Moose – I Survived 2000 DAYS in Minecraft POKEMON!

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This is the world of Pokemon and I’ve spent the past 1900 days trying to become a Pokemon master and finally my time has come first I have to defeat Team Plasma and Team Galactic to achieve special badges which will allow me to travel into the Shadow Dimension and

Catch the legendary Shadow Lugia though my journey begins with my best friends and I catching a new Paladin starter oh look at the quackslies I want the biggest one I want this one right here yo everybody catch a quack sleep right now I’m about an Ultra Ball mine and

Guess I’m gonna drop 60 notes go we got a new Pokemon on the team we stand did you get yours you just you’re just looking at it better hurry up cause nif’s gonna steal it is the cutest one the biggest yeah the cutest one

Oh there it is I got a quack sleep yo who am I gonna get rid of I got Croco moose I even got a Loki well I gotta get rid of a pokemans you know what Slither moose you gotta go buddy I’m sorry okay you know what glamora no clear boost

You’re out of here oh wait a minute that a Survivor I’m trying to catch some Pokemon that I haven’t caught before and where’s this telling you at no no I haven’t seen one oh shiny executes shiny no this is huge look at it back up

Back up it’s mine back up don’t you dare take it for me I just want to take everything I have don’t you huh is that what it is oh a chestnut you mean chess naughty wait it actually has a shield do it again show me your Shield

Okay all right you can play this game everybody get him get him boys get him here’s what you get yeah show me your Shield you kill them I thought it was an accident I didn’t know that was gonna actually happen I’m sorry boy crikey look I see a candial and I

See it Echo actually we gotta go for the catch you want this one do you have one Messina by any chance do you have a quack sleep a quick sleep but that one’s so tight yo that’s the tidiest quacks that can step on it bro I’m gonna step on it

I’m sorry I’m too excited there wait anybody want this kill deal though it’s like right over here you just gotta he’s just chilling in here dude oh there it is I killed yo yo Who’s Back caliber oh that’s mine sorry guys I’m not trying to flex on you with my

Musilla or anything but uh yes man look it’s a Keldeo all right Lucy the first love ball can she get it on the first try that’s the real question right there is he gonna do it oh chive come back oh I failed don’t catch me wait what if I

Try to love all that you didn’t get it oh wait a minute go away all right ready my turn but if I get this first try musina You Gotta Give me one of your Shiny Pokemon no what do you mean okay fine all right it’s all yours it’s

All yours I told you you gotta get your balls there been using love buzz and I guess they’re not as cute but it is what it is well uh I just caught it on your fourth try oh yeah you got your kind of magic thing machine is a hacker don’t catch me dang

It everybody Welcome to 2 000 days of pokemans yo what what do we got over here Connor did you did you build listen I’m gonna kill you there’s another kill deal yeah it’s right here look where did this one come from it’s like the same

Size as me oh it’s too late nips got it nip stole it you got your first try are you also hacking I think ow you just smacked my face yo check out this house though what do you got here Cotter and I’m just filming a quick little house so

How did you build this so quickly moose and musina’s sitting in a tree nope nope get me out of here yeah oh my God what am I doing in here dude I’m just trying to catch some new Pokemon why come back no I’m not gonna

Go inside the room again no way dude you are insane behind you no leave me alone leave me alone crazy fan girl uh get out of here Hear me oh that’s a great idea are you kidding me where is it oh can we get a different Pokemon I don’t want to kill you I want something new I I’m tired of these candles spotting everywhere but anyways 2 000 days of Pokemons I’m pretty excited I found the

Calio it’s out of here so I wanted like at least I’m trying to get my Pokedex to 100 I’m trying all right I’ve been trying my best finding these Pokemon are a little bit difficult I mean Alakazam is kind of easy to get but you get the

Point on right so we have an 88 completion so for this goal we’re gonna try to get up to at least 95 or 100 hundreds obviously the goal but uh if we can get 95 this video that’d be amazing and if not we’ll go up to 3 000 days of

Minecraft Pokemon all right anyways broke out of my altar ball everybody’s gotta kill the old wait seriously just like that instantly yeah two tries but still an ultra bullet broke up wait no I only used one left phone oh shiny core fish shiny core fish let’s go quick shiny corfish why does it

Look like that for a second I thought it was like a faded out core fish it’s almost like somebody removed the paint out of him like like the redness it’s almost like you’re cooking a crap you got no emotion or a lobster wait is poor fish a crab or a lobster does anybody

Know um it’s a fish it’s so lost your dictionary you should know this you’re not speaking my language you’re speaking something else bro I don’t know you’re using these big words bro you gotta you gotta like tone it down man oh I caught it it’s mine unless you want

It oh yeah I can show you real quick okay and then this is my shiny oh look at this pig let’s go look at me stew what do you think pretty right he’s kind of a big boy let’s see is he a ginormous size oh

It’s a giant size and then this one is huge apparently I kind of want to use executive dude on my team but anyways focus on me let me just show you my PC box I I saw a comment saying that moose where are your level 100s what comedy

Pokemon I got what do you mean there is over 80 boxes full of Pokemon so now that you’ve seen it let’s go ahead and put this guy in my level up box so this way I can get him some good levels in the future there you go perfect just

Like that sleep right here and same for core fish yo Kayla Rex is here okay lyrics has spawned the snowy tiger vowel oh wait a minute wait I see you building over there I will see it off hi okay come over here don’t worry guys just just

Follow me if you lose your friends where’s Nick and Connor I’m lost I don’t know uh me and Nightmare I are running around yo don’t worry don’t worry ketchup where are you try and get some ketchup dude I’m here I’m here I’m here have you been uh have you been shopping

Ketchup on random things is that is that what you’re up to right now you know I’ve been just looking at all the Pokemon ketchuping Pokemon what is this yo what’s this Pokemon it’s called a spupa so we’re looking for uh shiny grubbing where shiny grubbing it’s a Buneary

Did you see my rocket I got a Wobbuffet I don’t know where this Kayla Rex is but it should be like somewhere in the biome it looks like a goat with like a fancy hat on him you know what I mean you know like like a kind of like a dope

You found it where did you where’d you find it did you find it I remember what it looked like because I think we’ve caught this one before it looks like it oh it’s a vanilla lights look at this little buddy where are you bro I can’t oh he’s right next to you

Chipmunk I cannot see I am literally oh there you are what’s up dude yo it’s a gallerian Vulpix Right here It’s all yours I already get it before nif takes the killer I saw him walking away with the Ultra Ball yeah it was right here it ran away I guess it was right here how do you run away what do you mean it was right here he had a big head

It’s behind it right here yeah behind you behind you yo shiny Patrick did you get it oh there it is look it’s right there get the killer eggs I think nif got it that you gotta first try yeah bro are you kidding me we’ve seen it did you get it no I didn’t

Get it I’m sorry Lucina it’d be like that Reigns of unity oh that’s you can use that to combine that in one of the horse legendary Pokemon wait so you can use Reigns of unity to combine Kayla Rex with a spectria or a glacier and then achieve

The final form yeah that works or am I just like confused wait so who’s got the Kayla Rex because can’t you just combine it yo wait nif you can trade your Kayla rex or your uh yeah you can trade your Kayla rex or oh where am I I’m sorry

Guys I I I’m actually not sure I don’t know but but Lucina there’s a master bar right here if you want it there’s a tyranitarian yo don’t mess me up as I was saying though I’m pretty sure that nif oh I’m about to die if if you just

Give your Killer X the machine she can combine it with her Pokemon and she’s good to go and it’s like I don’t know about that guys it’s a hard one he’s like I don’t know guys I don’t know if I want one it’s okay I like the horse Pokemon yeah

Because this means when we run into a new legendary I called oh snap oh shiny Pottery soup there’s a shiny punctuation wait why am I being attacked by Tyranitar somebody just attacked me bro I’m being attacked by a random person look you just showed up out of

Nowhere to attack me he’s got a level 80 Pokemon get out of here what do I do how do I do I just got attacked no you can’t even catch the shiny by Charissa where’d it go no no no no no no I’m getting wrecked I’m forfeit the battle just let me yes

Don’t take it from me it’s mine you never get it Actually grew to level 26. well that’s what I’m saying I’m being attacked by a Tyranitar but I don’t oh this is Showdown iron moose first time editor who’s gonna all right well now we know who’s gonna win I’m gonna get completely wrecked great I don’t know what Loki’s

Gonna do but I don’t stand a chance against this guy you see that don’t watch me get embarrassed here just look at that just eating food and stuff what is this like a show to go yeah let’s just go and go ahead and see moose get messed up by random from me twice

What do you mean I gave it I traded you the pachu issue you literally gave you my pachary so what are you talking about I could have caught one in a level oh it matters about the balls come on oh I forgot bro that totally makes sense leave me alone stop it Yo everybody grab your shiny Lord dude we were just getting the shiny lures on all of us and it really causes fun too bad it’s not a shiny though I want to get it first bro actually I already have a Rayquaza I guess you guys

Can probably get it if you want she did call the dibs in the next question is anybody gonna get it oh yeah that’s right Paul dibs oh you have electrons remember you can fly yo if I get this first try you guys gotta subscribe Oh no I got it first try

I got it broke the sacred lot of dibs wait hold on it’s not like that it’s not like that I actually caught this from Lucina to give her a special gift that’s why I got it so listen everybody catching that love ball where yeah yeah

Um yeah love ball yeah it’s it’s the the pink one right right he didn’t remember what’s going on here are you guys like cleaning up on me or something you seem a little bit upset did I like ruin something yeah friendship I call you a Pokemon all

Right fine we’ll see how I got you a special gift you want to see it yes I’m on top of a mountain I’m looking at you go down the mountain turn around go straight probably some technical difficulties let’s get to business this right here is my Pokemon trading machine now this is

The Pokemon I want to give to you it’s a Rayquaza look at this oh it’s beautiful yes now if you want a Rayquaza I’m gonna need pretty much everything you have coughing up right now it’s a robbery It’s a Robbery oh it’s a Charizard yo does anyone watch Charizard

No way I get that first try oh dang it I thought I was gonna get it yo get that charger get it this is your chance don’t miss your shot Make It Count before the spaghettio gets on the uh the T-shirt but remember you can still fly so if you

Want to go get that Charizard you can just jump press space Oh that sniff ketchup that’s not that’s not musita wait they disappear I think the Charizard is gone I mean when it goes into someone’s poke box of course you don’t see it anymore oh bro did you

Steal the charger too Lucina I kind of feel bad for you I feel like we’re all just taking your Pokemon right now you know she had dibs on the legendary and I just gave her the legendary nothing ever happened do not tell Nick that I traded you this Pokemon okay but

I still call dibs on the next legendary okay fine you can have the dibs of the next legendary just take it get me a seal I’ve never seen anybody trade a seal for a Rayquaza I feel like that’s like that should be sacred right there never do that again okay I take this

Oh I just found a Berserker look at this guy he looks all Jolly he’s like hey how you doing moose please catch me with an Ultra Ball I don’t think I got this guy nope I don’t got this guy so now I’m looking at a solid uh what are we at 88

80 88 yo not bad 12 more and I’m gonna complete my Pokedex okay so listen up everybody here’s what’s gonna go down take your lucky eggs and put it on your Pokemon now we’re gonna take our crotch sleeves and we’re gonna get all of us are gonna get our quacks leads to level

40. so this so we can get them evolved make them a little bit stronger okay and then what we’re gonna do is we’re gonna take on Team Galactic and Team Plasma so we can get ourselves a Shadow Lugia that’s right no come on give me some excitement guys

Don’t you get excited oh bro this this explodes actually messing me up in their boost Gods hang in there goodbye I got him there we go now quaxley is about to evolve I put quack sleep Lucky in my inventory right like an inventory on the Pokemon like in the inventory

Right yeah like yeah yeah in the inventory oh Crux is evolving come on guys where’s your quack sleece are they involving come on buddy look at this thing so quaxley has evolved into a coaxial is that what it’s called quack swell I thought it was quack sequel are you

Making some kind of a Contraption I’m making a house yo can you make a Snowman Let’s see what kind of Pokemon can spawn here by using a snowman oh oh see that’s a good idea Gregory I got a lot of dread Gregory’s evolving let’s go it’s always gonna take on this giant Steelix

Dude I’m about to kill the Steelix I’m gonna get so many levels here we go yes and quackswell has reached level 27. okay so we’re doing pretty good so far how about y’all oh I got a rare candy and an extra candy L it’s too strong no

Bushido that’s an epic one so that’s gonna be like 30 levels above your strongest Pokemon in your inventory so if you got a level 100 it’s probably gonna be like I think level 130 so I found out the hard way you found out the hard way bro yo that’s actually kind of

Funny though because now that I think about it I have every single starter from gen 9 so we got we got Croco moose then I have meowskarada which is Loki and now I got a quack swell dude look at the quacks well it’s huge are you like

Making a song or something you’re trying to like dab me up bro you go bro what’s up bro all right are you ready probably snowman yes make it to rain is there anything crazy oh no it’s nothing crazy we’ve already caught most of these Pokemon so how about this I’ll just keep

Battling these Pokemon until we eventually get some of the bubbled up perfect yeah just balance them all 50s and I’m sure we’ll reach level 40 in no time and then we can take on Team Plasma oh energy ball energy ball or flower tree probably flower tree or is it

Falseless yo I haven’t seen a frostless in a long time dude there’s so many frostless yo what is going on right now what should I call quacksaw what do you all think like it’s kind of like a tough one do I call it like moose duck moose well please give

Me some suggestions I don’t know what to do wait wait wait is what it evolves into right I have no idea I don’t think I’ve ever used a coaxly in Pokemon is there Pokemon oh I see oh I see it’s evolving it’s evolving no way congratulations so now we both have

A quack swell so what are you gonna call yours though that’s the question see the big evolving stuff what oh my brother bro you already have yours Tron I couldn’t see it because it was so small but bro he’s so tiny can you blame me for not seeing him

So where’s that Entei though oh what is this Charizard we’ve seen a there’s a charger along with like a hundred pidgeys and starlies what’s going on here can we stop with this dolly Invasion let me fly I can’t fly because there’s so many Pokemon all right the question is

Hit them on top I haven’t caught a hit on top yet we see that did you get it did you find the empty I found it I found it where was it it’s over the hill Oh over the hill got it you gotta sure

Do you want to see her to get it they already got him on top you must grab a moshita I tried to get the chance you can see Pokemon okay I just get a rare candy so follow me follow the rare candy be my best friend I don’t think

You also be my friend Aqua moose that’s such a terrible name it’s just so lame you know what we’re gonna be small here I did not realize how far we are Quack a moose yes quakaboose how high far we are dude right here is that your shiny Pidgey oh it’s just so yes

Also listen how are we how are we doing here did I catch oh my God no stop I’m not a Pokemon dude I’m taking it you wanna wait I don’t think I even have a shiny charmander you have one Charmander no I don’t have a shiny charmander

I should have took it no words hey it was back again again bro uh no can you leave us alone Entei you’re like I like you and T it’s actually one of the first legendaries I caught in Pokemon but I don’t know man I’m just like not the

There’s just so many other legendaries but anyway does look pretty cute and if it’s a shiny I call dibs all right Lucina come grab your head and say it’s right next to me so I just gotta come over here and see if you can catch her wait Nick didn’t you catch one already

Oh wait you caught one right yeah nif catch it yeah and if it’s all yours buddy all right so anyways I’m just gonna get my Pokemons so this all right Steelix you’re about to go down boy Max quick let’s go moose Gods show them how it’s done oh there it is it’s right

Behind me boom Steelix is done four and we’re about to level up our quacko boost oh it’s only 32 dang it I thought I was gonna level up right now oh I got an XP candy though that’s pretty good yeah musina just fight all the uncommon boss

Pokemon and you’ll be at that level in no time okay here’s what I’m gonna do like a motion take you out here is XP candy M’s take this and perfect ah come on you’re like two levels off Let’s do an XP candy L boom let’s go and now

Quack moose is evolving into crack emotion actual is that what it is like a wishing well but it’s just like a the Duck edition the quakamouse Edition you see huge yo nip look at this thing you thought your Pokemon was big but I don’t think you probably didn’t think that but

Why are you so tall it’s like two of me like it looks like it’s gonna step on somebody yo nif where’s your uh where’s your crack of moose I mean where’s your quacks well yeah let me see your quack formerly it’s level 14. you’re not gonna

Level it up no I’ve been still working on my records bro just give it a lucky egg or do you have an XPO actually yeah in my energy do you not have it on you gotta keep it on you bro bro this Noob you gotta have it on you if you want it

To work I think you can just activate it and put it away but if this whole entire time you didn’t have it on you got to be kidding me dude yeah you could have had like all the high level Pokemon dude I thought it was quacks well it’s apparently

Oh look at that thing oh that was crazy and here is the quackle Moose so the world’s smallest Quick Quack Quack bro Pachelbel Pachelbel versus the biggest died again wait again we’ve seen I can’t just keep on giving you these Max survives here you go there’s another one

Enjoy you can have that oh colossal I don’t have a colossal hey new Pokemon luckily you could actually get colossal and you could probably gigantimax at Pokemon so it’s supposed to be like a gigantic form you know like a huge charcoal thing whatever it’s made of yeah charmander’s evolving charmander’s

Evolving oh I see it I see it from here dude what’s going on there’s two of you guys evolving yeah my form is evolving oh you’re formally is evolving and then mussina’s charmand oh Charmeleon the peckish dude this thing looks beautiful I really want a shiny charmander now oh

Man I wish I could have got one oh Busters I bet I’m sorry okay take a love ball like I don’t want these new that’s for noobs I don’t want that how you guys doing levels not good level 36. wait I don’t have a Magnemite bro yo I can’t

Believe this I actually don’t have a Magnemite or a slow bro how is that possible there’s no way I don’t have a magnavite I actually don’t believe that dude there’s a I have a Magneton but not a Magnemite where is it where’s the Magnemite please all right moose guys

Time to battle a level 140 Steelix I know I got this in the bag so wants to defeat this Pokemon I’m pretty sure I can hit at least level 40 for my Pokemon and then we can take on Team Plasma which God’s hanging there don’t die on

Me bro the Steelix is super easy there we go yes I got it cracker boost is level 39. I mean it’s close enough at least hey Loki’s level 45 so I think we’re doing pretty good here and instead of water gun we’re gonna get rid of it

For that and then I got acid armor Lucina I got a big gift for you look at this thing like this is that all I am just throw something at it wait you know what you know what forget your gift I’m out of here A Pokemon that I somehow just I don’t I don’t know how it is I’ve never caught them before so there we go there’s another one I just I just got one here you go musina this is your gift by the way so this is an XP candy XL so just

Give it to any of your Pokemon you want and it’s gonna boost It Up by probably like five to ten levels also does anybody get any of them give it to anybody I mean I’d recommend putting it on quack swell or quack quack well you

Have the Moose God yeah you gave it to me I created it oh it’s right I got blue skies no I was about to say like no way we got the same Pokemon dude ooh a larvits are if anybody wants a Larvitar right here chilling it’s all cute Salvatore is one

Of the best parts I mean yeah but do you prefer Tyranitar or do you prefer an iron Thorns over iron Thorns I can see you I can see why it’s a Team Galactic run wait Team Galactic is here oh there he is I’m telling you team galactica’s stalking us

But I think it’s time that we pay a visit to poutine I don’t know what I was going with that one I think it’s time though we pay a visit to Team Plasma and then Team Galactic yo moose guys don’t don’t do it don’t die on me all right

There we go boom and now I’m officially level 40 on quacko moose so I’m ready to go and just for good luck here you go buddy let’s take this for quack here you go buddy enjoy boom yo so many levels this is my quack smell you’re kind of

Like almost there it’s like what level 34 or something yeah you’re doing pretty good yeah boy Yeah yeah yo we were just about to leave and lucido found a shiny Spinda oh what came with you take it from her I want to name it dizzy oh it’s a good name that’s so cool I’m kidding I almost took it though yo if you got a first try I got

It oh you caught it first try let’s go leave a like for musita you wanna eat up this all right going there and then just take your Pokemon go into your inventory right click summary and click on the r next to the name so you should see the

Pokemon icon and then just click on the r and that can you can name it anything you want wait where did it go did you not catch it no I did catch it you could actually search your PC box just gotta click s on your keyboard and then type

In exactly what she wants to be like did you lose it bro don’t tell me lost your spin down no but I caught it I caught it I know I caught it did I get it no I didn’t get it I was about to say where

Did Spinda go oh no Messina lost the spindle no but I got it you like that oh guitar what about a mega iron Thorns that’d be kind of cool I want to see someone like make an example for that I’m gonna show you how it’s done Mega Tyranitar my

Shiny spindles wait it’s gone it’s gone oh no Minecraft Minecraft dude that’s actually so sad nice one of them are shiny musina why do you have why do you have four Spinners you one two three you had three why you have three spindles do you have an

Obsession is this something you want to tell me so we’ll see the loss of Spinda so we’ll be right back we’re gonna go find one for her it’s so big yo there’s another one enjoy it’s it’s all yours it’s catchy just catchy just catch so we can leave I

Want to get out of here I want some more jungle Pokemon so Quaker moose is officially level 50. there we go level 51. all right so I’m ready for Team Plasma Do you finally have it so we’re in the rainforest we’re looking for these dudes a little little strudel noodles or something I like it oh there’s a shiny shooter who puts a shiny strudel here yeah I want to get a uh a strudel and then evolve it and call it King Julian yeah

Let me let’s switch out moose gods are you okay yeah you sound you always sounds sad what’s going on look look at what oh it’s got hearts on it that’s that’s a it’s kind of weird dude what’d you do to it did you like make out with your

Pokemon or something oh no if I am I shiny that’s my shiny no don’t tell me wait you tell me the second shiny you got turned to this yes it’s broken no bro you’re lying look at me I’m not I’m not pranking you I’m not pranking what do you mean you’re not

Pranking me you’re actually being serious does anybody want the um it’s a Valentine’s Day palette oh I mean that’s kind of cool though oh I see what’s going on so oh I get it so pretty much when you caught a shiny spindle with a love ball it turned it into taco

Wait I think that’s part of a musina I’m pretty sure if you catch a a spindle with a love ball it turns into a valentine version so it overrides the shiny it’s not a bug it’s just a Pokeball used wait what yeah it’s a thing so you accidentally killed your shiny Spinda

That’s an old me a valentine Pokemon you gotta get it with a uh with the love ball so technically by catching a bunch of Pokemon love balls you can actually get Valentine Pokemon anybody want this type of Coco I don’t know what I don’t have to say anything nip’s already here just

Like he’s already got it oh yeah oh yeah you know what I got I don’t know I think I think I think Lucina still has dibs bruh oh she has nibs I got a tap the cocoa drink in front of a tap of cocoa drink this drink drink it stop stop

Running for me drink drink this thing you know how long I spent making this thing bro drink this drink this you’ll get it Lucia go get it where is it it’s just I don’t know why she’s just flying away for some reason hey it’s gone so while musina gets this Pokemon I’m

Trying to find a Pokemon I can battle oh there we go right there boss I was a close one goodbye he’ll die don’t die yeah no not yet not yet you got this okay you got it hey congratulations and pincer you my friend are oh man I think I’m gonna die to a

Pincer don’t tell me I haven’t died yet bro I haven’t died yet you’ve already given up on me like that all right boom and now strudel is gonna evolve I think level 29 oh we’re so close isn’t it evolve at level 28 I got feather dance and poison Jack dude my Shooter’s evolving yo everybody look

Oh I’m gonna have King Julian or should I call it a it’s called a giraffe no it’s called the gruff for fire you know you know what that is a graphite doodle this changes the abilities of the user and it’s Ally Pokemon to that of the target never heard of that but I

Guess I’ll just put it on here there we go schmoodle my noodle all right buddy dude you look so cute wow you kind of look like you have a pacifier in your mouth or something like that that’s totally Julian King Julian there you go right it’s kind of cool did I spell

Julian Roy I think I did oh no crikey let’s go busito you did it yo I’m proud of you now you’re finally catching up you gotta you gotta Taco Bell yeah yeah I mean he’s probably gonna put ketchup olives and it’s just gonna get weird so a joke

Yeah is there so many joltics here hey look at four mantis you found a full mantis oh chill there’s a whole 81 laurentis what does that do oh no come on you know what that is Bro it’s an iguana I mean it’s a chameleon type of thing I guess yeah if you want to be technical about it bro look at this I’m level 80 that even possible confused I’d be right I’ll have you let’s go I also need a solandit this is a what is this one Or something like that Yeah salazzle the evolution form right I don’t even know All that sense I bet I gotta get one shoulder do it there’s a shelf oh it’s a shelter are you whoa whose shoulder is this a special oh it’s a special form what was that a special formula I haven’t seen them no way boss too hold on a second I think I actually

Found a rare uh a rare I think it’s like a really rare one come here hello everybody would you like to oh look it’s a poopy pad oh yo I killed it actually I did with the next begin I feel so bad oh I Temple Lily taple laylee where is it where’s the table lately right here if it’s a shiny I’ll call dibs I don’t need to call dibs on a Pokemon but everybody I already found it I already found a tap with Lele mushina you want it it’s pink I’m

Pokemon are yours no it’s okay you can have it I have one remember it’s happily oh yeah you’re right my call James on Articuno Articuno oh that’s just an article yeah let’s go let’s go bro first try let’s go all right so we’re gonna tap a little late and this is a

Valencian shelter that’s why it looks different okay there we go so I’m definitely gonna level this up in the future so shelter I’m gonna put you in my level up box right over here next to my other shoulders I don’t need these guys anymore Connor’s over here using rest every other move

Y’all still battling each other I was wondering why I’ve been fighting for like 30 minutes I want to see this it’s a formally versing on crackerville let’s go with audio guys machine are you submarine that looks so funny bro oh God it’s getting wrecked yeah I

Definitely call dibs on this I ran out of Pokemon I already no sweet Messina you owe me 500 diamonds we made a bet that Connor must be my uh sleep paralysis demon okay never mind yo what you got over here nif what is this a Como oh I already got one it’s

All yours that I want eight ball I don’t know yeah I see what you’re doing all right so moose shot me we’re gonna catch an alter Rayquaza now getting this legendary is a little bit difficult but I want to show you how it works so first things first

We need a Miss magius now I’m gonna use I only have a pink palette Miss Maggie’s I only have a pink one so it might work we’re gonna try it out so take your Miss magius and you gotta make it your first Pokemon in your inventory so let me just

Move it over here I’m gonna switch it out for moose gods and then I’m gonna switch it out one more time okay so let’s try this out now once you’re in a mountainous biome for example we’re in the I think this is the Jade Cliffs or something like that once it requires the

Spawns during the dawn or dusk time it should be an altar form Rayquaza so it’s gonna take a minute yeah it’s gonna be a minute King Julian you wanna say breakfast buddy you want anything Duty it looks so cute look at it guys yo

There it is I see it oh yo you nif stay away from here all right there it is so it looks pretty cool just a purple Rayquaza I feel like we’ve already got it before but we lost it a long time ago you had a master ballet yeah do it just

First try it I’m gonna try an ancient Pokeball just for the heck of it I want to see if I can get a first try with an ancient Pokeball but where’s the Pokemon go it would have gone oh it’s not first tried dang it oh no crack a moose no not

Crack a moose what if I try oh moose Gods I’m gonna try you’re gonna kill it no I’m not gonna one shot it obviously I’m not gonna like damage it or anything I’m just gonna go right for the catch nope okay baseball did not work all right how about something else how about

I try Pokeball I could master ball I got like three master balls so I’m definitely not too worried about wasting a master ball is the Pokemon gonna take it I thought I had it I really want to capture the Pokemon that’d be so funny all right you

Know what fine fine I’ll master ball it let’s go baby three master balls unfortunately we had a used one but at least we got a purple Rayquaza in a purple master ball you see what I’m talking about let’s go oh watch out okay there we go so here’s the

Thing if all of us have a Miss magius in our first Pokemon slot it’s gonna actually increase the chance of Miss Maggie is spawning wait not miss maggots I mean Ultra Rayquaza spawning so yeah if you uh if you want to try this for yourself go ahead it’s not a guarantee

To be on the first try but I believe like eventually it’ll happen and there you go Alto pair out alter alter palette Rayquaza oh it looks so cool he has no idea what’s going on oh look at it oh it’s cute yeah it’s so cute bro

I thought I actually had it though I like bounced off of it Rayquaza the Sleepy okay whoa did you see that that I was doing flips it looks so cool though flying Pokemon I fell let’s go oh I fell too what what even is this it’s a trap you

Gotta be kidding me what’s going on come on follow me we gotta get out of here we gotta stop getting stuck I don’t know what is up with mooses and getting stuck in things but that that right there is Team Plasma does everybody see it just

Make sure you guys all look up that flying battleship is owned by Team Plasma again [Applause] each oh mine and we gotta stop Team Plasma so grab your wings and let’s take on these noobs let’s watch Team Plasma so you guys are the ones that have Shadow Lugia or have

Something to do with them now before we get Shadow Lugia we can’t let these guys slide let’s go everybody take out one Team Plasma member and let’s just wipe out the whole team quack emotion I trained you for this Aqua step this whole team bro and don’t die to a

Garbage canner or a garbage door wouldn’t be able to call this thing bro oh are you story paralyzed he just start battling with you come on yo it’s a drapion no no my crack almost doing good how y’all doing everyone’s good don’t you just love it when your whole

Entire screen glitches out oh what is this I’m in some kind of an underground area dude I got the Team Plasma armor I got a plasma chest plate got some Relic Koopa hello my friend how are you defeated this one yeah awesome okay I’m going underneath I’m going to the uh the

Basement okay I’m gonna take out all the ones underneath the place just like this guy level 41 pocket boost why are you still paralyzed stop stop it fine yo cracker rock easy easy takeout wait seriously yeah yo messino I’m so proud of you I want to see it my first

Team grunt yo busina’s gonna have her first shiny that’s a fly guy well I guess it’s like oh oh 45 I thought of all the 50 this is 45 40. no you actually have a good shiny dude because fly guy’s like you know actually really good I got my ultimate quasim now I’m

Thinking of a name I think I’m gonna call it King purple is that a thing King purple not so lame bro Ultra moose no no Barney no no no no his name’s dude everybody comment down below what I should call it though like I feel like these names are so ridiculous oh it’s

Got Dragon descent um I’m gonna get rid of air slash now here’s the current Pokemon moves Hugo most gonna think this is an earthquake with your Pokemon so we got airlock here’s the entire moves and then oh it’s an Adam and a trip but it’s unfortunately an ordinary size so that’s

About it for uh how to request it so I am kind of curious though can I get him into its mega form like is this still going to be an Ultra Mega form I’m sorry but it’s been one minute timer going down right now I want my timer for what

Shenanigans what do you mean there’s a one minute timer we haven’t even finished battling them there’s so much there’s only one guy left there’s only one guy left seriously let me fight the boss I’ll take them all myself I’ll get the boss it’s over here all right well I’m wiping out this whole

Team [Applause] Plasma let’s fight oh he’s got a level 91. oh bro don’t tell me I’m about to get wrecked all right let’s go like this uh let’s use a Max Airstream oh moose quas is dynamaxing we’re fighting an electros oh man I used the wrong move on

This guy what am I doing here oh bro oh I might okay you know what guys I’m sorry to tell you moose claws is not doing so hot is there wait chill I’m Luke was in the Battle bro it’s a boss it’s a boss it’s a whole different ball game oh dang it

Yo musilla’s coming in clutch did it I don’t know I don’t know how he did it but he just he just went ahead first with Glade Rush come on boys hang in there please She’s Gotta cure him he has a kirim what do you do about bro

It’s happening because I died I I died oh no no we haven’t we haven’t taken him out yet oh bro come on oh no I gotta heal my Pokemon I’m gonna switch out my Pokemon I’m gonna try to get some more powerful Pokemon on my team so I don’t

Think loose quads is gonna cut it but what I could do is put moose Gods on the team and I need another level 100. Connor you’re you’re making me nervous you’re making me nervous Conor I hear the TNT families can handle this he’s my he’s my backup no I got Bean levers

All right let’s do this here we go all right moose Gods go okay electros no big deal we can handle this extreme speed all right I did not do anything oh wires everything the Apple for power dude yo judgments um I’m sorry to tell you I already died I I already died

I need to win this watching me fill this place are you are you scared no don’t tell me he’s got a chandelier okay I might have a chance here Stone Chandelure can use close comp oh it’s Shadow Ball he’s got a Shadow Ball yo I don’t know what to tell y’all but this

Team Plasma guy is not joking around I I really thought I had a chance here but I never mind just just gonna keep getting wrecked bro I’m over this okay no more messing around I’m pulling out the strongest Pokemon on my team all right let’s do

This here we go oh Corona you’re so Gonna Get Wrecked but I’m just gonna I’m just gonna try it out with Volcarona okay we’re gonna we’re gonna use some quiver Dance all right oh boy Had a chance but oh wait it’s actually still alive or Corona still alive somehow I don’t know how he’s doing it but he’s oh and I’m dead dang it no no it’s not good it’s all good don’t worry don’t worry I got this i got this in the

Back I told you I got this extreme speed all right moose Gods we got this it’s akirum here okay um judgments one shot me with dragon I got one shot with Draco meteor I’m so confused why is this Pokemon so strong you two come on me too

There’s no way that this Pokemon is out speeding my Mewtwo I don’t believe it I don’t want to believe it there’s no way there is literally no way you could outspeed a Mewtwo I don’t want to believe this bro oh yeah ground beef got this dude uh what do we have a

Chandelier ground beef’s always got it covered unless you get hit by Shadow Ball apparently if you get hit by Shadow Ball you get one shot all right moose metal it’s a chance to shine buddy um let’s use a Thunder Wave I am being one shot by a a a a chandelier

Um this is this is happening I’m I’m getting I’m getting wrecked I I just wanted to let you guys know that this is I’m actually I’m I’m not this is not good I’m this is this is sad this is very sad bro what the heck I’m not gonna

Lose her chandelier it’s not happening ah dang it you got me again I use the wrong move no no way no please oh it’s Lily got everything to counter me how is Shadow Ball doing so much damage hanging there no ground beef is dead full Corona you

Got this no you don’t I know you don’t okay we’re gonna we’re gonna try to revive moose Gods all volcarona’s hanging in there all right volcaron is dead I’m standing in Mewtwo can I out speed it and you side strike yes I can let’s go what you want shopping no bro

No I’m not gonna risk it I’m not gonna risk it bro I’m just gonna keep going for it I I have those back survives okay it’s my only chance I got here earth power oh I got it okay chandelier is done for there’s a darminton oh no not

The DAR minutes in double iron bash what he one shot yo what kind of Pokemon does this guy have what are they made of yo he’s One Shining my Pokemon with fire punch how’s that happening I’ll help by hitting him in the face yeah yeah you

Know what if y’all can just break the thing underneath him so he can just like just disappear that’d be fire this place up no not yet it’s almost done okay I got this in the bag I’m using all my stuff on this guy all right I’m telling you there’s no way he’s

Gonna win this one I got my secret plan I got my secret weapon well I shot him yeah ground beef let’s go oh no no no no no no no no no okay my last Max survive ground beef it’s all you moose God’s hang in there there’s no way a cling

Clang is gonna do anything to me oh yeah we’re good we got this in the bag Max uh Max strike yeah it’s my best bet honestly your Dynamax oh it’s working no we’re gonna win this yes wait did I win yeah I got it t plasma badge I

Got her light this place up bro I’m taking her stuff is that all they had that’s it it’s lame dude and I got some boots at least yeah you know like this I gotta let loose buddy do what you can here we go yeah I gotta fly I gotta get

Out of here Paul said I gotta get oh oh and this oh Sorry’s dead I already that I I don’t think that counted all right listen up we’re just gonna go in we’re gonna get the badge and we’re gonna get out all right now Team Plasma

Or this team Team Galactic is in there got that okay listen we’re just gonna go smooth sailing all right do not niff I know what you’re thinking do not steal anyone’s Pokemon okay and you’re musita don’t even think about killing anybody but I wasn’t oh okay all right that’s

Fine then yeah all right we’re getting ready to go let’s end it so this is uh too Galactic and now Team Galactic is actually guarding a land chalice now I have every single plate so once we defeat Team Galactic musina can get an Arceus yeah or should I say a moose God

Now what’s all the items here so I remember whoa oh look at that yo it’s a nugget it’s literally a nugget yeah yeah I think we’re fighting Team Galactic I’m pretty sure pumpkin pie pumpkin pie is amazing bro it’s awesome pumpkin pie actually I hate pumpkin I’m not gonna

Lie I was just I was just kidding my favorite is probably like apple pie yeah oh blueberry pie blueberry blueberry pie hoop who eats blueberry pie okay okay but they’re like if you have like a nice warm blueberry pie with like some nice cool whip on top like some milk oh oh

Never mind oh okay I was thinking of something else I usually eat my apple pie with milk but okay oh that sounds yummy got some plasma boots with the fur and some rubies definitely take the rubies it might come in handy but uh anyways oh

Thank you a lot you what’s up with this hey let me downgrade my Pokemon so I don’t wipe out this guy’s team dude I still can’t believe I almost got wrecked by that Pokemon Trader I was about to say that was crazy all right so we’re wearing the Pokemon trainer Gotta Have

Ultra Rayquaza I’m gonna put all of y’all back on the team gotta get you some levels oh this is no big deal everybody defeat every single Team Galactic or Team Plasma member you can find okay we can’t leave any survivors oh there goes a gold bat what else we

Got oh there you guys did it one down how do we find them oh they should be in the houses down here yeah it should be underneath so here follow me real quick so check it out just fine let me be seen it what’d you get oh there you are so

We’re just gonna go right over here all right just keep on digging down oh you know what we’re thinking the wrong way we’re definitely taking the wrong way all right oh right here what was going on I saw what it looks like Hey listen listen I’m not trying to I’m not trying

I’m just kidding oh get him get him get the other ones yeah yeah I’ll take care of the boss okay no no survivors all right no no more Team Galactic I don’t want them trying to steal Shadow Lugia or anything like that or however exactly works

All right there we go we got the worm pull worm pulls going down these these Pokemon uh I’m writing the ones over here I’m gonna use ancient power on this guy come on brother I’ve already taken up oh I’m out oh you levitating oh no oh no I’m

Not a dragon Ascent okay we’re good doing fine hang in there oh it’s a stunky hit it with that earthquake oh he just got heated all right I’m almost done here how y’all doing I think it’s here right I was getting a lot more building musilla hey you’re getting

Building blocks I think you’re helping us take down these guys no I’m getting a building blocks you see Connor is actually a peaceful pacifist he doesn’t like to battle Pokemon that’s why he doesn’t have an XBR it’s just we get it man he’s like the building guy Gammy I

Totally understand bro he’s a professional builder right Connor on a good day on a good day sometimes I just build a dirt house and exploded with TNT but other than that it’s pretty cool y’all with the stocks dude mooseilla once it hits level 100 I think it’s

Gonna be like an actual like really powerful Pokemon because it’s just killing it like it’s just really going in there if how you doing I see you down there I’ve defeated like two of them they’re on the buildings bro they’re on the top of the buildings

Oh dude I was like an inch away here we go bro you see the how’s your battle going my uh oh you did it you won you won right though one that’s amazing congratulations so I took out the rest of them and then uh I think nif is good over there he’s doing

Pretty good too There’s one more and more there’s the board down here no survivors yeah there’s so many of them they were just raking in the levels right here found the muscle he’s up top right yeah he is well in this cave thingy hey there’s another one yeah yeah the Cave thing

That’s right that’s why we’re just at okay let’s see is there anything else I think there’s uh no more left what’s in this house I only got to fight one I mean it’s still pretty good though duck over there in the water oh there’s one

More we see it you wanna take it yeah this one’s all 35. here comes what kind of a duck are we talking about like a build like a shark like a duck yeah what do you mean what is it that way oh why is there a dog yeah I can’t tell you

Do I leave machine it is oh there’s a wedding going on over here there’s a bunch of cherish balls it’s a wedding duck oh what’s going on here who’s getting married Bro I’m about to crash the wedding ooh a manta ray one second I don’t know it looks like I

Think it’s just here for moose peoples I think it’s super new what do you mean Super new boy we haven’t seen super noob in Years bro yeah but I think he’s getting married hello hello uh yeah you and I both ah dang it oh I’m coming in oh stop it hello sir what’s

Going on here I do hope you enjoy the trip here carried by our all flying Pokemon my name is PIP um so uh there’s a wedding oh a master ball terrain extender wait there’s trash balls in here an item to be held by a Pokemon that extends the duration of the terrain

Caused by the holder’s movability cherish balls the cherish balls cherish but oh cause they’re getting married that’s pretty cute I think cherish balls are pretty rare and that that cat it’s like an instant catch right with a ho ho or Celebi so how it works all right I

Think I could just be completely wrong oh it’s not here hey yo check it out guys wait wait wait wait wait wait we’ll see that come stand right here I think I found the secret I want this thing stand right here by any chance yeah you want me to blow

This whole place up yeah just just uh it’s just just just just just let loose bro well you thought I was gonna get married no not today I’m not falling for the Trap oh what’s down here up up it was it’s all gone it’s all gone

All right let’s get out of here back to Team Plasma or Team Galactic or whatever teamwork yeah we gotta fight the boss yeah I forgot about the boss Where’d you come from she’s still talking about the wedding dude nah man I’m not interested I don’t know bro I can’t wait to hear your Bells I honestly can’t even tell you the definition of what vows mean I literally have no idea like isn’t that when you

Like say uh I want to thank my family for making me into a bird is that something like that is that is that how is that not how it goes it’s how much we love each other all right team whatever your name is I gotta Valley so I’m

Distracted by you and not her next to me uh oh I was getting nervous in there guys a little bit nervous double iron moose and moose oh yeah moose and moose it’s a Houndoom I’m gonna use Thunder Punch this is actually not that bad I

Thought the as I say that I get one shot as I say that yo you can actually spectate my balance so you can see exactly what I’m doing it’s it’s an interesting experience for sure all right second Pokemon oh bro why do you do so much damage how do you do so much

Damage what are you what are you using oh I’m winning all right three Pokemon are down uh Dialga yo Groudon is going in for the wipe right on his ground is dead never mind all right moose guys is going in Moose guys is using extreme speed okay dialga’s down punch goes up

Next let’s use the same thing I’m gonna just I’m just gonna go for the max strike go go go go come on moose God’s hang in there yo this one’s so much easier way easier I’m telling you I don’t know what was up with Team Plaza

But this guy’s not even got nothing on me okay come on moose Gods oh just one more just one more hang in there no use spray bird okay I think we’re fine this is a really quick battle side strike that’s how it’s done yo that was even like 30 seconds that was nothing

Galactic badge look everybody we’re flexing on them I got both of the badges it’s holding two badges man look at that yeah about two badges bro you know it’s like making pizza it’s got it yeah everybody we are gathered around here with this Arc chalice except Connor

Connor just looking into the void Connor I’m here okay all right we have gathered around here for musina’s wedding Lucina will be getting married to Connor and moose okay I gotta go guys I gotta I’m just kidding I’m just kidding all right so here we go

I’m not walking out so here’s gonna be my wedding gift to you okay here we go so this is a plate now it’s in there this is another plate now it’s in there and we’re just gonna keep it up there we go don’t worry about it it’s almost

There got it no no it’s no sniff it don’t sniff it this stuff in Boston no Carter how he’s gonna turn into a Pokemon God or something or however it works there’s another one hold on I’m almost there okay Lucia now when I put this pixie plate see how it’s pink

I do like that one once I put it in here a Legendary Arceus will spawn Arceus Arceus archaos are you ready I don’t know what it is but um if he spawns here we’ll never be married again what all right cool I really thought that was gonna work

That’s supposed to work it’s making me look bad oh it’s doing stuff it’s spinning what’s going on I’m like kind of very confused now any moment I take your sweet time bro um so about the Arceus we’re having some technical difficulties uh I’ll be right back

All right everybody so uh this is it now this is called the spear pillar it’s been so much because she has walking that way Connor’s looking into nothing and that’s just like oh let’s go team we’re the Power Rangers we all got matching elytra wings I don’t

Have those goggles on though but they look they look pretty cool on you buddy you’ll still have the mod We All Join the goggle Squad you gave them to me oh that’s I mean I give it to everybody but yeah I guess that works all right everybody follow me to the sphere filler

So if you want to get yourself an Arceus once you get to the land chalice and you put in all the plates you get this side two of them yeah wait there’s two of them what there’s two there’s two spirit players hold on are you kidding me

Backwards why is there two yeah I’m not really sure if it’s gonna mess anything up I can’t break it yeah okay whatever so not there forever once you got the flute You Gotta Eat Your good old breakfast and then once you got your breakfast in your body just uh grab the

Flute and go oh it’s working there we go yeah oh she’s doing it backwards hurry up go go see it look uh I’m gonna cry I’m gonna cry okay [Applause] [Applause] So you know what are you what are you doing on the roof get down from the roof you’re gonna you’re gonna fall and get stuck in something it’s a it’s a shiny it’s a shiny oh we see this catch you some shoddy Pokeball on the roof all right so we’re

Back home we’ve done pretty much everything and now we have both of these badges now he’s gonna be essential for getting Shadow Lugia and go into the Shadow Dimension so we’re just waiting for professor right here this is to the garbage so we’re gonna be doing a lot more of these

From 2100 days of Pokemon to 3 000 days of Pokemon so it’s gonna be pretty cool but what I want to do right now is get some comments out of the way so now for some shout outs first up Nathan reaper3497 I can’t fit the seven this is

What you get musina sounds so different LOL do I what uh all right all right would you would you prefer something else yeah why is she messing with me right now what’s with your different voices are you I could use different voices do you want me to do different voices

You speak in a different language I’m sorry Do the ash ketchup one Ash ketchup hi I’m Ash my partner all right I’m out I can’t fit dang it do you want your Naruto yeah you can do Naruto too yeah well I can also do Timmy Turner what how you doing somebody voice impressions okay why are you doing that

Let me look at the next comment Harvey sharpie71 I I can’t fit the seven one yeah okay seven one one it says We got Jaden baker4951 yeah moose mega evolve your guard shop all right then I got you bro I got you y’all I’ll do it right now okay okay here we go am I going trap right here put you out here change out the ultimate closet and guard

Chop there you go and boom okay can I can I make over all if you want you know what never mind never mind hey rat attack can I not oh I don’t have my mega band I’m so sorry hold on all right I got my guard chop so I think

I can just send it out and battle it right there we go and then the mega evolution form oh oh well oh there goes that here Get out of this thing I just gotta show the fans never mind it’s right here perfect it looks pretty cool for the final comment Jay zero Grand perfect moose stop confusing alolan forms for gallerian oh I can’t fit all that moose stop Kung Fu alolan over Valerian

Forms I’m sorry most of these comments y’all just roasting me I’m sorry I get them always mixed up gallerian husui and pal did alolan there’s too many we’ve seen a hit him with the voice which one I don’t know just do something me it’s amazing everybody leave a comment

Right now and uh yeah we will feature you in 2100 days of Pokemon now let’s go get ourselves a Shadow Lugia oh a shiny fidgety dude I’m the luckiest person who wants the shiny Pidgey I don’t want it I already got one oh yeah I got one it’s a tie Yeah there we go if ketchup musina Connor where’s Connor but I’m building right now bro come on bro oh whatever anyways welcome to my laboratory you see now you’ve never been in here but this is my scientist laboratory yeah I’m kind of smart just a little bit smart

Um you’ve been in here really okay why do I just not look like a scientist is that what it is okay where’s where’s Professor Oak Professor Oak Professor oh there he is Professor Rogue how you doing buddy so I brought my friends here you finally returned yes of course dude

I got I got my best friends and look at this I got Team Plasma badge and I also got a Team Galactic badge so uh where’s the shattered dimension wonderful you can now proceed to the Shadow Dimension that’s it that’s all it takes you see that by the way shower Dimensions like

The spooky stuff just spray so Galactic and plasma badge in the original frame it uh okay here you go there’s one and there’s another one right here and go through the portal Lugia shall I wait for you on the other side what is that it’s a booster back what am I gonna do

With this bro wait what why did why did you give me this is like a trick question oh I got a Charizard yo I actually got a Charizard whoa look I got a Charizard card how sick is that OverWatch Professor thank you so much buddy we love you bro come

On there’s a kiss on here where’s Connor dang it Connor try it out stop it all right fine I’ll get Shadow looking oh I have no idea who that is oh yeah by the way this is this is this is nif ketchup it’s your son right or something like

That you belong with him why are you trying to kill him bro no no no I catch up horny mustard yes I’m sorry bro you I told you man ketchup’s just not survival all right everybody let’s send it yay welcome to the Shadow Dimension it kind of reminds you of the Distortion world

Right you know what you’re talking about from uh Pokemon Platinum yo where’s the Shadow Lugia we gotta really wait you got to be kidding me bro yeah a long time yo wait a minute what kind of Pokemon we got well Professor Oak said he was gonna be here no wait shiny turtle too

Make sure you put on your strong shiny lures you know whatever you do do not fall and again she’s fast yo I found a shiny scene I have one y’all can have it it’s all yours enjoy it’s gonna fall dope oh okay you can get it we’ll see that you can

Have it it’s all yours just take it just whatever you do no Let It Die oh yeah [Applause] dimensions gotta be flying right it’s a Lugia It’s gotta be flying bro I can’t see it’s all purple oh dude yeah you gotta be kidding me I got on

The tree oh it’s on the tree should I actually try to fight it did I use Angel power because you’re gonna kill it I’m gonna use it it’s ketchup with the master ball as long as it’s not a critical hit as like one shot him or something

Yo you’re cutting your clothes check out Shadow Lugia bro I got alternate Kwanza versus Shadow lukia and now he talking bro let’s go Ultra Ball baby let’s eat it in there first try let’s go stay two thousand baby day two thousand oh oh let’s go two thousand days of the pokemans

Okay fine I’m gonna call Shadow moose but Moose on me I’m gonna let y’all figure out what we’re gonna call Shadow Lugia I think it looks beautiful here’s me riding it it’s just it’s just a regular Lugia but it’s the shadow yeah can it learn the shadow moves nope it

Doesn’t have it so we have to figure out how to give it some Shadow Pokemon moves and it’s small unfortunately Shadow types are not a thing so it’s just psychic and flying and that’s about it and the special defense has increased so yeah it looks pretty cool to a Pokemon battle all right

Pokemon right now my best yeah oh you’re going down and if you lose this battle mushina you will not I will never talk to you again and somehow it’s bigger than my Shadow Lugia I didn’t one shot you what the heck whoa whoa if I got kind of op okay

I’m sorry Lucina I I kind of wanted to go easy on you but uh it’s Shadow Lugia I can’t hold back it’s like the final 2000 days I gotta gotta be a little bit of a Savage here but look it looks beautiful I just want to give you I want

To heal my Pokemon oh snap I don’t have a level 80 Pokemon yo don’t you don’t tell me I’m about to lose this bro no no no no don’t ever see that chill don’t do this to me right now give him a chance dude can play this game

Am I dead yeah yeah bro come on all right well we’ll see you just completely wrecked me I’m not gonna go easy on you so I’m standing in Mozilla I’m hitting you with that Glade rush because musilla is about to wreck your whole Pokemon team watch you think you got that cool

Arceus what’d you do oh it worked it actually worked okay now it’s gonna be smooth sailing because I don’t think you have any high level if you gotta Rush your RAM all right listen I was not ready for this one all right lucida oh bro come on

I know I know you can be good at this game you literally rescue me right now do you have other level 80 Pokemon did you did you just get only level 80 Pokemon this whole time no my Pokemon I use on my team are like level 40. all

Right that’s all I need to know as long as I have a choice I’m good okay it wasn’t very effective yeah it’s fine just want to get a little bit of an attack in there what are you made of up and rocking was dead who’s Crossing you better survive

At least one hit bro You messed up you messed up musina you wait really you have a restaurant but no dragon type attack I only just caught it remember where did you get the guard champ from remember we caught one wow you kidding me she’s got a level 100. you told me to catch it because

It’s a good Pokemon oh I bought a back surprise everybody please if you support your boyfriend no no no no I was gonna use one but I have nothing left I’ve actually I’ll see you in 2 100 days of Pokemon I’m so sad

This video, titled ‘I Survived 2000 DAYS in Minecraft POKEMON!’, was uploaded by Moose on 2023-09-02 17:01:00. It has garnered 37197 views and 1086 likes. The duration of the video is 01:07:32 or 4052 seconds.

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Just a MOOSE living his life like a MOVIE making Moose Movies! #Minecraft #100Days #Pokemon #Hardcore #Moose

  • Dada’s Real World Texture & Shader Experience!

    Dada's Real World Texture & Shader Experience! Exploring the Realistic World Texture and Shading in Minecraft Introduction In the vast world of Minecraft, players are constantly seeking new ways to enhance their gaming experience. One such way is by incorporating realistic world texture and shading modifications. These modifications can transform the familiar blocky landscapes into stunningly detailed environments, adding a new level of immersion to the game. Texture Details The texture modifications in this Minecraft world bring a new level of realism to the game. From intricately designed stone walls to detailed wooden floors, every element has been carefully crafted to enhance the visual experience. The… Read More

  • Frost Diamond Portal Trick 2024 – Minecraft

    Frost Diamond Portal Trick 2024 - Minecraft Minecraft: Creating the Frost Diamond Portal in 2024 Embark on a journey with UzeMing as he delves into the world of Minecraft to create the Frost Diamond Portal in 2024. This unique portal, inspired by the renowned Minecraft YouTuber Frost Diamond, takes players on an exciting adventure filled with challenges and surprises. The Story of Frost Diamond Frost Diamond, a popular Minecraft content creator hailing from Bali, has captivated audiences with his gaming prowess and creativity. While he has ventured into other gaming realms like Roblox, his legacy in Minecraft remains strong. With a subscriber count of 37 million,… Read More

  • Mining Mayhem: Dungeons Unleashed!

    Mining Mayhem: Dungeons Unleashed! In the world of Minecraft, dungeons await, Explore, fight, and upgrade, don’t hesitate. Monsters lurk, bosses thirst for a fight, But with skill and strategy, you’ll shine bright. Join the adventure on Cristalix today, Where challenges and victories come your way. With Discord, VK, and TG in sight, The Minecraft world is yours to ignite. So leap into the verse, with rhymes so fine, Crafting news with flair, every single time. Minecraft facts and updates, all in rhyme, In the gaming world, you’re in your prime. Read More

  • 100 Days of Chaos: Minecraft Modded Hardcore Fail

    100 Days of Chaos: Minecraft Modded Hardcore Fail Minecraft Adventures: A Journey Through Modded Hardcore Gameplay Embark on an epic Minecraft adventure with PlayFusion145 as they dive into the world of modded hardcore gameplay. Join the excitement on Twitch, stay connected on Discord, and catch glimpses of the action on Instagram. For more thrilling content, check out Mini Draco 2’s YouTube channel and explore unique creations on planetminecraft. Exploring New Horizons With a dedicated community following, PlayFusion145 immerses viewers in a world of challenges and triumphs. Witness the highs and lows of surviving 100 days in a modded Minecraft universe. From resource gathering to facing formidable foes,… Read More

  • Ultimate Fully Automated Tree Farm in Minecraft!

    Ultimate Fully Automated Tree Farm in Minecraft! Komplett OP Baumfarm voll automatisch! Welcome back to another exciting episode of Minecraft! Today, we delve into the world of Simple Tree Farms using the Create mod. These tree farms are not only easy to set up but also incredibly efficient. With minimal items required, you can have your tree farm up and running in no time! Setting Up a Simple Tree Farm Creating a basic tree farm in the Create mod is a breeze. In this episode, you’ll learn how to set up a straightforward tree farm that will meet your wood production needs. Stay tuned as we… Read More

  • Bart Gets Clicked: Episode 5

    Bart Gets Clicked: Episode 5 The End of Bart’s Adventure in Minecraft Credits for Episode 5: Baldi’s Basics created by mystman12 Simpsons Minecraft House: The Simpsons House Bart Skin: Bart Simpson Skin Music Used in Bart Anniversary Reunion Time: Spamton Sweepstakes Alvin voiced by Callum (findthebart) Music used during the poker scene in B.A.R.T: Poker Scene Music Music that plays when Bartian shows up in B.A.R.T: Bartian’s Arrival Music Simpsons Theme: The Simpsons Homer’s and Marge’s Voice: Voice Clips Bartian’s voice for like 2 parts: Bartian’s Voice Bartian consuming and cheering sound: Smiling Friends, Mr Frog episode Store music (where Marge is at): Store… Read More

  • Minecraft’s Hidden Door: 99% Can’t Score!

    Minecraft's Hidden Door: 99% Can't Score! In the world of Minecraft, a hidden door lies, 99% of players can’t find, to their surprise. Camouflaged with skill, it blends in so well, Only the keenest eyes can break the spell. Mengxuan dada, the hardcore MC player, Shares the secret, a true game-changer. With texture pack in hand, the door revealed, In the world of Minecraft, a mystery unsealed. So dive into the game, explore with delight, With Mengxuan dada as your guide, shining bright. Uncover the secrets, in every block and bend, In the world of Minecraft, the adventure never ends. Read More

  • Speeding on Minecraft Autobahns

    Speeding on Minecraft Autobahns Minecraft Autobahns: Bettembourg to Saarbrücken Exploring the A13 and A8 Motorways In this exciting Minecraft video, viewers are taken on a virtual journey along the A13 and A8 Motorways, connecting Bettembourg in Luxembourg to Saarbrücken in Germany. The meticulous construction of these motorways in October 2022 provides a realistic and immersive experience for players. Route Information and Music Viewers are encouraged to turn on subtitles to access additional route information such as exits, interchanges, and rest areas. The inclusion of details enhances the overall experience and allows for a more interactive viewing session. The video is accompanied by the… Read More

  • Experience the Thrills of Minewind Minecraft Server

    Experience the Thrills of Minewind Minecraft Server Welcome to the world of Minecraft, where adventure and excitement await around every corner. If you’re looking for a server that offers a unique and thrilling experience, look no further than Minewind. With a dedicated community of players and endless possibilities for exploration, Minewind is the perfect place to unleash your creativity and immerse yourself in a world like no other. Whether you’re a seasoned Minecraft veteran or just starting out, Minewind has something for everyone. From intense PvP battles to peaceful building and crafting, there’s never a dull moment on this server. Join forces with other players to… Read More

  • Join Minewind: Where Crazy Builds Come to Life!

    Join Minewind: Where Crazy Builds Come to Life! Are you ready to take your Minecraft builds to the next level? Whether you’re a seasoned architect or a beginner looking to enhance your structures, this video is packed with game-changing build hacks that will blow your mind! From hidden passages to jaw-dropping landscapes, these hacks will inspire and transform the way you approach building in Minecraft. But why stop there? Imagine taking these innovative building techniques and secret tricks to a whole new level on Minewind Minecraft Server. With a vibrant community of players who are constantly pushing the boundaries of creativity, Minewind is the perfect place to… Read More

  • Unbelievable Adrenalinbox Slander!

    Unbelievable Adrenalinbox Slander!Video Information This video, titled ‘Adrenalinbox slander pt3’, was uploaded by Zickerss on 2024-04-12 23:14:46. It has garnered 298 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:44 or 164 seconds. ghostcrit made me do this for monkey tage plz give me media + eggo Tags (ignore): #minecraft #pvp #montage #lifestealsmp #minecraftmontage #minecraftpvp How to make minecraft montage adrenalinbox tridentbox montage adrenalin montage subscribe button is a server made by saltys. This lifesteal server has a lot of good teams to join and has 2-3 gamemodes in it at best like carts , nethpot and smp…. Read More

  • Insane New Minecraft 1.20 Update Features! | Jarif Gaming

    Insane New Minecraft 1.20 Update Features! | Jarif GamingVideo Information welcome to another video all of the things so let’s start first is the camel camel Spa next second is the [Music] sniffer Tor and picture flowers [Music] SE not beuty flowers next is theel not [Music] protection next the many types of hanging sign hanging sign next is the deor [Music] useless so next next is the suspicious sand suspicious sand on suspicious s desert temple desert whe ocean ruin suspicious gravel part of ocean ruins newly added Trail ruins diamonds Emerald dead boost crafting next is the cated SK sensor next is the m normal planket… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Server Gameplay! Join N21 NOW!

    Insane Minecraft Server Gameplay! Join N21 NOW!Video Information [संगीत] कर दिया देखता जल्दी कीजिए चालू कीजिए स्म लगा के सो जाएंगे दिया चालू कीजिए जल्दी चालू कीजिए कर [संगीत] दिया [संगीत] i [संगीत] [संगीत] वड क्या खबर अरे यार नास भाई य लोग फसा दे रहे मैं कैसे खेल यार हेलो कैसे खेल या यह खेल रहे जो उमी और ये लोग कुछ नहीं बस एगजाम था आज बताओ ना यार लटका दिया हा कैसे खेलू उसम देखो तुमको एकय आएगा बलू टीम और रेड टीम का एक नोटिफिकेशन आएगा इन गेम चट में आया हां हां हां किसी एक टीम में सेट करो गया गया… Read More

  • REAL LIFE SCARY SHREK BUILDS in Minecraft! – Parody Story

    REAL LIFE SCARY SHREK BUILDS in Minecraft! - Parody StoryVideo Information I suggest building monsters and shooting them yes Mikey good idea I think we should build creepers they are coming towards us need to hide I don’t want them to kill us where are they coming from it’s a good weather today I need to go for a walk hey hi Mikey let’s go for a walk it’s finally warm outside something can be done yes Mason let’s have a great time I suggest building monsters and shooting them let’s train yes Mikey good idea I think we should build creepers they are the scariest so it will… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft live stream with fans!!

    INSANE Minecraft live stream with fans!!Video Information [Music] [Music] e that [Music] [Music] h Huh [Music] [Music] [Music] h [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] huh [Music] [Music] h [Music] [Music] h [Music] [Music] h [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] right a e oh for for for e for e [Music] you want to play Minecraft with your friends in 2024 there are tons of different ways to do it including playing player server High pixel you can double. net then when you click done it will pop up here after a few seconds and Minecraft together for example control your like that making your own… Read More

  • Unbelievable 5G Minecraft Hack Goes Viral 🔥🎮 #GamingTrends

    Unbelievable 5G Minecraft Hack Goes Viral 🔥🎮 #GamingTrendsVideo Information ‏ag [موسيقى] v This video, titled ‘Minecraft viral tik tok hack🔥||#gaming #minecraft #viral’, was uploaded by 5g gamer on 2024-02-20 15:51:47. It has garnered 8157 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. Minecraft TIK TOK BILD HACK 😈#shorts I am a Minecraft video creator My YouTube channel name is BignnerYT so, Please check My channel if You like then subscribe minecraft 100 days, minecraft video, minecraft minecraft, minecraft house, minecraft game, minecraft techno gamerz, minecraft shorts, minecraft cartoon, minecraft song, minecraft house tutorialminecraft pocket edition survival series, minecraft pocket edition download, minecraft… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE TNT in Minecraft!! 😱🔥 @ProBoiz95

    UNBELIEVABLE TNT in Minecraft!! 😱🔥 @ProBoiz95Video Information तो गाइस मैं सोच रहा था बहुत दिन से मैंने कुछ धासू कुछ कुछ हट के कुछ नेक्स्ट लेवल मैंने कुछ अभी तक किया नहीं है तो मैं आज आप लोगों के लिए लेकर आ चुका हूं कुछ ऐसे टी एनटी और कैनन चस्ट को देखने के बाद आप लोग के रोंग खड़ हो जाएंगे य देख फायर क्रैकर्स और भी बहुत कुछ है तो सबसे पहला हमारे पास ये क्या है रॉकेट लांचर इसको हम ट्राई करेंगे कहां ट्राई करें मुझे कुछ ध्यान नहीं आ रहा किसके घर प करू मैं किसके घर पर करू इस वाले… Read More

  • Unearthed

    UnearthedWelcome to Unearthed, a friendly environment to make friends and have some fun in Minecraft! This server is for people to enjoy building, exploring, optional PvP, and more, all while meeting new people without the worry of griefing or harassment in their Minecraft experience. We have the classic look and feel of a vanilla server, but we have carefully selected certain plugins and datapacks which take nothing away from the core game play and instead only boost fun and security to our players. Every plugin (and datapack) we have is there to help us make sure you have an enjoyable… Read More

  • New Beginnings Modded Factions Roleplay Whitelist NaEast 1.20.1 +18

    Dimensional Adventures Modpack Ever dreamed of building your own kingdom, braving monster-infested dungeons, or becoming a master of the arcane? The Dimensional Adventures modpack lets you do it all! Features: Forge a realm! Band together with friends and establish your own epic kingdom or cozy village. Delve into the depths! Explore sprawling dungeons, unearth hidden treasures, and conquer the darkness! Embrace the Machine Age! Build a wondrous steampunk paradise filled with innovative contraptions. Unleash your inner magic! Master the arcane arts with a variety of exciting magic mods. The possibilities are endless! To make your adventure even smoother, extra quality-of-life… Read More

  • DeathReaper

    DeathReaper🎮 Welcome to! 🎮🌟 Your Gateway to Adventure! 🌟Join our vibrant community for an unforgettable Minecraft experience featuring a dynamic blend of our popular games: Op Factions and Survival⚔️ Op Factions: Conquer the realm of factions! Build your forces, seize territories, and clash with rivals in a quest for dominance. With robust economies and unique features, Op Factions delivers endless gameplay excitement.Why Join Us?🌟 Engaging Community: Join a friendly and active community of players from around the world. Our Discord server is bustling with activity, providing real-time communication, event announcements, and community discussions.🎉 Exciting Events: Participate in regular events,… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Melon Madness Highway

    Minecraft Memes - Melon Madness HighwayWhy did the watermelon cross the road? To get to the juicy side of the highway! Read More

  • Cheaters Beware: Player Burned in Minecraft Check!

    Cheaters Beware: Player Burned in Minecraft Check! In the world of Minecraft, cheats are a sin, But some players just can’t help but give in. They burned a player with cheats, what a shame, But justice was served, they got banned from the game. The server admin caught them in the act, Flying around, breaking the pact. They were building a beautiful home, But cheating in Minecraft, they should’ve known. The admin called them out, asked for an explanation, But the player refused, faced with termination. They were banned from the server, a fitting end, Cheating in Minecraft, they couldn’t defend. So remember, dear players, play… Read More

  • Spicy Minecraft Exposé: The Ultimate Gaming Meme

    Spicy Minecraft Exposé: The Ultimate Gaming Meme “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” #minecrafttherapy #creeperproblems #gamerjokes Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Power Punch!

    Ultimate Minecraft Power Punch! Minecraft: The Journey – Exploring Bow Enchantments In the latest episode of Minecraft: The Journey, bugmancx delves into the world of bow enchantments. From Power to Flame, Punch, and Infinity, the new enchantments offer exciting possibilities for survival in the game. Power V, Flame I, Punch II, and Infinity I Bugmancx crafts multiple bows and heads to the enchanting table to discover the enchantments awaiting him. With Power V, Flame I, Punch II, and Infinity I, he creates the ultimate bow for his adventures. The combination of these enchantments provides him with a powerful weapon to combat the mobs… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for the Ultimate Gaming Experience

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for the Ultimate Gaming Experience Welcome to Minewind Minecraft Server! Looking for a new and exciting Minecraft experience? Look no further! Minewind offers a unique and engaging gameplay environment that will keep you coming back for more. Just like the “Important Button” map, Minewind features a variety of challenges and adventures for players of all skill levels. With different biomes to explore and conquer, you’ll never run out of things to do on our server. Whether you’re a seasoned Minecraft pro or just starting out, Minewind has something for everyone. Our server is designed to be both challenging and accessible, ensuring that you’ll always… Read More

  • Building My Own Kingdom in Minecraft 👑

    Building My Own Kingdom in Minecraft 👑 Minecraft Server Promotion: Build Your Own Kingdom! 👑 Are you ready to embark on a new adventure in the world of Minecraft? Join the exciting server where you can create your own kingdom and rule over your domain! Explore new lands, gather resources, and build magnificent structures to establish your reign. Server Details: 🌐 Server IP: 1.16.5-1.17 📢 Server Discord: Features: 🏝️ Skyblock: Test your survival skills on a floating island and thrive in a challenging environment. ⚔️ Survival: Brave the wilderness, fend off monsters, and build a thriving community with fellow players. 🏘️ Towny: Join forces… Read More

  • EPIC Mage Tower Transformation! Watch me decorate outer walls!

    EPIC Mage Tower Transformation! Watch me decorate outer walls!Video Information This video, titled ’24MAR24. Mage Tower Décor. Work on Outer Walls’, was uploaded by swpatterson on 2024-03-25 02:36:25. It has garnered 3 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 02:05:27 or 7527 seconds. MineCraft Java 1.20.1 SMP — Watch live at Read More

  • Exploring Haunted House Challenge

    Exploring Haunted House ChallengeVideo Information This video, titled ‘Pomni Masuk Rumah Hantu ‼️#shorts #skibiditoilet #pomni #minecraft #dafugboom’, was uploaded by VelynsTV on 2024-03-21 11:01:00. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • SECRET Shadow Minecraft Server REVEALED LIVE | Join Now!

    SECRET Shadow Minecraft Server REVEALED LIVE | Join Now!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Server Live | JAVA | Public SMP’, was uploaded by Shadow on 2024-04-22 05:57:15. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. JAVA + CRACKED ALLOWED Version 1.8 – 1.20.4 The server will never close as it’s been made to stay 24h/24 online until at … Read More

  • ULTIMATE Minecraft Boss Battle! – Insane Wadan Adventure!

    ULTIMATE Minecraft Boss Battle! - Insane Wadan Adventure!Video Information [موسيقى] [تصفيق] [موسيقى] [تصفيق] ‏e This video, titled ‘#minecraft #wadan’, was uploaded by s,k, boos on 2024-02-15 13:41:19. It has garnered 20 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. Read More


    💥ULTIMATE HER0BRINE PANAMA CHALLENGE🔥 | VIRAL SHORT VIDEOVideo Information This video, titled ‘HEROBRINE PANAMA EDIT | #shorts #viral #minecraft #subscribe #youtubeshorts #herobrine #shortvideo||’, was uploaded by XTREME GAMINGz 888 on 2023-12-29 02:30:17. It has garnered 2619 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. HEROBRINE PANAMA EDIT | #shorts #viral #minecraft #subscribe #youtubeshorts #herobrine #shortvideo|| Minecraft Minecraft viral video Minecraft viral short Herobrine Minecraft creative gameplay Minecraft skibidi toilet herobrine herobrine herobrine minecraft herobrine of minecraft minecraft and herobrine minecraft herobrine minecraft minecraft minecraft herobrine herobrine minecraft herobrine mod herobrine minecraft mod herobrine animation herobrine minecraft animation herobrine in real life mc… Read More

  • 🔞LIVE🔞Minecraft smp group with ericwolfblood

    🔞LIVE🔞Minecraft smp group with ericwolfbloodVideo Information I was like you know what I thought these were these bues I thought I thought the little SCI were building here yeah the SC no that’s Noah the Kevin those um scientist miners guys they’re they’re gone dude they they went somewhere I haven’t seen them since it’s been like a day dude not really dude what you’re talking I saw it they glitched my world you know why you know why every time I it wouldn’t it was just um Sunset it wouldn’t stop going on Sunset yeah cuz I had sunset on I had sunset… Read More

  • 🔥 INSANE Breezily Bridge in Bedwars! Get Your Name on Screen! 👀 | Minecraft Bedwars 🚀

    🔥 INSANE Breezily Bridge in Bedwars! Get Your Name on Screen! 👀 | Minecraft Bedwars 🚀Video Information This video, titled ‘Breezily Bridge Yaparak Bedwars Oynuyoruz!! Abone Ol Ekranda İsmin Çıksın | Minecraft Bedwars’, was uploaded by xMaiya on 2024-02-19 17:51:39. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. If you would like to donate; ⭐️Discord: ⭐️İnstagram: … Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Igloo Tutorial 🔥 #Shorts

    Insane Minecraft Igloo Tutorial 🔥 #ShortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Igloo Tutorial #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by shorts for Minecraft on 2024-03-28 00:47:39. It has garnered 0 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:09 or 9 seconds. Read More

  • Minecraft Parody Revenge – BPM off by 1!

    Minecraft Parody Revenge - BPM off by 1!Video Information [Music] creeper oh man so we back in the mind got our pickaxe swinging from side to side side side to side the Tas a grueling one hope to find some diamonds tonight night night diamonds tonight heads up you hear a sound turn around and W up total shock feels your body oh no it’s you again I can never forget those eyes eyes eyes eyes eyes cuz baby tonight the creepers trying to steal all my stuff again cuz baby tonight grab your big shovel and B again again and run run until it’s done done… Read More

  • One Piece | Adventures At Sea | Modded

    One Piece | Adventures At Sea | ModdedOne Piece: Adventures at Sea is the premier Minecraft One Piece Server! Join today and travel through a custom storyline while exploring over 20 islands all set in the One Piece Universe. Defeat over 40 bosses while training to become stronger, obtain devil fruits, start or join a crew and dominate the world. Each island has tons of things and places to explore! Build your ship and set sail! Join now and set your mark on the Great Pirate Era! Steps: 1. Download the Technic Launcher. 2. Once you open Technic Launcher search ‘One Piece Adventures At Sea’ or… Read More

  • Terra Nova SMP 18+ JAVA Whitelist Community Driven A lot more!

    Welcome to Terra Nova 🏰 Embark on a journey to a vibrant Minecraft server where medieval tales and modern adventures intertwine. Join our community of mature, friendly souls united by a love for the game and each other. Features of Terra Nova: Diamonds 💎: Drive an immersive, player-driven economy with over 15 thriving player-operated stores 🏪 Weekly Events 🎉: From parkour challenges 🏃‍♂️ to PvP tournaments ⚔️, fostering camaraderie and competitive spirit BlueMap 🗺️: Explore our world and admire fellow adventurers’ creations here About Terra Nova: Terra Nova is a 18+ community focused on kindness, maturity, and a passion for… Read More

  • Craftmine 1.20.4

    Craftmine 1.20.4Community driven Survival server Join us to unleash your creativity with little to no limitations and small additions to the classical vanilla experience (Skills, warps, villager shops, etc). Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Real Scorching Minecraft Memes

    Well, I guess we can officially call this meme a high scorer in the world of internet humor! Read More

  • Crafty Survival: Minecraft House Tutorial Ideas

    Crafty Survival: Minecraft House Tutorial Ideas In the world of Minecraft, a wooden house we’ll build, With walls and a roof, our creativity fulfilled. From the intro to the equipment, every step we’ll show, In this tutorial easy, our building skills will glow. With Minecraft Game, we upload videos every day, From house builds to survival, in our own unique way. Join us on Instagram and YouTube, for more fun, As we craft and create, until the day is done. So subscribe to our channel, for more Minecraft delight, And let’s build together, under the gaming spotlight. With love and passion, we’ll continue to play,… Read More

Moose – I Survived 2000 DAYS in Minecraft POKEMON!