Hello youtube and today I’ll be showing you three ways to defend your house in Minecraft so in this video we showing you three different traps which you can build around your house and the first one would be the drowning trap the simplest one to make followed by the Larva drawbridge which is the most efficient however it you are unable to collect the mob loot and the mob crusher right so let’s get straight into it just pop some zombies down so as you can see if zombies are chasing you just run into your house get down into the basement And there we go as you can see they already dropping down into the water and after a few consecutive jumps they would get pushed down and won’t get drowned there we go as you can see it’s already happening now so this is my favorite one it’s simple easy to make doesn’t require A lot of resources and you are able to get the loot after they have drowned so yes and as you can see you can make this really compact so they’re already starting to die it’s gonna wait for them to get killed and we can move on to the Next trap so there we go one that misguide the loot would then get pushed over onto these pressure plates expensive but as you can see it takes quite a while there we go so yeah move on to the next one the only downside to this is in front of Your door there is no water blocks so as you can see it’s still following me so our next trap would be the lava drawbridge this is by far the most efficient so as you can see everyone they’re all here and you know those days when you wake up in the morning and this Creep is in front of your door so just flick this switch it opens up lava comes out and burns them there we go could see the lava comes out from under the glass and burns them all and if you flip the switch the ground comes out and basically renders the larvae useless There we go a really nice quick lava drawbridge trap and here we have the mob crusher here we go this is not this is this is definitely not my favorite way of defending my house but it works well so there we go we get the store clothes Move up the way and you just flick the switch as you can see the old shop in there so what you could do is wait for daytime to come and we’ll kill off all the zombies or you could just flip this switch and as you can see Pistons have Pushed these blocks together and then now dying there you go and they’ve all died and if you opened up again as you can see the loot is in here however if you want to drop in to get this loot you’re probably gonna have to take your way out so yes But if there we go and as you can see it makes a pathway back into your house so yes that was the three ways in which you’ll be able to defend your house three ways which I’ve come out with so far so if if you want me to make a Tutorial for any one of these three you just do leave a comments in the comment section below and do like and subscribe for more of my Minecraft videos thank you Video Information
This video, titled ‘3 Traps to defend Your House on Minecraft’, was uploaded by MrProductions on 2012-02-14 22:18:37. It has garnered 8133126 views and 19471 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:34 or 214 seconds.
3 Mob traps which will help defend your house from mobs! These traps are small and compact and will keep your doorway and your house mob free! If you want me to make a tutorial on any of the three, then just leave a comment asking me to do so below!
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