Mr JMeZZ | EN VTuber – VTuber culture, fans, and more – “In Minecraft” with Pipkin Pippa

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Foreign foreign welcome to the latest episode of in Minecraft I’m Mr James and I’m here with my Oshie Pipkin Pippa hello it’s always it’s always impressive how high you can freaking go um for those who can you do it no no I I yeah no no I can’t you can’t try it

That’s about as high as I can go weak you know you know maybe maybe I don’t know tell me I don’t know you know what tell me tell me how you do your voice training and maybe we’ll maybe we’ll try something voice training out with that good of a singer you don’t do

Voice training what oh I took like some vocalized also first of all I’m not a good singer but second of all I I did do I did do uh some vocal lessons quiet oh hold on hold on I will fix it hold on I will fix it somehow without without uh All right You done yet okay yeah I’m done you should be louder now I hope nice is that better I I I’m not good I’m not good with the whole like I’m already setting expectations my streams are always scuffed it’s fine it’s fine is it fine I don’t know I’m just guessing

Listen we’re using Discord and I’ve got it I’ve got it turned way up okay we might we might be fine now someone’s saying say the line say the line I don’t know what what is your line that’s the one oh that is okay okay they’re saying I know there’s things

I mean it’s not not a bad line it’s kind of your your thing anyway uh after that uh horrendous start hi hi for anyone who is unaware which is probably most of you because I know you’re I know I know the reason you all are here I know the real reason you’re here

Um this well this whole little series I’m doing in Minecraft is is really just it’s just kind of like a multiplayer zotsudan I guess we just kind of sit and chill and talk and the whole thing funny Minecraft but it’s also because I’m very ADHD and I get distracted

So it’s kind of How It’s kind of have it’s kind of nice to have something to deal with that I guess I don’t know um but yes uh I am Mr James I uh I’m just some some purple guy on the internet who builds guns and I stream sometimes

And I just have fun uh yeah we I we’re actually already on Minecraft um I can see pippa’s freaking like trying to torture me as I’m not because I’m AFK I did no such thing what are you doing I could see I could see like I I

Saw you like bury me I’m on fire now like I can go ahead and swap screens and show people I just gotta unmute Minecraft because obviously I thought you weren’t looking at the screen well I I have two screens okay see I’m I’m on Minecraft now

God damn it you see look yeah I saw you what am I am I in lava I don’t know did you did you run into lava uh I was just standing still I don’t know what what but anyway we’re just gonna kind of Goof Off how how [ __ ] deep oh jeez

Look all the way down oh my God why did you do this she’s being delightfully salute yes yes delightfully silly that’s that’s fine that’s fine I don’t know what I’m being accused of but I didn’t do it I I I I I saw on my second screen what you were doing

You didn’t see anything because I didn’t do anything I I don’t I don’t believe you I don’t believe you also hi I didn’t know anything hi hi in Minecraft hello of course she did she’s the only one here I didn’t do it you know let me I’ll try

I’ll turn this music off since we’re in the game now right I mean you listen to the Minecraft music do you don’t like the Minecraft music no well okay well it’s my stream oh well oh my God the Minecraft music is terrible oh okay okay chat should I should I

Listen to the Minecraft music because I just play more of my royalty-free rock music yeah I’m a rifle play play Heavy Metal um I mean I have some like I have like a playlist of uh music that won’t give me won’t give me copyright struck so um

Right you you’ve got me all distracted now thanks for that I forgot to even mention like why we’re here why are we here we’re here because I said I said hey Pippa do you want to talk about vtuber stuff and you said that sounds fun so that’s why we’re here um

Spent been a lot like I don’t I remember like you probably followed you probably followed me back like last summer or something I think because it was around a while ago it was around when I built my paper gun and the entire time I was too nervous until I’d be like should I

Ask like people if she ever wants to stream with me because like I’m I’m a nobody um but all of my followers you’re let you’re less of a nobody than I am yeah we can yeah we can be nobodies together I’m gonna find a cool spot to build something but uh

So let’s see I’ve lost my train of thought again yeah so my my followers kept bugging me it’s like hey biblical lab when people collab when I never like seriously asked until like recently because one of my mods kept bugging me about it and so this is funny I I don’t think I

Told you this this is funny because I sent a zero zero it took it took one dm it took one dm for people to say yeah yeah we can we can play Minecraft that is Rizzo no I don’t have rizz I know um yeah so it was kind of funny because

I sent the message I’m like you know pip is probably pretty busy I’m not gonna hear back in like at least a couple weeks then I wake up the next day like get ready for work and you had responded at like three in the morning sometimes listen how I respond to DMS

All right it’s entirely based on how do I say this it’s like I go the burst of responding to DMS right so like I will go I will go weeks without responding to any DM and then it’s like all at once I get like the courage and then I just burn them all

Out and then I get burnt out and then I don’t respond for like two weeks but I’ve gotten better I’ve gotten better at that I I have several back and forths going okay look at that look at you chinchilla working out some stuff with our favorite chinchilla so this one’s fun

Yeah being being look at you being social and [ __ ] I’m being so little I mean it could be terrible well it can be fun once you get used to it I’m not used to it I’m I’m not used to communicating it’s difficult I mean I get it um I was I was so

Like I I’m still I’m still pretty damn shy um but I was a lot worse when I first started I I hate I hate like the phrase content creator a little bit but I I I hate I hate like the word influencer more so I don’t know I don’t

Really know what to call myself just some guy that’s on the internet and I like guns and stuff but once I started like being online and doing stuff like it kind of helped a little I don’t know chef chef is adding asking who is chinchilla

Huh [ __ ] one of my mods is asking who is chinchilla oh she’s um a little bit of a difference a difficult Arc to explain but basically so I rated this person one day and it was just kind of entirely random I think she was playing Hogwarts light a legacy

And she’s a Japanese speaker so there’s not like a lot of overlap yeah with our audience is kind of but my audience has become very attached to her her name is actually not to me and she’s she’s just wear a cute chinchilla and there’s kind of like a

There’s kind of like a back and forth um oh is she the person you rated was it yesterday right no I’m thinking you I know you I think you’re ready to someone the Japanese speaker the other day I’m trying to oh yeah that’s a co-worker um okay see she’s a co-worker

Uh uh not to me she’s not a co-worker or anything she’s just a random Japanese YouTuber that like we’ve had like back and forth kind of share an audience now and stuff and yeah that’s cool see that’s that’s something I I thought was super cool when I first like started

Getting into YouTubers because it seems like I don’t know a lot of people are perfectly cool with like sharing audiences where I sometimes in other spaces you seem like people almost like don’t want their viewers to go watch anybody else so I thought that was a super cool thing I think it’s

It’s still like in general like you know speaking realistically streamers don’t want to share audiences right like it’s not you know ideally want to share your audience with other people because that means you’re gonna you’re gonna you’re gonna lose out if you go live and and the other person’s life then like that

But um I do think things are a little bit more I don’t know I don’t know I don’t know well I guess coming from and this is something uh I mean I I know a little bit about vtubing mainly because because after I like this is

Your fault too after I followed you like I ended up just following like so many YouTubers I can’t keep up with them anymore so like yeah that happens yeah I kind of blame you for that because you you retweet so much YouTuber stuff um but I shouldn’t

It’s nice of you though but when it comes to stuff I’m more familiar with uh you know I do stuff uh printed guns kind of in the gun Community you want to call it that um and there is a lot of times there’s a lot of uh there’s a lot of ridiculousness that

Goes on where people don’t really like each other and I generally I generally try to stay out of it because I I don’t care enough for drama of any kind uh yeah I’ve been accidentally caught up in it before um that might be a fun thing to talk about

Um well accidentally sparked a war about uh protecting your identity um what the [ __ ] yeah okay so okay I guess this is kind of a good way to talk talk about some of the stuff that I deal with yeah well okay yeah we’ll talk about the war we’ll talk about the war so

Not gonna name names uh because I don’t know can I cast a prediction yes did you say something along the lines of don’t be stupid and don’t post like all your [ __ ] public information or don’t post things that like feds can track you down with and [ __ ] and then people were

Like oh but actually oh this is my job or whatever a little bit yeah yeah a little bit Yeah so so um there is uh this stream that that’s and I guess like the 3D to a community right and it’s it’s about you know just you know it’s about posting guns and

Stuff and it’s fun it’s entertaining uh and the guy that ran it me and him had followed each other followed each other for a while and he had posted something one day and it was completely innocuous um it was something that like always like doing stuff last minute for a

Stream or whatever I was like bro that’s me too all the time like and of course this was back before I even like made my V tuber model like I was on Twitch and I was just streaming to like six or seven of my friends and I’m like I was like I

Was like playing like the first Danganronpa game or something right you know and I was oh yeah I’m always like last minute with [ __ ] bro and so like he responds to that and he was like you know I thought about inviting you on the stream but you know you do the

Whole thing you don’t you don’t show your face and like when you when you do gun videos you’re wearing a mask and I don’t know I’m kind of thinking about moving away from that kind of stuff right yeah yes this is a wardrobe yeah so he’s like

Somebody else is doing that anyways the the brand friendliness that’s why um okay so yeah so of course for me I was just like okay you can you can do that I don’t care whatever like it doesn’t bother me at all because like I know I’d never asked to be on the roast

The roast is what it was called I’ve never I’ve never asked to be on it anyway um so when that happened I I kind of accidentally started a war of anons versus uh the like I guess people who are who want you to show your face if you do gun stuff because they’re

Like bro how are people gonna trust that you’re you’re about two-way if you don’t if you don’t show your face like how all this stuff I was like sounds like something a Fed would say yeah and and well the thing is like the FED I mean

Even if you don’t oh don’t show your face the feds can find you anyway because they found me before someone’s called the feds on me before um but which that can be another story too um but uh nothing really happened though but I’m I’m mostly worried about I don’t want

Some crazy person who’s like this guy 3D prints guns he’s gonna be he’s gonna do a terrorism I better go after him and his family like I don’t I don’t want that to happen so that’s why I protect my identity so that caused kind of a whole thing

Yeah oh yeah I was totally I was selling Glock switches to homeless people of course absolutely oh God shut the hell up um but so yeah that’s kind of how I accidentally started a war one time it was the only time I was actively part of drama

And I hated the I hated it the entire time no it’s [ __ ] miserable I feel like a lot of people assume that with drama it’s gonna be like oh it’s so funny like everybody everybody you know like they know they know what they’re doing this

Is gonna be great this is all it man it was intentional no no it’s it’s just annoying and I don’t want to deal with it I I have I don’t I don’t have the brain capacity or the ability to care enough for all the drama stuff right I guess

It’s just it’s just too much you’d always rather not be doing that kind of thing but uh you know other than that I haven’t been in just too much drama I uh like I said I have had the feds called on me I’m sure I’m sure some people were

Probably curious about if what I do is even legal uh so drama fuels your Twitter experience I mean I mean sometimes when I’m not involved in it it can’t be funny I’m not gonna lie but I still I still prefer not to care um James brain empty no thoughts oh yeah

Absolutely that’s how it always is so it was a couple weeks ago um I come home from my normal job because I I have a normal job I do this I do this as a hobby I’m not a not a I’m not a real streamer um so I come home and

I’m at the house for like five minutes and all of a sudden there’s two guys at my door like hello we’re here from Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms I was like oh um what are you doing here fit boy um so oh God yeah so I mean long story short like it

Wasn’t like it wasn’t anything bad like I I don’t have a dog so it’s fine they didn’t have anything to shoot uh um thank God yeah so so it turns out someone from [ __ ] California which uh I mean like I live in the south like I’m Southeast so yeah yeah so I

Think Saint General quadrant is you um it’s where where we don’t we don’t care about [ __ ] um so God bless yes God bless um so someone from California reported my YouTube channel no like this this man is in possession of ghost guns and I think he’s gonna

Hurt people blah blah blah blah yeah and so the feds are at my house and like and when it comes to stuff like that the best thing to do is stay calm but I’m also in the back of my mind just like bro get out of my house why are you here

Just I want the feds out of my house uh so they tell me they tell me what happened what was going on and basically it almost kind of felt like now that I look back on it it’s kind of felt like they just kind of had to come

Talk to me because that’s like a requirement or some [ __ ] yeah yeah because he just basically told me what happened he’s like I looked at your social media and you’re fine like I just got to talk to you and then they left well like I was kind of freaking out though

Uh so imagine so um I thought I thought I was afraid I might have been doxed um but then but then uh someone someone told me it was probably like they got like a subpoena from YouTube or something because they did they did like report my YouTube channel oh that would make sense

That’s so [ __ ] up but are you monetized on YouTube not yet um I I was even I don’t know like so I have I have two channels I’m not sure which channel they I’m not sure what channel they reported so I have this channel which is just for

Streaming and video games and stuff then I have my other channel which is dedicated to gun stuff um that channel is actually bigger than this one but I think I’m still just shy of a thousand on that one because I haven’t posted on in a while because because [ __ ] YouTube started doing

Weird stuff about uh weird stuff about you know printed gun stuff so I’m kind of figuring a way to work around that so I can like maybe re-upload some things and do some new stuff why wouldn’t YouTube just delete me instead of reporting well it’s because it’s like the person just report the

Person reported me they went to an ATF office in person in California and like anonymously reported me to an agent like that’s what happened yeah yeah that is Extreme levels of dedication also someone’s asking are you building your new uh husband over here or what is

This going to be it’s pixel art it’s a pixel art of course yeah okay yeah I’m surprised I could tell this this is like that has been such a funny Arc to watch by the way my name is Mark the memes have been hilarious um

But yeah so I had had a running with the feds recently um I I don’t know like I guess now that that’s happened I’m I’m an official like guntuber because I had the feds come after me um bragging weights yeah exactly um but yeah so I’m I was happy just

Happy to say I was not doxxed and uh I do I did get that uh I saw another guntuber promoting something called Aura where you can like kind of help like keep your personal info info off the internet so yeah hopefully that will hopefully that will help I wonder how legit that is

I don’t I mean it’s got It’s got like some it was monitoring like my if my phone number and like my email addresses were anywhere and stuff or like any any uh breaches stuff yeah really um so you’ve already tried it and it works yeah like uh I know one of the

Breaches is real because it was from [ __ ] uh Ark survival that game oh so I know that breach was legit You’re not a real gun too unless you mess the lower up so badly that you get a binary fire oh is AG in the chat I thought so I’m in the chat earlier he was he did that a lot but I think he was just messing up triggers yeah

You’re not trying hard enough you guess yeah you just you just gotta uh piss someone off with your mere existence about guns yeah no uh what another thing like this I think it was somebody who was anti-gun or do you think it was somebody just like in the same sphere

Who just doesn’t [ __ ] like you you know that’s a good question actually now that you mention it um that was like they they have like a like a transcript is that the is that the word transcript of the report it was like um this person is in possession multiple

Ghost guns you know because that’s the that’s the scary term right ghost by the way yeah when it’s just you know and and the ATF agent was like I know they just mean you made your own guns um so that was kind of funny um but then they’re like this person has

He’s talked about kidnapping people of political opposition and harming them with his ghost guns and I’m like are you kidding me like so there’s this joke among like my followers where um it started it was started by doc Strangelove actually um yeah and it was sort of like it’s the

Joke is like yeah like you you subscribe to James and he kidnaps you so you’re forced to watch all of his content kind of thing right like that’s that’s the joke so someone either didn’t realize that that was a joke or they were trying to use a joke

To uh to try and incriminate me or whatever the joke maybe because but it’s pretty obvious like I have like this goofy ass Twitter bio or like I’m I’m your purple yandere boyfriend like it’s stupid like it’s intentionally stupid so so it’s like everything I do is intended to just be a

[ __ ] post so I mean it had I guess but I mean then again I do like to do like dumb gunshot posts and people fall for them so you never know if someone Falls for Stuff joke you’ve been here for 11 months well yeah you’re one you’re one of the early ones metal

But yeah so that that was that was how that how was that how that went your head you ever had cops call on you for all this like screaming you do when you’re streaming surprisingly no because not even once because it was was it yet was it yesterday no day before yesterday Maybe

Because I didn’t stream it I didn’t stream yesterday I did I did a stream I was playing that [ __ ] fed Simulator game uh ready or not and then I was like okay I’m done I’m gonna go watch Pippa and the first thing the first thing I see is you’re playing Deus Ex you’re

Just screaming at that [ __ ] robot right like a robot yeah and how I just the first thing that published my mind was like I want to ask her ask people like has has anyone ever called the cops from that [ __ ] no which which surprises me because like now I look pretty close

To people too so it I feel like it should have happened by now but it hasn’t happened and I’m just waiting for it and then that’s gonna be really funny to explain honestly like if it if it really does happen I hope you shared the story I mean I I probably will

But I’m not looking forward to it I’m not looking forward to that day if you this is just a general for anyone watching if the feds or the cops ever show up at your door just chill out you’re gonna be fine don’t like we don’t we don’t like feds

Here we are anti-fit here but don’t be stupid don’t get yourself shot or your dog shot nah that’s right I get a lot of [ __ ] people call me a boot licker but it’s like if you just comply a lot of the time like you don’t like

A lot of a lot of the things with FEDS you know they’re just they’re just doing their job a lot of them don’t actually [ __ ] care and if you’re just like very polite and then they’re like oh what’s your name just give them your name and [ __ ] like it’s not I don’t care

They don’t care they’re not out to get you most of the time is when you get to like the higher ups and [ __ ] when you piss those people off where you have a funny piece of plastic on your gun you know that kind of thing

Um yeah and so I I get I get [ __ ] you know I’m in the gun Community I get [ __ ] for people sometimes because I don’t just like I don’t vehemently hate like the local cops in my area yeah no and it’s because they’re just people there’s people doing their job

And I’ve talked about before like in my area like if you if you live in like a big city or something and you hate the cops bro I totally understand I completely understand you are Justified well like you are a New Yorker godspeed yeah no are you in L.A godspeed no I

I’ve got some followers that live in New York I feel I feel like I need to rescue them um yeah and you know the whole thing like the just following orders yeah I don’t like that either like that’s obviously a bad excuse um which which that’s something more you

Hear feds like the guys that I know that are cops in my area when I’ve talked to them because especially when I started okay yes I’ll come rescue you worry man of course how many Auto series did I buy from that scammer I I actually if it’s the scammer

You’re talking about I actually dm’d him it was like uh do you do you sell uh do you sell like the ligma brand Auto series or something and they fell for it so you know they’re either stupid or fit um yeah local sheriffs will share usually cool and it’s like you know

I live in this the safest County and I live in the safest town in the safest County of my state so like the guy the local dudes here like they’re not worried about me build in guns in my living room or anything right in fact like like I mean

Nothing I nothing I do is illegal uh do I think do I think that gun laws are stupid and that I should be able to do all the things that are illegal yes I do believe that but because I have chosen to be public about it I can’t do anything

Illegal because I I’m I’m not I’m not going to go to federal prison just to make someone feel better right no I’m not gonna go I’m not gonna go to federal prison so you can be like oh well he stood up to the man yeah and then I’m gonna

Have to deal with all the men in the freaking prison y’all want to deal with that stupid or fed that’s that’s a fun game the answer is usually both yeah that’s true I don’t want to see Uncle Ted no no I do not saying they’re saying your hair is

Haunted what does that even mean yeah because the short hair I think the short hair looks good it kind of matches mine now like it’s similar length oh well I don’t want to match you so oh come on oh you could you could have totally used the uh the

Purple model that that sleepy used we would imagine oh come on no no thank you uh purple’s the best color though it really is actually pink is the best color do you you even said yourself that you that you’re not like super into pink what are you talking about but actually

Because I am pink but but uh but actually but actually nothing but actually nothing but actually but actually you’re I’m using your own words but actually shut the [ __ ] up but actually generation you’re missing a block oh well I hope you can find it I

[ __ ] up I [ __ ] up my pixel art I don’t know how is it is it is it mixing is it missing like that Roomba it’s missing like the Roomba did you ever find it no somewhere man It’s gotta be some there’s no way like I don’t leave my door open

Or anything there’s no way it could have gotten outside there’s no way people are saying maybe you got outside but I don’t know survive outside I’ve never I’m I’m too poor I’m too poor to have cool stuff like that so trust me a Roomba is a worthwhile investment

It is a very very worthwhile investment do you have one of the uh like Roomba lawnmowers too the what there’s Roomba lawnmowers I’ve never heard of that in my entire life yeah there’s I’ve seen some guy uh on YouTube shorts he’s like a homesteader which is super cool I like

Homesteading stuff that’s cool um and he’s got he’s got like a free it looks like it’s like this little tiny lawnmower that acts like a Roomba and cuts like his yard what the [ __ ] I know right and the yeah and his dog rides on it yeah you know who I’m talking about yeah

That guy he’s got like super long hair and [ __ ] yeah exactly I I if I could if I could afford that I would do that because I hate cutting the [ __ ] grass I just pay somebody too okay we’ll see we’ll see Peppa not not all of us

Not all of us can can just you know pay to have our chores done listen man okay oh I see what they mean by haunted hair I think I keep hitting hitting buttons um it’s it’s it’s I could put out the money for a nice lawnmower and then when I move again I’d

Have to like haul it with me and it’d be a pain and I might break it or I can just I can just pay I can just pay somebody in the meantime so just at once every like month and it’s fine I mean I’m happy for you and all but you know like

So some of us some of us just can’t do that yeah well you know cut cutting the grass I mean that’s that’s also like that’s the best excuse to go touch grass I really don’t like touching grass what I really I really don’t like touching

Grass I don’t want to touch grass I like touching grass I just I just stay like on the grass that’s at my house it’s great um touching grass sucks well I touch it with my feet not my hands because I had because they’ll make my hand it’ll make my hands break out so

I guess I can kind of understand a little bit don’t break out and stuff but Okay so so uh so like what what’s what’s a natural oh God how do I word this word it doesn’t sound weird what’s what’s a natural like nature thing that you would

You don’t touch grass would you go like I don’t know touch the beach or something no I don’t like the beach okay that’s something we can agree on I don’t like the beach either I like uh herping what is that you know what that is no

You don’t know what her thing is herping is the act of going out and looking for reptiles uh Beast yeah well and amphibians but I’m not really in the amphibians but you don’t like amphibians oh man when I when I hate them it’s just like snakes and

Stuff are cooler snake Circle when I was a kid I loved to go looking for reptiles and amphibians and stuff that was that was a lot of fun going to the river and grabbing the snakes out of there yeah I was I was uh I I have a little bit more

Self-preservation I was a little more careful around the snakes well I I mean you don’t have to have self-preservation if you can just tell the difference between I can tell the difference but I also live like there’s water moccasins and copperheads and [ __ ] so there’s other snakes that swim other

Than just water moccasins I just I just like I like to be careful you just gotta learn see this it’s the same thing with guns you know if you know what to do you won’t worry yourself that’s that’s fair um yeah I the only time I hurt myself

With my guns is when I’m building them it’s not it’s not a finished build until I bled on it so how often are you bleeding on your builds uh every every time I built a gun so far I have managed to like jab my finger or something during the process

Or like or like I’ll have a I’ve had like a like a spring like Snap loose and cut my finger so you know net never had a spring to the eye I’m smart I wear I wear stuff over my eyes when I’m careful but yeah oh yeah removing supports yeah

If anyone who knows anything about 3D printing removing supports is awful um and like pla can be very sharp if you’re not careful building guns is the process of dealing with pointy things spring snapping is here yeah especially when it’s like like a hammer spring in a

AR trigger like that’s that [ __ ] can get you really good all guns are what’s the worst injury you’ve gotten the worst injury I’ve gotten uh it was I was working on I was working on my my it was one of my most recent things I printed a uh a

Glock well it’s it’s a it’s a Glock frame um that uses uh Palmetto dagger Parts if anyone know if anyone knows what that is um and I was working on it and I needed to uh I made some magazines printed some magazines for it too and on magazines which uh spooky spooky Dev

Uh if you’re watching I think I think you know who he is uh waffle mag Fireball that guy if you’re watching it’s your fault your your Glock mag is your fault how I injured myself in this like you just need to know um I was cutting like it’s got built-in

Supports on part of it and I was cutting it off with my uh my utility knife and I was I was I was being a little dumb I was being a little dumb I was just like okay I just get this get this thing off really quick and the utility knife

Slipped and went right into my right pointer finger to the Bone yeah yeah yeah um so I just I just kind of I just kind of taped it up and it took it took about two weeks before it stopped hurting and I have I have a pretty sizable scar now

Jeez that was the worst one but since then since then I got one of those like uh cutting cutting board tape like the craft cutting table things I got one of those so I can like place it on there and like have my hands out of the way and not worry about

So I’m slightly less likely to injure myself with the sharp objects should use flex tape I I used uh I grabbed the first half I could find which was electrical tape oh I mean it was like like I I pride myself on be able to being able to

Stay calm when I injure myself because I do it enough um but it was like it was like a fair it was bleeding pretty good so I was like okay I gotta take this up right [ __ ] now so I just grabbed some electrical tape and I had some I

Had some gauze in my bathroom yeah it is it is a very valid bandage thank you oh someone had got a scar on your palm from a dog bite oh oh man that sucks my dad got bit by a dog on his hand one time and like he nearly got an infection

From me yeah I am branding all my guns with my blood yeah it’s it’s so it’s so that they belong to me and only me no one else can touch them I’m very protective also you’re a yandere for your own guns yes yes I’m I’m a yandere for my guns

And my friends and anyone anyone anyone that I that I like and it’s it’s it’s kind of like I mean I do play it up a little bit but but let’s be real I I have that uh big brother protectiveness because I am an older sibling so it’s just kind of it

Just kind of comes with the territory oh I’m so sorry you have siblings oh well I have good siblings though I get along with my siblings no such thing well you know just because just because of your trauma you know it’s not it’s not trauma by Nature

Natural grams to hate each other and to and to fight for the for the resources you know how do you have good siblings because I have good parents like people always tell people always tell like you always look at me and go fatherless Behavior no my father’s great I turned

Out this way because I put in the effort I have great parents you avoid your sad siblings like the play oh come on man I don’t know I I know it’s it’s probably lucky right you know not not everybody is going to have really great siblings but I do

So I I guess I guess I’m kind of proud of that in a way say something nice about your siblings say something nice about my siblings well I have one sibling uh who served in the military he’s really cool really cool so he’s a boot licker he’s no

Longer in the military he actually got out of the military because of the because of the uh the the koof [ __ ] that’s why he got out um he’s he’s cool he’s a cool guy um he’s younger than me and I wish I could be like him um but

I’ve got a bunch of siblings and they’re all great one one sibling um Works in construction you know I’ve got a sibling that uh that works in the medical field I’ve got a sibling that has taught like been a teacher like I I have I have good siblings you know and

I’m very I’m very proud of them vacation to Florida when I’ve been to Florida before I liked it um Florida I I could I could probably fit in as a Florida man not gonna lie oh God yeah I probably could yeah so absolutely come back come back to Florida uh I mean

It’s it’s it’s it’s it’s still a little bit of a drive for me I’m not gonna lie but I I I also I also hate driving so I’m too chill to be a Florida man I mean you can be you can be chill and be a

Florida I I have I have my moments I think it would fit was a certified Carol Carolinian I’ll let you believe that I’m not gonna I’m not gonna tell you where I am based yeah I mean like it’s it’s kind of it’s kind of funny before I started to do

Doing the vtuber thing which we talk about YouTuber stuff now because that’s the whole [ __ ] reason I invited you I’m so sorry I’ve been nerding out about guns um I mean part of the reason I decided to make a YouTuber model is simply because of the anonymity because when I

Do gun videos if anyone has ever seen any of my gun videos I am like full on covered head to toe you can only see my hair because I think it’s funny that you can see my hair um because I never cut my hair so that’s why so when I first started we’ll

Get it we can get into is there really any subject other than God’s yes yes I I also enjoy YouTuber stuff like bro bro thanks on PSR listen I I I’m Walmart PSR Walmart PSR and Walmart pickura are collabing today we’re having a fun time sorry very I haven’t like like there’s

More people in the chat that I’m used to go ahead and send your question again I’m sorry and I’ll I’ll try not to miss it um one more question God you’re ignoring them I’m not trying to no you’re sick yeah I I’m I’m very ADHD I get

Distracted too much am I a short spsr no I I’m actually I am of the cursed 511 gang so I’m I’m cursed to never be six foot in my life but just just shy so I I would I would Tower over PSR which I would actually

Be speaking of PSR he does gun music I would love to do I would love to like get good at singing and make a song with him that’d be so fun I hate my mind of course he he makes like music videos and stuff related to printed guns and they’re funny

I was expecting like uh have you seen the people where they fire off guns and they like sync it to music gun drummer Maybe I don’t know what it’s called or who does it well there’s a guy yeah there’s a guy called gun drummer he’ll like shoot he’ll like shooting guns in his

House like synced up to music yeah yeah he’s funny yeah if if any of you have never watched PSR you should watch him he’s got he’s got a funny like video like HK slap he’s got a funny video about the glom which is a which is it’s

A [ __ ] Glock that’s got a bong built into it like [ __ ] like that oh but I I know I’m trying to get to the beat tuber stuff y’all keep distracting me uh um are you building a house now yeah cool I’m gonna come look at this pixel

Art so it was around when I first started that’s cool I haven’t played a Pokemon game in so long like like I played like Emerald as like an infant but that was it yeah I played new Pokemon games yeah yeah I I should I should try it sometime do they have

Pokemon games I have a switch they have Pokemon games on the switch now yeah there’s sword and shield scarlet and violet the remix of diamond and pearl there’s a remake of Pokemon Snap there’s um which one do you think come on this is the best Nobody ever agrees with me on anything so I don’t know if I’m the person to go to for eign we’ll say it and we’ll see what Chad says um I think the best Pokemon games you can get on the switch right now are when you buy the Nintendo online membership and

You play the old games that have been ported over league and okay I forget what else is on there I kind of just want to like replay Emerald again because I was like five years old playing that talk about memories um but on LG Pokemon Snap

You know I think I think I remember that I remember that game too I think I had a friend who had that when I was a kid was I was I was but but an infant um I’m so bad about losing my train of thought I’m sorry

Um so it’s about the time when I first started getting into building guns and stuff like I had lurked like 30 cuts for a while and I decided okay finally I’m gonna start doing it and so when I started doing it uh I kind of knew YouTubers were a thing at

The time I just never like paid a whole lot of attention I was just kind of like oh that’s kind of cool they were like I like I knew who gura was and stuff like that but I didn’t just like pay like a whole lot of attention um where is

Uh so when I first started doing gun stuff with just DM me on Discord I can check freaking disco I’ve got my phone right here like if any of my mods need to need to actually like tell me something DMV on Discord I got my phone

Um so I doing good stuff I’ve tried to start this in it so many [ __ ] times uh I’ve started doing gun stuff is right around after that um people oh you’re curious about my input on the V Trooper r word Drama Oh we we could we

Could talk about that too but I want to get this out of the way um that’d be trying to keep I’ve been trying to say it for so long so start start doing pretty good stuff I’m posting my videos I’m talking about my guns I’m showing pictures and people

Were like oh have you seen this vtuber and it’s you and you’re talking about you’re talking about the 3D printer I was like oh I do that so so of course that’s when I pressed when I first followed you and then ever ever since then it’s just

Been like it’s just been over with like I follow too many [ __ ] YouTubers now um but it’s cool no such thing yeah and I well it’s too much because like I wish I could watch them but like I I don’t I don’t get the chance to watch a

Lot of live stream so I’ll watch like recordings or like if I do watch a live stream I just lurk because I’m like doing something at the same time so I’m the complete same way like a lot a lot of people are kind of like weird about that and it’s like

Like they expect you to watch and keep up with literally every single thing as is happening but this is just so [ __ ] much going on then it really is what’s going on and there’s I’m gonna be blunt a lot of the the good parts you could condense them down into like 10 minutes

Yeah I can totally agree I can agree I mean and that’s just the way with streams in general but streams are also just easy to do like so I understand why people do them um but yeah so I started following all these YouTubers and I’m you know getting more interested in the whole

The whole thing and the technology is super cool because you get because you know something when it comes to gun stuff like people that don’t want to show their face like they may be on a stream or whatever talking about guns and like they’re wearing a mask or

They’re just it’s just like a screen like just a little screen that just shows like their profile picture or whatever like well that’s that’s kind of boring uh like a V tour model is more expressive at least right so it’s true you can only watch so many

Three three hour streams in a day cool I wish I could watch streams while I’m working but uh well at the job I was at uh today was actually my last day um I could I was not able to listen to streams maybe I’ll get a new job where I

Can listen to Strings that’d be a good idea uh so I thought the technology was cool so I just it was around the time that the whole uh anonymity thing was going down that I was a part of and I decided you know I’m gonna make a

Freaking model just for the heck of it because I found out you can do it basically for free um which free is my favorite price so so that’s what I started doing and I just I’m just kind of here now and I I still don’t know what the hell

I’m doing but I’m having fun which I’m sure that’s what that’s what matters right yeah absolutely and I’ve definitely learned a lot about the whole culture and everything and I think it’s I think it’s really fun and I mean yeah should you subscribe to people a [ __ ] course like we like I

Don’t understand like most of the people that follow me already follow you anyway like yes it was my oh she’s subscribe to her of course um which uh if you’re here from me please subscribe yes thank thank you thank you yeah we we do we we generally I think our streams

Do kind of overlap a little bit but I now that now that I’m now that I’m actually not doing my current job I might actually move when I stream I’ve been thinking about it I want to stream a little earlier but uh I’ve lost my train of thought um so YouTuber stuff uh

I’m very interested in learning more and I feel like you know you’re you’re you definitely seem kind of like a YouTuber nerd so it’d be fun to talk to you about some of this stuff um but yeah I I do kind of I’m interested now because uh very brought that

Question up like the whole the whole uh r word drama with uh is it Vape is that who it was yeah what do you think of that um there’s a little hanging fruit I could take but go for it go for it no don’t censor yourself here it’s fine go for it ah

I’m gonna take a second I mean I’ll go for it if you want me to like if you don’t if you don’t want to say it I’ll say it no I I okay I think I think the baby situation is a lot of people okay I was on Twitter while she was

Debuting redeembling debuting as an indie whatever whatever the [ __ ] you want you’re following [ __ ] yeah yeah uh and I saw people attacking her even before she said the word [ __ ] so I’m just gonna go out on a limb and my my personal opinion is I think people wanted to attack theybe because she’s

Kind of like the she was like the veto bird that like a lot of Indies looked up to because they like like her model and like her voice and a controversial take but I feel like a lot of people kind of skin walk baby they want to be baby and

So when they saw that she’s no longer like Envy Shojo she doesn’t have like that uh spot that they could like try and take so to speak you know I I think a lot of people wanted to be in be so don’t I think a lot of people wanted maybe like

To be a baby and so when she no longer had that then it just kind of became like Open Season well now we’re free to attack her and so her saying the word [ __ ] just became like let’s go this is Open Season Open Season it was an opportunity and they took it

Yeah yeah because I don’t I don’t like you watch [ __ ] if you like watch streamers this is not like an uncommon word this is not like and you can be like oh but just because other people say it doesn’t mean that it doesn’t but it’s like well and if you actually watch her

Stream you know she used to like joke and say rhubarbon didn’t sell like rhubarb instead of her like that’s that’s pretty clever actually let’s go after that’s how I feel I think I think people people don’t actually care I think people just have a seething jealousy of baby and so they saw an

Opportunity they went for it that’s how I feel yeah and I you know that’s essentially how I feel too honestly um I I mean I generally I generally I’m not one to use just a bunch of foul language anyway just because it’s just kind of how I was

Brought up so it’s just not it’s just not second nature for me but like I am I’m not bothered by any of that like you know when it comes to when it comes to words like bro it’s just a word chill out I don’t know I don’t know like I’ve always felt that

Way I remember when when Brazilian streamers got banned for saying Megazord what I have no idea what I have no idea uh Alfonso saying skin workers and tourists are the biggest problems with any hobby or fandom true so yeah I guess so tourists um I know I’m like I’m like a young

Boomer I’m like 20 something and I’m I’m an old man so like tourists but people that phrase is like for people that just kind of what their fans for clout is that kind of what it what it means or what’s up tourists are basically just people that just come along when something’s popular

And they don’t actually like okay they’re not a dedicated member of the community you know like they’re not they’re not here because they actually care they’re just here because it’s on their [ __ ] timeline or because other people are talking about it and so they stop in and they’re like

Oh I have opinions I don’t [ __ ] have opinions they’re not part of the [ __ ] Community they have nothing of value to say okay yeah that that totally makes sense yeah draw a drama followers oh yeah that that makes sense yeah okay bully tourist gate keep tourists yeah

Like people like try to say gatekeeping is bad but like at a certain point you know you it’s it’s not so much gatekeeping it’s just protecting your interests right yeah as a tourist you feel offended well what are you touring are you are you the good

Kind of tourist well I don’t know if there is there a good kind of tourist maybe maybe a good kind of Taurus it’s kind of Taurus that stays in their Lane and and learns about what they’re engaging in before they start giving their opinions on it or

Like like you can you can you cannot be a [ __ ] idiot it’s not hard yeah you you’d say that but it seems like some people it’s difficult for them to not be an idiot ironic because I’m a streamer and so like I I give my opinion on a bunch of

[ __ ] that I shouldn’t give my opinion on because realistically like I have no horse in the race and I’m just turning it into content and [ __ ] but like it should be just being blunt man people people think their opinion on [ __ ] matters and it doesn’t and that’s

True that’s like the Crux of it is people they come in and they’re like oh well this community should change around would I would I what my opinions on it are and and everybody should like oh this word’s not okay because uh in this other community I’m in it’s not okay and

Then uh actually the uh we should we should uh shift the culture over to this or that whatever it is people people are narcissistic yeah that’s true someone just said that yeah yeah I definitely yeah yeah like crazy it’s just man okay keep yeah and it’s it seems like

How do I put this it’s it seems like it’s becoming in all all of the Hobbies I’m involved in is becoming worse like I’m seeing more of it it’s because they’re so like back in the day it used to be harder to get into a

Community you used to it and it used to be like a lot of smaller communities and you kind of just got along from there but now it’s like anybody can get into anything at any time and there’s not a lot of barriers anymore like this is gonna it’s gonna piss a lot of

People off probably but like one nice thing about like a monetary um barrier for Stuff is that like in general like people have to invest into it right and so if if people don’t actually care then it’s harder for them to like they’re less likely to spend that

Money to like get involved in the hobby or whatever versus nowadays it’s like a lot of hobbies like d d and stuff like you don’t need to buy anything you don’t need to do much you just you just show up and so much stuff it’s just online and it just kind of happens

You don’t have to you know there’s no barrier right and that makes sense which is great which is great for people who are already interested in in in good people who want to play and stuff but it’s also like it’s harder to weed out the people that

Don’t actually care and are just very entry level but they act like they’ve been around forever and yeah and that that seems to be f I I I I I I I know I said don’t censor yourself I don’t want to be too like mean or conversation confrontational but

It seems like for some streamers there’s definitely like they seem to have like a dedicated I don’t even know if I want to call them fans but like people that want to go after them for everything they do like they’re never satisfied right yeah I mean that’s

That’s like a couple different kinds of people so the people who do that sometimes it’s sometimes it’s tourists who have no idea about the person’s content and they just kind of pop out of the book usually this happened like this has happened with some streamers or like

A streamer will start trending and then people pop into their streams or whatever and they’re like oh wow this is great and then like the streamer will say something or do something and then and then it’s like oh whoa I remember the good old days they wouldn’t they

Never did this they’re just right those kinds of people and it makes no sense right yeah you know but then there’s also like where it’s like perhaps like a little bit too possessive of the streamer or like their idea of the streamer and it doesn’t necessarily conflate with reality or

Sometimes they’re right sometimes streamers do stupid [ __ ] or whatever yeah and then there’s dedicated anti’s which are just dedicated to stirring [ __ ] Non-Stop and it might just imagine like being so so depressed or sad I don’t know I don’t even know what the word would be like

Like you you dedicate time out of your day just to go like hate on somebody like bro you go do literally anything else oh I don’t have to imagine it I used to be that kind of person oh well I’m glad I’m glad you’re not now

I’m glad you’re not now I still feel listen I’m not a good person here okay but listen sometimes I’m like sometimes what’s the start unicorn urge is that what it is unicorn unicorn urge I’m not a unicorn usually but usually she says okay okay so sometimes it is frustrating

As a fan of streamers it is very frustrating when like now I’m not saying to go out and to hate on them but sometimes like a streamer does something and you’re like this is frustrating I don’t know why they’re doing this um like so hard to like come up with examples

Without it being like obvious yeah um sometimes okay sometimes you get attached to a streamer or content creator or whatever and and they start shifting their stuff and it’s and it’s frustrating and you don’t like the change and you don’t want them to change and you want to try and say something

But then you’re the bad person and it’s like well are you really the bad person for having those feelings it’s like debatable debatable yeah I I think in general there’s also on the flip side there’s this kind of culture of like oh my god oh wait okay you want I’m gonna

Defend K-pop stance I’m gonna [ __ ] defend people saying a lot of K-pop Sans get [ __ ] I make fun of k-pops then as well I’m not I’m not listen I’m a huge hypocrite with this bully pop stands and it’s like they’re just passionate you know they just care a lot and sometimes that

Passion is misdirected like oh uh the [ __ ] Idol that they like um uh another Idol uh looked at them wrong for like a split second and as a fan when you’re very attached to a Creator sometimes you’re you’re protective and it’s like well why like is this is this indicative of something

Deeper did that other girl give her like that look because there’s like some bullying going on or something or was she trying to was she trying to like like Bully or or what whatever you know and so you get like a little riled up and then there’s it’s the nature of the

Beast of like being in a crowd where it’s like you get like that feedback loop of like oh well actually yeah they did this and then people are pulling out receipts and they’re like here’s this other time that she looked at her weird and here’s this other time where she

Made this comment on her on her personal account and it got leaked and and she mentioned how she met up with somebody at a [ __ ] uh Cafe and they had a huge fight with a friend after because of information that you found out or whatever the [ __ ] you know what it is

You get lost in the sauce and and you forget that they’re people and it’s realistically none of your business and I’m not a K-pop fan I’m using them as like an example but it’s an example so you don’t uh tell on yourself right yes exactly and you know yeah that’s something we’re

Talking about that a little bit before the stream that’s something that in a way it kind of interests me like in a in a in a car crash is interesting kind of way like when people I’m sorry that’s the only way I can think of like when people get really

Attached to a streamer and it’s like I can understand like really enjoying someone’s content you know I I call you I call you my Oshie and all that [ __ ] um but like for me uh the whole all right I need to drink on my coffee I’m talking too much

I know I’m sorry I’m talking too much um the whole thing about you know being super possessive over someone that like even even if you know them a little bit on the surface level right like right now like me and you like we we’ve we’ve talked a little and we’re

Streaming together now we follow each other for a while and but I can I can see thinking like you know ah it’s it’d be cool to be friends with Pippa do a stream um but the whole like being super possessive and like oh why why is she

Doing this thing that I don’t like or why why isn’t she doing this thing that I want her to do like for me it just it feels like it doesn’t make a lot of sense and I don’t know if that’s just because it’s I don’t know maybe

Maybe it’s just because I I am so late to getting into like streaming culture and stuff like you know I’m I’m in my dang I don’t get specifically I’m in my late 20s and I’m only like recently kind of getting into this kind of stuff so I guess I don’t I’ve never experienced

That kind of attachment right So I I mean like there’s actually anything though like celebrities or and yeah that that’s true that’s true and I I kind of can see like people would get I guess it’s kind of like the new age people being obsessed over celebrity relationships and stuff right

Yeah but then again I don’t think that’s no yeah yeah that’s definitely not new but uh I mean speaking of like hey you know stop me if this is something you don’t care to talk about but like when it comes to like V tubers being in relationships like lots of

Times they have to hide it and that I don’t because I can understand because like people would be super interested in Celebrity relationships but then like to go to the point where like they don’t they have to like hide that they’re in a relationship at all

Right what’s what’s up like I don’t know I feel it it feels kind of like a disconnect from the I guess the celebrity Obsession I’m used to Like the relationship and she’s like I don’t know I see that painted a lot as like oh whoa because if if that if the twitch thought if if people find out that she has a a husband or whatever then her Sims are gonna leave what and I think there’s like an element of

Truth to that what I feel like in general a lot of that is just like privacy you know because like streamer like speaking as somebody who is a fan of streamers and has watched streamers like bring their significant other into their content and stuff or or even just like

Mention them like people are just [ __ ] crazy in general that’s fair like asthma gold asthma gold had a girlfriend and people got so weird about it and he’s not like G or not obviously he’s not givi but he’s not like BFE he’s not he’s not no nobody’s

Looking at Jasmine gold like yeah that man’s my boyfriend right I mean you never know though well it gets pretty safe to say I mean you can you can go like some people like it’s the most obvious like this is not boyfriend experience not not Jiffy not

BFE like and someone is still someone out there is still gonna have that right yeah I feel like in general hmm you pretend birds in this game never mind I don’t remember I don’t know I don’t remember I got it other their mission in kirsha now is there is there a reference to

Cursor to all this oh kirsha would love for asthma gold to be her boyfriend I need to watch her more she’s funny he is funny I forget how to how do you can you like get them to sit on your shoulder yeah oh she’s down hurting this for asthma okay yeah absolutely horrendous

I’m struggling so bad with this bird you don’t understand oh there’s there’s they’re trying looks like they’re trying to implicate you in uh well well true love and it is colerus that’s that’s true yeah you’re you’re in a new a new arc now yeah I just I saw some earlier so I get

Students I guess from Japanese idol culture which um is that you think that’s fair or oh [ __ ] I guess I think it’s fair yeah because I mean I’m kind of I’m kind of a weeb but I’m not like so much of a weeb that I know about

Idols and [ __ ] you know like I like to watch anime and eat Japanese food like would have been that crossover regardless like I don’t think we really needed Japanese idol culture to come in and be like Oh streamers to hide their relationships you know I think it’s

I think it’s just a thing in the west as well and people use Idol culture as an easy scapegoat for everything but that makes sense but it’s kind of like the it’s just like the easy like oh well this thing’s bad because and it stems from this other thing and that thing’s

Bad because like it happens there so it happens that’s why it happens here kind of deal yeah yeah also hold on I gotta scroll back I wanted to see the I want to see what you said um said uh people think MMOs have good combat she’s Beyond health is that true

Do you think MMOs have good combat I well it depends on the MMO I’m not blanket stating like every MMO has great con has great combat but I feel like in general yes see the only I the only MMO I ever put like a lot of effort in um

Me and me and some of our friends used to play The Elder Scrolls Online right this is a diesel one yeah and it was but I was just oh I could never figure out how to like get better at the game so it was very frustrating for me

So I’m not like I’ve never been super big in MMOs so Warframe oh no I I had a buddy talking about Warframe Warframe I had a buddy that played Warframe and he got me to play it for a while it was the most grindiest [ __ ] game I could not stand it

The robot people were cool but could not staying the grindiness I’ve never played that I remember I tried to download it back in the day when it was like brand new and [ __ ] it grind said the hot robot gals I I mean that that is that is fair some of the

Some of the robot chicks in that game were pretty caked so I get that like I I like them thick so that was not bad it is really grindy though um yeah back to vtuber stuff some I think one of my yeah so this this is something one of my

Moderators had sent me this on Discord um like when it comes to and I guess this happens with YouTubers but I guess it can also just be in general like when people get offended on the on behalf of others kind of thing did you do you see that happen a lot

Because I see it happen sometimes and I guess it kind of It kind of goes back to the baby thing like people are saying well this this is offensive to people but then you’ve got people who actually you may have a disability or whatever and they don’t care

That’s a b two more thing I think that’s just everyone in general thing like every Community like even with even with guns and stuff like this just people want to be mad and they make up a reason to be mad it sure does happen on Twitter a lot I

Just I wanted to bring that bring it up because because my my friend Berry asked um yeah it does happen everywhere um God I don’t know I don’t know I mean that’s the thing with the YouTuber Community is people people because it’s like a it’s it’s like a strange thing

Right so it’s easy to be like oh [ __ ] YouTuber Community or like this is a lot of people’s first time in a community so they’ll be like oh my God the YouTuber Community is so bad because it’s like well have you ever been in the community

Before you’re kind of used to this [ __ ] by now honestly like communities that are only online tend to tend to kind of suck anyway yeah if you’re being honest yeah this is how it is man this is how it is it’s every Community you just you just

Deal with it and then and you’ll very easily be able to spot people that are new to the community when they’re like oh this is oh my God you know this is so terrible people people are getting upset over this is like you just you just

Learn to tune it out it will eventually learn to tune it out yeah and that’s kind of that’s kind of what I do like the when it comes to like vtuber drama like I don’t pay enough attention anyway but when it comes to drama in general especially with the gun stuff I I

Literally just I don’t care man I’m not gonna I’m not gonna pay attention there are so many people and it’s it’s a problem it’s a problem like so I have I have a couple friends that you know do development work on guns and stuff and they’re they’re a lot

Of people that’ll come into the community and they’re trying basically just trying to make money off of people and it’s very frustrating um considering like the whole the whole idea is everything’s supposed to be free and open source so yeah I can kind of relate to that the

Grifters yeah was my favorite mammal and why is it the rat the only rat I tolerate is you plastic gets you’re the only rat I tolerate I went on the long spill but I also do get like pissed off when people go after like myoshis and stuff like when yeah

Yeah like you go on all the spills you want like we’re just chilling so it’s all good it’s [ __ ] when people start attacking a content creator you like and you’re just sitting there like well actually they didn’t do anything [ __ ] wrong [ __ ] you guys and is it but it

Doesn’t matter it doesn’t matter falling on the layers yeah and you can do to win an argument with these people because they don’t care yeah I can I can understand that feeling yeah that that makes sense like I wouldn’t want like people like I enjoy watching or anything I wouldn’t want them

To have to go through that [ __ ] because I mean I guess you hear all the time like content creators that deal with burnout and [ __ ] because people treat them bad you don’t want someone someone you enjoy to get burned out or something or want to quit or whatever because they’re

Dealing with a bunch of [ __ ] right chased off the internet yeah exactly what does Oshi mean um it’s it’s uh I I watched your video on it because I wanted I wouldn’t know what it meant um it means like it’s it’s like your favorite right or it doesn’t it

Translates to what push you said yeah so no it’s not a type of sushi it’s a slang for OSHA inspectors no we we don’t we don’t like OSHA here no we can’t conflate OSHA with oceans we we are we are anti-osha in this chat we don’t care about none of that

OSHA hate yes exactly so distracted by like little Minecraft opened up Pinterest for like little little ideas and stuff it’s been so long since I sat down and actually played Minecraft you gotta build from your brain I don’t have a good brain I don’t I don’t either but I’m building stuff

Quick post forklift racing videos Pinterest yeah why what are you doing on Pinterest it has it has like people’s cute little build yeah moment yeah unironically it’s cute I don’t even know you can do some of these things they’re asking when is people gonna build her own gun

Um that’s that’s a really fun stream yeah you wouldn’t be able to do it on YouTube um they won’t let you do that on YouTube they don’t let you do it on YouTube no if you if you handle a gun on a live stream on YouTube they will take you

Down immediately like you can’t even like like I can probably it’s like I’ve got my glock here on my desk I can touch it because you can’t see my hand right now touching it but like if like if I had a hand Cam and the lockers right there

Like if my hand was close enough to the gun like I that could get me taken they could get the stream taken down it’s just crazy what the [ __ ] yeah now do you I think twitch is a little more lenient about gun stuff um I also you’re not allowed to put a suppression

On a gun on YouTube yeah for a while like you could you I think you still can’t show how to put a suppressor on a gun which is done because it just screws on for a while you could not like show how to insert a magazine because YouTube is ridiculous I don’t know

Um yeah I don’t know I think that might have changed but I’m not sure that’s why sleepy says she does itself on Twitch yeah and I I did participate one time in a stream uh with a couple other you know Gun 3D print guntubers uh it was it was

Around the time uh [ __ ] Joe Bob uh Biden yeah he was yeah exactly he says something like you you could you could build you could build a ghost gun in 30 minutes it was like the the p80 thing so we did a stream it was actually on

Odyssey uh which is most most ghosts most uh quote-unquote ghost files can be found on Odyssey by the way for free if you’re interested in the hobby uh yeah we did a stream on there and we were we were competing to see how like how fast

We could put together a gun and uh so I built my uh like it was already already been printed because I don’t I actually technically already built it but I took my fgc9 apart which it’s uh yeah AJ Cass was part of that he chose a

High power and it took him forever to build it um but uh so I took my fgc9 apart and I built it it actually only took me about 20 minutes to put it all together which is cool and then of course I added like a handicap because you know I didn’t

Think about like supports and stuff but uh but yes the fgc9 for anyone who’s curious It’s a uh nine millimeter pistol caliber carbine now you can build 100 at home it’s actually what is on my model uh you know what I will hold on here’s here’s a let me give you a good

Look a good look at it how do I do that again oh there we go up here that’s the fgc9 right there I have I have one mine is a little different it’s it’s modified to use different magazines but uh it’s uh you can build it at home you

Don’t need any actual gun parts to build it so I put it together I put it together on stream and you can do that on Odyssey and they don’t care and uh no one of the other guys that was with us he built he put together a Glock like

I’ve seen one of these there’s like a there’s like the famous one but it’s white and blue yeah yeah but one of the guys he took he took a Glock put it together and then test fired it live on stream because like Odyssey let you do that [ __ ] so

Yeah it was it was really cool only one could look I I wasn’t the one who won like I beat you AG but RK was the one who won but uh AG built a [ __ ] high power it’s a pistol and it took him [ __ ] like an hour to put the thing

Together it was really funny the orcas I mean yeah the Orca uh I’m just gonna you said something the Orca is a uh AR that you can print off and tactical it’s fully 3D printed or at least like upper upper lower and all that all you need is a barrel on the

Bowls and stuff but yeah oh yeah alternative websites to YouTube is the future I mean I would hope so maybe someday but YouTube is so big and like it’s it’s hard to like you get these I mean Odyssey isn’t bad but you get these YouTube clones like [ __ ] Rumble and

[ __ ] and like nothing nothing ever happens there right no people talk big game about them but it’s they’re [ __ ] they’re [ __ ] websites yeah well and it’s something I’ve talked about this before like Rumble isn’t a bad website but it’s just all political [ __ ] right yeah and I don’t wanna I

Don’t want to go on a website just for political [ __ ] I I complain about this in my own they’re like oh but if you go to if you go to this site and it’s like we’ll be the only people that are on that [ __ ] side are the people that

Banned from the other sites and so they turn it into like a [ __ ] political writing ground and it’s like I don’t I don’t I don’t go to the [ __ ] listen people they’re like oh like so you should go to this website and and it’s all free and it’s like no it’s not it’s

It’s just people complaining about politics because I got banned from literally and it’s so it’s just not fun I I don’t I don’t I I don’t I’m not on the internet for politics I don’t care about politics I like to make fun of everything I don’t care it’s no sacred cows and I

I’m not here for the politics yeah I get that like when it when it comes to you know when it comes to stuff like building guns or streaming or whatever like I mean obviously yeah I want people to be interested in the Hobby and everything right I want people to say I

Want I want the proof to be out there that no you can’t take my guns away because I can just build one in my living room right I want that to be out there but at the end of the day like I do all this [ __ ] just because I want to have fun

Right you love the second and first amendment Mr crazy attire I agree I agree I like them as well yeah so yeah this is kind of my philosophy behind everything I’m just here to have fun yeah so I don’t want I don’t want to be on

Any of those no fun Allowed no fun allowed you have to everything has to be political and everything has to be [ __ ] politics is the mandatory fun now yeah yep yep I hate that [ __ ] kind of want to print a mini model of the Orca and turn into a fishing lure what

That would actually be kind of funny it looks like it looks like a fish gun basically it’s kind of funny actually oh yeah I think the only way alt media is ever going to survive is if they actually draw more than just politics because they get people like straight if

Like if they get people like do a makeup videos and [ __ ] or streaming or whatever like that’s that’s gonna actually draw people to a to All Tech site but if it’s just politics no not at all oh like there’s definitely a crowd for the politics but like

It’s not fun man it just makes you angry and it’s it’s it’s fun like when you first get into it and and and getting to see people that agree with you on [ __ ] is great but it’s it’s just a miserable hobby it’s a [ __ ] miserable hobby I I don’t

I like the modern look you’re going for by the way thank you I’m just kind of kind of vibing I built the entire house based around these two blocks I’ve never seen them before these like glowing ones it’s called fog light oh that must be

New I don’t remember that [ __ ] oh wow oh frog lights that looks pretty cool it does look cool I was like I gotta build a house based around these two blocks happy Mars likes being angry well I mean I guess everybody’s got to have a hobby

I think being angry is a boring Hobby I would rather just be blissfully unaware of drama and just be happy toy drama I’m not gonna lie like watching people fight on the Internet is fun but I also don’t want it to be like all the internet is this is like it is

It’s not fun if it’s just the [ __ ] average state of the internet watching two retards fight is glorious it’s it’s funny in small doses yeah having your entire platform be retards fighting is not Is Not Great Twitter is barely hanging in there slinging all the time okay I I

Personally I have a lot of fun on Twitter because I don’t take it seriously at all I just post I just post whatever dumb [ __ ] pops into my head and for some reason people follow me over it so if I think Twitter Twitter is what you what you make of it right

I think that’s very true especially like speaking of somebody who has like burner accounts and stuff so like you can catch what there’s this there’s this magic button where it says like you you tap the three right dots on the in the top right and you’re like oh do not show

Tweet do not show tweets from this account and tweet is not relevant and like Fast block and all that [ __ ] people are gonna be looking for your burner accounts now by the way it doesn’t matter nothing yeah I think pretty I think I’ve got to the point where all of my social

Media is just under like my my I don’t even I don’t even know what the hell I call it it was it was like my gamer tag that became just my social media name like I don’t have any social media like on my real name or anything anymore

Yeah yeah oh they’re saying people as banned YouTuber memes confirmed no I’m not oh my God well is that is that something that people have accused you of yes I have so people are accusing everybody lately of running the account and it’s I I don’t know what to tell you guys I

Don’t like I’m pretty sure it’s just [ __ ] posters they’re just a group of [ __ ] posters I don’t I mean I don’t know that’s that’s what it appears to be yeah so it’s sucking up [Laughter] speaking speaking of your boss I I am I’m actually I’m glad you got to go

Come on with like a dude that does gun stuff because I I was one I was afraid like working for a company that might be an issue like I I’m like I’m curious about like what’s it like working for a YouTuber company because I thought about it at

One point like uh that one Lucid company was doing auditions and they’re like oh you get to keep your IP and I was like well that I mean that would work but at the same time like I don’t know um it is what you make of it I think a lot

Of people tend to think that joining a YouTuber company is gonna be like their ticket to [ __ ] success yeah and it’s like no no it’s just it’s just what you make of it if you put in the effort and if you’re if you’re looking to work with other people and and

It’s like basically you just have to know what you’re doing right it’s like it’s like it’s like you can you can choose to start your own company or you can choose to work for somebody else’s company you know like you can there’s pros in this consulate I guess I

Guess obviously probably since you are a corporate me too I guess that’s what you prefer oh [ __ ] yeah I am such a massive idiot like okay so this is my first job this year is your first job really yeah this is my first job all I’ve ever wanted to do in

Life is to be a YouTuber I can I can get that I can understand that yeah so it’s what I’ve always been working towards and now the problem is is I’m a brainlet and so before joining a company like not having people to tell me like HIPAA that is the most [ __ ]

Idea to ever come out of anybody’s mouth don’t [ __ ] do the thing that you’re planning on doing like without that like I just didn’t think about like I used to be very hostile volatile like I I like I don’t have a filter I I am brain dead I

I have an opinion on something and I just say it and so sometimes I like like being in a company you have people that they’ll be like I understand you have this opinion or I understand you want to do this thing but like come on be logical about it pros and cons

Like you don’t have to you don’t have to ignore your personality but you also you gotta have you gotta have to have someone that tells you no occasionally yeah yeah it isn’t like the authority to tell you no right because this is another thing right like it’s like if you’ve got if

You’ve got like just like like I know for a fact if I just paid somebody to be my manager or whatever and I’m like yeah I’m paying you you’re my manager like I’m still above them right so I know for a fact if they were trying to be like whoa I’m telling you

Don’t do this thing I’d be like [ __ ] you I I you are beneath me you know land yeah opinionated many people above me to tell me to [ __ ] off uh oh I I didn’t see whether it’s you scrolled too fast you tried too fast someone said someone says you need

Hinges to stay hinge is what say someone exactly exactly yeah and you know I can I can kind of relate in like the the reason why I I guess I like to be independent other than the fact that I mean this is just a

Hobby for me um if if I could do this as a career I would um but I’m not I’m not expecting it to happen I just do this for fun um so if I had someone telling me like you you can you can’t do this with your

Content like I would like I would get pissed off like instantly so I I Pro I probably could not do the whole like having a manager thing because they would hate me they would absolutely hate me and I don’t think there’s anything wrong with like it not being for you right

Like everybody has their own preferences you get a lot of like [ __ ] retweeters they’re like oh well anybody who joins a company is a dumbass because all these companies do is they just steal your money and and no they’re gonna take your IP and blah blah blah bro

You don’t know what the [ __ ] you’re talking about you have done zero research your opinion is worth about as much as your career which is never going to go anywhere because you’re so [ __ ] illiterate about the industry that you keep us you you keep repeating this dog [ __ ] opinions it’s like

I I just okay sorry do you want you want to rant about V tutors we can do that too see it seems like it seems like you got something in the pipe I always I always have nothing but positive things to say about people that preach about how other people should do

Things when they’re not doing anything with their lives I think that’s just the one the most wonderful it’s like the jobless bum on your couch this [ __ ] sitting around smoking weed all day and they’re like bull I can’t get a job you don’t understand the world doesn’t

Understand me by the way you’re a [ __ ] idiot for that job that you have you don’t like those kinds of bumps they’re bumps they’re dumb ass [ __ ] bums and they’re they’re useless there are leeches on society and it does seem like of course I I’m not I’m not quite as as

Well versed as you are because you know I haven’t been doing this very long but when it comes to the people I guess the V tweeters they’re the ones that are like you know never never uh debuting or whatever you know they’re always like or like they

Sometimes they do a debut right and it’s like they spend a [ __ ] ton of money making everything look pretty and at the end of the day they’re always going to be hard stuck at like below 100 viewers because guess what their personality is dog [ __ ] no matter how much [ __ ]

Money you spend you can spend all the money you want you can give yourself the prettiest face in the world but if your personality is still [ __ ] nobody’s gonna [ __ ] watch you that yeah that’s nice I mean no no I the the rants are funny and I enjoy them so um

When it comes to stuff like that yeah and I was actually surprised because the V tweeters I’ve seen that people getting pissed about they’re always like if they’re coming soon or whatever and it’s like I when I decided that I wanted to do this

Like I looked up how to make a model and I made like my first like crappy v-word model in an afternoon while I was visiting my sister like on my shitty laptop and I made it work right so it’s just like it’s not hard well not hard like if if

Anything you could just draw a goofy picture of yourself and put it on the screen and be a streamer with just a picture like you could just do stuff don’t sit and complain about things just do something yeah where to start with stuff right but there but there’s so

Many resources on the internet this is the thing man like if you actually care about something you just you just do it you don’t you don’t keep saying oh but I don’t have the money I don’t have this I don’t have that you figure it out if you

Actually if you actually give a [ __ ] you’ll figure it out yeah like I I what I did I think I think I was looking on YouTube and I found this uh YouTuber I think her name is focus I think that’s what her name was oh yeah she’s great

She had all kinds of [ __ ] on how like how to get started how to get set up right it’s like just which is incredible yeah it’s how to do stuff yeah it’s like super informative so I was able to figure out how to do this and like

This I started like with the vtuber model like before I even had a good computer like I had a 200 laptop that I bought from Walmart because I saw a video on it from Linus Tech tips and I I’ve been using that because I was using

It from when I was still in school and oh my God this this is so comfy we’re just gonna sit here and listen to The rain that’s nice um being an error is funny if you enjoy the content yeah I’m sure being editor I’ve edited videos a little bit and it’s fun

Uh but yeah so I found this stuff so I made the I made the model on my old crappy computer and I literally I I uh like connected my Xbox to my computer and ran the stream from my computer I just played I played [ __ ] Danganronpa

The first one on my on my Xbox like streaming to Twitch it was just fun and I had you know like like I have all these Twitter followers but like five of them show up for my stream you know I’m just that bad

Um but I was I was just I’ve been it was fun and I still think it’s a lot of fun I have an absolute blast doing this and I don’t it’s not about numbers or anything for me or like I get to just I I I think it’s pronounced Danganronpa

I don’t know I think I’m pronouncing it right shut up gets um but yeah it’s just I I thoroughly enjoy the opportunities I’ve gotten just from being a purple [ __ ] on the internet you know I get to I’ve met like super cool people befriended some really

Awesome people and it’s just it’s a lot of fun I just enjoy I’m just enjoying myself I’m just I’m just chilling and having fun and that’s that’s just kind of that’s my whole process I think that’s the best thing you can do like there’s two paths you can take and

Everybody assumes you always have to be like aiming to be like a [ __ ] Mega celebrity and [ __ ] but you know you just do stuff you can just be a YouTuber you don’t have to [ __ ] and it’s fine to like also pursue like oh well it would be nice if I got like

Mega famous or whatever oh yeah yourself you don’t need a [ __ ] perfectly plan everything out you can just have a good time it’s it’s a journey it’s a the the statistical odds of you ever actually like of literally anybody hitting like [ __ ] a hundred thousand average viewers you know it’s it’s not

Gonna happen unless unless you’re like that one in a billion person yeah have a good time man you have a good [ __ ] time yeah they want Clinton popularity over everything and I see I think that’s that’s people’s downfall right like if you get into something with the mindset

Of your I’m gonna get popular off of this then no you’re not because that attitude turn it into a chore yeah and that answer is going to shine through as well like yeah people are gonna get it why do that to yourself yeah I and I guess some people

And so this is not initially a negative thing but I’ve noticed some people that stream are Workaholics um you know they uh they’ll they’ll stream when they probably shouldn’t and my thing was like man if I’ve had a [ __ ] day and I know that I’m not going

To be any good on stream like I don’t I would rather just you know go skip a day or do an extra stream later on that makes any sense you see you’re somebody that he streamed like no matter how bad were mood or whatever is going on like he always

Streams and some people can do that yeah some people can do that yeah that would just depends on your personality what kind of content you do what your viewers are there for angry string for the concert yeah and yeah Angus when it comes to me like I’m already kind of just a

Loki kind of guy anyway so if I’m tired like I’m a you’re you’re watching a [ __ ] zombie on the screen like I I I I feel terrible like man I I did not do well at all if I do a string like that so not for everybody but you gotta you

Gotta look at your own stuff and you gotta be like this is what I’m meant for this is what I can do this is what’s for my audience and you go from there there’s no one size fits all with this kind of [ __ ] man everybody stuff is different

Led me to death but I got zero res that’s fine I don’t need Riz I have a gun that sounds bad Court it was it was meant to sound bad Jesus no I I don’t I don’t I don’t care about rizz I don’t I don’t care about

Clout I don’t care any of that I just want to look look y’all are laughing at me that’s that’s what makes me happy y’all thought if you thought that was if you thought that awful off-color joke was funny then I’m happy you should have heard the cannibalism joke I made to my

Friend Barry one time um that’s that’s that’s what I mean that’s what I’m in it for just just to have fun what was the cannibalism joke uh okay okay uh you know what I’ll say it again um you know people love to say you are what you eat

And if that’s true then I’m your boyfriend yeah that was the joke that’s terrible I thought it was funny I thought it was funny I’m judging uh well judge me all you want I I don’t I don’t need it and keep your judgment to yourself you don’t you don’t need the Judgment but

I’m judging anyways I think maybe you do need it no I’m good I’m good okay I don’t I don’t need judgment from from the likes of you who who was that supposed to mean huh I don’t I don’t know I’m trying to think of another thing to make fun of you man you

Can’t I’m too skilled oh so a dragon fat deposits mentioned mold is that sort of thing is that still a thing no they don’t know what they’re talking about they don’t know what they’re talking about really they don’t know what they’re talking about the vomit drawer I’ve I’ve seen the story about

The vomit drawer okay but honestly that that was actually kind of smart I’ll give you that one it was that was actually smart it was smart oh why is there a bunch of ant emo so what okay what’s what’s the story behind the ants I don’t think I’ve heard this one I want

To know there’s just a bunch of ants I don’t know what to do about it about it so it’s in like where they’re answering your house yeah did you just want to dance in your house no liar we have like bug traps and [ __ ] to stop that yeah because so you have bug

Traps because you get bugs and you have to get rid of the bugs you like have a bug shot and then like you can get like Pest Control to come like once a year and it’s not too no it’s not too many people into my house

We’ll go just tell them to spray the outside then It’s Gonna Hurt It’s Gonna Hurt the the bugs and [ __ ] man and it’s like I don’t want the bugs in my house but I also don’t want like birds eating those bugs and then the birds are dying side effects

From [ __ ] bug poison being in my yard it’s dangerous and they put they put [ __ ] up kinds of chemicals in there and they don’t tell you what’s what’s all in there and then you find out ten years later when people are developing tumors out of their [ __ ] eyeballs

Because it turns out to be me [ __ ] uh This Way pesticide company actually um was putting a [ __ ] Mercurial compound for 73 in there bug poison and now anybody who ever walked in the grass for more than five minutes grass you’d be safe okay I I I mean you can’t argue that can

You you’ve already said you don’t want to touch grass I don’t want to touch grass so if they spray the grass you’re fine I don’t want poison in my yard I I mean I’m I’m around freaking I don’t have a lot of yard I can’t I can’t risk

It being poisoned my dog goes in the yard I’m around plastic fumes all the time like my my number’s limited anyway so I see this [ __ ] 3D printing people they [ __ ] they have I’ve seen these [ __ ] these people with these huge ass booms just full of 3D printers and they also have

Like the [ __ ] computer in there and they’re just sitting there talking and it’s like you’re breathing all that [ __ ] in ah microplastics in my lungs yes yeah yeah I mean to be fair I mostly use like pla which is like a plant-based kind of thing so maybe it’s not quite as bad I

Don’t know I don’t know I had my very different I had an open 3D printer before the one that I have now and I remember when it ran I would like I would I would feel it in my lungs and I started the one there

I was like what the [ __ ] going on and then I realized the [ __ ] 3D printed oh sorry so you do have a 30 very often no no no I I that [ __ ] is such a hassle oh it’s it’s once you get it working nice it’s it’s

It’s like once you learn how to tune it like I can print like multi-day prints like I can have it running for like a week straight an entire gun in a week or less that’s different it’s not some tiny little thing it’s not some tiny thing they’re asked

Uh well obviously she’s not printing anything what what printer do you have right now oh [ __ ] I don’t remember what it was enclosed ones oh it’s a fancy one there’s a fancy one it’s like an 1100 printer I got it for free from a dead guy’s house oh okay

Yeah why all right sounds weird but like I’ve got a a printer that I bought for a hundred bucks you know and I build guns on it you got you gotta go you gotta go rob a dead guy’s house okay did you rob it did you or was it

Like an mistake okay I was like whoa you grave Robin was like is it new people lore no one of one of my neighbors died and like a couple houses ago and yeah and so like I was helping like clear it out and [ __ ] and yeah he had a printer they’re saying

This Canon now you you’re a grave rubber no [Laughter] but um he had to get a bunch of stuff he had a bunch of like little model car kits and uh [ __ ] ton of Bojangle boxes like floor to ceiling the giant ass Bojangle boxes you know you know when you go to

Bojangles and and there they have like the big the big yellow boxes not for like not like the normal ones but just the chicken but like they’re like they’re meant for like families okay yeah like a big family pack thing yeah and he just had that [ __ ] stacked

Floor to ceiling he looked alone so he was just he survived on nothing but Bojangles he ‘ll like nothing but Bojangles cigarettes I mean if it’s if you’re gonna pick one thing like this that’s not a bad choice though I agree with that I think I picked golden windows

They got a pretty diverse menu yeah well do you ever think you ever think you would 3D printing gun like are you I guess are you somewhere that is gun friendly I mean I assume you probably are yeah yeah I plan on it I just haven’t gotten

Around doing it it’s I I mean if I could figure it out literally anybody can like uh I don’t think it’s hard there’s plenty of resources out there yeah so some sometimes I’m sometimes my guns actually surprise me when they work I feel like I smack

Things with a hammer way too often to be an actual gunsmith but if I can do it anybody can yeah I’m not I’m not I mean if people like printed guns I mean she would literally be a gun bunny but I mean that’s I I cannot make Pippa do anything because

That would be a felony and I’m not going I’m not going to prison so she has to figure it out herself that’s all on you [ __ ] ER the rules and [ __ ] around like building your own guns are ridiculous like it’s like someone told me like like even borrowing tools could get you in

Trouble with ATF to build a gun I thought it’s just in like that’s in like other countries in the US you just you you print you you print the lower part and and and and and and and and then and then yes like yeah basic stuff yeah

You buy it you buy the you buy what yeah like yeah like so my my paper gun I printed I printed the lower and had everything else delivered because the lower is the only thing that’s regulated yeah um but like so for example if I printed a lower

And like on my printer and gave it to you that’s a felony is it yes if if you printed a lower on my printer there there’s some gray area there it might be a felony it might not yeah you’re it’s it’s in it’s intentionally vague here yeah you’re not

Supposed to yeah and it’s true flamethrowers are largely unregulated um yeah borrowing tools can get you in trouble uh with the ATF because they’re they’re stupid so it’s it’s all just a much so you basically you got to learn how to do everything yourself and put it all together yourself

Is if you don’t want to uh if you don’t want to be a felon for no reason yeah this is like like with gun [ __ ] it’s just not worth like talking about it publicly it’s like you never know they’re gonna [ __ ] get you for it I am too [ __ ]

Dumb to keep up with all the [ __ ] that they come up with yeah yeah I uh I am lucky to where I I know people that that are are more acquainted with it um uh and if you ever if you’re ever curious uh that you know there’s there’s

Second Amendment lawyers that have some yes ATF eight exactly so I mean but yeah basically the thing is you just gotta not violate the NFA and which the NFA is also stupid we hate the NFA here um and oh hey it’s one of those guys and

Uh you’ve got to do it all yourself basically and as long as you’re not in not somewhere stupid like California or New York like doing it yourself is there’s no issue at all so yeah and I I just I I am very careful because I do

I am public with the guns I print at least I like I own other guns that like I’m not gonna Post online because they’re like worth more money than my printed guns so yeah but uh but yeah I I I chose to I chose to be forward-facing with it and

The FEDS can find you no matter how good you protect your identity they can find you so whatever you want to never never put never post your felonies on Twitter don’t post your feelings on Twitter and tag me in it and tell me it’s cool I

Will not praise you for it I will not it has happened before or it’s happened to my DMs no I’m sorry I’m gonna call you an idiot and tell you to leave people are crazy they really are what is this I’m just freaking guy is in my house now

One of the Llama guys come on guys I’m trying to light him on fire oh there we go run away one of those traveling Merchant guys go to people’s house yeah let’s let’s go see what people’s progress is huh they want they want to see how you’ve done on on your house

I do like the aesthetic like it looks like you’re using like the quartz blocks which looks kind of like old like Greek [ __ ] but then it’s like got this cool what you call it nuket no I’m not I’m not gonna like oh there’s an axolotl

Yeah don’t look my house I love I love those well the whole point is to be like the more people I have on here like they get to they get to keep the [ __ ] they built here for later so yeah we do we do a little home invading that’s all amazing

You see like I I built I built a couple stuff over there but I didn’t even decorate the inside I didn’t even bother with it that that’s that that’s more woman Brewing thing I guess he’s got a couch and everything yeah well someone’s saying they’re sending

Sala to your crane that sounds like a terrible idea why I don’t know I think I think saw it was in the chat sorry grape she’s funny she’s also funny just tell her it’s a prank and you can get away with your home Innovation uh I mean we’re both American so

Yeah no it’s not gonna work around you find out like I like I have a security system and I’m never I’m never less than with an orange reach up a gun so we don’t we don’t we don’t do those kind of pranks around here no I mentioned 3D printing but what

About uh ludy’s design uh it’s [ __ ] like have you ever seen like uh any of the guntubers that have built one it works you can build one but it’s garbage it has the Barrel’s not rifled it’s got an awful trigger it’s got a weird it’s got a weird mag release thing it’s

It’s terrible like you can you could build it yeah quote Yeah quote unquote works the fgc9 is superior and I mean if if you if you are if you have an sot and you can legally build machine guns there are fully automatic uh fgc nines so you can have something

That’s easier to build it has a rifle barrel and you could potentially have one that’s select fire so why would you want why would you want a Ludy over any of that still better than the zip gun I I suppose it would still be better than a

Zip gun I mean with the way things are now like like I’m I’m working on another project uh I got added to the debate it’s called the eat 22 it’s a 22 semi-automatic pistol that’s it’s small enough to be concealable like like the early versions of it were massive but now you can

Actually like put it in your pocket like it’s there’s and it’s all fully DIY you don’t need you don’t need any actual gun parts so there’s a whole lot there’s there’s been a lot of advancement and I’ve been I’ve been I was lurking 3d2a like probably since I don’t know maybe 2016

Or so and then in 2021 I finally like decided to get in on it so yeah yeah you can use nail blanks as bullets and like like the the guy who was like a major major developer of the fgc9 he was like freaking he was a European

Like he was he was it was completely yeah the regulations yeah exactly working around not being allowed to own a gun at all you know yeah Tannerite dog yeah and Tannerite dog um yeah yeah Europeans I hate uh his name was Jay Stark and I he he had more American Spirit

Than some Americans because he he worked on that gun yeah people needs to stream her first 3D 3D 3D 2A build on the on Odyssey I mean if you ever build something yeah I mean you could probably do it on Twitch like twitch wouldn’t care but yeah if you ever built something you

Should totally like if it’s if it’s something that you know is legal and you wanted to show it off yeah twitch would probably be the place probably buy one of those uh cute kits I saw there was like there was like drama over one uh like pink kit that somebody made

People were like oh it’s so expensive this defeats the point of of the three they printed okay who did that I’m not sure I’m not sure we should talk because I mean there’s a lot of stuff here I go yeah um Kate k Tech was your Atomic K

Tactical I mean I mean like no that this that’s just the weeb company and they like make their guns really overpriced but you know like well they are overpriced ridiculously overpriced but you know I I won’t get too I won’t get too much into that because they’re not they’re not really like

They’re not they’re not really into like the 3D printing spear they just kind of do their own thing yeah it wasn’t printed there is there has been people like oh was it yeah no it wasn’t printed oh yeah they had they did 80 lowers at one point uh which

Those are the ones you have to like drill out yourself um I have 80 lower and I’ve never done it because it’s just so much more difficult than just printing one but expensive SVD is eight thousand dollars and I’ve read a double barrel go for highs 200k that is true but if you’re

Gonna buy an AR pistol that’s been cerakoted in funny colors like you could get it a lot cheaper than four grand I’m just saying like to have a Minecraft mod on I’ve got a I’ve got shaders on make my game look kind of nice so I guess that counts huh

PSA for spray print yes I’m a big fan of rattle canning guns um I guess whenever we get around to any of the stream I’ve got some of the guns on my little screen I can show off which makes it snow wrapping it up yeah are you I guess are you planning on

Streaming at your normal time okay oops well let me let me mute this so it’s not I’m not hearing Minecraft noise as well so yeah so guns uh we can show we can show these off real quick this is not all of my printed guns but it’s a lot of

Them uh hippie you’re in the way hold on where’s I gotta find the right ah there we go I’m just gonna scooch you over a little okay so above me but but behind my head that’s my fgc9 right above me uh so this actual pictures of all the of guns that I built

Uh the fgc9 uh it’s a special one it was modified to take scorpion Evo mags which I mean if you’re a gun nerd like you know like scorpion mags are easy to easier to load than Glock mags so that’s basically like it was my idea and a gun developer

Decided to do it which is kind of cool uh make sure you obviously I got my paper gun up there in the small PP configuration it’s got the little tiny barrel got that that was that was so fun to build too like um that one that that’s actually not a colored

Filament I had to paint it because I didn’t have any pink filament at the time uh and I made the little keychain on it myself uh which uh kill and fire kiln fire link made the art that I used to make that little keychain it’s the

One it’s the one with you holding the you’re like holding a printed rifle um then below that the purple one that’s the very first AR I built also is a rapid girl AR that’s got like uh that’s the [ __ ] uh strong bunny girl from my hero got her silhouette on it then

There’s wild berry below that that is a mod 9 and that is the most annoying build I’ve ever had to deal with it’s given me the most trouble but it’s very pretty I like I like it a lot all my guns are classy ladies I’m gonna move

You over again then up top right that’s my yandere AR it’s like uh uh you know themed it’s got like fake blood and [ __ ] on it at one point I had had like an actual kitchen knife like strapped to it as like a makeshift bayonet it was funny

And then oh I guess huh that seems dangerous uh I mean yeah I I stabbed the kitchen knife into a tree and it broke so it was a little dangerous oh I just want to see how it would work um I’ll move the chat box a little uh

Here yeah that that’ll work that’ll work right there um next next to Pippa on the bottom that’s my most recent one it’s a AR pistol and 300 Blackout first gun I’ve ever built in 300 Blackout I gave it like a like a splinter camo e kind of look with purple

But yeah it’s a it’s a fun it’s a fun hobby um I I’ve I’ve been having a blast doing all this you know yeah like this I don’t know I’m really we’re we’re kind of winding down the stream I’m always bad at ending streams I usually just tell people to [ __ ] off

And I hit in stream but I’ve got a guest on for once um but yet it was fun I did see uh the sound didn’t work but I did see the uh subscription notifications several times so thank you thank you for the people that subscribed uh if you’re interested

In gun content I do have another gun channel uh I’m hopefully gonna be putting more stuff on there too uh people that thinks a lot this was this was really cool um like getting to stream with your Oshi like that’s that’s a really cool thing

To do so I never I never I was really nervous at first just to ask so it it was it was really cool so I appreciate it yeah I’m sorry I’m not very like I’m I’m not I’m not good at interacting I’m sorry no no it’s fine like I I’m not

The best at it either like I definitely I definitely think definitely think you’re doing you’re doing a pretty good job though uh yeah go go up make go make friends do all that good stuff you know I’m trying I know I’m trying I know it’s great people are people are very

Happy about it well you could and I’m like uh you could you could like I said you could collab with a [ __ ] like a banana and it would go well honestly like this is fun um I guess uh case on collab win I know people are going to want to know that Happened yeah don’t bug don’t bug people about it just let it happen when it happens yeah people people love yeah yeah everybody here everybody loves Pippa this is really fun thank you again um thank you I don’t know any any anything else you wanna you wanna say

Before I tell everybody to leave I like my Minecraft house I’m proud of it it was a very nice Minecraft house thank you I I enjoyed I enjoyed looking at it I got a little too into it maybe but it’s yeah I I haven’t played Minecraft

In forever I mean like it was it was cool we could we could do this again sometime like you open invitation you can come back whenever like so you can build more [ __ ] like it was fun very very yeah second coloration it’ll be bigger okay yeah go go for it I’m

Perfectly fine with that it was it was a comfy stream thank you guys um you know uh if you ever want to come back I tried a string a few times a week uh my streams are generally last minute so you could follow my Twitter uh if you

Want to actually get notifications or uh there’s a link tree in the description there’s a Discord server and all that stuff uh we both did great Great Entertaining thank you I appreciate it I I really appreciate that honestly um that’s it I I can’t read people yet I

Gotta hit a thousand subscribers to raid people but you know where to go pippa’s gonna stream and like what like 45 minutes or so so it was fun all right get get the hell out we’re done I hope you come back bye-bye

This video, titled ‘VTuber culture, fans, and more – “In Minecraft” with Pipkin Pippa’, was uploaded by Mr JMeZZ | EN VTuber on 2023-05-26 00:35:11. It has garnered 3365 views and 290 likes. The duration of the video is 02:11:18 or 7878 seconds.

Hi I’m Mr JMeZZ I build guns and play video games

support me at: or: all my links: music I use: #vtuber #vtuberen #minecraft

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    "Uncover Minecraft's Top 5 Secret Hacks Now!" #cubius #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft’s Top 5 Secret Hacks! #shorts #minecraftshorts’, was uploaded by Cubius Shorts on 2024-02-12 18:19:57. It has garnered 130658 views and 8232 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:47 or 47 seconds. Top 5 secret tricks and build hacks in Minecraft! #redstonebuilds #howtomake #minecraft #minecraftshorts #shorts Read More

  • Herobrine Believer Parody – INSANE twist! 👀

    Herobrine Believer Parody - INSANE twist! 👀Video Information This video, titled ‘Herobrine Parody Believer’, was uploaded by zNeitherMC on 2024-03-04 17:41:19. It has garnered 4 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:02 or 602 seconds. minecraft parody,believer,herobrine believer,minecraft parody believer,minecraft believer parody,herobrine,imagine dragons believer,minecraft believer,believer herobrine,imagine dragons believer minecraft parody,believer minecraft,animation life 3 🎶 minecraft parody believer,minecraft believer song,minecraft herobrine,believer parody,herobrine animação believer,herobrine believer animation,believer mine,animation life 2 🎶 minecraft parody believer Read More

  • Server26 SMP Small No Teleport 1.20.2 18+ Older Players Discord LGBTQ+ Friendly GriefPrevention Player Shops No Resets est. 2015 Overview Our main guideline is to leave the “meta” of pure Vanilla survival as unaltered as possible (for a public server). The only 3 plugins that interfere with this are GriefPrevention, a sleep voting plugin, and player item shops for trading. Many features from other plugins are absent by design and won’t be added. Map: Discord: Community Laid back rules, a close knit community, events from time to time, and always something you can help with. Staff and other players are available to assist. Hermitcraft-like shop area available for players using a trade shop plugin. Gameplay This… Read More

  • One Life New Hardcore Chill Vanilla Sever to onelife a true vanilla hardcore sever where the only thing you have to worry about is survival.There is no stealing or PVP allowed on the server so it’s the perfect sever for evryone to relax and chill together.So wether you want to build a mega base, create the most complex redstone contraption or just build a nice house and have a laugh with your friends one life is the sever for you.But just remember once you die it’s over! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft Meme Carnage #19

    Looks like this meme has mined its way to the top with a diamond score of 892! Read More

  • Hot tips for Minecraft noobs #gitgud

    Hot tips for Minecraft noobs #gitgud “The complete guide to Minecraft in one video? So basically just 10 minutes of trying to figure out how to build a house and then getting blown up by a creeper.” #minecraftfail #nooblife Read More

  • Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience on Minewind Server

    Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience on Minewind Server Welcome to! Are you a fan of recreating iconic homes in Minecraft like Sazae’s house? If so, you’ll love the immersive and creative community at Minewind Minecraft Server. Join players from around the world in crafting unique structures and exploring vast landscapes. Dive into the world of Minewind today and unleash your imagination! Server IP: YT.MINEWIND.NET Read More

  • When Your Middle School Syndrome Strikes

    When Your Middle School Syndrome Strikes Exploring the World of Minecraft with 兔兔 Join 兔兔 on an exciting journey through the world of Minecraft as they showcase their creativity and skills in a short video. Dive into the realm of #mineimator and witness the magic unfold! The Adventure Begins 兔兔, also known as the first-day player and a master of explosive magic, introduces themselves amidst flames and excitement. The origin of fire, the end of fire – their name is etched in the annals of Minecraft history. With a resounding cry of “EXPLOSION,” the adventure kicks off in style! Supporting the Creator If you enjoyed… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Scary Myth Testing!

    Ultimate Minecraft Scary Myth Testing!Video Information these are the scariest myths in Minecraft you should never test starting with a terrifying seene with some strange generation this is the myth of the corrupted nether roof all right man okay so the Overworld seems very normal so far all we have to do is make ourselves a little portal get some of that obsidian Place her down and oh oh hello wait this is convenient bro I got a ruined portal that just spawned in front of me I mean the only thing that would be more convenient than this is if we had like… Read More

  • Minecraft Myth Busters

    Minecraft Myth BustersVideo Information these are the scariest Minecraft lies that will keep you up at night starting with a terrifying lie sent in by Kenny on Discord who says Everyone has missed this there is something very wrong in this Dimension ooh wait a second a new dimension don’t go here followed by a very random string of what are these these look like the unknown Pokémon oh also version 20 w14 infinite oh wait so in this seed you can make any type of portal you want all you have to do is write anything into a book and throw… Read More

  • BAN any mod instantly with this new plugin!

    BAN any mod instantly with this new plugin!Video Information salutations everybody if you don’t know what mod Observer is then you are missing out because this mod Observer mod is going to change Minecraft servers forever it essentially eliminates the possibility for cheaters to even join your server how it does this is by checking the mods that the user joining your server has installed and then checking the those mods against the whitel list or Blacklist that you have created that way people can only join your server if they are following the mod guidelines so if they have mods that are Whit listed or if… Read More

  • Insane Modded Minecraft Server Survival in NordBerg!

    Insane Modded Minecraft Server Survival in NordBerg!Video Information [Music] even all right P the gamer let’s go get some stuff bro we got to go get some stuff for the craft hey the homeless man’s here hello my homeless counterpart me and you me you and me we’re out here homeless all around all around the scene so happy making it dirty we’re in the middle of the wants [Laughter] [Laughter] us whoa whoa whoa you’ve been here for 5 seconds you’re already blowing everything up is that a fer wolf I just heard in the distance I heard explosion are you sure can we be… Read More

  • Discover the Hidden Wonders of Estonia – MINECRAFT SERVER!

    Discover the Hidden Wonders of Estonia - MINECRAFT SERVER!Video Information all right hello guys welcome back to another video um it’s it’s my Earth person p with France the active countries or Italy Germany France Spain and Portugal and Hungary and me as Estonia I’m going show you around this was my old house this is the Estonian dock you can see it right here Stone do this island is called Sara is called Huma and this is the pan European Railway which goes through almost every country Estonia La Lithuania Poland kaliningrad Russia Italy France Spain Portugal Germany Romania Hungary and much more but let’s show you… Read More

Mr JMeZZ | EN VTuber – VTuber culture, fans, and more – “In Minecraft” with Pipkin Pippa