MOST SECURE HAUNTED HOUSE | Minecraft Little Kelly Plays

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Hey what’s going on guys and welcome back to another secure based challenge we love ourself we could little Tony Sharkey Whaley ok well that hurt my feelings just so you know guys welcome aback to add another secure based challenge why don’t you go ahead and tell them what we’re building with it

Yeah so today it’s gonna be a Halloween special it’s coming up to that spooky time where we get to have some fun Halloween videos so we’re gonna kick it up here we’ve got the haunted house Secure haunted house we can build it’s gotta be creepy it’s gotta be scary it’s gonna be full of traps we have 30 minutes to build 10 minutes try to get in and steal the skulls I think it’s going to be huge on your channel you

Know why let me tell you for what I don’t know that’s cocky we’ve been practicing so sorry put your gun Oh Lucy okay we can decide where’d you pick what you pick okay Hey did you say skull yeah we’re gonna put what’s in there candy corn candy corn let’s put a school in with it fine I feel like it needs to be scurry Oh school in with the candy corn yeah okay okay so no air we can we start drink

Dude go okay I kind of feel bad I have to be honest I’ve already said oh so you can take a few seconds of course we have got our awesome resource pack then it makes a Halloween is a little bit I love Halloween what’s your favorite what’s your favorite thing about Halloween and

What’s everybody dressing up as this year that’s what I want to know Lela Kelly you promised to do a vlog yeah on how to dress up like a little girl for Halloween I still do that I’ll do that for you soon but for myself rehalia with you oh okay I guess I feel

Like getting creative making a few costumes why don’t we do Lily Kelly dot exe oh yeah we could do with blood and stuff yeah that could be cool cuz then that way you could do a normal little Kelly and then just add to it if you

Guys want to go for scary little Kenny I think that’d be fun I’ll help you with that one I do like that idea but then where do I get features on this I feel like it’s just all there’s plenty you just you know you go to any costume shop

Just by a shark we could we could definitely do a video how to dress up like Sharky and we’ll just sit there and order a costume that could be I have no idea but the Builder all right I’m not to come to either what you should be oh

Well I’m very confident don’t know what to build I know exactly what I’m building and I have that inspiration off the interwebs but I know exactly what I’m building and it’s going to be amazing it’s gonna be four I think aesthetically mine is gonna be the best

No I know I always promised this if he’s the last time we did one and it was like we need planets yeah shake he’s planning compared to errors well why don’t we just all just you know give shakey little bit of a break here he just decided it’s Christmas we have to be

Okay speaking of Christmas on Halloween The Nightmare Before Christmas card he is making some Jack skeleton cookies tonight actually sorry don’t Oreos or Oreos Jackson Oreos oh yeah real scary scary house I’m trying to get a picture now because I realized me just going ahead and trying to be yeah might not be

Scary enough oh really oh I have a fun thing to do abs like that okay I need to cut all this out oh we’re only like three minutes in okay I’ll give you guys a treatment ahead state you need it okay so little Kelly how are you feeling

Have you feel about yours not too hot not too hot I just don’t really know what I know what the style of the house I want to do is but I just need to setup like traps and stuff you get there oh is that really yeah but I won’t look at it

Too closely yeah all this going do-do-do-do-do-do okay where am I gonna do this I think I’ve got making a case where I’ve got a good idea here guys a good idea right okay talk to us no I wasn’t talking to you guys I was talking to my friend oh yeah

Isn’t it so weird when you think about it sometimes that we just talk to ourselves but we know we’re talking to the people who watch our videos and it’s like they know you and you know them and it’s like your best friends but in reality you’re sitting talking to nobody

Watches your video then you technically do talk to yourself okay arm you’re there you’re there right guys people coming over there I didn’t hear anything like hey at least my viewers have a group name and a Turkish you don’t call yours Tortures the tour toys okay I want everybody just to come up with some day what would you call the turtle errs the people who are fans of tiny turtle what would you call yourselves why are you watching this video go watch finer to shake shake ease cause like we’ve

Brought the El Jeremy and the shark loose know how to bring it the turtle eggs I feel like things and Oregano I’ll show you oregano with the joking guys serious and build alright I really hope this turns out the way or you have a picture they say my mind like I’m actually don’t know how gone dude I haven’t even started on my hunted my house yet

No no setting up traps how many traps did I have in oh it’s not gonna yeah there’s a video coming tomorrow or I have a gazillion traps you guys should check it out yeah and little Kelly armies and don’t worry about the airport list already for tonight okay

Turner’s don’t leave the Turks your Pelican have people sad about subscribing a be like why did not want to become Okay now let’s be serious we need what’s your Halloween name David tiny torture eat all right I like that little killer yeah I looked at to you what’s your what’s your Halloween then check the shark attack so guys we’ve all established now the tiny turtle is

Actually terrible at can we go for that big kind of name I came up with title I came up a little is it did you lizard yeah did you why they don’t suit you Oh Oh little Kelly suits me because I’m five foot two and I’m sophisticated foam Teeny tiny it’s not small I’m just big now 5 foot 2 is small its new knee into it what’s your average for for a girl I think five sixes for someone like you what a female yeah tiny tear like I have no idea what you a sort of alien

I would agree with that guys it’s okay they’re brothers and sisters their lair College of the aliens let’s not get serious and political events right now what am i building I love my your or anything it’s like literally a wall and bouncy castle a woollen bouncy castle no it’s not even

Gord mine’s very tedious now I haven’t even built I just realized I wait until to speak my sour face and all the rest and my chest is at the back of it I need to figure that out sharpish see if this works never this could be good cuz okay we’re gonna have

To do this at nighttime Tiny turtle do me one favor one favor no portals okay no poor cos I put a portal anywhere promises that I was going to keep no make keep that promise please yeah terrible go to work oh yes so someone does it mine looks guys this is one of my worst

Ever really in your job it would have if I it’s actually part about it first I just got it I was like oh yeah we’re just no idea what to do I like a cold hopefully what time are we in okay we’re about 11 minutes in wait we have 45

Right we have 30 we could make it as special if you want and go to party yeah I like that idea I’ll let you know how I’m getting on it’s all about that decorative as well it’s like yeah I want to get I want to get little monsters in there I want to

Get loads of things you know it’s a bit extra on this one anyway yeah I like that you guys want to do special yeah Halloween special which means this video is gonna be very very long so buckle up guys you’re in here for the long haul get

Some popcorn and you can’t miss a minute of it because we’re gonna give out a secret piece of information about someone in the little Club I have pictures to prove it no no it will be I’ll come up with something about someone I’m sure we can figure something

Out well let’s make up stuff about people no not make I can just think of something Robo hates puppies well I heard that I heard that Eat them yeah he’s actually dot exe 11 Everybody most don’t subscribe immediately from check is terrible are you looking at mine now I just wanted like some like what are they called like lamp not lanterns but like love like the old school lampposts creepy kind of ones no one feel me now no no one usually

Does a misunderstood and everyone see where the redstone dust is there like a curio jib it’s called risperidone redstone yeah it’s that it looks like a it’s in there it’s just free textured guys I’m Jenna front though I’ve read some energy cells block block of redstone that’s the bluff

Here there it’s it’s the little kind of weird what is it like a little bike which is great stone it’s a redstone powder it’s like a little bag of powder real powder of blaze parody notes search powder Oh what it looks like just type in redstone literally type in redstone

Okay I’d go to the Redstone that’s a redstone or no silver silver what red on it that’s not it oh I see it there yeah y’all are crazy yeah you you sir are the crazy one uh explain Guardium flesh all right I like this I like that we’ve got more time for

This so I can make it really cool because I wanted to do the carrots in an ever I want to make this on a hill yeah I was thinking that you doing a little Dracula castle no what are you doing little Kelly castle doesn’t matter that’s

Pretty much it Dracula castle are we all doing it well it is great that’s well good enough for interrupting me thanks okay so I’m happy with the thing that I’m doing right now and you’re happy that I’m happy so let’s be happy hey guys nope yes okay okay I’m happier now how

It’s looking it’s it’s a how are you happy everyone keep singing the word happy happy Halloween happy Chanukah It’s working out a little bit nicer that I was let’s be honest come on we said we’d never like the fans it’s that like crazy book I can’t wait to see at what we do it’s gonna look better I do agree with that okay your Tichenor

Thanks like that you know it means I get love when there’s a thanks to be given I’m really sad that we can’t go pumpkin picking yeah I’ve been so focused has anyone had pumpkin soup yes not yet this year like why look I’m actually I really want to

Do some more like autumnal stuff like right now I’m wearing like a check shirt I’m feeling a head down and go forward what what’s borotyn all done building haunted houses omocha that’s true [Laughter] I’ll try to make a hunted matter video over and you’re scared he’s very protective over people coming into my office currently pursue second zero and they eat good boy Bruno okay okay so I’m trying to figure out cool it or gonna add ons and that kind of stuff to do on

This I hope this group is coming together baby yeah let’s say I was going to say I hope this turns out good cuz otherwise I’ve committed now yeah okay so look here you okay there’s something scare you okay so creaming into the mic it’s adjusting when you’re little

Speaking lower and it doesn’t expect you to talk that loud yeah sorry that was a lesson in Skype there for other you people it’s nasty boy okay time-wise would anyone like to know we are I don’t need this fall about the time sorry I’ll meet

You yeah crackle and pop you know a girl okay name position yeah and I’m actually genuinely not talking in any way loud like I wish you guys would just you know back up off a shark why is he shouting at us I don’t know oh goodness you guys are crazy

I feel like parents do that with their kids the only way you get to stay quiet No cuz you’re lame what is funny you know you can’t play notes that means you can’t win okay and how do you feel about it leaving leaving me out like that okay Sharky you can join now okay thanks okay ready shake you’d run another rule okay you go first and you have to

Whisper for 45 [Laughter] See this is this is the jibber-jabber I get here guys it’s constant bullying and let’s just you know it’s in the workplace it’s like it always gets lagged as well because rofl likes cake and everybody knows Paula cake like come on why he gets like she just gets bought

Cake every day I mean it’s it’s a night he’s like oh no don’t buy me cake oh stop buying me cake and E’s it all every day and people buy him cake every day funny it’s funny because he doesn’t in his mind he doesn’t want the cake but if

You buy him cake he will eat it okay so it’s just one absolutely amazing master right oh yeah exactly by him on his part genius he was gonna buy cake every day anyway and you know he pretended he doesn’t want it so we buy a forum no

Just just cake for free every day you know what that’s probably a real thing Helps to be unfeeling better finish my main structure let me just have a little look around it I would like to do a little bit more with design yeah I’m nearly finished the design part that’s that’s what’s nice so I can get working on all of this the security on

That that’s rude that’s highly disappointing the court err is this it’s highly disappointing how is it looking how’s everybody’s looking I’m confident I think I got the right lighting in it’s gonna be cool a little over halfway no guys okay I’m excited and nervous all at the same time I’m excited because I

Think if this one’s actually the finally the one that no one’s gonna be able to get into because it could be the one that you get into real quick Eliezer it’s finally fun to have someone to help me bully him God that was that a big world letter or something no it’s just

The block I decided to use as my lighting looks is it closed down yes I’ve got it all over voiceover okay copy be if I had carpenters blocks I can make this look way sicker poor we’re limited in our choice in the fact that or if

This is not yeah there’s no and like this isn’t a media build stop Minecraft it’s more but like security it’s all minecraft yeah exactly it’s just a special that’s why we have more time for the bill we need to spookified a whole outside area as well we’ve got a lot to do I’m

Glad we’ve had a time on today’s yeah no it would have been tough for her eyes it definitely would have been guys come on it would have been what our Halloween special should we do we could do where is most secure pumpkin oh I like that

Yeah careful that would be a funny one we’re just trying to get into a pumpkin the whole time yeah you do most secure graveyard that would be your phone one because you could hide it in a grave and you’re gonna find the right grave well

Like I do like you’re the most secure we think man to tenant okay and we could do most secure zombie zip Zed said zombie daddy ouch my feelings yeah good glad I got on every single one okay I need to check this out now let’s see how this is

Going isn’t okay decent I honestly think I’ve nailed at this one securing all I’m securing absolutely secure well I’m about to start secure but I still need a little bit more decoration I just told you feel okay yeah because I know it’s crazy fast it’s trying to make you be a

Little bit quieter okay so I structurally I just want to do so much design on this I feel like it’s wasted on a secure base because we could do a really good like you can actually just build the most cool-looking haunted house these two areas guys because I

Don’t want so I’ve been coming in here I’m gonna concentrate on all of this here oh can we block off areas make them speak to you I’m a block off areas ooh could we do a quick test we won You turned it not on notice okay okay so now how am I gonna make this like this I liked it I liked it we are just making noises now you’re not even talking okay open them kind of like read and kind of freaking out a little bit but now that

I’ve actually nailed this now I think I’m going to just be the best face in the whole world I honestly do think you know not even you know not even minecraft Steve himself could take me down turned out the way I really wanted it to look okay

I guess okay oh I have a few ideas to make this annoying okay I really got to start trapping it up because we’ve got about 16 minutes left Oh murder okie dokie so let’s get up there first of all let’s block where I don’t want you to go let me see what is

It fun man yeah I’ve done the exact same a little silly and everywhere I don’t want you guys to break into it I’m kind of like not sure we don’t have a lot of shops oh you don’t I don’t know anything yet we don’t have a lot of mods in here there’s

No gravestones you have to build everything from scratch okay maybe you guys feeling not but I do really need to get started on traps and not much okay I wish we had it that’s gross what’s gross no just burn your beeswax and you’ll be Zach’s girl okay this is

Gonna be so much fun this is so spooky I think he’s you’re really going to enjoy I want to kind of keep my traps to like being some law just natural minecraft chops like vanilla ish okay I like that I like that and that’s come to be tough enough These dudes click click oh okay okay we’re getting somewhere now I’m just getting really excited about I think I’ve done enough for the inside now that I’m just waiting about the outside that’s fun oh well though what hold on I don’t know if it’s worth it because I

Think I’ve died oh it’s not that I’m just testing stuff out I think it’s better off having that down it is fun though am so okay sorry talk to me two years what are you doing and stuff stuff and things okay so do we wanna figure out who’s

Breaking into whose houses would like that and I feel like I really come to the voice of wonder you want to try and break into mine yeah yeah So whoever whichever one of you guys wants to break in I’m totally cool with it okay I suppose I can try Sharkies I’m so happy about this now and even aesthetically mine looks so creepy and scary that’s really good I I panicked on this one a lot okay well I’m not gonna

Lie to you I’ll give you a hint about my one you definitely can’t go under it I’m presuming did you know no I just destroyed half for you I don’t know what even when building oh you did you set off a bomb or something accidentally even though there are bombs what about Betty

No tongue too quickly yeah he has bouncing Betties and bouncy pedis no no I learned my lesson means give me Steve we’re actually setting up a an episode to a disco and we use fancy Betty’s and I accidentally just stood back and all of a sudden we just have to sit there

And watch our home app that we built so I know I don’t mess around with that no more I integrate that life wait a second like well I don’t understand how that happened what just happened you may just those sense let’s talk about it forget about it so evil you know it’s annoying

But it doesn’t give look can we try it no time again okay but it could be scarier you know I have to I have to get traps in there having fallen out but I’m gonna need those traps I never know you know I just never know sometimes I wake

Up and I’m all like submit and sometimes I make up more like you look at the mirror and just be like supra that’s no word like literally 30 minutes looking at himself in the mirror you are gorgeous I know you’re gorgeous movie you don’t have to spend

Oh I’m gonna do a little crack actually she’s in the middle of give me a compliment what didn’t fully commit okay so how does everyone feel okay who’s doing mine oh yeah so okay so I’ll attack little Kelly’s 20 tack mine a little Kelly you talk to any Turtles sounds good

Okay okay to be fair I didn’t get you yesterday TT or LK whatever your name is mmm-hmm whatever you’re calling us of these days multiple leaves of these down so that you don’t miss them okay okay actually not it’s more tea we are 36 in guys nine minutes 36 well you

Can’t see okay there and I wonder is that a terrible idea Ninety minutes I really got to spend my time trapping stuff oh I spent the whole time building and no traps Oh see I have one trap I think will actually make your life easier and I’m thinking I should like put it out now yeah where would you keep a trap that

Makes our life easier yes I panicked and I’m a nice guy like that I have Assistance Center there’s gonna be murders I Scott you doing mine no I’m doing checking yeah wait so am i doing twenty girls yeah why do I always get the toughest ones oh

It’s dad honestly it’s not gonna be tough yeah but then I’ll get in and I’ll be really tough like I’m gonna work on it as hard as I can promise you guys I’ll try my best like little Carrie I promise I will try my hardest to make this really hard like

I’m just going for aesthetics yeah it’s hard it’s hard to build a house oh yeah but I want to make him look really good I think I just died [Laughter] And so people I keep like you know I I just have this thing that people keep laughs and I’m I just want to make sure is OK ok hey take it All right so I was telling a tiny tear a little bit the other night when you woke up and saw me scariest thing ever there was legit I woke up now she’s done this before like I woke up and she didn’t sitting at the side of the bed

And I’m like go back to bed you’re like a can’t and why you know because they’re here I’m like oh I am freaking out over tiny little baseball bats beside my bed not to try and hurt the intruder but to take the knee cap said a little Kelly’s

To get her first the cover is looking at me and I was like what are you doing and she said don’t move in case they fall on your head and I said what fall on my head you like the spiders they’re here to get us and

Then she lowered the covers and all I hear now the previous one is when he woke up on I sit at the edge of the bed I was scratching at my body like oh yeah that was weird she was full-on like I don’t remember anything I was like what

Are you doing and she just wouldn’t answer me and then eventually it back into bed and fell asleep it’s terrifying it’s terrifying most of the time I sleep in the guy Lying to the people they’ll believe you all right okay I think that’s ready I think I’m gonna do Here come the wah okay oh this is gonna be fun actually [Laughter] I’m sorry I am so excited okay so how long do we have left – five minutes what’s going on five burritos left this can’t be true that this needs this much space all right now that okay little Kelly if I was to say to you that I’m so

Confident you are not going to make it into my base so I will offer you a lifetime supply Oh lifetime is this a bet do I feel the back coming up this is a bet I am so confident you are not gonna make it in and get my candy corn that I

Will offer you a lifetime supply of midnit makings because she really likes tea at midnight he made me last night after a break from work go to bed Oh Bruno goes into his grave who sleeps on top of me actually an arrow we just open up the little thing and he goes

Ding off he goes see you later boom then a button sleeps on in her bed for Bruno sleeps in his bed he’s too big he’s too annoying he just likes big dirt their boat this size of my hand the big personality okay it’s not oily poop bean now Ellie I wish I

Had put your name hey and he was here then the next day I don’t miss him at all I feel like we do we try and get off em Haley’s in fat camp a long time ago okay I’m done I’m not decided I’m finished I’ve made a gulps oh you only like two

Minutes Oh me what no no don’t tell me that I literally have like no traps I wanted to be speaking it’s not spooky this is cute I thought this would be turning out spooky what texture pack is this okay I really want you just to see the front of

My house okay there’s literally no other way no I need a minute I’m not accepting this like any how many extended it guys Oh I’m so looking for I think this is the best field I’ve ever done really I genuinely am confident now I can’t wait to use to see it it’s terrifying it looks there look this is the chibi chibi but there’s only there’s literally one singular way you can get in here it’s doable

I tested it out you can’t get here when it’s hard and you will you will stretch to ten minutes to the absolute bring and here I’m doing it you’re doing it oh I’m so excited to just break it in a minute [Laughter] nope not on my watch girl alright guys I

Am NOT talking because I am concentrating it’s okay miss robot Mrs. Roboto because um don’t worry let’s go mr. Roboto the Skype call actually that was really robot well you did that at work I just realized I don’t have one of these ends okay oh goodness Desa stubble makes one minute I’m just after making a big boo-boo a big big big boo-boo

– is the championship training on other teams I have literally got one end of the wall selected and ready to demolish uh I just I’m just I’m just trying my hardest to get this done I just want you to see the foot I know I don’t accept this fake I can’t believe I

Genuinely can’t believe how bad I did I can get ready seconds 20 seconds guys wait wait wait I have one more thing I need the place where’s this is so bad you’re so gonna get it oh it stopped raining oh well so did you is that Kelly oh you

Were telling she’ll come back for similar vibes I have to meet they both look amazing Oh take this down yay Oh yours is awesome join eternal good it wasn’t good like because I have higher standards than you it looks really cool it looks like a pig

What does it meant to be a monster he’s trying to get into mine shaky you trying again to share yes so time Sheila wants to go first you want to try get into my Way okay let me get rid of my axe what go you’re 10 minutes have begun or it’s even scary breaking blocks what are they made of July come see I wanted our time to MPC’s as well oh I completely forgot to do how did it take so long I suppose

Because we build big things but to be fair your house I was just getting some blocks as I can see a lot of turrets up there I need my yeah I need to know my borders are they all set to attack yet really oh there teleports are they

Teleport Oh ghosts yeah ghost these get him get him go Steve come on guys hurry Okay I’m gonna turn that down Oh Oh stuck me in him too I’m sorry teleport me they’re not they’re not supposed to teleport they’re supposed to attack sheep here but they’re not build them up too high they all followed them down Did you sector to respawn no I didn’t keep my inventory so that was a bad okay how many guys 15 dirty real quick guys the lasers do they need ammo laser stuff okay so they’re just not attacking you because for what because I’m under nine blocks below them off my trench they are

Too high where are you Tony turtle oh you look like tricky to me no Tony Joe this is great yeah I’m in disguise for insects is the shark goes no they knocked be in you see you can tank me for the laser thing cuz I taught them how to do it sorry

How’s the setup lasers yeah here take the 15 dirt from the firm you lost it quickly enough time for this okay you’re on your own now you only have 8 minutes left always even okay do I have it in here no way can you turn in the volumes on the charts

Yeah yes oh no I don’t think so well they’re not shooting goes to just destroy the mechanics no wait from outside the outside ones where no they’re inside they’re in here oh go away okay yeah but you’re asking me to stick to you ask you to turn it off then

You’re given me here to universe can you please I’m trying to block my way in here okay let Kelly follow me please okay and you’re just going to go in and observe from up here hey what them ghosts attacked me did it all appreciate it come on come on come on ghost [Laughter] Little rat ghosts I hate them ghosts okay okay what are we looking at we’re four minutes in I don’t know doe now I’m sure this plenty more I just peed Porter and what do you mean yes you can can okay well if you get to a low platform just get away from it

Please because he’s here now anyway go anyway ghost yes I need a block behind me so yes now they won’t let me back into that team invite you to ghost Oh your turrets are shooting at the let’s go okay okay so much time is he got left

He’s finally in I 515 five minutes don’t dawn gone I keep out into this total I’m gonna head over to that door I guess Right so you’ve got five minutes left TT and I’m pretty confident you’re not making it really very I’m pretty confident like there’s no way place or no way this is Kim no you know maybe maybe because you haven’t had looked at the structure properly yet and maybe you’re completely wasting your time the

Wrong room I stalked you saying which tag don’t care hashtag doors this place that you haven’t found I think just like you might be trying to get me to move because I’m nailing it ice tag you do what you Walker okay Donna let’s build install again I’m

Tunneling like a little worm me out here silly ghost it’s not where I belong ghost dude dream and assert you left oh ok 3 min 3 minutes 30 do that ah where’s it gone wake up are you taking from here already come on run out dirt

Yeah I keep running out oh no – fire turrets yes ok come on guys hey you get over there and kill him ok I’m getting shot I’m getting shot I need more blocks ok you heard you’re going the whole way back yes though I need these ones okay come

On you only have you bless them three minutes left Oh what do I do any less than three minutes left good this so excited come on let’s just shoot them now I’m captain okay if I keep to this corner it did not shoot me yes Yes okay you have two minutes left two minutes left so excited for this you’re definitely gonna get shot by the laser if you do I have two green the top I’m saying the finger B no girl get him get him boys get him get him girl

All right come on boys get him get him get him get him oh goodness how are they not hitting you you’re so brave and strong so muscular okay even minute left one minute remaining no panicking better run away Get me the face why do you can say lasers I don’t understand 30 seconds remaining he means turret seconds 36 no I have too many remaining his two minutes I don’t know why like do you not want to see him try and get it idea I

Just really I really wanted to knock at it let’s see you get them Oh No okay is this this has to be the last ghost now I would have been better off going around the other side I think I’m closer to the other side oh wow

Kill him knock back just put me in the laser path yeah come on okay he’s nearly dead right I can go around this way come on lasers would you kill him already oh this is tough it’s all hit me now it will soon as you break oh where is it one minute left It’s over underneath the laser sure if that’s what you think I don’t I am four seconds after really bad with time but I have done you done yeah okay so if you’d like to meet me at the front I’ll fly around my place and show you around

Yes come on Kelly well I did pretty good ok can we get ahead on you every time you turn Elizabeth I’m cuz it’s just confusing cuz there’s two of you talking and you gotta sit ok now I can oh now I know who to look at this is ops the stat

Line if you’d like to fly around I have to place secured by turrets that are ineffective I doesn’t matter where you go back now there’s a back room in here but if you had a walked into you would have been walking into your death straightaway because there’s two turrets straightaway

Pointing ready for you now the other room where are you guys are you still here weren’t you little is it okay I was just in the room okay do you come back to use another little room in here that also you would have been walking into you there okay just it kind

Of delay you that bit more so if you’d like to follow me back to where you were okay if you come back in here first of all these lasers on absolutely nothing because this is all ghost blocks second of all by the time you got in

Here you would have been getting in here to reach my army of the undead that would have tried to kill you alright notice that now I put the door there’s because I knew you’d waste your time to try and get into there but all the fact

These are ghost blocks on the chest is behind it yeah but a tiny bit more time I would’ve got that you have you have there I was calling us I was literally going straight for it up as I was running and I died here that was really good check you’re getting better well

Done okay so who is next to get into zemana I’m getting into tiny turtle Kelly’s yeah okay so I’ll set my spine HeLa carry this looks nice thank you see the way mine has a little bit of a Z that’s where to be the whole ground can I just fix that Yeah okay that’s fair okay okay and your time starts nope go go go go go I’m dead to get this today oh yeah the gracias we break it all for goodness sake I just Fall to the world yeah ready all this then I’ll jump down and select it I’ll just build myself up a few blocks oh no go to get it Bruno said you’re not gonna get it [Laughter] not really but we’ll see how we get on I’m confident because it’s you yesterday

You weren’t you confidence what I couldn’t get in let’s just try this straight up approach and let’s try and break these cobwebs they’re gonna take ages okay there’s something shooting at me okay I see I see oh this stuff over here huh I like it a

Hidden chest or is it plain sight or what here we go okay here we go I’m stuck in there okay go ahead and just love these terrifies Oh do you Hey oh come oh you’ve got hurt it I heard it I got killed it it it okay

Let’s try and do better on this one I wonder I like I don’t know if you’re gonna get this or not I’d actually don’t know where to test this or they’d say it’s an interesting one cause it’s small but it looks like it’s got a lot of

Nooks and crannies maybe all but mighty I’m telling you guys for these camps are so much better when puppies are involved oh really we’re playing away here was that Bru – uh Turkey Bruno’s on the floor now so I can watch a little bit better okay yeah tiny turtle come here

Ah well and have a look at I press them I’ve read I’ve just read them now what are you reading the tombstones oh okay what’s the day no no no you can read The Beacon either here lies a tiny turtle he was a turtle er rip have you

Read the other one yeah well I was gonna leave that one for poor sake yeah you might actually get to add I doubt if he does get along take the time here lies a bearded man this guy’s as a shark may he rest in peace Okay so where is that that’s coming all the way from over there so how does that have time to hit me I like that I blocked that one off so maybe I should try and do the same with diesels okay maybe that’s gonna help me a little bit

Yeah they’re not getting hit so I don’t see what a point in blocking that that’s right you you’re very very wise okay you’re like I’m not getting here here I’m gonna put up a wall and use all my dirt I don’t know I feel like I should

Go different way then sure there are plenty of ideas that I have Kelly will kill me in my sleep okay so we are for militant yep little over four and a half oh goodness I think I need a pickaxe hello guys it’s try and get over this I

Did it did it okay Rin Rin Rin I’m actually feeling a lot more confident okay have a little issue here oh no you don’t I didn’t have time to do a lot of them oh that’s what I was thinking they’re a FICO’s trucker tries to be in the back I

Don’t see much defense look the dinner – dinner dent dent okay can I get in here let me try and get into this is this squared seed sometimes you build a house and the house is just a big waste because the court actually just being here it’s the big trick big trick any

Trying good in come on come on come on break this block what do you think of the constant that’s what you kill when did you use that yeah it’s like monsters go maybe he’ll probably oh that was a really cool series actually yeah okay so I’m gonna go back with my wide-angled

Attempt again that’d be the best and Avenue for me I’m gonna go ahead and make like get myself a pickaxe real quick though because I reckon I’m gonna need 345 left oh okay don’t fast Bandon it oh goodness I’m abandoning the idea I can’t remember where the chest is

I’d imagine it’s somewhere in the back your house oh I probably have a boat oh you need a oh goodness a killer water oh oh are you sure don’t worry I have my sounds turned off I was like you’d normally hear this you just literally pour that you killer water on

Yourself why he’s got like a minute left No What’s in there Are you worried little Kenny no ghost blocks I see okay oh there’s your there’s your thing okay I get it and get it with your truths there’s no turrets here there’s no turrets here okay so I’m kind of nervous I have no idea where your chest is this makes no sense

Oh one of these is gonna be a fake chest one of these have got to be a fake chest do you tell me that is it a fake chest no you can’t change the chest you can’t move the chest I don’t know where it is Those charts aren’t 3d annoying they live yeah that’s the I taught me we’re doomed teleporter turrets now a check he had them though no II didn’t mine real lasers okay well you move your turrets worth so yeah I know okay so your chest is definitely has to underwater

Somewhere Oh ever feeling check he’s gonna go for a swim dude well the time is opes oh he’s on his last attempt it is not is this yeah it is no it was one hour two minute and 45 seconds when he started on my watch I

Know he’s oh oh oh my goodness okay so no wait what does he have on your watch Those blocks off the water I won’t give a minute and a half for what you did to you thank you I appreciate it he’s so competitive though he’s not gonna stop me it really has to be like just give up okay there we go at least this is not water

No it’s not where’s not gone it’s gone down here though okay let me try and caught it am over here nope there nope okay there we go okay so Little Kelly we’re thinking chest my waist is it won’t move the graves funny more the grave it’s definitely one of them stinking graves I’ll see to fire your turrets alright oh goodness well so quiet that I feel like I’m really close but at the same time

She coulda done a complete nutter me on it and rebuild the house around as a massive destruction well it gets too competitive She cannot can I just tell can we stop this what I didn’t see okay fine okay so you were very close it’s like on the floor below so if you block the water and don’t down yeah you go down and there’s the chest is there is another set of ghosts possible if you

Built it it literally has to be in that hill yeah yeah oh for goodness sake you excited you punk bro no no Kelly you can start over here where anywhere there okay okay I’m excited now because I feel like so far no one has really got a say

Mike I’m sorry yeah every time cuz we’re weird a very long long long long so I want to get this going on the road oh no I don’t know if it’s gonna be good enough darling I just stopped at your Bell minion Therese what are you talking

About they’re all time sad three two one we started at 15 minutes ago okay digging for 10 minutes the moon I did not get time to finish this Oh looks awesome do you see little Kelly I why are you distracting me okay guys I honestly think so far we’ve done an awesome job

Have you ever heard of ghosts Kelly you guys this is so low sound isn’t it oh [Laughter] these are like poisonous blocks aren’t they are invisible so he’s probably put MPC’s down that are invisible oh you just put the turret things down to try and put me off there is no turrets are you dog man I’m not getting shot by any charity Don’t trust any bad although they are set right why don’t I turn it’s not shooting arrows to put range on the maybe oh you didn’t die okay yes which makes me think maybe now the chest would have to be somewhere further where did I fall in oh there

Thanks to three minutes in yeah I think you can do a little carry I believe in you I didn’t do very good I hope so I hope so okay so to get rid of all them to make it I didn’t do very good at all I concentrated on my field for too long

Yeah that’s good with my traps where you putting now you can’t place a block while you’re inside another one so when you’re jumping your body’s inside a block so you can’t place it that’s a break up get over way Okay okay okay okay you’re four minutes in okay mais in a little kelly king wants you to say it’s amazing it’ll be amazing if you don’t get it it’s so dark that’s good that’s good I’ll go with the darkness look Ellie you’re four and a bit in you’re coming up to halfway

Doesn’t the time just fly in MMA zing I’m definitely behind like a ghost walk or something though or I’m just gonna be there is this – hi he’s just too low is this what is – I’m so stuck I’m actually gonna like punch my way out of the roof and I’m like I can’t seed you know when

You’re Ling light is on your face I’m squinting so bad again Clowns oh if I’d known it was you’re gonna put I cried and just refused to play oh you have illuminated my path just follows the torches I left out maybe she’ll put some okay okay so okay you’re five and a half but it’s in minutes that’s nearly

Like over halfway to ten I just have a big chariot way is just it completely distracted a little Kelly it’s outside over by the graves maybe you should dig one up we walked did we walk up to get into you possibly I’d go outside and take about four minutes to figure it out

Oh come on you’re back yeah you know because I need to figure out okay so has to be on this level somewhere he couldn’t have moved up or down or could I no it’s that way little Kelly oh okay oh I spawned up my house oh I died again I’m inside just just at the front door oh yeah walk in the front door okay come here fly up so I can show ya okay okay okay oh I like it okay oh and how do you even get in there

Chance I’ll totally tell you where it I’m angry where are you are you angry cuz I wanna fight [Laughter] [Laughter] [Laughter] Why did I spawn here I spawned in my own trap okay TP to me then at least you can stay here do you on this fair and square okay I have an idea yeah yeah I’m gonna get enough blocks to build up to the wall and walk along it so I can be

Around okay well you’ve only a minute and a half you don’t get it in the time little Kelly you’re gone why did I not put a roof on it I feel like you’re being really sarcastic yeah you’re lying the football sees what my chess is it’s

Not the chest you have it is that I need to know I can’t answer any questions that you are asking me how genius you’re a genius Atilla kidding [Applause] that was good but awful you’d only put a roof on it I told you there was gonna be ghost clocks at the bomb I didn’t have time I would it’s gonna I was gonna put loads of mobs and stuff in this maze but obviously I didn’t have time for

Where was the correlation to how could you get into it naturally the only one to get a chest yeah you did good little Kelly but guys that was our Halloween special if you want to see another Halloween special we could definitely try it out we could do our boss secure

Pumpkins we could do most secure grave yeah we could do whatever but I hope you guys enjoyed it little big thumbs up if you did and if you enjoyed the extra long video check out the guys channels links are in the description I will see you soon for some more bye guys

This video, titled ‘MOST SECURE HAUNTED HOUSE | Minecraft Little Kelly Plays’, was uploaded by Little Kelly on 2017-10-06 23:28:47. It has garnered 291759 views and 2971 likes. The duration of the video is 01:22:58 or 4978 seconds.

MOST SECURE HAUNTED HOUSE | Minecraft Little Kelly Plays

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✿The Little Club ✿ ============= ✿Little Lizard – ✿ ✿Tiny Turtle – ✿ ✿Little Kelly – ✿ ✿Little Carly – ✿ ✿Little Donny – ✿ ✿The Minevengers – ✿ ✿Sharky Adventures – ✿ ✿Donut The Dog – ✿ ✿Max The Monkey – ✿ ✿Baby Duck – ✿ ✿Baby Leah – ✿ ✿Baby Max – ✿ ✿The Little Club Adventures –

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    Join Minewind Server for Epic Builds and Demolitions! Welcome to! Are you a fan of creating your own unique builds in Minecraft? Do you enjoy the satisfaction of completing a new project and demolishing the old to make way for something even better? If so, you’ll love what Minewind Minecraft Server has to offer. Imagine a community of like-minded players who appreciate the art of building and crafting in Minecraft. On Minewind, you can showcase your creativity, whether it’s through intricate exterior designs like the ones in the video you just watched, or by adding cute and unique decorations to your creations. Join us on Minewind… Read More

  • Ultimate Piston Extender Guide

    Ultimate Piston Extender Guide The Power of Double Piston Extenders in Minecraft Bedrock & Switch Redstone contraptions in Minecraft Bedrock and Switch can reach new levels of complexity and efficiency with the use of Double Piston Extenders. These essential components allow players to push blocks further than a single piston, opening up a world of possibilities for creative builds and mechanisms. Step-by-Step Guide to Building a Double Piston Extender Creating a compact and efficient Double Piston Extender requires careful placement of redstone components. In Bedrock and Switch versions of Minecraft, Quasi connectivity is no longer available, so repeaters must be used to space… Read More

  • Hanuman ji pixel art in Minecraft gone wrong?! 😈🔥

    Hanuman ji pixel art in Minecraft gone wrong?! 😈🔥Video Information हम लोग को स्पाइडरमैन बैटमैन और सुपरमैन का पावर चाहिए अबे बके ट्रांजिस्टर य सुपरमैन बैटमैन और स्पाइडरमैन का बाप मालूम कौन है हनुमन [संगीत] This video, titled ‘Hanuman ji 🚩🔥 pixel Art in Minecraft 😈😱 | Pt.89 | #shorts #viral #minecraft’, was uploaded by WAR 99 on 2024-04-30 04:00:58. It has garnered 549 views and 18 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. Hanuman ji 🚩🔥 pixel Art in Minecraft 😈😱 | Pt.89 | #shorts #viral #minecraft #shortvideo #ytshort #yt #ytshortsindia #ytviral #ytviral #yt_shorts #youtubeshorts #youtuber #youtubeshort #viral #viralvideo #viralshorts #viralshort #trendingshorts #trendingshort… Read More

  • Avocado’s Hardcore Season 2!

    Avocado's Hardcore Season 2!Video Information [Music] e [Music] down down down [Music] down [Music] [Music] woo wo woo [Music] woo [Music] d [Music] [Music] he [Music] a [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] [Music] hello everybody wasn’t that the most stupid intro ever okay should be able to hear me tell me if it’s too if it’s not good okay there we go all right so today is the start of Hardcore Season 2 uh old one or the old hardcore world it was oh yeah I should start stream music actually okay so this is my first time doing like all the stream… Read More


    TheMaxlop - INSANE CHALLENGE COMING TO MINECRAFT BEDROCK 1.21Video Information es oficial el modo Hardcore llegará a Minecraft bedrock 1.21 entre las noticias más recientes de Minecraft se ha revelado que el modo Hardcore llegará a la edición de bedrock en la próxima actualización This video, titled ‘EL MODO HARDCORE LLEGARÁ A MINECRAFT BEDROCK 1.21 UPDATE’, was uploaded by TheMaxlop on 2024-04-06 01:25:14. It has garnered 484 views and 26 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. #shorts #minecraft The hardcore mode where you only have one life is coming soon to minecraft bedrock!! :0 ⚔️SUBSCRIBER GOAL: 9000 ⚔️CURRENT SUBSCRIBERS: 8722 Read More

  • Insane! Beating Minecraft as Toji Fushiguro

    Insane! Beating Minecraft as Toji FushiguroVideo Information it took just 24 hours for us to lose control of the city tonight Gotham’s relying on one man to save us all today I’ll be playing as toif fushi girl the stain of the zening clan who has no cursed energy but an amazing hand-to-hand fighter finding the truth about his son destroying the zening clan and attaining Heavenly restriction are the main objective also in order to make the run more entertaining I’ll add special chests around the city training gear for every advancement I make as a sorcerer I spawn in and as you can… Read More

  • Trolling a top youtuber on my Minecraft server!

    Trolling a top youtuber on my Minecraft server!Video Information me encontré a este youtuber famoso que estaba jugando en mi server de Minecraft sinceramente me sorprendí mucho así que me puse en modo espectador y decidí spectar lo durante un rato momentos más tarde Me lo encontré en la mina había encontrado muchos diamantes literalmente ocho menas algo que no suele pasar en Minecraft horas más tarde me teletransport a él y había hecho una casa muy bonita En ese momento pensaba que estaba grabando un vídeo instantes después el youtuber fue al nether y me salían muchos reportes de que estaba consiguiendo muchos bloques de netherite… Read More

  • INSANE! Ibrahim’s EPIC Hindi Minecraft Animation Adventure!

    INSANE! Ibrahim's EPIC Hindi Minecraft Animation Adventure!Video Information This video, titled ‘The Animation Life Hindi Episode 1 Minecraft Animation Series’, was uploaded by IBRAHIM GAMING on 2024-03-07 06:34:12. It has garnered 20 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:25 or 85 seconds. Episode 1 – Prologue (from “The Animation Life Hindi”) | The Expert Gaming Hindi ” The Animation Life Hindi” is the Dubbed Version of Original “Animation Life” by Black Plasma Studios @SquaredMediaAnimations Episode 2 हिंदी – • The Animation Life Hindi : Episode 2 … ____________________ About Episode (Hindi) – In this episode you get to see how an animator… Read More


    "FROST VS. MINECRAFT ANIME SHIZO BATTLE" #viral #clickbaitVideo Information おに [音楽] This video, titled ‘Minecraft anime character 🥵 #shorts #trending #viral #minecraft’, was uploaded by GAME OF FROST on 2024-05-08 01:30:16. It has garnered 448 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. Minecraft anime character 🥵 #shorts #trending #viral #minecraft Read More

  • Insane Slotbot Opening on Minecraft!

    Insane Slotbot Opening on Minecraft!Video Information yo what is up guys it’s your boy Beetle bring you guys another video here on the channel We are continuing my SE test series and we are on Astro um today I’m going to be opening up more slot Bots guys in the last episode that I opened up slot Bots I only did a couple of them in this episode we almost have a stack and a half a full stack of slot Bots oh my goodness so let’s I guess we just start let’s let’s do those ones see what we got see what we… Read More

MOST SECURE HAUNTED HOUSE | Minecraft Little Kelly Plays