More Zeuz – Minecraft Championships Season 1 FINALE (Streamed 12/12/2020)

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Just anything i’ll train anything i was checking it out thumbnailing yeah it’s pretty cool so the only thing that is available right now to play is parkour ace race and if you get enough team members the like you can do parkour tag which is over on the left which is fun

I i’m terrible at it though absolutely i’ve never played it so yeah we’ll be fine don’t worry yeah we’ll be fine i mean my my practice really is just the championships themselves um right exactly every championship is me practicing the next one oh look at this [ __ ] off let me go sweet

What is that i don’t know it’s just on some box uh welcome uh everyone to this to all of our streams yeah oh wait did you send a squad invite uh i don’t want to do that i have nothing to do with what would you

Do i was still in a squad stream with with luxie yeah i didn’t leave the last ones oh yes there’s road boosts sword oh yeah that is pretty cool i’m just gonna run up and down the road it’s so cool this is weird normally they um let us on

The other server like way earlier yeah i think just having a place for us to hang out here is actually pretty good because then they can set things up i don’t know if they want to do something special there or something so because it is the the one year

Anniversary it’s the end of mcc season one is it actually the one year anniversary though uh well the one year anniversary was the last one um but this one’s like the end of the year yeah yeah i was like i don’t remember this being the

First one last year yeah they had a cake last year i think i don’t last you sorry last uh event is dasha live um sasha yeah she’s live she’s not talking to us as i say i assume so because that mike in here is muted and her

Like and us so okay well i sent you guys all invites then oh cool thanks uh what stream accept cool all right uh accepting um yes our team name has changed again uh we have the sapphire santas at least it’s close i like him down i like it

I was never down for the whole sapphire thing in the first place oh yeah why not we get our own one because we were the blue bats you know i i i will see this out of all the teams i think we have the best team

Name if you actually look at the ufc names oh yeah okay as a whole yes definitely the sapphire santas the you know pig presents you know that’s like i mean that’s cool but i mean i was like i don’t know what we want that sounds better well there’s like

People in this server now i feel like the other ones like open now maybe maybe everyone can go over there let’s say well this is a practice i haven’t practiced yet i was going to say it looks like it’s open for more people yeah there’s a lot more

People oh well i’m not wireless so uh i’m downloading i’m downloading resource packs yeah i’m not y listed so oh boy let’s see if i’m whitelisted oh i’m whitelisted my lifetime coins are 7 000. and i feel like i i said to them beforehand

I was like at what time 6 34. i was like i’m not whitelisted and they’re like nah it’s fine okay is it the first time you’re using this name no i used to the last one that we did yeah i think they because they unwhitelist us and then re-white listen yeah well

That’s why i figured they might still be using my old username so that’s amazing yeah i’m sitting here i’ll just go build a castle all right hello i’m back hey hello i’m back how are you doing i’m zeus uh i’m just auto sorting so how’s everyone been finding cyberpunk

Uh sasha i sent you an invite to the squad streaming all right right right now okay cyberpunk’s been great thank you for asking i totally i don’t have it i haven’t played it once wait do you not have it nice or you have it i don’t have nothing

Yeah i got it and played it once so there you go whoa i don’t know if i like that game i’m gonna be honest with you was it because there was um there were certain things in that game that you probably didn’t want to show sliders I don’t know i don’t know there’s like the animations are really kind of like weird and i just i don’t know i don’t like it anyway but anyway uh there’s there’s a couple of uh and you know you know that about make sure to put it in the discord

Let’s win i like our little icon oh yeah it’s like a little santa yeah yeah you know i feel like you’ve looked down next to a number we’re currently eighth which is pretty impressive yeah let’s hold on to that one here we get a little santa icon if you

Want to see the santa icon a little bit let’s go live this is amazing i love all this thank you so much judy i appreciate it let’s go have fun oh yeah yeah remember have fun and hashtag communicate this is so nice yeah this is a beautiful beautiful i

Love the little updates that they do here they’ve got like yeah they’ve got like snowflakes in the sky and a big bow on top did you watch the video no i did not oh okay well there are presents uh during the halftime show that you have to collect and then give to people

And yeah yeah kind of like that each pile of presents can have like multiple things in it but maybe like two dollars or something no hey guys we should take a picture with all our skins okay okay let’s go go to the snow globe we’ll meet at the stream okay oh true What a beautiful place i want to say a big thanks to uh rampaging 5 for making our skins yeah they are stunning They’re beautiful okay i’m struggling to find an entrance to the snow yeah how do you get to the snow globe i think what do you mean This might not work for photos yeah maybe maybe yeah be good because then you can see it yeah that’s true hang on a second i thought they weren’t allowed to do that they’re right here maybe right here okay because we need to zoom in or somebody’s helpful

Do what no i don’t know i don’t know i off i don’t think okay mine’s not on uh well there we go i think not the names just tell me y’all wanna i feel like we should also do one facing the back like just f5 again and do this oh my

I don’t know but i don’t see it oh there we go here we go in details oh there we go oh wait let’s shake our booties oh yeah yeah yeah i got sticky keys uh oh james whoa about to get sticky keys there uh i got sticky keys oh

It’s all sticky now um oh yeah i also have four new remotes one for each of us oh We look so cute look at our little scarves oh we look awesome oh like glue one’s fez and then it has the the little like sand hat on top of that oh oops what put my santa hat on i’m all festive oh yeah i have my little antlers on can

You hear him oh no i don’t have any i don’t have anything um here we go yeah me too i got a phase does that count of course it does it’s best now that i’m back in sydney i’ve got my fez back it’s all good yeah

Let’s go i’m ready at least scott will be happy with me there’s compatible headphones though so it has to sit on top of my headphones should i turn my shaders off or do you guys play with them yes turn them yeah they say turn off shadows yeah

Um yeah it should be good wait is it starting now it’s two o’clock now we uh only that guy but we are here and that’s it’s okay there we go wait maybe um i think we are gonna win so oh yeah oh look at lizzy she looks so cute she’s got pjs

Oh wait wait wait beautiful beautiful i’m looking at everybody’s skins um they like penguins or something oh they are it’s got a penguin on it that’s nice oh god i got stuck oh present oh get it oh sorry so we grabbed a present and we had to give it to somebody

It will give you a random person to give it to and if you give it to them wait did you get one oh what they get a crown the previous champions get a crown that they wear what the yeah haven’t they got the time i’ve always had that

Hi you look cute maybe not like the very first few but yeah for a long time i’ve had that i didn’t i didn’t realize that thank you so much for the 300 as well not one yet oh uh nickel with the tier 2 for nine months as well

Thank you so much it’s actually made out of this oh let me let me look great rambling advice thank you virginia for that how do i do this um oh my gui scale is too big there we go oh it’s behind it smaller now i can see everybody

Oh my god sasha have you seen have you seen ludwig’s uh skin no where is he he’s in the main areas behind you he’s got his eyes oh wait what let me see oh my god wow nice what is his skin i thought he was this light year

10th gen and rtx 3090. another 300 thank you so much i really appreciate it the weather outside is right now wait where’s my chest i don’t mean to flex so cute here yeah everyone’s got so such lovely skins i love it ah let’s go you know what i’m just happy that

This is no longer at 5am for me what time is it now oh much better yeah you can get a coffee in the morning i mean it’s still really early nothing opens until 8 a.m on a sunday oh that’s just true off i don’t have any oh no

Because i got this dang it damn there you go i have questions quackity oh they’re all standing on what is this oh that’s good oh is your team ready yeah we’re ready we’re ready we’re ready ready let’s go sorry what what no what this isn’t festive at all Think the uh i think the breech one is good because it’s like alert we’re ready to go I think that one’s good uh guys we have to communicate i forgot oh yeah okay My heart rate already got to 137. no i mean i feel like we’re already not communicating really well right now we’re all walking over each other um and then last week i was at this uh this new store in houston it was actually really cool and

Uh i think that that has nothing to do with the minecraft championships but i just like to talk about i just think that it’s going to be great i think our team is ready [Laughter] yeah my point is i don’t think communication is really going to change our outcome so

Yeah yeah yeah whatever also uh zeus our coffee is five minutes away so they better hurry up pedal to them that’s too many minutes i don’t know how long the countdown is but probably less than five actually i don’t know two minutes do you see what i write [Laughter]

Dang it man they better hurry uh i’m sorry attention the uh the championship the uh we’ve been postponed five minutes softly sasha needs her coffee thank you uh what oh they didn’t listen to me [Laughter] oh actually i don’t know what’s going to happen if there’s going to be like

Different things happening in the comments yeah did you not see what i wrote earlier sasha yeah okay just put a note on the door that says uh just let self in minecrafting yeah just bring come upstairs and deliver to us no preach all methods of delivery absolutely you guys ordered some coffee [Laughter]

Oh the music is gonna work oh scott yeah i gotta turn off the music oh yeah i’m turning up let’s go oh that’s where i just want to see santa go by on a slide oh my gosh yes it’s like yeah and scott needs to be the one oh

Look he’s saying hashtag not last hashtag but more importantly have fun because oh yeah having fun is the most important part you know all we can do is have fun oh it’s dropping bridge the well that’s awkward james no you went too early get out of my way

I can’t say anything why am i so slow no okay if that doesn’t uh oh chat is muted during the tutorial oh okay oh well that’s nice uh sorry it’s been a while but i am still young you’re watching the video ah gemma jefferson thank you so much before it’s time to reveal

Two months oh yeah thank you so much i really appreciate that that’s incredible thank you I was i was talking to chrissy about uh i like that one about a hole in the wall because i said you were in australia james and he’s like because hole in the wall we can get lag and it can help us out oh snows of time

Yeah oh you didn’t watch the update video it looks really good i mean i don’t i don’t really like what are we going for here yeah what are we going for i don’t know good question is battle blocks and parkour tag the same thing yeah battle box is totally different we

Want something that we the normal that we don’t want first sky battle or something yeah i think we want something that we’re bad at first i’m just gonna do parkour it’s either parkour oh it might be snows of time no it’s gonna be oh oh parkour tag or sky

Battle one of the two so someone in my chat is just like your skin is cute nice parkour attack okay this is good all right i think people wanted to play this so having it kind of early on is a good thing we’re probably gonna suck at this one so

We’re gonna be really bad is this the one we were just practicing yeah yeah yeah okay guys this one’s really hard okay oh that makes more sense your minecraft skin i was like that’s such a weird thing to say oh that’s what i thought they were talking about Yeah that’s what i thought too immediately okay so there’s there’s seekers or there’s hunters and there’s runners runners you just have to try to not get touched like punched by the other person uh and then there’s like one hunter on each team avoid them and then there’s one person

On our team that has to hit other people it’s actually really tricky it’s it’s actually very hard uh the idea is poor and it’s hard yeah you i don’t even understand what you just said okay it’s just like tag yeah try to parkour right high as you can you can’t see the

Hunters one hunter i’ll be the hunter because i feel like the runner you can’t see the hunter guys it’s too early for this i can’t uh okay this one’s we’re gonna be bad i feel like oh i can only be 100 three times take a nap on this one

Yeah go ahead and turn off your monitor for this one uh where okay we’re gonna have to divvy up who’s a hunter when by the way oh we have to decide that yeah because supposedly but the thing is i’m only allowed to be it three times

How much time do we have oh we got 20 seconds like jumping no we don’t know we got time we should have time go get it go get it the hunter be someone not good at like you know popcorn no because you need because then someone

Could just stay up top and then they could just stay there for 60 seconds and you’ll spend 60 seconds trying to get to the top oh yeah i figure it’s gonna take us eight rounds to figure out a good strategy but by then this will be too late

I’ll get coins as long as they survive in a bonus if they survive full 60 second round hunters get coins by hunting faster than the enemy team yeah yeah She okay all right we got this three times yeah i don’t know what’s going on let’s try and get as high as possible you have to get the wall out of the center no no no no no no just try and avoid the hunter understand here

Are you kidding me oh they’re all up top i don’t know this map i’ve never seen this map before i didn’t realize it was like a one hit thing so yeah it’s up to users oh i keep falling keep falling okay i got one i got one

Good job team why am i so slow good night everybody hey let’s try to communicate next time i got someone so fast did you get anyone i got one i got one i got oh good job dudes oh got in here with us let’s go

Wait what i can’t see you oh there you go we can’t watch this Goddamn h-bomb we are in our own zone with one of their guys and then zeus is in uh It’s too early for this guy all right who are we versing i don’t get it he wants to be the hunter someone else be the highest emerald elf james try and be the hunter yeah we’re going to lose this one anyway yeah we’re going to lose this one anyway

We should just try it why not what’s us everyone have their own goal Maybe this is my game you know i don’t know i don’t like this game man don’t touch it i see them you are good at parkour that is the problem well not compared to people that are actually good at this so yeah maybe i’m definitely not Oh it’s tommy yeah yeah that’s the problem that they can just be up top and did you get anyone Don’t stop because i need to go up high five all right be careful all right he sat down on the right he’s down on the right yeah um he’s flashing climbing up okay this is oh no it’s okay it’s okay just keep going keep going straight keep going straight he’s

Coming behind you he’s right behind you oh it’s good i couldn’t catch anybody how do you where do you climb this is not all game no yeah i don’t know about this guys i’m trying sacrifice why am i so yourself oh yeah i know i feel like i’m really

Slow in this i’m saying i couldn’t catch him i was like one of the guys like a snails yeah Lizzy lizzy’s hunting nice all right let me use let me use the uh the lag to my advantage yeah i feel like sheldon gave me that one but i’m gonna just accept him i feel like that was like a good friendship see i feel like he’s like what are they

I was hoping they would run with me I’m running oh come on come on come on i can’t hide anybody yes she does she can see i’m highlighted not what oh stayed up shoot oh i didn’t know whether or not she made it well that was like she could have hit me anyway

Okay oh good oh well done let’s go you can’t hide from them they can see you yeah because yeah they’ve i’m hot you’re i can get up there in highlighted yeah that’s right that’s right that’s right i think two out of three is pretty good yeah

Oh they’re on the ground yeah yeah go go go go oh come on yeah i think movement in this is really hard also you should like if you’re close oh that was so close yeah um your your hit marker is really actually quite far like if you hit from

It’s a lot further than you think okay um zeus you’ve actually got somebody so you’re you’re i think james and i should alternate i got in trouble but i feel like she gave it to me i do feel like she dropped down just to be like nice that’s all right

All right i’ll try no oh lol okay we should have this one yeah maybe i’d like to see them try yeah ludwig’s not gonna if he can stay up high that’s kind of the plan oh gosh oh well i already failed that one oh no

Oh boy what am i doing why do i keep going further down oh gosh well i got one no don’t let me don’t give me don’t give me oh god oh wait please i have a family got me oh my god i jumped damn it i fell

Down i hate this please i i have people that care you’ve widowed my family i don’t know i don’t know the best way to do this oh come on that what oh yeah i can see her oh that’s ridiculous you’re on the green grape swan what team is that Oh wow that’s good uh james you want to you want to be hunter oh yeah i suppose yeah you know what it feels like less pressure than not like trying to run away from hunters yeah that’s all right that’s right i’m being honest they’re both pretty bad both high intensity

It’s all very dramatic i don’t know uh let’s start communicating less i can’t remember so much so yeah i don’t know about this team we’ll say oh my god sasha i need communication i didn’t know where he was i didn’t even know where they got me from

I didn’t see all right glue on you’re gonna get hit yeah well sorry that was yeah that was just not great that’s fine how’s james doing oh go go go yeah let’s go go yeah they can’t see you you got to remember that so they’re just running

Around you got to try and think of like where they can even run though like i can’t yeah i i being on the ground is actually really hard because i feel like running on oh come on how are you so fast come on Yeah that’s what i wanted to do you know oh glue one’s going in all right okay i’m going in this time i’m going in this time a little of a go again maybe i’ll go in next time we knew this one was gonna be bad anyway so This game this mini game is not designed for our place Oh no don’t come to watch me what you were like a mile away how did they go come on down it’s not fair you guys being up there all right sorry i got here oh come on all right all right sasha um go go go go go go go forward forward

Forward forward go oh you just moved so slowly i don’t know i feel like on the ice yeah i’m so slow i feel like on the ice that’s just it’s so weird the movement oh i can’t get up there anymore i’m not seeing enough movement yeah

Are you guys all out already yeah yeah yeah it’s all right it’s not our game yeah they they can’t see you there’s one yeah it’s just tough i mean they can kind of see me bumbling around right here no you can see them i could see i could see them yeah no no

No no but they like they if you’re like down here just give me something it’s really hard don’t mention practice because no amount of practice we couldn’t practice this one in particular but it’s just too hard like we’re reversing people who are very good at the game you got this you got this

Come on sasha i believe in you i’m so scared maybe this would be the one i’ll we’re gonna have a christmas miracle happen and we’re gonna win it as this one Can i just like stand still and then not get me how do we call they hit me from across the map like i don’t understand i got one keep running oh i thought i could hide there all right you’re doing well you’re doing well and just move because they can

See you remember why are you standing still i was waiting for them to get here and then i was oh nice yeah phil’s just good well done though you did well you that was good did i i mean yeah yeah i mean i really got standing still for a long time

Yeah but that’s okay but sometimes just standing still on the other side is the best thing to do yeah but once you have the other one left and he’s coming towards you yeah that’s true i thought he was on the other side to be honest you gotta try

Is that it okay no last I don’t think i would i would not say that i’m the best player right well you just have to make up 340 coins yeah you get nine not last i just can’t it’s so hard i’m going to try the knot can i just stand this box here The problem is the the hunter can see you Okay crap i was like turning around like where are they oh they’re right there see what this is doing no no she’s gonna kick me run run oh no you’re on the ground the ground is in the weak space bad place to be damn okay so there oh so close

That’s what’s easy cool i’ve i see nothing awesome uh oh there we go oh come on come on oh still close did you get nah i got one i got one i got one okay nice that’s not our game that’s not okay yeah that’s fine it’s fine

Two of our weakest points yeah what i mean Yeah this battle box is also going to be really really high we I feel like they really need to cater the championships towards us more right i’m just saying if there’s like a building challenge or maybe like where you have to manage like a little family challenge [Laughter] baby challenge you know yeah right present sharing yes presents how does present piles everywhere yeah oh I have a pot of slime i ate my chocolate was i’m not supposed to do that i have a crossbar wait we do what do we do how do we vote um i don’t know i don’t know are we we just have to choose not to vote for

Something i don’t know oh yeah what wait what how do we oh there’s an egg and we got it right there what are we doing what do we want i don’t know it’s a good question um i just killed him oh i just threw a

Slime thing i think or had it i don’t know what happened what do you want what do you want to go for something that’s going to happen so i just like shoot what do i do yeah i don’t know what that does um oh i got a chicken don’t worry guys don’t worry

I don’t know what’s happening right now it’s gonna fall by well it looks like we’re doing that anyway because everyone’s over there oh battle box maybe i don’t know what a chicken treat does but okay well battle box uh or i guess where did my eggs go i didn’t vote Play the distraction role i know that much but hopefully they haven’t fixed a rush uh cam thank you so much for the tier one welcome welcome all right let’s yeah let’s let’s let’s give it a shot everyone though is it like a the problem is how do you get up there

In one block Okay yeah it looks like you have to go in from the sides or the top down who cares like by the time we end up placing all the wool they’ll be like at the top trying to snipe us so this actually might work for us

I’m gonna do the same things i always do and just try to distract i appreciate it all right okay so when you do that how do you place it you uh you right click yeah yeah and then right click to uh just hold it down it just pretty much hold down both

Hold down yeah oh so as soon as it breaks you’ll immediately put down your blue block interesting battle box plays right here true let’s see what happens i usually just let y’all do it and then i just like hit people and make them mad but yeah yeah i mean

If we have a big problem just blame the lag okay all right all right that’s just gonna be our whole thing it’s gonna be a massive excuse oh my god that that lag got us real good um wait can you guys jump from this platform or no is that not possible

I’ll take that we’re gonna have to find the route yeah that’s the thing just go just go to the right go to the right and around yeah let’s go around yeah oh james james knows how to get there okay oh okay damn i’m out go go go go go oh so close I killed someone it’s all right it usually takes us a few rounds to get into yeah we gotta we gotta warm up a bit we gotta warm it up it’s all right we got we were like one away we’re one away if you’re getting knocked off you’re kind of in trouble

Yeah yeah i think i think i i’ve got to be i i didn’t realize that i could take the jump potion earlier but now i know how to do it so okay okay all right all right all right you’re trying to be good i’m gonna take the

Arrows remember to put the ball in your off hand yeah usually never how did you all get there just in case i need to know juggle right walk around to the right and then just sort of go up [Applause] Go go oh okay i’m dead oh no okay i was there for such a long time yeah i think this is really hard for us because it it requires parkour to get up there yeah yeah it requires parkour to get up there and then okay so maybe someone else should take

The jump potion because i had like four done by the time you guys got it that got there so like wait why can’t you have it oh because if i can just get up there first anyway because i was pretty i was pretty quick anyway

I can just get up that way you didn’t use the jump potion no i did i did i did i don’t wait how do you do you have to jump on the red little platform and then jump up um no you gotta go all the way around and jump off the

Gray platform i haven’t tried the red thing i don’t know what that is i don’t think you can get from the grape no i don’t think you can all right all right did you guys want to try it or do you want me to just continue trying to do

This you seem to know what you’re doing with that so all right okay yeah i just keep doing what i do it doesn’t work and i hope it works behind his group of arrows and shooting people that’s what i’m doing okay i’m trying just remember you don’t

Have to go all the way you don’t have to charge it all up you can annoy people by spamming it too far but let’s go sapphire santas let’s go oh geez oh i keep using the wrong oh what and captain sparkles like yeah you say that but we beat them last time so

That’s all i’m saying i i this map is not favoring our strat that’s the problem i blinked and i was dead what does that say i don’t know let me know what you said i don’t know what you said it’s it’s a map it’s a small area get ours yes but we

All have arrows and then we’ll just watch the middle yeah we were good at rushing i mean the reason we started doing that strat is because we couldn’t win any other way yeah right to them i mean um do we just shoot them in the chest

Yelling at us i shoot them i don’t i mean i guess we’re mostly trying to attack them because like i don’t think we can rush maybe i’ll just go in with you guys this time and try all right no i didn’t realize i had no health all right well we’re we’re gone

You gotta go around i did i couldn’t i jumped and i it didn’t i didn’t get on there it’s called the lag i think yeah i believe yeah we’re getting a lot of lag and it doesn’t make it right am i doing something wrong are you changing the map with a very targeted

Attack exactly literally the sapphire santas yeah stuck to my own scraps we had yeah we had one thing and they were like you know what winner everything we if we win something they’re like change the whole thing that is so true we started winning and then they’ll like

Let’s get rid of let’s just it was lag for everyone we were born in the lag 23 coins i still think we should just i think we should just watch it because maybe we would catch a team yeah yeah maybe oh we can hope yeah yeah that’s true

Just just all go to the right so it was like the lag is so bad right now going the other way right now really sad and it tells us how to get to this little sign here watching well i don’t know where the other team is so i guess

On top oh i’ve fallen off great okay i’m gonna go back around again so oh yeah so if we’re gonna do that someone’s gotta be with us we gotta all rush it and someone come with a wooden axe that has knocked back too and just hit people off that’s what’s

That’s what we’re gonna do how do you get to the top you you gotta jump from that platform yeah the sign says it in the front that little yellow sign it’s if on that great thing you have to jump to the truck that’s the only way on yeah does someone

Else want to try maybe sasha try and use the potion and i’ll do i’ll try and do the axe okay you do the accident i have no idea what do you use the potion for you because you jump really high you can literally go down right next to it

When um and then just jump up to it so you gotta choose the left or the right you can’t jump onto the wooden side the only way is to get from there i usually just hit people i don’t place the wall drink the drink the potion now drink the person now okay It’s not working oh just kidding okay go go go go go go go go please please oh so close i was really close though i kept pushing them off that might actually work sasha what so what went wrong as soon as you get knocked off that’s that’s what slows you down

Yeah so that axe that i had was so good like that’s so like it was allowing if we get all all of us there and i just sit there and i hit people off i think we have a chance 100 so what do you think just keep going

Yeah keep trying keep trying yeah yeah yeah we have a chance yeah because i was knocking them off for a while so you’re gonna stand on the thing and knock them off yeah yeah i’m with that i’m done with that okay because they’re knocking they’re knocking us off yeah and if i

Can knock them off before they get to you can knock them off knock the knockers off yeah you know so wait you’re knocking them off of like the platform with the wool yeah correct yeah i think 100 of them knock the knockers off don’t knock the walls off we just knocked the knockers

Off go go go go go go go i died knock the knockers off guys i no well i mean we didn’t all get on there i don’t know i think i still like 100 was a little over the top i said if we all get on there at once i

Can knock them off that was perfect before what was wrong with the map last time why we got a parkour on what’s wrong with that did you knock the knockers off yeah i was doing it but then i died i died really early on okay i’m gonna go back to my original

Okay i’ll do this then keep doing Twenty-three i can’t believe they changed this map I’m gonna knock him off at the knocker axe yeah yeah knock the knockers off though eh The rushing isn’t gonna work for us i don’t know what else to do okay the good thing is this is early on pvp is not our strong suit it’s fine guys i’ve just had a revelation i don’t think the rough strat is working anymore nine games in hey this one dude

Maybe one let’s probably once more you know what that’s the one you know what this is the one this is gonna be the one take it let’s take this around one more time and see if it works okay wait who’s doing who’s like sasha try taking the crossbow oh yeah i mean

Because she’s trying to like help us isn’t she like in terms of you know what you know what i’m not gonna do any wool i’m gonna hit people with a sword okay i’ll just try and do the wool then protect me protect me I am having fun so that’s not a problem i’m gonna go up here i’m just gonna explore the map a little you know yeah have fun man yeah i i don’t know um there’s no one here let’s go [Laughter] i can’t hit anyone with this That is probably the strat for this we might have actually won the watching game if we just did it that time the the problem is there is no like this is heavy pvp this is literally kill people then do it that’s like that’s the way that

You win you can’t rush it so there’s that’s the way that we lose yeah and that’s not our strong suit so it sucks that we can’t do it but that’s just how it is that’s the thing when we first did this and we was like okay it’s pvp it’s pvp

And we kept losing and then we realized if we just rushed it we can win and they’ve taken that element out since yeah yeah 100 percent like well now we’re back to where we were when we first started we’re going to lose on this one

And it’s going to be almost hated i mean it is called battle box for a reason yeah because we we are relying on us finishing it that’s where we got all our points before we need yeah Have fun can we slowly cry no i don’t think no i’ll tell you if there’s a present yeah it’s present time oh it is yeah that’s always present time i have a present for you come here i got a present for you sweet i got a chicken trade i think that counts

Okay i’m gonna give it to dan where’s danny What have we got we got a dark bolt what does a dark bolt do if this is off scoring then yes we are definitely winning first place all right what are we going for now uh one that we can find whatever that is yeah ace waits when uh

What are we doing i like ace race ace race is fun yeah all right and then chicken treat does that like yeah that’s okay we’ll do ace race later we’ll get more points added a pvp element into hollow wall because i’m sure they’d have you know what they added pvp into everything

Rocket spliff also isn’t um pvp focused anymore actually which is good yeah they decentralized that uh survival just surviving the longest which is not alarm anyone but i really gotta go to the toilets oh no this is your round this is your game i can’t go now yeah

I’ll go is it a number one or a number two a bottle next to you oh okay uh yeah i just finished my coffee so i could probably go oh james oh i haven’t had any of my coffee no wonder i’ve been playing terribly i mean i’ve had mine and it hasn’t made

That much difference oh it tastes like consider playing third person how about no no that sucks oh instead of holes they’ve added um the dream just killing you and uh so the wall is just other team just killing you yes it’s actually just a pvp arena now sir

Jen says to with rocket spleef keep your cursor on the horizon to stay afloat the horizon yeah the philippine verizon horizon zero dawn verizon i didn’t come up with anything i liked my zero dawn one night i’m just gonna stick with that you’re doing great sweetie thank you this still has

There’s like still fake walls in there yes they jingle now though i like all jingly now jingle bells oh we might get copyrighted let me just put on uh some tunes yeah you know what at this point getting dmca would probably be good no supposedly if i get dmcad in the states

I can go to jail yeah no it wasn’t passed but but i mean they’re gonna try guys so what did you get why are you in here i murdered a person why are you here i played a dmcad song i had music playing why are you here i stole

Two billion dollars from a corporation oh no oh no oh no what else in the middle i laughed at that ridiculous oh my god i was i was too focused on telling a story oh then playing the game oh what i just did i don’t think anyone

Thought i did either so it’s fine it’s all right are we all out yeah we’re all out yeah oh man it’s okay don’t worry don’t worry don’t worry we’ve got 72 points um you know zeus could you miss this eight bomb right now i’d have him

You know talk teach us a little bit about this game yeah let me just dm him real quick right now hey man can i help right now i was too focused on my story i knew it would go bad i think calling out directions doesn’t actually help us i think the least

Having less communication would probably help more off board i really enjoy that jingling you to the void yeah oh thank you thank you i know how to jingle my bells okay i said ooh and james said ew oh james you could have gone potty that’s really funny

Uh i no i i considered it but i was like sometimes they might all just get wiped out then i don’t want to start i mean not be here i’ll just quickly go after this game that would be easier someone fell in the hole you would fall off

Woah that’s so dumb why would you do it couldn’t be me oh can oh yeah that’s right how do you get how do you do those ones like people do you have to jump and then like swim like i don’t know oh because we have like a jump or something

Jump higher three blocks high yeah yeah you do oh damn it’s always me like that what’s that how you doing though a lot of we got a lot of points uh good to have on as well no i don’t think so i mean maybe i don’t know it’s really up to you

Okay all right let’s um all right everybody that’s the voice and the whole all right all right have fun i am communicating communication give us your good energy okay now our tip is to see we come last and everything because then we’re actually advertising our our team on every single stream

Five-head play right there that’s true how are we advertising for being because because it always shows the last um team watch out because we’re lost no no no no it always shows the like the first and the last impression i think i don’t know but it’s pretty smart if we if that’s true

It is it is very smart with that that’s why we’re doing all right yeah yeah all right i don’t know why you’re heading i don’t know i don’t know i’m kidding really annoying well have fun all right i was faked out i got picked out down

Yeah that one was a little bit tricky um there’s just one this is the right one oh there’s two here oh there we go that was the lag that wasn’t me okay it’s so cool to see everyone jump over the same time it’s like a wave no i just pulled out him

Oh no left it worked me in houston his signal actually has to go to australia first and then yeah yeah it’s like mobile phones i tried to come i tried to go backwards because like to try and get off of it because i was stuck

I just didn’t see it in time oh my god so fast yeah everyone in here right now is really good at minecraft thought they were good yeah that’s true that’s pretty funny yeah you kind of have to jump and hold shift when you go through the i just

Don’t know the timing on those they’re gonna they’re gonna make that oh damn i got 96 cards santas let’s go yeah they need to spice this up a little bit because everyone’s gotten really really good this one’s the only one that hasn’t really changed much like instead add a

Pvp component somehow um no no well everyone seems to be trying to pvp because i know they’re trying stop touching me i did not consent to this this is the speed that i like because yeah that’s one angry gosh oh my gosh i like the ones who can just stand still yes

Those are the best yeah yeah this is good i feel like they should change it to all be those right yeah yeah yeah i agree and see just you know jumping involved will be soy yeah guys as long as there’s no jumping involved i think we’re going to be okay

Like this one is perfect can we have more of these yeah oh made it through made it through made it through oh things are speeding up here i’m still in it somehow i’m still in it i like that if i like go to you james that it’s um we go like invisible

Yeah i think they did change that by the looks of it because that’s good yeah okay get ready to job are you gonna win no no no oh what oh this one don’t worry i i got out oh damn that’s all right we did i think we did pretty well

Oh yeah that’s lag you guys see that did the lag help you or hurt you oh no it killed me sir oh dang that lag i think like that helps you that’s the best lag yeah yeah i only like lag when it benefits me yeah exactly but the jingle bells though that’s nice

Oh here we go how do you get through that you halt you jump and [ __ ] championship that sucks yeah jumping And that was the last time we ever heard from james [Laughter] are you fair enough he just left he went out to dinner for breakfast he’s now in the roblox championship the roblox champion you know what in my head i was like they should have a sims

One and i was like oh wait they kind of did and i won that one you did you want that you did that and i declined yes you did i didn’t go i’m so glad you did decline because then i probably would have won then i was wondering you would have won

Wanted us to be on the same team yeah i know we would have dominated absolutely if they do enough when they should like let everyone pick their own teams going into him is so wholesome because he put us in last place for the tournament and i said i think your

Prediction was right and he just put sad faces yeah this i feel like this um chat like this one is just very very stacked a lot of really good everyone here is did we win yeah we won we came first good job guys we found a bonus billion points behind uh

Present time where’s cpk always present here this is my uh present presents all right going to give it to you uh am i giving it to you no stop running away yeah yeah you’re yeah i know but oh i got two gifts thanks so much [Applause]

There we go i gave him a bar of chocolate chocolate bar can i just eat it i’ll eat it no one let’s try to do ace race i like ace yeah yeah let’s do it it’s like chicken treat all right or uh i i like it when my

Chicken just hangs out with me i feel like you’re way over ace race my egg went past the voting arena you were too strong sasha have you not figured this out yet remember when you had your wisdom teeth out and you were like unstoppable welcome to the gun show yeah

Thunder and lightning oh that’s what they call them face race okay i love ace race not the best but it’s fun yeah chad i’m happy to practice if i’m on a different team it’s because we’re all practice thanks ace race is one of the coolest ones yeah this one’s true oh it’s different

Yeah this one’s yeah of course they’re not going to put they didn’t change them they they didn’t change it from the last championship but this is different from the one in the practice right yeah yeah but different no i think it’s probably the same no this is the first one they had i

Think the first one they did no but it wasn’t even or something else wasn’t it yeah so foot race it’s the meld of the two there’s like it it cuts off yeah so it has like the cool like jump pads and like speed boosts yeah something like that well i haven’t

Played this one before no i think we played did we play last night well this used to yeah that was a foot race but not as ice right yeah i thought we played at a base rate am i am i on drugs what unless you did unless you did like a

Training or practice with us this hole in the wall no we haven’t done we’ve done like spleef looks different i’m pretty sure we have done this one i don’t know half of it is the same sash and i watched this lost mcc all those cookies yeah but yeah

Yeah all right best of luck everyone i’m already dead um what oh everyone tried to do a strat maybe that works strat i like stress yeah okay i’m not gonna do any shortcuts yeah i’m just following the crowd that’s my plan yep i’ve not done this map before so oh

I can’t take it out of my oh come on there’s stupid face on my body and i couldn’t see it’s a lag guys yeah make sure make sure you look where you’re going for these oh okay see the thing with the last thing what oh no cool that was a great spawn I was i had a dream for a second oh no i don’t know where to go now i fell off pretty good up there like could i do this oh come on this is so hard this is so hard oh oh come on okay can i

Even can you even make it there i don’t seem to be able to have we’ve done this one before Actually you know what maybe i’m supposed to go where do i go you gotta go up the waterfall and then like from there way over there it’s just me and ludwig where am i going 40th place is that good oh oh what am i doing

Let’s go down there yeah why am i still flying Um okay uh yeah where do we go james when we go james i don’t know up probably yeah this is why i like being with people i don’t know where to go yeah i’m stuck what where where are you we actually got stuck somewhere there’s like a invisible barrier

I don’t know really oh yeah uh this way it’s like doesn’t seem like the track anymore but the following changes Okay thank you okay where are we supposed getting stuck with one of your favorite streamers you and ludwig had that moment and i’m a little jealous to be honest um isn’t it supposed to make you automatically fly there yes it didn’t for me so that was cool Oh no can i get you out of there yeah they got they got us out but we’re really behind now where am i supposed to go oh i know it’s a meme but i actually do feel like yeah that was me being bad i feel like there is lag in this for me

It’s actually really annoying A lot of trying to figure out where the heck you’re supposed to go no you know what the problem is the problem is i’m also not good and that combined with lag is really good i am dead oh that’s gonna work out uh i am also

Not good but then also i have a terrible sense of direction no i think this is confusing like the first the other one we did took us ages to learn yeah it just happens i think the best part about this is that you although it’s wow it’s kind of like

You’re going up against yourself which is much better than thinking that you’re up against everyone else that’s true that’s what i like about this monitor dang it i got like aim we got an aim on that one oh shoot no no no no no here i go Okay okay that didn’t make me fly quick enough come on it’s really annoying half the time the flying activates way too light for me i feel like you’re having the same flying pumps All right i’m done i practice a lot of ace race on the server oh okay let’s go uh no no no it’s just a completely different one but it helped me practice a lot with um like tridents and stuff which i think really helped with this

And i’ve done a lot of stuff on the the fescraft server too what the heck no practice doesn’t help oh let’s go all right so you’re supposed to come up onto this yeah um oh yeah nice why did i stop sprinting all right cool all right i’m following

I’m following you sasha do you have like any questions or is this something that’s your favorite one oh that’s cool that’s way quicker this is your final are you on you fall every time every single day you gotta go to the edge you gotta go to the edge here

Okay sasha you gotta go more to the left like go past the snowman yeah yeah yeah you gotta go past the snowman there okay okay all right yeah yeah just do this okay what you want to do is you want to go to the corner

Um right next to the this oh wait just keep going just keep going just do it your way you know i’m not going to try and get you to do a fancy strat yay two laps done let’s go all right right now sorry i’m trying to understand it’s good you’re really

Keeping me company all right okay this is pretty much standard i could use that kind of zeus motivation too all right okay here i’ll come and see you go on all right you’re doing really well keep keep it going keep it going um i don’t have time to finish yourself um

I don’t know all right where do you struggle the most gluon uh pretty much just kind of universally the whole thing i think oh come on what doing a really good job here That was weird okay so the problem there is you didn’t jump yeah okay so i think you need to practice your jumping music there’s like two minutes left all right okay keep going yeah freaking me out yeah there is two minutes left yeah i thought it was like 10 seconds

Yeah keep going you’ll finish oh hey sasha hello let’s go okay so you want to jump yeah to to the right yeah into the waterfall go out oh that was close you want to aim a little you want to aim a lot higher than you think

Yeah there we go good good good good you want to dip down more yeah let’s go go glue on you got this up here oh i should probably shouldn’t have no i should have gone to the water yep keep going glue on you’re doing well yeah here all right and then you just

Want to drop into the water down here go on and then just charge up and then yeah it seems like you know what i just want to finish okay keep going oh god this is why i struggled okay okay yeah okay so go up here okay what you want to

Do why can’t i fly right now um yeah go on the right here okay aim up to yeah there and then you want to go you want to jump up a little bit yeah and then go to the left one yep and then you want to go

You want to go to this waterfall you want to go to this waterfall turn around go on you want to go to that waterfall and shoot all the way over yeah you want to go up and then shoot all the way over that way here we go oh close close close close

Yeah exactly shoot okay go up and then you want to go you don’t have to go that high but no why the hell why did they jump that was weird yeah yeah it’s a bit laggy i know all right cool oh yeah you’re gonna make it go let’s Having a fun time let’s go i’m really proud of you glue on well done oh look at this guy 37 38 and 39 and then zeus on what seventeen yeah i came 17. you lag out that’s so annoying damn h-bomb with the two what h twice

I demand a recount the votes are not verified they’re going to be a run-off in january it’s he’s after image my tracking is broken can i get a refund let’s go it’s hard but it’s fun that yeah that’s i have the most fun with ace race because i feel like

I bonded with ludwig which i just love for me yeah oh break time time oh big time um yeah now’s the time yeah damn i think it’s the one that you don’t want uh the next time you control the decision time for the game that you that has the least

Votes will be played next so vote for the one that you don’t want wait what’s the what’s the options let’s tell them what to vote for what don’t we want sky battle i don’t want sky battle oh everyone go to the twitter vote for sky battle i’ll link it in chat yeah

Vote for sky battle i hate sky battle everyone goes my vote dude sky battle that one sucks thanks for listening where’s the link out where is this the link um i just posted it in my little room yeah it’s on twitter if you follow the minecraft championships

Uh sky battle yeah i don’t want sky battle so let’s vote for sky battle i love a look but wait i thought you said with the least votes oh please right okay i got you yeah 100 of the votes is me right now because there’s one vote yeah i know

Why it has an update it’s got 11k likes but zero votes zero votes um i feel like i don’t mind the old mark on what to vote for right we don’t want build mob i feel like that uh that i want to have they fix that technology of accounting

Someone was talking about all the other pokemon cards and the gifts i mean back with my bad guys one second i’m also gonna go to the bathroom i’ll be right back i’m i’m not going anywhere so i’m just gonna sit here yeah okay so we’re gonna be doing to get

To the other side it seems at the moment there’s only 48 000 votes so far so it could change that is true you gotta get you gotta get like the because everyone has like dream has to probably put his input as soon as dream says something it’s going to be like

Hell yeah build mod has the most votes because nobody wants to do it yeah but i don’t i i don’t like to get to the other side either and whack a fan i i don’t mind that i’d probably prefer that over any of the others there

I find it less stressful than any of the others practice ruckus please okay not that we we might not even do anything in rockets belief dreams fans are scary they’re all right actually wait didn’t he make a video about them wait i might be wrong

We just it’s so it’s so hard for like gen z’s to be nice sometimes you know what what is gen z like what years is that 1996 till something or is it 1997 one of the two oh i don’t know so i’m asking i just feel like you know it’s 20 20 we

Shouldn’t have generations anymore we should all be god shut up i’m tired to be honest i’m tired of it all everything there’s a complaint it sounds like my streams i complain about mundane things all the time because people are serious about it i’m back hello i can’t win these days no you’re

Not gen z you’re jen me isn’t that just deep so deep did you just leave it yeah because i just was so appalled with that joke it sounds like such a woke 2020 thing to say too it’s so stupid yeah i’m so woke bro i’m so woke

I’m jen me i don’t label it what do you label it because it’s about me yeah i voted with all three of my accounts that’s that’s the kind of effort i like to see well there’s 122 000 about 23 000 yeah i should vote your three votes definitely uh yeah my one vote

Definitely counted so yeah dan dan’s looking fancy oh to get to the other side is winning right now which is tonight i mean i don’t like that game but it’s better than the others yeah you said you liked the ice one thing i prefer that i prefer when pokeman was on this

Because pokemon kept failing and was like the last one and i didn’t feel as bad but it was like acceptable because you know she doesn’t literally found like okay so what happened was when you were there was like that drop down into the underwater section yeah

Tried and through like um me and ludwig went left because that’s where i thought you were supposed to go we tried and it like tried it up to the left and then like got they like allowed us to go up there and then wouldn’t let us go back out so

There was like an invisible barrier oh my god we were stuck there for like a minute yeah just running back and forth that’s all right and then they just teleported us out like pretty much like right where we were but i was like dang i lost like a whole

Minute you still beat me so i wouldn’t go yeah you also no i felt like i had a crazy speed boost though like for like a few seconds after that i feel like they maybe gave me a little boost no i’m not i’m not beating ludwig yeah no that’s not happening

All right so uh it’s the uh halftime um and we’re in the locker room right now and uh guys i’m not like what i’m seeing out there well trailing behind the red reindeer i’m gonna go out there i’m gonna win come on come on hello oh you guys gotta hear me oh [ __ ]

Oh hello hi you know i said we gotta win what we’re only four thousand behind come on guys we’re so close to winning i mean we just haven’t had our game yet so yeah our game was the og battle box so yeah do not drink out of that coffee cup just saying um

Maybe in the us i guess maybe he’s he might be taking a break deuce would agree all right to get to the other side is going to win almost 200 how many votes i don’t think this is the most votes that would they’ve had i swear they had like three hundred thousand once

It’s just kind of like i did refresh i got a hundred i have a hundred fifty seven thousand yeah that’s what i got yeah yeah why this is the voting quite loud look at all those peoples hi people oh lol wait what joel’s keyboard broke so scott’s just

Running over to give it to him i love that they live so close together it’s so good can we i was like that was sasha if you ever want to move to australia which i don’t think you want to i think james you you should get a place

And then i get a place and we’re next to neighbors oh i’d actually love that that’d be so good oh you’re more than welcome yeah of course i don’t know about this idea but uh james could you just buy a whole block of houses somewhere yeah

Which i found out which my chat keeps telling yeah oh it me right there yeah it does say but i never knew what it meant yeah me neither i always forget so i keep reiterating it so i don’t really think what what’s that toe saw f

Tick toe i remember in the first one i won one wait is this is the terraforce map oh my god i practiced this oh wait what this is this is a lightroom i didn’t practice eva what was i what was i doing here oh my god cpk is gonna destroy this how

Does this work i was watching let’s go wait did i practice damn look at everyone’s wings oh yeah that’s sweet what do we do what are we doing what’s happening dudes tell us your practices you just have to go you just have to rely on your instincts

Wait where’d you go thanks that’s what you practiced wait where where do you start to go it you’ll it’ll open up it’s like it drops just you’re on your instincts yeah sasha you’ve got good instincts oh the fire alarm oh it’s the I can’t see there’s too many people inside no How much Oh dude the new the new minecraft update is sweet this place is blowing up i can’t believe they got like early access to it yeah oh i found out of rockets you have rockets Oh no oh no i crashed oh no i’m gonna go again I fell i finished i fell oh i had to whack a fan i’m an idiot i actually finished pretty fast oh i’m not going to finish i like it i don’t even know what to do you got 24 yeah that’s good wait what did i get oh

Yeah it’s in green i was like looking for my name i’m like where am i i thought i did well but i guess i didn’t know what was left me hit dreams oh my god it was actually drinking water that was fun but i didn’t do something that was so cool

It’s so sick that was pretty cool oh okay i typed in that yeah there we go oh i won this one here we go this how are you doing it’s like it it worked this is gonna go what’s that game what’s the bean game it’s like fall guys

With the doors like someone will open some won’t open that’s right There’s too many people in my way just kind of climbing head at the same time for no reason i can’t see mood okay the story over here yep i know not that i’m just gonna follow the masses here okay All right then i go this way and i go in here oh god why why do they have to keep using soul sand it’s so annoying slow us down oh shoot i’m gonna hit someone oh no where’s that guy oh i got twenty thousand i can’t yeah they’re they’re at the very end

They keep getting stolen that was fun they’ve been they wanted to finish it [Applause] [Applause] oh yes did you guys practice this sap made a whole thing i’m not not finishing i don’t think i’ve ever finished this one i’ve never finished this so you’re telling me that you didn’t play it it’s on your server it’s on fez craft this whole map i don’t go on fire

Oh you have your yourselves to blame why did i just get hit no i’m not blaming anybody that i’ve never finished it i should have really gone before i’ve really gone on the fence back can’t get up oh shoot i missed i just try hitting other people am i like hitting other

People what’s happening here um what can i make it oh my god uh try going down to like yeah that’s what i’m doing like this one yeah you don’t want to aim down you kind of want to aim up at the beginning oh why it puts you at the start

Yeah you want it yeah you want to make sure that why isn’t there a checkpoint i don’t know this map is um interesting so let’s just say that i finished it got 14th and i practiced i’m really good at yeah it was gated out of existence i’m gonna go out this way

Did you guys make it i’m not i’m literally dizzy i didn’t think i breathed nice no i didn’t make that one it was so scary that’s the first time i’ve ever made it i can’t believe it sends you all the way back together yeah oh i hate this one [ __ ]

This one i like this one why is easy this one’s terrible you just follow someone else follow someone else yeah all all right all right all right fair enough i’ll try yeah because all you gotta do is let them build up then you just build up behind them and use their

True i mean or you can build your own but it’s really too much effort oh sure it’s sasha like i’m gonna hit someone and then start what’s in front of me i’m like okay oh okay i can’t we’re too many people on the spot great please thank you

Oh shoot dang it the cobwebs oh no no who just no i got stuck i just got kicked off oh how do you get out of the cobwebs slowly yeah slowly i was following someone like you guys told me why would you hit the last team on the the losing team

We have to try why are we here so little all right there we go i finished that one but now i have yeah i can do that one i can’t do this this one i i’m not very good at i i got hit off well there’s a part that goes right over

The top so if you do go back to the start now like oh yeah that’s actually not a bad idea i get it let’s go well done sasha all right let’s go At least i finished i’m just really bad oh my god it was bad was this at the top yeah yeah that one’s i guess that’s why well i’m not very good at that one that one’s uh oh this is what i like i like the smudge oh yeah yeah yeah

Just don’t take the corners in the boat get out and like run and jump yeah get out get out yeah yeah that’s the technique to this one this is the only one i know a technique too yeah yeah this one this one’s fun you just go so speedy

Yeah speed and then just get out yep oh god you know what i’m gonna go through i can’t see anyone how do you get out you hold you press shift shift yeah and then you just like get out and then everyone’s doing it so if you start spinning out just get out

And get back in again yeah uh best way to do it don’t think you can auto correct yourself just get out it’s actually faster to get out and put yourself back in again someone knocked me off someone actually knocked me off on my good one are you kidding me

Oh my god i think that might have been me no it wasn’t i don’t think it was you sure yeah i don’t think it was yours oh my i’m so freaking mad my only good one let’s go i got 20th oh i’m throwing a boat i thought it automatically got you out of

A boat yeah me too i was like come on i want to find someone who killed okay good looking definitely was dark i’m clipping it I’m so sorry together what was that work together more like push each other off oh this is another one of these christmas village these look really cute um lovely Oh well don’t hit me it’s like a fan like a simmer oh scott no who oh my god are you serious oh my god i got lag there’s really no point me hitting people off but it’s just like why not they’re like right in front of me you know yeah

I’m good i’m happy no oh my god who tried to oh it’s just me and wilbur now [Applause] Well i guess it’s just you now pressure’s on dude literally everyone is watching you right now you know what that is actually in a thousand iq play because if you have hundreds of thousands yeah that’s true what was his name uh i gotta loot that guy up [Laughter]

You know you should just stop and then type in chat be like hey guys at least we don’t have to do that one You know that one that we usually do last where like everyone hits everyone off yeah at least we didn’t do that one because i yeah that one where you get like full down and oh yeah yeah that’s so annoying that one is the most annoying it makes me like

Hot like my skin gets hot well one time knocked trending youtube video right now and we just had a fight [Laughter] that’s pretty funny please load wait someone sent me a clip present oh i to do the presents oh present time it could be knocking you off

The boat gave me coal which i i mean yeah i feel about that but surely i see them um way over there where is it then andy are you kidding me man i don’t understand these presents because like they don’t really do anything i like it yeah there you go

Oh the game’s arriving and i got a chocolate bar survival game Build mod bingo uh i don’t like any of the remaining games no no entirely you’re just gonna check out now sasha or uh yeah i’m just gonna go good luck guys fine with the fun one we had fun with that one which one smells of time really we had fun with

That i’d rather do rockets all right i’m definitely a rocket slave okay can i make it right no it’s in the i don’t know i haven’t voted once oh my god like nope nothing battle actually so good this is who paid the simmers That’s pretty funny what game is this [ __ ] oh gingerbread oh this is the uh this is the advent calendar this is so cool hey what did scott say 24th chicken went into it ea paid them [Laughter] i i assume rules haven’t really changed on this it’s kind of the same

Gingerbread man is tea posing quite oh but they said um there’s no pvp to stay alive wait tnt time halfway through the game phase two will be coming yeah we we had this last time yeah oh right okay yeah i don’t think i ever got that far so we

Um we don’t kill anyone we just stay alive and then who will they say like keep your eye on the horizon yeah yeah yeah yeah to float for the longest so look up is that what you’re saying no no no no like eye on the horizon so

Instead yeah you want it like so is it like slightly up i don’t know i’m just going to die this is too confusing that’s the spirit yeah let me aim to knock you off because that’s kind of my thing now [Laughter] Okay i’m on the verizon yeah do you see where the color changes i don’t know where i am and that is a problem how far out are you flying can someone yeah quickly look up and tell me where i am uh no because then i have to get my eye on

The horizon dude i can’t i’m very far out i’m not gonna lie i’m very someone in front of me very far a bunch i’m making my way down to christmas guys i’m going to be honest with you you know what i’m walking in my way album i’m going out i’m not

I’m not yet i’m hanging in there no no this is a beautiful advent canada why are we firing on each other hi so far so good yeah i mean i’m just i’m just hanging out no area yeah i know i’ve got my rocket i’m just gonna just chill here it’s fine

I’m gonna fight at zeus oh hi sasha oh no someone found me yeah there is but it’s not you don’t get like extra points for it you killed ludwig no i killed um aaron i mean all right get ready for cause all right i thought there was no pvp in this game

There is i killed someone uh-oh tea time time all right you guys still alive [Applause] did you use your rocket The verizon doesn’t have good reception here guys oh go to att quick i can’t switch i’m in a locking contract don’t make me laugh i’m trying to stay on the horizon i died t marble has a largest 5g coverage quickly nationwide coverage [Applause] I thought i thought the moon i thought this was a block i’m not kidding i thought i thought if you looked straight down i thought it was a block yeah i thought it was blocked i was like i’ll just land there and i flew all the way down

In between two like very small ones i was like laying down and hiding did anyone clip that that was that was really good that was the best i think we’ve done forever you did well yeah wow we got 500 coins for that the moon with a block and then you

Really okay yeah yeah yeah i would still be i think oh now it’s just who can float for the longest Yeah i think that are they shooting me i’m not even in the game people that’s so funny oh nice damn well done of course it’s dream [Laughter] like when you swim you like lay down i was like doing that between two blocks just sitting there

I thought oh my god i thought that oh not this one oh it’s a hot one it’s gonna fall straight through the hole right here okay try and float for the longest longest time and then find a hidey hole All right i’ve got good reception you have good reception right now i already are down what i’m already dead whoa okay uh whoa i messed up right who killed me wow that sucks come on you know what i don’t like flying i’m just gonna hang out here for a bit

Did someone kill me yeah can i just hang out here please don’t hurt me i just want to live i see you live in james oh god they found me they found me why why not cam they died like immediately i just hear explosions that i can’t see where am i okay

I don’t want to look because i feel like it’s going to yeah yeah no no this strat works really well actually you’re just like oh hang on they just hit their own teammate james is flying from the map okay yeah just try and not use your uh your rocket until like the very

Very end all right i’m just gonna well i mean i’ve already used it so oh okay i had to use mine pretty soon pretty soon as well uh i love you just wait i think i think i’ll be fine honestly i will say hey oh do you get them you can’t hit

Yourself back up without rockets though i thought they removed that like i did no it still works see i told you look how far zeus just went up he’s like in the sky all right i don’t even know how that’s legal how you’re out there

That didn’t work to me so i don’t know man all right zeus you’re cheating you’re literally cheating all right i’m not even gonna try i’m just gonna stay i’m just gonna float the whole time i love it go for it cheating if it’s in the game yeah it’s not cheating that’s

In the game that’s true turn down him shoot down shut down no go i shot down but it didn’t work um flag all right i’ve got to be careful here yeah don’t go too far out zoo so you don’t wanna Zoom all right seuss is floating I don’t know you did pretty well is that anything that was really good zeus there’s five players left yeah i got like what did i get that was really good let’s go oh i have two kills that’s what i think that’s so good Really good let’s go that’s awesome i killed two of my teammates oh i hate this one that was weird yeah like i’m falling to my death this is the absolute worst one yeah you can’t change my mind sorry the thing is it’s not even a fun map you know yeah it doesn’t even

Look good that’s the other thing it’s like like if maybe it looked awesome i’d be like oh yeah i guess i can see the map but you know i’m already dipping down way below i would want to correct so i already have to lock it myself up

All right i’m gonna stay up here wait wait let’s not i would just like land if you too low and then uh rock it later yeah we’ve rocketed it so i’m just gonna like maybe i’ll just hang here maybe i’ll be fine i’ll be fine

No no one’s gonna see oh no they found me what climbing up hide on that map though thing yeah there’s no way to like chill does rockets bleep yourself back up honestly it works true it does not work whoa what the i just someone like accidentally just powered me

Let’s go wait well uh rocking myself up did not work and caused me to uh die so uh i’m dead i’m dead i’m dead i’m dead uh come on come on kill someone on the way down this is my worst map i don’t like this one very much it’s hard

But i got a kill i wipe james on it it doesn’t even look good it’s not funny my friend it’s just not great overall yeah like the advent calendar one was sweet because yeah that was a lot of fun this is just like what is this like a weird dna

Model how many coins don’t you get for killing oh i got 35 points for killing someone i thought they did not it’s not incentivized you got a lot more coins yeah yeah you’re you’re good oh no no no excuse me hey i’m gonna have to go up

I think you’ve killed her oh i know you didn’t she had a rocket shoot oh boy i’m going down we’re going down mayday mayday emergency lining yeah unfortunately i don’t think i’m going to do as well this time you can try to rocket yourself back up nah jumping on the ground

No no not rocking what are the odds dude Zeus again floating on the horizon it absolutely looks like an angel You know it takes me by surprise every single time oh just go go zoom zoom go just go whoa i actually thought it worked in your favor yeah that kind of worked oh no no no oh no no i like how everything they say they changed in this game

Like we removed the rocket jump and we removed pvp is good at this yeah yeah so i feel like building a castle wasn’t enough practice for rockets please no no no i tried i tried i tried i tried i tried i’m proud of what i did that one was

Really hard you did really well yeah this one was super hard because like i fell down a little bit too much so i didn’t have my rocket right at the end i think but i think that we went on did not wake up at five o’clock in the morning

And also i didn’t just get my wisdom teeth out yeah oh yeah true thank you so much for the for the 600 bits i really appreciate that man i was just so stressed i appreciate the support wait did ollie say sasha you are dead to me maybe whoa

I did kill him i also i really hope that we don’t do build mart yeah i don’t know okay we have to mute each other we have to we’ll have to mute it we gotta do what we did we did well that one time and that it’d be me and james

In one channel you and the other damn yeah it’s the only time i as my christmas wish i wish that we don’t do build money i’m with you 100 but if it happens i’d rather do build more than bingo i’d rather do bingo because i can bumble

Around more than that that’s not a strategy i don’t like um he’s coming down he’s coming down he’s coming down i need some i presents presents chocolate bar oh tubbo gave me something and meths as well thank you thank you everyone because in time oh god of slime

Yeah i don’t really know what any other stuff does it’s fun it’s fun you know just for fun sometimes i need a i need george not found but the joke is i found him got him how are you doing how you doing man i mean i gave him a piece of coal but

That’s so beautiful oh well i got some chocolate yeah i got two chocolate bars that’s pretty cool oh wait you will lost what okay i gotta dunk who should i die who should i dunk his head i was wondering what guy’s leaving i don’t know he’s done his head

Would be the best out of them Yay i guess that’s the time then uh oh what happened um hello one time i voted i broke the game Let’s go back to the practice let’s go to the practice world the practice world is even broken as well yeah well oops i guess there’s no build mark today guys thank god well we won well done everyone we won i’m back oh what i’m here we’re in i mean we’re

Just in slows of time started 20 minutes ago so what it just kind of started when no one was here it’s like okay here we go wait i just no no i know but like it kind of just like started the game like what the

So weird oh okay so they’re gonna do a ready a ready check before we start the strategy for this one is uh don’t put your coins in the coin chest yeah this card supposedly ludwig’s really angry wait why because i dunked them [Laughter] um is that we’ve just been messing with him

The whole time except not really that was a bonding moment i i wouldn’t say that we have oh no i mean he like he tried to kill me in rockets belief i was not i did not appreciate yeah um all right so for this what do we want to do

I’m just going to go straight out to the the lobby area okay so who’s going to i’ll leave it up to you guys i can stick around the area here yeah do you want to do that like last time all right maybe if we find it maybe

Try and find yeah try and find a vault first you really need a vault yeah all right just run around and get all the coins here and pick up as much snow as possible oh yeah don’t grab the snow if you are gonna run off or snow

Yeah yeah don’t no one but glue one grab the snow from in here and go and you have any snow anywhere yeah just don’t get the snow if it’s out there grab it son don’t get it get the keys but not the snow well don’t waste your

Time getting snow in this area because then that’s what i’m doing yeah yeah no no we’ll leave i’m going underneath the pillar that’s where i’m going okay oh chat is getting political like in game chat oh my god calm down just look at the chatting game oh yeah uh sky battle is cancelled

[Laughter] sims is cancelled whoa tommy follows Okay People wonder why we get invited back it’s because we become a meme what do you mean we’re playing with carl jacobs we’re playing with a bunch of people oh chip just gifted a sub to ludwig nice he’s gonna really hate me now oh we got a minute left to

Let me just hack the mainframe all right i got it guys i got the whole map downloaded sweet man [Laughter] need to be 25 for a minecraft license uh wait my license is expired i will not recycle this a little x-ray toggle all right all right i’m just gonna run around

Like a headless chicken yeah let’s just communicate how much time we have glue on as well i’m going underneath the pillow and james try and try and find a lava thing that you can do first so you don’t like actually like lose any coins i found a lava thing oh

Oh i don’t have any arrows right coins oh no so boy are we allowed snow if we just give it to gluon oh i mean if you want to get to me but i was like the worst weapon wow and i’m like we’re doing this stuff okay okay

Then the money around here i’ll grab because i’m not gonna make any risks so i can just like dude die already creeper how many hits did you take with a stone sword oh if i’m a round glue one i’ll just put it in the in the thing as well

Okay because i i usually don’t stray too far i’m just gonna grab all this oh hello hello i’ll put some in there now all right i’ve got oh wow you guys got so much so many coins all right the first time i’ve ever opened a lot of points do i have 93 okay I can’t see anything nice oh i’m gonna get this oh my gosh there’s a parkour part what was up here i have a key i have a blue key well if we okay how long oh god oh god oh that’s not good let me just have this

Real quick i don’t think i’m gonna deal with these yellow now yeah i know i’m missing a lot of the snow because i’m not i’m like trained to look for sand not snow yeah i’m gonna i’m bringing back a lot of snow i would say if you can get some snow

Get some snow how long i have i have a lot yeah i want to go back and see how it was forgotten yeah i would do it now no i have five snow i have two snow i got three at the moment i’m here with you more

I’m nine hours is that a good thing what is this i feel like this is a trap there we go all right here you go glue one oh it’s not ah you can’t believe it oh i guess i probably need this way is this a wooden one or is this a

What is it a green key no anyone found a purple key nope i have a blue key okay i’m leaving here that was not working oh my god i’m coming back watch out a lot of creepers in there man does this go somewhere else look at this that’s how it gets

Yeah there’s more i gotta go break this the thing uh that sounds like a blaze down here i don’t know it’s fine i broke the spawner i broke the spawner it should be good we’re good and i opened this to go oh that seems dangerous how much time how

Much time uh we’re good 90 seconds oh okay so you’re still like flying on me pull the levers huh oh yeah in the main room pull them pull the levers crank what are they just let out one of these things oh god disgusting that was bad

Some of them have like coins and stuff okay let me should never have pulled a letter cause yeah see that’s fine i want to pull lovers like i know that i get more coins but uh maybe what coins okay oh coins okay okay okay well

I don’t like this area anyway i’m out of here i got some i got some snow okay i can’t turn so much but thank you so much why are the creepers in the main area because i pull the level i think i’m gonna come back

Um i’ve got some snow more or is it oh yeah it’s funny no i can’t uh gloom where are you oh there’s one all right can you take this can i drop that there you go that’s nice there’s some two snow behind you okay i found a rusty key yeah i found it

Too yeah i’ve got some rusty keys i’m wearing all the levers in this room so give me something to do you know oh money oh money oh i found the coins oh it sounds like there’s a lot of blaze somewhere real close to me and i like the sound of that

What are the splash programs i have i don’t know oh my god i’m doing great uh can someone come to me um someone’s been here who put down a bunch of torches time time time you got it okay i only have one i only had one how much

How much time how much time i don’t know i got food we only got a minute million of these days here um i just don’t want to go down why are so many of these guys i’m popping off things why is everyone finding places but us

Because they’re good at it oh look no no no no no are you going to die oh it’s close they’re coming out they’re here all right i’m coming i’m coming i’m coming up i’m gonna need some backup in the main area i’m coming up yeah there’s like pillagers everywhere

Don’t die please i let them out of a room it might have been a mistake i didn’t even get the snow so i need to go back and get that i feel like oh ow we just want the clouds where is that i don’t want to dump my car i have

300 coins that’s pretty good i’ll get need to get the i should not die though that would be a tragedy oh no i did pick it up this isn’t my inventory right okay we’re good you guys got snow please find snow i’ve got something i’ll go looking for some smoke

Yeah where are the blazes maybe they’re in the vault there’s something down the hallway over there that has like two spawners like pillars all right we almost have a minute left i fell into a pit of creepers oh my god i lived oh my god good job

How did i live oh my god yeah are you busy you want to come this way let’s go let’s go we got a problem down here all right uh in this room on the left okay let’s just look pretty we’re off wait i’ll come too soon i’m coming i’m

Coming i’m coming come on come on come on come on come on do not die please like a lot of i got more snow okay i’m gonna look try to find something oh my god i should have put where i’ve been oh there’s my

God get out get out get out get out i hate something no no no no no please don’t die okay i got those two spawners in that room oh nice nice nice nice nice nice i have 350 coins at the moment okay i’m just gonna leave that room now Uh did you do the parkour in this room i’m like hitting them and they’re not even going after me it’s like all right oh damn sure how long how long hold on you guys are saying go under the plot oh under here oh they won’t be under the clock why

Can’t we have a better weapon i have it i’ll go with you you can find better weapons yeah i know but yeah i’m here with you oh there’s like a big drop i don’t know about that yeah trying to i’ll try one more time hang on um

I think we gotta start getting out unless you guys have a massive amount of sleep i have once now but the smell i have left with 60 seconds here about a minute okay i’ve got some snacks i have 343 coins so i’m i’m good to go i have 150 correct

Haven’t we not everyone’s opened the vault we have to do like crazy parkour stuff i feel like everyone oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no should we like get out of here or yeah

Let’s go let me get close we got 50 seconds yeah get out come on come on okay i’m out okay i’m coming i’m coming yeah i’m i’m gonna bail yes yes please come out we got about 30 seconds all right yeah i’m coming i’m coming i’m coming i mean

I don’t think we’re gonna have that yeah we’re gonna have coins yeah yeah that’s fine whatever hey oh never mind i was like but it’s just nothing it hasn’t put it in yet yeah a lot of coins so i did pretty good at 340 i think didn’t die this time so that’s

Good yeah yeah yeah i like that right i like the concept of this game it’s fun yeah i like it i just i think the uh throw a tomato wait wait what happened to my tomato my tomato where is it go on the floor like so those people like they ran out of

Time then is that what it is um or yeah yeah maybe yeah yeah so they could they could have lost a lot of points there um but i’m assuming that fruit berries oh my god everyone’s opening a vault the thing is yeah and it’s the thing is

Like yeah we went out of time but they could be in there for another like minute or so because they’re just finding more and more snow yeah to throw in them yeah yeah i mean all the snow i i had on me top would be around 5 000. i think but

Everyone’s opening vault so it could be 6 000. yeah that game is stressful yeah it is but i don’t have the concept though it’s kind of a fun thing i mean it’d be good if they remove the stress part of it and just have just the time time part of it i’ll be

More time but i i guess with this kind of event you’re gonna have to have it like even this is still going on pretty long it’s like you don’t really know until everyone’s here how long have you been yeah not a very mobile oh you just threw it in there

Well i mean you turned around and walked into my tomatoes so i’m not better at it because people lost that was for i like that i had fun we did we did actually pretty good on that one yeah we all came we all got out and i

Think we got all around the same amount of coins too so that was pretty good so yeah the last game better not be bill mart it’s probably going to be built on it it better not be because it’s that or something like a pvp thing after the ones we don’t like

Like sorry no i’ll be happy if we don’t do sky battle really we won sky battle that we did not even make it three seconds on that game each round uh we did well one time yeah one time and that was it um yeah the hiding strat

The hiding strap might work oh it’s over okay oh wait what where oh wait let’s go i mean i i honestly saw that coming but hey i think we did well i think we got a lot of points too five thousand coins behind that’s okay i

I think what’s that what’s been our best i think 11 000 coins has been our best uh the first two rounds we did really poorly because they were pvp so every other round has been really good so i think this has actually been very very good maybe we just need to practice pvp

A little bit and we’ll be much better i think um i think it’s great that uh we’re having fun you know yeah i’m having actually a lot of i think the first couple of rounds no build my i think i’d rather do build mart or bingo

Scott was like we don’t get to come back but i’m gonna say we’re not coming back if you do build not so oh i don’t know if they’re gonna like they’re gonna be miss us if we don’t come back they’re gonna miss us everyone was yelling about the sims in the chat like

True no one else like what other game do people talk about you know yeah i understand like pvp because i think everything else is pvp another one dude where oh i got a green thing ollie what’s this pop slime what does that do no they no what does the slime do

Oh did it make it sticky no i think it got too cold what did i do wrong survival They all have sticky stuff great what are we doing survival games survival i hate survival you hate all of these games no not sky battle no mega chicken mega chickens in this one mega chickens in this one we got like four mega chickens come on come on come on come on

No it’s not it’s not mega chicken oh mega chicken just left um oh no oh no no don’t be bill mom don’t be bill not tied yeah let’s let’s mute each other let’s let’s meet okay so sasha and i and then um it’s down the bottom

All right talk to you guys later okay see you later hi zeus hey hey hey hey hey all right okay so no well they’re muting us so they can’t hear us okay important so let’s hope they can all right um oh god yeah all right do you want to go and get stuff

I think that that was the plan i want to be the shopper are you a better shopper or a builder shopper come on all right all right all right so did you see how well i got all my christmas stuff i did it all in one day

That is true i want you to go and just get like standard stuff so i want you to just like maybe we have a couple of seconds to think about things um but pretty much i probably want you to just go immediately and then i’ll kind of tell you

Some things what’s the command built uh Um block titles oh yeah there we go oh they’ve been disabled oh disabled oh okay that’s good all right yeah yeah so sasha come here for a second come here yeah all right see you can see where everything is oh so for example we’ve got to

Definitely you got to go all the way to colors wood and stone okay what do we need okay so we need go just leave just leave okay i’m leaving okay so you’re going i’m so close to my monitor okay you want to go to lumber and you want to get some

Oak some birch this is where it goes oh sorry sorry sorry you just want to get birch and jungle birch and jungle and spruce let’s get just get a bunch of them get like get like 10 of each okay and then you’re gonna head to um

Oh you can just get stone bricks you’re gonna get then hurt to stone once you’ve done that and you’re going to get stoned so spruce spruce sunday birch and jungle okay birds and jungle yeah i need sprucing birch yeah just get 10 10 of each there’s a lag um ludwig died lol um

Tell me when you’re out of wood like when you’re leaving lumber because you want to go to stone yeah i’m getting the spruce and then i’ll be done here yeah oh maybe i head to the colors whilst you’re doing that uh lime yellow orange red lime yellow orange red okay what else do

You need i have wood uh go get some stone and can you get some iron as well stone isn’t outdoor uh it’s installed yeah i just saw you yeah wait i’m still here what was that lime orange i hopefully i can remember what it was uh colors slime

Where the heck is stone it’s sasha it’s in the middle on the left oh my god it’s right next to me how am i not seeing it here we go uh i think that’s it yeah that was it how much stone did you need uh you got to get stone blood

Stone bricks what yeah i said stone bricks i don’t break don’t you have to make those no no no the stone bricks are there thyroid andesite okay oh i sam i see them they’re like all the way in the back all right did you get iron no okay i’ll go get iron quickly

All right then come back and help us build i don’t know how much i need a ton we’re done right what that’s all we needed yeah okay you coming back now mm-hmm on my way all right i’m almost back too i can’t see hello all right so you want to make some fences

Can i put stuff in the chest um i’ll put something in the chest okay that’s a good idea actually yeah and just can you help me can you just do the first one i’ll do the second one so can i turn all of them into planks um

Don’t turn all of them no because we might need them eventually just do what you need because we need okay here here take them take them take them here okay wait where are they while i do this take that and that okay the rest i’m putting in okay so i need

Some sticks i think it’s like this what else can i do here oh no no that’s the other way iron bars fences how do you make iron bars uh it’s just it’s just iron like you do uh you go to break it down you’re gonna break it down break it down now

All right then that’s jungle right oh i didn’t need that uh jungle is here how tall is it oh it’s a couple more i need yellow and green and red and blue no i can’t reach the top you can fly sasha oh yeah i haven’t even been able to fly for

A while now dude i’ve got the red terracotta if you can start on the next one and do the stone bricks and stuff i’ve got this stone bricks oh shoot what do we need here do we need there we go we got one nice okay we need stone brick stairs yeah

Okay uh do you want to go get a bunch of yellow glass do you want to leave now yeah okay done we need it yellow stained glass which is in colors red concrete colors yeah you’re all the way down to the end all the way down at the end okay

Um whilst you’re going there can you go to or yeah can you go to oars okay what do i need i need glass yellow stained glass oh there’s only three all right that’s fine where’s yellow all the way over here of course are you already uh you’re already at colors

Have you gone to have you gone and got chords no quartz no on that color okay okay okay that’s fine i’m gonna go okay so you need yellow okay you need yellow glass like a lot of yellow glass how much is a lot uh get like 20. get like 20. yeah yeah

20 is good 20 is a good amount and then you want red concrete get 10 red concrete is this concrete where’s red oh it’s on there yeah remember you can always jump into your uh your car yeah i know it’s in my first rodeo the shopping is all i can do

I don’t remember how much you said i needed how much of what red yeah i have 23. oh that’s more than fine then what do we need uh that’s it come back where am i going oh my god i just went to the end oh my god i’m so close idiot

They should make it so you don’t crash into people um oh i’ve got i’ve got i’ve got i’ve got go spruce go okay i’m here i’ve got okay okay uh just start on that one just start on that one i i can i can do this how many out one two

I think this is right okay there we go oh uh i’ve got red terracotta um i also have chords um i need to make a quartz plank wait no no that quartz i think what are these oh then a stair yeah am i doing this right yeah no i don’t have enough courts

Crap okay i gotta go get more courts oh that’s all we need yeah yeah sorry i i don’t have anything i’ve got a little bit i could only do the slab i couldn’t do the stairs i needed more for stairs no okay all right i’m going as fast as i can

I’ll try to help blue one on his all right do you have any spruce planks all right there we go there we go going as fast as i can okay i’m just trying to help him i know he can’t hear me so it’s probably really frustrating but that’s all right

How do how do i do these like this how do i do them upside down i know i know how give it to me okay uh and i’ll put the slab on get that out here okay yeah you put the slab and then it’s uh how do you do it shoot i actually

Forgot is it no No do i need to go underneath it maybe yeah you got to go like this no no oh yeah maybe like that well you can fly remember don’t forget that yeah i don’t know how to do that maybe i’ve gotta do this and then you do it and then i get rid of

It uh maybe yeah yeah maybe this is how we do it okay there we go what what what the heck are we missing did you oh it’s oh it’s yeah it’s uh not there’s nothing in the middle oh okay oh no i don’t know how to do this go from underneath

Get it nice all right um go get anderson all right you’re going to start you’ve got a stone you’re going to stone and then ores stone in the norse okay i think we can do this pretty um yeah so you want anderson you want andesite

Okay you need a lot of stone like go go like 32 stone oh stone is this way oh my god it should be it should be in it it should be in stone yeah we’re out of time are we really at 20 seconds playing yeah tokyo drift over here

I don’t even know what we needed yeah i i we tried damn did y’all see that drift i drift i did 360. because i didn’t think we were oh shoot sticky keys i mean i kind of like retired from trying i could tell at the end

Yeah are we still muted hello no i i can hear you i can eat okay yeah i was kind of like that whole time i’m like i mean there’s not really that much point putting that much effort in well like anything we do we’re still gonna be 10th you know

Boy you know what i had fun so All right lizzy’s in the final we’re gonna uh be sure no wait let’s see what the final is the final score no it’s uh who are we going for um are we i know green so let’s go for him all right let’s go for green then and kara follows me on

Twitter so let’s go for them all right okay cara i don’t think any of them follow me on twitter so no i don’t know all right i haven’t talked to grant in like years but to see if we are last yeah you can check there if you want to

Hashtag last but had fun hope you guys are cheering us on red did not win the whole thing you know are you kidding me it’s not that we got last is that they got really far ahead and we’re really good so really you know a bit that way you think about it that

Way yeah top ten let’s go what what are you aiming for what’s happening yeah i mean we we still make it into the championship that’s true i think we’re going team purple don’t leave yet because there’s gonna be something this is the final all right i’m gonna vote for purple

Penguins how many times have we been in the um mcc uh mate a lot of times yeah i think eight times yeah they’re fake fans you know what fake fans we’re in the first one that’ll that’s all that matters uh leone thank you so much for the

Gifted sub jen with the 300 bits and like uh the secret season things are just 500 bits yeah i really appreciate it sorry i’ve been really focused on trying to do my best in this so i really appreciate the support though yeah purple penguins purple [Applause] let’s penguins purple penguins

Represent here we go if we go we’ve actually played this in a practice yeah we suck is it uh well yeah actually you know what sasha’s really good at it i’m pretty good at it asha is really good at this if only we made it this far we would

Have it in the bag baby all right so we’re going for purple because kara follows maxella and the someone knows green so i killed green that one time so i’m following really nice so we like him all right false is actually pretty good at this because i think they won

Uh the las vegas era is pretty good i think uh the error is also pretty good i think illumi is really good um i don’t know about puns though i’ve heard that um dr glon vixela and criticize were really good too oh i think james is amazing what color

Team are we going for a purple purple purple for twitch you know because we’re all on top ah twitch twitch someone’s gonna make the someone’s gonna make the shot let’s try to try not gaming oh car has been eliminated what are they gonna do is a 3v4 however purple does

Have both snowballs a little bit problematic for the blue team you know we’ve got the cyan somethings what are they called terracotta cyan the teal turkeys interesting name um anyway purple penguins for the win taking there is there no arrows oh it’s stuck oh no just get longer yeah

It went it went it went it went away oh the dodge by green saving themselves from a 4v2 which i don’t get why we can’t just fly in this yeah i know because we could jump in front of them no except they wouldn’t be able to see us would be good yeah

Oh that’s true wiggle wiggle back and forth you want to be like jelly you know what unpredictable unpredictable yeah you know what h always says unpredictable um eugene is always the best way to be unless you’re projecting unpredictability then be predictable agreeing for a hundred thieves

Is puns gonna make the shot with pizza hut aiming down oh mrs pizza pizza just quickly grabs some takes care of puns it was a blowback there on the teal turkeys pizza hut with a aim gonna go for the snowball maybe oh pizza slides in they have both snowballs one person left

Left on teal turkeys can green and pizza oh let’s go purple penguins absolutely smashing it though down at the beginning part so well done all right oh no i changed my banner no ew all right everyone’s got a snowball one on each team who takes the victory here aimbot

All right uh we’ve got aim bought green over here did you see what i said it’s not cheating if it’s in the game [Laughter] all right we got this we got this all right cars taking their time oh missing it is a little hard but the diversion pays

Off for them but however teal turkeys does get both snowballs putting the purple penguins in a bit of a tight squeeze and they do it all right we’ve got a lumia taking the shopper missing meaning that the oh both shots missing meaning that the pebble penguins now have both snowballs a team

To be reckoned with green the aimbot ea sports he’s coming through right up at the front gonna take the shot missing korean not installing the aimbot right but pizza hut coming through with the triple box deal let’s go was that kara i don’t know maybe that was kara oh

Pizza getting taken out by the eric and now we’ve got a lumia taking out uh cara oh but it’s a trade-off for olivia coming in it’s the final one oh my god the 1v2 can illumia do it can a loony take it oh no false missing just by the skin of my chinny

Chin chin oh no well he’s got both taking their time i think they’re a little close to the front here lemmy’s going to take their time oh my god dodging dipping diving and ducking they’re kind of close to each other lumias looking to get false symmetry out not knowing that green’s probably the

Greens applying for a hundred thieves oh my god this is the first one oh the the bait they get both illumi’s gotta dodge duck dip dive and dodge they’re way out of this one can they do it oh green missing they missed both how can they do this these

100 things rejecting their offer oh they’re doubling up this is a bit of a problem maybe the dude can help come on come on come on come on come on oh oh wow missing the first one the nerves getting illumio a little bit oh oh green dodging that’ll be right

Over green oh wow that that’s going to go into the playbook that’s black right wow now they are just there relaxing taking a coffee break just missing all falls with their hit on the head let’s go one more match left and they’ve got this come on purple penguins take it home for

The simmers i mean we’re going for them look this is a victory okay come on all right both getting a snowball oh wow punts trying to go for the aim straight off the snowball wow puns puns really trying to put some pressure on the penguins who are up by two kind of

You can take that uh eric coming through trying to steal the snowball uh that is unsportsman like eric kind of oh and they just take it out for me too greedy that’s what you get that’s what we call karma i got faded hard damn that is so good that is by an illegal

Move not really illegal but it’s in the game pretty much aiming can cranius get this karma oh they’ve got both snowballs putting some extra pressure on uh the team missing one but don’t worry we’ve got chronos with another one they’re gonna take the shot they’re probably gonna wait let’s take this this

Is it oh oh they get false one of the stronger teammates on purple penguins oh okay they’re giving up the snowballs pizza hut and green they’re they’re going to apply for 100 thieves again can they do it can they bring it back for their team

Oh and now it’s down to a 2v3 oh no oh no we’ve had kara miss one snowball meaning that we oh no it’s a 2v2 oh no can chris get another one oh dodging okay cara and korean they’re they’re it’s a 2v2 they’re gonna take oh no they missed

Green what are you doing you’re choking cara oh no all right come on we gotta we gotta put some uh some good vibes out there all right some dodging dipping diving and dodging is working perfectly for purple penguins because they’ve got both snowballs again but missing going a little bit too fast

There korean super dodge all right oh they’re they’re oh oh getting crazy because olivia creatures bundled up it was good for car to get illumina with the 1v2 again can you clutch it out for their team or is the winner the final match of purple penguins are

They going to take it for the victory i can feel the tension yeah listen that music perfect oh don’t don’t bundle up do a flip illumina i’m gonna write that in the chat lumina come on do we flip cara dodge it do a flip the first one

Okay oh takes now it’s a one oh no cara with the two snowball gambit can they clutch it out all right now lumia’s really gotta just pull out the stops you know every little bit kyra’s just gonna be patient this could be it come on kara the whole world is watching oh

This is the first one don’t let it get illuminate oh putting the pressure missing both car and no oh no can aluminum clutch this 1v2 oh that was illumina well done just that as much as i don’t appreciate them i wanted the purple penguins to go just to three stalk them but

No this makes it more exciting this does the tension is rising evermore my voice also running out of steam and running oh wow already but we’ve seen purple penguins come back from the three before wow they say that the teal turkeys never miss oh it’s a plan they do last time it was

Like almost like back and forth yeah yeah yeah yeah but we could we could see a reverse sweep from the teal turkeys oh evening it up pizza hut with a very very good aim pizza is actually hitting a lot of good shots here if uh teal turkeys want to have a chance

Of winning they’re gonna have to get pizza hut down oh my gosh they’re aiming we got a luna aiming for pizza hut and then we’ve got krinos deciding on whether or not to go for cara or pizza hut oh what oh missing prettiest missing i mean speaking of wedges

Brought to you by pizza hub make sure you pick it up yeah the triple box is available missing illuminate like it’s making me feel hungry yeah i know oh james they’ve got a triple box here that’s got like two pizzas and then on the final yeah it’s like two pieces i’m like dessert

Yeah oh sasha and i are like trying to diet and count calories meanwhile we’re that’s being taunted oh down to a 2v3 we got illumina and puns with snowballs here oh getting pizza tied out a strong contender i think puns are missing all right okay green and cara very strong

Members on the purple penguins they could probably get a win out of this oh no korean this could be it oh my god i’m on the edge of my seat oh pun’s gonna see the first one on cara literally oh missy the second one now

Now puns has got to crawl there way out of this oh my god korean give both of snowballs to cara because cara’s got a god ain’t look well let’s see let’s see let’s not hype car up too much oh my god puns just quickly doing it

Green trying the same thing but it fails puns trying to go for this reverse sweep oh my goodness never before seen a minecraft champions but his puns the nerves are just the nerves of steel do the tie breaker oh my god wow this is just incredible the reverse is happening

Oh my god the tie breaker all right also it’s private what do you buy for risotto all right puns going for the immediate puns getting out a very high you know what greens green’s not showing up recently green’s probably the if they’re going to get anyone out that’s probably the only one

Yeah they got green but green hasn’t hit a shot in a while they do have both oh no this is looking bad for team purple penguins oh no purple penguins trading snowballs but not trading members we’re down to pizza hut pizza hut this is gonna be a big

Comeback if they get a huge comeback but this is not gonna work for pizza hut maybe oh my gosh puns wanting one oh wow what a match what a match well played that was huge that was huge dang all right well done [Applause] that was amazing that was so good to

Watch uh yeah sounds like a good game yeah bloodwork get out i can’t well i can seize your eyes we have a special thing get ready wait a special thing oh come on there’s gonna be one for us let’s go averaging lost the team that always have the has the most fun

That’s right the sapphire santas yeah where do we look i don’t know i assume something would just happen yeah we’ll be transported to a wonderful world oh is everything gonna just like oh look at the scoreboard is everything gonna get blown up season one uh we all know frank the christmas music

I’m gonna get tmc aid uh well this one’s loading in rough oh there we go oh wow oh that’s so cool good job everybody mcc season one that’s it season one remember that season oh love the music this is literally so cute oh there we go

Oh a little laggy but yeah event manager oh sorry [Laughter] thank you to the hundreds of testers that gave their time and dedication to ensure that mcc ran smoothly and seamlessly for what i can’t see for blank of viewers to enjoy for thousands of viewers to enjoy

True ah look at all those people yeah well done yeah the true the true winners are the team i didn’t see me Oh you’re in the back oh i didn’t see Okay can someone start i can’t see it ah Gg mcc the real winners you don’t have to go home but you can’t stay here we wish to announce that mcc season 2 will be exclusive to facebook gaming thank you for participating good night [Laughter] Look the credits are still like up you can still go look at them they’re like on the ground oh that’s funny yeah [Applause] so cute what if they were there the whole time we just didn’t notice yeah maybe when it might have been it’s true

I mean i know it wasn’t even i don’t know cool i’m gonna guess that’s here wait yeah is anyone gonna keep streaming after this no i’m well no uh no i’m off that is exactly all right well i guess that’s everybody that’s been fun that was so much fun even though we came

Last hashtag not last but we had fun are we not going to get out all year thanks to this are we not going to get our customary uh talk with scott scott user comes in and says something i go back upstairs hi glue on kids hi glue kids say hi to you

Hi hello All right everyone upstairs coming over there now i’m just gonna like round them up [Laughter] um did you see that right here Hi james hi james hi hey Yeah thanks so much all right bye [Laughter] Oh boy oh no all right i’m out see ya peace all right i left i left all right um i kind of want to Raid ludwig because that would just be funny but i don’t know if he’s what’s he doing now i look forward to the album next year all right yeah i’ll rate ludwig because you know what you know what let’s see what he says because i think it will be funny go say hello

Today spam not lost um go have fun go have fun he’s gonna be doing some smash doc stuff uh which is actually really important for just the community of super smash brothers so go enjoy that peace

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Championships Season 1 FINALE (Streamed 12/12/2020)’, was uploaded by More Zeuz on 2021-03-01 22:00:12. It has garnered 1835 views and 38 likes. The duration of the video is 03:01:23 or 10883 seconds.

Zeuz @JamesTurnerYT @DrGluon & @Vixella dress up in their best christmas outfits to compete in the finale of Season 1 of the Minecraft Championships

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  • Uncovering Top-Secret Alchemy Lab in Minecraft

    Uncovering Top-Secret Alchemy Lab in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft, Hidden Alchemy Lab’, was uploaded by Gunsmoke1084 on 2024-09-25 15:20:11. It has garnered 1 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:28 or 388 seconds. Read More

  • Ultimate Modern House Build Day 4 | Minecraft

    Ultimate Modern House Build Day 4 | MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘DAY 4 | LANJUT BIKIN MODERN HOUSE | #minecraft’, was uploaded by Bang RA on 2024-02-27 02:05:16. It has garnered 49 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:49 or 1249 seconds. DAY 4 | CONTINUING TO MAKE A MODERN HOUSE | Minecraft Hello, Welcome to the Bang RA Channel. On this channel we will play the Minecraft game, brothers and sisters. I’M TRYING TO BUILD MY FIRST UNDERGROUND HOUSE | CREATIVE MODE MINECRAFT Donation Link: Link Server : Jangan Lupa Dukung Channel ini terus ya Subscribe ✓ Like ✓… Read More

  • GRGAMERZ000’s Insane Solo Minecraft Stream! 😱 Streaming with Turnip 🎮

    GRGAMERZ000's Insane Solo Minecraft Stream! 😱 Streaming with Turnip 🎮Video Information This video, titled ‘Hindi Minecraft : 😄 Happy stream | Playing Solo | Streaming with Turnip’, was uploaded by GRGAMERZ000 on 2024-06-05 19:36:44. It has garnered 5 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:05 or 305 seconds. Hey folks! Watch me play Minecraft! Join my Club on Turnip Talib: Thank you for watching my Minecraft stream. And for all the support you are showing! 🔥, If you liked my stream, please like and subscribe. It motivates me a lot. 🙂 And share my channel with your game friends. 🙂 See you on my… Read More

  • Insane Battle: Billy Arm vs Semlaki Reich TUNNEL Challenge

    Insane Battle: Billy Arm vs Semlaki Reich TUNNEL ChallengeVideo Information This video, titled ‘Billy Arm vs Semlaki Reich TUNNEL Bau Challenge in Minecraft’, was uploaded by Semlaki on 2024-05-02 13:39:56. It has garnered 168856 views and 5455 likes. The duration of the video is 00:35:28 or 2128 seconds. Semlaki and his friend Billy are doing a Billy Arm vs Semlaki Empire TUNNEL building challenge in Minecraft. The safe house in a tunnel – includes traps, parkour and many other things that the other player has to do. Who will build the safest and largest Minecraft house in a tunnel at the end? Will Semlakis Pro Family win? Will… Read More

  • Minecraft Launcher Error Code 0x80072efe FIX – Shizo TechFixIT

    Minecraft Launcher Error Code 0x80072efe FIX - Shizo TechFixITVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Launcher Not Launching Error Code 0x80072efe On Windows 11/10 PC FIX’, was uploaded by TechFixIT on 2024-07-07 15:41:16. It has garnered 118 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:44 or 464 seconds. The Minecraft Launcher Error Code 0x80072efe typically indicates a network-related issue, often related to connectivity problems between your computer and the Minecraft servers. Here are the main causes and their explanations: 1. Network Connectivity Issues Unstable Internet Connection: An unstable or weak internet connection can prevent the Minecraft Launcher from connecting to the servers, resulting in this error…. Read More

  • JesterCraft: JJ Finds Twin Sister in Village! Is it a Trap? Mikey to the Rescue!

    JesterCraft: JJ Finds Twin Sister in Village! Is it a Trap? Mikey to the Rescue!Video Information This video, titled ‘JJ Met GIRL WOMAN TWIN SISTER in VILLAGE! CAN IT BE TRAP?! Mikey SAVE THEM in Minecraft – Maizen’, was uploaded by Jester Craft on 2024-09-22 21:00:19. It has garnered 2413 views and 49 likes. The duration of the video is 01:03:21 or 3801 seconds. JJ Met GIRL WOMAN TWIN SISTER in VILLAGE! CAN IT BE TRAP?! Mikey SAVE THEM in Minecraft – Maizen This video is an unofficial work and is neither created nor approved by Maizen Sisters. Maizen channel : @maizenofficial Thanks for watching, don’t forget to like and subscribe! Read More

  • EPIC Modded Minecraft with X33N & Mithzan! 🚀 #Sponsored

    EPIC Modded Minecraft with X33N & Mithzan! 🚀 #SponsoredVideo Information This video, titled ‘PROGRESS CREATE MODDED MINECRAFT@Mithzan | Sponsored Stream! #Sponsored’, was uploaded by X33N on 2024-05-12 04:53:53. It has garnered 1271 views and likes. The duration of the video is 06:29:09 or 23349 seconds. Other Live streams: Read More

  • Insane Live Roblox/Minecraft Server Comeback!

    Insane Live Roblox/Minecraft Server Comeback!Video Information This video, titled ‘Live de Roblox / Minecraft server voltou’, was uploaded by ITZ´s on 2024-07-28 06:56:48. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Kronus: RARE POSITIVE ENERGY Minecraft Stream! 😱

    Kronus: RARE POSITIVE ENERGY Minecraft Stream! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘ĐÂY LÀ MỘT STREAM MINECRAFT TRONG SÁNG VÀ TÍCH CỰC #vtuber #vtubervn’, was uploaded by Kronus【Vietuber】 on 2024-09-25 15:54:37. It has garnered 12681 views and 767 likes. The duration of the video is 02:15:03 or 8103 seconds. — Donate to Kro here: + Playerduo: + Streamlabs: — Social Media: + Facebook: + Tik Tok: — Hashtags: #vtubervietnam #kronusgenovius #vietuberproject #vtuber #vtubervn #minecraft #superhardmode Read More

  • BakSoo MC

    BakSoo MCServer Minecraft Indonesia dikhususkan untuk player indonesia sadjah. Dapat bermain lewat JAVA dan juga BEDROCK Untuk sekarang kami baru memiliki Hard Survival Server. Rencananya akan kami tambah jadi PIXELMON Read More

  • MasterRealm – Semi Vanilla

    Welcome to Master Realm’s New Season! 🎉 Hey everyone! Master Realm’s new season is live, and it’s packed with awesome updates! 🌟 What’s New: Explore a Corrupted World: Dive into a realm sealed by ancient gods. Unlock chunks with blocks or items to face tougher monsters, structures, mobs, and items. Season Theme: The Corrupted Chunks. Venture into a world full of corruption and mystery with increasing dangers and Blood Moons. Economy & Trading: Robust economy with coins, an auction house, exclusive kits, and custom items. Slimefun Enhancements: New machines and gadgets for exciting crafting. 100 New Dungeons & Bosses: Challenge… Read More

  • CommunityCraft SMP!!

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.21.1 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.21.1 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: (GL HF) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Herobrine: Too Spicy for Easy Additions

    It’s like trying to convince a Minecraft player that diamonds are just as common as dirt – not gonna happen! Read More

  • Stressmen Jail, Odo Kentang: Animation VS Original Minecraft Madness

    Stressmen Jail, Odo Kentang: Animation VS Original Minecraft Madness In the world of Minecraft, where blocks come alive, Stressmen and Odo Kentang, always ready to thrive. With NightD24 and ElestialHD, they create a scene, Filled with laughter and joy, in every frame that’s seen. Kulpi Semungku channel, bringing animation to life, With funny videos and unique experiences, free from strife. Haikal Hibatulloh, the mastermind behind the scenes, Editing models and maps, creating vibrant dreams. So like, subscribe, and share, to support their art, In the world of Minecraft, where creativity sparks. Watch and enjoy, the moments so grand, In every video, crafted by their hand. Read More

  • ¡El meme de Minecraft más caliente!

    ¡El meme de Minecraft más caliente! “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” 😂 #minecraft #meme #trending Read More

  • Minecraft Shenanigans: Episode 681

    Minecraft Shenanigans: Episode 681 Minecraft Adventures in Episode 681 Welcome to the exciting world of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds! In this episode, Lờ Đờ Vờ takes us on a thrilling journey through the blocky landscapes of Minecraft. Let’s dive into the highlights of this epic adventure! Exploring New Horizons In this episode, our intrepid explorer embarks on a quest to discover new lands and resources. Armed with nothing but their wits and a trusty pickaxe, they traverse vast forests, scale towering mountains, and delve deep into mysterious caves. Along the way, they encounter a variety of creatures, from friendly villagers to… Read More

More Zeuz – Minecraft Championships Season 1 FINALE (Streamed 12/12/2020)