MortalAssassin – Fresh Anarchy Minecraft PS4 Bedrock Server! Come Join

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There we go and we’re live right at six on the dot look at that yo we’re go oh my god we’re almost at 1k subs we’re at 9 58 now holy [ __ ] thanks bro thanks almost there almost all right i’ll wait for your thing to show up

If he comes back into the the live chat i gotta make a copy of this actually just changing the texture pack real quick wait can i use can i use my own is that like possible dude i’m going on this anarchy server so i’m gonna copy this though the last 10 minutes so

Yes or yes my game crashed i just don’t know like i don’t know does it allow you to use your own texture packs or i think it should all right we’re connecting all right we’re going to be fast we got to watch out for these lands you know anybody can come out and

Kill us so we got to be fast furious i don’t think so we go fast and the furious uh nope there is oh yeah i just got on it all right we’re gonna go get a tree why is there magma cubes and oh my god this is crazy oh get away get away

Maybe i should have waited till it was day time to join wait why not it won’t let me what does it say um maybe you have to add the host i can’t even add them x wait what xd limited list if you look at the stream you can see his name

Why do i have mining fatigue why is there spawn protection that’s the whole point of this did not have spawn protection bro what’s up scribble i should have probably i should probably be walking actually oh jeez i’m already gonna die the river i’m not quote that’s what’s mean is it xd limitless xx

It might be doesn’t look like it though why is there mining fatigue all around here wait why is there what’s it called dude what is this bro why is there of what’s it called an elder guardian in the spawn what is that that’s kind of annoying

I don’t know where the river is this river this is like a lake i don’t know oh i see him in there oh my god i’m just gonna let them kill me i’m ready so low kill me well you must have spawned him there he doesn’t just spawn there

That’s not a normal spawn location there’s like four of them in there what the hell is that no i’m going this way can no one join you don’t add a new one on crash platform doesn’t say he’s on microsoft so you can only join if you have a microsoft account

I had lifestyle did you guys add him oh he might have to add you back maybe can i break that no why is there gas in the overworld this is not anarchy that does not look like a server it just looks like a survival world an anarchy is is a survival world with

No rules that’s what it is oh no get away do you guys need to add him or something or i’ll try to click mark often sorry i mean i would like if other people can join i don’t want to be the only one on the server that’s kind of boring here we go

What are you doing dude this this isn’t even anarchy this is like a fake anarchy oh someone said they don’t like this that’s a rip i mean i don’t know it’s kind of boring right now so i don’t know i don’t want to play cappy beaker right now i’ve played so many

Right now i mean i’ve been playing so many this past week was able to connect to the world no offense but you should remove the mind fatigue that’s what i’m saying you shouldn’t be you shouldn’t be like adding stuff for like doing stuff you know

It should just be how do you join um i think you have to add me or the host add this guy on microsoft and then tell me and i’ll tell him your name or he might be he might be watching so he might be able to see your name

Oh my god oh yeah you’re in i’m in i live yeah it definitely doesn’t need more people you should make a party for a bro or something oh wait he’s not on ps4 so he can’t do that i’m guessing he’s not on oh i like going to the river while i do that

Five years dude get rid of the dude in the spawn bro if you’re trying to make a real anarch and people aren’t gonna like that i’m just telling you that now oh yeah yeah uh yeah you you wanted someone else wants to join um add x here i’ll put in the chat

X i think that’s his microsoft right did you have to add his microsoft there or uh stoner yeah did you have to add his microsoft or no all right so if you add no add me i guess uh where is it wait what how come it’s not showing up

How come my microsoft isn’t showing up hold on is yours yours is there it’s not letting me add people though what the hell all right microsoft is being [ __ ] but add yeah no no i’m talking about the i’m talking about the microsoft adding um yeah add that name

And then tell me your name and i’ll add you back that bridge this is a great bridge what the why dude what are you doing bro dude what xd why it’s a bit bad you’re not making a good start to this world bro you know

You know i lost it i don’t want starter stuff no see you’re cheating bro i don’t want to do that i want to do it normal and you’re you’re not see this is you’re not doing it right this isn’t no stop that’s not how you play anarchy

Dude you’re not doing an anarchy right okay i’m just telling you that now you’re not making it fun i’m not trying to be mean i’m just saying like that’s not what i was expecting yeah i’m trying to join right now yeah could you invite me to i’m going to explain what anarchy okay

Yeah explain it to him because i don’t even think he understands all right you hear snoopy all right i don’t i said snoopy bro oh my god i’m so used to saying that stoner all right yeah you should um pc crashed you should make like a discord or

Promote this somehow so more people join because if not it’s just gonna look like a normal survival you added me all right what’s your name now tell me your name all right i’ll i do now oh are y’all all right see i click add friend and it doesn’t do anything i don’t know

Tell me if that’s adding you it’s not letting me add i don’t think there you go oh cool you got a pickaxe i mean we can both mine here i’m gonna go make it what’s it called you got it okay good i was scared you weren’t going to

Because it just kept saying what’s it called over here all right i’m gonna go down a little more yeah like just don’t give us yeah he said it good to serve with no rules kill grief cuss or do anything no admins no you don’t start off no rules

Go do wait and you start fresh no rules and you go do anything i feel like there should be some like um like um no no um no game crash things like i know modders can do that like they can crash games and stuff so you gotta watch out for that but

Like exceptions yeah but nothing like you’re you’re supposed to be allowed the dupe and stuff and these things that’s actually possible like there’s basically yep i’m getting some right now all right i’ll go back up and go collect some water all right i don’t even know any duplication glitches on bedrock

I used to know them but it’s patched bro you’re gonna have to invite because it won’t let me join yes can i get some wood for some um sticks real fast i’ll give you all this i have one stick all right thank you there dog right there wait where is okay

I’m new to this stuff so taking any suggestions uh i don’t think there is can you put what no no keep inventory what the hell traffic like [ __ ] um are you asking if he has a discord if i do wait are you asking about a discord server or name or

There was a guy from the the thing there is no server thing i’m not sure actually you’re gonna have to ask hosts he’s pc crashed in the chat so you can ask him all right i just want to find a cave here so can i make some stone tools

Oh finally found some iron yeah uh however you see your name sauce do you have a microsoft account if so add this name and then send me yours and then i will add you back and then you should be able to join very good all right i i’m gonna say um

Standard we’re gonna have to go out way farther to make a base just to let you know so we’re gonna have to get a lot of food too okay there’s two put more for you got your sword and oh thank you i mean i already have a

Sword but i’ll take a brand new one fresh sword oh yeah i don’t know what you had said no it’s not good bro so good thank you thank you i’ll take it all right i mean i guess we can just keep going deeper here i hear i heard a zombie enderman what

Is it nighttime still out there uh yeah you might i wonder if he has a set to all night time always or something because you better turn that back oh it was okay okay that’s good then i feel like i heard a zombie over here maybe i’ll do that just in case

You know i’m gonna make a crafting table right here and then i’m gonna make a oh what’s it called all right i’ll add you one second let me just put this down trust that we can make pickaxes with all right let me add you all right the last guy said it worked so

Hopefully it works for you too all right i’m just gonna do it a couple of times just to make sure it goes through let me know if you got it if not i’ll try again i swear i heard a zombie around here bless you all right i don’t know i’m not hearing

Nothing though it might have been in front of us i don’t even know anything that way i’ll tell you if i do hmm i did you hear a zombie or was that just i me have swore i heard one oh another person wants to join

Uh sure if you want to join just add my microsoft if wait i don’t know if they can see the chat so i’ll just put it in again just in case so add my microsoft right there the real muffin and then after you add me tell me yours and i’ll add you back

And you should be able to join all right you can take the other iron and make a pickaxe okay is it xd limitless wait what uh no mine’s the real muffin xd limit this is the host so if that’s the host then yeah that one works too

All right let’s take these do you want to keep do you want to let’s just go find a a cave and uh yeah above ground all right all right yeah we’re gonna need more food too if they won’t find this they can continue game crashed what do you mean oh your game crashed

I was like what i thought my stream crashed or something all right i’ll take this people oh uh tell me your chords uh it’s minus four seven what’s your minecraft oh yours might be outdated because there was an update today wait minus four seven um it’s my minus 25

72 minus 61. okay so it’s this way what is it yeah bruh i heard it and i was like oh no i’m just game over was that you oh that’s a magma some negative oh geez i went way too far here i think we were over here are you still in the spruce

Forest yep all right i’ll just go this way tell me if you see my name yeah why are there magma cubes good question updated yeah there was an update today which is it’s good because they made it set back to eight players no oh my god i heard

Yeah that’s good i don’t know why they even said it the five all right what are your chords again negative 40. all right i’ll add you back one second no i it’s fine i see our stuff i’m fine it’s fine give me a sword all right i’ll pick it all up

Is that you oh wow you came way faster uh you’re gonna join you just updated okay all right we need to like get out of here and i have to add him real fast gamer 2020 okay got you searching searching all right added it’s not adding but tell me for getting

These try that all right let’s go if you find any um oh [ __ ] oh wait you need stuff here i’ll give you your stuff back i don’t know you had on you but give me half the torches here’s a pickaxe here’s some of that all right wait why can’t i switch that

All right here we go all right get kill the sheep we need his food no oh i thought i heard a creeper wait what what host what is this whoa there’s a thing on top of it i think this is one of the structures one of the ones i actually look like a

Structure and there’s is this like a real thing that spawns uh no i think this is just here oh my bad i’m just gonna get rid of this oh wait i don’t even have a diamond pickaxe there no one will find it now wow yes that one will definitely find it

Maybe who knows it’s very hidden forgot i put that there kid gets to this anarch and he starts putting stuff everywhere i didn’t know you could do that i mean yeah you can break them too uh oh someone from my stream says don’t want to join yeah i’ll add you real fast

It didn’t work crap can the host do it if you’re watching host can you add him because for some reason i don’t know why it’s not adding people oh yeah let’s kill these chickens if we have a baby you have to make it like yeah um andrew miller add him

I mean we could go across the water here oh wait we found a cave maybe i think so i think it’s a good one oh yeah i see some iron here what is that noise all right yeah we’re going to have to definitely get farther from spawn for sure

Yeah mining getting some iron you know we try to stack us out oh another person wants to join okay okay let me do this again and my microsoft add that or you can add the host um host or pc crash can you add him because i tried the atom and it’s not

Working it’s like adding friend but nothing’s happening so i don’t really know why it’s doing that yeah add him if you’re bored then join bro the more people we get on here the more fun it will be that’s how it works huh i was going down let’s see what’s this way more coal

Oh well the sun’s here this is a very small cave welcome to the stream everybody whoever is joining in how much gold i got me i gotta like stack that should be good for now all right well that was kind of bad i’m gonna go look for a kit pvp all

Right bro see ya i have to wait for my game to finish updating all right you’re all good oh my god 69 comments and says watch out we should make beds too just in case we die or something i have i have three white wool oh [ __ ] no oh my god

I don’t even eat it bro all right which one you want to go this way or we can go that way ruin his life but now his brother’s dead so we’re gonna need more food maybe we should go this way so we can find more animals oh here’s some chickens hello

Damn he starved to death a lot of iron i mean coal is a cave here i think this is just open yeah just a little opening some love over there there’s something behind us as well oh yeah i didn’t even see that there we can kill some fish over here

All right oh i see it got to guide guy all the way down there someone wrote a comment but it didn’t show up so oh that guys are trying i’m not going over there i’m not dying hold on oh got him all right how do i join

Uh one second let me get out of the water and i will send or add my microsoft what the hell this fish should be lagging though oh my god there’s so many fish here all right so you have to add my microsoft and then i’ll add yours back or you can

Add the host because i think his is working mine is working for some people and some it’s not so i don’t know if it’s not working quite clearly yeah you found a lot of diamonds oh boy what’s your uh what’s your chords bro let me know

Let me know i think that’s one of the guys dude there’s like dead fish all over the place here how far do we want to go i’m probably going to want to go kind of far where’d you go i’m in the water still getting these fish

You’re in all right nice bro so um can you try me again sure i’ll try again host do not adam bro if you’re gonna be a host you gotta be able to add people so they can join since you’re on microsoft we might have to beast is killing this guy because

All right i have a lot wait what only nine i thought i had way more than that what you sent me oh my god get out of here oh my god they’re chasing i’m running the drowns oh i left so many fish in the water over

Here i just noticed going back for them a notification didn’t show sometimes they don’t show you gotta you just have to add them yeah um let me get out of the water real quick so i don’t drown wait uh apple man can you see the chat above or no

I honestly don’t know how that works like if you can see the chat before who took your diamonds oh no oh well where were you i just got back into the war i’m in the water so i don’t see your stuff though okay and what happened where’d it go

All right i’ll i’ll send it in the chat we’ll fix real quick so add my microsoft sasuke I mean he can take your stuff all right let me invite this guy you have no one oh um kev on hot spot do you have a microsoft account because you’re gonna need one to join then you can’t join i’m sorry you have to make one then

I’m sorry i’m not the host if i was you would have been able to join you need a microsoft account because it’s set to only a microsoft he’s only on microsoft he’s not on playstation I am close by be there 570 64 negative 350 or 360. okay i think i see you i’m cooking some stuff over here so yeah i think that is you don’t lie it should be you yep i’m on the horizon where are you i think if you turn to your right oh my

God did he die where’d he go oh there you are where’d you die at it’s right over there oh i’m about to mix a chest plate or something ah there we go you can eat some food there’s some in here there we go i’m gonna make a shield

Oh my god i just made cheers are you kidding me i mean i guess we can if we find that sheep i’m gonna be fk for a while so the only way to join is through mortal assassin okay oh my knot might be working so i

Don’t know if you’re gonna be able to join but we’ll try we’ll try no matter if you break it will save the uh okay so i do that brandon can you join do you have a microsoft account all right let’s go i traded we came from that way

So i guess let’s go this way where would you i lost you oh you’re up there okay we’re good then wait what did i place this here watch out watch out creeper creeper uh what the his enchanted bow he’s kind of booty cheeks though

I guess a name tag would be cool to have bones we can use to grow stuff melon seeds what the hell was that what the [ __ ] ah the key 420 okay let’s see tell me if you get a thing no i don’t well tell me if you’re getting an ad friend request

Because first look i’m even clicking it and it just keeps going off the diamond sword was helpful all right is there a cave here no all right well i mean oh geez i mean we don’t really need xp really for anything i mean i guess i mean i guess we could for enchanting

If you want to write down the coordinates we can you can add using xbox app i’ll try that actually i don’t have that downloaded but i’ll download that actually is it just called xbox app oh yeah it’s just like wait oh yeah yeah xbox microsoft that’s the same thing

Okay let’s go up here i guess there’s a cave over there wait is that sponge what is that oh no it’s not it’s coral i thought it was sponge all right i’m downloading the xbox app so if you didn’t get it there i’ll add you on there um yeah i guess i

Now have an xbox account from here um oh my god i heard that creeper yeah i know i was just running all right i’m going to run this way i’m going to at least get to like a thousand thousand a village would be nice to find or something

I hate all of these perfect pictures oh my god more water um i guess so more lava over there i guess we’re on an island yeah do you want to make boats i guess or do you want to just swim here i’ll make it boat boat you need a shovel right

Yeah you do all right all right get in all right it’s about halfway done downloading the xbox app oh i already see land that way but we could just keep going past it honestly you might if this is an island too yeah let’s try and get negative 1000 to this way

See you bro oh wait i guess this is land again i do not like any of these experts Looking at me weird this is wait how many cows are in there these two all right what we got smite too yeah nothing that good you can take it i’m gonna kill these kiosks All right let me um let me lock oh is this a ravine right here oh it is all right um i’m gonna dig it down real fast so i can just make this account real fast on this thing last i can’t even find a good picture all right i’ll add you

Okay so that’s fine Nuggets let’s play uh find friends here we go i have messages i don’t even know you can message people wait all right let’s do parties friends find people all right what’s your thing again What the key 420 oh wait i did add you okay yeah so you should be added you get one i think vicky you should be added bro now add me the real muffin and you should be good how someone already got that used What the hell is it done downloading yep it says your it says i already have you added bro what do i not need here put this helmet on i don’t need that don’t need it my name i don’t know can this work thank you thank you michael thank you

Well i’m in my account nice this is so stupid this isn’t even a good ravine this is horrible it’s cool So can you join now brandon or holy hell why is it I’m back for a sec should i put it on normal or keep it on hard hard is good don’t change anything none of the settings don’t change any of it you’re out of blocks grab a glass brah why i do this to myself oh my god microsoft account

I know you’re the way to go all right i’ll wait i’ll just kill some piggies game crashed again damn you joining back i’m gonna need this for enchanting here wait i see a village Oh it’s an abandoned one can that’s all have good loot in the abandoned ones well we can sleep here they have what’s it called beds here do i always have to put that coding design into my microsoft account no it’s just a first time thing you’re talking about on minecraft right

Yeah yeah it’s a one-time thing how do you put the password What all right i got us both a bed so hopefully that’s good You might want to get me this because i’m going to be driving in a minute all right i got three beds then we’re kind of far though just letting you know i might have to make a ride across oh here we go i found a farm Dude i found an abandoned shipwreck really nice i should have made a door oh yeah don’t die now yeah interesting Okay i’m not far from the treasure map come on you’ll get it bro it’s a treasure Not usually you can get it very deep underwater which really yeah i’ve never had that but hold on Okay how long are you doing finally yeah boy on the right two hours or so stupid ps4 work i thought why am i speaking to my own dog what a weirdo bro dude’s talking to his dog oh my god it’s taking forever yo chillax what are you doing

Okay i’m here atlanta all right All right this is going down deeper deeper someone wrote a comment is this inspired yep i mean i guess you could say it’s inspired it’s not my server but it’s the same idea is the world not showing up What’s your microsoft do i already have you added i don’t think so anything’s going to come back again well one second let me add you then we’ll well yeah you can’t join through ps4 though so i got you though bro how do you keep dying bro uh okay what’s your

Xbox name i guess all right you’re gonna have to speak up i can’t hear you okay okay stop freezing stupid ps4 oh Uh negative 1240 negative 700 oh i’ve gone past it then i’m under the ground i’m gonna keep i’m coming up now oh i always died bro it just buzzed i always almost died okay yeah okay never mind it’s your swing frost never mind a village ah yeah i’m at the village oh it’s

Abandoned yep i see you right here you got any food take these carrots right here all right yes here do you need anything oh there we go oh no you can wear it bro i’ve got some stuff are you doing added me to a party all right [Applause]

More diamonds bro i haven’t found any yet yeah actually did you see the i added you or uh how do you see friends on this microsoft thing um it’s cryptical derpy right oh there’s an enderman two enderman remember in the bed with me oh my god i didn’t look at it i can’t

Even chase him you’re so fast bring him around bring him around oh oh god damn i missed hit him god damn it oh i hit him oh i got two on me now all right well i helped you and now i’m gonna die so if you can heal up and help

I mean yeah okay um the real muffin okay i’ve got a spawn point where did you go i’m in the house they can’t get in okay i’m really low though come in you touch me just come inside oh [ __ ] i thought i gave you one

You know oh all right so did you add me back hmm did they calm down i’m not sure a guy said someone’s nearby oh he’s got diamonds he’s got diamonds i i don’t know i don’t want to screw with him there’s a guy here this guy he’s trying to kill us

Oh he’s trying to kill me what the [ __ ] what [ __ ] with him he must have seen he’s probably watching the stream so boy that’s the bad side of this yesterday and slapper i guess that’s what you call it yeah definitely right you’re not even getting too fast where’d he go i don’t know

It’s probably crouching somewhere be careful where you stepped oh he’s over here i don’t know maybe i mean i haven’t been not too far away you get a bucket i love bob what’s your name again the real muffin dude av i don’t know i want to make a better sword

Maybe i wish i had a bow uh we’re gonna get killed by the guy that took this stuff is he coming uh no behind you i’m making a better sword here take my sword emeralds apples here take this okay i’ll take it yes there you go i want to make out go away

Come on give me your bowl i’m not gonna fight him i’m gonna run he’s still fighting over here let’s just go around him if he chases us he chases us obviously he is i have plenty of stuff that we can make armor if we can get farther away we can i’ll

Take those arrows though let’s try again where is he all right let’s go where did you go i’m in the swamp biome oh he probably knows how to duplicate if we can get nine diamonds i’m pretty sure you can duplicate blocks i don’t know how to though but i mean

There’s probably plenty of videos so where do you go i don’t even see you hey i lost you uh i don’t know where you went i did two feet where are you i’m gonna keep moving yeah it’s pretty smart i want to get better i mean we can make better gear we can

Make full iron for both of us i can where’d you go bro i think i well i’m in this one oh i’ve been running away someone ordered a comment uh hello oh sorry someone else asked if this is inspired by wait no i answered i said yeah it is earlier

What’s up dvk2 the wolf i haven’t even seen you comment but my bad i think i’m nearby where are you in this no you’re not in this swamp biome this is what i was looking for yes i’ll go in the swamp here’s slime i see you where are you

Right behind you oh what’s up keep going oh which hut oh there’s a witch in there oh hello the witch all right let’s keep going how does this dude have full diamond bro you just been must be mining like we just didn’t really yeah

I mean i don’t want to be near swan at all yo watch out watch out oh my god i’m like one heart i have food it’s just i’m low from the poison that’s why i said watch out i knew you were gonna hit all right uh there’s more iron in here

If you want to go in here i have like almost a stack what do i do my pickaxe i’ll keep scouting ahead i just want to find a actual good cave here oh okay i’m coming which way did you go i would oh yes you want this okay

Back for a sec if you get disconnected it wasn’t me because i told you if wait what did is yes you’re gonna have to come a long way bro i mean if you wanna you can but hello piggy you’ll get past minus two thousands Take that more carrots oh my god so many carrots these carrots over here do you need any carrots broth yeah let’s get to yeah let’s just go farther honestly let me go get this cow over here okay yeah i have a lot of food on me and stuff

Let’s take it wait oh that’s okay let’s take a right here you call these guys here all right let’s keep going this way comes a lot of cows this is good because we’re gonna need an enchanting table so he’s behind us is he here yeah he’s actually following us bro just run bro

Outside he’s on you watch out what’s wrong with me what do i do oh god i’ve got no food i’m almost running out of food i should have eaten oh why yeah you shoulda ate oh why does he do this why do you love me so sad

Can you add i’ll add you in a couple minutes if i’m not being followed still so just oh jeez yeah i can’t beat him right now i don’t have enough i want to get farther away so i can make stuff i should ask hoes to turn off chords

I think it passed two thousand games let’s see that his power will go to his head and they brought my feet all right let me place the death i’m just gonna place a bed down a little asleep until you have a bed down i did that picked it up no

Dude you should have left there and then got another one i had like four beds on me i gave you two for a reason no i broke the bed so i’ll keep traveling and just yeah that’s why i gave you two one that you can set for away points for a

Sec yeah but it was in my inventory no i’m not i mean okay nevermind dude huh i gotta go oh it’s late for you yes late oh damn it’s not even that way yeah see you man who’s in the party with me did you ever join no people what is it saying

I think you got the wrong username what you already sent it and i added you i’ll try it you’ll see um i’ll check again hold on i’m gonna go watch the stream i’m gonna i’m going to watch the stream for a while well if you’re here you’re already

Watching it right wait what i don’t know i’m confused oh boy oh can i join i liked and sub of course bro do you have a microsoft account all right i’ll add you give me a minute so i can run away i don’t know if this guy’s chasing me or not so

There’s a spider jockey over there okay let’s go we gotta get out of here gotta get farther my hello let me get to that village over there and i’ll add you okay bro oh yeah i do too because i guess i added all right we’re almost there

All right those dudes are stacked over there what the hell oh brah i know that was going to happen hold on I want to be safe here i don’t know i don’t know if he is all right we’re gonna do this all right should we go like that i don’t trust that all right yeah do you [Applause] all right let me do it on the app oh minnie can you be quiet please 782

Add friend hey what was your i added you so now add me back i guess should it come up with a notification or something um i don’t know i don’t think so did you get wait do you have me added uh no i don’t know try and adding me

Because that says i already have you added or like i don’t know send it send your name again i guess maybe it’s maybe i put in the wrong name i don’t know who’s virus grinding okay i’ll add virus grindy here how do you spell your music for your microphone hold on

Uh virus grindy i looked yours up and nothing came up well actually let me see i didn’t do capitals yeah yours didn’t come up bro uh senor’s name again it should be invite only this guy joined who’s this kid in the party hey face puppy send me your thing send it again

Your name so i can add you bro you said i sent the wrong one or something yeah what is how do you spell y’all using d a here i’ll put in the chat [Applause] yes the real muffin look in the chat right there wait exit game and press edit

World it’s not my world bro it’s really not my world oh is that your psn because he the host only has microsoft so you need a microsoft account to join you adding me okay let me see let me look for the virus guy here say out of me so

Wait yeah you’re right here how come i couldn’t find your name what the hell there i added you back so let me see from my list why is this i haven’t added anybody i think i have to let it load for a second maybe everybody doesn’t show anybody what

I have people added i don’t know that’s being stupid try and join virus i just added you back chicken hmm send your thing in the chat again bro wait oh that’s why yeah you’re giving me yeah so see it says i’m on playstation but you have to have a microsoft like

You would have to add this guy with a microsoft the host put your username in the chat again okay did you see it no oh yeah or send me yours again because i don’t know if i have the right one like i said hey anthony yes davin are you actually playing no

No no you want to play fall guys no why because i’m streaming like a game what what game are you screaming minecraft are you dumb yeah but what are you streaming about minecraft anarchy server hey huh yeah that’s right shut the hell up i said nothing by the way

Oh no you’re getting muted uh what do you say it’s not i didn’t wait what it’s not i didn’t gin by join by invite yeah it’s not on private you should be able to join [Applause] oh i found a new village oh it looks like we have a blacksmith

I might get off after this we have been here for a while plus i lost my teammate you finally sent it what’s your name i didn’t even get it [Applause] um i don’t see it here let me refresh it actually i don’t know let’s see it here actually

Hmm yeah i don’t know i didn’t get it oh wait i just got it now i let me have you added bro what i literally have you added is that guy still chasing you or did he give up can i play with you i would have still played if i wasn’t so

Tired now you all good bro i don’t know if that guy’s chasing me still i don’t think he is but i’m i’m streaming so he can just look at my chords anytime and just zoom right over oh baby let’s go um what do i drop here uh oh my name

That is my microsoft so tell me tell me yours after you add me or actually no you can add me and then i’ll just add you back so don’t worry yo this dude’s mad bro he’s looking at me tell me when you add me back by the way

Because i don’t get a notification so i just have to go to the app thing oh there goes face puppy all right someone else asked for an invite i’m going to the nether oh someone’s going to another nice all right i added you okay he added me so now we go here

And i should get a request i think it low it’s not loading there we go oh two people added me i’m just gonna add you both back lowercase 69 whoever you are and we got psycho whoever so we’re adding both views so you guys should be able to join without

An invite but if you do let me know because it’s not showing up right here right now but i think if i stay on the page for a minute it will load but i did just add two people so i will never be replaced as a teammate i

Fought bravely for about five seconds nah dude you did you you did you did fight bravely more what’s it called here i got 15 i can hold plenty hopefully you guys can join doesn’t let me join what does it say does the world show up

Does it show up on your um like page or is it like just not there at all i’m honestly gonna get rid of these carrots and take potatoes because i like potatoes way better especially you can cook them and they’re way better the world doesn’t show up hmm

Maybe you refresh it can you do that or is it like does it it refreshes automatically i feel like i think not there at all okay that’s a lot of zombies you know let’s go in a house real fast and i will see if it loads

Yo what’s up slicky tricky my dude what is going on bro how you doing how’s the fan bro how how’s life you know we’ll set our spawn in one of these beds too actually since we are kind of far out get the [ __ ] up not good trades garbage bro

The world doesn’t show up for me either what it should be working all right hold on we’re gonna sit on this chest you haven’t added anyone to your cross you know what we’re gonna leave and refresh it because maybe that’s why maybe i’ve been on it for so long i reset my game

Okay we’re gonna reset our world so hopefully it works okay so he’s right here new anarchy it’ll be under it won’t be up here so here’s your page friends it won’t be up here it will be down here so click that and you should be able to

Join so let’s see if this works hopefully it does and it’s loading and floating it’s loading all right this is taking very long actually what the hell wait oh i found out why you add add the d wait what yeah but no but some people said that

They had they didn’t have them added and it was working so i don’t know maybe that is why now it’s taking forever to join back oh no i’m scared please join the world bro what the [ __ ] dude what is it why is this taking so long now did i break it

That’s how i joined wait so you did add him oh wait i i thought someone said they didn’t so maybe you do have to add them see that’s kind of annoying wow okay um maybe i shouldn’t have left the game [Applause] maybe i shouldn’t have yeah i play on ps4

But the guy who hosts the server isn’t on ps4 he only has a microsoft account so but now it’s not let me join back so this is not good not good not good not enough not good not good not good come on bro please load is it a realm

No it’s not a realm it’s just a normal world like he has to be online to host it but now it’s not loading why is it doing this no it’s not a realm there isn’t even realms on this a realm is a world that’s open 24 7. if he leaves the world

It’s gonna it’s gonna close dude i don’t even know do i have to end this room here bro this is so depressing [Applause] this is so sad it’s not loading come on what why did i leave no oh god damn it well i i don’t know what to do now i

Can’t get back in f in the chat for real brah and he’s not even here so i i don’t know what to do i’ll try it one more time he’s so close to 1 000 subs what am i at now 9 58 bro i’ve been i was at 9 50

The start of this week so we got eight new subs bro honestly i’ll take it thank you guys for subbing liking not wait wait wait i just refreshed my page it’s at 9 66 wait nah for real wait no you guys are crazy what the hell holy [ __ ]

Dude thanks for the sub slick slub i said the slub thanks for the slub bro not but for real dude thank you for the sub it actually means a lot like i have been doing youtube for a while now but i’m honestly now just starting to get back into like a constant

Like constant like upload schedule like before i would upload and then i would take maybe a couple days off but now i’m actually like having fun uploading and doing these videos and being with the chat but once my kid pvp is open we’re going to be streaming that sometimes too

So dude i think minecraft is trying to tell him it’s time to take a break maybe it is dude i have been playing minecraft for so long bro dude honestly thanks for the slubs thanks for those clubs all right i don’t know should i just join a different

World now like i don’t know this is an anarchy stream but i feel so bad because i know you guys want to join and i’m trying to make you guys be able to join but i don’t want to really start a new one right now because i feel like i’m going

To have to leave soon like maybe a couple minutes or or i don’t know weapon moment maybe we could just join one of our friends it’s it’s look it’s not even showing up now oh my god the world’s gone it’s actually gone thanos just snapped it out of existence oh no

So uh this is a very awkward situation you know what guys since you guys are here at the stream i’ll give you a sneak peek at the kit pvp that i am working on so we have to bring this up every stream and what up wait what are we bringing up to be

Honest i was planning on spawning withers since it was anarchy dude i would have loved to see that honestly i mean we were so far from spawn but it would have been funny to see all right so this is gonna be the start of the vault area and then

You’re gonna be able to go to vaults and then buy vaults but let’s go back to the spawn since i don’t know what else to show you guys right now since the world is actually breaking uh let’s just get rid of this we have nothing in our hand

Can i join slubs can i join well sadly um you can ask the chat the world was not loading up so we’re i’m just showing you guys a little little sneak peek of my kit pvp that’s coming out soon so this isn’t done yet but this is gonna be

The shop so there’s gonna be ranks there’s gonna be uh potions trails you can be able to have trails which is gonna be cool um and then i need some other ideas i might make this three and three on each side but if you guys can think of any ideas for shop ideas

Let me know i was thinking about doing a health boost one because i know you can give health boosts so i thought that’d be kind of cool my friend has android hacks and would have gave me the stuff that spawned them and that lighters and i could have fly

To you hey that would be cool how do you have the another reactor core so a guy actually came on my world i’ll show you all the modded blocks actually let me go out here let’s just do this i’ll show you guys all the modded box that he gave me

Blocks oh i’m having trouble speaking now it’s not good all right so he gave me portals this i already had um oh you can get balloons did you guys know that you can get balloons in the game look at this camera it follows you and then it does a snap

But um you can do these with this wait i didn’t even click it how do you have another reactor curves oh that’s the same thing that’s not even the spawn bro you can’t even you haven’t even seen the spawn yet but these are the balloons and then they

Fly off this isn’t even modded this is just education edition i think it’s called but i’ll show you the modded blocks so where is it here it is he gave me this this is pretty much all the blocks he gave me all right so this is it [Laughter]

Look at this 99 plus on all of them like what are these blocks bro like like we have the end portals and gateways dude i thought this was kind of cool like you know how you have to walk over redstone to make it like lit it stays lit it’s lit bro

So i thought that was kind of cool um we have portals which are cool except they place like that so i guess like you know what i mean like i guess it’s cool but then it just brings you to the nether so then we have i don’t know what else we got here

Not much nothing that cool wait did i place down the same one three times oh my god i did don’t look at that what’s the spawn egg spawn egg where wait was there a spawn egg is it in my inner interchange oh this this is an npc

This is just like things i use them for um signs in a way so this it says spawn but on the other side it just says spawn you can’t see the person so that’s what i use that for um but yeah these are the hacked items

These these ones i like a lot it stays lit i like the ones that sail it i guess as you can tell uh let’s just get rid of all that ant let’s get rid of they get that that uh you ever just go to another and make 300 piglets fight the weather

What dude i thought of borrowing your free kit idea hmm free kit idea free starter kit i’m confused now i don’t know but um i don’t understand why he has these in here the creeper charges i mean can you not get these anymore or something and then underwater torches are pretty

Cool they stay lit underwater and there is he doesn’t have it here do i have it in my hsx actually i don’t know if i made it or not because you have to make it with chemicals i do here’s underwater tnt it explodes underwater which is cool uh double ender chest blockers double

Ender chest bro let’s go uh i had the free wait you had a few free kits and you could only get one oh like in the beginning oh yeah i’m still working on that because some of them were kind of overpowered as i was testing them out

Um yeah so i’m just showing you these hacked items that’s all really there it’s not like that cool but we get like this cool glowing obsidian which i like we get some cool designs here like i don’t know if this looks the best honestly but i just put um structure voids above

Them because you can actually look in them and like there’s just like this weird [ __ ] menu but i thought they looked kind of cool yeah i like this room so let’s go back to spawn i’ll show you guys spawn though so this isn’t where you initially spawn but i will show you that

Actually first because i think the first spawn is a pretty cool nice little place that i made i don’t even know if it’s this way i’m just guessing it is i knew it all right so this is actually a modded thing that he gave me too

I don’t have it now but it was like an npc where you click all the buttons and it builds this little hut for you that’s what was here too but i got rid of it so this is where you initially spawn wait this is supposed to play music

Oh i do have my music down i want to hear the music i do have my music down so you spawn in it’s not it oh it’s doesn’t work what the it was working before hmm oh i can hear it it’s just very soft but yeah well you made those mount yeah

I did make those you can see it from out here it looks weird but yeah you spawn in you get this nice playing music you spawn here initially and then i made this cool map which says kit pvp i thought it was just a nice little

Touch so i think this is the thing you’re talking about the one free kit so these aren’t the actual starter kits we’re changing the end oh [ __ ] we’re actually changing the enderman kit and the wizard kit those with these two we’re keeping the fire kit and the speed kit we’re keeping those

Two but the enderman and the wizard we are changing so but pretty much uh it’s gonna get rid of this [ __ ] my inventory but whatever so how it works is you come here it’s going to clear your inventory if you have stuff but all you’re going to have is the map

So pretty much you come here click that and you get your kit and now you have this kit so yeah that’s the this is one of the kits that you can get for a one-time use you can’t just keep going back there so how it works is once you hit that

Pressure plate and you get that kit this sets your world spawn right here so this is the spawn which i [ __ ] love we have vaults which i’m working on the pvp i’ll show you guys that i’ll show you guys everything honestly i know i said it was a little sneak peek

But i’m just going to show you everything i’m working very hard on the server that’s what i’m going to say these mountains did take a long time though um so here’s the starter kit it’s the same idea you just go in and you get your starter kit yeah so that’s the starter kit

Um i’ll show you guys crates crates is actually done i finished crates a couple days ago so we have buy crate keys winnings so this is what you can win in the crate keys so you can see here common crate you can win an uncommon key three golden apples assassin dagger

Which has sharpness one in on breaking and then a paradox set which is kind of cool you can get the whole set here if you do this and the knights broadsword and then you can get some epic gamer music if you need any help just hit me up bro of course i mean

I i feel like i have an idea of what i want to do but yeah so this is that oh wait we can go back through here so i’ll just show you how you buy the crate keys real fast wait i don’t even know if we have enough money no we do not

Uh hold on let me give myself some money score board players that’s why players i’m sorry i’m being slow here add i think yeah that just peeps i think it’s money no it’s md i’m pretty sure and then let’s just add like 50 000 or something

Now we should have enough yep there we go purchase successful and you’ll get your crate key and then these i like this it has the kit pvp but you can’t actually take it which i thought was cool i don’t know i just like doing that kind of stuff just a little decorations

So now we have our crate key you know let’s buy um we can’t actually afford the the zenith key that’s the mess the best one but let’s get a mythic so we got that we got our mythic key no joke you haven’t done an awesome job

On this dude thank you bro honestly i just want to i don’t even care if it takes like a month to make i just want to make it as good as possible sometimes this happens for me stuff doesn’t load in like this which is kind of annoying

I don’t really know how to fix it because we already have a loader here a chunk loader here to load the spawn the spawn commands like under here we have fire protection stuff for the mobs and protection so there is spawn protection but right now i have the

Admin tag so i don’t actually get that so if someone’s in spawn they can’t i mean i can still kill them you know i don’t have resistance or something or i mean i don’t have weakness so i can kill them still if something bad happens oh wait what am

I doing i have the keystone i want to show you guys the crate keys i’m so sorry i forgot i’m like rushing myself here all right so this is actually the create keys so we have a common one so how it works is you just come in here you can step on this

It’s just to close the door so no one else comes in but here it is goes like that and we got the uncommon one so i guess we’ll open this one now see what we get oh we got the knights broadsword sharpness you are breaking or yeah so that’s really good all right

Now we have the mythic key see we get got the tempest barrier okay so this is a really good shield has really gone breaking so you could just sit there and just block everything honestly so that’s that that’s the create keys pretty much that’s the whole thing now i will show you

Events isn’t even we haven’t even started on events yet so here’s the parkour i’m going to say this now my mods did so good on this they did so good so this is a pretty cool thing they added i’m just going to show you this uh show you this real quick so pretty

Much all you do is you hold this thing and you drop it and it brings you back to spawn so if at any point in the parkour you want to come back to spawn you can do it easy as that you just bring it with you

And we can hold on to it i want to play with you sadly the server isn’t open up yet but this was a fun little thing my friend made free coke samples not coca-cola he made this i thought it was kind of funny funny uh so it’ll show up like this

Hello neighbor would you like this would you like some freshly made coke and then you get out of him and i think you’re supposed to get something but whatever i think it’s just a joke thing but actually so if you have survival you can’t actually get past here because we have the

Oh you can actually see it you see those red particles it’s borders so these borders if you’re in survival no matter what you can’t get past them like if you have fly or anything you can’t get past them so this map is so good thank you bro i’ve been trying

On it for a long time so here’s the guy you can talk to to go back to spawn and there’s actually two checkpoints so i’ll show you how that works so we come over here pretend i’m doing the parkour i’m good at the game so i actually already have the tag but i

Can get rid of it actually it’s just so i can show you guys what it looks like because i i do like how it looks it’s cool all right so remove checkpoint one all right so i don’t have checkpoint one so i come up i click it now i have checkpoint one unlocked

And i can go back to spawn so now if i go back to spawn and i already completed checkpoint one i can come up to this guy i don’t think we have it input yet yeah we don’t have the actual command in there yet but it’s going to teleport you over

There if you have the tag that’s how it works so this is the parkour it’s kind of it’s kind of hard actually but we’re going to make the reward very good so this is at the end uh you can retry or claim reward we should yeah claymore will give you the roar

Then teleport you to spawn or something when you finish the map can you make a bit of it of course bro i’m definitely going to do a review of this just go like like what i’m doing right now i’m probably going to do a video just like this but of course

Everything’s going to be complete oh i just complete i changed the guy whoops there we go uh so let’s go back to spawn and do a live so we can play it dude of course bro all right so we looked at the parkour events is not done yet

Uh shop i’ll show you i’ll show you the kit shop kit shop’s pretty cool actually all right so this is we don’t actually yeah here’s the fire kit you get fireballs i’ll show you guys that here’s the speeder kit you get the speed up so each kit has exclusive perks to it so

This has the cactus picker and the cactus spike and thorns so i will be showing you guys some of these or at least i’ll try to uh yeah i’ll take the because i don’t want to ruin these kits because they’re not in choker boxes so so if i do that

And we’ll put that back give me that yep so these some of these they’re all done we just have to um actually Do it so i mean i think i can take this and then do it i don’t know i’m just gonna leave this stuff here um oh here’s the lizard because your kit all right so yeah uh thunder i think that one’s up here i might be able to show you that one

Oh wait yeah this is it okay so you have to be in the arena to use them so i guess i’ll show you that yep and then we already saw the shop thing this was that uh do you have a ski war or bed war there’s a bed wars on another map but

Not on this don’t ruin my me kits laddie no i’m not bro i took an extra one don’t ruin my kit okay i have i haven’t put on the lizards in the shulker or do archer i mean we can change it from something else but i’ll show you guys the pvp

Oh geez oh i thought i was loading in okay so that’s how you go to spawn this is the pvp and go through here it’s gonna be a thing here a pressure can go in it’s gonna be a pressure plate here that you step on and then it’s gonna teleport you in

So this is our pvp it’s looking pretty nice can’t why i’m really proud of it i like it a lot i haven’t i’ve to party what let’s just keep leaving or something um yeah so i kind of i like it a lot i think i did pretty good with it um

So i’ll show you guys so i like the old way of doing like the spencers and then this is the currency anzac dust i don’t know i thought it just sounded cool but now i’m not the biggest fan of it but no no no i thought it would just be cool so

This is our pvp oh yeah i can show you the things now so let me put this kit down i’ll show you the spells how they work i don’t is this an actual weapon okay yeah it’s a shovel with sharp four and it’s 10 attack damage holy

Damn bro hey viewers you know bro i’ve been doing like pretty good viewers recently i gotta keep doing it that’s what i gotta do all right so i’ll show you some of these so we got the speed up drop that we got that speed boost you know that’s what’s up so you

Get around the metal house you don’t do some little parkour you know you know come across here you know and then we got our black iron combat shovel so this is literally a combat shovel as you can see she she see it’s a 10 attack damage so that’s crazy

Here’s the next one i got an invite from this good gamer ghost bro i’ll join the party 60 when can i join yeah i don’t know we might i mean we just have to finish i want to do some more shop stuff and we have to do

The events all right so now it’s about thunder yeah you better join the party damn so that’s swell of thunder it’s just you know thunder strike and then the spell of flotation well if if pretend there was someone there okay but then there was someone else there

But this is also cool you can do it from far away and just um i can help you demo if you want to invite me to the game i mean i’m almost done so but oh are you gonna get off it i mean i have to go eat so but

Yeah i was just doing this real fast but i have to go eat but running can i work on like the archery kit then sure for some reason says i’m not connected though so i’ll have to reset the world um but yeah this is 960

Damn bro we going up up but yeah this is i’ll show you guys a little secret here that i made i thought it was kind of cool you just come down here you know and then we got this and then yeah you just click this and you get the stuff

I didn’t even know that secret yeah i made it i thought it was coming i mean it’s not that hard to tell like i think if i saw this i’d be like there’s gotta be a secret in there i was gonna put one up here but then i was like i don’t know

A little crazy but yeah like every house has about a gen or something so you just come in here and then there’s one over here stuff like that you know they’re just all over the place i still have to make it so they um still fill up automatically i have to do that

Um but yeah that’s the pvp arena i think that’s everything actually you think uh we haven’t even started on events shop boss and then yeah you already saw the ball area so far you guys so i haven’t even seen the ball area it’s not i was just doing the walls i’m gonna

Make it so you can buy vaults automatically so i’m gonna make two things what can you make a new survival i’m not making a new survival bro what why not because the last one i made it [ __ ] broken it what’s it called they got corrupted can why are you asking me another

Survival to make but yeah i mean i guess i can keep the server open or it’s not even open it says it’s not working can you make a news around the play with us i mean i guess i don’t know yeah i mean we could probably do something about that

Maybe in the future but yeah this is the spawn that’s all it might it might be possible to finish it by the end of like the week or like sunday the shop all the kits are almost done we just have to make it so you can purchase them

Then we have to do we have to do events which i don’t know how hard that’s going to be i feel like that’s going to be kind of hard or long to make if we’re going to make them automated if we’re not going to make them automated it’ll be much easier but i

Feel like automated might be better but i don’t know if it’s actually going to work we’ll have to see shark cake 666 who knows this but yeah um and then i just have to finish the shop too what events are we gonna add for lunch i was having like a lucky block race

That’d be really easy to make what it i mean i’m scared to make it again after my last attempt so yeah but it would be a lot easier it’ll be easier since i can clone the command blocks you know yeah i mean i did clone the command blocks but

I still it was just ps4 oh yeah oh you mean like in your hand yeah oh i mean i was doing it off the ground oh that was you can i help you making it make what wait what now i’m confused oh the pvp is already done we just have to

Automate it or whatever oh you mean this oh you mean the server oh um i’m gonna have to say no because there’s just like i kind of want it like a certain way and i feel like last time i tried that with someone they just made a [ __ ]

Mushroom house and that was horrible so yeah what about clapton though cloud town i don’t know about that one you thought i thought all right i’m gonna leave and i guess oh my god we have so many comments bro you guys are insane six viewers still we’ve been dude this

Is my second stream today looking seesaw level on fall guys it’s so annoying oh yeah i know you’re talking about yeah that one is annoying so much we got seven likes too oh am i even on what’s it called all right i am all right what happened to the chat oh

[ __ ] i reloaded my i don’t know there it is so i can’t make a [ __ ] close tackle some guy gave me some modded stuff and he stacked these books so maybe you can well i can i can’t i can’t stack them it just well i got disqualified but it just won’t

Work right oh because if you drop one it’ll drop like all of them it’s weird you can’t like split the stats or anything so it i just like made an easier way oh okay you’ve been streaming for two hours like what the [ __ ] dude i when i used to play like

Fortnight and like battle royales and stuff bro i used to like stream for like eight hours and i didn’t even like notice yeah i got football practice now so i can’t be on that much oh oh i almost choked on my chapstick that’s cute fortnite is trash can i join now yes why

Oops your microsoft account was disconnected it says what is going on yeah fortnite is anybody can join because we’re not done once the server is fully done i’m probably going to do a test run for myself like i’m going to make a copy of the world and then just make sure everything works

And then i’ll probably do a beta just to see if i can run it with more people oh yeah they also made it so eight people can actually join now instead of five they fix that yeah they actually changed it back all right it says i’m logged in i don’t

Know what i’m supposed to do like because i was hoping they were actually going to up the player a little bit more and then they dropped into five like what yeah i don’t know why they did that but i is it oh my god i meant to click settings for this world

So yeah uh i should be done with the liquid wizard kit so i’m just going to give them like 20 bucking clothes which is 20 uses of an ability yeah we’ll see how broken that is or how good that is i’m not sure i mean it’s probably the best kid so or

Around the best but i mean it’s the most expensive we have so i gave it the best ability yeah it’s so sad i’m disconnected what the hell well i still can’t think alone for the archer uh i might have thought of one we’ve been sitting here for like 20

Minutes please bro i can’t let you guys play i’m sorry bro once the server is done i will let you guys play it says it’s on multiplayer fortnite it’s far gonna be like a week until you can join invite when you’re finished in a good way or not i was thinking

About making a discord because some guy was actually saying that like i’ve had like four people say that and i’m like holy [ __ ] so i’m like maybe i should just make a server so i can just type that in the chat and then people yeah i can join remember bro you

Need any help testing your help building or anything just message me on playstation all right i’m gonna go to sleep see ya all right see a gaming machine or let’s play in another server but i don’t even have any other servers Yeah i don’t have any actual survivals right now i don’t i mean i still have my colossus kpvp and my other pvp but beside and i have this world the magic but that would [ __ ] break with like five people on it so oh i qualified let’s go i’m good

Wait world of magic i don’t know that yeah you did wait was that not you i thought you did i don’t know what was it i don’t know i feel like you were there please please make a new survival do you really want me to make new

Survival and just sit here i bought one and i thought you were there maybe it was triggering that one i don’t know was it the one with trigger and like there were secret eggs hidden and stuff no i know you’re talking about no it’s not that

Well it was i don’t know what it was it’s something it did so good though on youtube like i uploaded the video and it got like 3k views or something i was like what the hell let me see yeah well the magic no it got 7.5 k

Views like what let me see i’m gonna watch the video and see who’s in it [Applause] uh can i even see jesus that has 74 likes and 37 dislikes who disliked it so much my god me i want five different accounts just like just like just like

All right well i’m still in the menu here i’m trying to like get to the part where we’re actually in the thing I don’t yeah i don’t think i was doing that that side hey yo red stop being good at the game let me get some balls [Applause] i freaking hate the fall ball a game out that’s my least favorite game mode i’ve gotta be yet to win it i played it

Like five times and i lose it every single time i haven’t even won yet yeah neither of them bro i’ve gotten second place so many times though i didn’t know that there are so davens here yeah i don’t i gotta swore you were here though i don’t know whatever yeah i’ll be good

Stop hurt all right let’s see we’ll do um [Applause] you guys can join with member that’s a w stuff he heard you you heard no cheats here you guys go we should probably post a beta for the server soon um like once we finish the kits just so

We can make sure it works and it’s not just going to crash yeah um depending on how long you’re on today if you get on i’m probably gonna escape wait what’s happening i left i’m just i’m just making a survival world for you guys because you guys want one so

All right what came out is this oh i’ve never even played this one oh it’s this one hopefully it no it still says i’m disconnected what the hell i don’t know guys i’m how about survival tomorrow cause it’s not loading i don’t know i’m gonna go see if dinner’s ready i

Thought it was but now i don’t think it is gamer ghost keep them company hi guys today we’re going to be playing fall guys even though you can’t see it i’m really bad jesus i just fell but that’s okay i’m keeping you company like i was told so yeah i’m really bad again

No dude but that’s all right if i if i don’t qualify you might hear some rage that’s cool to do with company again god i got lemonade got teased um i didn’t ask but all right okay people are being try holding paul guys yes people are very childhood

Let’s see all right i’m i’m gonna hop into the game i got 180 kudos take me match i got zero dubs i’m very bad they’re getting new straps yeah they’re doing the strats it’s bad i’m not very great but that’s okay all right let’s see yo i just got a shoulder pick

No way okay no people are leaving i’m not entertaining enough that’s sad i also suck at all guys it’s just when people don’t let you when it’s harder yeah uh once i keep getting connection errors oh my gosh that’s annoying um i’m not a commentator

I don’t know how i can talk to myself but you know we’re gonna try we’re gonna keep calm wow y’all get to look at a very cool um loading screen did you get the ninja skin no i didn’t uh it looked cool i just want to say my

Kudos for when i see something that i really like and i only have one crown so i don’t want to waste that all are going awesome 274 comments let’s keep that going uh everybody new tuning game thank you for tuning in um i’m trying to keep you all company get the pin

At what’s the pin up pineapple that i still know that is a pineapple that then pineapple okay i got a pen i got an apple i got a and i got pineapple um what level of my uh like tennis is i think i’m ten i’ll check after this game wow no

Dude i’m so bad i’m so bad that’s not even funny anymore no no i’m getting crushed i got eliminated damn i’m so bad at the the purple one oh do you have the pigeon um not sure let me check i just died because i’m bad no i get that next level

So i’m level eight i got one crown but that’s what i got in like the battle fast thing so see what they have in the shop right now they got ninja ninja again okay um yes i’m back yo i’ve been keeping all company i kept you two or three viewers

Oh this pineapple skin is nice though yeah i might actually buy that i kind of like that pineapple on full screen which is just 4 000 i can afford that oh that’s super nice it’s raging so was he dinner not ready okay never mind i’m not back

All right well my i thought my dad wasn’t home i was gonna make dinner but then he just got here so do you guys want me to keep the stream going or not like i don’t know i’m trying to miss some company what’s up it’s up to you

I ain’t a commentator up to me i don’t care oh that you don’t care you’re getting mad at i’m sitting here yelling at fall guys it sounds pretty good to me all right you do that all right i’ll give you guys i don’t know what should i put on

Nothing there’s nothing here i’ll give you this nice minecraft background i can’t shave plenty so they can watch me but i don’t know i don’t even think that works on stream definitely i have no clue i just feel like it won’t but all right first place let’s go you’re in the hands of

Gamer ghost 06 now good luck out there push please okay y’all should be scared he’s trusting me people don’t do that come on open open open open open jesus Guys okay so i’m gonna qualify right now like top ten um i’m gonna place elevenths okay that’s all right i 11 times 36. that’s okay i’m watching a hot dog hope you all are doing good yeah uh i have my i have his stream open so i can watch those comments and everything

So we good we good we good y’all y’all make sure to head over to kanye yeast infection and subscribe to the him me after subscribing immortal assassin hard plug i’m not sure if anybody’s watching but i’m going to plug it anyways i don’t care what is this i’ve never

Played this with perfect match oh i have no clue what to do match the icon screen to avoid slime two uno go fourteen i don’t understand this oh god um i guess this is okay yeah okay i got the banana watermelon okay okay okay i just kind of have to watch what

Other people do okay okay okay there’s man in there What’s it gonna be whatever yeah i’m out of watermelon right now yeah everybody come join me we got it yes sir oh somebody fell okay banana cherries there’s an orange over there Okay hey banana there’s grape right here orange over there peach right there banana sugar and watermelon it’s a watermelon okay okay people are sure that there’s a watermelon right here oh people are falling that’s yeah i qualified guys no clue what i was doing i was just doing what other people

Didn’t it worked i knew where everything was besides the watermelon so luckily it was of course it was a watermelon but everybody else knew what a watermelon okay see what our next game mode is loading uh thank you for viewing into the stream and watching my uh beautiful voice it’s like so

This uh this is a podcast at this point no it’s paul ball okay all right y’all y’all really about to learn to get angry if you lose this i’ve i’m all for like four or five on football okay i don’t usually play with this many people though so we’ll see

No dude no we are not about to score already okay okay all right they are not i’m about to score already whatever yeah yeah hit that hit that nice oh i got that okay okay we hit it oh it’s god it’s going oh they scored all my screen’s messed up yes come on

Get that no dude come on we’re marching these in no get out of my way friend my friend you’re in my way come on get that in get that in no come on somebody has to hit that thank you all right come on somebody has to hit that is that towards me dude

Good hit all right you got that this is bad what i how did i not hit that no don’t let them score again what are y’all doing y’all what my t i hate this game mode with the passion oh just go ahead and let them score again

How come whenever they hit the soccer ball um it’s a great game mode not only is it a team event which i hate because it’s rng but y’all get let’s go come on get that get that save that save that we got it we got it good hey good okay

Okay okay we got this boys it’s tied up well you know what if it ends in a tie i’ve actually never seen that oh oh oh oh oh oh oh come on let’s go okay we got the lead we got the lead seven six five four three two one

Let’s go we got that i’m celebrating alone but we it’s okay because we won okay oh final nine remain guys final i mean the top ten our top top nine remain this might be it’s probably going to be spleef or tnt run oh fall mountain i hate fall mountain fall mountain is

Garbage it’s rng if you swan in the back you lose and i’m in the back so i lost it’s like bro if you spawn in the back you literally can’t win it’s not possible it’s not possible to we running though okay i gotta keep the tightest corners possible

And i can’t forget to press r2 to grab no i got hit i’m not really getting it’s over i got a third time bro i’m just deleting the game no no no oh my god no that sucks i was so hyped i was like yo i’m finna get this i’m finna whip this

Hoe and then i miss and i’m like but we don’t say that for tears right don’t know what’s up that was dang it y’all can i get some f’s in the chat okay it says there’s four viewers like if there’s still four viewers like watching me that’s pretty cool

Can i get some f’s in the chat yo go sub to the guy who just uh wrote in chat Um yeah go sub to him because he’s cool and that’s me so after all y’all just listening to me ramble on about how bad i am at least you could do this you know episode drop a sub i got 71 subs guys i’m coated i got some nice thumbnails too

Don’t believe me but i got some nice thumbnails okay okay okay um what is it oh this one’s not bad actually no it’s not bad oh don’t don’t flaw they knocked me down these little virgins i’ve i don’t think i’ve ever lost this game mode okay

Uh this might be a first about 30 people ahead of me oh come on go go go go go oh okay we made it all right uh we should qualify oh god oh god oh god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god

Oh my god oh my god i’m falling i’m falling bring the tear to my eye i’m trying to be entertaining for real i really am i’m trying my absolute hardest you know better please i already know y’all are sitting there like what is this guy doing it’s not anthony

It’s not it’s not mortal assassin mortal assassin like go down in puberty what um yes all right guys we better hit level nine never mind because we got 30 kudos do i buy the pineapple one do i buy pineapple to buy it or not to buy that is the question

I do really like oh and i’ll go good with that though could be a hot dog though oh that one’s nice dandy screw it guys i’m buying the pineapple purchase let’s go in-game purchases we out here doing that stuff so at rank um let’s see it shrink because i could go

With that maybe i need to buy a face right ring 13. i don’t like that okay but yeah i really do need a face my face yeah i only have the default face and i don’t i want a better face i can change my color to be orange like that

Or i can be a pigeon here i kind of i kind of want to make that nine i have an orange Maybe like some come on ease my d some of these do i have any theatrics i can do friendly ways i can do this that’s funny okay everybody goes up to techno blade he’s hilarious great content y’all would love them i guarantee it tap l fundy those are two good micro youtubers

Okay says there’s still three people in here watching two people oh oh yo those doritos are actually meta okay wait these doritos though are actually kind of meta they can be kind of meta you can use those to your image like you can for real for real use these to your advantage

Okay uh we may not qualify very back guys we’re not getting screwed over by any of the balls though which is nice okay this is on a limb part so if we miss things we getting like oh we don’t get eliminate i thought we’d get eliminated if we missed those

Oh we we get those though okay so we got past the spinny part um Okay okay yeah we we qualify let’s go guys we qualified so all y’all just tuning in thank y’all i’m substituting trying to provide commentary for y’all so yes okay guys um hey let’s go we got this we’re gonna get this done uh this game mode this shouldn’t be too bad

My boy you got hops little pineapple apple let’s go oh wait that’s a fake pineapple though yeah black pineapples ugly unlike me who’s very sexy oh that’s a cup block okay it’s gonna drop at the same time though so it won’t matter um bop go down here pop

Okay we made it okay we gonna go down the middle no game no ah wait out here let’s go i wanna hear me scream hold up okay sorry i had to go here hear me scream that was funny all right okay okay okay okay 0 out of 18 will qualify

Ah this one’s easy yo i’m carrying your stream i think there’s still some viewers watching because of me let’s see what do we got here what do we got who oh there goes oh yeah oh yeah carrying the stream more like making them ears bleed yeah well there’s still people in here

So like jesus i’ve been hit by like 20 bananas three people watching okay what do we got okay the purple one what no one’s even the chat’s dead bro you killed the chat you killed the chat it’s dead i’m ending the stream unless wait how is there three people watching what

No one’s even writing they’re just sitting here what have you been talking about all right well i’m ending the stream people i did not i don’t even see any message

This video, titled ‘Fresh Anarchy Minecraft PS4 Bedrock Server! Come Join’, was uploaded by MortalAssassin on 2020-08-12 00:57:41. It has garnered 184 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 02:41:23 or 9683 seconds.

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  • Game-Changing Minecraft Speedrun Strategy

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  • Sneaking into Her House in Minecraft SMP

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  • WTF! Secret Trick for Crafting Brewing Stand Java ’24 ๐Ÿคฏ

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  • Escape the Irritator in Minecraft

    Escape the Irritator in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Escaping The Irritator In Minecraft…’, was uploaded by Frosty on 2024-04-25 12:00:21. It has garnered 1966 views and 64 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:11 or 971 seconds. Escaping The Irritator In Minecraft… Escaping this terrifying horror minecraft creature in my from the fog world is very difficult. Me and my friend try and survive the irritator in my scary modded minecraft world. Discord Server โžœ Socials โžœ Hashtags โžœ #minecraft #minecrafthorror #wendigo #scaryminecraft #minecraftmods Video Inspired By @Vivilly These videos are Minecraft Horror videos where I try and survive a… Read More

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  • Insane Minecraft Build Tutorial! ๐Ÿคฏ #EPIC

    Insane Minecraft Build Tutorial! ๐Ÿคฏ #EPICVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Build tutorial โœจ #viral #minecraft #tutorial’, was uploaded by FANUM BG on 2024-05-01 09:38:49. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. viral #trending #minecraft #aesthetic #trendingshorts #trend #shorts #short What are you waiting for subscribee โœจ Minecraft … Read More

  • Master the art of war in CelestialSpaceRace

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  • Insane push-up challenge in Fortnite live stream! ๐Ÿ’ช

    Insane push-up challenge in Fortnite live stream! ๐Ÿ’ชVideo Information This video, titled ‘Fortnite live!!!! Every Dono=20 push ups’, was uploaded by Eli Urlacher on 2024-06-20 11:33:47. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. I’m a livestreamer that mainly plays Fortnite. But you may see me play other games like Roblox, Minecraft, etc. Unfortanutely … Read More

  • Insane live stream: Mario Papers vs. Minecraft night

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  • Unstoppable BLOOD WARDEN LUCIFER vs GOLEMS – EPIC Showdown!

    Unstoppable BLOOD WARDEN LUCIFER vs GOLEMS - EPIC Showdown!Video Information This video, titled ‘BLOOD WARDEN LUCIFER vs All GOLEMS in Minecraft Fight#minecraft #mobbattle #funny #horsy #24x7live’, was uploaded by Horsy on 2024-04-05 09:31:19. It has garnered 29 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:58 or 658 seconds. You have to agree i make real good content so.. Lets break Youtube Algorithms like Steveee, Alexa Real and Spectator did! Hello Guys We are going to watch, the legendary BLOOD WARDEN will Fight with the Incredible Army of All Minecraft Golems,๐Ÿ˜ฑ๐Ÿค” Wait For Big Badass Netherite Golem ๐Ÿ™‚ Lets see who wins the battle!๐Ÿค”๐Ÿคฏ Mod Link… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft MLG moments!! Subscribe now ๐Ÿ”ฅ

    Insane Minecraft MLG moments!! Subscribe now ๐Ÿ”ฅVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft MLG, please Subscribe my channel,#Aryan_bishnoi029 #song #bollywood #love #viral #shorts’, was uploaded by A_Bishnoi_Gaming on 2024-06-24 14:24:50. It has garnered 36 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:08 or 8 seconds. Read More