue with king megalodon with my old age this is out of my reach okay so i’m guessing you just

Need my help let’s make a deal i’ll give you the trident if you agree to stop the king megalodon from eating my citizen wait wait really that that’s it yes now hurry time is running up yeah let’s do it the mr beast tried it this thing is crazy as i left atlantis i

Tested out my new trident with this defensive setup i was able to block my shield and then throw my trident but before returning to me i could use my both dolphin abilities to take out anything in my way day 71 to 75 was extremely lucky the day began with flipper finding a blue

Axolotl yo congrats buddy now that’s amazing perfect for the aquarium you can just use the water bucket ready stay tuned come back here hey get over here axolotls seriously how do you put a lead on an axolotl get over here got him and let me just get a few

More axolotls and we should be good we began building this sixth ecosystem which would be storing squids axolotls and blobfish so having plenty of sea plants was necessary first we traveled to the deep ocean bomb you know 100 days that’s a wallace that’s a big teeth and found the blobs

Why do you i look like that come here i’m gonna capture the blob the bucket of blobfish looks so funny while the squids were extremely easy to get and no i’m not talking about squid game to complete my ecosystem let’s place the axolotls there’s the blue one there you go

Flipper and now the squids with some glow squids for some light and pair them with the blobfish pretty killer combo and all together the ecosystem looked up pretty funny yeah definitely a 76 280 i had to leave flipper behind sorry buddy i i don’t

Want you to eat my sharks okay so i have to be a solo mission i i know i know you’re upset with me i gotta do what i gotta do i found the king megadon’s hideout before getting to him i had to fight off the deadly sharks guarding him

But still i am relatively overpowered and my abilities are ridiculous if i really want i can just block everything oh it’s not working i thought i could block the shots if i can do it it’s not blocking anything oh there’s just so many of them attacking me

Trying to the face that’s gotta hurt come on the best way to keep my distance away from these guys and combined with my abilities it’s pretty powerful oh that’s gotta hurt yep definitely i gotta say my abilities are still insane i can just knock him

Back as far as i want and take him out well all that’s left is the king megalodon well well well we meet again i see you’ve been helping clean the place up sorry my sharks have been getting a little bit hungry yes and we made a deal i took care of

The trash king and even the king crab but now please i gotta ask you nicely the atlantis king told me to tell you you start beating his people and especially my dolphins come on enough is enough huh you actually pulled it off oh and about the whole eating thing i’m kind of hungry

I’m not fruit off my food stop it patrick the how do i even fight this thing he’s literally huge i don’t get this [ __ ] he just shot at me okay i’m sorry let me try to push him back oh it’s not working it’s literally oh it’s kind of

Working i guess nope it’s really not doing much he’s just too big my trident is going right through oh he’s doing some decent damage let me see if i can block his attacks gonna go with the sword you know i wish it was a little bit easier but no it’s not not at

All i’m going for his body all right i’m down i’m already down half health cannibals how is he doing that oh he’s launching cannibals at me let me push him back with my abilities all right jump out the water and go in and attack come on come on let’s go

I should be able to get as many hits possible since when can megalodon summon lightning how does that make any sense almost oh down to four horse so every single time he goes back inside of his cage i think that’s him trying to regenerate health i’m gonna just push him in there

That’s that’s a lot of gold i’m taking it i’m taking it okay i got an idea let me just launch him out of the water and that should stop him i mean he’s pretty big this it’s like a giant blue whale on land wasn’t expecting that well

I suppose since y’all have cleaned up the trash we can leave you guys alone but be aware there’s another enemy out there and it’s extremely mad well there he goes just swimming away but he said something about another enemy i thought he was the last one

Days 81 to 84. i returned back to atlantis all right well the job is done and the king megalodon is gone thank you moose now follow me whoa this is cool nice that’s what you got here here you will find all of my ancient tools carry down through the years

These will all be yours atlan shovel axe pickaxe and sword these are pretty awesome i gotta say they look pretty cool since you have defeated the king megalodon my gift to you is the atlantis crown and the royal armor you are officially the prince of atlantis thank you these are pretty sick there’s

The crown and the royal armor so how does this exactly work just gotta right click it oh look at me look amazing and there i was wearing a full set of royal armor now i’m supposedly the prince of atlantis not sure what to do about that

I didn’t really ask for this so he maximized my strength i swim back home doing [ __ ] my royal armor what’s up boys that fall damage is there’s gonna be something getting used to captain who who’s captain stouchy what does that even mean all right get these dudes out of here i’m pushing them

Off and they’re already blowing up on me no no more pirates okay golden apples and an ender pearl that’s not bad gotta say oh another notch apple i gotta say there’s a lot of good loot here look at this even more golden apples yo how many

Golden apples you need i even found a treasure room inside the pirate ship containing diamonds gold iron and even silver plots there was also a chest with coconuts and a cannon but finally i defeated captain stouchy the leader of the pirate ship later that day i found a

Bunch of bubble fish and even lionfish now these are one of the deadliest and most poisonous fishes out there but with my water bucket there was no issue i began building my seventh ecosystem keeping the design pretty simple and miniature after all all these fish were

Tiny and just for safety reasons i close up the entrance with glass to make sure that the other creatures can’t sneak inside and get poisoned on days 85 to 89 there was an angry pack of piranhas surrounding my aquarium with my guardians and fighting dolphins they just didn’t stay a chance now that’s

What i call a pack of piranhas oh oh man they are they’re really they’re really hungry they are really hungry hey stay back let’s go aquarium the last thing we need are piranhas eating our fish that is the worst thing ever though there is so many of them and they’re trying to

Kill my dolphins nope nope nope okay okay all right i’m trying i’m trying to take them out nope nope what’s going on i’m holding back come on flipper there they go easy i gotta say with all this armor they’re barely doing any damage oh yeah yeah they’re gone after defeating the

Piranha pack it got me thinking something is just not right for the trash king king crab and even king megadon all being gone what caused the piranhas to attack us in the first place and to finish up my day i enchanted all my island tools and even

Got sharp s3 on my sword days 90 to 96 was a project now this was just for fun okay i want to be the first one to bring an elephant underwater to live inside a giant dome aquarium i started off by drying my wet sponges then creating a

5×5 square tunnel going from the surface of the ocean to the eighth ecosystem it was super simple it’s like lily right there oh boy this is gonna take a while the toughest part was removing all the water using my sponges very tedious process but i even finished my ecosystem facing

It off the savannah biome using grass and planting occasion trees oh look over there there’s new elephants all right so i’m bringing it out with me anybody anybody objecting no you know i wonder what they’re thinking you’re seeing a dolphin on the surface you know they’re not not even an ordinary dolphin

Literally a buff dolphin nope okay no he’s mad at me he’s mad at me oh man oh they’re upset but why why why am i here what’s going on here anyways once you got the elephants in the ocean i transported them to the tunnel entrance and slowly

Pushed them both landing in water safely and finally i patched the hole broke the tunnel and that completed my final days ecosystem to 99 the thunderstorms kept getting worse and i heard the loud screech in the distance the kraken woke up yeah walk up to this all this uh trash

In my ocean you know what i’ve had enough it turns out that a giant kraken has sunk a ship killing everybody on board it even unleashed these weird thrashers eating nearby sea creatures i could have let them destroy my aquarium so i had my guardian dolphins stay back while

Flipper and i about to fire dolphins to help stop them come on flipper let’s go buddy get them all there are so many of them and they seem to be getting bigger for some reason oh they’re huge okay they’re huge out ow what does that mean

It’s trying to be like come on boys get him oh that was a tough one come on they’re crazy i don’t even know what they’re doing they’re biting my legs do not let them kill my dolphins yeah it’s trying to shoot me apart it’s literally trying to shrink me apart

This is honestly by far one of the most toughest challenges i’ve done oh no you don’t not today oh no come on boys we gotta hold it back we can’t let them get to the aquarium and kill our other fish let’s go oh they’re going in oh yeah you know

You guys are the one you got that one okay there’s a small ones trying to escape no mercy no mercy at all my dolphins kept fighting the army of thrashers eventually winning the battle there was the kraken shredding apart a bunch of sea creatures what are you gonna learn okay yeah

Either keep it clean or repay the price come on flipper we gotta get him the only one i just ate our dolphin family no that’s so much damage oh no no no no no that’s the last thing that we need right now we definitely cannot let him get near

Our aquarium we all gotta eat oh [ __ ] almost got him push him back with the final blow the cracker boss was defeated and the ocean was restored back to normal no more earthquakes to worry about or vicious creatures trying to eat my family day 100 had a few new items left from

The kraken so what what exactly does this thing do these weird tentacles yes exactly that i know having tentacles sticking out of your body as a buff dolphin is pretty weird seriously now in honor of my dolphins i use my pink blocks to build a pink dolphin statue at

The bottom of the aquarium i gotta say it is beautiful just seeing all the sea animals get together and admire what we have created with all the threats from the ocean gone we set off the fireworks and all that remains is for all of us to keep making a difference every single

Day by keeping the world clean free from trash and plastic is that a panda in the submarine you don’t i don’t see that every day that’s for sure what you want ah apples fish oh okay where are we where are we going okay i wish i was a dolphin

Or even better at turtle you’re slow so i guess it suits you hey that’s not very nice i bet our hero was made to be a great buff turtle maybe but that’s a story for another day i know what’s next wasn’t this about the time he turned himself into the buff early

That’s right my dear friend hey i’m not that old it has only been a few billion years since we have met hmm sure now let’s watch this imagine there’d be a competition on which of the three mobs gets added in but suddenly you win while the other two bobs get casted away

And now well they want revenge and they will be going down without a fight this is hardcore minecraft and i’m going to survive for the next 100 days as an ally help my moose family reach family subs before the year ends by hitting the subscribe button enabling all notifications

On day one i spawned in as a tiny baby la surrounded by others just like me you see everybody here has an addiction cookies are dancing i’m sorry this is my farm my favorite chocolate chocolate it’s just so good as i watch my friends sort through the

Skies one of them dropped an ability what is this chest ray vision and just like that i was given a new ability i could locate chess in a matter of seconds so for the remaining of the day i made it my goal to find that chest

No matter how impossible it was going to be at least it’s better than chopping out trees now what do we got down here looks like a spawner yup the spiders and the chest with some seeds on the morning of day two i heard crying for help

So i flew over it saw a copper golem attacking my friend hey you rusty copperhead get out of here oh yo that’s got up that’s kind of hard you okay buddy Don’t worry about them those golems didn’t even get voted in as the next mob who wants to press bars anyways huh but that copper golem we killed had a brother he saw and heard everything i’ll avenge you brother even if i have to wipe out the l.a population

On day three wolf flying through the desert and a lady ran into a cactus yup he he’s dead from my from my cactus come on man well all that remains is this ghost soul whenever an elite dies we carry on their legacy by crafting a bucket of ghost

Water and drinking it i know this is pretty shocking i chugged the bucket of ghost water and instantly became blind i started getting nauseous and then i had a vision what is that it buff facts i want them gone every last one of them the focus and vexes working together huh

I’ll gather the villagers we will begin hunting hurry up and don’t make me summon the vex storm i woke back up i didn’t think much of it at the time for all i know it could have been a nightmare but i was pretty sketched out there was vexes out there trying to kill

Me on day four we ate so much cookies for breakfast you know this can’t be good for us i think i’m gonna i became an adult l.a finally a bit stronger and now i can fly even better with my abilities i could summon cookies out of thin air and even pick things up

My magnetizing ability i gotta say i i wish i could do this in real life i would open up my own moose’s lit cookie store and if i ever drop my phone i could just instantly pick it up you just need all the cake oh what’s up

With that i wanted some of that i think crafted a cookie pickaxe even an axe and continued my journey what are you what are you doing in here uh are you back for revenge how’d you know it was me he’s gone what where’d he go he’s just

Gone huh what do we have in here oh some arrows and even a bow and i’ll be taking this leather boots leather chest plates and that will do it day five i left my friends and as a curious ghost i want to explore the new minecraft 1.19 world and even find new

Creatures like this thing whatever that is an illegal campsite so what do we have here some sort of an ice castle but there’s there’s nobody here oh man strays you kidding me what’s that gonna do to me come on who nope not today oh now we got wolves attacking me

Are you serious this just keep going oh it’s going somewhere what is that he looks just like me oh what is that no whoa oh no oh no no no no no oh i just got frozen to death there’s definitely a lot of chest down here it’s all over the place no no

No okay all right oh no literally a massacre down there there was a red baby lake who got caught stealing potatoes from illagers now he was stuck in jail i had to save him he was part of the family come on buddy i’m not letting you

Ride in here you gotta hurry up those things out there you’re gonna kill us i’m gonna call you casper now we gotta go yo yo they’re trying to kill us okay let’s go grab what you can and let’s run you know the raccoons you don’t want to

Mess with them i’m telling you they’re evil i’ve seen it first hands all right break break oh that was a close one can we be friends um uh sure buddy yeah i got you turns out he was separated from his family i wasn’t sure how he got back from the nether but i

Made a promise to casper that we would find him so there that day i crafted a full cookie armor set for the both of us here you go buddy helmet boots and the leggings because you gotta have your leggings right i don’t need any of these anymore completely useless cookie armor that’s where

I got a cookie on my head that’s so funny while wearing it we were given an ability it says haste from the cookie armor i guess it makes sense for the rest of the night we set up a soul campfire and defeated mobs around for some reason casper kept feeding goats

Cookies what are you doing go go stone eat cookies stop i think it’s gonna make them go crazy it worked what there’s a baby goat now i don’t understand oh oh casper bad idea bad idea oh man that’s not gonna end well oh okay day six through seven cookies are

Delicious but what about google berries casper and i travel to the lush caves we right away mine up a bunch of iron and move out to gold now being able to fly helped a bunch especially with getting to the tough spots where diamonds we’re located at casper have you ever seen a

Warning before Wait what’d you just call me i’m not your dad what don’t don’t cry all right he’s gonna hear us i’m telling you this is a warden hideout and you go near those skulk sensors over there and it will kill you casper oh no of course casper set off the shulk

Sensor nearly getting us killed by the wardens caster you’re gonna get us killed buddy no just watch your distance he will one shot you i’m telling you he is no joke here get him in the lava push him into the lava it’s gonna help us out where’d he go oh he’s so quick

I’ve used almost all of my arrows i don’t think this is working you know we gotta oh it worked never mind good job buddy let me drop over here what is this skulk sensor skull growths and music disc we set up camp once again and went to sleep inside the lush games

You see there was an enemy watching upset at us taking over his territory look who it is the new guy he stole my base they’re all the same they destroy what’s ours steal it and claim it as their own yes you should be mad you were supposed to win the mob competition

The next morning i gather more diamonds and flew out of the lush caves what is that thing what is it what does it want for me leave all of my golems and wardens alone we don’t want you here the king copper hulk jumped out of here leaving both of us pretty confused

On days eight through 11 i had a genius idea to keep my lace safe by building the cloud house now getting the resources was super easy anything i gave to casper he will bring me back stacks of it first i started by creating a giant glass platform after i shaped it

Up to look like a cloud next the house layout okay this loki took me like three hours to figure out i created an lace-shaped house first i built the 19 by 19 room shaped just like a square head then created a 15 by 27 body after added in the left wing and the

Right wing finally the legs or tail or whatever you want to call it i moved on to the walls using birch logs stone bricks and other random details to build up by 15 blocks oh and you can’t forget about the windows finally it was time for the interior layout we used birch planks

Combined with spruce for the flooring then a 13 by 6 bedroom for casper and i across we created a 13×6 kitchen with space for a dining table and the utility room this spacious living room was about 11 blocks wide and 18 blocks long connecting to the 6×6 trophy room a 5×5

Enchanting room wings which contained 4 habitats any space left over was for farming even though we have unlimited cookies it’s just nice to have greenery around the crib okay honestly i hated it casper and i spent so long planning and making it that it just didn’t meet our expectations so instead

I added my face to the front ah yeah that is just much better love it days 12 to 13 i woke up to casper and she was freaking out he he wanted to show me something turns out only one to show me was his new dj booth that he

Built casper that is awesome buddy so the question is uh does it work though Look at him go absolute cabbage i i mean i mean i mean savage bro that is amazing buddy you are number number one casper number one but here’s the thing if we’re gonna have a concert we need more lace a lot of them so we flew over to the force bomb

And it was packed with it there were so many of them all right boys here’s some cookies for everybody one cookie for every single one of you here you go you can have it all let’s go follow me casper how’s it going there buddy how

Many do you have with you oh you got a lot that’s definitely a lot of them these guys are gonna freak out especially when they see our brand new crib and not to mention that we could have unlimited cookies who doesn’t love cookies seriously i think that should be plenty of them

You know what if la’s were allergic to cookies what did you do about that how we how we even survived casper what if you were looking for cookies what are we gonna do is there a koala in minecraft no way yo casper we gotta bring one of these up

I’ve always wanted a koala in minecraft seriously oh okay i mean i guess i guess that works that will do it bringing the new friends to the cloud house was a very happy moment for us we worked so hard on making this build amazing and it’s just the beginning welcome to the

Brand new crib and look at the koalas look at them go now just gently put them down all right it’s like landing a helicopter but it’s a qualicopter all right everybody this is your brand new house you can do whatever you want here’s some cookies we got a dj booth

We’re still working on the interior and the rest of it but trust me it’s going to be amazing and this is my bedroom do not touch my stuff days 14 to 17 casper was demanding for both of us to get spy glasses He wanted to be just like a pie for the day so we went searching for that and i have to find an amethyst cave there we go buddy that is plenty of amethyst oh you’re having so much fun aren’t you you know having good aim at

This [ __ ] would be pretty cool i think we should definitely add in some decorations casper and that should be plenty there we go we got the amethyst shards now all we need is the actual copper and as i found the copper ore i was looking for it was actually a copper golem

I followed him all the way to this weird structure and looks like it belonged to someone important but suddenly we were ambushed by copper golems oh no no okay yours a lot of them there’s just wait yo casper catch my buddy okay i’m going with the bow shots

Honestly they’re not that tough i thought they were a little bit stronger but they just instantly died these poor little cute copper golems wow they’re not even doing anything to me you know i kind of feel bad you know i feel like they’re just being forced to do this oh

Wow the skeleton does more damage than that so what is all the way down here what oh uh huh some sort of a dungeon casper something tells me that this is an ambush all right come on let’s go let’s go no no no oh no oh that was killing me you

Literally almost killed me way more damage okay just fly past them what is all this place what’s going on here they got ancient darts and stuff we don’t need wow huh every generation potion perfect tnt and the inter pros that’s pretty good yo watch the creeper watch the creeper

What is this i just picked something up it says pew pew lasers huh what does this do another new ability to my collection this one was extra spicy oh yo i could shoot lasers out of my body i mean i i’ve never seen an la even do

That before days 18 to 23. wow we were in desperate need of a bedroom makeover so we began building our master suites i’ve always wanted to have a bunk bed set up with my brothers i don’t know watching movies just inspires me to do weird things so i moved on to my

Personal storage room using barrels with an interesting chest design of course small details the item frames yes now we’re talking while casper was finishing up his base and i gotta say it was definitely uh different the room just still didn’t feel like a bedroom so i added just a small amount

Of details not much at all all i know is casper looks like a menace next to the aquarium now time for my favorite part the kitchen i created my classic countertop design and mix it in with some kitchen cabinets and of course the most important part the fridge

And the stove tops moving on to the dining room simple table setup using scaffolding blocks with some custom chairs surrounding it and why not add in some greenery using cauldrons with leaves on top lastly the most useful room well seriously it’s got everything valuable that we own anyways i got the

Chest fully labeled and set up all the utility blocks that our community could need this automatic cookie dispenser was my favorite moose touch i just made that phrase up it’s supposed to mean like perfection now this place looks amazing at nighttime and best of all casper

Check it out unlimited cookies i mean we can of course make it rain but i don’t know it’s kind of cool pretty cool right i think he’s loving it that’s for sure days 24 the 28th while casper and i were preoccupied with this weird dungeon something bad ended up going down

Casper there’s the creeper behind you what is this thing looks amazing okay what’s going on an intrusion all right let’s go come on we gotta hurry You see none of us expected any other bobs to just casually fly into our base and steal our la france these new creatures called themselves glares and they were cute and friendly until they took my family and greased my home at fire charge what

Not my couch oh come on now you see now it’s personal you don’t break a man’s couch so i went searching for the copper golems i came across some weird structures and also found a ravine which had a bunch of gorillas that didn’t end so well oh gorillas we strong copper golem

No cookie oh oh oh man oh casper oh no not the gorillas oh oh man this is brutal and finally i load one in with a trap spill it or i’m gonna press these buttons you see these buttons then tell me where the laser at we’re

Also going to click it do you want me to do it i’ll do it that’s a quality button look at that then tell me what’s this gotta do with me or else this is it enter the line for you i’m not playing i don’t know man you’re kind of holding

Off on me you know it’ll be a shame if this lava just completely burnt you alive tell me the location cough it up it’s getting closer well there you go we’ve barely done anything and what do you know it feels like the entire world is just against us once again phase 29 232

Two la’s exploring the jungle on a mission looking for the rarest item in the world known as the cocoa bean what the heck is that that is the thickest ant i have ever seen boy he’s thick look at that i don’t understand i was like oh there’s a small one what what

Even is this can i mess with this by a chance never mind you’re upset casper look over there that right there is the most sophisticated animal something’s happening whoa that baby panda that is i love it every there you take it take it all see

Take all my money it reminds me of 100 days as a panda there’s a cocoa bean right there that’s it right there the cocoa beans you know what this means buddy huh well um i guess but organic cookies i don’t know we could actually make them instead of just kind of like popping

Them out of thin air that just can’t be natural what is that oh a baby monkey that is the most adorable thing ever here’s a cocoa bean cookies nope never mind okay uh casper what are you doing you shoulda you shoulda bring the pair back aren’t

You that’s not how you tame them yet you gotta feed them cocoa beans or i think no no you gotta get the melon seeds that’s right melon seeds that’s that’s exactly what they’re like when we got back home casper and his parents were dancing together That was the most beautiful thing i’ve ever seen in my life you guys leave a like right now what are you doing just leave a like you’re not supposed to feed parrots cookies no casper not the cookies ah i then begin creating my organic cookie farm first creating a jungle tree area

Where i could grow the cocoa beans i dropped the book by actually and my lad went searching for one and within seconds gave it back to me now as i opened it next i place down the sugar canes and the last part was the wheat farm just

Keeping it pretty simple and created my very own koi pond but with tropical fish our first habitat for the lace this was very simple just placing down dirt and of course one grass block next was the tree with some bone meal and just sprinkle in some extra details

Let’s go boys follow me to your brand new habitat all right take the cookies nope okay chill everyone’s just kind of cluttering me yo please there we go what do you guys think oh and he’s being swarmed i don’t know i think they uh they definitely love it yeah not bad

Days 33 to 35. the new 1.19 update featured the mangrove swamp so we’re becoming swap adventurers don’t worry i lived in florida so i’m pretty much an expert and that was the first swamp we were visiting it was a bit different than normal and it was filled with different

Frogs yo this guy’s pretty cute i like him you do your cookies i don’t think you can feed them cookies can you no but you definitely can’t maybe you can grab like one of the uh lily pads maybe he’ll eat the lily pets nope no no the casper

Cats are helping no no why are they so vicious yo what what just happened are these eels these guys are no joke patio there’s even tadpoles what do we have here look at this place some kind of a hut there’s a cage here for some reason

I don’t know what that can even fit casper did you find anything i can’t fit through there buddy it’s a little bit small in here there’s potions oh an instant health potion and what do we have upstairs here a cat oh it’s a cat no way yo break

Let’s bring it home it reminds me of banks come on buddy who remembers 100 days as a witch but in all seriousness i was here looking for the green l.a they have a special ability unlimited emeralds that means unlimited trading with villagers honestly it just gives you access to so many different

Resources anything i want i can get it who wants some cookies come on follow the cookies let’s go there we go i’m gonna tame you and also you now everybody just follow me back home trust me you’re gonna love it casper even has his own pack of green

Lace look at this it’s amazing now nobody get lost please nope and they’re following him look at him he’s getting along pretty good oh they’re loving it oh yeah there they are they’re loving it finally we brought them back home and introduce them to the blue lace so boys

What y’all think of the place and here’s some note blocks with some cookies on top so this way y’all can do your music things or whatever you want to call it listen it’s still a work in progress all right we still got a long way to go look

At this there’s a green lay playing with a koala he’s really trying to just try to play with the koala interesting you know i’m going to call you pickle how about that the only pickle i think that’s a pretty good name for you and don’t bring home any copper golems

Okay simple as that and definitely not creepers that would be that’d be a really bad idea i’m telling you no creepers ace 36 to 40. casper has been talking about rainbow cookies i’ve honestly never heard of such a thing we crafted these new boats with chests

In them i don’t know they look pretty cool look at this i’m gonna lay on a boat that’s kind of cool i think i look adorable don’t worry buddy i got something a little bit bigger that’s gonna fit both of us you okay back there it looks like you’re kind of drowning

So we set sail searching for the rainbow cookies well casper here we are buddy the mesa biome not bad what you want what are you doing oh that way okay i got you i got you oh there it is the rainbow cookies check this out hey nice

Job buddy you know i never knew that rainbow cookies honestly grew on the mesa bomb that was interesting let’s try this job not bad i gotta say it’s pretty good it’s like way better than this cookie and it gives you resistance three with strength i should be able to one shot just about

Anything that same night we were ambushed by vexes they finally found us no no no no that’s not good everybody emergency emergency it’s an emergency everybody go hide let’s go follow the cookies i’m gonna get you to the corners and be very careful of the vexes casper

Make sure you stay on defense all right buddy here i got your spyglass take some more cookies and we should be good to go here let’s do this these vexes weren’t gonna stop us we gathered our troops and defended the cloud house you hope there’s so many of them casper

Help me out buddy the hardest part is actually hitting the vexes oh i do so much damage it’s honestly not that many of them it’s just they’re just so spread out come on casper you got it buddy there you go let me use my laser beam on these guys

Oh okay it’s kind of hard to control it let’s go get him make sure you leave one of them all right buddy this is not that bad not that bad at all i can instantly one shot him casper you’re going in you’re flying all the way up there as we

Kept eating rainbow cookies defenses just didn’t stand a chance and all that was left was one so you’re the last one huh now i want you to send a message to your buffex i’m gonna find him and anyone that steps on the late territory will have an issue with me now go

Get out of here lucky guy look at him go he’s flying away all right come on everybody let’s go back inside everybody’s officially safe nothing to worry about come on let’s go days 41 to 45 we began with building your second habitat this was designed after the swamp just so my

Grenades could pretty much feel at home now the entire build was very simple adding in a mangrove tree with the water stream lily pads and other different blocks that we found in the swamp biomes i gotta say this place looks pretty amazing yeah it literally feels like a

Swamp bomb yeah oh look at this casper what do you got here buddy got your little pet frogs that that’s adorable that is amazing we then moved on to the enchanting room i gotta say my cookie armor has been saving my life but in chance we’re definitely needed

Especially after the vexes just too many close calls seriously just for some small details and flowerpot with the creeper spore and now for a new set of cookie armor there we go i’m breaking three protection depth strider okay now we’re talking and protection three respiration that will do out with the

Old in with the new finally i finished up by building the trophy room i based this room off my 100 days ender dragon video very similar style to display my valuables the trophy room is complete the shield is massive by the way so i don’t really have anything valuable to

Be honest with you but i do have this music disc right here so it’s gonna be a perfect place to put that right there now i got skulk sensors so i guess i’ll just put them here hopefully they don’t blow up i think my rainbow cookie is pretty valuable especially the shield it

Just looks interesting yup i literally can’t think of anything else great days 46 to 50 our greenlee friend named pickle he brought us intel about the copper golem king at first i was a bit skeptical after all i did get ambushed by the copper golems what if someone

Here was working for them thanks pickle i appreciate it see you later buddy casper buddy grab your gear and let’s head out i got plenty of rainbow cookies uh we should probably plant some as well and the only thing we need are some golden apples for a backup let’s go casper i quickly

Followed the map it led us to a weird location i’m guessing he’s either down here or down here casper i say we split up okay you go that way and i go over here all right that’s good good luck buddy look at this place huge and there’s a chest with lapis and notch

Apple let’s go i gotta say my rainbow cookies are just as strong as a notch apple that’s gotta be the place look at it some like fancy looking doors got some iron and that’s about it it’s kind of sucks getting some creepy vibes here hello as

I walked into the room the doors closed and everything turned into copper in the center the copper golem king dropped down and said this ends today not only did you kill my brother but you took my spot what what are you talking about you you literally took the lace huh

No longer will you be the next mob that gets voted in this is your last day yo yo what was that just throw it just throw copper fireballs or something what was that about you know these skeletons are really not helping okay not only do i have to fight this dude

But there are so many skeletons after me i don’t know where is it going this place is huge this is like his guy hideout or something there he is he’s up there no he’s just zooming it’s literally zooming out here come on stop running away yeah i forgot i can literally fly

That’s pretty funny no no no no this can’t be that hard seriously the fireballs yes they do a lot of damage oh god i got it there you go got a gap got a couple all right break all these waters get rid of this thing Nope this is copper gold king going in there we go fly over him and right behind honestly this is gonna be super simple i’m gonna keep flying it’s kind of good it’s kind of good but just keep flying around him and i haven’t filmed in no time going in with some arrows

Come on lava bucket yes nope it’s not working no it’s it’s not working no arrows just wait for it yeah i’m out of arrows a lot of arrows can’t deflate this fireball i think if i pull it off there’s any more spawners in here what is this some vanishing oh another

Travel that’s good where’s this thing that’s my one nope nope no no no he’s going crazy there’s only so many firewalls in it come on rainbow cookie rainbow cookie let’s what is that that’s even possible holding fire huh another golden apple i’m breaking three yes some potions nope some potion arrows oh

Yes another level all right oh just big toss the rock i’m going to be tossed around come on rainbow cookie cookie back maybe the pickaxe can do more damage i don’t know honestly all right go Let’s go four arrows literally doing nothing literally barely scraping the surface oh spamming just keep on spinning him going with the pickaxe lava bucket egg what what was that what oh come on really he’s immune to fire seriously and lava there’s more golden apples this punch one that’s going to be better

Yes more arrows those things hurt they they hurt so much what is this ever cool on my weapons i can’t use my weapon what how’s that possible how do you do that yeah come on push it back deflect the shots all right more golden apples this is brutal this guy’s no joke

He’s just so thick all right you you sure are a really thick dude Come on this dude is ridiculous tomorrow already All right i’m done with this guy i’m just done with it Finally he was defeated i didn’t know if i should pick up any copper blocks i was kind of afraid that somehow more golems could track my location so i found casper and we headed home it’s 51 to 54. this is another type of a lathe that we were searching for now

These are called the yellow las and they’re found in the desert biome now the only tricky part is where they go these weird sandstorm-looking creatures also follow them around and defeating one is kind of annoying i gotta say i have yet to check out a uh

A desert temple i feel like it’s like the most easy to do because you really just can’t mess it up golden apples hamilton gold and more golden apples oh no casper casper oh no it’s gone i gotta say these things are pretty annoying what’s that it’s like throwing

Things at me what is it what are they chucking at me what is the pokemon game come on bro but kill them is honestly pretty easy you just can’t go to your the top of their head you just kind of keep spinning with them wow too easy watch out buddy

Casper he’s got me i’m spinning around there’s still a few more left okay let me drop what was that a guster eye i guess this will do for the trophy room yeah i have the cookies let’s go boys everybody grab some cookies they’ll come with me i finally tamed them and before

Bringing them home casper just kept pranking the animals i don’t know what’s up with them honestly casper hey bro chill oh my god chill you you’re literally wasting all of our iron on anvils ah this dude’s got another chill seriously as we return back home i introduced the yellow lace to the others

Now the best part was these dudes give us resistance too when just simply being around them and best of all the entire community was completely protected it was like having a guardian with special abilities casper check this out the yellow la’s are dropping gold ingots while the green lays are dropping well

Emerald ingots i’m in emeralds at this point we’re gonna literally have an unlimited amount of golden apples uh pickle what what is what is going on here buddy what’s up with all this stuff here so pickle ended up giving me a a ghost potion i’m not sure what it exactly did

But it looked uh a little bit spooky days 55 to 60. i spent all morning staring at this ghost potion i just couldn’t handle it anymore i had to figure out exactly what it did i’m over sorry pickle well this is an emergency i’m telling you i drank that potion i

Became a buffalo i looked like a muscle builder that drank a tub of protein that was shredded and could barely fit through things also unlocked four new abilities now these were called phase vex push giant cookie toss and super flight oh uh me yeah you know

Um i became buff it’s it’s weird it’s gonna take time to get used to it here’s the cool thing though don’t don’t be scared about it no i’m not an enemy i’m not at him stop it stop it okay listen watch this i can phase through walls

Have you seen that before i i’ve never seen this before look at this i’m gonna do nothing at all i can just go to anywhere i want just just casually phasing through this is kind of weird honestly and this one is called vex push everything i look at just instantly dies

You like cookies casper huh well check this out this is called the giant cookie look at it you you can’t eat it but that that’s a big cookie i can just throw giant cookies oh that’s gotta hurt i’m telling you buddy we gotta get you on this thing dude

Giant cookies for days so many cookies it’s raining cookies bro yeah these go pretty far the entire village is getting bombarded with cookies let’s have a race buddy on your marks get set yo i think i think i won this one oh yeah casper yo you are way behind buddy

That took you forever honestly hey stop stop it stop being jealous ah this is gonna take some time explaining so this is me is this still your boy moose don’t be scared all right i’m not gonna eat you or i’m hey hey don’t don’t hit me who’s watching me who is that

It’s you oh hey pickle what’s up buddy uh yeah this happened you know what pickle you know this this really didn’t help me at all you know what pickle here this is one just one second there you go buddy you want a sparkle you eat this emerald boom pickle transformed into an alley

Uh villager yeah i don’t exactly know what happened there but it looks like we’re all evolving like pokemon from my series i began building the third habitat using sand i filled the floor and created a small hill then added in cactus and extra details now my yellow lace finally

Have a piece of their home from day 61 to 65 casper was freaking out again he should be the front of the house and it turns out that somebody built a mustache i don’t know on the face of it literally look at it casper did you put that there okay listen the

Eyes are cool but the mustache is uh it’s interesting now please just stop pranking me bro hey nope stop it well now that i was a buffali i needed armor and my friend pickle knew the details ghost armor well i guess that’s pretty cool normally i just crafted but i guess that

Works so all i had to do was find the spirit ore and it was located inside the deep dark biome now this place is pretty spooky it’s filled with wardens so this is the place yo that that honestly loki terrified me oh no no no that’s not it that’s the oh dude yeah

He’s doing too much damage to me yeah i was just so powerful come on pop cookies let’s go oh no that thing is still not dead you gotta be kidding me yeah these wardens definitely no joke not another one not another one nope i’m holding him back come on did we get him

He’s still alive what good job casper i literally do not fit inside this place now casper please be careful are you still messing with the wardens this guy’s got no chill come on get him nope that was me that was me casper nope let me use my ability that should stop them

Oh i just almost died i almost died all right everybody i’m trying to push it back it’s really not working do we seriously need some better armor because this is not doing it Take these cookies let’s go you know i was really thinking that was gonna do more damage but i guess not there you go reason my laser ability with some cookies and that’s the last of them and i’m pretty sure this is the actual spirit war well i got about nine orbs i

Think this should be good Well that was right we ended up getting ambushed by glares now these things are cute but for some reason they just hated us casper i don’t know what’s going on here but these things uh they don’t seem to like us and they’re honestly really easy to kill like like drastically like i

Could do my pickaxe seriously here have a cookie bomb as we were leaving another glare stopped us i’m only gonna say this once i know who you are leave our place and never come back i just don’t know what this guy’s problem was i never did anything to him

Anyways i brought my spirit over to pickle and traded it for some spirit armor casper don’t worry about it i also got you a set there you go enjoy out with the old and in with the new okay now we’re talking this spirit armor looks stunning i actually felt like it survived anything

It even gave me strength 3 with regeneration 3 now that was overpowered day 66 70 was a very progressive day during the morning casper and i were looking at rhinos zebras and elephants inside the savannah biome oh and there was also tigers now we should probably stay away from those things

Oh nature you are scary for real don’t casper you think that ryan over there could uh knock me out what are you thinking buddy don’t don’t boom i i’ll try for myself oh it’s kind of friendly wow that did literally nothing to me here have a cookie we then searched for the legendary

Golden cookies now these are like golden apples but way tastier because who doesn’t love cookies there it is buddy right over there the golden cookies this is what we’ve been waiting for now these are the last cookies that we need to complete a cookie farm hey you want a piece here

You go have one one for you and one for me two i started my cookie farm first i planted the regular cookies who’s gonna question the fact that i’m gonna lay planting cookies inside of a massive minecraft base where there’s different la’s oh and i can also shoot laser beams if

You can’t do that in real life then do it in minecraft anyways i continued by planting the rainbow cookies and after my favorite the golden cookies now all that was left was waiting everybody come get your cookies grab a plate and of course a cookie there we go casper you want the

First one i i don’t want your dirt no i don’t you can have the cookies just i don’t want dirt my dream of owning moose cookies would come true next up i built another portal and designed it to fit my buff body i was a little bit worried

That my laze would accidentally fly into the portal and get killed but after designing the place i think it came out beautiful and really complimented the cloudhouse casper let’s enchant our ghost armor protection 3 thorns two that is awful i’m breaking through blast protection still pretty bad great the worse than

Chance possible and hopefully one of these books can give us a decent enchant nope literally nothing i don’t know what any of these are yup no idea at least the fire protection actually does something day 71 to 77 this was a very special moment for casper he was gonna finally

Get to see his family again this is it the nether um why is there koala here ah man i gotta say buddy this place looks uh definitely very different yo what was that along the way we found really interesting biomes and witnessed interesting things well casper check this place out this

Looks up looks pretty crazy the entire place is made of glowstone and whatever this block is oh they’re just close this is all gloss on you need one of these for the actual crib the luminous fungus watch out for the frog watch out for the frog

I gotta do it yup whoa whoa what what’s going on what’s going on yup they’re literally eating me i’m being eaten by fog yo there ain’t no unspeakable here what’s going on and what are the oh that poison i why does everything want to kill me what was that just disappeared

Yeah be careful buddy don’t don’t don’t be getting poisoned by these things is that a that’s a that’s a mushroom that’s literally a mushroom it’s a walker to walk in my mushroom what is this here uh casper catch this what was that now these spikes look absolutely insane oh no oh

And it’s gone here casper grab all these random blocks and we’re gonna bring it wow good thing i can fly what is that oh what is that oh just pushed me down what’s that thing jumping around this is some kind of a book like a like a little case and while

Traveling through the basalt mountains i saw this weird giant that was also made of assault and casper just loves picking fights oh yo be careful buddy arrows don’t work on him he’s clearly we’re stronger than that oh you just slapped me in the face hey are you kidding me

Here cooking for you more cookies that was crazy and then we had these guys you know i got projectiles too here i got you take some of this that’s what is that where did that come from we definitely need some better weapons we still had to find casper’s family and

Since the nether was massive and extremely dangerous it was hard to narrow down exactly where they were at we even checked out this weird nether dungeon that had these blaze looking creatures as soon as we fought him casper got trapped inside of a cocoon casper okay buddy what was that

That was crazy that’s it There’s so many of these things and they’re they’re pretty powerful it looks like these things right here are actual traps so casper just watch out for the fire oh okay there’s more there’s way more than all right splash potion of fire resistance what is that what is that thing

Why does it have two heads what’s going on oh and i gotta with a skeleton skull huh i can farm these you probably do the wither fight in no time casper take out these places and let’s get out of here i’m done with this place

I gotta say if it wasn’t for our flying abilities we would have been in a lot of trouble and had to worry about falling into lava like a noob nether hammer melt the block what does that mean let me melt the block what is it yeah i mean it’s not

Melting any block at least it’s better than my cookie axe whoa that that thing just literally got melted and it works on everything wow that’s the spot right there now this thing is huge i don’t know how they ever seen a bastion that big before oh there’s the

Gold right there all right casper let’s get it and finally we snuck inside the bastion looted all the chests and stole all the netherrite that we could get even landed a jackpot by stealing the gold blocks these piglets did not like the fact that we were actually in here

And the last of the piglets i think this place is uh just about empty here i got you buddy get somebody’s cookies i want this entire place fully cleared out so we have nothing else to worry about what is that over there it’s a little bit red an end crystal fragment

Never heard of that before leaving the nether we managed to find the red lace and these were casper’s family and he grew up here look at this casper your entire family is here there’s just so many of them i gotta say this is a beautiful moment look at look at casper

Just interacting with his family i think they’re gonna cry so we tamed a bunch of red lace and using our cookies they followed us to the nether portal slowly pushing them inside once i got back home i put my buff armor inside the smithing table and

Using my heather right i upgraded it to the netherway ghost armor set and finally i was ready for anything having enchanted nether infused buff armor may be practically invincible day 78 to 81 we located the deep dark city and this place was honestly pretty small although it was filled with skull

Sensors and the wardens minions casper let’s go buddy let’s fly in there now be very careful with these things because go ahead they’re after me they’re ready they’re ready okay i got a deal i’m about to melt these dudes there we go i gotta say the nether hammer is uh relatively op

There’s so many of these weird creatures around here it’s like a kind of reminds me of that mob that was voted out but like the actual i guess the warden version we got here a notch apple a warden heart and skulk fines what does a wooden heart do can i eat it

Nope definitely can’t eat it i probably shouldn’t be eating hearts anyways casper kill every single one of these things and do not leave anybody surviving the giant cooking ability is about to wipe out the entire wooden population and especially his minions look at them go oh there’s a few more right here there

We go and the last one left wow i literally just punched that dude to death i finally found the warden boss’s hideout located inside the deep dark city casper there he is are you ready buddy and i were ready both of us stacked with ghost summer while the warden was clueless

I can hear you wait what is he talking to us wow you finally found me first you right in my home and now you’re here on my hideout well it wasn’t supposed to go down like that okay that was mainly casper and first of all your warden attacked us

I had to defend myself and my friend it doesn’t matter i’m going to avenge my fellow wardens and my friend the king copper golem oh he does a lot of damage he does a lot of damage watch out buddy i’m going in with a pickaxe that doesn’t do anything

The other hammer it is oh i’m sorry casper come on buddy watch i’m gonna throw some cookies at him there we go cookies got him in the corner let’s go with the kill oh oh it’s coming almost now that that guy’s that thing is tough i don’t know what he’s made of

I’m eating my golden cookies oh i’m almost dead i mean in my rainbow cookie too that is that is difficult that is what if i can like face to the wall does that work no i can’t hit him then never mind don’t do that oh i am the warden now what

Casper be careful buddy i got him i got him keep me distracted come on let’s go i’m using my cookies in a matter of minutes we destroyed the warden boss now we had one less enemy to worry about although those glares had me a little bit concerned days 82 to 88 we were

Ready to take on the inner dragon at night time i farmed the intermittent friendly pearls crafted my eyes of ender and located the stronghold now this place was completely revamped so this is the main area and oh it’s got to be that way now this

Has to be the library yeah that is huge and there’s a book in here is there any chess in here oh there it is i’m going through i’m doing it okay there’s literally nothing here there was just so many rooms do you even know where we’re going

And i was honestly lost and kept finding items i wanted to take home from my trophy room casper check this out it’s an ender eye banner or an enderman banner i guess i don’t know oh that’s pretty cool just a couple more banners there we go and there’s literally

Nothing in these chests oh oh casper’s bad casper is mad this is what happens when casper does not have patience hold up buddy well that was us casper what are you what are you doing why is there cookie trail i’m guessing he oh he’s found it

Good job buddy and finally i reached the end portal and placed my eyes of ender by completing the entire thing it opened up the end portal gateway and as i jumped inside i was teleported to the end there he was the ender dragon don’t casper look at that majestic beast he’s

Literally about to get one-shotted honestly this is gonna be really funny i just wanted to see how quickly i could actually defeat him with casper i mean after all we can fly have crazy abilities and insane armor what are you guys doing okay can you guys please come on come on

I’m dropping the cookies on the crystals the best way to take them out it’s like literally dropping like a nuke look at this there you go no problem i wonder what this inner dragon is thinking right now it’s just raining cookies this guy does not even stand a

Chance casper i think all the crystals are gone now let’s go after theater dragon i’m going in i literally can’t reach him for some reason i can’t reach him but the cookies are hitting him and so is my laser ability come on stop running for me

Oh okay we need a new plan we gotta wait for it to land because we simply can’t hit him right now i’m eating my golden cookie and the rainbow cooking and i’m going in there we go that didn’t really do much that was honestly expecting more i’m dropping the

Cookies get him with the arrows yes it’s working this dude is freaking out and he can’t even move anymore we got him in a trap i’m going in with some melee hits using my hammer okay you know the crazy part is he hasn’t done a single damage to me literally

Nothing not even a heart that’s that’s gotta be something to be ashamed of and the final hit that’s it let’s go it’s gotta be with cookie casper got it it just like that being a dragon was defeated and all that was left was his dragon egg

The xp started raining and i gathered it i collected the dragon egg and headed back home i then remembered that i need a better living room seriously this this place needs some decorations although i did like the open feel to it all right so my egg is definitely my

Most valuable item now so we’re gonna switch this out i’m gonna drag it right there and then we’re gonna move this over right here perfect hmm i feel like i’m missing something days 89 to 94. we traveled to the end city searching for the electro wings pretty

Much on a valuable item to put on display inside the trophy room along the way i spotted weird towers i’ve never seen before oh casper what is that is that a drone it’s literally a shulker drone i’ve never seen something like this before and what exactly do they do can they

Kill me quickly no that way they can’t do nothing tnt can i activate it it’s a button i’m so confused what is this weird contraption is it working for you casper maybe i can break it nope i’m not even making it dead no no shoulder shoulder nope let go

I gotta say the end is uh definitely very weird i i’ve never seen any of these things before and we’re still really scraping the surface under slimes and the slimes nope nope no slimes please no oh i’m gonna die i’m about to die okay now those things right

There you don’t want to go near them all right these things apparently give you the ender flu so in six minutes i could probably die i don’t know but it’s trying to latch onto my face idle casper there’s some sort of a weird i think coming at me

There’s so many of them you see that you think they’re but they’re actually these weird chorus squids i guess and they got giant eyeballs on them look at that thing i killed off a bunch of shulkers and stacked up on shulker shells now these would make for great decorations casper

We’re on a mission we got to find the best loot inside the end city you know we need those electric wigs but before we do that we got to clear out the entire area which shouldn’t really take much longer i mean we’re literally just breezing through it make sure you grab these end

Rods right here because they’re gonna look amazing inside of our base don’t there’s more enemies here more enemies all right there we go easy azure berries that’s pretty neat there are just so many shoulders everywhere what’s going on buddy you need something i got you what you got over here ah two

Chests good job casper oh we’d be stacking on diamonds not bad and we have mending now that’s pretty nice casper there it is buddy the end city ship and it looks like it’s surrounded by these weird golems oh he just sent it good job buddy that i like that that was

Awesome now what are these things they look no whatever that thing is i don’t think likes me well can it survive my cookies i think so wow i can actually starve it oh yo what you just threw me off the ship that was crazy you want some of this huh

You want some of this you really want some of this here have a laser enjoy help us work on them have a cookie or some vex push abilities you know what just get off the boat and the dragon head for our trophy room awesome and there it is the elytra wings

There we go and right after casper and i traveled to a new biome called the azure forest and i gotta say it was pretty nice seeing something different in the end this biome definitely made the end feel a little bit less boring that is by far one of the most adorable things i’ve

Seen in the end and there there’s not a lot of things in the end that’s a normal but that is hey casper you got to stop killing things you wow no chill and what is that little flying frog i i just saw a flying frog ah that’s not a frog

That’s literally just a bug now this entire bottom consists of these azure berries and oh there it goes there goes casper just build it wow you could just you could just keep building up you’re you’re still going what how’s it i’m so confused right now i hate to say it but

I’m sorry casper we’re gonna bring that thing with us and we’re gonna build it inside of our place and save for these trees there we go then we came across the crystal crag now this place was made of crystals all around and it was filled with these ender stalkers

Casper i had to break it to you but i don’t think they want to be friends like literally oh definitely not i mean they don’t do anything they seem to be pretty friendly now for these crystals though these look pretty cool as we located a place called the

Catacombs we went inside and as we walked in it was filled with glares it turns out they were one step ahead of us and look what we have here you fell over my trap and i bet you weren’t expecting to see me i’m so confused i have so many

Questions how did you even get in here and how did you even find us well i’m the spy i can see through the shadows and every step that you’ve ever taken no offense but you really don’t stand a chance here we are both decked out this ends here once we’re done with you

My glare army will take over your precious cloud house and bring the entire place down oh it’s on there so many of them oh he summoned so many okay this whole place is just filled with glares that’s a lot of glitters and that was anime after me

All right come on come on casper we got this they’re not that strong at all and they’re not doing any damage at all it’s just extremely tedious i’m literally hulk smashing this entire place okay that’s pretty cool good job on tnt okay there you go hold it back okay

You see the glares it didn’t know one thing as a buffala i had a lot of abilities and using my vex push ability it was a massacre by killing the glares they dropped the map which contained the location of the buffex casper it’s time we get revenge on the vexes let’s go buddy

And what do we got down here what is what is this some kind of a weird potion a dragon breath potion huh interesting and what’s supposed to be in here looks like the glare was working on something casper buddy where’d you go hello what’s down

Here oh you scared me i think i think i lost for a second what’s all this there’s some like decent items oh a new music disc to complete the collection i gotta say it’s a pretty good stuff here casper just grab everything from the chest i don’t really need it but i’m

Looking around what this stuff is is that a shulker oh oh we’re stacking it oh there’s just so many and before calling it a night i placed my electric wings inside the trophy room and got ready for the buffets casper i think it’s time we get revenge you see

This is the map now while i was inside the end i saw a marker on the map so that means that i think the buff fx is there it’s gotta be i’m telling you you know what sailors it’s on he’s 95 to 99 we raided the buffex’s mansion

We breezed through the entire place wiping out all the indicators and the evokers finally reaching the bufffex’s room now i had my vex push ability ready to kill off his army of vexes casper this is the room come here hold him back for it there destroy my army Seriously look at this it’s about time we meet face to face i see you’ve unlocked some new powers yeah something like that you see we’re both ripped here it’s like two bodybuilders i’m about to get into the ring looks like you haven’t met the vex storm yet

They’ve been waiting to shred you apart too early buddy yo so many oh it just doesn’t stop there’s so many of them i have an idea i guess we’re taking this to the skies so be it but those vexes are not going to do anything against me

What is he doing what is it somebody what was that every single time he summons his patch of x’s they don’t do anything i can just instantly wipe them out let’s go and with my super fast flying ability he can’t even catch up to me i can face through anything dodge those attacks

And they just pretty much be invincible what are those meteors is he throwing meteors fire meteors come on oh my weapon’s gone my heart am i what oh no all right this is getting tricky now my my entire weapon is gone all right what’s up it is

That’s fine with me there’s no problem i’m getting it with the arrows come on nope not making any shots come on got him wow that was that was honestly pretty close no more vexes my enemies were gone nothing to worry about especially not the copper golems glares and wardens

Rest in peace you know i always do wonder though from what dimension the next has come from that will be a interesting story to hear on day 100 i built melee dance floor using sea lanterns combined with chisel glowstone under the floor with different colored crystals on top outlined by gold blocks

After all this place that’ll be premium i even put speakers surrounding the entire area and added in pressure plates connecting to dispensers with fireworks inside come on boys follow the cookies let’s go everybody follow me to the dance floor okay you too come on right over here get

Over here let’s go everybody over here it’s not that hard there we go just get the cookies there you go and uh casper is that here i got you perfect perfect name for the koala and finally celebrated the completion of the cloudhouse making your own cookies while dancing but most importantly we

Celebrated the support that y’all have shown us and if you’re bored watch my other movies by clicking the 100 days playlist thanks to pkxd for sponsoring the moose family you can download it from the description and even redeem my code which will give you some pretty

Exclusive rewards if you help me reach 5 million subscribers before the year ends i will drop one of my biggest movies it’s gonna be amazing a beautiful moose movie i’m telling you and i i know for a fact that y’all want to see it what’s this not click pickle huh no

Not going to lie that looked like a lot of fun but i really thought our hero would have been through more arduous trials well don’t speak too soon how about we look into what the major shifter did next the legends of the buff copper golem oh i heard this one this is where

He met the iron giant and became good friends you could say that but this was a significant turning point in our heroes journey but not for the better imagine being an adorable copper golem and your only task is to press buttons until the world is taken over by the pillager king

And now it’s all up to you to save the world this is hardcore minecraft and i’m going to be surviving the next 100 days as a copper golem and if you think that copper gloves are cute hit the subscribe button enable all notifications on day one i realized that that was a

Piece of copper in the middle of nowhere after a player came around mined it up and headed back home to craft himself a copper block bro copper is so lame what am i gonna do with this you see he was very intrigued with making iron golems and trying minecraft hacks

And he had a genius idea why not take one copper block place a carved pumpkin and finish it off with the lightning rod and boom the copper golem was created what the heck am i doing here and who exactly are you oh hey there buddy my

Name is shark oh uh hey you you want to be friends i’m literally just starting out here that’s the point you and i together will build the best village out there you see i was just a tiny copper golem and loki adorable and completely clueless of what the world would bring

They too rolled around and we instantly became friends and had an amazing time exploring the world pranking villagers what there’s nothing wrong with that i’m being here by the alligator shark oh oh feed me copper i’m literally oxidizing please now let me explain to you the oxidation bar i can’t consume

Any types of food and over time i start to oxidize because i’m made of copper therefore slowly changing my color to green so pretty much it’s like a kicking time bomb the best part was i had unlimited copper so no more oxidizing for me nope nope that yeah i can’t swim i can’t

Swim no get me out of here get me out of here no oh you trying to kill me shark come on bro now i’m turning green don’t ever push a copper golem in the water worst idea ever and suddenly we heard the pillager horn announcing a raid

An army of pillagers swarmed the village surrounding the entire place while the iron golems tried stopping them there was just too many of them and this army was led by the one and only p b k also known as the pillager king ha villagers in their golems pathetic

Oh no what’s going on i’m gonna die here don’t give me my location they swarmed the entire place slowly destroying the entire village and i was helpless let’s be honest i literally stood no chance against them shark we got to stop them these ravages oh actually got one wow that’s amazing come

On let’s get him we got this and don’t forget i’m not really that much of a help never mind run away run away no i’m okay run and don’t look back my best friend protected me and told me to run from the pillager king leaving

Him all by himself i was on my own i didn’t know if my best friend was alive anymore days three two four i made it my goal to get revenge on the pillager king after what he did to my family i couldn’t let it slide a golden apple right

What am i gonna oh training are you kidding me seriously when things just couldn’t go down in the water i am not having a good time here i’m oxidizing a lot quicker as well oh no okay i wonder if this golden helmet will help me possibly being so handsome wasn’t

Exactly easy now that i was on my own i had no resources except wood and a pickaxe and from the rain i kept turning green slowly running out of copper i’m really down to my last two pieces of copper what exactly am i supposed to do now

I guess i’ll take this with me wait a minute there’s a village right there this should be good you gotta have something here i’m down to my last piece of copper actually now bro yep complete golf it’s probably best if i go mining after mounting up a bunch of copper ore then

Created furnaces and smelted them into copper bars next i got a bunch of honeycombs and began crafting myself a wax tool set first making the wax pickaxe look at this this pickaxe breaks multiple blocks at once it even works on dirt then i crafted a copper x sword

Shovel and a copper hoe no no no no no no that was close honestly perfect time to test out the wax sword it’s not bad kind of like using an iron sword oh you don’t want some of this huh i don’t think so at night time while i was exploring i

Found a weird portal guarded by these weird mobs have you ever seen whatever this thing is on day five i had a vision of a massive golem inside of a weird dimension what am i doing here and who exactly are you where am i my name is the iron giant and

I was just like you once created in this world by a kid him and i were so close so i always watched his back we ruled over all the golems and after 80 years he passed away i spent all my time finding ways to bring him back but instead i ended up

Trapped here wow that’s that’s pretty deep you know you and i are kind of the same except it’s been five days without my best friend moose carry on the golem legacy and create a place for all golems to gather hold on just a second i need some more

Answers i just have so many questions it turns out there was more than a hundred golems in this world that’s a lot of golems and i made it my goal to find them or some of them along the way don’t bother that okay three go up

George towards go up the one heart one heart one all right no no no headboard oh that was so close that was so close this guy’s this guy’s evil i’m telling you wait what’s this check this out a lock golem punch oh looks like the perfect ability to test out

On this sheep right there that’s a zombie sheep no don’t don’t don’t feel bad i’m telling you Is there anything at least it’s kind of working oh maybe not i mean chicken it just got launched oh that’s kind of cool so anything i hit they instantly just get lost away at night time i crafted a wax helmet chest plate leggings and boots to complete the full wax armor set okay

I gotta say i look pretty funny this will definitely take some time getting used to this should prevent my oxidation bar from going down so quick and it’s honestly not that bad when it comes to fighting mobs it’s like it’s heavy on our armor pretty much the same thing

On day six through seven i found a pillager outpost inside of a snow biome with a piece of tnt and lava i snuck inside and blew the place up nope gotta go okay all right that was my first time getting revenge as a copper goal i gotta say that low key felt

Pretty good except things didn’t really go my way i got ambushed by more pillagers that were way stronger but before nearly dying the cutest looking golem saved my life there’s just so many of them yo there’s this stronghold thing it’s going in he’s he’s really going in he’s like a little

Ninja you go oh i’m launching him away y’all can’t stop the goal of army baby that’s how it’s done god is this guy tricking all right they’re kind of getting down low i got you back what’s up buddy what’s up with the tnt what’s with the no no no no no no no

Oh man this guy’s a savage look at him go oh no that will definitely do it i still couldn’t believe it this tiny dude made of hay could save me against pillagers so i decided to call him simon what are you doing you can’t be pulling

The copper on fire simon come on buddy oh simon what are you doing to savage okay no no no tnt no more tnt for you what no i’m not a noob okay i just have barely any good gear and i mean i guess you’re not really wearing armor either

So yeah i don’t know Adventure time let’s do it let’s go on adventure let’s go that same night we began the moose and simon’s adventures this world was filled with very dangerous creatures but i’m telling you nothing could stop us together on day 8 we explored this weird pillar and on the top floor there was a chest

Containing name tags and other items simon was that this is oh been happening i don’t know we gotta go stop it let’s go i just fell through a train i don’t see that every day oh that’s a lot you should you should run simon what what just happened simon what’d you do

You put more tnt no more t i told you no more thing are you trying to launch yourself oh okay all right i’ll just let it be let’s go friends are you sure i guess you’re right we began searching for a place to settle and came across a

Village which would be perfect after all we never had anything against humans and they’ve always treated me nicely simon no killing villagers and no tnt we live here now buddy okay remember we want other people like us we gotta we gotta be nice don’t don’t throw hay at them what are you doing

Here i got you i’ll join in hey catch this in honor of 100 days as an iron golem i’m gonna be calling you billy there we go all right buddy you’re officially billy and you and i are gonna be best friends well i guess all three

Of us will be best friends yeah now all we need is lexi we’ll be back okay oh uh oh wow you’re really outsmarted you literally outsmart your simon and your name will be lexie all right there we go perfect oh y’all never seen a copper golem before that can blink huh well

What’s up with this why is everybody staring at me our two new friends billy and lexi were going to become head managers of the village we began by trading with them and then slowly leveling them up our goal was to create an economy with the villagers which

Would have all the supplies we need for the future billy you got you got some pretty good deals and all i just want to i just want you to hook me up something good bro these are just not it you know like we’re all we’re all homies here but

But what’s up with this chainmail here you go buddy this is all yours all for you and i don’t want any of these all right just camera can return it got a return policy no okay oh you see now we’re talking look at this diamond armor

All right not bad i i like it there we go and it’s better than my wax armor set and here is my emergency bell just in case we need it while the villagers were sleeping our home was raided by zombies as our iron golems fought them off simon

Found a statue which looked exactly like a pillager and next to it was a sign saying you’re next from pbk on days 9-10 golems of villagers are meant to live together and as a copper golem i guess i’m adorable enough to be loved by everybody but still not enough

To get voted in i cry every time yes a golem sidekick that’s exactly what i’m saying so we began building the golem safe house the whole point of this was to have all types of golems lived together in the same location while defending villagers we started on the basic construction layout this building

Is the first thing that enemy should see when they go near the base anyways i filled in the build using occasional planks combined with red sandstone and orange terracotta i finished up the body then move on to the left arm and the right arm the entire build was based off a giant

Copper golem with his hands in the sky waving it like he doesn’t care to finish up the copper golem’s head i built a lighting rod in both of the eyes simon this looks amazing and we legit look identical yeah i can kind of see it yeah look at that are you jealous that

It’s not you up there is that why you’re throwing wheat at it bro is that what you’re doing bro whoa how are your eyes be doing that it was time for the interior you can’t have this place looking dull i first fell on the floor all around

Still keeping the entire open look now i just didn’t want this place to feel crammed and still have space in the middle leading down to a future copper mine so i split the room into four different places first was my bedroom then simon’s bedroom the open chest room

Containing all of our utility blocks and a kitchen you can’t forget about the kitchen okay i know we don’t need a kitchen all right but having a ton of buttons would give our future copper golems some more activities to do diamond i feel like we’re still missing something

Oh yeah i forgot you’re normal and you don’t need copper what are you doing you’re not supposed to you’re not supposed to eat it well i guess it’s nice to build two different food dispensers now this one was for my copper golems while the other one was a bread dispenser for simon

Look at him he’s loving it days 11 to 14 salmon and i found the copper jackpot and in a matter of seconds we mine everything up and headed back to the base i placed down a bunch of chests added in the item frames and labeled each one

Now for the blast furnaces i filled it with coal and began smelting my copper to finish the utility room i added an anvil smithing table and other blocks for decorations aboard simon he’s the one in charge of the pumpkins what happened here what is this are there so many flowers and lanterns and

Are you hey chill bro are you throwing pumpkins yo don’t throw ow that actually hurt me seriously what’s all this that that’s that’s definitely a pumpkin farm yeah that’s a lot of pumpkins it’s definitely ready we shoot the pumpkins then crafted a bunch of lighting rods and began creating an army of copper

Golems welcome to the family voice this is the copper golem house all right the rules are simple no blowing up tnt and uh i just just don’t cause any trouble uh simon i think we’re gonna need some uh more pipes a lot more buttons yeah simon no simon

No bro what are you doing bro are you are you kidding me what brian why you gotta do that so i finished up my kitchen by extending the countertop adding in stoves with a sink a fridge and cabinets surrounding the entire place now the most important part was

Filling it up with buttons simon they’re definitely going crazy over it that that’s ow what the heck man come on bro that’s a lot of buttons i can see how this would low key get annoying days 15 to 20 was one of my most clever projects we began building the copper

Mines picking all the way down to bedrock and expanding my slap staircase to the bottom listen i hear you mining is boring and nobody wants to see it and that’s exactly why i was building this place to have it fully automated for us also i was really annoyed by my copper

Addiction and wanted unlimited copper for everyone now i kept the mine organized in three different levels which can be accessed through the staircase each level was a mining site for a specific ore and obviously the bottom level was mainly for diamonds which is kind of useless to copper golems to make

This place a little bit more lively we built random railroad tracks on each level and placed a ton of minecart chests and why not add in a bunch of barrels in random areas or how about stacks of hay bales spreading throughout the cave for the final details lanterns

Lots and lots of lanterns who doesn’t love lanterns come on simon this looks extremely aesthetic you know now let’s expand our golem army simon covered up all the pumpkins while i crafted a ton of lighting rods and the copper blocks then we began creating our copper gold miners on each level and

These guys they mean business okay they will mine any type of ore just for us now if you place a chest nearby them they actually bring back the resources and place it safely inside talk about automation this is honestly a game changer for minecraft simon do you think that this is enough

Copper golems i think we just need just a little bit more i mean there’s not only like you know 55 of them or something oh no my boys will die okay all right do the honors buddy go ahead and hook them up there we go perfect everybody

Get digging okay i need every single piece of copper and every single piece of diamond inside this massive cave nope i’d say no tnt oh come on no stop stop for the tnt you’re not helping yourself oh and one of my copper golems ended up falling into water

You know what happens to a copper golem where we touch water we oxidize change colors and slowly die Days 21 to 25 i checked up on my goal of miners and let me tell you they were going in these guys were putting in work i had so much resources and automation was officially complete i decided to craft a ton of copper golem guards this

Way i could stop all the zombies that have been eating my villagers after all i can’t have my best friends billy and lexi getting eaten alive while they’re sleeping oh look at this my copper golem guards just kill the zombie they’re definitely putting in work but i gotta

Say of course the iron golems the big brothers do way more damage oh why are you killing it what are you doing oh man what is happening here they’re still going crazy over this there’s too many buttons oh and what’s going on up here you know i’m definitely getting annoyed

Of all the button pressing so i began building a pretty simple bedroom since i’m a golem i don’t really need like a fancy bed to sleep in or a bunch of chests and furnaces i pretty much use most of my space to build these displays for my future achievements i got to say

I’ve been going through all my honeycombs and i’m down to my last 52 pieces it’s still a lot honestly and what is this a craftable golem interesting simon what are you doing buddy you making everything out of hay now as for simon he was making a hey wonderland or whatever you even call

This place look at it it looks like the inside of a barn simon be honest with me did you ever own your own farm seriously that’s kind of cool you know i got an idea we should definitely make one just for you buddy okay that’d be awesome

At night time our base was visited by these weird mutated beds that could walk in probably eat you alive you don’t want to mess with them i’m telling you oh what is this thing I literally i can’t even move correctly it’s literally seven against one what’s happening oh no something’s going on my screen this guy was having a nightmare or something days 26 230. simon and i crafted spyglasses and went be hunting boy crikey look over there simon you see that that’s a beat right

There diamond don’t do don’t go near the beast you’re supposed to be spying on them spy oh just i i mean i i guess that works yeah that makes sense oh they’re gonna be mad they’re gonna be really mad i don’t think i’m gonna do that that’s probably the queen bee like

They’re already getting upset we gathered a bunch of bees and brought them back to our house now this is kind of tricky honestly i then built a custom b habitat using glass blocks with some beehives honey blocks and honeycombs inside then added in copper blocks around the building for the accents

Simon did you know they can actually wax copper blocks hmm watch if you just right click it it actually changes the color of the copper blocks quicker that’s why it looks a little bit different here what is this just throw me a coin hey copper coin what’s this for are you throwing coins

At people don’t don’t be throwing coins anywhere okay i just don’t understand this dude where does he get all these weird items from he’s throwing cars at me stop stop throwing coins at me simon get the door open i’m on the way the bees are on the

Way i can’t believe this is working there’s just literally one flower all right this is your new place everybody go inside this is called why is there cat here what this is called the copper beehive okay everybody get in come on come on i need more than that there’s

Only like three of them let’s go everybody in here come on all right buddy that will do it to knock out who things at once i placed a ton of sugarcane surrounding my beehive well it was night time you would think that copper and iron golems would have this place guarded but no

That does not apply for the pillager king he showed up to my base and teleported inside my house so you’re the one in charge here you remind me of an iron column i want you what how did you get in here my pillagers have been waiting to smelt

Some copper golems i’ll be seeing you soon oh you won’t be smelting nothing like where’d he go and just like that he’s gone age 31 to 34 with the pillager king showing up to my base completely unnoticed i was embarrassed simon how you doing buddy what’s up with the hey

What’s going on here hey smoothie uh no i’m okay oh you literally got a blender i’m just upset they almost got everybody killed you know buddy better base defense you know what you’re right buddy though we began building giant walls about a few blocks high surrounding the golem safe house i used

A similar design that i did for 100 days as a dog to ensure i could keep the basic mobs out of the base next up was adding lava all around which was very tedious my copper golems helped me out i know it’s not much but it gets the job done ready simon what

Are you doing you’re supposed to be breaking in here oh okay that’s a that’s a pretty solid piece of bacon right there look at that all right buddy three two one go seven go break it break it break it no no no not like that you have to kind of

I guess that works that’s fine you know and everyone was simon telling you while simon was distracted giving random villagers we and bread i planned out a nice gift for him pretty much cleared up some space and built a simple layout for a zoo come on simon follow the pathway you’re

Almost here buddy down the stairs and welcome to simon zoo what’s up buddy what do you think are you excited here let me let me complete the pathway for you there you go oh come on you’re welcome buddy let’s go hug it out come on bring it in hug it

Out let’s go bring out that that’s not hugging it out that’s just beating me up bro and the best part is you can actually design it just the way you want so all of this can be your zoo just please don’t mix any tigers with the other animals that that wouldn’t be a

Good idea just kill the chicken oh that was a cow oh all right i’m out of here 8 35 to 39 seven and i travel to the jungle bomb searching for the bamboo hills simon look over there what what is wait what is that thing is

That a zebra and uh i don’t even know go get it buddy show what you got oh oh he’s sending it wait what do you think about that that’s genius nope not the water not the water okay all right that was my idea i’m just gonna take this

Apron yep this is the safe road there we go are you sure about bringing them back home are you sure about that okay i guess it’s happening oh what you could have three of them in the same boat that just doesn’t make any sense everywhere inside this massive bamboo biome

Simon go simon go simon there’s a tiger there’s a tiger simon let’s get out of here we gotta go bro who’s that that’s my favorite part chopping down the bamboo it is so satisfying and while i was doing that simon was making friends just look how cute he is he’s just so

Adorable everything he does look at your summon you got yourself a new friend huh well i got my old friends as well and uh i think they’re pretty cool i got toucan sam over here and these guys all right everybody let’s go follow me this is

Gonna be a little tricky but we should be able to go home just please don’t drown and while we were returning home we found a pack of evokers destroying a village nearby searching for the copper golems now of course we couldn’t let them slide especially with what they did to our families

Hey simon let’s ambush them go go go go get him come on buddy oh there’s a lot of damage that does a lot of damage oh that’s a lot of dtt you know we’re supposed to be helping the village but i i i guess that i guess that works still

Can’t everybody oh you know what just just carry me while you’re at it there you go totems have been dying perfect here you go buddy this is a tournament dying okay whoa that was weird so never ever let go of it uh no that’s not how it works that that’s you’re not supposed

To use it like that what was the point of that simon here i got another one don’t worry i got another one enjoy please don’t use it in back of my house i fortified my entire safe house with bamboo some find this method uh relatively ineffective well i think it’s just

Genius it’s just a great way to mess with the mobs and prevent them from getting in as for simon he was being a zookeeper working on a zoo building his new pet a habitat to live in i gotta say i’m just glad to see him pursuing his passion instead of just

Blowing things up with tnt and throwing cactus at me days 40 to 46 we needed more eyes on the base and how to get new golems to protect their base would be perfect though we visited the copper mines and gathered a ton of gold blocks then shear some pumpkins and began

Building an assembly line of gold golems and finally summoning them with the car pumpkins welcome to the golem safe house now there are other golems just like you so everybody just have some fun and don’t forget we see a pillager they are your enemies okay

Yeah i mean i mean gold is weaker than iron but there’s a lot of look look how many over or 20 golems all right simon did have a fair point maybe gold golems weren’t exactly the best solution but there was a new stronger ore known as titanium and my minor

Golems discovered it inside of her mind titanium simon that’s it right there buddy now let’s mine up as much of it possible and there should be plenty here anyways just get all the trust me buddy you do not want to miss it and this way all golems will be getting upgrades

After smelting all the titanium inside of our custom copper forge we created a ton of titanium ingots so i made myself a titanium pickaxe sword axe and a shovel and moved on to crafting a full titanium armor set out with the old and in with the new i gotta say i look

Pretty good it’s kind of like i’m wearing iron armor but it’s a little bit stronger and my favorite part is the new weapons ace 47-51 we were searching for sweet berries inside the mega tiger and simon found a sleeping pack of foxes just look how adorable they are just like for 100

Days as a fox simon i found a moose no way hold on a second let me go near him i’m gonna try to feed his sweet berries this might work hey buddy are you on a street berry no we’re friends we’re supposed to be friends we’re literally we’re literally

The same it’s the same thing no i’m not even gonna oh oh simon simon i’m making taco moose i don’t know i never thought this would happen i’m actually really sad now once i came back home i put my sweet berries to use by creating a massive base defense placing a few rows

Of sweet berries in front of my walls alright so for my strategy some mobs will actually ignore where they’re walking and casually walk into the sweet berries which will slowly kill them well simon it doesn’t really get better than this i mean we literally have this place

On lockdown i’m telling you we got gold on the inside we have bamboo blocking the enemies and i can just look at an enemy and he still can’t do nothing what you gonna do can’t go in the sweet berries and he can’t even get past the actual bamboo

And the worst idea would be him going in here oh yep yeah we gotta garner at least expecting it i heard a loud horn indicating a raid was on the way this was the work of the pillager king and he truly wanted us to fail i just

Couldn’t understand if he was scared to take all of us on at once get him simon come on we got it buddy that pillager was the one calling the reinforcements somehow even with our defenses a few got inside the golem safehouse but didn’t make it that far

Our golems killed them in no time oh they’re already here get him come on yo got him all right wow that was that was really easy we literally don’t even gotta do anything is it another golem oh that corner is a lot of damage what kind of a no no no

Kind of a golem is this i can’t even go near him simon help me out buddy thanks bro you literally just saved my life hero of the village and finally the raid was over it barely even left a dent on our place and our villagers were still safe and the golems

Were barely harmed days 52 to 56 i woke up to wax my eyebrows oh wait i don’t have any eyebrows simon get over here you’re next y’all i’m coming for your eyebrows i’m coming for your eyebrows buddy you better run so as we checked up on the village it

Turned out that billy and a copper golem engineer ended up creating a robot famously known as i guess pressing all those buttons helps what is going on here what what wally you like turtles i think this thing is broken billy what are you doing what about you copper gold engineer

What’s happening here what kind of experiment are you guys making oh oh what is that what was that is gonna kill me oh just jump never mind after a few days wall-e felt like he was at home helping out the local villagers and that’s when things got bad a few

Copper golems were captured by the hydro king you already know that copper and water don’t mix and if he even were to use his tsunami abilities he could possibly defeat me who does this guy think he is he stole my copper golems and i was trying to destroy my place i

Gotta hand it to you this place is beautiful perfect place to borrow some copper golems or my experiments experiments what are you talking about what experiments oh you don’t know copper golems are perfect for redstone contraptions helping me create more water minions that’s just messed up copper golems are

Not just made for pressing random buttons i’m only gonna tell you this once let them be on my other golems and show you the way out what exactly are you going to do against water punch me in a matter of seconds the hydro king summoned his water minions and left

Okay all right that’s not good that is not good i can’t i can’t even go near the water that that is just not fair at all seriously i’m just going in oh no no i’m not just going in that is the worst idea ever is that a pink

Trident simon get him buddy you’re the only one whoa what is that what just happened there’s only a few more left simon this is it yes that will do it buddy yep and the last one oh let’s go ace 57 62 this place felt a little bit

Sad so cheering everybody up we started building a copper coaster you’re probably thinking what is a copper coaster it’s just like a roller coaster but it’s fully made from copper so it’s kind of expensive and it’s the perfect attraction for all of our copper gold and friends make sure

That it’ll be perfect we built lower parts of the roller coaster take you around the village and hire inclines with big drops they can see past the walls you ever seen a copper golem inside a minecart it’s the most adorable thing ever especially when they got their hands up

Just for the heck of it we surrounded this entire place with rails which should prevent some of the mobs from getting in okay i know this works good for creepers and it’s a very old-fashioned way of defending our base anyways just for extra protection i gathered a bunch of diamonds crafted

Some diamond blocks and began building my army of diamond golems welcome to the family boys i gotta say diamond golems look pretty cool at this point this entire place is gonna be pretty overpowered all right that should be the last of them with the combination of our copper fold iron and diamond golems

We’re becoming extremely powerful if i was a skeleton i wouldn’t want to go anywhere near this place it’s a bad idea terrible age 63 67 the hydro king was back and he declared a raid on the golem safe house he fired his water tornadoes turning the walls into water okay i was not

Expecting that at all everybody on defense get on defense right now golems i need you in the front the hydro king or whatever you want to call this dude he’s destroying everything we own copper golems get inside the house right now here’s the bun no he summoned his army and this place was

Filled with drowned enemies you see these enemies weren’t normal some had magical powers and others had different melee attacks this will be the last day i’m gonna capture all your copper cones and expand my army simon we gotta stop the buddy before they wipe out all of our copper golems oh

Nothing not the baby that’s the worst oh dear throwing so really it’s always got to be the baby that’s trying to kill me my goal defeated the minions in no time the hydro king was extremely powerful the abilities damaged my golems while he was distracted i snuck up on him and

Attacked him from behind this ends here oh you can just fly now oh seriously nearly one shot man what is that that’s a tsunami no no no no not the tornado oh no it’s trying to suck me in come on i’m trying to kill him i’m barely doing anything

No i’m being sucked in this thing is just way too big way too big and way too powerful i can deflect the tornadoes look something look at this oh man that that hurts so much seriously hurts way too much get him boys we got this there’s just so many of them i’m

Telling you that’s it he’s gonna die i’m out of four hearts and my armor is nearly broken finally i defeated the hydro king and with a big threat down my copper golems didn’t have to worry about being in danger anymore on day 68 i paid a visit to the copper

Golem engineer and he said that he did a new experiment for me and handed me a copper wrench so what exactly do you want me to do with this thing so i tried using the copper wrench and well ended up eating it i became a buffed

Copper golem no longer was the size of a block i looked like a better version of iron man and i have three new abilities hulk smash golden launch and the boulder toss so how does this exactly work oh no watch uh i i didn’t mean that

My bad ow i’m sorry bro i didn’t know that was gonna happen and this is called the golem whoop the gold watch that was the coolest thing ever and this one simon simon oh you’re alive i’m so sorry for a second i really thought i killed simon

This one was boulder toss and yes i threw giant boulders that blow things up pretty crazy on day 69 to 79 i was ready for my ultimate form so i grabbed my lightning rods then the gold blocks and crafted the legendary lightning sword and of course the remaining lightning tools so

I moved on to the buff lightning armor now there’s been legends about the set of armor apparently it’s infused with electricity which makes you run faster no simon i’m like the better version of the flash even though i’m extremely heavy though you know the dollar for you i was

Testing out my jump ability and accidentally ended up jumping onto a sky village i honestly didn’t even know that this is the place but it turns out that it belongs to the allies and not just one but a whole army of them now if you’ve seen my 100 days as an ally video

You would know not to mess with them i’m about being serious simon this is the perfect time to test out my lightning storm ready simon let’s ambush them let’s go wow you know this is kind of weird that was literally that way but here’s the thing they don’t like copper gums if you

Watch the video you you know i’m telling you you gotta optimism they’re super bad there’s soup this is exactly what i was saying this is exactly what i was saying do not mess with the valley So much for helping me out you know i i totally totally needed your help here did you see that that was crazy we stole the loot and then opened the door to a steve character named turbo king slayer oh uh hey hey what’s up buddy hi how are you

No i’m i’m doing pretty good here’s some copper enjoy kid take this okay nope thank you i appreciate it another right wow have fun where you going just look at him soaring through the skies i gotta say this is a pretty good guy you know and it gave me free nether

Right who even does that on day’s 80-86 after turbo king slayer gave me some netherride i began infusing my buff armor i upgraded my helmet chest plate leggings and boots to the full neck right lightning set simon i look insane i’ll tell you if i was a

Speedster it would be game over for the pillager king so for the rest of the day i went to the mines and used my lighting pickaxe which summoned lightning when breaking blocks i’ve literally never seen that before i then line up some lapis crafted bookshelves placed my enchanting table and began enchanting my

Armor set and of course i made sure that the best enchants on all my gear but officially i became the most powerful copper golem in the world on days 87 to 92 we were raided by the pillager king within seconds the raid horn went off and the pillagers swarmed the entire village

You really think your golems stand a chance my magic spells make me invincible oh yeah well i’m bulletproof just look at me oh this is gonna be fun let’s launch this dude and i’m getting revenge what you’re doing to all my golems really you can just teleport like that that’s just not fair

I can’t even get to it but what am i supposed to do right now get him with a hulk smash go behind him get a few hits and he’s gone hold him jump dodge the attacks blast him up and then pull up watch him away and attacks for barely doing anything

Every single time that i thought i had it he kept teleporting away from me enough of this the pillager king stole simon and then he grabbed lexi and billy and went after my copper golems as he left his army behind my gloms finished the battle on these

93-95 i was desperate and helpless my best friend simon my family and my copper golems they were all captured and not to mention all the casualties i just don’t know what to do the the pillager king attacks us one more time and we’re dead that’s everything i work for it’s just gone

And suddenly i had another vision the iron giant told me a way i could stop the pillager king moose the golems lives depend on you as long as the pillager king has his staff he is invincible but there’s another way wait so you’re telling me that he wasn’t kidding

What am i supposed to do i literally can’t get any stronger than this you must release me both of us together can overpower him come to the iron dimension i was willing to risk it all so i created a portal to the iron dimension and i went inside

And i gotta say this place was filled with dangerous enemies there was literally nothing here but just wastelands and there he was just standing looking at me so i i gave him an ender pearl so this way he could throw it and teleport to the portal and finally i released the iron giants

On days 96 to 99 i geared up and located the pilgrim king’s hideout this place was extremely confusing and it was filled with pillagers and prison cells containing my copper golems now that’s just messed up boys don’t worry don’t be panicking i’m gonna let you out all right let me just take those

Killers out come on don’t worry the iron china is here to help us out look who finally decided to show up just like i planned you see your friends make you weak well what did you expect we’re just gonna casually leave them and just let them die that’s messed up

What kind of friends would we be it’s funny you say that because both of you are never leaving you realize that it’s two against one you really don’t remember me you imprisoned me in that dimension wait what you didn’t tell me this oh aren’t you that giant that was guarding that villager

You will pay for this oh man he’s upset that’s the wrong person to get mad whoa was this there’s so many infections i totally forgot they can actually do that just keep holding him off i gotta keep attacking these effects come on he’s so so annoying there’s just too many

Way too many today i gotta see the iron giant is still on him he’s just going in he’s literally not even letting go oh take this oh get him this is our chance come on he’s summoning soldiers the iron giant is my best bet at taking this dude out

All right i’m losing a lot of health all right i’m gonna take the villagers there we go come on drop in the meteor the vessels are down with both of us attacking the pillager king and more more attacks we landed he slowly became weaker this is our chance to finally end it all

The iron giant swung his hand causing a massive explosion killing the pillager king all that was left was the pillager staff just laying on the floor and suddenly the iron giant quickly picked it up and left i just couldn’t understand where he went On day 100 as i went to release my copper golems i was teleported into a room made of bedrock so simon billy lexi even my copper golems guys i’m so happy to see you i i i thought you were dead i’m gonna get you out okay don’t you worry

Me too buddy i i missed you man i was just so worried about you guys i literally went to a whole new dimension and released a giant just to save you something just didn’t feel right i was confused how i even got here or why the

Iron giant wasn’t in the prison like the rest of us and then suddenly he walked inside the room well it looks like the pillager staff works i’m glad the king is out of my way hey it’s good to see you you you finally found us now do you mind just releasing us

Sure but first you must join me together we can rule all of the golems and take over the world wait what are you talking about that wasn’t the plan we were supposed to stop the king release my friends and then go back to the safe house you’re

Blinded there is no wii i’m carrying on my master’s legacy this is your final chance what do you mean we were supposed to save them not make them work for us just just let us out come on we can figure this out so be it the iron giant use the pilger staff to

Destroy everything i had he massacred my copper golems then killed billy and lexi and swung his fist blowing up simon no why would you do that that was my family the iron giant disappeared and all that was left was a piece of hay who would have guessed this could have

Happened such a tragic ending i really thought he was a good guy i mean he seems so friendly and trustworthy you don’t even know the half of it but i’ve rather not spoil it for you so what did he do next let me guess he became a buff iron golem no well

He did become an iron golem once but it’s not as important as the next one a buff chicken say what a chicken isn’t that kind of lame you may think that but our hero became one heck of a shizzled bird just watch just imagine being a tiny adorable

Chicken but everybody in this world wants to eat you including these pack of wolves and especially these foxes there’s only one way to stop them this is farco minecraft and i’m going to be surviving the next 100 days as a chicken on day one there was a flock of chickens

And they loved eating seeds and laying eggs as a [ __ ] more food more chickens were born into this world the flock kept expanding and that’s exactly what i was born now not only did i look different but that was starving so i broke some grass just like every chicken would do got

Some seeds and began feasting listen every chicken’s got to eat you got a problem with that yeah what’s going on here i i feel like i’m a part of a chicken initiation oh okay the bear is shining me nope don’t back up step back okay oh he can swim he can

Literally swim no no i’m telling you i don’t taste so good what is this huh chicken cake and chicken speed it turns out my flock was teaching me the arts of chicken kung fu it’s like regular kung fu but your chicken that can kick and running should be fast

As i kept training i got pretty used to my abilities but there was another eye chicken who was learning the same thing as me and his name was phillip i gotta say he’s he’s very different from the rest of us wait what did you say are you kidding me

Have you seen yourself in the mirror you look like a tiny version of chicken little oh you want to go bro huh you want to go with the rest of the night we continued fighting once we both got tired we gave up joe we went back to our nest ate some

Seeds and finally went to sleep on day two on my flock was searching for food we came across the mega saga now this place is dangerous enough why do you think there’s barely any chickens in here we don’t dare step in these territories phillip you find a squirrel

Buddy here try to feed some wheat seeds oh i don’t think he likes that i’m pretty sure that squirrels do not eat any of those oh no don’t do it alone we’re just innocent chickens anyways we were in the clear and the chickens were enjoying their food while

I was searching for the legendary seats which apparently gives you special powers and that’s when philip decided to steal some sweet berries yo phillip where you been buddy uh philip where exactly did you get these berries from okay fair seeds are kind of lame but chickens don’t exactly eat sweet berries

No i’m kind of confused how you’re eating street berries boys that chicken is not normal i’m telling you well it was all fun and games until the foxes showed up and they were extremely mad i mean i will be too if my food supply was gone all because philip decided to sneak in

And steal it from them and suddenly they found my flock and raided us by using their pounce ability they dove in the air and ate my chickens alive phillip we gotta go buddy come on let’s go hurry up we gotta go the last thing i wanna do is become fox food just keep

Running and don’t look back go come on lulu and i ran for the night these vicious foxes wanted to shred me apart and turn us into me [Applause] on day three we set up camp and farmed for some feathers i had just enough to craft myself a full set of bird tools do

You know what bird tools are at first you might think how’s that possibly gonna stop anything but i’m telling you they are no joke this pickaxe breaks a three by three area wherever i mind yo phillip while we’re here let’s kill some zombies and let’s just get some quick diamonds and

There’s just so many times look at this everywhere we go just instant diamonds for us and it’s super oh whoa that was so close you have a heart you have a heart nevermind nope not today oh no it’s the raccoons buddy that’s not good i’m telling you

Raccoons being cute what do you mean no phil no those raccoons i’m telling you they hit me get out of here bad raccoons who would ever be afraid of raccoons don’t they just like dig through trash but no these mischievous animals love causing trouble and making a mess

Oh philip where are these raccoons coming from and why is there so many radicals it’s just literally an army of them get out of here it’s a massacre and the boosters all fighting together oh watch out buddy we gotta go go man what do you want from me i don’t

Get it i thought to myself what will these raccoons just stop i i’ve been dealing with them since 100 days as a panda and a fox they will scavenge through literally anything just to steal something look at him he’s stealing the book why does he need the book raccoons don’t read

On days four through five philip and i just couldn’t catch a break as we were searching for a village the foxes caught up to our scent and they found a camp that we were staying at so we set up a quick trap missing down an item frame

With the chicken inside and then we ran as fast as a little feet could run don’t look back oh don’t look back we gotta go there’s like a portal over there or something right there you see it they are still down to us oh get in front of

It get him for the cougar thing over here or the jackal whatever that even is panther take him out buddy everything start going that is not good phillip what you got for me buddy what is this a clock not bad and a crocodile leg eventually we found a small

Structure that we could stay at and quickly crafted the bird armor set first i made the boots and the leggings and most importantly the chest plate and the helmet as i put the armor on not only did i feel stronger but i was given a speed boost come on phillip catch me the

Camera buddy yo i’m way too fast for you bro if you catch up to me i will give you all okay you almost got me you almost got me i will give you unlimited diamonds and even seeds i’m like a submarine but i’m a chicken well at least now we had a

Chance against those vicious animals and deadly creatures in this world anyways we found fellow chicken friends surrounding a village and they said this place was barely safe thought i took the warfare okay though we kicked out a villager from his house and transformed his room into moose’s chicken coop

Philip looks like you uh brought some friends here buddy welcome boys hey listen no no no villagers around yo yo you’ll get out of here battle just get out of here hey you you better stay awake okay now we’re in trouble back up all right boys y’all can sleep here and

I’ll just just get one of these spots right here okay oh phillip you’re killing me villager phillip you’re not really mad the iron no even the bears are mad you old man that’s a great way to die jennifer what are we doing oh not the oh man

That’s just a massacre what do i tell you get out of my house only for chickens you too uh i think we’re gonna need some more chickens on day six while my chickens were sleeping i had a nightmare everything around me was dark and all i could hear

Was weird sounds almost as if i was in the nether and suddenly something came closer it turned out to be a a weird bird of some sort such an innocent chicken completely unaware of his surroundings hold on a second who even are you in what exactly am i doing here

What even is this place this is just a dream i’m the phoenix lord guardian of the nether the phoenix lord i’ve been here hundreds of times and i’m telling you i’ve never seen you before that’s because i’m only seen when i walk i was once a chicken just like you

First of all how are you a chicken and are you talking about kurama is that i’ve dealt with them before i’m telling you that that guy’s no joke he killed my best friend his name was felix i must go i wish you the best of luck be careful against these new mutants

I woke up panicking the phoenix was talking about new mutants but what does the mutant look like whatever that meant i had to figure it out in the upcoming days everybody wake up boys okay we got an emergency right now come on get up get up let’s go

I want you guys to freak out but there are mutants coming for us right now philip wake up come on get up no i’m not crazy phillip i’m being serious of course nobody believed me until we walked outside and our entire village was flooded with raccoons there was so

Many of them i quickly ran over to the belt and hit it with my fist alerting all my chickens about the raccoons hurry up buddy grab the chickens let’s go get them out of here are y’all kidding me these raccoons want to kill me phillip just head to the woods i’m

Gonna keep holding the back has everyone retreated we looked at the honors he grabbed some tnt placed it inside of our building and completely blew the place up honestly i couldn’t imagine how mad these villagers on days seven through ten as we were escaping we ended up losing nearly all

Of our chickens along the way these little creatures are just so fragile if you got attacked by bears while others were eating my wolves There’s literally a jaguar here to try to eat a chicken family our friends are dying and we’re down to literally nobody great that’s all that’s left of our friends so i wanted to create a new flock of chickens but i had to think big i found a small hill and became building

And born on top of it which eventually will be surrounded by a massive farm known as the paradise farmhole first i created the basic structural layout using white concrete birch wood to give the build more depth even spruce fences and trapdoors combined with diorite walls leading up

To the diary blocks then i use the classic red concrete with the first layer and red concrete powder for the second layer that should complete the detailed look after all it’s gotta be red next up was the roofing using birch planks to fill in the design paired with

Slabs and stairs and get the roof just a little bit fancier but the front door i kept it pretty simple oh and for the windows i placed glass blocks on all sides of the house and added in hanging lanterns to keep this place lit and this will be the official path to

The farmhouse i gotta say it looks pretty cool except it’s kind of empty inside now on to my favorite part the interior first i think of the floor and built the flooring with birch flanks mixed in with some old planks then i added an oak lock pillars with a fancy

Design to make the barn look a little more realistic i even divided the first floor into four animal pens using hay bales for the floors and birch fences to keep them enclosed i wanted the whole barn experience that includes an area for horses cows pigs and even sheep now for the outside

We had a plan for other animals that we come across phillip this might be our best idea i’m telling you who doesn’t want a pet turtle and the barn just by itself is looking pretty crazy oh what are you doing you’re just just casually taking the turtles for a walk oh Nevermind anyways i moved on to the second floor by painting a staircase on both of the sides using oak stairs and building the flooring using oak and birch planks but still leaving space in the middle to see what’s happening downstairs labeled each place for the birch sign for the enchanting room seed

Farm kitchen plus the dining room storage room chicken habitat and two bedrooms for philip and i since chickens are messy i even left the toilet area for them this is mainly for phillips problem just doesn’t want to talk about it my chickens welcome to the paradise farm we have literally everything you can

Imagine unlimited food resources and even a place to stay oh and we got toilet too and turtles who doesn’t love Turtles on days 11 to 14 everything was going great now that we had our own farm all we needed was a bunch of chickens oh and of course space defense to keep them safe we headed out to the wheat field and began recruiting chickens informing them

Over a new place where all chickens can live in peace and harmony so we brought them all back to our farm and led them inside the barn and then built a small area to explain the rules turn chickens listen up this is captain moose speaking sergeant philip will demonstrate rule number one

If you see a raccoon you gotta fight it you get me okay rule number two fox’s equals run what that means if you see a fox you run because he will most likely jump over you and eat you alive rule number three never ever betray a moose i’m telling

You it’s a bad idea and finally rule number four don’t let the other animals out never mix a chicken with the vicious animal it’s just not going to end well philip phillip what is that no no no no no phil oh no phillip what where’d you even get

It from philip are you kidding me bro oh man as everybody started settling in i was honestly kind of worried if you accidentally punch a chicken it just dies i really needed some reassurance that they would be safe so i began building an underground area i took the entire

Place out with my bird pickaxe and designed a simple underground mine this is where i’ll be storing all of my minor chickens and since they don’t have hands to hold pickaxes i needed a different type of chicken by pushing my chickens downstairs and giving them iron ingots they were instantly transformed into the

Iron chickens you know what this is every 30 to 60 seconds instead of laying eggs they lay iron blocks that’s right perfect for unlimited iron golems my boys have been going to town look at this four blocks of iron it’s just it’s just everywhere at this point we’re

Gonna literally have everything made of iron blocks philip this is by far one of our best ideas now the question is you might be made of iron but can you eat it nope i guess not can you oh never mind as night time rolled around a raccoon

Snuck inside of my base through the chimney i didn’t even know that was possible he then transformed into this weird creature and quickly picked up my chicken running away with my friend on days 15 to 19 i declared war on the raccoons these sneaky animals i just

Knew they were gonna find a new way to sneak inside and steal from us so philip and i crafted a boat then a few buckets and filled them with water we even found a spot nearby and began building a few blocks up placed out a bunch of water

Patches and cover them with spruce trap doors to begin our massive pumpkin patch now this farm right here was crucial for iron golden defense and especially the future of our chicken community oh look at this i gotta say buddy i like what you’re doing with the spruce fence setup

You know how about this how about this body we’re gonna call this place phillips pumpkin patch there we go perfect and here’s some lanterns so it’s super lit oh come on bro we already got fruit flies here oh get out of here nope get up yep and phillip just help me

Share a few of these things and let’s go and collect them so we can have our iron golem farm well now that we had a massive pumpkin patch we need to make this place look way cooler so we started a wig farm the most annoying part was

Filling up the entire place with these one by one water patches and placing these strap doors on top the final part was prepping the land with my bird home and planting hundreds and hundreds of seeds i even brought a few chickens outside to help me plant my seeds which

Didn’t exactly work that well they’re not exactly the smartest so philip and i ended up doing the most now that’s my favorite part right here seeing all the seeds grow by far the most satisfying part nope nope philip nope no flynn steel okay no none of that okay come on cough

It up give it to me this is dangerous but i gotta say our place looks absolutely amazing look at this there’s just so much wheat unlimited bread for days on days 20 to 24 i visited my underground mine and let me tell you my iron chickens gathered so many iron

Blocks there was literally stacks of it i could even make an iron throne and become a king anyways i headed outside and began placing an army of iron golems this would ensure to help keep my place safe from any unusual mobs even though they don’t exactly stop animals from

Attacking us it’s still good to know that we’re safe from enemies yo phillip what do you think about all my iron golems i think it’s i think it’s definitely plenty you know we’re gonna keep oh look at this there’s no chickens right there we’re gonna keep all the

Chicken safe including these guys right here philip and i headed out we found copper and amethyst inside of a cave and smelted it and quickly crafted spy glasses but as we returned home there was a raccoon just staring us down oh i’m thinking what you’re thinking let’s

Educate this dude to give us some information we ran after the raccoon and he quickly booked it ended up following him to a weird location and this place kind of looked like a trap and suddenly that same raccoon transformed into this abomination if i saw this thing in person i would

Literally give him the keys to my house i’m not messing with that i’m just saying of course i don’t know where a raccoon army just swarmed us while philip held them back it gave me a chance to talk to the mutant raccoon i got you you should have seen your

Faces who exactly are you and why are you so ripped what you’ve never heard of me i’m kind of a big deal think about trash and raccoons you gotta be joking right we know you stole our tickets from our farm now tell me where he is and nobody’s gonna get

Hurt i just need the location seriously i’m the raccoon king leader of all the raccoons and hoarder of trash by the way that chicken was very tasty listen buddy i don’t care who you are chickens and raccoons are at work we’re coming to take what’s ours

As soon as i attacked him he picked me up and threw me philip and i quickly ran away i gotta say that mutant got me very paranoid what if a raccoon just followed me home and was watching me i just couldn’t take any more chances and that is exactly why i began building

Giant walls surrounding my entire farm now all of this will help keep my iron golems inside my chicken safe and make it easier to watch over the farm i even made sure to label some areas for the future projects that i planned for example my habitat area windmills and silos

Overall my paradise farm was looking very relaxing i would totally vacation here on days 25 to 34 in the morning i started building a modern bedroom or this place looking real sleek first placing down my beds and creating a custom bed frame using lecterns then barrels for the side tables with

Flower pots on top i even added carpet on the floor so my tiny feet don’t get too cold and why not add in a small office area using bookshelves combined with the lectern lanterns a chair and other things to make it feel complete finally the armor stance this way i can

Keep track of all my armor and i gotta say you gotta love a fresh new design you totally didn’t spend 10 hours looking through my instagram trying to figure out how my interior should look like well philippa had a different idea he went with a rainbow triple bed design

Keeping the room looking very colorful i gotta say a great addition to the building anyways i moved on to the storage room making the design pretty clever by having barrels at the bottom and chest on top and it just thinks they’re designed to make a blend in for the

First row i place my furnace spinning table cartography table and loom it finished up with the second row using a grindstone stone cutter and an anvil my goal was to make this place look like a modern version of the giant sky village that i built in 100 days as an alley and

That’s exactly why i began building a beautiful kitchen using beehives for the countertop shelves while for the center countertops i used barrels pressure plates and trapdoors then i created the refrigerator a sink three stoves and decorate the place with some small details so this design really caught my

Eye using a lectern and a trapdoor to create a stove vent also i thought it was pretty funny to have a dining table built using stairs surrounded by trapdoors and placing item frames on top then turtle legs and a cake now for the moose touch using mellows with pumpkins

A flower pot with a fur inside and stacked with some leaves to create a tree oh and kick this out three burst trap doors with scaffolding blocks adding in another flower pot and finishing it up with some chairs to complete the design i bet you you haven’t seen this before

No philip just look at our chickens over there you know they’re just enjoying their breakfast i gotta say this place looks definitely pretty good it was still a few details this place was missing so i planted a few old trees and even placed a bunch of scarecrows but what there’s nothing wrong with

Scarecrows even though they don’t actually get scared of them yeah we were just missing some lights by placing tons of lanterns our paradise farm was finally lit up i feel like it’s essential to have a tractor on a farm so i came up with this it’s simple but

Completes the look my front porch was kind of lacking so i built a lawn mower which fit the style pretty nicely just look at philip having a good time you really can’t have a farm without some machinery it really does complement the vibes Onwards today’s 35-44 we were searching for powerful items which should help us stay ahead of the foxes as i walked through the swamp biome i came across this strange castle and next to it was this abandoned witch hunt yo phil this place is run down it looks like it’s abandoned almost like

Somebody lives here or something we went inside and a boss appeared it flew up in the sky and started dropping explosive projectiles the name was swampjoff it was pretty much a flying skeleton shark you don’t see that every day Watch the explosives no those things are no joke they’re literally no joke it’s just going through the walls watch out all right try again for the top here we go i can’t even reach it literally this dude’s got no idea what’s about to hit him get him with the boat spam yes

Well swamp jaw was very defeated is that only dropped just just teeth what am i gonna do with this eat it and next up was filling up my animal pen i collected a bunch of cows then philip got the pigs after we found some sheep nearby us

And finally slick up to these horses and tame them come on boy you come home maybe let’s go i’m gonna name you papa moose we brought them back to the barn and placed them in their animal pens come on mr sheep you guys are the last ones just get inside

Phil come on man now we’re missing one get it nope nope you gotta go get something stay don’t worry we still have two more let’s go you’re almost here there you go boys everybody get some wheat enjoy and for you you get the the carrots work

Is it like your new horse you know i mean i i got a horse but you gotta you got a pig and that should be the last of them there we go are you sure about this you want to pork a pig next to a horse

I gotta say if you don’t got iron chickens you’re missing out they are a great investment and since it was so helpful i brought a few more chickens down to the mines and gave them golden ingots turning them into gold chickens chickens listen up you see not everyone

Here has to make as much gold possible and together we’re gonna have unlimited uh i was gonna say golden apples but yeah it was kind of useless for chickens i already have 15 gold yeah that’s that’s not bad you know but at least we can improve our gold thrown here look at

This tons of gold everywhere all right phillip just spend it all make everything completely gold to celebrate our accomplishments i began building a chicken statue in front of my walls the whole point is to honor my fallen chickens and tell those raccoons and foxes that we are ready for a

And with the stacks of gold blocks i built a gold throne to signify a crown on top of the chicken statue it looks kind of funny it’s finally official philip is now the king of the chickens look at him he’s having a pretty good time i gotta say

This thing looks uh definitely pretty funky all that statue really did was cause an invasion you see the foxes weren’t exactly happy and they came running from the mega tiger biome next door they swarmed the paradise farm and began attacking my chickens iron golems just stood there

It was up to philip and i fill up let’s get them the old days alive no you’re not turning to okay honestly once you get the hang of it it’s kind of easy we can just easily dodge and weave no no problem at all the battle was over and all that was

Left was feathers and food for the foxes Days 45 to 51 i started off my morning by digging out a massive hole then changing out the flooring using stones combined with cobblestone to complete the look i filled it up with water and added in seaweed kelp and lily pads for the outside i left the place up with

Lanterns and planted bamboo while i finished building the boat dock phillip ended up making his own jet ski yo phillip hop up my boat buddy let’s go we’re gonna go on it i’m not sure where we’re gonna go okay all right i messed this up this is this

Is not enough what are you doing what’s even happening oh i gotta say the jet ski uh it kind of works well it was time for an armor upgrade the next tier of armor was called the angelic set which needed angelic feathers only crafted using one feather in the center

Surrounded by eight diamonds and then crafted the angelic boots leggings chest plate and helmets there i was looking majestic ever seen a chicken look like this i don’t think so it’s about time i have some full iron bars now let’s test out my abilities so i also have these two apparently

Okay the haze two is definitely all right there’s more than one there’s definitely more than one the donkey you know i’m gonna save you i’m gonna oh i didn’t save him oh oh that’s pretty good and with the armor set equipped i do get a haste to

Bonus so that means i can technically mine quicker oh yeah definitely way quicker definitely way quicker to test my armor i traveled to the freezing snow biome coming across interesting animals as i finally set up camp luke found a yeti i’m not even kidding philip was really considering bringing back a yeti

To the house i don’t really know what was gonna happen so i gathered snow and headed back home to build the ice habitat now these right here are diamond seats it grows in the snow bomb and when you eat them you get special effects anyways i began building a square glass

Room then placing a bunch of snow building a cave and adding in some trees with a small frozen lake our yetis are ready for the new habitat yo phil are you sure that’s safe that does not look safe at all this guy looks kind of dangerous get back to

This is them why you don’t keep a yeti while we were distracted another raccoon snuck into our base this time through the mines but luckily i managed to stop him with time it turns out the immune raccoon was planning on raiding us with an army his raccoon minion gave us his

Location and we headed out this is a place a massive junkyard i mean kind of easy to get inside here there’s just so much trash just fill the trash oh see a raccoon and a bear oh there’s a lot of raccoons okay oh not the bear stay away stay away no

Back up back up nope as we searched the place i found the mutant raccoon that traitor gave away my location well either way you don’t stand a chance against me in my raccoon army immune raccoon started throwing giant trash piles trying to squish me yeah i know this is crazy

Nope too many raccoons i honestly i’m sick of it i i’ve been dealing with too many raccoons for i don’t know how long seriously oh there he goes there he goes okay gotta try to keep him off me and start getting over the bows oh what is

That what was that what’s that ability nope i think shut up oh if i just keep ticking kicking him i should deal with the knocking back just like that just gotta watch out for those fireballs it is extremely powerful how does the trash raccoon shoot out bobbles

It just doesn’t make any sense come on run run run oh no oh my god this was a bad idea using my chicken speed ability paired with my ninja kicks i finally defeated the immune raccoon and all that was left was a bunch of raccoon tails

Days 52 to 60. philip and i were on a secret mission with the raccoons finally being gone it was just one more predator left the fox pack we searched through multiple pack of boxes until i finally found the one this place contained a fox headquarter which is where the mutant fox hosts

Meetings inside of it was a room with test tubes and an item stand containing a golden egg come on come on oh come on phillip you got one job i’m breaking in okay here we go all right buddy let’s get it okay oh i think they know they they definitely know

I’m so sorry i’m really sorry though get out of here there’s a crocodile outside there’s literally okay no cargo no thank back up don’t [ __ ] chill they’re gonna eat your life all right it’s just you and me get out of here oh this this was this was a little bit okay

They’re honestly really annoying seriously and what do we got here look at this it looks uh definitely very special seems like a prized possession ah buddy i’ve taken it here we go a golden egg huh what exactly is a golden egg the foxes with a phenomenal hearing they

Spotted us in no time swarming the room with their army philip and i tried our best holding them back but they kept jumping on us and trying to eat us alive through the moments that was really worried what if they called for reinforcements i’m telling you if the

Mute fox shows up it’s game over hey phillip how you doing over there buddy no okay i’m kind of glue [ __ ] out there there’s a lot i don’t even see you it’s literally a swarm of foxes that is that is a ridiculous amount of foxes okay all right i’m going for the kick

Well you know that is the most overpowered thing ever before leaving this place i found a map and it’s got the location of the immune fox’s hideout i’m telling you i would love to challenge him but i need a bunch of upgrades so i returned home and turns out philip was

Building a weird shed i wasn’t exactly sure what he was up to but once he went to sleep i snuck inside the place and found some questionable things there was a pack of vicious wolves inside i don’t know what this dude was up to but philip was definitely suspicious From day 61 to 69 i ate the golden egg and instantly transformed into a buffed chicken no more will chickens be considered weak my transformation we finally had a chance against those foxes you know i’m really wondering what are the chickens gonna oh oh oh hey phillip this is kind of awkward ah

So it’s not what it looks like oh all right it’s exactly what it looks like [Laughter] what no no i’m not gone philip it’s it’s literally me look look at me it’s me bro what are you talking about philip yes it’s still me moose come on it’s it’s not that hard to tell

Seriously you know i’ve just been walking out but that’s that’s about it all right here okay take some of this yeah you got to go to your diamond seats way way better for you and then you can do this you just jump over anything i was given new abilities first being

Super jump which makes me jump extremely high in the air and fly for a short amount of time oh philip i’m literally skydiving oh it is this this is crazy wow i i never thought this day would come look at me i’m just flying you know you know you don’t see

This every day that’s right i’m like superman you’re throwing eggs at me don’t throw eggs at me okay i’m good while this is explosive eggs every egg i throw instantly blows up if i’m in need of reinforcements i can summon my own flock of chicken guards protecting me from anything

And my last one feather arrows who needs a bow where you can throw sharp feathers turning all enemies around how bad would he be if i just threw an egg at him you know i’m just gonna find out catch oh um hey buddy uh oh three i’m sorry i was

Just kidding i was literally just kidding buddy one philip you got a problem my explosive eggs call me when you can do Have you this now to test my strengths we traveled to the desert biome and found this massive pyramid it definitely looked promising philip first one to loot the entire place wins let’s go who okay what are we gonna show this place oh we got stuff we got some

Enemies it’s not bad here chickens you got this guys and let’s just all right take a small interest over here what is this some target watch oh wow literally creepers don’t do anything this place is completely gone there’s there’s just nothing left in here and that should be every single spawner got

Some diamonds and a golden apple look at this a secret chest oh with a nacho no stop it you’re gonna kill me philip what was that are you also able to throw eggs that’s one honestly the pyramid wasn’t that bad but i still had to complete just one more

Thing and that was called the legendary raven armor this set is no joke one that wields the armor gets blessed by the ravens though first i located the ravens and began fighting them off the liking the raven feathers and began crafting the raven boots leggings chest plate and

Helmet as i equipped the raven armor said i looked like a true samurai with insane raven wings and wearing this legendary armor i was given speed one strength three pace two and fire resistance so i’m pretty much invincible look at this they don’t do any damage anymore like seriously and then in terms

Of durability i’m still pretty good now once i enchant my gear i’m gonna arm wrestle give me a fox i’m gonna embarrass that dude i’m telling you as we were heading back to the paradise farm philip found a bunch of ducks ducks for a pond i mean that’s a pretty

Good idea and plus you already have the lead on them and such so i guess we’re good to go all right buddy here i’m gonna lead the way follow me let’s go let’s just just watch out for the alligators the last thing we need is yo

I’m getting in my back oh there there they are there look at the feast oh i think what did i just say this is why we get united states this is this is literally why as we got back home we had the perfect spot for my duck habitat the

Pond look at them they’re loving it and just to be safe we built a small fence surrounding the entire pond you know i gotta say it’s honestly a great way to prevent my ducks from being eaten oh nobody wants duck meat not good on day 70 to 78 today was the day to

Finally take on the mutant fox so i finished building my enchanting table and enchanted my raven armor it’s kind of crazy i went 70 days without any answer i can’t tell if i’m a noob or not before heading out i quickly built a massive silo and this was one of my last

Remaining buildings before completing the farm phillip don’t you do it don’t don’t jump on it nope nope that’s like wow huh that was pretty good nice job buddy i grabbed the map to the new fox’s hideout and followed it leading us to this massive redwood tiger biome and

There it was the fox campsite right behind it a massive fox skull built inside the hill this totally looks like a lair for an evil villain phillip get ready for the foxes then they’re gonna come and force right now we’re about to cause a big there’s gonna be a commotion all right

Come on chicken army here we go boys hold them back come up where are you buddy make sure you’re safe get rid of this inside camper oh god that’s not good all right i’m just gonna go for it that’s it i’m doing it i use my feather arrows

Wow that is honestly way too easy literally anything i ain’t mad just instantly dies i’m so preventing any foxes from getting in while i walked inside you mean foxes look at you i see you’ve been trying to match me it’s not going to help really match you are you are you kidding me

What do you mean you i i’ve been doing this for so long now for thousands of years it’s been part of the food chain don’t you understand this is our job so you’re telling me your job is eating chickens seriously exactly chickens lay eggs while foxes eat chickens more we eat the

Stronger we get it puts us ahead of our competitors well i think it’s about time we change the tradition chickens eat foxes okay what the heck i can’t even reach him no okay that’s not good that is not good i don’t know how he’s doing that but

I’m going in for the feather arrows so luckily yo he’s just breaking the floor and he’s summoning his fox minions all right you know i gotta say he’s getting used he’s kind of quick no he does damage He swung his tail spinning in a 360 degree pushing my army of chickens back i kept summoning more until the mutant fox used his crunch ability shredding apart anything in front of him causing a bleeding effect is he doing that he’s literally shredding apart everything i can’t even move i i can’t even

No move he’s about to push him through the wall i’m trying to get him come on arrows now hold it back a little bit there we go listen those arrows are there they are no joke i’m telling you right now they are literally no joke oh come on bro

Let’s do this serious right now take this that that fox kill ability is just ridiculous you just come on i can’t even hear it all right fine two two could play this game oh you keep putting it back i’m gonna keep using my feather arrows everybody’s gonna oh never mind

The new fox got weaker he summoned an army of foxes rushing at me and i [ __ ] my chickens still no chance dude there’s so many boxes this this guy is crazy come on there we go you see what happens now into my feather arrows when you kill my chicken army once again

All right i’m over it nope not today come on my secret weapon explosive eggs take this oh that’ll definitely do it explosive eggs that is the worst thing that could happen to you finally immune fox was gone the chickens have won the raccoons and the foxes

No longer we had to worry about being haunted well i i mean there’s still a bunch of other animals that want to eat us but listen this is a good start okay we took a w on day 79 to 86 i had another vision in the phoenix

You have come very far as a reward i bless you with the knowledge of the phoenix pickaxe and phoenix sword oh yeah thanks so how do i exactly make it and what’s the point of this whole thing these can only be crafted with a legendary phoenix feathers

Search the mountains to find my phoenix friends wait so am i supposed to fight them or they’re just gonna give it to me once you possess the phoenix tools only then can you find me for your final test uh what test i will see you soon every chicken’s dream is to become

I woke up my vision i spent days traveling across the world finding mountains and gathering the phoenix feathers until i finally had enough so first i crafted the phoenix sword and with it i could set enemies on fire next was the phoenix pickaxe which allowed me

To smelt anything on mine in a five by five radius i gotta say mining has never been easier it’s just like simple effortless look at this especially getting stone it’s super easy and there we go some stone bricks at night time there was a flock of chickens walking

Around outside my barn in some weird way a zombie infected a chicken causing an outbreak of zombie chickens this was low-key painful to watch philip what’s going on buddy what zombie chickens oh this can’t be good this could not be good these are the dangerous zombie creatures you’re kidding me oh oh

They’re trying to bite me oh that i i don’t i don’t want there’s a zombie that would be good let’s get it oh there’s so many other honestly pretty easy to take them out not on my watch get out of here the little baby one oh come on they got the

Bro they got the baby too hello he does not like you in no time the zombie chickens were finally gone oh it did remain were these movie seeds golden seeds oh go gold gold seeds okay okay i’m not bad tastes pretty good oh generation two and health boost two i

Think it’s best if we start planting them right in front of our house like right over here that’s a pretty good spot golden seeds for days to finish up my third habitat i built another portal and traveled to the nether now i was looking for a very rare

Species of turtles these are called cinder shells and they’re only found in volcanic areas such as the nether but first i mined up all the blocks that i needed for the center shelf habitat then often back home i began building a glass box for the flooring i used another rack

Then added a lava stream and even planted these huge crimson and warped fungus or whatever they call it just to finish it up a few more blocks to complement the habitat well it was officially complete and i gotta see i think it looks pretty good and the cinder shells are even loving it

On days 87 to 94 it was finally time to meet the phoenix i hopped inside the portal and began searching through these different biomes but all i found was advanced piglets that wore armor and had these camps over here Piglet hideouts you know i guess that works who knows maybe they could give us you know a hint or something let’s go okay you know what they’re kind of friendly until you hit them you see that that’s kind of that’s kind of where i messed up a little bit but honestly they don’t

Really do that much damage either they’re barely doing anything to me i mean then again i do have some crazy hover on now this is my favorite part picking them all out at once it’s just so easy literally the easiest thing ever but the question is where exactly is the phoenix

What do we got here a golden stick yup absolutely nothing there was only one more possible location that we could check and that was a particular ship let’s get it get off the ship it’s officially mine hello there’s still building over here what are you doing come on money any

Moment now hop on board grab the gold and everything we can get we’re looking for the phoenix and what do we got down here let’s see this fire resistance this is not bad okay what’s this a piglet gem huh i climbed on top of the watch post and

Found an item frame with a phoenix feather now this was kind of strange why did the piglens have a phoenix feather did it power their ship i don’t even know and suddenly the phoenix flew out of the lava and said well done moose you’re finally here and you brought your friend

Ah there we go finally found you really thought that it was gonna be impossible i’m telling you now my chickens you are finally worthy of the secret feed expire yeah the phoenix fire um what does that do does that like make us fly and summon flamethrowers you know

That that’d be really cool flying flamethrowers all you have to do is release me from the nether and once i can feel the sun i’ll unleash my sun power blessing you both wait what do you mean release you we had a deal i i thought you were here

Because you didn’t want to be found or something the phoenix refused her sacred powers lifted philip in the air slowly choking him no look let him go this just has nothing to do with him i’ll do i’ll do what he say okay foolish chickens you do what i say now i

Have to set an example without any hesitation the phoenix chucked phillip into the lava slowly killing him no philip can you hear me no no no no this can’t be happening not this again are all you chickens this naive you really think i needed your help i was

Imprisoned here by a powerful sorcerer and you are my way out phillip this one is for you buddy no okay he’s got lightning strikes no where’s that thing kidding me I quickly escaped and used my flying ability to get on land but she was resilient bombarding me with these explosive fireballs i could barely keep up oh that’s a lot of bottles nope using It was working while i lasted and that was just the master come on i’m trying to miss here [Applause] two can play this game there we go got a few hits on there come on oh they’re not happy oh not not the zombie pickle zombies great that’s that’s amazing now they’re

Mad at me too seriously come on i’m just fighting the fireballs it’s working it’s working here there we go come on chicken army go let’s go boys they’re they’re just getting the update burning alive everyone’s becoming fried chicken the phoenix charged up her sun powers and using her flamethrower

Ability she engulfed me in fire i got an idea let me use my explosive whoa what where’s that bro i don’t think my explosive eggs are getting close to her funny enough i actually believe that i was winning but instead the phoenix reached the final stage and out of nowhere fire tornadoes came

After me honestly if it wasn’t for my golden seeds i’d literally become a fried chicken since when was there five that’s crazy you know what i’m going for the explosive eggs nope it’s just gonna be raining explosive eggs oh fine tornadoes my best bet is to fight for the sky

Fly around and keep shooting feather arrows that’s all i can really do there she is combines it together there we go explosive eggs i think it’s working it’s literally no okay that is crazy that was so close way too many tornadoes you might have defeated me

But there are others in this world much stronger than karama and i and just like that the phoenix was gone she was saying something about others just like her it honestly got me curious ramo was definitely the strongest boss that i fought the question remains what powerful forces are out there waiting

For me to challenge them days 95 to 99 started off very peacefully i was building a massive windmill for the paradise farm and that’s when a familiar face returned Phillip you’re you’re alive yo what a relief buddy Yes the plane did work you know i got to say it was kind of sus you almost had me you know you’re probably confused you see before going into this fight we thought about the circumstances of us being betrayed i mean it’s it’s not like i haven’t dealt

With this before right so just in case of emergencies we both had golden seeds which would pretty much keep us alive okay fine i’m not being boring there was just one more thing left on my bucket list find a godly item capable of flinking wheels together though i

Traveled to the end and quickly battled the ender dragon finally the dragon was defeated so i grabbed the egg went back home and built a small shrine officially completing the paradise farm on day 100 i was here with a dimensional carver possessed by the void worm no they’re infecting everything

Phillip just stay away from the there they’re really really bad for you i’m telling you they’ll give you i’ll give you a virus too all right you don’t want that oh there there are just all over the place get out of here look at this even drop

Capsid blocks by placing a capsid block and adding in this mosquito larva it created this mysterious worm oh philip grabbed it and he threw it right into the void by doing so it summoned the void worm and once again thank you to dragon roger for sponsoring today’s video don’t forget to

Them what just download no he’s still pointing okay go for his head make sure make sure you go for his head it shouldn’t be at the [ __ ] but it should be powerful oh okay all right we That was honestly surprisingly easy the voidworm was finally gone i grabbed its remains and crafted the legendary dimensional carver with this item i began mining into the air slowly creating a breach to a new dimension oh the open eyes but inside the portal that chicken just turned into a buff

Samurai yes that’s not even the craziest one you have to see what he does next has he ever become above player he did kind of what do you mean let’s say he turned into a mutated version of himself imagine being an innocent glare in a world controlled by the iron giants it’s

Been 10 years since the copper golems and delays have been defeated now he plans to overtake the metaverse and cause the end a reality this is all cool minecraft and i’m gonna be surviving the next 100 days as a glare if you think the glitter should be voted in then hit

The subscribe button enable all notifications on day one i spawned in as a glare trapped inside of a dark room surrounded by others just like me i tried breaking out but had no luck you’re probably wondering how i got here well ever since the iron giant stole the

Pillager staff he killed the copper then billy and lexy in after simon now he’s taking control of all animal factions and imprisoned them inside this place hello is anyone out there can anyone get me out of here there’s just so many other animals though this is even foxes la’s getting copper golems

So for the rest of the night that i waited for my chance to escape Then on day two the iron giant walked in with an alley and his army of minions there he is and why is he with a in a lane hey why are you working for him get me out of here come on what are you looking at boss the

Glares are ready for testing perfect everything is going according to plan you see there’s one advantage that the glares have amongst others we always stick together players attack and suddenly my army of glitters led by walter rushed in attacking picking out the iron minions causing the iron giant to escape

Walter come on break me out of here buddy we gotta go there’s just there’s too many of them unfortunately we were overrun and we had to escape so i quickly grabbed some wood crafted a pickaxe and tried to break it through the wall but turns out the entire basement was covered in obsidian

Does anyone have an idea what are we supposed to do quick head upstairs head upstairs all right let’s go as we got upstairs we walked inside of a massive laboratory and each room was labeled containing a specific animal walter wha what is this place honestly i’ve never seen something like this

It turns out that all these animals were being experimented on the first room had the dolphins next was the chickens foxes and sheep then the q panned us with the mighty goats also the trio consisting of iron snow and copper golems everyone’s favorite the dogs and cats and lastly the witches

With the frogs wait walter hold on a second i’m pretty sure i know that fox over there we gotta help her out come on buddy we’re breaking you out it’s too late for me run find felix in the sand universe wait no how did you get here and what’s sand

Universe you’ll find out soon you’re the key behind the multiverse the multiverse what moose we have to go walter broke through the basement entrance and we escaped the building but the question remains why does the iron giant need all the animals for the multiverse on day three i was extremely upset not

Only did the iron giant hurt my glares but this started a rivalry i made it my goal to kill him and defeat any faction that stood in my way besides players never got along with the copper golems nor the la’s in order to get my answers

How to find the animal factions and ask for help but without more recruits it was gonna be tough uh walter are you sure this is the way it looks kind of sucks i’ll get it trust me we have unlimited wild mountains i mean if you say so buddy

Just just lead the way this place is definitely pretty big ah so i’m guessing your diet just only consists of watermelons i’m not really sure that’s healthy we went inside the jungle surrounded by dangerous animals and luckily our disguise helped us camouflage and navigate the vast conditions until finally coming across a

Camp owned by the glares oh look at this oh there’s there’s a lot of them what’s up guys hey how you doing you guys even got monkeys oh and you definitely love watermelon you know i think that i could definitely make this work on day four after

Thinking that we were safe we were swarmed by the iron minions we somehow found a trail and just surrounded us walter there is so many of them and they’re shooting lasers at me that that’s not good don’t don’t think i’m not i’m a literally i literally can’t do anything i can’t do that

There’s still way too many of them and they’re still attacking me come on hold it back no no towards towards doors no the lasers not the lasers not the lasers you know it’d be really nice if i could shoot lasers that would honestly be a massive game

Changer i’m not the one heart all right come on these mellows are just not cutting it how could you guys live with this melon diet we stood our ground no longer will we retreat so i mined up some iron crafted shears and began shearing the jungle leaves creating

Giant walls made of leaves surrounding the entire camp now though the whole point of this is for better camouflage of course more leaves equals camouflage because we pretty much oh we’re made of leaves well that’s gonna do it now walter with your permission i declare this camp the glare outpost

The glare outpost i love it Seriously our first creeper don’t do it don’t don’t you there do it oh of course great phenomenal i began searching the deep caves looking for more glares the recruits now in order to grow the outpost we needed weapons and tools and of course dude you can’t forget about the army watch out

Come on what what is it buddy i think i found a trail i mean that that works just just lead the way everything’s trying to kill me this is the trailer you’re talking about i mean someone’s definitely been here before but where do they even come from huh

We searched non-stop until we were surrounded by a ton of new mobs nope that’s not good i’m poisoned and my axe broke and i’m also being attacked by skeletons oh i have a heart i got you buddy oh not the lava not the lava fire fire firefighter oh

Oh that’s not good that is that is awful what even is this thing what i got a fire charge there we go luckily we got saved by other glares i wanted to recruit them but they had some other plants bringing us to the secret underground settlements and this is the

Place where i met the other glare you are the chosen one vixen has told me wait a minute so you knew vixen she’s a part of the fox pack though all animals are one with the multiverse you have a lot to learn now take this gift to help guide you oh uh

You’re giving me your watch yep so what exactly is this with this legendary item you can transform into anything so how exactly does this work just gotta click it oh that one two three and four you must be gifted morphs from other animal factions uh yeah you’re losing me here honestly

Walter you just do this it’s a watch with numbers on it and and what animal factions what are you talking about what do you mean by all this tomorrow i will explain the rest now go and sleep so i went to bed i just couldn’t stop thinking about what the other glare said

All animals are one with the multiverse honestly i’m not sure what that means but one thing that i knew that this was bigger than me on day five before heading out to find the golem safe house yo the glare hold me a secret beware of the iron giant he is traveling

Through the multiverse searching for the keys destroying anyone standing in his way i grant you my wisdom oh thanks i don’t know why i need 65 levels but anyways that kind of explains why i capture the animals but what about the keys and what are they for you see

There are four keys known as the time galaxy mine and the live key one who possesses them all can create anything finally we showed up to the golem safe house and this place looked a little bit different after all it’s been years wow just like i remember it i gotta say it’s

It’s worn down though remember why yo yeah it’s nothing buddy just just don’t worry about it let’s check billy’s house real quick oh man this is honestly set to see lily’s completely gone oh they even broke his place seriously of course the zoo was ruined where did all the golems

Go even the villagers and why is there so many cobwebs and this is lexi’s library that is just so sad to see honestly seriously these raccoons get out of here bad raccoons now if i remember correctly this was a scientist’s room with the lavatory i guess hello is anyone in here

Inside who’s a copper golem scientist honestly i i can’t believe that you’re still alive everyone’s gone and just tell me what what happened to this place they were too strong the iron man is too covered killing all the golems and leaving us to die no that that can’t be

You you’re telling me that all the iron golems including the copper golems are just all dead i i knew about billy and lexi but even even the villagers but there were so many people protecting this place our savior the above copper golem never came back to protect us

The death of the scientist just really hit the spot i just couldn’t stop blaming myself for all it happened on day six i snuck inside the copper mines and stole all the copper miners valuables after all this place was kind of run down and only a few remained

Honestly it was kind of tough to see anyways i crafted a full diamond armor set and then the tool sets here you go buddy gotta get free take this that should cover you okay i’m honestly really upset at the olays they’re working for the iron giant can you believe this don’t worry i’m

Gonna avenge you every single one of you i’ll i’ll make this right here’s some copper for you what are the odds as soon as i said that i heard an explosion the first few layers of the wall was breached by the iron giant he walked inside and swarmed the place with his

Minions searching for me and walter where are my prisoners we gotta go come on let’s go there’s so many minions literally about to die walter where are you buddy come on there’s way too many of them and the iron giant is destroying everything here

No george doors no no no no no oh no we can’t let it destroy everything that we have built we retreated leaving behind the golem safe house there was nothing that we could do on day seven i visited the cloud house the good thing is that i could fly wow

Just like i left it i i gotta see this place is honestly in some mint condition i mean other than the cobbles and all but nothing’s really missing it’s just like only a few things ah and this now this just brings back some good memories you know that’s where casper was playing music

Yeah we were just like you know having a good time wait a minute hey pickle hey pickle you’re still here turns out pickle was still alive don’t you get it without glares there’s no balance in this world we were created to keep balance to the pillager staff

Pickle i i understand but what does the glares have to do with anything the pillar staff was stolen by the iron giant is this some sort of like a prophecy that i’m missing there’s been rumors about multiple metaverses if all four keys are found the holder is given power of the universe pause

Okay this is kind of getting confusing in summary there are multiple versions of each animal factions throughout these various universes such as maybe like 30 different versions of walter nor me or who knows maybe even flipper and yes each one of them has its own life

There’s no time you must watch the las my family has been taken under the control of the pillager staff well there you go the allies work for the iron giant and yes they did kill the glares and i’m just here trying to save the universe home days eight through nine i began

Building the glare outpost i know y’all y’all hate me building so i’ll keep it quick in this enter about the massive jungle tree then added in branches and jungle leaves for the top and placed a bunch of vines and lit the entire place with hanging lanterns underneath the

Center i built an underground room with a glass blocks for a 360 view this is for the portal and enchanting room you know walter i gotta say this place is it’s a pretty big tree you know and i’m pretty sure the glares are gonna absolutely love it look at this we even

Got a secret underground place but it definitely makes the glare outpost look amazing this really hey stop it what are you doing this really makes the glare outpost look amazing now through the outside i shoveled the floor and created a giant circle surrounding the entire tree

Then add in a bunch of water play some sugar canes and of course the watermelon farm you can’t forget about the watermelons after all walter and the glares they love watermelons it’s literally the favorite thing walter what are you doing buddy look at him he’s setting it oh

I don’t even know how i did that i have i have no idea i moved onto the interior building a massive ladder from bottom to the top at the middle of the tree i built the flooring let’s put the room into three sections one bedroom one living area and one storage room and

That concluded the glare outpost days 10 through 12 our glares got into that the iron giant located the mind key if you were to get access to it his mind will be drastically enhanced allowing him to predict what’s to happen we need to hurry we need to create and ignite

The sand universe portal hold on a second did you even think about how to make a portal to the same universe what does that even mean so i followed walter and he led me to this weird dungeon which supposedly contains a relics to create the portal

Hey walter are you sure about this place yeah you know it just looks a little bit creepy i i i wonder why there’s a bunch of steep heads everywhere hey get back over here walter where are you where you going oh there’s a watermelon here oh what’s up buddy uh

I don’t know about this this looks kind of dangerous this is crazy look at this where’s all this oh there’s more than there’s way more no don’t stay back don’t don’t curse me whatever you got don’t want it i don’t know this break this waters this is terrible what’s this they don’t

Even drop anything good just just literally block some coal you might as well give me a rock i destroyed all the mobs inside then through the chests and finally made it to the end there is a pillager trying to cook me alive i don’t understand i’m not tasting okay all right

Let’s go no come on with a poison no no no no don’t give me don’t kill me go first legs all right just just chop this thing down well whatever it is oh what’s going on i’m trying i’m trapped in here okay we’re gonna need a new strategy

What does this do an uncraftable potion oh oh that definitely did something i’m getting get here let’s get him dig it out he’s almost dead one more left about time seriously so this must be it so we got a scarab and a sand universe portal huh interesting with a blueprint to build a

Portal and the scarab to activate it i was ready for the biggest challenge of my life i came back home and built the portal using sandstone and adding in some water then i threw the scarab inside the water which activated the portal to the universe and the last

Thing left was the shrine for the glares you see legend has it and if we complete the challenges we receive these new abilities which apparently are blessed by the glare gods on days 13 to 14 i completed the shrine’s first challenge which consisted of feeding the entire outpost with

Watermelons who would have thought and it was gonna be that easy now this is called glare flare let’s go and by activating my ability i pretty much catch on fire i’m literally a glare on fire now let’s see how it holds up against some mobs oh i gotta

Say he does some pretty solid damage over time and it seemed to get way slower as well look at this as soon as i got back home our outpost was swarmed by an army of mobs he must have known we’ve been spying on entire time nope walter where are you at

Buddy there’s a lot of them they’re slowing the building and killing all the glitters my damage is deep inside morgan i got people on fire walter where are you no it’s not good everybody’s truly sleeping there is way too many of them the iron giant must be all to be or something

They just keep hitting me with lasers walter walter oh yes buddy you protect me you know so much for the shrine it would have been great to have some better abilities or something my glares killed off the iron minions in their army of mobs in using glare flare i slayed the

Enemies and walter was just he was just going at it i mean this dude was a natural-born warrior Days 15 to 20 i hopped inside the portal and was teleported inside of a desolate land called the sand universe these conditions were extremely harsh be careful there are many enemies hidden here yeah i can kind of see that i mean there’s only this one guy right here

Trying to literally kill me for no reason i i didn’t even do anything about you oh of course you got reinforcements now while we’re being ambushed where’s this guy who’s this guy i think he is i want some of this okay all right you know what i’ll say

Good thoughts they’re doing a lot of damage have a heart falter have a heart nope nope stay back stay away from me wait a minute i got an idea let’s just do this oh i thought we’re going to fall through it that that’d be way cooler crazy enough this place used

To be peaceful peaceful huh i wonder what happened we explored the universe looking for any sign of life and being able to fly was honestly extremely useful but still no sign of the iron giant instead we located this one spot hey walter i think someone’s in there it it looks like a

Chimney of some sort though we dug out the sand in got inside the entrance and it turns out this place was the foxton this place is so run down it’s honestly really sad to see perfect place to grow my watermelons uh i don’t know about growing watermelons here

Probably not a good idea now who’s down here nobody hello wait felix you’re alive it’s been what i i thought i thought you died of course i am but i’m not the same felix you know i’m guessing you were here to protect the monkey i’m i’m not

Understanding but what do you mean that you’re not the same felix do you have the the mind key yeah so that that was kind of confusing it will it turns out that felix was from an alternative universe one that is different from the same felix that was my best friend

And that’s when the iron giant showed up he started destroying everything around him searching for the mine key releasing his minions to attack the fox then we must go he is here for the key oh no that is not good this is this is gonna be really bad i’m trying to hold

It back there’s just too many of them oh no oh oh no oh oh okay okay okay all right all right all right get me out of here oh george not good not good at all i can barely see outside it’s just covered in sand it

Must be a bad sandstorm he looks jolted and we followed him we had no time to spare we snuck out from the back end headed to a temple inside i got attacked by this weird pharaoh nope there’s there’s so many mummies i’ve never seen this many mommies before

All right come on everybody take them out don’t don’t hold back get him okay if they give you the wither wither effect that’s that’s not good break the spiders make as far as hurry oh no nope nope nope oh there we go is it another floor oh not a maze i i

Can’t stand mazes i’m telling you come on another dead end hello oh there you go buddy i see you felix where’s walter nope nope not more mommies stop more mummies no no oh no that’s not good oh oh walter what’s up buddy there you go he finally found you

Oh that was so close that’s not good i’m i’m super low on health great there’s arrows in every single corner what about down here is that is that it buddy are you sure i’m you you first i’m okay you know we’re gonna we’re gonna stay right back here here we go and

What is this place so oh great thank you walter thanks thanks for pushing me in poison i love it uh this this just seems like a trap i don’t know about this the pharaoh turns over no no what was that nope yup you know just keep keep her away from me come on

So many mommies come on get it okay i’m regenerating i’m regenerating right now just just just kill it already come on ready felix you could have told me and there’s a pharaoh living in this place i nearly died that would have been terrible and finally i picked up the mine key on this

You 21-24 hiding out inside the temple moose take this with the morph ability and the mine key you can become anybody for five minutes wait what that’s kind of sick so i just gotta oh what [ __ ] new morpher unlocked interesting this is sick so we have one

Two three and four well what about the rest of them that you must find out on your journey we need to go i sense him the iron giant clashed lucy lead he pushed felix back it almost killed me i quickly transformed into above fox in rushed the iron giant evil my strength i

Just couldn’t stop him come on wait where’s he going oh i can fly i’m like superman with the fox version of him let’s go oh no where’s the monkey what did he take it no felix he stole it he stole the mic this is not good no walter distracted the

Iron giant then he looks ran in and using his ability he held the einstein back run hold him off this is my destiny after all felix i’ll make this right for you buddy no i’m running water we have to go buddy let’s go hurry up all right come on you

Know it is kind of difficult to fly as a fox i ran and finally found the portal to go back home walter break the portal we gotta get rid of this thing well that didn’t really go our way no mind key no felix just walter and i trying her best to take the

Outpost so in honor of felix we built a small statue one that we will forever remember and for the extra details i planted glowberries for the interiors of the wall and i gotta say it it came out pretty cool it looks really awesome at nighttime on these 25 to 29 i upgraded

My gear first i scouted out the lush caves mined up the moss blocks then got my iron ingots and crafted the reinforced moss helmet chest plate leggings and boots and there we go reinforced moss armor set i guess you can call us an upgrade for glare it

Matches the theme sort of i looked like a ninja wearing some sort of a chainmail moss armor but honestly the camouflage was pretty good but low-key reminded me of a scarecrow next up was crafting the full reinforced moss tool set now that’s in my full shape and these

Weapons were a little stronger and the pickaxe did this well we won’t be needing a diamond pickaxe anymore i think it’s gone so how does this hold up against some strong mobs assistance when do the skeletons have actual i don’t know bose what’s up boys

How you doing oh all right there’s a lot of dude whoa whoa what’s happening what’s going on you know that was nice like that that was you know what was gonna go right down definitely not bad no i’m out of here as they came back home the shrine awarded

Me a new ability called the hurricane days 30-36 once again we were raided we finally thought that we had some peace he came crashing through the walls come on everybody we gotta we gotta stand our guards and we have to fight them right now there’s way too many of

Them there is way too many of them those are not good i need some backup right now yes walter you got it buddy i’m trying to hold it back i got an idea here we go i won’t fit into the buff box and i’m going in

I’m gonna hold it back buddy take take care of all the minions glares held off the minions as i casted my hurricane and clear flare abilities at the iron giants is that all you got it’s over for you i finally control the mind key i’m always going to be smarter than you

The other glare flew in from the sky and casted a powerful spell causing the giant to get damaged seriously you’re still alive elder claire you don’t stand a chance against me this ends here leave the glares or be cursed forever the giant washed in the sky landing on top of the trees

He swung his hand causing an explosion with lightning they kept fighting each other and then the other glare casted another spell engulfing the giant in flames you’ll pay for this my alley minions will come for you and just like that the iron giant teleported away monday’s 37 45 i woke up to a

Thunderstorm and the iron giants created a portal to the jungle universe home of the pandas looks like he must have located the galaxy key walter i don’t like this something is going down we gotta go soon he will have the galaxy key all right buddy i hear you let’s get going

You see the galaxy key gives the hold the power to control space anyways walter took me to this underground foundry killed me right now that’s not good that is definitely not good okay all right these are kind of strong i need backup walter destroyal as far as while you can

I’ll keep it distracted there’s just oh man these dudes are no joke oh i gotta do trap them right here and then just there you go push them in oh all right walter are you sure about this the walter has no chill at all he’s just dropping the gsg over here i

Got shot i’ll drop a tornado oh man wow it actually worked not bad we should we should probably go very end was this hidden item needed for the portal oh no what are those nope nope that is that’s just deadly back away from me i’m dropped by

Tornadoes oh that’s a bad idea now that was a that was a close one oh i think i think you got the handle buddy you definitely got it okay you definitely gotta handle i’m telling you walter is he’s crazy finally i defeated the last few enemies and lure the chest containing the

Infused dreadstone and this weird item called soul and steel so we got back home he built the portal using infused dress stone then activated it with the soul and steel the portal to the jungle universe was finally ready on these 46-54 we jumped inside the portal and headed to jungle universe

I’m not exactly sure how this is a jungle universe you know i i was expecting jungle trees here but i guess everything’s destroyed now along the way we defeated bombs and found an ability called leaf throw hey walter check this out leaf throw i know for a fact you can’t do this

I have my own i guess sniper or something who needs a bow what do you have leaf throw as we traveled through these conditions we’ve finally located the panda village this place was balancing pretty run down look at this i got my first baby panda there you go buddy here’s some more more

Bamboo so does this thing still work oh no it does yeah walter we need we need one of those but for watermelons i’m telling you look at this yeah everyone’s happy up and of course you broke the whole thing good job buddy and now the baby bat panda was the one in charge

Just look at her go she’s still got it hello welcome to the jungle universe isn’t it crazy it’s the end of the world what are you talking about just stop joking around you’re gonna freak out walter i’m telling you you you don’t want him getting mad

Or losing it why you look so ugly here take this panda morph that’s kind of cool so can i not become a panda with a click of a button i transformed into the buff panda this honestly gave me some incredible memories from the past well this is gonna get pretty interesting

They definitely still damaged me a lot i mean after all my armor is kind of weak there we go watch them up get a little boost throw some fireballs there we go now we’re talking and spinning around hitting the enemies this is pretty good not bad it’s still a

Lot of damage okay here have some fireballs that’s gonna help you a lot ow all right down back to my glove oh no he’s coming the iron minions surrounded the trees they found our location there’s so many of them you better hurry up these at this rate i’m

Telling you he’s going to be here in all time the iron giant it’s going to be a lot of trouble just for the three of us i guess all right i totally forgot about the bamboo this is honestly the best part you eat this and you’re instantly powerful look at

This now there is no issue with fighting anything you just got to go in there and with the help of baby back panda we took them out oh no this is not good oh he’s here he’s here we gotta go are you talking about the blue spinny thingy no no it’s not good

I can sense your weakness baby bat panda flew up in the sky and attacked the iron giant as they used my abilities we held him off and he was too strong as long as he could sense the keys i’m telling you it would be impossible to prevent him from getting it

You’re just a big old meanie take this both fought hard but the iron giant used his pillager staff and made did the bat panda disappear no what what did you do to her that’s not good don’t put baby back okay we gotta go walter we gotta get out

Of here it’s there’s no time anymore this place is destroyed you can’t run from fate now that i have the galaxy key there is nowhere in space you can hide well managed to escape and headed back to the portal teleporting us back to the glare outpost it was only a matter of time

Until the iron giant would come for us on these 55 to 60 we came home feeling helpless so to cheer my community we added a few more details to the glare outpost first building an interior with a bedroom for walter and i including a chest room with all the utility blocks

And finally the living area which had some space for a small kitchen oh and can’t forget about the automatic melon farm probably the most useful creation i could make for my glares now everybody gets watermelons it’s all fun and games until walter eats the whole thing oh and so i never forget the

Achievements that we accomplished in the game building the glitter vault room i kept the design relatively simple it sort of does look like a giant ball door and i plan on storing something inside just a few more diamonds there we go gotta hide of course by iron some

Ancient debris let’s place two different maps here we go one right here another one right here and uh why not add a third one there we go and some extra valuables jungle universe and sand universe portal oh up how’d you get in here you might as well place some copper because who

Doesn’t love copper this completes the vault pretty cool now let me tell you about the inside i placed these display stands and for every faction that i visited and communicate with it was a pretty good idea to put an animal statue inside here

On day 61 to 62 i woke up to the elder glare booze it is time for your reward you must save the universe i’m up chill how are you trying to get in here got me locked in don’t you know to never wake up and moose though i followed him to the

Shrine it was given a new serum so what i do with this thing am i about to become like captain america or something i drank the immune serum and transformed into the mutant glare honestly i look very ridiculous first i got two massive hands and i don’t even

Know where the chains come from in my smile it’s gorgeous or maybe i gotta visit the dentist i don’t know it looks like i got two new abilities particle shield and visibility there we go now let’s see what this does exactly hey walter do i look a little bit

Intimidating just a little bit i mean i’m kind of terrified i look like i’m gonna eat somebody look at this okay i’m gonna use particle shield there we go and now i have a ton of health about a couple of seconds pretty much any hit i want okay no this is still difficult

And then i can go invisible just like this now combined with my tornado ability or hurricane ability whatever i call it and my leaf throw i’m definitely very bad on day 63 to 70 the iron giant located the abyss universe his plan was to wipe out the chicken population

You know who would have thought that the chickens ten years from now would be the ones guarding the life key i’m not hating on chickens i just wasn’t expecting that walter you okay buddy what’s going on with you huh moose he’s advancing i sense it he’s searching for the life key that’s not

Good walter we gotta hurry up buddy here grab all the nether they have from the dungeon and i i’m gonna craft the enchanting table just get everything ready asap buddy we gotta hurry up we don’t have much time come on cough it up buddy i’ll i’ll give you i’ll give you

Watermelons i’m not trying to be off thirteen at the right that should do it if the iron giant gets a hold of the live key he can revive any dead characters and bring them back under his control even as a mutant i just couldn’t get too comfortable so i began crafting the

Legendary shadow armor only the mule glare can wear this godly armor here you go buddy and then you enjoy walter power is upgraded so i’m stronger now apparently i mean the armor is already crazy enough and what i gotta say i i literally look like yeah i don’t know

Some kind of an evil dude here you can have my old armor set take this buddy enjoy it looks like i have some new abilities i have speed strength three and resistance now for my weapons they’re extremely powerful i can one shot most things you know and my axe is way shorter notice

It’s crazy of course with my glitter flare my tornado abilities they just don’t really fail now this looks really cool it’s like a scythe and for my pickaxe i can break through anything in a matter of seconds this building will be destroyed like it’s no issue really easy to stop me seriously

I’m out of here oh don’t watch it you got a tnt obsession but i like it i i think it’s really cool now that i was ready walter showed me one of the final trials this swamp temple inside was a hidden chest containing unstable blocks from another world

Uh walter have you ever heard of a an elder i i feel like someone’s calling us a grandfather i don’t know oh what is this wow that is super yummy all right that’ll fit edit outfit all right that’s not good definitely don’t fit through this place i’m way too thick now hey at

Least there’s lava that can be pretty useful towards the enemies i guess i’ll found them buddy here come on come over to me there we go there’s a lot of them take these zombie things out and we gotta find this elder i’m guessing that’s probably where the uh the move is gonna be

Get out of here bad zombies you’re you’re messing with the wrong glare yeah there we go there’s another there’s a lot i’m bringing the spawner hold on a second there we go and what do we got here nothing great this is it are you sure

Oh i see him the out there all right buddy here we go let’s just not mess anything up no he’s coming for me there we go wow no way it’s that easy here you know let’s give him a chance let’s just give him a chance there you

Go i’m only going to use a leaf throw seriously that’s the best you can do really get out of here ah and this is what i’ve been looking for perfect unstable obsidian and the abyss portal activator i gotta say i absolutely sweat through this place and behold the recipe for the abyss universe

I placed the unstable obsidian to craft the portal and used the portal activator ahead of us will be either death or redemption on day 71 to 77 i enchanted my legendary shadow armor and went inside the abyss universe i was instantly ambushed by these glowing enemies

They all know what’s going on no we’re being ambushed we’re literally being trying to hold it back i’m flying up dropping some tornadoes seriously who’s saved their army what was it you do you marcus i can’t kill marcus for some reason baltimore hold it back buddy hold it

Back i’m using my particle shield now they can’t stop me and i’m taking them out all right we’re getting some backup just in time my old friend phillip came through a portal using the dimensional carver boys you look like you need some backup i got you

All right don’t worry i’ll take care of them no problem no i guess they don’t get affected by my oh great that’s that’s amazing you know they just somehow gonna be invisible and it makes total sense i gotta worry about it there’s so many of these wolves

Come on i’ll take you to the chickie farm phillip it’s good to see you buddy what what happened to this place seriously i’m guessing a different move from another universe wow this is honestly really confusing well life happened the buff chicken disappeared and the iron giant caused chaos across all universes we followed

Philip and ended up in a familiar place the paradise farm i have a surprise for you here you go oh what is the body oh is this what i think it is no way now i can officially become the buff chicken you must carry on the legacy of the

Chickens well if you say so buddy cause i’m ready for battle let’s get this and my feather abilities let’s go but now i’m officially a flying chicken and i can summon tornados and even a glitter flare that is so overpowered you literally don’t have to do anything when

Things couldn’t get any worse the iron giant raided the paradise farmer and acquired the life key no he has it how can we let him get it no no no no phillip no we were distracted how could i let everyone down you have no idea what i can do maybe

I’ll bring back the pillager king and he’ll be under my control the iron giant slammed his staff and summoned three deadly bosses i got things to do let’s see how you survive against my army everyone we gotta work as a team i’ll take on fortuna walter you have

Swamp jaw and philip you have the bell ringer i’ll show them my karate skills i’m gonna tnt their face let’s take them out get him boys dude you know this this shouldn’t be that bad let’s go using my glare for ability i’m going for this fortuitous guy the only

Thing is he flies pretty fast and it’s just a little bit affordable seriously i can’t even see this dude there’s just so many things in the sky i’m using my leaf throw ability there we go it’s working swamp jaws down oh i got my portal shield ability activated

And he’s dead wow that was literally a one shot last one is a bell ringer he does not stand a chance against us walter are you good buddy he’s definitely messing with you a little bit all right just one more hit come on yes there we go boys

The paradise farm was saved now as for the universe i didn’t know what was going to happen next on day 78 to 82 i upgraded the glare outpost i built a mini temple design using cobblestone and mozzie blocks to complete the look the glares looked extremely bored so having a new place

Would be a nice change it might as well upgrade the camp adding in a few tents with barrels and beds inside this place feels much more lively especially with the new tents the new places the glares can actually well hi that’s and of course look at this automatic melon farm that

Just makes everyone’s day better walter what do you think buddy i think this place is definitely looking amazing for the inside of the place i added a secret alien control room i don’t know why i called that but it’s the perfect room for copper golems every little click on all the buttons

Walter i present to you the very first copper golem to join the glares welcome buddy this is it this is where this is where you’re going to be living at just just click all the buttons and have some fun i was about to say close them in but

That will do the trick just in case you want to betray the glares all right here you go take a bamboo i don’t know what you gonna do with that now for the outside i did some landscaping and planted some bamboo then brought the pandas i have a feeling that pins and

Glares will get along pretty well i just think they’re so cute on these 83 to 90 the iron giant advanced into the cursed universe if he conquered the dimension with his minions he ordered the allies to raid the glare outpost final ability unlocked all right let’s see what we got

What is this it’s like a mini glare unlock glare army oh okay and it’s about time i can summon my very own glares officially i have my own guardians now everywhere i go they follow look walter some new friends just don’t hold them up with some tnt that that’d be kind of bad

They swarmed the outpost from the skies and begin attacking my glares walter they’re here we gotta hold it back just do not accidentally kill one of the glares that would be really bad there we go i’m gonna hit them with a tornado there we go i’m trying to hold

It back buddy there’s a there’s a lot of them they’re all flying oh no this is not good okay maybe i can like slap them with my elite throw ability let’s go glitter army take these aways out i knew we should have never trusted them they’re trying to

Destroy our melon fly not today boys not today walter i need some backup they are all attacking right now and they’re slowly killing off all the glitters i’m trying to hold it back come on buddy you almost got him i’m using my leaf durability here with the tornadoes trying to push

Him away it’s not doing much back up stay away of course we got phantoms now too what’s next we’re just gonna have flying iron minions i’m using my particle shield there we go we almost got him there’s only a few left let’s go boys yeah this is crazy this is honestly

Insane the worst part is they just destroy my armor seriously this is almost expensive is that defeated the allies they drop these home blocks per soul and a blueprint those items are needed for the cursed universe so this is it the last universe though i began building the portal and activated it

Using a cursed soul you see the last key remains inside of this universe if the iron giant gets it he will destroy the entire world on days 91 to 97 the iron giant located the time key it was in the hands of the royal pillager a descendant of the pillager king

He lives inside this pillager tower the tallest building in the universe so we quickly hopped inside the portal and was teleported to this cursed universe as we breezed through the enemies we searched for an old friend a wise cat that lives with the witches pigs it’s been a while you you probably don’t

Remember me i’m guessing you’re aware that the time key is uh well endangered moose i know it’s you do you forget that i have master witchcraft uh i’m not sure how that works so you could see me through different universes you can say that i’m afraid it’s too

Late the giant already has three of the keys but what do you mean too late you you have to help us come on please you’re our only hope i suppose there’s only one thing that can counter the pillager’s death and that’s dark magic yes you know walter i need as much help

As we get okay take this with the witch powers you should be able to break the giant spell now go pinks thank you we will we will stop him mark my words my old nemesis i can sense you for the first time we arrived to the pilgrim tower before the

Iron giants we quickly rushed up the floors defeating the pillagers but right before we can make it to the top the giant showed up fools you can’t stop a titan the time key belongs to me the iron giant used the staff and slammed it to the floor causing the entire building to easily

Disappear he grabbed the time key and walked through his portal once again he was unsuccessful day 98 we arrived at the iron castle it was filled with these iron minions but that didn’t stop us you know honestly though they’re really they really don’t know much to us these guys are completely

Weak look at this the pillagers did more damage come on guys y’all should be ashamed we went upstairs and walked inside the iron giant’s room Welcome come take a seat let me show you my collection is this some sort of a sick joke no not at all these are my greatest possessions you might remember them wait a minute how did you get those weapons you have you have all them what doesn’t matter

Did you know that there are consequences for living in different universes moose moose what is he talking about yeah it’s nothing just just don’t worry about it he’s trying to get you to turn against me why don’t you tell them all we worked together when you were the copper golem

What is he talking about have you been lying to me moose is the one that let me free he is the only reason i have the pillager staff walter just ignore him get away from him he’s just stalling i’m telling you now let’s get it buddy

Go for his legs because he’s the weakest towards his legs don’t watch the lazy buddy watch the lasers no no no man watch out buddy do not go near him enough of this i have seen all 9 356 possibilities you don’t stand a chance i transformed into the buff witch and

Using my potion sphere i broke the iron giant spell what how did you do that walter his shield smells down let’s go first place come on buddy there we go it’s working i’m gonna combine my tornado ability come on buddy i almost got it no no you gotta go watch this actually

You thought that was going to stop me The iron giant summoned his army of minions but i easily counted it with my glares then i morphed into the panda and spin kicked them away i quickly switched into the buff box and here with them back as i unleashed my punches i kept damaging the giant come

On he’s almost there he’s almost let’s go we almost got it walter just keeps slapping him around yeah dude i can definitely tell he’s getting extremely annoyed once he was weak i became the buff chicken walter he’s getting a lot slower this is our chance buddy let’s go

Do not let him go use everything you got oh what was that i can’t see i can’t see anything oh no he killed all the glares with the final blow the iron giant exploded into pieces falling on the floor walter we did it buddy this is it the

Pillar staff and the keys are finally ours we can finally bring the world back to normal well that’s what we thought No no how is this possible this can’t be you don’t get it do you i control the four most powerful parts of the universe time galaxy mind and life and i control all the morphs in the universe look at this so so what who cares it’s over there are

More powerful beasts in this world and i must find them the iron giant swamped his hand instantly killing me to be continued thank you simon you have gained my trust thank you so much for 5 million subscribers i don’t understand was our hero just defeated i thought he was the one well

You can’t win them all but fear not this was not the end i hope not so with the iron giant having all four keys what happened to the universe that’s right now what follows is one of the biggest turning points and what changed the multiverse forever you mean a great marriage

Just pay attention it’s been a full day since the iron giant has defeated the mu and glare and acquired all four of the universe keys giving you the power of life time mind and galaxy now the iron minions have become the most advanced faction and it’s all up to

The buff copper golem to save the day this is sparkle minecraft and i’m going to be surviving this 100 days as a golem thank you simon you have gained my trust now it is time for me to rise above the titans and harness the power of the multiverse time galaxy mind life

With all four keys at my disposal i’m merely the most powerful titan but i will go where no one has dared to go before do you know what that is simon no my lord To become a savior true god of power on day one i woke up as a buff copper golem and i couldn’t move my body i was fully oxidized and powered down and that’s when it hit me this is where the iron giant killed my copper golems lexi

My best friend simon it sounds like this place is about to collapse it’s suddenly a portal opened up right in front of me i just knew that it was the end but to my surprise it was walter and he was here to save me walter what are you doing here what happened

Moose there’s no time to explain i have to get you out of here before they show up who what are you talking about and then a ton of portals started opening up all around us the iron giant had sent his minions to take us out for good but i

Wasn’t going down without a fight and luckily for me walter brought some copper bars you know let me tell you these are amazing i have never felt more alive so i broke out of my prison now that i was back to full power i used my

Golden toss to get rid of the iron minions crowding me there was one problem we were drastically outnumbered so walter opened up another portal and got us out of here safely Then on day two walter took us back to the copper golem safe house and i can barely recognize this place is no telling how many years have passed the iron giant attacked moose i have to go back to the glare outpost the fight is not over yet what what what do you

Mean man let me help you don’t worry we’ll be fine your fight is here wait before you go can you tell me what happened after i i will in two time for now i need you to get stronger and just like that walter was gone but i

Couldn’t stop here or stay in the same place if i was to get stronger i needed to build an army and all i was freaking out were to start my search for the other copper golems evil plants were taking place in a not so distant universe

Where are the allies are they done yet no my lord i regret to inform you they’ve rebelled and fled their prison strange allies have never dared to define my authority before rest assured they’ll be tracked down and imprisoned and their leader punished for his defiance good i won’t tolerate any more delays simon

You know what happened to those who disappoint me nothing to worry about i have everything under control my lord oh yes i have everything under control allays it’s time on day three i heard the armenians just walking nearby so i quickly fled to the caves hoping to lose their trail

I made myself a stone pickaxe and quickly gathered a bunch of resources full starting from cobblestone tons of gold titanium and last but not least copper though i quickly smelted them into copper bars and ate them you know that was the coolest one you know losing my items absolutely sucks everything was

Going smoothly or so i thought and suddenly i got attacked by some lava looking monsters now these creatures look like creepers but if they were made of lava and had these really ugly teeth so i quickly crafted a landing sword and started slaying them oh no okay it’s just spinning fire me

That wasn’t even possible even though they were fairly easy to take out they just wouldn’t stop spawning and i wasn’t by the way’s entire day with these annoying mobs so i used my bullets possibility packed my stuff and i zoomed out there as fast as i could

On day four i was scavenging across the land for materials and other golems to join my cause when suddenly i started pouring rain i couldn’t believe my luck no oh no this is not good i quickly ran over to a cave and took cover but not long after a

Bunch of iron minions just started popping out of nowhere there was something different about them this is getting ridiculous how many are there i had to get deeper into the caves to avoid them i wasn’t strong enough to fight them all by myself nope i found a safe spot to hide

And lay down to get some rest that same night i had a dream i was inside of a temple and it was dark i couldn’t see anything around me and then all of a sudden the other glare appeared in front of me i’m so glad to see you elder glare

What is what is happening you must fulfill the prophecy then i woke up and i was starting to get a bad feeling about this whole thing i need to find the elder glare as soon as possible so before i left the cave i made a bunch of lighting rods and using

Gold blocks i crafted a lighting pickaxe a shovel and an axe then i proceeded to make myself a new set of landing armor on days five and six i was adventuring the swamp biome but i noticed a little snow yeti getting attacked by slimes so i took out my lightning sword and saved

Him hey little buddy are you okay it looks like you’re melting hey don’t call me little my name is frosty i’m sorry okay man i lost my way back home would you help me yeah of course i got you buddy it turns out that frosty isn’t even from here he

Asked me to help him build a portal back to the snow universe there was only one problem it required ice blocks and i didn’t even have a silk clutch pickaxe nope i had to get creative we went up to the snow mountains and turns out that we

The copper golems and coldness don’t get along our body movement slows down in snow bombs i can’t even move i’m slower than a turtle so without wasting much time i found the closest patch of ice blocks big enough to carve out a 3×3 hole and placed a snow block in each

Corner of the portal and to finish it up i fill the hole with water open the portal to the snow dimension once i got everything done we went to the frozen portal into the snow universe frosty then we do his camp where i’m at crystal the ice queen i rule this world it’s

Been some time since the last copper golem joined our community wait what do you mean long ago copper golems found their way into our universe while escaping the tyranny of the iron giant the punishment for their escape was harsh my lord the prophecy says a copper golem

Will be your undoing there’s a simple solution for that round up and eliminate all copper golems alive that’s just the problem they’ve they’ve escaped to another dimension my lord we can’t find them anywhere can you let that happen they think they can escape me soon they’ll know there’s no escape from my power

Shall we muster our forces look for their hideout and destroy them no need i have the thing to do with their defiance let them hide i’ll make them with her i don’t understand there are many things the likes of you will never understand from today on no more copper golems will

Be created their whole existence will be eradicated just like for false prophecy the ice queen holding out the iron giant and uses powers to make it impossible to summon new copper golems it turns out that these copper golems and myself were the last ones alive in this whole multiverse

What do you mean you want to fight against the iron giant we are the last of our species we must remain neutral in this war if we were to survive but still you can’t give up i’m afraid there isn’t anything we can do only the meta shifter

Can bring peace today multiverse i was just really disappointed and what’s worse the cold here was making me move even slower but the other copper golems seem to be doing just fine hope they showed me a way to fight the weather which was just as simple as crafting my

Armor and titanium together you know the best part is i’m not resisting the cold and lighter meaning i can move faster look at me have you ever seen a copper gold move like this in the snow huh on day eight through nine the ice cream

Had a secret that could help me out my mission she said that before the snow golems became a neutral faction they were led by a champion but he was captured by the iron giant and melted as punishment for his defiance the iron giants kept his head as a trophy we

Didn’t know is that it still has a portal seed inside of it the only thing is that portal seeds only work for a limited amount of time so i need to get in and out before the clock runs out she gave me a portal gun to

Open the portal seats it was my ticket to getting back the morpher it was an opportunity too good to miss so i made my way to the castle as i came out of the portal i spotted two armenians guarding the area luckily for me they didn’t hear me nor the iron giant was

Anywhere to be seen i’m telling you if i get caught it’s game over dope i found the morpher picked it up and made my way back when suddenly as i turned around i couldn’t believe what i was seeing simon simon was alive and he was working for

The iron giants anyways my cover was blown and the armenians were attacking me i had to get out of there before i got captured it was only one heart left i barely made it out for the portal finally closed on day 10 through 11 i was back in the

Snowball base celebrating our victory i thank crystal for her help and she has something else that she want to give me take this the snow golem morph i trust that you’ll use it when the time is right why not join us in fighting the iron giant i could use all the help that

We could get long ago we suffered great losses in this war our factions have come close to total extinction that is a risk we are not willing to take again they found us quick the others need your help you need to buy them some time to escape you got it i’m on it

I went outside to defend the camp from the army of iron minions and this until some of the golems could escape to safety that’s what i meant he was overpowering the golems like it was nothing well it looks like i’m not the only one getting some allies

So i equipped my morpher and tried to use the golem morph but i was limited to only having four so i had to make do with the ones i already had starting with the fox come on tail whips oh come on yes it’s working we were getting overrun i don’t

Need to buy more time for the golems to escape the camp i knocked back the enemies and faced the lightning golem head on so this wasn’t working i wasn’t doing any damage to him and with his spin and smash abilities my health was rapidly getting low no matter how many

Minions we fought they just kept attacking and as we were outnumbered we only had one option retreats On days 12-14 we were on the run looking for a way out of the snow universe and away from the iron minions let me just tell you something being orange in a world where everything is snow doesn’t make hiding easy we need to get out of

There and fast you see this right here is our only ticket out of here everybody come on get inside we went through the portal and back to my world i gotta say it feels so good not being cold for a change well we were safe for now but the

Snow and copper golems needed a place to live and i needed a new base i’m sorry that your home got destroyed guys iron giant might have you tracked down you’re right the iron giant will not rest until he’s found every single one of us we will help you build a new base here

And fight moose seriously that would be amazing thank you so much it seemed like everywhere i go destruction follows but i didn’t have time to feel sorry for myself because the ice queen had more leads for me i have another lead for you you need to build a portal to the spirit

World the spirit world that’s where you’ll find the answers to defeating the iron giant what the ice cream said was true this would be a major step and win this battle but first i needed to build a new base i first started by digging out a 5550 radius for a large lava pool

And yes i know this will burn but honestly i’m going with the flow bridging out to the center and both the walls using cobblestone and the sight and stone bricks i made sure the walls had a walkway for a patrol force in that way we won’t get attacked by surprise as

For the tower tops i used copper blocks and in honor of all the fallen copper golems i added a copper golem head on the courtyard then i built a blacksmith station and a storage deposit on the sides of the courtyard to keep our soldiers armed and to store all the

Important resources that we gather and i still felt a bit guilty about the snowglobe’s base getting destroyed so i built an icy throne room for crystal in the main building interior is always the hardest all the walls i built with drip stone combined with diorite for the

Background now for my favorite part the kitchen is chains and stomach walls for the oven vents next was the bedroom first up was mine so i just wore blogs bookshelves and leaves then i figured that i should probably build frosty in a room too especially because i’m growing

Fond of the little guy for his room i chisel ice breaks for the walls packed ice blocks for the floor and i even made him a nice and comfy bed made with snow blocks look at it it’s literally a castle let’s call this the copper

Fortress on day 15 i set out to gather the materials that are needed for the spirit portal first i bought the ball to the nether to get some soul sand and soul blocks do you remember the last time i was in the nether is this been a while

Is that what’s mine in the blocks i saw something weird in the distance it was piglets and hoglands apparently living together now that is not to say the least no i mind about soul blocks that i needed and then i went back home well anyways it was finally time to

Build a portal to the spirit world now i didn’t really know what to expect on the other side so anyways i went through it and as i passed through i was met with a enchanted forest there was all kinds of spirits boxes pandas and chickens so even glares as i entered the enchanted

Forest i was approached by an alley holding a copper bar i had the feeling that he was trying to tell me something oh i followed him to the forest and came across what looked like an altar wow check this place out wait who is that at the top

Again i couldn’t believe what my eyes were seeing it was simon and then the last time i saw him he was working for the iron giant hey i thought you were i thought you were working for him how could you do that man we were supposed to be brothers that’s

Not me that’s simon from another universe an evil one an evil simon i mean i i guess that kind of makes sense so does that mean that you’re dead yes but i still have one thing left to do before i can rest and what what exactly is that

Simon said that i was a chosen one just like the elder glare once said to me he said that i need to fulfill my prophecy and i must find the glares within the ancient ruins in the overworld and get a hold of the metamorpher only then i’ll be able to

Restore balance in the multiverse i fulfilled my duty now i can go and rest in peace goodbye moose and just like that simon levitated up in the air and slowly disappeared before my eyes farewell buddy i’ll avenge you and everyone who suffered if anyone was a

True hero that would be him so i went back home to the rest of the golems and built a statue out of hay to honor my best friend simon on days 18 to 21 i went to the ancient ruins following the maps that simon gave

Me after going in i found a huge door and right inside there was a diamond ancient golem standing in front of the ruins welcome copper one i’ve been expecting you you’ve been expecting me why it’s not important all of this was foretold i okay you must pass our test

To prove your worthiness he didn’t look like he was going to give me any answers so once inside i met another ancient golem and this one was made of obsidian welcome copper golem for this challenge you must go through this maze and survived find your way out as it’s your

Fate this space was made with obsidian with little vines cooping off the sides if i wanted to break through using my pickaxe it just wouldn’t be so easy nope i went through the maze and fall off the skeletons you’re calling this a challenge give me a break

After going to the maze i met the ancient diamond golem once again he was guarding yet another portal nope i went through for my next challenge on the other side there was another ancient golem waiting for me yeah yeah yeah i know i must complete the challenge it’s

My faith and all that i understand i was honestly getting pretty sick of everybody just talking about my fate but i had to focus on the challenge i had a parkour this bastion all the way to the top if i took one wrong step i’ll be

Done for him and finally i reached the ancient shrine within the ruins at the entrance there was walter just waiting for us hello moose i’ve been expecting you walter what are you doing here i’m here to speak to the elder glare hey what’s with those weird golems outside

Oh yes the ancient guardians they are as old as these ruins their mission is to guard this place until the meta shifter comes oh i see as for the elder glare i’m afraid he’s no longer with us but he knew you’d come you mean he’s gone but now come with me

I have something to give you we walked inside the shrine and found a secret village filled with glares everywhere turns out that they’ve been living inside this place for hundreds of years and walter has been the one keeping them safe you can see that he became the new

Elder glare moose take this it is time for you to fulfill your destiny walter gave me the metamorpher and unlike the old one i was no longer bound to only four forms i could finally turn myself into any faction oh i became the buff snow golem okay all right

I guess that glares don’t like that though the elder glare is no longer with us his wisdom still guides our path your destiny will take you to other universes i finally understood what my purpose was to become the meta shifter when the iron giant first rose to power the animal

Factions were among the first to rebel so they were made an example for all who would consider defying him leahy due to them he wiped them out completely from our universe there’s not a single one of them left i was shocked i knew the iron giant was evil but to completely exterminate all

Animals from the universe he’s gotta pay for all this i say goodbye to walter and the glitters cause i was leaving i noticed these three ancient golems following me hey why are you following me our purpose was to fight for the meta shifter okay that’s kind of cool well anyways

Come with me and let’s go to the copper fortress 20 with the 25 although this fortress looked impenetrable i didn’t want to risk it nope i started to work on upgrading our defenses first up i set up some tnt cannons nothing too complicated just a black stone dispensers redstone levers and the most

Important part the tnt then i prepared some cowboy piles in strategic places to slow down invaders in case of an attack i rig some tnt traps around the perimeter of the fortress with some gravel and pressure plates the best way to take out a whole bunch of enemies is

To throw them in a pit and blow them up also instead of some poisonous aero turrets they probably won’t outright kill anyone but it will deal enough damage to finish them off last but not least i need to do something about this walk doesn’t matter how strong i make it

It just seems that the iron giant can just cut through it like it’s nothing so i had an idea how about lava walls i got on top of the walls and filled it with lava and boom anyway trying to get across or over it will be melting once

Everything was ready it was finally time to go to the parallel universe that walter spoke of he said the way to get there was by building a lighting portal which is basically a platform made with copper blocks and four massive lightning rods eventually a storm came so i stood

In the middle of the structure and hoped that it wouldn’t blow me up into copper nuggets kids don’t try this at home i opened my eyes and all i could see is white as the light dissolved i found myself in a world that looked just like mine but felt different it was a

Mountain with four animal faces pretty cool if you ask me maybe i’ll do the same back home using golden faces i walked into a village where cats dogs sheeps and goats all lived and worked together in harmony look at this adorable kitten hey kitty kitty kitty come here buddy brah that’s rude you

Can’t say that to me oh uh my bad i’m just new here sorry about that i went to the center of the village before i got surrounded by warriors from all the species and they had never seen any copper golem before but luckily a sheep priest stepped in there’s no need for

Violence he’s the copper one that the elder glare spoke about uh yeah whatever he said come copper one there’s much to discuss it turns out the elder glare had already been to this universe now that is taken ahead anyways the sheep priest told me that the universe had been preparing for

My arrival and that they only needed some time to get their army ready but for now they had the morphs that i was looking for the sheep priest walked us to a room with three other priests one from each animal faction and they all handed me a morph starting from the

Sheep and the goat morph the cat morph and lastly the dog morph with all of these i was holding the power of nine different factions i’ve never felt this strong after speaking with a priest it took me to a house so i could spend the night and you would think that the

Animals would have this village guarded but no that doesn’t apply to the pillager king ah the zombie pillager cake he kind of did this to me before so you’re the chosen one the iron giant thinks you’re some kind of a threat what uh how did you get in here

My horde of zombie pillagers have been waiting to share some animals i’ll be seeing you soon yeah well you won’t be sharing nothing the village was being raided by the zombie pillager king within seconds the raid horn went off and the zombie pillagers swarmed the entire village no it’s not good there’s

So many of them but we were occupied defending the village the zombie period king was randomly killing sheeps this dude was extremely powerful the animal warriors could barely put a bet on him you really think you stand a chance the iron giant’s curse makes me invincible i kept fighting but my buff abilities

And attacks were barely doing any damage i’m tired of this you’re not much of a chosen one to be honest the zombie pillager king had teleported away suddenly the sheep priest told me something that would help me get rid of him he and his zombies have been plaguing us for a while now

Yeah but why one day we heard a huge explosion under the city in the old mines and they just started raiding us the old mines i think i have an idea eventually i found him the zombie pillager king was in a room at the very

Bottom of the mine and next to him was a bunch of ender crystals that must have been the source of the explosion the sheep priest heard the iron giant must have found a way to bind souls back to the bodies through the crystals so you have found our little secret

Come on you’re entering my personal space i wonder if you’ll still have a sense of humor once you’re zombified yeah how about no you’re going down i started fighting with the zombie pilger king but my theory was correct i couldn’t do anything to him he was basically immortal until i destroy those crystals

It was worse on top of his teleporting and so many more zombie villagers the king could shoot me with fireballs coming from his staff you really think that a bunch of zombie pillagers are gonna stop me the army tried cornering me when i turn it to the buff goat it

Used my charge ability to move fast into some serious damage before i was surrounded i then tried to make a beeline for the crystals but the zombie pillager king hit me with a couple of fireballs so i had to take cover okay this is not good i gotta think of

Something ran out of ideas how disappointing that’s kind of funny you know coming from the iron giant slap dog i’m nobody’s laptop it looks like i hit a nerve there he went insane and started shooting his fireballs everywhere all i had to do was get it for the crystals and before too

Long he had blown up all them the pillager king had lost all of his powers but before i took him down he had something else to say finally my soul is free and finally with the defeat of the zombie pillager king all of his minions started dying and the village was safe

This victory was all i needed to get my confidence back and with these morphs i was ready to go back home once i got back to the fortress i wanted to talk to crystal before i could get to her a series of explosions started happening from the outside oh what is that

I got to the higher ground to check out what was happening it was a huge army of iron minions surrounding the fortress the tnt cannons and the poisonous aerodispensers were also taking a lot of the minions down but the army was so massive it barely made a dent on their numbers

Something about this just feels wrong i agree this attack is a distraction of some sort He was the iron giant he looked like a demon and he was flying over blowing my defenses with his titan ability and summoning his armenians inside the fortress i’ve waited far too long to end this rebellion go moose i’ll stay back gather your allies and fulfill your destiny go

What no i can’t leave you alone the diamond golem had no chance against the demon iron giants as we try to get away we were ambushed by iron robots so i became the bug panda and use the spin kick ability while the nether and obsidian golems use their golem

Possibilities to keep the others busy come on this way i gave the portal gun a crystal and asked her to get the other golems out of here making you fortress was a mistake you guys got to keep moving staying here is way too dangerous take this you’ll need it to get more

Allies and morphs we’re all counting on you i turned into the buff snow golem and using my snow abilities i let them outside far away from the fortress hey over here come and get me once far enough i went into a cave to lose them it was getting rather dark until i

Couldn’t even see a thing and then all of a sudden i started falling into the void i woke up somewhere dark yeah i could barely see anything this place was filled with these skulks everywhere there’s only one place like this same that’s a deep dark

How did i even get here i brought you here what do you want from me did you save me i have a challenge for you survive and i will aid you with the warden moth i really didn’t like the guy but i wasn’t about to refuse the chance to get

The warden morph are you ready yeah let’s just get this over with the king warden summoned a bunch of skull zombies to attack me they transforming me it was a close quarter fight so i needed to be really agile i quickly turned to the buff cat

And started taking them down you see my cat slash ability you can’t even kill me and you definitely can’t touch me what’s the matter too slow it ended up being easier than i expected and at the end the king warden actually kept his ward and gave me the morpher

Thanks but why did you help me and what are you up to for no reason but who knows what the future holds and just like that i was teleported back to the overworld i made my way to the copper fortress and bounced of iron minions just still

Lingering around i turned in to the buff warden and unleashed all of its power i could use the warden wash ability which made me faster and lost my enemies 100 blocks up i hope you’re not afraid of gotta hurt after getting rid of them i checked out

What crystal had given me before and it was a map to an inactive volcano apparently this is where i’ll find some gilded blackstone to build a portal to the space dimension on days 47 to 52 we followed the map leading me to an island and as i was getting closer i started

Here hammering but there weren’t any villagers are those anvils what is going on i heard the sound from the inside of the mountain nope i mind all the way through and found myself in a crafting room surrounded by copper golems who are you what are you doing here hey

I have no trouble with you i’m i’m just looking for some guild of blackstone how do you know this dude the iron giant saying to you what no no he’s my enemy i’m just trying to take him down you must be follow me and that’s when i met roberto he’s the

Leader of the rebellion faction we’ve been expecting you meta shifter everyone who opposes the iron giant is a friend of ours turns out that over a hundred years ago there was a group of copper golems that stood up against the iron giants but they failed and they hid inside of this mountain They minded up and became master engineers developing powerful weapons wow now that looks insane so what is it these are called mechs and once they’re fully ready they’ll be a weapon against the iron giant these copper golems are literally on another level with their power and numbers we could definitely

Stand a chance against our enemy dope i asked the leader to join forces and he agreed suddenly there was a big explosion and messenger came running into the cave he said that the iron giant’s army had finally come full force oh no their mechs aren’t fully ready for

Combat yet roberto i got this let me in the boys hold them off you just gotta get things ready for us the iron minions had broken in and along with them was another monstrosity this guy looked completely terrifying he was shooting magma all around the place where these

Golems coming from him we were surrounded and being attacked from all sides so we had to divide our are being forces i quickly morphed into the buff dog and saved my copper volumes just in time you see my fight ability i felt some real damage to the front line of minions

Who was that well at this point the dog morph wasn’t gonna cut it we got a problem this is definitely not working so we were treating back and luckily roberto had some good news it’s ready hurry you know now this will definitely do here we go i hopped inside of the mecca

And bombarded the enemies with my lasers shredding apart the iron robots mecca’s now this is the future now the another monstrosity was extremely tough he engulfed the entire place in lava and that’s a copper golem i ain’t trying to melt into no nuggets take this you see

That’s so nice is it i destroyed the last of the iron robots and caused another monstrosity to retreat and just like that he won the battle on days 57 to 61 we were ready to go to the space dimension let me tell you having other copper golems helping me

Out made a huge difference and the portal was ready in no time frosty this is it watch my back so there we were in the middle of nowhere just a bunch of planets and meteors floating around in the never-ending wood of space wow this place looks amazing oh

Watch your step i’m pretty sure if you fall down there i’m just gonna fall into the void we walked around for a bit and then spotted this huge ancient moon castle as we got closer we could hear the sound of something hitting the metal as we walked inside we made our way to

The central chamber and there we met the owner of the place mighty titan known as the ancient blacksmith forger look at this we got a big guy who dares calm down i’m just here for an upgrade you you’re the copper one turns out he was exiled by the iron

Giant and he wasn’t his biggest fan he said that he would craft me the strongest armor in the entire multiverse but first i need to get some of this methodium ore so off i went hopping from one space rock to another in mind as much as i needed have you ever seen a

Moosh mining space rocks i bet you haven’t so hit the subscribe button moose to the moon when that was done we got to watch the titanforger do his thing and make this legendary titan armor i bless you with the titan armor this will truly put you ahead of the gods

Thank you great gift but hopefully i don’t die so i equipped the titan armor and if you thought another day was strong you ain’t seen nothing it turns out medonian is a mysterious material that can deflect all elements super sweet right it was time to go back and

Start planning our attack but not before the time forger said i need to form an alliance with the pig tribe yeah i’m talking about the piglets and hoggins so we went back home and opened a new portal to the nether as we crossed the portal poor little frosty was

Suffocating in the nether so he went back and waited for my return as i wandered around the nether i was unexpectedly ambushed by the piglets i come in peace sorry bro i don’t speak baker i need to uh meet your leader yes your leader then you’re not chosen one

So the hogland leader took me to the main camp as i looked around i saw tons of hogwarts and piglets this time they were surprisingly friendly i asked for their help and they said they were willing to help but only on one condition i gotta defeat their leader

Well i guess we have a challenge then i followed him to an arena and right there in front of everyone i had a fight this big piece of bacon the nether rumbled in excitement it was go time and i was hungry now the hobbling chief wasn’t

Messing around and as soon as the fight started he used his horn rush ability against me nope okay if it gives me that ability i’m done for i needed to be on my toes so i turned it to the box and kept dodging him as he charged me while

Using the scale of ability as counter only thing is i wasn’t really making a dent on him are you kidding me it’s like i’m not even hitting him so i decided to change my strategy and fight fire with fire i turned in to the buff warden and

Took advantage of the crazy amount of hearts the hobbling chief kept charging at me slowly damaging me but finally he fell into my trap and i used the warty rush ability honestly he stood no chance from all the damage i dealt to him the hogland boss was weakened enough to be

Knocked out of my final punch to my surprise the hoglet actually liked that i totally beat up their leaders and even threw us a big party apparently they knew about the prophecy and someone capable of beating their strongest was part of it the next day the hogland boss

Spoke about a legendary battle axe another part of the prophecy he mentioned that it was located somewhere in the nether bastion and this isn’t your typical bastion but the hunting grounds of the winter storm he’s been plaguing this big drive for years so i decided to give them a hand

When i got there i was almost immediately attacked by the weather storm it’s like this thing knew that i was coming he hit me with some of his wither skulls instantly damaging me i needed to get out of his line of fire if i wanted

To survive no i gotta hand it to him the fight had barely even started and he almost took me out this is bad okay i i face stronger enemies but this is really bad there was no way that i could get close to him without getting hit again

I turned to the puff chicken and used the feather arrow’s ability to hit him from a distance come on So i decided that it was time to close the distance and finish the fight i turned into the black panda and went right at him with his speaking ability while dodging his attacks see you later with her now this must be the chest now was this fluid amazing i got myself the legendary

Battle axe and the wither morph ah i gotta say it honestly brings back so many memories just look at me you know i hope they don’t freak out when they see me the leader rewarded me for finally granting peace to him and his tribe he promised me that if i ever needed their

Help i could always count on them though i set my fair wills and headed back to the overworld only 72 to 73 i was back at the rebel faction base and i remembered that when i ate a copper wrench i became the buff copper golem so what if i did the same

With methodium ingot oh i asked one of the copper blacksmith to make me a methodium wrench here it is the mythonian wrench well time to see what happens now this is what i call superfood i transformed into the titan golem fused with the power of methodium i was this huge four-armed

Ancient golem on top of being bigger faster and stronger i now had control over lightning so i went outside to test out my new abilities i now could shoot lightning bolts and summon lightning storms over my enemies now this is insane i like zeus but the moose version

Or i guess the copper version did you get the point i also have a copper punch ability where i use all four of my arms to punch my enemies fast dealing tons of damage knocking them back on day 74 to 80 i saw dolphin jumping in

And out of water in a world of hostility and destruction dolphins somehow still manage to have grace so peaceful hey moose i think the dolphin wants us to follow him i think you’re right but i have an idea for a little guy that only ate snowballs frosty was surprisingly

Smart you see when you feel dolphin fish it leads you to treasure so i’m open to the buff dog and off we went following this random dolphin to a random treasure but it wasn’t treasure that we were going to instead the dolphin took us to this massive city with huge axolotl and

Dolphin heads hey frosty i know that place it’s atlantis okay but what’s those things they look ugly okay hold on a second they’re not regular fish they’re actually axolotls they’re like curious creatures and they must live here that one looks even uglier as soon as i turned my head an axolotl stopped

And stared at us and let me tell you i got some bad vibes from this guy this guy seems friendly but still really ugly bro do you have something against axolotls they’re just fish absurd allergy ah makes sense we didn’t have a lot of time it was literally the end of

The world after all so we swam inside and we were greeted by an old friend king atlan wow this place is massive moose who is that moose old friend i’m glad my dolphin led you here safely honestly i’m just glad that you’re still ruling atlantis thanks to you i have something

To tell you uh what was that dolphins go up there and check what’s happening i’m sorry to have to ask more from you my friend don’t worry i’m on it i left the room in a hurry i needed to find out what was happening i couldn’t

Afford to lose the support of king atlan so i followed the guards outside and we came across some aggressive axolotls i was out of my elements but i couldn’t stand there and do nothing so i helped the guards fight the axolotls i couldn’t let them get inside the room and hurt

King atlan but before we took them all out the mean looking axolotl that i met before interrupted the fight and next to him was evil simon simon what are you doing here defying the iron giant is a bad move i’m just looking out for the axolotl’s future am i right

Evil simon had manipulated a section of the axolotl into starting a rebellion against king atlan told this guy fool you the iron giant is evil what i hear for a debate you know what you have to do take this as a show of what the iron giant can do for you

Evil simon handed some sort of a tropical fish to the axolotl and as he ate it it started to transform into a hideous mutated axolotl what did you do to him i’m just unlocking his potential i quickly equipped the legendary battle axe to defend myself it was a tough

Fight but i didn’t want to risk morphing into something more powerful and breaking the dome axolotls might be able to breathe underwater but i can’t whoa this guy’s as powerful as he is ugly come on frosty stop provoking him i was in a pretty tough spot but luckily

For me my reinforcements started showing up and the red bull axons had to surrender the coupe had failed you have saved atlantis once again thank you i couldn’t let you down all atlanteans owe you moose well um you know i came here because yes i know you

Do king atlan explained that he knew about the multiverse and since we helped him save atlantis once again it’s only right you have the axolotls and dolphins stand by us in battle and he also gave me this dolphin morph i still had something else to do i

Needed to track down the other guardian and ask for his morph king atlan pointed me to where i should go and gave me something to bring to the elder guardian a clam seriously it’s not just any clam trust me you’ll need it when you meet the elder guardian

So i turned to the bluff dolphin and went on my way eventually i reached an ocean monument which of course had a lot of drowned and guardians wanting to attack us but i wasn’t there for them i needed to find the other guardian talk about a bad location for a living space

After defeating a couple of drowned zombies i was greeted by the king ella guardian and he ruled this part of the ocean down to the last coral he said that he’s been expecting my rival however he couldn’t just give up his morph unless i was to complete one of his challenges

If you want the morph you’ll have to find the three clams that open the vault it’s in these locations wait like this clam i see you already have one good well having the support of the atlanteans will certainly help fulfill your destiny now look for the other two clams and my

Morph will be yours he gave me two maps the first one took me to the deep sea and i had never been to a place like this before it was like a another planet i found a sunken ship and the first clam was inside it but

Nothing is ever easy and as soon as i went in the boundary of drowned enemies started attacking me really starting to get tired of you guys whose drowned enemies never stood a chance so after taking them down i went on my way to find the second clam now how on earth am

I going to open a vault door with clamps oh i guess i’ll cross the bridge when i get there the second map took me to the cool reef and it was a beautiful place but even though it was colorful it didn’t mean it was dangerous and all of

A sudden i was attacked by a white shark i tried defending myself but that thing must have had tons of hearts no matter how many times i hit it it just wouldn’t go away what are you even made of so i decided to avoid attacks with the superior

Agility of the buff dolphin and focus on finding the clam and getting out of there i finally found the clam and swim out of there that shark is gonna have to find someone else to eat so i got back to the other guardian and gave him the

Clams you’ve done well the vault is now unlocked i went inside of the vault and got the elder guardian morph now this is a powerful morph i’m getting stronger and stronger by the day nope i went outside and found some drowned enemies to test my new laser beam ability and i got a

Strike it is crazy powerful just with one shot i could take down almost every enemy i face and just like that the finale is getting closer and closer soon i’ll be able to gather my army and face the iron giants i went inside of the portal it was

Teleported to the end easily tried to attack me engulfing me these flames he rushed at me throwing me onto the battlefield and all the internment around surrounded me honestly i was just confused about what was happening but the inner dragon was ferocious what’s wrong can’t handle a little fire i

Struck him without lightning bolt but it was rather useless it turns out that lightning in fire just doesn’t have any effect on him so as the dragon kept his distance i used my abilities to hulk jump onto the platforms inflicting some serious damage by smashing his crystals

Then as my bullet possibility i brought the beast down to the ground and wicking him by throwing a series of rapid punches come on the dragon let out the loudest war that i ever heard he was angered beyond reason he quickly flew up in the sky and

Covered the battlefield with a shower of meteorites nearly taking me out i just knew that he was reaching his limit so i quickly turned in to the buffed chicken and used my feather arrows to help finish the job and finally i transformed back into myself destroying him with the

Final hit my legendary weapon you have proven yourself worthy take this and put an end to this war ah yo i’ll see what you did there just put an end because that this is you know what never mind moose you must be prepared you still have so much to learn the

Truth about the metamorpher let’s just hope it’s not too late wait please just tell me more we need your help i can’t interfere beyond this dimension you are on your own and just like that i officially unlocked the full power of the metamorpher not only being able to morph into the buff dragon

Um The road here has been hard you’ve all lost so many friends you were exiled and forgotten no more the rule of the iron giant ends today we will be free again free of his evil spirits and powers we’re almost there we’re the strongest army in the whole multiverse and we’ll

Prove to him that he’s not invincible are you with me or my signal attack with the sound of the horn honorable forces had risen rage powered through everyone’s veins we marched the iron giant’s castle and all the way at the top there he stood the giant himself

He too was prepared we took down most of the first layer but just as soon as we were done twice as many minions came out from the sides of the castle oh no there’s too many of them don’t let up we have to hold the line use the titan golem power

Yes that’s a great idea i turned back to the puff tangoland and summoned a thunderstorm it took down a lot of them but they kept attacking how was there still more just everybody stand your ground wow thanks i really knew this might not be powerful but their numbers

Meant it was really hard to break through them everybody get the megas in position the rebel copper golems saved us just in time he engulfed the battlefield with lasers just keep pushing we’re almost at the wall just as we were getting more confident the giant

Sent in a secret line of defense it was a bunch of mini iron giants bigger and way more powerful wait what are they doing oh no watch out we marched into the castle but suddenly we were cut off by an army of iron cyclops you go moose we’ll hold him off just

Finish this while crystal and frosty held the cyclops me and my ancient golem guards went deeper into the castle as we made our way to the central chamber the lightning golem and another monstrosity made their appearance we’re more than capable to hold our own against these things our best bet is for

You to go for the iron giant himself while the nether and obsidian golems held them off i made my way to the iron giants i could feel his power lurking in the room i quickly locked the eyes with a giant as soon as i reached his throne

Room i’m gonna give you one last chance to surrender do you really believe you stand a chance but haven’t you heard i was chosen to overrule you fool you can’t even comprehend what would happen if you struck me down you’re about to get a sense of what real

Power looks like with the power of the galaxy to shine knocking that so hard punching into different dimensions and his powers were beyond my imagination and just when he’s about to take me out a couple of dog and cat guards came to my aid while they created a distraction

I quickly regenerated and turned to the buff elder guardian flooding the room with my abilities the iron giant took the guards out in one swing but they bought me enough time to line up my laser beam ability and hit him except the giant didn’t seem faced by it he

Started flying while keeping his distance and shooting at me with his spells i’m getting bored over here is this all you can do you’re getting bored or are you just struggling to take me out don’t make me laugh i quickly turn into the buff wither and

Used my with the school ability to bring him down although it looked like i weakened him it didn’t take him too long to fly back into the castle he was using the mind key to create an illusion of himself so i had to figure out which one

Was real enough of this stop playing games with me i can do this all day what did you hope to accomplish with that petty move not gonna lie it’s been fun playing this little game of ours it’s about time i put an end to this felix no not this again

I’m gonna make you pay for all you’ve done as i broke free from his time spell i rushed towards him with all my powers when all of a sudden he punched me so hard knocked me back sure how you broke free not that it matters your time is

Nearly over the iron giant switched back to his laser guns and sprayed the battlefield with his lasers i used the dragon morph to quickly get off the ground and attacked him with a shower of meteorites did it seem to have done the trick i landed and more back to my copper self

Whipping out my legendary battle axe to finish this off you stubborn little golem simon it’s time to show our little friend what i’m really capable of it is time to put our secret plan to work as soon as simon pushed the remote the iron giant started powering up but

Something was wrong he was producing some weird energy almost like he was leaking power and suddenly he was breaking apart simon what is the meaning of this i took the liberty of making some small adjustments your latest upgrade you little you thought you were so powerful you never even noticed weak little me

Planning your downfall all along you wanted to become the most powerful being in existence only problem is your body can’t sustain this power even gods can be killed evil simon have betrayed him no one doubts he did it out of the good of his heart the iron giant was

Getting more and more unstable until his body just gave in after the death of the iron giant all of his minions started to shut down while his monsters slowly disappeared and his spells lost their effect it’s finally over yeah we’re alive victory is ours the prophecy has been fulfilled

We had won the battle but turns out the iron shines wasn’t exactly completely done with us his energy got released by his defeat and everything started to shake i thought the castle was gonna collapse but something even bigger was collapsing the world was changing before my eyes the animal world space dimension

The spirit world they were all bleeding into my own universe and the multiverse was becoming one single huge metaverse honestly though i wasn’t exactly sure what this meant but what i did know that this is a brand new world and as a lot of factions they’re gonna have to learn to live together

They all think i’m just a little strong golem too weak to even hurt someone fools i will show them what ultimate power looks like you know what to do that explains a lot of things this is what defined the new materials that’s correct but it’s certainly not the end

But wasn’t the iron giant defeated once and for all yes but the giant were merely a pawn in the grand scheme of things his decision led to his downfall and creation of an unstoppable force simon let’s look at the next chapter in our hero’s journey the legend of the buff

Axolotl imagine being a cute axolotl for the next 100 days in the world controlled by the mute axe level he plans to spread a virus transforming all life forms into mutants if he succeeds he’ll have full control of the underwater kingdom known as alanis this is all core minecraft and

I’m going to be surviving the next 100 days as an axolotl on day one i spawned in as a baby axolotl in the depths of the lush caves surrounded by a group of other axolotls of all different kinds we swam through and walked above the surface whenever and wherever we wanted

We the axolotls are an adorable passive faction almost friendly with everybody except for the squids we absolutely hate this question i don’t know why we just don’t take this dumb looking squid donut any of them i know savage what if there’s something we love doing more than anything else

That will be played with bubbles i don’t know what all the fuzz is about but let me tell you something this is extremely satisfying and as the days came to an end it was time for us to regain our strength so together we played and hunted for tropical fish as one big

Family come on get the boys get all the fish you can tonight we feast my friends and just as we caught the last fish our elders warned us about a cave one that led to a mine shaft full of dangerous mobs okay now that’s a bad idea with

Only four hearts i’m just gonna die so we celebrated the day’s catch and we settled down for the night on day two i met bluey a rare axolotl didn’t seem afraid of anything he was popular among the others so bluey told me about a secret place one only our elders knew

About come on moose there’s something i want to show you ah okay uh where are you taking me he led me to a cave that our elders warned us about but they didn’t say that this is the same cave that also leads into the open ocean it was huge compared to the

Lush caves you know these fish right here could feed all of us for months we started exploring and hunting different schools of fish and suddenly i started to feel a little bit weird and boom we turned into adult axolotls yes look at us we don’t look like shrimps anymore

After a long day of adventuring we and i were heading back home when suddenly we went into a group of drowning i was about to make a run for it but bluey wasn’t moving chloe buddy are you okay shut up and trust me just play dead like me

The trout spotted us and hit me with his trident i quickly stopped and played dead surprisingly it worked turns out that playing dead not only makes hostile mobs lose interest but it also grants regeneration one immediately over time well what can i say this is one broken ability well i’ll take it after

Returning home our elders delivered some bad news they said that the tropical fish have stopped spawning in the lush caves making our food more sparse by the day don’t worry guys i got you here pick some of mine i got plenty but don’t ask where i got it from

On day three louie wanted to go back to the cave but this time he wanted to explore the mine shafts uh i don’t think that’s a good idea there could be mobs in there come on what are you a sea chicken we’ll be fine i couldn’t let him

Think that i was a coward besides we already explored the ocean and how bad could it be when we got there we saw all sorts of things there was bridges spider webs and even some mine carts with chests when suddenly some zombies and spiders found us even worse we were

Almost out of air quick we gotta run come on this way we managed to dodge your attacks but not before a creeper suddenly fell in front of us the explosion caused gravel to fall and block off the exit to the ocean at the last second we barely made it back into

The water maybe exploring the caves wasn’t a good idea after all the next day louie and i returned to the mine shaft to gather some wood then crafted ourselves a stone pickaxe and shovel to dig our way through all the gravel the path was clear once again louie and i

Reached the ocean and quickly began hunting for more food yo blowy over here quick the others are counting on us and finally we had enough tropical fish to last us for months and save the others just we’re about to return home we were attacked by one of the biggest sharks i’ve ever seen

King megalodon well well well what do we have here a pair of small shrimps i don’t think the plain dead is gonna work this time we should go what’s the rash i didn’t even get to taste you i don’t know what was up with that guy

We’re gonna get out of there fast and luckily for us the axolotls are known to be fast swimmers louie and i managed to lose him but not before realizing that we were completely lost and what’s even worse the night was falling who knows what kind of deadly creatures could find us appetizing uh

Bluey does that rock over there look familiar to you we had no choice but it takes shelter for the knights and hopefully our axolotl friends couldn’t manage without us on day five we ran into a group of turtles we asked for directions to the lost caves but they had no clue what

That was however they offered to take us to atlantis a huge city deep in the ocean after what seemed like ages we finally arrived at the ocean’s capital there were all sorts of factions from the smallest turtle to the fastest dolphin uh excuse me do you know where the lost caves are no

Okay how about you do you know we were about to ask a pot of dolphins he was swimming towards a checkered banner louie are we in a race if we are you bet i’m beating you oh you’re on the dolphins and i lunged forward we glided

To the racetrack and before i knew it i was in the lead let’s go we reached the final lap and sure enough i won the race the crowd went wild and everyone was congratulating me i gotta say even bluey was impressed that was awesome moose had to know you had it in you

In that’s when one of the dolphin guards greeted me he told me that my prize was none other than meeting king allen ruler of atlantis but i couldn’t shake this strange feeling that i’d met him before on day six louie and i waited to meet king atlan this castle was enormous it

Was decorated with what had to be the finest materials in the ocean after we were escorted to the castle we finally met king allen welcome to my castle hey i’m moosh and this is my friend bluey moose you say um yeah and haven’t we met before met before

No i don’t think so young axolotl strange anyway i hear you made the dolphins make a run for their money or should i say swim the king was actually pretty friendly i could see why everyone loved him and told him about our troubles back home and surprisingly he was willing to help

I think i can help you but i need you and your friend to do something for me first it was a skeleton infestation inside the pearl mines and king atlan needed us to clear it out so in return he would help us get more food back to our village

We were ready to fight and king atlan gave us the ability to unlock called waterblast bet you can’t hit that squid oh yeah watch me yeah look at me pushing away and he’s dead then we crafted ourselves a new set of tools starting with a seaweed axe sword pickaxe and shovel we

Also crafted ourselves a new set of seaweed armor starting with the helmets chest plates leggings and boots so we went into the pearl mines hey let me tell you something i never seen a place like this before it wasn’t long after trouble found us this place was infested

With skeletons but not just any skeletons they were axolotls hey scaly fridge stay away from blowing taking them down wasn’t easy but we managed to beat them and little did we know there was a bigger threat it was a huge claim and he didn’t look happy at all

Who’s making all that noise who dare step in my turf what more axolotls there’s no end to his madness his madness listen i don’t know what you’re on about but we are here to chase you out you have no idea what you’re doing it’s a shame i’d have to

Take you out this guy was tough he was taking hits left and right but we could barely make a dent on him then he started spotting his minions and there were killer flames everywhere their vast numbers were dealing tons of damage but we managed to feed every single one

Using our swords king clam open his mouth and rush towards me next isn’t out his pro bomb ability now let me tell you this ability was no joke one direct hit and we’ll be good as dead so we dodged his attacks and quickly made are we out

Of there you know this has to be the biggest hell i’ve ever taken even though we filled our mission king allen was compassionate and asked us to stay a little longer even gave us a small piece of land so we went exploring we found a wrecked ship off a small

Island and this was perfect have you ever seen a base built inside one me neither though we started off by hollowing out the boat making our way underground after mining out the room adding in the walls and splitting up the rooms i built a kitchen and even added a

Massive table so my actual friends can feast oh let me tell you about the storage room this is where i keep my secret fishy supplies just don’t tell bluey anyways i moved on to the top floor and claimed my bedroom while bluey was uh working on something weird it

Really takes the squid hatred to another level chloe what is this are you making an evil plan don’t question my authorities though it was time for the enchanting room making it look magical with a zilla flowers which i got from a lush cave underneath moose we need a water slide

Good idea boy and just like that we created a mini axonal water park with diving spots water slides and waterfalls as for the outside i built an area just for the axonal village adding a walkway with a small pier so we can go fishing i caught a shark put that back

On day 16 to 18 we heard about some lush caves under atlantis and if my instincts are right that means that we can fire more axonals to come with us to our base so we decided to go check it out now if i’m right we should find an axel group

Just like ours we found a cave entrance and made our way down the rumors were right there was a lush cave under atlantis but the only problem was there was something seriously wrong with it what even happened to this place i’ve never seen a lush cave just look so dead

There weren’t any fish around and the whole place just felt a little bit off like it was somehow corrupted anyways we found some axolotls and they were stoked to come with us come on follow us we got a base near atlantis and trust me it is way better than this place return back

To camp with her new friends and just as we arrived we met a dolphin countess from atlantis she had heard we’ve been to the pearl mines and wanted to ask for help saving atlantis from another threats something is wrong in the kingdom shortages pollution people’s discontent corruption i knew that i wasn’t crazy

There was no way the kingdom wasn’t aware of the fish disappearing or the corrupted lush caves i needed to look further into this hurry go to the royal temple you’ll find the answers there the countess pointed us in the direction of the temple and we

Went on our way i can smell it there’s just something ryan in this kingdom at last we made it to the royal temple but something seemed off there was a herd of drowned guarding this place why would king allen have these instead of the royal guards nope i defeated the

Drowned and snuck into the temple ain’t nobody inside even noticed us we just kept a little profile and hoped not to get caught now once we got to the second level things started getting a little more difficult this place was more of a dungeon than a temple there were traps

Everywhere so making their way around them was a bit of a challenge watch out buddy are you okay louie was hurt but we were too deep to give up we kept going and stumbled into something we’ve never seen before these were axolotl zombies first the drowned and now this something is seriously

Wrong here the final room was just ahead but as soon as we walked in oh come on Well we found ourselves stuck inside of a cage surrounded by evil witches They took us to another room i needed to find a way out so i could warn king allen of this betrayal but before i could do anything the leader of the evil witches revealed herself it was the countess we met before why are you doing

This i i thought you were loyal to the king we’ve been keeping an eye on you two it’s been interesting to say the least we were completely paralyzed it seemed like this was it for us but something weird happened something in him was awakening boy what is happening it’s the one we’ve

Been waiting for he’s resistant to our magic whatever it was it broke the spell and freed us with our air nearly running out we ran and found a dark place to hide inside the temple i can’t see a thing there’s gotta be something to light up this place as soon

As blue placed on a torch the light revealed the biggest mutant monster i’d ever seen it seemed like they were harvesting some kind of a food source from it if i’m being honest it looked kind of disgusting but we had no time to waste we were still being hunted so we

Found our way out of the temple and thanks to our swimming abilities we outswam ours there was something off about the castle this place seemed deserted there weren’t any of the royal guards around i was starting to think that we were too late hello is there anyone here hello

Where did everybody go as soon as we got to the throne room we found king atlan surrounded by his elite guards sir we got bad news it’s the temple it’s full of drowned zombies and evil witches how naive can you be what do you need you weren’t supposed to make it out of

That alive [Applause] what is this i’m afraid you two are the ones who betrayed king allen and his kingdom are no more atlantis fell a very long time ago the only thing left are ruins and shells of its past what no you can’t do that i loved crushing

Every single member of this worthless city especially the so-called king he was so pathetic begging for his life why are you doing this these are helpless animals and the only reason for all of this is your little blue friend No moose you need to run away now just just hang on louie i’ll be back for you i promise buddy i’m afraid it’ll be too late then we had been tricked all along everything we had done for the king had been a ploy my best chance was to run while on the

Run i found the armory and inside was the legendary axolotl bow i quickly fired at my enemies slowing and poisoning them with every hit I quickly swim back to the city to rally the rest of the axonals and finally escape this place but that was too late my base was already ransacked and there was nobody left behind no where is everybody i know he took them i had hit rock bottom but i couldn’t dwell in self-pity

So i gathered what little i could find and left at least they miss these fish buckets more seaweed tools i guess that will come in handy later i went to the closest cave i could find it and while gathering resources i noticed something i was being followed it was a puffer

Fish and it looked kind of goofy oh hey um what can i do for you little buddy okay well i shall call you puffy then as the night approached i left the cave and searched for a safe place to settle in somewhere not too far from the castle i

Needed to keep watch for any potential threats on days 40-43 i went exploring far away from atlantis and puffy just kept following me i have no idea why but i was glad that i wasn’t alone puffy be ready for anything you never know what could be out there hunting for us i kept

Running into abandoned ruins what could these places have been dope i went inside the ruins and found a chest with pearls inside if we find enough of these i can craft this pearl armor and tool trust me it will come in handy next i came across a ruin surrounded by drip

Leaves all around and once inside i found a secret entrance to a lush cave it looked like a ghost town it was not a single axolotl in sight so i kept going further into the cave hello anyone here what’s the deal with the creepy vibes finally i found the entrance to a temple

Inside i found a chest with an axle totem wait wait a minute could it be i use the totem and the sticks to craft the axolotl staff and legend says that whoever wields it holds the strength of 1200 axolotls a little excessive not gonna lie huh oh is it a myth or the

Real deal oh all right this thing’s amazing nope i went back and crafted myself a new set of tools starting with the pearl pickaxe sword axe and shovel next was my favorite the pearl armor starting with the helmets chest plates leggings and boots look at me have you ever seen an

Axolotl more blinged out it should invite me to the oscars after a lot of planning i was ready to launch my rescue plan while keeping my distance i spotted some of the witches entering the castle through a back door you don’t see that every day the first

Step of the plan was getting rid of them i needed a distraction and luckily for me i had puffy to help with that wow good job puffy now please stay outside after finding my way into the dungeon i started exploring it was skulls all over the place and the ceiling was full of

Grip stone i finally got to the entrance of the place where bluey was being kept there was a huge guard keeping watch this guy must be in charge or something i needed a way to take him off fast and quietly and then it hit me well it almost hit me

Jeez that almost crushed me i took out the axle little bow aimed it at the drip stone and shot it down yes bullseye as i went through the doors they had bluey trapped inside a special cage i could feel his unhappiness and pain then suddenly a group of guards and

Witches swarmed the room a blue x lotto huh they say only one in 1200 is born every 100 years you’ll never get away with this i will not allow it such defiance there’s nothing you can do once we get a hold of the blue axo core our master will reclaim the forbidden power

It turns out the blue axles have a special bond to ancient atlantean magic when a blue axle dies they drop a special item known as the blue axa core it’s the key to accessing unimaginable powers no puffy what are you doing yeah i just told you to stay outside stop it ouch

We have an intruder my cover was blown they quickly closed all exits and surrounded me but i wasn’t about to die i took out the axe little staff and started blasting them away just hang in there boy i’m gonna get you out of here i thought as hard as i could but there

Were too many of them and it didn’t take long enough until i got overwhelmed and captured when i woke up i was trapped inside a cage i tried freeing myself out when suddenly king megalodon into the room you again do i know you little one you’re kind all look the same to me

Well bro that’s not cool turns out king megalodon was the pit master of a fighting arena this must be the way the mewn king gets rid of his enemies the floor opened from underneath me and i swam into the arena i didn’t have any other choice but to fight till the death

The axolotl zombies swarmed the arena attacking me from all four sides i just can’t believe that these ugly things used to be axolotls i was not about to get eaten so i use the traps in the arena to my advantage quickly defining them then one by one i started slapping

Them away with my tiny fists whoa what do you know little axolotl has spirit i like that let’s see how he fares against tougher enemies these were new no wonder why axe levels are going nearly extinct the new king must have turned them all into monsters

I’m so sorry but anyways i’m gonna have to kill you aren’t you a lucky one enough is enough it’s time i put an end to this little game of ours there was just no way that was gonna beat this guy with these tiny muscles have you met my friends

He started summoning sharks to come after me and they really packed a punch the megalodon used his big chop ability he was being reckless he even took out some of his own what’s the matter too slow to keep up i’ll teach you a lesson he desperately continued to charge at me

Destroying everything in his path then boom that was it that was my way out of here look at us thanks for the help see you later buddy hey come back here we’re not done yet no i didn’t know where this hole was leading me to it was either swimming or getting in

The hole let me to a small pond in a really dark cave i stumbled around for a bit and then i saw light in the dark it was a glow squid man i hate those things i can’t believe this squid was my tour guide anyways i followed him leading me

To a lush cave unlike any other i had seen before it was your usual azalea bushes and spore blossoms but what really stood out is this place was unnatural there were these huge mushroom trees and the cave was filled with green spores i had no idea what but i kept

Moving forward and there were glow squids all swimming in the same direction the cave opened up and inside of it a mushroom shrine suddenly i heard a voice echoing in the distance hey moose i couldn’t believe it it was a green axolotl wait how do you know my name

Let’s just say we share the same spear friends he asked me to find the forbidden fish hidden within a secret garden he said this fish would unleash my true potential beat the seaweed dungeon and prove your worth so i made my way to the seaweed dungeon in search of the forbidden fish

On days 55 to 57 i found the seaweed dungeon this place gave me weird vibes it was a mix of a forest and a lush cave all together in the middle of it there was a maze that went on and on as far as i could see ah i’m getting tired of

Mazes getting lost was the least of my problems this place was filled with dangerous traps and these hideous things guarding the place if only i had a wolf axolotl now that will be fine to see finally i wish the large chamber with a seaweed portal this time guarded by

Andrew axe levels they were tough but i managed to beat them and get inside of the portal as i came out the other side i found my way into the secret garden get lots of ponds spirit animals and a shrine i had this strange feeling that i’ve been here before upon arriving

At the shrine there was the forbidden fish sitting on top of a large pillar don’t i ate it and almost immediately turned into a buff axolotl i could feel the power coursing through my body this was definitely the power of 1200 axolotls not only was i much faster and

Stronger my health and stamina went through the roof i also had a whole new set of abilities it bought water blast and a world probability which let me pull my enemies into one place now that is very powerful my bad buddy my new abilities were amazing it was

Exactly what i needed to fight the new and king but this place still held more surprises it seems my instincts were right we’ve been waiting for you wait hold on a second how did you even get in here follow me there’s much you need to learn

As it turns out the green axolotl was an ancient spirit in that seaweed portal had actually brought us to the spirit world you see the world isn’t the same anymore since the collapse of the multiverse he told me the whole story it turns out we live amongst other factions

That were originally from several realities so you’re telling me that atlantis used to have its own universe what yes and your past life was a great friend to king atlan and what led to the multiverse to collapse legend has it a great evil army led by the iron giant trying to defy the

Natural order but a single copper golem fought back defeating the iron giant his powers collapsed all reality unifying the multiverse into one it turns out the immune axolotl trying to topple king atlan 100 years ago with the copper titan save the world and was never seen again

But that changed today by eating the forbidden fish you’ve carried on his legacy my final battle i guess the new king is drawing closer and closer but still i needed to build an army if i ever hoped to beat him on day 61 64 the ancient axolotl

Summoned a portal leading me back home he gave me a map to the prison where other warrior axolotls were being held i gathered the fastest swimmers from my lush cave and made a group of elite fighters after some combat training we were finally ready to head out a prison

Break would be no easy task so after watching closely the plan was in pursuit warriors are we ready you know what to do phase one was pretty simple placing pearl bombs all around the prison and yes without being detected of course this should do it get back boys it’s

Gonna get messy step two blowing up the walls causing the guards to come out in the open last but not least pull them away and clear the path for me holy moose milk i’m coming in hot i dashed in with all my might kicking out most of

The mutants with a single blow what can i say it ain’t easy being chiseled once inside of the prison we were ready for phase two which was basically punching my way through bringing the axolotls and causing a riot quite simple right all right baby not so simple i

Found the prisoners and broke them out everybody come out and make a stand today’s the day you fight for your freedom the axolotls quickly overwhelmed the muants while defeating some of them in the process i was immediately cut off by naga miradin a warden in charge of the prison huh

Where did it come from my axolotls swarmed all around him but he was casting some sort of a force field moose his hours draining our powers we need to break it there has to be a way to take him out quickly listen you need to drain it

That’s when it hit me i trapped him using my whirlpool ability and then i engulfed him with my water blast cracking through his forcefield after that escaping was a piece of cake warriors welcome to your brand new home i gotta say i was extremely happy to see my axolotl family stronger than ever

The prison break was a success everyone was in high spirits and happy to meet our new members look at this an actual model dance party but the near king knew about our base making it available for an attack so we started fortifying by building walls all around the island

Using a mixture of different sandstone blocks okay this place loki looked like a giant sand castle anyways i had a great idea but if we dug up holes all around the place and fill them up with puffer fish well it’s too late we already did it puffy i ain’t trust you

With this mission you and your puffer friends are our last line of defense get in there now that we have a sand fortress it was time for me to swap out my armor but for that i needed a few things so i went hunting for drowning collecting a

Bunch of nautilus shells and with the help of my dolphin friends i found four hearts of the sea it was just enough for the legendary scuba armor i crafted the boots leggings chest plates and helmets then proceeded to make the scuba sword shovel and pickaxe i’m officially the first buff scuba diver

That’s an axolotl you get the point over the next few days we had scouts go back and forth keeping check on the immune king he was also building an army immunes we were outnumbered almost two to one suddenly we were attacked by a herd of zombie axolotls everybody it’s zombie

Hunting season let’s eat some brains uh i i mean i don’t let any of them get away we quickly took out the intruders but in the process we lost a few axolotls this attack made me realize just how vulnerable we were i needed to equip my troops with better armor and

Weapons and luckily for me i knew just the place we arrived at the pro mines the same place i was sent to by the so-called king except it seemed deserted while the miners gather materials for our troops i explore deeper into the mines i gave you a chance to survive

Last time i don’t do second chances someone was stalking me from the shadows i had a pretty good idea who it was king clam i know it’s you listen i’m not working for the king i was deceived i’m fighting against him please join me i don’t do well with others show me your

Strength and i may consider it the king wanted to battle but i was in a small axon like before my body was filled with rage so predictable that won’t work this time there’s no need to fight we have the same enemy how could a puny axolotl come back so strong

Fine i’ll join you and just like that my axolotls were armored up in the mighty clam was waiting for my call have you ever heard a clam tell a sad story once upon a time he along with king megalodon were allies of alanis he was good friends with alan but at some point

Something in him changed he started acting evil while king megadon went along instead the clam rebelled against him and had one request to retrieve the poseidon’s key one that will unlock the power of the sea so i went on an adventure following the map he had given me it led me to a

Bottomless abyss deep in the ocean this is honestly giving me horror movie vibes what are these underwater ruins doing here suddenly the water around me started to vibrate a beast in the abyss was being awoken yo that thing is huge a massive sea serpent jolted at me and tried to

Swallow me my gun was telling me that this was the guardian of the key his skills are just too strong my abilities and my weapons just don’t have any effect on him around the ruins letting him crash into the pillars finally i found the entrance of the underwater dungeon which

Led me into a massive amethyst lair i think i jinxed it this place is for sure haunted suddenly a cursed spirit appeared behind me he stabbed me and nearly killed me i was weak blinded and could barely run show yourself you don’t stand a chance who dares enter my empire oh

Hey have you harmed my pet serpents no i’m not here to hurt anyone i’m just trying to restore order lies you are here for my riches wait king clam sent me you need to know the truth the king of atlantis has fallen what is this nonsense you speak

Of you mean to say my brother is gone yes the only way we can stop him is with your key very well you shall pass the curse finally wore off my illusions were no more and i could clearly see the path i walked up to a massive wall covered in weird scriptures

What could this all mean wait is that the wither i bet this is how it all started as i touched the wall everything went dark and my health started draining what is going on that must be it i picked up the poseidon’s key my map started to glow

Reveal the new location to travel to i had a feeling this wouldn’t be the last time i would meet poseidon on days 81 285 i made it to the seaweed forest and deep inside i found an ancient shrine there was a stone door the keel locked a royal chamber full of

Treasures and ancient looking artifacts at the other end of the room there was a buff called an axolotl sitting on a neiman’s throne welcome moose my name is zelottle god of fire and lightning wait how do you know my name the multiverse has its ways of balancing

Good and evil our meeting is just a mere reflection of what our future holds follow me not quite sure what he meant but one thing i’ve learned is that the universe has a funny way of sorting things out we entered an ancient arena and in the middle there was poseidon’s trident

Sitting on top of a pedestal he challenged me to attest if i laid a hit on him i would pass this has gone amazing an axolotl wrestling match the axolotl god was messing around he moved real fast and no matter what i tried he kept dodging me is this all you

Got i tried using my whirlpool ability to hold him in place but he appeared behind me and ignited me with fire lightning piercing through my armor quickly i fired my bow but he was still faster than the arrows what was that for i’ve seen blind turtle shoot better than

That with his arrogance it bought me just enough time to run circles around him and slay him in my final move not all challengers are to be met head on pick any artifact from my treasure you might find something to aid you in your journey you did well

Dope i took his generous offer and looked around and fortunately for me i found a total of undying let’s go now this will come in handy today we’ll strike the nuance where would hurt them the most the mutant star honestly i don’t know what else to call

It so i rallied some of my elite fighters and went back inside this so-called royal temple but there was a problem the sister of the naga boss was standing in my way i took the initiative and lost the trident barely leaving the scratch i tried to keep my distance but she kept

Throwing her spear at me just barely missing so that’s how it’s gonna be well who could play this game check this i saw an opening and threw my trident at her but instead of killing her she just disappeared this is kind of anti-climactic nope not

Good turns out it was an illusion i was trapped at getting hit from all sides enough of this i froze her in place ending her with the power of poseidon i stepped inside the star’s room blocking my eyes on this monstrosity and i knew exactly what i had to do hey

You chew on this as he blew up into pieces the temple started collapsing this was the end of the immune food source the new kid was severely weakened but it didn’t stop him from coming after us once again we were invaded by the murans but this time it was led by the witch

Axolotls they’re growing desperate let’s show them how strong we have become our forces managed to stop them running their tracks with the witch caught us off guard she threw her deadly splash potions blowing up our defenses she tried to weaken me with her potions but not that it mattered she stood no chance

That’s it king clam you want a snack don’t hurt me i can help you defeat the mutant king start talking because he really wants some breakfast the witch told me about the multiverse war which caused chaos after the collapse leaving the uncharted mutants to advance and

Create their new forms of life i see so who created the mutant king no one knows nor is alive to tell it you have 10 days before the ritual why what do you mean save your friend before the next full moon or else he’ll be sacrificed thanks i guess clam you know

What to do no please no would it defeat the king ah we’re going to be needing the help of the dolphins faction the og protectors of alanis on days 90 to 94 we made ourselves into the mud’s castle it was time to rescue our friends and defeat the king

Once and for all go go go go go find the dolphins and set them free we exterminated every mutant crossing our path until finally making it to the dungeons as we entered we heard a loud growl coming from the distance no no what is that it doesn’t sound so friendly at all

It was king megalodon but killing some of my comrades we clashed head-on but this dude was like a tank he took my critical hits like it was nothing hello old friend did you miss me king claim used his tongue to slow him down enough for me to pierce through his

Skin with my scuba sword the clam engulfed the field with pro bombs putting an end to the mutated megalodon i got you boys we could use all the help we can get we managed to get the upper hand the dolphins joined the raging battle and while they handled they knew it we’re looking

Inside the castle i bolted towards the throne room and there he was immune king himself so look who’s decided to show up not that i’m surprised i can’t say the same thing honestly i thought you’d be long gone by now anyways tell me where is bluey is he okay

Why don’t you ask him yourself My friend he was dying and the only way to save him was to defeat the mewing king right before the next full moon pay for this this was it the final battle that will decide the fate of elena’s it’s all in or nothing what too good to fight your own battles

Let’s see how you do under pressure guys no one told me there was a party this is gonna be a blast not too shabby how about taking a crowd three times the size he summoned more of his minions but it didn’t matter king clam and i charged head on we were completely

Unstoppable i used my water blast to clear the way and then combine my whirlpool ability with king kong’s pull to thin down the newland king and with a final touch being clammed through a bunch of pro bombs you know i honestly expected more of a fight Bruce i got this go after the imposter cool world i’m getting tired of your games he used his toxic screen ability to narrow down my visions talk about a toxic personality what is this i can’t see a thing no i couldn’t stay still i had to do something i’m taking poison damage gotta

Do something quick what’s wrong is the little axolotl having trouble breathing i needed to clear my surroundings so i use the whirlpool to take care of it what no what’s happening to me his mutation was acting up without the starfish’s nourishment his body couldn’t sustain his new powers

Finally the battle was over i ran back to free bluey and after feeding him some of my fish he regained his strength thanks moose i’ll never forget what you did for me buddy don’t even mention it i’m just really glad that you’re finally safe [Applause] oh anyways we left the castle behind and

Met up with king clam who celebrates our victory And just like that the king was no more all the axolotls returned to the lush caves to carry on with their peaceful ways the dolphins went back to atlantis to rebuild their kingdom with the help of her friend king clam as for bluey and i in every faction in the ocean neither

Happily ever after or so we thought Please forgive me master please you’re absolutely useless all the power handed to you don’t await i really tried everything was going just perfectly fine but there was this axolotl he couldn’t get his tiny nose out of my plans silence this failure is no one else’s but your own now you must pay the

Ultimate price [Laughter] allies get ready the time is nearly here have you ever seen 1 000 axolotls no but that would be awesome okay what about 1 000 shirts uh after two years of waiting our first drop is live get your 100 day shirts to show the world you have survivor 100

Days just like us what about the moose plushies yes but we also have 1 000 moose plushies dope if you want to support us making more moose movies go to and get yourself 100 day shirts and plushies the plushies can talk so small yet so strong axolotls are

Fascinating creatures indeed you can say that again however i can’t believe simon betrayed our hero like that his best friend you are just as naive as always my dear old friend hey i’m not that old yeah yeah whatever now sip it up and get ready you’re in for a surprise

I know what’s next this one is my favorite story imagine being a weather storm for the next 100 days banished by the gods to the nether for nearly destroying the entire world thanks to master legends for sponsoring this video on day one i was all alone

And everyone hated me as my hunger went down i started consuming souls i had 30 hearts spent back in summer with the skulls at my enemies splittering them away i hunted the nearby mobs and made them like a snack you know it is my look evil but i’m

Telling you it’s really not that bad nope i want a new laser ability that’s right as the wither storm i can fly while using lasers and destroying anything i want on day two i was hunting and nearby hogwarts everywhere that loves pork chops i’m telling you it’s like the best snack

And suddenly i was attacked by a massive firewall it blew me up must be too almost black out in the distance there was this mutant guest it just looked so hideous i will destroy you with her this is my dimension you you sir need a dentist appointment

Take this yoga i am not about to die today come here i need a snack real quick take this here’s some winter skulls dope died buddy with his scrolls at the guest deflecting his fireballs and just like that he ran away on day three i needed five gold blocks

To upgrade my laser to knock back tier 1. so i flew over to the nearby bastion honestly die i really wish that speedrunning was this easy you could just fly and collect any block you want with the new lasers my knockback strength doubled so i had some fun

Testing it out that’s a long way right into the lava oh yeah that dude is out 100 dead oh and i made it with a skeleton named jack he apparently was a fan of my work from 100 days as a wither lord wither you are the most menacing

Soul let me help you in return we become a team all right so here’s the thing but being a wizard i gained a reputation of some sort everyone knows of the weather storm as the one that just destroys everything okay we ain’t that bad dude come on

I had to kindly uh deny jack nah what okay fine how about i show you how to get out of the nether you see now we’re talking dope long story short i have to consume every faction leadership and then eat their heart wow i never thought i was gonna have to say

That on day four i ditched that with her skelly can’t catch me honestly i really didn’t want to have any responsibility for him and besides i was trying to leave the nether not make new friends although destroying the factions and collecting cool items for my collection was uh very fun

Wait a minute that doesn’t belong to y’all that’s a weather chest for the limited storage i’ll be taking this thank you i spotted a massive castle near the lava surrounded by guests apparently this place was known as the ghastlier that paramount looking guest i’m coming for you

This one is for vengeance what do you know jack the wither skeleton was back once again how did you even find me hold on i know how you can get more buff trust me consume all faction leader hearts and then you can become a titan well that sounds really fun

I went inside of the gas player as i traveled to the place i fought off the pigeon guards and the mini gas at the very end of the room there was two massive double doors and finally i made it to the gas lair the king was in the center powering all the gas

You dare disturb my peace this is only payback for what you did now i’m hungry for some souls gashed fired his fireballs right abby jumped i rushed towards him reflecting his attacks while taking out his minions surprisingly he caught me off guard he tried strangling me with his tentacles

Can you believe this gasp seriously i was trying to go easy on you but here’s my vision storm yes that poison doesn’t taste so good suddenly he used a heat wave ability which pushed me back as he spat out a bunch of fireballs i quickly deflected

Them back and he just simply spun around what since when do gas do that with just a few hits i weakened the immune gas this is exactly why you never mess with a winter storm look at this shadow sneak i’ll be back i will rule this dimension

While the mirror gas ran away i had a new trick up my sleeve or tentacle i used my shadow stick ability which allowed me to travel through the shadows across the nether well you don’t see a weather storm traveling through the shadows every day it’s definitely different so i officially became

Detective moose making sure my rivals wouldn’t know when i was following them the mirror and ghast arrived at an abandoned laboratory and started speaking with a mysterious figure i want him gone go find the gas staff and regain your power I did what i could but my powers are weak the mutant blaze keeps the gas staff secure then we must start a battle send in the gas to cause a distraction now that i was one step ahead i escaped the laboratory making sure that nobody

Saw me i then snuck it to a structure and stole the iron blocks giving myself a quick laser strip upgrade i began searching for the blaze fortress that’s i flew over to the lava ocean i spotted a new dungeon i took out the leviathan guards and broke through the

Front entrance seriously more of these guys here what are you trying to catapult me i really need a snack they’re guarding all of this for some kind of a book apparently alter another star belongs to summon the inferno wait a minute they talk about killing the

Wither yo that’s the best stuff i’m out of here this ain’t happening on my watch i’m taking this place out so i destroyed the entire place and finally arrived at the blaze fortress the hottest place on earth this place was notoriously protected by the mutated blaze and contains another reactor oh there’s a

Place right here regarding the reactor so i’m guessing the staff should be around here and there was the gas staff was contained inside the center of the nether reactor at the very top it was guarded by a massive fire golem i attacked the five eleven attacking him

With a couple with the skulls and lasering his face you shall not pass the fire golem tossed the massive boulder blowing up a part of the nether reactor now that just wasn’t so smart you might as well just give me the gas stab and i’ll be on my way and suddenly

The mirror and gas caught us off guard in fireball the reactor i saw the opportunity i flew behind the golem and grabbed the stack from the reactor you won’t get away with this on days 14 to 15 i arrived at the entrance of the blaze fortress and withered away the guards

There he was the mutated blaze waiting for me with his massive army of blazes they even had with the skeletons in cages i don’t know why honestly My army will make you parrot attack oh that’s a lot of places okay it’s feasting time come here boys everybody needs a snack i literally can’t see that there’s too much going on right now you really think this is going to work on me come on here

Take some lightning how about that is that fun as you get five balls it’s just as easy as the [ __ ] this dude’s getting played really tried giving me an entire speech about a prophecy about this cursed one consuming all souls from the world just wouldn’t stop talking i think

He was just covering up how he really felt about me weathering away his army the mutated blaze used his signature fire punch storms firing his fists right at me not bad honestly you should try going for my face he even tried using his mega fireballs

So i counted it with my gas staff making the blaze just look extremely weak i’m so fed up with you he tried to fire black speed but i absorbed his fire damage and knocked him back with my laser i stopped his powers with my wither skulls the mueller blaze collapsed with his

Flames slowly starting to extinguish you fool you doomed us all i’ve been consumed into the food chain and the soul reaper slowly awaits your visit i’m just getting started the gas staff is finally mine and ain’t nobody stopping me from escaping i consumed the blaze part which gave me

An extra part look at this i unlocked a blaze shield ability so my damage uh should heal me now just look at me i’m like a weather submarine dope i was just curious what the other hearts would give me i began building my weather fortress first by building the subscribe button

Now i’m ready to claim my power and topple over my opponent’s factions i even upgraded my laser width to a tier 1 using a diamond block that i got from the blaze fortress then i started building the body of the weather using a bunch of obsidian and mixing in some

Crying obsidian for the actual build next i built three wither heads and out of the eyes with the teeth the hardest part was adding a bunch of tentacles they kind of freaked me out even though i got them imagine if it went through your nose huh

Maybe the nose doesn’t make it look so scary now my favorite part we all love a nice trophy room to store our precious collections this is a great source of motivation who feel proud of what we work for my most valuable item is literally an ancient debris

What am i supposed to do with this finally i built the room just for the upgrades starting with an open area with three slots to replace the base upgrades translation each upgrade that i get makes their fortress stronger then i turn this area into an enchanting room oh and can’t forget about the

Finishing touches the next upgrade was the laser explosion tier 1 which needed one nether i block don’t poop it away they’re destroying the piglets and consuming some souls dope i traveled to the pickling castle and spotted the city this time i tried a more peaceful approach but yet a funny

Tactic i would have scold their front entrance suddenly the piglet chief showed up i hope you’re not seeking any trouble we are peaceful unless we are hungry then it’s a massacre i come in peace i’m just looking to make some quick gold very well then build as

An automatic gold trading farm and we shall hell dope i managed to convince the piglet sheep and began building an automatic figurine trading farm first i built an open area with the redstone magic combined with the hopper system afterwards i added the glass and the carpets and fill the top chests with

Some gold and watch the farm go to work just look at all these ender pearls this kind of gives me some ideas after a few hours the piglet chief was stoked after all this dude loves getting rich just like how i really wanted his nether 8 blocks even took me to his

Fault room to create a piglet farm inside moose we appreciate you helping innovate this city of course any time people in chief i i got you i was starting to feel a little bit guilty anyways i kept the obsidian blocks for myself and turned the iron nuggets into blocks

On days 25 to 29 the piglet chief gifted me a whole main son of his fortress i gladly accepted and checked it out meanwhile i was planning on sneaking into his room using my enderpearls afterwards i snuck out and tried to find a storage room instead i came across

Alex’s steve trying to steal another i block out of his chest the piglet chief broke through the wall crossbowing alex i guess that’s why no one messes with the piglet chief’s valuables well this is my chance to catch him off guard but timing was everything for this trick

Then the next morning there were the skeleton overlord visited he was called here by someone looking for traitors stealing souls uh how do they know i’m here i mean i am a weather storm but someone must have ratted me out luckily the piglets can’t be safe i guess we were all in good

Terms for making them all rich let the piglet sheeps go but unfortunately the wither skeletons threaten to harm the citizens unless someone talk start talking or else you will all wither where is the wither storm oh man this is not gonna end well where’s the piglet chief he started

Slaying the piglets and i just stay there hiding inside of the shadows i lowkey fell back and wanted to help them out but i just couldn’t blow my cover the next morning the weather overlord was gone i took out the skeleton army it made it my goal to claim revenge on the

Brooklyn chief he did absolutely nothing to help the piglet citizens and that’s when the piglet chief showed up pick up the gold blokes piglens i need it in my vault now hold on a second is this what it’s about gold blocks of course how else am i supposed to get your bounty

Wow he really thought that it was smart to put a wither storm inside of a cell made of iron bars but it worked out perfectly but no one was looking i sneaked out of the cell and appeared inside the bank vaulter i lasered the gold and the netherites then upgraded my

Laser knocked back to tier 2 and laser explosives to tier 1. trust me you don’t want to get hits with that anyways i snuck out it went after the piglet chief’s secret netherrite now that would get him extremely mad five network blocks and one fire force field block

You gotta love some free things he’s 35 to 38 i snuck past the piglet sheep and traveled back to the weather base placing the fire force field block to give my base some fire protection then i upgraded my laser explosives to tier 2 using the nether eye blocks from

The piglet chiefs collection now to start some ruckus this should get the chief’s attention oh yeah don’t die this place is literally gonna get blown up oh man my house as i blew up his building i spoke out to all the piglets letting them know that their chief was a coward

We’re not defending them piglets no more shall you deal with the chief’s greediness it’s time to stand up for yourselves oh and here’s the goal enjoy the piglet chief ran out of his building you fool you stole my valuables and destroyed my castle he charged right at me with his

Hard-earned ancient me don’t my quickly counters attacks and charged my wither skulls right at him hey piggy you’re looking like a snack like like literally a stagger i’m gonna eat you bro i was really getting on his nerves and my with the skulls kept weakening his hogland and then suddenly

Holy father of moose i just witness the piglet chief started throwing his javelins thinking that it would hurt me dope i summoned the thunderstorm stunning the chief and finishing the battle with the boom would you look at that the hogland hardcore heart as i ate it i was given the

Hogland heart which thou gave me higland’s grace if i’m under 15 health i instantly get regeneration too now that’s overpowered it’s time to celebrate as the piglet shared war victory i went back home and started the level two upgrade i expanded my weather fortress first rolling out the massive

Walls surrounding the wither statue next up was adding eight sections which would be for giant watchtowers holding our future minions there we go and 999 more to go come on you don’t leak i always get it done honestly placing this much lava wasn’t that bad since i could

Levitate and fly for the finishing touches i created the withered trees and with their roses to complement the build well of course it started getting some attention from my enemies apparently there was an actual bounty on my head and people were coming after me hey i finally found you stay back i

Don’t trust any wither skeletons i know exactly what y’all did to the piglets suddenly we were attacked by hundreds of magma cubes that is a whole lot of lava cubes get him jack get all the lava cubes they attacked my fortress but barely managed to make it through

Looks like you have angered the magma king they have a very close relationship with the blazers you see now that is amazing we’re only one step closer to finding him before i could take on the magma king i needed to be more resistant to his attacks though jack showed me a crafting recipe

To the magma armor i quickly crafted the magma helmet chest plate leggings and boots and equipping the armor gave me some red ranger vibes thanks to master legends for sponsoring this video monster legends is an awesome free-to-play mobile game that is available on all devices you can collect over 900 monsters with different

Elements and rarities you can even breed them to get new species from eggs you need to collect food gold and gems so you can kill your empire and reach new levels that’s your new baby monsters lead them to evolve level them up and boost their powers with runes relics and talents

Rank up by challenging your friends or other monster masters in the battles doing trophies and rewards and my favorite feature youtuber island where you can find monsters based off some of the biggest youtubers find your favorite youtubers take out the monsters and test their skills download the game now using my link in

Description or the qr code to get a special free starter pack of 50 000 food 200 000 gold 10 gems and the epic monster kari thanks to master legends for sponsoring this video on days 47-52 i went searching for the magma facility i spotted it on top of a map of plateau

I summoned i were the skulls and started destroying the building from the outside taking out the support beams in army all magma cubes rushed in now this is payback for invading my fortress would you expect i was gonna drop off a gift basket i took them out without a

Problem my cubes are seemingly weak against lightning strikes as i made my way into the magma facility i found a magma mining rig and stolen for myself this was the power source for all magma inside the facility oh i don’t i don’t think they like that okay so much for

Protecting the magma facility these magma slimes tasted like fruit stacks and i even found a blood sprayer souvenir for my fortress i traveled down the magma tunnel and it led me to the entrance of the magma king i stepped inside the magma king’s room locking my

Eyes on the mutant magma cube this dude was massive it actually didn’t look like a cube but the bigger they are the harder they explode did you really think you could invade my brother’s blaze fortress and get away with it yes and i got a souvenir

I am the king of magma and you shall be my snap you’re stack oh you’re a funny guy man the magma king fired his flamethrower causing me to heal my bozo withers are new to fire so i fired back with my storm vision ability striking the magma and poisoning

It with my acid rain he sent out a flurry of punches then used his lava spray summoning mini volcanoes and finally smashed the floor with his magma crush ability but everything the magma king tried had no effect on my defenses with my magma armor and my abilities i clearly had the upper hand

Quickly defeating the mutant magma cube And all that remains it’s the overlord’s heart i picked up the magma hardcore heart and consumed it getting another heart on my hotbar i now have the magma defense ability which damages anybody that attacks me so i traveled back home and added my new souvenir to the trophy room

Then i placed the magma mining rig inside the upgrade room honestly i’m not exactly sure what this thing does but it does look cool oh it gives me mega blocks that makes sense it was time to avenge my pickling friends by tracking down the wither skeletons you would think that

They will be at another fortress but with a skeleton overlord created its own base called the skelly fortress which essentially is a cosmic force where all souls are lost and inflict damage onto those that get well withered what this pretty much meant was he’s strong i’m strong and this

Is gonna be a big battle on day 61 64. i started off by upgrading my laser strength to tier 2 using 25 iron blocks now giving me a 50 increase nearly plus 20 damage i flew over to the skelly fortress and the walls were encrusted with end portal frames the

Fortress was huge and there was overlapping bridges it was like a modified upgraded nether fortress but more sinister and filled with armies of wither skeletons waiting to wither away their praise wow look at this place And that’s what i meant jack he escorted me throughout the fortress showing me the place around this entire community was under one ruler the overlord hello father the weatherstorm is here for you oh hold on a second it turns out that jack’s dad is the mutant wither skeleton and the overlord

Of the nether now honestly i was not expecting that good job my boy you brought the weather storm right to me jack how could you man you betrayed me there is no betrayal here simply an offer join us and we will rule over the world together we can overtake the

Overworld can you believe this they asked me to join them and be a part of the wither skeletons at first i thought they were joking but they were big legit we will even give you your own throne and uh a staff a wither staff yes

Wait a wither staff oh yeah bro i’m not enjoying so i agreed who doesn’t want a throne with a custom staff but the catch was we had a battle first if i win i’d become the overlord if the mutant wither skeleton wins well i gotta join him top

We had an honorary weather showdown inside the shadow arena lots of where the skeletons showed up respected are you ready fight the goat horn went off and the mutant witness the battle the mutants charged in flashing away he was relentless he leaked much of the damage

And knocking me back well i’m not bad honestly but who can play this game take some of this he summoned an army for their skeletons there was hundreds of them attacking me i needed to do something quick so i use my living storm zapping away every skeleton now keep them coming this is

Honestly really fun and it’s super easy to take out the skeleton force now i just need some just some good food ah much better i tried using my storm vision but had no effect on the overlord instead he absorbed the abilities roaring himself up and then striking me with his shadow fury ability

Luckily that was immune to his attacks he really couldn’t wither me if not against melee was pretty easy making him look like a fool i fired my gas stack inactivated by laser explosives engulfing him with a flurry of lasers destroying the mutant wither skeleton moose the weather storm is the winner

Thank you everybody i i appreciate it now back to business a wither skeleton hardcore hearts i ate it like a snack and then gained a new wither skeleton heart giving me the skelly forced ability allowing me to summon 10 wither skeletons i picked up the withered axe

Dealing a whopping plus 36 damage now this thing is very powerful come here skelly the only issue was this didn’t sit well with jack his father was gone and now i was the ruler of the wither skeletons on day 68 to 72 i was finally able to leave this dimension i unlocked

The wither portal ability allowing me to summon another portal and then portal within seconds though i traveled to the overworld i started to feel motion sickness And suddenly i morphed into the titan with the storm i even unlocked three new abilities would you have to watch till the end to find out what they do but the prophecy was coming true now my mission was to conquer the rest of the overworld factions and consume more souls

Okay i wouldn’t be entitled with a storm without destroying an entire village you show my dominance this is for your greater good i’m so sorry a good sense of faction near the jungle known for their bamboo i split into five winter storms and smell their way to the pandas

Well i made sure to waste no time i arrived at a massive tree house inside the jungle except this place uh felt a little bit familiar apparently it was run by the rich fat panda yeah this dude is falling on a budget i spied on the panda faction using my spyglass as they

Watched in the distance i saw the cute pandas getting along so well with their families all they really did was eat bamboo sneeze and roll around suddenly the rich pastanda walked in he started beating up the pandas so i kept watch on him and turns out here’s an underground panda mining factory they

Hit a jackpot in this location and has made the fat panda very rich and turns out he keeps a stash of all the valuables they get every single day at the end of the night he stores it inside a secret room and brags about how rich he is

Fluffy it feels great to be rich we keep this up and in no time we will conquer those flying pests the las well once he finally left i followed him to a secret laboratory inside he gave the scientist all the valuables his pain has collected for the day this should be enough

Keep them coming boys these nukes are just what we need five more to go and our world domination plan should be ready perfect we start the copper goblins first there were massive nukes stored inside the facility and each of them had a giant rich fat panda face as the logo

All along this dude was paying his scientists with all the hard work the pain has put in well that was all the proof that i needed i might seem dangerous but the painters are so cute and no faction deserves to be wiped out only they’re evil leaders or if i’m hungry welcome to

The panda faction we are a humble community well that’s awesome to hear we even have cute baby pandas look at them rolling around i attacked the rich fat panda sucker punching him through his village so that’s how we’re going to play the rich fat piano ball right abby he’s

Spinning kick my face and at least his kung fu panda moves i’m telling you bro this dude really has some skills he even deflected back by lasers with his attacks i’m telling you bro he was very dangerous yo not bad honestly but now it’s uh my turn i summoned my storm vision

Poisoning and stunning the panda i quickly split into five titan wither storms and attacked him with my tentacle claws he was extremely mad he started rolling around the battlefield trying to damage me seriously did you really think that that would work boys back to formation take this

Finally i fired my wizard french ability surprised the pando putting an end to the battle wait don’t kill me i’ll help you now why exactly should i trust you i know of an artifact that will make you even stronger days 81 to 85. i follow the pandas to a

Weird location he told me the artifact was somewhere around here dope i went searching and then i realized the panda was gone this will teach him a lesson to never mess with the panda he dropped giant nukes blowing up the entire place can you believe this panda

Oh i don’t know what if i survived now this is war i flew back to the panda city it stole all the rich pep paint is valuables come on fluffy you’re coming with me i’m taking you to safety right here this is gonna be your big mama okay

There you go enjoy then i upgraded my laser strength to tier three now dealing plus 30 more damage next i upgraded my laser with the tier two and three i found the rich fat panned up and sent my skelly force after him what did i say

Never mess with a titan with a storm the rich fat panda collapsed on the floor i picked up his nunchucks and ate the panda hardcore heart giving me the hungry panda buff which doubled my hunger bars the panda citizens were nice enough to fill me in on a secret

Invasion to which fat panda was planning he was using his nukes to destroy the copper golem faction i followed the map to the copper golem fortress this place was a reminder of 100 days as a copper golem filled with happy little golems just look how cute they are and they

Love pressing buttons it turned out to be an ambush i was led right into a trap i will eliminate you the copper golem transformer was waiting for an enemy to arrive now what what’s going on here are we having a laser tag battle here try some wither skulls and how about some

Weather punches how does that feel no where you going oh second he launched to the top of the fortress so i quickly followed him i’m gonna run you over what what how are you gonna do that the copper golem transformed into a car you don’t see that every day

He started firing a bunch of his laser turrets which barely did anything to me watch me zoom i wasn’t sure what was going on but this was one of the funniest battles i’ve had dope i find my ultimate attack combined with with the skulls punches and lasers

All i really wanted was simply his heart wait you want my heart why did you say so i only need batteries he tossed me his copper golem mechanical heart and back consumed it giving me the copper bless health boost the next morning the copper transformer and i became best friends we

Were having fun destroying villagers together and flipping cows moose together we will turn the world into our amusement park honestly that will be amazing but unfortunately i gotta head back to the nether and take care of my base i understand until next time oh and one more thing destroy the lay faction

For me thank you back i opened the portal to the nether and went back to the weather fortress i created the place by adding two more wither heads to the build then building claws on all the tentacles now to add to my collection the nunchucks right here of course

Whatever whatever this is the alchemist and this thing the spider dude and some extra valuables the map with the spyglass the hunt for the next faction began i opened a portal to the end and traveled through beating my long lost enemy the enemy dragon i shrunk all the inner

Crystals with my thunder and then wither punched the dragon causing him to land he used his dragon breath right in front of me as i stood there absorbing his flames no your breath smells like a swamp finally i split into five winter storms and shredded apart the dragon

Causing him to explode i ate the ender dragon heart and was given the dragon’s charm buff increasing my flying speed and knockback resistance is 92 to 93. i arrived at the cloud house these tiny fairies have access to the craziest technology just check out the laser force fields i need that for

My base i really hope this works this might end badly well that was easy i blew a hole into the house and flew inside a room full of rainbow alleys this place looks like skittles it reminded me of 100 days as an ally in deaths when the dj alley

Showed up in front of his dj I’ve been working on this song for a while watch me kick this wither storm’s face what did you just say the music was very slow-paced it looked like he was having fun and occasionally he did knock out a few of his own am i at a concert

But what am i supposed to be doing here you know what bro why don’t we spice things up let’s see if we can keep up with it and that’s when the music started changed he started throwing more discs i tip dodging them while firing back with

My lasers so i used my explosive lasers and blew them up while i was busy with the alley something sinister was happening tonight you grow strong stand still will only sting for a little bit i defeated the dj alley and he collapsed onto the floor he disappeared and all

That was left was the alley heart for me to consume i was given the soul of the ability i felt bad for these fairies so i gave them diamonds then stole the laser force field upgrade and suddenly i started hearing explosions the new gas was outside firing his fireballs i launched my with

The skulls right at him and randomly the new gas started acting weird he transformed into a more corrupted guest there was one more faction left before i could conquer the overworld i broke through the floor and dug my way it’s the deep dark cave i arrived inside the

Ancient city i ate the souls of the waters around me and stuck into the shadows finding the location of the mutant warden The warden let out his sonic boom going through the room he could sense my presence come out of the dark wither i can hear you well you probably know why i’m here the prophecy never fails i’ve been waiting for this day i emerged out of the shadows and sent how i wear the

Punches and then use this morning screech at me i flew over him and lasered him down i gotta say out of all my opponents he was very tough i kept attacking but he was sucking up all the damage he rushed towards me and used his

Warden toss punching me up in the sky i poisoned him with my storm vision then snuck into the shadows and finished him off with my ultimate move i swallowed the warden heart and could now use the wooden screech ability on day 97 to 99 that the wither skeleton

Had advanced he teamed up with the mutant ghast to betray me i wasn’t aware until later when he gave away the location to my withered fortress luckily i arrived back just in time to place down the laser force field giving my base the ultimate protection now it was

Time for payback and to finally put an end to all of this i went back to the gas layer and swallowed the souls while destroying the city i stepped inside the layer of the corrupted gas a worthy rematch your friend told me about your secret i can’t believe that he betrayed me

Can you blame him after what you did the corrupted gas used his giant flamethrower and let out a loud roar and launched with my ultimate with the skulls the gas was confused the gas was scared and he used his heat wave ability pushing me back what’s the matter isn’t

That a ghast here i see the gas cried out loud it summoned an army of gaslights so i wanted to squeeze them into nothing it was time for my ultimate form it was charged at the gas treading him apart how is this possible no matter i will spread my corruption and destroy

This world you’re just a puny little ghast you’re gonna need an entire makeover once i’m done with you together we combine our attacks causing a massive explosion shaking blowing up into pieces i walked over to the ghast heart and picked it up this is the final heart

I was blessed to become the ultimate weather storm with immortality on day 100 with all my hearts i was the most powerful titan in the world nothing could kill me now my ultimate price this sole dimension this soul reaper was waiting for me at the top of the mountain

Welcome cursed one the prophecy finally comes true so what’s next i’m officially the most powerful thing in my universe there is one thing the soul heart with it one can consume every single thing in the universe making them the most powerful titan that kind of sounds like me out of

Nowhere that we bled out a blue particle it started consuming my soul this plus have been a challenge so i use my wither eat ability encountered him ah nice try wonderful that’s all you need reaper now carry through what do you mean still the foolish moose always forgetting what happens stuck in

The same loop the deal is done i now have the body i need to rule the world stop talking i was once a chosen one but now a cursed one simon used some magical force Simon consume the heart becoming his perfect form a chiseled hay golem

This video, titled ‘I Survived 1000 DAYS as a TITAN in HARDCORE Minecraft MOVIE!’, was uploaded by Moose on 2022-07-17 16:10:25. It has garnered 1460122 views and 34672 likes. The duration of the video is 08:48:02 or 31682 seconds.

I Survived 1000 days as a TITAN GOLEM in Hardcore Minecraft Movie! Today Moose is going to be surviving the next 1000 days as a metashifter transforming into many of the different factions! All the way from 100 days as a panda, to the mighty fox, the king of the ocean known as a dolphin and even a chicken! As MooseCraft travels through the multiverse you will see him meet new friends! While having conflict with many bosses and enemies such as the evil Iron giant from 100 days as a copper golem, all the way to the demon giant from as a golem and his mutant minions. Luckily by playing as an allay and as a glare, he will meet ancient beings that will teach Moose many great valuable lessons to help him defeat villains and save his friend Simon. But is it all worth it? From becoming the chosen one to the cursed one. The story ends with his ultimate form as a wither storm.

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❤️ Sub to Them! SSundee – Mutant Creeper in Among Us

Bronzo – I Survived 100 Days as a GOLDEN ALLAY in HARDCORE Minecraft!

MaxCraft – I Survived 100 DAYS as a YETI in HARDCORE Minecraft!

Ryguyrocky – I Survived 100 Days as ALEX in Minecraft

Music from Epidemic Sounds –

#Minecraft #100Days #hardcore

Intro 0:00 Day 1-25 00:44 Day 25-50 12:53 Day 51-100 30:00 Cosmic Beings 50:58 Day 101-150 51:26 Day 150-200 1:20:31 Cosmic Beings 1:45:51 Day 201-250 1:46:28 Day 250-300 2:05:10 Cosmic Beings 2:25:25 Day 301-350 2:26:02 Day 350-400 2:55:00 Cosmic Beings 3:32:24 Day 401-450 3:32:55 Day 450-500 4:02:45 Cosmic Beings 4:22:25 Day 501-550 4:23:10 Day 550-600 4:55:00 Cosmic Beings 5:20:15 Day 601-650 5:20:38 Day 650-700 5:53:00 Cosmic Beings 6:15:58 Day 701-750 6:16:30 Day 750-800 6:45:00 Cosmic Beings 7:13:36 Day 801-850 7:14:06 Day 850-900 7:36:22 Cosmic Beings 8:03:09 Day 901-950 8:03:46 Day 950-1000 8:32:15 Final 8:47:19

  • Join Minewind Server for Epic Minecraft Adventures!

    Join Minewind Server for Epic Minecraft Adventures! Welcome to, where we bring you the latest and greatest in the world of Minecraft! Today, we stumbled upon a fascinating YouTube video titled “I BUILT ENDER DRAGON IN MINECRAFT 1.2 | MEMBERS SPECIAL | Epitome Gaming #minecraft #minecraftshorts.” While the video itself may not be about Minewind Minecraft Server, it certainly got us thinking – what if you could unleash your creativity and build something truly epic on a server like Minewind? Imagine a world where you can push the boundaries of what’s possible in Minecraft, collaborate with like-minded players, and embark on thrilling adventures. That’s the… Read More

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  • Bombing Friends in Minecraft with Hi5GAMER 😂

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  • EPIC Stickman Football Battle – HILARIOUS Big Stick Dismounting Moments! #65

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    INSANE MINECRAFT PARTY ft. FRIENDS!! 🎮Video Information This video, titled ‘We live baby playing MINECRAFT with fwennsss’, was uploaded by DeeSims on 2024-01-15 23:16:50. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. ⭐My Patreon⭐ ⭐MORE DEESIMS (My Twitch Livestreams) … Read More

  • FrontierSMP PVP 1.20.6 Towny McMMO Custom Terrain Crossplay

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  • EndRoom Snapshot 24w21b Server

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  • Minecraft Memes – Bro wants to hack, kiddo wants to snack: Minecraft Edition

    Bro wants to hack for your information, but all he ends up finding is a recipe for cake and some misplaced diamond tools. Not exactly the top secret info he was hoping for! Read More

  • Ali’s Truck Kaboom: Minecraft Mayhem!

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  • 6 MLG Types (INSANE) #meme #minecraft #memes 🔥

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  • BoyGirl Normal: Minecraft Animation Part 15

    BoyGirl Normal: Minecraft Animation Part 15 Minecraft Animation BoyGirl Normal -Part 15- -Season1- ♪Music Video The Mysterious White Ball In the world of Minecraft, a mysterious white ball appears, claiming to be a ball of power or magic that can protect the player. It offers to be a partner in times of danger, promising to always be by the player’s side. What secrets does this ball hold, and how will it impact the player’s journey? A Strange Dream The player, Oy Revan, experiences a strange dream where their body moves on its own. Is it truly a dream, or is there more to it? The… Read More

  • Join Minewind Server for Enhanced Crafting Experience!

    Join Minewind Server for Enhanced Crafting Experience! Welcome to, where we bring you the latest updates and tips for all things Minecraft! Today, we stumbled upon a fascinating video by WiseGamerNetwork on how to increase crafted items in Minecraft. While the video itself may not be about Minewind Minecraft Server, it got us thinking – what better way to put those crafting skills to the test than on a server like Minewind? Imagine a world where your creativity knows no bounds, where you can build and explore to your heart’s content. That’s the kind of experience you can expect on Minewind Minecraft Server. With a… Read More

  • Dragon Fight & Elytra Raid in Minecraft Hardcore

    Dragon Fight & Elytra Raid in Minecraft Hardcore Minecraft Hardcore Survival Longplay – Ender Dragon Battle & Elytra Raid Exploring the World of Minecraft In this exciting Minecraft longplay video, the player embarks on a thrilling adventure to defeat the Ender Dragon and obtain the coveted Elytra. The journey begins in a moon-shaped lake where the player’s house is located, unknowingly built on top of a stronghold. The player’s exploration leads them to a spider farm and a surprising discovery of the stronghold’s entrance while mining coal. Conquering Challenges With determination and skill, the player faces the Ender Dragon in Hardcore mode for the first time, showcasing… Read More

  • 🔥EPIC GAMER ALERT🔥: Tails_of_Fluff goes INSANE in Minecraft w/ 20w14infinite!

    🔥EPIC GAMER ALERT🔥: Tails_of_Fluff goes INSANE in Minecraft w/ 20w14infinite!Video Information for for ewt hi hi sorry I stepped out I stepped out cuz I didn’t know if you wanted to be um yapping on my stream when my stream started and um the sound was going straight to my my stream hello hello hello [Music] hello you definitely did not okay so I did the I did the right thing then good good good good good good good um hopefully everyone shows up so we can get some epic stuff happening today uh you’re very welcome you’re very welcome I’m going to be right back I’m going to… Read More

  • Upside-Down Minecraft Bedwars Challenge

    Upside-Down Minecraft Bedwars ChallengeVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Bedwars But This is up side down ! 😲😲’, was uploaded by I_M_Shishir on 2024-04-30 03:02:09. It has garnered 62 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:29 or 629 seconds. Minecraft Bedwars But This is up side down ! 😲😲 Discord = Pack = Venom 16x _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ignore tags Found This Desc From Cruh And Cheetahh I am gonna just copy paste half of this from a Cruh video for keywords Jirz doing the latvian strat block hit on minecraft the bridge while cruh explains not on cruhbridge though… Read More

  • Revealed: Nostalgic Minecraft Moments 🤯 #shorts #shizo

    Revealed: Nostalgic Minecraft Moments 🤯 #shorts #shizoVideo Information [Music] me toay my face This video, titled ‘Minecraft Nostalgia 🥹 #minecraft #shortsminecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by VekiyMC on 2024-04-30 21:52:35. It has garnered 18 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:30 or 30 seconds. I didn’t except that he would become Herobrine… 😯🤯 #minecraft #minecraftmeme #minecraftshorts #minecraftanimation Minecraft NORMAL vs REALISTIC 🤯 minecraft shorts, minecraft but , minecraft memes , minecraft trends , satisfying minecraft video , minecraft challenge,normal vs realistic minecraft,minecraft normal vs realistic #shorts,minecraft normal vs realistic 🤯, minecraft shorts,minecraft memes,minecraft realistic,minecraft normal vs realistic, realistic minecraft,minecraft realistic videos,minecraft,minecraft realistic, realistic… Read More

  • “Unbelievable! Portal to Magical Forest in Minecraft!” #20

    "Unbelievable! Portal to Magical Forest in Minecraft!" #20Video Information iría juntar flores y qué tipo de flores se preguntarán solo flores amarillas a ver tengo ni una María vamos a empezar una recolección de flores rapidito Vámonos gente Ahora sí solo tenemos que abrir el portal y ahí acabamos el video de hoy gente hemos hecho varias cosas ustedes ya saben lo del Forest No necesitamos un diamante para abrir el portal como moneda de cambio aquí aquí jito acá acabo ser ohj Qué mala suerte tengo no me acuerdo cómo bien era abrir el portal pero yo de los videos que he visto creo que era… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Hack Goes Viral! 🔥 #Trending

    Insane Minecraft Hack Goes Viral! 🔥 #TrendingVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft new viral hack #trending #viral #shorts’, was uploaded by Ankush gaming on 2024-03-03 04:35:25. It has garnered 135 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:17 or 17 seconds. Minecraft new viral hack #trending #viral #shorts #minecraft #techno gamerz #minecraft in hindi #minecraft mod #minecraft house #life steal smp #Minecraft smp Read More

  • Save Baby Zombie with Herobrine – Insane Monster School Rescue! #shorts

    Save Baby Zombie with Herobrine - Insane Monster School Rescue! #shortsVideo Information 3 2 [Music] 1 This video, titled ‘HELP Herobrine save Baby Zombie – Minecraft animation #shorts #fyp #minecraft’, was uploaded by Baby Zombie Monster School on 2024-01-11 05:00:14. It has garnered 22831 views and 1206 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:20 or 20 seconds. more video #monsterschool #minecraftanimation #shorts #cameraman Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Gameplay ft. Pheanx Live

    EPIC Minecraft Gameplay ft. Pheanx LiveVideo Information e e oh oh that hurt for is e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e for [Music] no braing Karma that boy [Music] [Music] the night for foring karma second Karma man [Music] he forsaking Karma until he dies Wow Bow oh that not work out that worked out got him going to make it all course people is… Read More


    NEW OP CHAMPION REVEALED in Minecraft PVP 🪐🌟Video Information for the stream delay I really do apologize everyone oh [ __ ] squidy please Jo join join join join join join join join please squidy you need to join right now I have to cover camera too squidy you need to join right the hell now okay I have to cover screen real quick just so yall don’t know what the yes hold on I have to cover camera real quick I have to cover camera I have to oh yeah hi ooto hold on I need to I see change streaming like yall need squidy please… Read More

  • INSANE French Fry Hack w/ Crazy Minecraft Mods!

    INSANE French Fry Hack w/ Crazy Minecraft Mods!Video Information hey guys so we decided that we were hungry we don’t have school today yeah so potato um we would have had more if we didn’t eat one last video it’s just L small we can make this no no we’re not eting we’ll make this one into extra crunchy I don’t know so for today dry wash this wow not in G fuel potato cutting action see this that’s a potato funny enough emry right here is in culinary since he goes to a vocational school this is this is true I’m not I just make french… Read More

  • PumpKraft Modded MC | Modded SMP PVE PVP | Fabric 1.20.1 | Claims Economy

    Welcome to PumpKraft! Feel free to join our server directly or our discord! Discord PumpKraft is a modded Minecraft community with a Prominence 2 [RPG] server! We aim to provide the best modded Minecraft experience possible, and as such we’ve added some extra features tailored for this modpack. Extra Features: Toggleable PvP status Claim protection Homes/rtp/tpa system Playtime ranks Trade shops Server Information: Modpack: Prominence 2 [RPG] v2.8.3 Server IP: We always make an effort to keep this community positive and productive for everyone, and everyone is welcome! Read More

  • parkour civ

    parkour civthis is the server for parkour civ made by evbo there are 20 ep so far and there will be more to come __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Read More