Video Information

In this Mega video I’m trolling my Minecraft friend in real life for 24 hours straight from buying him Minecraft mobs in real life whatever he eats in Minecraft I make him eat in real life whatever happens in Minecraft happens in real life and so much more he got very

Mad today today I bought locks and axel on the internet and I am not joking that’s right today we’ve did a Minecraft 1v1 and every elimination I spun the wheel and I bought locks whatever it landed on guys good thing locks is a respon responsible pet owner this video got pretty

Crazy what are you eating sir sir we’re not eating some Mr top five chips we’re not doing cooking class we’re doing one V one well I’m eating some Mr top five chips Mr top five get out of here Mr top five sweat oh that’s nasty

That is gross L all right so what are we doing today we are doing a One V one and as of right now get your butt over here I’m going to give you a wooden sword we’re starting off with only wood and these items are going to get stronger

And stronger armor it’s rain it’s raining all right well well then make it clear I’m I’m getting leather armor I enjoy the rain I like it oh well honestly I do too but I don’t think the viewers do because it’s too dark okay fine time set oh wait no no no not time

Set day weather clear yeah that’s right put that on Sir you’re kind of freaking me out okay game mode survival uh all I can tell you is there’s going to be a surprise every elimination all right 3 2 1 go all right ladies and gentlemen we know Lux is

Terrible at Minecraft so let’s just hit him once and let’s run away oh cute dude dude stop running bro dude come on why why are you scared oh lo is about to get eliminated ow ow ow come on come on get out of here get out of here bro I can’t see

You oh my God you’re awful come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on say goodbye you know what that was beginner’s luck that was that was beginner’s luck dude so uh he’s still so confident what what what what’s

The catch what’s the catch I I got to view my microphone Roger stop barking I got to be right back I love Roger this is a spin the wheel let’s spin it right now Axel is literally on the list the first item a nose air trimmer

All right the first item nose no hair trimmer this is going to be gross you know what I’ll be nice we’re going to get locks of gold nose hair trimmer there it is golden all of its Glory just wait until later where um I start adding fish to his cart I don’t understand

Why’d you go AFK H don’t worry about it I had some very busy uh business to deal with I don’t even know what I’m saying what what kind of business is it like the the big business yep big business all right l he’s a gentleman I just got

Myself a stone sword now let’s nicely want gold sword no you get a stone sword and a gold sword I mean stone sword old get over get over to your side sir sir you’re kind of aggressive and you’re kind of making me uncomfortable oh now you’re a dog now

You’re a dog now you’re a dog you’re going down I already got a hit over you bro you’re going down dude stop running stop stop running dog do ow ow ow ow ow what are you doing no no stop it stop it dude why do you keep running he hasn’t

Even hit me once and now let’s go back again on you’re going down you’re going down you’re going down say goodbye say goodbye oh we’re straing okay this is so annoying dude why you’re you’re you’re using hacks or something bro you’re literally using hacks or something bro

Uh no that that that’s a load of poop dude that literally a load of poop bro wasn’t using ha you using ha no but I still have six hearts I figured a now it’s raining are those your tears coming down from the sky no oh no oh Roger’s

Barking I’ll be right back again Roger not again come on come on I cannot wait for it to be an axel oh fart spray well we know ax already smells like farts so maybe he’s not going to dislike this one fart spray there is no chance this exists oh my

Gosh it exists uh should we get the 1089 or should we be on a budget I think we need to be on a budget $6.99 let’s add this to the cart let’s see what it’s going to be next I can’t wait let me guess you don’t want to do

All Iron now you want to do a One V one using all Iron huh am I right yeah you are right but uh turn off your hack turn it off by the way you forget K I have a lot of surprises for you well we’ll talk about that later game mode greed sir

What are what are you holding oh waiting for my armor is that for me no here’s a chest plate here’s some leggings and now me one two three what about my feet N I like seeing your feet hey give me some feet stuff like the shoes but their

Armor game mode survival and it’s on once again why are you running I’m just going to stay right here bro okay whatever you say wait what the what the bro no stop get out of here get out of here oh oh oh you want to go down don’t you oh my gosh

Oh now you’re running now you’re running oh where’s your sword huh where’s your sword now huh let’s see if Lock’s going to eliminate me at all okay he might actually get me oh no he won’t what the get out get out of here bro what what dude no no no

No oh man oh man you are in big trouble dude you in big trouble you’re in big trouble dude I mean one could say I’m in big trouble but just wait until the shipment arrives at your house what do you mean shipment what do you mean

Shipment speak this time I just left I didn’t even say anything come on stuffed animal Axel are we doing $6.99 are we doing 20 I think we got to do this one this one looks so funny can’t you just picture lock sleeping at night cuddling with this stuffed Axel maybe we’re doing

A good thing at the cart we have $47 worth of items you know what we get him an axel shirt too anatomy anatomy of an AEL add to cart why not I want to see some effort out of you from now on let me guess Diamond we’re going to do diamond now aren’t

We well if you are an Albert Einstein all right now uh give me it 1 two 3 four let’s see if sir take your helmet 1 2 3 4 let’s see if Lo can get his first elimination oh I almost forgot there you go my sword yeah thank you all

Right armor is coming on klocks get his first elimination I’d say the answer is no look how aggressive he is oh oh he’s actually getting hits he’s actually getting Hits come on come on come on come come on come come here come here come here come here Daddy come on Sir

Can you repeat that all all right sir what did you no no no no no no no no no going what did you just say why do you keep turning away bro no you better tell me what you said first uh I said Patty like crabby patty crabby patty dude that

Sounds real good right now but it sounds better ah the bees man the Beast St me oh my gosh oh ow ow ow ow dude stop what a beautiful dayu wait why am I stuck oh my gosh wait now you’re stuck you’re going down now guys I only have

Two hearts I only have two hearts no what dude come on you’re make wait I don’t know what up your sleep but there’s something up your sleep oh someone’s knocking on the door oh my gosh it’s mying it’s my dog you’re literally doing something I know you’re

Doing something well if it isn’t back to the wheel let’s spin this right now fake poop man whoever made this list is a real jerk wasn’t me oh that’s gross oh my which one looks the nastiest am I going to get demonetized for this h i mean oh that’s the weather outside is

Frightful but I want lock next to me at night in the cold locks come over I don’t know just get over here y yo yo yo yo yo yo yo dude I found your high school photo ah oh it’s bad that’s what you get for calling me polar

All right I hope this is the final round let’s get full netherite armor and a netherite sword Mr top five completed the challenge I don’t even know what I did and a nice netherite sword for you oh great where where where’s where’s oh my helmet’s right here guys I’m just

Going to stay in creative mode for this entire round and then we’re going to order him in Axel what the dude it won’t let me hit you really bro it’s not letting me hit you that’s so weird that’s so weird now I’m flying put me out of my

Misery oh wait I I got to be right back again of course you do come on come on oh my gosh let’s go okay I need to give a little bit of a background before I order this Lux has been wanting another pet fish for so long he has his own pet

Fish tank and obviously yeah we make fun of him a lot but deep down inside he is an animal lover these fish are rare but he will be in amazing odor his reaction is going to be crazy what fluffy Gill black melanoid Axel 3 to 6 in fluffy Gil

Albino these I I literally feel like I’m in the Minecraft marketplace right now ladies and gentlemen we’re going to get locks a fluffy G golden albino 3 to 6 in there’s three in stock my gosh why am I doing this why am I doing this well time

To proceed to check out here we go all right what’s the jig what did you do uh I may have ordered you stuff on eBay Amazon and other various sit what kind of stuff did you order me uh let me just you know nicely give you a hint if you

Don’t mind here you go what the AEL lle thing the little the rare fish wait yeah these things are like $1,000 yeah I got you an axel I don’t mind that I don’t mind that at all ladies and gentlemen I told you so are you excited

To be a father of an axel in real life dude I’m excited I like these things they’re pretty neat all right and also enjoy the fake poop and also you’re a pretty hairy guy so enjoy the nose triber pluck pluck pluck what the why would you buy me you know what you know

What thanks for the fish but goodbye well lock is a dad now today whatever lox eats in Minecraft he has to eat in real life including the most disgusting Foods in the world hey dude I got a fun video for us yeah I still see you’re wearing your nice little wings you think

You’re going to fly today think you’re going to fly into the sky yeah with your little wings Wings you like wearing Wings huh Lux is being so mean so we have to get revenge Lux what is this see what’s inside of that chest that is iron

Armor and an iron sword just for you yeah cool so I get to play Minecraft and beat the game what lox doesn’t know is we’re about to do a One V one and if he gets eliminated I’m about to set up three chests one with a good food one

With an okay food and one with a disgusting food Lux let’s do a One V one but I promise nothing bad will happen if you lose you’re scaring me all right you know what that’s fine I’ve been practicing my 1V one skills me and my girl Jenna Orga we’ve been playing all

Day yeah okay buddy all right you ready 3 2 one go all right guys all I got to do is eliminate locks I have The High Ground I have The High Ground you make it too easy come on up ow why is your reach so high oh this is going

To be good how V lost power and all the food in his fridge is completely expired by the way so how was the snow storm I mean it was cold wintry come on come on come on come on come on I’m going to get that get that no yes all

Right guys a win is a win so now he has to do whatever I want box I have a present for you is it a million dollar no no no guys we are going to do game mode creative and now that we’re in Creative let’s get one chest two chests

And three chests place down this first one the second one and the third one this is a ton of food in my inventory and Lux has all of this at home but it all went bad because of the snowstorm he lost power and let’s make it a little

More fun with some rotten flesh chest number one we’ll have rotten flesh chest number two we’ll have rotten eggs from his fridge that went completely bad and chest number three is literal Cactus because for some reason he has Cactus at home are you hungry by chance uh a

Little bit I haven’t eaten breakfast oh oh well um today’s your lucky day dude today is your lucky lucky day all I can tell you right now is I have a present for you open up one of these chests all right open up a chest uh which one do I

Want to only one right only one it has a huge presy mo catch a tiger by the toe if it hollers let it go eeny meeny miny mo locks opened up huh what’ you get egg I got an egg why did you give me an egg

On your webcam guys as I mentioned all of his food went bad oh yes all right you told me to go get an egg it’s kind of old cuz my fridge doesn’t work I mean it’s a little warm what do I have to do with it eat

It eat the egg but but it’s Ro why oh I know what you wanted a One V one so I can eat food dude I’m just kidding dude you don’t have to do it you don’t have to do it oh My sir e oh my dude I literally said it was a joke you didn’t have to do it what the heck not joke you’re challenging me time for round two all right dude now that you know the stakes just know that there’s going to be more chest you

Little punk get out of get get out of get out of game mode yeah get out of game mode you little punk yeah you’re not going to make me eat anything again lox doesn’t realize that is oh no oh no no no no no no no no no no no no guys if

He eliminates me the video is over lock doesn’t realize that his chest plate is completely gone so if I can just find some time to eat this pork chop regain my health it’s going to be an easy elimination all right my health is coming back dude are you eliminating

This round you know what you and the Egg have in common what’s you’re both chickens B B Block hey Lux chicken oh come on come on get out of here pal oh you’re going to lose you’re going to lose um change your camera and look at

Your chest plate what do you mean what where did it go oh no you’re pulling my leg aren’t you locks locks locks so are you um still hungry fine I’ll do it but you’re not going to get one more elimination out of me in this chest has the cactus and this

Chest has the rotten flesh he ate the egg so now let’s replace this one with the most disgusting carrots in the world they are literally Brown now because this fridge was not working all right all right so we’re going to pick this again all right all right listen is

There any good ones at least oh dude they’re all good they are all so good I am giving you such a reward if you guess the right chest so we have this we have this and we have this what piece of cactus you want me to eat a live piece

Of cactus oh my gosh I mean you don’t have to but a challenge is a challenge buddy I’ll get needles in my mouth it literally probably eliminate me wait hold on a minute I’ll be be right back wait what what I found in my pantry what is that wait tender Cactus it’s actually

Food uh vegan suitable plant-based diet I’m going to be honest though I’ve never eaten one of these in my life guys I am on the edge of my seat what am I good job you opened it up yay Lu woo I smells weird am nervous this man looks weird is

About to eat a Cactus oh no oh no oh dear goodness gracious oh my gosh sir hi that’s gross well time for food number three why do they sell this box I have good news for you the third food is amazing guys as we know in chest

Number three is rotten flesh and lox is going to have to eat that in real life all right are you ready uh you know what I don’t care that I don’t have a chest plate I’m going straight to you all right man I I’ll even here I’ll give you

A few hits I want you to win this cuz I don’t want you to have to open up that chest all right I got a few hits going to eliminate you pal guys subscribe if you love it when I troll locks what are you doing I a PVP God how many hearts do

You have more than you how do you know guys I only have two hearts I need to clutch this oh oh come on come on come on yes how how I hit you a million times all right all right all right rank is over just open up this CH yeah just open

Up this chest dude trust me it has really good stuff rotten flesh yeah how am I supposed to eat rotten flesh uh turn on your webcam listen listen listen listen what’s up I I have I have bread you I have applesauce to replace apples I even have milk I don’t have rotten

Flesh I don’t have any type of raw meat chug the milk oh my gosh oh my gosh what was that Facey gave me guys guys uhoh strong bones makes a healthy locks subscribe for more whatever happens to locks in Minecraft will happen to him in real life hey

Guess what you lost the dare I know I know stop Lo whatever you do in this game is about to happen to you in real life I understand I cannot say no to anything you want me to do whatever all right so is this going to be bad go and

Play Minecraft that’s all I’m going to say all right guys Deluxe let’s start here come over here I’m going to help you out go and dig a hole wait what do you mean dig a hole what you just told me to play Minecraft I mean it’s this

This is technically a big hole so you did it in Minecraft I want you in real life to go dig a hole wait you want me to dig a hole like in my backyard yes I do bro that’s a oh my gosh this sounds like a lot of

Work stop stop stop stop stop stop stop no no no no no no no no I mean if you want to do that in real life too go ahead all right no way all right it’s time what is he going to do going to dig

A hole he’s going to dig a hole in real life let’s see if he uses strong old muscles oh my gosh how deep can he dig this hole I have a feeling he’s going to get very upset at me starting off with this hole but I’m going to make him

Bunch of cactus soon oh it’s going to be a great day dude no way what is he doing he’s not very good at digging a hole oh my gosh that’s looking pretty good that’s looking pretty good I don’t know about that sir make it a little bigger make it

A little bigger he’s literally digging a hole in real life oh this is hard work this is hard work man you never touch grass then you go outside this is what happens bigger hole bigger hole bigger oh my gosh keep on digging there like a rock in there keep on digging I think

There is are he can’t go any further oh my gosh poor old loocks poor hold loocks one more perfect perfect yeah there’s your nice hole Mr top five you’re welcome box you’re welcome buddy nice hole wait a second so lo you live in Arizona right yeah kind of looks like the sand biome

What is in Arizona that’s right cactuses is what what what do me a favor in game and go and touch this Cactus ow it’s taking my hearts down well I have a fun party idea what’s your party idea you’re making nous real life and touch a cactus in Arizona in real

Life you’re kidding me you’re kidding me that hurts that literally it it’ll poke me and then it’ll be stuck in my skin I’ll have to pull it out I mean you have to say yes to whatever I say sir yes fine oh no way oh no way all right Mr

Top five oh I C Cactus he’s about to touch a cactus in real life bad this is going to be good no I can’t do it he can’t do it I can’t do it don’t chicken out don’t chicken out lock chicken all right he’s going to do he’s going to wait a

Minute wait a minute oh it hurts oh it’s it’s a fake Cactus are you kidding me do top five oh my gosh okay guys I have the perfect idea lock is getting very upset but now we have a water bucket and all we are going to do with this water

Bucket let’s get some wood planks as well he lox all I can tell you right now is just uh why don’t you just sit there and look pretty what what are you doing what are you doing nothing at all and guys please don’t tell me you’re going

To make me jump off my roof no no no don’t be silly heading on over to do it all right you’re a weird one and say hello to my water bucket wait what what what what what does that mean in real life you have to pour water on your head I love this

Video wait you want me to pour water on my head I mean I’m not a liar oh fine fine you’re literally you are a bad person all right away no way oh oh that’s cold oh oh my gosh no way no way I love my

Job he’s like a dog dude I’m done I’m done so honestly dude it really stinks that there’s no trees here you are very lucky but wait hold on let’s type in Wood let’s get some dark wood and let’s make my own make shift tree let’s get some leaves dude honestly man you should

Probably break this tree with an axe what wait no no no no no sorry not an axe with your fists go and break this tree you got to start Minecraft somewhere right okay dude you are doing great you’re doing I’m getting wood by punching the tree I I that’s what we do

In Minecraft but do you do it in real life go punch a tree no you want me to punch a tree no way dude all right well what even is that what is on that tree can someone let me know dude he’s a to I mean what is this like a little punching

Bag okay yeah um is he just pranking me at this point pretty nice tree to punch yeah get me some Minecraft wood what is wrong with locks okay dude I am having so much fun with you my absolute best friend in the world so here’s what we’re going to

Do here is a piece of fire why are you sniffing me are you going to sniff me in real life yeah I will what the heck so we have some wood and now we have some flint and steel and what I want you to do is light this wood on fire good okay

Good now do that in real life light someone on fire you want me to cause a forest fire Smoky the Bear is not going to be happy all right time to start a fire he’s about to start a fire there’s no way Smokey the Bear is going to be so upset

He’s using a lighter can he even do it though guys he’s trying to does he not know how to start a fire are you kidding me it’s not working it’s not working this man bro this man he’s going to this man so down bad he’s trying a different

Branch wait a minute wait a minute he sounds like he’s never lit a fire before I did it look I did it oh my gosh lock is so down bad subscribe for more today lock got revenge and he put random embarrassing photos of me in a Minecraft build battle

And I am very upset I wanted to do a normal build battle and he completely got revenge if you love these videos subscribe to the channel right now it takes 2 seconds listen dude I’m sorry for putting all those embarrassing photos of you inside of the build battle

Let’s do a nor digity you stopped it on the floor and then you spit in my face which I didn’t mind but I don’t like that so with that being said want to do a normal build you promise this is going to be normal I promise this is going to

Be normal here Follow My Lead I’ll even hold your hand I’ll help you out so this wall right here there good good no no no I’ll be watching watching you sorry sir all right I’m going to start my build you better be building just normal things yes I am all

Right ladies and gentlemen I have never done a normal build battle on the channel before so let’s see how good of a builder I am compared to Locks all right this is going to be my first one we’re going to get one we’re going to

Get two guys let me know as soon as you know what I am building right here okay hold on I need to move these further back I really hope lock is not up to no good because I don’t know he seems like the type of person who would want to get

Revenge I don’t know for sure but let’s just keep on building my build let’s just start constructing it let me know when you know oh dude um also like I know you’ve never really built much before so like you know you need a hand you need like an extra hand I’m I’m good

Dude no no do not come over to my side do not come over to my side okay all right because I’m already done with my build oh no I just muted my microphone he’s up to something he is certainly up up to something I need to finish my

Build just get it done oh you’re actually building nice nice hey get get over to your side I’m not done yet I’m not done yet all right all right all all right all right do your little build do whatever you want I’m just going couldn’t take a nap what could locks

Have built I am very confused right now I’m not going to lie because of the fact that he’s done I assume that he may already be cheating I don’t know for sure but let’s just get this one done everybody is going to make fun of my

Build this just not look like what I just tried to build I tried making a school bus there’s the stop sign there’s the school bus there are the wheels please don’t make fun of me all right sir I’m all done come on over to my side

Just look at my masterpiece oh my gosh I need to go back to worldit that’s for sure yeah yeah yeah so so what what is this uh try to guess dude try to guess what do you think look like a weener dog no it’s a school bus this is a school bu

Where’s the glass I’m not good at building sir I see well you know that’s okay because mine isn’t that good either actually you know it’s probably on part of yours so on part of mine all right I I I Just Whipped something together bro should I should I I’m I’m scared to look

Are you okay dude oh my no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no is this what I think it is is this what I think it is I found your dirty little trick I know all your little tricks now I found

It and I know how to do it so you know what what today we’re going to be doing a build battle my way and if you leave the server let’s just say I’m going to post something online that’s very embarrassing of you oh my gosh this is a

Picture you’re going to continue this build battle this is when I was 10 this is my mouth this is my nose I am beardless right here you were not supposed to put that there dude I do not want anyone seeing that yeah well you know what they are they are we’re going

To do this build battle my way so go on your side start building again because if you leave like I said I will post something the most embarrassing thing you’ve ever seen in your life all right I get it I get it I get it I get it I

Get it but listen dude D no more of those posts okay no more of those pictures okay that was funny the first time we’ll see this is not good I need to build something even better I need to make sure he does not do another one of

My face I need to get revenge unlocks you know what I’m going to be honest I’m doing this how I said I was doing it we’re not going to cheat at all but what we’re going to going to do we are going to make Box’s real life house we need to

Get revenge our way we need to make him very very upset let’s just construct the entire thing his house is more of a rectangle than a square which is one of the features that I assume he will realize what I’m making right now I will

Let you guys know when I’m done and I can’t wait for him to see his own house this is going to be good Revenge oh dude just finished wait what dude dude come on did did you put another picture of my face did you I would NE dude I would never dude I’m

Insulted I’m just going to leave the game I’m literally done dude no if you leave the game something is going up on my Twitter that you will not like oh my gosh okay whatever I’m going to finish what I’m making I know this is going to

Be better than yours dude yeah all right oh here we go this is going to be sweet revenge we are just about done now let’s just get a sign let’s put this inside and ladies and gentlemen Lockes real house all right man I’m all done I’m

Ready to go come and see what I made hint hint it’s something of yours in real life dude um yeah it’s it’s a it’s a rectangular box yeah it’s your house dude it’s your house dude it’s a rectangular box why is he not freaking out you think

You think this is my house it l you Ed oak wood to make a rectangle and you put a door in why is he not raging what is going on look at it no look at come here I want you to stand and look at this okay

My house dude yeah sir all right whatever what did you build what did you build oh I built your house you built my house no you didn’t no you didn’t yeah no I didn’t what is that I don’t know you tell me what were you looking at dude I

Don’t know dude uh pretty funny one like dude you look scared like you’re looking up on something why is my ear like pink what is going on why what were you looking up at like is this like a traumatic like time in your life like did you see something like really

Traumatic I don’t know how you got that you were not supposed to see that can we just can you just get rid of it please just get rid of it now okay okay okay okay okay okay there there there there it’s gone it’s literally oh thank you

Thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you all right all right all right look look look look look dude I’m sorry I’m done have to worry about you were getting revenge you were getting revenge it’s funny yeah I I know dude I you know

It it was just a prank I mean nothing’s as funny as this dude all right let’s just do a normal round okay we’re even right shake shake your hand okay cool yeah yeah yeah yeah shake my hand uh-huh okay good great all right I’m I’m going to mute I’m going to build something

Real this time we got we good okay all right finally guys it’s time to build as well I hope he’s not up to no good again we’re going to do what Lux did but this time we are going to do it a little bit better let me know guys what do you

Think I am building right here let’s just keep it going and let’s just make it a little bit more wide I don’t want to mess with locks this time I don’t want to build his house or anything because I really think this time he’s finally doing a normal build battle I

Hope that would be great and now of course the final touches to my beautiful piece of art you know locks to this last time I’m a little bit of a copycat but I assume he’s probably out of ideas at this point yeah you guys probably understand what I’m making we are making

A beautiful grass block in Minecraft but a very oversized one dude it’s getting a little dark out we’re not going to want that because what I’m building is dude it’s so cool it it’s cool okay bro I I trust you I guess man um yeah this one’s

Pretty cool as well I am just about done so are you ready to go I I got I got a question for you dude your nose was pretty big when you were a kid right uh uh yeah I mean it’s it still is you know

Like why what what what about it dude oh I was just like thinking about those pictures I pasted earlier it just like you know just don’t worry about it dude uh okay obviously you know I’m kind of an amateur artist I can’t make anything crazy come over and see what I built cuz

Like I I I hope it’s maybe better than yours I don’t know for sure but you’re kind of scaring me today dude uh no dude I just tried to wow dude that’s that’s actually pretty good dude that actually looks better than my grass FL thank you I appreciate it you like the detail

Pretty good so I mean maybe I win this round maybe I win this round right maybe maybe what are you what are you typing what are you typing no no no no did you just just just just just no I didn’t type anything dare even go inside and

Look I don’t think I should even look no no no no no dude don’t worry there’s literally nothing there oh there is there’s nothing there thank you yeah I I actually I I I built something but I didn’t like it uh so I deleted it so

Honestly you know you you you you win this round let’s go dude why would you not build anything at all sir what sir what is that are you are you kidding me are you kidding me right now are you kidding me your nose is huge how did you get this how did you

Get this wait wait wait wait wait what what is this this looks like a pimple dude chill bro that looks like a on your nose how are you finding these photos dude uh let’s just say I I I emailed your mom you did not you did not you did

Not your mom dude your mom’s a nice lady single dude dude that was too far that was too far get rid of that thing let’s do a normal round I am ready to do what you usually do and that’s Rage Quit bro honestly dude you look pretty shredded in this I

Look dude you’re like oh big buff Nick I’m out of here I am out of here please it’s gone it’s gone bro okay you know that that was a joke I actually did build something but I didn’t like it so I just I just did that as a prank dude I

I just I need to build something whatever one normal round please one normal round promise okay P me through the phone what I have absolutely no idea how this is going to turn out I hope it’s good but it might be very very bad all right let’s get these and let’s just

Do this as well let me know guys when you think you know what I am building right now oh my gosh this is going to turn out bad but I’m going to try making it good all right let’s just add this as well this is probably going to be a

Little bit of a giveaway add this right here add this as well oh this is not looking good let’s get some gray wool guys all right dude I am already done what’s taking you so long dude how how are you done how are you done dude I’m

Not oh is that you over there in the I’m sir is that a Chihuahua sir sir are you looking at my build are you looking at my build dude yeah don’t don’t don’t look over here don’t look over here dude please don’t what do you mean don’t look

Over there I’m trying to finish my build dude for once hurry up and and build it bro I’m literally not cheating for once all right I’m literally done this is my chihuahua yeah how did you know I drew a Chihuahua you literally looked at my side just come look at my build I’m

Going to look at yours yeah yeah let me just look at yours really quick not bad right not bad that’s your best build today that actually does look chahua and let’s add like a nice little tail like look at that look at that it’s beautiful

Oh you ready to see mine I got a surprise for you uh what do you over here dude what do you do hold on hold on oh oh what Christmas I me you a Christmas tree no way there’s there there’s no presents there’s no presents I mean do you like

It dude I mean yeah dude it’s actually that looks pretty good what did you just spawn in want to come come on this side no no no no no I’m going to look at the ground I’m going to stay looking at the ground come down here to eye Lev View

And why don’t you just tell me what you built before I look at it now uh your Christmas present my Christmas present am I going to laugh or am I going to be mad let me ask you that I mean I’m going to be laughing 3 2 1 oh my

Gosh dude what’s that a finger in the nose you found a picture of me picking my nose how how uh let’s just say the uh Google database has some very interesting photos oh my gosh dude I’m going to get you back and it’s going to feel amazing get ready to see it

Subscribe for my revenge lox you are going down I want to go up so did you get the pain device in the mail a pain why did you send me a pain device I can tell what is this thing do I stick these on hook it up to

Your body and let you say you’re competing for $10,000 today bro these actually pluged into these where do I stick these anywhere on your body all I could say if you beat Minecraft today I’m giving you $10,000 dude what but every time you take damage in Minecraft you’re going to

Feel it in real life alive what they’re so cold this doesn’t look fun dude don’t worry it’s for 10 grand do you want to play you know what fine I’ll do this the last two are going right here I’m a little nervous I’m not going to lie that’s kind of sus

Dude oh gosh is this going to hurt no not at all load up Minecraft now lox doesn’t know we have a wooden sword a pistol a shotgun a bazooka and TNT in her inventory we’re going to make locks not happy today all right are you ready to win 10 grand

Dude all right uh I’m hooked up uh I I think I think I’m ready I don’t know what to expect but what do I have to do do I just have to I have to beat Minecraft yep go at it dude look what I found on the floor I found a pistol yeah

Imagine if I shot you with I don’t know what to expect but please don’t hey come back here you stupid chicken wait chicken okay I’m I’m wasting all my ammunition on this okay you know what it’s time to play some Minecraft well Lo is no idea about every time he gets an

Achievement that is when we’re going to use everything in our inventory starting with our fists and then the wooden sword to see how this feels the pain will only get worse in real life for locks all right just got a crafting bench got our first uh got our first little pickaxe

And let’s make a nice little sword dude with that sword there is no chance you were going to feel any pain cuz you’re never going to get damaged unless it turns to nighttime but why would you do that well in order to win the challenge you

Got to defeat all the mobs oh this does not sound very good okay no no no no I I just need some Stone I need some Stone where am I going to find Stone ooh a cave a cave a cave box just got his first achievement so now all we are

Going to do is punch him in the face in Minecraft all right I don’t I don’t see anything I just see a bunch of horses like I got some Stone what come over here I got to tell you something do you want to see what do you

Want oh oh God ow ow ow ow what the heck bro I felt like a little pitch it’s like a bunch of little pitch what the heck worry I’ll save you from the zombie what was that I I just felt like a little like like a pinching zap or something on

My cheek in my neck oh this thing is literally so annoying all right it’s it’s literally like zapping the crap all right this is literally so annoying how worse does this get all right lock just got another achievement it’s time for the wooden sword so that was one on the Pain Scale

All right I literally have my St pickaxe and my St sword all right I think I’m doing good I think I’m good with this challenge you know what that wasn’t that bad it just felt like a little pinch on my cheek okay follow me you need some

Help I’m going to help you beat Minecraft today so dude all you have to do hold on got to shoot the creeper get out of here bro once you get a sword you’ll be fine okay okay that kind of hurt that kind of hurt that kind of hurt oh my God

That that really hurt that really hurts say hello to achievement number three the Monster Hunter with every achievement is item I am a terrible friend all right I’m not going to lie dude that this that that that really hurt that really hurt I don’t know what

You sent me but that hurt that felt like I just got like punched in the face or something I feel like I have a bruise now wait lox do you see me no I don’t see you I’m trying not to get hit by this zombie because it’s actually

Starting to hurt I am completely hidden behind this tree and now we have a pistol aim down the sights three two One oh gosh I felt that shoot all the way down to my toes ah jeez dude why this is the worst challenge I’ve ever done okay you can stop at any time you just won’t win the 10 grand is that fair no no no no no no

No I want $10,000 I want $110,000 uh I I need to be safe I’m safe on this tree what did you do to me dude that really hurt look at all of the zombies trying to eliminate locks next up we have the shotgun all right go in going in go in

Ah okay okay okay that stings that’s not the ah jeez that stings okay here we go here we go we’re going into the cave no no no there’s a skeleton ah oh this is so distracting oh gosh gosh gosh help me dude help me you stupid

Oh oh okay okay this is this is too much block do you want to finish the challenge or you want to just not win the money all right listen I want $10,000 I think I can pull through I don’t know though this this it doesn’t get worse than this just tell me that

Right now um it could it also couldn’t guys that was about five on the Pain Scale it does get worse all right well I found some iron I I’m going to make some iron armor I you know what I can do it I can beat Minecraft a dude it feels nice

Look at me I’m finally an Iron Man I got iron iron sword iron pickaxe I got a little bit of food ah dude this is is going good this is going to be an easy challenge say can buy $110,000 now that lox has full iron armor he got an

Achievement so you know what that means it’s time for the shotgun from close R hey hey dude hey what’s up man hi hey what’s up hey dude how are you good I’m going to beat My oh oh my eyes oh gosh it burns to my eyes why why’ you do that you just want to see me in pain don’t you no my hand don’t do that again don’t do that again he has no idea that we have a bazooka and TNT all right it’s time I finally

Did it all I need is a few more things and I can go to the end and I can beat it and win $10,000 all right lock has made an achievement lock is in the nether now with the ne comes a bazooka boy I wouldn’t want to go down there sir

If I found in lava I feel like this thing would like I don’t know really hurt I got a surprise for you what’s up where are you on your left hey what are you doing what are you Doing dude what’s wrong dude it’s a nice day the sun is sh made me like literally just knock off my headset well the good news is you’re very close to beating Minecraft now sir ah a oh I felt that oh I felt that oh don’t like this I do not like

This at all all right I need to find a temple I’ll be nice I’ll help you beat the Nether and we’ll finish this game together get out of here I don’t trust You oh pain pain pain pain pain stop go away go away let me beat it myself no no no no no no no no seriously go away oh my gosh gas gas gas gas gas my friend come on this gas is about a eight on the SC get this off me get off

Me no oh gosh I just lost everything I just lost everything obviously not going to beat Minecraft do you want to still continue well if I can’t beat it I already lost right just pay attention super quick to what I’m doing sl/ set TNT what do you like to continue oh gosh

Oh gosh what do you mean continue that’s going to hurt I will give you a choice either you can quit right now or I set off this TNT and I’ll give you the 10 grand anyways I want $10,000 Set It Off Set It Off oh go get get

Off oh boy oh oh oh oh that hurt are you mad at me sirur so bad I ripped it off I ripped it off never again are you mad at me do I get $10,000 yes you do that hurt really Good subscribe for more today we used our real life camera mod to cheat with embarrassing photos of locks inside of a build battle here we are on the stage itself and lock has no idea what is coming hey hey hey dude hey you ready to go you ready to start ready for

The what the what are you doing sir this is the best cracker you really selling those crackers right now sir get over to your side this is my side oh okay let me go over to my side then he has no idea what is coming all right sir what is the

Theme you can make the theme anything you want should we just make it anything is that good uh anything we want yes sir do you want I want it to be you you want it to be me okay cuz that’s what I want what the I don’t care just build whatever you want

All right sounds good to me ladies and gentlemen how we are going to do this let’s navigate all the way over to this wall and all we are going to do right here is do first position set just like normal in world edit and then we’re going to type in pay very close

Attention here SL SLS c e m if I type in list right here as you can see here are all of the embarrassing photos we are going to use so now if I do SCM load 0m AIC schematic loaded paste it with SL paste and watch this ladies and

Gentlemen this is going to be hilarious 3 2 1 let’s hit Pace say hello to the first image oh my gosh well I’m done locks I’m ready to go are you done come on dude hurry up man uh dude I literally just started there’s no way you could have built anything

That any good H you are going time you’re going to love this one dude it just looks great honestly dude my artistic ability is getting so much better every single day we do these videos I mean we haven’t done one of these videos in a while so like I doubt

It’s any good this is so funny to look at and the worst part about this is if we go up here if Lux looks over the wall he could literally part of this but I really hope he doesn’t look I’m all done gosh I’m being a little festive today

All right sir let me start off by going over to your side let’s see this beautiful piece of art let me just close this up and let’s take a look it’s definitely a piece of something all right let’s take a look what am I I call

It is it a boat it’s a boat I’m looking at a boat right now are we going sailing P it’s a pie it looks like a boat pumpkin that’s whipped cream that’s the pumpkin filling That’s The Dark Crust no we’re time set zero we’re on the boat

And this is the sail let’s set sail sir it’s fall now want to go pumpkin pie that too all right what did you build let’s go over to my Wait Wait Don’t Go Over don’t go over honestly dude before you go over I just want to tell you one thing just one

Thing one thing only you finally want the kiss yeah all right dude go go what the what the heck oh my go what the heck oh my gosh oh my gosh bro that’s me huh you talking that’s bro that that was what why why do you have this how do you

Build how did you build how did you do this bro this is something else so do you like no no no no no no no no no no no no no what bro bro bro look look look stop stop stop bro this is embarrassing what what do you mean dude this is this

Isn’t funny dude it’s your clickbait face what do you mean my click I had it one this is the first embarrassing photo we’re look look look look look what is you will not post any pictures of me on Minecraft I don’t know how you did that but that’s not what we’re doing today

Okay sounds good sir and then overlay this wait until later we’re going to only use embarrassing photos that no one has seen before from here on out so guys all I have to do now is to SL SL undo in the image just like that it’s gone all

Right sir sorry for my crazy artistic abilities no more of that are you ready for round two sorry that I’m so talented you’re you’re you’re you’re definitely something you know what I’m going to mute my mic I’m going to build something all right man goodbye all right all you

Do you I’ll do me ladies and Gentlemen let’s go back over first position set and all we’re going to do as chm and let’s do this as you can see the second schematic is now loaded and all I need to do is do the exact same thing and

This image is about to load in 3 2 1 let’s load it oh where is it oh my gosh oh it’s loading it’s loading it’s loading all I can say is this part’s a little broken but let’s take a look at the most embarrassing lox photo yet this

Is a photo of when lox had a very nasty and big beard in real life it doesn’t even look like him but if you believe it this is locks he never wants anyone to show this image of him with the beard but well we’re going to show it to all

Of my viewers dude honestly I really hope you’re building something nice and actually good once ni dude I don’t know dude it’s so good it just kind of makes me want to like shave my beard a little bit that’s all dude shave your beard shave my beard dude shave my beard are

You done yet can you hurry up please come on come on I’m trying I do mine so quick and it takes you so long I’m just staring here at this brick wall all right dude come on over here let’s see this masterpiece oh dude you built

Another pumpkin pie come on man come on what do you mean come on dude this is obviously not a no look over here bro no let’s go sailing let’s go sailing come on buddy it’s one it’s not a boat and two just just just look next to you can

You just look next to you we are looking at what is this it is a grass block a grass block a grass block it’s beautiful it’s very beautiful I love it dude I really love it it’s crazy honestly it is pretty crazy it’s way better than you bu

Huh way better than mine dude dude I bet it is bro because you don’t know how to bit oh no oh no say hello to bearded locks what’s up dude delete this what do you mean delete delete it what do you mean delete this bro why what what’s the

Issue dude no no no no no no no no no no no one can see me like this no one can see me like this bro stop you mean get this out of here get this out of here bro yo yo yo yo give me a sec

I’m going to pause this the video real quick uh I just kind of want to like tickle your beard super quick M I don’t have a beard dude why why why why why is this so huge why are my eyes like that I don’t know dude you told me from when

You sent me that picture a few years ago and asked me how’s my beard Nick delete this delete this this literally better not be going on YouTube or anything no no it’s not dude can we just please do round three come on I’m ready to go I

Just dude I don’t know what is going on but you need to stop right now all right bro I I just want to really take a build battle seriously and you’re just not taking it seriously okay please please sir you better stop I’m going to I’m

Going to mute my mic I’m going to build something and that’s it look is getting more and more bad all we’re going to do I’ll um I’ll listen to him SL slash undo there goes the image all right bro I’m sorry I deleted the entire image no more

Of that let’s do it let’s start you’re not mad be right can we just please continue please dude don’t worry about it and now all we’re going to do first position set just as so this is the third one and as you can see it was just loaded and ladies and gentlemen these

Are only getting funnier and funnier we are about to show a baby picture of locks and also a high school picture of locks I can’t wait let’s do this let’s hit paste and here it comes which one is this is this the high school it’s the high school picture it is literally the

High school picture Come on load load load load load it’s not loading it’s not loading come on come on hurry up I can’t wait so dude how is uh your building going right now man oh matter of fact I’m done yeah wait what did you say you’re

Done dude oh yeah yeah yeah dude I’m done you should come over here bro all right man sounds good to me I’m ready to come on over ready to see your beautiful artwork la la la la la let’s go to the other side this looks crazy wow this is

So dude dude dud I got a picture of you no no no it’s a picture picture of you bro dude I got it like perfect bro you see The Little Couple strands of hair on the head dude that’s so funny delete it now how’ you get that I mean it looks

Pretty good to me I’m making fun of you come on let’s go to my side I just took a break from you know drawing these like brand new pictures of you like recent stuff that you don’t want to see I don’t know I just like I decided to go with a

Classic you know what hey dude what’s up buddy bro this is my seventh grade picture I like it dude looks good you should get that hairstyle back dude how did you get this photo what do you mean what what’s wrong how did you get this literally me in seventh grade I was in

Middle School and what’s the issue do I win this round I think I win no one seen this photo before well what lock doesn’t know is now a few people maybe will see it dude you know what hey hey going back to my side of the wall no don’t talk to

Me just build all right sir SL SL undo and this is going to be the baby photo of locks and this is the moment you have all been waiting for for the final time I’m getting a little emotional not going to be able to do this again let’s do

First position set let’s do scem three schematic and this is the final one guys everything else is gone and we are about to load in the baby picture I scarce 3 2 1 slash slash paste all right here here it comes it is loading in and it is in

The air it is literally in the air this is baby locks but it’s not loaded yet oh here it comes here it comes so this is his nice little suit he was wearing wait until the face shows three should I show it guys should I show it three two one

Baby locks baby locks oh hey dude let me just go check on your build oh oh no oh no oh my gosh oh this is awkward y hey how you doing hey what’s up yo what’s good bro my baby photo I was just adding the finishing touches to the picture

Buddy what up buddy buddy no one except my parents have seen this photo how did you get this uh Mr topcraft I always have my ways dude delete this delete this before I you know what I’m going to delete it either way I’m going to delete it either

Way wait what do you mean what are you doing what what look the floor sir yeah yeah I see the floor Goodbye Mr top five sir and take the photos with you there it goes that was amazing subscribe for more real life camera videos today we use security cameras to

Spy on every one of loxis builds copied them made them 10 times better until you Rage Quit Minecraft ah yes Mr top five how are you doing today you doing good buddy is a beautiful day really good you got money in your wallet give it give it

Give me the money give me the money no I’m going over here locks locks just you didn’t give me your money are you shooting me okay how about you go over here buddy boy or you know what yeah it’s bu you watch yourself buddy but before we build a battle and we

Battle the build I want to go take a poopie oh that’s so good for me guys watch this now that locks is AFK all I have to do is just nicely go on over to his side we are completely invisible and now all I need to do is place down a

Security camera on the wall bound the camera and now as you can see if I go on back to my side and then I click this button I am literally watching lox’s side I can zoom on whatever I want see exactly what he’s building this is going

To be fun but now let’s just hide the evidence with a little bit of milk Lo just came back all right dude it’s time to build all right um honestly so we’re building anything anything and everything anything you want okay let’s go to the camera we are completely

Spying on him I hope he doesn’t hear the camera let’s start off and see exactly what he’s going to be building right you know what dude I’m going to build the coolest thing in the world you’re going to like poopy your pants or something I’m going to poopy my

Pants okay that’s a little weird but spying on his build I’m trying to see exactly what he’s making it looks like some sort of gold something black I don’t know what’s going on but whatever he builds we’re going to build it better guys comment down below let me know what

You think he’s building I’m a little confused let’s zoom out a little bit box my build is almost done how is yours going so far dude uh you know it’s it’s it’s it’s definitely going dude I you know I think I’m going to win I think

I’m going to win today you know what I’m really confident I’m going to win today oh that looks like it’s going to be a golden apple you can see the stem you can see the gold you know what dude I’m just about done with my build uh so like

You know yes yes this is going to be perfect dude I man honestly I I bet your build looks like crap and that’s the reason it’s raining outside now good job why why would you say that are you done yet I have a feeling you’re done I I I

Am done all right guys we are now off the camera and now all we got to do watch this we have to do is skem load one. schematic and I think this is a golden apple we just did this on our own now all we got to do SL SL base and say

Hello to my first build the golden apple oh my gosh lock is about to literally cry when he sees this yeah no big deal call me Pablo Picasso cuz I made this on my own let’s go to lox’s side all right dude what did you build let’s see it oh

Wow I’ve been waiting for you man it’s uh you know it’s my golden apple you copied my build that’s so cute it’s a golden apple buddy if you look over smell it you can’t you want to smell it let’s smell it together bro take take a

Sniff no I think I’m just going to eat it dude yeah yeah yeah take take a bite take a bite I drooled on it um I think you’re also going to drool on this come on over to my side my best friend what what did you say I copied your build

What buddy what’s up dude what do you think where’ you go it’s not bad right is this a giant Golden Apple yeah no big deal did it all right I’m generally confused you’re obviously cheating by spotting this Z but how did you know I made a golden apple dude I didn’t spot

It in bro I just made it with my oh you miss my own two fingers I took off my socks I my and I I built my I built the golden apple most humans have more than two fingers I don’t know about you but and now SL SL undo let’s go back to

My side and now it’s time for security camera number two listen buddy I’m going to start building I’m closing the wall okay all right bro that was like just a freak coincidence but I’m watching number one he’s watching me and we’re watching him build number two what is the S

Making I can’t wait to see this and look I can even zoom in with the camera all right I see a bunch of grass blocks maybe he’s making like a maybe he’s making a miniature golf course maybe I’m going to go butt butt okay now there’s a

Tree on the grass and I can zoom out a little bit he’s going up in the sky what am I going to have to copy let’s find out guys comment down below what you think he’s making is it just like a normal tree or is something else going

On I’m so confused so far is it supposed to be like a cactus but in a tree form what is going on this is one weird looking tree you’re not going to lie about it yo are you done yet uh not quite but like you know I I thought I’d

Try something a little bit different a little bit more on my like you know my happy side my my my my natural side what is so uh I’m just I’m just doing something kind just kind of kind of nice like it’s like pretty he’s TX thing kind

Of nice kind of pretty all he wanted to do was make a tree so now all we got to do let’s make our own tree wink wink scem load to. schematic and say hello to build number two oh my gosh that is one realistic looking tree imagine when lock

Sees this I think this man is going to cry but let’s go back to his security camera yeah it appears like he’s just about done let’s head on over to his side now oh yes I just completed my build no no stay here birdie stay here birdie that’s right that’s a good all

You coming over here look at my build hey baby oh hey Daddy how are you I was joking I’m not so what is this like a tree or yeah it’s I built I built a nice big giant tree I I I brought a bird to

Live in the tree but he’s not living in the tree because he doesn’t listen just like everybody in my life they don’t listen sir I think you need some help and it’s not from the bird get to the tree get to the tree get to the tree go

To the tree I understand up right now all right that’s It buo he didn’t listen Pablo you wouldn’t go to the tree you’re going to get a spanking after that one come on over to my side all right what did you built what’s up dude it’s not bad bu a big giant tree it’s not bad like I know

Your tree kind of sucked but this is this is half impressive you built a giant tree why are you copying me how are you copying me I’m not dude it dude you can see the walls I haven’t made any holes in the walls I have not gone

Around I’m I promise you I’ve been staying on my side the entire time because guys I have just with a camera you’re confusing me how are you doing this that’s a big giant that’s a nice tree slash slash Ono head on back over time for security camera number three oh

Man I kind of forgot how bad you are at these build battles dude what do you mean you’re cheating la la la la la la call me Pablo Picasso back to the camera here we go all right let’s see what he has next in store okay guys put your

Predictions in the comments down below what is my friend locks making it looks like okay so we have blue blue wool a little bit of like a staircase almost is it going to like a cloud or something I don’t know what’s going on okay we have

A black dot in the middle is it an animal I think I think it’s an animal boys comment down below is it a fish it might be a fish it’s definitely a fish and let me show you something funny right now did you guys know Lux is an

Actual fish yeah I’m going to eat him for dinner but is that what he’s building it certainly seems like it now he just has to make the inside okay I need to rush all I need to do is SL scem load three dot schematic and let’s spawn

Our own fish now all right dude you’re never going to guess what I’m building I got to hurry up I got to um what is it a fish no say hello to this absolute unit of oh my gosh this is just getting funnier and funnier dude BL BL BL and if

We go all the way to the right side this thing is so long it’s not even funny let’s check in with locks all right what did you build I’m finished I’m done come on my side you were right I I built a fish I don’t know how you knew that

That’s kind of sus bro you’re kind of susing me out bro you know we do the little fishies we cook them we cook them we’re going to have a nice dinner me and you we’re going to sit together we’re going to sit by the fire we’re going to

Eat a nice meal me and you you’re eting your own going to pay for it you’re going to pay for it locks is a fish sir come on over to my side cuz my Stam is a little better buddy you literally you literally built a real

Fish do you see his eyeball yeah dude I don’t know what you’re doing you’re making me kind of mad buddy you’re making me kind of mad look how happy he looks bro no you’re going to say a bad word bro you’re going to make me say a

Bad word you want me to say a bad word don’t do it don’t do it it rhymes with kissing going to my side and if you copy me one more time I’m going to say a bad word guys all I can say is watch Until the End cuz I something even better

Planned okay build number four this should be the best one he’s using a bunch of blocks all around so it can’t be anything like a fish a golden apple a tree what is he planning on making is it some sort of house is it some sort of

Mansion I have no idea let’s just keep on spying guys comment down below what you think the s is making right now there’s even a fence is it like a it’s got to be a huge mansion that’s what he’s making he’ll never be able to afford one this looks awfully like a

Castle but not a very good one watch this ah yes welcome to my castle on the hill and Sheran would be very proud look how amazing this thing looks I wish there was like a door I could open it up but um I know someone who’s not going to

Be very impressed let me just make sure that he’s actually building a castle though oh that totally looks like a castle but not a very good one you know what sir I’m done I have finished all right dude I’m done too I’m ready to go

What is that a dude don’t tell me that’s a castle don’t tell me yeah I I buil I built a little tiny mini castle you’re copying all of my builds I’m going to copy you if you made a castle I swear I told you I’m just joking I didn’t make a

Castle why why you you you’re off you know what SL B Mr your top five you’re not allowed on the server subscribe for more today is Christmas and whatever Lux built I bought for him and by the end it was so expensive you don’t want to miss it Merry Christmas

Lux all I could say is get yourself in creative mode because I have I am in creative mode so what do you want for Christmas did you get everything you wanted for I want you for Christmas I want you for Christmas wrap yourself up and let me unwrap you okay build me then

Build me that’s right buddy whatever you build I will buy you for Christmas no way no way s I’m sorry for all the pranks I’m sorry for all the trolls this is my way of giving back now start building now all right all right this is going to be easy peasy lemon squeezy

What do I want oh I know what I’m going to build I am very worried box please start off small please start off without doing something crazy I’m very worried cuz you’re in creative mode right now and you’re certainly getting a lot of items and you’re certainly certainly

What I don’t know I was waiting for you to talk all right you no no no no this is this is just going to be easy oh by the way I have world edit oh no this is bad so okay all right we have a lime

Piece of wool and now you are using world edit I assume something lime what would be lime and let me ask you dude are you starting off small please please let’s see uh like maybe like what what’s small do you I don’t know 20 bucks uh oh

No all right this is not going to be small then oh no oh no what are you possibly making I have no idea what’s going on I am very worried okay we have a little line guys comment down below what do you think this is because I

Still have absolutely no idea what is going on right now um all right we have some sort of rectangular box dude this is a house I would be very upset uh no it’s it’s it’s not a house but yeah I mean that is a good idea what no no I’m

Not buying you a house what are are you hey whatever I build is whatever I build all right Fair wait what is this $100 what what you want me to buy you $100 I mean you can’t buy me $100 but you can send me $100 you are a Madman

But guys I have the perfect idea watch this all righty guys you know what to do let’s go to Amazon all right add to cart lock has no idea oh I can’t wait to get $100 but honestly that was just the start sir all right honestly you know

I’m not going to ask for a house SP oh no oh no this is only getting worse all right there’s a bunch of jungle planks I don’t know what’s going on this doesn’t really seem like it would be a house which is very very good for me Lux keep

In mind I mean I have to guess what it is and if I don’t I won’t buy it for you I mean I I I understand that but I mean this is going to be honestly this this might be a little pricey for you I’m not

Going to lie what are you doing guys comment down below what you think it’s going to be oh my gosh here whatever dude I’ll help you finish it I’ll help you finish how how how are you going to help me finish you don’t even know what

It is I don’t know I’m sorry this sure as heck looks like a house sir what are you planning on right now uh just just don’t worry about it there’s even doors what are you doing it’s not a house technically it’s not like a house but I

Mean it’s you know is it a shed you got it out of everything you could buy for Christmas you want me to buy you a shed okay I’ll be right back I sent you the link too by the way all right let’s check what $5,988 oh my four left in stock you are

Crazy you are actually insane all right well you said anything I buil add to cart guys I am so upset I’m dropping $6,000 on locks what is he going to add next is there is there any limit of what I can build I mean no I guess there’s

Not we never made the rules yeah you didn’t make the rules so you know what I’m going to build whatever I can what are you doing what is going on here it’s a um it’s a bunch of blocks of coal oh you want coal for Christmas let’s go uh

No it’s not coal oh no what are you doing what are you planning I don’t like the look of this oh this looks like a car this looks like a car but I have to guess the brand if it is a car oh no it’s not particularly a car but I mean

Oh my gosh all red cars are expensive wait maybe it’s not maybe it’s not is it Clifford the Big Red Dog I mean oh my gosh imagine buying you that what are you possibly okay it’s an animal right what do you mean it’s an animal there’s the tail right there

That’s not a tail it’s like it’s like hold on um keep making it I’m so confused right you’re filling it in I assume this is just about done loxs I need a second to think about this if I I can’t get this right then I am literally

Not going to have to buy you whatever this is I mean it’s pretty obvious what it is sirly you’d be sneaky it’s either a car it’s like a motorcycle or something wait did you say motorcycle yeah oh no that’s what it is it’s a motorcycle that’s not a motorcycle you

Blly doesn’t have a tail no that’s just like you know the back part like oh my gosh you just want to be like twergy don’t you 10,000 are you I I’ll stay I’ll stay humble I mean it’s the cheapest one bro that is not the cheapest one are you joking

Right that is the cheapest one I will add this to the cart you are making me broke but you’re my friend I’ll do it for you you get one more gift okay that’s it I got this all right sir well you know what it’s time oh my gosh no no

No we know that those are wheels over here and now you’re adding more Wheels lox what are you doing bro bro no don’t do four don’t do four oh my gosh you’re making some sort of car I have to guess which car it is which I’m thankful for

Because maybe I won’t guess it what is that okay it’s a gray car Lux I am not buying you a car you are absolutely crazy how am I crazy you said anything I want I have to figure out which brand car this is guys comment down below

Which one he’s going to make all right it looks like some sort of box car wow dude you have a really good taste of car s wait a minute you’re not dude I was so confident you were making some sort of super car like a Lamborghini but it

Clearly looks are you making a truck you’re making a truck aren’t you why do you need a truck dude I don’t know I kind of want to go Offroad in like you go go off into the woods grab my truck cowboy hat breaking my bank account literally on purpose right now uh kind

Of trucks are kind of expensive these days honestly know they’re like the same price as supercars what is cool going on guys I have the ultimate plan watch which truck I end up buying for locks wait until I go on Amazon hint Amazon watch this okay so I still have to

Figure out what brand of a truck this is I honestly have no idea dude it could either be a Ford it could be a Chevy it could be a Toyota I don’t think you’d buy a Toyota though I really don’t know and then we’ll just you know I I’ll make

It I’ll make it pretty obvious for you you going to make it obvious guys comment down below which brand of truck you think this is let’s just get one of these and you know I’ll just you know put this right here this little blue thing right here and then I’ll go in the

Back and then okay little blue thing you know that’s its logo I guess and Ford logo guys I want an F150 lock is totally using me for my money at this point I have the perfect form of Revenge yes I am getting locked some pretty good gifts

But at the same time toy F-150 truck come on yes it’s perfect I ain’t Breaking the Bank today I’m going to be spending $24 at the cart lox I have some great news for you I just bought your brand new F-150 do you want to look at

My share screen do you want to see your c i yes I do all right look at my share screen in 3 two 1 that’s a toy truck that’s right buddy boy I wasn’t specific enough whatever bro you’re still going to have to pay a lot of

Money for the things I want Merry Christmas luck subscribe for on

This video, titled ‘Anything My Friend Does in Minecraft, Happens in REAL LIFE’, was uploaded by MrTopCraft on 2023-12-21 03:02:41. It has garnered 5011 views and 176 likes. The duration of the video is 01:20:24 or 4824 seconds.

Anything My Friend Does in Minecraft, Happens in REAL LIFE

Inspired by Doni Bobes, Eystreem, Bionic, and Firelight!

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  • Vanilla Thrilla: Minecraft’s Free Server Delight

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  • Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience on Minewind Server

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  • 2024: The Ultimate Minecraft Guide

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  • Crafting Chaos: Minecraft’s Wild Ride

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  • »» ICECLUB NETWORK (1.8 – 1.20x) «« ¡UNETE YA! ❅

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.21 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.21 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: (GL HF) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Blockbusters and Creepers

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  • Crafting Chaos: Minecraft Ep. 01 – Buddies Unite!

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  • Join the Ultimate LifeSteal SMP Now!

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  • Ultimate Minecraft Bedrock Hack Client

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  • Ultimate Modded Minecraft Storm Fury!

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  • Unbelievable Discovery: Horror Skibidi Toilet in Minecraft!

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  • Epic Minecraft Trail – Unbelievable Aesthetics!

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  • Unbelievable! Iggy INC Gaming Encounters Rare Dinos!

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  • EPIC FIRST TIME IN VOID SMP! 💥🔥 #minecraft

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  • Shocking Revelation: AndrewGaming67 ARG Unraveled by Mush the Skeleton

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  • Snowman’s SHOCKING Answer Will Blow Your Mind! #Twitch #shorts

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  • Insane Titanium PvP – Sky Cutting Madness! 😱 #titaniumsky #pvpboss

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  • ULTIMATE PHONE SHOWDOWN: Shovels vs. Goleeem

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  • DarkPixelMY

    DarkPixelMYWelcome to DarkPixel, the ultimate destination for Pixelmon adventure in Minecraft version 1.16.5! DarkPixel offers a unique Pixelmon experience, combining the excitement of creature-catching and battling with the rich features of modded Minecraft. Our server boasts a vibrant community and a range of exciting features to enhance your gameplay. Explore our expansive world filled with diverse biomes, thanks to the Biomes O Plenty mod. From lush forests to sprawling deserts, there’s always something new to discover around every corner. Whether you’re seeking rare Pokémon or simply enjoying the scenic landscapes, there’s adventure waiting for you in every biome. Join us… Read More

  • Novidium Skyblock SMP: Chestshops, uSkyblock, Challenges, Money

    Novidium Skyblock Server IP: Novidium is a simple skyblock server where you can build an island, complete challenges, and visit/build shops. Features: Challenges: Complete simple challenges to earn rare items. Economy: Player-to-player trading/buying/selling only. Leaderboards: Track the richest players and highest level islands. Join Novidium for a nostalgic skyblock experience that balances old and new features. Read More

  • » » InfluenceMc NETWORK « « TIENDA

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.21 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.21 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: (GL HF) Read More

  • Emeralds Bought, Diamonds Sought: Minecraft’s First Treasure Hunt

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  • Hot Villager Party in Minecraft Demo! #lit #raid

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  • Outrageous 2024 Minecraft Predictions

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  • How to Build a Bathtub in Minecraft

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  • Deadly Minecraft Potion: Master Miner Reveals Secret Recipe

    Deadly Minecraft Potion: Master Miner Reveals Secret RecipeVideo Information This video, titled ‘How to make a potion of poison in Minecraft 1.21’, was uploaded by The Master Miner on 2024-07-30 08:40:45. It has garnered 492 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:25 or 85 seconds. In this video, I show you how to brew a potion of poison in Minecraft. The recipe is the same in both Bedrock and Java edition. I hope you find this Minecraft poison potion tutorial useful! Minecraft poison recipe I will also show you how to make a poison 2 potion in minecraft 1.21 how to make a… Read More

  • Saturday Morning Gaming Extravaganza

    Saturday Morning Gaming ExtravaganzaVideo Information This video, titled ‘Saturday Morning Gaming #livegaming #minecraft #minecraftlive #roblox #live #gaming #ps5 #xboxlive’, was uploaded by Cash Presley & Oakley Star on 2024-09-08 04:47:53. It has garnered 575 views and 28 likes. The duration of the video is 01:54:57 or 6897 seconds. Saturday Morning Gaming #livegaming #minecraft #minecraftlive #roblox #live #gaming #ps5 #xboxlive #petsimulator #toilettowerdefense #fallguys #stumbleguys Read More


    NEW Minecraft MLG WATER BUCKET TRICKS!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft water bucket MLG’, was uploaded by MarkPTZ1 – Minecraft on 2024-06-12 11:47:15. It has garnered 1971 views and 82 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:18 or 18 seconds. Minecraft water bucket MLG Read More

  • OMG! I Moved into MERGE CITY?! 🤯 (Episode 4)

    OMG! I Moved into MERGE CITY?! 🤯 (Episode 4)Video Information This video, titled ‘I moved into MERGE CITY!! (Merge city Episode 4)’, was uploaded by Frosty on 2024-01-16 01:00:01. It has garnered 10254 views and 398 likes. The duration of the video is 00:32:03 or 1923 seconds. Who is Frosty? Frosty is the son of Santa and comes from the North Pole! Frosty loves to play Minecraft with his best friend RageElixir in Minecraft Block City! #Minecraft #MinecraftMod #Frosty Read More

  • INSANE! Minecraft Servers Live NOW!

    INSANE! Minecraft Servers Live NOW!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Servers Live Streaming’, was uploaded by ClenchedVoice65 on 2024-03-24 07:42:21. It has garnered 74 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:17:21 or 1041 seconds. minecraft,minecraft server,minecraft servers,minecraft smp,minecraft servers to join,minecraft server ip,best minecraft server,minecraft server shorts,school minecraft server,minecraft funny,minecraft bending server,p2w minecraft servers,minecraft survival server,minecraft shorts,best minecraft servers,minecraft but,pay to win minecraft servers,types of servers in minecraft,minecraft duping p2w servers,minecraft facts,minecraft 1.19minecraft challenge,minecraft,minecraft but challenge,minecraft mod,challenge,minecraft but,minecraft challenges,build challenge minecraft,minecraft manhunt,camman18 minecraft,minecraft speedrun,noob vs pro minecraft,minecraft speedrunner,minecraft but i cant touch grass,minecraft update,minecraft but you cant touch the color,minecraft… Read More

  • NEW Minecraft Trails Update – INSANE gameplay!!

    NEW Minecraft Trails Update - INSANE gameplay!!Video Information This video, titled ‘Trying out The Trails Update in Minecraft’, was uploaded by switzknight on 2024-06-14 17:52:16. It has garnered 50 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 01:37:13 or 5833 seconds. Finally now that im back from the Tour Decided to hawe a chill Evening With the Chat Minecraft Skibidi Skibidi Toilet Chill Just Chatting Bread Hypixel MCCI Read More

  • Unbelievable discovery: JNIN3R exposed on Twitch! #Minecraft

    Unbelievable discovery: JNIN3R exposed on Twitch! #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘found them | jnin3r on #Twitch #minecraft’, was uploaded by JNIN3R on 2024-01-15 16:40:44. It has garnered 338 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:27 or 27 seconds. #shorts Read More